Page created by Jimmie Goodwin
Volume 25, Number 2             SECTION B                  FEBRUARY 2021
[Please place in all 3 sections]

                                                                                                                              Garbage and Recycling: February

                                                                                                                           February 3 – Garbage and recycling
                                                                     Fitness Center                                        February 10 – Garbage
                                            Restricted Use (Covid-19): Rules and Procedures
                                                                                                                           February 17– Garbage and recycling
                                                    At this time, use of the fitness center is restricted to residents
                                           only—no guests are allowed at any time. Residents must have a signed            February 24 - Garbage
                                           waiver on file with the PMO.
                                                    The fitness center is currently open Monday through Friday, from
                                           8:00 AM until 8:00 PM. The center is closed daily between 11:00 AM
                                           and noon, and again between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM for
                                           sanitizing/cleaning. [The room will also be sanitized/cleaned nightly, after
                                                    The schedule allows for 10 one-hour sessions, with each session
                                           limited to seven residents at one time. Residents may reserve only one
                                           session per day. Residents in the same household may reserve the
                                           same time-slot, providing there is room within the seven-person limit.
                                                    Use of the fitness center is by reservation only. Reservations
                                           must be made one day in advance (Friday for Monday).Call the
                                           clubhouse (732-657-2700) between the hours of 9:00 AM and noon,
                                           weekdays only—no voicemails or emails. Reservations are accepted on
                                           a first-come, first-served basis.                                                       You can make a difference
                                                    Residents must have a reservation to use the fitness center.
                                           Arrive no earlier than five minutes before your scheduled time-slot. Enter
                                                                                                                                      for our community!
                                           the clubhouse via the door nearest the indoor pool (handicap access). A
                                           security guard (“social ambassador”) will check/verify your reservation                           Ads Add Up!
                                           and will follow the State-mandated procedures for COVID-19 (take your
                                                                                                                          The Renaissance Times needs help from residents in obtaining
                                           temperature, ask you to answer three health-related questions). You are
                                           required to wear a face mask, and to maintain social distancing while             ads for the newspaper. Advertisements not only cover the
                                           waiting to be checked in.                                                          entire cost of producing our newspaper and our annual
                                                    You also must show proof of ID, and you must sign in. You must          directory—they also generate income for our Homeowners’
                                           use hand-sanitizer (provided) before signing the logbook. Your signature
                                           in the logbook affirms that you answered the questions truthfully. The
                                                                                                                                               Association, which helps
                                                                                                                                           to keep our monthly fees down.
                                           logbook record, required by the State, will be used for contact tracing,
                                           should it become necessary. [Note: If you suspect exposure and/or if
                                           you test positive for COVID-19, and you have used the fitness center,
                                                                                                                          Do you know of any  businesses (think of those you patronize)
                                                                                                                                      that might place an ad in our paper?
                                           please contact the community manager immediately
                                           (Rob Marino:732-323-0222).Your identity will not be revealed.The
                                                                                                                              For every ad that Smithville
                                                                                                                                                is placed through Renaissance, our
                                                                                                                             Homeowners’ Association earns an extra commission.
                                           information will be used for contact tracing only.]
                                                    In addition to handling entrance and sign-in procedures, the                    Contact our  Papers
                                                                                                                                                    Advertising Manager,
                                           security guard will also monitor the fitness room to ensure that residents
                                           remain six feet apart, and that all machines/equipment are wiped down                    John Richards: 732-941-4364
                                           after each use.
                                                    Residents must wear a mask (face covering) in the clubhouse,                                  Thank you!
                                           and at all times while in the fitness center.
                                           Note:Restrooms and locker rooms are re-opened for use.

                                                   The above rules and procedures have been established
                                                           in compliance with State guidelines.


                                                             Renaissance Bus Service
                                                                     Do You Need a Ride?
                                              A 25-passenger mini-bus, operated by Kingz Transportation
                                              Company, makes weekly (Tuesday) door-to-door trips to the
                                                supermarket and/or to other stores in the same location.

                                                  Priority List residents (those who cannot drive—written
                                                   documentation required) may reserve a seat on the bus
                                                   by calling the PMO between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM
                                                       on Monday’s (Friday if Monday is a holiday)

                                                 If seats remain, other residents also may reserve a seat.
                                               Call the PMO on Monday between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

                                                February 2021 Bus Schedule
                                                               Pick-up begins 9:00 AM
                                           February 2: ShopRite (Manchester)
                                           February 9: ShopRite (Brick)
                                           February 16: ShopRite (Manchester)
                                           February 23: ShopRite (Brick)
Renaissance Book

                                                                                                                                                                   RENAISSANCE TIMES FEBRUARY 2021 PAGE B-3
                                                                                                    Discussion Club
                                                                                                             By Susan Murphy
                                                                                     “Reading gives us someplace         find the books on their own.]
                                                                                 to go when we have to stay where            Meetings will be scheduled for
                                                                                 we are.” This quote from a second       the second Thursday of the month at
                                                                                 grader in a class taught by a Miss      1:00 PM, via Zoom.
                                                                                 Johnson, somewhere, could never             Our reading list this year is quite
                                                                                 be more appropriate than it was         diverse, with fiction, non-fiction,
                                                                                 this past year. Reading provided an     memoir, and suspense—something
   Renaissance Photography Club                                                  escape from the relentless bad news
                                                                                 in 2020. Hopefully, there are better
                                                                                                                         for everyone!
                                                                                                                             The list below begins with the
                               By Bill Kirms                                     times ahead! The Renaissance Book       February 11, 2021 meeting:
     The pandemic rolls on and           ber included a paragraph about their    Club would like to provide some of          Born a Crime: Trevor Noah
our activities are still on hold. The    image. This helped all members          those better times, however brief, by       Hillbilly Elegy: J. D. Vance
clubhouse continues to be closed to      benefit from each other’s insights.     reading a few good books.                   The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry:
nearly all activities and we have to     All member images are posted to             First, a little business: Henry     Gabrielle Zevin
wait until April to play golf again.     the internet. Our motto is, “Have fun   Jorin has retired as leader of the          Magpie Murders: Anthony Ho-
However, there is one club that is       with your camera (or cell phone),”      club, and Linda Yee moved to Penn-      rowitz
still active: the Renaissance Photog-    and fun is what we stress. While we     sylvania. Our new Board consists of         The Alice Network: Kate Quinn
raphy Club.                              are all trying to improve our images,   co-chairs Joan DiLemme and Susan            I’ll Be Gone in the Dark:Michelle
     As with other clubs, RPC mem-       we do not put too much emphasis on      Murphy.                                 McNamara
bers cannot meet at the clubhouse,       the technical side of photography.          For now, we are still unable to         The Kind Worth Killing: Peter
and it’s too cold to meet outside.           If you’d like to join or would      gather for meetings. However, since     Swanson
While we haven’t had a zoom meet-        like more information, simply send      Zoom has become so popular, we              When Breath Becomes Air: Paul
ing, we are still finding ways to stay   an email to         are going to conduct our meetings       Kalanithi
active and connected. Each month         [I apologize to anyone who tried to     online. We are allotted 20 books            The Zookeeper’sWife: Diane
we are given an assignment of two        email after reading last month’s ar-    each month from the library con-        Ackerman
topics to photograph. Members            ticle. I inadvertently transposed the   sortium. Every month, each member           Pachinko: Min Jin Lee
email their images to the club for       letters in the email address—typos      is responsible for picking up and           The Tuscan Child: Rhys Bowen
critique. The critiques and images       are one of my strong points!] I look    returning the book to the Manches-
are emailed to all members so we         forward to many more Renaissance        ter Library, where the books will be       Please get in touch with us if
can learn from one another.              residents joining our ranks. We are     held for us. [Because of the 20-copy    you are interested in learning more
     Starting in January, each mem-      19 members strong and growing!          limit, newer members will need to       about our club.

                                                                                                   I would trade all of my technology
                                                                                                     for an afternoon with Socrates.
                                                                                                                 [Steve Jobs]

                                                                                                     Are You Connected?
                                                                                    If the PMO has your email address, you are already receiving
                                                                                      notices about upcoming meetings and videos, coronavirus
                                                                                           updates, daily pickup/delivery offers and menus
                                                                                        from Café on the Green, and other timely information.
                   Ice and grass. Image by Ray Forse                                   If you are not currently receiving these email messages,
                                                                                           it’s an easy fix: Just call the PMO (732-323-0222)
                                                                                                     and provide your email address.

                                                                                   Be kind. Be honest. Work hard. Stay humble. Stay loyal.
                                                                                   Smile often. Travel when possible. Never stop learning.
                                                                                              Be thankful always. And…LOVE!
            Snow falling in Renaissance. Image by Bill Kirms
Men’s Club Keeps Active

                                                                          By Bill Cook

                                               First of all, wishes to all our      to Covid, some may not be offering
                                           members and their families, and          the discounts shown.]
                                           hopes for a very healthy New Year            The Men’s Club also made
                                           in 2021.                                 $500.00 donations to Kevin’s Kids,                               Hello, Brooklyn
                                               Although we may not be meet-         to the food drive, and to the Ridge-                              Submitted by Marcia Sheehan
                                           ing in person, your board has been       way Fire Department.
                                           active in planning for the coming            As this year begins, we welcome              “I thought 2020 would be the           • Cammareri Bros. Bakery:
                                           year. Thanks to your support for our     our new treasurer, Joe Lovallo; and         year I got everything I wanted. Now     The bakery got its fame from its
                                           Super 50-50, we will again be offer-     we give a bountiful round of thanks         I know 2020 is the year I appreciate    prominent part of the story in the
                                           ing five $1,000.00 scholarships to       to our outgoing treasurer, Frank            everything I had.”                      1987 movie, Moonstuck, starring
                                           grandchildren of our members who         Dabice, who has served since 2014.               We hope our Brooklyn Club          Cher and Nicholas Cage. Sadly the
                                           are currently high school seniors.       According to our bylaws, Frank will         members and fellow residents will       80-year-old bakery shuttered its
                                           The application can be found on our      remain on the Board as an advisory          enjoy reading about Seven Famous        doors in 2013.
                                           website:         member.                                     Film Landmarks in Brooklyn:                 • Bedford-Stuyvesant: Spike Lee
                                           Just click on the link on the opening        The scheduling of some events                • Hoyt-Schermerhorn Subway         gave historically black Bedford-
                                           page and you can print out the appli-    for 2021 is still up in the air, but we     Station: This is the subway express     Stuyvesant its most iconic film
                                           cation. Our website also features ad-    do wish you could hold the date of          station on the A, C and G lines, and    treatment in his movie, Do the Right
                                           ditional information about preferred     October 2, 2021, for a benefit per-         the disused track often appears in      Thing. One block was recently chris-
                                           services, discounts, and details on      formance of the Jersey Chicks and           films. The Warriors, Teenage Mu-        tened, Do the Right Thing Way. One
                                           our auto lease-purchase program.         comedian Larry Donsky. The cost             tant Ninja Turtles, and The Taking      of the prominent places in the story
                                           That program is open to all Renais-      will be $15.00 per person and all           of Pelham123 are the three most         line was Sal’s Pizzeria. This had
                                           sance residents. [Because of the loss    profits benefit the veterans’ organiza-     prominent ones. The setting itself      been constructed for the movie and
                                           many restaurants have suffered due       tion, Fisher House.                         was used in Michael Jackson’s 1987      was torn down following the movie’s
                                                                                                                                music video for “Bad,” and also         racially charged climax.
                                                                                                                                for “Weird Al” Yankovic’s parody,           • Akeem’s Apartment: Coming
                                                                                                                                “Fat.” A 1987 proposal to rename        to America was filmed in many
                                             MMCSC Receives Performance                                                         the station in Jackson’s honor was      Brooklyn locations. One of the most
                                                                                                                                resisted by the MTA.                    recognizable is Akeem’s apartment
                                               Award and Foundation                                                                  • Chase Manhattan Bank (on         in Brooklyn. Also prominent is the
                                                                                                                                Prospect Park West, between 17th        Elmhurst fast-food restaurant, where
                                                    Donation                                                                    and 18th Avenues): Dog Day Af-          Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall pose
                                                                                                                                ternoon, about a real-life hostage      as students. It is a Wendy’s now.
                                                   Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus (the                                 situation, was filmed here. There is        • Prospect Place: Thanks to the
                                           hospital that has served Renaissance with on-site vaccinations                       not a whole lot to see at this loca-    power of movie making, what is
                                           and blood lab) recently was awarded an “A” Hospital Safety                           tion these days, but it is still one    now (and what was in 1990) a row
                                           Score by the Leapfrog Group, an independent national                                 of Brooklyn’s most visited sites of     of coveted Prospect Place brown-
                                           nonprofit run by employers and other large purchasers of health                      cinematic pilgrimage.                   stones, was turned into a ramshackle
                                           benefits. Hospitals are graded twice per year, with the most                              • Bensonhurst Elevated Railway:    Bushwick slum off the Myrtle J in
                                           recent results announced on December 14. MMCSC is the only                           The most famous car chase in film       the movie, Ghost.
                                           hospital in the region to receive this highest rating for patient                    history was shot under this Sitwell         The Brooklyn Club Board mem-
                                           safety—and has done so for the past 12 consecutive rating                            Avenue line track, from Bay 50th to     bers hope to see you all as soon as
                                           periods.This award is especially notable, given the unparalleled                     86th. Fun fact about this ‘70s clas-    we’re able to meet again. Mean-
                                           challenges presented by the pandemic during this past year.
                                                                                                                                sic, The French Connection: a traffic   while, stay safe, wear masks, have
                                                   In response to the pandemic, OceanFirst Bank and
                                                                                                                                jam scene on the Brooklyn Bridge        positive thoughts. The light at the
                                           OceanFirst Foundation has donated $50,000 to RWJBarnabas
                                                                                                                                earlier in the film was shot without    end of the tunnel is getting brighter.
                                           Health (RWJBH), the largest academic health care system in
                                           New Jersey, to support the hospital system’s COVID-19 relief                         permission.
                                           efforts.Specifically, the donation will be directed towards Ocean
                                           County hospitals, Community Medical Center in Toms River
                                           and Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus in Lakewood,
                                           where      COVID-19       activity  has     remained     at   high                                    Folks are usually about as happy as
                                           levels.Foundation Board members are hopeful that the monies                                             they make their minds up to be.
                                           will provide the necessary resources to meet the challenges of
                                                                                                                                                          [Abraham Lincoln]
                                           distribution of COVID-19 vaccines to those who are most

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The Shields Club

                                                                                                                                                                      RENAISSANCE TIMES FEBRUARY 2021 PAGE B-5
          We Publish This Newspaper
                                                                                                                   By Pete Mazzeo

                                                                                          We hope everyone had a happy        golf outing on September 13, and
                                                                                      holiday season and that everyone        our Christmas party on December
                                                                                      started this new year in good health!   7. Other events that were postponed
                                                                                      We would also like to wish everyone     will also be added to our calendar,
                                                                                      a Happy Valentine’s Day.                after we are able to meet again and
                                                                                          In reading Governor Murphy’s        discuss our options.
                                                                                      projection for 2021, we can predict          We’re looking forward to get-
                                                                                      that we should be able to start re-     ting our club back on track and once
                                                                                      turning to normal some time around      again supporting our goals to provide
          Reach The Senior Market?
Trying ToSenior
                                                                                      June. So,with that in mind, we will
                                                                                      start planning for our Father’s Day
                                                                                                                              for the needs of HeadStart and Ocean
                                                                                                                              of Love, while offering entertain-
                Publishing Company                                                    breakfast on June 13, our charity       ment for our members and friends.
            We Publish The Official Community Newspapers
                 For Over 75 NJ Adult Communities

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 • Multiple Month Discounts                Over 84,000 Senior Community Readers.
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                 If Your Business Caters To NJ’s Senior Citizens                                        nor the most intelligent that survives.
                     You Need To Contact Senior Publishing                                      It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
                                                                                                                   [Charles Darwin]

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             If you haven’t done so already,
                       just go to:

You can register online to become a member.

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                     Call 732-300-4149                                                        Nobody has ever measured, not even poets,
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                         License #13VH08520700                                                                     [Zelda Fitzgerald]

                                                                                                                             Dining Out
                                                                                                          Nowadays, going out for a bite to eat involves a number of
                                                                                                          safety precautions. With the cold weather, dining al fresco
                                                                                                           is seriously limited, and indoor dining has requirements
                                                                                                          and restrictions. These days, dining out is a very different
                                                                                                                  experience from what we’ve known before.
                                                 Many Satistfied Renaissance Customers                       If you’ve ventured out for a meal—breakfast, lunch, or
                                                                                                          dinner—did you return to a favorite restaurant, or did you

                                                                                                              discover a new place? How does this “new normal”
                                                                                                                 compare to your former dining-out practices?
                                                                                                            Write a review of a restaurant you’ve recently visited.
                                                                                                             Share your experience and impressions with your
                                                                                                                Fellow residents by emailing your review to:


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[Please place on color page, front of B or C centerfold]

                                                                                                                                                                          RENAISSANCE TIMES FEBRUARY 2021 PAGE B-7
           Go for the Gold!                                                              NATURE
                                                                                         The Eagle and the Coot
                                                                                                                 By Bill Kirms

                                                                                 There is a magical place in                    the coot would run between the legs
                                                                             New Mexico that I have had the                     of the cranes. As the eagle came

                      Renaissance                                            fortune of photographing several
                                                                             times. Bosque del Apache National
                                                                                                                                close, the cranes would confront the
                                                                                                                                eagle and the coot was saved. After

                                                                             Wildlife Reserve is about an hour                  a half hour or so and many failed
                                                                             south of Albuquerque. It’s along the               attempts, the eagle flew off to rest
                                                                             migration route for sandhill cranes                in a nearby tree.
                                                                             and snow geese. They arrive at                         However, once the eagle had
                                                                             Bosque in November and stay until                  rested, the hunt continued. As be-
                                                                             February.                                          fore, the coot would run between
             Mark your calendar now!                                             During this time, there are ap-                the legs of the cranes and be saved.
                                                                             proximately 20,000 sandhill cranes                 The eagle was more desperate this
                                                                             and 400,000 snow geese. They feed                  time and swooped even closer to the
             September 19-26, 2021                                           on the corn that the rangers have
                                                                             planted for them. Bosque is also
                                                                                                                                cranes. The cranes would jump into
                                                                                                                                the air and thrust their feet towards
                                                                             home to many hawks, eagles, ducks,                 the eagle. It was an old-fashioned
                                                                             and other waterfowl. It is a nature                Bosque dog fight! Again the eagle
             Sixteen Competitions!                                           photographer’s paradise.                           tired and flew off. This time it did
                                                                                 The cranes and geese sleep in the              not stop in the tree, but decided it
                                                                             shallow ponds, which freeze over-                  didn’t want coot for breakfast that
                           East vs. West                                     night. In the morning, the sun thaws               day, after all.
                                                                             the ice and they all head for the corn                 Dramas like this play out ev-
                                                                             fields. At times, several hundred will             ery day in nature. It is the simple
                Everyone can participate!                                    blast off the surface at once. It is an            struggle of life and death for wild
                                                                             amazing spectacle to witness!                      animals. I’m certain that some days
                                                                                 One year, an immature bald                     the coot is not so fortunate. I felt
              Check this paper in the coming months                          eagle arrived before all the cranes                privileged to have photographed
                     for more information....                                were gone. The eagle was trying to                 this scene. To see it from a distance
                                                                             catch a coot, a small duck-like bird               is wonderful, but to have it play
                                                                             that runs across the surface of the                out close enough to photograph is
                                                                             water at a fairly good speed. Each                 something truly special. It is an ex-
                                                                             time the eagle would swoop down,                   perience I will never forget.

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                                                                                     Everybody gets so much attention all day long that
                    WHITING TOWN CENTER                                                      they lose their common sense.
                  108 LACEY ROAD • SUITE #28                                                                   [Gertrude Stein]

                                                                                                                                                        The Ballroom
                                                                                                                                                           Through th
                                                                                                                                                                           By Karen

                                                                                                                      Thanks to the wonderful and enthu-          Ballroom dancing
                                                                                                                  siastic leadership of Teri and Fred Pen-    soul, and it helps the m
                                                                                                                  nacchio, our club co-presidents—they        remain in shape. The fri
                                                                                                                  are professional dance instructors—many     grown among the club
                                                                                                                  determined Renaissance residents have       strong—even though C
                                                                                                                  learned how to fox trot, waltz, tango,      aged to keep us apart.
                                                                                                                  swing, rumba, salsa, cha-cha, hustle, and       Sincere gratitude an
                                                                                                                  so much more.                               Teri and Fred and the

                                           Professional dance instructors:Tom, Teri, Fred, and Karen

                                           Gerry and Vinnie Casablanca,enjoying while learning
                                                                                                              Co-presidents: Fred and Teri Pennacchio
                                                                                                                                                                    Annie and Jerry sl

                                                            Sid is serenaded by Dottie: “Hey, Big
                                                            Spender!”                                  Josephine and John Ousta, dancing
                                                                                                       the fox trot

                                                                                                                                                                     Club members, p

                                                         Practice makes perfect!
Dancing Club
he Years....
n Preziosi

g is great for the  tee, consisting of Karen Preziosi, Tom
mind and the body   Cici, Diane Kish, Janet Boyer, and Linda
iendships that have Abramson. We look forward to the time
b members remain    when our weekly lessons and socials will
Covid-19 has man-   resume. Meanwhile, we urge you to “keep
                    on dancing!” The kitchen or living room
 nd appreciation to is always a good place to practice!
eir dance commit-
                                                                                                Ruth Curry and Jack Healy

                                                                                                    Showcase Dancers: June 2017

                               A sweet memory: celebrating Jeannette’s
 low dancing: 2018             birthday

                                                                                                           Linda and Ron know all the dances!
                                                   Karen Preziosi and Joe Pepe, demonstrating
                                                   the waltz: 2019

past and present

                                                                                                 Earl and Janet Boyer enjoying the music

                                                                                               Pet Scoop
                                                  Living with Two Blind Dogs                                                                   A Tribute to Gracie
                                                                  By Bernice Bailine Castoral                                                               By Frank Kelly
                                                                                                                                    Gracie was the rescue dog be-      of her days in style and comfort.
                                                 I have been rescuing dogs for     down—she was only four—and I                longing to our son and his wife (Pat    They bought their first home in
                                            several years, and while I knew that   would not give her back, so I agreed        and Margie). They rescued Gracie in     West Orange, with Gracie giving
                                            they usually come with medical is-     to the surgery.                             mid-March from a shelter on Long        her approval. What was there not to
                                            sues, this was a first for me....           My first thoughts were,“What is        Island in the midst of the pandemic.    like about being in her own home,
                                                 My most recent rescue, Peggy, a   she going to look like without eyes?        Both had been working in New York       chasing squirrels while off-leash,
                                            Parson Russell Terrier, was rescued    How is she going to manage? Would           City, but then began to work from       and encountering lots of deer? Gra-
                                            from a hoarding situation with 188     Daphane have a hard time dealing            home like most commuters. Gracie        cie also ran on the beach at Asbury
                                            other terriers. Peggy came to me       with her?”                                  wasted no time in stealing both         Park and hung out at the Wonder
                                            blind in one eye, with three paws.          I found a great support group,         their hearts. She was house-trained     Bar Yappy Hour. She rode boats
                                            Despite all her handicap issues,       Owners of Blind Dogs, and I became          and showed an immediate desire to       on Lake Erie and Lake Hopatcong.
                                            she was fun-loving and appeared        educated very quickly as to what to         please her new parents. Pat and Mar-    She hiked trails all over New Jer-
                                            unhindered by her deficits. Two        expect after surgery, and beyond. I         gie quickly informed the shelter that   sey, and she swam in the Hudson.
                                            years down the road, Peggy started     learned that I should not move any          they planned to keep her. Gracie also   She had spa days, as well as lots of
                                            to have a small discharge from her     furniture in the house, the dog’s           bonded with us and with Jackson,        cuddles at every turn. She appeared
                                            good eye, and I learned that she       bed, or the dog’s feeding bowls. I          our rescue, and both dogs enjoyed       in numerous Zoom calls while Pat
                                            was going blind. I was devastated.     also learned that dogs are more re-         hiking with me.                         was working from home. She visited
                                            My other dog, Daphane, also had        sourceful than we might think. The               Gracie’s history is murky. She     pumpkin farms. She helped pick out
                                            problems with her eyes. She had        surgeon explained that Peggy’s nose         was a seven-year-old mixed breed        their Christmas tree. She was treated
                                            corneal ulcers that caused her to      and ears would replace her eyesight.        dog who came from Miami. Clearly,       to the best food and treats—which
                                            become totally blind. How would        To get Peggy to follow me, I found          she had been mistreated and was in      were never refused. She overdosed
                                            Peggy, Daphane, and I manage our       that clapping my hands and calling          so-so physical condition. Shortly af-   on Thanksgiving turkey, but she en-
                                            day-to-day life?                       her name repeatedly helps to lead           ter adoption, Gracie displayed signs    joyed every morsel. We had an early
                                                 Unfortunately, I discovered       her to where I want her to go. I try        of an ailment. A vet confirmed the      Christmas gift exchange just for
                                            that this was not my only problem.     not to startle the dogs, and I call their   worst: She had terminal colorectal      Gracie. Pat and Margie had vowed
                                            Peggy’s eyes were causing her great    names before approaching. Walking           cancer. He suggested they return her    to keep her alive until Christmas.
                                            pain. The surgeon explained that “it   them together also gives them com-          to the shelter. Thankfully, however,    And they succeeded.
                                            is like having a massive migraine,     fort and support.                           Pat and Margie ignored him. They             Sadly, the inevitable end came.
                                            non-stop.” The only way to relieve          Patience and love are all I need       found a more compassionate vet,         Many tears were shed, but we knew
                                            the pain would be enucleation (re-     to live with two blind dogs. I already      who confirmed prior findings and        it was the right decision. The loss
                                            moval) of both eyes. I was dumb-       gained their trust by rescuing them,        wisely counseled them as to their       is still very real. Truly, she gave us
                                            founded, and at a complete loss as     so they know I will do no harm.             options.                                so much more love and joy than we
                                            to what to do. I could not put her                                                      Pat and Margie decided they        could possibly give her. Godspeed,
                                                                                                                               would do everything they could to       Gracie, and thanks for the warm
                                                                                                                               ensure that Gracie lived out the rest   memories.

                                              This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her
                                                cat. It was obvious she thought the cat                                                                  Gracie loved cuddling
                                             understood her. I came into my house and told
                                                        my dog. We laughed a lot.
                                                               [AARP Bulletin, December 2020]                                           Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.
National Dog Biscuit Day

                                                                                                                                                         RENAISSANCE TIMES FEBRUARY 2021 PAGE B-11
                           By Sandra Quasarano

    February 23: a day to spoil your      pieces and distributed to dogs at
pooch with a special treat, for this      Joplin’s Humane Society.
is National Dog Biscuit Day, also             On National Biscuit Day, reward
known as Dog Biscuit Appreciation         your faithful companion’s good be-
Day. So, bring out those dog bis-         havior with a few extra dog biscuits.
cuits—offer a delicious biscuit, and      Just keep in mind that experts note
your dog will gladly forgo a tummy-       that a dog’s snacks should only make
scratching or a game of catch. I know     up 10% of their daily calorie intake,    In Renaissance, we’re dog-friendly and people-friendly.
that mine do.                             or they risk becoming overweight.
    The origins of National Dog Bis-      However, since this is a special day,                    Walkers are everywhere.
cuit Day are unclear, but the history     you can make an exception! Go            Please be considerate of your neighbors, and of the children
behind the creation of dog biscuits       shopping and pick up your dog’s                  and other visitors who are “out and about.”
is interesting. Up until the 1800s,       favorite biscuits—or, if you feel
bread was a common snack for ca-          ambitious make some homemade                        Dogs should always be on a leash
nines. The first biscuits date back to    dog biscuits.                                 and should be walked in the street near the curb.
the 1820s, when an English butcher            Homemade biscuits can be
                                                                                   If your dog has a “call of nature,” make sure you have some
tried a new recipe for biscuits.When      healthier for your pet, as you can
they turned out to be terrible, he gave   control what ingredients are used in
                                                                                             type of bag/container so you can pick up
the biscuits to his dog— who loved        them; they also cost less. Personally,                     and leave the area clean.
them. Subsequently, in 1828, dog          I enjoy baking homemade biscuits
biscuits were produced on a small         for my dogs, adding peanut butter,          Good doggy manners make for happy neighbors!
scale in England.                         banana, apple, or cranberry. Ciena
    Then, in 1860, James Spratt trav-     likes all the cookies, but Chewy’s
eled from his native Ohio to England      favorite is peanut butter. Of course,
to produce the first large-scale manu-    they will never pass up a store-
facture of dog biscuits. It was not       bought biscuit, such as a Milk-Bone,
until 1907 that dog biscuits appeared     for they do love their treats.
in America for the first time. They           In recognition of this special
were in the shape of a bone, which        holiday for dogs, I would like to
remains popular to this day. A fun        dedicate this story to the memory of
fact, recorded by Guinness World          Lacey (aka “Lu Lu”), one of two pre-
Records: In 2011, Hampshire Pet           cious pets that we lost in 2013. Lacey
Products in Joplin, Missouri marked       (pictured) and her companion, Satch,
its 10th anniversary by producing         loved my homemade dog biscuits.                Put Your Flyer in the Paper!
the world’s largest dog biscuit. The      As the old saying goes, “a picture is
19-foot-long biscuit, which weighed       worth a thousand words.”                   Events advertised in flyers must be open to all residents.
617 pounds, was broken into smaller
                                                                                      The deadline for submission of flyers is the 4th of the
                                                                                        month for the following month (e.g., a flyer submitted by
                                                                                        March 4 will appear in the April paper).
                                                                                     Flyers must be submitted electronically, via email
                                                                                        attachment. Send to:

                                                                                     If at all possible, submit flyer in Word format. If the flyer is
                                                                                     pdf or jpg format, it cannot be edited and may have to
                                                                                         be rejected if it cannot be corrected and re-submitted in
                                                                                         time for publication.
                                                                                      Flyers must include the name of the sponsoring club/
                                                                                     Be sure that the dates in the flyer are timely and accurate.
                                                                                     Check (and double-check!) spelling.
                                                                                      If a flyer is to appear in the paper for two consecutive
                                                                                         months, dates on each flyer must be current. If sign-up
                                                                                         dates are in one month with the event in the next, two
                 Lacey, aka “Lu Lu” (2000 – 2013)                                        flyers should be submitted. The first flyer may announce
                                                                                         sign-up dates and the event; a second flyer for the
                                                                                         following month may announce the event, but it may not
                                                                                         include the previous month’s sign-up dates.

                                                                                     Because of space constraints, flyers may not be accepted
                                                                                     for publication if they advertise events/activities that are also
                                                                                     cited in articles appearing in the same issue.
                                                                                     Original flyers, printed in black and white, reproduce
                                                                                       better than copies. Large, plain fonts and a minimum
                                                                                       number of words create the best visual impact. Less is
                                                                                       more—the message will get lost in a flyer that is too
                                                                                     Flyers are accepted or rejected for publication at the
                                                                                        discretion of the Editors.
Book Review: The Last Year

                                                        Book Review                                                                           of the War
                                                                                                                                                             By Jeanne Pauly

                                                    Book Review:The Lions of                                                       Susan Meissner’s book, The           an end, it would still bring more

                                                          Fifth Avenue                                                         Last Year of the War, is a poignant
                                                                                                                               story of hope, love, and the bonds of
                                                                                                                                                                            Life was irrevocably changed. In
                                                                         By Jeanne Pauly                                       friendship. It touches upon a topic      WWII, over 100,000 Japanese dis-
                                                                                                                               rarely spoken about, internment          sidents and American citizens were
                                                 Fiona Davis writes novels set       degree, for reasons that would later      camps, an often-overlooked piece         interned in camps across the country.
                                            in historical buildings. The Lions of    be disclosed. She did, however,           of American history. The novel           What I found even more surprising
                                            Fifth Avenue is no exception. Her        become a famous essayist. A paral-        begins in 2010, with 81-year-old         was that 15,000 American citizens
                                            vivid descriptions of the library will   lel story takes place in 1993, and        Elise Sontag facing the prospect of      of German and Italian descent were
                                            have you adding a library visit to       features the granddaughter of Laura       Alzheimer’s and looking back on          among the interred. This novel
                                            your bucket list.                        Lyons, Sadie Donovan. Sadie, coin-        her life. She attempts to re-connect     resonates with me as I think of the
                                                 Many of us in Renaissance are       cidentally, is a library administrator,   with a person she cared most about       thousands of children and would-be
                                            from the New York metropolitan           curating the Berg Collection of Rare      during a difficult time for her, the     immigrants held in detention camps
                                            area and are familiar with the beau-     Books; she is hoping to be named          time spent in an internment camp in      today. Meissner provides a look into
                                            tiful New York City Public Library       permanent curator. Both storylines        Crystal City, Texas.                     the lives that those interred led in
                                            on Fifth Avenue—or, at least, with       have similar aspects: there is strong         It was 1943, and 14-year-old         the camps, and the lives they led
                                            the iconic lions that flank the front    character development, valuable           Elise Sontag was a teenager, living a    when the families were repatriated
                                            entrance (their names are Patience       books are stolen, and the careers of      normal life in Iowa with her parents     to a country they knew little about.
                                            and Fortitude). But I wonder how         both characters are threatened by         and her brother. Her German-born         The children in Baker’s novel were
                                            many know that there is a large,         the thefts. We learn more about each      father had been a legal citizen of       born in the United States and didn’t
                                            seven-room apartment in the li-          character as we see how they address      the United States for two decades,       speak the German language. Elise’s
                                            brary’s mezzanine.In fact, for its       these problems.                           when he was arrested on suspicion        story, which alternates between the
                                            first 25 years, the library was home         In 1993, as Sadie investigates        of being a German sympathizer and        past and the present, is a compelling
                                            to the Thornberry family—Patrick,        the current thefts from the Berg Col-     sent to an internment camp. His fam-     historical read. While heartbreak-
                                            an Irish immigrant who served as         lection, the mystery of the past theft    ily soon followed him; and so, the       ing at some points, the story is also
                                            building superintendent; his wife,       causes her concern. Has the web of        story begins.                            beautiful. I think it will hold your
                                            Rose; their daughter, Rose Mary; and     her grandparents’ lives entrapped             It was there in the camp that        interest, and you may just learn a
                                            Rose’s younger brother, Terrance.        Sadie to fail and lose the job of her     Elise met her life-long friend, a Jap-   thing or two about this period of our
                                            This fictionalized version of life in    dreams? Or can she solve both mys-        anese-American girl, Mariko Inoue.       history. Enjoy the journey.
                                            the library rings true; and the main     teries? Still reeling from a difficult    The story, told from Elise’s point           “We do not become different
                                            character’s surname, Lyons, appears      divorce, Sadie finds herself to be a      of view, comes full circle through       people as we age, we just add layers
                                            to be a nod to the library lions.        suspect in the thefts—as was her          her life, and her move to Germany,       of experience onto who we already
                                                 In the novel, a series of book      grandfather, Jack Lyons, in 1913.         which brought even more tension.         are.” Susan Meissner
                                            thefts creates the tension and drives    While Sadie’s investigation leads to      Although the war was coming to
                                            the storyline. First set in 1913, Jack   some unwelcome truths about her
                                            Lyons, the superintendent of the         own family, these truths will shed
                                            New York Public Library, lived there     new light on the biggest tragedy in
                                            with his wife, Laura, and their chil-    the library’s history.
                                            dren, Pearl and Harry. Along with            For those of you who love a
                                                                                                                                        Racism is still with us. But it is up to us
                                            the beautiful apartment, they had        good mystery, you will find Fiona
                                            access to the entire library. Laura,     Davis’s story-telling style engaging
                                                                                                                                to prepare our children for what they will have to meet;
                                            who was somewhat of a rebel in           and enjoyable. And you might just                    and, hopefully, we shall overcome.
                                            her day, attended Columbia School        learn something, as I did, about what                                      [Rosa
                                                                                                                                                             Place    Parks] A
                                                                                                                                                                   in Section
                                            of Journalism, but failed to get her     it might be like to live in a library.

                                               There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if
                                                        you don’t care who gets the credit.
                                                                           [Ronald Reagan]

                                                                                                                                                Do you like to write?
                                                                                                                                      The Renaissance Times is looking for you!
                                                                                                                                                Write about a trip you’ve taken,
                                                                                                                                                       a book you’ve read,
                                                                                                                                                  a restaurant you’ve enjoyed,
                                                                                                                                                 a movie or show you’ve seen,
                                                          There’s nothing like a good book!                                                    or an experience you’ve had with
                                              Coronavirus restrictions don’t apply to reading—you can                                  a club or activity here in Renaissance or nearby.
                                              be an armchair traveler, escape to another place or time,
                                                                                                                                       Interview a fellow resident who is an exemplary
                                              solve a mystery, learn something new, or feed your soul.
                                                                                                                                     volunteer, or who has a unique collection or hobby.
                                                Write a review of a book you’ve read and enjoyed, and
                                                 share your insights and recommendations with your                                             Or, write about any other topic that
                                                      fellow residents by emailing your review to:                                             would be of interest to our readers.
                                                                                                               Please email us at
               Baking For All Occasions
            Pastries, Pies, and Cookie Trays
6”-$6.99 & 10”-$13.99
   OLD FASHION BLUEBERRY PIE                    MINI CANNOLI $1.79
     OLD FASHION CHERRY PIE                       BAKLAVA $2.29
    OLD FASHIONED PEACH PIE                   MINI PANETTONE $2.99
                                                 TIRAMISU $12.99
          PUMPKIN PIE
                                        BUTTER COOKIES $10.99 PER POUND
                                            2 POUND COOKIE BOX $21.98
                                                                               Drivers: Please Read—and Heed!
                                           1 POUND COOKIE TRAY 11.49           The stop sign at the entrance onto Renaissance Boulevard,
           PECAN PIE*                                                          and the stop sign at the exit onto (or straight across) Wilbur
                                              1 € POUND TRAY $16.99
          KEY LIME PIE                                                          Avenue both require extra caution. Why? At both of these
        CHOC CREAM PIE                     2 POUND COOKIE TRAY $22.99               intersections, cars are coming from all directions.
        APPLE CRUMB PIE                    3 POUND COOKIE TRAY $34.99          You may have right of way, but it is very (very!) dangerous
        APPLE WALNUT PIE                   5 POUND COOKIE TRAY $59.99                     to assume that other drivers will yield!
      BLUEBERRY CRUMB PIE                  7 POUND COOKIE TRAY $81.99          Remember that every stop sign requires a full stop before
       CHERRY CRUMB PIE                    ASK ABOUT CUSTOM PASTRY           proceeding. To ensure that no one gets injured—or ticketed—
        PEACH CRUMB PIE                        AND COOKIE TRAYS                  please be smart; please be safe. Obey the stop sign!
  COCONUT CUSTARD 10’” ONLY                                                                                                      Obey the law!
     *Pecan $8.49 and $16.79

             Please Place Orders With At Least One Days Notice
                 Call the Caf‚ to order: 732-657-1896                                                                 Let’s eat Grandma!
            Name and Phone:____________________________________                                                         Let’s eat, Grandma!
            Time:______________________________________________                                            Punctuation can save a life.

                                                                                           2021 PAC MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
                                                                                           The Performing Arts Club welcomes performers to partake and members to enjoy.
                                                                                                                          2021 Schedule of Performances
                                                                                Rank the shows below from 1 (most-preferred) to 4 (least-preferred), using each number once.
                                                                          Your rankings will govern the ticket distribution process for each show. For any show, those members with
                                                                               a lower number ranking will select their seats before all members with a higher number ranking.

                                                                            ( )May - Ooops! 2, The Dreaded Sequel                                  ( ) Oct. - The Female Odd Couple

                                                                            ( )July - Hee Haw Comes to Renaissance                                 ( )Dec. - Happy Holidays

                 Renaissance                                              Your Name _________________________________________________

                                                                          You may pick up no more than 4 tickets (including your own) on ticket distribution days. If it happens that
                                                                          tickets can’t be used, they must be returned to PAC for redistribution.

                                                                          Detach and keep the top portion of this form for your reference on show information. Watch Channel 22,
                                                                          check the Renaissance Times and/or your email inbox for the latest information on ticket distribution
                                                                          dates, times, and locations, as well as any updates on shows or supplemental PAC activities.
  Bigger and better than ever!                                            Fill out and submit this half of the form. Please print clearly and use an additional sheet of paper for
                                                                          additional household members. Repeat below the show rankings that you selected above. Also indicate if
                                                                          you anticipate participating as a performer and/or a volunteer.

                   Mark your calendar:                                                       Member #1                                                            Member #2
                                                                          Name: __________________________________Name:_______________________________________

       September 19 - 26, 2021                                            Email___________________________________Email________________________________________

                                                                                   Check those that apply to Member #1:                                           Check off those that apply to Member #2:

                         East vs West                                              _____ Performer
                                                                                   _____ Volunteer
                                                                                                                                                                  _____ Performer
                                                                                                                                                                  _____ Volunteer

         Sixteen Competitions!                                            ( ) May                             ( ) July                             ( ) October
                                                                          Submit completed forms, along with a check payable to RHA (NO CASH), to Myra Klein at 10 Moet Court.
                                                                                                                                                                                        ( ) December

           Everyone can participate!
                                                                          Annual dues are $15.00 per year for each member. Each member is entitled to one ticket for each of the four shows
                                                                          presented each year. Members are also entitled to bring a non-resident guest to shows at a cost of $5.00 per show,
                                                                          payable by check to RHA at the time of ticket distribution for that show.

                                                                          Name on check: __________________________________________________ Check # ___________ Amount __________ Date __________________

                    Go for the Gold!
[Please note: The indoor pool is currently closed due to Covid-19]

        Renaissance Indoor Pool                                                                  Pool / Whirlpool / Sauna
                   Hours of Operation                                                             Rules and Regulations

                Residents and Adult Guests
               5:00 AM to 10:00 PM - Daily, Year-round

         Guests must be accompanied by a resident member
          at all times when using any of the pool facilities.

                                                                                     [Due to COVID-19, the indoor pool is currently closed]
      Day after Labor Day through day before Memorial Day:
        Weekends and Manchester School Holidays Only                                                        Indoor Pool Regulations
                                                                                     The Board of Trustees reserves the right to change these policies at any time. Interpretation
                         1:00 PM to 4:00 PM                                         is solely at the discretion of the Board, Property Management, and the Pool Committee chair.
                         6:00 PM to 8:00 PM                                                             Children and other guests must be accompanied
                   (except Monday and Wednesday)                                                               by a resident member at all times.

                  Lifeguards will be on duty during                                 Once the outdoor pool is closed for the season, children are permitted in the indoor
                                                                                                pool only on weekends and Manchester school holidays.
                       children’s swim hours.
                                                                                             Children are not permitted in the pool area during restricted hours.
                                                                                                       [“Children” are defined as anyone under the age of 18.]
          The pool is not open to children on
 Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day,and New Year’s Day.                                            The pool is not open to children on Thanksgiving Day,
                                                                                                        Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.
                         [no lifeguard on duty]                                                                       [No lifeguard on duty]

Children under the age of three (3) are not permitted in the indoor pool.                                                 Badges/Passes
  Children must be accompanied by a resident member at all times.                         Four (4) seasonal guest badges are permitted per household at a charge of $5.00 per
            Children may never use the hot tub or sauna.                                   badge. Lost badges will not be replaced during the current season.
                                                                                          One-time-use passes are available for a charge of $10.00 per packet of 10. Lost
                                                                                           passes will not be replaced during the current season. No refunds for unused passes.
                                                                                          To enter the pool area, everyone must show a badge/pass.
        The Board of Trustees and their appointed representative(s)
          reserve the right to adjust pool hours at their discretion.
                                                                  [2019-2020]                                             General Rules
                                                                                        1) Children under the age of three (3) are not permitted in the indoor pool.
                                                                                        2) Children using the pool must be potty-trained. No diapers (children or adult) are
                                                                                            permitted in the pool. This includes ‘Pampers,’ ‘Depends,’ or other brands of similar
                                                                                        3) Proper swimming attire is required for bathers. Persons wearing cut-offs, jeans,
                                                                                            playsuits, tennis shorts, etc., will not be allowed in the pool.
                                                                                        4) No eating anywhere within the pool area.
                                                                                        5) No alcoholic beverages anywhere within the pool area.
                                                                                        6) No glass containers of any kind anywhere within the pool area.
                                                                                        7) No smoking anywhere within the pool area.
                                                                                        8) Persons exhibiting signs of being under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or any other
                                                                                            judgment-altering substance shall be prohibited from entering the pool areas.
                                                                                        9) Bathers must shower before entering the pool.
                                                                                        10) No diving or jumping into the pool.
                                                                                        11) Absolutely no running within the pool area. Rough play (pushing, wrestling) or any
                                                                                           activity causing undue disturbance will not be permitted within the pool area.
                                                                                        12) No water guns, spraying toys, or water balloons in the pool or within the pool area.
                                                                                        13) Ball-playing is permitted in the pool during children’s swim hours, but only with balls
                                                                                           supplied by the Association.
                                                                                        14) No boogie boards, rafts, floats, or large tubes in the pools—except for safety devices
                                                                                            (e.g., arm-swimmies/vests) sanctioned by the Coast Guard or other recognized
                                                                                            marine authority. Physically challenged persons may use appropriate flotation
                                                                                            devices. Any exceptions to this rule will be determined by the lifeguard on duty,
                                                                                            whose decision shall be final.
                                                                                        15) No pets anywhere within the pool area.
                                                                                        16) Persons exhibiting signs of illness or having open wounds or sores will not be
                                                                                            allowed to enter the pool, hot tub, or sauna.
                                                                                        17) Bathing is prohibited during an electrical storm.
                                                                                        18) If a lifeguard is not on duty, no one under the age of 18 may enter the pool.
                                                                                        19) Children may never use the hot tub or saunas.
                                                                                        20) All persons using the pool, hot tub, or sauna do so at their own risk. The RHOA, the
                                                                                            Pool Management Company, and/or their designee or agent will NOT be responsible
                                                                                            for any accident, personal injury, damage to property, or loss of property.
                                                                                        21) Residents and guests are encouraged NOT to bring valuables into the pool area.
                                                                                        22) The Pool Management Company or its designee/agent shall close the pool facility at
                                                                                            any time when in their judgment a hazardous, dangerous or unsafe condition exists
                                                                                            (mechanical failure, electrical storm, etc.).
                                                                                        23) No one is allowed to enter the pool area when it is closed.

                                                                                                 Failure to observe these rules and regulations, or failure to obey
                                                                                                 the lifeguard on duty,may result in suspension of pool privileges.
                                                                                                                                                                        [Effective 2020]

                                                                                                      Note: The indoor pool
                                                                                                      is closed at this time.

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