Reinventing the Consumer Shopping and Rewards Redemption Experience - Deep Insights from FIS and Verifone's Partnership

Page created by Ralph Daniels
Reinventing the Consumer Shopping and Rewards Redemption Experience - Deep Insights from FIS and Verifone's Partnership
Reinventing the Consumer Shopping
and Rewards Redemption Experience
Deep Insights from FIS and Verifone’s Partnership

Cassie Boutelle
VP, Loyalty Products

Dan Poswolsky
Head of Value Added Services
Reinventing the Consumer Shopping and Rewards Redemption Experience - Deep Insights from FIS and Verifone's Partnership
Loyalty Landscape – What are we Solving For?

                                                                             1/3                               26%
 in rewards liability across
                                                                             of all rewards go
                                                                             each year
                                                                                                               growth in rewards
                                                                                                               participation since
                                                                                                               last census

 all loyalty programs in
                                                                    > 1/5                          2.3x
 North America                                                      more than 1/5 of
                                                                    members have never
                                                                                                   are 2.3X more
                                                                                                   likely to defect
                                                                    made a redemption              than those who did
                                                                                                   in last 12 months

     Number of loyalty programs
    the average U.S. consumer
                     belongs to:
                                           13.4                            Number of loyalty programs
                                                                          the average U.S. consumer
                                                                                           is active in:
Sources: The Financial Brand and the 2016 Colloquy Loyalty Census                                                          2
Reinventing the Consumer Shopping and Rewards Redemption Experience - Deep Insights from FIS and Verifone's Partnership
How FIS and Verifone are Reinventing the Consumer Experience
to Drive Engagement

                        Powered by
 • When a shopper presents a loyalty-linked card payment on a
   Verifone device, it will prompt them automatically when
   enough points are available to pay for their items,
   eliminating the hassle of vouchers or ordering gift cards.

 • The yes or no prompt is quick and easy and specifically
   designed not to slowdown the checkout process
Reinventing the Consumer Shopping and Rewards Redemption Experience - Deep Insights from FIS and Verifone's Partnership
FIS has Quietly Established a Leadership Position in Customer

                     •   40+ years in the FinTech industry
  INDUSTRY           •   9 of top 10 global banks
  EXPERTISE          •   18 of the top 25 US retailers
                     •   3,100 loyalty specific clients


                Proven                                                         Custom
                                Scalable      Full Service        Solid                    Consulting
              Partnerships                                                    Design and
                                Solutions      Support       Infrastructure                 Services
Reinventing the Consumer Shopping and Rewards Redemption Experience - Deep Insights from FIS and Verifone's Partnership
Premium Payback – How it works

                                                          Consumer can
                                                           redeem for a
                                                          discount in fuel

  Consumer uses     Consumer earns
  card everyday      rewards points

                                      Consumer now has
                                           TWO (2)
                                      redemption models

                                                           Consumer can
                                                          redeem for a full
                                                          pay purchase at
Existing and in Process Integration Points
FIS’ solution breadth, market reach, client relationships and industry expertise enables us to create a redemption
network that will transform the market.

                      Other Loyalty                                                                Big Box
                      Providers                                                                   Retailers
                    Other Future
                                                                                                Quick Service
                    Financial Institutions                                                       Restaurants

                       Other Loyalty
                       Providers                             Aggregate
                                                             Redeem                         FIS MPS
                                  Other Future
                                  Financial Institutions                          Mobile Apps
                                             Other Loyalty              Mobile Wallets
                                             Providers                                                               6
Current In-Market Success

       Likelihood of purchasing gas at
    retailer if points WERE NOT available
                 for redemption

                                                       88%                       90%
                                                                                rated their
           Not Likely
                                                                                experience for
                               18%                     would redeem             redemption as a
                                                       their points again       5 (the best) or 4
                                                                                    rated their experience
     Somewhat Likely
                                                              would redeem their for redemption as a 5
                                   23%                          points again at         (the best) or 4
                                                                   the POS

                                     25%                           56%
          Very Likely
                                                                   felt gas discounts
                                                                   were a better value
                                           34%                     than other
                                                                   redemption options
                                                                              of accounts began
                        0%   10%   20%     30%   40%                        transacting at retailer
                                                                                  more often
Verifone is a Company that is Essential to the Payments Industry
Verifone’s Commerce Platform Unlocks the Full Potential of
the Terminal

   Today:                                     The Future:
   No Easy Way To Innovate.                   Commerce Platform.

 • Any enhancements or changes to Terminal   • Secure commerce architecture (SCA) removes
   or POS require re-certification             the POS from certification process
 • Proprietary systems with outdated         • Ability to create value-added apps without
   technology                                  requiring re-certification
 • Custom development needed for different   • Single application development framework with
   terminal types and POS systems              an open architecture that supports HTML,
                                               JavaScript, and CSS
                                             • Ability to create apps in a way that seamlessly
                                               works across multiple terminal types and POS
Commerce Platform Consists of Six Core Elements

    Developer           SDK + Tools                            App
1               2   3                 4                    5                    6
    Portal                                                     Marketplace
                                                                                    Estate Owner


                                                                                    Gateway +
                                      Verifone Points Redemption will be one of our first applications
                                      available in the App Marketplace
The Points Redemption App Delivers a Unique Value Proposition

 Consumer Benefits                 Merchant Benefits                Issuer Benefits               Acquirer Benefits
 Increased buying power            Drive incremental sales growth   Drives top of wallet status   Offer merchants new payment
                                                                                                  methods that they are unable to
 More utility / perceived value    Compatible with merchant’s       Point burn optimization –     get elsewhere
 from points                       own points program               high value / low cost
                                                                    redemption                    Receive revenue share per
 Easy way to redeem points         Competitive solution to online                                 redemptions
                                   payment methods
 More access to deals and offers                                                                  Increase merchant loyalty by
                                   Cross marketing opportunities                                  creating new experiences
Consumer Experience

                                                                    2                      3

1. Advertisement             2. Payment           3. Redeem Rewards               4. Confirmation                5. Settle
Customer sees ad for 4   Customer pays as usual    If customer has enough                                     Issuer settles with
                                                                              After Transaction, customer
  Pay with Points                                     points, customer is                                     merchant through
                                                                                  sees confirmation on
                                                  automatically prompted to                                 traditional means and
                                                                               screen and on the receipt
                                                        pay with points                                       customer receives
                                                                                                               statement credit
Merchant Experience

                      • FREE for merchants
                      • The application is either
                        - Pre-loaded on their terminal
                        - Available for download from the
                          Commerce Platform App Marketplace
                      • Merchants receive quarterly transaction
                        reports and will later receive access to a
                        reporting portal
Loyalty Program Experience

                                    Loyalty Program has control
                                     over on-screen messaging
         Loyalty Program has
          control over design
            aspects of user
            experience (i.e.
        background color, logo,
           logo placement)

       Loyalty Program can select
         which merchants have
         access to their loyalty
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