Page created by Frank Griffin

                                                main topics - all related to the built
                                                environment, the biggest energy consumer
                                                of a given national or regional economy:
                                                I. Modern HVAC&R&S Technology and
                                                Indoor Environmental Quality
                                                II. High    Energy      Performance    and
                                                Sustainable Buildings
Source:                                         III. Information    and     Communication              Technologies (ICT) for the Intelligent
                                                Building Management
The planet's average surface temperature
has risen about 0.9 degrees Celsius since       IV. Sustainable Urbanization and Energy
the late 19th century, a change driven          System Integration
largely by increased carbon dioxide and
other human-made emissions into the             Modern HVAC&R&S Technology and Indoor
atmosphere. Most of the warming occurred        Environmental Quality
in the past 35 years, with the five warmest     Over 90% of the typical human life is spent
years on record taking place since 2010.        indoors. Many of us have adapted to the
The number of intense rainfall events,          indoor realm as our "natural" environment
extreme storms, hurricanes and tornadoes        IEQ encompasses indoor air quality (IAQ),
has been increasing since 1950. Nowadays,       which focuses on airborne contaminants,
the real scenario is completed by the fast      as well as other health, safety, and comfort
declination of the extent and thickness of      issues such as aesthetics, potable water
Arctic sea ice (over the past decades), the     surveillance,     ergonomics,      acoustics,
increasing by about 30 percent of the           lighting, and electromagnetic frequency
acidity of surface ocean waters (since the      levels. All these IEQ parameters could not
beginning of the Industrial Revolution), the    be optimized without advanced HVAC&R&S
risen of the global sea level by about 20 cm    technologies. The buildings could not be
(in the last century). Ninety-seven percent     refurbished without advanced HVAC&R&S
of climate scientists agree that the climate-   technologies.
warming tendency over the past century is
very likely due to human activities.            CLIMA 2019 proposed sub-themes are:
                                                Criteria for thermal environment and
The 13th REHVA Congress, CLIMA 2019,            ventilation; HVAC in residential buildings
held from 26th till 29th of May in Romania,     and schools; Demand controlled, hybrid
will address, under the heading ”Built          and passive HVAC systems, Filtration, air
environment facing climate change”, four        cleaning and air distribution; Solar thermal
and PV systems; Heat pumps and                  Building management system (BMS) is a
refrigeration; Natural and mechanical           collection of software and hardware to
smoke extraction systems; Water and             seamlessly monitor and lead an important
wastewater systems and components etc.          and vital part of a building. Task of this
                                                collection is constant monitoring of
High Energy Performance and Sustainable         different parts of building and leading in
Buildings                                       way which performance of different parts of
Buildings shall be constructed and              building together is efficient, undesirable
renovated with an appreciation of the           usages decrease and pleasant and safe
importance of providing high-quality and        environment is created. Information and
sustainable interior environments, with         communication technology provides this
minimum costs for all users.                    needed infrastructure to immediately
                                                exchange information in long distances.
A building design is deemed to be cost-
effective if it results in benefits equal to    Today, the most part of the current
those of alternative designs and has a          technology in normal buildings is not
lower whole life cost, or total cost of         smart, unfortunately. Innovative ICT is the
ownership. For example, the HVAC system         key to future smart buildings as part of the
alternative that satisfies the heating and      truly   sustainable    built  environment.
cooling requirements of a building at the       Without substantial advances in ICT our
minimum whole life cost, is the cost-           buildings will continue to be poorly energy
effective    HVAC     system     of   choice.   performant and of course, not sustainable
Components of the whole life cost include       at all.
the initial design and construction cost, on-
going operations and maintenance, parts         That is why CLIMA 2019 has not neglected
replacement, disposal cost or salvage           topics like: New ICT-based solutions for
value, and of course the useful life of the     systems and building automation; Energy
system or building.                             Efficiency through behavioural adaption
                                                based     on    ICT      solutions;   Indoor
We suppose that CLIMA 2019 sub-topics           Environment control with advanced BMS
as: Low and zero energy building case           solutions; Sensors and methods to control
studies; Predicted and real energy              and authenticate indoor environment;
performance       of    buildings;    Energy    Advanced fault detection and diagnostics;
performance requirements, compliance            Integrated BIM solutions for buildings and
assessment       and      cost    optimality;   systems;     Digitalization    of   buildings
Simulation models and predictive tools for      equipment etc.
the buildings HVAC, IEQ and energy;
Building components and double skin             Sustainable Urbanization and Energy
facades; Occupant behaviour and energy          System Integration
demands in buildings; Future and Emerging       In 1900, 15% of a global population of 1.5
Technologies (FET): Nano-, micro- and bio-      billion people lived in cities. At the end of
technologies for buildings components and       the 20th century urban areas in the world
HVAC systems; Mandatory and voluntary           have grown considerably. According to
certification and labelling schemes for new     the Department of Economic and Social
and existing buildings; Renovation of           Affairs of the United Nations, in 1990 there
historic buildings                              were 10 so called “megacities” with more
could attract an important number of            than 10 million inhabitants, representing
researchers,     industrials    and    young    less than 7% of the global urban
students.                                       population.     By   2010,      the   number
                                                of megacities was 27, the population they
Information     and         Communication       contained grew to 460 million, and these
Technologies (ICT) for      the Intelligent     agglomerations accounted for 6.7% of the
Building Management                             world’s population. Since 2008 cities host
more than 50% of the inhabitants of the          buildings together with their technical
planet with the share expected to increase       systems,     especially   HVAC&S&R,      to
up to 67% by 2050. Furthermore, cities are       counteract in an energy efficient manner
located on less than 5% of the Earth’s land      the climate changes in order to keep inside
surface and yet use around 80% of the            an optimum comfort, simultaneously with
resources, and are responsible for               the security of occupants.
approximately 80% CO2 global emissions.
Sustainable urbanization means reducing          Some expected figures of CLIMA 2019
energy use in cities by managing the way         congress are the following:
energy flows into, through and out the city.     • more      than     100    CLIMA     2019
                                                 ambassadors and 50 partners promoting
With justified interest in this area CLIMA       this event worldwide;
2019 will contribute by offering opportunity     • more than 1000 attendees (researchers,
to researchers and experts in this field to      engineers, architects, students asf);
present their work on subtopics like: Grid       • more than 750 papers (with a special
interaction of nZE, green and passive            care for the selection of those to be
buildings; Architectural design integration;     published in like Scopus or Web of Science
Health,     demographic       change    and      indexed journals).
wellbeing;    Energy    management and           -more than 20 technical and scientific
distributed energy systems (heat and             workshops.
power generation, district heating and
cooling); Innovative heating and cooling         You can find more details on our website
solutions using geothermal energy; Large or ask for more
scale and seasonal thermal storage;              information at our e-desk found on
Smartness      indicators;    Demonstrating
innovative nature-based solutions in cities
etc.                                             Partnerships    have always been a key
                                                 element of marketing strategies for
The venue of CLIMA 2019 will be its capital      successful brands. For us partnership with
Bucharest which is the 6th European town
                                                 your institution is a highly effective way to
in population terms and the largest city
of Romania. It is a beautiful and very alive     get our cooperation seen, heard and talked
Romanian cultural, industrial and financial      about by your target audience as well as a
center, offering historical or modern            broader audience.
conference venues, very cozy hotels,
appealing          restaurants,       robust
infrastructure and a lot of quite unique
places      like     traditional  museums,
recreational green areas and genuine
"shopping arcades". Bucharest is known as
the most prosperous city in Romania (the
living level is over the EU average) and it is
one of the main transportation hubs of
Eastern Europe. So there will be no concern
about your arrival at the congress location.
We are convinced that all CLIMA
                                                 Here are only few reasons for getting a
participants will be charmed by Bucharest
urban diversity and kindness of its              cooperation agreement with CLIMA 2019
inhabitants.                                     organisers:
                                                  The congress provide a targeted
The proposed main topics for the 13th            audience (event provides you access to an
CLIMA Congress will put into discussion the      invested, enthusiastic audience of more
capacity of the new or existing refurbished
than 1000 attendees and probably more          you can elevate your brand perception and
than 10000 visitors of the exibitions of       image enormously, taking advantage of a
posters and products which will have free      great way to emerge or acknowledge as a
access).                                       credible business in our target audience’s
 Potential for data capture is                minds; your logo will be seen on the event
immense if you are present at CLIMA 2019       site and on selected promotionals.
where your target audience is present; you      Get a chance to know other media
will create an immense potential for           providers or future clients because
data/lead capture. A creatively designed       networking is probably one of the best
engagement tactic, possibly integrated         aspects of our congress; as one of the
with social media, mobile apps, or             CLIMA 2019 partners, you’ll get to meet
experiential technologies like RFID and        decision makers or fellow editors and
geofencing could mean access to target         companies that you can do business with in
data and analytics help you shape or           the future.
promote your publication.                       Give      back      to    the     scientific
 You      will  leverage     the media        community getting to establish goodwill
coverage as CLIMA 2019 will receive the        and showing the community that you’re a
most vast promotion on social media,           reliable promoter that’s able and willing to
digital media, press circles and traditional   support all things local; think of partnership
media, reaching the most broader audience      as a way of giving back to the technical and
since its appearance in 1975.                  scientifique community and thanking them
 Build credibility and get brand              for their support.
recognition by choosing CLIMA 2019,
which allows you to associate your brand
with other reputed brands in the market;
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