REGIONAL OBSERVATORY FOR CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND ENERGY TRANSITION - Circular Economy - How to connect policy, research and business?
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REGIONAL OBSERVATORY FOR CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND ENERGY TRANSITION Circular Economy – How to connect policy, research and business? 10th May 2019, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Milano
MAIN GOAL Building of a common path to face the two main challenges that will characterize our development model in the coming decades: the decarbonisation of the economy and the transition to a circular economy. The working proposal is to deal with the issues of transition with a common reference framework, first of all sharing some general objectives, and then defining areas of study in some sectors or production systems that are particularly important for our territory.
Fonte: Report IPCC 2018 WHY Fonte: The circularity gap report, 2018 Fonte: The New Climate Economy , Report 2018
WHO PRODUCTION SYSTEM TRADE UNIONS ASSOCIATIONS Confindustria Lombardia CGIL Lombardia Altroconsumo Lombardia ANCE Lombardia CISL Lombardia Legambiente Lombardia Confapindustria Lombardia UIL Lombardia WWF Lombardia CNA Lombardia UGL Lombardia ANPAR RESEARCH SYSTEM Confartigianato Lombardia LOCAL AUTHORITIES Politecnico di Milano Unione Artigiani Lombardia ANCI Lombardia Università Bicocca Confcommercio Lombardia UPL Lombardia Università Bocconi Confesercenti Lombardia Università Cattolica Federdistribuzione Lombardia REGIONAL ENTITIES Università di Milano Confagricoltura Lombardia ARPA Lombardia Università di Bergamo Coldiretti Lombardia ERSAF Università di Brescia CIA Lombardia Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente Università dell’Insubria Legacoop Lombardia Infrastrutture Lombarde Spa Università di Pavia Confcooperative Lombardia POLIS Università LIUC Varese AGCI Lombardia ENEA Unioncamere Lombardia RSE OTHERS…..
HOW Chaired by the Minister for the Environment and Climate INSTITUTIONAL BOARD Steering function Contribution to strategies, planning and definition of regional measures Technical and scientific support for the elaboration of regional SECRETARIAT strategies Coordination of working groups Monitoring and results transfer Interaction with other cross‐cutting tables (integrated policies) Criticality and opportunity analysis THEMATIC TABLES Preparation of legislative and regulatory proposals, financing measures and support, supply chain collaboration methods Specific initiatives (training, dissemination, planning)
THEMATIC TABLES • CIRCULAR ECONOMY • Sewage sludge • Melting slags • Construction and demolition waste • Food waste ENERGY TRANSITION • Energy efficiency in buildings • Energy efficiency in industries • Renewable energies
CONTRIBUTION TO REGIONAL STRATEGIES REGIONAL STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The Regional Development Program for the XI legislature declines five priorities, among PROTOCOL FOR THE these «sustainability as a distinctive element of administrative action and as an opportunity ENVIRONMENT, INFRASTRUCTURE to improve the quality of life of the citizens, reconciling the needs of productive growth and involving all the actors of the territory , from businesses, to citizens, from schools to public AND TERRITORY administrations ". With the Protocol, mutual commitments on the environment, territory, transport system and infrastructure will be signed. The Circular Economy Package sets new and more stringent objectives for resource use REGIONAL WASTE PLAN‐ PRGR efficiency and waste management, recycling and reuse, the landfill disposal. The new community provisions, and the national ones that will derive from this, will be integrated with those in force in the PRGR, to be updated in 2019, and will complete the framework of objectives and policies on raw materials and sustainable production and consumption models. The transition to a low carbon economy, as a response to climate change, has triggered a REGIONAL ENERGY AND CLIMATE progressive re‐launch of the goals of decarbonisation and energy evolution at all PLAN institutional levels. The new regional energy and climate plan, synergistic with these objectives, will define the framework for the actions of orientation and implementation of this transition, responding to the logic of environmental and social sustainability and technological innovation. RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND The Program is the governance tool with which we intend to trace the lines of development TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER for the future of research and innovation. The objective is to raise awareness that innovation is the main key to understanding organic and sustainable growth, with the support of new PROGRAM methods and systems capable of increasing the efficiency of government choices. STRUCTURAL FUNDS PROGRAMME 2021‐2027
THEMATIC TABLES – EXPECTED RESULTS SEWAGE SLUDGES MELTING SLAGS • A common knowledge framework • A common knowledge framework • Definition of limits for the use in • Processing, for each type of residue, agriculture, as deriving from the of a guideline describing its origin coordinated reading of national and (production process), characteristics, regional laws possibility of being managed as a • Discipline for the application of the by-product or recovered as an "end legislation concerning the use of of waste". Types: black steel mill sludge in agriculture and defecation slag, cast iron foundry slag, foundry chalks earth and sands • Construction of a shared vision on • Contribution to Environmental sludge prospects, to guide Minimum Criteria (CAM) investments both of water service managers and sludge recuperators, also with the support of research
THEMATIC TABLES – EXPECTED RESULTS C&D WASTE FOOD WASTE • Analysis of the demolition chain to • Introduction in administrative favor selective demolition, and procedures of incentives and evaluate the characteristics of the compensatory mechanisms, recycled aggregates and their use; including the reduction of the • Promote the use of recycled municipal waste tariff for commercial aggregates by defining incentives businesses that donate their and supporting tools; surpluses (collaboration with the • Creation of a market platform for the Municipalities); recycled aggregates; • Tools to track devolution (document • Collaboration with the Environmental support, IT tools); Minister for defining the criteria for • Communication campaign for end of waste. citizens to reduce waste at the domestic level
Market degli Aggregati Riciclati Contatti | Help Homepage Ricerca Materiali Ambito Territoriale Per Provincia Selezionare Provincia Ricerca Materiali Tipologia Impiego Calcestruzzo strutturale Malte per usi strutturali Mantellate di protezione Uso in elementi strutturali Massicciate ferroviarie Uso non strutturale Tipologia Prodotto Aggregati per calcestruzzo - UNI EN 12620:2008 Aggregati per malta - UNI EN 13139:2003 Aggregati leggeri - UNI EN 13055:2016 Aggregati per materiali non legati e legati con leganti idraulici per l'impiego in opere di ingegneria civile e nella costruzione di strade - UNI EN 13242:2008 Aggregati per miscele bituminose e trattamenti superficiali per strade, aeroporti e altre aree soggette a traffico - UNI EN 13043:2004 Aggregati per massicciate per ferrovie - UNI EN 13450:2003 Aggregati per opere di protezione (armourstone) - UNI EN 13383-1:2003 Reset Ricerca
Market degli Aggregati Riciclati Contatti | Help Homepage Risultato Ricerca Materiali torna alla ricerca Ragione Indirizzo Tipologia Tipologia Num. Quantità Sociale Prodotto Impiego Lotti (Ton/Mc) i Risultato Ricerca Materiali COMUNE DI CAVENAGO Località Fontanino 22079 VILLA UNI EN 12620:2008 Calcestruzzo 8 283 / BRIANZA GUARDIA (CO) strutturale 141,5 Via Artigiani SNC LOC. T 25030 ADRO Malte per usi 345 / EDIL 2000 SPA UNI EN 13139:2003 12 (BS) strutturali 181,6 FUSTAMERIA Località Vicomoscano 26041 Mantellate di 765 / UNI EN 13055:2016 5 MANTOVANA CASALMAGGIORE (CR) protezione 478,2 G. FUMAGALLI - LA 35 / Via Cristoforo Colombo 26013 CREMA Uso in elementi VARESINA SPURGHI DI UNI EN 13242:2008 1 23,3 (CR) strutturali FUMAGALLI TIZIANA Via Del Luisetto CAVENAGO DI Massicciate 1.567 / LINEA GESTIONI UNI EN 13043:2004 7 BRIANZA (MB) ferroviarie 1.119,3 S.T.A. SOCIETÁ Via Fossamana 62 SAN GIORGIO DI Uso non 3.876 / UNI EN 13450:2003 9 TRATTAMENTO ACQUE MANTOVA (MN) strutturale 1.845,7 VENTURINI SILVANO & Via Dell'Industria 39 CASTIGLIONE Malte per usi 1.543 / UNI EN 13383-1:2003 2 ANTONIO DELLE STIVIERE (MN) strutturali 701,36 Somma selezionati
Market degli Aggregati Riciclati Contatti | Help Homepage Dettaglio Offerta Altra Documentazione torna al dettaglio dell’offerta Tipologia Prodotto Tipologia Impiego ID Lotto Quantità (Ton/Mc) UNI EN 12620:2008 Calcestruzzo strutturale ED2K-05 50 / 25 Altra Documentazione del Lotto Foto campioni Dop Materiali campionati dal centro di riciclaggio della ditta… Politica Integrata ISO 9001, Altra Documentazione 14001 E OSHAS 18001 Attestazione Soa Materiale residuo dopo la prova Certificato SGS UNI EN ISO9001:2008 Archivio Fotografico Materiali campionati dal centro di riciclaggio della ditta… Contatti Commerciali Planimetria Impianto Materiale residuo dopo la prova Certificato Di Produzione In Fabbrica
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