RegAlert Deloitte's holistic solution to Regulatory Compliance Monitoring

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RegAlert Deloitte's holistic solution to Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Deloitte’s holistic solution to Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
RegAlert Deloitte's holistic solution to Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
The challenge of keeping up in a constantly evolving regulatory environment

                         500%                           60%                                 30%                               $400b

 The pace of regulatory updates             In the last decade, compliance-     30% of Compliance Officers are      Regulatory fines globally has
 has increased by 500% globally             related operating costs have        unclear about regulator’s           surpassed $400 billion within the
 since the GFC                              increased by 60% globally           expectations                        Financial Services Industry

 Organisations face the challenge           Organisations are aggressively      A common challenge faced by         Regulators are increasing scrutiny
 of keeping up with the                     hiring more compliance resources    organisations is to understand or   on FSI organisations, especially in
 accelerated pace of new                    to address the demands of           interpret regulations accurately.   the areas of data privacy,
 regulations issued by regulators.          regulators, increasing their        As a result, they may not be        AML/CFT, conduct risk and cyber
                                            overhead cost of the organisation   identifying suitable controls to    risk management. As a result,
                                                                                manage or mitigate compliance       regulatory fines are at its highest
                                                                                risks.                              level today.

Source: Deloitte Research
© 2021 Deloitte Business Advisory Sdn Bhd                                                                                                    RegAlert     2
RegAlert Deloitte's holistic solution to Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
A look at the Compliance function maturity continuum

                                                                                                                             Robotics and   Talent   ROI and value
                                                                                                                              use of tech management   creation

                                              Basic                                    Better           More
                                            compliance               Analytics      integration       strategic

     • Core Compliance requirements and expectations are       • Enhanced synergies between first and second LoDs        • Optimised oversight and execution processes;
       met                                                       to improve efficiencies and rationalise oversight and     defined LoD reliance models
     • Basic Compliance operating model in place with            execution processes                                     • Fully populated, linked, and implemented
       identified roles and responsibilities                   • Defined end-to-end technology architecture for            governance, risk, and compliance technology
     • Methodologies in place to evaluate, remediate, and        sourcing, aggregation, and analytics of Compliance        platform
       stabilise the basic Compliance structure; traditional     data to enable less reactive and more proactive         • Broad usage of predictive analytics and process
       requirement inventories, risk assessment and training     Compliance management                                     automation for gained efficiencies
       programs                                                • Compliance role is elevated and pronounced in           • Proactive talent management/ capacity planning and
     • Basic or no data technology capabilities in place to      strategic and business line planning                      scalable resource deployment
       support Compliance reporting                            • Framework in place to monitor Compliance resource       • Alignment of Compliance and overall business
                                                                 allocation                                                strategy; value articulated through measurable KRI
                                                               • Clear Compliance vision and strategy embedded             results
                                                                 across the organisation

                                            Foundation                           Modernisation                                            Value creation

© 2021 Deloitte Business Advisory Sdn Bhd                                                                                                                          RegAlert     3
RegAlert Deloitte's holistic solution to Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
The need to invest in a more advanced level of regulatory compliance management

            Tighter, faster                    Increased need for       Holistic view of risk and      Increasing liability          Cost-efficiency
             competition                          coordination                compliance

 When every tenth of a                      Instead of yesterday’s      From predicting and         Organisations are subject   Organisations are
 percentage point counts,                   silos, modern enterprises   sensing to acting and       to more rigorous            seeking ways to reduce
 the value that                             need top-of-house           monitoring, the lines       examinations and            costs while seeking ways
 organisations can derive                   strategies and reliance     between these formerly      steeper fines.              to be more effective with
 from the Compliance                        models, fueled by data      separate realms are         Compliance officers are     increased capacity
 function is no longer                      that keep their risk        quickly disappearing        facing individual
 optional                                   management functions                                    responsibility and
                                            on the same page                                        liability as well

© 2021 Deloitte Business Advisory Sdn Bhd                                                                                                      RegAlert     4
RegAlert Deloitte's holistic solution to Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Introducing RegAlert
 Deloitte’s holistic solution to Regulatory Compliance Monitoring

                                            Regulatory Register
                                            To capture and compile all relevant regulations in a central depository (regulatory library) for ease of
                                            accessibility and referencing, with timely updates of the register

                                            Regulatory Mapping
                                            To assess the criticality of the relevant regulations and map the regulations to relevant action owners
                                            with a clear view of recommended action items for the impacted function

                                            Regulatory Monitoring
                                            To develop a structured compliance monitoring program to track the compliance status of the
                                            regulations, supported by a comprehensive and user-friendly Compliance Monitoring Dashboard

                                            Regulatory Scanning
                                            To perform horizon scanning to track current and new regulatory developments on a regular basis

                                            Regulatory Support
                                            To provide advisory services for the regulatory requirements relevant to the organisation
                                            through our Subject Matter / Industry Experts

© 2021 Deloitte Business Advisory Sdn Bhd                                                                                                              RegAlert   5
RegAlert Deloitte's holistic solution to Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Introducing RegAlert
 Building a comprehensive Regulatory Register for a one-stop centre to access all regulations relevant to you

                                                                                   Build regulatory library with user-friendly search functions and filters

 Conduct assessment on
  organisation’s business                    Identify laws and
 activities and operations                  regulations that are
    to understand the                         applicable to the
 organisation’s regulatory                      organisation

                                                                                         Central depository in Excel           Central depository in Automated Tool

 List of regulatory issuances covered by RegAlert

                     Policy Documents                              Guidelines / Guiding Principles                     Frequently Asked Questions

                     Exposure Drafts                               Notifications                                       Circulars

                     Regulations                                   Discussion Papers                                   Guidance / Clarification / Technical Notes

                     Legislations                                  Directives

© 2021 Deloitte Business Advisory Sdn Bhd                                                                                                                     RegAlert   6
RegAlert Deloitte's holistic solution to Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Introducing RegAlert
 A comprehensive and structured approach to Regulatory Mapping

          Regulatory Register                                           Regulatory Mapping                            Regulatory Monitoring

                                            Dissect regulatory obligations by sections / paragraphs using OCR            Automation of all
       Identify applicable laws
                                                                                                                       regulatory obligations
        and regulations of the
                                                                                                                      and input for continuous
             organisation                         Regulatory              Deloitte OCR (MS       Structured Data            monitoring
                                                Guidelines (PDF)           Visual Studio)           Extraction

       Build regulatory library

                                             Assess risk, criticality                Map regulatory obligations to
                                              and impact of the                       relevant action owners and
                                            regulatory obligations                   identify specific action items

© 2021 Deloitte Business Advisory Sdn Bhd                                                                                             RegAlert   7
RegAlert Deloitte's holistic solution to Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Introducing RegAlert
 Leveraging technology and analytics for effective Regulatory Monitoring

Tracking and monitoring of regulatory requirements are as critical as identifying them. Organisations need a structured compliance monitoring
programme to assess the risk and criticality of the relevant regulations, identify the action items and action owners, and track the overall compliance
status of the regulations.

                                                 Compliance Testing and              Remediation Action and
                     Compliance Report                                                                                      Compliance Dashboard
                                                     Monitoring                              Plan

      Review all relevant information of     Automate compliance workflows       Identify all issues into a             Review compliance data via a
      the regulatory obligations including   and controls testing by assigning   consolidated view and assign the       user-friendly dashboard that is
      risk assessment, impact of non-        tasks to compliance owners in a     right personnel to address and         customised to the organisation’s
      compliance, due date etc. through a    consolidated system to monitor      close the issues, enabling quicker     requirements with a built-in
      comprehensive Compliance Report        resource activities, reduce time    response to emerging risks and         calendar to monitor the overall
      using extensive search capabilities.   burdens on resources and minimise   outstanding regulatory obligations.    status of regulatory compliance.
                                             the risk of compliance failures.

© 2021 Deloitte Business Advisory Sdn Bhd                                                                                                         RegAlert   8
RegAlert Deloitte's holistic solution to Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Introducing RegAlert
 Regulatory Scanning to keep you on your toes of the latest regulatory developments

                  Real-time horizon                             Tailored and relevant                    Immediate                              Seamless change
                  scanning                                      updates                                  regulatory updates                     management

 Real-time tracking of hundreds of                  Receive tailored regulatory                 New or revised regulations are         Updated regulations are assessed
 regulatory sources globally using                  updates that are relevant to you            immediately uploaded into the          and mapped to the relevant
 keywords to filter and scan for new                and your business, filtering out            central depository to ensure your      compliance owners for seamless
 and/or updated regulations, to                     the “noise” so you can focus on             regulatory library is always up-to-    management of regulatory
 ensure you never miss out on the                   what really matters                         date and relevant                      change, allowing you to stay
 latest regulatory developments                                                                                                        ahead of the game

 How it works
                                                                  Not relevant
                                                                                 No further action

              New or revised
                                              assessment on
             regulation issued
                                            regulatory update                      Organisation is                                     Risk assessment and mapping of
                                                                                  notified of new /              Regulatory           updated regulation to compliance
                                                                                 revised regulation           library updated             owner(s), identification of
                                                                                  for confirmation                                            mitigating controls

© 2021 Deloitte Business Advisory Sdn Bhd                                                                                                                        RegAlert   9
Introducing RegAlert
 Deloitte has a multi-disciplinary team consisting of experienced risk managers, seasoned compliance officers and ex-
 regulators to provide Regulatory Support on your journey towards regulatory compliance

                                            Areas covered                                   Services offered

                  Prudential                            Data Protection   Framework Development           Training

                  Market Conduct                        Financial Crime   Gap Assessment                  Model Validation

                  Consumer Protection                   ESG               ISO Certification Readiness     System Implementation

                  Basel Requirements                                      Risk Assessment

                  Regulatory Reporting                                    Control Effectiveness Testing

                  Technology / Outsourcing Risk                           Governance Review

                  Payment Systems                                         License Application Services

© 2021 Deloitte Business Advisory Sdn Bhd                                                                                RegAlert   10
Benefits of RegAlert

         Horizon scanning                    Regulatory expertise            Regulatory library             Business efficiency              Cost optimisation

RegAlert scans for regulatory                Framework developed and      Creates a central depository       Fast access to critical        Achieve long-term cost
 updates, providing alerts to                  supported by Deloitte’s      of regulatory knowledge      information drive efficiency,   savings with the reduction of
 ensure changes in relevant                     network of SMEs that       management, for storing        saving valuable employee           compliance cost and
compliance are monitored in                 constantly provides updates    artefacts and compliance                  time.                     regulatory fines.
          real time.                          on data and insights from           best practice.
                                                 regulatory sources.

© 2021 Deloitte Business Advisory Sdn Bhd                                                                                                                  RegAlert   11
Contact us

                                            Justin Ong                   Bonnie Lee
                                            Malaysia Regulatory Leader   Senior Manager, Regulatory & Legal Support
                                            Deloitte Malaysia            Deloitte Malaysia
                                            +60 3 7610 8895              +60 3 7610 7205

© 2021 Deloitte Business Advisory Sdn Bhd                                                                 RegAlert    12
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms, and their related entities (collectively, the “Deloitte organization”). DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) and each of its
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Deloitte Asia Pacific Limited is a company limited by guarantee and a member firm of DTTL. Members of Deloitte Asia Pacific Limited and their related entities, each of which are separate and independent legal entities, provide services from
more than 100 cities across the region, including Auckland, Bangkok, Beijing, Hanoi, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Melbourne, Osaka, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Taipei and Tokyo.

About Deloitte Malaysia
In Malaysia, services are provided by Deloitte Risk Advisory Sdn. Bhd. and its affiliates.

This communication contains general information only, and none of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms or their related entities (collectively, the “Deloitte organization”) is, by means of this
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© 2021 Deloitte Business Advisory Sdn. Bhd.
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