Reflected-light spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets with RISTRETTO at the VLT - Christophe Lovis University of Geneva - Zenodo

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Reflected-light spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets with RISTRETTO at the VLT - Christophe Lovis University of Geneva - Zenodo
The Very Large Telescope in 2030, ESO Garching, 17-20 June 2019

Reflected-light spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets
            with RISTRETTO at the VLT

                         Christophe Lovis
                        University of Geneva
Reflected-light spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets with RISTRETTO at the VLT - Christophe Lovis University of Geneva - Zenodo
High-Contrast High-Resolution Spectroscopy in Reflected Light
            Characterization of exoplanets around the nearest stars

                                                           Combining high-contrast
                                                           coronagraphy to high-resolution
                                                           spectroscopy in the visible/near-IR
                                                           directly detects the planet
                                                           reflected light and measures:
                                                           •   True mass
                                                           •   Albedo estimate
                                                           •   Atmospheric composition
                                                           •   Cloud properties
                                                           •   Planet rotation
                                                           •   Surface properties
                                                           •   Atmospheric circulation
                                                           •   Weather patterns
                                                           •   Biosignatures

                                                                        Lovis et al. 2017
Reflected-light spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets with RISTRETTO at the VLT - Christophe Lovis University of Geneva - Zenodo
High-Contrast High-Resolution Spectroscopy in Reflected Light
            Characterization of exoplanets around the nearest stars

                                                           Combining high-contrast
                                                           coronagraphy to high-resolution
                                                           spectroscopy in the visible/near-IR
                                                           directly detects the planet
                                                           reflected light and measures:
                                                           •   True mass
                             Proxima b (d = 1.3 pc)        •   Albedo estimate
                            Temperate rocky planet         •   Atmospheric composition
                                                           •   Cloud properties
                                                           •   Planet rotation
                                                           •   Surface properties
                                                           •   Atmospheric circulation
                                                           •   Weather patterns
                                                           •   Biosignatures

                                                                        Lovis et al. 2017
Reflected-light spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets with RISTRETTO at the VLT - Christophe Lovis University of Geneva - Zenodo
High-Contrast High-Resolution Spectroscopy in Reflected Light
            Characterization of exoplanets around the nearest stars

                              GJ 876 b (d = 4.7 pc)
                                 Cool gas giant
                              Easiest HCHR target

                                                           Combining high-contrast
                                                           coronagraphy to high-resolution
                                                           spectroscopy in the visible/near-IR
                                                           directly detects the planet
                                                           reflected light and measures:
                                                           •   True mass
                             Proxima b (d = 1.3 pc)        •   Albedo estimate
                            Temperate rocky planet         •   Atmospheric composition
                                                           •   Cloud properties
                                                           •   Planet rotation
                                                           •   Surface properties
                                                           •   Atmospheric circulation
                                                           •   Weather patterns
                                                           •   Biosignatures

                                                                        Lovis et al. 2017
Reflected-light spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets with RISTRETTO at the VLT - Christophe Lovis University of Geneva - Zenodo
High-Contrast High-Resolution Spectroscopy in Reflected Light
            Characterization of exoplanets around the nearest stars

                              GJ 876 b (d = 4.7 pc)
                                 Cool gas giant
                              Easiest HCHR target

                         More nearby planets to be         Combining high-contrast
                         found by the ESPRESSO,            coronagraphy to high-resolution
                             SPiROU, NIRPS,                spectroscopy in the visible/near-IR
                          CARMENES RV surveys              directly detects the planet
                                                           reflected light and measures:
                                                           •   True mass
                             Proxima b (d = 1.3 pc)        •   Albedo estimate
                            Temperate rocky planet         •   Atmospheric composition
                                                           •   Cloud properties
                                                           •   Planet rotation
                                                           •   Surface properties
                                                           •   Atmospheric circulation
                                                           •   Weather patterns
                                                           •   Biosignatures

                                                                        Lovis et al. 2017
Reflected-light spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets with RISTRETTO at the VLT - Christophe Lovis University of Geneva - Zenodo
High-Contrast High-Resolution Spectroscopy in Reflected Light
            Characterization of exoplanets around the nearest stars
Reflected-light spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets with RISTRETTO at the VLT - Christophe Lovis University of Geneva - Zenodo
High-Contrast High-Resolution Spectroscopy in Reflected Light
            Characterization of exoplanets around the nearest stars
Reflected-light spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets with RISTRETTO at the VLT - Christophe Lovis University of Geneva - Zenodo
ELT-HIRES Science Priorities
 Priority 1: Exoplanet atmospheres via transmission spectroscopy (potential detection of bio-
  TLR 1: R > 100,000, 0.5-1.8 μm, et alia; drive the HIRES baseline design
  Enables: reionization of Universe; characterization of Cool stars
  Doable: detection and investigation of near pristine gas; 3D reconstruction of the CGM; Extragalactic transients
 Priority 2: Variation of the fundamental constants of Physics
  TLR 2: blue extension to 0.37 μm
  Enables: Cosmic variation of the CMB temperature, Determination of the deuterium abundance; investigation and
  characterization of primitive stars
 Priority 3: Exoplanet atmospheres via reflection spectroscopy (potential detection of bio-
  Enables: Planet formation in protoplanetary disks; characterization of stellar atmospheres; Search of low mass Black
  Doable: characterization of the physics of protoplanetary disks
 Priority 4: Redshift drift (Sandage test)
  TLR 4: ! accuracy 2 cm/s, stability 2 cm/s
  Enables: Mass determination of exoplanets (Earth-like objects)
  Doable: Radial velocity search for exoplanets around M-dwarf stars

                                                                                           Courtesy A. Marconi
Reflected-light spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets with RISTRETTO at the VLT - Christophe Lovis University of Geneva - Zenodo
ELT-HIRES Science Priorities
 Priority 1: Exoplanet atmospheres via transmission spectroscopy (potential detection of bio-
  TLR 1: R > 100,000, 0.5-1.8 μm, et alia; drive the HIRES baseline design
  Enables: reionization of Universe; characterization of Cool stars
  Doable: detection and investigation of near pristine gas; 3D reconstruction of the CGM; Extragalactic transients
 Priority 2: Variation of the fundamental constants of Physics
  TLR 2: blue extension to 0.37 μm
  Enables: Cosmic variation of the CMB temperature, Determination of the deuterium abundance; investigation and
  characterization of primitive stars
 Priority 3: Exoplanet atmospheres via reflection spectroscopy (potential detection of bio-
  Enables: Planet formation in protoplanetary disks; characterization of stellar atmospheres; Search of low mass Black
  Doable: characterization of the physics of protoplanetary disks
 Priority 4: Redshift drift (Sandage test)
  TLR 4: ! accuracy 2 cm/s, stability 2 cm/s
  Enables: Mass determination of exoplanets (Earth-like objects)
  Doable: Radial velocity search for exoplanets around M-dwarf stars

                                                                                           Courtesy A. Marconi
Reflected-light spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets with RISTRETTO at the VLT - Christophe Lovis University of Geneva - Zenodo

             high-Resolution Integral-field Spectrograph for the Tomography of
                    Resolved Exoplanets Through Timely Observations

                                                 Integral-field unit
   VLT-AOF/SPHERE         Ultra-fast 2nd-stage                         High-resolution
1st-stage AO correction      AO correction                              spectrograph
                                                 monomode fibers

               -> Pathfinder for ELT-HIRES: inform design of SCAO-IFU mode
PDS 70: circumstellar disk + planet with SPHERE
(Keppler et al. 2018)
Sebastiaan Haffert et al. Nature Astronomy 2019
MUSE IFU (VLT) – R = 3000, moderate AO

                                         Courtesy I. Snellen
Second planet!

                 Courtesy I. Snellen
Science Cases for RISTRETTO

• One high-risk high-gain objective: the detection of biosignatures on
  Proxima b
• One « easy » target: studying the temperate giant planet GJ 876 b and
  demonstrating reflected-light exoplanet spectroscopy for the first time
• Detailed studies of accretion processes onto forming proto-planets
  (spatially, dynamically, temporally) through H-alpha line emission
• Solar System studies: spatially-resolved high-resolution spectroscopy of
  the surface of planets, icy moons (e.g. geysers), comets and minor bodies
RISTRETTO at the VLT: Technical Requirements

            Top-level requirements

•   Proxima b is the sizing science case
•   Contrast requirement: 2x10-4 at 2.0
    lambda/D at 700 nm (post-coronagraph)
•   Strehl ratio > 50% at 700 nm
•   Integral-field unit with multiplexing >= 7
    covering the annulus at 2.0 lambda/D
•   Wavelength range: 600-800 nm
•   Spectral resolution > 150,000

       XAO 2nd stage & fiber injection

•   Pyramid wavefront sensor
•   Ultra-fast AO loop (~3.5 kHz)
•   Moderate number of actuators (~400)
•   Optimized pupil-plane coronagraph
•   Lenslet array + fiber injection module
                                                 AO simulations by M. Kasper (ESO)
        High-resolution spectrograph

•   Multiplexing >= 7
•   Spectral sampling > 2.5 pixels FWHM
•   Thermal & mechanical stability
•   PSF stability
Simulating Proxima b Observations: the Reflected Spectrum

                                                Lovis et al. 2017
Simulating Proxima b Observations: the Reflected Spectrum

  How much time are you willing to invest to characterize a rocky planet in
           the habitable zone around our closest neighbour?

                               1 ELT night?
                               2 ELT nights?
                               3 ELT nights?
Simulating Proxima b Observations: the Reflected Spectrum

  How much time are you willing to invest to characterize a rocky planet in
           the habitable zone around our closest neighbour?

                                1 ELT night?
                                2 ELT nights?
                                3 ELT nights?

                Well, that’s…   23 VLT nights
                                46 VLT nights
                                69 VLT nights!
Detectability of the Reflected Spectrum
Detectability of the Reflected Spectrum

Integration time for GJ 876 b: less than a night
RISTRETTO Optical Design
Work by B. Chazelas & S. Bovay (UniGE)

 Main characteristics:
 ‣Wavelength range 620-840 nm
 ‣R >= 150,000
 ‣7 fibers IFU
 ‣4Kx4K 15 micron detector
 ‣Custom grating at ~20.36 l/mm and 70°

                                          ‣ Partnership with Canada (R. Doyon)
                                          ‣ Canada to procure, assemble and test the
                                          ‣ Hardware costs ~700-800 k€
RISTRETTO at the Swiss 1.2m Telescope in La Silla

• Being a diffraction-limited instrument,
  RISTRETTO can be adapted to any telescope
  with a good AO correction in the visible
• Euler-AO is an independent project (PI: J.
  Hagelberg) with the goal of installing a
  simplified version of Robo-AO (PI: C. Baranec)
  on the Swiss telescope
• Excellent opportunity to test RISTRETTO on-
  sky and demonstrate performances before
  going to the VLT
• Euler-AO to be installed end of 2019
Robo-AO at the Palomar 1.5m Telescope

                                 Courtesy J. Hagelberg

        Expected AO performance
No AO   RoboAO@Kitt Peak

                                                   Simulations at 750nm
                                                          and 0.7” seeing

            Jensen-Clem+ (2018)


                                             Courtesy J. Hagelberg

            SPHERE pathway                                        AOF pathway

Pros                                               Pros
• Well-working instrument                          • Proposed as a visitor instrument on AOF
• Significant expertise and return of experience   • Fast 2nd-stage AO system built from scratch
• « The » XAO instrument at the VLT                  with few external constraints (e.g. RTC)
                                                   • Faster development / less expensive?
                                                   • More freedom to explore new techniques and
Cons                                                 risky options

• ESO instrument in operation
• Not originally designed for allowing an AO       Cons
  upgrade, nor a visible fiber link port
• Proposed SPHERE+ upgrade only for IR arm         • Needs a free slot on UT4 Nasmyth focus
• Difficult to change SAXO
• Needs another 2nd-stage AO system for the
  visible arm (high complexity, limited space)
RISTRETTO as a Visitor Instrument on UT4

Nasmyth A


From 2025 (?):

       Window of opportunity: 2023-2025 (early de-commissioning of HAWK-I)
RISTRETTO: Implementation Plan

Setup at the VLT
• Use of standard AOF infrastructure for 1st-stage AO correction (DSM,
  WFS, RTC), on-axis correction with natural guide star (LGS interesting?)
• Re-use/copy of GRAAL/ERIS components?
• Development of an independent 2nd-stage AO system based on
  commercially-available components wherever possible (e.g. Boston DM,
  OCAM2K camera)

• 2019-2022: Design and construction phase (spectrograph, fiber link, IFU,
  coronagraph, 2nd-stage AO system)
• 2020-2021: Proposal to ESO and its committees
• 2022: Installation on the Swiss 1.2m telescope in La Silla, on-sky
  demonstration, performance validation
• 2023: Installation on UT4 as a visitor instrument (early de-commissioning
  of HAWK-I)

• RISTRETTO is a proposed visitor instrument at the VLT for pioneering
  reflected-light spectroscopy of exoplanets
• The potential of this technique with ELT-HIRES is huge and may be the
  first to provide a detection of biosignatures
• Additional science cases include accreting proto-planets and surface
  features of Solar System objects
• Use VLT-RISTRETTO as a pathfinder for ELT-HIRES (and do interesting
  science with it!)
• RISTRETTO to be first tested on the Swiss 1.2m telescope in La Silla
• RISTRETTO to be installed at the Nasmyth A focus of UT4 in ~2023
• Visible XAO is a high-profile niche for the VLT and will likely remain so for
  a long time
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