Reducing Food Waste - INSIDE Environmental impact Food insecurity How the new system works - City of Benicia

Page created by Rhonda Lawson
Reducing Food Waste - INSIDE Environmental impact Food insecurity How the new system works - City of Benicia
    Food Waste
                  Why it matters, who it
                  helps, and how to do it

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Food insecurity
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How the new
system works
Reducing Food Waste - INSIDE Environmental impact Food insecurity How the new system works - City of Benicia
        BILL 1383                                  Why It
Signed into law in 2016,
SB 1383 mandates:

             Reduction of
             organic waste
             disposal in
             landfills by
                                    Food waste creates serious problems for our environment and                    by

             Rescue of              our community, but our region has the answers                                  Allen Pierleoni
             wasted surplus
             food by 2025.

HERE’S HOW                              he science is simple,
IT WILL WORK:                           the consequences are
                                        devastating, the solutions
                                                                     “I liken this to when
                                  are long-term but clear.           recycling was first
                                      Essentially, decomposing
                                  organic waste in landfills emits
                                                                     introduced. I
                                  greenhouse gases—particularly      imagine that was
                                  methane—that are main
                                  contributors to global warming.
                                                                     a huge cultural
Beginning Jan. 1, 2022,           The result is climate change,      shift, trying to
residents and businesses will
be required to recycle all
                                  making our world increasingly
                                  hostile: rising temperatures,
                                                                     teach the overall
organic waste. These organic      intensifying drought, more         population
materials will be recycled at:    extreme weather events, and
                                  a nearly year-round wildfire
                                                                     what to do with
 • Anaerobic digestion
   facilities that create
                                  season.                            glass, plastic, and
   biofuel and electricity.
                                      In California, however,
                                  statewide mandates are
                                                                     aluminum cans.”
 • Composting facilities          coming Jan. 1, 2022, requiring a                                       material to recycling facilities
                                                                     Corey Beavers, Management Analyst
   that make soil                 75% reduction in organic waste     Fairfield Public Works Department
                                                                                                         that create biofuel and
   amendments.                    disposal and a 20% increase in                                         electricity, and to composting
                                  edible food waste recovery by                                          facilities to make soil
Local governments will be                                                                                amendments,” Beavers says.
                                  2025. The genesis is Senate Bill
required to use the recycled      1383, signed into law in 2016                                              Not only does this benefit
products, such as renewable       and heralded at the time as “a     organizations that collect          soil, water, and air quality,
energy, compost, and mulch.       revolution for organic waste.”     and distribute excess edible        and reduce greenhouse
                                      One piece of it is organic     food. The mandates require          gases, it also extends the life
                                  collection services for all        businesses to participate in        of landfills. Right now, the
                                  residents and businesses to        edible food recovery programs,      estimated organic content of
                                  reduce organics in landfills,      which will cut into the 6 million   landfills ranges from 40% to
                                  helping fight the impact of        tons of food that is wasted in      more than 60%.
                                  greenhouse gases and the           California each year, Beavers           What about the sociological
                                  resulting climate change.          says.                               impact of the programs?
FOOD RESCUE                           “That’s especially pertinent       “Feeding America (a                 “I liken this to when
Beginning Jan. 1, 2022            to Solano County, as it and        nationwide network of food          recycling was first introduced.
for large food service            surrounding counties have seen     banks) reports that one in          I imagine that was a huge
businesses (and by 2024 for       wildfires and the pollution that   seven children in Solano            cultural shift, trying to teach
smaller ones), edible food        came with them,” says Corey        County faces hunger, while the      the overall population what
must be donated to food           Beavers, Management Analyst        Food Bank of Contra Costa and       to do with glass, plastic, and
recovery organizations            for the City of Fairfield Public   Solano distributes more than        aluminum cans,” he says.
instead of thrown away.           Works Department.                  68.8 million meals each year,”          Beavers sees the new
These businesses include              Another piece is redirecting   Beavers says.                       model as a matter of teaching
restaurants, schools, hotels,     donated excess edible food to          Reducing greenhouse gases       people what to do with organic
hospitals, grocery stores, etc.   the food-insecure, rather than     by eliminating organic waste        waste, and why.
This will help feed the almost    disposing of it in landfills, he   from landfills is also a goal of        “Hopefully, these small
1 in 4 Californians without       says.                              the mandates.                       changes...will lead to positive
enough to eat.                        Leading that effort are food       “Jurisdictions will be          results for all of us and future
                                  recovery and hunger relief         required to take organic            generations,” he says.

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Reducing Food Waste - INSIDE Environmental impact Food insecurity How the new system works - City of Benicia

   The Environmental
                                                                                                             DO WE WASTE?

                                                                                                                40% produced in
                                                                                                                          of food

  Immediate action can turn around the devastating effects                         by                                     goes uneaten
  of food waste in our landfills                                                   Allen Pierleoni

      he Department of           agency continues to develop             material into electricity, low
      Resources, Recycling and   new resources and planning              carbon fuel, and compost is
      Recovery—better known      tools in partnership with               helping eliminate methane
as CalRecycle—has a storied
tradition as the steward to
                                                                         and supporting local green
                                                                         job growth and recycling               6 million tons
California’s environment.                                                infrastructure,” Klug says.         of food goes into California
    That role has never been                                                 “Meeting the state’s organic             landfills
more essential or visible       “The implementation                      diversion goals will protect
than now, as climate change     of SB 1383 is one of                     public health and support
worsens and a rollout of                                                 economic growth,” Klug says.
revolutionary mandates are      the fastest and easiest                  For instance, 17,600 jobs have
poised to debut Jan. 1, 2022.
    Rooted in Senate Bill
                                ways Californians can                    been created around the
                                                                         organics diversion industry,
1383, signed in 2016, the new   fight climate change,                    with health and social benefits
regulations will require a 75%
reduction in organic waste      feed Californians in                     valued at $10.5 billion.
                                                                             “California can’t afford to     56% of landfills’ content
disposal and a 20% increase     need, conserve water,                    delay its climate fight,” Klug       is food waste, food-soiled
                                                                                                               paper, green waste, and
in edible food waste recovery                                            says. “We’re experiencing
by 2025. The laws will require  and move the state                       extreme drought, extreme                 other organic waste
cities and counties to be                                                wildfires, and record heat
responsible for implementing
                                toward a future with                     waves.”
the programs while reporting    less pollution and more                      A look at California’s latest
to CalRecycle. Recycling                                                 Climate Change Assessment
specialists expect a massive    green jobs.”                             Study expects even more
behavior change for residents                                            intense impacts by the year
                                Lance Klug, Public Information Officer                                           Municipal landfills are
and businesses alike.                                                    2100:
                                                                                                                the third-largest source
    “The implementation of SB CalRecycle’s Office of Public Affairs       • Average daily maximum               of greenhouse gases in
1383 is one of the fastest and                                              temperature could rise by        California, and methane is a
easiest ways Californians can                                               5.6 to 8.8 degrees.              climate super-polluter that’s
fight climate change, feed
Californians in need, conserve                                            • 77% more of the state could       84 times more potent than
water, and move the state        jurisdictions.                             experience devastating                   carbon dioxide
toward a future with less            At the heart of the issue is           wildfires.
pollution and more green jobs,” the overabundance of organic              • The snow pack, which is
says Lance Klug of CalRecycle’s material in landfills. About                California’s largest water
Office of Public Affairs.        56% of landfills’ content is               reserve, could decline by
    “CalRecycle is here to help  food waste, food-soiled paper,             75% by 2050.
jurisdictions overcome local     green waste, and other organic
implementation challenges,”      waste, Klug says. As organic                Klug wants to remind all
Klug says.                       waste decomposes, it produces           Californians of the bottom line:
    CalRecycle has gathered
input from cities and counties
to help shape pathways to
                                 methane gas, a climate super-
                                 polluter that’s 84 times more
                                 potent than carbon dioxide.
                                                                         “We need to take immediate
                                                                         action to turn our trajectory
                                                                         away from this probable
                                                                                                                    1 in 4
                                                                                                               Californians go to bed
compliance, he says. The             “(Among other benefits              future.”                                      hungry
process is ongoing, as the       of) transforming organic

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Reducing Food Waste - INSIDE Environmental impact Food insecurity How the new system works - City of Benicia

                                                                                                               BY THE
                                                                                   FOOD IS FREE SOLANO


                                                                                                         Prior to the COVID-19
                                                                                                         pandemic, 10% of Solano
                                                                                                         County residents (or 43,650)
                                                                                                         were food insecure1

                                                                                                                That number may
                                                                                                                rise as high as 15%
                                                                                                                as a result of the

                                                                                                         Not all people who are food
                                                                                                         insecure live in poverty,
                                                                                                         and not all those who
                                                                                                         live in poverty are food
                                                                                                         insecure. Other contributing
                                                                                                         factors include: lack of

    Food Insecurity
                                                                                                         transportation; chronic
                                                                                                         disease; disabilities; living
                                                                                                         in “food deserts”; social
                                                                                                         isolation; age

   It is a terrible irony that while food rots in a landfill, people in        by
   our community don’t have enough to eat                                      Raul Clement

      ometimes the biggest          a forklift, a pallet jack, and   is excited about the impact of      Solano County has 5 fewer
      attempts to change            indoor storage.                  Senate Bill 1383. She believes      grocery stores per 100,000
      the world have modest             In the process, she built    that, by regulating the disposal    residents than California as
beginnings. That was the case       a network of people eager        of food waste, the bill will        a whole
for Heather Pierini, founder of     to receive food that would       “normalize food rescue.”
Food is Free Solano.                otherwise be thrown away.            “Sometimes I’ll call a school
    “I have a big home garden,      This includes nonprofits, soup   and say, ‘We’ll pick up your
and I’ve always grown too           kitchens, mutual aid networks,   food that’s left over from your
much for my family,” Pierini        and perhaps more surprising      lunch services,’” Pierini says.     Around 45%
explains. “For years, I would                                        “And they say, ‘We can’t do that    of Solano County residents
give it away to my neighbors.                                        because we’d be responsible.’       have limited access to
But beginning with the                                               They don’t understand that          healthy and affordable
pandemic, people were going         “If we can disperse              there are donation laws, that       food2
through the baskets on my           food in more                     there is protection for them,
table, looking for more food. I                                      and that this is now going to be
thought, Let’s see if we can get    equitable ways, then             the way things work.”               17% of children in
                                                                                                         Solano County experience
more.”                              we have a stronger                   Pierini anticipates that,
                                                                                                         food insecurity
    She encouraged others in                                         as schools, hospitals, and
her hometown of Benicia to          society. There is no             restaurants become aware
start up food stands. Within        downside.”                       of SB 1383, the process will
                                                                                                         38% of these children
a month, there were a dozen                                          become more streamlined. In
                                                                                                         are ineligible for federal
community stands. But she           Heather Pierini, founder         the meantime, she is happy
                                                                                                         nutrition programs
was still not satisfied. She        Food is Free Solano.             to do the work of educating
discovered the USDA Farmers                                          people on the benefits of food
to Families Food Box Program,                                        rescue.                             11 million tons
a pandemic response program         recipients.                          “If we can disperse food in     of food alone is estimated
that kept farmers in business by        “We have everything          more equitable ways, then we        to be thrown away in
getting their food to nonprofits.   from hog farms that can take     have a stronger society. There      California each year
But in order to take part, she      truckloads to a guinea pig       is no downside.”
had to be able to receive food      rescue that takes two boxes of
by the truckload. This led to       salad,” she says.                More information, including
setting up a distribution hub at        As Food is Free Solano       how to volunteer or                 Around 30-40%
the Solano County Fairgrounds.      has shifted from distributing    donate, can be found at             of food is thrown away in
Soon she was in possession          USDA boxes to a full-blown               the US annually
of two refrigerated trucks,         food rescue operation, Pierini

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Reducing Food Waste - INSIDE Environmental impact Food insecurity How the new system works - City of Benicia
How the                                                                 ORGANIC WASTE EXPLAINED
   New System Works                                                       Beginning Jan. 1, 2022, all cities and counties in California
                                                                          will be required to collect the following types of organic
                                                                          waste. In fact, several cities in Solano County already
New law gives citizens the tools to                   by Gail             accept some or all of these items--check with your hauler
stamp out climate change and hunger                   Allyn Short         or your Recycling Coordinator to find out.

      tarting in January 2022, a “A small action can                                         LAWN DEBRIS
      new law goes into effect                                                               • Grass clippings
      that will help stop food    make a big difference.                                     • Leaves
waste in its tracks.              With everybody doing                                       • Weeds
    In 2018 alone, U.S. homes,
commercial entities, and          their part, you can have                                   • Shrubs
institutions generated about      a domino effect and                                        • Branches and pruning
63 million tons of wasted
food. Meanwhile, 35 million       create a larger change.”
Americans experienced                                                                        FOOD *
hunger in 2019.                   Samantha Brown, Recycling Coordinator
    Uneaten food that ends up City of Vacaville                                              • Food & vegetable scraps
in landfills produces methane,                                                               • Coffee grounds
a greenhouse gas. A buildup                                                                  • Tea bags
of greenhouse gases is warming           But Brown warns that every
the planet, resulting in climate     municipality is different, so                           • Egg shells
change, such as wildfires and        residents and businesses should                         • Bread
increased temperatures.              check with their local recycling
                                                                                             • Pasta
    California’s new legislation,    service to learn what waste
SB 1383, mandates that the state     materials haulers in their area                         • Meat, poultry, and fish
reduce the amount of organic         will accept.                                            • Bones
waste going into landfills by 75%        In addition, SB 1383
by 2025.                             requires large food-generating
    “That’s important because        businesses—such as                                      PAPER AND WOOD PRODUCTS
organic waste like food scraps,      supermarkets, grocery stores,                           • Paper bags
yard trimmings, paper, and           and food distributors—to donate
                                     edible food items that would                            • Coffee filters
cardboard make up half what
Californians dump in landfills,”     otherwise be thrown away.                               • Food soiled tissue, napkins, and paper
says Samantha Brown, the                 To do that, these companies                           towels
City of Vacaville’s Recycling        will need to contract with food                         • Non-coated paper plates
Coordinator.                         recovery organizations and
                                                                                             • Paper cups that contain no plastic or
    The law will require residents food banks that can collect and                             plastic coating
to separate their organic waste      distribute the food.
from their trash and recyclables.        To donate food, impacted                            • Wooden chopsticks
Organic waste includes               businesses    should consult their                      • Wooden coffee stir sticks
traditional green waste such         local recycling coordinator
                                     for a list of food recovery                             • Pizza boxes
as grass clippings, leaves, tree
and shrub prunings, and weeds,       organizations in their area,
as well as fruit and vegetables,     Brown says.
bread, seafood and shellfish,            “SB 1383 will provide food                          HERE’S WHAT SHOULD NEVER GO
egg shells, pasta, meat, poultry,    to those who need it while                              INTO THE ORGANIC WASTE BIN:
bones and food-soiled paper          simultaneously reducing the                             • Concrete, rocks, and dirt
products.                            amount going to the landfill,”
                                                                                             • Electronics such as computers, cell
    Residents will continue          she says.
                                                                                               phones, mercury switches, batteries, and
placing items like plastic               Brown says that citizens
                                                                                               fluorescent light bulbs
containers, cardboard, and glass     coming together can help make
bottles into the blue recycling      the environment cleaner.                                • Hot ashes or coals
bin while all other garbage goes         “A small action can make a                          • Paints solvents, motor oil, cleaners,
into gray or black trash bins.       big difference. With everybody                            corrosives, fuel tanks, and propane tanks
    Under SB 1383, businesses        doing their part, you can have
                                                                                             • Metal, glass, and plastic
must require workers to properly a domino effect and create a
sort waste, and provide labeled      larger change.”
organic waste bins for patrons                                            *Acceptable materials will vary by hauler prior to SB 1383
to use.                                                                   implementation.

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Reducing Food Waste - INSIDE Environmental impact Food insecurity How the new system works - City of Benicia

 You could be in the business
 of providing or serving
 food, or you could be in the
 business of business. Either
 way, there are many ways
 to reduce food waste.


           Monitor inventory
           and waste.
           Knowing what
           is being wasted
 is the first step toward
                                 Already Doing It:
                                 One Solano County Business
         Monitor before
         it becomes
         waste. Keep               Learn how a popular local grocery store has long been                                by
         your leftovers
                                   helping our food insecure residents                                                  Matt Jocks
 organized by date to

 reduce spoilage and                 or Sprouts Markets and             “They are looking for              home the culture, that these
 waste.                              other food retailers,          product that may be past the           things have a real impact.”
                                     priority one will always be    code date, or might be bruised,            Kacer said there was initial
                                the customers coming in the         discolored, or misshapen,”             reluctance among some in the

                                front door.                         says Justin Kacer, Sprouts’            company regarding potential
         Designate                  However, in an age of           Sustainability Manager. “It            liability for problems caused by
         a reduction            advancing climate change            can be collected and it’s still        food-related health problems
         manager. Whether       and food insecurity, there is       edible.”                               for recipients. Finding they had
         it’s in the kitchen    increasing concern with what                                               legal protection, the efforts got
 or the break room, make        goes out the back door.                                                    sign-offs from all departments.
 reduction someone’s                The enactment of SB             “Doing the right thing                     Aside from the community
 business.                      1383 has codified targets           can also be good for                   and brand benefit, Kacer said
                                and requirements for the                                                   there are tangible economic
                                management and recovery of          business.”                             gains as well. The efforts

                                food waste. But Sprouts’ efforts                                           make companies eligible for
         Be creative in the                                         Justin Kacer, Sustainability Manager
                                on that front predate the           Sprouts Markets                        significant tax benefits and the
         kitchen. Look for      legislation.                                                               reduction of food headed for
         lunch recipes to           Sprouts passed the 50%                                                 landfills reduces hauling costs.
         bring to the office    mark in food waste diversion                                                   While there is the human
 that use all parts of meat     in 2017, and according to its           The important work is done         element—and Kacer uses
 and produce.                   Environmental, Social, and          at the ground level, but the           the word “heartbreaking”
                                Government Report, improved         involvement is company-wide.           to describe throwing away
                                to 68% during the challenging       Managers will even spend               good food—the hope is that

         Be creative in the     year of 2020.                       some time at the outdoor bins,         bottom-line benefits will bring
         break room. How            It is the result of an          getting a clear picture of what        more buy-in from the largest
                                all-hands-on-board effort that      sustainability is about, as well       retailers.
         about a Leftovers
                                starts in the aisles and shelves,   as spending time at the local              “Doing the right thing,”
         Friday potluck? A
                                with employees trained to           food banks.                            he said, “can also be good for
 compost bin? A spot where
                                identify products that are              “Having the experience             business.”
 the green thumbs can
                                appropriate for donation to         of actually seeing it can be
 share their homegrown          local food bank operations,         transformative,” Kacer says.
 produce?                       or for other purposes, such as      “And hosting a managers’
                                animal feed or composting.          meeting at a food bank drives

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Reducing Food Waste - INSIDE Environmental impact Food insecurity How the new system works - City of Benicia
                                                                                                           TO REDUCE
                                                                                                         FOOD WASTE IN
                                                                                                          YOUR HOME
                                                                                                         Reducing food waste can
                                                                                                         seem like a daunting task,
                                                                                                         but it doesn’t have to be!
                                                                                                         Consider these easy ways
                                                                                                         to limit your food waste in
                                                                                                         your own home.

Already Doing It:                                                                                        Start a composting bin for
                                                                                                         leftover food scraps. You can

One Solano County Resident
                                                                                                         use compost for a garden, or
                                                                                                         gift it to someone with their
                                                                                                         own garden.

  Pamela Herron isn’t just all talk: she grew up on a farm and                 by
  has been composting her food waste for nearly 50 years                       Krysta Scripter

          hether it’s taking       take their food scraps for her     gardens like Herron’s.
          vegetable scraps from    chickens or using the leftover          “They’re fabulous about
          a friend’s restaurant    coffee chaff (the by-product       sharing the wealth,” she says.     Join a local buy-nothing
for her eight chickens, sharing    of roasting coffee) from local     “Anybody who’s ever lived on a     group or sustainability group
extra produce with locals, or      cafes for chicken bedding. She     farm or had anything to do with    on social media to see what
composting for her garden,         also brings her own takeout        food production, you know that     others are sharing.
Herron prioritizes reducing her    containers to restaurants.         when it comes, it all comes...
food waste as much as she can.                                        you either have the space to

    “At our Vallejo home, we                                          process it and can or freeze
have three rotating compost                                           it, or you give it away to your
bins. Before going into the        “Even urban living                 neighbors.”
compost though, veggie and         can be more                             Composting, finding local
fruit scraps are fed to my flock                                      sustainability groups, and
of hens,” she says. She uses       sustainable if you                 starting a garden are all ways     Bring your own takeout
composting to help her garden,     accept the fact                    to reduce food waste, but          containers when eating out.
where the hard-packed clay                                            Herron says it’s also about
soil of her Solano County home     that all systems are               understanding your food

poses a problem. Composting        interconnected.”                   buying habits as well.
allows her to amend the soil                                               “There’s an old saying that
and put food waste to good         Pamela Herron                      when you go to the grocery
use.                               Solano County Resident             store, you shouldn’t be looking
    Herron, who grew up on                                            in the center aisle at all, you
a Kentucky farm, has been                                             should be staying on the           Buy fresh food whenever
interested in composting and           “Even urban living can         outside rows which is where        you can—you can throw out
sustainable farming for most       be more sustainable if you         you know the produce, fresh        what you don’t use in your
of her life. “My parents grew      accept the fact that all systems   fish, and fresh meat (are),” she   compost bin.
mostly organic without even        are interconnected,” she           says.

knowing what that meant. In        says. Herron participates in            Considering most processed
the country, there’s no trash      several sustainability groups      foods are heavy packed in
pickup or recycling so I was       via Facebook, like the Vallejo     plastic and other materials,
raised to waste as little as       Buy Nothing Group and a Bay        Herron adds, “the more that
possible and reuse everything.”    Area gardening group. The          you can move away from
    Herron frequently utilizes     Buy Nothing group shares           processed food, then you’re
her community and friends          unwanted or extra items with       reducing waste all around not      Start a fruit or vegetable
to help reduce food waste in       other local members in the         just food waste but reducing       garden (and share your
her area, like partnering with     area, which can often include      what goes to the landfill.”        bounty with your neighbors!).
a friend’s local restaurant to     extra produce from residents’

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Reducing Food Waste - INSIDE Environmental impact Food insecurity How the new system works - City of Benicia
A Change
  is Coming
                    New ways to dispose of organic
                    waste—and rescue edible food—
                    will have a huge impact on our

                    Your local haulers and government
                    officials are the best sources for how
                    your neighborhood or business will
                    collect and recycle organic waste.

  CITY OF BENICIA                                                      UNINCORPORATED SOLANO COUNTY
  Republic Services Benicia:                                           Republic Services:
  (925) 685-4711 | https://www.republicservices.                       (707) 437-8900 (general) | (707) 437-8947
  com                                                                  (recycling/organics) | https://www.republic
  City of Benicia
  Recycling Coordinator: Sharon Denney                                 Senior Planner: Narcisa Untal                                   

  CITY OF DIXON                                                        CITY OF SUISUN CITY
  Recology Dixon:                                                      Republic Services:
  (707) 678-4026 |                           (707) 437-8900 (general) | (707) 437-8947
  recology-dixon/                                                      (recycling/organics) | https://www.republic
  City of Dixon
  Recycling Coordinator: Linda Babb                                    Recycling Coordinator: Amanda Dum                                       

  CITY OF FAIRFIELD                                                    CITY OF VACAVILLE
  Republic Services:
                                                                       Recology Vacaville Solano
  (707) 437-8900 (general) | (707) 437-8947
                                                                       (707) 448-2945 |
  (recycling/organics) | https://www.republic                                                         City of Vacaville:
                                                                       Recycling Coordinator: Samantha Brown
  Recycling Coordinator: Corey Beavers

                                                                       CITY OF VALLEJO
                                                                       Recology Vallejo:
  Mount Diablo Resource & Recovery:
                                                                       (707) 552-3110 |
  (707) 374-5644 |                          recology-vallejo/
  City of Rio Vista
                                                                       City of Vallejo
  Recycling Coordinator: Sarah Davis
                                                                       Recycling Coordinator: Derek Crutchfield

                                         Produced for Solano County by N&R Publications,      PUBLICATIONS
Reducing Food Waste - INSIDE Environmental impact Food insecurity How the new system works - City of Benicia Reducing Food Waste - INSIDE Environmental impact Food insecurity How the new system works - City of Benicia
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