Recovering and Rebuilding - Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021

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Recovering and Rebuilding - Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021
Recovering and Rebuilding
Investment Outlook
First Quarter 2021
Recovering and Rebuilding - Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021
Global Chief Market Strategist

    Contributors                                                  Willem Sels
                                                                  +44 (0)207 860 5258

    Global Investment Strategist, Managing Editor   Head of Asset Allocation

                  Neha Sahni                                      Stanko Milojevic
                  +44 (0)20 7024 1341                             +44 (0)20 7024 6577

    Regional Chief Market Strategists

                  Belal Mohammed Khan                             Cheuk Wan Fan
                  +41 (0)58 705 5273                              +852 2899 8648

                  Jose Rasco                                      Jonathan Sparks
                  +1 (1)212 525 3264                              +44 (0)20 7860 3248

                  Patrick Ho                                      James Cheo
                  +852 8525 8691                                  +65 6658 3885

    Global Head of Fixed Income                     Global Head of Equities

                  Laurent Lacroix                                 Kevin Lyne Smith
                  +44 (0)207 024 0613                             +44 (0)207 860 6597

    Global FX Coordinator                           Senior Fixed Income Credit Specialist

                  Nicoletta Trovisi                               Elena Kolchina
                  +44 207 005 8569                                +44 0207 860 3058

    Head of Sustainable Product Offering            Global Head of Hedge Funds

                  Sophie Haas                                     Richard Berger
                  +44 (0) 207 024 0283                             +44 (0) 203 359 6139

    Global Market Analyst, Real Estate Investment   Senior Product Specialist | Private Market Investments

                 Guy Sheppard                                     Jorge Huitron
                 +44 (0)207 024 0522                              +44 (0) 203 359 7040

Recovering and Rebuilding - Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021
Letter to clients                                        05
What will drive markets in 2021                          06
Portfolio Strategy: Top 10 Tips for 2021                 10
Three hidden insights from the
Market Patchwork                                         12
Top Trends for 2021
     1. Recharging Asia’s Growth                          14
     2. Digital Transformation                            18
     3. Recovering in a Low Yield World                  22
     4. Investing for a Sustainable Future24

Sustainability: Moving from
responsible to sustainable investing                     26
Fixed Income                                             32
FX and Commodities                                       36
Hedge Funds                                              38
Private Markets                                          40
Real Estate                                              42

                                           Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021   3
Recovering and Rebuilding - Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021
Click below to watch our Chief Market Strategists
    team discuss our market views for 2021.

      Recovering and Rebuilding
      Investment Outlook
      First Quarter 2021

Recovering and Rebuilding - Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021
Dear client
After a turbulent 2020, markets have             All of these factors can lead to volatility,        trend, but also because 2021 should be a
started to look forward to friendlier            which means that investors need to remain           pivotal moment for sustainable investing,
fundamentals. Global economic growth             selective and diversified, but it also means        due to strong government commitments,
is improving, and broadening beyond              that 2021 will present hedge funds with a           rapid technological advances in this
manufacturing and the digital economy.           rich opportunity set. Importantly, none of          area, and the major expansion in
The vaccine should allow consumer                the potential triggers of volatility we listed      investment options.
confidence to pick up, and the all-important     above challenge our two fundamental
consumer sector to become an additional          assumptions, that profits will expand and           We continue to see many interesting
engine of growth. At the same time,              interest rates will remain low. And as long         investment opportunities in EM Asia, which
governments are rebuilding their                 as those two assumptions are valid, it is           we prefer over other emerging markets.
economies, and the healthiest companies          appropriate to maintain an overweight               China’s dual circulation strategy, focused
are investing to adapt to the new post           stance to risk assets and a cyclical                on measures to boost domestic demand,
COVID-19 realities and opportunities. All of     sector bias.                                        technological innovation and market
this means that the global economy and                                                               liberalisation should boost growth, give
corporate profits should be bigger and           The broadening of the economic expansion            long term direction to investors and lead to
healthier in 2021 than they are currently.       is naturally also broadening the sector             fund flows into the region.
                                                 leadership in the stock markets, and
The other piece of good news for riskier         we thus hold overweight positions in                So, although the uncertainties and changes
assets is that policy rates should remain        technology, industrials, materials, consumer        around us may leave some investors
very low and stable, with US Treasury            discretionary and communication                     uncomfortable, it is clear that there are
yields trading in a broad range. Rising          services. But this broadening does not              plenty of specific areas where companies
profits, combined with low rates, are a          mean that technology – which had been               can do well. And on the aggregate,
powerful combination for risk assets.            principal engine of stock markets – will            the cyclical improvement and a strong
We therefore maintain our overweight             underperform in 2021. The digital revolution        commitment from central banks to low
on global equities, investment grade and         continues unabated, and technology                  interest rates not only support the current
BB-rated corporate bonds, and EM hard            leaders should continue to see strong               high valuations of most risk assets, but also
currency bonds.                                  growth in the medium term. These tech               keep us invested with an eye on further
                                                 leaders can be found outside of the tech            upside in riskier assets. Holding lots of cash
That does not mean that 2021 will be             sector as well, in areas such as automation,        is not the answer to managing the volatility
uneventful. First, the vaccine rollout is        health technology and 5G. Technological             we will undoubtedly experience in 2021.
unlikely to be an entirely smooth process,       leadership is one of the key determinants           Rather, we remain invested with a pro-risk
and any delay or disappointment in               of whether a company is fit for the future.         and cyclical stance, but with a selective
adoption rates could lead to some                By contrast, we note that many value                approach and plenty of diversifiers,
temporary market volatility. Second, we          stocks have outdated business models and            including gold, high rated bonds, hedge
foresee some temporary upside in inflation       investors should beware of falling into such        funds and other alternative assets.
readings early in the year, as crude oil’s       value traps.
fall from $70 to $20 between January and                                                             We would like to wish all of our clients a
March 2020 will cause year-on-year base          Businesses that want to be future-proof not         happy and prosperous New Year.
effects between January and March 2021.          only need to be part of the digital revolution,
Third, corporate default rates will probably     but also the sustainability revolution. And in
go up further, before they come down.            our view, their performance will be better if
Fourth, on the political front, Brexit, the      they aren’t just part of it, but if they lead it.
new US administration’s foreign policy,          This is because such businesses that rank
Georgia’s Senate race or frictions with          best in class will be earlier to identify the
Congress, can all lead to political headlines.   ESG-related threats and opportunities, and
And lastly, of course, the run-up in             be more likely to have the talent to adapt to       Willem Sels,
valuations to date can lead to profit taking     them. For investors, sustainability not only        Global Chief Market Strategist
and adjustments in investor positioning.         matters because it is a strong and durable
                                                                                                     10th December 2020

                                                                                                          Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021   5
Recovering and Rebuilding - Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021
What will drive markets in
The basics                                           » Rebuilding: Fiscal spending is                  headline CPI and to temporary bond
                                                       supportive of growth, and is likely             market volatility, but this should not
Economic outlook:                                      to focus on 5G, green infrastructure            trigger a change in central bank policy.
                                                       and housing support. In some EM               » In EM, there is now reduced scope for
» Recovering: Manufacturing has
                                                       countries, the scope for fiscal support         further rate cuts. In some countries,
  been stronger than services. Online
                                                       is more limited. Companies will also            inflation could pick up following
  consumption has been resilient,
                                                       invest for the new economic realities, in       currency depreciation, and the higher
  especially in the US and China. In
                                                       areas such as automation, supply chain          weight of oil in their CPI measures
  2021, the rollout of vaccines against
                                                       relocation, 5G and data capabilities.           when compared to DM.
  COVID-19 should gradually boost
  consumption, and hence broaden
                                                     Interest rates and bond yields:                 Risk premia:
  the recovery.
                                                     » In developed markets (DM), we expect          » With the US elections and Brexit
» Geographical split: economic
                                                       low and stable interest rates, and              behind us, and reduced geopolitical
  momentum is most positive in the US
                                                       central bank support to keep safe               uncertainty, risk premia may fall,
  and China, with China contributing
                                                       haven bond yields low.                          leading to a relief rally in risk assets and
  most to global GDP growth in 2021.
  Europe may accelerate later in the                 » Higher government debt and deficits             carry assets (especially when there is
  year but COVID is a major challenge                  should not lead to inflation in DM.             better news re: COVID).
  for now.                                             Some cost pressures and oil price base
                                                       effects could lead to a small uptick in       Equities
We expect a global recovery and believe inflation should remain relatively low.                      » Market cap: the relatively high weight
                                                                                                       of technology stocks favours US and
                         Real GDP growth                        Inflation                              Chinese benchmarks
                                                                                                     » China’s Dual Circulation strategy
                         2020f        2021f        2022f        2020f         2021f        2022f       supports consumer demand, which
                                                                                                       could be helpful for Western firms too.
    World                -4.1         4.4          3.3          2.5           2.6          2.6         Financial market liberalisation should
                                                                                                       be a positive for CNY. In technology
    Developed            -5.7         3.5          2.5          0.7           1.3          1.5         however, China has a desire to localise
                                                                                                       core technologies.
    Emerging             -1.8         5.7          4.3          3.7           3.5          3.3       » Income through equities: dividends
                                                                                                       could be raised selectively, and a
    US                   -4.1         3.1          2.5          1.2           1.8          1.8         search for income can help REITs with
                                                                                                       resilient fundamentals
    Eurozone             -7.5         4.5          2.8          0.2           0.7          1.4

    UK                   -11.0        3.7          4.8          0.9          1.5           1.9

    Japan                -5.5         2.3          0.8          0.0          0.1           0.1

    Mainland China       2.4          7.5          5.6          2.7          2.0           1.7

    India                -8.0         7.2          4.5          5.7          4.2           4.4

    Russia               -4.3         2.4          1.3          3.2          3.5           3.5

    Brazil               -4.2         3.2          2.3          2.7          2.6           3.4

HSBC Global Research, HSBC Private Banking as at 9 December 2020. Forecasts are subject to change.

Recovering and Rebuilding - Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021
Sustainability for a better              China currently accounts for 18% of global GDP, but may be responsible for 32%
                                         of the world’s growth in 2021 and 2022.
» Investor flows and investor scrutiny             US                       Euro area                    UK                       Japan
  will force companies to become more              Other DM                 China                        India                    Brazil
  sustainable, and will increase share             Russia                   Other EM Asia                Other EM
  price performance differentiation      100%
  between firms with high or low          90%
  sustainability scores.                  80%
» Commitments in the 2015 COP21           70%
  Paris agreement, and the upcoming       60%
  UN COP26 Climate Change                 50%
  Conference in the UK will continue      40%
  to lead to large public investment.     30%
  Our high conviction themes include      20%
  Climate Change - Mitigation and         10%
  Adaptation Opportunities and China’s     0%
  Green Revolution.                                      Share in 2020 world GDP                         Contribution to 2021 and 2022
                                                                                                              world GDP growth
                                         Source: IMF, HSBC Global Research, HSBC Private Banking as at 9 December 2020.

                                                                                                   Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021   7
Recovering and Rebuilding - Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021
What to watch
The question of rotation:                         We believe Fed rates will remain unchanged in 2021, and Treasuries should
In 2020, there were several short-lived           range trade.
episodes of market rotation from large            8%
cap to small cap, from high quality to                                                                 10-year Treasury yield                       Fed funds policy rate
lower quality stocks, and from growth             7%
to value stocks. None of those were
sustained, and we think investors should          6%
remain selective when participating in
this rotation. We doubt that bond yields          5%
will move higher to support the rotation,
and we think growth stocks have                   4%
structural support.

Downside risks:                                   2%
» Path of the virus and speed of the
  vaccine rollout: it remains unclear             1%
  how quickly the vaccine rollout will
  halt lock-downs, when the active                0
  population will be vaccinated and               Jan-00                                               Jan-05           Jan-10             Jan-15              Jan-20

  how much it lifts consumer confidence              Source: Bloomberg, HSBC Private banking as at 9 December 2020. Past performance is not a reliable
  and spending.                                      indicator of future performance. Forecasts are subject to change.

» Corporate defaults: markets currently
  anticipate a spike in defaults, followed
  by quick fall. There is a risk that this fall
  could be delayed.
» Potential EM stress: COVID-19 related           How tech and new economy stocks fare will impact the relative performance of
  economic or financial stress could lead         equity indices.
  to wider spreads and falling currencies
  in some weaker EM countries                                                            IT                          Consumer disc retionary          Communic ations services
                                                                                         Healthc are                 Financ ials                      Industrials
» Climate risks: there are bound to
                                                                                         Consumer staples            Utilities                        Real estate
  be natural disasters in 2021, which
  will trigger more regulation and                                                       Materials                   Energy
                                                   sector weight in benchmark indices

  investment, or accidents which could                                                  100%
  hurt specific companies                                                                90%
» Taxation will have to increase at
  some point to finance the increased                                                    60%
  deficits. This will probably have to                                                   50%
  wait till 2022, but fears of tax rises                                                 40%
  could hit confidence.                                                                  30%
» The new US administration will likely                                                  10%
  take a multi-lateral foreign policy                                                     0%
  approach, but geopolitical risks have                                                          S&P 500         Europe            UK      Shanghai       ChiNext         Hang
                                                                                                                Stoxx 600       FTSE 100    Comp                          Seng
  not been eliminated.
                                                              Source: Bloomberg, HSBC Private Banking as at 9 December 2020.
» Positioning and valuations: when
  market optimism is elevated, and
  momentum has driven markets
  towards new highs, there is a risk
  of profit taking and temporary
  market volatility.

Recovering and Rebuilding - Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021
Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021   9
Recovering and Rebuilding - Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021
Portfolio Strategy
Top 10 Tips for 2021
 1      ide the ‘Recovery and
       Rebuilding’ wave
                                               4     Stick to the Strategy                    business models, which we see as
                                                                                              value traps.
We have a risk-on stance in our model         We believe it is helpful to keep the positive
portfolio, with overweights in global
equities, investment grade and BB-rated
                                              growth and rate fundamentals in front of
                                              our minds throughout 2021 to avoid being
                                                                                               8     Don’t Give up on Gold

high yield bonds, and hard currency           blown off-course. We foresee volatility         We foresee mild upside for the gold price
emerging market bonds. We fund this           on several fronts, but much of it may be        and maintain an overweight in our model
principally through our underweight on        noise. During 2021, oil price base effects      portfolios. Low rates mean the opportunity
safe haven bonds. In equities, we have        may give the impression that inflation is       cost of foregoing a coupon is small. The
a cyclical sector stance. All of this is      picking up, and the economic recovery           market volatility we foresee, and the
based on our view that the global             may trigger speculation about policy            remaining uncertainties around COVID-19
economy is recovering and rebuilding,         normalisation. But ultimately, the low for      and geopolitics mean that diversification
earnings should improve and equity and        longer rate environment should prevail.         remains important. Many investors have
credit valuations are supported by the low    COVID-19 related and other headwinds            reduced high rated bond exposure, which
yield environment.                            could create headlines, but ultimately, the     raises the importance to add gold.
                                              gradual recovery should prevail.

 2     Asia stays Ahead
                                                                                               9     Divergent Dollar

We continue to prefer Asian equity
                                               5     Digital Dominance
                                                                                              The US dollar was strong for many years
markets over other EM stocks. Asia’s          The digital revolution continues to drive       but fell significantly in 2020. From here,
growing middle classes boost domestic         much of the profit growth, and separates        we think it will be more directionless,
demand and Asia has a bigger share of         winners from laggards, across sectors.          with diverging paths depending on the
technology and advanced manufacturing         Although equity leadership is broadening,       currency pair. We think EUR and GBP
than in other EM markets. China’s dual        tech should continue to perform well            will see weakness against USD, while
circulation plan sets a clear direction and   in 2021.                                        AUD, NZD, NOK and SEK should
should boost investor confidence. And                                                         outperform USD.
Asian countries on average have more
policy flexibility than other EM. Investors    6     Adopt a Sound
                                                     Sustainability Strategy
are still underweight on EM assets and as
                                              The sustainability revolution is arguably
                                                                                              10     Healthy Fundamentals for
                                                                                                     Hedge Funds
they broaden their search for returns in a
                                              as much as a game changer as the                2021 should provide a rich opportunity
risk-on environment, Asia should
                                              digital revolution. Sustainability should       set for good hedge fund managers.
see inflows.
                                              therefore be integrated both in the core        Markets’ focus on where inflation and
                                              portfolio strategy (where it can help           rates are going can create volatility and
 3     Low for a Lot Longer                   investors outperform or reduce risks),
                                              and in thematic satellites (focusing on the
                                                                                              opportunities. Hedge funds can pick
                                                                                              winners and losers from the changes
We stick to our view that bond yields will    opportunities).                                 around COVID-19 and the digital
be kept low by structural factors, and                                                        revolution. And defaults and restructuring
that stronger growth should not push up
G7 policy rates. We believe the 10-year        7     Cheap can be Costly                      provide opportunities for distressed hedge
                                                                                              fund strategies.
Treasury yield will largely range-trade
                                              Our cyclical sector tilt does not mean that
below 1% in 2021. We react to this
                                              we move into low quality. We maintain our
environment in three ways. First, we avoid
                                              focus on quality. Strong balance sheets
holding high cash balances, as the low
                                              will be important if COVID-19 keeps cash
cash rates present an opportunity cost.
                                              flow below normal, and allow companies
Secondly, we look for a yield pickup in
                                              to invest and adapt to the changing
Investment Grade, BB High Yield and
                                              economy. And while there may be some
EM Hard Currency bonds. Third, we
                                              opportunities in value stocks, we generally
see opportunities in stocks with resilient
                                              continue to prefer growth stocks. We
dividends, selective REITs, real estate and
                                              beware of value stocks with outdated
private credit.

Q1 2021 Investment Outlook
Top Four Investment
Q1 2021  Trends for 2021 and Q1 Global High Conviction Themes
Top Four Trends for 2021 and Q1 Global High Conviction Themes
Top Four Trends for 2021 and
Q1 Global High Conviction Themes
                   Recharging Asia's Growth

                   Recharging Asia's Growth
                  Recovering in a Low Yield World                    CORE                   Investing for a Sustainable Future

                  Recovering in a Low Yield World                     CORE                    Investing for a Sustainable Future
                                                                                                  Digital Transformation

                                                                                                       Digital Transformation

   Recharging Asia's Growth             Recovering in a Low Yield World       Digital Transformation            Investing for a Sustainable Future

 Riding on China's Five-Year Plan    Reopening America                     5G: NextGen Connectivity         Climate Change – Mitigation and
 Asia's SupplyAsia's
                      Revamp          Resilient Income                      Healthcare Innovation             Adaptation Opportunities
  Recharging                            Recovering   in a Low Yield World      Digital Transformation             Investing for a Sustainable Future
 New Asian Consumer                  Focus on Quality                      Digital Consumer                 China's Green Revolution
 Riding on China's Five-Year Plan    Reopening America                      5G: NextGen Connectivity          Climate Change
                                                                                                               Sourcing Income    in–aMitigation
 Asian Credit Opportunities          EM Debt – Carry in a Low              Automation – Shifting up a
 Asia's Supply Chain Revamp            Resilient
                                     Yield       Income                       Healthcare Innovation
                                                                             Gear                                Adaptation Opportunities
 New Asian Consumer                   Focus
                                     DM      on Quality                      Digital Consumer                 China's
                                                                                                                Gender    Green Revolution
                                                                                                                        Diversity in Business
                                          Financials Credit
 Asian Credit Opportunities          EM Debt – Carry in a Low               Automation – Shifting up a        Sourcing Income in a Sustainable
                                       Yield Environment                       Gear                               Way

                                       DM Financials Credit                                                     Gender Diversity in Business
Cash                    Underweight           Cash rates are unattractive in most markets and present an opportunity cost.

Government              Underweight           Safe haven government bond yields are likely to mostly range trade at a low level, and
bonds                                         provide little attraction. We are mainly underweight to finance the overweight in other
                                              asset classes.

Investment              Overweight            We prefer IG over safe haven bonds to capture the yield pickup. That said, spreads have
Grade bonds                                   tightened and investors should be aware that spread or rate volatility can impact returns
(IG)                                          substantially.

High Yield              Overweight            We are overweight on BB-rated HY to capture the carry, but believe low rated HY does
bonds (HY)                                    not adequately compensate for default risk, which we think is still on the rise.

EM Hard                 Overweight            We see carry opportunities in EM HC but focus on countries and companies with
Currency                                      resilient fundamentals.
bonds (HC)

EM Local                Neutral               EM currencies have a mixed outlook, and this will impact returns. Hence, we remain
Currency                                      selective in the EM local currency space.
bonds (LC)

Equities                Overweight            We are overweight on stocks as earnings should benefit from the economic recovery,
                                              and low bond yields should support current valuations. We prefer the US and China over
                                              Europe, and Asia over other EM.

Commodities             Overweight            We overweight gold as we see mild upside and appreciate its diversification potential.
                                              We have a neutral outlook on oil.

Hedge Funds             Neutral               HF will have a rich opportunity set in 2021 and are an important diversifier in portfolios.

                                                                                                              Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021     11
Three hidden insights from
the Market Patchwork
Most investors have seen the “market           example, an individual, concentrated            cash over time, as the rightmost column
patchwork” chart at least once. One            asset class could easily sell off by 50%.       in the chart would indicate. Indeed, since
of the key messages in the chart is            After that, a 100% return is needed just        2006, the performance of cash lags that of
immediately obvious: performance               to break-even. This asymmetry is much           most other asset classes.
of individual asset classes is highly          smaller when a portfolio is less volatile
unpredictable – in any given year, they        due to diversification: after a 20% sell-off,   3) An individual asset class can do
can perform either very well or very           a rally of 25% is sufficient to bring us back   really well even over an extended
poorly. Diversifying the portfolio, on         to the starting point. Volatility drag is the   period of time, but that does not
the other hand, can help avoid having          reason why simply investing everything          necessarily imply its superiority.
a very bad year.                               in an asset class with the highest average
                                                                                               As an example, high yield bonds
However, careful analysis of this chart        annual return can lead to disappointing
                                                                                               outperformed the diversified portfolio
can also point to several less obvious         outcomes. This is why diversification is of
                                                                                               by a meaningful margin from 2006 to
messages, some of which are quite              crucial importance for the long term, not
                                                                                               2020, with a similar level of volatility. But
powerful. In the remainder of this piece,      just the short term.
                                                                                               this asset class only represents around
we will discuss three of these “hidden                                                         2% of the global, investable equity and
insights” from this chart.                     2) Cash outperformed most markets in            bond markets. Superior performance of
                                               volatile years such as 2008 and 2018,           a narrow asset class or sector may be an
1) Diversifying is important for the           but remaining invested was key to               outcome of chance, even over a relatively
long term, not just the short term.            meeting investment objectives.                  long time horizon. In the case of high yield
Listed private equity ranks 1st in four        Market analysis and forecasts can easily        debt, this strong performance may have
different years, but for the overall period    tempt investors to try to liquidate their       been driven by one-off forces, such as an
its rank is 6. Diversified portfolio’s best    holdings just before a crash and try to         increase in demand for high yield bonds,
rank is 3rd in only one single year, its       get back in at the lows. But a world in         as the asset class gradually emerged
overall period rank is 4, higher than listed   which it is possible to time the markets        into the mainstream. And while interest
private equity. Why is this so? This is        successfully and consistently would             rates should stay low, we do not believe
because with concentrated investments          be paradoxical. In such a world, there          they can fall much further over the next
(such as investments in a specific             wouldn’t be a risk premium to be earned,        decade. On a forward looking basis, a
sector, e.g. listed private equity) long       and all asset classes would have the same       multi-asset portfolio allows investors to
term performance suffers from volatility       return as cash. In the real world, building     cast a wider net and capture a broader
drag, whilst the diversified portfolio         a diversified portfolio and remaining           opportunity set, thereby minimising
benefits from volatility reduction. As an      invested (both in bad and good times) is        unrewarded, idiosyncratic risk.
                                               the only reliable way of outperforming

Market Patchwork.

                                                                                                                                               2020          Return
2010          2011           2012          2013          2014          2015          2016          2017           2018           2019          YTD           (2006-
Listed        Gov Bonds      EM Hard       Listed        Listed Real   Hedge         Listed        EM Equities    Gov Bonds      Listed        DM Equities   DM Equities
Private       5.8%           Currency      Private       Estate        Funds 2.0%    Private       37.8%          2.7%           Private       11.7%         7.7%
Equity                       Debt 43.9%    Equity        15.9%                       Equity                                      Equity
31.5%                                      37.2%                                     15.4%                                       46.6%

Listed Real   Investment     Listed        DM Equities   Gov Bonds     Gov Bonds     High Yield    Listed         Cash 2.6%      DM Equities   EM Equities   High Yield
Estate        Grade          Private       27.4%         8.3%          1.3%          Bonds         Private                       28.4%         10.5%         Bonds 7.4%
20.4%         Bonds 4.9%     Equity                                                  14.4%         Equity
                             31.3%                                                                 26.1%

EM Equities   High Yield     Listed Real   Hedge         Investment    EM Hard       Com-          DM Equities    Leveraged      Listed Real   Investment    EM Hard
19.2%         Bonds 4.1%     Estate        Funds 9.3%    Grade         Currency      modities      23.1%          Loans 0.5%     Estate        Grade         Currency
                             28.7%                       Bonds 7.7%    Debt 0.7%     13.3%                                       23.1%         Bonds 7.6%    Debt 6.7%

Com-          Leveraged      EM Equities   Diversified   EM Hard       Cash 0.4%     EM Equities   EM Local       Investment     EM Equities   Hedge         EM Equities
modities      Loans 1.5%     18.6%         portfolio     Currency                    11.6%         Debt 15.2%     Grade          18.9%         Funds 6.0%    6.5%
18.9%                                      8.6%          Debt 7.2%                                                Bonds

EM Local      Cash 0.4%      High Yield    High Yield    DM Equities   Listed Real   Leveraged     Diversified    Hedge          Diversified   Gov Bonds     Diversified
Debt 15.7%                   Bonds         Bonds 6.2%    5.5%          Estate 0.1%   Loans 10.1%   portfolio      Funds (1.1%)   portfolio     5.4%          portfolio
                             18.4%                                                                 14.2%                         16.9%                       6.4%

High Yield    Hedge          EM Local      Leveraged     Hedge         Investment    EM Local      Listed Real    High Yield     High Yield    Diversified   Hedge
Bonds         Funds (1.7%)   Debt 16.8%    Loans 5.3%    Funds 5.0%    Grade         Debt 9.9%     Estate 11.4%   Bonds          Bonds         portfolio     Funds 6.2%
14.5%                                                                  Bonds                                      (1.7%)         14.7%         5.3%

Diversified   EM Local       DM Equities   Listed Real   High Yield    DM Equities   EM Hard       Hedge          EM Hard        EM Hard       High Yield    Listed
portfolio     Debt (1.8%)    16.5%         Estate 4.4%   Bonds 3.4%    (0.3%)        Currency      Funds 9.6%     Currency       Currency      Bonds 5.0%    Private
13.1%                                                                                Debt 9.1%                    Debt (3.7%)    Debt 14.5%                  Equity 5.8%

DM Equities   Diversified    Diversified   Cash 0.4%     Diversified   Leveraged     Diversified   EM Hard        Listed Real    EM Local      EM Hard       Investment
12.3%         portfolio      portfolio                   portfolio     Loans         portfolio     Currency       Estate         Debt 13.5%    Currency      Grade Bonds
              (3.4%)         15.4%                       2.9%          (0.7%)        8.3%          Debt 9.3%      (4.7%)                       Debt 3.9%     5.3%

EM Hard       DM Equities    Investment    Investment    Leveraged     High Yield    DM Equities   High Yield     Diversified    Investment    Leveraged     Listed Real
Currency      (5.0%)         Grade         Grade         Loans 1.6%    Bonds         8.2%          Bonds 7.8%     portfolio      Grade         Loans 1.8%    Estate 4.9%
Debt 11.8%                   Bonds         Bonds 0.0%                  (1.0%)                                     (4.8%)         Bonds
                             10.8%                                                                                               12.5%

Hedge         Listed Real    Leveraged     Gov Bonds     Cash 0.3%     Listed        Investment    Investment     EM Local       Com-          Cash 1.2%     EM Local
Funds 11.6%   Estate         Loans 9.6%    (0.3%)                      Private       Grade         Grade          Debt (6.2%)    modities                    Debt 4.9%
              (5.8%)                                                   Equity        Bonds 6.1%    Bonds 5.7%                    10.1%

Leveraged     Com-           Hedge         EM Equities   Listed        Diversified   Listed Real   Com-           DM Equities    Leveraged     EM Local      Leveraged
Loans 10.1%   modities       Funds 7.3%    (2.3%)        Private       portfolio     Estate 5.0%   modities       (8.2%)         Loans 8.6%    Debt (0.3%)   Loans 4.6%
              (8.0%)                                     Equity        (3.3%)                      4.4%

Investment    EM Hard        Gov Bonds     EM Hard       EM Equities   EM Equities   Gov Bonds     Leveraged      Com-           Gov Bonds     Listed        Gov Bonds
Grade         Currency       4.4%          Currency      (1.8%)        (14.6%)       3.9%          Loans 4.1%     modities       7.2%          Private       4.3%
Bonds 7.4%    Debt (11.9%)                 Debt (6.0%)                                                            (8.9%)                       Equity

Gov Bonds     EM Equities    Com-          Com-          EM Local      EM Local      Hedge         Gov Bonds      Listed         Hedge         Com-          Cash 1.9%
3.6%          (18.2%)        modities      modities      Debt (5.7%)   Debt          Funds 3.0%    2.1%           Private        Funds 5.6%    modities
                             2.9%          (7.8%)                      (14.9%)                                    Equity                       (8.3%)

Cash 0.5%     Listed         Cash 0.8%     EM Local      Com-          Com-          Cash 1.1%     Cash 1.4%      EM Equities    Cash 2.7%     Listed Real   Com-
              Private                      Debt (9.0%)   modities      modities                                   (14.2%)                      Estate        modities
              Equity                                     (18.8%)       (25.3%)                                                                 (11.4%)       (1.9%)

Source: HSBC Private Banking as at 9 December 2020. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

                                                                                                                             Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021         13
Top Trends for 2021
1. Recharging Asia’s Growth
Led by a strong rebound in China,                 opening and technological innovation to        New Asian Consumer
the Asian economy is poised to stay               build a higher quality and more sustainable    Asia’s digital transformation has seen
ahead in the global recovery from                 economic growth model. China set the           phenomenal acceleration during the
the pandemic recession. Being the                 growth target to double its GDP per capita     pandemic and we believe this structural
first in and out of the COVID-19 crisis,          income by 2035 and achieve high-income         trend will gather further momentum after
China has witnessed a broadening                  country status by the end of the five-year     the crisis. When we look at what will
recovery with the November Caixin                 plan. The new sustainable growth model         recharge Asia’s growth in 2021, the rise
manufacturing PMI hitting a new high              will be supported by improvements              of its middle class consumers and strong
for the decade. Supported by robust               in productivity, innovation, domestic          private wealth growth stand out.
middle class consumer demand,                     demand, environment protection, and
high policy flexibility, effective virus          social development. China’s focus on           Asia’s more advanced technology
containment and increasingly robust               quality and sustainable growth goes            infrastructure than other EM supports the
IT infrastructure, Asia ex-Japan GDP is           hand-in-hand with its long-term goal of        rapid adoption of digital consumption and
forecast to recover to 6.7% growth in             achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. We        automation. Our New Asian Consumer
2021 from -0.7% contraction in 2020.              expect the new five-year plan will set         theme focuses on opportunities in digital
We see promising growth potential                 aggressive targets for development of          consumer facing companies, healthcare
in the digital consumer facing sectors            electric vehicles and renewable energy         and wellness providers. Despite the
and attractive recovery opportunities             for approval by the upcoming National          outperformance of Chinese and Asian
in industries which are re-emerging               People’s Congress in March 2021.               digital economy stocks in 2020, we remain
from the economic reopening and                                                                  positive on the growth outlook of leaders
normalisation.                                    The Regional Comprehensive Economic            in ecommerce, online education, fintech,
                                                  Partnership (RCEP) signed on 15                online entertainment and food delivery.
Notably China’s 14th Five-Year Plan for           November by 15 Asian economies marked
2021-2025 will kick-start a new economic          a key milestone of trade liberalisation        In Southeast Asia, digital consumption
expansion cycle with the roadmap for the          in the region. We expect the RCEP, the         has recorded strong growth this year due
next phase of structural reforms, market          world’s largest free trade bloc covering       to impact of the pandemic lockdowns.
                                                  over 30% of global GDP, to further             Southeast Asia added 40m new internet
China’s 14th Five-Year Plan focuses               entrench Asia’s role as the centre of global   users in 2020 with one-third of the digital
on quality growth and innovation.                 commerce and manufacturing. According          service users coming online for the first
                                                  to our forecasts, the share of the 15 RCEP     time due to COVID-19. According to a
                                                  members will rise to over 50% of global        recent research conducted by Google,
                                                  output by 2030. The largest beneficiaries      Temasek and Bain, online spending in
                                                  from RCEP are likely to be South Korea,        Southeast Asia is projected to triple to
                  Quality growth
                                                  Japan, Malaysia, Thailand and China.           more than USD300bn by 2025. We are
                                                  With new structural growth engines, the        bullish on ecommerce companies in
                                                  cyclical recovery in domestic demand and       the ASEAN region on the back of rapid
                     14th                         the tailwind from the global economic          adoption of online consumption.
                   Five-Year                      recovery, Asia should see multiple
                                                  investment opportunities in the equity
 Innovation and                       ‘Dual
   technology                      Circulation’
                                                  and credit markets. We continue to prefer
     upgrade                        strategy      Asian equities and bonds over other EM
                                                  markets and we stay overweight equities
                                                  in China, South Korea and Singapore and
                                                  Chinese credit in both hard currency and
Source: HSBC Private Banking as of 9 December
                                                  local currency.

Riding on China’s Five-Year Plan (FYP)                                  healthcare and wellness providers.             chain sectors which would benefit from
   We launched a new theme to ride                                         Under the “Internal Circulation” strategy,     strong policy support to accelerate
   on China’s 14th FYP with focus on                                       China targets to build strong domestic         digital transformation. We also favour
   opportunities from the “Dual Circulation”                               independent growth and promote                 prominent players in cloud technologies,
   strategy that pivots towards domestic                                   technological innovation with focus            data centers computer servers and
   consumption, technology upgrade, market                                 on technology localisation and import          5G technologies. Another area that
   opening and financial liberalisation. Under                             substitution. To drive the creativity and      China would like to further develop and
   the “Internal Circulation” strategy, China                              productivity gains in longer term, we          achieve self-sufficiency is likely to be the
   is expected to accelerate the household                                 expect China will significantly increase       healthcare sector. Chinese biotech leaders
   registration system reform and rural land                               R&D spending to 3% of GDP for the new          with cutting edge technologies and top
   reform and provide further support for                                  FYP, up from 2.2% in 2019.                     talents could perform well with strong
   the rising middle class to boost domestic                                                                              private and public funding support. The
   demand and household income. Higher                                     Beneficiaries of the FYP include               government’s strong policy focus on
   disposable income should bode well for                                  domestic industry leaders in the               fundamental and frontier research will
   the digital consumer facing companies,                                  semiconductor, robotics, automation,           boost education spending and support the
                                                                           smart manufacturing, and digital supply        education sector.

   We expect consumption in Asia to rebound sharply in 2021 with new
   structural trends.

                                                                                        Asia ex-China and Japan



Real consumption growth






                                     2015       2016       2017       2018       2019       2020F      2021F      2022F

                                  Source: HSBC Global Research forecasts, HSBC Private Banking as of 9 December 2020.

                                                                                                                               Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021   15
Under the “External Circulation” strategy,    China. This suggested that China is still     China. Asian frontier markets, such as
China will further accelerate financial       gaining rather than losing global market      Vietnam and Bangladesh, continue to
market liberalisation and level the playing   share due to strong competitiveness of its    move up the value chain given lower
field for local and foreign companies. We     manufacturing supply chains supported         labour costs, market liberalisation and
expect the government to cut trade tariffs    by the strengthening technological            economic reforms. We expect China
and allow more foreign investments into       capability, strong industrial network         to increase imports from the rest of
various sectors. Further liberalisation of    effects, well-established transportation      Asia after signing the RCEP and this
the onshore A-share and bond markets via      and IT infrastructure, and a sizeable pool    will provide an important catalyst to
Stock and Bond Connect programmes,            of skilled labour at a relatively low cost.   accelerate Asia’s supply chains upgrade.
together with global index inclusion and      China’s global export share has climbed       We anticipate the RCEP agreement will
capital market reforms, should accelerate     back to its earlier peak reached in early     concentrate global supply chains further
RMB internationalisation and bring new        2016 while many other Asian economies         in Asia due to enhanced competitiveness
opportunities to domestic and foreign         are not far behind.                           of the region’s manufacturing base versus
financial institutions and selected fintech                                                 the global peers and further expansion of
leaders. We also favour companies with        Geopolitical factors should continue          intra-regional trade.
significant exposure in Shenzhen, China’s     to reshape Asia’s supply chains after
Silicon Valley, and the Greater Bay Area      COVID-19. President-elect Joe Biden’s         Asian Credit Opportunities
on the back of favourable government          “Made in America” and “Build Back
                                                                                            Positioning for the low yield world, we
policies to build Shenzhen as a “model        Better” plans indicate that he is likely to
                                                                                            remain bullish on the theme of Asian
city” and key growth engine with deeper       maintain some protectionist measures
                                                                                            Credit Opportunities due to the attractive
integration with Hong Kong and Macau          against China. We expect the Biden
                                                                                            risk/return trade-off and substantial yield
                                              administration to promote onshoring
                                                                                            pickup of Asian corporate bonds over
Asia’s Supply Chain Revamp                    supply chains of industries of national
                                                                                            developed market credit. The recent
                                              importance, like pharmaceutical products
COVID-19 has caused unprecedented                                                           China SOE onshore bond defaults have
                                              and medical equipment and may continue
disruptions to Asia’s supply chains, as                                                     added volatility in the credit market and
                                              to restrict technology transfer to China.
closed borders, pandemic lockdowns                                                          pushed interbank lending rates higher.
                                              This could benefit Japanese, Taiwanese
and transportation bottlenecks                                                              But we expect the market impact of the
                                              and Korean technology leaders as Beijing
raised concerns about the risks of                                                          SOE defaults to be temporary, because
                                              is expected to revamp its supply chains by
over-concentration of supply chains.                                                        we believe the government will attempt to
                                              reducing reliance on US technologies.
Despite frequent market talk about                                                          put in place a more market-driven default
massive supply chain relocation from                                                        mechanism for SOEs. This should help
                                              We highlight that ASEAN countries are
China due to US-China tensions and                                                          restore financial discipline in the onshore
                                              geared beneficiaries of the RCEP as the
COVID-19, the threat has remained more                                                      bond market by adjusting risk-reward
                                              free trade deal will unleash their growth
rhetoric than reality. Chinese supply                                                       assumptions and contribute to more
                                              potential through trade liberalisation
chains have proven surprisingly resilient                                                   efficient capital allocation in the long term.
                                              and improved outlook for foreign direct
in withstanding the pandemic challenges,                                                    Within Asian credit, we stay overweight
                                              investment. We believe that RCEP
as reflected by outperformance of                                                           Chinese hard currency and local currency
                                              can further deepen integration of the
China’s exports and inward foreign direct                                                   bonds. Based on our base case scenario
                                              ASEAN countries into Asia’s supply
investment flows against its main global                                                    that the US-China phase-one trade deal
                                              chains. Structural reforms in the ASEAN
peers in 2020. In spite of geopolitical                                                     will hold and there will be no additional
                                              economies, such as the omnibus law in
tensions between Washington and                                                             trade tariffs, we forecast RMB to stay
                                              Indonesia, should attract foreign direct
Beijing, China’s exports to the US have                                                     firm at 6.60 against the USD by end-2021.
                                              investment inflows as producers are in
posted a strong rebound in 2020 due                                                         A stable RMB supports our overweight
                                              search for lower operating costs and
to robust US demand for medical and                                                         position on Chinese local currency bonds.
                                              diversification of supply chains from
pandemic-related products made in

Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021   17
2. Digital Transformation
2020 has been volatile and far from             wider range of products. This trend           Why is the introduction of 5G noteworthy?
predictable. However, as events                 has already reached its end game for          A simple analogy would be the impact of
unfolded, it has proven to be a                 products such as CDs, DVDs and to a           the building of motorways in areas that
watershed year, accelerating four key           large extent books.                           previously only had simple country roads.
trends that should boost activity and
innovation, both in 2021 and in the             But this is not the end of the story so to    While 5G does not represent a huge
longer term. Together, these trends             speak. Just as book and record stores         improvement on existing 4G technology
create a step-change in the process of          have largely disappeared from most high       for consumers, it will immediately improve
the world’s digital transformation.             streets, and a few large online sellers       three key aspects of the customer
                                                thought they dominated the market,            experience: 1) network capacity, thereby
Rise of the digital consumer                    technology has enabled consumers              reducing slow or down networks; 2)
Traditionally, the adoption of technology       to access music and literature without        improving download speeds, which is
tends to be quickest with the younger           owning the CD, DVD, book, magazine            particularly important for streaming of
generations, percolating more slowly            or newspaper. The arrival of streaming        movies and video services; 3) latency or
to older generations, if at all. But the        services is transforming the landscape        response time, an important feature for the
pandemic has forced all generations to          yet again. New providers have entered         growing online gaming community.
become digital consumers as they have           the market, whilst existing online stores
no alternative. For example, retirees have      have adapted quickly. For investors, it is    These three improvements are important
been slower to use online shopping even         important to keep track and keep evolving     in maintaining the momentum of the
though they could potentially benefit           with the market trends.                       trends we already mentioned in the
substantially in the longer term. The silver                                                  consumer market. By comparison, there
lining for the silver surfers of the pandemic   Connectivity and 5G                           are other less well-known but more
is that circumstance have forced them                                                         substantial benefits for industrial users,
                                                The rise of the digital consumer is driving
online and they are quickly realising the                                                     where innovations have been waiting
                                                the need for ever better infrastructure to
benefits of becoming more tech savvy.                                                         for the development of this key enabling
                                                facilitate the consumption of these new
There is little joy to be had from hours                                                      technology. 5G is that technology that
                                                products and services. Originally, going
lost with the weekly trudge to the local                                                      will facilitate the interconnectivity of
                                                online was through a personal computer,
supermarket, only to return burdened                                                          machines and devices (Internet of Things),
                                                via a modem using existing fixed-line
with heavy shopping bags in all sorts of                                                      and the development of augmented
                                                telephone copper wires and through an
weather and often using public transport.                                                     and virtual services and products. This
                                                internet provider, with purchases paid
A few clicks can avoid this thankless task.                                                   super-connectivity offers great potential
                                                via a credit card. In contrast today, the
As these often older, wealthier generations                                                   for automation in both the home and in
                                                majority of purchases are from a mobile
are coming online, it creates threats and                                                     the office as devices become part of a
                                                device, often paid from a digital wallet,
opportunities for retailers: 1) as these                                                      network. These are just a few examples of
                                                with transactions taking seconds rather
bulwarks of the high street shift online,                                                     the large potential that could be unlocked
                                                than minutes. This poses increasing
many more retail outlets are likely to face                                                   by the introduction of 5G. For investors,
                                                demands on the infrastructure, particularly
a bleak future, but 2) online sales from this                                                 5G offers opportunities in the related
                                                mobile networks, and has driven the
new wave of older, generally wealthier                                                        infrastructure, 5G devices and in any
                                                development and deployment of each
buyers provide a new source of growth for                                                     company that sees the benefits of 5G to
                                                new generation of mobile networks. The
retailers as buying becomes easier.                                                           outperform its competitors.
                                                fifth generation (5G) began its rollout at
                                                the end of 2019 in a handful of countries
The trend for an ever higher percentage         including China, South Korea, the USA         Automation
of consumer purchases to shift online           and the UK. It happened at a slow pace        The utilisation of autonomous or
is unlikely to abate. It is likely to be        initially as providers and consumers were     semi-autonomous machines has been a
self-perpetuating as high streets are           both reluctant to invest in new hardware.     feature for some time of the auto industry,
hollowed-out, and choice there may              However, recent upgrades to the 5G            which is the largest single industry user
become increasingly restricted. In              technology together with a new range of       of commercial robots. As the technology
contrast, online stores have a far wider        handsets may trigger a wider adoption.        has advanced, so have its applications, but
customer base and so are able to carry a                                                      this has been slow and somewhat limited.

The exponential increase in data usage raises the need for powerful and mobile
connections through 5G.



 global petabytes per month







                                        1990    1994      1998       2002    2006     2010        2014      2018      2022

Source: Cisco, HSBC Private Banking as at 9 December 2020. Forecasts are subject to change.

The virus outbreak has quickly changed the adoption of technologies, and much
of the change is likely to remain with us.

                                   Digitization of        Digitization of   Digitization of                 Automation
                                   Supply Chain         Customer Channels employee interactions               and AI

                                         Significantly Accelerated    Somewhat Accelerated          No change
                                         Somewhat Decelerated         Significantly Decelerated

Source: McKinsey survey of 800 executives, HSBC Private Banking as at 9 December 2020.

                                                                                  Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021      19
Recent developments in AI, visual and            automation. Meanwhile, in developed              psychometric testing, video analysis and
orientation technologies should accelerate       markets, the growing desire to re-onshore        robo-interviewing. It seems that an ever
this, enabling more businesses to                production may require automation to do          smaller fraction of applicants will actually
automate more aspects of the operations          it in a competitive way.                         get to meet the employees of
both in manufacturing and service                                                                 the company.
industries. This will be important for many      Logistics is a big growth area for
reasons including improving productivity,        automation, and much of it is linked to rise     Healthcare innovation
quality, reliability, but also to address        in online purchasing mentioned above.
                                                                                                  Healthcare is a final illustration of the
demographic and societal shifts.                 Automated ordering and warehousing is
                                                                                                  step-change transition technology is
                                                 better able to cope with large swings in
                                                                                                  bringing in our digital transformation.
China’s dramatic manufacturing expansion         seasonal demand. Automating the ‘final
has been fuelled over the last three             mile’ of the delivery chain is still a distant
                                                                                                  As healthcare costs continue to rise often
decades by the steady flow of rural              dream. In service industries, automated
                                                                                                  well above the rate of inflation in many
migrants to urban centres, but the ebbing        call centres and advisory bots are
                                                                                                  countries, the provision of the service is
flow is driving up wages. Automation             becoming a reality. A recent development
                                                                                                  becoming ever more unaffordable to both
is addressing this cost challenge, while         that has gained much ground during the
                                                                                                  governments, businesses and individuals
also lowering business continuity risks.         pandemic is the use of automation in the
                                                                                                  in its present form. As we rediscovered
China is already one of the world’s largest      hiring process of new employees. There
                                                                                                  in the pandemic, necessity opens minds
investors in industrial robots, but its policy   has been a surge in companies using
                                                                                                  to new approaches and gives an urgency
of industrial upgrading requires ever more       automated AI-based screening tools
                                                                                                  to developments that may help alleviate
sophisticated levels of automation and           provided by third parties, these include
                                                                                                  the unpleasantness. There are a myriad
boosts domestic technologies related to          online application automated scoring,

of examples of technologies that have        or loathe, but it is also the fact that there   they receive an alert. This will require the
become particularly relevant during the      are high costs associated with such             patient to be connected to a network
pandemic from vaccine development,           visit even for simple routine out-patient       both for the ongoing monitoring and
mass screening, tracing apps to quick        procedures. In addition, there are relatively   the video call, a 5G network connect
diagnostic tests.                            high cross-infection risks with hospital        will allow the client to be full mobile at
                                             visits. Remote monitoring via sensors           all times. The doctor may prescribe the
However, there are also some less obvious    placed on the patient may often provide a       patient medicines via a digital script or
technology-led developments, such as         suitable alternative, for example, a patient    prescription that is dispensed directly by
telemedicine. It appeared as a niche,        with cardiovascular conditions can now          an online dispensary service that send the
poor alternative to going to a surgery for   easily have their heart rate, blood pressure    medicines from its automated warehouse
a “proper” consultation. However, online     and other vital indicators monitored            to the patient. The patient will pay for
appointments are sufficient and efficient    remotely. The other big advantage is that       the consultation and medicine from their
for both the doctors and patients. It        monitoring can be done continuously             digital wallet. This scenario is already an
avoids unnecessary traveling to the          with appropriate pre-set alerts sent to the     existing reality today that is life changing
surgery for the patient and the inevitable   doctor and patient should their condition       for many patients especially in rural areas,
long delay as the doctor is behind           need attention.                                 but also brings better patient outcomes
schedule. The pandemic has repositioned                                                      and improves productivity and lowers
telemedicine as a viable alternative for     The four areas that we chose to highlight       costs. Because of the inter-relatedness
many consultations.                          are not isolated but are to some extent         of these innovations, they reinforce each
                                             inter-related. For the remote monitor           other, push further innovation and
Another related example is visiting          example above, the doctor may first             increase the profitability of the innovations
hospitals, something most people dread       consult the patient by video call when          for investors.

                                                                                                  Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021   21
3. Recovering in a Low Yield World
Cyclical improvement and a risk-on              during this period, means that the trend is       also means that central bank policy will
tone in markets have driven safe                largely structural in nature.                     need to remain very accommodative.
haven bond yields higher in recent                                                                Governments will probably only be able
weeks. But our view is that yield levels        The great moderation: structurally low            to grow out of their debt if bond yields
will remain structurally low, and that          inflation. We believe inflation is structurally   remain low for a very long time.
USD and EUR policy rates will remain            capped by the impact of globalisation and
unchanged in 2021. The search for               technology. The labour market is global,          This is topical because deficits have risen
yield should thus continue, in bond             and there is competition between workers          significantly during the pandemic, and in
markets, through dividend stocks                in developed and emerging markets. The            the US, President-elect Biden has signalled
and REITs. The low yield environment            online economy and automation help                higher spending. But bond markets
also supports interest rate sensitive           slow wage inflation, and global trade             should not worry, as taxes may also pick
sectors, where we find interesting              has increased competition between                 up, when the economy recovers, and a
opportunities.                                  firms. The internet allows consumers to           gridlock in Congress means that some of
                                                shop around for the best price, reducing          the administration’s spending plans may
What the bond bears worry about.                consumer price inflation. It is true that         not materialise.
When investors look at historical patterns,     globalisation has peaked, but we think
the economic recovery we expect to see          that price competition in labour markets,         Moreover, we note that during the credit
in 2021 leads many to conclude that bond        goods and services will remain very high,         crisis, neither the higher debt, nor the
yields may drift higher. What if central        and that trade barriers will only have a mild     ample central bank liquidity led to higher
banks start to normalise policy, and would      impact on inflation. Many companies who           inflation. And even if inflation were to
a normalisation be driven by interest           see some of their input costs rise, may           pick up to 2%, the Fed policy would not
rate hikes, or by slower bond purchases         be forced to absorb this in their margins         immediately need to tighten, as it has
(leading to some kind of taper tantrum)?        and not pass it on to consumers, hence            adopted an average inflation target of 2%.
The bears will probably point to oil            keeping CPI in check.
                                                                                                  So what about credit ratings? In recent
prices in 2021 as there will be significant
                                                Credible central bank policy in DM                years, we have seen a number of credit
oil-price base effects, which may give
                                                and EM: clear central bank mandates,              rating downgrades and negative rating
the impression that inflation is starting to
                                                improved communication and market                 outlook changes for G7 countries.
pick up. Indeed, if the Brent crude oil price
                                                guidance have helped reduce the markets’          However, this did not lead to higher bond
were to remain at $45/bbl throughout the
                                                fears of inflation. Increased market              yields or higher central bank policy rates.
year, it would have a deflationary effect
                                                confidence lowers the real rate investors         This reflects our view that there is no
early in the year (when it is compared to
                                                demand on cash and government bonds.              major debt sustainability issue in countries
the $70/bbl level from January 2020) but
                                                                                                  like the US, Germany and the UK.
become reflationary by the Spring (when
                                                Global ageing: ageing populations tend
it will be compared to the $22/bbl level of
March 2020).
                                                to save more for their retirement, and
                                                                                                  Investing in a low yield
                                                the savings surplus from countries like
These are valid questions, but they overly      China is being invested in financial assets,      environment
emphasize the cyclical and short term           including bonds. As people age, they
                                                often prefer the more predictable cash            In the low global yield environment,
aspects, and largely ignore the structural
                                                flows of bond markets when compared to            investors will need to pull out all the stops
factors. It is because of the structural
                                                equity markets.                                   to find enough income, while balancing
factors that we stick to our flat Fed and
                                                                                                  the increased potential yield when going
ECB policy rate forecasts, and our view
                                                High government debt and low yields               further down the credit spectrum, against
that safe haven bond yields should
                                                go hand in hand. The Japanese                     the increased risks. An important part
continue to trade in a range.
                                                experience shows that high government             of the strategy is to not hold large cash
                                                debt effectively reduces future growth            balances, as they present an opportunity
Low for much longer: the                                                                          cost. Our top themes are as follows:
                                                as it limits governments’ scope for
structural story
                                                discretionary spending. Lower trend
US Treasury yields have been drifting           growth in turn tends to lead to low policy        EM debt – carry in a low yield
down since the early 1980s. The fact that       rates and government bond yields.                 environment: We believe that EM
this trend has remained in place, in spite of   Sovereign debt growth around the world            corporate bonds in HC continue to offer a
the ups and downs of the economic cycle                                                           good risk/return trade-off.

Our focus is on China, on Healthcare,          The fall in safe haven government bond yields is a long term structural
Media and Telecommunication and                phenomenon.
Financial companies, as well as Chinese
                                               18%                                          US 10- year Treasury yield
Property Developers.
DM financials credit: The DM Financials
sector’s regime change since the Global
Financial Crisis has caused banks to build     12%
up significant capital buffers. COVID          10%
will undoubtedly put the sector’s strong
fundamental footing to the test, but
central bank liquidity and targeted fiscal          6%
measures help. Our focus is on banks’ Tier
2 bonds in USD and select Additional Tier
1 securities from banks with the highest            2%
quality fundamentals.                               0%











Resilient income: Investors are looking

































beyond the bond market and towards
equities to find sources of income. We         Source: Bloomberg, HSBC Private Banking as at 9 December 2020. Past performance is not a reliable
                                               indicator of future performance.
remain selective in dividend stocks but
believe that, some of the healthiest
companies may start to raise dividends
again. We also see opportunities in REITs
but again point to the need to be selective,   Most countries have seen their debt piles rise since 1980, but global bond yields
with a focus on quality.                       have still fallen.
                                                                       200                           Canada                                         France
A recovery boosted by low interest rates:
There are many signs that the low interest                                                           Germany                                        Italy
rate environment is helping a number of                                                              Japan                                          United Kingdom
sectors, and speeding up the recovery.                                                               United States
Automotives have seen good demand
in the US, and prices and optimism
have picked up in housing markets. Low
                                                Net Debt as % of GDP

rates should support technology-related
stocks and avoid any sustained
underperformance of growth stocks.

Focus on quality: The low interest rate
environment is largely structural, but also
related to the uncertainty we have around
us. An improving cycle allows investors
to broaden their stock selection, but we
note that some ‘value’ stocks can be value
traps, i.e. companies with weak balance
sheets or outdated business models.
Quality stocks may not outperform the
index in 2021, but they should still provide                                 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024
a good risk/return tradeoff amid the           Source: IMF World Economic Outlook, HSBC Private Banking as at 9 December 2020. Forecasts post 2019
uncertainty and volatility we expect.          are subject to change.

                                                                                                                                         Investment Outlook First Quarter 2021                23
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