Recommendations for flat oyster restoration in the North Sea - ARK ...

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Recommendations for flat oyster restoration in the North Sea - ARK ...
Hein Sas
                                                                          Karin Didderen
                                                                          Tom van der Have
                                                                          Pauline Kamermans
                                                                          Karel van den Wijngaard
                                                                          Emilie Reuchlin

Recommendations for
flat oyster restoration
in the North Sea

Synthesis of lessons learned from the Dutch Voordelta experiments,
with additional observations from flat oyster pilots in Borkum Reef and
Gemini wind farm, modelling exercises and literature
April 2019

                                                                          Commissioned by:
                                                                          Karel van den Wijngaard (ARK)
                                                                          Emilie Reuchlin-Hugenholtz (WWF)
Recommendations for flat oyster restoration in the North Sea - ARK ...
Suggested citation: Sas, H. et al., Recommendations for flat oyster restoration in the North Sea, 2019.
Report can be downloaded at:

The shellfish reef restoration projects described in this report are sponsored by:
Recommendations for flat oyster restoration in the North Sea - ARK ...

    Recommendations for
    flat oyster restoration
    in the North Sea

    Synthesis of lessons learned from the Dutch Voordelta experiments,
    with additional observations from flat oyster pilots in Borkum Reef and
    Gemini wind farm, modelling exercises and literature
    April 2019
Recommendations for flat oyster restoration in the North Sea - ARK ...

Table of contents

      Summary                                                            6

1     Introduction                                                      10
1.1   Background and history                                            10
1.2   Objectives and scope of the report                                 11
1.3   Brief description of contents                                     13

2     Objectives and overall strategy of flat oyster reef restoration   14

3     Flat oyster life cycle and reef restoration steering factors      16
3.1   Flat oyster life cycle                                            16
3.2   Steering factors in oyster reef restoration                       16

4     Pilots: locations and design                                      18
4.1   Introduction                                                      18
4.2   Voordelta experiments and pilots                                  18
4.3   Borkum Reef pilot                                                 21
4.4   Gemini wind farm pilot                                            21
Recommendations for flat oyster restoration in the North Sea - ARK ...

    5     How to restore a flat oyster reef: lessons from the Voordelta, Borkum Reef,
          Gemini wind farm pilots and other sources                                     22
    5.1   Habitat requirements to restoration pilots                                    22
    5.2   Oyster sources and treatment prior to deployment                              25
    5.3   Seed population: age structure, condition, test population and extension      26
    5.4   Stimulation of settlement                                                     29

    6     Standard restoration pilot design and monitoring                              30
    6.1   Introduction                                                                  30
    6.2   Standard restoration pilot design                                             30
    6.3   Monitoring                                                                     31
    6.4   Recommended activities in subsequent pilot phases                             32

          References                                                                    33
Recommendations for flat oyster restoration in the North Sea - ARK ...


                                                                             Figure S.1 Locations of the three
                                                                             pilots which are the basis of this
                                                                            report, projected onto the oyster
                                                                              reef areas (orange shadings) as
                                                                                    indicated by Olsen (1883).

The main objective of this report is to provide      The key objective for these pilots is to                     The recommendations are limited to general
recommendations for flat oyster restoration          ‘kick-start’ autonomously growing, or at least               (i.e. non pilot-specific) factors governing flat
pilots in the North Sea. These recommendations       self-sustaining, flat oyster reefs in the North              oyster reef restoration.
are derived from three years of pilots and           Sea. Of course, we are not there yet, so pilots
experiments with flat oyster (Ostrea edulis)         are still necessary. The reason for restoring flat           The recommendations are:
restoration in the Voordelta area, with additional   oyster reefs is to stimulate biodiversity of the             For location selection of flat oyster restoration
information from the Borkum Reef and Gemini          North Sea ecosystem.                                         pilots within the Dutch part of the North Sea,
wind farm restoration pilots, plus other relevant                                                                 in probable order of importance:
studies and model exercises. Various sponsors        The recommendations are based on our                         • Bottom disturbance caused by human
have supported these projects, but the most          current knowledge of factors governing flat                     activities, such as bottom-trawling fishery,
important among these are WWF Netherlands            oyster restoration. An important knowledge                      sand or gravel extraction, and construction
and ARK Natuurontwikkeling.                          gap is the critical surface area and density of                 work should be completely absent. Possibly,
                                                     a self-sustaining flat oyster start-population                  even noise and/or vibrations caused by these
Figure S.1 shows the location of the three pilots.   in the North Sea. This can only to be solved                    activities are detrimental to flat oysters.
The underlying reports can be downloaded             by more pilots and experiments at various                    • The sediment should be firm enough to
from                    locations, accompanied by monitoring                            support flat oyster beds, i.e. fine or coarse
                                                     (‘learning-by-doing’).                                          sand and gravel are suitable, whereas silt is
                                                                                                                     probably less suitable.
Recommendations for flat oyster restoration in the North Sea - ARK ...

    • Prolonged periods of oxygen depletion, as           its success, as long as they are in good         • Transport and storage before deployment
      for example caused by thermal stratification,       health at the moment of deployment.                should be done in cool conditions and
      should be absent.                                 • In principle, young oysters (‘spat’) produced      minimised in time.
    • The sea floor should be sufficiently stable         in a hatchery should be used for the seed        • In any case: oysters should be tested for
      and bottom shear stress should be sufficiently      population, in order to avoid overharvesting       health (e.g. by measuring the shell weight to
      low since these factors will disturb oyster         and introduction of invasive alien species.        flesh ratio of a sample) shortly before they
      settlement and growth. Areas with proper            However, if these are not available, employing     are deployed.
      conditions can be found in the northern and         adult oysters may be considered, but then
      southernmost part of the Dutch North Sea.           strict protocols against overharvesting and      If there is doubt about the appropriateness
    • Net water current should be as low as               introduction of alien invasive species must      of the location, it is important to install a flat
      possible to stimulate larval retention in           be adhered to.                                   oyster test population of 300-600 specimen
      the area. These areas are located in the                                                             when starting the restoration pilot. The test
      southernmost and northern part of the             It appeared that the supply of Bonamia-free        population should be regularly checked for its
      Dutch North Sea.                                  young flat oysters in Northern Europe was          survival, growth, condition, and development
    • Primary production should be sufficient           too scarce to satisfy the demand for the pilots    of reproduction organs (gonads). The oysters
      enough to provide food for the oysters.           discussed in this report. Fortunately, several     in this population therefore must also be
      There is a high to low productivity gradient      hatchery/nurseries are being created (among        measured before deployment and contained in
      roughly perpendicular to the Dutch shore.         others, supported by WWF). These need to be        robust racks, with meshes as wide as possible
      However, it is not clear how far from shore       scaled up in order to bridge the gap between       in relation to the size of the deployed oysters.
      this becomes limiting to the oysters.             supply and the rapidly growing restoration-
                                                        based demand.                                      A cost-efficient method for extension of the
    Presence of empty shells (‘shelliness’) is                                                             pilot may be to employ ‘spat-on-shell’ around
    probably important too, since this may facilitate   Oysters from a Bonamia-free area have not          the seed population: young oysters which
    settlement of oyster larvae. We did not identify    developed resistance against the disease,          are allowed to settle on shell substrate. This
    distribution information of shelliness on the       so that mortality will probably be high if the     practice is widely used in other oyster restora-
    North Sea floor, but a bottom survey will easily    Bonamia infection reaches the population.          tion projects, particularly in the USA. However,
    reveal the amount of shelliness present before      This circumstance can never be completely          we do not know the survival rate of flat oyster
    a pilot.                                            excluded. That is why the development of           spat-on-shell in North Sea waters, so this must
                                                        a disease-free but resistant or tolerant           be tested in practice.
    For source selection of the flat oysters as         population is crucial.
    a seed population in a restoration pilot:                                                              Flat oyster settling can be stimulated by
    • Since the North Sea is considered to be           To ensure that the oysters are in good health      deploying clean and empty bivalve shells
       free from the Bonamia disease, the source        when deployed:                                     around the seed population, with the
       population should originate from areas free      • Due to reproduction, flat oyster condition       following provisions:
       from this disease.                                  is low between May and October. Therefore,      • The deployed shell substrate can consist
    • The source location of flat oysters used for         avoid this period when harvesting as well as       of various types of bivalve shells (mussel,
       restoration pilots is of limited relevance to       deploying them.                                    cockle, oyster).
Recommendations for flat oyster restoration in the North Sea - ARK ...
                               Ca. 100 m

                                                           Reef dome or other
                                                           artifical reef structure

                                                           Rack (cages with oysters of
                                                           different age classes inside)

Ca. 100 m                                                  Spat collecter (with clean mussel,
                                                           Pacific oyster and cockle shells)

                                                           Empty shells, adult oysters
                                                           and/or ‘spat on shell’

    Figure S.2 Recommended basic design of a flat oyster
    restoration pilot.

    • The shells should be clean and free of live          Settlement can be determined by putting                 consist of oysters loosely strewn on the sea
      epibionts.                                           ‘spat collectors’ into the water in or around           floor. A combination is possible too: loosely
    • The cleaned shells should be deployed                the pilot at regular time intervals during the          strewn oysters around the racks with the
      within two weeks of the first peak in larvae         summer period. This is relatively costly and            test population.
      swarming. The latter can be determined by            time-consuming, so an alternative method is           • If not already present, distribute empty and
      regular water sampling in and around the             to survey substrate in and around the pilot             relatively clean shell material around the
      test population and subsequent laboratory            by an ROV with camera, by the time the                  pilot, within two weeks of the first peak in
      analysis for larval identification and counts.       young oysters have grown to at least one                larvae swarming (to be determined by larvae
      This peak may also be predicted with a               cm in size.                                             sampling).
      temperature-sum model, but this must be                                                                    • Deploy artificial reef structures in or around
      calibrated per location.                             Based on these recommendations, we have                 the pilot, in particular for enhancement of
    • If there are already many bivalve shells             developed a standard design for a restoration           general biodiversity, protection against
      present on the sea floor at the pilot                pilot (schematically depicted in Figure S.2):           disturbance, and traceability of the pilot.
      location it may not be necessary to deploy           • If it is not certain that the conditions at the     • Deploy and collect spat collectors for
      extra shells, but this must be tried out in             pilot location are appropriate for flat oysters,     monitoring of flat oyster settlement in the
      practice.                                               try this out with a test population, as              first pilot years or, when newly settled
                                                              described above. If the conditions are known         oysters have grown, use an ROV with
                                                              to be appropriate, the seed population can           camera.
Recommendations for flat oyster restoration in the North Sea - ARK ...

    Once successive analysis of the test population    • Survey development of biodiversity in and         more substrate. Monitoring emphasis can shift
    shows that pilot conditions are appropriate for      around the pilot, among others to investigate     away from survival, growth, and reproduction,
    flat oysters, large-scale extension of the pilot     ecosystem services provided by the                focussing more on recruitment and the reef’s
    can be undertaken by deploying extra oysters         oyster reef.                                      spatial distribution around the pilot, as well
    (possibly in the form of spat-on-shell) and                                                            as the development of biodiversity.
    substrate.                                         These guidelines are in line with the               Phase 4 Reef development phase: years ca.
                                                       monitoring recommendations by the Native            6 to 10 (or longer)
    Given the various uncertainties inherent to        Oyster Restoration Alliance (NORA, 2017).           Gradually decrease measures aimed at
    a flat oyster restoration pilot, it is essential                                                       extension of the reef, to investigate whether
    to accompany it with monitoring. We present        Given the uncertainties about flat oyster           the reef maintains or grows by itself. Continue
    a full monitoring programme. Whether this          restoration, we recommend a pilot duration          environmental, recruitment, and biodiversity
    is achievable depends on the available budget      of about 10 years (if achievable). This period      monitoring. Consider measures to enhance
    in combination with the specific pilot objec-      may be roughly divided into four phases, with       ecosystem functions and structure if keystone
    tives.                                             the following recommendations per phase:            species are missing (especially those which
                                                       Phase 1 Preparation and deployment: year 1          are functional in maintaining the reef).
    Our recommendations for a full monitoring          T0 monitoring, prior to deployment. Deploy-
    programme of flat oyster pilots are:               ment period: well before or after the summer        Mainly due to expensive ship time, working
    • Regularly inspect the installation and oyster    period. Start with a test population if it is not   in offshore conditions is extremely costly.
      racks (if used) for damage and remove            known whether local conditions are suited for       Hence we recommend combining monitoring,
      growth of attached organisms (if necessary,      flat oysters (go to phase 2), otherwise start       maintenance, and extensions visits to the pilot
      clean and/or repair).                            with higher amounts of oysters and substrate        as much as possible.
    • Continuously record environmental data           (go to phase 3).
      at the pilot location near the sea floor:        Phase 2 Test phase: years 1 to ca. 3
      temperature, food availability, oxygen level,    Perform monitoring and maintenance of the
      and current speed.                               test population. Monitoring focuses on survival,
    • Measure survival, growth, gonad develop-         growth, reproduction, and the occurrence of
      ment, and condition of the test population,      recruitment (SGRR) as such, and on environ-
      i.e. the flat oysters in the racks, and if       mental parameters. Extra oysters and/or
      possible also oysters on the sea floor.          settlement substrate can also be deployed,
    • During the reproductive period (June-            but this entails risks as long as SGRR are not
      August) sample water in the pilot, near the      yet proven to be sufficient. Based on the SGRR
      bottom, and analyse for concentration of         results in this phase, a stop/go decision can be
      flat oyster larvae when planning to deploy       made.
      settlement substrate.                            Phase 3 Extension phase: years ca. 3 to 6
    • Deploy and collect spat collectors, and          If it is decided to continue, pilot extension
      later use ROV with camera, to determine flat     can be undertaken by deploying more oysters
      oyster settlement in and around the pilot.       (possibly in the form of spat-on-shell) and/or
Recommendations for flat oyster restoration in the North Sea - ARK ...

1                     Introduction

1.1      Background and history                         Bottom-trawling fishery is destructive to        flat oyster reef near the Brouwersdam
                                                        epibenthic flora and fauna, including flat       that separates Lake Grevelingen from the
In their feasibility study of flat oyster (Ostrea       oyster reefs.                                    Voordelta (Christianen et al., 2018). The
edulis) restoration in the Dutch North Sea,                                                              flat oysters are probably the offspring of
Smaal et al. (2015) concluded that the time was       Almost simultaneously with the Dutch study,        aqua­culture flat oysters in the Grevelingen.
right to start flat oyster restoration in the Dutch   a German feasibility study (Gercken & Schmidt,     This discovery confirmed that flat oysters
part of the North Sea. The main reasons behind        2014) was undertaken, coming to similar            are spreading autonomously beyond their
this conclusion were, and still are:                  conclusions.                                       original culture area.
• Probably due to improved health, the flat
   oyster population shows signs of autono-           2015 also saw the start of the Haringvliet         During the past three years, co-created and
   mous extension in the Dutch Delta area (in         Dreamfund Project, aiming at restoring an          mainly funded by ARK Natuurontwikkeling
   the extreme southwest of The Netherlands),         estuary, which is part of the Delta area, in the   and WWF Netherlands, we have worked on
   where it has been kept in culture since about      southwest of The Netherlands. The project          a method for extending and creating shellfish
   a century ago.                                     includes flat oyster reef restoration in the       reefs in the Voordelta, with an emphasis on
• The areas without bottom-trawling fishing           Voordelta, which is the seaward extension of       flat oysters. We did this by studying the
   activities will probably increase in the North     the Delta. While looking for a suitable location   structure of this reef, by performing various
   Sea, due to the current extension plans of         to start restoration pilots, we discovered a       experiments, and by starting an additional
   wind farms and Marine Protected Areas.             mixed Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and       restoration pilot in the area (Sas et al., 2017,

     2018a; Didderen et al, 2019a). This has helped       et al., 2019b,c). WWF is the main driver behind

     to identify several of the steering factors of       the Borkum Reef pilot. The Gemini pilot is an
     flat oyster reef development and restoration.        initiative of Jan Groot, WWF and the Gemini
     In a sense, the Voordelta has become a ‘field        ‘Buitengaats’ consortium. Monitoring in these
     laboratory’ for flat oyster reef restoration.        pilots yielded important additional results,
     This is an essential asset, since the factors        which we have therefore used for this synthesis,
     influencing development and sustainability of        together with results of relevant modelling
     wild flat oyster reefs in the marine environment     exercises and scientific literature.
     are largely unknown. Moreover, the reefs in the
     North Sea disappeared before anyone realised
     that they were worth studying. Fortunately,          1.2      Objectives and scope
     oysters have been kept in culture, in the Delta               of the report
     area as well as in other inlets and estuaries
     around the North Sea, which gives us some            The main objective of this report is to present
     basic information about the flat oyster life-        recommendations for flat oyster restoration in
     cycle and the initial population for restoration     the North Sea (offshore as well as nearshore),
     attempts (in the Delta only in that very area,       based on the research results over the past
     due to Bonamia infection; see Chapter 4).            three years. In this, we do not distinguish
     However, knowledge of how to maintain and            between restoration ‘pilots’ and ‘attempts’.
                                                                                                                Oyster Reef at Brouwersdam, Voordelta
     extend an oyster culture in the sheltered coastal    A pilot is intended to try out certain locations
     zone is something different from restoring wild      and methods, whereas a true attempt is aiming
     oyster reefs in the open North Sea.                  at actually restoring a population at a certain      know how extensive, in terms of oyster
                                                          location. But in both cases, the initiator aims      density per surface unit and total surface
     The Voordelta oyster reef discovery and the          to get insight in the critical success factors for   area, a reef should be in order to sustain itself
     results of the experiments have drawn wide-          the population to survive and proliferate, for       and/or expand in the open North Sea. These
     spread attention and have stimulated various         which our recommendations are intended.              uncertainties can only be filled in through more,
     organisations to start surveying other areas for                                                          well-monitored experiments and restoration
     flat oyster presence and restoration potential       The recommendations should be considered             attempts, at different locations, with differing
     (e.g. Fariñas-Franco et al., 2018). This resulted    as ‘work in progress’ towards guidelines for         areas, oyster densities, and time scales.
     in the discovery of a small population in the        native oyster reef restoration in the North Sea,
     western Wadden Sea (Van der Have et al.,             since there still are uncertainties. Firstly, the    In this circumstance, it is important to mention
     2018a). After successful pilots nearshore, and       various factors behind flat oyster recruitment       that the number of flat oyster restoration pilots/
     drawing on the experience of these pilots, in        (i.e. spat settlement and growth to a size at        attempts in the North Sea is still increasing. For
     spring 2018 two new and relatively large oyster      which most oysters can survive and reproduce)        instance, in autumn 2018 a pilot was started in
     reef restoration pilots were started in the deeper   are not all known. Recruitment is crucial to         the Luchterduinen offshore wind farm, initiated
     waters of the Dutch North Sea: in the Borkum         maintenance and growth of an oyster reef.            by a consortium of NGO’s and companies (The
     Reef area and the Gemini wind farm (Didderen         Secondly, and related to this, we do not yet         North Sea Foundation, Natuur & Milieu, Eneco,

Wadden Sea
Flat oysters found in 2017                                                                                                                  Wind farm Gemini
Hatchery/nursery started in 2018                                                                                                            Started in 2018

                                                                                                                                            Borkum Reef
                                                                                                                                            Started in 2018

Wind farm Luchterduinen
Started in 2018

                                                                                                                                            Overarching projects:

                                                                                                                                            Hatchery/nursery of Bonamia
                                                                                                                                            free flat oysters

Voordelta project
Started in 2016

                                                                                                                                            EcoFriend: innovative monitoring
                                                                                                                                            in wind farm pilots

Figure 1.1 Current flat oyster restoration projects in the Dutch North Sea area, projected onto the flat oyster reef map by Olsen (1883).
The orange areas indicate the historic flat oyster reefs.

     ASN Bank, and Van Oord). In addition, there           Southampton, Ben Ainslie Land Rover BAR,            1.3      Brief description of contents
     are various hatchery/nursery initiatives in order     and MDL Marinas. See: www.bluemarine­
     to produce the growing number of oysters                           In Chapter 2, we describe the overall strategy
     required.                                           • The Essex Native Oyster Restoration                 of flat oyster restoration we are currently
                                                           Initiative (ENORI) on the UK east coast aims        following. We have already set important steps,
     See Figure 1.1 on page 12 for a complete over-        at supporting self-sustaining populations of        but a much larger effort is required before we
     view of current pilots and other relevant flat        native oysters within several estuaries there.      attain the objective of self-sustaining flat oyster
     oyster initiatives in the Dutch North Sea and         See:                      reefs in the North Sea.
     coastal waters, projected onto the flat oyster
     reef map produced by Olsen (1883). As can be        The increased interest in flat oyster restoration     Chapter 3 describes the flat oyster life cycle
     seen, most projects are within, or close to, the    led to the establishment (in 2017) of the Native      and the steering factors we humans can employ
     historical oyster reefs.                            Oyster Restoration Alliance (NORA), a European        to achieve reef restoration.
                                                         network aiming at reinforcement and restoration
     Other important flat oyster restoration             of the native European flat oyster. Network           Chapter 4 describes the pilots and experiments
     examples in the North Sea area and nearby           members are representatives of governmental           in Voordelta, Borkum Reef, and Gemini wind
     Channel are:                                        agencies, science, non-governmental                   farm.
     • The pilot near Helgoland, undertaken by           organizations, as well as oyster growers and
       the German Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI)         other private enterprises.                            Chapter 5 provides the recommendations we
       at Bremerhaven (Pogoda, 2019), based on           See for general information         have derived from these pilots and experiments,
       the positive conclusions by Gercken &             and            model results, and literature data.
       Schmidt (2014).                                   for information on various restoration initiatives.
       See:               Given the growing interest in flat oyster             Chapter 6 shows how a flat oyster pilot can be
       biosciences/shelf-sea-system-ecology/             restoration, we assume that more flat oyster          set up, monitored, maintained, and expanded.
       main-research-focus/european-oyster.              restoration pilots will be initiated in the North
     • The Dornoch Environmental Enhancement             Sea area. This synthesis and the related
       Project (DEEP), an initiative to restore Native   recommendations are intended for all those
       European oysters to the Dornoch Firth by          who want to give it a try, and for those who are
       the Glenmorangie whisky distillery, Heriot-       trying. Its scope is to give guidance based on
       Watt University, and the Marine Conservation      our key field work results, with emphasis on the
       Society. See: www.theglenmorangiecompany.         general (i.e. not pilot-specific) factors governing
       com/about-us/deep                                 flat oyster reef restoration. Such factors are
     • The Solent Oyster Restoration Project             mostly of a biological and ecological nature,
       (SORP), aiming at restoring the native oyster     though some information on costs and legal
       to the Solent, the strait that separates the      factors are also general and therefore included.
       Isle of Wight from mainland England, by           A description of costs, permits, design, etc.
       the Blue Marine Foundation in partnership         specific to an offshore wind farm pilot is given
       with the Universities of Portsmouth and           in Sas et al. (2018b).

2                    Objectives and
                     overall strategy
                     of flat oyster reef

Flat oysters once covered a large area of the    number of epibenthic species was 60%               Other offshore shellfish reefs (e.g. horse
North Sea, as depicted in Figure 1.1. The map    higher compared to adjacent sand patches           mussels Modiolus modiolus) were, as far as
illustrates that flat oysters can survive and    (Christianen et al., 2018).                        we know, never so extensive in the southern
reproduce in offshore areas, up to 60 metres                                                        North Sea. Flat oyster reefs are therefore
water depth and maybe even more. The             For North American waters, field surveys and       considered to have the highest potential for
importance from the viewpoint of nature          ecological modelling showed that fish and          enhancing marine biodiversity.
restoration is that flat oyster beds provide     mobile crustaceans thrive on oyster beds (with
a natural hard-substrate habitat in a pre­       Virginia oysters, zu Ermgassen et al. (2015)).     Given adequate conditions, shellfish reefs
dominantly soft-bottom marine environment        We assume that this is the case for the North      should be able to maintain themselves and
and influence other environmental conditions     Sea too. Hence, North Sea marine life, including   expand, which gives them an extra
as well by filtering, providing, and recycling   fish and mobile crustacean production, is          characteristic that artificial hard substrate
nutrients, providing shelter and possibly also   expected to increase when flat oyster reefs are    does not have.
by storing carbon.                               restored. Of course, this must be checked by
                                                 monitoring, once a reef is established. Taking     Our key objective in flat oyster restoration is
An oyster reef is a species assemblage with      measures to enhance biodiversity should even       to ‘kick-start’ self-sustaining reefs in the open
higher species richness than a sandy or silty    be considered if keystone species are missing      North Sea, with all the naturally associated
sea bed. In the Voordelta mixed oyster reef      (especially those which are functional in          species and ecosystem services. In other words,
we observed that in quadrats with oysters the    maintaining the reef).                             after an initial stimulation phase, it should not

                                                                                               Business case>2020?
                                                                                 Break- even   Ecosystem services

                                    Number of oysters
                                                                                               Oyster bed restoration
                                                                        €€€                    2018-2022

                                                                                               Oyster pilots 2016-2020
          Figure 2.1 Illustration
           of the time-line and
           scaling up of oyster                         €                                      Feasibility study 2015
         reef restoration in the
              Dutch North Sea.
                                                            Oyster reef size

     be necessary to add new or other specimens                     around 1000 ha (with sufficient oyster density,
     and biodiversity should develop. Obviously                     i.e. at least five individuals per m2; see par. 3.3).
     we are not there yet, but this is the direction                This, in turn, will require major investments.
     restoration practices should go and for which                  But ultimately flat oysters create important
     the recommendations of this report are i                       eco­system services, so in the long run gains
     ntended.                                                       probably outweigh costs. One way to approach
                                                                    this is to monetize ecosystem services, such as
     The overall strategy of scaling up flat oyster                 offshore oyster culture and increased stocks of
     restoration attempts is depicted in Figure 2.1                 fish and large mobile crustaceans (Figure 2.1).
     below. We are currently in the second phase,
     in which restoration attempts of the scale of                  Costs aside, we consider oyster reef restoration
     1 ha are initiated and in which we also attempt                as a part of good stewardship of the North Sea.
     to extend the existing Voordelta oyster reef
     (which spreads across about 40 ha).

     Intuitively, we suspect that at the single ha
     scale, flat oyster reefs are not yet self-sustaining.
                                                                                                                            Flat oysters
     The required dimension lies probably somewhere

3                    Flat oyster life cycle
                     and reef restoration
                     steering factors

3.1      Flat oyster life cycle                    females are larviparous, that is, the eggs are      develop if there is sufficient survival, growth,
                                                   present in the cavity and after fertilization the   and reproduction of mature oysters and
Flat oysters have a complex life cycle shared by   larvae are brooded by the female, 8-10 days         recruitment of young oysters into the local
all members of the genus Ostrea (Figure 3.1).      in flat oyster. After brooding, the larvae swarm    population.
After a short pelagic period (6-10 days for flat   into the water column in June-August.
oysters), oyster larvae settle permanently by
cementing themselves to hard substrate. In the     The critical success factors during the life        3.2      Steering factors in oyster
six-month period after settlement they are         cycle are survival rate (larvae, spat and mature             reef restoration
called ‘spat’ (Walne 1974).                        oysters), growth rate, sex organ (gonad)
                                                   development, larvae production, and recruit-        Restoration can be defined as: “The process
In the first three years they function as males    ment of new oysters into the population by          of establishing or re-establishing a habitat that,
(protandrous life cycle) and in subsequent         successful settlement of larvae as spat, as         in time, can come to closely resemble a natural
years they can function alternately as females     already indicated in Figure 3.1.                    condition in terms of structure and function”
or males. This sex change depends on                                                                   (Baggett et al., 2014). Shellfish (flat oyster)
environmental conditions (temperature, food).      These success factors are summarized as             reefs can be defined as intertidal or subtidal
The males produce sperm clumps (spermato-          the Survival, Growth, Reproduction, and             biogenic structures formed by shellfish (flat
zeugmata; Ó Foighil et al., 2000) which after      Recruitment (SGRR) conceptual model:                oysters) living at high densities and building
spawning are inhaled by the females. The           a self-sustaining or growing oyster reef will       a habitat with significant surface complexity.

                                                                                                                                 Recruitment                            Reproduction
                                                                                                                   Addition of
                                                                                                                   spat substrate

                                                                                                                                        spat             Oyster
                                                                                                                                                         substrate   oysters

                                                                                                                                    Survival                            Growth


                                                                                                                   Figure 3.2 Important steering factors of flat oyster bed
                                                                                                                   development (in green): deployment of live oysters (of both
                                                                                                                   sexes and different ages) to produce larvae and deployment
                                                                                                                   of substrate for settling of these larvae. Blue arrows indicate
                                                                                                                   that oysters (1-3 y and >3y) and natural shelliness also
     Figure 3.1 The general life cycle of an Ostrea oyster.                                                        provide settlement substrate.

     Several experts insist on using the term oyster          This can be accomplished, in principle, by           • Both if oysters and suitable substrate are
     ‘bed’ instead of ‘reef’. We stick to the term            influencing key steering factors in the oyster         absent.
     ‘reef’ however, to underline that flat oysters           life cycle (see Figure 3.2). These include
     create a three-dimensional structure on the              (Beck et al., 2009):                                 Choice of a presumed optimal location is an
     sea bed.                                                 • Providing or adding a ‘seed population’, i.e.      additional steering factor.
                                                                  a mix of oysters of both sexes to ‘kick-start’
     Shellfish reef restoration is successful if high             a population, by producing larvae, if the        In Chapter 5 we will elucidate more specific
     densities with substantial structural complexity             population is recruitment limited (which is      recommendations for these steering factors,
     occur and maintain themselves. In the case of                the case in the North Sea).                      based on the Voordelta, Borkum Reef, and
     flat oysters, such a reef should have a minimal          • Providing settlement substrate for spat if         Gemini pilots, as well as additional sources.
     density of five individuals per m2 (OSPAR,                   the population is substrate limited (which
     2000).                                                       may not be the case in some areas of the
                                                                  North Sea).

4                    Pilots: locations
                     and design

                                                                        Figure 4.1 Locations of the three
                                                                           pilots which form the basis of
                                                                          this report, projected onto the
                                                                                        Olsen (1883) map

4.1      Introduction                                - Sas H., Kamermans P., Have T. Van Der                These reports can be downloaded from
                                                       & Christianen M. (2018a) Shellfish reef    
This synthesis is based on the results of              restoration pilots Voordelta: Annual                 schelpdierbanken
experiments and pilots in the Voordelta                report 2017.
(2016-18), with additional information from the      - Didderen, K., P. Kamermans, A. van den
Borkum Reef and Gemini oyster restoration              Brink, T.M. van der Have, J.H. Bergsma,              4.2     Voordelta experiments
pilots (2018). The locations of these pilots are       H. van der Jagt, W. Lengkeek, M. Maathuis,                   and pilots
presented in Figure 4.1.                               H. Sas (2019a) Shellfish bed restoration
                                                       pilots Voordelta, Netherlands, Annual                The Voordelta is a nature conservation area and
Full information about these pilots and                report 2018.                                         part of the EU Natura 2000 network. A map of
experiments is presented in the annual reports.    • Borkum Reef: Didderen, K., P. Kamermans,               the designated Natura 2000 area is presented
These are:                                           W. Lengkeek (2019b) Borkum Reef oyster                 in Figure 4.2.
• Voordelta:                                         pilot, results 2018.
  - Sas H., Kamermans P., Have T. van der,         • Gemini wind farm: Didderen, K., P.                     We performed our main pilots and experiments
      Lengkeek W. & Smaal A. (2017) Shellfish        Kamermans, W. Lengkeek (2019c) Gemini                  near the Blokkendam location (see Figure. 4.3).
      reef restoration pilots Voordelta: Annual      wind farm oyster pilot, results 2018, BuWa             The main characteristics of this part of the
      report 2016.                                   report 19-012.                                         Voordelta are:

     Figure 4.2 Map of the Voordelta Natura-2000 area (Rijkswaterstaat & Royal Haskoning/DHV).

• The area is shallow, with water depth                                                                                       Figure 4.3 Map with relevant pilot
  varying from 1 to 6 metres.                                                                                                 and experiment locations in the
                                                                                                                              Voordelta area.
• There is a mixed flat oyster and Pacific
  oyster (Crassostrea gigas) reef present near
  Blokkendam location. Shrimp fishery is the
  only type of bottom-trawling fishery in the
  Voordelta area, but it is even absent near
  the Blokkendam, due to the shallow water
  depth and the presence of large stones.
• The oyster density varies strongly within the
  reef. Its area is at least 40 ha. Most probably,
  the flat oyster larvae originally came from
  nearby Lake Grevelingen (Figure. 4.3), a
  saline lake with limited tidal range and in
  open connection via the Grevelingen outlet
  to the Voordelta since 1998. In this lake, flat
  oysters occur naturally and on culture plots.
  As a result, in early summer, flat oyster larvae
  can be detected swarming in the Voordelta
• Other shellfish species also occur in the area,
  such as razor clam (Ensis sp.), surf clam
  (Spisula sp.), soft shell clam (Mya arenaria),
  and blue mussel (Mytilus edulis).

As stated in Chapter 1, the main objective of
the overall Voordelta project (2016-2018) is to       Specific objectives and related activities for      Therefore, it was decided to stop monitoring
develop a method for extending and creating           the experiments are (see Sas et al., 2017 and       at this location.
shellfish reefs. In order to attain this objective,   2018a; Didderen et al., 2019a):                   • To unravel the dynamics of spat settlement
secondary objectives are:                             • To measure survival, growth and repro­            as a basis for recruitment of flat oysters,
• Understand the critical factors for formation          duction of flat oysters. This was done by        since this constitutes the ‘Achilles heel’ of the
   and development of these reefs.                       deploying racks with a defined population        establishment of flat oyster reefs. The main
• Identify suitable locations for shellfish reefs        at two different locations: Blokkendam and       question here is: How can flat oyster spat
   in the Voordelta.                                     Hinderplaat. Conditions for flat oyster          settlement be stimulated and how can this
                                                         survival near Hinderplaat appeared to be         knowledge be used to create new flat oyster
                                                         unsuitable, probably due to large and            reefs? A related question is: Which substrate
                                                         sudden fresh water inflows from Haringvliet.     is most suitable for flat oyster spat settle-

       ment? These questions are addressed by           We also performed a survival and condition         (up to three years of age) are all males, while
       monitoring the occurrence of flat oyster         test with Norwegian oysters, from Hafrsfjord       older oysters can both be male and female
       larvae in the water column and deploying         (see below for source description).                (see par. 3.1).
       substrate when flat oyster larvae appear
       to be present, as well as by mapping the                                                            Water depth at the pilot location is about 25
       substrate used by flat oysters in the            4.3      Borkum Reef pilot                         metres. The pilot is located about 20 km from
       Blokkendam reef.                                                                                    shore. The artificial reefs have various functions:
     • Based on the results of the above                The Borkum Reef pilot, which was started           protection and references points for the racks,
       experiments:                                     in spring 2018, is a larger-scale restoration      settlement substrate and elevation form the
       - To attempt to extend the reef, by              attempt. It consists of:                           seabed for oysters, substrate and/or shelter for
         timely deploying substrate at locations        • A small number of oysters in racks, to           other species. Local fishermen have agreed to
         considered suitable.                              allow monitoring of growth, health, and         avoid the area with bottom trawling equipment
       - To develop a new pilot, on the lee (east)         development of gonads (reproduction             and work together with WWF and ARK regard-
         side of the tidal flat Bollen van de Ooster.      organs) of this subset.                         ing monitoring and maintenance.
         This location was chosen because shellfish     • Artificial sandstone reefs with and without
         surveys conducted earlier showed the              oysters.
         presence of living flat oysters and because    • About 80,000 oysters loosely distributed         4.4      Gemini wind farm pilot
         fishery or other bottom-disturbing                on the sea floor, within an area of
         activities are not allowed there. The pilot       approximately 1 ha.                             The pilot in the Gemini windfarm (see Didderen,
         was started in 2018.                                                                              2019c), which was also initiated in spring 2018,
     • To map the biodiversity associated with the      See Didderen et al. (2019b) for full description   is of smaller scale than the one in Borkum Reef.
       oyster reef, in order to demonstrate its value   of the pilot. It is performed with Norwegian       It is performed with about 15,000 Norwegian
       for marine nature development.                   oysters. The same regulation as mentioned in       oysters from the same batch as used for the
                                                        par. 4.2 prohibits the deployment of Bonamia-      Borkum Reef project. A small part of these was
     The oysters employed for the Voordelta             infected oysters in the open North Sea because     also put in racks, while the majority was loosely
     pilots usually came from the region itself:        this is considered as a Bonamia-free zone. The     strewn in and around wind farm monopile scour
     Lake Grevelingen, Eastern Scheldt, and some-       Norwegian oysters are free from the Bonamia        protection stones. Water depth varies between
     times from the reef in the Voordelta. These        disease. They originate from wild oyster reefs,    28 and 36 metres. The wind farm is 85 km from
     are infected with Bonamia. So, we tested for       located in relatively shallow water (up to         shore.
     Bonamia in the Blokkendam reef and it is           5-metre depth) and are harvested by divers.
     indeed present in that population (Sas et al.,     A sustainable harvest protocol was set up and
     2018). Therefore, in this case, oysters infected   maintained by WWF and the oyster company.
     by Bonamia can be used for reef restoration.
     A Dutch regulation is being prepared limiting      The oyster population contains a naturally
     the deployment of Bonamia infected oysters         occurring variety in age classes. The use of
     to this part of the Voordelta only.                different age classes is important, since such
                                                        a population is productive. Young oysters

5                     How to restore a flat oyster
                      reef: lessons from the
                      Voordelta, Borkum Reef,
                      Gemini wind farm pilots
                      and other sources
5.1      Habitat requirements for                 extraction. Possibly, even noise and/or              enough to support flat oyster beds, i.e.
         restoration pilots                       vibrations caused by these activities are            fine or coarse sand and gravel are suitable,
                                                  detrimental to flat oysters (Tamis et al.,           whereas silt is probably less suitable. This
Smaal et al., (2015) argued that abiotic          2019).                                               is the case in most parts of the Dutch North
conditions (including bottom shear stress                                                              Sea. Possibly with the exception of (large
and stability, current velocity, salinity,        In model studies, Smaal et al. (2017) and            parts of) the Oyster Grounds. Explanations
sediment composition, temperature, oxygen         Kamermans et al. (2018a,b) investigated other        for this could be that the organic part of
availability, water depth, and absence of         relevant conditions for flat oyster restoration      this silt was produced by the oyster reefs
bottom disturbance) and biotic conditions         pilots in the Dutch part of the North Sea. We        that were once present there, and/or that
(diseases, food availability, predators) should   recapitulate these below, with additional infor-     currently sedimenting algae are no longer
allow flat oyster growth and reproduction in      mation from the pilots in Borkum Reef, Gemini        consumed by oysters.
large parts of the North Sea nearshore and        and some German experiments, to provide            • Presence of empty shells (‘shelliness’) or
offshore.                                         recommendations for optimal conditions and           other hard substrate probably facilitates
                                                  locations for restoration attempts/pilots.           settlement of oyster larvae. The type of shell
A primary condition for oyster reef develop-                                                           is probably of little importance (see par. 5.4).
ment is the total absence of seabed disturbance   The relevant conditions are:                         We did not find information on spatial
in the designated reef area, including trawling   • Sediment composition without too fine              distribution of such substrates on the North
fishery, construction works, and gravel/sand        fragments: the sediment should be firm             Sea floor, but a bottom survey will easily

                                                                                                                                                       par. 5.3). But if there is a choice, the areas

                                                                                                       Picture: Ester van den Doel/Duiken in Beeld
                                                                                                                                                       with lowest possible net current should be
                                                                                                                                                       selected for restoration pilots. A tidal current,
                                                                                                                                                       moving to and from the pilot (hence: without
                                                                                                                                                       a net current) will be less problematic and
                                                                                                                                                       occurs everywhere in the North Sea anyway.
                                                                                                                                                       Such locations do exist in the Dutch part of
                                                                                                                                                       the North Sea, as the model studies show.
                                                                                                                                                       In particular, there is a very low net current
                                                                                                                                                       in the Gemini wind farm. At Borkum Reef,
                                                                                                                                                       modelling shows a moderate net current to
                                                                                                                                                       the east.
                                                                                                                                                     • Absence of prolonged periods of oxygen
                                                                                                                                                       depletion, as for example caused by thermal
                                                                                                                                                       stratification. Lack of oxygen is lethal to all
                                                                                                                                                       epibenthic flora and fauna, although flat
                                                                                                                                                       oysters appear to be relatively resistant
                                                                                                                                                       (Smaal et al., 2015). Choosing a location
                                                                                                                                                       without prolonged stratification periods is
                                                                                                                                                       therefore preferred. The model studies show
                                                                                                                                                       that it may occur in a zone just to the north
     Oyster reef at Brouwersdam
                                                                                                                                                       of the Dutch Wadden Sea. There are indeed
                                                                                                                                                       indications that temporarily stratification
                                                                                                                                                       occurs during spring and summer in the
       reveal the amount of shells or other hard        area. Borkum Reef is located relatively near                                                   Gemini wind farm. Fresh water stratification
       substrate present before a pilot.                to shore, but current velocity was measured                                                    occasionally occurs in a narrow band along
     • A sufficiently stable sea floor: a mobile        and not deemed a limiting factor (Reuchlin,                                                    the Dutch coast, hence that phenomenon
       bottom will disturb oyster settlement and        2018).                                                                                         is less relevant to the open North Sea.
       growth. The model studies mentioned            • A low net sea water current, in any direction:                                               • Sufficient primary production, to provide
       above showed that, in the northern and           current will cause dispersion of flat oyster                                                   food to the oysters: there is a high to low
       southernmost part of the Dutch North Sea         larvae. Hence, they will tend to drift away                                                    productivity gradient roughly perpendicular
       areas, a sufficiently stable bottom can be       from the parent reef, leaving it insufficiently                                                to the Dutch shore. The mentioned model
       found.                                           rejuvenated. At present the magnitude of net                                                   studies indicate that food limitation could
     • A sufficiently low sea floor shear stress:       current, which causes larvae to drift away                                                     occur far from shore, though not just how far.
       a high shear stress can damage oyster reefs.     too far, is based on model predictions. In                                                     In illustration, the condition of the oysters in
       The model studies showed that this should        addition, the settling rate of flat oyster larvae                                              Borkum Reef (close to shore) appears to be
       not pose a problem outside the nearshore         and size of the reef will also play a role (see                                                slightly better than those in the Gemini wind

                                                                                                                                model studies did not yield Dutch North Sea

                                                                                                                                areas with too high suspended sediment
                                                                                                                                concentrations for flat oysters.
                                                                                                                              • Sea water temperature near the bottom
                                                                                                                                between 3 and 30 °C: flat oysters require
                                                                                                                                a winter temperature not below 3 °C and
                                                                                                                                summer temperature not above 30 °C. This
                                                                                                                                is probably not exceeded anywhere in the
                                                                                                                                Dutch part of the North Sea.
                                                                                                                              • Sedimentation rate not too high: a high rate
                                                                                                                                tends to bury the oysters. There are no North
                                                                                                                                Sea data or model studies of (the influence
                                                                                                                                of) this factor.
                                                                                                                              • Low predation pressure, in particular of star-
                                                                                                                                fish and crabs: predation may pose a severe
                                                                                                                                threat, specially to young oysters. There are
                                                                                                                                no indications that parts of the Dutch North
                                                                                                                                Sea are particularly infested with these
                                                                                                                                predators, though they may of course be
                                                                                                                                attracted to flat oyster reefs and their
                                                                                                                                associated organisms. So, the influence of
                                                                                                                                this factor must be determined in practice.

                                                                                                                              The Voordelta pilots, with the Hinderplaat loca-
Deploying substrate at Voordelta
                                                                                                                              tion in particular, showed that a high freshwater
                                                                                                                              flow is lethal to flat oysters, but this is obviously
                                                                                                                              only relevant at locations very near to shore
  farm (85 km from shore). Pogoda et al. (2011)      the planned growth of the wind farm area,                                and at main river outlets.
  also report a moderate oyster condition near       this could possibly lead to food limitation
  Helgoland, which is about 55 km from the           for the oysters (Kamermans et al., 2018),                                In summary, we recommend the following
  German mainland, while oysters at stations         but that is a hypothesis that remains to be                              qualitative criteria for location selection of flat
  more inshore showed a better condition.            tested.                                                                  oyster restoration attempts/pilots, in order of
  A factor which may, in time, cause problems      • Minimal suspended sediment concentration:                                probable importance:
  for flat oyster reef development in wind farms     a high concentration of suspended inorganic                              • Bottom disturbance by human activities
  is the high number of mussels attached to          particles (according to current estimates                                   (such as trawling fishery, sand/gravel
  monopiles. These compete with the oysters          above ca. 50 mg/l) can interfere negatively                                 extraction, and construction works) should
  for phytoplankton in the water column. With        with oyster filter feeding. The mentioned                                   be completely absent.

     • The sediment should be firm enough to              should originate from areas that are free           secondly because alien invasive species can be
       support flat oyster beds (i.e. fine or coarse      from Bonamia and Marteilia.                         attached to them. That is why NORA strongly
       sand and gravel are suitable, whereas silt       • In a small section of the Voordelta (since          advises against harvesting and deploying wild
       is probably less suitable).                        Bonamia already occurs there) the oysters           oysters for restoration purposes (see www.
     • Prolonged periods of oxygen depletion              can originate from an area which is infected
       should be absent (as for example caused            by Bonamia.                                         Berlin-Oyster-Recommendation-Part-1).
       by thermal stratification).
     • The sea floor should be sufficiently stable      In the North Sea area, Bonamia is considered          Nonetheless, ARK/WWF are convinced that the
       and bottom shear stress should be                to be a higher threat than Marteilia; therefore       Norwegian oysters sourced from Hafrsfjord for
       sufficiently low. Such areas can be found in     our practical recommendations concentrate             the purpose of the Borkum Stones and Gemini
       the northern and southernmost part of the        on the former.                                        projects pose no risks of overharvesting or
       Dutch North Sea.                                                                                       introduction of invasive alien species. That is
     • Net water current should be as low as            Oysters from a Bonamia-free area have not             because:
       possible. These areas are again located in       developed resistance against the disease, so          • The Norwegian government, IMR research
       the southernmost part and in the northern        mortality will probably be high if the Bonamia           institute, and the company selling the oysters
       part of the Dutch North Sea.                     infection reaches the population. This circum-           state there is no overharvesting and that the
     • Primary production should be sufficient; in      stance can never be completely excluded.                 harvest method (by hand, with divers) does
       far offshore areas it may become limiting to     That is why the development of a disease-free            not damage the population. A sustainable
       flat oyster growth.                              but resistant or tolerant population is crucial.         harvest protocol was developed and is
     The sea floor at the chosen location should        Wild versus hatchery oysters                          • WWF and ARK have commissioned
     be surveyed before deployment, in order to         The oysters deployed in the Borkum Reef and              development of a treatment protocol for
     ascertain that its basic physical conditions are   Gemini wind farm are harvested from Hafrsfjord           wild adult oysters. This includes mechanical
     met (as summarised in the above                    in Norway. This is a wild population, of various         and chemical (bleach) treatment of the
     recommendations).                                  age classes. The principal reason for ARK/WWF            oysters before transport, as well as a
                                                        employing these oysters is that the required             quarantine period (Van der Have et al.
                                                        amounts of flat oysters were not available from          2018b). The protocol was applied to all
     5.2      Oyster sources and treatment              a hatchery at the time the pilot was starting.           oysters deployed in the Borkum Reef and
              prior to deployment                       Secondary reasons are that only a population             Gemini pilots. The Dutch government has
                                                        containing various age classes is immediately            granted an oyster import permit based
     Bonamia free                                       fertile (see par. 3.1) and that oysters from a wild      on the adoption and application of the
     Currently, a Dutch regulation is being             population are genetically more diverse than             protocol (Didderen, 2019b).
     prepared which specifies rules for the             from a hatchery.
     oysters to be deployed as a start population.                                                            Test cases for Norwegian oysters
     It specifies that:                                 It is less desirable to harvest and deploy wild       Before deploying the Norwegian oysters, it
     • In the open North Sea (since this area is        flat oysters for restoration purposes: firstly,       was unclear whether they would survive and
         considered to be disease-free) the oysters     because wild oyster reefs are already rare,           grow in the open North Sea, since they were

transferred from a relatively shallow and quiet     The recommendations we derive from this              oysters are Bonamia free; a preliminary test
fjord to much deeper water, with different          section are:                                         indicates that they may indeed be free from
current speed, temperature, light regime and        • In the open North Sea, Bonamia-free oysters        the infection.
probably a different algae population too. In         must be employed.                                • AWI is setting up a hatchery with
addition, the transport process from Norway to      • The source location of oysters to be de-           Bonamia-free oysters at its Bremerhaven
the Netherlands was deemed to be stressful.           ployed for restoration attempts/pilots is          laboratory.
However, monitoring two months after deploy-          probably of limited relevance to its success.
ment revealed that survival rate in Borkum Reef       As long as they are healthy when deployed        We do not know yet which attempt will
pilot was high and surviving oysters grew well,       (see par. 5.3).                                  yield sufficient amounts of Bonamia-free/
showed gonad development and a good condi-          • In principle, young oysters (‘spat’) produced    Bonamia-tolerant oysters in the near future.
tion. Several female oysters had eggs and larvae      in a hatchery should be used for the seed
were present in several oysters, which proves         population, in order to avoid overharvesting
that spermatozeugmata were released into the          and introduction of invasive alien species.      5.3      Seed population: age structure,
water column and eggs within females were             However, if these are not available, it may be            condition, test population and
successfully fertilized. In addition, flat oyster     considered to employ adult oysters, but then              extension
larvae were detected in the water column just         strict protocols against overharvesting and
above the oysters. To our knowledge, there is         introduction of alien invasive species must be   ‘Seed population’
no other flat oyster population nearby. The AWI       adhered to.                                      As explained in par. 3.2, we call the initial
pilot in particular is located north of Helgoland                                                      population which is deployed to ‘kick-start’
(cf., more than 100 km away.            In the near future, the sourcing problem of        an oyster reef the ‘seed population’.
Hence, it is almost certain that these larvae       Bonamia free oysters may be solved by the
are the offspring of the flat oysters deployed      following developments:                            Age structure
in Borkum Reef pilot.                               • Wageningen Marine Research and hatchery          As set out in par. 3.1, the age structure of the
                                                       company Roem van Yerseke have developed         seed population is important, since oysters
As an extra test, the Norwegian oysters were           a method to grow Bonamia-free flat oysters      less than 3 years old are males only. After three
deployed in the Voordelta. It appeared they            from a Bonamia-infected population              years they can become females. Probably the
survived rather well there too and surviving           (Kamermans et al., in prep). As indicated       latter produce more eggs when they grow larger.
specimen showed an equal or even better                above, this is a very important development.    If the restoration effort aims at immediately
condition than oysters from the region itself       • WWF, ARK and Roem van Yerseke are                starting a reproducing population, it must
(Eastern Scheldt and Grevelingen).                     setting up a hatchery with Bonamia free         contain a sufficient number of female oysters.
                                                       oysters.                                        We do not know the optimal sex ratio, but we
In summary, the experiments show that the           • The Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea          assume that a significant amount (estimated
deployed flat oysters rapidly adapted to a             Research (NIOZ) at Texel, supported by          at about 25%) should be female. Since adult
very different environment. Pogoda (2017)              WWF/ARK, Jan Groot and the Programme            oysters can be male as well as female, the
confirmed this finding: young French hatchery          towards a Rich Wadden Sea, is also setting      seed population should contain about 50%
oysters, introduced in the German offshore             up a hatchery, with Wadden Sea flat oysters.    adult oysters to obtain a about 25% female
part of the North Sea, also did well there.            It is yet to be determined whether these        population. Of course, the guidelines on

     harvest and treatment as set out in par. 5.2

     must be adhered when using adult oysters.

     The seed population should be in good
     condition. Condition should be estimated (e.g.
     by measuring the shell weight to flesh ratio of
     a representative sample) shortly before they are
     deployed. A good condition ensures sufficient
     reserves for the oysters to develop gonads and
     produce gametes, in particular eggs, which are
     more energy demanding than sperm.

     Important condition influence factors are:
     • The moment of collection (if from the wild)
       and deployment: during the reproductive
       period and a few months afterwards, i.e.
       from May to October, flat oysters are more
       susceptible to stress. So, harvest as well
       as deployment should be avoided in that
     • Transport and storage before deployment:
                                                         Brouwersdam from above
       this should be done under the proper
       conditions, i.e. packed without water, but
       with moist paper around the shells, stored
       in cooled containers at 70C.                     measured and weighted) and retraceable. In         account for damage. We recommend each rack
                                                        order to achieve this, they should be contained,   to contain 100-200 oysters.
     Young oysters (less than approximately 3 years     for example in robust racks, with meshes which
     old) are particularly prone to stress and there-   are as wide as possible in relation to the         The racks should be hauled up, at least annually,
     fore show less survival when they are not          deployed oysters. These meshes allow water,        to be cleaned and to measure survival, growth,
     properly handled and stored prior to deploy-       containing oxygen and algae, to enter and          development of gonads and overall condition
     ment (Pogoda, 2011).                               excrements to leave the contained population.      of the oysters.

     Test population                                    The racks should be sufficiently sturdy to with-   Extension of the population
     If it is not certain that the conditions at the    stand North Sea conditions and remain stable       We do not know the critical size (e.g. surface
     pilot location are appropriate for flat oysters,   on the sea floor and they should be retrievable.   area) and oyster density of a self-sustaining
     a pilot should contain a test population, which    At least three racks should be deployed per        population in the open North Sea. This is
     is well-defined (i.e. oysters are individually     pilot, in order to have enough replicates and to   related to net current speed (with respect to
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