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TITRE LIEN Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used by nomadic peoples in the Algerian steppe1 37887411734610X Medicinal plants and their traditional uses in the highland region of Bordj Bou Arreridj (Northeast 210803319300089 Algeria)2 Rosmarinus eriocalyx: An alternative to Rosmarinus officinalis as a source of antioxidant compounds3 308814616314467 Streptomyces secondary metabolites4 RDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA99&dq=Streptomyces+se condary+metabolites&ots=YU5O6Yoxyj&sig=f0S2f_qIv 9xsiMMBUAbVobu_Img Ethnoveterinary remedies used in the Algerian steppe: Exploring the relationship with traditional human herbal 378874119321373 medicine5 Essential oils (EOs), pressurized liquid extracts (PLE) and carbon dioxide supercritical fluid extracts (SFE- 308814618305508 CO2) from Algerian Thymus munbyanus as valuable sources of …6 Purification and biochemical characterization of a new organic solvent-tolerant chitinase from Paenibacillus 00862151930237X timonensis strain LK-DZ15 isolated from the Djurdjura Mountains in …7 Supercritical CO2 extraction of Rosmarinus eriocalyx growing in Algeria: Chemical composition and 926669017308154 antioxidant activity of extracts and their solid plant materials8 Herbal remedies and traditional knowledge of the Tuareg community in the region of Illizi (Algerian 140196319300527 Sahara)9 Essential Oil of Thymus munbyanus subsp. coloratus from Algeria: .201600299 Chemotypification and in vitro Biological Activities10 Phenanthrene and dihydrophenanthrene derivatives from Dioscorea communis with anticholinesterase, and 6419.2018.1468328 antioxidant activities11 Diversité floristique des milieux forestiers et préforestiers de l’Atlas tellien occidental de Tiaret (NO Rebbas/publication/323320770_Diversite_floristique_ Algérie)12 des_milieux_forestiers_et_preforestiers_de_l'Atlas_te
llien_occidental_de_Tiaret_N- O_Algerie/links/5a8db38fa6fdcc808c0f0710/Diversite- floristique-des-milieux-forestiers-et-preforestiers-de- lAtlas-tellien-occidental-de-Tiaret-N-O-Algerie.pdf Caractérisation phytochimique et détermination des // activités biologiques in vitro des extraits actifs de quelques Lamiaceae13 Flore endemique, rare et menacees de l'Atlas Tellien Occidental de Tiaret (Algerie)14 12865 Contribution to the study of some aspects of pollination in six varieties of apricot in the region of M'sila fc405e4623a07b4a92fb7be2.pdf (Algeria)15 Determination of genetics relationships by moleculars markers of SSR type, for some varieties of apricot Abdelghani/publication/321528033_Journal_Algerien (Prunus armeniaca L.) in the area of the _des_Regions_Arides_JARA_N_o_13_2016_Determina Hodna,(M’sila), Algeria16 tion_of_genetics_relationships_by_moleculars_marke rs_of_SSR_type_for_some_varieties_of_apricot_Prun us_armeniaca_L_in_the_area_of_the_Hodna/links/5d 9b8c7992851c2f70f3fc67/Journal-Algerien-des- Regions-Arides-JARA-N-o-13-2016-Determination-of- genetics-relationships-by-moleculars-markers-of-SSR- type-for-some-varieties-of-apricot-Prunus-armeniaca- L-in-the-area-of-the-Hodn.pdf EFFET DES DIFFERENTES CATEGORIES D’AGE DE L’ARBRE DANS LE COMPORTEMENT DE 08 QUELQUES VARIETES D’ABRICOTIER (Prunus armeniaca L.) DANS LA REGION DE MAGRA, M’SILA, ALGERIE17 The agro-ecological preservation of apricot varieties by the biological curtains in the Boukhmissa area, Hodna 108718 plain (M'sila), Algeria.18 A new chemotype with high tricyclene content from the essential oil of Salvia aegyptiaca L. growing in Algerian 6419.2021.1929218 Pre-Sahara19 Total phytochemical analysis of Thymus munbyanus subsp. coloratus from Algeria by HS-SPME-GC-MS, 731708520309298 NMR and HPLC-MSn studies20 Supercritical CO2 extracts and essential oils from Teucrium polium L. growing in Algeria: chemical 2905.2018.1493406 composition and antioxidant activity21 Thymus lanceolatus ethanolic extract protects human
cells from t-BHP induced oxidative damage22 c8fo00568k Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil from Daucus reboudii Coss., an Endemic Plant of Algeria23 The effect of growth regulators and explants on callus induction in four cultivars of potato (Solanum content/uploads/2018/01/JBV-6.pdf tuberosum L.)24 Germinative performance of seeds of 14 species of medicinal plants25 Hamdi/publication/332593900_Germinative_perform ance_of_seeds_of_14_species_of_medicinal_plants/li nks/5cbf8cffa6fdcc1d49aa3257/Germinative- performance-of-seeds-of-14-species-of-medicinal- plants.pdf NMR, HS‐SPME‐GC/MS, and HPLC/MSn Analyses of Phytoconstituents and Aroma Profile of Rosmarinus .201700248 eriocalyx26 Chemical constituents and anticholinesterase activity of the essential oil of Algerian Elaeoselinum 6419.2020.1870460 thapsioides (Desf.) maire27 Assessment of polyphenols contents, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Origanum majorana extracts28 e/view/489 Biological screening of Ajuga iva extracts obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide and pressurized liquid Hamdi/publication/318865194_Biological_screening_ extraction29 of_Ajuga_iva_extracts_obtained_by_supercritical_car bon_dioxide_and_pressurized_liquid_extraction_Citat ion/links/598233d00f7e9b9ebaab1628/Biological- screening-of-Ajuga-iva-extracts-obtained-by- supercritical-carbon-dioxide-and-pressurized-liquid- extraction- Citation.pdf?_sg%5B0%5D=started_experiment_miles tone&origin=journalDetail Identification and characterization of a highly chitinase producing Paenibacillus timonensis strain LK-DZ15 df isolated from Djurdjura Mountains in Kabylia, Algeria 30 Exploitation of somaclonal variability for the search of // saline-tolerant potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)31 Ethnobotanical survey of herbal remedies traditionally used in El Hammadia (Southern region of the province ournal/article/doi/10.5281/zenodo.5045031 of Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria)32 Data on identification of primary and secondary
metabolites in aqueous extract of Verbascum 352340920310404 betonicifolium33 Chemical composition of essential oil of the species Oenanthe fistulosa L. growing in Algeria34 Akkal/publication/349967435_55- 1592401548pdf/data/604a08f992851c1bd4df2469/55 -1592401548.pdf Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of Terfezia arenaria extracts collected from Saharan desert against bacteria 019-1816-3 and filamentous fungi35 Ethnobotany of Medicinal Plants of El Mansourah (West of Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria)36 2a71c574ba86d4e66406da5f0.pdf LC-MS/MS Profiling of 37 Fingerprint Phytochemicals in Oenanthe fistulosa L. and its Biological Activities37 021/00000011/00000001/art00009 Phenolic Compounds from An Algerian Endemic Species of Hypochaeris laevigata var. hipponensis and Investigation of Antioxidant Activities38 Characterization of endospore-forming bacteria producing extracellular enzymes isolated from the cle/doi/10.5281/zenodo.5055773 Djurdjura Mountains in Algeria39 Composition and profiling of essential oil, volatile and crude extract constituents of Micromeria inodora 73170852031743X growing in western Algeria40 Bioactivities of iridoids and flavonoids present in decoctions from aerial parts of Verbascum 876382020308519 betonicifolium41 Essential oil composition and biological activities of Ononis alba Poir (Fabaceae)42 6419.2020.1836626 Antioxidant activity of extracts obtained by high- pressure extraction procedures from Asparagus 254629921005469 stipularis Forssk43 Note sur la découverte de nouvelles stations de Centaurea hyalolepis Boiss. en Algérie44 Hammou/publication/359095679_Centaurea_halolepi s_pub_454_09/links/6227c99484ce8e5b4d121b17/Ce ntaurea-halolepis-pub-454-09.pdf Ethnobotanical study of the toxicity of Ecballium http://num.univ- elaterium (L.) A. Rich. in the Northest of Algeria45 obotanical-study-of-the-toxicity-of-juste8pdf- p8akk9ml1598020644.pdf Medicinal plants used by patients to fight cancer in
northwestern Algeria46 007455121004410 Traditional Ethnobotanical Knowledge on Medicinal Plants Used by the Populations in Central Russikada 6475.2021.1961180 (Northeastern Algeria)47 Phytochemical constituents of Lamiaceae family 48 w/25070 Medicinal Plants Popularly Used in the Rural Communities of Ben Srour (Southeast of M’sila, Mohamed-Djamel- Algeria)49 2/publication/348078030_Medicinal_plants_popularly _used_in_the_rural_communities_of_Ben_Srour_Sout heast_of_M'sila_Algeria/links/5fee6500299bf1408861 0248/Medicinal-plants-popularly-used-in-the-rural- communities-of-Ben-Srour-Southeast-of-Msila- Algeria.pdf Medicinal plants in floristic regions of El Harrouch and Azzaba (Skikda-Algeria): Production and therapeutic Mohamed-Djamel- effects50 2/publication/331559053_Medicinal_plants_in_florist ic_regions_of_El_Harrouch_and_Azzaba_SkikdaAlgeri a_Production_and_therapeutic_effects/links/5c802c1 492851c69505c64ab/Medicinal-plants-in-floristic- regions-of-El-Harrouch-and-Azzaba-SkikdaAlgeria- Production-and-therapeutic-effects.pdf Variations somaclonales induites in vitro sur la pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum L.) pour améliorer la /2023 résistance à la salinit51 Physico-Chemical analysis of some medicinal plants https://journals.univ- growing in Algeria: Allium sativum, Allium cepa and Foenuculum vulgare52 Identification and characterization of a highly chitinase- producing Paenibacillus timonensis LK-DZ15 strain53 LC-MS/MS simultaneous determination of 37 bioactive compounds in Bunium crassifolium Batt. and its 09/9453 biological activities54 Catalogue des plantes médicinales utilisées dans http://dspace.univ- l’ouest de Bordj Bou Arréridj55 des plantes m%C3%A9dicinales utilis%C3%A9es dans.pdf Performances germinatives des graines (Etude http://dspace.univ- comparative sur 14 espèces de plantes médicinales) 56 s germinatives des graines %28Etude comparative sur
14 esp%C3%A8ces de.pdf Total phenolic contents, in vitro antioxidant activity, enzymes inhibition and antiinflammatory effect of the selective extracts from the Algerian Lavandula multifida57 Endemic, rare and threatened flora of the Western Tellien Atlas of Tiaret (Algeria).58 326815 Évaluation in vitro des activités biologiques de // Teucrium polium L.: Plantes médicinales d'Algérie59 Etude ethnobotanique et inventaire des plantes médicinales de la région de Dréat (M’Sila, Algérie) 9565/index.php?id=8429 Ethnobotanical study and inventory of medicinal plants in the Dréat region (M …60 Etat de la diversité végétale du jardin botanique du http://dspace.univ- Hamma avec un SIG: La diversité en Algèrie61 Contribution à la cartographie de la flore (Jardin de // Hamma): La biodiversité en Algérie62 RELATIONS BETWEEN ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY, CALIFORNIA MASTITIS TEST Houria/publication/360148186_RELATIONS_BETWEEN (CMT) AND SOME PHYSICOCHEMICAL QUALITY _ELECTRICAL_CONDUCTIVITY_CALIFORNIA_MASTITIS_ PARAMETERS IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF TEST_CMT_AND_SOME_PHYSICOCHEMICAL_QUALITY SUBCLINICAL MASTITIS IN DAIRY COWS IN …63 _PARAMETERS_IN_THE_DIAGNOSIS_OF_SUBCLINICAL _MASTITIS_IN_DAIRY_COWS_IN_TIARET_REGION_WE STERN_ALGER/links/631baf2e70cc936cd3f637a5/REL ATIONS-BETWEEN-ELECTRICAL-CONDUCTIVITY- CALIFORNIA-MASTITIS-TEST-CMT-AND-SOME- PHYSICOCHEMICAL-QUALITY-PARAMETERS-IN-THE- DIAGNOSIS-OF-SUBCLINICAL-MASTITIS-IN-DAIRY- COWS-IN-TIARET-REGION-WESTERN-ALG.pdf REGULAR ARTICLE EXPLOITATION OF SOMACLONAL VARIABILITY FOR THE SEARCH OF Mohammed- SALIN-TOLERANT POTATO (SOLANUM Lamine/publication/323462624_Exploitation_of_som TUBEROSUM L.)64 aclonal_variability_for_the_search_of_saline- tolerant_potato_Solanum_Tuberosum_L/links/5a9e58 6e4585155dc185197c/Exploitation-of-somaclonal- variability-for-the-search-of-saline-tolerant-potato- Solanum-Tuberosum-L.pdf
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