Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future - Sixth Form Prospectus 2021-2022 - Norbury ...

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Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future - Sixth Form Prospectus 2021-2022 - Norbury ...
Sixth Form Prospectus 2021–2022

Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future
Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future - Sixth Form Prospectus 2021-2022 - Norbury ...
NMBEC Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future

Welcome to
your Sixth Form
                                                                                      Please take your seat,
                                                                                      your future is about
                                                                                      to begin...
                                                                                      Trevor Dale, Norbury Manor Head of Sixth Form
                                                                                      introduces the brilliant opportunities
                                                                                      that await you

   Dear Students,                                                                 What’s great about joining Norbury Manor?                 • Support with UCAS applications.
                                                                                  We care that:                                             • Support with Apprenticeship applications.
   Norbury Manor is a high-achieving sixth form provider that will provide
   you, the student, with the skills you need to succeed in your chosen           • You will experience a vibrant journey into 		           • Norbury Manor has a range of links to many
   future pathway.                                                                  your future with tailored subject pathways.               widening participation schemes which can provide
                                                                                  • You will join a close-knit community where 		             support for sixth form students to achieve places
   Our sixth form is vibrant, diverse and an integral and valued part of our        you will enjoy fantastic pastoral care.                   at Russell Group universities and into employment.
   school community. When you join us, you will have exciting opportunities                                                                 • University visits.
   that enable you to develop your leadership skills, explore new and             • Norbury Manor will provide you with a springboard
                                                                                    to go on to further education, employment 		            • A dedicated private study area.
   interesting personal interests and hobbies, and achieve your academic            or an apprenticeship.
   aspirations. You will have access to your own sixth form block with                                                                      • 22 specialist teaching rooms.
   modern teaching rooms, a computer suite for private study and a large          Will Norbury Manor suit me?                               • A stunning common room.
   common room.
                                                                                  Norbury Manor has a supportive, friendly                  • Excellent access to ICT.
   We provide outstanding pastoral support alongside high quality                 environment which will allow you to:
   independent careers information, advice and guidance to ensure that            • Stretch yourself academically.                          How good are we?
   you are aware of all of the routes to further and higher education and                                                                   • We are making progress in our journey.
                                                                                  • Get involved in a wide range of clubs and activities.
   employment that are open to you.
                                                                                  • Think creatively, work independently and 		             • We are a ‘good’ sixth form but we have the ambition
   Your teachers will push you to achieve and support you to be the best            develop the skills necessary to succeed.                  and desire to be an ‘Outstanding’ sixth form.
   you can be. The world is changing at a rapid pace and to successfully
   take your place and make your mark you will need to be adaptive,               Is Norbury Manor ready for my future?                     What did Ofsted say about us in 2017?
   creative, enterprising, courageous and think globally. At Norbury Manor,       You will have access to:                                  “Norbury Manor is a positive environment for the
   you will have many opportunities to develop these key skills and attributes.                                                               students in the sixth form. Students grow into
                                                                                  • An experienced form tutor to guide you 		                 responsible, thriving young adults. They show self
   When you join us at Norbury Manor Sixth Form you will study in a happy,          through your sixth form experience.                       discipline and work hard. They achieve good
   successful and caring environment where lifelong friendships are forged.       • Ongoing support for transition between 		                 qualifications, suitable to their needs. They move on
   If you think you have what it takes to add to our already thriving student       year 12 and year 13.                                      successfully to universities, apprenticeships, further
   community, please come and visit us to find out more, take the opportunity                                                                 education and employment.”
                                                                                  • Opportunities, encouragement and support
   to see our facilities and talk to our students, they will tell you that they     for Work Experience, especially through 		              So, if you are a forward thinking individual and are
   made the right choice studying with us.                                          ‘Moving on Week’.                                       excited about the opportunities available to you at
                                                                                                                                            the Norbury Manor Sixth Form you need to visit us at
   Life after GCSEs is all about choices, your choices!                           • A dedicated Careers Team to support you 		              our Open Evening.
                                                                                    in your next steps.

   Mrs M Hayden

Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future - Sixth Form Prospectus 2021-2022 - Norbury ...
NMBEC Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future

What makes Norbury                                                                                    A warm hello, from the Head Student Team
Manor special?                                                                                        at Norbury Manor Sixth Form
                                                                                                      As the Head Team we believe it is our mission       develop your skills and make new friends.
                                                                                                      to help existing students and newcomers
                                                                                                                                                          Being here has helped us to develop our
                                                                                                      alike to enjoy their time in the sixth form at
   Our sixth form is a very caring place where we are all                                             Norbury Manor and we aim to make your
                                                                                                                                                          leadership and communication skills and
                                                                                                                                                          we are sure you will benefit just as much
   valued as individuals. On the following pages some of                                              transition into our sixth form community as
                                                                                                                                                          as we have.
                                                                                                      smooth as it can be.
   our students and alumnae share their experiences and                                                                                           We look forward to welcoming you to the
   describe where your time at Norbury Manor can lead you.                                            You will find that Norbury Manor is a great
                                                                                                                                                  sixth form.
                                                                                                      environment in which to learn new subjects,

   Setting you in the right direction, our pastoral and                                               Head Girls

   careers specialists share how their methods support
   and guide you through this phase of your development.

   Emma Nicholls                                             Alison Park
    Pastoral Support Leader                                  Careers Adviser

   The main aim of my role is to ensure                      My role, in a nutshell is to empower,                         Emily-Rose                 Sehar                      Shireen
   that you achieve your potential,                          educate, inform, advise, guide,                               › Religious Studies        › Biology                  › Religious Studies
   are motivated, engaged and fully                          inspire, motivate and support you                             › English Literature       › Chemistry                › Criminology
   prepared for life beyond our Sixth                        into positive opportunities after                             › Health and Social Care   › Psychology               › Health and Social Care
   Form. Part of my job is to implement                      completing your studies at NMBEC.
   the college policies on discipline,                                                                                    I’d like to become an       I am planning to attend    My goal for the future
                                                             I deliver careers guidance in a number                       investigative journalist    Imperial College London    is to be running my
   behaviour and attendance as well                                                                                       or a news reporter          to study Medicine and      own business which is
                                                             of ways:
   as providing a robust but caring                                                                                       depending on which          hopefully become a GP.     something I’m really
   support system.                                           •	1:1 structured, impartial and                             career path I eventually                               passionate about.
                                                                                                                          choose to pursue.
                                                                independent careers guidance
   I am always available to students if                         appointments                          Deputy Head Girls
   you have any concerns over your work
   or personal issues and can assist you                     •	Facilitating and delivering group
   to resolve any difficulties you might                        sessions
   be facing. My door is always open.                        •	Collaborating with staff to provide
   I do this by supporting the Head                             effective careers education
   of Sixth Form and offering you                            •	Careers talks on qualifications,
   individualised pastoral care and                             options, employability and training
                                                             •	Attending NMBEC events to give                             Maryam                     Samira                     Zainab
                                                                advice on education, employment                            › Biology                  › English Literature       › English Literature
                                                                and training                                               › English Literature       › Economics                › History
                                                             •	Arranging events and visits from                           › Psychology               › Business Studies         › Religious Studies
                                                                other careers professionals so you                        I have always had a         I hope to go to            My plan after sixth form
                                                                have access to the most up to date                        passion for law which       university after my        is to study Philosophy at
                                                                                                                          followed on from            A Levels, but I am still   Kings College, London.
                                                                information and guidance as well                          studying Citizenship at     looking at my options
                                                                as a range of opportunities you                           GCSE level and I want to    and have not chosen
                                                                may not have even considered.                             be able to make a           a particular course or
                                                                                                                          difference in the world.    university yet. I am
                                                                                                                                                      interested in becoming
                                                                                                                                                      an investment banker.

Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future - Sixth Form Prospectus 2021-2022 - Norbury ...
NMBEC Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future

                                                                                                                          Our sixth form is well established and                     The following subjects are being offered:
Sixth Form                                                                                                                flourishing, offering a modern and                         Computing &              Mathematics Faculty
                                                                                                                                                                                     Life Sciences Faculty
Curriculum                                                                                                                relevant curriculum. We offer a wide
                                                                                                                          range of AS, A2 and BTEC courses for                       Business Studies
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Further Mathematics
                                                                                                                          students and further new courses are                       Computer Science
                                                                                                                                                                                     Economics                MFL &
                                                                                                                          introduced as the sixth form continues                                              Expression Faculty
                                                                                                                                                                                     Health & Social Care
                                                                                                                          to grow.                                                   Psychology               Music Performance
                                                                                                                                                                                     Sociology                Performing Arts - Acting
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sports & Exercise
                                                                                                                                                                                     English &                Spanish
                                                                                                                                                                                     Media Faculty
                                                                                                                                                                                     English Literature       Science Faculty
                                                                                                                                                                                     Media Studies            Applied Science
                                                                                                                                                                                     Humanities Faculty
                                                                                                                                                                                     Extended Project         Criminology
                                                                                                                                                                                      Qualification           Forensic Science
                                                                                                                                                                                     Government & Politics Technology Faculty
                                                                                                                                                                                     History                  3D Design
                                                                                                                                                                                     RS: Philosophy & Ethics Fine Art
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Graphic Art

                                                                                                                           Nina STUDENT                                               Louise STUDENT
                                                                                                                           › Health & Social Care                                     › Business Studies
                                                                                                                           › Media Studies                                            › Health & Social Care
                                                                                                                           › Sociology                                                › RS: Philosophy and Ethics
                                                                                                                          I am very happy to be a part of the sixth form at
                                                                                                                          Norbury Manor because it has so much to offer. I
                                                                                                                          remained in the sixth form after finishing KS4 because
                                                                                                                          of the positive environment, the supportive staff and
                                                                                                                          the range of subjects offered here. I am planning to
                                                                                                                          go to university but have more work to do on finding
                                                                                                                          the right course for me at the right university; luckily
                                                                                                                          we have a lot of support with making these choices.

                                                  Being a sixth form student at        has been the first step in
       Shanelle STUDENT                           Norbury Manor has been a very        achieving my future aspirations.
       › Biology                                  positive experience for me. I have There are a lot of other
       › Chemistry                                a strong work ethic and have       opportunities at Norbury Manor
       › English Literature                       been able to develop my time       that will allow you to make your
                                                  management and academic skills.                                                                                                    Studying a mixture of BTEC and A Level subjects is
                                                                                     mark, you can become a member
                                                                                                                                                                                     proving to be a good pathway for me. The BTEC
                                                  I have had the opportunity to take of the Head Team, set up your
                                                                                                                                                                                     approach allows me to complete projects and
                                                  part in a number of programmes     own club or society or get
                                                                                                                                                                                     assessments as I study the different units and I can
                                                  at both the University of Sussex   involved with the lower school
                                                                                                                                                                                     balance this with the exam elements of my A Level
                                                  and Kings College to get me        community.
                                                  ready for applying to university
                                                  this year, for me Norbury Manor

Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future - Sixth Form Prospectus 2021-2022 - Norbury ...
NMBEC Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future
Students should complete their application form
indicating their initial subject preferences and reserve
                                                           industry insight days, work experience in top firms
                                                           and dedicated university Open Days.                           Where can Norbury                                             “This was the right
choices. All students who apply for a place at the                                                                                                                                       place for me.”
Norbury Manor Sixth Form are then invited to               PSHE                                                          Manor take you?
interview and their subject preferences will shape our     This is compulsory throughout the sixth form                                                                                  Natalie ALUMNA
final curriculum offer. Subjects will then be arranged     programme of study. Students will spend time with                                                                             › 2013–2014: Plymouth University
into option blocks based on student preferences in         their form tutors following a programme of study                                                                                – Mechanical Engineering
order to satisfy the needs of the majority of students.    which includes topics as varied as study skills, careers                                                                      › 2014–2016: Plymouth University
Students without a 9–4 grade in Maths and English          guidance and the UCAS process.                                   Here are a few of the very many journeys                       – Forensic Science
GCSE will be required to attend retake classes in
                                                           Participating                                                    that our alumnae have been on, and their                     › 2016–2017: Kingston University
these subjects.                                                                                                             inspirations as well as aspirations that                       – Forensic Science
                                                           Sixth form students benefit from being a part of a               have helped shape their futures so far...                    › 2017–present: Teacher in the Science
Enrichment                                                 flourishing, caring community and are encouraged                                                                                department at Norbury Manor
Sixth form students have access to a wide variety of       to take part in events linked to the wider life of the
enrichment activities. All year 12 students will take
part in a team building day to build a sense of
                                                           college to develop their leadership and citizenship skills.
                                                                                                                         “Being here made
                                                           Additionally, we organise a range of activities
teamwork and co-operation. Students will also have         throughout the year to encourage students to look               me resilient.”
opportunities to visit universities and businesses as      beyond their time in the sixth form and plan towards
well as being able to take part in subject specific        their futures. These events include visits to universities         Khadijah ALUMNA
visits. Numerous clubs and activities outside of the       and careers exhibitions, work shadowing and                        › 2017–current: Georgia State
classroom are also available to the students and           mentoring programmes pairing our students with                       University, USA – Neuroscience
include the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and             those already at university.                                         and Pre-Med
the Debating Club.
                                                           During the sixth form, students will develop the skills
We are part of a number of 1st Generation Widening         required in order to be successful in higher and
Participation programmes and this supports our sixth       further education or employment.                                                                                             Norbury Manor has always been like a second home
form students to access top flight universities,                                                                                                                                        for me, a family that always cared and looked after
                                                                                                                                                                                        me. I joined in year 7, not wanting to move on from
                                                                                                                                                                                        my primary school. However it didn’t take long to get
 Olivia STUDENT                                             Hilay STUDENT                                                                                                               in to a routine and to realise that this was the best
                                                                                                                                                                                        place I could have come to. The support given by the
 › Art & Design Diploma                                     › Biology
                                                                                                                                                                                        pastoral team and all of my teachers throughout my
 › English Literature                                       › Business Studies                                                                                                          time here was incomparable to any other school I
 › Extended Project Qualification                           › Chemistry                                                                                                                 have visited. They were there every step of the way
I am currently studying for a diploma in Art. As a sixth                                                                    I joined Norbury Manor Sixth Form as an external            both academically and pastorally.
former, some of my time is spent in the common                                                                              student from Carshalton Girls. I studied A Levels in        After finishing GCSE’s I had no doubts in my mind
room, talking with friends and playing games as well                                                                        English Literature, History and Drama along with an         that I would stay in the sixth form. I chose to study
as working! The atmosphere is warm, friendly and                                                                            AS Level in French.                                         Biology, Maths, Psychology and Physics. Whilst this was
welcoming and the common room is always buzzing.                                                                            Coming to Norbury Manor was a huge adjustment               a challenging 2 years, I enjoyed every moment of it.
I have made many new friends with so many new                                                                               for me but I was able to embark on this journey with        After sixth form, I started a BEng in Mechanical
people, including students joining us from other                                                                            the support of the friends I made in my first few days.     Engineering, but soon knew that this was not right
schools, who fit right in and quickly become a part                                                                         Being here made me resilient and allowed me to              for me and I changed to a BSc in Forensic Science.
of our school.                                                                                                              develop my leadership skills. I have had opportunities      I knew from my first lecture that I had made the right
                                                                                                                            to perform in events and be an advocate for the             decision and I graduated from Kingston University
                                                                                                                            things I believe in. I have made lifelong friends during    with a First class degree.
                                                                                                                            my time here.
                                                                                                                                                                                        I decided to pursue a teaching career and was
                                                                                                                            I was accepted into Georgia State University in the         privileged to be offered the opportunity to work in
                                                                                                                            USA with an International Scholarship. Currently,           the science department at Norbury Manor where I
                                                           There are a range of activities you can take up in the           I am majoring in Neuroscience and Pre-Med and am            teach Science and Criminology. It has been one of the
                                                           sixth form, I am a member of the Medical Society and             looking forward to the rest of my time studying in          most rewarding and challenging experiences I have
                                                           have been able to take part in a lot of discussions, trips       the USA.                                                    had so far.
                                                           and visits. The best so far was the opportunity to take
                                                           part in the Royal Society of Medicine “Operating Tour
                                                           Live” event. We were able to view and take part in a
                                                           range of scientific dissections under the direction of
                                                           medical professionals – it was such an amazing
Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future - Sixth Form Prospectus 2021-2022 - Norbury ...
“It’s a school where every                              “I have made such                                         Where are they now?                                                		                                   Higher/Further
  student matters, and no                                  wonderful friends for life.”                                                                                                Name Course/Next Steps               Education Destinations

  one is left behind.”                                                                                              Honour Roll 2019                                                   Amechi
                                                                                                                                                                                                  English Literature
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Psychology with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            University of Essex
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            University of Essex
                                                            Shinal ALUMNA                                                                                                                        Cognitive Neuroscience
                                                                                                                                                                                       Feruze     Psychology with           University of Essex
  Sarah ALUMNA                                              › 2014–2018: Virginia                                                                                                                Cognitive Neuroscience
                                                               Commonwealth University, USA                                                                                            Kelvin     International             University of Essex
  › 2011–2014: Oxford University                                                                                                                                                                  Development
                                                               Undergraduate student – Chemistry
    – Geography                                                                                                                                                                        Kwamina    Politics & International  University of Essex
                                                            › 2018 –present: Chemist at a                            		                                   Higher/Further 		                       Relations
  › 2014–2015: GlobalGiving UK                                                                                       Name Course/Next Steps               Education Destinations
                                                              Diagnostics Clinical Lab, USA                                                                                            Umu        Psychology                University of Essex
    – Youth Programme Co-ordinator                                                                                   Jada      Communication & Media      Bournemouth University       Minahil    Law                       University of Leicester
  › 2015–2016: The Holocaust                                                                                         Lauryn    Psychology                 Bournemouth University       Helena     Architecture              University of Reading
    Educational Trust – Ambassador                                                                                   Aswathy   Psychology                 Brunel University London     Fiza       Human Resource            University of Roehampton
                                                                                                                     Kia       Digital Design             Brunel University London                Management
    Programme Administrator
                                                                                                                     Asfa      Fashion Design             Buckinghamshire              Hamzah     Psychology                University of Roehampton
  › 2016–2019: Greater London                                                                                        		                                   New University               Maryam     Psychology & Counselling University of Roehampton
    Authority – Data Support Officer                                                                                 Nina      Applied Criminology/       Canterbury Christ            Meriem     Education                 University of Roehampton
                                                                                                                               Forensic Investigation     Church University
  › 2019–present: Greater London                                                                                                                                                       Umaymah Biological Sciences          University of Roehampton
                                                                                                                     Amirah    Radiography                City, University of London
    Authority – Project Support Officer                                                                                                                                                Zara       Philosophy, Religion      University of Roehampton
                                                                                                                     Huda      Radiography                City, University of London              & Ethics
                                                                                                                     Maryam    English                    City, University of London   Ria        Podiatry                  University of Southampton
                                                                                                                     Saffiya   Health Sciences            City, University of London   Anjali     Economics & International University of Sussex
                                                                                                                     Danniqua  Music Performance          Institute of Contemporary               Development
                                                                                                                     		                                   Music Performance            Louise     Psychology                University of Sussex
                                                                                                                     Shanelle  Nursing Studies            Kings College London         Beatriz    Graphic Branding          University of the Arts
                                                           Norbury Manor proved to be the ideal sixth form for       Tiara     Biomedical Science         Kings College London                    & Identity                London
                                                           me. I wanted to be at a sixth form where I was already    Aisha     Pharmacology               Kingston University          Olivia     Costume for Performance University of the Arts
                                                           well established and the teachers knew me. I did not      		                                   London
                                                                                                                     Anjeni    Media & Communication      Kingston University          Vithushika Graphic Branding          University of the Arts
                                                           want the disruption of moving to another school as        		                                   London                                  & Identity                London
                                                           this would impact negatively on my education. I chose     Najla     Nursing Studies            Kingston University          Ayeza      Cognitive & Clinical      University of Westminster
                                                                                                                     		                                   London                                  Neuroscience
                                                           to study Biology, Chemistry, and Maths to A Level                                                                           Dua        Pharmacology & Physiology University of Westminster
                                                                                                                     Salma     Education                  London Metropolitan
                                                           and Geography to AS Level.                                		                                   University                   Mahreen    Business Management       University of Westminster
                                                                                                                     Amana     Computer Science           Queen Mary University        Mahum      Law                       University of Westminster
 When I started at Norbury Manor in year 7, I was          Before university, I took a gap year to explore my                  & Mathematics              of London
                                                                                                                                                                                       Zoha       Accounting                University of Westminster
 extremely shy, with few aspirations. It soon became       university options and it was during this time I chose    Naia      Computer Science           Royal Holloway,
                                                                                                                     		                                   University of London         Sarah      Apprenticeship
 clear that Norbury Manor was different from the           to apply to American universities to study Chemistry                                                                        Fatima     Gap Year
                                                                                                                     Nida      Politics & International   Royal Holloway,
 other schools.                                            because of the numerous opportunities the US offers                 Relations                  University of London         Hajra      Gap Year
                                                           to students. My teachers at Norbury Manor helped          Cleo      Business, Management,      SOAS University of London    Ishrah     Gap Year
 I loved school and my confidence grew. When it                                                                                Economics & Law
                                                           me enormously with my applications to American                                                                              Milena     Gap Year
 came time to consider my post-16 education I realised                                                               Meryem    Law                        SOAS University of London
                                                           universities and gave me the confidence to study
 I didn’t want it to end!                                                                                            Mira      Business, Management,      SOAS University of London
                                                           abroad.                                                             Economics & Law
 I knew that the excellent teaching and support system                                                               Hilay     Clinical Pharmacology      St George’s,
                                                           I studied at Virginia Commonwealth University in the      		                                   University of London
 would get me through my A Levels, and I was excited
                                                           USA and I became immersed in American culture.            Francesca Fashion                    University for the
 by the opportunities that the sixth form had to offer.                                                              		                                   Creative Arts
                                                           This boosted my confidence to go out into the world
 In the sixth form, I was elected Head Girl which gave                                                               Sahra     Mathematics                University of Brighton
                                                           and try new things.
 me a lot of responsibility in the school, and helped to
 boost my confidence. With the help of my teachers,      I successfully graduated with a Bachelor’s degree
 I managed to continue my academic success, and get      that has opened up doors to multiple career paths
 into Oxford University to study Geography.              and I currently work for the second largest specialised
                                                         clinical lab in the States. This position has given me
 After my degree I entered the world of work. I started
                                                         the opportunity to utilise my chemistry skills on a
 by working for two small charities that delivered youth
                                                         large-scale basis, as I work to help patients lead
 programmes. Currently, I work in the Mayor of London’s
                                                         healthier lives by providing ways to respond earlier
 Health Team at the Greater London Authority,
                                                         to the onset of disease.
 where I’m keen to stay and develop my project and
 programme management skills further. It’s an honour I had a wonderful time at Norbury Manor. I made
 to work directly on initiatives that strive to improve  such wonderful friends for life and I will always
 the health and wellbeing of fellow Londoners.           cherish the great memories. Norbury Manor will
                                                         always have a place in my heart.
 My years at Norbury Manor taught me to always
 work hard and always give back, and now with every
 step I still strive to do just that.

Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future - Sixth Form Prospectus 2021-2022 - Norbury ...
“Sixth form students fare well in their
                                 A Levels. The school offers a wide
                                 range of academic choices, with
                                 some relevant applied courses too.
                                 The options meet students’ needs.”
                                 / OFSTED 2017 /

                                Rise & shine

Norbury Manor
Business & Enterprise College
Kensington Avenue
Thornton Heath
Surrey CR7 8BT
T. 020 8679 0062
Realising potential: Nurturing leaders of the future - Sixth Form Prospectus 2021-2022 - Norbury ...
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