Real Estate Predictions 2021 - Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum Talent strategy in a post-pandemic world - Deloitte

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Real Estate Predictions 2021 - Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum Talent strategy in a post-pandemic world - Deloitte
Real Estate
Predictions 2021
Gaming the commercial real estate
talent conundrum
Talent strategy in a post-pandemic world
Real Estate Predictions 2021 - Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum Talent strategy in a post-pandemic world - Deloitte
Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum | Real Estate Predictions 2021

Real Estate Predictions 2021 - Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum Talent strategy in a post-pandemic world - Deloitte
Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum | Real Estate Predictions 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted human connections, which are at the heart of
the commercial real estate (CRE) business. Leaders in all industries were challenged
to digitalize many aspects of work while shifting and engaging employees in that now-
virtualized environment. Companies had to provide the infrastructure that would
enable employees to work effectively from home, while prioritizing health and safety.
Looking ahead, what does this tell us about the future of work? How can we prepare
for the challenges of talent strategy in real estate?
One implication is that the ability to                  customer service. Pre-pandemic, some                    haves” across all construction and general
succeed in the post-pandemic world will be              CRE companies were continuing to lag                    management job openings. Only risk
hampered in the near term by employee                   other industries in their adoption of certain           management, and marketing and CRM-
concerns about returning to work. This                  technologies and recruitment of tech-savvy              related job postings required advanced
was acknowledged by more than 50% of                    talent. To support this, our analysis of                tech skills in more than 10% of job postings.
respondents to the Deloitte Center for                  skills demand in the United States during
Financial Services’ Global Outlook Survey               the 2014-2019 period revealed a higher                  The focus on traditional skills was pervasive
2020.                                                   and sustained demand for traditional                    across different CRE subsectors as well. For
                                                        skills. In contrast, there was muted growth             instance, REITs looked for traditional sales
Traditional skills or advanced                          in demand for advanced technology                       and marketing skills in more than 60% of
technology skills?                                      skills such as data analytics, software                 job openings. More than 50% of brokers’
The pandemic also highlighted challenges                development, and cloud computing (see                   job listings sought finance and accounting
in a highly manual business model                       Figure 1). Additionally, our analysis of job            (F&A) skills. However, advanced data
dominated by traditional job roles and                  openings for 500+ roles showed that                     analytics skills were sought by REITs and
skills in critical business areas including             traditional skills were highlighted as “must            brokers in only 1% and 3% of job listings,
accounting, building maintenance, and                                                                           respectively.

Figure 1: CRE companies continue to demand traditional skills
Proportion of job openings demanding traditional and advanced tech skills




                                                                                                 30%                       30%

                                                                       24%                                                 25%
                                                                    25%                                                                            22%
                  21%                       24%

                                            17%                       17%


                  10%                                                                                                Growing ‘skills demand gap’

                  4%                                                                             4%
                                            3%                         3%                                                      3%             4%
                  1%                      1%                        1%                           1%                       1%                       1%
           0.3%                                                                                                                                           0.4%

    0%            2014                      2015                      2016                      2017                       2018                    2019

Traditional skill areas                                          Finance & accounting               Sales and marketing             Property management
Advanced tech skill areas                                        Data analytics and AI              Software development            Cloud computing

Source: LinkUp jobs data of US real estate companies; Deloitte Center for Financial Services analysis.

Real Estate Predictions 2021 - Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum Talent strategy in a post-pandemic world - Deloitte
Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum | Real Estate Predictions 2021

Refreshing talent strategy is a growing               roles, and skill requirements (Figure 2).             CRE companies should consider the
imperative                                            Regionally, a higher proportion of European           following actions to envision the future
It is a growing imperative for CRE                    respondents (47%) are likely to do this,              work and skill matrix and to facilitate the
companies to digitalize business processes            as compared to those in APAC (44%)                    recruitment of right-skilled talent:
and refresh their talent strategy so as to            and North America (32%). And only 36%
not lag further behind. Of note, 41% of               of the respondents acknowledge that                   1.   Redefining roles and skills
survey respondents agree or strongly                  their organization is refreshing its talent/          2.   Modernizing recruiting approach
agree that their company has accelerated              recruitment strategy to shift to future               3.   Creating alternate talent marketplaces
efforts to use technology and tools                   technology and skills needs                           4.   Strengthening talent analytics
in redefining business processes, job

Figure 2: CRE companies’ urgency to redefine talent
My company has accelerated redefining business processes, job roles, and skill requirements to include use of technology and tools

Europe       2%   5%               17%                            30%                                        29%                             18%

APAC                     20%                        18%                       18%                                  35%                              9%

America         7%                        26%                                    34%                                         24%                    9%

Note: Responses might not add up to 100                Strongly disagree       Disagree                    Neither agree nor disagree       Agree
due to rounding-off.
Source: Deloitte Center for Financial Services’                                 Samwhat disagree           Samwhat agree                    Strongly agree
Global Outlook Survey 2020.

Redefining roles and skill                            Workers in these roles will probably spend            As responsibilities shift, the skills and
To illustrate future work and job roles, we           more time using technology while devoting             qualifications needed for each role are
have envisioned how modernizing work                  their expertise to conducting analyses and            expected to evolve as well. At a minimum,
could transform three positions: leasing              strengthening tenant engagement. For                  each role would require technology or
manager, valuation advisor, and accounting            instance, , leasing managers could have               analytics coursework such as a bachelor’s
specialist. (See figure 3.) Analysis of three         more time to focus on enhancing tenant or             degree or certification in big data or real
main job components—the automation                    client engagement if they used predictive             estate analytics. Employees will also
of certain tasks, emphasis on analyses                analytics to help develop different lease             need to excel at soft skills such as critical
and insight generation, and tenant                    optimization strategies. And other tasks,             thinking, problem solving, communication,
engagement—reveals how CRE roles would                such as invoicing, would be automated,                presentation, and relationship building.
likely need to evolve to meet future needs.           freeing up even more time.

Real Estate Predictions 2021 - Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum Talent strategy in a post-pandemic world - Deloitte
Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum | Real Estate Predictions 2021

Figure 3: Evolution of CRE roles

                                                                      Automation of                       Emphasis on analyses                         Strengthening
    Key components of the role
                                                                       certain tasks                      and insight generation                  tenant/client engagement

    Leasing Manager                                                                                   • Conduct predictive analytics and
                                 Currents tasks

                                                                                                        identify opportunities for lease
                                                            • Prepare and maintain physical lease       optimization
                                                              contracts and invoices                                                            • Be the single point of contact for

                                                                                                      • Draw inisights from sensor data to
                                                            • Manually enter and extract lease                                                    tenants and enhance engagement
                                                                                                        improve building management
                                                              data and manage on disparate                                                        and service
                                                              systems                                 • Work with sales team to promote
                                                                                                        properties and with legal team to vet
                                                                                                        lease documents

                                                            • Create and maintain digital lease
                                 Future tasks

                                                              contracts                               • Interpret and share lease
                                                                                                        information and analysis on

                                                            • Manage integrated digital lease data      spreadsheets                            • Follow-up on rent payments with
                                                              using doud-based software                                                           tenants
                                                                                                      • Share lease and market information
                                                            • Manage automated invoicing and            with internal departments
                                                              lease data abstraction
                                    Currents tasks (2020)

    CRE Valuation                                           • Conduct physical property
    Advisor                                                   incpection and manually document        • Gather data on traditional variables
                                                              the details                               from internal or third-party            • Provide valuation report to clients, as
                                                            • Prepare valuation reports on paper        databases                                 per the agreed timeline
                                                              or spreadsheets                         • Perform competitive analysis            • Manage regular communication with
                                                            • Fill back-up data like demographics,      of rents, market value of similar         clients and resolve queries
                                                              comparable properties etc. into           properties etc.

                                                            • Conduct virtual inspection using
                                                              geospatial platforms and use mobile
                                 Future tasks

                                                              apps for physical visits to centrally                                             • Advise clients on asset strategy
                                                                                                      • Utilize Al-assisted valuation models      based on valuation forecasts

                                                              store the data                            that combine and analyze sensor
                                                            • Automate generation of valuation          and other alternative forms of          • Perform risk modelling and advise
                                                              reports and autofill background data      property and market data                  clients on wider risks associated with
                                                                                                                                                  a property
                                                            • Provide more reliable and real-time

                                                            • Collect and sort actual bills and
                                 Currents tasks

    Specialists                                             • Enter daily ledger entries into the
                                                                                                                                                • Provide relevant accounting

                                                              system                                  • Manually compare and analyze work
                                                                                                                                                  information to internal clients and
                                                            • Reconcile accounts and bank               orders, invoices, and payments
                                                            • Create recurring and ad-hoc reports
                                                              on standard timelines
                                 Future tasks

                                                            • Enter digitized source documents of
                                                              bills and checks                                                                  • Partner with internal clients and
                                                                                                      • Leverage AI and data analytics to

                                                                                                                                                  stakeholders on accounting
                                                            • Automate ledger entries,                  identify irregular expenses and raise
                                                                                                                                                  treatment and help forecasts
                                                              reconciliation, reporting, and            flags for review
                                                                                                                                                  income, expenses, and budgets
                                                              compliance checks

                                                            • Enhanced efficiency and productivity
                                                                                                      • Deeper and forward looking insights     • Learning and exposure for
                                                            • Simplification of tasks                                                             employees
                                                                                                      • Risk mitigation
     Key benefits across roles                              • Improved data accuracy                                                            • Increased synergy within teams
                                                                                                      • More nuanced, informed, and faster
                                                            • Additional time to perform higher         decision-making                         • Stronger relationship with clients
                                                              order tasks

Source: Deloitte Center for Financial Services analysis.

Real Estate Predictions 2021 - Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum Talent strategy in a post-pandemic world - Deloitte
Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum | Real Estate Predictions 2021

Modernizing recruiting approach                        For example, the alternate workforce,                    to help improve their use of digital tools
CRE organizations could use different                  consisting of e.g. contractors, freelancers,             and absorb the business impact of
technologies during the recruitment                    and gig workers, is expanding rapidly                    digitalization.
process to attract the right-skilled talent.           and could offer CRE organizations wider
Talent leaders can create digital content              access to talent with advanced tech skills.              Strengthening talent analytics
and use an array of social media channels              For instance, the estimated number of                    CRE leaders are more likely to make sound
and job platforms to promote open                      self-employed workers in the United                      talent decisions if they are backed by
positions. For instance, Intuit uses virtual           States in 2020 is 42 million3. Therefore, CRE            data and analytics. Workforce analytics
reality technology to provide candidates               companies should consider developing                     programs can also help CRE organizations
with a real-time experience of what it would           a talent marketplace to include alternate                attract and retain the right talent. For
be like to work at its campus, and to gain a           workforce, and offer rotation programs,                  example, data analytics can be used to
deeper understanding of the organization’s             stretch or voluntary assignments to                      improve resumé sourcing and screening
culture and ethos and its use of technology            existing employees.                                      to get candidates with the right fit, while
in day-to-day activities1. This is likely                                                                       avoiding any selection bias. Data mining
intended to not only enhance a candidate’s             For an internal talent marketplace,                      and pattern recognition can help talent
understanding of the company, but also its             companies would need to look at job                      leaders to shortlist appropriate candidates,
brand.                                                 processes and identify intersection                      after matching their skills, experience,
                                                       opportunities where employees in one                     and background with job requirements 4.
For job postings, CRE organizations should             department could work in another. They                   As shortlisted candidates go through the
use shorter descriptions and enable a                  may have to upskill or reskill existing                  interview process, more structured and
more mobile-friendly application process,              employees, which could include revamping                 unstructured data would be generated
which would help candidates apply easily.              of existing training curricula, redefining               based on their responses and behaviors.
For shortlisted candidates, organizations              expectations and skills, and developing                  CRE organizations can then combine this
could use automated interview scheduling               effective measurement criteria.                          data and select candidates by predicting
solutions that are synced with interviewers’                                                                    their success in a role through machine
calendars, allowing candidates to find an              CRE organizations could consider                         learning models, which leverage past
interview slot in real time2.                          developing internal knowledge-sharing                    data on hiring and success of candidates5.
                                                       and mentoring programs. Experienced                      Essentially, digital HR systems can help
Creating alternate talent marketplaces                 professionals could then teach younger                   firms collect and manage data better which,
To get access to these new skill sets                  employees core sector and soft skills                    in turn, would enable predictive analytics
and increase workforce agility, CRE                    that are related to leadership and                       to help leaders make more informed talent
organizations should consider recruiting               relationship-building. At the same time,                 decisions.
through a variety of channels and not                  younger employees can provide informal
rely on the traditional approach alone.                learning sessions with older employees

1          Mohammed Faraz Khan and Richa Kejriwal, “Digital Workspaces – A Talent Management Strategy,” Zinnov, May 31, 2019.
2         Ruma Batheja, “Recruitment technology tools that every recruiter must know,” People Matters, May 23, 2019.
3         Erica Volini, Jeff Schwartz, and Brad Denny, “2020 Human Capital Trends Ethics and the future of work: From “could we” to “how should we”,” Deloitte
          Insights, May 15, 2020.
4          “Talent acquisition analytics Driving smarter sourcing and hiring decisions with data,” Deloitte, 2018.
5          Ibid.

Real Estate Predictions 2021 - Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum Talent strategy in a post-pandemic world - Deloitte
Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum | Real Estate Predictions 2021

Gaming the talent gap
The need to quickly change and adapt has
never been so high for the CRE industry.
Right-skilled talent can play an important
role in determining whether a company
stays ahead of the competition or plays
catch-up as the business environment
evolves over time. CRE leaders should
consider redesigning talent—rethinking
and adapting the way their employees
work, embedding technology into their
decision-making, and redefining skills,
talent processes, and practices to help
them prepare for the future of work.

Surabhi Kejriwal
Real Estate Research Leader | US

Jeff Smith
Partner | Industry Leadership | US

Jim Berry
Senior Partner | Industry
Leadership | US

Jim Eckenrode
Managing Director | Deloitte Center
for Financial Services | US

Real Estate Predictions 2021 - Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum Talent strategy in a post-pandemic world - Deloitte
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