REAL ESTATE IN ROMANIA & POLAND - 2021 Comparative Market Evolution Office, Retail, Industrial & Residential Financing & Legal Aspects ...

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REAL ESTATE IN ROMANIA & POLAND - 2021 Comparative Market Evolution Office, Retail, Industrial & Residential Financing & Legal Aspects ...
Comparative Market Evolution
Office, Retail, Industrial & Residential
Financing & Legal Aspects
Construction & Services
REAL ESTATE IN ROMANIA & POLAND - 2021 Comparative Market Evolution Office, Retail, Industrial & Residential Financing & Legal Aspects ...
Dear Reader,
                            Welcome to the 2021 edition of “Real Estate in Romania & Poland”. This report
                            is the result of over six months of research and interviews with more than one
                            hundred investors, developers, consultants and key service providers, many a
                            friendly face on the now extremely familiar Zoom or MS platforms, and some
                            smiling from behind a mask, across a conference table. We witnessed the
                            full range of pandemic emotions during our research, from quiet lockdown
                            patience, to cabin fever-ish anticipation, and eventually regained hope
Business                    and gratitude for a return to (almost full) freedom. There is one sentiment,

intelligence                however, that prevailed throughout, and helped anchor people and maintain
                            their drive: confidence in their field of work, in both Poland & Romania’s
you can                     resilient and rapidly developing real estate segments.

trust                       The following pages will give you a bird’s eye view over the two countries’
                            potential across the office, retail, industrial and residential segments. Three
                            decades after the fall of communism, and with a mosaic like architecture,
                            Poland and Romania are still rebuilding, reshaping and modernizing their
                            infrastructure to keep up with increasingly sophisticated demands from their

                            Generous yields (well above those of Western Europe), coupled with economic
                            and wage rises, make both countries enviable investment destinations. From
                            this comparative analysis, Poland’s headstart does emerge (and is visible
                            enough through its skyline that will boast Europe’s tallest office building as
                            of this year), offering a mirror into Romania’s future. But the latter also stands
                            out as a hidden gem, previous weaknesses surfacing now as clear strengths.

get in touch

                            Enjoy the report!

                                                             Irina Negoita             Sorina Dumitru
                                                             Co-Founder &               Co-Founder &
                                                                Director                 Lead Editor
REAL ESTATE IN ROMANIA & POLAND - 2021 Comparative Market Evolution Office, Retail, Industrial & Residential Financing & Legal Aspects ...
table of contents

      INTRODUCTION                                                           deveoplment & investment
                                                                                                                                      LEGAL ASPECTS
 8.   A Tale of Two Countries                                                                                                   88. Romania’s Legal Environment
12.   Macroeconomics                                                                                                            91. Interview Bucharest City Hall & Interview F&R Worldwide
14.   Real Estate Markets at a Glance                                                                                           92. Poland’s Legal Environment
16.   Interview AREI (The Association of Real Estate Investors in Romania)
18.   Interview PINK (The Polish Chamber of Commercial Properties)
19.   Interview PAD (Polish Association of Developers)
20.   Expert Opinion Article: Outlook for 2021, Deloitte Romania
                                                                                                                                      CONSTRUCTION &
                                                                                                                                      KEY SERVICES
                                                                                                                                96.   A Post Pandemic Construction Hype
      Market EVOLUTION                                                                                                          98.   Interview Concept Structure
24.   Romania: Low Risk, High Reward                                                                                            99.   Interview CON-A Group
27.   The Office Market in Romania                                           Despite the global pandemic, the Real Estate      100.   Interview BTDConstruct & Ambient
29.   Interview S IMMO & Interview CA Immo                                   markets of Poland and Romania continue to         101.   Interview PORR & Interview Construcții Erbașu
30.   Interview Globalworth Group                                            offer enviable returns across all sectors.        102.   A Historical Price Surge for Building Materials
31.   Interview One United Properties & Interview Forte Partners             pp. 24 - 72                                       104.   Interview Etem
32.   Interview Speedwell                                                                                                      105.   Interview Wienerberger Romania
34.   The Retail Market in Romania                                           construction & services                           107.   Interview Rustler Romania
35.   Interview Argo Capital Management Property & Interview IMMOFINANZ                                                        108.   Interview KONE ASCENSORUL
36.   Interview NEPI Rockcastle & Interview Sonae Sierra
37.   Interview AFI Europe & Interview Iulius Group
38.   The Industrial Market in Romania
40.   Interview CTP & Interview VGP                                                                                            110.   FINAL THOUGHTS
42.   Expert Opinion Article: Logistics & Land Development, Crosspoint
44.   Interview ARILOG (Romanian Logistics Association)
45.   Interview DP World Constanța
46.   The Residential Market in Romania                                                                                        112.   COMPANY INDEX
48.   Interview Impact Developer & Contractor
49.   Interview One United Properties & Interview Hagag Development Europe
50.   Poland: Taller by the Day
51.   The Office Market in Poland
53.   Interview Immobel Poland                                               Poland and Romania host world class
54.   The Retail Market in Poland                                            construction giants, a full array of service
56.   Interview EPP Group                                                    providers and generous workforce.
57.   The Industrial Market in Poland                                        pp. 96 - 108
60.   Interview Fortress REIT
61.   Interview SEGRO
      The Residential Market in Poland
      Four Major Trends in Real Estate
                                                                                                                                 exclusive interviews
68.   Interview Siemens
70.   Interview Bright Spaces
71.   Interview Sixense Romania
72.   Expert Opinion Article: Green Buildings, NAI Romania

76.   Investment Volumes and Pipeline in Romania & Poland
78.   Interview UniCredit Bank
80.   Expert Opinion Article: REITs in Romania & Poland
82.   Interview Zeus Capital Management                                         Dimitris Raptis               Tomasz TRZÓSŁO             Magdalena SZULC                   Fulga DINU
84.   Expert Opinion Article: Green Financing, NNDKP                                 CEO                           CEO                  Managing Director CE            Country Manager RO
                                                                              Globalworth Group                  EPP Group                   SEGRO                        IMMOFINANZ
                                                                                    p. 30                          p. 56                       p. 61                           p. 35
REAL ESTATE IN ROMANIA & POLAND - 2021 Comparative Market Evolution Office, Retail, Industrial & Residential Financing & Legal Aspects ...

Referring specifically to Romania and Poland, we are
extremely selective when it comes to our investment
decisions and we always make a thorough assessment of risks
and opportunities when starting a new venture. Because
these two countries have the biggest and fastest developing
markets in CEE, it was a natural decision to run business here.

If you factor in the “country risk”, both Romania and Poland
are not yet at the safety level of Western European countries,
however, property investments have a special profile here.
All CEE countries are ahead of other European states from
a growth potential point of view because the workforce
is not as expensive. In addition, since they are slightly
underdeveloped technology wise, we can turn this challenge
into an opportunity and build from zero state-of-the-art
projects that meet the highest ecological standards (e.g.,
photovoltaics, use of rainwater, etc.)

Managing Director Europe
Fortress REIT
REAL ESTATE IN ROMANIA & POLAND - 2021 Comparative Market Evolution Office, Retail, Industrial & Residential Financing & Legal Aspects ...
INTRODUCTION                                                                          investment reports                                                                       investment reports                                           INTRODUCTION

                                                                                                                                                                                              Allow us to take you on a brief walking

                                                                                                                             right: Palace of Science and Cultue Warsaw, ©Valik Chernetscki
                                                                                                                             left: Bucharest Atheneum, © Pelayo Arbues
                                                                                                                                                                                              tour of the two countries’ capitals and
                                                                                                                                                                                              fast growing secondary cities, as part
                                                                                                                                                                                              of the present business assessment
                                                                                                                                                                                              study that looks over the residential,
                                                                                                                                                                                              retail, industrial and office segments
                                                                                                                                                                                              alike. The pandemic that we are all still
                                                                                                                                                                                              navigating naturally had wildly differing
                                                                                                                                                                                              effects on them, that are still rippling
                                                                                                                                                                                              through the industry segments, but by
                                                                                                                                                                                              and large after a few months of “wait
                                                                                                                                                                                              and see” businesses forged ahead, even
                                                                                                                                                                                              thriving in areas such as residential
                                                                                                                                                                                              and industrial. Poland has been in the
                                                                                                                                                                                              limelight more than Romania, however,
                                                                                                                                                                                              by speaking to over 100 savvy
                                                                                                                                                                                              developers, investors and key service
                                                                                                                                                                                              providers, our conclusions clearly show
                                                                                                                                                                                              that both countries’ property markets

                                   A TALE of                                                                                                                                                  are still investment-wise diamonds in
                                                                                                                                                                                              the rough, with demand increasingly

                                 TWO COUNTRIES
                                                                                                                                                                                              outstripping supply.

                                                                                                                                                                                               the two                                      DISTINCTIVE SHAPES OF A
                                                                                                                                                                                               most                                               STRONG PORTFOLIO
    The year 2019, or the last year of the “before times’’, marked 100 years since Poland and Romania officially
    established diplomatic relations. Poland was the first state to recognize the unification with Transylvania,                                                                               populous
    making the two Central and Eastern Europe’s largest population pools. And what a century it has been! Both                                                                                 countries
    countries have rich histories, spanning feudal societies, monarchies shattered and reborn, several decades                                                                                 in cee
    under the iron first of communism, all culminating with the modern post 1989 era of democratic rule and
                                                                                                                                                                                              In order to understand Poland’s and
    gradual internationalization. All these historical shifts left a cookie trail of architectural and infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                              Romania’s property and infrastructure
    influences, resulting in a true mosaic of the countries’ respective real estate industries.                                                                                               evolution, let’s take a quick look at their
                                                                                                                                                                                              main real estate hubs - their capital
                                                                                                                                                                                              cities. From a bird’s eye view Bucharest
                                                                                                                                                                                              and Warsaw can have a similar vibe
                                                                                                          source: Eurostat                                                                    with their large communist style
                                                                                                                                                                                              boulevards and grey-tinted, imposing
            POLAND                                                                                                                                                                            buildings, mixed with historical and
                                                                                                                                                                                              patrimony ones, meandering streets
                                                                                                                                                                                              and roundabouts. But upon entering
                                                                                                                                                                                              Warsaw one is immediately hit by
            popULATION: 37.9 mil                                                                                                                                                              the city’s impressive, US reminiscent
            GDP/capita: EUR 12.680                                                                                                                                                            skyline, testament to the country’s
            MEDIAN MONThLY INCOME:                                                ROMANIA                                                                                                     swift economic overhaul of the past
                                                                                                                                                                                              three decades, well ahead of Romania’s
            EUR 1.275
                                                                                                                                                                                              that in certain ways looks at Poland
                                                                     popULATION: 19.3 mil                                                                                                     as a mirror to the future. This is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              POLAND energy industry 2020

                                                                   GDP/CAPITA: EUR 8.780                                                                                                      mainly due to the latter’s success in
                                                                                                                                                                                              attracting foreign capital, absorbing
                                                                 MEDIAN MONThLY INCOME:                                                                                                       EU funding and developing a robust
                                                                                EUR 750                                                                                                       Central Business District and dynamic
                                                                                                                                                                                              industrial ecosystem.
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REAL ESTATE IN ROMANIA & POLAND - 2021 Comparative Market Evolution Office, Retail, Industrial & Residential Financing & Legal Aspects ...
INTRODUCTION                                                                                   investment reports            investment reports                                                                                             INTRODUCTION

     BUCHAREST                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WARSAW
     A CITY OF CONTRASTS                                                                                                                                                                                          the indestructible phoenix

     Bucharest went through a flourishing period                                                                                                                                                                  Warsaw is notable among Europe’s capital cities not so much for its
     in the 19th century, when Western style                                                                                                                                                                      size, its age, or its beauty but for its indestructibility. It is a phoenix
     influences combining romanticism and                                                                                                                                                                         that has risen repeatedly from the ashes of war.
     neoclassical elements earned it the “Little
     Paris” label, boasting its very own Arch of                                                                                                                                                                  Warsaw and Poland’s urban landscape went through a swathe of
     Triumph. Emblematic buildings such as the                                                                                                                                                                    historical phases, with the capital city harboring a number of stories
     Atheneum, Cantacuzino Palace, Cotroceni                                                                                                                                                                      and styles including gothic, renaissance, baroque, and neoclassical. St.
     Palace (current presidential abode) or the                                                                                                                                                                   John’s Cathedral from the 14th century is one of many remarkable
     Palace of Justice were erected during this                                                                                                                                                                   places of worship, and baroque style beauties such as Wilanow Palace
     period. The city kept developing in the                                                                                                                                                                      or Kazimierz Church stand as remnants of the Polish-Lithuanian
     interwar period, with Art Deco buildings such                                                                                                                                                                kingdom.
     as the Telephone Palace and functionalist
     ones like the Bucharest North Railway station     top: Bucharest, City Center, 1930
                                                       © Alex Gâlmeanu, Muzeul de Fotografie
     or the National Bank of Romania taking shape.     right: Pretzel vendors in uniform in front of                                                                                              Warsaw, 1890
                                                       the Arch of Triumph, 1950, © Nicolae Ionescu                                              “Varsovie Le Chateau de Vilanov”, © Monovisions Photo Magazine

                                                                        The second half of the 20th century bore the mark of                    The city went through an enlargement
                                                                        Ceaușescu’s communist ideals, building up residential                   phase in 1916 when many housing
                                                                        neighbourhoods to accommodate the cities’ fast paced                    estates popped up, housing workers,
                                                                        industrialization and igniting a wave of urban migration.               writers and army officials alike. By and
                                                                        His visits to North Korea and China birthed ambitions                   large, however, Warsaw is not all that
                                                                        of wide boulevards and buildings such as the grandiose                  meets the eye - it suffered great losses
                                                                        Palace of Parliament, to this date the largest administrative           during WWII when most of the city was
                                                                        building in the world after the Pentagon, for which many                bombed, and had to be rebuilt from the
                                                                        of Southern Bucharest’s historical buildings and center                 ashes, at times respecting buildings’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    top: Warsaw City Center, 1955,
                                                                        had to be demolished and much of the city rebuilt. The                  original designs, at others bending                                                                                            © Warsaw Institute
                                                                        main feature of this epoch, however, are the dull, solemn               some according to socialist realist
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     left: Warsaw, Stary Rynek Market Square, 1945,
                                                                        and cramped blocks of flats, whose future is boggling the               architecture.                                                                                                                     ©
                                                                        minds of present day urban planners.
     Bucharest, Palace Hall, 1960, postcard

     The post communist era spanning the past                                                                      BUCHAREST                 WARSAW
     three decades witnessed the rise of glass                                                                       BUSINESS                BUSINESS
     and steel architecture and the (slow, initially
     Wild West style in the 1990s) rise of office
                                                                                                                     district                district
     buildings, malls and retails centers, modern
     residential buildings, and more recently                                                           Bucharest’s dominant business        The Palace of Science and
     industrial and logistics centers in the city’s                                                     area is located in the Northern      Culture, the tallest building
     outskirts. This is a period marked by heavy                                                           part of the city. The district    in Warsaw (230 m) is now
     privatization and foreign investment,                                                              concentrates most of the city’s      surrounded by modern
     accelerated by the country’s joining of the                                                              upcoming developments.         skyscrapers.
     EU in 2007. The saying goes that out of
     chaos beauty is born - and as poetic as that
     sounds, Bucharest’s story finds us in 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                              © The New York Times
     in the midst of a jumble of eager, not always                                                                                              Warsaw’s tallest building remains the (in)famous 1950s Palace of Science and Culture, a so-called Communist skyscraper that
     well integrated construction projects, and                                                                    SkyTower,                    used to tower over an otherwise mostly flat city with its 230 m. The city also makes one stop and stare at the Stalinist style
     authorities that bear on their shoulders the                                                                  the tallest building in      large boulevards and brutalist buildings. Starting with the 1990s however, the city slowly developed its own skyline, to rival
                                                                                                                   Bucharest ( 137m)
     mission of rethinking the city’s overall urban                                                                                             that of London, Paris or Frankfurt in height and modernity. The Palace of Science and Culture’s dominance will be overthrown
     development future.                                                                                                                        in 2021, when Varso Tower’s whooping 310 m will make it not only Poland’s but the entire EU’s tallest building.

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INTRODUCTION                                                                      investment reports       investment reports

                                                                                                                                                                       EASE OF DOING BUSINESS
                                   GDP GROWTH RATE - VOLUME %

        8                                                                                                                  80                                                                                                     100 100
        7                                                                                                                            87.7 82.9                         82.3                                         85.2
                                                                                                                           60                                                             80.0 75.0                        76.4                                   76.5
        6                                                                                                                                                76.4                 75.0 63.9                                                       72.2 64.4
        5                                                                                                                                                                                              62.0 66.0                                           59.1
                                                                                                                                                  58.4          53.7
        3                                                                                                                  20
        0                                                                                                                             Starting    BUILDING        Getting   Registering    Getting     Protecting    Paying       Trading    Enforcing     Resolving
       -1                                                                                                                            a Business   Permits       Electricity  Property       Credit       Minority    Taxes        across     Contracts    Insolvency
       -2                                                                                                                                                                                               Investors                 Borders
       -4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            source: World Bank Group
              2009       2010       2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017      2018   2019        2020                                    POLAND                                                                  ROMANIA
                                                                                                                                40       76.4      Scores lowest on:                                   55        73.3      Scores lowest on:
                                                                                                                                                   Registering property (63.9) - 135 days                                  Getting electricity (score 53.7)
                                                                                     POLAND    ROMANIA            EU
                                                                                                                           DB RANK     DB score    Protecting minority investors (score 66.0)         DB RANK DB score     Dealing with construction permits (score 58.4)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           24 different procedures and 260 days.

                                                                                                                                                   Scores highest on:                                                      Scores highest on:
                                                                                               source: Eurostat                                    Trading across borders (score 100)                                      Trading across borders (score 100)
                                                                                                                                                   Starting a business (score 82.9) - 37 days                              Starting a business (87.7) - less than 30 days

     KEY                                                                                                                         LEU (RON)
                                                                                                                                 EUR = RON 4,92

     FIGURES                                                                                                                     ZŁOTY (PLN)
                                                                                                                                 EUR = PLN 4,54
                                                                                                                                                                       RANK: 69/180
                                                                                                                                                                       SCORE: 44/100
        absorption of EU                           SHARE IN EU POPULATION (%)                                          INFLATION                                       POLAND
        funds by 2020                              RO : 4.3                                                            RATE                                            RANK: 45/180
        (out of the 2014-2020                      PL : 8.5                                                                                                            SCORE: 56/100
                                                                                                                       Inflation in the eurozone rose
        multiannual financial
                                                                                                                       sharply in May 2021 to 2% - just
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        COVID-19 VACCINATIONS
        framework)                                 POPULATION EVOLUTION (2020, PER THOUSAND)                           above the European Central                                                                       (as of june 2021)
                                                   RO : -5.0                                                           Bank’s target. As economies
                                                                                                                       recover from the pandemic-driven
        ROMANIA                                    PL : -0.4
                                                                                                                       downturn, inflation is climbing.
        POLAND                                     POPULATION PROJECTION (2050, aPPROX.)
        43.5%                                      RO : 16.2 MIL                                                                                                                                                        ROMANIA
        EU AVERAGE                                 PL : 33.8 MIL                                                       3.5% (Q2 2021)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        8.9 mil
                                                                                                                       National Bank of Romania (NBR)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        23% of population
                                                   UNEMPLOYEMENT RATE (Q1 2021)                                        POLAND
                                                   RO : 6.1 %                                                          3.1% (MARCH 2021)                                                                                POLAND
                                                                                                                                                                       Source: Transparency International
                                                   PL : 6.3 %                                                          National Bank of Poland (NBP)                   The Corruption Perceptions Index                 28.9 mil
                                                                                                                       EUROZONE                                        ranks 180 countries and territories by           38% of population
                                                                                                                                                                       their perceived levels of public sector
                                                                                                                       2% (MAY 2021)                                   corruption, according to experts and
                                                                                                                       European Central Bank (ECB)                     business people.                                                                    source: Reuters
                                                                                                 source: Eurostat

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REAL ESTATE IN ROMANIA & POLAND - 2021 Comparative Market Evolution Office, Retail, Industrial & Residential Financing & Legal Aspects ...
development hotspots                                                                         investment reports    investment reports                                                                development hotspots

     ROMANIA                                                                                                                                                                                                       POLAND
                                                                                                                                   INVESTMENT TURNOVER 2020                                                        office & retail
       office & retail
       bucharest SQM (Q1 2021)                         The office segment represented EUR 770 MILLION an all-time record               The industrial segment accounted for EUR 2.7 billion becoming               warsaw SQM (Q1 2021)
                                                       for this market segment.                                                                    the most traded asset class for the first time in history.
                   2.99 mil                                                                                                                                                                                                    6 mil
                                                       OVERALL : EUR 892.5 mILLION                                                                              OVERALL : EUR 5,6 BILLION
                   1.17 mil                                                                                                                                                                                                    1.98 mil
       industrial                                                                                                                                                                                                  industrial
                                                                                                         7.00                                   4.50
       nationwide SQM (Q1 2021)

                   5.08 mil
                                                      (%) - Q4 2020
                                                                                                         7.25                                   5.25
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   nationwide SQM (Q1 2021)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               21.4 mil
                                                                                                         8.00                                   5.75

                                                                                                                                                                                             ≈ 2.500
                                                                                                                                                                                                      price per sqm
                                                                                                                                                                                                      in warsaw
                                                                                                                                                                                                      (RESIDENTIAL, Q1 2021)

                                                                                                                                   Poland accounted for more than
                                                                                                                                   half of the total volume transacted
                                                                                                                                   across CEE in 2020 (EUR 5,9 bn out of
                                                                                                                                   a total of EUR 9,7 bn). Despite being a
                                                                                                                                   point of interest for investors for many
                                                                                                                                   years now, the country keeps leading
                                                                                                                                   most charts in the region, with intense
                                                                                                                                   activity taking place in Warsaw but
                                                                                                                                   also its already highly developed
                                                                                                                                   secondary markets.

                                                               Romania’s yields stand well above the European average,
                                                               presenting a very appealing investment prospect. The
                    ≈ 1.500                                    business community is mainly concentrated around Bucharest
                             price per sqm                     (it hosts for instance 3 million of the country’s total 4 million
                             in BUCHAREST                      sqm of office space), however, this is rapidly changing with
                             (RESIDENTIAL, Q1 2021)            cities such as Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara or Brasov offering
                                                               expansion alternatives for companies.

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REAL ESTATE IN ROMANIA & POLAND - 2021 Comparative Market Evolution Office, Retail, Industrial & Residential Financing & Legal Aspects ...
INTRODUCTION                                                                              investment reports

                                         As Romania’s leading association                                                      Municipal Mayor’s decision to suspend zonal urban plans
                                         dedicated to real estate, what is the                                                 (ZUPs), we were pleasantly surprised by the openness of
                                         driving force pushing you forward                                                     mayors in Districts 2 and 6 towards working together to
                                         and overarching mission?                                                              find a solution to the urgent urbanism problem.

                                                                                    Bottom line, the main issue
                                         A.C.: AREI’s main purpose is to
                                         defend the rights of its members and       is the lack of procedure and
                                         advance an equitable and just legal        consistency. The most recent               What is your vision for how the Bucharest of the future
                                         environment. It is our mission to “lead    legislative proposal is to put             should look?
                                         by example” – while remembering that
                                                                                    all real estate laws under                 A.C.: First and foremost, Bucharest should have better
                                         real estate industry players are after
                                         all a vital part of urban development      a single roof, known as the                planned integrated projects that give the urban scenery
                                         across all its sectors, putting together   Construction Code.                         a smoother, more consistent look. Developers alongside

                                         the offices we work in, the houses we                                                 authorities must acknowledge that the city is already busy
                                         live in, and the establishments where                                                 enough and there are areas where you simply cannot build
                                         we shop and go for entertainment.                                                     anymore. Reducing traffic is a top priority and by following
            COMȘA                        V.L.: One focal point in AREI’s
                                                                                    the large shopping centers after the
                                                                                    lockdown period. Likewise, Law 50
                                                                                                                               European solutions (bigger taxes, no parking on main
                                                                                                                               streets, etc.), one that should be easy enough to solve.
                                         mission is to build a transparent and      regarding building permits should
                                         comprehensive perception of the            be more flexible regarding the time        V.L.: I would like to see more green areas and bicycle
                 President               real estate industry, emphasizing the      frame developers have to obtain all        lanes in Bucharest, there are still very few compared to

                    AREI                 business value and moral code that
                                         our members already follow. We
                                                                                    the documents needed for utilities
                                                                                    connection (water, electricity, sewage,
                                                                                                                               what could, and hopefully will be. This is in line with what
                                                                                                                               all industries nowadays are focusing on, namely more
                                         do see outside of our association          etc.) since providers usually act after    sustainable business practices.
                                         examples in the market that do not         their own internal laws.
                                         play by the book and, unfortunately,                                                  From your professional perspective how does the
AREI (The Association of Real Estate     any sideslip of a real estate developer    We were present when the draft was         Romanian real estate market compare to other markets of
Investors in Romania) represents         reflects upon our association and the      conceived and we fully support a set       CEE, and what trends should international investors keep
the voice of all four sectors: office,   industry itself.                           of updated laws and regulations, much      an eye out for?                                                   AREI
                                                                                    needed by the rapidly evolving real
residential, industrial and retail –
in relationship with the national        What are the most ardent legislation       estate sector.                             A.C.: From a bird’s eye view, in Romania it is in fact much
authorities.                             issues AREI aims to solve, and                                                        easier and faster to obtain a building permit than in Western
                                                                                                                               European countries. For instance in Spain it can take up
                                                                                                                                                                                                 OF REAL ESTATE
                                         solutions that could help level the        Regarding the discussions you had
                                         real estate market?                        with authorities - what are some of        to seven years. Similarly, in other countries it’s mandatory      INVESTORS
                                                                                    your most important wins and are           to design the entire infrastructure of the project before
                                         A.C.: In the past few months, we           there any notable standstills?             applying for the building permit. If you are a law-abiding
                                         focused on Law 114 - a 1996 piece                                                     investor, Romania has a market full of opportunities,             The most significant community of
                                         of legislation regarding housing           A.C.: The bright side is that during our   especially in the residential sector where there is a stock       real estate investors in Romania.
                                         standards and norms. Law 114               discussions with central authorities       of over 50% ageing apartments in need of a makeover.
                                         suffers from a great deal of gaps that     we were always met with respect and        Regardless of all the challenges mentioned before, the
                                         result in mixed interpretations from       they showed genuine interest towards       Romanian market is a lot more lenient and welcoming than
                                         the authorities. During the period         solving the problems we were raising.      other countries in CEE.
                                         affected by the pandemic, we worked        For example, the inspectorate for
                                         on and advanced some important             emergencies immediately took note          V.L.: From my point of view, Romania has a fast maturing
                                         initiatives such as: AREI guidelines       and understood our deadlocks that          market that is more than open to savvy investors. At the
                                         on workforce re-entry measures for         rose from the daily implementations        moment we are curating an incipient legislative project
                                         offices; Legislative initiative on the     of the pieces of legislation under         that will impact REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts).

              Voichița                   postponement of rent payments,
                                         instead of exemption for both retail
                                                                                    review. By contrast, local authorities
                                                                                    (especially Bucharest’s City Hall) are
                                                                                                                               This piece of legislation should put Romania on the map
                                                                                                                               alongside other EU countries. Also, green projects are

              LEFTER                     and offices, during the state of           more rigid and it’s hard to establish a    becoming a priority, with dedicated laws for parking spots
                                         emergency; and contributed with our        clear cut relationship with them.          for electric vehicles, the revitalization of national railways,
                                         expertise to endorse the Government                                                   among many other shifts.
                                         initiative on the state aid scheme for     V.L.: Indeed, we’re bumping into
                                         partial payment of rents for retail.       the reluctant attitude of some local
          Secretary General              We also had a very constructive            mayors, but sometimes the day is
                    AREI                 dialogue with the Government that          saved by counselors who are eager
                                         was conducive to the re-opening of         to find solutions. Following the

REAL ESTATE IN ROMANIA & POLAND - 2021 Comparative Market Evolution Office, Retail, Industrial & Residential Financing & Legal Aspects ...
INTRODUCTION                                                                              investment reports    investment reports                                                                              INTRODUCTION

                                         Would you say that, nowadays, the           In Poland, the real estate market
                                         level of taxation is encouraging to         is dominated by international
                                         real estate businesses in Poland?           investors (more than 90%) - why do
                                                                                     you think this trend exists and is
                                                                                                                                  The Polish Association of
                                                                                                                                  Developers is a nationwide
                                         Certainly, in the past there were less
                                         regulations strictly focused on real
                                                                                     there a blockage that prevents local
                                                                                     companies from investing?
                                                                                                                                  industry organization
                                                                                                                                  operating for 18 years
                                         estate and for the last four years, we                                                   and associating over 200
                                         have been trying to close the gap           15 years ago, in Poland there was
                                                                                                                                  development companies from
                                         regarding the special income tax.           not enough local capital and we
                                         The main goal is to make the rules          don’t have a regime which allows
                                                                                                                                  all over the country.                        Managing Director
                                         well balanced from the industry’s           the creation of vehicles for private                                                     Polish Association of
                                         perspective, but some of the                investors (like a REIT). As the market
                                                                                                                                                                               Developers (PAD)
                                         regulations are still too burdensome        matured, it naturally became a place
                                         for the players, creating a certain level   for international players because the
                                         of uncertainty in the market.               investments were too significant for

              Paweł                                                                  local ones. The current real estate
                                                                                     market is the result of a historical
                                                                                                                                You have been at the helm of the
                                                                                                                                Polish Association of Real Estate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Poland is a mature market that is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      drawing much attention but it only

             TOŃSKI                                                                  lack of Polish capital coupled with
                                                                                     defective institutional laws. There is
                                                                                                                                Developers for over nine years,
                                                                                                                                how have you been supporting your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      has so many sqm…

                                                                                     also a psychological reason behind         members throughout this time?               Every year we put our mark                That would be our third challenge: the
                                                                                     this trend, since, in the past, Polish                                                                                           lack of investment plots. Short supply
                                                                                                                                                                            on some 25-30 legislative
                                         The level of taxation is not                individual investors preferred the         Lobbying activities are a natural part                                                in this area impacts developers’ future
          President of the                                                           residential sector because they            of our value proposition, but not the       projects that affect real                 planning and profitability, considering
                                         as dire as it used to be, but
                                                                                     couldn’t grasp the particularities of      only one. Training and lobbying each        estate. I am proud to say that            that we are getting less in terms of
         Management Board                we still have to explain                    the commercial market.                     make up for around 40%, whereas PR          our opinions are considered               spatial development plans and zoning
       PINK Association                  to the authorities that                                                                and marketing count for around 20%                                                    decisions. In the last five years, the
                                                                                                                                                                            in almost 80% of the cases, a
                                         the uncertainty of “how                     What would be some of the                  of PAD’s activities. We issue 10 to 15                                                average price for an investment
                                                                                     challenges the pandemic posed to           reports a year as a reference source        clear sign that we should                 industrial plot went up by 80%. This
                                         much” and “when” needs to
                                                                                     your members and how did you help          for the government and our members.         carry on.                                 affects industrial more than other
                                         completely disappear in order               mitigate them?                             For example, a hot topic in 2020 was                                                  real estate sectors, as warehousing
PINK Association (The Polish
Chamber of Commercial Properties)
                                         for transactions to                                                                    how to reach energy efficiency in                                                     facilities created a steady demand
brings together developers, investors    work smoothly.                              PINK has joined forces with developers     buildings. For this job we joined forces                                              during the pandemic.
                                                                                     and office investors to promote the        with top professionals like universities,
and commercial service providers.
                                                                                     importance of office activities and        law firms and other associations.           Could you highlight two or three main     What are PAD’s top priorities for the
The main goal of the association is to                                               how they are vital in a well-functioning                                               challenges the industry is facing,        next two to three years?
influence the legislative action that                                                society. Even though working from          We are successful in getting people         and ways in which you are trying to
directly affect its members.             Are there any specific pieces of            home is a perfectly adapted solution       to work together by giving them             address them?                             I want to establish our association
                                         legislation that you are fighting for at    to the current context, we want to also    something first. We share information                                                 as a knowledge hub and a platform
                                         this point in time, to improve upon?        emphasize on the benefits of working       which we know has problem-solving           Our number one challenge is going         for coming up with environmentally
                                                                                     from an office. Retail owners have         potential in the present as well as the     green. Balance must be found so           friendly    development       solutions.
                                         We started working with the                 suffered a lot during the pandemic         immediate future. Typically, people         that neither the environment nor          Business knowledge in terms of past
                                         government on the REITs regime              and we continually tried to sustain our    reciprocate and trust is formed.            the end user suffers. Poland doesn’t      mistakes, proposed solutions, or
                                         (again) because this was an ardent          members, though the authorities need                                                   have a legal environmental standard       projections is essential for developers
                                         issue for members and we wanted to          to also play their part.                                                               for real estate developers to abide       to seek and be able to find. Last but
                                         solve it. The authorities put together                                                                                             by. However, we don’t wait for            not least, we will invite more local and
                                         an inter-ministerial technical team                                                                                                regulators to tell us what to do.         governmental representatives to our
                                         that will introduce the new regulations                                                                                            Instead, we created an internal culture   thematic groups, hoping to achieve a
                                         in the near future, this being a positive                                                                                          of sustainability among our members       critical mass able to spread awareness
                                         signal from their part. A slightly                                                                                                 by training them on how to contribute     and join efforts to solve the problems
                                         smaller, but still troubling issue of the                                                                                          to reforestation. Our second main         that developers are facing today in
                                         industry is represented by the new set                                                                                             challenge lies in achieving fairness in   Poland.
                                         of rules that allow telecommunication                                                                                              taxation by convincing the authorities
                                         providers to enter buildings without                                                                                               to charge end users on a number of
                                         owners’       approval.     While     we                                                                                           bought sqm basis.
                                         understand the need for direct access,
                                         this regulation is detrimental, to say
                                         the least.

18   ROMANIA & POLAND REAL ESTATE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                        ROMANIA & POLAND REAL ESTATE 2021   19
expert opinion article                                                                               investment reports      investment reports                                                                          expert opinion article

     What Will 2021 Bring for
     Romania’s Real Estate Market?
                                                                                                                                                Deloitte is the largest
                                                                                                                                                integrated professional services                 Alexandru
                                                                                                                                                organization, and conducted the
                                                                                                                                                very first audit in the world. Real                REFF
                                         by Alexandra Smedoiu, Tax Partner and Real Estate Industry Leader, Deloitte Romania,                   estate is a key industry sector,
                                                                  and Irina Dimitriu, Partner, Reff & Associates, Deloitte Legal                and in collaboration with their
     Romania’s real estate market has evolved beyond                                                                                            legal branch Reff & Associates,                     Country
     expectations in 2020 and the prospects for 2021 are                                                                                        Deloitte assisted some of the
     moderately optimistic, given the strong connections                                                                                        country’s largest real estate                   Managing Partner
     between this sector and the industries it serves. The                                                                                      transactions.                                   Deloitte Romania
     economy rebounded by 5.8% in Q3 and by 4.8% in
     Q4, after a 12.2% contraction in the second quarter of
     2020. Private consumption, the main driver of last year’s
                                                                                                                                             What was the idea behind setting              Other than the digital tools, what are        What are some of the main challenges
     growth, is expected to recover strongly from the second
                                                                                                                                             up Reff & Associates? How does it             the main services you provide to the          to the sector, if fiscal policy is not
     half of 2021 as the rollout of vaccinations should allow
                                                                                                                                             complement Deloitte’s work?                   real estate sector?                           among them?
     for a gradual lifting of restrictions and investment is set
     to remain strong over the next years, supported by the
                                                                                                                                             Deloitte has been widely diversifying,        We are particularly passionate about          I think it is fair to say that Romania’s
     construction sector.
                                                                                                                                             it’s not uncommon, and a legal ad-            real estate, no doubt about it and we         fiscal environment has all in all been
                                                                                                                                             on just made sense. We set up Reff &          approach it through a multidisciplinary       advantageous to investors, despite
     As a general remark, 2020 was not a bad year for the Romanian real estate market.       Romania’s economy                               Associates in 2006 as a separate entity,      dedicated team coordinated by                 some occasional hiccups. Rather, the
     In fact, strictly from the transactions’ perspective, it was one of the best years of
                                                                                             rebounded                                       that works in alliance with Deloitte to       Alexandra Smedoiu, Tax Partner                problem has been one of political
     the last decade, with a volume rising close to the benchmark of EUR 1 billion. Even
     though most of the deals closed last year were started before March 2020, and
                                                                                             by 5.8% in Q3                                   serve clients who more often than not         at Deloitte Romania and our real              credibility and perceived corruption.
                                                                                             by 4.8% in Q4 2020.                             also need legal counseling, and that also     estate industry leader. We advise             This is linked to the infamous
     the total volume was significantly influenced by one or two large transactions, the
                                                                                                                                             works as an independent law house.            developments and transactions alike.          infrastructure challenges, a hurdle
     signals received earlier this year show an increase in investor confidence in the
                                                                                             Where parties put their trust in resilient                                                                                                  to investments across the board.
     Romanian real estate market.
                                                                                             projects, price adjustment mechanisms           One side of the practice we have been         The fiscal practice is focused on direct      Likewise, the country has had a hard
                                                                                             were negotiated (i.e. additional amounts        focused intently on is digitalization         and indirect taxation for real estate         time attracting capital, be it private,
     Mature investors are certainly prudent in these turbulent times, but are, at the
                                                                                             received by the seller in several years,        under the umbrella of what we call            transactions. In Financial Advisory, we       European funds and so on, and access
     same time, looking at the big picture before taking any major business decisions.
                                                                                             to the extent to which the project met          legal management consulting. Tech             have two teams relevant for real estate,      to capital markets is weaker than in
     This is the reason why prices for attractive projects have not dropped, COVID-19
                                                                                             certain key performance indicators).            is opening up a new world, so we              a transaction services team focused           Western Europe.
     related issues have very cautiously and wisely been brought to the negotiation
                                                                                                                                             are assisting clients to optimize their       on due diligence and advice on sales
     table and deals that were frozen during the first months of the national lockdown
                                                                                             Mixed Feelings on Commercial RE                 internal processes and embrace new            contracts, and a corporate finance team       On the other hand competition is
     are now being revived.
                                                                                                                                             technologies. This involves using             who are rather “deal makers” and take         lower than in investor-crowded Poland
                                                                                             Since the beginning of the COVID-19             solutions like RPA (robotic process           overall responsibility for structured         or Czech Republic, for instance, and
     It may appear as a surprise that the re-shaping of investment plans performed
                                                                                             pandemic, commercial real estate                automation) and other tools, some             transaction processes.                        yields are significantly higher. We have
     last year has attracted more focus on real estate, in the sense that players with
                                                                                             players in Romania faced various                specifically tailored to certain industries                                                 clients who want to liquidate Western
     successful businesses in other fields are looking to invest their profits in quality
                                                                                             strategic and operational risks, with           (retail, property, financial services).       In management consulting we also              European assets in order to invest more
     projects (office, residential and logistic), while traditional real estate developers
                                                                                             notable differences between market                                                            support clients in various ways – one         in Romania.
     became more inclined to capitalize on their operating assets (via sale-purchase or
                                                                                             segments. In the following years, they          For instance, we digitized compliance         interesting segment is comprised of
     joint venture) and use the proceeds for financing their on-going projects.
                                                                                             need to pay attention to tenants’               with regulatory requirements applicable       non specialized real estate owners,
                                                                                             and final users’ needs and respond              to commercial property owners and             such as state institutions or other
     All the above have generated new (and somehow unexpected) opportunities.
                                                                                             accordingly. Most of the owners,                retailers, based on a comprehensive           legacy companies, who own property
     On the one hand, players have become more creative and showed flexibility in
                                                                                             developers and investors in this field          inventory of existing regulations and         but need advice on how to strategize
     conceiving deal structures meant to accommodate silent partners and generally
                                                                                             consider contractual adjustments and            automated features such as self-              around it. There are many very valuable
     joint ventures. On the other hand, once the lockdown was over, it was generally
                                                                                             flexibility to be the main attributes that      review, remedial project management           property portfolios (central buildings
     accepted that the pandemic challenge cannot and should not stop the transactions.
                                                                                             will count for tenants and end-users            and updates based on new legislation,         or lands), breaking even or even
                                                                                             when the health crisis ends.                    expiration or changes in requirements         incurring losses. The military or utilities
                                                                                                                                             for permits etc.                              companies, for example, have buildings
         2020 saw                                                                            In conclusion, the real estate market                                                         with immense potential provided they
         real estate transactions                                                            can still yield surprises, but it looks like,                                                 find the right investors to repurpose
                                                                                             with both ups and downs, it managed
         near the eur 1 bil mark                                                             to navigate the pandemic year and
                                                                                             come out in relatively good shape.

20   ROMANIA & POLAND REAL ESTATE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                           ROMANIA & POLAND REAL ESTATE 2021   21

In each crisis we have a letter tracing the line of recovery; 2008’s
was W and now K is being used to mirror the divergent paths
varying industries are taking, creating multiple crossroads. The
retail and office segments are clearly affected in the short to
medium term, while residential and logistics are on the rise. But
beyond this, there will be successful and unsuccessful players and
projects within each of the four segments, based on their respective
fundamentals, so I expect divergence within, not just between
segments of the industry.

Alexandru REFF
Country Managing Partner
Deloitte Romania
market evolution - romania                                                                                    investment reports

                                                                                                                                                   photo: Bucharest from above
                                                 low risk, high reward
                                             by Alexandru David, Head of Research, JLL Romania

     Romania is a rapidly developing country, and an established EU and NATO member. In 2019, the World
     Bank promoted Romania in the High-income group of countries, with a gross national income (GNI)
     per capita of EUR 10,600. For 2021, the European Commission projects that Romania will enjoy the
     third highest GDP growth rate in the EU, of 5.1%. This trend is most likely to continue in the medium
     term, considering that Romania will benefit during 2021-2027 from almost EUR 80 billion worth of EU
     investments from the Multiannual Financial Framework and the Recovery and Resilience Fund.

                                                                                                         Economic development was also
      average net wages romania (EUR/month)                                                              reflected in the purchasing power of
                                                                                                         the local population. Between 2016
     800                                                                                                 and 2020 the average net wages in
     700                                                                                                 the country have increased by almost
     600                                                                                                 43%, from approximately EUR 525
     500                                                                                                 to EUR 750. International companies
                                                                                                         opening offices in Romania or
                                                                                                         establishing production facilities here
                                                                                                         had an important role to play in this.


      0                                                                                                    In 2019, the World Bank
             2016              2017                2018                 2019                2020
                                                                                                           promoted Romania in the
                                                                                                           High-income group of
                         source: JLL Research, based on data from the National Institute of Statistics     countries
                                                                                                           with a gross national income
                                                                                                           (GNI) per capita of
                                                                                                           EUR 10.600
market evolution - romania                                                                  investment reports    investment reports                                                               market evolution - romania

                                                         Romania Real Estate
                                                         Market Overview
                                                         The Romanian commercial real estate market provides
                                                         opportunities in all segments, both in terms of development and
                                                                                                                                  Multinational companies are increasingly targeting Romania due to the country’s human capital, with strong foreign
                                                         investment. Historically, the market has been driven mainly by
                             Aurelia LUCA                                                                                         language skills, as well as the availability of quality office products at competitive pricing. Romania currently has a total
                                                         local or regional developers, but, especially in the last seven years,
                             Executive VP Operations                                                                              modern (A and B class) office stock to lease of approx. 4 million sqm, including Bucharest and the four major regional cities
                                                         we have seen increasing interest from international institutional
                             Hungary & Romania                                                                                    of Cluj-Napoca, Timișoara, Iași and Brașov. However, Bucharest alone accounts for almost 3 million sqm of modern offices.
                                                         players. Some of the international office developers with a track
                             Skanska                     record in Romania are: Globalworth, Skanska, AFI Europe, GTC,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                office buildings delivered
                                                         IMMOFINANZ, CA Immo. In the retail sector, NEPI, AFI Europe,
                                                         Sonae Sierra, S IMMO or IMMOFINANZ have been active. The                                                                                                   in bucharest (sqm GLA)
                                                         industrial sector has been shaped by developers such as CTP, P3,                                   44%
                                                         WDP, VGP and Alinso Group.                                                                      drop in total
                                                                                                                                                       office demand            350.000

       The pandemic brought to light how important       The main office developments are located in Bucharest and the
                                                                                                                                                              in 2020

       it is to work outside of our homes from a         top secondary cities with strong university centers that can offer                                                     250.000

       mental health point of view, but also from a      the relevant labour force with higher education. Retail developers                                                    200.000

       community and socializing one. The offices        have targeted most of the 42 county capitals in Romania, focusing                                                      150.000
       of the future will have a strong accent on        mainly on those with a high population density and high disposable       During the last five years, approx.           100.000
       wellbeing, safety and human connection            incomes. There are industrial projects throughout the country,           1 million sqm GLA of offices were              50.000
       through larger common spaces, leisure rooms       however access to good infrastructure and proximity to either            delivered in Bucharest, marking a 50%               0
       and top-notch facilities. During the pandemic     Bucharest or, CEE and the rest of Europe, has directed investors         increase of the office stock. Another                      2016           2017            2018            2019              2020
       we introduced the Care for Life Office Concept,   interest mainly towards the Western part of the country (Timișoara,      256,000 sqm are expected to be                                                                                   source: JLL Research
       focused on tenants’ safety and wellbeing.         Arad, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu) or to the Central-South (Bucharest             delivered in 2021.
                                                         Greater Area, Ploiești, Pitești) and more recently towards the East,
                                                         namely Bacău and Iași to cover the Moldavian part of the country.        Many international companies have
                                                                                                                                  chosen Bucharest in recognition of
                                                                                                                                  its extended infrastructure and due to      Bucharest experienced a strong demand for office spaces during 2016-2019, on
                                                                                                                                  the availability of skilled workforce. In   average over 360,000 sqm being leased in total on a yearly basis. However, the
                                                                                                                                  particular, high office space demand        COVID-19 pandemic had a detrimental impact for the local economy and for
                                                                                                                                  comes from IT&C companies, such             office space demand. 2020 marked a 44% drop in total demand compared to
                                                                                                                                  as Microsoft, IBM, HP, Oracle, Intel,       the previous year. At the same time, the vacancy rate increased from 7.7% at the
                                                                                                                                  Adobe or Siemens, amongst others.           end of 2019, prior to the onset of the pandemic, to 11.3% at the end of 2020.
                                              A workplace built to give you the ground

                                              TO CREATE,TO INSPIRE,
                                              TO BREATHE.                                                                                                                     Few realize just how much Bucharest has grown, 2.5 million people including
                                                                                                                                                                              the outskirts, meaning that fighting congestion has become a priority for the
                                                                                                                                                                              authorities and people alike. When we presented the “Timpuri Noi Square”
                                                                                                                                                                              concept to potential tenants we wanted to keep it short and sweet – Timpuri
                                                                                                                                                                              Noi is connected to Bucharest’s two main metro lines, which gets you within 30
                                                                                                                                                                              minutes just about anywhere. It is also one of the city’s main residential areas,
                                                                                                                                         Antoniu PANAIT                       and if you want to be successful you build your office not close to the GM’s
                                                                                                                                        Managing Director                     house, but to where most of your employees live. People have started valuing
                                                                                                                                        VASTINT Romania                       family time over commutes, even over company allegiance or salary grade.

                                                                                                                                                                              Timpuri Noi Square is now nearly 100% leased, and Orhideea is at 75% after
                                                                                                                                     Vastint is an international real         NTT’s recent addition. The quality speaks for itself, as even this year we were
                                                                                                                                     estate organization spanning             able to sign nearly 10,000 sqm. That being said, of course the pandemic has hit
                                                                                                                                     30 years. Present in Romania             everyone, ourselves included. But make no mistake, the pandemic will not mark
                                                                                                                                     since 2008, they developed               the end of the office era. We are deeply rooted social beings, we need to work
                                                                                                                                     emblematic projects, such as             together and feel that sense of “normalcy” and purpose.
                                                                                                                                     Business Garden Bucharest.

26   ROMANIA & POLAND REAL ESTATE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                             ROMANIA & POLAND REAL ESTATE 2021      27
investment reports                                                             market evolution - romania

Market rents in Bucharest were stable during the last
5 years, at around EUR 12.5 per sqm per month in the
                                                                                                                             During the past few years CA Immo exited several CEE
non-central areas, EUR 15 per sqm per month in the
                                                                                                                             markets (Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, etc.) - how does
semi-central areas, and EUR 18.5 per sqm per month
                                                                                                                             Romania fit into the company’s portfolio?
in the Central Business District (CBD) of the city.

                                                                                                                             Romania is a core market that kept steady, amounting to
Currently, the office market in Bucharest is in a
                                                                                                                             about 7-8% of the total global portfolio of CA Immo. At the
recovery process, as companies return to normal and
                                                                                                                             moment, we are consolidating the projects that are on the
reassess their strategies following the pandemic.
                                                                                                                             roll, since 2020 was such a challenging year for everyone.
                                                                                                                             Signing new leasing contracts was difficult, as in most other
One important event for the office market in 2020                  Daniela                      Friedrich                    global jurisdictions, but we registered a very good appetite
was the EU’s decision to locate in Bucharest the
headquarters of the future European Cybersecurity
                                                                 BĂDULESCU                     WACHERNIG                     for renewals. Overall, Romania’s turnover fared well and
                                                                                                                             was at the same level as in 2019.
Industrial, Technology and Research Competence                 Country Manager RO                  Group COO
Center. This move is expected to stimulate                           S IMMO AG                      S IMMO AG
                                                                                                                             The plan is to stay on the Romanian market for the long-
technological research and innovation and to
                                                                                                                             run. We have numerous projects with zero vacancy over
consolidate the cybersecurity within the Union.
                                                             How relevant is the business you do in Romania within           the last decade and we are proud to say that many tenants
Moreover, the Center will become the main EU body
                                                             the company’s international portfolio?                          have been with us since the delivery of the building and
to manage the European funds dedicated to research
                                                                                                                             have been telling us it is an ideal work environment for
in the field of cybersecurity, available through two
                                                             FW: Approximately one third of our portfolio is based in        their activities ever since.
EU financing programs, Digital Europe and Horizon
Europe. In terms of office demand, this will likely          CEE and the remaining two thirds in Germany & Austria.
                                                             Since it’s still in a transition process, the Romanian market   Bucharest’s office sector is continually expanding and
attract to Bucharest IT and cybersecurity companies
                                                             has massive room to catch up with western standards and         changing - can new development opportunities still be
from all over Europe in the short and medium term.
                                                             this is why it occupies a special place in our portfolio.       found here?
We expect to see more growth in the upcoming years
also in the 4 regional cities of Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara,
                                                             The office sector is suffering from some disruptions on         Looking at the big picture, the market potential is immense
Iasi and Brasov, currently concentrating around one
                                                             the background of the global pandemic. How are these            and in the following years the only limitation will be
million sqm of modern offices in total and providing
                                                             impacting you?                                                  represented by the available workforce. The equation is
expansion alternatives for companies.
                                                                                                                             simple: more employees in the work field require more
                                                             DB: At the beginning of the pandemic we braced for              office spaces. Besides Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Iași and
2020 marked an important milestone for the regional
                                                             impact and we were happy to find out that the occupation        Timișoara are strong university centers and their pool of
markets, when the American giant Amazon pre-
                                                             rate dropped only by 10%. We expect it to grow back by          talented graduates will lead to more job creation, in turn
leased over 30,000 sqm GLA in Iași. This is the largest
                                                             3-4% in the near future - some companies will be pressured      rising the demand for office spaces.
historical deal recorded in the regional cities and the
second largest in Romania overall.                           to reduce their costs, but overall we managed to bite the
                                                             bullet and mitigate most of our losses.                         Are you considering expanding beyond Bucharest to
                                                                                                                             capture these growing opportunities?
                                                             What is the number one issue that keeps you up at night
                                                                                                                             We are most interested in liquid markets and this aspect
   MARKET RENTS                                              when doing business here?
                                                                                                                             is not as strongly represented in other cities as it is, at this
   (Bucharest, sqm/month)                                    F.W.: First of all, I have been doing business in Romania for   point, in Bucharest. A dynamic environment where exits
                                                                                                                             are commonplace is attractive both for local and foreign
                                                             many years now and I sleep quite well. Even though there’s
                                                             still a long way to go, a lot of things have improved since     investors because they can be sure their investment will
                                                             1996, when I first arrived here. Problems are easily solved     not be blocked in a stationary market.
                                                             through communication and palpable examples of how
                                                             things can be done better. For example, infrastructure was
   EUR 12.5                                                  a notorious problem of the Romanian real estate market,
                                                             but fortunately the odds have been changing in the past
   non central areas                                         few years.

   EUR 15                                                                                                                                                      Marian
                                                             DB: Looking back at how the real estate market looked
   semi-central areas                                        like 10-20 years ago, important improvements have been
                                                             achieved. The bureaucracy is less convoluted, infrastructure                                      Managing Director
   EUR 18.5                                                  develops at a fast and steady pace and the relationship
                                                             with local authorities has become more open. However,
                                                                                                                                                               CA Immo

   central business district                                 predictability is still an aspect that needs to be addressed.

                                                                                                                                                            ROMANIA & POLAND REAL ESTATE 2021   29
market evolution - romania                                                                           investment reports    investment reports                                                              market evolution - romania

                                                 was to overcome some of the hurdles we
                                                 met in Romania, and gain access to new
                                                 forms of capital.                                                                                                Mihai PĂDUROIU
                                                 Romania’s biggest problem is branding –                                                                         One United Properties
                                                 we have had so many partners, clients,                                                                            (Office Division)
                                                 investors coming here and not believing
                                                 their eyes, as they have been negatively
                                                 predisposed by a number of stereotypes                                                        From a historical perspective, the Romanian real estate market evolved in
                                                 and clichés. It is a shame to suffer from                                                     a highly positive way and past challenges (e.g., infrastructure) that seemed
                                                 this unfair perception.                                                                       insurmountable are now mere distractions along the way. All in all, from our
                                                                                                                                               perspective the office market shows great maturity and stability.
                                                 Globalworth Square is one of the most
                                                 technologically advanced buildings in
                                                                                                                                               Investors that make direct contact with the Romanian market are instantly
                                                 the country, which I am sure does not                                                         seduced by the opportunities found here. Bucharest presents competitive
                                                 come cheap – why prioritize this?                                                             advantages that cannot be found anywhere else - the biggest talent pool and the
                                                                                                                                               most advantageous tax levels - which makes it by far one of the most attractive
                                                 People have been talking about smart
                                                                                                                CEO                            destinations for investment in Europe. This view is backed by the impressive
                                                 buildings for some time now, and real                                                         number of big players (both investors and tenants) that do business here.
                                                 estate has honestly speaking been                  Globalworth Group
                                                 a dinosaur in terms of embracing
                                                 technological progress. Strange, given
                                                 that it is one of the world’s dominant
                                                                                                                                                                                              total volume of office transactions
                                                 industries, with high pressure to               Globalworth is a publicly listed
                                                 evolve. The coronavirus pandemic has                                                                                                                       in bucharest (sqm GLA)
                                                                                                 leading real estate company
                                                 accelerated the way people think about
                                                                                                 operating across Romania and                                                      400.000
                                                 this topic and turned thoughts into
                                                                                                 Poland, that acquires, develops                                                   300.000

                                                                                                 and manages commercial                                                            200.000

                                                 As an example, at Globalworth Square            properties, mainly in the office                                                  100.000

                                                 we have touchless access into the               segment.                                                                                0
                                                                                                                                                                                                2016            2017             2018            2019             2020
                                                 building, a simple yet key aspect. And last
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         source: JLL Research
                                                 but not least, tech is closely interwoven
                                                 with sustainability by helping us build
                                                 more energy efficient buildings, from
     Globalworth employs a long term,            lower emissions to car charging stations.     In some cases we had to offer “rent
     here-to-stay vision so it is all the        At Globalworth Square we are also             holidays”, concessions, deferrals in
     more important how you choose your          producing our own energy through              exchange for extensions for the future.
                                                                                                                                                                                        We hold about 15-20% of the office market in Bucharest and, at present, we
     markets. Why Romania and Poland, and        rooftop PV panels.                            Some of the smaller tenants we simply
                                                                                                                                                                                        are developing 90,000 sqm of spaces. Ever since we started Forte, our main
     how do they contrast in your view?                                                        helped out. And at the end of the day we
                                                                                                                                                                                        goal was to bring a breath of fresh air to the urban landscape because I firmly
                                                 How badly has the pandemic hit your           stayed robust.
                                                                                                                                                                                        believe that developers have the responsibility to shape the city in the most
     Romania is pure legacy, Globalworth’s       office business and how does that
                                                                                                                                                                                        aesthetically pleasing way possible.
     founder Ioannis Papalekas was already       contrast to your other assets, in the         Logistics is a different ball game – we
     in business here since 2001 and saw a       industrial space for instance?                have three locations across Romania and
                                                                                                                                                                                        Moreover, part of the strategy was to reconsider the commute time spent by
     market opportunity again in 2012-2013,                                                    we are seeing great demand, broadly
                                                                                                                                                                                        our tenants and therefore our focus went on to shorten the time spent in traffic.
     when I also joined him from London.         Yes, the office model is currently being      from two industries – e-commerce and
                                                                                                                                                                                        As a result, we placed most of our office buildings near the neighborhoods
     Poland was also an obvious choice for       questioned, it sits somewhere in the          F&B retailing. There is also some pharma
                                                                                                                                                                                        where 80% of the employees reside. In this way, not only the North of the city
     us, as the largest and most sophisticated   middle between the badly hit retail/          but the bulk of the demand comes
                                                                                                                                                                                        benefits from office buildings, but also the South and the West.
     market in CEE, we were confident we         hotels and the thriving logistics spheres.    from the automotive industry. Renault
     could compete there. Both countries also    The impact for us has not been too            recently extended their lease in their
     have key geo-political positions.           significant so far, however we needed to      facility outside of Bucharest, thanks to
                                                 have many discussions with our tenants        its strategic location close to their main
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Geo MĂRGESCU
     As for the differences, some are quite      and mitigate risks together. This is where    factory.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Co-founder & CEO
     visible – starting with infrastructure,     our model helped us, the long term
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Forte Partners
     from airports, motorways, rail, where       relationships helped negotiate and find
     Romania still lags considerably behind.     common ground.
     One of the reasons we entered Poland

30    ROMANIA & POLAND REAL ESTATE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                      ROMANIA & POLAND REAL ESTATE 2021   31
market evolution - romania                                                                        investment reports

                                           You describe yourselves as “atypical           Sustainability is a big trend nowadays,
                                           developers”, what sets you apart from          what motivates you to pursue this
                                           the crowd more specifically?                   direction and how do you see it
                                                                                          reflecting in the local market?
                                           When evaluating a plot of land we always
                                           create a masterplan design that shows          Sustainability is more than marketing
                                           how the finished product will fit into         for us, because we seek to invest only in
                                           the area. Only when we feel it is going        projects that bring quality of life, adding
                                           to be a suitable project we move into the      measures of sustainability that are
                                           financial phase, so we have a backwards        actually useful to the users. In residential,
                                           method, different from other developers,       it is still challenging to implement these
                                           that first do the math and then start          measures because people are not yet
            Didier                         designing. In the end, we build less, but of
                                           a much higher quality hence benefitting
                                                                                          prepared to pay for them even though
                                                                                          they are highly interested in using all

           BALCAEN                         both the users of our projects as our
                                           profitability, and this approach helped
                                                                                          the facilities that come as a result. On
                                                                                          the other hand, offices are following
                                           us especially during the pandemic. This        international standards because they
                                           mindset is starting to spread throughout       cater to multinational companies, so it’s
                                           the market and many of our colleagues          common practice to develop sustainable
          CEO & Co-founder                 are embracing it.                              projects in that sector.

               Speedwell                   You work in various sectors:                   Do you have a final message about the
                                           residential, office and retail - how do        Romanian real estate market based on
                                           each of them contribute to your wider          your experience here?
Speedwell is a real estate developer                                                      Our MIRO office project, demonstrates
that specializes in mixed-use,             The goal is to have a mix, but from a          that the market offers a Western-grade
residential, office and retail projects.   financial point of view the foundation is      A-class office project with Triple-A
They put their mark on state-of-the-       definitely the residential sector (60-70%      tenants such as KPMG at much higher
art buildings like MIRO Office, The        of the portfolio) because the product is       yields than Western or even other
Ivy Residential and Record Park, etc.      the least dependent on macro-economic          Eastern-European capitals. Therefore
                                           factors (yields) in the long-term, given       investors get a prime asset with the
                                           that Romania is a market of primary            best tenants at an unbeatable price.
                                           buyers (buying to live, not to invest). We     Overlooking the Romanian market is
                                           do concentrate our attention on projects       therefore no less than a professional
                                           with functions that add to the existing        error if you’re an (institutional) investor.
                                           mix, but always keep a safe foundation
                                           based on residential buildings.

                                           Interestingly, your work in Romania
                                           expands well beyond the capital city.
                                           What drew you towards regional

                                           We didn’t actually conduct any in-depth
                                                                                          “Unknown is Unloved” applies
           Jan                             studies, but acted on our instincts and
                                           when we identified a good plot of land,        to Romania. Many investors

        DEMEYERE                           we simply went for it - in Cluj-Napoca,        and bankers not familiar with
                                           Timisoara or wherever it was located.          the market often classify it as
                                           Since in Romania regional cities are
                                                                                          risky and stay away, without
                                           smaller than in Poland, for example,
                                           liquidity for commercial projects remains      even looking deeper if there
                                                                                          is an objective reason for the
      Architect & Co-founder               a point of attention, but if you develop a
                                           good product you can always lease and          “risk” perception.
              Speedwell                    sell it at a good price.

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