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Bend–La Pine Schools COVID-19 PRIMARY/NON-PRIMARY SYMPTOM CHECKER FOR STUDENTS AND STAFF People with COVID-19 can have a wide range of symptoms, ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. The "primary" COVID-19 symptoms require exclusion from school. The "non-primary" COVID-19 symptoms can be seen with many other illnesses, in addition to COVID-19. The non-primary symptoms may require exclusion. Students with non-primary symptoms may be able to return to school if symptoms significantly improve after 24 hours or with a note from their healthcare provider clearing them to return to school. When feasible, ill students and staff with any primary COVID-19 symptoms should be encouraged to seek viral testing. If a student has non-primary symptoms that persist for more than one day, the parent should consider evaluation by the child's healthcare provider who can determine if viral testing is advised. If a staff member has nonprimary symptoms that persist for more than one day, the staff member should consider evaluation by their healthcare provider who can determine if viral testing is advised. PRIMARY NON-PRIMARY COVID-19 SYMPTOMS COVID-19 SYMPTOMS ▶ Cough ▶ Fatigue ▶ Temperature of 100.4°F or higher ▶ Muscle or body aches ▶ Chills ▶ Headache ▶ Shortness of breath ▶ Sore throat ▶ Difficulty breathing ▶ Nasal congestion or runny nose ▶ New loss of taste or smell ▶ Nausea or vomiting ▶ Diarrhea PRESUMPTIVE CASE* INDIVIDUAL WHO: ▶ Has at least two of the following COVID-19 symptoms: shortness of breath, cough, fever, new loss of smell or taste; ▶ Has not had a positive COVID-19 viral test; AND ▶ Had close contact with a confirmed case in the past 14 days * Confirmed to the health department of healthcare provider note stating date of diagnosis * For the purposes of this document. Note that OHA and LPHAs have a more detailed definition that includes things that are not applicable in school settings. 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 1
Bend–La Pine Schools KEEPING OUR STUDENTS, STAFF AND COMMUNITY HEALTHY IS A PRIORITY WHEN TO STAY HOME COVID-19 SYMPTOMS OR EXPOSURE 1 In the past 24 hours, your student has had any symptoms of COVID-19 including: cough, fever of 100.4°F or greater, chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, muscle pain, new loss of taste or smell, nausea, nasal congestion, runny nose or headache OR if in the past 48 hours your student has experienced vomiting or diarrhea. Consider seeking immediate medical attention for breathing difficulty (unable to catch their breath, gasping for air, breathing too fast or too shallowly, breathing with extra effort such as using muscles of the stomach, chest, or neck). If, within the past 24 hours, your student has taken medication to treat a fever (100.4° F or higher) such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), acetaminophen (Tylenol), etc., please stay home. 2 Your student has tested positive for COVID-19 and has not yet met criteria for return to school (no fever for 24 hours, at least 10 days since the start of symptoms, and other symptoms are improving). 3 If your student has not been fully vaccinated and has been identified as a close contact of someone diagnosed with COVID-19. 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 2
Bend–La Pine Schools COVID-19 PRIMARY/NON-PRIMARY SYMPTOM CHECKER FOR STUDENTS AND STAFF IF A STUDENT REPORTS OR STAFF OBSERVES: 1 non-primary symptom and no exposure The student can return to school to suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19. 24 hours after symptom improves or resolves. For vomiting and diarrhea, student can return to school 48 hours after symptom resolves. 10 days in isolation from symptoms onset AND meet the 3 criteria listed below in green box OR Negative antigen COVID-19 test and a 1 or more primary symptoms and no signed note by a health care provider exposure to suspected or confirmed clearing individual to return to school case of COVID-19 within the last 14 days, OR student can return to school AFTER: Negative NAAT or PCR test results (results need to be cleared by a district nurse prior to returning to school) AND Meet the three criteria listed below in the green box. Individual symptoms improving or resolved. AND Fever-free > 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. AND Follow Deschutes County Communicable Disease Exclusion Guidelines. 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 3
Bend–La Pine Schools WHEN SHOULD I GET TESTED? I'VE BEEN EXPOSED TO COVID-19 BUT I DO NOT HAVE SYMPTOMS: DAYS AFTER EXPOSURE Too Early to Test Best Time to Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Last exposure to Covid-19 Able to get vaccinated against COVID-19 (if eligible) CONSIDERATIONS ▶ PCR/molecular tests have fewer false negative results than antigen tests. ▶ If you live with someone who has COVID-19, your last exposure to the virus would be on the day they finish their isolation. ▶ If you develop symptoms at any time, isolate from others and get tested. ▶ A negative test result indicates that you did not have COVID-19 at the time of testing. ▶ COVID-19 can still develop during the 14 day period after exposure, so continue to take steps to protect yourself and others. ▶ If you test positive, follow the isolation guidelines provided by the Deschutes County Health Department. 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 4
Bend–La Pine Schools WHAT IF A STUDENT OR STAFF MEMBER TESTS POSITIVE? STEP-BY-STEP SCENARIO: STUDENT TESTS POSITIVE STAFF TESTS POSITIVE Student’s family alerts school nurse or Staff member alerts supervisor or school administration. administration and Human Resources of positive test. Instructions to isolate positive student will be provided to families/students. Administrator or Human Resources alerts Health Services Supervisor and Safety Director regarding positive test. District contacts Deschutes County Health Services to notify them of a positive Isolation instructions will be provided to case. Bend-La Pine Schools will begin positive individual. contact tracing process. District contacts Deschutes County Bend-La Pine Schools will notify families/ Health Services to notify them of a positive staff of cohorts and/or individuals identified case. Bend-La Pine Schools will notify as close contact to quarantine. families/staff of cohorts (if applicable) and/or individuals identified as close contacts to quarantine. If positive case was on site during their infectious period, Bend-La Pine Schools If the staff member is a teacher, will notify school families of a positive a substitute will be called to fill in case by letter. during time of self-isolation. 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 5
Bend–La Pine Schools WHAT IF A STUDENT PRESENTS ILLNESS AT SCHOOL? STEP-BY-STEP SCENARIO: Student feels unwell. Teacher calls front office to request that an adult accompany the student to the health room. Designated staff takes student’s temperature. Student presents COVID-19 symptoms. Student waits in school isolation room until parent/guardian can pick up student. Student is encouraged to see health care provider. IF TESTED FOR COVID-19: TEST IS NEGATIVE TEST IS POSITIVE ▶ Family is required to keep student home with ▶ Family alerts school of positive test. a temperature of 100.4° F or higher until ▶ School alerts Health Services Supervisor fever free 24 hours without the use of fever and District. reducing medication. ▶ District alerts designee at Deschutes County ▶ Student may go back to school when Health Services. symptoms improve or resolve after 24 hours. ▶ Deschutes County Health Services will confirm For vomiting or diarrhea, symptoms must positive results, interview student/parent, have resolved for 48 hours before returning contact tracing begins. to school. ▶ Follow Deschutes County Health Services ▶ Oregon licensed health care provider*, if Communicable Disease Exclusion Guidelines required, provides note clearing student to for Schools and Childcare Setting. return to school if COVID-19 test was a rapid antigen or home test. ▶ Follow Deschutes County Health Services Communicable Disease Exclusion Guidelines for Schools and Childcare Setting. *Oregon licensed health care provider is defined per GBEB/JHCC-AR 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 6
Bend–La Pine Schools WHAT IF A STAFF MEMBER PRESENTS ILLNESS WHILE AT SCHOOL OR WORK? STEP-BY-STEP SCENARIO: Staff has one non-primary COVID-19 symptom. Staff has one or more primary COVID-19 symptoms. Staff has no-known exposure to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case. Staff has no-known exposure to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case. Staff notifies supervisor. Staff notifies supervisor and school nurse. Staff is expected to leave school/work. Staff is expected to leave school/work. Staff returns to school/work 24 hours after symptoms improve or resolve. For vomiting or diarrhea, employee may return 48 hours after symptoms have resolved. Staff is encouraged to see family physician. IF TESTED FOR COVID-19: TEST IS NEGATIVE TEST IS POSITIVE ▶ Staff is expected to stay home with a ▶ Staff alerts their supervisor of positive test. temperature of 100.4° or higher until fever ▶ Supervisor alerts Health Services Supervisor free 24 hours without the use of fever or designee. reducing medication. ▶ Health Services Supervisor alerts designee ▶ Oregon licensed health care provider*, if at Deschutes County Health Services. required, provides note clearing staff to return ▶ Bend-La Pine Schools will begin contact to school if COVID-19 test was a rapid antigen tracing process. or home test. ▶ Follow Deschutes County Health Services ▶ Staff may go back to school when symptoms Communicable Disease Exclusion Guidelines improve or resolve after 24 hours. For vomiting for Schools and Childcare Setting. or diarrhea, employee may return 48 hours ▶ Positive staff person will be out a minimum after symptoms have resolved. of 10 days from symptom onset or 10 days ▶ Follow Deschutes County Health Services after a positive test was administered if Communicable Disease Exclusion Guidelines asymptomatic. for Schools and Childcare Setting. *Oregon licensed health care provider is defined per GBEB/JHCC-AR. *Without a health care provider note, COVID tests must be NAAT or PCR. *With a health care provider return to school note, COVID tests can be Rapid, NAAT or PCR. 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 7
Bend–La Pine Schools WHAT IF A FAMILY MEMBER OR FRIEND TESTS POSITIVE? If student is ASYMPTOMATIC, student should wait in the health room while nurse or administrator calls parent/guardian. If student is SYMPTOMATIC, student should wait in the isolation room while nurse or administrator calls parent/guardian. An unvaccinated student or staff An unvaccinated student or staff member has been exposed to a member has been exposed to a person with confirmed COVID-19 person with confirmed COVID-19 within their household. The outside of their household. The student or staff member is not student or staff member is not currently showing symptoms. currently showing symptoms. The individual will be expected to go home The individual will be expected to go home (if not home already). (if not home already). Quarantine at home following Bend-La Pine Schools Quarantine at home following Bend-La Pine Schools quarantine guidance (see pages 9–10). If additional quarantine guidance (see pages 9–10). household members become ill with COVID-19, or if the exposed person cannot avoid continued close If household members were not exposed to contact, the length of quarantine may be >14 days. the person with confirmed COVID-19: they may continue school or work attendance as long as Siblings or family who are also Bend-La Pine Schools exposed member remains healthy. employees should also quarantine at home following Bend-La Pine Schools quarantine guidance (see pages 9–10). If additional household members become ill with COVID-19, or if the exposed person cannot avoid continued close contact, the length of quarantine may be >14 days. 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 8
Bend–La Pine Schools WHEN IS IT SAFE TO END QUARANTINE? The safest option is for you to quarantine at home for 14 days since your last close contact to a person with COVID-19. Note: you may only begin the 14-day period once you stop having contact with a person with COVID-19, even if this person lives in your household. YOU MAY CONSIDER ENDING QUARANTINE EARLY: ▶ After 10 days if you have no symptoms ▶ After 7 days if you have no symptoms and you take a COVID PCR or NAAT test on day 6 or later and have a negative result * Test results must be read by Bend-La Pine Schools’ school nurse for clearance to return to school. If you end quarantine early, please continue to monitor yourself for symptoms until 14 days have passed since exposure to a person who was positive with COVID-19. If you develop symptoms at any point, immediately isolate at home and contact your healthcare provider or Deschutes County Health Services at (541) 322-7418. IMPORTANT: There is a small but significant chance that a shortened quarantine period may result in post-quarantine transmission; therefore, it is critical that quarantined individuals continue to monitor themselves for symptoms daily during the entire 14 days of quarantine. If symptoms develop, the individual should return to quarantine, notify your local public health authority, and call your healthcare provider to discuss testing. 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 9
Bend–La Pine Schools WHEN IS IT SAFE TO END QUARANTINE? QUARANTINE TIMELINES For unvaccinated people following a close contact exposure Safest: Quarantine at Home Full 14 days Quarantine at Home Released from quarantine, safe to return to work or 10 days with Quarantine at Home school on day 11. no testing Quarantine at Home Continue to monitor for symptoms and take precautions. Released from quarantine AFTER 7 days with Quarantine at Home receiving negative PCR/NAAT test testing Quarantine at Home result, safe to return to work or school on day 8. Continue to monitor for symptoms and take precautions. Day 10 Day 14 Day 15 Day 0 Day 6 Day 9 Day 7 Date of most Earliest day Last day Eligible to get recent close to get a test for optimal vaccinated contact testing against COVID-19 If symptoms develop, isolate, contact your primary care provider, get tested, and follow strict masking and social distancing. 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 10
Bend–La Pine Schools QUARANTINING WITH CONTINUOUS EXPOSURE WHAT IS CONTINUOUS EXPOSURE? Continuous exposure means that you are unable to separate from someone who has COVID-19, and are therefore being exposed on a daily basis. This makes the quarantine period longer than just 14 days, since your date of last exposure is constantly changing. QUARANTINE TIMELINE Due to continuous exposure during the infectious period2, every day you are around someone while they are infectious becomes the “date of last exposure.” In order to capture the entire incubation timeline based off exposure, you have to quarantine for the whole time of the other person's infectious period plus 14 days1 (unless you test positive). CONTINUOUS EXPOSURE SCENARIO A mom is diagnosed positive with COVID-19, however dad and baby test negative. They are unable to separate and therefore dad and baby have to quarantine for 10 days while mom is sick, PLUS 14 days1 from her final contagious point since dad and baby never developed symptoms or tested positive. 1. You may consider ending quarantine early after 10 days if you have no symptoms. Or after 7 days if you have no symptoms and you take a COVID PCR or NAAT test on day 6 or later and have a negative result. 2. People with COVID-19 are infectious until 10 days have passed from the onset of symptoms AND they go 24 hours without a fever. 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 11
Bend–La Pine Schools HELP US REMAIN IN-PERSON ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, ALL YEAR LONG Bend-La Pine Schools is committed to safely providing in-person instruction all day, every day, all year long. Our families can play a big role in helping ensure we remain in school and limit the need for quarantines by being mindful about exposure to COVID-19. Please see the flowchart below for steps to take when exposed to COVID-19 both indoors and outdoors. Exposure YES Symptomatic YES Isolate NO Masks Closer than 3’ in Vaccinated? NO Consistently NO the classroom for Worn? 15 minutes or longer NO YES YES NO YES Resume Resume Resume Resume Symptomatic? Normal Normal Normal Normal YES NO Quarantine Isolate 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 12
Bend–La Pine Schools ISOLATION VS QUARANTINE? WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? ISOLATION QUARANTINE The separation of people with COVID-19 The separation of people who were in from others. close contact1 with a person with COVID-19 People in isolation need to stay home and from others. separate themselves from others in the home People in quarantine should stay home and as much as possible. Separate completely monitor their health closely in case they means no contact, no time together in the same become ill. room, and no sharing of any spaces. If you test negative during your quarantine period, you will still need to complete the full 14 day 2 quarantine. Quarantine is for individuals that have not been fully vaccinated. WHEN IS IT SAFE TO RESUME NORMAL ACTIVITIES I was sick with COVID-19 The person I was in contact It is safe to end home isolation when: with lives outside my home At least 10 days have passed since your It is safe to end quarantine when: symptoms first appeared At least 14 days2 have passed since your last AND contact with the person with COVID-19 You haven’t had a fever for at least 24 hours AND without the use of medication and other signs of You remain healthy. illness are improving. I was diagnosed with COVID-19 The person I was in contact but never became sick with lives with me It is safe to end home isolation when: If you are able to separate completely from At least 10 days have passed since the day your the person with COVID-19, it is safe to end test specimen was collected. quarantine when: At least 14 days2 have passed since your last 1. Close contact means being within 6 feet of a person contact with the person with COVID-19 AND with COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24- hour period OR having exposure to the persons respiratory you remain healthy. secretions while they were contagious. A person with If you are unable to separate completely, it is COVID-19 is considered contagious starting from 2 days before they became sick (or 2 days before specimen collection safe to end quarantine when: if they never had symptoms) until they meet the criteria to At least 14 days2 have passed since the person discontinue isolation. 2. You may consider ending quarantine early after 10 days with COVID-19 was allowed to end home if you have no symptoms. Or after 7 days if you have no isolation AND you remain healthy. symptoms and you take a COVID PCR or NAAT test on day 6 or later and receive a negative result. 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 13
Bend–La Pine Schools SAMPLE COMMUNICATIONS LETTER TO SCHOOL COMMUNITY {DATE} Dear {SCHOOL NAME} School Families, This informational letter is to let you know that we have been made aware that a person(s) associated with your student’s school, {SCHOOL NAME}, has been diagnosed with COVID-19. The name of the individual(s) is protected by federal law through HIPAA. The individual or individuals were on site on {DATE}. Our health team has completed an investigation, which includes contacting tracing, regarding this case. Note: If at any time your child is identified as a being a close contact to a person diagnosed with COVID-19, please know you will receive a close contact tracing communication - in addition to this school wide notification. If you do not receive an individual contact, your child was not a close contact of the case. (Close contact: defined as being within 6-feet for a cumulative time of 15 minutes within a 24-hour period) If your student, or anyone in your home, becomes sick with one or more of the following symptoms between now through {DATE – 14 days after date of last contact}, please contact your health care provider for guidance: Fever of 100.4 or more; chills; loss of taste or smell; cough; difficulty breathing; sore throat; headache; congestion/runny nose; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea (3 or more watery stools in 24 hours); muscle aches/pains; and/or fatigue. *Please notify your student’s school if your student develops symptoms. More information can be found on the Oregon Department of Education’s COVID-19 page, the Oregon Health Authority’s COVID-19 page and Bend-La Pine Schools COVID-19 Communications. The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to practice good health hygiene habits. Wearing a mask will reduce the spread of virus and help prevent those who have the virus (with or without symptoms) from passing it to others. Be sure to wash your hands frequently with soap and water, cover your coughs and sneezes, and avoid contact with people who have signs of illness. Get plenty of rest, exercise, and eat a healthy diet. Stay home if you are sick. Protect the community by following the Governor’s social distancing requirements. I am empathetic that these messages may cause concern. We believe that it is important to keep our families in the loop while reinforcing positive behaviors that help to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our schools and community while balancing trust and transparency through this information sharing. If you have any questions, please contact the {SCHOOL NAME} School. Sincerely, {NURSE NAME} Consulting Registered Nurse {SCHOOL NAME} {OFFICE PHONE NUMBER} 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 14
Bend–La Pine Schools THINGS TO KNOW COVID-19 TESTING INFORMATION Diagnostic Rapid Test: Students or staff with symptoms of COVID-19, or who have had exposure to COVID-19 while at school or a worksite, can take a diagnostic rapid test, the free Abbott BinaxNOW. Symptomatic individuals, or those exposed to COVID-19, can utilize this service at school or their work site, or choose to see their medical provider for testing. Results are displayed in approximately 15 minutes after swabbing. Parents are required to be onsite during student testing and to approve testing. Weekly Screening Testing of Students: As we learn more about family interest and available resources, Bend-La Pine Schools will roll out a program to offer a free, opt-in, weekly screening COVID-19 testing program for students in fall of 2021. This screening option can help to identify asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic cases early and help stop transmission within the school setting. Weekly Screening Testing for Interested K-12 Staff: The Oregon Health Authority has rolled out a free, opt-in, at-home, weekly screening testing by mail to any K-12 staff member. Vaccination status will not be verified and all interested staff are welcome to enroll. Once registered for this program, a COVID-19 test kit will be mailed directly to your home each week. The at-home COVID-19 test is self-administered by gently swabbing just inside the nose. The swab is then returned to the laboratory by mail and results are returned to participants within days (positive results are shared with the local health authority.) Your primary healthcare provider’s office can help you determine your coverage for COVID-19 testing, if needed. Most major medical insurers cover testing and treatment for COVID-19. Deductibles may apply. Oregon Health Plan (OHP) covers testing and treatment for COVID-19. Even if you are out of state or have emergency-only coverage. Children under 19 who do not meet the immigration status requirements qualify for full OHP through Cover All Kids. Contact your provider for COVID-19 testing coverages. Visit to find a testing site location or call 211. COVID-19 Information Phone Line 8a.m. - 6:30p.m. (M-F) 541-699-5109 The free phone line, available to individuals in Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson counties, will be open from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday to Friday and will be staffed by caregivers and county health services professionals. IF YOU HAVE FURTHER QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SCHOOL’S NURSE. 2021-2022 V1. COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19 POSITIVE CASES | PAGE 15
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Organizations opportunity behalf Everyof to the conducting • healthcare agree or Specified school or• State certain studies individually object and officials provider local for audit for or information health identifiable authorities, or evaluation health within purposesa that information juvenile is or Prote inoppo ob inclu any promote high quality health care and control of their educational to protect records health information needed toan in educational provide any form and and or agency • Health 2)information medium relates ••to theand Incident plans directly •past, Human to Healthcare Services’ • Appropriate anpresent, otherwise HIPAA permitted orjustice future website inuse physical system, parties clearinghouses and pursuant connection orand transmitted tothe mental with Department orhealth specific financialmaintained stateor law of Educatio condition o student who electronically transmits without written consent 2. Prohibits educational • Healthcare Any of the clearinghouses above must receive – Post-secondary funds Accrediting organizations Inform the public’s health and well-being. Rule, institutions under the an the promotemain public’s applicable high goal health program quality is of andto: health the or care well-being. institution and (electronic, to oror protect oral, by(i)arelated paper) That • to a disclosure identifies • Healthcare Appropriate and the aid to a• student individual, officials clearinghouses • To or in cases of comply with health and a in any judicial safety form order or or medium lawfully issued • Incid (elect • Business associates from disclosing “personally identifiable •act health Organizations information conducting certain studies for or schoolin thathealthAnyon behalf party acting for the subpoena (e.g.,connection disclc information in education ofUSa•Department Ensure records“ covered the public’s that entity,of Education including state individuals’ and claims orwell-being. local education by a covered health agency its business agency entity orinformation institution. associates, which or (ii)anWith are •maintained •educational Business Public to isemergencies respect health • State •and agency by and benefit interest Business which activities, associates onthere associates behalf victims that local •authorities, act of is activities ofa the reasonable abuse onwithin behalf or that neglect, a juvenile public (electronic, acttoon basis oral, orthe behalf believe by a covered entity or paper) Indivi information by ac • Publi without written consent The Health Insurance Portabilityproperly processing, data analysis, and protected Any of the above must utilizationwhileexcluding under an applicable receive funds allowing 1. Permitted program the the ofcertain or flow institution disclosure ofacting ofjustice a covered or by decedents, means a with of entity, system, certain the Accrediting aresearch, covered •pursuantinformation including Appropriate transactions organizations entity, law enforcement toclaims officials in specific including can purposes, cases state be, its law but of business health claims is and not required associates, safety health to its be, bu healt and For more information, please safety) visit the Department of He review, and billing party for serious the threat toemergencies health and Whoinformation mustUS Department educational Protected Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a national health needed of Education to provide and agency or••institution. processing, To comply • processing, data Healthwith Permitted analysis, a judicial forplans data utilization order oranalysis, within utilization lawfullyexcluding issued certain transm dece exclu HIPAA employment records. Limited subpoena data-set • State the andpurposes local 1of research, authorities, a juvenile standard that protects sensitive patientcomply? health Protected health 2.information review, information and health, or billingdisclosures individually pursuantidentifiable educational health and informationin serio any information from being disclosedpromote without the high quality health care and to protect public review, or and healthcare justice billing system, operations to specific state law educa • Every healthcare provider and 2) relates to the past, Protected Health • Healthcare present, • To or comply • Toclearinghouses future with a physical judicial the individual order or employment or mental lawfully health records. issued or • Limit condit (elect Health Educational e Family patient’s ted disclosure means the information Insurance Portability canconsent Rights and orrequired be, but is not andPrivacy knowledge. to be, shared the public’s health Via the without Privacy individual authorization. and well-being. subpoena and healthcare operations empl publ and 1) is(i) That identifies the who electronically transmits 2 individual,• Treatment, or or healthcare countability (FERPA), is aAct ted health information federal Rule, (HIPAA) or individually law is • the enacted mainingoal aidentifiable national healthisinformation to: relates to the past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition of Ensure that individuals’ health includes demographic information an individual;disclosure Permitted 1.information the provision is collected health means from an individual, theinformation of healthcareinformation caninbe, to an individual; connection orbut the is created (ii) past, With or received notpresent, required respect to Information by a healthcare be,Individually or future payment to for the shared without • : Business provider, which identifiable provision individual of healthcare associates health plan, employer, there is authorization.• a toUses reasonable an individual; and payment, andthat act clearinghouse disclosures basis with on behalftothe to believe opportunity agree by a c informa ndard 74 Thatthat that protects protects identifies the sensitive the privacy individual, or ofpatient The health Portability and Health Insurance student ormation With ucation respect to which there is a from being disclosed records. properly protected Accountability reasonable basis to believe without the while allowing Act (HIPAA) is2.aProtected the information can be the used flow to of identify the with certain individual. transactions health information of a covered national health information or individually identifiable health information includes demographic information collected from an individual, and 1) is createdororgiving that is or entity, object by including asking the claims individual its bu received by a healthcare health information standard that needed protects •Permitted 1.sensitive •Every Any and 2)disclosure healthcare to provide patient public relates and orhealthto provider private means •school: the past, Health the present, orinformation plans future physical can or Protected Student be, mental but isornot health Health Education required condition • To transmitted of an School to orbe, individual; the shared maintained without the provision individual officials individual opportunity of healthcare to an toauthorization. agree or individual; ortheobject past, present, or future payment for th ient’s consent or knowledge. Via the Privacy processing, data analysis, utilization excluo or ee,Actmore information, serves two primary the main goal is to: promote please visit purposes: informationthe Department from being high quality health of who Health disclosed (i)and andwithout careelectronically 2. Protected – Elementary (ii)to ThatHuman health With identifiesServices’ thetransmits protect the individual, to•• which information respect Healthcare Everythere HIPAA or website and the Department orisindividually reasonableRecord: Information aclearinghouses For identifiable basis 2 to believe : the more health information of in any •• information, Education’s form Schools Treatment, information can or to be used to FERPA medium which payment, includes identify website. andplease a student the • Incident demographic individual. to an is transferring healthcare visit the otherwise operations information permitted collected Department use and from an individual, an 1. Gives parents or eligible the students patient’s public’s Ensure that individuals’ health information is and more consent health andor knowledge. health well-being. Via – Secondary the information Privacy 2) relates to the past, in connection who healthcare present, provider or future electronically Records Individually physical transmits that or contain identifiable mental Protected health •• Health (electronic, Specified Uses oral, and or: condition review, or paper) officials • To disclosures of and the for audit with an individual; billing individual disclosure or evaluation opportunity the provision to purposes agree of healthcare to anpublic educa individual; or controlprotected of their educational Rule,records the main goal is to: with certain For transactions more • Business information, associates please that visit act the on behalf Department Information isof 2 a •covered by Health Appropriate or objectand entity Human or• Treatment, parties by asking Services’ the payment, in •connection Public interest HIPAA individual andand with or healthcare benefit financial website giving and the operations activities (e.g., Department of Educatio properly 2. Prohibits educational while allowing • Ensurethe institutions thatflow of individuals’ –health Post-secondary (i) That identifies information is the health of information individual, a covered or ininformation entity, health connection including informationdirectlythat claims Individually its identifiable aid business to a student associates, • Uses andhealthdisclosures with activities, opportunity victims of to agree abuse or neglect, empl health information needed to provide and • Health plans with certain transactions related transmitted to a or student opportunity and information that is maintained health to agree or object or object by asking the individual or giving properly protected while allowing (ii) Withthe respect flow ofto which there data is a reasonable basis to believe the information can be used to identify decedents, thefor research, individual. from disclosing promote “personally high quality health care identifiable and to health protect needed information • Anytostate or local provide and education processing, Health agency • review, analysis, which utilization are in any form maintained or medium transmitted •• Incident byexcluding Organizations certain or maintained conducting to an otherwise opportunity certain permitted to agree studies use and law or object or enforcement purposes, • Healthcare clearinghouses plans and billing an on behalf school serious andof the• Incident threat to health and safety) theinformation in education public’s health and well-being. records“ promote high quality health care and to protect • Healthcare clearinghouses educational (electronic, oral,agency in anyeducational or paper) form disclosure or medium to an otherwise permitted use and without written consent the public’s health and AnyFor 1. •Permitted Businessof the well-being. moreabove must disclosure associates information, receive means that act onthe funds please information behalf or visit a can by institution covered the be, butor by entityis Department not or required a(electronic, •• oral, employmentAccrediting to Public be, ofshared interest or paper) Health organizations records. and without disclosure•and benefit Limited Human data-set individual activities Services’ for the purposes authorization. (e.g., public HIPAA website an of research, under of an applicable a covered • Business program entity, including ofassociates the claims that partyact on behalf actingassociates, its business for the by a covered• Appropriate health entity officials activities, or • Publicin victims public cases interest of of and abuse health, health benefit or or and healthcare safety activities neglect, operations (e.g., public 2. Protected emergencies be, but health ofinformation or individually identifiable health information associates,includes demographic information UScanDepartment processing, data Education analysis, ofutilization a covered entity, including individualagency claims its business decedents, research,health law activities, victims enforcement of abuse orcollected purposes, neglect, from an individual, an 1. Permitted disclosure means the information is not required to be, shared without excluding or authorization.institution. certain 2. Protected health information or individually and 2) relates review, andhealth identifiable to the billing past,processing, present, data analysis, or future utilization physical educational information includes demographic information or and collected mental health•certain excluding State or and condition serious localof threat from an individual, and 1) is created or received authorities, to decedents, an individual; health within by a healthcare theaprovision andresearch, safety) provider, juvenile law enforcement health plan, purposes, to an individual; or of healthcare employer, or healthcare clearinghouse justice system, serious pursuant threat to to health specificofstate and safety) law (i) That and 2) relates to the past, present, or future physical identifies or mental thereview, health or condition and billing individual, orthe provision of an individual; employmentof healthcare to aneducational records. individual; or and • the Limited data-set past, present, for or future the payment purposes for the provisionresearch, of healthcare to an individual; and (ii) With respect to which there is a reasonable basis to believe employment the• To comply records. information with • Limited orapublic can judicial be used data-set order to for lawfully or the purposesissuedof research, oridentify theoperations individual. (i) That identifies the individual, or public health, healthcare health, operations healthcare (ii) With respect to which there is a reasonable basis to believe the information can be used to identify the individual. subpoena ted disclosure means the information can be,disclosure 1. Permitted but is notmeans required to be, shared the information canwithout be, but isindividual authorization. not required to be, shared without individual authorization. For more information, please visit the Department of Health and Human Services’ HIPAA website and the Department of Education’s FERPA website. ted health information or individually Health erelates Insurance Portability identifiable 2. Protected health information health information and or individually For includes more demographic identifiable information, information health information collected includes from anplease demographic individual, informationand visit collected the 1) is created from anor Department received individual, by1) and a healthcare of byHealth is created or provider, received health andhealth plan, employer, a healthcare provider, orHuman healthcare Services’ clearinghouse plan, employer, HIPAA website an or healthcare clearinghouse to the past, present, or futureand physical or mental 2) relates health to the past, or condition present, of an individual; or future physical the provision or mental health of healthcare or condition to anthe of an individual; individual; provision or the past, present, of healthcare or future to an individual; payment or the for theorprovision past, present, of healthcare future payment to an individual; for the provision andto an individual; and of healthcare countability Act (HIPAA) is a national That identifies the individual, or (i) That identifies the individual, or With respect to which there is a reasonable (ii) With respect basis to which to believe thethere is a reasonable information basis can be to believe used the information to identify can be used to identify the individual. the individual. ndard that protects sensitive patient health ormation from beingplease or more information, disclosed For without visit more information, the Departmentthe please visit the Department of Health and Human Services’ HIPAA website and the Department of Education’s FERPA website. of Health and Human Services’ HIPAA website and the Department of Education’s FERPA website. ient’s consent or knowledge. Via the Privacy • Every healthcare provider Protected Health • To the individual e, the main goal is to: who electronically transmits Information2: • Treatment, payment, and healthcare operations Ensure that individuals’ health information is health information in connection Individually identifiable • Uses and disclosures with opportunity to agree properly protected while allowing the flow of with certain transactions health information that is or object by asking the individual or giving health information needed to provide2021-2022 and • HealthV1. plans COMMUNICATION GUIDANCE transmittedFOR COVID-19 or maintained POSITIVE opportunity to agree CASES or object | PAGE 16 promote high quality health care and to protect • Healthcare clearinghouses in any form or medium • Incident to an otherwise permitted use and
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