Reading Public Schools School Committee Meeting Packet June 14, 2021 - Remote Open Meeting 7:00 p.m.
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Town of Reading Meeting Posting with Agenda 2018-07-16 LAG Board - Committee - Commission - Council: School Committee Date: 2021-06-14 Time: 7:00 PM Building: Location: Address: Agenda: Purpose: Open Session Meeting Called By: Samantha LaPierre on behalf of the Chair Notices and agendas are to be posted 48 hours in advance of the meetings excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Legal Holidays. Please keep in mind the Town Clerk’s hours of operation and make necessary arrangements to be sure your posting is made in an adequate amount of time. A listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting must be on the agenda. All Meeting Postings must be submitted in typed format; handwritten notices will not be accepted. Topics of Discussion: THIS MEETING WILL BE HELD REMOTELY ON MICROSOFT TEAMS. Link will be sent out separately. 6:00 p.m. A. Call to Order 6:00 p.m. B. Executive Session-To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining in that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body. 7:00 p.m. E. Call to Order for Regular Session 7:00 p.m. F. Public Comment For public comment, please use the live chat feature on the Microsoft Teams link which will be posted on the Superintendent’s Blog and send out via ConnectEd prior to the meeting. In lieu of the live chat, you may send an email in advance of the meeting to This email will be included in the next packet. 7:10 p.m G. Consent Agenda (A) - Approval of Minutes (5-27-2021) - Donation to Fund Boys Swim Team Coaching Assistant - Donation for Girls Spring Track Assistant Coach - Donation from MASBO 7:20 p.m. I. Reports 1. Students 2. Director of Student Services This Agenda has been prepared in advance and represents a listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. However the agenda does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. Page | 1
Town of Reading Meeting Posting with Agenda 3. Assistant Superintendent 4. Chief Financial Officer 5. Superintendent 6. Liaison/Sub-Committee 7:50 p.m. J. New Business 1. Teacher/ Staff Recognition 2. SEPAC Presentation 3. FY21 Budget Transfers (A) 4. First Reading of Green Vehicle Policy (A) 8:30 p.m. K. Old Business 1. Spring Update 9:15 p.m L. Information / Correspondence 1. Email from Kelly Sarsin – re: SC planning time.pdf 2. Email from Brian Paulsen – Re: Covid Vaccine Offered 3. Email from Colleen Derosa – Re: Elementary Planning Time Request 4. Email from Katrina Cole – Re: Elementary Planning Time Request for Support (Killam School) 5. Email from Lynda Michel – Re: Elementary Daily Planning Time 6. Email from Alison Ockerbloom – Re: Daily Planning for Elementary Teachers 7. Email from Donald Gourley Fwd: RPS Happenings May 27, 2021 8. Email from Alison Ullman – Re: Modulars 9. Email from Rebecca Liberman - Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) 10. Email from Laura Yatsuhashi – Correspondence about American Sign Language 11. Email from Kathy Donnelly – Re: RMHS athlete buses 12. Email from Brian Paulsen – No More Masks 13. Email from Lucy Weld – Re: Maintaining an Open Campus for Future School Years 14. Email from Mike Carbone – Bluezone air cleaning 15. Email from Deborah Gilburg – Re: Reading Education Foundation – Reading Relief Fund update 16. Email from Ethan Forse – Re: Guidance Suggestions 9:15 p.m. M. Future Business 9:30 p.m. N. Adjourn **Times are approximate This Agenda has been prepared in advance and represents a listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. However the agenda does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. Page | 2
Reading Public Schools School Committee Meeting Packet June 14, 2021 Consent Agenda
Town of Reading Meeting Minutes 2016-09-22 LAG Board - Committee - Commission - Council: School Committee Date: 2021-05-27 Time: 7:00 PM Building: Location: Address: Session: Open Session Purpose: Open Session Version: Draft Attendees: Members - Present: Chuck Robinson, Erin Gaffen, Sarah McLaughlin, Tom Wise, Carla Nazzaro and Shawn Brandt Members - Not Present: Others Present: Superintendent John Doherty, CFO Gail Dowd, Director of Student Services Jen Stys, Human Resourses Director Kerry Meisinger Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Samantha LaPierre on behalf of the Chair Topics of Discussion: I. Call to Order Chair Robinson opened the meeting and announced the School Committee was meeting in a virtual setting, fully remote via Microsoft Teams, practicing social distancing and in accordance with the Governor’s suspension of certain open meeting laws. The meeting was being recorded and broadcast live on RCTV. The Chair called attendance: Mr. Robinson – here Dr. Doherty – here Ms. McLaughlin- here Mrs. Dowd – here Mr. Wise – here Dr. Stys – here Mrs. Nazzaro – here Mrs. Gaffen – here Mr. Brandt –here Mr. Robinson called open session order at 6:00 p.m. Chair Robinson stated the meeting would begin in Executive Session. Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mrs. Nazzaro, to go into Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining in that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body. The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise and Mr. Robinson. Chair Robinson call the regular session back to order at 7:00 p.m. A. Public Input Page | 1
Mr. Robinson explained that for public comment, please use the live chat feature on the Microsoft Teams link which will be posted on the Superintendent’s Blog and sent out via Connect Ed prior to the meeting. In lieu of the live chat, you may send an email in advance of the meeting to This email will be included in the next packet. B. Consent Agenda Mr. Wise suggested an amendment to the May 13,2021 minutes. Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mr. Brandt, to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. - Approval of Minutes (5-13-2021) - Donation from Samantha’s Harvest The motion carried 6-0. Ms. McLaughlin, Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise and Mr. Robinson. C. Reports Student No Report Director of Student Services No Report Assistant Superintendent No Report Human Resources Director No Report Chief Financial Officer No Report Superintendent No Report School Committee Ms. McLaughlin – No Report Mr. Brandt stated that he, and Mrs. Nazzaro are members of the Audit Committee, and on Wednesday 5/19/21, they met with Melanson Heath who audits the RMLD financial statements. It was a clean audit with no management letters. Mrs. Gaffen stated that SEPAC is having their final business meeting of the year on Tuesday June 8,2021 at 7:00 p.m. There will be a SEPAC training on Tuesday June 15th. Page | 2
Mrs. Nazzaro stated that she attended RCTV Board Meeting on 5/18/21. They are holding summer camp again this year, there will be five works of summer camp workshops- the dates are July 12th, July 19th, August 2nd. August 9th, and August 16th. A full course description is posted on An update has been announced about the classes the RCTV will be teaching at RMHS which include TV Broadcasting and Film Production. Mr. Wise – No Report Mr. Robinson – No Report New Business Public Hearing on School Choice Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mrs. Nazzaro to open the public hearing on School Choice. The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise and Mr. Robinson. Dr. Doherty asked the School Committee to vote not to participate in the School Choice law for the 2021-2022 school year as defined by the General Law Chapter 76, Section 12B. Given that RPS has had school space concerns for the last several years and we are completing a year of uncertainty in student enrollment due to the pandemic, Dr. Doherty recommended that school choice should not be implemented for the upcoming year. An advisory from DESE with FAQs and additional information on the program were included in the packet. Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mr. Brandt, to opt out of the School Choice program for the 2021-22 school year due to space constraints and enrollment. The motion carried 6- 0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise and Mr. Robinson. Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mrs. Gaffen to close the public hearing on School Choice. The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise and Mr. Robinson. MASBO Award Presentation Ms. Margaret Driscoll, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Association of School Business Officials, and Mr. Daniel Sanderson at Axion BT/KenMark presented the John F. Conway Distinguished Service Award to Chief Financial Officer Gail Dowd for her outstanding work as a School Business Official. C.P.A Dowd received the award at the MASBO’s 55th Annual Institute Educational Conference that was held on May 14th. The award recognizes the accomplishments of MASBO members relative to enhancing the effectiveness of a school district and addressing it educational mission. The press release was included in the packet. SC Final Vote on the FY22 Budget and FY22 Capital Plan Mrs. Gail Dowd asked the Committee to approve the final FY’22 budget of $49,695,998 as appropriated by Town Meeting, as well as approve the individual cost cent budgets. There were no changes from the School Committee budget as of January 25, 2021 and what was approved by Town Meeting. Mrs. Gail Dowd asked the committee to approve the final FY’22 Capital Plan as it related to the School Department. The total capital related to the schools, approved by Town Meeting, is $865,000. Page | 3
Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mrs. Nazzaro to approve the FY22 School Capital Plan of $865.000. The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise and Mr. Robinson. Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mrs. Gaffen, to approve the FY22 School Department Budget of $49,695,998 to be broken down by cost center as follows: Final FY22 Budget Regular Day $ 28,395,443 Administration 1,278,967 Special Education 16,329,409 School Facilities 1,578,204 Districtwide Programs 2,113,975 $ 49,695,998 The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise, and Mr. Robinson. Approval of MSBA SOI Dr. Doherty presented the draft Statement of Interest for the Killam Elementary School. Under the MSBA application process, the Statement of Interest is the first step in entering the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) program. In order to submit this Statement of Interest to MSBS, the following actions are required: 1. There needs to be a School Committee vote using the required text. 2. The Select Board will conduct a similar vote at the June 1st meeting. 3. The Town Manager, School Committee Chair, and Superintendent of Schools need to certify the validity of the SOI by signing the SOI. Mr. Wise motioned, seconded by Mr. Brandt. “Resolved: Having convened in an open meeting on May 27, 2021, prior to the closing date, the School Committee of Reading, Massachusetts, in accordance with its charter, by-laws, and ordinances, has voted to authorize the Superintendent to submit to the Massachusetts School Building Authority the Statement of Interest dated June 4, 2021 for the Killam Elementary School located at 333 Charles Street in Reading, Massachusetts which describes and explains the following deficiencies and the priority categories for which an application may be submitted to the Massachusetts School Building Authority in the future • Priority 5-Replacement, renovation or modernization of school facility systems, such as roofs, windows, boilers, heating and ventilation systems, to increase energy conservation and decrease energy related costs in a school facility. This includes the installation of a fire suppression system, handicap accessibility throughout the school, and replacement of all plumbing systems in the building due to high lead content in the drinking water. • Priority 7-Replacement of or addition to obsolete buildings in order to provide for a full range of programs consistent with state and approved local requirements. This includes, but is not limited to addressing elementary enrollment increases over the next 10 years, providing adequate space for special education programs and related services, full day kindergarten, English Language Learner Services, and preschool expansion. Page | 4
and hereby further specifically acknowledges that by submitting this Statement of Interest Form, the Massachusetts School Building Authority in no way guarantees the acceptance or the approval of an application, the awarding of a grant or any other funding commitment from the Massachusetts School Building Authority, or commits the Town to filing an application for funding with the Massachusetts School Building Authority.” The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise, and Mr. Robinson. D. Old Business Spring Update Dr. Doherty provided a spring in-person update. Dr. Doherty provided an update on the number of positive student and staff cases per day in May, as well as total cases as of May 27th. Dr. Doherty reported that a total of 593 RMHS students are vaccinated so far. Pooled tested for Prom will be required for those not fully vaccinated. Dr. Doherty congratulated RISE Preschool for being selected as an exemplar Pyramid Model Preschool for Massachusetts, for addressing the social-emotional and mental health needs of children. The National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) on behalf of The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requested states to identify local programs that implemented the Pyramid Model with success. Dr. Doherty provided an update to the K12 Graduation Guidance based on recent changes from CDC and State guidelines. Effective May 29th, for outdoor graduations only, attendees and staff are not required to wear masks and are encouraged to distance from individuals not in their household as feasible. Attendees are encouraged to wear face coverings if they are not vaccinated. When outdoors, students are not required to wear masks, and students should distance as feasible. It is now permitted to hand graduates their diplomas and awards. Graduation facilities only need to clean high touch surfaces and shared objects once per day, excluding certain circumstances. Graduates may not have up to six guests – two on the field with the graduate and four in the bleachers. Graduates and family members on the field are not required to wear masks as the family Pods are socially distanced. There will be a QR code for guests to scan as they enter the bleachers to keep track of attendance for contact tracing purposes. The School Committee Chair and Vice Chair will be handing graduates their diplomas. Parents/ guardians may still accompany graduates as they receive their diplomas as the family wishes for picture opportunities. Graduates and their families will still arrive in staggered start times and enter through a pre-identified gate and there will be no formal processional or recessional. Dr. Doherty discussed understanding the process of assessing for reading disabilities and encouraged the Reading community to join SEPAC for the second in a series of community reading training on June 15th, 2021 at 7 p.m. Spring open house events are cancelled for this year. The Reading Public Schools Special Education Parent Advisory Council would like your feedback on future topics for SEPAC meetings and workshops. Please complete the survey no later than Friday June 4, 2021. Page | 5
The Special Olympics will take place on the RMHS Turf 1 and Track on June 11th at 10:00 a.m. Due to the inconsistencies with food deliveries and the unpredictable changes in products at times, there has been even greater collaboration between school nutrition and health services to ensure that all food issues are being addresses. This will create a system for future collaboration. Mary Giuliana, Danielle Collins, and Tom Zaya have been participating in a Wellness Study class at Framingham State which includes working on updating the Wellness policy; at a future upcoming School Committee meeting, there will be a review of an updated policy. 2nd Reading of Policy ACE (with IHBA vs. IGBA), BID and DKC Updates Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mr. Brandt, to approve the second reading of Policy ACE. Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mrs. Nazzaro. to waive the reading of Policy ACE. The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise, and Mr. Robinson. Mr. Wise offered an amendment to strike “programs for disabled students” and replace it with “programs for students with disabilities”. Mrs. Nazzaro offered an amendment on page two, under section one and two, to change the words “handicapped” to “disabled” and “handicap” to “disability”. The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise, and Mr. Robinson. Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Ms. McLaughlin, to approve the second reading of Policy BID. Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mrs. Nazzaro, to waive the reading of Policy BID. The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise, and Mr. Robinson. The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise, and Mr. Robinson. Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mrs. Nazzaro, to approve the second reading of Policy BIBA. Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mr. Brandt, to waive the reading of Policy BIBA. The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise, and Mr. Robinson. Mr. Brandt moved, seconded by Mr. Wise to amend this policy by removing the sentence “The School Committee shall be made aware of School Committee conferences, conventions and workshops.” The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise and Mr. Robinson. Page | 6
Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mr. Brandt to approve the second reading of Policy DKC. Mr. Wise moved, seconded by Mr. Brandt, to waive the reading of Policy DKC. The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise, and Mr. Robinson. The motion carried 6-0. Mrs. Nazzaro, Mrs. Gaffen, Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Wise, and Mr. Robinson. E. Public Comment Geoffrey Corm, Ridge Rd.: “Did “Bridgit” get corrected? (I emailed Samantha) Geoffrey Corm, Ridge Rd.: “All set, you can skip this comment.” Geoffrey Corm, Ridge Rd.: “BIBA: paragraph 1 used to explicitly say the scecretary was responsible for maintain the list.” Geoffrey Corm, Ridge Rd.: “But now it just says “SC shall be made aware”. 1. Routine Matters a. Calendar 2. Information/Correspondence 3. Future Business 4. Adjournment Adjourn Ms. Mclaughlin second by Mrs. Gaffen, to adjourn. The roll call vote carried 6-0. Ms. McLaughlin, Mr. Brandt, Mrs. Gaffen, Mrs. Nazzaro, Mr. Wise and Mr. Robinson. The meeting adjourned at 8:34p.m. NOTE: The minutes reflect the order as stated in the posted meeting agenda not the order they occurred during the meeting. Link to meeting video: School Committee 05-27-2021 - YouTube Page | 7
John F. Doherty, Ed. D. Gail S. Dowd, CPA Superintendent of Schools Chief Financial Officer Christine M. Kelley Jennifer A. Stys, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent for Learning and Teaching Assistant Superintendent for Student Services 82 Oakland Road Reading, MA 01867 Kerry M. Meisinger, J.D. Human Resources Director Phone: 781-944-5800 Fax: 781-942-9149 Reading Public Schools Instilling a joy of learning and inspiring the innovative leaders of tomorrow To: Reading School Committee From: John F. Doherty, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools Date: June 14, 2021 Re: MASBO Award Donation At the June 14, 2021 School Committee meeting, we will ask you to accept the MASBO Award of $1000 that was given to the Reading Public Schools as a result of Chief Financial Officer Gail Dowd receiving the John F. Conway Distinguished Service Award. These funds will be used for the school district for educational purposes. Please contact me if you have any questions. The Reading Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age or disability.
Reading Public Schools School Committee Meeting Packet June 14, 2021 New Business
John F. Doherty, Ed. D. Gail S. Dowd, CPA Superintendent of Schools Chief Financial Officer Christine M. Kelley Jennifer A. Stys, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent for Learning and Teaching Assistant Superintendent for Student Services 82 Oakland Road Reading, MA 01867 Kerry M. Meisinger, J.D. Human Resources Director Phone: 781-944-5800 Fax: 781-942-9149 Reading Public Schools Instilling a joy of learning and inspiring the innovative leaders of tomorrow To: Reading School Committee From: John F. Doherty, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools Date: June 14, 2021 Re: Staff Milestones and Recognitions At the June 14, 2021 School Committee Meeting, I will be recognizing all of those staff who have reached significant milestones in their Reading careers. These include those teachers who have earned Professional Teaching Status, 10, 20, 30, and 35 years of service, and retirements. The milestones are as follows: RETIREES: Teachers: Lori Abelson Wood End Pamela Boston Barrows Phyllis Greene Joshua Eaton Marie Kiley Joshua Eaton John Laracy Barrows Diane Davis Parker Mary Sage RISE Connie Quackenbush Parker Other: Linda Engelson Central Office Custodians: Dan Leccese Barrows Kenneth Hughes Wood End Café: Cindy Goodwin Joshua Eaton Paras: Liz Oehmen Wood End Lisa Thomas RMHS Janet Williams Wood End The Reading Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age or disability.
Secretaries: Jerri Donahue Food Service PTS Gibson Erin Birch Meadow Elementary School Special Education Connections Program Teacher Grade 3 Mucha Arielle Birch Meadow Elementary School Grade 4 Keough Sean Birch Meadow Elementary School Special Education Teacher Healey (Warren) Danielle Coolidge Middle School Wellness Teacher Turner Shannon Coolidge Middle School Grades 7-8 ELA Teacher Munson Roisin Coolidge Middle School Special Education Teacher Lewis Miriam Joshua Eaton Elementary School Grade 4 Teacher Maas Carolyn Joshua Eaton Elementary School School Psychologist Cannata Melissa Killam Elementary School Grade 1 Teacher Ozanian Ann Parker Middle School School Psychologist Mulkern Hannah Parker Middle School Spanish Teacher McCabe Kristophe Parker Middle School English Teacher r Johnson Lisa Reading Memorial High School Speech Pathologist Waite Stephanie Reading Memorial High School Special Education Therapeutic Support Program Teacher Gablinske Lauren Reading Memorial High School Guidance Counselor Herrmann Melanie Reading Memorial High School Math Teacher (Distaula) DiPietro Stephen Reading Memorial High School Physical Education Teacher Downey Sarah Reading Memorial High School Special Education Teacher (McDonough) Bosco Angelo Reading Memorial High School Spanish Teacher Joyce Erin RISE Preschool Preschool Teacher Rubin Kaitlyn Wood End Elementary School Speech Language Pathologist Last Name First Name Location Description Job Class Description 2021 Milestone FUSCO LAUREN JOSHUA EATON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ELEMENTARY TEACHER 35 HILLIS MAURICE SCHOOL FACILITIES CUSTODIAN SCHOOL 35 JOHNSTON MARY JOSHUA EATON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ELEMENTARY TEACHER 30 MACINDEWAR WILLIAM PARKER MIDDLE SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHER 30 BOYAGES LINDA RISE PRE KINDERGARTEN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 20 DABABNEH PATRICIA READING MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL LEARNING CENTER/LLD PARA 20 DEROSA COLLEEN BARROWS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ELEMENTARY TEACHER 20 FINIGAN DIANE PARKER MIDDLE SCHOOL SECRETARYA 52WKS 7.5 20 FUCCIONE JOANNE SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE CAFETERIA WORKER 20 GILBERT SUSAN READING MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER 20 GOLDNER MICHELLE KILLAM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 20 The Reading Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age or disability.
John F. Doherty, Ed. D. Gail S. Dowd, CPA Superintendent of Schools Chief Financial Officer Christine M. Kelley Jennifer A. Stys, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent for Learning and Teaching Assistant Superintendent for Student Services 82 Oakland Road Reading, MA 01867 Kerry M. Meisinger, J.D. Human Resources Director Phone: 781-944-5800 Fax: 781-942-9149 Reading Public Schools Instilling a joy of learning and inspiring the innovative leaders of tomorrow To: Reading School Committee From: John F. Doherty, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools Date: June 14, 2021 Re: SEPAC Presentation At the June 14, 2021 School Committee Meeting, SEPAC Board Members Laura Noonan, Alyssa Scaparotti, and Amy Stewart will be giving a SEPAC presentation about their initiatives throughout this past school year and looking forward to next year. I have attached their presentation. Please contact me if you have any questions. The Reading Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age or disability.
Special Education Parent Advisory Council Laura Noonan, SEPAC Board Member Alyssa Scaparotti, SEPAC Board Member Amy Stewart, SEPAC Board Member
SEPAC 2020-2021 Year in Review
2020-2021 Year in Review: Summer 2020 ● Board members participated on a rotating basis with weekly check-in meetings with the central office staff regarding the re-opening plans ● Laura Noonan, SEPAC Board Member, contributed to the reopening plans of the district by sitting on two committees (Meeting the Needs of All Learners Working Group and How Best to Support Parents Group). ● Multiple, informal outdoor social gatherings were held at [then] Board Member, Maria Morgan’s residence
2020-2021 Year in Review: September 2020 ● Business meeting focused on the progress of the special education program descriptions that were still being drafted at that time, Team Chair staffing changes, and Professional Development on Reading (process of reading and reading instruction). ● Set short term/long term goals for the SEPAC. Goals included: ○ Hosting the Basic Rights workshop(s) ○ BSEA Mediation presentation ○ Social opportunities ○ Presentation regarding community based resources beyond that of district’s services ○ Creating a “Friends of the SEPAC” ○ Establish SEPAC school liaisons ○ Parent education of reading development and instruction including how to look for “red flags” ● Discussed opportunities for parent engagement. ● On September 29th (at 10:00 a.m. and then again at 8:00 PM), there were 2 virtual social events designed for parent support and discussion. These events had very low attendance.
2020-2021 Year in Review: October 2020 ● SEPAC collaborated with the Andover and North Andover SEPACs to make available all three Basic Rights presentations to the three communities. They were: ○ Basic Rights: Evaluation and Eligibility hosted by Reading on October 13th ○ Basic Rights: Understanding the IEP hosted by Andover on October 29th ○ Basic Rights: Transition Planning hosted by North Andover on November 2nd ● SEPAC Business meeting focused: ○ SEPAC conducted Board Elections ○ “Friends of SEPAC” was created, and it was decided that this would be informal, and not a sub- committee. ○ Planning discussion about future series of presentations on literacy/reading instruction. The result of the discussion was the creation of SEPAC’s Reading/Literacy Subcommittee. The subcommittee is led by chair Alyssa Scaparotti, SEPAC Board Member.
2020-2021 Year in Review: November 2020 ● Virtual support chat was hosted by SEPAC, but had extremely low attendance. ● SEPAC Business meeting focused on a Bureau of Special Education Appeals (BSEA) Presentation on Facilitated Team Meetings and Mediation Services.
2020-2021 Year in Review: December 2020 ● SEPAC Business meeting focused on the new Special Education Program Descriptions which were presented and discussed in detail.
2020-2021 Year in Review: January 2021 ● Laura Noonan, SEPAC Board Member, was a member of the Superintendent Search Preliminary Screening Committee, representing SEPAC. ● SEPAC Business meeting focused on an update from the Director of Student Services, Dr. Jennifer Stys, reporting on the department’s 5 Year Plan. ● SEPAC solicited ideas for future presentations. Ideas include: ○ Presentation on progress reports ○ Available resources outside the Reading community ○ Inclusion/co-taught classrooms ○ A presentation on How To Understand DESE’s Resource Guide to the MA Curriculum Frameworks for Students with Disabilities ○ A discussion on how educators are working to create meaningful inclusion opportunities for our students. ● It is decided that parent discussions will follow these presentations to offer parent perspectives.
2020-2021 Year in Review: February 2021 ● SEPAC Business meeting cancelled due to Superintendent Finalist Interviews.
2020-2021 Year in Review: March 2021 ● SEPAC Business meeting focused on presentations on local family support services and resources. Guest speakers included: ○ Alice Gomez - Psychologist for the RPS ○ Terri Farrell - Autism Insurance Resource Center Project ○ Andrea Passacantilli - Mobile Crisis Intervention Program Manager, Elliott Community Human Services ● SEPAC’s Reading/Literacy subcommittee announced the first reading training for March 23rd – The Five Essential Components of Reading and Scarborough’s Reading Rope. ● SEPAC Parent, Michele Sanphy, spoke of initiative to solicit proposals for disability-related topics from the school community and wider community. A survey will be put together for this purpose and circulated to the community.
2020-2021 Year in Review: April 2021 ● District updates shared by Dr. Jennifer Stys, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services included: ○ Informing parents that the Commonwealth of Mass released Dyslexia guidelines. ○ The administration is working with Chris Nelson in the extended day program to create a general education summer program for students who are struggling with reading and possibly math. ○ There will be upcoming Parent Trainings about social and emotional topics including mindfulness, helping with student anxiety, etc. ○ ESY dates were announced - July 6th through August 9th. ● Presentation by Team Chair Kelly DiCato on DESE Resource Guide to the MA Curriculum Frameworks for Students with Disabilities.
2020-2021 Year in Review: April 2021 Continued ● Presentation by SEPAC members Amy Stewart and Timna Serino on local/regional community resources providing family education/advocacy, recreational opportunities, and summer camps. ● Update by SEPAC members’ Michele Sanphy, Kate Goldlust, and Kit Lonergan concerning solicited feedback from families on topics for future meetings and proposed draft survey. Followed by caregiver discussion. ● Feedback from SEPAC to the district pertaining to a recent BCBA turnover/transition. ○ Board Member, Laura Noonan, brought to the attention of the district that during a recent staffing transition, a number of parents were not kept advised of the last date of employment for the current/former BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) and the start date of employment for the replacement/incoming BCBA. ○ This discussion led to an update of procedure pertaining to parent communication/notification for such service provider turnover/transitions. ○ This is an excellent example of the swift action taken by Assistant Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Stys, as well as Director of Special Education, Allison Wright, in response to a concern raised by SEPAC. SEPAC values the collaborative relationship that has been built with the district.
2020-2021 Year in Review: May 2021 ● District Updates included but were not limited to announcements for upcoming presentations, such as a presentation regarding the new Dyslexia Guidance and upcoming social-emotional learning presentations. Also, procedural updates to the work-in-progress, “Special Education Handbook”, were discussed. ● Presentation regarding How to Read and Understand Progress Reports given by district teachers and staff from various special education programs. ● Review and approve survey responses regarding topics of interest for future SEPAC business meetings and/or presentations.
SEPAC Sub Committee on Reading/Literacy
SEPAC Sub Committee on Reading/Literacy ● Established during October 2020 SEPAC Business Meeting ○ Chaired by SEPAC Board Member Alyssa Scaparotti ○ Other members include: Erin Alberts, Sarah McLaughlin, and Tom Wise ● Partnered with Superintendent John Doherty, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Stys, Assistant Superintendent Chris Kelley and Director of Special Education Allison Wright ● Focused on Reading & Literacy as it pertains to the identification and education of Students with Disabilities in Reading and Writing. ● Expanded to include the Process of Learning to Read as supported by years of scientific research and legislation.
Kickoff Meeting Finalized Survey and Finalized agreement on focused on Goals, discussed desires for reading Workshop Flyers, discussed Survey & Next trainings for the Reading Survey results and book list. First Steps Community. presentation (in series of 3) held. Nov 2020 Dec 2020 Jan 2021 Feb 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021 Detailed review and Executed Survey, set focus areas Finalized plans for second training discussion of Survey for for reading trainings and began (to be held June 15) and third distribution to Reading discussing books to provide further training (to be held in fall 2021). Community Finalized book and podcast background to the Reading resource list. Community.
Reading in Reading Survey Results: Question 1
Reading in Reading Survey Results: Questions 2 - 4
Reading in Reading Survey Results: Question 5
Reading in Reading Survey Results: Question 5
Understanding the Process of Assessing for Reading Disabilities Reading Public Schools: Staff Training Skilled Reading: Fluent execution Process of reading acquisition and coordination to Evaluation Data used to inform instruction support all readers Specific Structured Reading Instruction in Reading Coaching Reading Community with SEPAC Support: Parent University Trainings Process of reading acquisition Assessment and Data Collection Reading Instruction Join us for the 2nd in a series of community reading trainings: June 15, 2021 at 7pm Graphic adapted from Scarborough, 2001
Understanding reading, strand by strand Session 2: Tuesday, June 15 at 7pm Topic: Understanding the Process of Assessing for Reading Disabilities • Understanding the Referral Process • Understanding Reading Assessments for Specific Constructs/Assessment Sensitivity • Using Reading Assessment Data to Drive Instruction/Progress Monitoring (Aimlines) • The Crafting Minds Special Education Graphic Organizer for Assessment Results Presenters: Shana Goldwyn, PhD - Team Chairperson: Killam Elementary/Joshua Eaton Elementary Renee Limauro, MS, CCC-SLP - Team Chairperson: Reading Memorial High School Auriana Musselman, M.Ed. – LEAD Teacher, Parker Middle School ZOOM link: What’s Next? Session 3: TBD Topic: What programs are used to teach the components reading and why? • Specific Structured Reading Programs • Specific Reading Strategy Instruction • Specific Activities and Strategies within the Components of Reading
John F. Doherty, Ed. D. Gail S. Dowd, CPA Superintendent of Schools Chief Financial Officer Christine M. Kelley Jennifer A. Stys, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent for Learning and Teaching Assistant Superintendent for Student Services 82 Oakland Road Reading, MA 01867 Kerry M. Meisinger, J.D. Human Resources Director Phone: 781-944-5800 Fax: 781-942-9149 Reading Public Schools Instilling a joy of learning and inspiring the innovative leaders of tomorrow To: Reading School Committee From: John F. Doherty, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools Date: June 14, 2021 Re: 1st Reading of Green Vehicle Policy At the June 14th School Committee Meeting, the Committee will have a first reading of the Green Vehicle Policy, which is being voted on later in June by the Select Board. In accordance with the 2021 Green Communities initiative, school districts and towns must adopt a policy that requires all departments within a Green Community to purchase fuel-efficient vehicles for municipal use, whenever such vehicles are commercially available and practicable. The School Committee will be asked to vote to adopt this policy. Please contact me if you have any questions. The Reading Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age or disability.
Town of Reading / Reading School District FUEL EFFICIENT VEHICLE POLICY Effective Date 7/1/2021 Revisions None Board of Add date of vote Selectman Approval Date School 6/14/2021 Superintendent Approval Date DEFINITIONS Combined city and highway MPG (EPA Combined fuel economy): Combined Fuel Economy means the fuel economy from driving a combination of 43 percent city and 57 Percent highway miles and is calculated as follows: =1/((0.43/City MPG)+(0.57/highway MPG)) Drive System: The manner in which mechanical power is directly transmitted from the drive shaft to the wheels. The following codes are used in the drive field: • AWD = All Wheel Drive: 4 -wheel drive automatically controlled by the vehicle power train system • 4WD = 4-Wheel Drive: driver selectable 4-wheel drive with 2-wheel drive option • 2WD = 2-Wheel Drive Heavy-duty vehicle: Vehicles with a manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of more than 8,500 pounds POLICY STATEMENT In an effort to reduce the town and school district’s fuel consumption and energy costs the Select Board hereby adopts a policy to purchase only fuel efficient vehicles to meet this goal. PURPOSE To establish a requirement that the town and school district purchase only fuel efficient vehicles for municipal/school use whenever such vehicles are commercially available and practicable.
APPLICABILITY This policy applies to all divisions and departments of the town and school district. It applies to road-worthy passenger vehicles, pick up and utility trucks, and SUVs. It does not apply to specialized equipment or off-road vehicles. GUIDELINES All departments/divisions shall purchase only fuel efficient vehicles for municipal use whenever such vehicles are commercially available and practicable. The town and school district will maintain an annual vehicle inventory for ALL vehicles and a plan for replacing any non-exempt vehicles with vehicles that meet, at a minimum, the fuel efficiency ratings contained in the most recent guidance for Criterion 4 published by the MA Department of Energy Resources’ Green Communities Division. It is the responsibility of the town and school district to check the Green Communities Division’s Guidance for Criterion 4 for updates prior to ordering replacement vehicles. Exemptions • Heavy-duty vehicles: examples include fire-trucks, ambulances, and some public works trucks that meet the definition of heavy-duty vehicle. • As of the adoption date (above) police cruisers are exempt from this criterion due to lack of widespread availability. However, we commit to purchasing fuel efficient police cruisers, when they become commercially available. Police and fire department administrative vehicles are NOT exempt and must meet fuel efficient requirements. Inventory The following information shall be included in a vehicle inventory list and said list shall be updated on an annual basis and provided to the Green Communities Division: see Attachment A: Reading Vehicle Inventory NOTE: Departments/Divisions may use EPA combined MPG estimates or actual combined MPG. FUEL EFFICIENT VEHICLE REPLACEMENT PLAN All non-exempt vehicles shall be replaced with fuel efficient vehicles that adhere to the most recent Green Communities Criterion 4 Guidance. Vehicles shall be replaced when they are no longer operable and will not be recycled from one municipal department to another unless the recycled replacement is more efficient than the vehicle it is replacing. In addition, when replacing exempt vehicles, the function of the vehicle will be reviewed for potential replacement with a more fuel efficient vehicle, including a fuel efficient non-exempt vehicle.
The town and school district will review on an annual basis the Vehicle Inventory, along with the Green Communities Criterion 4 Guidance, to plan for new acquisitions as part of planning for the new fiscal year budget. QUESTIONS / ENFORCEMENT All other inquiries should be directed to the department/division responsible for fleet management and/or fleet procurement. This policy is enforced by the Chief Administrative Officer and/or his/her designee(s).
Reading Public Schools School Committee Meeting Packet June 14, 2021 Information/ Correspondence
Reading Public Schools School Committee Meeting Packet June 14, 2021 Calendar
2020-21 School Committee Calendar Topics Please note that this calendar may change depending on the status of the current health crisis and/or availability of presenters and topic material in consultation with the Chair An Asterik* indicates office half hour for this session at 6:30 p.m. All meetings will be in the RMHS Schettini Library unless noted. Date Topic Group July 9* Discuss Elementary Space Plan Administration Reorganization School Committee July 26 RMHS Class of 2020 Graduation July 29 Back to School Plans Administration Superintendent Search Process School Committee Remote August 6 Preliminary School Reopening Plan Vote Administration Remote August 20 First Reading Policy EBCFA – Face Coverings School Committee First Reading Policy IHBHE Remote Learning School Committee Remote Executive Session August 27 Executive Session Administration School Reopening Plan Administration Remote Second Reading Policy EBCFA – Face Coverings School Committee Second Reading Policy IHBHE Remote Learning School Committee September 1 Primary Election Sept. 10 Book Discussion School Committee Reopening Plan – Athletics & Extra-Curricular Administration Remote September 23 Financial Forum Finance Committee September 24 Fall Reopening Update School Committee Equity Book Discussion FY20 End of Year Summary Preliminary Discussion of District Improvement Plan October 1 Superintendent Search – Interviews of Selected Proposers School Committee Remote October 7 Financial Forum II Finance Committee October 15 Appointment of Superintendent to Collaborative Boards Administration Remote First Reading of Policy ECAF School Committee First Reading of JLCB School Committee First Reading of Policy AC School Committee Approval of RMHS Student Handbook Administration October 21 Financial Forum III Finance Committee October 29 Fall Reopening Update Administration Remote Second Reading of Policy ECAF School Committee Second Reading of JLCB School Committee Second Reading of Policy AC School Committee Enrollment Update Administration November 2 Superintendent Search Process School Committee Remote
5:00 p.m. November 5 Elementary Space Refresher Administration Remote District and Superintendent’s Goals Introduction Administration Second Reading of Tabled Policy JLCB School Committee Social Media Coordinators Second Reading of Tabled Policy AC School Committee Gaffen Nazzaro November 19 Curriculum Update Administration Remote District and Superintendent’s Goals – Vote Administration First Reading Policy JI School Committee First Reading of Policy IMB School Committee FY21 Budget Update CFO November 23 Superintendent Search Process School Committee Remote Week of November 30 Superintendent Search – Advertising Finalized School Committee Position Posted December Finance Committee/Select Board FY22 Budget December 3 Introduce New HR Director Administration Remote School Calendar Administration Superintendent Search – Appoint Preliminary Screening Committee School Committee Social Media Coordinators Second Reading Policy JI Wise Continued First Reading of Policy IMB School Committee Parks First Reading of BDF – Advisory Committees to the School Committee School Committee School Committee December 7 Permanent Building Committee Meeting Remote December 17 FY22 Prebudget Presentation Finance Remote RMHS Student Handbook Update & Review/Guidance Update RMHS Student Opportunity Act Second Reading of Policy BDF – Advisory Committees to the School Administration Committee School Committee January 5 Superintendent Search – Screening Committee Orientation School Committee 4:00 p.m. Remote January 6 Superintendent Search – Application Deadline School Committee January 7 FY22 Budget Discussion Administration Remote FY21 Capital Plan Social Media Coordinators Robinson Brandt January 11 Superintendent Search – Screening Committee meets to Select Semi- School Committee Remote Finalists to be Interviewed January 14 FY22 Budget Discussion – Regular Day & Special Education Administration January 19 & 20 Superintendent Search – Screening Committee Interviews Semi- School Committee Finalists January 21 FY22 Budget Discussion Administration Public Hearing on FY22 Budget School Committee Questions Administration January 23 Superintendent Screening Committee School Committee Semi-Finalist Interviews January 25 FY22 Budget Discussion Administration Final Vote School Committee
January 26 Superintendent Search –Interviews of Semi-Finalists School Committee January 27 Superintendent Search – Concludes Interviews of Semi-Finalists and School Committee Finalist Selection January 28 Presentation of Finalists to School Committee Second Reading of Policy IMB Week of February 4 – 10 Superintendent Search – Site Visits School Committee Social Media Coordinators Robinson Nazzaro February 9th Superintendent of Schools Candidate Interview – Tom Milachewski School Committee 7:15 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. February 10th Superintendent of Schools Candidate Interview – Matthew Janger School Committee Superintendent of Schools Candidate Interview – Stephen Zadravec 7:00 p.m – 10:00 p.m February 11 Superintendent of Schools Candidate Deliberation and Decision School Committee February 24 Finance Committee FY22 Budget Presentation March 4 Citizen’s Proposal for Park Bench Administration Social Media Coordinators Superintendent’s Evaluation Process and District Improvement Plan Superintendent Nazzaro/Wise Update Kindergarten Enrollment Update Superintendent Special Education and Student Services Superintendent High School Principal Search Process Superintendent 2nd Reading of Policy IMB School Committee Winter Hybrid Update Superintendent Superintendent’s Contract (Executive Session) School Committee March 10 Finance Committee Town Core and Capital Plan Presentation March 17 Finance Committee Vote on TM Articles March 18 Portrait of Graduate Update RMHS Administration Dissolution of Superintendent Screening Advisory Committee School Committee Spring In Person Update Superintendent March 29 Approval of Resolution School Committee 2nd Reading of Policy IMB School Committee Approval of Assistant Superintendent Search Timeline School Committee April 1 Intermunicipal Agreement with Wakefield – POST Program Administration Social Media Coordinators Superintendent Evaluation School Committee Robinson/Gaffen Vote on Last Day of School School Committee Birch Meadow Master Plan Presentation Recreation Department April 6 Town Election April 15 FY21 Quarterly Budget Update Finance FY21 Quarterly Personnel Update Human Resources 1st Reading of Policy Updates School Committee District Space Discussion Administration April 26, 29, May 3, 6, 10 Town Meeting May 13 Vietnam War Veteran’s Recognition Veteran Services Officer Social Media Coordinators Appointment of Assistant Superintendent Superintendent Brandt/Nazzaro Joshua Eaton Principal Superintendent Special Education Presentation Administration 2nd Reading of Policy Updates School Committee May 27 Executive Session-Collective Bargaining Strategy School Committee School Choice-Public Hearing School Committee Recognition MASBO SC Final Vote on FY22 Budget and Capital Plan School Committee
Approval of MSBA SOI Superintendent 2nd Reading of Policy Updates School Committee June 1 Select Board Meeting for Approval of POST, MSBA SOI, and Green Select Board Communities Vehicle Presentation June 6 Graduation School Committee (RMHS Turf 1) June 14* Teacher/Staff Recognition School Committee Social Media Coordinators SEPAC Presentation SEPAC Gaffen/Wise FY 21 Budget Transfers (if needed) School Committee Declare Surplus Equipment Finance and Operations Green Vehicle Vote June 21 RMHS Handbook Update School Committee NEASC Accreditation Report Administration Liaison Assignments School Committee Reorganization Learning and Teaching Curriculum Update Regular Day and Athletic Bus Transportation Contact Approval (Tentative)
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