SCHOLARSHIP CATALOG Stockton Unified School District 2019-2020 - Division of Educational Support Services Student Support Services Department ...

Page created by Kathy Stevenson
Stockton Unified School District



       Division of Educational Support Services
        Student Support Services Department
 1144 East Channel Street #205, Stockton, CA 95205
                 AREA 1
              Cecilia Mendez

                 AREA 2
              Angelann Flores

                 AREA 3
               Kathy Garcia
            Board Vice President

                 AREA 4
              Lange P. Luntao
              Board President

                 AREA 5
               Maria Mendez

                 AREA 6
               Scot McBrian

                 AREA 7
             Candelaria Vargas

             Dr. John Deasy

    Director, Student Support Services
               Traci E. Miller
Scholarship Information
The Stockton Unified School District Catalogue of Scholarships (local, regional, specific, and national) listed
herein and on the following websites, is useful and recommended for ALL high school students. Knowledge of
the availability of scholarship monies and assistance is particularly helpful for counselors/advisors, teachers,
parents and students in helping ALL students set goals and find available means to help achieve those goals!
This information and the knowledge of availability of funds should serve to strengthen the academic portion of
a comprehensive counseling program for students. It is never too soon to research, encourage, and assist our
youth toward meaningful and successful futures in school and beyond!

For any questions, please contact Queenie Ataya, Scholarship Coordinator, Stockton Unified School District,
Student Support Services Department at (209) 933-7130 Ext. 2612 or e-mail at

Stockton Scholars Scholarship: A $4,000 scholarship for students attending a 4 year college/university and a $1,000 dollar
scholarship for students who plan to attend a 2-year community college or trade school. Apply at

Scholly (scholarship search mobile app): A mobile app that allows you to search for school scholarships. Premium accounts are

University of the Pacific Community Involvement Program: The Community Involvement Program (CIP) is a comprehensive,
need-based scholarship program for first-generation college students from the Stockton community who have demonstrated the
potential for sustainable leadership, community awareness, and involvement.
Contains a database with more than 2,300 sources offering college funding.
Features a list of scholarships opportunities, updated monthly.
A good overview of information about scholarships with several hot links.
Explores scholarship opportunities by type, name, location or field of study.
Offers primers and application-process tips.

Get matched with college scholarships instantly and apply online with a common app. The “I Can Afford College” campaign is a statewide, financial aid awareness initiative sponsored by
the California Community Colleges. The site will connect you with financial aid for community colleges in California.

FAFSA: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a form that can be prepared annually by current and
prospective college students to determine their eligibility for student financial aid. Submit by March 2 of every year.

CalGrants: A Cal Grant is free money for college given to students who meet the eligibility, financial and any minimum GPA
requirements. FAFSA (or CADAA) must be submitted by March 2 to fully access Cal Grant funds.

San Joaquin County Housing Authority Scholarship Foundation: The scholarships will be awarded to assist students with
financial expenses of pursuing higher education. For housing authority residents/participants only.

                      Chavez High School
                        Tammy Earnest

                      Edison High School
                      Barbara Greenwood

                     Franklin High School
                        Desiree Luksan

                       Stagg High School
                        Laura Rodriguez

                    Health Careers Academy
                     Maria Pacheco-Renteria

                  Jane Frederick High School
                         Julie Pagnini

          Merlo Institute of Environmental Technology
                         Alejandro Duran

                     Pacific Law Academy
                         Karen Tomlin

                     Stockton High School
                        Hank Klopstock

                Stockton Early College Academy
                         Andres Uyeda

        Weber Institute of Applied Sciences & Technology
                            Savan Prak
Scholarship Deadlines

   Due Date                       Scholarship Name                                  Submit to
                                                                        Student Services      Donor
 March 13, 2020       Adeline Price Sheffield Memorial Scholarship              X
 March 13, 2020             Alex G. Spanos Scholarship Fund                     X
 March 13, 2020                Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority                       X                   X
 March 27, 2020           AA Stagg High School - Class of 1964                  X
 March 13, 2020             AA Stagg High School Scholarship                Stagg Counseling Department
 March 13, 2020       An International Women of Color Foundation                X
 March 27, 2020                 Anna Hansen Scholarship                         X
 March 27, 2020            Annie Edwards Wagner Scholarship                     X
 April 17, 2020      Association of Filipino Americans in Education             X                   X
 March 13, 2020      Avi Raina Memorial Scholarship for Journalism           Stagg Journalism Department
 March 27, 2020                    Baldwin Scholarship                          X
 March 13, 2020      Barrow-Empowerment Foundation Scholarship                  X                   X
 March 6, 2020              Ben and Janie Reddish Foundation                    X                   X
 March 2, 2020           Black Employees Association of SUSD                                        X
 March 27, 2020              Black Family Day Scholarships                                          X
 March 15, 2020      California Association for Bilingual Education                                 X
February 21, 2020        California Retired Teachers Association                                    X
 April 17, 2020                 Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.                      X
 March 13, 2020       Chinese Benevolent Association Scholarships               X
 March 13, 2020     Chinese Cultural Society of Stockton Scholarships           X
 March 13, 2020       Choice "Connoisseur of the Arts" Scholarship              X
 March 13, 2020            David Hague Memorial Scholarship                 Stagg Counseling Department
February 24, 2020     Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Scholarships                                 X
 March 13, 2020              Ed Burns Memorial Scholarship                                          X
 March 27, 2020             Eddie Felix Memorial Scholarship                    X
 March 13, 2020              Elwyn G. Gallagher Scholarship                Franklin Counseling Department
 March 6, 2020                Esquire Club, Inc. Scholarship                    X
 March 13, 2020        Eugene E. Cook Sr. Memorial Scholarship                  X                   X
 March 27, 2020           Franklin High School - Class of 1969                  X
 April 17, 2020          Friedberger Education Fund Scholarship                                     X
 April 18, 2020             Haute Couture Societe Scholarship                                       X
  May 1, 2020                    Hon H. Lee Scholarship                     Edison Counseling Department
  April 1, 2020     Japanese-American Citizens League Scholarships                                  X
 March 13, 2020         Joseph E. Donahue Memorial Scholarship                  X
 March 13, 2020                 Kiwanis Club of Stockton                                            X
 April 27, 2020               Kohl Open School Scholarship                  Kohl Open Elementary School
 March 7, 2020           Legionarios del Trabajo in America, Inc.                                   X
  May 15, 2020            Latin American Club, Inc. Scholarship                                     X
 March 13, 2020        Lily Cliberon Memorial Scholarship Fund              Stagg Counseling Department
 March 27, 2020               Lois B. Oser Scholarship Fund                     X
 March 13, 2020        Lucile A. Stuermer Memorial Scholarships            Franklin Counseling Department
Scholarship Deadlines

  Due Date                        Scholarship Name                                   Submit to
                                                                         Student Services      Donor
March 27, 2020            Margaret L. Washington Scholarship                     X
March 27, 2020            Maxine Dulac Memorial Scholarship                      X
March 27, 2020       M.E.Ch.A. Scholarship - Chavez High School              Chavez Counseling Department
March 27, 2020          M.E.Ch.A. Scholarship - Merlo Institute               Merlo Counseling Department
March 27, 2020              Michael F. Carney Scholarship                        X
March 13, 2020      Mildred & Jack Natsuhara - Edison Scholarships            Edison Counseling Department
March 27, 2020                  N.A.A.C.P. Scholarship                           X
March 27, 2020           Raydell Barkley Memorial Scholarship                    X
March 27, 2020                Reynosa-Loduca Scholarship                         X
March 27, 2020        Robert Preston Memorial Scholarship Fund                   X
 May 8, 2020              Rodolfo V. Garcia Art Scholarships                                            X
March 27, 2020                 Rosie Cabanig Scholarship                      Edison Counseling Department
March 27, 2020      Sharon Norton and Lee McDannald Scholarship                  X
March 27, 2020        Stockton Athletic Hall of Fame Scholarships                X
March 15, 2020                   Stockton Cathay Club                                                   X
   Stockton Public Schools Foundation Scholarships - See counselor for interviews, selections, deadline dates
March 6, 2020      Stockton Pupil Personnel Association Scholarships             X                      X
March 13, 2020        Stockton Teachers Association Scholarship                  X                      X
March 13, 2020    Stockton Teachers - Walter S. Rathhaus Scholarship             X                      X
March 1, 2020                 The Links, Inc. Scholarships                       X
March 13, 2020         Vance Paulsen "Counselor's Scholarship"               Franklin Counseling Department
March 31, 2020            Veto Ramirez Memorial Scholarship                                             X
March 13, 2020          West Lane Kings Club Grill Scholarship                   X
March 13, 2020              Wilhelmina Henry Scholarship                         X
March 13, 2020             William G. Metcalfe Scholarship                    Stagg Counseling Department
March 13, 2020           William P. Rice Memorial Scholarship                 Stagg Counseling Department
                                                                           Student Services Department
                                                                         1144 E Channel St Stockton, CA 95205

                             General Scholarship Application
                                 Applicant Cover Page

     School Year
     Student Name
     School Name

     Due Date to Counselor
     Due Date to Student Services

     Name of Scholarship you are applying for:

     The Scholarship Application is available online @

                                                  General Scholarship Application
                                                                All information must be typed!

Name                                                                                                               Student ID
                Last Name                      First Name                 Middle

                Street Address

                City                           State                      Zip Code

Phone                                                                                                              Insert Self Picture Here
                Home Phone                     Cell Phone                 Email

                Date of Birth                  Place of Birth

                Race or National Origin

                Full Name                                                 Occupation                         Employer

                Full Name                                                 Occupation                         Employer

Family Information
Total number of people living in the home, including parents?

Number of dependent brothers and sisters living in the home?

Number of dependent brothers and sisters attending college?

Does your family contribute to the financial support of your siblings who are currently attending college?
                                                                                                                                 Yes          No
(If yes, please explain.)

What is your current career plan?

What degree do you plan to obtain?    (select all that apply)                          A.A.               BA/BS             MA           PhD

Education Information
School Currently Attending                                                                                          Rank in Class

GPA Information

                                 Total Weighted                 UC/CSU                        SAT Score            ACT Score
College Choices

                                 First Choice                                             Second Choice
College Major

STOCKTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT                                                                                                                   2

Parent Information
List your parents' membership in professional or work-related                    List your parents' membership in service and civic organizations.

List your parents' union affiliations.                                           List the religious preference of your parents (optional).

Is your parent or grandparent a member of the Armed Forces? If yes,              Is your parent or grandparent a veteran? Disabled veteran? Deceased
which branch?                                                                    veteran?

Application Rationale
In your own words, explain why you are applying for a scholarship and state any compelling reasons to justify your need to apply for financial aid. Outline
any unusual financial circumstances that would clarify your status and eligibility for a scholarship. Please only address your financial situation .

Family Financial Status
The most recent copy of the Federal Income Tax Return Form 1040 (pages 1 and 2) OR a copy of the Passport to Service form must be attached to
this application. For security purposes, the Social Security Number will be removed from all documentation by the Counselor after verification is
complete. If your family support comes from public assistance and you wish to obtain a copy of the Passport to Service documentation, contact your
eligibility worker at San Joaquin Human Services Agency, (209) 468-1000.

                                         REQUIRED – COMPLETE EITHER OF THE BOXES BELOW – REQUIRED
Annual Gross Income                                  $                           Annual Family Public Assistance                  $

Adjusted Gross Income                                $

STOCKTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT                                                                                                                         3

                                         Stockton Athletic Hall of Fame
                                        Scholarship Application Cover Sheet

Name                                                                                Student ID
            Last Name              First Name          Middle

School                                                                                   D.O.B.
            Full Name

Mark ALL of the SAHF Scholarships for which you wish to be considered:

             Bob Grogan
              Bob Grogan
             Carol Peregoy Memorial
              Carl Peregoy Memorial

             Dom George

              H.B. “Pete” Lenz Memorial (Basketball ONLY)
             H.B. “Pete” Lenz Memorial (Basketball ONLY)

              Jack O’Keefe Memorial
             Jack O'Keefe Memorial
              Jesters Club
             Mark Steven Donahue Memorial
              Mark Steven Donahue Memorial

             Michael   Garrigan
                     Garrigan    Memorial

              Mickey and Doug Wilson
             Mickey and Doug Wilson

              Pete Zolezzi Memorial
             Pete Zolezzi Memorial
              Ray Brudernich
             Ray Brudernich
              Delphine and Jimmy Carter Memorial

When applying for SAHF Scholarships, all applicants, coaches, counselors, and Administrators must remember the
following guidelines:
   •   The Scholarship Application Cover Sheet (this document) MUST be completed and attached to the application
   •   Use only the SUSD General Scholarship Application (GSA) form
   •   Submit only one completed GSA per student
   •   When documenting sports activities, indicate only those sports in which the student received a LETTER for

STOCKTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT                                                                                   4

Student Activities Record

Name                                                                                                       Student ID
                Last Name                      First Name              Middle

Use this form to document and categorize the school and community activities in which you participated while attending
high school. Place an X in the column that corresponds to each grade level during which you participated in the activity.

School Activities                       Gr 9      Gr 10     Gr 11   Gr 12       Community Activities               Gr 9   Gr 10   Gr 11   Gr 12
Student Government                                                              Organizations


                                                                                Church Activities


Athletics (add an “L” after the sport name if you lettered in it)

                                                                                Hobbies and Interests

Visual and Performing Arts
Cheerleader                                                                     Awards, Honors, and Achievements

Awards, Honors, Summer Programs/Activities
                                                                                Community Service

STOCKTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT                                                                                                              5

Scholarship Categories
Mark ALL categories that apply to you. Special scholarships are available to students in a wide variety of categories.

Ethnicity or Ethnic Origin
         American Indian Descent                                                      Hispanic Descent
         Asian Descent                                                                Italian Catholic Descent
         African American                                                             Japanese American Descent
         Chinese Descent                                                              Mexican American Descent
         Filipino Descent                                                             Portuguese Descent
         Greek Descent

Family Background
         Child of California School Employee                                          Child of Stockton Firefighter
         Child of Parent in the Insurance Field                                       Family Name of Louie, Fong, Kwong, or Wong

Current and Past Academic Activities
         Bilingual Education (2 years minimum in the ELD program)                     Interact                        Officer
         GATE                                                                         Key Club                        Officer
         Head Start (enrolled prior to entering school)                               Sports (lettered in varsity only)

College and Post-Secondary Opportunities
         Exploring a Music Major                                                      Planning to attend San Joaquin Delta Community College
         Male Student applying to UC Berkeley                                         Vocation Training

Career Goals
         Agri-Business Education                                                      Legal Secretary or Secretarial Field
         Career in Physical, Biological, or Engineering Sciences                      Teaching Career                 Elementary           Secondary
         Civil Engineering

Current College Plans
Proposed College Major
Probable Vocation/Career Field
Primary College of Choice

Letters of Recommendation
List at least three individuals of whom you have requested letters of recommendation.
                  Full Name                               Relation (i.e. coach, teacher, etc)                    Contact (email or phone number)

STOCKTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT                                                                                                                       6

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Adeline Pierce Sheffield Memorial Scholarship
Amount and Number: One at $500.00 (varied amount of scholarship depends on funds)
Eligibility: Graduation senior from Edison High School. Student of African American decent. May be used at
college, university, or school of choice.
Qualifications: Acceptance at school, college, or university of choice. Financial need. Minimum 3.0 GPA.
Enrollment as a full-time student. To be used for educational expenses. Must be a musician in church or school
as a choir member or a soloist.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application to Scholarship Chairperson by
March 13, 2020. Final selection to be made by the Donors from applications received. Check will be made out
to college in name of the recipient upon notification of enrollment.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Alex G. Spanos Scholarship Fund
Amount and Number: One at $1,000.00 (amount may vary depending upon current interest rates)
Eligibility: Graduating senior from Edison, Franklin, Stagg or Chavez high schools. Must be used for
educational expenses at a 2 year or 4 year college.
Qualifications: Financial need. “B” grade point. Motivation to succeed.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application to Scholarship Chairperson at
respective school by March 13, 2020. Each school will screen applicants and submit up to two candidates.
Selection of a recipient will be made by the SUSD Scholarship Committee. Payment will be forwarded to the
college financial aid office upon enrollment verification.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
                                    Mu Zeta Omega - Stockton Chapter
Karol Ford – President. Raychelle Fields – Vice President
Amount and Number: Two at $500.00 each (varied amount and number of scholarships depends on funds)
Eligibility: An African-American student. 12th grade graduate of SUSD, Lincoln Unified, St. Mary’s, or Lodi
Unified School District. To be used at college of student’s choice. Must have grade point average of 2.5 or C+.
Must attend an accredited community 2 year or 4 year college or university, full time, to receive scholarship.
Qualifications: Scholarship, leadership. Good moral character and ethical standards. Community service.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application form with school Scholarship
Chairperson or submit application with any member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Include transcript, two
letters of recommendation, one from a school staff member or counselor, and the other from any person who
knows you well enough to comment on your general character. This excludes family members. Scholarship
applications must be submitted by March 13, 2020. All selections of award will be chosen by the Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority Inc., Stockton Chapter Scholarship Committee. Recipient will be notified by mail. Scholarship
must be used within 6 months after high school graduation or funds will revert back to the AKA Stockton
Chapter. Funds will be sent to recipient(s) upon verification of enrollment and admission office

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Amos Alonzo Stagg High School – CLASS OF 1964
Amount and Number: One at $1,000.00 (awarded annually until the funds are exhausted)
Eligibility: One senior at A.A. Stagg High School. To be used at an accredited college/university.
Qualifications: 3.0 GPA or higher. Good character and citizenship. Community Service.
Procedure for Application and Award: File application with Stagg High School Scholarship Committee by
March 13, 2020. Include official high school transcript, and three letters of recommendation from school staff
members, counselors or member of the general community. Stagg High School Scholarship Committee will
select five finalists. Stagg High School Class of 1964 Scholarship Committee will select the recipient from the
five finalists. Applications for the five finalists must be submitted to the SUSD Student Support Services
Office, 1144 East Channel Street, Room #205, Stockton, CA 95205 by no later than March 27, 2020.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Amos Alonzo Stagg Scholarship
Amount and Number: Two at $800.00 each (student faculty committee to decide number of awards and
amount of each scholarship)
Eligibility: Two graduating seniors from Stagg High School. To be used at college of choice.
Qualifications: Scholarship including grades and excellence of work in Physical Education. Financial need.
Citizenship, including service to Stagg High School.
Procedure for Application and Award: File SUSD scholarship application with Stagg High School
Scholarship Committee by March 13, 2020.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: An International Women of Color Foundation (Stockton Chapter)
                                    Essie Gilchrist Scholarship
Essie Gilchrist, Scholarship Chairperson Contact Info: (209) 403-2811 /
Amount and Number: $150.00 minimum (varied amount and number of scholarships depends on funds)
Eligibility: An African-American student. 12th grade graduate of SUSD, Lincoln Unified, St. Mary’s, Lodi
Unified, Manteca Unified, and San Joaquin County. To be used at college of student’s choice. Must have
grade point average of 2.5 or C+. Must attend an accredited community 2 year or 4 year college or university,
full time, to receive scholarship.
Qualifications: Scholarship, leadership. Good moral character and ethical standards. Community service.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application form with school Scholarship
Chairperson or submit to application with any member. Include transcript, two letters of recommendation, one
from a school staff member or counselor, and the other from any person who knows you well enough to
comment on your general character. This excludes family members. Scholarship applications must be
submitted by March 13, 2020. All selections of award will be chosen by the International Women of Color
Foundation, Stockton Chapter, Scholarship Committee. Recipient will be notified by mail. Scholarship must
be used within 6 months after high school graduation (January 31, 2021) or funds will revert back to the
organization. Funds will be sent to recipient(s) upon verification of enrollment and admission office

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Anna Hansen Scholarship – In Memory of Anna Hansen
Donated by: Sherry Carney
Amount and Number: One at $2,500.00
Eligibility: Graduating senior at any SUSD high school.
Qualifications: Financial need. Hard working student.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application to Scholarship Chairperson at
respective high school by March 27, 2020. Application MUST include transcript (do not put transcript in a
sealed envelope). Recipient will be selected by Anna Hansen Scholarship Committee. Questions may be
directed to Sherry Carney.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Annie Edwards Wagner Scholarship
Amount and Number: One or two recipients up to $1,500.00 each.
Eligibility: Open to young men. Graduating student from any SUSD high school. To be used at the University
of California Berkeley ONLY.
Qualifications: Must meet U.C. entrance requirements. Grade point average of 3.5 required. Must show
leadership, and well balanced interests. Financial need.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application form to Scholarship
Chairperson at respective school by March 13, 2020. Scholarship Chairperson to forward scholarship
application form to Student Support Services Office by March 27, 2020. 1144 East Channel Street – Room
#205, Stockton, CA 95205. Final selection to be made by the SUSD Scholarship Committee. Must present
evidence of enrollment as a full time student at U.C. Berkeley.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Association of Filipino Americans in Education (A.F.A.E.)
Contact info – Isabelita Custodio (209) 943-1571 / E-mail
Amount and Number: Five at $500.00 each
Eligibility: Open to graduating seniors from SUSD, male or female. Must be of Filipino descent. Upon
graduation from high school, recipient must enter a 2 or 4 year college or university.
Qualifications: Financial need. Minimum 3.50 GPA
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit completed scholarship application to Scholarship Chairperson
or to A.F.A.E. by April 17, 2020. A.F.A.E. applications will be available in counseling offices by mid-
February. Application form must include a Resume/Vitae and FAFSA – EFC print out. Finalists to be
interviewed by scholarship sponsors.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: The Avi Raina Memorial Scholarship for Journalism
Amount and Number: One at $500.00
Eligibility: Graduating senior from Stagg High School who held a leadership position on The Stagg Line
Qualifications: Male or female. Minimum 3.0 GPA. At least one year serving in any leadership position on
the Stagg Line student newspaper. Portfolio of significant opinion writings.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application by March 13, 2020. Include
three (3) strong opinion pieces (editorials or columns) to the Stagg journalism teacher by the same deadline.
Selection to be made by Scholarship Committee working with the Journalism Teacher, Donald Bott.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Baldwin Scholarship
Amount and Number: One at $1,000.00 and two at $200.00 (amount depends upon available funds).
Eligibility: Graduating senior from an SUSD high school. May be used at college of student’s choice.
Qualifications: Financial need, scholarship, citizenship, leadership.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application form to Scholarship
Chairperson at respective school by March 13, 2020. Scholarship Chairperson to forward transcript and
scholarship application form to Student Support Services Office by March 27, 2020. Final selection to be
made by the SUSD Scholarship Committee.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: The Barrow-Empowerment Foundation Scholarships
Sponsored By: The Barrow-Empowerment Foundation
Contact Person: Percy Barrow, 719 E. Market Street, Stockton, CA 95202.
Cell: (209) 471-4526 Office: (209) 463-6611
Amount and Number: Eight at $250.00 each (number of scholarships depending on availability of funds)
Eligibility: Graduating seniors from Stockton Unified School District schools. Male or female. Must be used
at a community college or a four year college or university.
Qualifications: Minimum of 2.5 GPA. Financial need. Leadership, citizenship. Motivated to complete college
requirements for graduation.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application form with Scholarship
Chairperson by March 13, 2020. A school transcript must accompany the application as well as two letters of
recommendation, one from a community member. The Barrow Foundation Scholarship Committee will make
the final selection(s), and notify the recipient(s). Awards will be granted when recipient provides evidence of
official enrollment as a full-time student at a community college or a four year college/university. Send proof
of enrollment to The Barrow-Empowerment Foundation, 719 E. Market Street, Stockton, CA 95202.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Ben and Janie Reddish Foundation
Contact Info: Benjamin Reddish, 5989 E. Fremont Street, Stockton, CA 95215
(209) 931-2168 / email:
Amount and Number: Two at $500.00 each
Eligibility: A graduating Edison High School Senior. African American male or female. Pursuing a career in
counseling or teaching. Must enter a two or four year accredited college or university.
Qualifications: Financial need. Demonstrated leadership qualities and participation in school/community
service activities. Minimum grade point average of 3.00. 300-400 word essay on “Why Getting an Education
is Important to Me”.
Procedure for Application and Award: File an SUSD scholarship application form with Edison High School
Scholarship Chairperson by March 6, 2020. Letters of recommendation must include one from a teacher and
one from a counselor. Final selection of recipient will be made by the Donor Scholarship Committee. Funds
will be forwarded to the recipient upon verification of official enrollment and attendance as a full-time
student. Recipient will be notified via mail. Scholarship must be used within the school year received
(Academic Year 2020-2021) or funds will revert back to the foundation.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Black Employees Association of Stockton Unified School District
Contact Info: BEASUSD – 1144 East Channel Street, Room 203, Stockton, CA 95205
Amount and Number: Minimum – five at $500.00 each
Eligibility: Black graduating seniors from any San Joaquin County High School
Qualifications: 2.5 total GPA after 7 semesters (minimum). High School Diploma. Describe the most
significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this
challenge affected your academic achievement? Three signed letters of recommendation that are dated within a
year. (Please type and sign your essay).
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit BEASUSD’s scholarship application to Charles Watkins,
BEASUSD Scholarship, 1144 East Channel Street, Room #203, Stockton, CA 95205 by March 2, 2020.
Applications are on-line at Scholarship Chairperson email
Recipients will be selected by the Black Employees’ Association’s Scholarship Committee. Recipients must
submit full-time (12+ units) verification of college or trade school registration by: October 1, 2020 for
Fall Semester to avoid forfeiting his/her scholarship.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Black Family Day - Kathy A. Nixon Memorial Scholarship
May be changes/additions/deletions to scholarship as stated.
Amount and Number: Two at $300.00 each
Eligibility: Graduating senior from any public high school in Stockton, Lodi, or Manteca. Must be African-
American. Must show community involvement. Must be attending a four year college/university.
Qualifications: Minimum 2.5 GPA.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application by March 27, 2020. Include a
one page essay describing community involvement experiences as well as the importance of being active in the
community. One letter of recommendation from school counselor or teacher. Final selection to be made by the
Black Family Day Scholarship Committee. Award granted after student shows proof of full-time registration in
school of choice. Send scholarship application and proof of registration to Black Family Day Scholarship Fund,
P.O. Box 1079, Stockton, CA 95201.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Black Family Day - Lavenna Moppins Gray Memorial Scholarship
May be changes/additions/deletions to scholarship as stated.
Amount and Number: One at $300.00 (non-renewable).
Eligibility: Graduating senior from any public high school in Stockton, Lodi, or Manteca. Must be African-
American. Include at least 15 volunteer hours during high school with a local non-profit or public organization.
Can be used at a community college or public/private university.
Qualifications: Must have a 2.5 GPA.
Procedure for Application and Award: Must submit SUSD scholarship application by March 27, 2020.
Please include personal statement detailing volunteer experiences in the community and future plans. Include
two letters of recommendation, one from a community member familiar with student volunteer activities and
one letter from school counselor or teacher. Final selection to be made by the Black Family Day Scholarship
Committee. Award granted after student shows proof of full-time registration in school of choice. Send
scholarship application and proof of registration to Black Family Day Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 1079,
Stockton, CA 95201.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Black Family Day - Vodie MucCular Arts Award.
May be changes/additions/deletions to scholarship as stated.
Amount and Number: One at $300.00
Eligibility: Graduating senior from any public high school in Stockton, Lodi, or Manteca. Must be African-
American. Demonstrated excellence in pursuit of the arts; i.e. music, theater arts, fine arts, or dance.
Qualifications: Minimum 2.5 GPA.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application by March 27, 2020. Include
one letter of recommendation from school counselor or teacher. Applicant must also include a “statement” that
“describes how his or her interaction with the arts has impacted his or her life, and how he or she plans to use
their pursuit of the arts to make an impact on the world”. Final selection to be made by the Black Family Day
Scholarship Committee. Award granted after student shows proof of full-time registration in school of choice.
Send scholarship application and proof of registration to Black Family Day Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 1079,
Stockton, CA 95201.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)
San Joaquin Chapter
Questions, please contact Jose Avila, (209) 933-7345 Ext. 2770 or
Amount and Number: Three at $500.00 each
Eligibility: Students from San Joaquin County Schools. Students must have been in bilingual or ESL Programs
for at least three (3) years. Students from an English Language Learner background. Include a 2 page essay
describing growing up in a bilingual home/school environment. Complete CABE application in addition to
general scholarship application form. Obtain CABE application from school counselor.
Qualifications: GPA of 3.0 or higher. Active in school community (leadership clubs, etc.). Financial need.
Procedure for Application and Award: Turn in application by March 15, 2020. Turn in application to SUSD,
Jose M. Avila, Ed.D., PAAC, 2455 Country Club Blvd, Stockton, CA 95204. CABE applications available
from School Guidance Chairperson. Finalists selected by CABE and will attend interview. Selection made by
CABE Scholarship Committee in May. Payment forwarded to college financial aid office.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: California Retired Teachers Association (San Joaquin Division)
NOTE: School to send completed applications directly to: Helen Vignolo – 5343 Serenade, Stockton, CA 95207
Amount and Number: Five at $1,000.00 each
Eligibility: Graduating high school student attending a public high school and residing in San Joaquin County.
Must be planning to enter a teaching vocation. To be used at accredited college of choice as a full time student.
Applications in areas other than goals to become teachers will not be considered.
Qualifications: GPA of 3.0 or above. Autobiographical essay including reasons for choosing a teaching
profession. Leadership qualities and abilities. Citizenship qualities. Financial need.
Procedure for Application and Award: File CRTA application form (available from School Guidance
Counselor). Include at least two letters of recommendation, one from faculty member. Also include brief
autobiographical essay, transcript, and two letters of recommendation. All required data must be submitted to
Chairperson of the Scholarship Committee of the California Retired Teachers Association, San Joaquin
Division by February 21, 2020. Late applications will not be accepted. Scholarship recipients to be selected
by the CRTA Scholarship Committee. CRTA will remit scholarship fund to the College/University Financial
Aid Office before the Fall Semester. If the student recipient fails to enroll at the designated school, the school is
instructed to return the scholarship to CRTA.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. (Alpha Phi Chapter)
Amount and Number: Two at $250.00 each
Eligibility: Graduating senior from Stockton Unified, Lincoln Unified, Lodi Unified, and Stockton area private
schools. African-American, male or female. Must pursue a career in nursing as a registered nurse.
Qualifications: Financial need. 2.50 or higher GPA.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application form to Scholarship
Chairperson at respective high school by April 17, 2020. Recipients to be chosen by Scholarship Committee of
Chi Eta Phi. Please direct questions to: Mateenah Floyd-Okanlawon, Scholarship Chairperson (209) 471-0711

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Chinese Benevolent Association (CBA Administered Scholarships)
                                      Annual Mary Ng Lam Scholarship
Amount and Number: One at $1,000.00 (non-renewable)
Eligibility: Graduating senior from a San Joaquin County High School. Be of Chinese descent. Between June
1, 2017 and March 10, 2018 the student must: perform a minimum of four hours of service on a CBA work
project, AND be involved in a CBA annual special event separate from the work project mentioned for a
minimum of four hours.
Qualifications: Demonstrates interest and involvement in and contributes service to the Chinese community.
GPA of 3.0 or above. Demonstrates leadership qualities. Participates in school and community activities. The
Mary Ng Lam scholarship is awarded to students planning to attend a four-year college. Financial need may be
a consideration.
Procedure for Application and Award: Complete a CBA scholarship application. It must be dropped into the
Confucius Church of Stockton’s wooden mailbox or postmarked by Friday, March 13, 2020. The CBA
application form may be downloaded from the CBA web page at Only one application
is needed to be considered for all CBA-administered scholarships. Submit completed application form, one
letter or recommendation, an official copy of most recent high school transcript, and mini-essays of 250 words
or less on all two of the following topics: 1) Essay 1 - Describe in 250 words your proudest achievement. 2)
Essay 2 – Describe in 250 words how your life, in which your Chinese heritage has played a major role.
Work project assignment, information about upcoming events and answers to questions may be obtained by
contacting: Stockton Chinese Benevolent Association, (209) 462-6442 or email
Office hours are Tues, Wed, Thurs, from 9 am – 1 pm.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Chinese Cultural Society of Stockton (CCSS) Scholarships
                                      CCSS Club Scholarships
Amount and Number: Two at $1,000.00 each (non-renewable)
Eligibility: Graduating senior from any high school in San Joaquin County. Must be of Chinese descent.
Qualifications: 3.0 or above GPA. Demonstrates leadership qualities. Participates in extracurricular school
activities and performs meaningful community service. Student must perform 4 hours of volunteer service on
CCSS projects and be involved in a CCSS annual special event separate from the volunteer work project
mentioned for a minimum of 4 hours. Financial need is not a consideration.
Procedure for Application and Award: File a completed CCSS scholarship application with the school
Scholarship Chairperson by March 6, 2020. The CCSS scholarship application form can be downloaded from
the CCSS web page at Only one application is needed to be considered for all CCSS
scholarships. Submit completed application form, one letter of recommendation, an official high school
transcript and Essay #1 – Describe in 250 words or less your proudest achievement. Essay #2 – Describe in 250
words or less, three aspects of your life in which your Chinese heritage played a role. If possible, sign your
name in Chinese characters. Your scholarship advisor must forward your completed application packet to the
SUSD Student Support Services Office, Room #205, by March 13, 2020. Scholarship recipients will be
selected by the CCSS Scholarship Committee. Questions may be referred to the committee chairperson, Dr.
Elizabeth Blanchard by email at

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Chinese Cultural Society of Stockton (CCSS) Scholarships
                                      Dr. Henry and Sylvia Wong Scholarship
Amount and Number: One at $1,050.00 (non-renewable)
Eligibility: Graduating senior from any high school in San Joaquin County. Must be of Chinese descent.
Qualifications: 3.0 or above GPA. Demonstrates leadership qualities. Participates in extracurricular school
activities and performs meaningful community service. Student must perform a minimum of 4 hours of service
on CCSS projects and also be involved in a CCSS annual special event separate from the volunteer work project
mentioned for a minimum of 4 hours. Financial need may be a consideration.
Procedure for Application and Award: File a completed CCSS scholarship application with the school
Scholarship Chairperson by March 6, 2020. The CCSS scholarship application form can be downloaded from
the CCSS web page at Only one application is needed to be considered for all CCSS
scholarships. Submit completed application form, one letter of recommendation, an official high school
transcript and Essay #1 – Describe in 250 words or less your proudest achievement. Essay #2 – Describe in 250
words or less, three aspects of your life in which your Chinese heritage has played a role. If possible, sign your
name in Chinese characters. Your scholarship advisor must forward your completed application packet to the
SUSD Student Support Services Office, Room #205, by March 13, 2020. Scholarship recipients will be
selected by the CCSS Scholarship Committee. Questions may be referred to the committee chairperson, Dr.
Elizabeth Blanchard by email at

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Chinese Cultural Society of Stockton (CCSS) Scholarships
                                      Wong Shee Huey Memorial Scholarship
Amount and Number: One at $1,000.00 (non-renewable)
Eligibility: Graduating senior from any high school in San Joaquin County. Must be of Chinese descent.
Qualifications: 3.0 or above GPA. Demonstrates leadership qualities. Participates in extracurricular school
activities and performs meaningful community service. Student must perform a minimum of 4 hours of service
on CCSS projects and also be involved in a CCSS annual special event separate from the volunteer work project
mentioned for a minimum of 4 hours. Financial need is not a consideration.
Procedure for Application and Award: File a completed CCSS scholarship application with the school
Scholarship Chairperson by March 6, 2020. The CCSS scholarship application form can be downloaded from
the CCSS web page at Only one application is needed to be considered for all CCSS
scholarships. Submit completed application form, one letter of recommendation, an official high school
transcript and Essay #1 – Describe in 250 words or less your proudest achievement. Essay #2 – Describe in 250
words or less, three aspects of your life in which your Chinese heritage has played a role. If possible, sign your
name in Chinese characters. Your scholarship advisor must forward your completed application packet to the
SUSD Student Support Services Office, Room #205, by March 13, 2020. Scholarship recipients will be
selected by the CCSS Scholarship Committee. Questions may be referred to the committee chairperson, Dr.
Elizabeth Blanchard by email at

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Chinese Cultural Society of Stockton (CCSS) Scholarships
                                      Annual Jimmy M. Lam Scholarship
Amount and Number: One at $1,000.00 (non-renewable)
Eligibility: Graduating senior from any high school in San Joaquin County. Must be of Chinese descent.
Qualifications: 3.0 or above GPA. Demonstrates leadership qualities. Participates in extracurricular school
activities and performs meaningful community service. Student must perform a minimum of 4 hours of service
on CCSS projects and also be involved in a CCSS annual special event separate from the volunteer work project
mentioned for a minimum of 4 hours. Financial need may be a consideration.
Procedure for Application and Award: File a completed CCSS scholarship application with the school
Scholarship Chairperson by March 6, 2020. The CCSS scholarship application form can be downloaded from
the CCSS web page at Only one application is needed to be considered for all CCSS
scholarships. Submit completed application form, one letter of recommendation, an official high school
transcript and Essay #1 – Describe in 250 words or less your proudest achievement. Essay #2 – Describe in 250
words or less, three aspects of your life in which your Chinese heritage has played a role. If possible, sign your
name in Chinese characters. Your scholarship advisor must forward your completed application packet to the
SUSD Student Support Services Office, Room #205, by March 13, 2020. Scholarship recipients will be
selected by the CCSS Scholarship Committee. Questions may be referred to the committee chairperson, Dr.
Elizabeth Blanchard by email at

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Choice “Connoisseur of the Arts” Award Scholarship
Offered by: Ms. Mable “Jimi” Choice – Retired SUSD Teacher/Counselor
May be changes/additions/deletions as stated
Amount and Number: Amount and number of scholarships depending on available funds.
Eligibility: Graduating senior from any SUSD high schools, Lincoln Unified School District, Lodi Unified
School District, and San Joaquin County Schools. Students of African-American descent. Plan to attend Junior
College, State College, or University. Show proof of registration into accepted school (Jr. College, State
College, or University).
Qualifications: 2.50 GPA. Fine Arts participant (art, music, drama, vocal, poetry, speech, band, dance,
leadership). Minimum of 30 hours of verified community service.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application form to Scholarship
Chairperson at respective school. Scholarship Chairperson to forward scholarship application form to Student
Support Services Office by March 13, 2020. 1144 East Channel Street – Room #205, Stockton, CA 95205

Name of Scholarship and Donor: David Hague Memorial Scholarship
Amount and Number: One at $350.00
Eligibility: Stagg High School graduate. 2 year or 4 year college. Participation in wrestling.
Qualifications: Scholarship. School activities. Financial need.
Procedure for Application and Award: Submit SUSD scholarship application form with Stagg Counseling
Department by March 13, 2020. Selection will be made by a committee established by wrestling coach of
Stagg High School.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
                                      Stockton Alumnae Chapter Scholarship
Amount and Number: Four (4) at $1,000.00 each (depending on funding)
Eligibility: Identify as African American. Graduating senior from any accredited public or private high school
in San Joaquin County. 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA. Accepted at an appropriately accredited college,
university or propriety institution of higher learning (i.e. vocational or trade school). Verifiable enrollment as a
full time student for the Fall 2020 semester (or quarter) at an accredited postsecondary school.
Qualifications: Strong academic achievement. Commitment to and evidence of Community Service.
Demonstrated leadership. Address the qualifications in the personal statement.
Procedure for Application and Award: Your completed application must be received by the Stockton
Alumnae Chapter by no later than February 24, 2020. Late applications, those received on or after February
25th, will not be considered. Include with your completed application: Current school transcript, personal
statement, two (2) letters of recommendation*: one (1) from your high school, one (1) from a member of your
community. *Both recommenders must be familiar with you as well as your achievements and address your
qualifications for the scholarship in their letter. All completed scholarship applications must be received by
5:oo p.m., Monday, February 24th at the following address” Stockton Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc. – Attn: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 4582, Stockton, CA 95204
Selection and Award: Selection is made by the Sorority’s Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship
Chairperson(s) will notify the recipients and their schools. Scholarships are awarded beginning on September
14th and only after the Sorority receives verification of full time Fall enrollment directly from the postsecondary
school. Enrollment verification must be received no later than October 26th and should arrive in a sealed
envelope from the appropriate school official.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
                                      Mildred Chambers Memorial Scholarship
Amount and Number: Two (2) at $500.00 each
Eligibility: Identify as African American. Graduating senior from any accredited public or private high school
in San Joaquin County. 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA. Accepted at an appropriately accredited college,
university or propriety institution of higher learning (i.e. vocational or trade school). Verifiable enrollment as a
full time student for the Fall 2020 semester (or quarter) at an accredited postsecondary school.
Qualifications: Strong academic achievement. Commitment to and evidence of Community Service.
Demonstrated leadership. Address the qualifications in the personal statement.
Procedure for Application and Award: Your completed application must be received by the Stockton
Alumnae Chapter by no later than February 24, 2020. Late applications, those received on or after February
25th, will not be considered. Include with your completed application: Current school transcript, personal
statement, two (2) letters of recommendation*: one (1) from your high school, one (1) from a member of your
community. *Both recommenders must be familiar with you as well as your achievements and address your
qualifications for the scholarship in their letter. All completed scholarship applications must be received by
5:oo p.m., Monday, February 24th at the following address” Stockton Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc. – Attn: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 4582, Stockton, CA 95204
Selection and Award: Selection is made by the Sorority’s Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship
Chairperson(s) will notify the recipients and their schools. Scholarships are awarded beginning on September
14th and only after the Sorority receives verification of full time Fall enrollment directly from the postsecondary
school. Enrollment verification must be received no later than October 26th and should arrive in a sealed
envelope from the appropriate school official.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
                                      Leola Scott Memorial Scholarship
Amount and Number: One (1) at $500.00
Eligibility: Identify as African American. Graduating senior from any accredited public or private high school
in San Joaquin County. 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA. Accepted at an appropriately accredited college,
university or propriety institution of higher learning (i.e. vocational or trade school). Verifiable enrollment as a
full time student for the Fall 2020 semester (or quarter) at an accredited postsecondary school.
Qualifications: Strong academic achievement. Commitment to and evidence of Community Service.
Demonstrated leadership. Address the qualifications in the personal statement.
Procedure for Application and Award: Your completed application must be received by the Stockton
Alumnae Chapter by no later than February 24, 2020. Late applications, those received on or after February
25th, will not be considered. Include with your completed application: Current school transcript, personal
statement, two (2) letters of recommendation*: one (1) from your high school, one (1) from a member of your
community. *Both recommenders must be familiar with you as well as your achievements and address your
qualifications for the scholarship in their letter. All completed scholarship applications must be received by
5:oo p.m., Monday, February 24th at the following address” Stockton Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc. – Attn: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 4582, Stockton, CA 95204
Selection and Award: Selection is made by the Sorority’s Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship
Chairperson(s) will notify the recipients and their schools. Scholarships are awarded beginning on September
14th and only after the Sorority receives verification of full time Fall enrollment directly from the postsecondary
school. Enrollment verification must be received no later than October 26th and should arrive in a sealed
envelope from the appropriate school official.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
                                      Rebecca Nabors Scholarship
Amount and Number: One (1) at $1,000.00
Eligibility: Identify as African American. Graduating senior from any accredited public or private high school
in San Joaquin County. 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA. Accepted at an appropriately accredited college,
university or propriety institution of higher learning (i.e. vocational or trade school). Verifiable enrollment as a
full time student for the Fall 2020 semester (or quarter) at an accredited postsecondary school.
Qualifications: Strong academic achievement. Commitment to and evidence of Community Service.
Demonstrated leadership. Address the qualifications in the personal statement.
Procedure for Application and Award: Your completed application must be received by the Stockton
Alumnae Chapter by no later than February 24, 2020. Late applications, those received on or after February
25th, will not be considered. Include with your completed application: Current school transcript, personal
statement, two (2) letters of recommendation*: one (1) from your high school, one (1) from a member of your
community. *Both recommenders must be familiar with you as well as your achievements and address your
qualifications for the scholarship in their letter. All completed scholarship applications must be received by
5:oo p.m., Monday, February 24th at the following address” Stockton Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc. – Attn: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 4582, Stockton, CA 95204
Selection and Award: Selection is made by the Sorority’s Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship
Chairperson(s) will notify the recipients and their schools. Scholarships are awarded beginning on September
14th and only after the Sorority receives verification of full time Fall enrollment directly from the postsecondary
school. Enrollment verification must be received no later than October 26th and should arrive in a sealed
envelope from the appropriate school official.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
                                      Flora Ruth Wilson Memorial Scholarship
Amount and Number: One (1) at $1,000.00
Eligibility: Identify as African American. Graduating senior from any accredited public or private high school
in San Joaquin County. 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA. Accepted at an appropriately accredited college,
university or propriety institution of higher learning (i.e. vocational or trade school). Verifiable enrollment as a
full time student for the Fall 2020 semester (or quarter) at an accredited postsecondary school.
Qualifications: Strong academic achievement. Commitment to and evidence of Community Service.
Demonstrated leadership. Address the qualifications in the personal statement.
Procedure for Application and Award: Your completed application must be received by the Stockton
Alumnae Chapter by no later than February 24, 2020. Late applications, those received on or after February
25th, will not be considered. Include with your completed application: Current school transcript, personal
statement, two (2) letters of recommendation*: one (1) from your high school, one (1) from a member of your
community. *Both recommenders must be familiar with you as well as your achievements and address your
qualifications for the scholarship in their letter. All completed scholarship applications must be received by
5:oo p.m., Monday, February 24th at the following address” Stockton Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc. – Attn: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 4582, Stockton, CA 95204
Selection and Award: Selection is made by the Sorority’s Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship
Chairperson(s) will notify the recipients and their schools. Scholarships are awarded beginning on September
14th and only after the Sorority receives verification of full time Fall enrollment directly from the postsecondary
school. Enrollment verification must be received no later than October 26th and should arrive in a sealed
envelope from the appropriate school official.

Name of Scholarship and Donor: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
                                      Bill & Occeletta Briggs Scholarship
Amount and Number: One (1) at $1,000.00
Eligibility: Identify as African American. Graduating senior from any accredited public or private high school
in San Joaquin County. 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA. Accepted at an appropriately accredited college,
university or propriety institution of higher learning (i.e. vocational or trade school). Verifiable enrollment as a
full time student for the Fall 2020 semester (or quarter) at an accredited postsecondary school.
Qualifications: Strong academic achievement. Commitment to and evidence of Community Service.
Demonstrated leadership. Address the qualifications in the personal statement.
Procedure for Application and Award: Your completed application must be received by the Stockton
Alumnae Chapter by no later than February 24, 2020. Late applications, those received on or after February
25th, will not be considered. Include with your completed application: Current school transcript, personal
statement, two (2) letters of recommendation*: one (1) from your high school, one (1) from a member of your
community. *Both recommenders must be familiar with you as well as your achievements and address your
qualifications for the scholarship in their letter. All completed scholarship applications must be received by
5:oo p.m., Monday, February 24th at the following address” Stockton Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc. – Attn: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 4582, Stockton, CA 95204
Selection and Award: Selection is made by the Sorority’s Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship
Chairperson(s) will notify the recipients and their schools. Scholarships are awarded beginning on September
14th and only after the Sorority receives verification of full time Fall enrollment directly from the postsecondary
school. Enrollment verification must be received no later than October 26th and should arrive in a sealed
envelope from the appropriate school official.
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