Head Teacher - Michaela Chapman - Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School

Page created by Amy Cortez
Head Teacher - Michaela Chapman - Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                         ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                         School Prospectus

                 Head Teacher - Michaela Chapman

Christ Church C of E Primary School,    Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org    Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE       Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk   Fax: 0121 552 0891

Head Teacher - Michaela Chapman - Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                                  ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                                  School Prospectus
                                 Welcome                                                      Page 3
                                 Mission Statement and Aims                                   Page 4
                                 About our school                                             Page 5
                                 Admissions Policy                                            Page 6
                                 School Hours                                                 Page 7
                                 Extra Curricular Activities                                  Page 7
                                 School Colours                                               Page 8
                                 Valuables                                                    Page 9
                                 PE                                                           Page 9
                                 Snacks                                                       Page 9
                                 Attendance                                                   Page 10
                                 School Meals                                                 Page 11
                                 Behaviour and Discipline                                     Page 12
                                 Child Protection                                             Page 13
                                 Medicines and Health                                         Page 14
                                 Accessibility and Disability                                 Page 15
                                 Before and After School Provision                            Page 16
                                 Special Educational Needs                                    Page 17
                                 Curriculum and Assessment                                    Page 18
                                 Governing Body                                               Page 19
                                 Collective Worship and R.E.                                  Page 21
                                 Governing Body                                               Page 22
                                 School Staff                                                 Page 23
                                 SAT Results                                                  Page 25
                                 Complaints Procedure                                         Page 26
                                 Term Dates                                                   Page 27
                                 School Prayer                                                Page 28

             If you require a larger text copy of this document, please
                              contact the school office.
                          Policies are available on the school website: www.christchurchsandwell.co.uk

Christ Church C of E Primary School,             Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org              Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE                Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk             Fax: 0121 552 0891

Head Teacher - Michaela Chapman - Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                            ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                            School Prospectus

                                            Dear Parents and Carers,
    Welcome to Christ Church CE Primary School. The aim of this booklet is to provide
     you with necessary information about the school. If you have any questions or
    concerns, please do not hesitate to ask. Please keep this booklet to refer to during
                                         the year.
      The staff look forward to working together with you to provide your child with
    the best possible start to their formal education and to helping him or her achieve
                                the best he or she possibly can.
                                                 Yours sincerely
                                            Mrs Michaela Chapman
                                                  Head Teacher
                                                     June 2021

             Chair of Governors: Neil Griffiths
                  Local Education Authority:
                             Sandwell MBC
                        Ph: 0121 569 2200

Christ Church C of E Primary School,    Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org    Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE       Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk   Fax: 0121 552 0891

Head Teacher - Michaela Chapman - Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                                     ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                                     School Prospectus

                                                     MISSION STATEMENT
  We strive to create an environment which promotes a thirst for learning and gives everyone the best chance
                                  of success, within a caring Christian ethos.

                                                          OUR ‘PROMISES’
      Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School exists to teach, nurture and empower so that each individual
           child, regardless of their starting point, can reach their full potential and let their light shine.

   Successful:                         praise             progress                     achieve

   Happy:                          love                    compassion                  fulfilment

   Included:                       contribution             team                       community

   Nurtured:                       care                    develop                     grow

   Enriched:                           experience          aspirations                 memories

    The SHINE characteristics, which embody our vision and values are: success, happiness, inclusive, nurture
                  and enrichment. These are all underpinned with an open Christian ethos.

                                       OUR OFSTED REPORT OF 2018 STATES:
      ‘The school’s Christian ethos and inclusive values are having a very positive impact on pupils’ academic
            and personal development as well as their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
   The vast majority of parents rightly believe that pupils are safe and secure in school. The work and commit-
    ment school put into working with the local community is commendable and the school goes above and
                         beyond expectations to ensure that pupils and families are safe.
    The staff value pupils’ work. The work in topic books and a range of educational visits engage pupils and
                    develop their interest in and curiosity about history, science and geography.
    National assessment results show that pupils make good progress over time in reading, writing and math-
                                         ematics in all three key stages.

                                   Pupils enjoy school. They are courteous and well behaved’.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,                Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org       Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE                   Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk      Fax: 0121 552 0891

Head Teacher - Michaela Chapman - Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                         ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                         School Prospectus

                                                OUR SCHOOL
        The 2 form entry school is located in the centre of Oldbury and has close links with Christ Church,
         Oldbury. As a Church of England Voluntary Aided school, the buildings and land are owned by
       Birmingham Diocese, however the staff are employed by the Governing Body on behalf of Sandwell
                                                  Local Authority.

    We are proud of our school site with its large playing field, multi games, running track and outdoor gym
    equipment. We have good links with secondary schools in the area and pupils are well prepared for their
                                         transfer to secondary schools.

     We have classes from Nursery through to Year 6. We are now able to offer 30 hours nursery provision.
     We have a number of Learning Support Practitioners and Higher Level Teaching Assistants who work
     alongside teachers in the classrooms so pupils are well supported. We have a a small Focus Provision
              unit for ASD pupils. Breakfast and After School Club is provided on the school site.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,    Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org           Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE       Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk          Fax: 0121 552 0891

Head Teacher - Michaela Chapman - Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                         ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                         School Prospectus

                                              ADMISSIONS POLICY
      In the event of over subscrip on, admissions are considered by the following criteria in order:

      1. Children Looked A er (CLA) by a Local Authority (in line with sec on 22 of the Children Act 1989)
      and children who were Previously Looked A er (PLA) but ceased to be so because they were adopt-
      ed (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order). This includes those chil-
      dren who appear to the admissions authority to have been in state care outside of England and
      ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.

      2. Children with a par cular medical condi on which can be met most appropriately by the school.
      Applica ons must be accompanied by a medical declara on form (ASU75M) signed by the child’s
      General Prac oner or Consultant confirming the condi on and detailing the child’s needs. All ap-
      plica ons under this criterion will be assessed by the Governors with the assistance of the Local Au-
      thority to decide whether the child’s needs can be met most appropriately by the school.

      3. Children who have a sibling, as defined by the LA composite prospectus, who will be a ending
      the school (excluding Nursery) at the date of the proposed admission. (See 1 below)

      4. Children whose parent(s) or carer(s) worship regularly at ‘churches in the united benefice of
      Oldbury, Langley and Londonderry which includes Christ Church, St Johns and St Michaels and St
      Marks or who do so themselves. (See 2 below)

      5. Children whose parent(s) or carer(s) worship regularly at any other Chris an church or who do so
      themselves. (See notes 2 and 3 below)

      6. Children whose parent(s) or carer(s) are regular worshipping members of another religious faith
      or who are themselves, and the parent(s) or carer(s) wish their child to a end Christ Church be-
      cause of its religious emphasis. (see notes 2 and 4 below)

      7. Other children
      If offering places within any one of the criteria would cause the schools admission number to be
      exceeded, then children living nearest will be offered first. Distances are measured by the Local Au-
      thority admissions. If two or more applicants share the same distance to a school and only one
      place is available the applicant to whom the place will be offered will be determined by the Local
      Authority by random selec on (unless these are mul ple births – in this case all the siblings will be
      admi ed).

Christ Church C of E Primary School,    Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org            Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE       Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk           Fax: 0121 552 0891

Head Teacher - Michaela Chapman - Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                            ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                            School Prospectus

                                                SCHOOL HOURS
      We open the doors at 8.50am to allow 5 minutes for pupils to arrive before school officially starts at
      8.55am. Please make sure your child is on time for the start of the school day. This is essential to the
     smooth running of the school and efficient learning. In line with our attendance policy if your child is
     late on several occasions you may be turned away and asked to come back for the afternoon session.
     If your child is late then please report to the office with your child as you will need to sign them in on
                                       the system to register their school mark.

      If you are going to be late in picking up your child at the end of the day, please phone the office and
    let us know. If you are more than 15 minutes late your child will go to After School Club and you will be
      charged (£5.00 per 15 minutes). If there is a continued pattern of late collection or after school clubs
      charges aren’t paid then we may contact social services and in some cases take your child to the local
      police station. This can be avoided with your cooperation or by booking after school club provision.

               Nursery                       Morning Session                      8.30am—11.30am.

                                             Afternoon Session                    12.15—3.15pm

               Main School                   Session Times                        8.55 am – 3.00pm

                                       EXTRA CURRCIULAR ACTIVITIES
 We offer a range of after school clubs. These change termly depending on interest and season. These may
  include: craft, maths, reading, writing, sports and gardening. Some of these clubs come with a small cost

Christ Church C of E Primary School,       Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org                 Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE          Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk                Fax: 0121 552 0891

Head Teacher - Michaela Chapman - Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                                  ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                                  School Prospectus

                                                                               SCHOOL COLOURS
                                                             The policy of the school is that all pupils are expected to
                                                              wear school uniform. We believe this helps promote a
                                                              positive identity, supports discipline, sets standards and
                                                             prevents pupils from wearing unsafe, unsuitable ‘fashion
                                                                    clothes/shoes’ which are often more costly.

                                                    SCHOOL UNIFORM
           All children at Christ Church will be actively encouraged to take personal pride in their appear-
          ance. Uniform can be purchased from A. Oakes. Uniform needs to have the school logo on ALL
          cardigans, sweatshirts and fleeces. They also sell PE T-shirts, reading bags and PE bags. All items
          of uniform and personal belongings should be clearly marked with the pupil’s name. The Gover-
                        nors cannot be held responsible for the loss of any articles of clothing

         Shirt/Blouse/polo shirt - White
         Trousers/Skirt/Tunic          - Black
         Christ Church logo cardigan/Sweatshirt/Fleece—Purple
         Ribbed Tights           - Black
         Shoes - Sensible, Low-Heeled Black. No trainers.

         Summer Option
         Shorts - Black
         Dresses—Lilac and White Checked

         White Christ Church logo T-shirt/ plain white

Christ Church C of E Primary School,             Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org               Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE                Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk              Fax: 0121 552 0891

Head Teacher - Michaela Chapman - Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                               ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                              School Prospectus

   The school cannot take responsibility for the loss of jewellery and other personal items, so please do not
   allow your child to bring precious items into school. Jewellery should not be worn in school for obvious
  safety reasons and cannot be allowed for any session of P.E. or swimming. Religious symbols worn around
 the neck, e.g. cross, St Christopher and Kirpan should also be removed for PE and swimming for Health and
                 Safety reasons. Ear-rings must be of the stud variety, not hooped or dangling.
   No responsibility can be taken for valuables or money that is lost or stolen— parents can pay for trips and
                                             events via Parent Pay.

      All children are expected to take part in PE as it is part of the curriculum. Each pupil needs a change of
    clothing for PE which is kept in school. They need a T-shirt and shorts, socks and plimsolls. A non-hooded
  tracksuit is allowed in the cold weather. Year 4 pupils go swimming for a term each year, so swimming kit is
                                                    also required.
                                       Jewellery must not be worn for PE or swimming.

We are a Healthy School. All Foundation Stage and Key Stage One pupils receive a free piece of fruit per day.
They are encouraged to bring fruit for their afternoon snack. Water is encouraged. All pupils should bring a
                          bottle of water with a sports cap into school each day.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,          Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org      Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE            Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk      Fax: 0121 552 0891

Head Teacher - Michaela Chapman - Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                               ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                               School Prospectus

          We pride ourselves on a high level of pupil attendance and are grateful for the co-operation of
                                 parents who support the following procedures:
                         *A telephone call, letter or personal visit on the first morning of absence.
     *If a pupil is to receive treatment from a doctor/dentist, the office should be informed on the previous
                                       day and medical evidence brought in.

      We make first day contact with absentees. This results in the school making a telephone call to check
      reasons for absence. You can be of great help by adhering to the above request as making a number
      of phone calls can be very time consuming. If we do not have a reason for a child’s absence then it
     will get recorded as unauthorised. Home visits will be conducted via an outside company called Instill
                                           who work on our behalf.

         We also have to keep detailed information on those coming late so please do your best to be
      punctual. Late arrival is not good for your child and can also be disruptive for the rest of the class. If
         your child is frequently late they may be turned away and you will need to bring them to the
                           afternoon session—this will still be recorded as unauthorised.

       If your child is off for a number of days we may ask for medical evidence in order to authorise the
      absence. If your child’s attendance falls below 96% no absence will be authorised without medical
         proof (for full details see the attendance policy on the schools website). The school Attendance
      Officer regularly reviews our attendance figures and will contact parents if your child’s attendance is
            low or if they are often late. Home visits are often conducted to check on pupil welfare.

 In an effort to improve attendance, the governors will not be authorising any holidays during term time. NO
  EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. If you do take your child out of school during
  term time it will be recorded as unauthorised which may lead to communication from the Attendance and
          Prosecution Officer and a fine. It may also result in your child losing the place at the school.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,          Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org                 Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE             Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk                Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                         ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                         School Prospectus

                                              SCHOOL MEALS
    School meals are prepared at the school each day. There are a variety of choices to suit individual dietary
     needs and all the children are encouraged to enjoy this opportunity to socialise with each other, whilst
       eating a well balanced diet. The cost is currently £2.20 per day but must be paid online via Dolce
     website. If you are in receipt of certain benefits you may be entitled to claim free meals. A form can be
         obtained from the school office. Your request will be handled sensitively and in the strictest of
              confidence. Reception and Key Stage 1 children are all entitled to a free school meal.

      Facilities are available for children who wish to eat a packed lunch. Packed lunches should provide
      pupils with a healthy choice. Fizzy drinks, cans, glass bottles, nuts, nut products and sweets are not
    permitted. This is in accordance with school policy and government guidelines. Please note that we do
     not have facilities to warm food up. ‘Take out’ food is not permitted in lunchboxes. Please keep crisps
                                        and chocolate products to a minimum.

       All children who have a school meal or packed lunch must remain on the school site for the entire
      duration of the lunchtime session. No child will be allowed to leave the school unaccompanied by an
                             adult and without the permission of the Head Teacher.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,     Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org            Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE       Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk            Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                             ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                             School Prospectus

                                        BEHAVIOUR AND DISCIPLINE
    We have created an ordered environment, within a framework of agreed behaviour where children can
      develop social skills and play a positive role in a school society where all individuals are valued. Our
    school Code of Conduct was drawn up in consultation with Governors, School Staff, Parents and most
                               importantly the children and are reproduced below.
   At Christ Church School we:
         Always do as we are asked first time.
         Raise our hand and wait when we have something to say.
         Keep hands, feet and objects to our self.
         Be responsible for our self and make good choices.
         Show consideration for our self, other people and our school.
      We expect our pupils to behave well at all times. Rewards and sanctions are in place to ensure that
    pupils are aware of the steps which will be taken if they choose to misbehave. If your child continues to
     break the school rules or misbehave in lessons you will be informed and may be called for discussion
    with the Senior Leadership team. Should poor behaviour persist it may be necessary for your child to be
     placed on a ‘Behaviour Plan’ and in extreme cases an exclusion may take place and outside agencies

                                       PASTORAL CARE
    Parents are welcomed into the school at any time to discuss any problems
  affecting the welfare or academic progress of their child. Please do come and
 talk to someone if you have any worries or concerns, as we can often sort out
                              issues that worry you.
  If once you have spoken to the class teacher and your concern has not been
    resolved you should speak with the Assistant Head Teachers (Mr Barr, Mrs
     Bennington and Mrs Bucknall ), then the Deputy Head (Mrs Quigley) and
   finally the Head Teacher. Pink forms requesting appointments are available
  from the school office but must be completed fully to request calls/meetings
     Children are encouraged to discuss difficulties or worries with the class
  teacher, senior staff or any other adult with whom they have formed a good

Christ Church C of E Primary School,        Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org        Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE           Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk       Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                            ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                           School Prospectus

                                            CHILD PROTECTION
           The Children Act of 1989 requires all school staff to pass on information which gives rise to a
         concern about a child’s welfare, including risk from non-accidental injury, neglect, emotional or
        sexual abuse. The staff will seek, in general, to discuss any concerns with the parent or carer, and
       where possible seek their consent to a referral to social services. This will only be done where such a
          discussion and agreement seeking will not place the child at increased risk of significant harm.
       Schools are encouraged to take the attitude that where there are grounds for concern they should
       be very cautious and seek advice from social services, rather than to risk a child’s safety. Occasionally,
            this duty on staff means that a concern is passed on which is later shown to be unfounded.
          It is hoped that parents and carers will appreciate how difficult it is for schools to carry out this
         delicate responsibility and accept that staff are acting in good faith and in the best interests of the
        Allegations against staff are always taken very seriously and will have to be referred to agencies for

Christ Church C of E Primary School,       Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org              Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE         Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk              Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                          ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                          School Prospectus

                                       MEDICINES AND HEALTH
                                                 Medicines in School
   Medicines can be administered in school but only if they have been prescribed. If parents wish their child
   to receive medication during the school day then parents must complete a form available from the office.
       On no account should children bring medicines into school or administer medicines to themselves.
      Inhalers: Children suffering from asthma MUST keep inhalers in school. Please see that they are clearly
                                  marked, in date and handed to the class teacher.
   Allergies: We have children in school who suffer from severe nut allergies. Please do not send nuts or nut
                                            products into school.
     It is a parents responsibility to ensure that all medicines, inhalers and epi-pens are kept within date and
                                                replaced when needed.

   Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell. If your child has sickness or diarrhoea then they
                     must remain at home for 24 hours after the symptoms have stopped.
  Although we do the best we can, there is no comfortable place for a child to rest in school and no person
 available to look after a sick or injured child for any length of time. We will contact you if we think your child
                                         needs to go home during the day.
                                        AS THEY OCCUR.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,     Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org             Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE        Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk            Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                                  ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                                  School Prospectus

                                                  INJURIES IN SCHOOL
      All minor accidents that require first aid are recorded and dealt with by a member of staff who is a
   qualified first aider. A text is sent to inform you of any accident or injury. This includes bangs on the head
                                              so that you can monitor them.
       Where a child is injured and may need to go to the hospital we will either call an ambulance if they
       require IMMEDIATE medical attention or contact parents to collect and take them to the doctors or
                                                      Communicable Diseases:
  Some diseases spread rapidly in a close community like a school. We therefore ask parents to consider the
    other members of the school if their child has an infection. Please seek medical advice about treatment
  and any necessary period of exclusion from school. The school needs to be made aware of any infections
                    due to the risk to others who have been in contact with your child.
                                       The school nurse can be contacted on 0121 612 2974.

                                           ACCESSABILITY AND DISABILITY
  We endeavour to make all visitors, pupils and parents feel welcome regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or
  disability. We are an Inclusive school and have an accessibility plan in place which can be viewed on the
  school website. If you have anything you wish to discuss regarding access then please speak to the
                                    Inclusion Manager/SENCo (Mrs Parkes).

                                             AGGRESION AND VIOLENCE
  The school operates a strict Zero Tolerance Policy for any aggression or violence towards members of staff,
    children or adults on the school site. All incidents will be reported to Governors and the police may be
        contacted. It may also result in parents being banned from the school site for a period of time.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,              Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org     Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE                Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk     Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                             ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                            School Prospectus

           We offer Breakfast club and After School Club from within the Christ Church school premises.
         They are open every day during school term time and operate a walking bus where the children
                     attending St. Francis are escorted into school for the start of their day.
  Breakfast Club cost £5.00 per session. Open from 7:30am
  After School Club offers:
  Part session –until 4pm = £4.00
  Full session –until 5:00pm. = £8.00 with additional sibling at £7.
  Late session - until 6pm. = £12 per session with additional sibling £11.
   Call the office for information or bookings. We also provide some Holiday Clubs provision during school

                                          COMMUNITY SUPPORT
        We have a Community Enrichment Manager on site from October who is able to offer a variety of
        activities and support services. The centre offers a safe and friendly environment for our families.
                   We offer a varied menu of activities and support including:
                                                    Family Support
                                                      Adult Learning
                                                      Family activities
                                                Wrap Around Childcare
                                                       Stay and Play
                                           How to help your child activities
                                                ‘Time to talk’ counselling
      From January 2022 the local Church will also be onsite offering the community a chance for weekly
                                  worship and other coordinated activities.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,        Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org          Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE          Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk          Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                           ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                           School Prospectus

                                       SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS
    We welcome pupils with special educational needs and work hard to ensure that these needs are met.
   Mrs Parkes is the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) for the whole school and policies are in
                       place for SEN, inclusion and meeting the needs of more able pupils.
     Some pupils permanently or from time to time have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the
    majority of their age group. We give these pupils special consideration and provide relevant support for
    them. Very occasionally an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) of special educational needs may be
                           sought for your child. This is a process supported by the LA.
  We strongly believe in inclusion of all pupils and have a Focussed Provision to support pupils with Autistic
                                            Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
   If you have any concerns about your child’s learning or progress, please speak to the class teacher or the
            SENCo. Parental support and advice can also be found at SENDIAS on 0121 555 1821

                                             FOCUS PROVISION
   We pride ourselves on being an inclusive and welcoming school. We have an open Christian ethos which
                                    can be found throughout the school.
    Rooms are equipped and organised in an appropriate way to provide suitable education for pupils with
     ASD. The staff are experienced in this area of special needs and undergo regular training to make sure
     that they fully meet the needs of the pupils in the unit. Our aim is that the pupils are able to access the
    regular classroom as much as possible but that they have an area where they feel safe, comfortable and
   are able to work in a way that suits them best. In this provision the children will be working on individual
   learning plans which best suit their needs and encourage them to develop and reach their full potential.
    All pupils in the Focus Provision are treated as individuals and their needs met in the most suitable way.
    They have full access to all areas of the school environment and resources depending on their individual
      needs. Through our curriculum we encourage the children to develop life skills. This includes regular
   shopping trips to Sainsbury’s, visiting the cinema and McDonald’s. Places for Focus Provision are allocated
   by the local authority and require pupils to have a diagnosis of ADSD and an EHCP—having a place at the
                             school does not give you a place in the Focus Provision.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,       Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org          Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE         Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk          Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                           ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                           School Prospectus

                                       CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT
                                          What is our curriculum intention?
         At Christ Church CE we offer a curriculum which is both broad and balanced. This builds on the
    knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress with
      us. Our school curriculum derives from our vision and values, our locality and the needs of the local
      community, as well as the needs of our wider society. Our curriculum aim is to ensure that all of our
    children experience a wide breadth of study and have, by the end of each key stage, long term memory
     of an ambitious body of knowledge and understanding in English, maths, science, humanities, the arts
    and technology, computing, RE, sports and language. Curriculum breadth is shaped by our curriculum
             drivers, cultural capital, subject topics and our ambitions for all of our children to shine.
      Curriculum drivers are drawn from the needs of our children, our beliefs about high quality education
      and our Christian school values to ensure that we always offer our children appropriate and ambitious
        curriculum opportunities. Our curriculum drivers include: raising aspirations, fostering inclusion and
       celebrating diversity, developing our children's initiative and resilience, improving children's ability to
      work together as a team and supporting their interests and engagement with the wider environment
     and community. We provide our children with a wealth of opportunities to develop all of these qualities
              so that pupils are able to become responsible citizens who can reach their full potential.
     We ensure our curriculum develops children’s cultural capital by giving them a wide variety of learning
     opportunities and cultural experiences. One of the ways we develop this is through providing children
       with a wide range of texts to read across school - in whole class guided reading, through our book
          spine and in English lessons. We deliberately choose some books that children may not read
      themselves. In addition, we aim to continually build vocabulary into our classrooms. We prioritise the
                    teaching of vocabulary so that our children can communicate effectively.
      Another way we develop children’s cultural capital is through frequent, continuous and progressive
       experiences in the school grounds, the provision of educational visits and residentials and inviting
      visitors in to school. These experiences are utilised as a tool for teaching, learning and delivering the
        curriculum across all subject areas. The school grounds have been developed so they can enrich
     different curriculum areas. Our staff appreciate that this is important because the likelihood of visiting
     green space has halved in a generation and many of our children don’t regularly leave the local urban
    area. It has been found that one in ten pupils aged between 5 and 16 suffers with a diagnosable mental
      health condition; learning opportunities outside the classroom have been proven to improve mental
                 health and wellbeing. We know that more positive pupils can attain and achieve.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,       Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org            Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE         Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk            Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                              ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                              School Prospectus

                                            How is our Curriculum implemented?
                                                       EYFS Overview
        Children in Nursery and Reception follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. This learning
          challenges children and encourages them to develop into independent, motivated learners and
        thinkers, full of curiosity about the world around them within a fun, happy and secure environment.
                      Our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is based on seven areas of learning:
                                             •       Communication and Language
                                       •   Personal, Social and Emotional Development
                                                     •   Physical Development
                                                             •    Maths
                                                            •    Literacy
                                               •      Understanding of the World
                                                 •    Expressive Arts and Design
       Children have opportunities to explore, enquire and to take risks through practical, hands-on learning
      experiences. At Christ Church, we have a high quality outside learning environment which the children
                                        are able to use throughout the day
                                                         Key Stage 1 and 2
        All subjects are taught independently on a regular basis whilst timetabling subjects to return to at
         regular intervals in order to maximise the children’s retention of knowledge. For each subject our
         curriculum distinguishes between subject topics and concepts. Subject topics are the areas of the
     subjects that are studied. Concepts capture the essence of the most important aspects of the subject; we
        use these for each individual subject to tie the subject topics together into a meaningful scheme of
      work. In this way, we develop children’s knowledge and understanding of each subject over time. The
        same concepts are therefore explored in a wide breadth of topics - the children return to the same
      concepts again and again to gradually build understanding of them and develop fluency and mastery.
        There are three stages of learning (key stage 1, lower key stage 2 and upper key stage 2) to ensure
       progression across school. Within each of these stages children will progress from direct instruction to
                            problem based discovery as their understanding develops.
     We have developed whole school programs and approaches to ensure that the content for each nation-
     al curriculum subject is strong, that there is continuity and progression to support high quality teaching
                            and learning, and to ensure every subject is well resourced.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,          Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org         Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE            Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk         Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                         ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                         School Prospectus

     Although subjects are taught individually through a progression model, in an attempt to make learning
     more interconnected for our children our curriculum is taught through engaging learning challenges.
     These give children opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, make meaningful connections with
     the world around them as well as grow and achieve personal and shared goals and aspirations. Each
     year group studies a topic over a term to enable them to solve the ‘learning challenge question’ which
     has been posed to them. This gives us all opportunities to develop relationships within and between
     subjects to start to connect learning together,
     Our Learning Challenges are shaped by our curriculum drivers and are based around these questions:
     Who am I and who do I want to be?
     How have people left their mark on our world and how have these changes affected us
     How can I have a positive impact on my world/our world by making a positive change to the
     environment and/or people who live there ?
     This approach enables our children to make meaningful contributions to society and also provides for
     opportunities to apply content from one subject into other subjects. In this way, we increase the amount
     of times we can cover and repeat concepts in other subjects and contexts to develop children's depth of
     knowledge and understanding, whilst harnessing and building upon every child’s personal development
     and growth. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils and their understanding of
     the core values of our society are woven throughout the curriculum.
     Specialist teachers support the teaching of languages (in key stage 2 we focus on Italian), physical
     education and reading. Themed days and weeks, whole school activities and assemblies and
     opportunities within and outside school all enrich and develop the children’s cultural capital and
     celebrate the broad range of backgrounds and cultures of our children. Before and after school clubs,
     our activity passport, learning showcases and other events all extend these opportunities further.
     We also make links with organisations to support and improve the quality of teaching. We draw upon
     expertise from the community including specialists, outside visitors and timetable appropriate out of
     school visits to give our children as many cultural experiences as possible. These broaden children’s
     knowledge of the world and raise their aspirations for the future.
     Pupils have opportunities to share their learning with each other, their parents and carers and other
     learners through school-based and external exhibitions, performances, competitions and events. These
     give regular opportunities to praise pupils and regularly share their progress and achievements.
      What Is The Impact of Our Curriculum?
     We assess the impact of our curriculum in terms of providing a holistic education for our pupils in line
     with our curriculum aims. We aspire for children to be secondary ready and to have made good progress
     academically from their relative starting points - demonstrated through external testing, learning talks
     and regular proof of progress tasks. Importantly though, we also look at how well our children have
     developed in other ways, teachers assess pupils’ social and emotional journeys; our pupils regularly
     reflect on their own and their peers’ experiences; and we monitor their learning behaviour and
     development. We look at attainment alongside attendance, pupil attitudes, experiences, enjoyment and
     children’s impact on the wider world as responsible future citizens.
     If you would like further information about our curriculum please contact Mrs Bennington about EYFS,
     Miss Taylor about key stages 1 and 2 and Mrs Parkes about the Focus Provision curriculum.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,    Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org          Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE       Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk         Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                          ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                          School Prospectus

    Weekly homework is set and regarded as an important part of the curriculum. This is in the form of daily
     reading, learning spellings and a set of arithmetic questions. A half termly SHINE project will be set.
        Parents are expected to hear their children read at least five times per week and sign their reading
                        records—this is essential to your child’s continued good progress.

   Collective Worship is integral to the life of our school and takes place daily. We strive to be inclusive in our
   acts of worship and to respect the integrity of individuals, so whilst we invite pupils to respond, we never
  demand a response from pupils or adults present. All pupils in attendance at school shall on each day take
    part in an act of collective worship unless the parent requests that the child be wholly or partly excused
    from attendance at religious worship in the school. Parents wishing to withdraw their child from acts of
  collective worship and from religious education lessons should discuss their wishes with the Head Teacher.
       Where possible, pupils who do not attend acts of worship will be supervised as they take part in a
      purposeful activity which should be provided by the parents to reflect their own religious traditions.
   Parents are often invited to celebration assemblies and special collective worship events. Other collective
                worship during the week are led by staff or visiting speakers including the vicar.

Prayer is important to us, and all classes say Grace before lunch and join in the school prayer at the end of the
                            day. We use The Lord’s Prayer during many assemblies.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,     Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org              Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE        Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk             Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                                ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                                School Prospectus

                                                 GOVERNING BODY
    The Governors provide a strategic overview of where the school is heading, act as a critical friend to the
      school and hold the school accountable for the educational standards it achieves and the quality of
   education it provides. The full governing body meets at least once per term with committees also meeting
                      every term. Minutes of the meetings are available in the school office.
   The governing body is made up of representatives from the Parochial Church Council, Diocesan Board of
             Education, Local Education Authority and elected parent and staff representatives.

                                           The Chair of Governors is Mr Neil Griffiths
                                       The Vice Chair of Governors of Mr Adrian McLean

                                       Please contact the governors via the school office.

                   SCHOOL DOG
    We have a school dog called Faith who can
    often be seen around the school site. Child
     may wish to come a see her as part of their
     ‘reward’ time. The School Dog policy is on
    the school website. If you do not wish your
      child to have contact with the school dog
      please inform the office and complete the
                 paperwork needed.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,            Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org    Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE              Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk    Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                               ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                               School Prospectus

                                                      SCHOOL STAFF

                               Mrs Michaela Chapman                    Head Teacher
                               Mrs Emma Quigley                        Deputy Head Teacher
                               Mrs Pat Parkes                          Senior Assistant Head Teacher
                               Mrs Hayley Bucknell                     Assistant Head Teacher
                               Mr Ashley Barr                          Assistant Head Teacher
                               Mrs Tracey Bennington                   Assistant Head Teacher
                               Mrs Sophie Deen                         Community Manager
                               Miss Kay Taylor                         Advance Skills Teacher
                               Mr Tim Wilding                          PE Teacher

       Nursery                 Mrs Eve Jones
       Reception               Miss Elizabeth Hellend
                               Miss Sana Rasique

       Year 1                  Miss Remy Herbert
                               Miss Bethany Smith
       Year 2                  Miss Diana Powell
                               Miss Hayley Aldridge
                               Mrs Katie Sanghera

       Year 3                  Miss Jodie Moore
                               Mrs Sidra Zafar & Miss Hannah Paling
       Year 4                  Miss Claire Shaw
                               Mrs Lesley Mortimer
       Year 5                  Mr Luke Mills
                               Mrs Poonam Sangha
       Year 6                  Mr Kavir Dhillion
                               Mr Paul Chapman

Christ Church C of E Primary School,           Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org               Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE             Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk               Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                                     ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                                     School Prospectus

      Higher Level Teaching Assistant:
      Mrs Piras                        Mrs James             Miss Gibbs

      Support Staff
      Mrs Boulton                      Mrs Peyton            Mr O’Driscoll         Mrs Snookes           Mrs Kaur
      Mrs Salarna                      Miss Marshall         Miss Lowe             Miss Thorne           Miss Jones
      Mrs Bramble                      Mrs Evans             Mrs Wariach           Mrs Gyasi             Miss Blount
      Mrs Dhillon                      Mrs Lowe              Mrs Rashid            Mr Asbury             Mr Baker
      Mrs Cooper                       Miss Stern            Miss Evans            Miss Wright           Miss Hale

      Focus Provision
      Mrs Jones                        Mrs Piggott           Miss Beetlestone              Mrs Gilbert        Mrs Hodgetts
      Mrs Norton                       Mrs Scott             Miss Soanes           Miss Chapman-Davies Miss Hale

      Mrs Aime Blackwell                             Office Manager
      Mrs Joanne Griffiths                           School Administrator
      Mr Ryan Stacey                                 Site Manager

Christ Church C of E Primary School,                Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org                        Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE                   Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk                       Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                               ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                               School Prospectus

                  End of Year Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Results 2018

       In reading, 73% of our children achieved expected standard in 19% of our children achieved greater

       In writing, 65% of our children achieved expected standard in 13% of our children achieved greater

   In maths, 71% of our children achieved expected standard in 18% of our children achieved greater depth.

                                       End of Year Key Stage 2 Results 2018
    In 2018 in reading, 73% of our children achieved expected standard in their SATs compared to 75% of
   children nationally. 30% of our children achieved greater depth compared to 28% of children nationally.

    In writing, 83% of our children achieved expected standard in their SPAG SATs compared to 78% of chil-
      dren nationally. 40% of our children achieved greater depth compared to 34% of children nationally.

      In maths, 83% of our children achieved expected standard in their SATs compared to 76% of children
         nationally. 27% of our children achieved greater depth compared to 24% of children nationally.

    70% of children achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths combined compared to
    76% of children nationally. 23% of our children achieved greater depth in reading, writing and maths
                                   combined compared to 10% nationally.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,          Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org    Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE             Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk   Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                          ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                          School Prospectus

                                           CHARGING POLICY
 We seek to reduce the amount of money we ask parents for during the year. However in order to enhance
 the curriculum we endeavour to take pupils on educational trips. Parents are requested to pay for such trips
  or make a 50% contribution if they are entitled to Free School Meals. All money should be given to the of-
  fice rather than to teachers and pupils—or paid online via your Parent Pay account. Receipts will be sent a
                                  few days following receipt of your money.

                                       COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE
    We aim to provide a positive experience of school for you and your family. We are always available for
     you to talk to informally and we will work hard to sort out any problems or misunderstandings that
                                                you may have.

      If you have any matters of concern please discuss these with the class teacher in the first instance
      followed by the Assistant Heads, Deputy Headteacher and then the Headteacher. Pink forms are
    available from the school office to make appointments. If discussion does not resolve the matter, then
    we have a formal complaints procedure in place. There are details on the school website. Complaints
                                     will then go to the Chair of Governors.

       Please remember that we are committed to providing the best possible educational experience for
      your child. We will always do our best to sort out any matters, however large or small, with you and
                                                    your child.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,     Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org          Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE        Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk         Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                             ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                             School Prospectus

                                       SCHOOL TERM DATES 2020-2021
      Autumn term 2021
        Term starts: Thursday 2 September 2021
        Half-term holiday: Monday 25 October 2021 to Friday 29 October 2021
        Term ends: Friday 17 December 2021
        Christmas holidays: Monday 20 December 2021 to Monday 3 January 2022

      Spring term 2022
        Term starts: Tuesday 4 January 2022
        Half-term holiday: Monday 21 February 2022 to Friday 25 February 2022
        Term ends: Friday 8 April 2022
        Easter holidays: Monday 11 April 2022 to Friday 22 April 2022

      Summer term 2022
        Term starts: Monday 25 April 2022
        May Day Bank Holiday: Monday 2 May 2022
        Half-term holiday: Monday 30 May 2022 to Friday 3 June 2022
        Term ends: Friday 22 July 2022

      Teacher Training Days
      Thursday 2 & Friday 3rd September 2021
      Wednesday 1st December 2021
      Wednesday 30th March 2022
      Wednesday 29th June 2022

   If you think any information is missing from this booklet which would be useful to include in future editions,
                                                 please let us know.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,        Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org        Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE           Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk       Fax: 0121 552 0891

Christ Church C of E (VA) Primary School
                                             ‘Let Your Light Shine!’

                                             School Prospectus

                                         This is our school,
                                       Let Peace dwell here,
                               Let the room be full of contentment.
                                        Let love abide here,
                      Love of one another, love of mankind, love of life itself,
                                         And love of God.
                                    And here us to remember,
                                That so many hands build a house,
                                  So many hearts build a school.


                    To the best of our knowledge, information contained in this booklet is correct at the
                     time of printing. The school reserves the right to make alterations as and when it
                                              may become necessary to do so.

Christ Church C of E Primary School,        Email: enquiries@christchurchsandwell.org            Tel: 0121 552 3625
  Albert Street, Oldbury, B69 4DE           Website : www.christchurch.sandwell.sch.uk           Fax: 0121 552 0891

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