Reaching farmers beyond project beneficiaries - The Tem Sesiabun Gorado model for improving farmer-to-farmer extension approaches - Global Soil Week
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Reaching farmers beyond TMG Working Paper project beneficiaries The Tem Sesiabun Gorado model for improving farmer-to-farmer extension approaches May 2019
2 TMG Working Paper Reaching farmers beyond project beneficiaries 3 Reaching farmers beyond project beneficiaries The Tem Sesiabun Gorado model for improving farmer-to-farmer extension approaches May 2019 Written by Check Abdel Kader Baba TMG Research gGmbH Nicolas Patt TMG Research gGmbH Acknowledgements We are indebted to the communities of Kabanou and Sinawongourou for their active participation in the pilot of this approach. We are very grateful to Annegret Flohr for her critical and constructive contributions and to Katrin Wlucka for her exceptional support in the design and development of the image toolboxes for Tem Sesiabun Gorado. Thanks also to Larissa Stiem-Bhatia for her critical review of the document and numerous inputs. Finally, we wish to express our sincere gratitude to Melanie Djédjé, the pro- ject manager at ProSOL Benin, and her team for their various contributions and support. Many thanks also to Wassihou Moussibahou Djima (APEM NGO), AbdoulKa- birou Imorou (GERED NGO), Adam Loukmanou, (LASDEL), Hafissou Issiako (Alafia NGO), Djalidou Aboudou Salifou (CERABE NGO), and Youssoufou Ouassou (INUDE NGO) for their commitment and valuable support. Photo 1: The Hamlet of Dah Kpaare in Kabanou. A small location neglected by extension workers. © Kader Baba/TMG Research Contact
4 TMG Working Paper Reaching farmers beyond project beneficiaries 5 Table of contents Acknowledgment 2 List of acronyms 4 Why sustainable land management matters 6 Critical review of SLM technology promotion approaches in Benin and sub-Saharan Africa 8 The Tem Sesiabun Gorado technology diffusion model Context and background information 11 Framework and implementation approach 12 Key principles for the implementation of the TSG model 14 Results of the model implementation Quantitative spread of SLM knowledge: number of farmers reached 16 Spatial spread of SLM knowledge: Farmers’ networks extend project reach 16 Promoting women’s leadership to reduce the gender gap among trained farmers 19 Making use of farmers’ capacities to increase time and resource effectiveness 19 Self-sustaining production of farm inputs for increased post-project sustainability 19 Key messages and considerations for replication 20 List of acronyms TSG Tem Sesiabun Gorado References 22 SLM Sustainable land management ProSOL Projet Protection and réhabilittion des Sols pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire NGO Non-governmental organization APEM Association pour la Protection de l’Enfance Malheureuse CERABE Centre de Recherche et d’Actions pour le Bien-être et la Sauvegarde de l’Environnement INUDE Institution Non Gouvernementale d’Union pour le Développe- ment et pour l’Environnement GERED Groupe d’études et de Recherches sur l’Environnement et le Développement LASDEL Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherche sur les Dynamiques Sociales et le Développement Local
6 TMG Working Paper Reaching farmers beyond project beneficiaries 7 Why sustainable land management matters he issue of soil degradation in T Operationalizing self-sustaining sub-Saharan Africa and community-led processes In sub-Saharan Africa, an estimated 750 for SLM million hectares1 of land are affected by In order to address those issues, scholars soil degradation, constituting an area 20 and development institutions frequently times the size of Germany. This affects call for «self-sustaining and communi- about 180 million people, or roughly the ty-led processes»2 when promoting SLM combined populations of France, Ger- technologies, emphasizing the central many, and Poland. Among the most role of local communities in bringing suc- affected people are smallholder farmers, cessful land management innovations to who account for 80% of all farms across scale. This call is not per se new, as devel- the region (AGRA, 2014) and heavily rely opment programmes have been promot- on healthy soils to sustain and intensify ing participatory and community-based food production (Brondeau, 2014). approaches since the late 1980s. However, operationalizing this call to provide sus- Growing efforts but limited tainable knowledge diffusion mechanisms achievements in SLM has remained a persistent challenge for researchers and development practition- Despite growing investment in sustain- ers to date. Its resolution requires that able land management (SLM), the adop- past approaches to technology promo- tion of good practices among smallholder tion be revisited in order to learn from farmers remains low (Cordingley et al., and build on lessons learned, rather than 2015; Kirui, 2016). Challenges to SLM trying to reinvent the wheel. technology adoption, i.e., the sustained uptake of the promoted innovations, 1 R. Lal et al. (eds.), 2016: Climate Change and include knowledge diffusion issues at the multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Ag- local scale (Baba et al. 2016; Bunning et riculture. Climate Change and Sustainability in al., 2016; World Bank, 2006), farmers’ Agriculture. Chapter 5, 61-95. Switzerland, 717p. perceptions of the promoted technol- 2 ogies (Assogba et al., 2017; Drechsel et restoration-is-community-led-says-wle-icrisat- al., 2005), and the quality of local stake- at-tropentag/ Photo 2: Cattle feeding on rice residues in Donwari Village, Kandi District. holders’ participation in the design and © Kader Baba/TMG Research implementation of the promoting project (Dolinska and d’Aquino, 2016; Sanz et al., 2017).
8 TMG Working Paper Reaching farmers beyond project beneficiaries 9 ing with other farmers (trainees, farm- (Dolinska and d’Aquino, 2016; Franzel et er-learners) within their communities al., 2019). Critical review of SLM 3 (Kiptot and Franzel, 2015). In contrast to How can effective accountability mech- approaches which consider farmers as anisms be established between farm- passive users of SLM technologies, farm- er-trainers and trainees? Reaching technology promotion er-to-farmer extension approaches put farmers beyond direct project benefi- farmers in the centre of technology gen- ciaries, and disadvantaged groups such eration and dissemination (de Janvry et approaches in Benin and as women and youth in particular, can be al., 2016; Ssemakula and Mutimba, 2011). challenging without effective accounta- A growing body of research conducted bility mechanisms. Open discussions and in sub-Saharan countries confirms the sub-Saharan Africa exchanges between farmer-trainers and potential of farmer-to-farmer extension trainees promote famers’ active involve- approaches, especially in creating own- ment and leadership in the selection of ership of project interventions and sus- technologies (Assogba et al., 2017; Drech- taining technology adoption at local scale sel et al., 2005), as well as in the devel- (Franzel et al., 2019; Kiptot and Franzel, opment of knowledge transfer mecha- 2015). However, these authors have also nisms (Dolinska and d’Aquino, 2016; Sanz identified limitations and challenges et al., 2017), and help to build trusting which need to be addressed to ensure the and accountable relationships. Approaches based on model imbalances to the disadvantage of mar- effective dissemination of agricultural farmers tend to exclude less ginalised farmers (Taylor and Bhasme, innovations. These include the following Ensuring the sustainability of 2018). As a consequence, farmers, who critical questions: privileged farmers farmer-to-farmer approaches 1 are unable to commit sufficient time and space to demonstration plots, or who are What incentives and other measures are requires a clear shift in extension In Benin, as in most African countries, SLM technologies have been promoted socially disadvantaged, face additional necessary to motivate farmer-trainers workers’ priorities from techni- over the longer term? Both financial and using various extension approaches, challenges in accessing agricultural inno- non-financial mechanisms have been cal operations to a careful including trainings and visits, demon- vations promoted through model farm- used by development programmes to facilitation and promotion of ers approaches. These approaches have stration plots, and farmer field schools also been criticized by both researchers reward the services provided by farm- farmer leadership (Mburu and Kiragu-Wissler, 2017). When er-trainers. If successfully implemented implementing these approaches, a group and practitioners, who have described Establishing self-sustaining approaches processes are to be handed over to public of farmers, often referred to as model them as top-down, ineffective in reach- on the ground will require a shift in the extension systems, low-cost motivation farmers, contact farmers, or project-in- ing beyond the circle of model farmers, promotion of sustainable land manage- schemes must be established to ensure itial beneficiaries, is targeted based on expensive to operate, financially unsus- ment practices from professional exten- sustainability (Franzel et al., 2015). Such predetermined criteria, often including tainable, and heavily dependent on exter- sion to measures with the capacity to schemes are crucial to minimizing frus- their capacity to host demonstration nal extension agents (Anderson, 2008; build local networks of well-organized trations that develop over longer periods plots and adopt promoted technologies Feder et al., 2010; Franzel et al., 2015; farmers who are empowered to take and result in significant dropout rates (Kondylis et al., 2014). Though presented Ssemakula and Mutimba, 2011). the lead in SLM technology promotion among farmer-trainers (Franzel et al., as community-centred, these extension and knowledge diffusion. Achieving this approaches tend to prioritise wealthy, The farmer-to-farmer extension 2019; Kiptot and Franzel, 2015). 2 will require the investment of time and progressive farmers, often known to approach faces sustainability What capacity development do farmer- resources to develop farmer-trainers’ trainers need to confidently transfer extension agents as early adopters, at challenges at practical level capacities and abilities, and a shift in the knowledge and build trust-based rela- the expense of resource-poor farmers, role of extension workers from promotion As an alternative to training-and-visit tionships with their trainees? Training in particular women and youth (Kondy- to facilitation. approaches and farmer field schools, modules for development projects are lis et al., 2017, 2014). For instance, the farmer-to-farmer extension approaches often designed to strengthen farmers’ Unless, these issues are carefully ana- minimum requirement for demonstra- have attracted increasing interest over technical competences and focus on lysed and properly addressed, farmer- tion plots usually varies between 0.25 the last decade. Defined as the provi- technical operations. However, support- to-farmer extension approaches will con- and 0.5 ha (Liniger et al., 2011), while sion of extension services (information, ing farmer-trainers in building legitimacy tinue to be dependent on the services of smallholder farmers in Kenya and Ethi- training, support) from farmers to farm- and confidence within their community professional external facilitators (public opia operate farms of less than 1 ha on ers, the approach relies on a network of and effectively addressing socio-cultural external agents, NGOs, etc.) and the call average (Rapsomanikis, 2015). More local farmers (farmer-trainers or farmer barriers and other barriers that can arise for self-sustaining and community-led over, selecting model farmers based on extension agents) who are often selected in the processes of technology adoption processes in sustainable land manage- their political position or social status by their peers, trained by the project and and knowledge transfer, is as important ment will remain wishful thinking. As reinforces local hierarchies and power given responsibility to share their learn- as the mastering of technical operations pointed out by John Conrood, Executive
10 TMG Working Paper Reaching farmers beyond project beneficiaries 11 Vice President of the Hunger Project3, This paper contributes to this debate by there is an urgent need to move away introducing the Tem Sesiabun Gorado The Tem Sesiabun Gorado from professional facilitation towards (TSG) model. The TSG model is an alter- the use of well-mobilized farmer groups native farmer-to-farmer knowledge who are empowered to take the lead in diffusion approach. It is based on a net- technology diffusion model the solution of their own problems. work of community-based agents (locally referred as «Tem Sesiabun Gorado») and «A paid extension worker lessons-learned from community-based cannot possibly reach thou- health services in Benin. Framed by local sands of remote small-holder learning processes and social networks, The Tem Sesiabun Gorado (TSG) model is a farmer-to-farmer this model is built on the concept of farmers with improved tech- technology diffusion model. It seeks to address common shortcomings «social debt» as an incitation mechanism niques, but a well-mobilized to promote effective knowledge diffusion of conventional farmer-to-farmer extension approaches, in particular community always can.» from project beneficiaries to non-bene- with respect to accountability mechanisms and sustaining the John Coonrod, Executive ficiaries. motivation of farmer trainers. The overall objective of this model is Vice President, The Hunger to ensure effective knowledge sharing and technology diffusion from 3 Project. wards-a-food-secure-world/Rural-governan- project beneficiaries to communities. ce-that-works 1 Figure 1: Location of research sites in northern Benin. The GIZ project has been active in the villages of Kabanou and Context and background Understand farmers’ constraints in the Sinawongourou since 2015. implementation of specific technologies, © TMG Research gGmbH 2019 information their preferences and support needs 2 The TSG diffusion model was devel- Go beyond the «quick-fix solutions» often Sinawongourou oped within the frame of accompanying proposed to farmers by field techni- research carried out by TMG Research cians in order to design adaptable, con- Kabanou in Benin to support the implementation text-specific solutions to their implemen- of a GIZ4 project on soil protection and tation challenges rehabilitation to improve food security (as part of the Special Initiative «One World. No Hunger»). 3 Understand the socio-cultural factors that prevent effective knowledge diffu- Municipality of Kandi sion between project beneficiaries and It benefits from four years of quantita- non-beneficiaries. Municipality of Bembéréké tive (household surveys) and qualitative The findings of this process were later Study Sites research5 implemented in two villages6 in presented to both farmer groups (project northern Benin (figure 1). This contributes beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries) dur- to solid understandings of farmers’ living ing village-level consultations that form 0 25 50 75 100 conditions and production assets, prior N the first step in the TSG model implemen- experience with sustainable land man- tation approach. (See Figure 3). agement practices, and perception of promoted technologies. TSG also builds 4 German Development Cooperation on the findings of a reflective process 5 Reports can be downloaded from that consisted of critical and open dis- TMG Research webpage cussions with both project beneficiaries 6 Sinawongourou is a prototype village where and non-beneficiaries about the pro- basic conditions that support SLM technology moted technologies and the implemen- adoption (access to market, social infrastructure, tation approach (referred to as the Deep credit, etc.) are met. In contrast to this, access to the village of Kabanou is difficult and farmers Reflection Process). Engaging farmers face challenges to access credit and market in reflective processes was essential to: facilities. 19
12 TMG Working Paper Reaching farmers beyond project beneficiaries 13 Framework and The framework in Figure 2 offers a visual Process Goal 3 Multiplication of trainings, follow up and adaptation of technologies summary of how social debt is paid down implementation approach across generations of farmer-learners 3rd generation learners At the core of the model is the so called through the provision of demand-driven Tem Sesiabun Gorado (TSG), which lit- support. The main process goals and erally means «community-based agent» mechanisms, which are the pillars for the Process Goal 2 Breaking socio-cultural barriers by establishing in Bariba, a language spoken in north- success of the model, are also described trust-based trainer-learner ern Benin. The TSG are elected by their in this figure. relationship 2nd generation learners communities and entrusted with the At the practical level, this framework has 125 responsibility to train their fellow farm- been operationalized through the nine ers in the application of improved SLM steps summarized in Figure 3. practices. The number of TSG per hamlet 25 Process Goal 1 Establishing or village neighborhood is also decided While each of these steps contributes responsibilty and 1st generation learners by communities, based on their size and to the success of the process, the initial accountability spatial spread. village consultations are of particular strategic importance. The core objec- 5 Each Tem Sesiabun Gorado (TSG) tive of these consultations is to ensure assumes responsibility for training five that both farmer groups (learners and farmer-learners7 in the application of Initially trained farmers trainers) develop a common and shared SLM technologies she/he has learned in understanding of the project’s upscaling order to repay the «social debt» she/he objectives, of the barriers that hinder Social recognition and contracted towards the project and her/ Payment of social debt through training the effective diffusion of SLM technol- 5 farmer-learners public acknowledge- his own community. This debt comprises ment of efforts ogies by each farmer-group, and of the free trainings, farm inputs and resources, urgent need to remove these barriers. as well as professional technical support, Demand-driven support through trust-based trainer/ Mechanisms to break down the barriers which the Tem Sesiabun Gorado receives learner relationships at local scale and concrete approaches to effective on behalf of their respective communities. technology diffusion are also discussed Figure 2: Framework of the Tem Sesiabun Gorado model implemented in northern Benin Farmer-learners who successfully exper- and agreed upon in the course of these © TMG Research gGmbH 2019 iment with SLM subsequently take up consultations; this includes the develop- the role of TSG themselves, assuming ment of selection criteria for TSG, their responsibility for knowledge dissemina- specific tasks and responsibilities, as well Model adjustment, adaptation, and re-evaluation tion by selecting and training five new as evaluation and review protocols. farmer-learners (i.e. a second generation of farmer-learners). In this way, the pro- 7 The term «farmer-learner» is prioritized over Assessment and continuous documentation Continuous dialogue with farmer groups terms such as «apprentices» or «trainees». We Village consultations Sharing or facilitating On-farm follow up ject’s effects are multiplied, with each consider learning as a two-way process that and ownership access to seed inputs to of promoted generation consisting of five times as value the targeted farmers’ experience. The negotiation farmer-learners technologies many farmer-trainers, as well as train- CBA and farmers he identified interact and learn ees, as the previous generation. This pro- mutually from each other. Although the topic discussed may be mastered by the CBA, others cess can be continued with a minimum input is needed to ensure a successful implemen- of coaching from field technicians until tation. Participatory selection Training of Participatory a critical number of farmers is reached of the evaluation and progress farmer-learners Tem Sesiabun Gorado restitution within a given location, after which it becomes self-replicating. Public Training of the Selection of acknowledgement of Tem Sesiabun Gorado farmer-learners diffusion efforts Conditions for model upscaling and replication Figure 3: Implementation steps for the Tem Sesiabun Gorado diffusion model in northern Benin. Grey-colored shapes indicate community-based processes. Yellow-colored shapes are iterative actions to be considered at each step of the model implementation. © TMG Research gGmbH 2019
14 TMG Working Paper Reaching farmers beyond project beneficiaries 15 Key principles for the implementation of the TSG model 1 3 5 Ensure a shared understanding Ensure farmers’ agreement on Clear roles and responsibilities of knowledge diffusion challenges the principle of ‘social debt’ in for effective knowledge diffusion and the long-term risks for the order to build commitment and mechanisms community if these are not prop- accountability Knowledge transfer is a two-way commu- erly addressed Efforts to encourage farmers to take nication channel that cannot be effective unless farmer-trainers and farmer-learn- During the village consultations, it is fun- responsibility for knowledge diffusion ers establish bilateral partnerships damental that project beneficiaries and within their communities through the based on trust, mutual respect, and non-beneficiaries openly discuss specific concept of social debt cannot work unless clearly defined roles. concerns, constraints, and challenges farmers understand and pledge to uphold associated with project activities and its mechanisms. It is important that extension work- knowledge transfer. It is also important ers facilitate this process carefully to A public commitment to the role of Tem to ensure that farmers agree on both the ensure trainers understand their role and Sesiabun Gorado creates ownership and necessity of addressing challenges and attributions. Likewise, it is necessary to strengthens the social responsibility that approaches to their resolution, including ensure farmer-learners are aware that underpins social debt. the collaborative development of knowl- knowledge diffusion needs demand-driven edge sharing mechanisms. 4 support, i.e. that learners take an active 2 role in the acquisition and application of Realistic expectations on TSG knowledge in experiments on the ground. ensure long-term motivation and Ensure selection mechanisms and criteria are inclusive easy the repayment of the social 6 debt Acknowledge the risk of quality It is crucial that farmers participate in the development of the criteria applied The TSG model strongly assumes that loss over multiple generations to select their representatives. Enabling farmers have the potential and capacity of farmer-to-farmer knowledge farmers to reflect on the options for to provide context-based and effective transfer and anticipate correc- support to other farmers if they are well- effective knowledge/technology diffusion tive actions and to define both the number of Tem trained and empowered to do so. Sesiabun Gorado and their respective Time and resources must be invested To ensure long-term motivation and com- locations will foster ownership within the in order to safeguard the quality of mitment, it is crucial that the workload community and ensure effective spatial knowledge transfers across multiple assigned to and expectations placed on coverage. generations of learners. The associated the TSG are manageable. For instance, challenges must be anticipated by pro- Finally, it is vital that farmers’ choices the practice of working with cohorts of ject designers and addressed as capac- are respected and that farmers selected five farmer-learners was discussed and ity-development objectives during the to act as TSGs are not influenced by agreed upon during the village consulta- implementation of this farmer-to-farmer external political motivations or social tions. model. This also requires a shift in the privilege. provision of extension services to ensure Limiting the knowledge transfer process to a time frame of one or two growing that workers have the necessary facili- seasons, for example, minimizes the tation skills in addition to the relevant dropout rate among farmer-trainers and technical competences. addresses long-term motivation issues that frequently arise in standard farmer- to-farmer approaches.
16 TMG Working Paper Reaching farmers beyond project beneficiaries 17 Results of the model Kabanou village Sinawongourou village implementation 800 728 600 Quantitative spread of SLM ple, eight hamlets/camps8 that had not previously in contact with the project 400 knowledge: number of farmers 327 were reached by these means. This was reached occurred as a result of farmers taking 200 197 The 49 TSG who were initially selected, the initiative in order to repay their social 152 trained, and assigned responsibility for debt. Through the second generation of farmer-learners, an additional three 28 21 knowledge diffusion in 2018 reached 0 a total of 349 farmers across the two hamlets were reached (Figure 5). As a result, the spatial dissemination of the Tem Sesiabun Farmers - learners Farmers - learners Tem Sesiabun Farmers - learners Farmers - learners villages (Kabanou and Sinawongourou) Gorado (1st - generation) (2nd - generation) Gorado (1st - generation) (2nd - generation) within the first growing season. These promoted technologies and practices has 349 new learners, of whom 35 % are improved significantly. Figure 5 highlights Figure 4: Reach of farmer-learners through the TSG technology diffusion model (field data, April 2019). women, are referred to as 1st genera- this development and indicates the loca- tion farmer-learners. This constitutes tions reached during the initial trainings a multiplying factor of about 7; in other (pink bars indicating TSG), the first grow- words, each TSG reached 7 new farmers ing season (yellow bar indicating 1st gen- on average. During the second growing eration farmer-learners), and the second season, about 65% of the first-gener- growing season (green bar indicating 2nd Tem Sesiabun Gorado ation farmer-learners (n=217) selected generation farmer-learners). new farmer-learners (based on field Overall, the implementation of the TSG 1st generation farmer-learners data, April 2019), reaching out to 1055 model shows that entrusting farmers new farmers (38% are women) across the with clear and strong leadership in SLM two villages. These numbers are expected technology promotion approaches can 2nd generation farmer-learners to increase over the course of this season enable projects to meet their quantita- as the selection process is still ongoing tive expectations in terms of reaching in both villages. farmers. Moreover, the improved spatial Figure 5 shows the reach of new farmers diffusion of SLM knowledge could provide a strong basis for post-project sustain- Sinawongourou by the TSG technology diffusion model in different sub-locations within the two ability. villages. 8 Dispersed habitats with links to a central village Spatial spread of SLM knowledge: where small or large groups of people live on a seasonal (farmers) or permanent (pastoralists) Farmers’ networks extend project basis. reach The findings also show that carefully designed community processes that Kabanou give ownership to communities stimulate 0 50 100 150 200 farmers’ social responsibility, account- ability, and self-initiative. This empow- ers farmers to activate their networks, Figure 5: Spatial distribution of farmer-learners reached (in numbers) through the implementation of the TSG model. Yellow bars not supported by a pink bar represent hamlets or village neighbor- thereby extending the effective reach of hoods initially not covered by GIZ-project activities and reached through the implementation of the project interventions. Through the gen- TSG model. Green bars not supported by yellow bars are new hamlets reached during the second eration of farmer-learners, for exam- year of model implementation.
18 TMG Working Paper Reaching farmers beyond project beneficiaries 19 Promoting women’s leadership Self-sustaining production to reduce the gender gap among of farm inputs for increased trained farmers post-project sustainability The pilot trial of the TSG model in north- In the process of transferring gained 41 % 46% ern Benin has shown that including knowledge to five new farmers (payment Kabanou women and men equally as communi- of social debt), the TSG is requested to 50 % 50 % 59 % 54 % ty-based agents reduces gender imbal- identify those farmer-learners, train ances among farmer-learners across them, provide them with seed inputs and generations of learners. This is illustrated offer follow up services. This responsi- by a comparison of the trials in Kabanou bility of providing seed inputs to farm- Tem Sesiabun Farmers - learners Farmers - learners Gorado (1st - generation) (2nd - generation) and Sinawongourou, where the effects of er-learners encourages participants to the gender ratio among TSG are clearly establish their own seed stock using var- reflected in the gender ratio among 1st ious innovative strategies, such as plant- 72 % 20 % and 2nd generation farmer-learners (Fig- ing fertilizing plants within their home 38 % ure 6). gardens or in the vicinity of houses and Sinawongourou camps, or planting seed trees in the cen- This highlights the benefits for SLM pro- 62 % 73 % 80 % tre of yam or manioc fields to prevent jects of maintaining gender balance in the cattle damage. selection of initial project beneficiaries and suggests that assigning leadership Around 38% of farmers who planted fer- roles to women is likely to increase the tilizing plants were able to harvest and female male number of women among the project’s secure their own stock (Figure 7). As a indirect beneficiaries. result, farmer-learners did not have to rely on project donations (external funds) Figure 6: Gender distribution of the community-based agents and their farmer-learners in the vil- lage of Kabanou and Sinawongourou © TMG Research gGmbH 2019 Making use of farmers’ capacities to receive seed inputs but could rely on to increase time and resource the TSG to provide these inputs. This out- effectiveness come was secured for both 1st and 2nd generation farmer-learners, effectively Transferring responsibility for the dif- reducing the communities’ dependency fusion process to farmers (with basic on external funding and safeguarding training provided through extension post-project sustainability. agents) and supporting their efforts to share their learnings with communities In conclusion, the implementation of the proved to be more effective than con- TSG model not only promotes sustaina- ventional approaches to the promotion of bility but also delivers financial savings SLM technology (such as demonstration for projects in relation to seed inputs, plots, farmer-field schools, or reliance transportation, and transaction costs. Sinawongourou on external extension agents). The pilot project suggests that the TSG diffusion model is highly effective in reaching more farmers within a shorter period of time as demonstrated by the numbers reached Kabanou over its year-long implementation phase. With its ability to up-scale activities and 0 40 80 120 160 extend the reach of SLM promotion pro- jects by activating farmers’ networks, Cultivated fertilizing plants Managed to secure own seed stock this model could deliver significant time and cost savings and relieve pressure on field technicians. Figure 7: Securing seed stock for 2nd generation farmer-learners (field data, January 2019)
20 TMG Working Paper Reaching farmers beyond project beneficiaries 21 A GIZ soil rehabilitation project in Benin Key message #2: Promoting recently picked up on the TSG knowledge women’s leadership in technology Key messages and diffusion model and used the approach as a core component in its upscaling diffusion reduces gender inequali- strategy. In applying this model to dif- ties among farmer-learners. considerations for replication ferent contexts, the processes must be Various patterns of exclusion can hinder adapted to the socio-cultural conditions the effective transfer of knowledge from and realities on the ground. The follow- farmer-trainers to other farmers, espe- ing messages offer some guidance on cially if gender and other socio-cultural approaching this task. differences are not accounted for in the Key message #1: Technologies selection of farmer-trainers. don’t travel naturally! We need to Male farmer-trainers tend to select male devise appropriate mechanisms trainees, while female trainers tend to that stimulate knowledge sharing give priority to women when selecting their learners. Facilitating the selection among farmer groups. of female farmer-trainers and giving In promoting SLM technologies, it is them a clear role and responsibilities in important to acknowledge that tech- technology diffusion is instrumental to nologies do not travel naturally and that reaching more female learners among socio-cultural factors hinder knowledge SLM project beneficiaries. sharing between project beneficiaries and the rest of the community9. Facil- Key message #3: Farmer-to- itating exchange about these barriers farmer extension requires room among farmers will build confidence for reflection, capacity-building, among farmer-trainers and communi- and accountability mechanisms ty-members and validate their involve- ment in knowledge diffusion. between model farmers and the community. Ensuring that pre-existing learning chan- nels and farmers’ social networks are In order to achieve the sustained uptake integrated into SLM technology diffusion of SLM technologies, the decision by mechanisms reinforces ownership and farmers to apply and adopt technolo- helps to account for ethnic diversity and gies must be a conscious one rather than heterogeneity issues at the village level. being driven by project performance indi- cators and other incentives. In promoting SLM best practices, exten- sion agents tend to focus on technical Giving farmers the opportunity to reflect operations and give little time to farmers’ on the promoted technologies and their self-reflection on promoted technologies own capacities during the implementation and innovation capacities. As a result, phase of the project is a crucial step in there is a clear need to revise the work addressing the challenges of technology packages of extension agents in order diffusion and post-project sustainability to integrate trainings on facilitation and issues. Reflecting on the promoted tech- empowering farmer representatives to nologies not only builds ownership among lead technology adoption and diffusion. participating farmers but also reinforces accountability among trainers and train- 9 Baba, 2017: concept notes of the farmer-led ees. Ultimately, this reflection process SLM technology diffusion model. Submitted to unlocks innovative capacities and sup- Photo 3: The Tem Sesiabun Gorado and their farmer-learners in Koussounin Village of Kabanou. ProSOL–GIZ on December 2017 ports the collaborative development of © Kader Baba/TMG Research practical alternatives and context-spe- cific solutions to SLM implementation challenges.
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TMG Working Paper May 2019 TMG – Think Tank for Sustainability TMG Research gGmbH EUREF-Campus 6-9 10829 Berlin, Germany Telephone: (+49) 30 92 10 74 07_00 Email: Website: This publication is made possible with the financial support by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
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