& ANSWERS

            Day        2   Genetic improvements
                           and current status

Dr. Matthias SCHMUTZ              Björn ANDERSSON
Director of Research              Deputy Director of R&D
& Development

                           Thank you for your
                           active participation!
Day     2           Genetic improvements and current status

                             In Norway we use LSL Classic and the last year we have seen that


                                                                                                            What is the plumage score for LSL classic at age 67 weeks
                             the birds overall have a lower body weight, lower feed intake and
                             lower eggweight than 3-4 years ago. Is this done on purpose in                 The individuall plumage condition of a flocks depends on many
                             the genetics, or can this be because we have done something                    different factors. We see flocks with full feather at the age of 67
                             different in management or feeding?                                            weeks as well as flocks with bad plumage condition. Genetics only
                                                                                                            can contribute in the multifactorial challenge of feather loss to
                             Genetically the body weight and egg weight is not modified in the
                                                                                                            prepare the birds to handle the conditions of the field.
                             LSL Classic breed. Also the feed intake remain more or less on the
                             same level while feed efficiency was improved. The egg weight curve
                             is getting a bit more flat, this medans in the end of the production
                                                                                                            What is the average clutch length between 28 and 43 weeks of

                             cycle not as many excessive large eggs, but the early egg size did
                                                                                                            age in today’s LSL genetics?
                             not change. Besides nutrion also the rearing managemnt can
                             have hugh impact on the body weight and egg size, therefore we                 In the pureline hens, where we can observe the cluth lengh, in this
                             recomand to reach the body weight targets for pullets.                         age is usually around 30-40 eggs in one clutch and then one day no
Dr.                                                                                                         egg, which is a rate of lay around 97-98%. But there is a substantial
                                                                                                            variation between individual hens, some hens have a clutch lenght
Matthias                     Dear Dr Matthias thank you very much for a very interesting

                                                                                                            of below 10 eggs, some individuals have a clutch lenght of over 200
SCHMUTZ                      presentation. My question: Is there any performance data                       eggs without one day off.
                             recorded from Middle east where the outside temperatures reach
Director of Research
                             almost 50C to be used in the selection process? Dr Suheel Ahmed
& Development
                             Indeed we consider test under high temperature conditions. Cross
                             line birds are tested in Spain and Colombia were we oft have very
                             high temperature and in some facilities even open houses with a
                             high light intensity.

                             I would like to ask about cannibalism chicks like to peck oneself

                             or others. can we select this breeding trait

                             Selection for behaviour traits is not easy as the heritability of this
Björn                        traits are often low. We are collecting informations about mortality
ANDERSSON                    reasons to identfy those birds/ familiy who are less susceptible for
                             behavioral disorders. In our feather score or toe pecking score, we
Deputy Director              can not 100% observe if the birds peck themself or other cagemates
of R&D                       do the pecking. But we can see if one family is more susceptible to
                             challenge conditions and respond more or less with pecking - self
                             or from others.
Day      2          Genetic improvements and current status

                             Why most of Lohman Brown Classic laying hen have much more                        As a continuation of my other question, I am curious what specific


                             white feather cover than several years ago that had complete                      behavior metrics fall under your data collection ‘adaptability’ for
                             covered with dark brown feather?                                                  cage free layers

                             The selection for performance traits leads to a lighter plumage                   Birds in cage free systems need in contrast to the birds in cage
                             color in brown hens. We consider the plumage color in our selection               system a better adaptability to the system as they don’t have
                             decision to breed against this trend. So we try to avoid that the hens            feed, water and the nest in one place. At the same time they have
                             are getting more pale feather colour. But the more pale families in               much more space to use. This requiers a better ability to move in
                             feather colour are the best performing families.                                  the system and find the appropriate area to rest, eat or lay their
                                                                                                               egg. Therefore we collect individual data on the activity and nesting
                                                                                                               beahvior of the birds.
                             Is there any effect in performance when we mix lsl white and lsl

                             brown in Rearig period

Dr.                          Mixing different colored birds in rearing need a equal presence
Matthias                     of both groups. Otherwise it can lead to a higher mortality and
                             reduced body weight in one color group. Never make a group where
SCHMUTZ                      less white birds than brown birds. Then the white birds will always
Director of Research         suffer. It is always a risc that the white and brown will separate in the
& Development                house and then the white wirds dont get enough feed and water.

                             Are you tracking mortality rates that can be specifically associated

                             with post-oviposition ‘clustering’ or ‘smothering’ events in the litter
                             area of the barn? Also, what housing density is ‘adaptability’ type
                             data collection on Parent Stock?”

                             In the pureline and Grandparent stock we do not observe smothering
                             events. Challenge tests for high stocking density is done at 15 bird
                             per m2 accessible space.

Deputy Director
of R&D
Day     2          Genetic improvements and current status

                             Is there equal focus on selecting or interior egg quality                     What is the role of genetic improvement in quality of chick?


                             characteristics, ‘haugh units’ as for breaking strength?
                             When considering extended length lay cycles we need high                      Chick quality is an important trait for PS customers. We test our pure
                             measurements for haugh units to maintained, as much as we                     line birds for hatchability and chick quality to increase the amount
                             need high breaking strenth                                                    of salable chicks per parent.

                             Breeding for persistency is not only about laying performance.
                             Especially the egg quality parameters at a late stage are important
                                                                                                           How can lighting duration affect egg strength?

                             to maintain a high share of salable eggs. This includes egg breaking
                             strenght and haugh units as well.
                                                                                                           We are not aware, that the light hours may have an effect on shell
                                                                                                           strenght, as long as a correct day/night schedule is granted.

                             What are the main genetic improvements do you expect in

Dr.                          coming years? What is the data source of performance table
Matthias                     presented in the breed management guide?

SCHMUTZ                      One of the main improvements will be the prolong laying cycle -
Director of Research         persistency! At the same time the flock should maintain on a good
& Development                liveabilty and a good plumage cover. The performance data in the
                             management guides are based an the estimated improvement
                             from selection and the feedback we get from the field how the birds
                             perform under different circumstances.

                             Regarding to the rate of growing from week 17 to week 35, What

                             do you recomend for free range? Classic Brown or Lite? When the
                             size of egg is not so important.

                             We always recomand to achieve the body weight targets for rearing
Björn                        of the management guide. Hens with a good body weight prior
ANDERSSON                    laying always performe better and are better prepared for eventual
                             challenges. Especially in free range it is so important to have the
Deputy Director              correct body weight development after start of lay, but much more
of R&D                       difficult to achieve it. In markets were the egg price is independent
                             from egg size, the Lohmann Brown Light bird is always the better
                             choice due to a higher amout of eggs per hen housed.
Day     2          Genetic improvements and current status

                             Good day! Please answer why the Lohmann Brown Light bird is                  Light feathers are related to birds that will be less productive, is this

                             not represented in Russia? Judging by your brochures, this bird’s            correct or not? It is normal to find lots with a high number of hens
                             performance is higher.                                                       with plumage, in recent years it has increased

                       RUS   Добрый день! Ответьте пожалуйста, почему в России не
                                                                                                          Las plumas claras se relacionan con aves que serán menos

                             представлена птица Ломанн Браун Лайт? Судя по вашим
                                                                                                          productivas , es así o no? Es normal encontrar lotes con una
                             проспектам, показатели продуктивности у этой птицы выше.
                                                                                                          cantidad alta de gallinas con plumaje, en los ultimos años se ha
                             The individual commercial product availabilty depends on the local
                             distributer for the region. In aspects of egg number per hen housed,
                                                                                                          We usually see a better performance in the birds with paler
                             the Lohmann Brown light bird have the highest production amog
                                                                                                          plumage color. So it is the opposite as you say, the pale families are
                             the brow Lohmann layers.
                                                                                                          performing better. This is the reason, why the feather colour has a
Dr.                          Наличие отдельных коммерческих продуктов зависит от спроса                   tendency to become more pale, but we try to avoid this tendency by
Matthias                     в регионе. Данный кросс стоит дороже, чем Ломанн Браун                       selection for a mor dark plumage colour.
                             Классик, а в России покупатель пока не готов платить больше.
SCHMUTZ                      С точки зрения количества яиц на одну несушку птица Lohmann                  Generalmente vemos mejores resultados en las aves con plumaje
Director of Research         Brown Light (легкая) имеет наивысшую продуктивность среди                    más blancas, lo que es el contrario de lo que preguntaste. Aves con
& Development                несушек Lohmann.                                                             plumas más blancas son más productivas. Esa es la razón por lo
                                                                                                          que hay una tendencia de tener aves con más plumas blancas, pero
                                                                                                          evitamos esa tendencia a través de selección para una plumaje
                                                                                                          más oscura.

Deputy Director
of R&D
Day     2          Genetic improvements and current status

                             Dear: Have you worked in commercial lines with the same egg                   Understood that paler birds are less productive. As for the color of


                             size but with less feed consumption?                                          the shell, is it related to the color of the bird?

                             Estimados: ¿Se ha trabajado en lineas comerciales con el mismo                Entendido que las aves más páldas son menos productivas. En

                             tamaño de huevo pero con menor consumo de alimento?                           cuanto al color de la cáscara, hay relación con el color del ave?

                             The feed consumption depents mainly on the energy content of the              We usually see a better performance in the birds with paler plumage
                             feed. The egg size is mainly driven by fatty accids and aminoaccids.          color. Shell colour is not all related to feather color. The best example
                             If you link both traits you always have to consider the nutient               for this is the Brown PS female, she is white feathered and lay darker
                             ingredients. In general feed intake and egg size are high correlated,         shell colour than the Rhode Island male line breeds.
                             so a high egg size bird need always more feed intake than a small
                             egg size bird.                                                                Generalmente vemos mejores resultados en las aves con plumaje
                                                                                                           más blancas. El color de la cáscara no está relacconado al color de
Dr.                          El consumo de alimento depende principalmente de los niveles                  las plumas. El mejor ejemplo para eso es la hembra Reproductora
Matthias                     de energía en el alimento. El tamaño del huevo es principalmente              Lohmann Brown, la cual es completamente blanca y pone huevos
                                                                                                           marrones más oscuros que las líneas machos de Rhode Island.
SCHMUTZ                      dependiente de la grasa y aminoácidos. Uniendo esos dos,
                             tendremos siempre que considerar los ingredientes. En general
Director of Research         el consumo de alimento y el tamaño del huevo están altamente
& Development                relacionados, así que un ave que produzca buen tamaño de huevo                Knowing that the persistence will be longer, it will be possible to

                             necesitará más consumo de alimento que una ave que produzca                   improve the quality of the shell in genetics, since the nutrition is
                             menor tamaño de huevo.                                                        very close to the limit.

                                                                                                           Sabiendo que las persistencias seran mas largas, se podra

                                                                                                           mejorar calidad de cascaron en genetica , ya que la nutricion esta
                                                                                                           muy cerca del limite.gracias

                                                                                                           Breeding for persistency always consider the egg breaking strength
                                                                                                           to increase the amount of saleable eggs. But nutrition is still a key
                                                                                                           factor in a prolonged laying cycle as you ahve to provide the bird a
Björn                                                                                                      fitted calcium and vitamine source.
                              Thank you for your
                                                                                                           La selección para persistencia siempre considera la resistencia
Deputy Director                                                                                            de cáscara para aumentar la cantidad de huevos vendibles. Sin
of R&D                                                                                                     embargo, la nutrición es un factor clave en ciclos largos, una vez que

                              active participation!                                                        debemos suministrar a las aves fuentes y cantidades adecuadas de
                                                                                                           calcio y vitaminas.
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