Qubo Wall P/L Manual 2022 - play it smart - Visplay

Page created by Leon Gregory
Qubo Wall P/L Manual 2022 - play it smart - Visplay
Qubo Wall P/L
    Manual 2022

      play it smart
Qubo Wall P/L

Qubo Wall P/L is an electrified shelving and structural system that is to be mounted in
front of the wall. It consists of sturdy square tubes, measuring 25 x 25 mm. The integrated
electrical rails are concealed in the wall uprights of Qubo Wall P/L, and merchandise
supports with LED lighting are automatically powered when inserted. Monitors and digital
devices can also be connected to the 24 V electrification. In addition, LED spotlights can
be hooked into the uprights.

96   1/2022 (US)
Qubo Wall P/L

                   Qubo Wall P/L upright, left                     Qubo Wall P/L upright,                          Qubo Wall P/L upright, left
                   power supply at base                            centre                                          without electrification
                                                                   power supply at base


                           41.339" (1050 mm)                               41.339" (1050 mm)                               41.339" (1050 mm)
                           55.118" (1400 mm)                               55.118" (1400 mm)                               55.118" (1400 mm)

                                               73.228" (1860 mm)                               73.228" (1860 mm)                               73.228" (1860 mm)
                                               96.850" (2460 mm)                               96.850" (2460 mm)                               96.850" (2460 mm)

                            10.709"–14.646"                                 10.709"–14.646"                                 10.709"–14.646"
                             (272–372 mm)                                    (272–372 mm)                                    (272–372 mm)

 Characteristics   Nominal voltage = 24 V DC                       Nominal voltage = 24 V DC                       Square tube = 1" × 1"
                   Nominal current max. 7   A                      Nominal current max. 7 A
                                                                                                                   With two pins on one side to support
                   Square tube = 1" × 1"                           Square tube = 1" × 1"                           connection tubes.

                   With two pins on one side to support            With two pins on each side to support           Steel upright with holes in 3.44"
                   connection tubes.                               connection tubes.                               ­increments.

                   Steel upright with integrated power             Steel upright with integrated power             Max. weight load = 264 lbs
                   rail for electrification of shelves             rail for electrification of shelves
                   with LED lighting, holes in 3.44"               with LED lighting, holes in 3.44"                  Observe the assembly and
                   ­increments.                                    ­increments.                                       operating instruction

                   Max. weight load = 264 lbs                      Max. weight load = 2 x 264 lbs

                      Observe the assembly and                        Observe the assembly and
                      operating instruction                           operating instruction

 Order number      black steel duro                                black steel duro                                black steel duro
                   73"                           702-370.26        73"                           702-373.26        73"                           702-379.26
                   97"                           702-312.26        97"                           702-318.26        97"                           702-363.26

                   Powered structures must end with                Incl. 2 wall brackets with levelling            Incl. 2 wall brackets with levelling
                   a non-electrified outer upright at the          adjustment.                                     adjustment.
                   right-hand end.

                   Incl. 2 wall brackets with levelling

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Qubo Wall P/L

     Qubo 25 P/L wall upright,                       Qubo 25 P/L outer wall upright,                 Set of connection tubes                   Assembly tool
     centre                                          right
     without electrification                         without electrification

             41.339" (1050 mm)                               41.339" (1050 mm)
             55.118" (1400 mm)                               55.118" (1400 mm)

                                 73.228" (1860 mm)                               73.228" (1860 mm)
                                 96.850" (2460 mm)                               96.850" (2460 mm)                       25.591" (A 650 mm)
                                                                                                                         51.181" (A 1300 mm)

              10.709"–14.646"                                 10.709"–14.646"
               (272–372 mm)                                    (272–372 mm)

     Square tube = 1" × 1"                           Square tube = 1" × 1"                           To connect wall uprights                  For mounting connection tubes.

     With two pins on each side to support           With two pins on one side to support               Observe the assembly and
     connection tubes.                               connection tubes.                                  operating instruction

     Steel upright with holes in 3.44"               Steel upright with holes in 3.44"
     ­increments.                                    ­increments.

     Max. weight load = 2 x 264 lbs                  Can also be used as end upright
                                                     (outer right-hand end) with electrified
        Observe the assembly and                     wall structures.
        operating instruction
                                                     Max. weight load = 264 lbs

                                                        Observe the assembly and
                                                        operating instruction

     black steel duro                                black steel duro                                black steel duro                          bright silver duro
     73"                           702-382.26        73"                           702-376.26        for axis 25"               702-418.26     		111-844.12
     97"                           702-366.26        97"                           702-321.26        for axis 51"               702-328.26

     Incl. 2 wall brackets with levelling            Incl. 2 wall brackets with levelling            Set of 2 pieces.
     adjustment.                                     adjustment.

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Qubo Wall P/L

 End caps        24 V distributor, 6-way                 Extension cable 24 V                 90 W LED converter

                                                                                                                  NV (24 V)
                                                                                                                 L = 19.488“

                                                                                   120 V                                           120 V
                                                                                L = 98.425“                                    L = 59.055“
                                                                                (2500 mm)                                       (1500 mm)
                                                                                L = 31.496“
                                                         2x                      (800 mm)

                                                                 ø 0.303“                             ø 0.303“
                                                                 (7.7 mm)                             (7.7 mm)

                 For powering up to 6 profiles with a
                 max. 96 W converter.                                                           The total power used by the
                                                                                                connected appliances may not
                    Check the power consumption of                                              exceed the converter’s max.
                    electrical appliances!                                                      capacity.

                                                                                              Connection 100–240 V / 50–60 Hz
                 A switch input enables use of a power
                                                                                              Nominal voltage = 24 V DC / SELV
                                                                                                 Observe the assembly and
                 Nominal current max. 4 A (96 W)
                                                                                                 operating instruction

 black           white                                   black                                white
 		991-441.26    		138-974.19                            32"                    332-203.18                                349-140.19
                                                         98"                    138-984.18
 Set of 4 pcs.

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Qubo Wall P/L

  Tray for cables and c­ onverters         Slip-on shelf brackets                   Back bar for shelf                            Back bar with LED lighting for shelf
                                                                                    without electrification

                                                                 10.630" (270 mm)
         (500 mm)

                                                                                              0.984" x 0.984"                              0.984" x 0.984"
                                                                                               (25 x 25 mm)                                 (25 x 25 mm)

                                                                                                            25.591" (A 650 mm)                           25.591" (A 650 mm)
                                                                                                            51.181" (A 1300 mm)                          51.181" (A 1300 mm)

  Attached to bottom connection tube.      Are inserted over the connection tube.   Is suspended between the uprights.            Is suspended between the uprights.
  Shelf support bracket 702-758.26 with    (Tray with converter and cables are
  wooden shelf panel 704-280/704-281       hidden by wooden shelf panel).           Max. weight load = 88.2 lbs                   Nominal voltage = 24 V DC
  are placed on top.                       Max. weight load = 88.2 lbs                                                            - 5 W lamp for 25" axis
                                                                                       Drawing no.                                - 10 W lamp for 51" axis
      Observe the assembly and                Drawing no.                              704-278 Glass shelf 1290 mm                Colour temperature: 3000 K /
      operating instruction                   704-278 Glass shelf 1290 mm              Drawing no.                                4000 K SDCM3
                                                                                       704-279 Glass shelf 640 mm                 Colour rendering index: 92
                                              Drawing no.                                                                         Luminous flux: 1000 lm/m with opal
                                              704-279 Glass shelf 640 mm               Drawing no.                                diffusor
                                              Drawing no.                              704-280 Wooden shelf 1290 mm
                                                                                                                                  Max. weight load = 88.2 lbs
                                              704-280 Wooden shelf 1290 mm             Drawing no.
                                                                                       704-281 Wooden shelf 640 mm                   Drawing no.
                                              Drawing no.                                                                            704-278 Glass shelf 1290 mm
                                              704-281 Wooden shelf 640 mm
                                                                                                                                     Drawing no.
                                              Observe the assembly and                                                               704-279 Glass shelf 640 mm
                                              operating instruction
                                                                                                                                     Drawing no.
                                                                                                                                     704-280 Wooden shelf 1290 mm

                                                                                                                                     Drawing no.
                                                                                                                                     704-281 Wooden shelf 640 mm

  black steel duro                         black steel duro                         black steel duro                              black steel duro
                           702-757.26                               702-758.26      25"		704-269.26                               25"		704-304.26
  Set consisting of 1 converter tray and   Set of 2 pieces.                         51"		704-270.26                               51"		704-272.26
  4 cable carriers.
                                                                                                                                  Indicate colour temperature of 3000 K
                                                                                                                                  or 4000 K when placing order.

100      1/2022 (US)
Qubo Wall P/L

 LED suspension light                         LED spotlight for powered ­upright       Hanging rail 1" × 1"                           Front arm 1“ × 1“
                                              or hanging frame                         without electrification

                            0.984" × 0.984"
      25.591" (A 650 mm)     (25 × 25 mm)                                                     25.591" (A 650 mm)
      51.181" (A 1300 mm)                                               3.858"                51.181" (A 1300 mm)
                                                                                                                                                         9.252" (235 mm)
                                                                       (98 mm)

                                                                     ø 2.165"                                       0.984" x 0.984"
                                                                     (55 mm)                                         (25 x 25 mm)

 Is suspended between the uprights.           LED-powered light and optical lens. Is   Is suspended between the uprights.             For mounting on hanging rail
                                              inserted into the perforated holes on    Max. weight load = 88.2 lbs                    0.98" × 0.98"
 Nominal voltage = 24 V DC                    the powered upright.
 - Lamp 5 W for axis 25"                                                                                                              Max. weight load = 44.1"
 - Lamp 10 W for axis 51"                     Nominal voltage = 24 V DC
 Colour temperature: 3000 K /                 Lamp 7 W, D 2"                                                                          We recommend that the m     ­ erchandise
 4000 K SDCM3                                 Colour temperature: 3000 K SDCM3                                                        support frame is ­secured with
 Colour rendering index: 92                   Colour rendering index: 80                                                              the floor attachment plates to avoid
 Luminous flux: 1000 lm/m with opal           Luminous flux: approx. 330 lm with                                                      ­tilting in the event of a one-sided
 diffuser                                     optical lens                                                                             load.

                                              Reflected beam angle: approx: 40°

                                              Swivel range: up to 90° downwards

 black steel duro                             black steel duro                         black steel duro                               black steel duro
 for axis 25"                  704-412.26                             993-447.26       for axis 25“                     704-273.26    7"                          704-256.26
 for axis 51"                  704-394.26                                              for axis 51"                     704-274.26

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Qubo Wall P/L

  Hanging rail 1" × 1"                          Hanging rail 1" × 1"                   Scliss
  with a front arm on each side                 with two front arms on each side
  without electrification                       without electrification

                                                                                                   100 x
                                                                     0.984" x 0.984"
                                                                      (25 x 25 mm)

      25.591" (A 650 mm)
      51.181" (A 1300 mm)
                                                      (625 mm)

                                                                                                               R 0.807“
                                                                                                              (20.5 mm)
                                                                   (A 1300 mm)
                            0.984" x 0.984"
        15.748"              (25 x 25 mm)
       (400 mm)

  Is suspended between the uprights.            Is suspended between the uprights.     Prevents scratches on hanging rails
                                                                                       and fronT-arms in silk or stainless steel.
  Front arm depth 7,362"                        Front arm depth 7,362"
                                                                                       To clip into coat hanger hook
  Max. weight load = 88.2 lbs                   Max. weight load = 88.2 lbs            (Ø 0.134"–0.150" / Ø 3.4–3.0.315").

  black steel duro                              black steel duro                       transparent
  25"                              704-275.26   51"                       704-276.26   		929-449.02

                                                                                       Set of 100 pcs.

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Qubo Wall P/L

Standard surface finishes

black steel duro*

Special surface finishes

night blue                                   forest green

highland green                               sterling silver duro*

dark bronze                                  rose bronze

champagne gold                               light silver duro*

traffic white duro*

* Duro surface finishes are ideal for all systems, products and
supports that are subject to heavy wear.

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ISO 9001 / ISO 14001                                                                                            Dimensions are generally shown in inches (approximate) and
                                                                                                                ­millimetres (exact).
The safety of Visplay products is continuously monitored by external
testing institutes, Intertek Germany and UL (Underwriters Laboratories                                          Ito      =   Length to order
Inc.).                                                                                                          hto      =   Height to order
For electrified systems, the CE marking confirms conformity with the                                            cto      =   Colour to order
relevant directives.                                                                                            L        =   Length
                                                                                                                A        =   Axis
All processes in our company are subject to a comprehensive                                                     H        =   Height
                                                                                                                D        =   Depth
management system which corresponds with the ISO 9001 quality
standard and the ISO 14001 environment standard.
                                                                                                                Delivery time
                                                                                                                Please check delivery times with us.
Copyright ©
                                                                                                                Air freight
                                                                                                                Items which are to be dispatched by air must not exceed a total length
All products by Visplay and their names are protected by intellectual                                           of 3 metres.
property rights. This protection is valid for the basic system along with
the merchandise supports and accessories.                                                                          Drawings of wooden and glass shelves
                                                                                                                Production drawings of shelves with the 6 digit part number are
In the event of infringement, Visplay reserves the right                                                        available for download in the product area and in the download
to take legal steps.                                                                                            centre at www.visplay.com or can be received on request.

• Our general conditions of delivery and sale are valid for all orders.                                             Assembly and operating instructions
• We reserve the right to make technical and formal alterations.                                                Special assembly and operating instructions exist for all products by
                                                                                                                Visplay in order to guarantee the functions and safety. These
                                                                                                                instructions contain important information e.g. maximum weight loads,
                                                                                                                assembly dimensions or information on the correct assembly and use.
                                                                                                                The respective assembly and operating instructions are included in the
                                                                                                                delivery of our systems. A general catalogue is also available on
                                                                                                                request for planning purposes. The assembly and operating instructions
                                                                                                                are available for download in the product area and in the download
                                                                                                                centre at www.visplay.com.

Visplay always tries to respect the rights of third parties. Should it not be stated in individual cases, this is an oversight and will be corrected accordingly.
You can get in touch with us by email or by phone.
  Contact details for our offices can be found here:

www.visplay.com info@visplay.com
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