Page created by Anthony Harmon


                                    Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020   Table of Contents

Table of Contents

03    Merck – In brief

04    Developments within the Group and R&D

09    Course of Business and Economic Position
09    Merck
16    Healthcare
20    Life Science
23    Performance Materials
27	Corporate and Other

28    Outlook

33    Supplemental Financial Information
34    Consolidated Income Statement
35    Statement of Comprehensive Income
36    Consolidated Balance Sheet
37    Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
38    Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Equity
40    Information by Business Sector
43    Significant events during the reporting period
44    Subsequent events
45	Effects of disclosure changes

46    Financial Calendar

This document is a quarterly statement pursuant to section
53 of the Exchange Rules for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

This quarterly statement contains certain financial indicators
such as operating result (EBIT), EBITDA, EBITDA pre, busi-
ness free cash flow (BFCF), free cash flow, net fi
                                                ­ nancial debt
and earnings per share pre, which are not defined by Inter-
national Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These finan-
cial indicators should not be taken into account in order to
assess the performance of Merck in isolation or used as an
alternative to the financial indicators ­presented in the con-
solidated financial statements and determined in accordance
with IFRS.

The figures presented in this quarterly statement have been
rounded. This may lead to individual values not adding up to
the totals presented.

The Annual Report for 2019 has been optimized
for mobile devices and is available on the Web at
                                                  Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020   M e rck – I n bri e f

Merck – In brief
Key figures

€ million                                                                                                   Q1 2020    Q1 2019     Change
Net sales                                                                                                     4,370     3,746      16.7%
Operating result (EBIT )1                                                                                        716      379      89.0%
    Margin (% of net sales)1                                                                                 16.4%     10.1%
EBITDA 2                                                                                                      1,148       853      34.6%
    Margin (% of net sales)1                                                                                 26.3%     22.8%
EBITDA pre                                                                                                     1,181      929      27.2%
    Margin (% of net sales)1                                                                                 27.0%     24.8%
Profit after tax                                                                                                 458      190    > 100.0%
Earnings per share (€)                                                                                          1.05     0.43    > 100.0%
Earnings per share pre (€)1                                                                                     1.50     1.13      32.7%
Business free cash flow1                                                                                         661      545      21.4%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS ).

Net sales by quarter
€ million

                  4,370                                                                                                            2020
                  3,746                                                                                                            2019




Jan.-Dec.         16,152

EBITDA pre1 by quarter
€ million

                  1,181                                                                                                            2020
                  929                                                                                                              2019




Jan.-Dec.         4,385

1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
                                Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020        Developments within the Group and R&D

within the Group and R&D

Merck                                                                      This section of the present quarterly statement summarizes
                                                                           the highlights of the first quarter of 2020 at Merck includ-
Summary of the first quarter of 2020                                       ing those in research in development. A detailed descrip-
                                                                           tion of Merck and its business sectors can be found in our
We are Merck, a vibrant science and technology company.                    Annual Report for 2019. https://www.merckgroup.com/en/
­Science is at the heart of everything we do. It drives the discov-        annualreport/2019.
eries we make and the technologies we create. Our work makes
a positive difference to millions of people’s lives every day.
      In Healthcare, we discover unique ways to treat the most             Healthcare
challenging diseases such as multiple sclerosis and cancer.
      Our Life Science experts empower scientists by develop-              BIOPHARMA
ing tools and solutions that help deliver breakthroughs more               Oncology and Immuno-Oncology
quickly.                                                                   • On January 6, we and our alliance partner Pfizer Inc. reported
      And in Performance Materials, we develop science that sits                that the Phase III JAVELIN Bladder 100 study met its primary
inside technologies and changes the way we access and dis-                      endpoint of overall survival (OS) at the planned interim
play information.                                                               ­analysis. In this study, patients with previously untreated
      Everything we do is fueled by a belief in science and tech-               locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma whose
nology as a force for good. A belief that has driven our work                   disease did not progress on induction chemotherapy and who
since 1668, and will continue to inspire us to find more joyful                 were randomized to receive first-line maintenance therapy
and sustainable ways to live. We are curious minds dedicated                    with Bavencio® (avelumab) and best supportive care (BSC)
to human progress. We hold the global rights to the Merck                       lived significantly longer than those who received BSC only.
name and brand. The only exceptions are Canada and the                          A statistically significant improvement in OS was demon-
United States. In these countries, we operate as EMD Serono in                  strated in the avelumab group in each of the co-primary
the Biopharma business, as MilliporeSigma in the Life ­Science                  populations: all randomized patients and patients with
business and as EMD Performance Materials in the high-tech                      PD-L1–positive tumors. The safety profile for avelumab in
materials business.                                                             the trial was consistent with that in the JAVELIN monother-
      We had 57,451 employees worldwide on March 31, 2020,                      apy clinical development program. The results of the study
compared with 52,140 employees on March 31, 2019.                               will be submitted for presentation at an upcoming medical

M ERC K G R O U P                                                         M E RC K GROUP 
Net sales by business sector – Q1 2020                                     EBITDA pre1 by business sector2 – Q1 2020
€ million / in % of net sales                                              € million / in %

21%                                                                        22%
Performance Materials                                                      Performance Materials

900                                                                        286
                                                                    39%                                                                                   36%
                                                              Healthcare                                                                            Healthcare

                                                                 1,701                                                                                   472
40%                                                                        42%
Life Science                                                               Life Science

1,769                                                                      553

                                                                           1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
                                                                           2 Not  presented: Decline in Group EBITDA pre by € –129 million
                                                                               due to Corporate and Other.
                                    Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020               Developments within the Group and R&D

     congress and shared with the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis-                              These changes were not data-driven as no results were avail-
     tration (FDA) and other health authorities.                                           able for the 037 study at the time.
• On March 2, Erbitux® (cetuximab) was granted approval by                                 Bintrafusp alfa is being studied in a variety of solid tumors,
     the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) of                                including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (INTR@PID
     China for the first-line treatment of patients with recurrent                         LUNG 005, INTR@PID LUNG 024, INTR@PID LUNG 037) and
     and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and                             biliary tract cancer (BTC) (INTR@PID BTC 055, INTR@PID
     neck (SCCHN) in combination with platinum-based therapy                               BTC 047). In the first quarter of 2020, we initiated a new
     plus fluorouracil. Evidence from the pivotal Phase III CHANGE                         clinical study for an HPV-associated tumor, cervical cancer
     II study, on which the approval is based, shows the efficacy                          (INTR@PID CERVICAL 017). Additional studies are in plan-
     and safety of the EXTREME regimen (cetuximab + cisplatin                              ning and will be communicated in the coming months. In
     + 5-FU, followed by cetuximab maintenance) versus plati-                              December 2018, bintrafusp alfa was granted orphan drug
     num-based chemotherapy (cisplatin + 5-FU) alone for first-                            designation by both the FDA as well as the European Medi-
     line treatment in Chinese patients with recurrent and/or                              cines Agency in BTC.
     metastatic SCCHN. The data showed that the addition of                              • On March 25, we announced that the Japanese Ministry of
     cetuximab to platinum-based chemotherapy improved pro-                                Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) approved Tepmetko®
     gression-free survival (PFS), OS and overall response rate                            (tepotinib) for the treatment of patients with unresectable,
     (ORR), confirming the relevance of the EXTREME regimen                                advanced or recurrent NSCLC with MET exon 14 (METex14)
     specifically in this patient population.                                              skipping alterations. Tepmetko® is administered at a dose of
• On March 13, we and our alliance partner Pfizer Inc. provided                            500 mg once daily as two 250 mg tablets. This is the first
     an update from the Phase III JAVELIN Head and Neck 100                                regulatory approval globally for an oral MET inhibitor indi-
     study evaluating Bavencio® in addition to chemoradiother-                             cated for the treatment of advanced NSCLC harboring MET
     apy (CRT) versus standard-of-care CRT in patients with                                gene alterations. Tepotinib was previously granted SAKI-
     untreated locally advanced SCCHN. The alliance accepted                               GAKE ‟fast-track” designation and orphan drug designation
     the recommendation of the independent Data Monitoring                                 by the MHLW. The approval of Tepmetko® in Japan is sup-
     Committee to terminate the JAVELIN Head and Neck 100                                  ported by data from 99 patients with NSCLC with METex14
     trial, as the study was unlikely to show a statistically signif-                      skipping alterations enrolled in the ongoing single-arm Phase
     icant improvement in the primary endpoint of PFS based on                             II VISION study. In September 2019, the FDA granted
     a preplanned interim analysis. A detailed analysis of the                             Breakthrough Therapy designation for tepotinib in patients
     Phase III JAVELIN Head and Neck 100 study is being con-                               with metastatic NSCLC harboring METex14 skipping alter-
     ducted and study findings will be shared with the scientific                          ations who progressed following platinum-based cancer ther-
     community.                                                                            apy. We intend to file tepotinib for regulatory review with
• On March 13, we announced that we and our alliance partner                               the FDA in 2020.
     GlaxoSmithKline decided to proactively amend the protocol
     of the bintrafusp alfa INTR@PID Lung 037 study versus pem-                          Neurology and Immunology
     brolizumab. The changes include:                                                    • On February 20, we communicated our decision to change
       n adaptive trial design based on pre-specified rules to deter-                     the comparator in our Phase III studies of evobrutinib to
         mine whether to expand to Phase III or stay as Phase II                           Aubagio (EVOLUTION RMS 1 and 2). Evobrutinib is an oral,
     – a change to study endpoints from ORR/PFS to PFS/OS,                                highly selective Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitor being
         thus confirming the registrational intent and incorporat-                         investigated in adult patients with relapsing multiple sclero-
         ing the guidance from health authorities                                          sis (MS). Evobrutinib was developed in our own laboratories

MER C K G R O U P                                                                       M E RC K GROUP 
Business free cash flow1 by business sector2 – Q1 2020                                   Employees by region as of March 31, 2020
€ million / in %                                                                         Number / in%

                                                                                         6%                                                                 2%
23%                                                                                      Latin America                             Middle East and Africa (MEA )
Performance Materials
                                                                                         3,458                                                          1,347
                                                                            Healthcare   22%
                                                                                         Asia-Pacific (APAC )                                             47%
                                                                                 377                                                                    Europe
Life Science                                                                             23%
                                                                                         North America

1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
2 Not  presented: Decline in Group business free cash flow by € –146 million
    due to Corporate and Other.
                            Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020     Developments within the Group and R&D

    and demonstrates our commitment to improving the lives             • The successful global launches of our Pergoveris® Pen con-
    of people with MS and other chronic progressive diseases.            tinued in early 2020 with Indonesia, Panama and Slovakia,
• On March 19, we announced that as part of the global effort            so that patients in 27 countries now have access to this
    to investigate potential therapeutics for Covid-19 and our           convenient and ready-to-use fertility combination treatment
    support of independent research, we donated a supply of              option for women with severe follicle-stimulating hormone
    interferon beta-1a (Rebif®) to the French Institut National          and luteinizing hormone deficiency. Additional launches in
    de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) following           other countries are planned.
    a request for use in a clinical trial (DISCOVERY). The trial is
    sponsored by INSERM and its launch was announced by the            ALLERGOPHARMA
    French Health authorities on March 11. To date, our inter-         • On February 19, we signed an agreement to sell our allergy
    feron beta-1a has not been approved by any regulatory                business Allergopharma to Dermapharm Holding SE
    authority for the treatment of Covid-19 or for use as an             (­‟Dermapharm”). The transaction closed on March 31. By
    antiviral agent.                                                     divesting Allergopharma, we are further sharpening the
• During the first quarter, we continued to gain regulatory              focus of the Healthcare business sector on the development
    approvals for our oral MS medicine Mavenclad® (cladribine            of innovative medicines for difficult-to-treat diseases. The
    tablets), including in Morocco, Thailand, Oman, Russia, and          divestment to Dermapharm will sustainably strengthen the
    Macau. These approvals of Mavenclad® follow its approvals            business of Allergopharma, a leader in allergen-specific
    in more than 70 other countries, including the United States         immunotherapy of type 1 allergies such as hay fever or
    in March 2019 and the 28 countries of the European Union             ­allergic asthma. Allergopharma products are available in
    including the United Kingdom, as well as in Norway,                  18 countries worldwide.
    ­Liechtenstein and Iceland in August 2017.

General Medicine and Endocrinology                                     ­­Life ­Science
• Glucophage®, containing the active ingredient metformin, is
    now approved in 56 countries for prediabetes when lifestyle        • IIn the first quarter of 2020, we continued to focus on meet-
    intervention is not enough to control the condition.                 ing customer needs by launching more than 4,000 products
• In early 2020, the number of new patients using the                    across the Research Solutions, Process Solutions and Applied
    ­Easypod® electromechanical injection device for treatment           Solutions business units, including those launched through
    with Saizen® (somatropin) continued to grow, bringing the            our ‟faucet program” for antibodies, reference materials,
    total number of patients enrolled on Easypod® Connect to             chemicals and nanomaterials.
    almost 21,000. In addition to that, an innovative mobile app       • In January, we opened a non-profit, high-tech skill develop-
    called Easypod® AR was launched in Taiwan and Hong Kong,             ment center in collaboration with the Council of Scientific
    with global rollout to additional markets planned during 2020        and Industrial Research’s Institute of Microbial Technology
    and 2021. Easypod® AR uses augmented reality technology              (CSIR-IMTECH), an organization under the government of
    to support patients learning how to operate the Easypod®             India’s Ministry of Science and Technology. Located in
    device, offering an innovative, interactive and engaging             ­Chandigarh, India, the center is equipped with genome-­
    learning experience. Saizen® is our main endocrinology               editing, single-molecule biomarker detection and other tech-
    product and is indicated for the treatment of growth ­hormone        nologies to help local students build life science skills.
    deficiency in children and adults.                                 • In February, we introduced the BrightLab™ platform, our
                                                                         cloud-based software solution bringing inventory manage-
Fertility                                                                ment and instrument connectivity functionalities to research
• To date, an estimated 3.6 million babies have been born with           scientists. The tool brings Internet of Things (IoT) integra-
    the help of our Fertility portfolio.                                 tions to R&D, meeting an increasing demand for data auto-
• On January 22, we reported that the European Commission                mation and accessible, real-time monitoring of centralized
    granted marketing authorization for our new Gonal-f (folli-          and synched lab data.
    tropin alfa) 150 IU pen injection device. This means we now        • Also in February, we announced that our business was
    offer an even more comprehensive range of best-in-class              selected by Elypta, a molecular diagnostics firm in Sweden,
    pens, supporting patients from the beginning to the end of           as the contract manufacturer for their Research Use Only
    their fertility stimulation cycle, when lower doses are              (RUO) clinical diagnostic liquid biopsy kits. Once validated
    required.                                                            and commercialized, the kits will be intended to improve the
                          Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020      Developments within the Group and R&D

  accuracy of cancer diagnoses by analyzing metabolites                  every major step in the wafer manufacturing process –
  deregulated in several cancer types. The kits will be manu-            including doping, lithography, patterning, deposition, pla-
  factured at the Life Science facility in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.     narization, etching, and cleaning. Specialty cleans,
• In addition, we announced a global licensing agreement with            ­photo­resists and conductive pastes for semiconductor pack-
  ReForm Biologics, a pharmaceutical technology company in               aging round off the portfolio.
  Woburn, Massachusetts, USA, for excipient development and            • Delivery Systems & Services (DS&S) develops and deploys
  commercialization. The collaboration will accelerate R&D               equipment that enables our Semiconductor Materials
  activities and GMP manufacturing for ReForm’s excipients,              ­business to manage safe and reliable delivery of hazardous
  making them available to our customers for use in biologic             materials to our customers. This unit also supports the
  formulations.                                                          installation of our equipment and the safe handling of our
• In March, we launched the LANEXO™ system for lab inven-                materials through MEGASYS® Gas and Chemical Services,
  tory, safety and compliance management. This first-to-mar-             which celebrated 30 years in business last year.
  ket digital lab informatics solution offers radio-frequency          • DS&S launched two new models within our CHEMGUARD
  identification (RFID) labels, cloud-based integration, mobile          family, which are high purity, liquid delivery systems. These
  and web applications for easily accessible digital data cap-           newest product offerings enable and align with our thin film
  ture and real-time documentation.                                      molecules. The CHEMGUARD CG600 is developed for primar-
• As part of our response to the Covid-19 pandemic, in March,            ily handling our product TDMAT (TetrakisDiMethylAmino­
  we launched a dedicated Covid-19 webpage on our e-Com-                 Titanium), which is enjoying wider adoption in high volume
  merce platform, providing a one-stop-shop of approximately             manufacturing (HVM) with increased volumes. The CG600
  200 products and corresponding information for academic                integrates our innovative delivery system into bulk appli­
  labs and biopharmaceutical companies working to combat                 cations to ensure low vapor pressure, highly reactive mole-
  the virus. This consolidated offering of our products, services        cule integrity during cannister changes, without the use of
  and necessary raw materials empowers scientists and                    heat or solvent. The CHEMGUARD CG350 has been adopted
  researchers to detect and characterize viruses and to develop          in some of the latest advanced chemical vapor deposition
  vaccines and therapies.                                                (CVD) applications, which utilizes increasingly challenging
                                                                         molecules that DS&S delivers.
                                                                       • In Semiconductor Materials, our thin film solutions business
Performance Materials                                                    continues to make progress in all our technology platforms
                                                                         - organosilanes, organometallics and liquid phase silicon for-
• Our Performance Materials business sector comprises the                mulations for processes with low resistance and improved
  specialty chemicals business of Merck and consists of three            dielectric characteristics for faster or better processors, serv-
  business units: Semiconductor Solutions, Display Solutions             ers and data storage density.
  and Surface Solutions.                                               • Our planarization business developed new products in dielec-
• We are well on track in the execution of our five-year Bright          tric polishing and copper metal polishing for advanced logic
  Future transformation program announced in 2018, with                  and memory. The new products have been a key accelerator
  which we are adapting to new market realities and customer             to sustain momentum in the market through continued inno-
  requirements.                                                          vation and improving defect reduction.
• With the completion of the acquisitions of Intermolecular and        • In the photoresists business we are continuously developing
  Versum Materials, we reached two major milestones on our               new products to address the needs of the growing market,
  Bright Future journey to transform Performance Materials               e.g. for 3D NAND, sensors and radio frequency filters. Fur-
  into a strong solutions provider and leading player in the             thermore, customer interest in directed self-assembly tech-
  electronic materials market. We are making good progress               nology remains strong.
  with the integration, ensuring a seamless transition and             • In the 5G space, our Transient Liquid Phase Sintering (TLPS)
  business continuity.                                                   conductive pastes are enabling high-yield production of
                                                                         advanced antenna applications. Our mid- to back-end
Semiconductor Solutions                                                  ­photolithography resist materials used in electronic packag-
• Semiconductor Solutions is the largest business within                 ing applications continue to drive miniaturization and
  ­Performance Materials. It consists of two dedicated units:            ­heterogeneous integration for small-form factor devices.
  Delivery Systems & Services as well as Semiconductor Mate-           • Intermolecular, our R&D services offering, achieved signifi-
  rials. Our Semiconductor Materials unit supplies products for          cant breakthroughs in Ovonic Threshold Switch selectors,
                           Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020     Developments within the Group and R&D

    which are crucial for the development of next-generation 3D       Surface Solutions
    Phase Change Memories, a key memory technology. We are            • The core markets for Surface Solutions are automotive coat-
    currently working with our partners to develop the materials        ings, cosmetics, and, to a smaller extent, industrials. We are
    and integration processes required for their commercial             serving them with functional and decorative solutions. Our
    introduction.                                                       focus is on expanding our portfolio through innovation in all
Display Solutions                                                     • For the automotive market, we continue to expand our capa-
• Our Display Solutions business unit consists of our Liquid            bilities for silica flake production with the focus on Color-
    Crystals, Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLED), Photo­              stream® Lava Red, which offers both chromatic effects and
    resists, and Liquid Crystal Windows businesses.                     high hiding power. Another focus is on promoting the intense
• In Liquid Crystals, we are facing a declining market as               sparkle effects that our Xirallic® NXT pigments Amur Black
    expected. Our newest materials are helping us maintain our          and Tigris Blue can achieve in automotive stylings.
    position as the technology leader. With our XtraBright™           • We have launched several new laser additives under the
    products, we were able to win new projects for large area           brand name Iriotec® as well as a new high luster pigment
    displays as well as high-resolution mobile devices.                 Biflair® 81 which offers unique brilliancy in printing applica-
• With our OLED materials, the business unit is contributing            tions.
    to the fast-growing market of flexible displays, which            • In the area of cosmetics, we have completed our Ronastar®
    includes foldable smartphones and rollable TVs. Our OLED            Lights series with two further elements to achieve unique
    materials have qualified in all upcoming free form display          sparkle effects. Ronacare® Balmance is a new active ingre-
    based products that will enter the market this year.                dient addressing the claims of anti-itching, redness reduction
• Our Photoresist materials are also contributing to the flexible       and soothing, which can be, for example, of particular impor-
    displays market. Our low-temperature processable positive           tance for users of face masks.
    tone photoresists are widely used to pattern on-cell touch        • In response to the postponement of the industry fair
    sensors. These sensors enable a thinner display structure           ‟in-cosmetics,” we launched the ‟Live Cosmetics Conference”
    which is crucial for foldable devices.                              as an online alternative to our physical appearance at the
• For Liquid Crystal Window modules, we successfully com-               exhibition. The two-day web-based event attracted more
    pleted the installation phase of two architectural lighthouse       than 2,200 participants to interact with our experts and learn
    projects: one with crane manufacturer Kirow in Leipzig,             about new products and industry trends.
    ­Germany; and another project with consulting, controlling
    and planning company FC Group in Karlsruhe, Germany.
                            Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020      Course of Business and Economic Position   M er c k

Course of Business
and Economic Position

Overview – Q1 2020

• All business sectors contribute to double-digit increase                    • Group EBITDA pre up by 27.2% to € 1,181 million;
     (16.7%) in Group sales to € 4,370 million                                  EBITDA pre margin improves to 27.0% (Q1 2019: 24.8%)

• Group net sales show organic growth of 7.6%, insignifi-                     • Net financial debt amounts to € 12.3 billion on March 31,
     cantly supported by positive exchange rate effects (0.6%)                  2020 (December 31, 2019: € 12.4 billion)

Key figures

€ million                                                                                              Q1 2020          Q1 2019         Change
Net sales                                                                                                4,370            3,746         16.7%
Operating result (EBIT )1                                                                                  716                  379     89.0%
    Margin (% of net sales)1                                                                            16.4%            10.1%
EBITDA 2                                                                                                 1,148                  853     34.6%
    Margin (% of net sales)1                                                                            26.3%            22.8%
EBITDA pre                                                                                               1,181                  929     27.2%
    Margin (% of net sales)1                                                                            27.0%            24.8%
Profit after tax                                                                                           458                  190   > 100.0%
Earnings per share (€)                                                                                    1.05              0.43      > 100.0%
Earnings per share pre (€)1                                                                               1.50              1.13        32.7%
Business free cash flow1                                                                                   661                  545     21.4%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).

DE V EL O P M EN T O F NET SA LES                                             Materials, Inc., USA, (Versum), which closed on October 7,
AN D R ES U L T S O F O PER A TIO NS                                          2019, as well as the acquisition of Intermolecular, Inc., USA,
In the first quarter of 2020, the Merck Group generated net sales             (Intermolecular), which closed on September 20, 2019. Both
of € 4,370 million (Q1 2019: € 3,746 million). This r­ epresented             businesses are now part of the Semiconductor Solutions busi-
a year-on-year increase of around € 624 million or 16.7%.                     ness unit of our Performance Materials business sector.
Organic sales growth for the Group amounted to € 286 million                      In the first quarter of 2020, all business sectors increased
or 7.6% in the first quarter of 2020. While the two top-selling               net sales in comparison with the year-earlier quarter. In the
business sectors Life Science and Healthcare generated organic                first quarter of 2020, the Healthcare business sector gener-
sales increases of 5.6% and 15.3%, respectively, Performance                  ated a double-­digit sales increase of 14.9% to € 1,701 million
Materials saw an organic sales decline of –5.4%. At 0.6%, the                 (Q1 2019: € 1,481 million), which was mainly due to organic
impact of foreign exchange on Group sales was insignificant.                  sales growth (15.3%). Healthcare’s share of Group net sales
Portfolio changes increased Group net sales by € 315 million                  declined slightly to 39% (Q1 2019: 40%). In the first quarter of
or 8.4%. This primary stemmed from the acquisition of Versum                  2020, net sales of the Life Science business sector increased by
                             Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020               Course of Business and Economic Position        M er c k

6.5% to € 1,769 million (Q1 2019: € 1,661 million). Account-                           (Q1 2019: € 604 million) owing to the successful acquisitions
ing for a 40% (Q1 2019: 44%) share of Group net sales in                               of Versum and Intermolecular. The percentage contribution
the first quarter of 2020, Life Science was the Group’s largest                        of the P
                                                                                              ­ erformance Materials business sector to Group net
business sector in terms of sales. Net sales of the Performance                        sales ­correspondingly rose by five percentage points to 21%
Materials business sector increased by 49.0% to € 900 million                          (Q1 2019: 16%).

Net sales by business sector
                                                                          Organic    Exchange rate   Acquisitions/
€ million                                 Q1 2020               Share     growth1          effects   divestments     Total change         Q1 2019      Share

­Healthcare                                  1,701              39%       15.3%            –0.4%                –        14.9%                 1,481   40%
­Life ­Science                               1,769              40%        5.6%             0.9%                –          6.5%                1,661   44%
­Performance ­Materials                        900              21%       –5.4%             2.4%         52.1%           49.0%                  604    16%
Merck Group                                  4,370             100%        7.6%             0.6%           8.4%          16.7%                 3,746   100%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).

In the first quarter of 2020, the regional sales development of
the Merck Group was as follows:

Net sales by region
                                                                          Organic    Exchange rate   Acquisitions/
€ million                                 Q1 2020               Share     growth1          effects   divestments     Total change          Q1 2019     Share

Europe                                       1,310              30%        9.7%             0.3%           1.4%          11.3%                 1,177   32%
North America                                1,150              26%       12.0%             3.2%           7.9%          23.1%                  934    25%
Asia-Pacific (APAC )                         1,536              35%        1.2%             1.3%          16.9%          19.4%                 1,287   34%
Latin America                                  252                6%      21.6%           –12.4%           0.2%            9.4%                 230     6%
Middle East and
Africa (MEA )                                  121                3%      –4.0%             1.1%           5.9%            3.0%                 118     3%
Merck Group                                  4,370             100%        7.6%             0.6%           8.4%          16.7%                 3,746   100%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
                            Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020      Course of Business and Economic Position   M er c k

The consolidated income statement of the Merck Group is as

Consolidated Income Statement

€ million                                                                                              Q1 2020          Q1 2019         Change
Net sales                                                                                                4,370            3,746         16.7%
Cost of sales                                                                                           –1,654          –1,384          19.5%
Gross profit                                                                                             2,716            2,362         15.0%

Marketing and selling expenses                                                                          –1,059          –1,091          –2.9%
Administration expenses                                                                                   –289             –283          1.9%
Research and development costs                                                                            –579             –527         10.0%
Impairment losses and reversals of impairment losses on financial assets (net)                                6                 –4    > 100.0%
Other operating expenses and income                                                                        –80                  –79      0.9%
Operating result (EBIT )1                                                                                  716                  379     89.0%

Financial result                                                                                           –98             –113         –12.5%
Profit before income tax                                                                                   617                  266   > 100.0%

Income tax                                                                                                –159                  –67   > 100.0%
Profit after tax from continuing operations                                                                458                  199   > 100.0%
Profit after tax from discontinued operation                                                                  –                 –10          –
Profit after tax                                                                                           458                  190   > 100.0%

Non-controlling interests                                                                                   –2                  –1      99.8%
Net income                                                                                                 456                  189   > 100.0%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).

In the first quarter of 2020, the positive development of Group               The 89.0% increase in the operating result (EBIT) to € 716 mil-
sales led to an increase of 15.0% in gross profit to € 2,716 mil-             lion (Q1 2019: € 379 million) was due mainly to the positive
lion (Q1 2019: € 2,362 million). The resulting gross margin of                development of gross profit.
the Group, i.e. gross profit as a percentage of sales, slipped                    Despite higher interest expenses, the financial result
slightly to 62.2% (Q1 2019: 63.1%).                                           improved to € –98 million (Q1 2019: € –113 million) since
       The 10.0% increase in research and development costs                   the year-earlier quarter was burdened by expenses from the
to € 579 million (Q1 2019: € 527 million) was due mainly to                   revaluation of the existing option to acquire F-star Delta Ltd.
the Healthcare business sector. In the first quarter of 2020, the                 Income tax expenses of € 159 million (Q1 2019: € 67 mil-
Group research spending ratio (research and development costs                 lion) led to an effective tax rate of 25.8% (Q1 2019: 25.2%).
as a percentage of net sales) was 13.3% (Q1 2019: 14.1%).                         Net income, i.e. profit after tax attributable to Merck KGaA
Accounting for a 74% (Q1 2019: 74%) share of research and                     shareholders, rose by € 268 million to € 456 million
development expenses of all business sectors, Healthcare is the               (Q1 2019: € 189 million), yielding earnings per share of € 1.05
most research-intensive business sector of Merck.                             (Q1 2019: € 0.43).
                             Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020       Course of Business and Economic Position             M er c k

The following table presents the composition of EBITDA pre for                  The IFRS figures have been modified to reflect the elimination of
the reporting period in comparison with the year-earlier quarter.               adjustments included in the respective functional costs.

Reconciliation EBITDA pre1

                                                                                      Q1 2020                             Q1 2019                     Change

                                                                                    Elimination of                       Elimination of
€ million                                                                    IFRS     adjustments       Pre1      IFRS     adjustments         Pre1        Pre1
Net sales                                                                  4,370                –     4,370     3,746                –       3,746     16.7%
Cost of sales                                                             –1,654              20     –1,633    –1,384              16       –1,368     19.4%
Gross profit                                                               2,716              20      2,736     2,362              16        2,378     15.1%
Marketing and selling expenses                                            –1,059                2    –1,057    –1,091                3      –1,088     –2.9%
Administration expenses                                                    –289               16      –272      –283               37        –246      10.5%
Research and development costs                                             –579               –1      –580      –527               16        –511      13.6%

Impairment losses and reversals of impairment losses
on financial assets (net)                                                      6                –         6       –4                 –         –4     > 100.0
Other operating income and expenses                                         –80               –2       –82       –79                 4        –75       9.2%
Operating result (EBIT )1                                                   716                                  379

Depreciation/amortization/impairment losses/reversals
of impairment losses                                                        431               –2       430       474                 –        474      –9.4%
EBITDA 1                                                                   1,148                                 853
Restructuring expenses                                                       15             –15           –       61             –61             –
Integration expenses / IT expenses                                           22             –22           –       13             –13             –
Gains (–) / losses (+) on the divestment of businesses                      –30               30          –         2              –2            –
Acquisition-related adjustments                                              19             –19           –         –                –           –
Other adjustments                                                              8              –8          –       –1                 1           –
EBITDA pre1                                                                1,181                –     1,181      929                 –        929      27.2%
    thereof: organic growth1                                                                                                                           14.5%
    thereof: exchange rate effects                                                                                                                      2.0%
    thereof: acquisitions/divestments                                                                                                                  10.7%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).

EBITDA pre, the most important financial indicator used to                      in EBITDA pre in the first quarter of 2020. Relative to net
steer operating business, increased by 27.2% to € 1,181 mil-                    sales, the EBITDA pre margin was 27.0% in the first quarter of
lion (Q1 2019: € 929 million). The organic increase in this                     2020 (Q1 2019: 24.8%). Earnings per share pre (earnings per
key performance indicator amounted to 14.5% and was sup-                        share after net of tax effect of adjustments and amortization
ported by positive foreign exchange effects (2.0%). The acqui-                  of purchased intangible assets) improved by 32.7% to € 1.50
sitions of Versum and Intermolecular led to a 10.7% increase                    (Q1 2019: € 1.13).
                            Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020                     Course of Business and Economic Position                M er c k


Balance sheet structure

                                                                                           March 31, 2020                      Dec. 31, 20191                  Change

                                                                                              € million        in %                € million     in %       € million     in %

Non-current assets                                                                             34,730       77.6%                  34,808      79.4%            –77     –0.2%
    Goodwill                                                                                   17,376                              17,141                       235
    Other intangible assets                                                                      9,089                              9,175                       –86
    Property, plant and equipment                                                                6,110                              6,213                     –103
    Other non-current assets                                                                     2,155                              2,278                     –123

Current assets                                                                                 10,013       22.4%                   9,003      20.6%         1,009      11.2%
    Inventories                                                                                  3,443                              3,342                       101
    Trade and other current receivables                                                          3,690                              3,488                       202
    Other current financial assets                                                                   81                                 57                       24
    Other current assets                                                                         1,268                              1,336                       –68
    Cash and cash equivalents                                                                    1,530                                 781                      750

Total assets                                                                                   44,743 100.0%                       43,811 100.0%                932     2.1%

Equity                                                                                         18,600       41.6%                  17,914      40.9%            686     3.8%

Non-current liabilities                                                                        15,379       34.4%                  14,056      32.1%         1,323      9.4%
    Non-current provisions for employee benefits                                                 3,060                              3,194                     –133
    Other non-current provisions                                                                   252                                 254                       –1
    Non-current financial debt                                                                 10,137                               8,644                    1,493
    Other non-current liabilities                                                                1,929                              1,965                       –36

Current liabilities                                                                            10,764       24.1%                  11,842      27.0%        –1,077      –9.1%
    Current provisions                                                                             904                                 933                      –29
    Current financial debt                                                                       3,717                              4,550                     –834
    Trade and other current payables/Refund liabilities                                          2,434                              2,618                     –184
    Other current liabilities                                                                    3,710                              3,740                       –30

Total equity and liabilities                                                                   44,743 100.0%                       43,811 100.0%                932     2.1%
1   Previous year’s figures have been adjusted, see ‟Effects of disclosure changes” under ‟Supplemental Financial Information”.
                             Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020     Course of Business and Economic Position           M er c k

In the first three months of 2020, total assets of the Merck                 2019: € 3,944 million), mainly owing to an increase in trade
Group increased by 2.1% to € 44,743 million (December 31,                    accounts receivable and inventories.
2019: € 43,811 million). Since the beginning of 2020, working                    The composition and the development of net financial debt
capital has risen by 11.3% to € 4,392 million (December 31,                  were as follows:

Net financial debt1

                                                                                      March 31, 2020      Dec. 31, 2019                      Change

                                                                                              € million          € million              € million       in %
Bonds and commercial paper                                                                      9,576            10,059                   –483        –4.8%
Bank loans                                                                                      2,786              1,587                 1,199        75.6%
Liabilities to related parties                                                                    775                809                    –34       –4.2%
Loans from third parties and other financial liabilities                                           99                 97                       2       2.2%
Liabilities from derivatives (financial transactions)                                              83                 76                       7       9.5%
Lease liabilities                                                                                 534                567                    –33       –5.8%
Financial debt                                                                                13,853             13,194                     659        5.0%
    Cash and cash equivalents                                                                   1,530                781                    750       96.0%
    Current financial assets2                                                                      38                 50                    –12       –24.0%
Net financial debt1                                                                           12,285             12,363                     –79       –0.6%
1 Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2 Excluding current derivatives (operational).

Reconciliation of net financial debt1

€ million                                                                                                                                               2020

January 1                                                                                                                                             12,363
Currency translation difference                                                                                                                           70
Dividend payments/Profit withdrawals2                                                                                                                     63
Acquisitions2                                                                                                                                              1
Payments from other divestments2                                                                                                                         –56
Free cash flow1                                                                                                                                         –167
Other                                                                                                                                                     12
March 31                                                                                                                                              12,285
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2   According to the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement.

Equity rose in the first quarter of 2020 by 3.8% to € 18,600 mil-            More information on the development of equity can be found
lion (December 31, 2019: € 17,914 million). Consequently,                    in the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Equity under
the equity ratio rose to 41.6% (December 31, 2019: 40.9%).                   ­‟Supplemental Financial Information”.
                            Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020                 Course of Business and Economic Position   M er c k

The composition of free cash flow as well as the development
of the relevant items are presented in the following table:

Free cash flow1

€ million                                                                                                         Q1 2020          Q1 2019         Change
Cash flow from operating activities as reported in the consolidated cash flow statement                               516                  493      4.9%
Payments for investments in intangible assets                                                                         –18                  –9      95.0%
Proceeds from the disposal of intangible assets                                                                          6                 17     –64.9%
Payments for investments in property, plant and equipment                                                            –341             –209         63.3%
Proceeds from the disposal of property, plant and equipment                                                              3                  3      20.0%
Free cash flow1                                                                                                       167                  295    –43.2%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).

Business free cash flow of the Merck Group improved in the first                           investments and receivables adversely affected business free
quarter of 2020 to € 661 million (Q1 2019: € 545 million). The                             cash flow.
increase in EBITDA pre had a positive effect whereas higher

Business free cash flow 1

€ million                                                                                                         Q1 2020          Q1 2019         Change
EBITDA pre1                                                                                                         1,181                  929     27.2%

Investments in property, plant and equipment, software as well as advance payments
for intangible assets                                                                                                –175             –126         39.4%
Changes in inventories                                                                                               –101             –173        –41.4%
Changes in trade accounts receivable and receivables from royalties and licenses                                     –161                  –59   > 100.0%
Lease payments2                                                                                                       –36                  –26     39.8%
Elimination of changes in consolidations                                                                              –45                   –           –
Business free cash flow1                                                                                              661                  545     21.4%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2   Excluding payments for low-value leases and interest components included in lease payments.
                          Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020           Course of Business and Economic Position             H eal t h c a r e


Key figures

€ million                                                                                                       Q1 2020                 Q1 2019               Change
Net sales                                                                                                        1,701                    1,481               14.9%
Operating result (EBIT )1                                                                                          422                        128           > 100.0%
    Margin (% of net sales)1                                                                                    24.8%                      8.6%
EBITDA 1                                                                                                           501                        329             52.3%
    Margin (% of net sales)1                                                                                    29.5%                    22.2%
EBITDA pre1                                                                                                        472                        332             42.2%
    Margin (% of net sales)1                                                                                    27.8%                    22.4%
Business free cash flow1                                                                                           377                        222             69.9%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).

In the first quarter of 2020, the Healthcare business sector                      the positive impact of the increase in value of the U.S. dollar
generated above-average organic sales growth of 15.3%.                            and the Russian ruble against the euro, which was lowered by
Amid neutral foreign exchange effects (–0.4%), net sales rose                     the development of individual Latin American currencies.
by € 220 million to € 1,701 million in the first quarter of 2020                      Sales of the key product lines and products developed in
(Q1 2019: € 1,481 million). Foreign exchange effects reflect                      the third quarter of 2019 as follows:

Net sales by major product lines /products
                                                                                      Organic   Exchange rate
€ million                                                    Q1 2020      Share       growth1         effects      Total change               Q1 2019           Share

Oncology                                                         260      15%         14.3%          –0.9%             13.5%                          229       16%
    thereof: Erbitux®                                            211      12%           7.1%         –1.0%                6.1%                        199       13%
    thereof: Bavencio®                                             33      2%         49.8%            0.5%            50.3%                          22         1%
Neurology & Immunology                                           418      25%         20.3%            1.7%            22.1%                          342       23%
    thereof: Rebif®                                              295      17%         –3.4%            2.0%            –1.4%                          299       20%
    thereof: Mavenclad®                                          123       7%      > 100.0%            0.1%        > 100.0%                           43         3%
Fertility                                                        278      16%         –3.5%            0.1%            –3.4%                          287       19%
    thereof: Gonal-f®                                            167      10%         –1.2%            0.4%            –0.8%                          168       11%
General Medicine & Endocrinology                                 680      40%         20.9%          –1.6%             19.3%                          570       38%
    thereof: Glucophage®                                         234      14%         31.7%          –2.0%             29.7%                          180       12%
    thereof: Concor®                                             150       9%         29.1%          –0.9%             28.2%                          117        8%
    thereof: Euthyrox®                                           114       7%         27.7%          –2.4%             25.4%                          91         6%
    thereof: Saizen®                                               65      4%         21.7%          –3.9%             17.8%                          55         4%
Other                                                              65      4%                                                                          52        4%
Healthcare                                                     1,701      100%        15.3%          –0.4%             14.9%                    1,481          100%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
                         Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020                     Course of Business and Economic Position        H eal t h c a r e

The oncology drug Erbitux® (cetuximab) generated favorable                                  remained difficult owing to the competitive environment.
organic sales growth of 7.1%, thus continuing the positive                                  ­Nevertheless, positive effects from tenders won led to favor-
trend from 2019. Including negative foreign exchange effects,                               able organic growth of 12.3% for the region as a whole. Sales
global net sales of Erbitux® increased in the first quarter of                              amounted to € 111 million (Q1 2019: € 98 million).
2020 by 6.1% to € 211 million (Q1 2019: € 199 million). The                                     Within Immuno-Oncology, sales of the oncology drug
Asia-Pacific region could not maintain the high growth rates of                             ­Bavencio® (avelumab) grew organically by 49.8% amid stable
the previous year, which were mainly driven by the inclusion                                foreign exchange rates to € 33 million (Q1 2019: € 22 million).
of Erbitux® in the National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL) in                               The marketing authorizations in the United States, Europe
China. Consequently, sales in this region stagnated at € 77 mil-                            and Japan in 2019 for the first-line treatment of patients with
lion (Q1 2019: € 75 million). The moderate development in                                   advanced renal cell carcinoma were key drivers of this sales
Asia is due in particular to the initial impacts of the C
                                                        ­ ovid-19                           growth.
pandemic. In the core markets within Europe, the situation

Product sales and organic growth1 of Rebif®, Glucophage® and Erbitux® by region – Q1 2020
                                                                                                                       Asia-Pacific                            Middle East and
                                                                          Total            Europe   North America          (APAC )      Latin America             Africa (MEA )
                    € million                                              295               105             171                 3                         6                 9
Rebif®              Organic growth1 in %                              –3.4%                4.7%           –7.0%           –9.8%                    3.5%              –18.5%
                    % of sales                                            100%              36%             58%               1%                          2%              3%
                    € million                                              234                35               –              147                         35                17
Glucophage® Organic growth1 in %                                      31.7%                18.3%               –          39.0%                  33.2%                  5.2%
                    % of sales                                            100%              15%                –             63%                     15%                  7%
                    € million                                              211               111               –                 77                       17                 6
Erbitux®            Organic growth1 in %                                  7.1%             12.3%               –            0.6%                 42.9%               –42.3%
                    % of sales                                            100%              53%                –             36%                          8%              3%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).

Mavenclad®, a medicine for oral short-course treatment of                                   The decline in the other regions, where Rebif® generated sales
highly active relapsing multiple sclerosis, contributed sub-                                of € 19 million (Q1 2019: € 23 million), was mainly attributable
stantially to the positive development of the Healthcare busi-                              to the organic sales decline in the Middle East & Africa region as
ness sector, delivering organic growth of € 80 million. Sales                               well as to negative foreign exchange developments stemming
of € 123 million were generated (Q1 2019: € 43 million). In                                 from individual Latin American currencies.
particular, this reflects the regulatory approval of Mavenclad®                                 Gonal-f®, the leading recombinant hormone used in the
in the United States on March 29, 2019.                                                     treatment of infertility, generated a moderate organic sales
       The drug Rebif®, which is used to treat relapsing forms of                           decline of –1.2%. This was partly mitigated by slightly positive
multiple sclerosis, posted an organic decline of –3.4%, thus                                exchange rate effects of 0.4%. Globally, sales thus stagnated
slowing down the negative trend of previous quarters. Thanks                                at € 167 million (Q1 2019: € 168 million). The sharp decline
to positive foreign exchange effects of 2.0%, it was possible                               in demand from China, driven by the Covid-19 pandemic, was
to maintain net sales of € 295 million at the year-earlier level                            mainly responsible for this development.
(Q1 2019: € 299 million). In North America, the largest sales                                   The General Medicine & Endocrinology franchise (includ-
market for Rebif®, the continued difficult competitive situa-                               ing CardioMetabolic Care), which commercializes products
tion in the interferon market as well as competition from oral                              to treat cardiovascular diseases, thyroid disorders, diabetes
dosage forms were responsible for the organic sales decline                                 and growth disorders, among other things, delivered organic
of –7.0%. Including currency tailwinds of 2.7%, sales amounted                              growth of 20.9%. Including a negative exchange rate effect of
to € 171 million (Q1 2019: € 179 million). In Europe, a tender                              –1.6%, net sales totaled € 680 million (Q1 2019: € 570 mil-
award in Russia led to organic sales growth of 4.7%. Including                              lion). The products Concor®, Euthyrox® and Saizen® contrib-
positive foreign exchange effects of 2.7%, net sales of                      Rebif®   in    uted to this positive development with double-digit organic
this region amounted to € 105 million (Q1 2019: € 98 million).                              growth rates.
                          Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020             Course of Business and Economic Position                      H eal t h c a r e

In terms of sales, the diabetes treatment Glucophage® from the                             To some extent, the strong demand for medicines from the
General Medicine franchise, became the second-leading medi-                                General Medicine & Endocrinology franchise in the first quarter
cine in the product portfolio of the Healthcare business sector.                           of 2020 was also due to the Covid-19 pandemic and mainly
In comparison with the year-earlier quarter, sales increased                               represented advance effects.
by € 54 million to € 234 million (Q1 2019: € 180 million).                                     Net sales of the business sector by region developed in the
This corresponds to organic growth of 31.7%, which was only                                first quarter of 2020 as follows:
slightly lowered by negative foreign exchange effects of –2.0%.
In particular, this was mainly driven by positive performance in
China and Latin America.

Net sales by region
                                                                          Organic     Exchange rate         Acquisitions/
€ million                                 Q1 2020               Share     growth1           effects         divestments       Total change               Q1 2019               Share

Europe                                         622              37%       15.5%                 0.1%                      –       15.6%                          538           36%
North America                                  370              22%       18.0%                 3.4%                      –       21.3%                          305           21%
Asia-Pacific (APAC )                           442              26%       13.3%                 0.3%                      –       13.6%                          389           26%
Latin America                                  177              10%       26.1%              –12.8%                       –       13.3%                          157           11%
Middle East and
Africa (MEA )                                    89               5%      –5.0%                 1.5%                      –       –3.5%                          92              6%
Healthcare                                   1,701             100%       15.3%                –0.4%                      –       14.9%                    1,481              100%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).

The following table presents the composition of EBITDA pre for                             ter. The IFRS figures have been modified to reflect the elimina-
the reporting period in comparison with the year-earlier quar-                             tion of adjustments included in the respective functional costs.

Reconciliation EBITDA pre1

                                                                                             Q1 2020                                    Q1 2019                             Change

                                                                                           Elimination of                              Elimination of
€ million                                                                           IFRS     adjustments           Pre1         IFRS     adjustments               Pre1          Pre1
Net sales                                                                     1,701                    –       1,701          1,481                  –           1,481       14.9%
Cost of sales                                                                  –393                    –        –393          –325                   –           –325        21.0%
Gross profit                                                                  1,307                    –       1,307          1,156                  –           1,156       13.1%
Marketing and selling expenses                                                 –423                    1        –423          –550                   –           –550       –23.2%
Administration expenses                                                         –79                    1          –78           –88                  2            –86        –8.6%
Research and development costs                                                 –417                    –        –417          –380                   –           –380         9.8%

Impairment losses and reversals of impairment losses
on financial assets (net)                                                             5                –             5           –4                  –             –4      > 100.0%
Other operating income and expenses                                                 31             –29               2           –6                  1             –5      > 100.0%
Operating result (EBIT )1                                                       422                                             128

Depreciation/amortization/impairment losses/reversals
of impairment losses                                                                79               –2            77           201                  –            201       –61.7%
EBITDA 1                                                                        501                                             329
Restructuring expenses                                                                2              –2              –            –                  –                 –
Integration expenses/IT expenses                                                      1              –1              –            2               –2                   –
Gains (–)/ losses (+) on the divestment of businesses                           –32                  32              –            1               –1                   –
Acquisition-related adjustments                                                       –                –             –            –                  –                 –
Other adjustments                                                                     –                –             –            –                  –                 –
EBITDA pre1                                                                     472                    –          472           332                  –            332        42.2%
    thereof: organic growth1                                                                                                                                                 40.9%
    thereof: exchange rate effects                                                                                                                                            1.3%
    thereof: acquisitions/divestments                                                                                                                                                –
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
                         Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020                  Course of Business and Economic Position     H eal t h c a r e

In the first quarter of 2020, gross profit of the Healthcare busi-                         ­alliance entered into last year with GlaxoSmithKline plc., United
ness sector increased to € 1,307 million (Q1 2019: € 1,156 mil-                            ­Kingdom, to co-develop and co-commercialize bintrafusp alfa
lion). The resulting gross margin was 76.9% (Q1 2019: 78.1%).                              had a positive effect on other operating expenses and income
The main drivers of the decline in gross margin were changes                               in the first quarter of 2020. This was offset by the expiration
to the product mix.                                                                        of income streams from the upfront cash payment from Pfizer
       After eliminating adjustments, marketing and selling                                Inc., USA, dating back to 2014. In the year-earlier quarter,
expenses declined by 23.2% to € 423 million in comparison                                  other operating expenses and income were negatively impacted
with the year-earlier quarter (Q1 2019: € 550 million). This                               by an impairment loss on an intangible asset in connection
resulted primarily from the end of amortization in connec-                                 with the immuno-oncology collaboration with F-star Delta Ltd.
tion with the purchase price allocation from the acquisition of                                   EBITDA pre grew to € 472 million in the first quarter of
Serono in 2006.                                                                            2020 (Q1 2019: € 332 million). Organic growth of 40.9% was
       Research and development costs reflected continued invest-                          supported by slightly positive foreign exchange effects of 1.3%.
ments in the Biopharma development pipeline and amounted                                   The EBITDA pre margin rose to 27.8% (Q1 2019: 22.4%).
to € 417 million (Q1 2019: € 380 million). This item also
includes expenses from the termination of the JAVELIN Head                                 DEVELOP MEN T OF BUSIN ESS FREE CASH FLO W
and Neck 100 study.                                                                        In the first quarter of 2020, business free cash flow amounted
       The change in other operating expenses and income was                               to € 377 million (Q1 2019: € 222 million). The increase was due
attributable to several factors. The gain on the divestment                                mainly to the growth of EBITDA pre and the positive develop-
of Allergopharma, which was eliminated in the calculation                                  ment of inventories in comparison with the year-earlier quarter.
of EBITDA pre, as well as income from the global strategic                                 Higher investments had an opposing effect.

Business free cash flow1

€ million                                                                                                           Q1 2020            Q1 2019           Change
EBITDA pre1                                                                                                             472                   332       42.2%

Investments in property, plant and equipment, software as well as advance payments
for intangible assets                                                                                                   –73                   –47       56.0%
Changes in inventories                                                                                                   –5                   –66       –92.6%
Changes in trade accounts receivable and receivables from royalties and licenses                                         22                     13      61.9%
Lease payments2                                                                                                         –12                   –10       18.3%
Elimination Allergopharma divestment                                                                                    –26                         –        –
Business free cash flow1                                                                                                377                   222       69.9%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2   Excluding payments for low-value leases and interest components included in lease payments.
                          Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020                     Course of Business and Economic Position            ­Life ­Scienc

­Life ­Science

Key figures

€ million                                                                                                                    Q1 2020           Q1 2019           Change
Net sales                                                                                                                     1,769              1,661           6.5%
Operating result (EBIT )1                                                                                                       345                 313          10.2%
    Margin (% of net sales)1                                                                                                 19.5%              18.9%
EBITDA 1                                                                                                                        541                 507          6.8%
    Margin (% of net sales)1                                                                                                 30.6%              30.5%
EBITDA pre1                                                                                                                     553                 516          7.2%
    Margin (% of net sales)1                                                                                                 31.2%              31.0%
Business free cash flow1                                                                                                        246                 268          –8.2%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).

In the first quarter of 2020, the Life Science business ­sector                               main contribution to organic growth came from the ­Process
generated solid organic sales growth of 5.6% accompanied by                                   Solutions business unit. Taking these effects into account,
a favorable foreign exchange effect of 0.9%, resulting in total                               Life Science net sales increased overall to € 1,769 million
net sales growth of 6.5% over the year-earlier quarter. The                                   (Q1 2019: € 1,661 million).

Net sales by business unit
                                                                                   Organic   Exchange rate   Acquisitions/
€ million                                 Q1 2020               Share              growth1         effects   divestments        Total change      Q1 20192        Share

Process Solutions                              802              45%                13.2%            1.3%                –           14.5%                  700    42%
Research Solutions                             546              31%                     –           0.8%                –              0.8%                542    33%
Applied Solutions                              421              24%                     –           0.4%                –              0.4%                419    25%
Life Science                                 1,769             100%                 5.6%            0.9%                –              6.5%          1,661       100%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
2   Previous year’s figures have been adjusted owing to an internal realignment.

The Process Solutions business unit, which markets products and                               from academic laboratories in connection with the Covid-19
services for the entire pharmaceutical production value chain,                                crisis had a negative impact here. Including a favorable ­foreign
generated organic sales growth of 13.2%, which was the ­highest                               exchange effect of 0.8%, sales totaled € 546 million in Q1 2020
rate within the Life Science business ­sector. Amid a favorable                               (Q1 2019: € 542 million). Research Solutions thus accounted
foreign exchange effect of 1.3%, sales totaled € 802 ­million                                 for 31% of Life Science net sales. In regional terms, North
in the first quarter of 2020 (Q1 2019: € 700 million). ­Process                               America and Latin America were the strongest growth drivers,
Solutions thus accounted for 45% of Life Science net sales.                                   however they were offset by weaker performance in Asia-Pacific
Geographically, all regions delivered double-digit growth within                              and Europe.
Process Solutions.                                                                                 The Applied Solutions business unit with its broad range
       The Research Solutions business unit, which provides prod-                             of products for researchers as well as scientific and indus-
ucts and services to support life science research for pharma-                                trial laboratories accounted for a 24% share of Life Science
ceutical, biotechnology and academic research laboratories, did                               net sales. Organically, net sales of Applied Solutions were
not achieve organic sales growth in Q1 2020. Weaker demand                                    at the same level as in the year-earlier quarter. Lab Water
                         Quarterly Statement as of March 31, 2020            Course of Business and Economic Position                   ­Life ­Scienc

­Solutions saw initial negative effects from the Covid-19 pan-                           demand in North America and Europe was canceled out by the
demic. Assisted by a favorable foreign exchange effect of 0.4%,                          net sales decrease in Asia-Pacific.
sales increased to € 421 million in the first quarter of 2020                                Net sales of the business sector by region developed as
(Q1 2019: € 419 million). In regional terms, slightly stronger                           follows:

Net sales by region
                                                                          Organic    Exchange rate        Acquisitions/
€ million                                 Q1 2020               Share     growth1          effects        divestments      Total change              Q1 2019          Share

Europe                                         614              35%        5.2%                0.5%                    –            5.7%                581           35%
North America                                  644              36%        8.9%                3.2%                    –       12.1%                    575           35%
Asia-Pacific (APAC )                           422              24%        0.4%                0.5%                    –            0.9%                418           25%
Latin America                                    66               4%      14.2%            –12.6%                      –            1.6%                 65             4%
Middle East and
Africa (MEA )                                    23               1%       2.3%              –0.3%                     –            2.0%                 22             1%
Life Science                                 1,769             100%        5.6%                0.9%                    –        6.5%                  1,661          100%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).

The following table presents the composition of EBITDA pre for                           elimination of adjustments included in the respective functional
the first quarter of 2020 in comparison with the year-earlier                            costs.
quarter. The IFRS figures have been modified to reflect the

Reconciliation EBITDA pre1

                                                                                           Q1 2020                                   Q1 2019                       Change

                                                                                         Elimination of                             Elimination of
€ million                                                                       IFRS       adjustments          Pre1         IFRS     adjustments         Pre1          Pre1
Net sales                                                                     1,769                  –       1,769         1,661                –       1,661        6.5%
Cost of sales                                                                  –744                  –        –744         –719                 1       –718          3.6%
Gross profit                                                                  1,024                  –       1,025          942                 1         943        8.7%
Marketing and selling expenses                                                 –498                  –        –497         –470                 1       –469          6.1%
Administration expenses                                                         –89                  9         –80          –88                 6         –81       –1.9%
Research and development costs                                                  –75                  –         –75          –62                 –         –62       22.2%

Impairment losses and reversals of impairment losses
on financial assets (net)                                                           –                –            –            –                –              –            –
Other operating income and expenses                                             –18                  2         –16          –10                 1          –8       88.8%
Operating result (EBIT )1                                                       345                                         313

Depreciation/amortization / impairment losses / reversals
of impairment losses                                                            196                  –         196          193                 –         193         1.3%
EBITDA 1                                                                        541                                         507
Restructuring expenses                                                              2              –2             –            1              –1               –
Integration expenses/IT expenses                                                    10            –10             –            7              –7               –
Gains (–) / losses (+) on the divestment of businesses                              –                –            –            1              –1               –
Acquisition-related adjustments                                                     –                –            –            –                –              –
Other adjustments                                                                   –                –            –            –                –              –
EBITDA pre1                                                                     553                  –         553          516                 –         516        7.2%
    thereof: organic growth1                                                                                                                                          8.2%
    thereof: exchange rate effects                                                                                                                                  –0.5%
    thereof: acquisitions/divestments                                                                                                                               –0.5%
1   Not defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
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