Signals Quarterly security assessment - Q3 2017 - CommBank

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Signals Quarterly security assessment - Q3 2017 - CommBank
Yuval Illuz
                      Chief Information Security
                      and Trust Officer,
                      Commonwealth Bank

                  ’m proud to present to our valued
                  clients and partners our ninth edition
                  of Signals.
              Signals aims to empower business
              executives with unique insights into the
              cyber threat environment and advice on

 security     the strategies and controls necessary to
              ensure a robust defence.

 assessment   This advisory is an example of our
              ongoing program of work to raise the bar
 Q3 2017      for cyber security among our clients and
              the broader digital economy.
              In this issue, we outline a range of new
              threats to feed into your threat models –
              and also discuss how to feed knowledge
              of these threats into a model that helps to
              quantify cyber security risk.
              We hope and anticipate our analysis will
              provide context and confidence for your
              security strategy.
Signals Quarterly security assessment - Q3 2017 - CommBank
Contents                                                                                                                                                         Horizon Scan
                                                                                                                                                                    Upcoming events of interest

3 Editorial                                                                 12 Regulatory And Legal                                                                    2017    Sydney
    Answering the $x million dollar question                                       New laws and legal precedents
                                                                                   relevant to security strategy:
                                                                                                                                                                     Oct         AISA National Conference
4 Trends And Observations                                                        • China, Russia ban anonymity services
                                                                                                                                                                                 The Australian Information Security Association hosts its
    Key trends observed during the quarter                                                                                                                                       annual conference for members.
                                                                                  • U.S. Government blocks Kaspersky
    • Major cybercrime forums taken down
                                                                                  • Legalistic responses to data breaches fall flat
    • Cybercriminals use renewal notice themes for bait                                                                                                                 2017      2017         2017

    • Poor configuration makes for leaky clouds                              13 Better Practice                                                                         Nov       Nov          Dec
    • Software supply chains targeted                                             The latest advice your technology team                                                 14        15           1
    • Breaches stem from flaws in web frameworks                                   should consider when setting security                                           Sydney        Sydney      Brisbane
    • Expired domains and browser plug-ins hijacked
                                                                                                                                                                  Malware and
                                                                             14 Phish Eyes                                                                       Fraud Awareness Workshops
  Deep Dives                                                                       Phishing lures for your security
6 S ecure your cloud email                                                        awareness teams to study
                                                                                                                                                                  Representatives from Commonwealth Bank and the Australian Federal Police will
    One in four fraud losses over the past six                                                                                                                    present a security awareness session for finance executives on the link between
    months involved compromise of a cloud-                                                                                                                        malware infection and payment fraud. Email if you
                                                                             16 Endnotes
    hosted email account. Don’t let it happen                                                                                                                     wish to attend (CBA clients only).
    to you.

9 A beginner’s guide to                                                                                                                                                 2017

   quantifying cyber risk                                                                                                                                            Nov         Honeynet Project Workshop 2017
   How do you measure cyber security risk, and                                                                                                                      15-17        Learn the art of deception at the Honeynet Project Workshop.
   what role should directors and executives play
   in the process?

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.
Signals Quarterly security assessment - Q3 2017 - CommBank
Editorial Panel
                                                                                                                                         Welcome                                                                  Brett Winterford
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Senior Manager,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cyber Outreach and Research

                  Brett Winterford

                                                                                                                          The $X million
                  Senior Manager, Cyber Outreach

                  Fred Thiele
                  Executive Manager, Cyber Security Portfolio
                                                                                                                          dollar question                                                            What risks does
                  Tim Peel
                  Cyber Intelligence Researcher                                                                            A recent ASX and ASIC study found that 40% of ASX100                 my organisation
                                                                                                                           companies consider cyber security their number one area of
                  Jessica Woodall                                                                                          risk in 2017, and 80% expect the level of risk to rise over time.1   face, and what level
                  Manager, Cyber Outreach
                                                                                                                           We’ve seen a deluge of interest from the boards and                  of investment is
                                                                                                                           executives of our clients over the past two years who have
                                                                                                                           asked us to help them understand how we measure and
                                                                                                                           mitigate risks to cyber security.
                  Yuval Illuz
                  Chief Information Security and Trust Officer                                                             We usually begin these conversations by framing cyber                Observations made in Signals are made using the
                                                                                                                           security as an ecosystem issue that impacts the whole                confidence matrix and estimative language used by
                  Arjun Ramachandran
                                                                                                                           economy, and provide a foundation for them to help                   the US CIA. Our choice of words is very deliberate
                  Executive Manager, Cyber Outreach                                                                                                                                             and based on both data and observations we source
                                                                                                                           understand the threat landscape and how we are choosing
                                                                                                                                                                                                from our own telemetry and a measured degree of
                  Young Jeong                                                                                              to respond. That tends to drive the conversation to one key          confidence in external sources.
                  Senior Incident Responder                                                                                question: What risks does my organisation face, and what
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Certainty                   100%
                                                                                                                           level of investment is appropriate to manage it?
                  Kevin Cleary                                                                                                                                                                   Almost Certain              93% (give or take 6%)

                  Cyber Intelligence Researcher                                                                            I typically warn people to avoid holding up what other                Probable                    75% (give or take 12%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Even                        50% (give or take 10%)
                                                                                                                           organisations are spending on cyber security as a yardstick.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unlikely or “improbable”    30% (give or take 10%)
                                                                                                                           Your peers may offer similar services, be of similar size
     Thanks To                                                                                                             and be subject to the same regulatory constraints, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Impossible                  0%

     Kai Ta                                                                                                                decades of technology choices – not to mention the                   Confidence in our assessments
     Cyber Security Services Manager                                                                                       maturity or capability you’ve already developed - necessitate        High Confidence – based on high quality information
                                                                                                                           fundamentally different approaches.                                  from which it is possible to derive a solid judgment.
     Boris Dvojakovski                                                                                                                                                                          Moderate Confidence – based on information from
     Cybercrime Researcher                                                                                                 In this issue of Signals, we provide a primer to                     trusted or reliable sources, without the necessary data
                                                                                                                           conceptualising and measuring cyber security risk. It’s              or corroboration to warrant a higher level of confidence.
                                                                                                                           designed to help those of you starting your security journey         Low Confidence – the information is poorly
                                                                                                                                                                                                corroborated, but is otherwise logical and consistent
                                                                                                                           from scratch. I look forward to sharing more observations
                                                                                                                                                                                                with a source’s motivations.
                                                                                                                           with you on this subject in the next issue.

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.
Signals Quarterly security assessment - Q3 2017 - CommBank
Cyber Security:                                                                                                                                   Poor configuration
                                                                                                                                                                makes for leaky
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   By the
Trends and Observations
Key trends observed during the quarter                                                                                                                          Pushing workloads into public clouds has provided
                                                                                                                                                                development teams with far greater agility. From a
                                                                                                                                                                security perspective,
                                                                                                                                                                public clouds also                                                 of China’s 750m
                                                                                                                                                                allow for non-security
                                                                                                                                                                                          CHECKLIST                                internet users connect
                                                                                                                                                                professionals to tap
Major cybercrime                                                                              Cybercriminals                                                    into security features
                                                                                                                                                                they might not have
                                                                                                                                                                                        • W hile using public cloud frees
                                                                                                                                                                                           developers and third party
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   on smartphones.ii

forums taken down
                                                                                                                                                                                           application service providers
                                                                                              use renewal                                                       otherwise used. But
                                                                                                                                                                conversely, public
                                                                                                                                                                                           from infrastructure constraints,
                                                                                                                                                                                           this mode of deployment often
                                                                                              notice themes                                                     cloud dramatically

A globally coordinated law enforcement effort has                                                                                                                                          bypasses mature internal IT
                                                                                                                                                                increases an               controls that ordinarily would
dismantled two of the world’s largest dark web
markets, Alphabay viii and Hansaix. Criminals used
these online, anonymous bazaars to advertise
                                                                                              for bait                                                          organisation’s attack
                                                                                                                                                                surface, leaving
                                                                                                                                                                less room for error.
                                                                                                                                                                                           check for configuration errors.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Security teams should work with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Estimated losses for
                                                                                                                                                                                           these teams to develop repeatable
and sell illegal goods and services such as drugs                                                                                                                                                                                  Maersk (shipping) from
                                                                                              The CBA Cyber Security Centre has                                 Security researchers       architecture patterns for deploying
and weapons alongside user credentials and
credit cards stolen
                                                                                              observed an increasing number of                                  and malicious              systems to the cloud securely.          [Not]Petya infection.iii
                                                                                              phishing campaigns that warn users                                actors routinely           AWS offers reference material for

in cybercrime                                                                                                                                                                              producing architecture patternsxviii.
                                                                                              that a service they (might) subscribe to                          find vulnerable
campaigns. While            CHECKLIST                                                                                                                           assets using simple
                                                                                              requires renewal or some other form of                                                    • Educate developers and partners
the “takedowns”           • Disrupting dark web activity requires                            action to avoid being deactivated. This                           scans that target

                                                                                                                                                                                           on the distinction between
resulted in arrests of       meticulous, time-consuming                                       technique – which relies on appealing                             configuration errors.      configuration settings that allow
site administrators          and expensive law enforcement
                                                                                              to the user’s sense of urgency – is                               In the last quarter        authenticated users of your service
and some vendors,            investigations. We assert with high                                                                                                                           to access a data store, versus
                                                                                              used in a wide range of phishing lures.                           alone, a large number                                              Estimated losses for
buyers and                   confidence that irrespective of the                                                                                                                           those that allow all authenticated
                                                                                              Over the last few quarters, we have                               of organisations were
sellers appear to            resounding success of this operation,
                                                                                                                                                                found to have failed       users of Amazon Web Services            TNT Express from [Not]
                             there will continue to be sufficient                             seen lures that threaten revocation of
have migrated                                                                                                                                                                              (over a million users) to access        Petya infection
                             incentive for other markets to take their                        everything from drivers’ licenses to                              to secure storage
their business to                                                                                                                                                                          it. AWS infrastructure can be
                             place – as occurred after the widely                             popular cloud services, bank accounts                             volumes (S3 buckets)

alternative markets,                                                                                                                                                                       readily monitored and free tools
                             heralded Silk Road takedown in 2013.                             and subscription television services.                             hosted in Amazon
where in many                                                                                                                                                                              are available to check services are
                                                                                                                                                                Web Services,
cases, they already       • Dark web markets are a good source                                                                                                                            configured correctly xix.
                             of intelligence for cyber security teams
                                                                                                                                                                including Dow
had a strong                                                                                                                                                                            • C onsider broadening the scope of
                                                                                                 CHECKLIST                                                      Jonesxii, Groupizexiii,
reputation.                  to monitor where the wares stolen in                                                                                                                          your assurance practices. Many          customer records were
                                    credential phishing campaigns or other                     • Teach your staff the various ‘triggers’ used                  Time Warner xiv,
                                                                                                                                                                Verizon , Viacom
                                                                                                                                                                         xv        xvi     organisations now complement            stolen from UK telco
                                    hacking campaigns are traded.                                 by cybercriminals to tempt a user to open an                                             tightly-scoped penetration testing
                                                                                                  attachment or click on a hyperlink.                           and an organisation                                                TalkTalk via its
                                  • It is probable that some cybercriminal                                                                                                                with objective-based testing by
                                     groups will revert to forums with higher                  • Phishing campaigns often rely on an urgent
                                                                                                                                                                that leaked the details    “red teams”, who are empowered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   outsourcer, Wipro.
                                                                                                                                                                of 9,000 US military

                                     barrier to entry. While this slows the                       call-to-action. Consider working with your                                               to proactively search for data left
                                     pace of campaigns in the short-term,                         marketing teams to help them avoid sending                    veterans . xvii
                                                                                                                                                                                           unsecured online, including by
                                     it creates fresh challenges for law                          communications to your customers that                                                       third parties. Australian Daniel
                                     enforcement and intelligence analysts                        appeal to the same triggers, to ensure                                                      Grzelak has developed free toolsxx   fine was levied on TalkTalk by
                                     when attempting to monitor illegal                           customers can discern between legitimate                                                    for taking a red team approach to    UK regulators.iv
                                     activity.                                                    and illegitimate communications.                                                            services hosted on AWS.

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.
Signals Quarterly security assessment - Q3 2017 - CommBank
Cyber Security:                                                                                                                                            Expired domains                                                       By the
Trends and Observations                                                                                                                                              and browser plug-                                                     Numbers

                                                                                                                                                                     ins hijacked to host
Software supply                                                                  Breaches stem
chains targeted for                                                              from flaws in web
                                                                                                                                                                     Attackers continue to find creative places to
                                                                                                                                                                     host malware that circumvent detective security
                                                                                                                                                                     controls. In recent months, security researchers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           online (card not present)
mass compromise                                                                  frameworks                                                                          have discovered malware hosted on legitimate
                                                                                                                                                                     domains that organisations have neglected to renew,                   credit card fraud in
                                                                                                                                                                     or have observed attackers hijacking abandoned                        Australia (2016).v
                                                                                 Most modern web and mobile applications inherit their

Aggressive, well-resourced cyber-attacks continue                                                                                                                    or unsupported web browser extensions, CMS
to target private organisations in contested territories,                        key features from web application frameworks and the                                plugins and themes. More audacious attackers have
raising further concern that some nation-state aligned                           software libraries and protocols they include. They are                             compromised the developers of popular browser
actors view industry as a legitimate target during                               the scaffolding that enables rapid development and                                  extensions in campaigns that impact millions of
periods of increased geopolitical instability. The [Not]                         deployment of apps – they are typically freely available,                           users, albeit for a shorter time. These domains and
Petya network worm was initially propagatedxxi by the                            broadly deployed and maintained by a community of                                   extensions are more likely to be trusted (and less likely
compromise of a serverxxii that distributes software                             users and enthusiasts. They are also a juicy target for                             to be blacklisted)                                                    of spam is sent during
updates to customers of Ukrainian accounting                                     attackers looking to achieve scale. Security vulnerabilities                        by automated                                                          working
software vendor M.E.Docs. The compromised update                                 found in the Apache Struts framework and numerous                                   security tools,         CHECKLIST

resulted in immediate disruption to over 2000 Ukrainian                          JavaScript frameworksxxvi have demonstrated broad-                                  providing             • Organisations with low thresholds
firms and multinationals that do business in the region                          scale impacts on hundreds of organisations at a time.                               attackers a              for risk must decide whether certain
and ultimately                                                                   As a case in point, attackers stole 143 million sensitive                           ready-made               types of sites or applications are
led to billions of                                                               customer records from US credit monitor Equifax after                               number of victims        adequately resourced from a security
dollars’ worth of       CHECKLIST                                                it failed to patch                                                                  to infect and            perspective to remain resilient. Some        – price-tag on a new
damage to the                                                                    a vulnerability in                                                                  longer window of         organisations, for example, choose to        family of credential
                     • E stablish a governance program to                                                 CHECKLIST

global economy.                                                                  Apache Struts in a                                                                  time to do so.           block sites built using the WordPress        stealing malware.vii
                        identify and manage risks posed                                                  • Monitor closely for disclosure
In August                                                                        timely mannerxxvii.                                                                                          CMS by default - owing to a litany
                        by your software supply chain.                                                      of vulnerabilities in the web
2017, a similar                                                                  The breach forced                                                                                            of unsupported plug-ins used in
                        Commonwealth Bank’s Cyber Outreach                                                  application frameworks used by
backdoor was                                                                     the early retirement                                                                                         these sites – and only whitelist them
                        team is hosting further workshops on                                                your organisation. Patch or update
detected in a                                                                    of the company’s                                                                                             on request. Check your logs: what
                        this topic in early 2018 – talk to your                                             expediently.
software update                                                                  CIO, CSO and                                                                                                 impact would such a decision have
                        relationship manager to participate.
distributed by                                                                   CEO.    xxviii          • Y
                                                                                                            our application security program                                                 on legitimate access of sites using
                     • Where practical, evaluate the impact of                                                   should ideally be testing and                                               these technologies?
NetSarang, a            software updates on test systems, prior                                                   endorsing software libraries,                                             • Equally, software development teams
South Korean            to a broader rollout across production                                                    protocols and other components                                               must think carefully about how to
provider                systems.                                                                                  of web application frameworks
of remote                                                                                                                                                                                      manage third party resources that
                     • T he US National Institute of Standards                                                   to provide developers greater                                                load onto their web sites. What
administration          and Technology has updated its                                                            confidence over which versions                                               risks might your organisation face          new ransomware families
software usedxxiii      overarching frameworkxxv to include                                                       to use.                                                                      if these third party services were
at large firms         more advice on managing third party                                                      • Smaller firms might assess a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           were released in the first
                                                                                                                                                                                               compromised? Do the providers
around the             cyber security risk.                                                                        web application framework                                                   of these resources have adequate            half of 2017.viii
                         • S trive to work with well-resourced                                                    on how quickly and effectively                                              security capability, or are they at least   Locky was the most common
                            suppliers that have demonstrated an                                                    the community has historically                                              popular enough that developers have         family targeting Australians in
                            ability to respond to cyber security                                                   responded to vulnerability                                                  incentive to continue to support and        September 2017.
                            incidents.                                                                             disclosures with patches.                                                   update them?

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.
Signals Quarterly security assessment - Q3 2017 - CommBank
Deep Dive:                                                                                                                                                                                                           Brett Winterford
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Senior Manager, Cyber Outreach and Research

Secure your cloud email
Social engineering – coupled with access to your inbox – presents attackers with many paths to profit.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                By the Numbers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Top 3                 events that lead

        o a profit-motivated cybercriminal, access                        to configure appropriate security controls.                                                                                                                 to fraud losses:
        to your email inbox can be as valuable                            Cybercriminals have seized on this new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                1. ‘Spoofing’ an email address to request payment
        as your bank account. That sounds                                 opportunity - and the range and sophistication of                                                                                     2. Unauthorised access to an email inbox
counterintuitive – until you compare the difficulties                     scams that involve unauthorised access to email                                                                                       3. Unauthorised access to accounting software
an attacker faces in trying to personally extract                         accounts has risen dramatically.                                                                                                          or bank account
money directly from your bank account, versus
convincing you or the people that you interact
with to make a payment for them.
                                                                          Leading indicators
                                                                          One in four fraud losses tracked by CBA’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                One in four
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 losses involved the compromise of
                                                                          cybercrime team over the past six months                                                                                               a cloud-based email account.
                                                                                                                                                   Image 1: Generic Microsoft Office365 phishing page
Over the last nine months, there has been                                 involved the compromise of a cloud-based email
a steady rise in the number of Australian
businesses that have made payments to
attackers after a compromise of their email

                                                                          The majority were Microsoft Office 365 cloud
                                                                                                                                                   set up to steal user credentials) than Microsoft.
                                                                                                                                                   On some of the abuse reporting channels we
                                                                                                                                                   monitor, twice as many Office365 and Outlook
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Scammers continue to imitate
account, or that of an entity they do                                     accounts, or consumer-grade Microsoft email                              Web Access phishing pages were stood up than                 suppliers or other payment
business with.                                                            accounts (Hotmail etc.) used by tradesmen and                            those imitating Apple services (iCloud, iTunes               beneficiaries slightly more often than
                                                                          other small businesses. This reflects Microsoft’s                        etc.), and five times as many as phishing sites              CFOs and Directors.
Access to a victim’s inbox isn’t the only                                 dominance in the enterprise market. Well over                            that mimic Google services.
way an attacker can trick victims into make                               100 million active users of Office 365 log in
payments, as discussed in previous guidance on                            each month, and most of these users work for                             Microsoft has reported a 300 percent increase               and passwords) stolen in attacks on other online
‘whaling’xxxi and other forms of Email Payment                            businesses in the developed world. A further                             in attacks on user accounts in the first quarter            service providers, under the expectation that
Fraudxxxii. Organisations continue to be duped                            30 million log-in to Microsoft’s consumer-grade                          of 2017 compared to the corresponding quarter               people often re-use passwords for multiple
into making payments in response to emails that                           email services each month – and a subset of                              in 2016, while the number of account sign-                  services.
impersonate a party to the transaction, either via                        these are small businesses that haven’t migrated                         ins attempted from malicious IP addresses
spoofing of a legitimate domain, or registration                          to Office 365. Microsoft’s main competitor in                            increased by 44 percent over the same period.               The second is by acquiring credentials stolen in
of similar domains and webmail addresses.                                 cloud-based productivity, Google’s G-Suite, has                                                                                      phishing campaigns. Perpetrators of phishing
Education has slowed the growth of these                                  struggled to attract 10% of the business market.                         The scam(s)                                                 campaigns create web sites that mimic the
campaigns, but they still responsible for a large                                                                                                  There are two primary ways for profit-motivated             branding of legitimate log-in pages (see Image
volume of fraud.                                                          Microsoft is subsequently an ideal brand for                             attackers to access cloud email accounts.                   1), and send spam runs that try to convince
                                                                          attackers to imitate. Over the last four weeks, no                                                                                   legitimate users of those services to enter their
As organisations move their email into cloud-                             single brand was impersonated more often in                              The first is “credential stuffing”, in which the            credentials. Credentials harvested in phishing
hosted systems for the first time, many neglect                           credential phishing campaigns (fake web sites                            attacker attempts to use credentials (usernames             runs are often sold to other criminals whose

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.
Signals Quarterly security assessment - Q3 2017 - CommBank
Deep Dive:                                                                                                               Numerous phishing web sites are set up to imitate
Secure your cloud email                                                                                                        Microsoft services – as well as banks and other
                                                                                                                               popular online service providers – on a daily basis

intent is to commit fraud. Numerous phishing
web sites are set up to imitate Microsoft services
                                                                            What payments are at risk?                                                                   Strategies for protecting
– as well as banks and other popular online
service providers – on a daily basis. They are
                                                                            Any payment arranged over email:
                                                                            • Invoices between suppliers, especially among
                                                                                                                                                                         your cloud email
                                                                               tradesman, engineering and construction                                                   The most critical defence against business email compromise
typically blacklisted or forced offline within hours,                          firms, manufacturing and distribution.
but not before a number of users have given                                                                                                                              is multi-factor authentication (MFA).
                                                                            • Payments to staff (payroll).
away their credentials.                                                     • Beneficiaries of property sales (trust accounts)
                                                                               or payment of rent.
                                                                                                                                                                         Multi-factor authentication challenges users to authenticate (prove their identity)
                                                                            • Beneficiaries from the sale of expensive items
The criminals that run Business Email                                          (vehicles etc.)                                                                           in more than one channel before they can access a system. They usually must
Compromise scams typically use these stolen                                 • Beneficiaries from settlement of a will.                                                   combine something they know (a username and secret password on a web
credentials to log in and search an inbox for                               • Beneficiaries from tax refunds.                                                            interface, for example) via one channel, and confirm with something they have (such
evidence of invoices, purchase orders or                                                                                                                                 as a random set of characters sent to their mobile device, for example) in another.
other documents and messages that relate to
processing of large value payments.                                       The attacker’s aim is (usually) to be the ‘man in the                                          Microsoft and Google both offer multi-factor authentication ‘out-of-the-box’ for
                                                                          middle’ between buyers and sellers who establish                                               business customers. Provisioning to users is straightforward, as is choosing what
                                                                          the details of a transaction over email. Attackers will                                        second factor is most appropriate and when users should be presented with a
  Who is attacking us?                                                    intercept and edit existing invoices to replace the                                            multi-factor challenge.
  Research by SecureWorks and Trend Micro note                            bank account details listed for payment, or email
  that Business Email Compromise – in which                               customers from a compromised account advising                                                  Instructions for setting up multi-factor authentication
  attackers hack an email system as a precursor to                        of new account details for future payments. If the                                             • For Microsoft Office 365 administratorsxxxiv
  tampering with payments – is a mature industry                                                                                                                         • For Google G-Suite administratorsxxxv
                                                                          account they hack into belongs to a person with
  in West African countries like Nigeria, where
  employment prospects are otherwise slim. These                          purchasing authority, they might simply demand a
  criminal networks consist largely of graduates from                     subordinate make a payment on their behalf.                                                    The typical argument against MFA is that it inconveniences users. Both of the major
  simple social engineering scams. These actors                                                                                                                          cloud email service providers offer ways to reduce this friction. Google G-Suite
  have grown more patient, and are prepared to                                                                                                                           users can check a box to “remember verification for the computer”, which sets up
                                                                          The attackers have proven to be very patient. They
  invest in malware (such as remote access trojans)
  or in buying access to stolen user credentials from                     refer to these scams as the “long con” – and will                                              an authentication cookie between the user’s browser and their G-Suite account.
  phishing campaigns. While perpetrators are by                           monitor an inbox for some time while waiting for                                               The cookie expires (and an MFA challenge is presented to the user) every 30 days.
  no means limited to West Africa – indicators from                       a large payout opportunity. Often the attackers                                                Office 365 users can set up passwords for bypassing the second-factor on mobile
  many of the attacks we’ve seen (even those that                                                                                                                        devices, for example, but keep it in place for log-in over the web.
                                                                          set up mail forwarding rules to automatically send
  originate in Asia) are very similar to practices West
  African cybercriminal groups are renowned for.                          messages to the webmail accounts they log into
                                                                          more regularly.                                                                                A range of other suggested security controls are outlined on the following page.

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.
Signals Quarterly security assessment - Q3 2017 - CommBank
Deep Dive:                                                                       Multi-factor authentication limits attackers                                                                                                  More information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Microsoft’s security best

Secure your cloud email                                                                 from accessing a service using only a stolen                                                                                                         practice for O365
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Google’s security best
                                                                                        username and password                                                                                                                                practices for G-Suite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Microsoft’s guide to detection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of an attack
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Microsoft’s guide to triage of a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             compromised O365 account
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Google’s guide to detection and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             triage of a compromise G-Suite
Strategies for protecting your cloud email                                                                                                                                                                                                   account

  1: Theft of Credentials                                                                                                                            3: Reconnaissance of the inbox
  METHOD OF ATTACK                      ESSENTIAL DEFENCE                                   ADVANCED DEFENCE                                         METHOD OF ATTACK                   ESSENTIAL DEFENCE                                ADVANCED DEFENCE
  Attackers acquire user                1. Multi-factor authentication limits attackers    Consider deploying physical security                     Attacker sets mail forwarding      Consider conditional formatting                  Microsoft offers additional rules-based and
  credentials stolen in phishing            from accessing a service using only a           tokens for multi-factor authentication on                rules to send mail to their own    mechanisms that distinguish (through             machine learning algorithms to detect and
  campaigns.                                stolen username and password.                   high-risk workstations.                                  account.                           colours or alerts) when email is being sent      block anomalous mail forwarding behaviour
                                        2. Password Wallets/Managers help users                                                                                                        to or received from internal versus external     as a premium (paid) service.
                                            create unique and complex passwords                                                                                                         domains.
  ‘Credential stuffing’ – attacker
                                            for every service they use.                                                                                                                 If users report any strange behaviour in their
  tries usernames and
                                        3. Enforce password policies that lock                                                                                                         inbox, check if any mail forwarding rules
  passwords stolen in other data
                                            a user out for a period of time after a                                                                                                     have been applied. While these can usually
  breaches to log in to your email
                                            number of failed attempts.                                                                                                                  be seen in the user interface of Office 365,
                                                                                                                                                                                        administrators should also check under the
  Attackers infect a user’s             1. Set web browsers to automatically               Talk to your relationship manager about                                                     hood using PowerShell commands.
  device with malware to steal              update and keep operating systems               whether NetLock is appropriate for your
  credentials.                              patched.                                        business.
                                        2. Ensure users operate as the least
                                            privileged user (not admin/root).
                                                                                                                                                     4: Fraudulent request for payment
                                        3. F
                                            ilter web traffic (via internet security                                                                METHOD OF ATTACK                   ESSENTIAL DEFENCE                                ADVANCED DEFENCE
                                           software/antivirus.)                                                                                      Whaling attack (attacker           Ensure your payments authorisation
                                        4. Implement security awareness programs.                                                                   impersonates staff with            process “assumes compromise”:
                                                                                                                                                     purchasing authority and           1. Make use of multiple authorisers for
                                                                                                                                                     requests a payment)                    payments and enforce strict separation of
                                                                                                                                                                                            duties for payments.
  2: Unauthorised access to email account
                                                                                                                                                     Attacker impersonates a            2. Require large payments or change of
  METHOD OF ATTACK                      ESSENTIAL DEFENCE                                   ADVANCED DEFENCE                                         supplier (or other party to a          beneficiary details to be verified via
                                                                                                                                                     transaction) and requests a            additional checks in multiple channels.
  Attacker is able to log-in            Use the ‘Conditional Access’ rules offered          Microsoft offers additional rules-based and
                                                                                                                                                     change of beneficiary details or       No payment should be authorised on the
  using stolen credentials on an        by Microsoft Office365 and Google G-Suite.          machine learning algorithms to detect and
                                                                                                                                                     submits a new invoice.                 basis of emails from a single account.
  account that is not protected by      While their approaches vary, these rules            block anomalous log-in behaviour as a
  multi-factor authentication.                                                              premium (paid) service.                                                                     3. E
                                                                                                                                                                                            ducation your treasury and accounts
                                        allow an administrator to set conditions
                                                                                                                                                                                           teams in how to recognise Email
                                        of access according to whether the                  Google uses a range of machine learning-
                                                                                                                                                                                           Payment Fraud.
                                        user is inside or outside the enterprise            based detection into its standard G-Suite
                                        network, whether they are on managed or             offering.
                                        unmanaged devices or according to a set of
  Attacker is able to log-in                                                                Limit the number of accounts that require
  using stolen credentials of an
                                        whitelisted IPs addresses, for example.
                                                                                            ‘global’ or ‘super user’ administrative                  5: Fraudulent payment is made
  administrator’s account that is       For any combination of these scenarios,             access.
                                        rules can be set to accept, deny or force                                                                    • Contact the CommBiz helpdesk and your relationship manager immediately.
  not protected by multi-factor                                                             Microsoft offers a premium (paid) privileged
                                        a multi-factor challenge for access to the                                                                   • Report the matter to the Police.
  authentication.                                                                           access management solution.
                                        inbox.                                                                                                       • Use the following guides to triage of compromised accounts provided by Googlexxxvi and Microsoftxxxvii.

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.
Deep Dive:                                                                                                                                                                                                            Fred Thiele
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Executive Manager,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Cyber Portfolio, Commonwealth Bank

A beginner’s guide to quantifying cyber risk
Establishing the foundations of a cyber security program

        istorical records of disruptive events                            Directors, CEOs and CFOs can play an                                     How do we get started?                               A generic risk matrix
        like floods or power outages provide                              important role in the process.                                           First, you need to understand the threat. Why
        the insurance industry the data                                                                                                            would various actors – whether malicious or                      5   L      M       M        H   S
required to model the likelihood and impact                               Key concepts                                                             otherwise, inside or outside your network
of future events within such a degree of                                  Before we begin, it’s best to agree on some                              – seek to gain unauthorised access to your                       4   L      L       M        H   S
accuracy, they can base a business on it.                                 high level concepts. Risk is a measure of                                data or disrupt your systems? You’ll need

                                                                          potential loss if an event were to occur.                                to get a measure of the threat landscape to
Threats to cyber security, by contrast,                                   ‘Cyber risks’ are a subset of organisational                                                                                              3   N      L       M        H   S
                                                                                                                                                   understand what threats have targeted or are
are relatively new phenomena. In our two                                  risks that are caused by a cyber security                                likely to target your organisation. Signals is a
decades connected to the internet, the threat                             threat. A cyber security threat is an                                    good place to start!                                             2   N      L       M        H   S
landscape has been anything but predictable.                              event with the potential to cause harm to
As the volume of vulnerabilities in the                                   an organisation’s information assets by                                  Next, the board and executive need to define                     1   N      N        L       M   H
technologies we use amass, the capability                                 circumventing confidentiality (via unauthorised                          and endorse an acceptable level of risk.
of threat actors evolves and the number                                   access and/or disclosure), integrity (via                                Most organisations use a risk matrix, with                           1      2        3       4   5
of high profile security incidents ensues,                                modification of data) or availability (via                               likelihood of an event on one axis (expressed                                    IMPACT
uncertainty abounds. The under-resourced                                  destruction or denial-of-service).                                       as probability or %), and impact on the other
CISO measures risk to cyber security with a                                                                                                                                                             ■ Negligible ■ Low ■ Medium ■ High ■ Severe
                                                                                                                                                   (expressed on a scale of inconsequential or
wet finger in the air.                                                    In cyber security, we usually talk of                                    negligible up to severe or critical).
                                                                          vulnerability to describe specific                                                                                            Once you quantify your risks, you’ll be able to
As boards of Australian organisations grow                                weaknesses in systems. But when quantifying                              Determining an acceptable level of risk              visualise where you are now and where you
more engaged on cyber security, CISOs                                     risk, we are referring more generally to an                              is often best arrived at by talking about            need to get to.
should anticipate demands for a more                                      organisation’s ‘susceptibility to a threat’.                             what’s unacceptable. For how long would
rigorous approach to quantifying risk.                                                                                                             the organisation accept an inability to serve        An invaluable pre-requisite to the exercise
                                                                          Security controls are countermeasures to                                 customers online? How much money would the           is a living register of the organisation’s IT
While there is insufficient public data                                   a threat that attempt to prevent, detect or                              organisation be prepared to lose each year to        and data assets. This might be a hard ask
available to accurately predict low probability,                          recover from a cyber security event. When we                             fraud events? Think about risks to customers,        in large and complex organisations, but it’s
high impact events, there are numerous                                    remediate an identified risk, we’re reducing its                         to staff, to brand or reputation. Answering          important to at least get a handle on what the
frameworks, models and thought exercises                                  impact to near zero, while when we mitigate a                            these questions helps to define your ‘risk           ‘crown jewels’ are. Organisations that do this
that can help an organisation approximate                                 risk we’re accepting that there will be a residual                       appetite statement’ – an expression of where         the best tend to have benefited from strong
cyber risk, and over time, refine it into                                 risk and that the best we can do is to monitor                           in that matrix would you feel comfortable to sit,    executive support to get everyone on board
something resembling a science.                                           and respond to events to minimise their impact.                          knowing that not all risks can be remediated.        with how critical this register is.

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.
Deep Dive:                                                                                                                           Cyber security professionals can rattle off an
A beginner’s guide to quantifying cyber risk                                                                                              inexhaustible number of ways an organisation can be
                                                                                                                                          attacked, but risk analysis requires structure

With these in hand, the security team have                                Just about every model attempts to                                       Data quality                                         seek to validate data provided by parties
what they need to start threat modelling.                                 calculate the inherent risk (a measure of risk                           Cyber security professionals can rattle off an       that have skin in the game - such as vendors
                                                                          before compensating controls) for a range                                inexhaustible number of ways an organisation         of security software – by correlating with
Modelling cyber risk                                                      of threat scenarios, using something like the                            can be attacked, but risk analysis requires          independent, trusted sources.)
There are numerous theories on how best                                   following model: Cyber risk = threat (#) x                               some structure. You can group cyber risks by
to quantify cyber security risk. Most follow                              vulnerability (%) x impact ($).                                          asset, for example, or by whether the threat         The more meticulous you are, the better.
a similar process and are distinguished by                                                                                                         scenario would impact the confidentiality,           But you will have to accept, at some point,
the level of mathematical detail required to                              As the table below demonstrates, for any given                           integrity or availability of data. You might also    that until you stand up some semblance of
reach conclusions. (The authors of the most                               threat scenario, you need to assess (or predict)                         classify by actor group (insider, third party        security capability, your numbers are going to
scientifically rigorous model - Factor Analysis                           how often you should expect to encounter the                             partner, external party). Every risk framework       include approximations. Even the authors of
of Information Risk (FAIR)xxxviii, for example,                           threat scenario over a given period of time,                             tends to include its own taxonomy to follow,         the FAIR model, who believe that everything
claim the standard for risk metrics originally                            what percentage of your systems would be                                 and all aim to consider a broad coverage of          can be measured, concede that the main aim
established by NIST is too loosely defined. But                           vulnerable if the threat were to play out, and an                        threats.                                             of the exercise is to “reduce management’s
they’d also concede that their work inherits its                          expected loss your organisation would face if                                                                                 uncertainty about risk” rather than calculate it
foundations from it.)                                                     the threat were to play out.                                             As you think through threat scenarios, you’ll        with absolute accuracy.
                                                                                                                                                   undoubtedly stumble onto those for which you
                                                                                                                                                   don’t have the required data to measure. This        There are other reasons this game of mental
Cyber risk per threat scenario                                                                                                                     can be problematic if you are yet to implement       gymnastics is valuable. Your initial aim
                                                                                                                                                   an incident response or vulnerability                might be to quantify your total exposure to
                        Threat                                  Vulnerability                           Impact                                     management capability – both of which                cyber risk. But it’s an important baseline for
  Expressed as          A number                                A percentage                            A cost                                     provide strong metrics to compare with.              other reasons. In an environment with an
  Question:             How often have you or do you            What percentage of your                 What would be the expected                                                                      unknowable number of emerging threats,
                        expect to encounter this threat         systems or data would be                loss your organisation would
                        scenario over a given period            vulnerable to the threat                face if this threat scenario were          So to some degree, the initial assessment in         quantifying cyber risk can also provide a way
                        of time?                                scenario?                               to play out?                               an organisation thinking about cyber security        of prioritising investment in cyber security
  Example:              The organisation has detected           What percentage of systems              What is the estimated cost of              for the first time might need to include desktop     programs - a subject that demands its own
                        x malware campaigns each                are not yet patched against             an infection, taking into account
                        year that combine that spread           known vulnerabilities in                the ability of the network worm            research. MITRE’s CVE database provides a            deep dive.
                        via SMBv1 and deliver a                 SMBv1?                                  to spread through vulnerable               global view of vulnerability data, the Californian
                        ransomware payload.                                                             systems, the cost of rebuilding
                                                                                                        systems and potentially the                State register of data breaches is the longest       Tracking your progress
                                                                                                        costs of managing reputational             running register of breach events, and               The exercise we’ve described should spare
                                                                                                        damage or shareholder value if
                                                                                                        the infection were to be known             Verizon’s annual data breach investigations          directors and business leaders from the
                                                                                                        to the public?                                                                                  gory detail of every security threat to the
                                                                                                                                                   report also has a long history. (NB: always

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.
Deep Dive:                                                                                                                                                Commonwealth Bank clients
                                                                                                                                                                         are invited to attend
A beginner’s guide to quantifying cyber risk

 organisation, but nonetheless deliver a                                  for changes in scope or shifts in the threat
                                                                                                                                                                         & Fraud 101
                                                                                                                                                                         An executive overview for finance professionals
 reasonably consistent, “10,000 foot view” of                             landscape.
 aggregate risk. It may be beneficial to illustrate                                                                                                                      Representatives from the Australian Federal Police and Commonwealth
 what you’ve measured – preferably in a way                               You should also assume that the quality                                                        Bank’s Digital Protection Group will provide a breakfast briefing for CFOs,
 that pinpoints where you’ve started, what                                of data you’re feeding into your model will                                                    accounts and treasury staff and other financial professionals on the
 your total inherent risk would have looked like                          improve as you mature your security capability.                                                current cyber threat landscape.
 without your security programs in place, and                             We’ll dive deeper into this in a future edition of
 a decline in your residual risk as new controls                          Signals.                                                                                       Topics to be explored include:
 or programs are delivered. This is something                                                                                                                            • The tools and tradecraft of profit-motivated cybercriminals targeting
 you should return to repeatedly, adjusting                               Brett Winterford contributed to this report.                                                      Australian organisations, including:
                                                                                                                                                                          〉 Phishing (tricking users into providing credentials to a fake site);
                                                                                                                                                                          〉 Credential ‘stuffing’ (trying credentials stolen from a user
  Buying down risk                                                                                                                                                          of one service against their account at another);
                                                                                                                                                                          〉 Malware campaigns; and
                                                                                                                                                                          〉 Payment fraud.
                                                            Inherent                   y program
                                                                   o ut cy ber securit                                                                                   • How to protect your organisation from these threats.

                                                                                                                                                                         Best suited to:
                                                                             Residu                                                                                      Senior business executives and finance professionals
                                                                                     al Risk

                High                                                        (with cy
                                                                                     ber sec
                                                                                             urity pro

                                                                                                                                                                         This session is offered exclusively to clients
                                                                                                                                                                         and partners of Commonwealth Bank.
              Medium                                              Completion
                                                                 of milestones                                                                                           • Sydney – November 14
                                                                                                                                                                         • Melbourne – November 15
                                                                                                                                                                         • Brisbane – December 1

                         Q1            Q2              Q3              Q4               Q1               Q2             Q3              Q4                               if you wish to attend.

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.
Regulatory                                                                                                                                                                      A public response to a
                                                                                                                                                                              data breach that prioritises
& Legal                                                                                                                                                                       legal considerations above
                                                                                                                                                                              responsibility to affected
New laws and legal precedents                                                                                                                                                 customers tends to result in
relevant to security strategy                                                                                                                                                 poor reputational and
                                                                                                                                                                              regulatory outcomes.

China, Russia ban                                                                          U.S. Government                                                                    Legalistic responses to
anonymity services                                                                         blocks Kaspersky                                                                   data breaches fall flat
(VPN, TOR)                                                                                 The Trump administration has banned the use of Kaspersky                           One of the world’s largest credit
                                                                                           antivirus products in all US Federal Government departments                        reporting companies, Equifax,
Legislation seeking to ban Virtual Private Networks                                                                                                                           has withdrawn an attempt to         • A public response to a data breach
                                                                                           and agencies, and has given agencies 30 days to remove the
(VPNs) successfully passed through both houses of the                                                                                                                         reduce its liability to lawsuits       that prioritises legal considerations
                                                                                           software. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released
                                                                                                                                                                              after it fell victim to a large        above responsibility to customers and
Russian Federal Assembly in July 2017. The Bill achieved                                   an advisory stating: “the risk that the Russian government,                                                               affected stakeholders tends to result
unanimous support following a secret briefing held for                                     whether acting on its own or in collaboration with Kaspersky,                      data breach. After disclosing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     in poor reputational and regulatory
the parliamentary members by the head of the FSB                                           could capitalise on access provided by Kaspersky products to                       that the personal data of 143
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     outcomes. In response to a data breach
intelligence agency, Alexander Bortnikov, and was signed                                   compromise federal information                                                     million Americans - including          in 2015, TalkTalk initially played down
into law by President Vladimir Putin just a week later.                                    and information systems                                                            social security numbers, birth         its severity, then publically claimed
The new law prohibits the use of VPNs and anonymizing                                      directly implicates US national           CHECKLIST                                dates and home addresses –             it had no legal obligation to encrypt
services such as TOR that circumvent controls instituted                                   security.” The move follows                                                        had been compromised – the             its customer’s data. This resulted
                                                                                                                                  • Organisations should consider
by the government to block ‘restricted’ websites. Similar                                  a Senate hearing in May                                                            company offered free credit            in damning media coverage and a
                                                                                                                                     the level of privilege granted to
laws were introduced in January 2017 by the Chinese                                        where US intelligence chiefs              applications in their environments
                                                                                                                                                                              monitoring to affected users.          £100,000 fine from regulators.
Government, which                                                                          voiced concerns over use                  during threat modelling, including       Victims signing up for this         • Organisations that offer online services
now requires its                                                                           of the company’s products.                security software. A recent              monitoring were asked to agree         to US residents should reconsider
mobile telcos to            CHECKLIST                                                      Headquartered in Moscow and               compromise of the popular CCleaner       to terms and conditions under          whether a social security number
block VPN apps            • E xecutives that use VPN services to                          founded by former Russian                 antivirus softwarexxxi - which           which they waived their legal          should constitute a ‘secret’ for the
on their networks.           protect their communications when                             military intelligence officer Eugene      affected  at least 700,000 users - is    rights to take action against          purpose of authenticating a user. It
Web-based VPN                travelling to China or Russia should                          Kaspersky, accusations of state           a good illustration of how these risks   Equifax over the breach. This          wasn’t appropriate before the Equifax
services operating in        consult with their security teams,                            collusion are not new to the              might be realised.                       clause was later swatted               breach, and most certainly isn’t now.
China must agree to          as should businesses that currently                           company; but to date they were         • As DHS has not (to date) produced        down by US lawmakers, and           • The UK Government’s National Cyber
not circumvent the           use VPN services in these countries.                          confined to media commentary.             evidence to justify their advisory,      withdrawn by Equifax – following       Security Centre (NCSC) has highlighted
government’s ‘block       • The Australian Signals Directorate                            Kaspersky, in response, have              US and Western vendors may face          widespread uproar. Class action        the secondary risk posed by scammers
list’ or face a similar      maintains a useful set of general                             offered to share their source             reciprocal bans on ‘national security’   lawsuits have ensued.                  who might abuse the details stolen in
fate.                        advice for travelling overseas with                           code with the US Government.              grounds by Russian or third-party                                               the Equifax breach to craft convincing
                                     electronic devicesxxx.                                                                                    nations.                                                              phishing emails.

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.
Better Practice:                                                                                       How an organisation deals with vulnerability disclosures is
  The latest advice your technology team                                                                        an important signal to the public about security maturity.
  should consider when setting security policies:

             Prepare for ransomware                                                                                                                   Know your adversary
             A team at NIST and MITRE have collectively drawn up a comprehensive guide to                                                             Imagine if there was one wiki where all the known TTPs (tactics, techniques and
             recovering from ransomware and other destructive malware attacksxlii. The top-level                                                      procedures) could be summarised to make your threat modelling that little bit easier.
             advice: segregate your network and remove unnecessary administrative access                                                              BAM! The good people at MITRE have published one. It’s called ATT&CKxlvi and it
             to systems to prevent an infection spreading, monitor log data (and consider file                                                        looks to be a well-thought out product.
             integrity monitoring) for improved detection and triage, and practice backup and
             recovery.                                                                                                                                It’s not too late to be infected with [Not]Petya
                                                                                                                                                      The news headlines may have slowed, but we’re still seeing indicators consistent
             The end of Flash                                                                                                                         with the [Not]Petya network worm light up every so often. It’s not too late to read US
             Vulnerabilities discovered in Adobe’s Flash media player - once a de facto standard                                                      CERT’s revised advicexlvii on how to prevent and remediate these infections.
             for multimedia on the web – have been exploited by numerous APT and cybercrime
             campaigns. Multiple operating systems – starting with Apple’s iOS in 2010, and                                                           Shape a NICEr security team
             more recently web browsers, have subsequently stopped supporting Flash content.                                                          What are the typical roles and responsibilities of a cyber security team? Cyber
             Adobe has finally conceded that Flash has no future and announced that it will no                                                        security operations and US tertiary education providers have for the last three years
             longer be supported by Adobe by the end of 2020xliii. It is highly probable that most                                                    used the NICE cybersecurity workforce framework published by NIST to answer
             use of Flash will be phased out much sooner.                                                                                             this question. In August 2017, NIST updated the frameworkxlviii to reflect shifts in
                                                                                                                                                      workforce demand.
             Find the bugs first…
             One of the most critical components of a cyber security capability is establishing
             an assurance program where applications and/or infrastructure are tested by
             professional “white hat” hackers. The UK National Cyber Security Centre now
             provides high-level advice on how your organisation can build the foundations of an
             assurance function – a penetration testing team.xliv

             ... Before somebody else does
             Even organisations with strong assurance practices can be surprised by
             vulnerabilities discovered in their internet-facing systems by external researchers.
             The way in which an organisation deals with these reports is an important signal
             to the public about your security maturity. One of the world’s best authorities on
             ‘coordinated vulnerability disclosure’ is the Computer Emergency Response Team
             (CERT) at Carnegie Mellon University, who have published a very comprehensive
             guidexlv for both security researchers and defensive teams.

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.
Phish Eyes
 Recent phishing lures for your security awareness
 teams. Report hoax emails to

A large number of phishing campaigns over the
last quarter impersonated billing notifications from
energy providers, telecommunications companies
and other providers of utility services. Very few of
the major brands in Australia escaped unscathed.

Origin Energy
Origin Energy was impersonated in multiple
malware campaigns between May and late August.
Typically the email arrived with variations on the
subject line “Your Origin electricity bill”. Most arrived                                                                                          subject line “Paperless Bill”, “My Monthly Bill” or
in email inboxes from suspicious sounding domains                                                                                                  “Bill Copy”. In earlier campaigns, victims were
that would illicit skepticism from anyone with basic                                                                                               prompted to click a button called “Manage Your
security awareness training. (We did, however, see                                                                                                 Bill”, which directed users to legitimate sounding
one crafty campaign from a more creative domain -                                                                                                  web sites and asked the user to download
noreply[at]                                                                                                                    archive that (again) dropped a JavaScript file onto
                                                                                                                                                   the victim’s machine.
These emails lure victims into clicking on a link                         Typical subject lines included: “View your
called ‘View Bill’, which prompts the user to                                                                                                      Most of the AGL-themed campaigns infected
                                                                          EnergyAustralia Electricity Bill” or “Your Energy
download a .zip archive. Once downloaded, it                                                                                                       victims with ransomware – a form of malicious
                                                                          Australia Gas Bill”.
drops a JavaScript file onto the user machine that                                                                                                 software that encrypts the user’s data and offers
downloads the Gozi/Ursnif Trojan, a nasty piece                           These campaigns also took advantage of                                   a decryption key only if the user pays a large
of malware often used to steal online banking                             compromised Microsoft OneDrive accounts, also                            ransom via cryptocurrency. The web address
credentials.                                                              attempted to convince victims to download .zip                           generated from each email was personalised using
                                                                          archives, and also dropped JavaScript files that                         the victim’s email address. A smaller number of
For well over a year, these phishing sites have                           download the Gozi/Ursnif Trojan onto the victim’s                        campaigns in 2017 dropped various other forms of
been hosted using compromised Microsoft                                   machine.                                                                 malware – but nothing like the scale of the earlier
OneDrive accounts (the domains typically end in                                                                                                    ransomware campaigns.                                         Energy Australia provides online security advice
                                                                          on its website.                                                          Even as these campaigns petered out in early
The folks at Origin Energy have published advice                                                                                                   2017, they resulted in a sustained impact on
to help customers differentiate between real                              AGL                                                                      customer trust. AGL customers are now far more
communications and those that impersonate them.                           These tactics are not new to energy company                              likely to mistake legitimate marketing campaigns for
                                                                          AGL. The AGL brand was abused in a long series                           scams – we saw a number of false positive reports
Energy Australia                                                          of malware campaigns for most of the latter half of                      submitted to scam-watch sites, including the CBA
In June and September 2017, attackers borrowed                            2016, and in a smattering of campaigns in 2017.                          Hoax Mailbox in May 2017.
from the same playbook, developing campaigns
that abused the brand of Energy Australia.                                These campaigns typically arrived with the                               AGL provides advice on hoax emails on its website.

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.
Phish Eyes
 Australia’s largest telecommunications company                            In the same month we detected campaigns that
 was also impersonated in numerous campaigns                               used identical techniques to the Origin Energy
 over the last quarter – each using different                              and EnergyAustralia campaigns mentioned
 infrastructure and dropping different forms of                            above. They arrived with the subject line: ‘Telstra
 malware.                                                                  Bill – Arrival Notification’, directed victims to
                                                                           malware hosted on a compromised Microsoft
 In one July campaign, victims were sent emails                            OneDrive account (-my.
 with subject lines such as “Your Telstra Bill”, and              and dropped the Gozi/Ursnif
 were presented with a fake Telstra Bill. Upon                             variant of malware.
 clicking for more details they were asked to
 download an executable file or .zip archive with a                        Telstra provides advice on email scams on its
 legitimate sounding name (usually a date range,                           website.
 such as, which on execution
 downloads the TrickBot credential stealing
 Trojan. This campaign appears to have spoofed
 a legitimate Telstra domain - notifications@

                                                                               Don’t fall for it
                                                                             • Avoid downloading .zip or .doc files from emails that purport
                                                                                to be your service provider.
                                                                             • Take note of the email address you usually receive bills
                                                                                from. If bills or requests for payment arrive from a new
                                                                                email address or domain, use your search engine or the
                                                                                community forums provided by your utility to check its
                                                                             • Some service providers will notify you of new bills when
                                                                                you are logged in to their service. If you are unsure about a
                                                                                bill sent over email, don’t click on anything. Instead, log-in
                                                                                to your account with the service provider to check if a new
                                                                                request for payment had been scheduled.

                                                                           A screenshot of the most recent iteration of Telstra
                                                                           Bill themes, from September 2017. Telcos and other
                                                                           utilities advise customers that they will only send
                                                                           out bills via email that are attached as .pdf files.The
                                                                           malware in this case was contained in an attached
                                                                           word document.

This report contains general advice for educational purposes only. Please consult your cyber security team and legal counsel for advice specific to your organisation.

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