Quarterly DeveloPment uPDate - College Park City of

Quarterly DeveloPment uPDate - College Park City of
City of
   College Park

   July - September 2018
Quarterly DeveloPment uPDate - College Park City of
Development Summary

Approved/Under Construction
                NAME                      AREA                  ADDRESS                    TYPE
Boulevard                         Upper Midtown            9091 Baltimore Ave   Apartment/Townhomes
Cambria                           Lower Midtown            8321 Baltimore Ave   Hotel
Alloy By Alta                     Lower Midtown            4700 Berwyn House    Apartment
Lidl                              Lower Midtown            8601 Baltimore Ave   Grocery
Townplace Suites                  Upper Midtown            9620 Baltimore Ave   Hotel
District 3 Social House           Downtown                 7131 Baltimore Ave   Restaurant

                NAME                      AREA                  ADDRESS                    TYPE
Finmarc                           Branchville Industrial   9207 51st Ave        To Be Decided
City Hall Redevelopment           Downtown                 4500 Knox Road       Office + Civic
Republic Properties               TDOZ                     Campus Drive         Hotel + Retail
Southern Gateway                  Downtown                 7200 Baltimore Ave   Apartment + Retail
EzStorage                         Branchville Inudstrial   5151 Branchville     Commercial
Public Storage                    Upper Midtown            9604 Baltimore Ave   Commercial
Maryland Hillel                   Old Town                 7505 Yale Avenue     Institution
College Park Metro Apartments TDOZ                         River Road           Apartment + Retail

CONTACT:           Ryan Chelton
                   Economic Development Coordinator
Quarterly DeveloPment uPDate - College Park City of
  1   Boulevard
  2   Cambria
  3   Alloy by Alta
  4   Lidl
  5   Townplace Suites
  6   District 3 Social House
  7   Finmarc                                                                     Greenbelt
  8   Republic Properties
  9   City Hall Redevelopment
  10 Southern Gateway
  11 EzStorage
  12 Public Storage
  13 Maryland Hillel
  14 College Park Metro
      Apartments                                      1



                                              2                               Approved/Under
                                                      3                       Construction


                                6                          M     College Park - UMD
Quarterly DeveloPment uPDate - College Park City of
Development DETails
 9091 Baltimore Avenue

Developer: Cal Atlantic
45 Townhomes
Status: Under Construction

       Cambria               Construction is underway on the townhomes at the
                             rear of the property on Cherokee Street. Metropolitan
                             Development Company sold the townhome portion
                             of their project to Cal Atlantic and is seeking a buyer
                             for multi-family housing approved at the corner of
                             Cherokee Street and Baltimore Avenue.

      Alloy By Alta
4700 Berwyn House Road

Developer: Wood Partners
275 Multi-family Units
Status: Under Construction

                             Formerly known as Fuse 47, Alloy by Alta is expected
                             to deliver its first units June 15th. The plan remains
                             unchanged for this multi-family property that suffered a
                             devastating fire as it was nearing completion in April of
                             2017. Alloy by Alta will have 275 units, a pool, club area,
                             shared working space and fitness center.
Quarterly DeveloPment uPDate - College Park City of
Development DETails
 8321 Baltimore Avenue
Southern Management
150 Room Hotel
Status: Complete

                             On October 16th, Cambria Hotels held a grand opening
                             for their second hotel to open in Maryland. The Cambria
                             Hotel contains two retail spaces leased by College Park
                             Grill, a full-service restaurant with a wood-fired oven
                             offering freshly handcrafted food, and Orange Theory, a
                             state-of-the-art fitness center.

 8601 Baltimore Avenue

Developer: Lidl
36,185 Square Feet
Status: Under Construction

                             Lidl, the German grocery store, has begun construction
                             of their grocery store on the site previously occupied by
                             Clarion Inn. A local artist was chosen to create a unique
                             feature on the south-western corner of the lot.
Quarterly DeveloPment uPDate - College Park City of
Development DETails
   Towneplace Suites
 9620 Baltimore Avenue
Baywood Hotels
75 Room Hotel
Status: Under Construction

                             Construction on the TownePlace Suites is almost
                             complete. The hotel is located on the west side of
                             Baltimore Avenue just north of Hollywood Road and will
                             be operated by Marriott. Baywood Hotels expects the
                             hotel to open in the first week of November.

    9207 51st Avenue

Owner: Finmarc
17-Acre Property
Status: Proposed

                             Finmarc has stated that they are considering all available
                             options for this property including maintaining it as an
                             industrial project or rezoning the site to support new
                             townhouse development. Environmental mitigation
                             through the MDE is underway.
Quarterly DeveloPment uPDate - College Park City of
Development details
 District 3 Social House
 7131 Baltimore Avenue

Owner: Tony Akaras
Status: Under Construction

                             Tony Akaras, the former owner of Platos Diner on the
                             opposite side of Baltimore Avenue, is creating a coffee
                             and wine bar where the former College Park Auto Parts
                             once stood. The unexpected total demolition of the
                             building has triggered an expedited Detailed Site Plan
                             approval process which has delayed construction.

  Republic Properties
      Campus Drive

Republic Properties
150 Room Hotel
Status: Proposed

                             Republic Properties, Pyramid group, and Mark Vogel
                             Companies are now working with an architect to design
                             a 150-room hotel which is expected to have retail space
                             on the ground floor.
Quarterly DeveloPment uPDate - College Park City of
Development details
   Southern Gateway
 7200 Baltimore Avenue

Developer: Bozzuto Group
393 Multi-family Units
67,000 Square Feet Retail
Status: Planned

                            On September 25th, City Council voted 7-0-1 to adopt
                            a resolution providing the Bozzuto Development
                            Company with a 60 percent tax credit over 15 years.
                            Prince George’s County Council voted on October 16th
                            to approve the terms and conditions of a negotiated
                            Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) Agreement between
                            Prince George’s County and Bozzuto Development

        City Hall
     4500 Knox Road

The City of College Park
Status: Proposed

                            The entire design team has been retained and work
                            has begun on preliminary design concepts. The site’s
                            demolition and construction could begin as early as
Quarterly DeveloPment uPDate - College Park City of
Development details
      EZ Storage
    5151 Branchville

Owner: EzStorage
Status: Planned

                         EzStorage is altering their formerly approved plans
                         to redevelop 5151 Branchville Road to comply with
                         stormwater and floodplain requirements. The building
                         footprint will likely be reduced, and another floor added
                         for a total of four stories.

 Consolidated Storage
 9604 Baltimore Avenue

Owner: Johnson Storage
Status: Planned

                         On July 26th the Prince George’s County Planning Board
                         approved the Detailed Site Plan for a consolidated
                         storage facility that would replace the 1,607 square foot
                         building located at 9604 Baltimore Avenue. The District
                         Council will decide in October whether the self-storage
                         use will be allowed at this location.
Quarterly DeveloPment uPDate - College Park City of
Development details
       Maryland Hillel
      7505 Yale Avenue

  Maryland Hillel
  Status: Planned

                                Maryland Hillel is currently located at 7612 Mowatt
                                Lane and will be relocating to 7505 Yale Avenue as part
                                of a land swap with the University of Maryland. The
                                Preliminary Plan of Subdivision and Detailed Site Plan
                                for this Jewish Community Center have public hearings
                                scheduled this fall.

College Park Metro Apartments
         River Road

  Developer: Gilbane
  440 Multi-family Units
  12,000 Square Feet Retail
  Status: Proposed

                                The Gilbane Development Company is working on plans
                                for new apartments and retail at the College Park Metro
                                Station on the site of the existing Metro parking lot.
                                Gilbane has subdivision approval and is now seeking
                                approval of a detailed site plan from M-NCPPC.
Other development news
Riverdale Park Station
      Construction of the next section of townhomes between Rhode Island Avenue and
47th Street continues with over 75 townhomes sold. It is anticipated that the new multi-level
garage and Village Green will open by the end of the month. In the meantime, on-street
parking on Woodberry Street between Baltimore Avenue and Rhode Island Avenue is now
available. For pedestrians and bicyclists, the Hiker Biker trail has been rerouted to 47th Street
and Rhode Island Avenue to provide a more direct route to Riverdale Park Station. Bella
Salon continues their tenant fit-out construction and is expected to open later this year, and
Denizens Brewery is projected to open in Spring 2019.

available properties
	The City of College Park is home to a wide range of real estate opportunities. To receive
College Park’s current inventory of available properties for development or lease contact
Ryan Chelton at rchelton@collegeparkmd.gov or by phone at (240) 487-3543.

Opportunity Zones
Opportunity Zones are a new program established by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017
aimed at encouraging long-term investment in low-income communities by providing
investors with opportunities to re-invest their unrealized capital gains in the designated
areas. The program offers three tax incentives for Opportunity Zone investment, including:

1.	A temporary tax deferral on inclusion in taxable income for capital gains
2.	A step-up in basis of up to 15% for capital gains
3.	A permanent exclusion from taxable income of capital gains from the sale or exchange
    of an investment

For more information, visit https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Pages/OpportunityZones.aspx or
contact Ryan Chelton at rchelton@collegeparkmd.gov or by phone at (240) 487-3543.
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