Purpose of Work Session: Background FY2022 BUDGET PROPOSALS - PUBLIC SERVICES, INCLUDING: Ogden City

Page created by Bruce Sullivan
Purpose of Work Session: Background FY2022 BUDGET PROPOSALS - PUBLIC SERVICES, INCLUDING: Ogden City
      - Public Services General Fund
      - Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, and Refuse Utility Enterprise Funds
      - Golf and Recreation Enterprise Funds

   Purpose of
   Work Session:             To discuss the Public Services Department budget for FY2022

   Executive Summary         The Council will receive a presentation of the budget proposals relative
                             to the City’s Public Services Department, which includes: Public Services
                             General Fund; Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, and Refuse Utility
                             Enterprise Funds; and Golf and Recreation Enterprise Funds.

   Background                Utah Code §10-6-111 (Utah Municipal Code – Uniform Fiscal Procedures
                             Act for Utah Cities) requires that the City Administration prepare and
                             present an annual, tentative budget at the first regularly scheduled
                             meeting in May. The final budget must be adopted no later than June 30
                             of each year. It should be noted, however, that when a budget includes a
                             proposed tax increase, the final budget must be adopted no later than
                             September 1.

                             In preparation for receiving and reviewing the budget, the Council also
                             requests additional information from the Administration related to areas
                             of particular interest to the Council. This additional information includes
                             reports on current fiscal year goals and accomplishments, progress on
                             management audit recommendations, status of current year’s capital
                             improvement projects, staffing issues, debt service, equipment
                             replacement, and other relevant issues.

                             Budget Review Process
                             The Administration and Council staff meet regularly as a Budget Team
                             during the budget process to discuss and review not only the current
                             year progress, but also any significant changes in the proposed budget.
                             Council staff may request additional information and justification for
                             major budget proposals. Staff also meets with each Department head
                             regarding individual department budgets. The information gleaned from
                             these meetings is then presented to the Council in a series of work

Ogden City Council Work Session: June 1, 2021                                                          1
Purpose of Work Session: Background FY2022 BUDGET PROPOSALS - PUBLIC SERVICES, INCLUDING: Ogden City
sessions. These work sessions offer the Council an opportunity to
                             review and understand the tentative budget allowing the Council to
                             make decisions that are more informed.

                             May 4, 2021
                             The Council accepted the Mayor’s proposed Tentative FY2022 budget
                             for review.

                             May 18, 2021
                             The Council set a public hearing on the Tentative FY2022 budget for
                             June 1, 2021.

   Proposal                  Public Services Department Budget Comparison
                             The Public Services Department is funded through the General Fund and
                             through several Enterprise Funds. A comparison of the FY2021 Adopted
                             budget and the FY2022 Proposed budget shows the following:

                                                  Adopted      Proposed      Amount
                      General Fund                                                        % Change
                                                  FY2021        FY2022       Change
                 Arts, Culture, Events           $299,500      $346,025      $46,525       15.53%
                 Engineering Services            $776,175      $990,600     $214,425       27.63%
                 Parks & Cemetery                $3,615,875    $4,419,925   $804,050       22.24%
                 Administration                  $435,350      $433,075      ($2,275)       -0.52%
                 Recreation                      $1,380,875    $1,765,775   $384,900       27.87%
                 Streets                         $3,626,700    $3,720,200    $93,500        2.58%
                                   TOTAL        $10,134,475   $11,675,600   $1,541,125     15.21%

                                                 Adopted       Proposed      Amount
                    Enterprise Fund                                                       % Change
                                                  FY2021        FY2022       Change
                 Water Utility                  $24,762,775   $26,074,875   $1,312,100      5.30%
                 Sanitary Sewer Util.           $12,313,600   $12,652,625   $339,025        2.75%
                 Storm Sewer Utility             $5,225,375    $5,294,250   $68,875         1.32%
                 Refuse Utility                 $6,790,775    $6,317,225    ($473,550)     -6.97%
                 Golf                           $1,363,700    $1,839,175     $475,475      34.87%
                 Recreation                      $324,275      $320,175      ($4,100)       -1.26%

Ogden City Council Work Session: June 1, 2021                                                        2
Purpose of Work Session: Background FY2022 BUDGET PROPOSALS - PUBLIC SERVICES, INCLUDING: Ogden City
Significant Changes
                             Significant budget line-item changes for the Public Services and
                             Enterprise Fund budgets are detailed in attachments to this memo.

                             Organization Structure/Staffing
                             The FY2022 budget proposes no significant staffing changes for Public

                     Public Services            FY2021   Proposed
                                                                  Changes            Notes
                      General Fund               FTEs     FY2022
                 Administration                   3         3        0
                 Cemetery                         4         4        0
                 Engineering                      10       10        0
                 Golden Hours                     1         1        0
                 Marshall White                   3         3        0
                 Municipal Gardens                1         1        0
                 Streets – Operations           16.50     16.50      0
                 Parks                            26       26        0
                 Recreation                       6         6        0
                             TOTAL FTE          70.50     70.50      0

                                                FY2021   Proposed
                    Enterprise Fund                               Changes            Notes
                                                 FTEs     FY2022
                 Water Utility                  59.80     59.80      0
                 Sanitary Sewer Util.           12.10     12.10      0
                 Storm Sewer Utility            13.10     13.10      0
                 Refuse Utility                 16.50     16.50      0
                 Golf Courses                     3         3        0
                 Recreation                       0         0        0
                             TOTAL FTE          104.5     104.5      0

   Questions                 Directors have been asked to address the questions and provide
                             information as set forth in the Presentation Guidelines document

Ogden City Council Work Session: June 1, 2021                                                        3
Purpose of Work Session: Background FY2022 BUDGET PROPOSALS - PUBLIC SERVICES, INCLUDING: Ogden City
                             1. Presentation Guidelines
                             2. Significant Changes
                             3. Budget sections related to Public Services:
                                   a. Public Services Department Summary
                                   b. Water Utility Enterprise Fund Summary
                                   c. Sanitary Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund Summary
                                   d. Storm Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund Summary
                                   e. Refuse Utility Enterprise Fund Summary
                                   f. Golf Course Enterprise Fund Summary
                                   g. Recreation Enterprise Fund Summary

   Council Staff Contact: Glenn Symes, AICP (801) 629-8164

Ogden City Council Work Session: June 1, 2021                                          4
Purpose of Work Session: Background FY2022 BUDGET PROPOSALS - PUBLIC SERVICES, INCLUDING: Ogden City
Council FY22 Budget Process
Budget Discussions/Presentations
     Please plan on making a 45-minute presentation highlighting the following as it relates
     to your department (Total time will probably be approximately 90 minutes to include

          I.   Highlight top three accomplishments for FY21.

         II.   If applicable, review any new cost-saving measures or efficiencies that were
               implemented during the year or report on savings from previously
               implemented cost-saving measures.

        III.   Identify your department’s biggest immediate challenges and how those
               challenges are managed.

       IV.     Identify your department’s biggest long-term challenges and what long term
               strategies are being considered.

        V.     Address any specific budget issues that apply. These may include, but are
               not limited to, the following:

                1. New funding requests (positions, programs, etc.).

                2. Significant line item increases, not including personnel costs.

                3. Significant changes in operations that have budgetary impacts.

                4. CIP Projects expected to be completed within the next year. If there are
                    several, pick the top three most significant.

                5. Major equipment purchases.

                6. IT purchases.

                7. Personnel changes and impacts of salary study (if applicable).

                8. Management Study-related budget items (if applicable). (Progress
                    reports on study recommendations can be presented during the
                    Council/Mayor/Director discussions.

Purpose of Work Session: Background FY2022 BUDGET PROPOSALS - PUBLIC SERVICES, INCLUDING: Ogden City
9. Other budget issues that you feel are important.

       10. Goals for FY22 and, if applicable, how these goals fit within the Five-Year
           Strategic Plan.

       11. Recommendations regarding discontinuing or cutting services

                   a. If the FY22 budget includes reductions or discontinuance of
                       service(s), explain

                   b. If the FY22 budget does not include reductions or
                       discontinuance of service(s), describe what you might
                       recommend for future budgets

VI.   If there are specific budget questions, those will be provided prior to the

Purpose of Work Session: Background FY2022 BUDGET PROPOSALS - PUBLIC SERVICES, INCLUDING: Ogden City
‐   Wages and benefits were also increased in CED for:
            o 2 temporary full-time planners to assist with the City General Plan update in the amount of
            o A new Economic Development Administrator range EDAG30 in the amount of $170,000.
            o A budget for BIC wages that do not qualify for Federal Funding in the amount of $26,000.
            o A budget for a temporary full-time Communications Specialist and a temporary full-time
                 employee at the Corner in the amount of $77,175.
            o A Code Services Collector was moved to the Fiscal Operations division in the amount of
            o A budget of $100,000 was added to the Community Development budget with Quality
                 Neighborhoods funds to fund Quality Neighborhood payroll expenses that do not qualify for
                 Federal Funding.
    ‐ The travel budget that was removed in FY21 due to travel restrictions related to the COVID-19
        pandemic is added back in FY22 in the amount of $18,125.
    ‐ The City has increased the fleet lease rates for new vehicles purchased and as a result the lease
        charges budgets in the CED budget are increased by $20,275 to fund these expenses.
‐   Various other reductions were made to the Arts and Events and Union Station budgets in the amount of
    $140,000 in FY2021, due to the limitation COVID-19 has on social gathering and a reduction in activity
    in events, these budgets are added back in FY22.

    Public Services
    The net change of the Public Services budget for FY2022 is an increase of $1,541,125.

    This increase is due to the net of the following specific changes:
    ‐ Wage and benefit increases, as described in the significant changes to employee compensation and
        benefits along with employee turnover and total $508,150.
    ‐ Temporary wages have been increased by $490,000 in the Engineering, Parks and Recreation
        budgets to increase the hourly wage for temporary and seasonal employees in an effort to attract
        employees in this competitive job market..
    ‐ The travel budget that was removed in FY21 due to travel restrictions related to the COVID-19
        pandemic is added back in FY22 in the amount of $16,600.
    ‐ The City has increased the fleet lease rates for new vehicles purchased and as a result the lease
        charges budgets in Public Service budget are increased by $68,350 to fund these expenses.
    ‐ Several budget increases were made to the FY22 budget to fund budget shortfalls due to increased
        costs including $70,000 in the tree maintenance contract, $182,000 in the park water expenses,
        $35,000 in trail maintenance and $32,250 for signal light maintenance.
    ‐ Various other reductions were made to the Recreation budgets in the amount of $44,425 in FY2021,
        due to the limitation COVID-19 has on social gathering and a reduction in activity in events, these
        budgets are added back in FY22.

Purpose of Work Session: Background FY2022 BUDGET PROPOSALS - PUBLIC SERVICES, INCLUDING: Ogden City
                               Organizational Structure
   Public Services Department



                                                                    Engineering Services

                                                                            Golf Courses

                                                                       Parks & Cemetery


                                                                           Refuse Utility

                                                                    Sanitary Sewer Utility

                                                                      Storm Sewer Utility


                                                                            Water Utility

                                           Non-general operations indicated by underlined text.


Public Services provides a diversity of services, utilities, events, and recreational opportunities
through its Divisions. The Public Services Department helps to provide for citizens’ safety
through many of the services it provides.

Purpose of Work Session: Background FY2022 BUDGET PROPOSALS - PUBLIC SERVICES, INCLUDING: Ogden City
                           2021-2022 TENTATIVE BUDGET
                                 PUBLIC SERVICES

     ARTS, CULTURE, EVENTS                                                   346,025
     ENGINEERING                                                             990,600
     PARKS AND CEMETERY                                                    4,419,925
     PUBLIC SERVICES ADMINISTRATION                                          433,075
     RECREATION                                                            1,765,775
     STREETS                                                               3,720,200

                                                        ARTS, CULTURE, EVENTS


                                                        PARKS AND CEMETERY

                                                        PUBLIC SERVICES


     CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS                                         10,447,175
     CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE EXPENDABLE TRUST                                 30,750
     GENERAL FUND                                                         11,675,600
     GOLF COURSES                                                          1,839,175
     GOMER NICHOLAS TRUST                                                      7,500
     MISC. GRANTS & DONATIONS EXPENDABLE TRUST                                 5,000
     RECREATION                                                              320,175
     REFUSE UTILITY                                                        6,317,225
     SANITARY SEWER UTILITY                                               12,652,625
     STORM SEWER UTILITY                                                   5,294,250
     WATER UTILITY                                                        24,266,725


Purpose of Work Session: Background FY2022 BUDGET PROPOSALS - PUBLIC SERVICES, INCLUDING: Ogden City
                                                                  2021 - 2022 BUDGET
                                                            DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL REPORT

     POSITION                                       RANGE            2020      2021    STUDY PROPOSED TITLE            STUDY RANGE   2022
     PUBLIC SERVICES DIRECTOR                       DIR74             1.00      1.00   PUBLIC SERVICES DIRECTOR        DIRG34         1.00
     PROJECT COORDINATOR                            43                1.00      1.00   VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR           G16            1.00
     OFFICE SUPERVISOR                              38                1.00      1.00   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT III    G10            1.00
                        DIVISION FULL TIME TOTAL:                    3.00      3.00                                                  3.00
                        FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                          OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                      0.00      0.02                                                  0.02
                          TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                     0.00      0.00                                                  0.00

                        DIVISION TOTAL PERSONNEL:                    3.00      3.02                                                  3.02

     POSITION                                       RANGE            2020      2021    STUDY PROPOSED TITLE            STUDY RANGE   2022
     MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER                        36                1.00      1.00   PARKS MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER   G14            1.00
     EQUIPMENT OPERATOR                             30                1.00      1.00   EQUIPMENT OPERATOR              G08            1.00
     MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN                         27                1.00      1.00   MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN          G07            1.00
     SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT                        25                1.00      1.00   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II     G07            1.00
                        DIVISION FULL TIME TOTAL:                    4.00      4.00                                                  4.00
                        FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                          OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                      0.37      0.45                                                  0.43
                          TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                     2.35      2.66                                                  4.90

                        DIVISION TOTAL PERSONNEL:                    6.71      7.11                                                  9.34

                                                                               2021 - 2022 BUDGET
                                                                     DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL REPORT


     POSITION                                         RANGE                       2020      2021    STUDY PROPOSED TITLE                            STUDY RANGE   2022
     PUBLIC SVC DEPUTY DIR/CITY ENGINEER              DDD69                        1.00      1.00   CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC SERVICES DEPUTY DIRECTOR   DDDG31         1.00
     ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER                          61                           1.00      1.00   CITY ENGINEER, ASSISTANT                        G26            1.00
     PRINCIPAL ENGINEER                               57                           4.00      4.00   ENGINEER, PRINCIPAL                             G24            4.00
     ENGINEER                                         51                           2.00      2.00   ENGINEER                                        G21            2.00
     CITY SURVEYOR                                    48                           1.00      1.00   CITY SURVEYOR                                   G21            1.00
     ENGINEERING PROJECT COORDINATOR                  47                           1.00      1.00   ENGINEERING PROJECT COORDINATOR                 G17            1.00
     LEAD CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR                      45                           1.00      1.00   CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR, LEAD                    G17            1.00
     CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR                           41                           2.00      2.00   CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR                          G14            2.00
     SEWER UTILITY INSPECTOR                          40                           1.00      1.00   SEWER UTILITY INSPECTOR                         G14            1.00
     ENGINEERING DESIGNER                             33                           1.00      1.00   ENGINEERING DESIGNER                            G09            1.00
     CONTRACT TECHNICIAN                              27                           1.00      1.00   CONTRACT TECHNICIAN                             G07            1.00
     PRINCIPAL ENGINEER                               57      (budgeted in        -1.00     -1.00   ENGINEER, PRINCIPAL                             G24           -1.00
                                                              Water Utility)
     PRINCIPAL ENGINEER                               57      (budgeted in        -1.00     -1.00   ENGINEER, PRINCIPAL                             G24           -1.00
                                                              Sanitary Sewer
     PRINCIPAL ENGINEER                               57      (budgeted in        -1.00     -1.00   ENGINEER, PRINCIPAL                             G24           -1.00
                                                              Storm Sewer
     CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR                           41      (budgeted in        -0.80     -0.80   CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR                          G14           -0.80
                                                              Water Utility)
     CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR                           41      (budgeted in        -0.60     -0.60   CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR                          G14           -0.60
                                                              Sanitary Sewer
     CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR                           41      (budgeted in        -0.60     -0.60   CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR                          G14           -0.60
                                                              Storm Sewer
     SEWER UTILITY INSPECTOR                          40      (budgeted in        -0.50     -0.50   SEWER UTILITY INSPECTOR                         G14           -0.50
                                                              Sanitary Sewer
     SEWER UTILITY INSPECTOR                          40      (budgeted in        -0.50     -0.50   SEWER UTILITY INSPECTOR                         G14           -0.50
                                                              Storm Sewer
                          DIVISION FULL TIME TOTAL:                              10.00      10.00                                                                 10.00
                          FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                            OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                                 0.01       0.11                                                                  0.20
                            TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                                1.84       0.86                                                                  2.69

                          DIVISION TOTAL PERSONNEL:                              11.85      10.96                                                                 12.90

                                                                    2021 - 2022 BUDGET
                                                              DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL REPORT


     POSITION                                         RANGE            2020      2021    STUDY PROPOSED TITLE               STUDY RANGE   2022
     RECREATION CENTER SUPERVISOR                     42                1.00      1.00   SENIOR CENTER SUPERVISOR           G16            1.00
     RECREATION SUPERVISOR                            38                1.00      0.00                                                     0.00
                          DIVISION FULL TIME TOTAL:                    2.00      1.00                                                     1.00
                          FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                            OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                      0.00      0.00                                                     0.00
                            TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                     0.86      1.04                                                     1.66

                          DIVISION TOTAL PERSONNEL:                    2.86      2.04                                                     2.66
     POSITION                                         RANGE            2020      2021    STUDY PROPOSED TITLE               STUDY RANGE   2022
     RECREATION SUPERVISOR                            38                1.00      1.00   RECREATION SUPERVISOR              G15            1.00
     ASSIST RECREATION SUPERVISOR                     28                1.00      1.00   RECREATION SUPERVISOR, ASSISTANT   G09            1.00
     MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN                           26                1.00      1.00   MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN             G07            1.00
                          DIVISION FULL TIME TOTAL:                    3.00      3.00                                                     3.00
                          FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                            OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                      0.09      0.00                                                     0.00
                            TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                     1.52      1.10                                                     2.78

                          DIVISION TOTAL PERSONNEL:                    4.60      4.10                                                     5.78

     POSITION                                         RANGE            2020      2021    STUDY PROPOSED TITLE               STUDY RANGE   2022
     MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN                           27                1.00      1.00   MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN             G07            1.00
                          DIVISION FULL TIME TOTAL:                    1.00      1.00                                                     1.00
                          FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                            OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                      0.07      0.08                                                     0.08
                            TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                     0.00      0.11                                                     0.49

                          DIVISION TOTAL PERSONNEL:                    1.07      1.19                                                     1.57

                                                                               2021 - 2022 BUDGET
                                                                    DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL REPORT


     POSITION                                        RANGE                       2020       2021       STUDY PROPOSED TITLE                 STUDY RANGE   2022
     PUBLIC OPERATIONS MANAGER                       DIV62                         1.00       1.00     PUBLIC SERVICES OPERATIONS MANAGER   DIVG28          1.00
     MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR                          43                            1.00       1.00     MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR               G17             1.00
     MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER                         36                            2.00       2.00     MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER              G14             2.00
     OFFICE SUPERVISOR                               38                            1.00       1.00     ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT III         G10             1.00
     HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR                        33                          10.00      10.00      EQUIPMENT OPERATOR, HEAVY            G10           10.00
     EQUIPMENT OPERATOR                              30                            3.00       3.00     EQUIPMENT OPERATOR                   G08             3.00
     PUBLICE OPERATIONS MANAGER                      DIV62   (budgeted in         -0.25      -0.25     PUBLIC SERVICES OPERATIONS MANAGER   DIVG28         -0.25
                                                             Sanitary Sewer)
     PUBLICE OPERATIONS MANAGER                      DIV62   (budgeted in         -0.25     -0.25      PUBLIC SERVICES OPERATIONS MANAGER   DIVG28        -0.25
                                                             Storm Sewer)
     PUBLICE OPERATIONS MANAGER                      DIV62   (budgeted in         -0.25     -0.25      PUBLIC SERVICES OPERATIONS MANAGER   DIVG28        -0.25
     OFFICE SUPERVISOR                               38      (budgeted in         -0.25     -0.25      ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT III         G10           -0.25
                                                             Sanitary Sewer)
     OFFICE SUPERVISOR                               38      (budgeted in         -0.25     -0.25      ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT III         G10           -0.25
                                                             Storm Sewer)
     OFFICE SUPERVISOR                               38      (budgeted in         -0.25     -0.25      ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT III         G10           -0.25
                                                                                 16.50      16.50                                                         16.50
                         FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                           OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                                  0.90       0.78                                                          0.75
                           TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                                 0.00       4.50                                                          4.50

                         DIVISION TOTAL PERSONNEL:                               17.40      21.78                                                         21.74
     POSITION                                        RANGE                        2020      2021       STUDY PROPOSED TITLE                 STUDY RANGE   2022
     PARKS MANAGER                                   DIV62                         1.00      1.00      PARKS MANAGER                        DIVG28         1.00
     URBAN FORESTER                                  45                            1.00      1.00      URBAN FORESTER                       G18            1.00
     FORESTRY/STRUCTURAL SUPERVISOR                  43                            1.00      1.00      STRUCTURAL MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR    G17            1.00
     PARKS MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR                    43                            1.00      1.00      AREA MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR          G17            1.00
     PARKS MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER                   36                            4.00      4.00      MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER              G14            5.00
     HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR                        33                            2.00      2.00      EQUIPMENT OPERATOR, HEAVY            G10            1.00
                                                                                                       MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN, SENIOR       G10            1.00
     EQUIPMENT OPERATOR                              30                           1.00          1.00   EQUIPMENT OPERATOR                   G08            1.00
                                                                                                       ARBORIST                             G07            2.00
     MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN                          27                          14.00      14.00      MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN               G07           11.00
     SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT                         25                           1.00       1.00      ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II          G07            1.00
                         DIVISION FULL TIME TOTAL:                               26.00      26.00                                                         26.00
                         FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                           OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                                  1.45       2.34                                                          2.25
                           TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                                 7.86       5.62                                                         11.88

                         DIVISION TOTAL PERSONNEL:                               35.31      33.96                                                         40.13



                                                             2021 - 2022 BUDGET
                                                       DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL REPORT

POSITION                                       RANGE            2020      2021    STUDY PROPOSED TITLE          STUDY RANGE    2022
RECREATION MANAGER                             DIV62             1.00      1.00   RECREATION MANAGER            DIVG27          1.00
RECREATION SUPERVISOR                          38                3.00      4.00   RECREATION SUPERVISOR         G15             4.00
SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT                        25                1.00      1.00   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II   G07             1.00
                   DIVISION FULL TIME TOTAL:                    5.00       6.00                                                 6.00
                   FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                     OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                      0.11       0.13                                                 0.13
                     TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                     2.77       7.59                                                 7.59

                   DIVISION TOTAL PERSONNEL:                    7.89      13.72                                                13.72

                   DEPARTMENT FULL TIME:                       70.50      70.50                                                70.50

                   FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                     OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                      2.99       3.91                                                 3.86
                     TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                    17.20      23.47                                                36.48

                   TOTAL PERSONNEL:                            90.69      97.88                                               110.85

                                  Organizational Structure

                Water Utility

                                                                                   Utility Billing

                                                                                    Filter Plant


                                                                                   Utility Stores

                                             Non-general operations indicated by underlined text.


The Water Utility Fund is a proprietary fund established to account for operations financed and operated in a
manner similar to a private business. The Water Utility fund is used to account for the provision of water to City
residents. The Water Division has started a Water Conservation Program to ensure the long-term viability of
Ogden City’s water sources. Rate increases were necessary to fund a broad range of improvements, upgrades
and expansion of the distribution system due to the age of the current infrastructure. A substantial amount of
infrastructure improvements are being completed with the use of bond funding .

                                    2021 - 2022 TENTATIVE BUDGET
                                SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES

                                                      2020                2021              2022
                                                     ACTUAL             ADOPTED            BUDGET
                CHARGES FOR SERVICES                      22,769,144        23,122,775         23,515,575
                INTEREST                                      398,506          150,000              150,000
                MISCELLANEOUS                                 201,993             90,000             90,000
                OTHER FINANCING SOURCES                       214,657                  -            519,300
                TAXES                                      1,778,891         1,400,000          1,800,000
                                                         25,363,192         24,762,775         26,074,875

                ENGINEERING                                   223,575          186,500              185,725
                FISCAL OPERATIONS                          1,716,589         1,631,700          1,808,150
                STORES                                     1,062,885           959,725              938,175
                WATER UTILITY OPERATIONS                  17,844,167        21,984,850         23,142,825
                                                         20,847,216         24,762,775         26,074,875

                                  2021 - 2022 TENTATIVE BUDGET

                                      WATER UTILITY FUND

Project Title                                               Amount     CIP Project #     Type

Distribution, Fire Flow, & Pressure                     $         -       WU015        PERPETUAL
36-inch Transmission Line Alignment & Repairs           $    300,000      WU036         ONE TIME
Infill Development Infrastructure                       $    100,000      CD086        PERPETUAL
                                                        $    400,000

                            Organizational Structure

      Sanitary Sewer Utility



                                        Non-general operations indicated by underlined text.


The Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund is a proprietary fund established to account for operations financed
and operated in a manner similar to a private business. Ogden City Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund
provides services to City residents and some residents of Weber County .

                                   2021 - 2022 TENTATIVE BUDGET
                               SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES

                                                     2020                2021              2022
                                                    ACTUAL             ADOPTED            BUDGET
               CHARGES FOR SERVICES                      11,920,022        12,151,450         12,490,475
               INTEREST                                      352,071          150,000              150,000
               MISCELLANEOUS                                 (1,457)             12,150             12,150
               OTHER FINANCING SOURCES                       165,843                  -                  -
                                                        12,436,479         12,313,600         12,652,625

               ENGINEERING                                   169,562          212,150              211,675
               SANITARY SEWER OPERATIONS                 10,439,712        12,101,450         12,440,950
                                                        10,609,274         12,313,600         12,652,625

                                      2021 - 2022 TENTATIVE BUDGET

                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (CIP)
                                  SANITARY SEWER UTILITY FUND

Project Title                                                Amount     CIP Project #     Type

Sanitary Sewer Master Plan Projects                      $         -       SA009        PERPETUAL
Infill Development Infrastructure                        $    100,000      CD086        PERPETUAL

                                                         $    100,000

                              Organizational Structure

         Storm Sewer Utility



                                          Non-general operations indicated by underlined text.


The Storm Sewer Utility Fund is a proprietary fund established to account for operations financed and
operated in a manner similar to a private business. Ogden City Storm Sewer provides services to City
residents and some residents of Weber County. Extensive infrastructure projects have been completed in
recent years including the Ogden River restoration project .

                                        2021 - 2022 TENTATIVE BUDGET
                              SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES

                                                           2020                2021              2022
                                                          ACTUAL             ADOPTED            BUDGET
              CHARGES FOR SERVICES                             4,956,274          5,214,375          5,283,250
              INTEREST                                             133,118             10,000             10,000
              MISCELLANEOUS                                          2,096              1,000              1,000
              OTHER FINANCING SOURCES                              279,639                  -                  -
                                                               5,392,509          5,225,375          5,294,250

              ENGINEERING                                          240,248         200,425               207,450
              STORM SEWER OPERATIONS                           3,643,886          5,024,950          5,086,800
                                                               3,884,133          5,225,375          5,294,250

                                   2021 - 2022 TENTATIVE BUDGET

                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (CIP)
                                   STORM SEWER UTILITY FUND

Project Title                                             Amount     CIP Project #     Type

Storm Sewer Master Plan Projects                      $         -       SU010        PERPETUAL
Weber & Ogden River Restoration                       $    250,000      SU078        PERPETUAL

                                                      $    250,000

                               Organizational Structure

              Refuse Utility

                                                                  Solid Waste Operations

                                        Non-general operations indicated by underlined text.


The Refuse Fund is a proprietary fund established to account for operations financed and
operated in a manner similar to a private business. The Refuse Fund accounts for the provision of
refuse collection and disposal to City residents and some residents of Weber County . Rate
increases in prior years have allowed the fund revenue to keep pace with operation costs. The City
made the decision to switch to CNG refuse trucks to try and hedge the risk of future rising fuel
prices and reduce the carbon footprint of the refuse collection system.

                                     2021 - 2022 TENTATIVE BUDGET
                                 SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES

                                                       2020              2021              2022
                                                      ACTUAL           ADOPTED            BUDGET
                 CHARGES FOR SERVICES                      6,020,960        6,119,475          6,289,225
                 INTEREST                                          -             25,000            25,000
                 MISCELLANEOUS                                     -              3,000             3,000
                 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES                           -         643,300                    -
                                                           6,020,960        6,790,775          6,317,225

                 REFUSE OPERATIONS                         5,616,570        6,790,775          6,317,225
                                                           5,616,570        6,790,775          6,317,225

                               Organizational Structure

              Golf Courses

                                                                   El Monte Golf Course

                                                               Mount Ogden Golf Course

                                        Non-general operations indicated by underlined text.


The Golf Courses Fund is a proprietary fund established to account for operations financed and
operated in a manner similar to a private business. The Golf Courses fund includes both Mount
Ogden and El Monte Golf Courses. This fund is used to account for the provision of two recreational
golf facilities to Ogden City residents and residents of the surrounding area.

                                         2021 - 2022 TENTATIVE BUDGET
                               SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES

                                                            2020                 2021             2022
                                                           ACTUAL              ADOPTED           BUDGET
               CHARGES FOR SERVICES                             1,076,409           1,096,000         1,096,000
               INTEREST                                             (24,624)             1,000              1,000
               INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE                                   -                 -             87,000
               MISCELLANEOUS                                          3,613              6,000              6,000
               OTHER FINANCING SOURCES                              290,000          260,700              649,175
                                                                1,345,398           1,363,700         1,839,175

               GOLF COURSES                                     1,413,355           1,363,700         1,839,175
                                                                1,413,355           1,363,700         1,839,175

                                      2021 - 2022 TENTATIVE BUDGET

                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (CIP)
                                        GOLF COURSES FUND

Project Title                               Amount      CIP Project #   Funding Source        Type

Golf Course Irrigation Systems             $ 290,000       GF032        BDO Lease Revenue   PERPETUAL
El Monte Golf Course Deck-MUNI RAMP        $ 87,000        RM013         Municipal RAMP      ONE TIME

                                           $ 377,000

                                 Organizational Structure


                                                                           Recreation Programs

                                           Non-general operations indicated by underlined text.


The Recreation Fund is a proprietary fund established to account for adult and youth recreational programs
administered by Ogden City that are not included in the General Fund . These recreational programs charge
fees based on the cost to administer these additional programs. Enterprise recreation programs include
adult softball leagues, adult and youth flag football, tennis, high adventure clubs, fishing programs and a
variety of other programs.

                                 2021 - 2022 TENTATIVE BUDGET
                             SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES

                                                   2020                2021              2022
                                                  ACTUAL             ADOPTED            BUDGET
             CHARGES FOR SERVICES                          166,429         285,525               285,525
             INTEREST                                        3,093              1,000              1,000
             MISCELLANEOUS                                     89                   -                  -
             OTHER FINANCING SOURCES                        13,289             37,750             33,650
                                                           182,900         324,275               320,175

             RECREATION                                    212,937         324,275               320,175
                                                           212,937         324,275               320,175

                                                                               2021 - 2022 BUDGET
                                                                      DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL REPORT

        POSITION                                      RANGE                      2020       2021    STUDY PROPOSED TITLE                     STUDY RANGE   2022
        PUBLIC UTILITIES MANAGER                      DIV62                       1.00       1.00   WATER UTILITY MANAGER                    DIVG28         1.00
        ASSISTANT WATER UTILITY MANAGER               52                          1.00       1.00   WATER UTILITY MANAGER, ASSISTANT         G21            1.00
        WATER PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR                   52                          1.00       1.00   WATER PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR              G21            1.00
        MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR                        43                          3.00       3.00   MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR                   G17            3.00
        WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM COORDINATOR        43                          1.00       1.00   WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM COORDINATOR   G16            1.00
        WATER PLANT TRADESMAN                         42                          2.00       2.00   WATER PLANT TRADESMAN                    G16            2.00
        WATER LABORATORY OPERATOR                     40                          1.00       1.00   WATER LABORATORY OPERATOR                G15            1.00
        UTILITIES STOREKEEPER                         38                          1.00       1.00   UTILITIES STOREKEEPER                    G14            1.00
        MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER                       36                          6.00       6.00   MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER                  G14            6.00
        WATER PLANT OPERATOR                          38                          2.00       2.00   WATER PLANT OPERATOR                     G12            2.00
        PROJECT TECHNICIAN                            34                          1.00       1.00   PROJECT TECHNICIAN                       G11            1.00
        BACKFLOW TECHNICIAN II                        36                          1.00       1.00   BACKFLOW TECHNICIAN II                   G10            1.00
        WATER MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN II               34                         13.00      13.00   WATER MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN II          G10           13.00
        SENIOR MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN                 33                          3.00       3.00   MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN, SENIOR           G10            3.00
        BACKFLOW TECHNICIAN I                         32                          1.00       1.00   BACKFLOW TECHNICIAN I                    G07            1.00
        WATER MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN I                30                         10.00      10.00   WATER MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN I           G07           10.00
        UTILITIES CLERK                               30                          1.00       1.00   UTILITIES STORES TECHNICIAN              G07            1.00
        ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN                     27                          1.00       1.00   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II              G07            1.00
        PRINCIPAL ENGINEER                            57      (assigned to        1.00       1.00   ENGINEER, PRINCIPAL                      G24            1.00
        UTILITY ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR                 52      (assigned to        1.00       1.00   UTILITY BILLING SUPERVISOR               G20            1.00
        CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR                        41      (assigned to        0.80       0.80   CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR                   G14            0.80
        ASSISTANT UTILITY ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR       38      (assigned to        1.00       1.00   UTILITY BILLING SUPERVISOR, ASSISTANT    G12            1.00
        SENIOR MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN                 33      (budgeted in        -1.00     -1.00   MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN, SENIOR           G10           -1.00
                                                              Sewer Utility)
        SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK                          28      (assigned to        3.00       3.00   ACCOUNT CLERK, SENIOR                    G07            3.00
        CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE               25      (assigned to        2.00       2.00   CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE          G02            4.00
        ACCOUNT CLERK                                 25      (assigned to        2.00       2.00                                                           0.00
                           DIVISION TOTAL:                                       59.80      59.80                                                          59.80

                           DEPARTMENT FULL TIME:                                 59.80      59.80                                                          59.80

                           FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                             OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                                2.41       3.14                                                           3.02
                             TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                               0.06       0.57                                                           0.64

                           TOTAL PERSONNEL:                                      62.27      63.52                                                          63.46

                                                                               2021 - 2022 BUDGET
                                                                 DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL REPORT

  POSITION                                        RANGE                           2020      2021    STUDY PROPOSED TITLE                 STUDY RANGE   2022
  MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR                          43                               1.00      1.00   MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR               G17            1.00
  MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER                         36                               1.00      1.00   MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER              G14            1.00
  SENIOR MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN                   33                               2.00      2.00   MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN, SENIOR       G10            2.00
  MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN                          27                               4.00      4.00   MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN               G07            4.00
  SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT                         25                               1.00      1.00   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II          G07            1.00
  PUBLIC OPERATIONS MANAGER                       DIV62   (assigned to             0.25      0.25   PUBLIC SERVICES OPERATIONS MANAGER   DIVG28         0.25
  PRINCIPAL ENGINEER                              57      (assigned to            1.00       1.00   ENGINEER, PRINCIPAL                  G24            1.00
  CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR                          41      (assigned to            0.60       0.60   CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR               G14            0.60
  SEWER UTILITY INSPECTOR                         40      (assigned to            0.50       0.50   SEWER UTILITY INSPECTOR              G14            0.50
  OFFICE SUPERVISOR                               38      (assigned to            0.25       0.25   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT III         G10            0.25
  SENIOR MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN                   33      (assigned to Water      1.00       1.00   MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN, SENIOR       G10            1.00
  SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT                         25      (split between          -0.50     -0.50   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II          G07           -0.50
                                                          Sanitary and
                                                          Storm Utility)

                       DIVISION TOTAL:                                           12.10      12.10                                                      12.10

                       DEPARTMENT FULL TIME:                                     12.10      12.10                                                      12.10

                       FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                         OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                                    0.31       0.51                                                       0.49
                         TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                                   0.00       0.50                                                       0.50

                       TOTAL PERSONNEL:                                          12.41      13.12                                                      13.10

                                                                                 2021 - 2022 BUDGET
                                                                        DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL REPORT

        POSITION                                        RANGE                       2020      2021    STUDY PROPOSED TITLE                 STUDY RANGE   2022
        MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER                         36                           1.00      1.00   MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER              G14            1.00
        EQUIPMENT OPERATOR                              30                           4.00      4.00   EQUIPMENT OPERATOR                   G08            4.00
        MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN                          27                           5.00      5.00   MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN               G07            5.00
        PUBLIC OPERATIONS MANAGER                       DIV62   (assigned to         0.25      0.25   PUBLIC SERVICES OPERATIONS MANAGER   DIVG28         0.25
        PRINCIPAL ENGINEER                              57      (assigned to        1.00       1.00   ENGINEER, PRINCIPAL                  G24            1.00
        CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR                          41      (assigned to        0.60       0.60   CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR               G14            0.60
        SEWER UTILITY INSPECTOR                         40      (assigned to        0.50       0.50   SEWER UTILITY INSPECTOR              G14            0.50
        OFFICE SUPERVISOR                               38      (assigned to        0.25       0.25   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT III         G10            0.25
        SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT                         25      (split between      0.50       0.50   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II          G07            0.50
                                                                Sanitary and
                                                                Storm Utility)

                             DIVISION TOTAL:                                       13.10      13.10                                                      13.10

                             DEPARTMENT FULL TIME:                                 13.10      13.10                                                      13.10

                             FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                               OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                                0.16       0.65                                                       0.63
                               TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                               0.00       0.80                                                       0.80

                             TOTAL PERSONNEL:                                      13.26      14.55                                                      14.53

                                                                               2021 - 2022 BUDGET
                                                                        DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL REPORT

         POSITION                                       RANGE                     2020      2021    STUDY PROPOSED TITLE                 STUDY RANGE   2022
         MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR                         43                         1.00      1.00   MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR               G17            1.00
         MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER                        36                         1.00      1.00   MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER              G14            1.00
         SOLID WASTE COLLECTOR                          30                         7.00      7.00   SOLID WASTE COLLECTOR                G08            7.00
         EQUIPMENT OPERATOR                             30                         3.00      3.00   EQUIPMENT OPERATOR                   G08            3.00
         MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN                         27                         3.00      3.00   MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN               G07            3.00
         SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT                        25                         1.00      1.00   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II          G07            1.00
         PUBLIC WAYS AND PARKS MANAGER                  DIV61   (assigned to       0.25      0.25   PUBLIC SERVICES OPERATIONS MANAGER   DIVG28         0.25
         OFFICE SUPERVISOR                              38      (assigned to      0.25       0.25   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT III         G10            0.25
                             DIVISION TOTAL:                                     16.50      16.50                                                      16.50

                             DEPARTMENT FULL TIME:                               16.50      16.50                                                      16.50

                             FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                               OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                              0.70       0.87                                                       0.84
                               TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                             0.00       1.35                                                       1.35

                             TOTAL PERSONNEL:                                    17.20      18.72                                                      18.68

                                                                   2021 - 2022 BUDGET
                                                             DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL REPORT

        POSITION                                     RANGE            2020      2021    STUDY PROPOSED TITLE                    STUDY RANGE   2022
        GOLF COURSE MANAGER                          DIV62             1.00      1.00   GOLF COURSE DIVISION MANAGER            DIVG27         1.00
        GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT                   57                1.00      1.00   GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT              G23            1.00
        ASSISTANT GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT         34                1.00      1.00   GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT, ASSISTANT   G14            1.00
                          DIVISION TOTAL:                             3.00       3.00                                                          3.00

                          DEPARTMENT FULL TIME:                       3.00       3.00                                                          3.00

                          FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                            OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                     0.00       0.00                                                          0.00
                            TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                    8.74       8.87                                                         10.47

                          TOTAL PERSONNEL:                           11.74      11.87                                                         13.47

                                                             2021 - 2022 BUDGET
                                                       DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL REPORT

        POSITION                               RANGE            2020     2021   STUDY PROPOSED TITLE   STUDY RANGE   2022
                    DIVISION TOTAL:                             0.00     0.00                                        0.00

                    DEPARTMENT FULL TIME:                       0.00     0.00                                        0.00

                    FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS
                      OVERTIME EQUIVALENTS:                     0.00     0.08                                        0.08
                      TEMPORARY EQUIVALENTS:                    1.03     1.01                                        1.01

                    TOTAL PERSONNEL:                            1.03     1.09                                        1.09

5/24/2021                                                                                     Engineering
Ian Frankland                                                                                 2549 Washington Blvd
                                                                                              Ogden, Utah 84401
Principal Engineer
Ogden City Engineering

Citywide Sidewalk/Concrete Repair Program – Fiscal Year 2021 Review

General Sidewalk Repair

        Ogden City Engineering has contracted once again with Triple J Concrete LLC for
the Citywide Sidewalk Repair Contract. Triple J’s team has been conducting high quality,
cost efficient concrete work for Ogden City for the past 4 years, and this year has been no
exception. We have been able to make increasing progress removing sidewalk trip
hazards and curb issues despite the challenges we faced during the 2020/2021 year. We
classify sidewalk hazards into one of four categories, with Category 1 being the most
hazardous. The criterion for these categories is as follows:

Category 1: Sidewalk that has a vertical deflection of 4” or greater, or any Category 2
hazard where a trip/fall injury has been reported. These hazards represent the greatest
risk to the public and are targeted for repair with the highest priority. There are 184
recorded Category 1 hazards in Ogden City, and we have repaired 74 (~40%) of them so
far this in FY21.

Category 2: Sidewalk that has a vertical deflection between 2-4”, or equivalent spalling to
such a deflection. This also includes any Category 3 hazard where a trip/fall injury has
been reported, or where residents have called to bring the hazard to our attention. There
are 1,241 recorded Category 2 hazards in Ogden City, and we have repaired 184 (~15%) of
them so far in FY21.

Category 3: Sidewalk that has a vertical deflection between ½” and 2” or spalling
throughout the entire surface of the concrete. Category 3 hazards are the most numerous
in Ogden City, numbering 3,998 recorded hazards. Often cutting/grinding the concrete is
the most cost-effective means of repairing Category 3 sidewalk hazards. We have
repaired 98 Category 3 hazards so far in FY21.

Category 4: Sidewalk that has a vertical or horizontal deflection of less than ½”, or minor
spalling. Category 4 hazards are often more aesthetic defects than they are tripping
hazards to the public. These are scheduled for repair with the lowest priority but will
generally be repaired if they are immediately adjacent to a more severely categorized
hazard. There are 3,602 recorded Category 4 hazards in Ogden, and we have repaired 20
of them so far in FY21.

In November 2019, Ogden City Engineering set a goal to repair at least 95% of the
category 1 and 2 sidewalk hazards in Ogden City within 3-5 years. At the pace that we
have conducted repairs so far, and thanks to the efforts of Ogden’s City Council to provide
continued funding for the sidewalk program, this goal will be easily achieved.

Triple J has performed $409,383.21 of concrete work for the Engineering division to date
in FY21. This does not include the work currently underway on Taylor Avenue between
33rd and Boughton Streets. We have identified at least one more list that will be completed
before July 1st as well. Although work progress has been slightly delayed due to material
shortages, we have continued to perform citywide concrete repairs at an unprecedented

Triple J has also been able to assist Ogden City’s Parks and Recreation Divisions with
their own separate projects, including new concrete work at the Golden Hours Senior
Center, Bonneville Park, 9th Street Park, West Stadium Park, Monroe Park, Lorin Farr
Community Pool, the Ogden City Cemetery, and the Ogden Amphitheater. They also
regularly repair defective concrete curb & gutter, concrete waterways, and ADA ramps
throughout Ogden City. We have elected to extended this contract for an additional one-
year period lasting through mid-May 2022.

Sidewalk Cutting & Grinding

        Ogden City Engineering has contracted with Precision Concrete Cutting again to
help address many of the Category 3 and 4 hazards spread throughout Ogden City. Often
it is more cost effective to grind down a vertical deflection in the concrete rather than to
remove & replace the entire panel(s). So far this year, Precision Concrete Cutting has
performed 830 individual concrete cuts at over 100 addresses to alleviate sidewalk
tripping hazards in various neighborhoods in Ogden. Because our contract with Precision
began in October 2020, we have expended only $39,646.79 of the $100,000.00 budget for
these concrete cuts this year, so there will be many more to come before Fall 2021. At an
average cost of about $50 per cut, Precision’s flexibility and ability to mobilize quickly have
been invaluable. We will typically schedule Precision’s team to follow up in neighborhoods
after Triple J completes their work, to repair any smaller/lower priority hazards. Precision
has also been able to quickly repair sidewalk hazards where a trip and fall injury has been

Strategic Plan Funding & New Sidewalk Locations

         Thanks to the allocation of strategic plan funding for sidewalks and pedestrian
traffic safety devices, we have been able to coordinate with the Ogden City Traffic
Engineer Daniel Gillies to identify numerous locations for Rectangular Rapid Flashing
Beacons (RRFB’s), and locations for new sidewalk throughout the city. The west curb line
of Ogden Avenue between 22nd and 23rd Streets has been in serious disrepair for many
years, with collapsed overhead driveways and steep curb & gutter causing drainage issues
and tripping hazards to pedestrians. We were able to completely remove and replace all
the curb & gutter and sidewalk along the west side of this block this Spring, providing
much safer and more efficient infrastructure for residents and property owners in this
area. (see photos on page 5 & 6)

We are also beginning design work on new sidewalk on Monroe Boulevard between 32nd
Street and the soon-to-be reconstructed T.O. Smith Elementary School, providing a safe
route for children to walk to school. We are currently installing new sidewalk, curb & gutter,
and ADA ramps on Taylor Avenue between 33rd Street & Boughton Street, increasing
pedestrian connectivity while addressing drainage and traffic calming goals at the same
time. There are numerous other locations throughout Ogden where we will be able to
bring in new infrastructure to enhance pedestrian safety with these funds over the next

The 36th Street 5310 Grant Project began construction on 5/24/2021. Bowen Construction
Co. was awarded the contract. The scope of this project is to install new concrete
sidewalk and ADA ramps to connect the existing UTA bus stops along 36th Street from
Iowa Avenue to Birch Street. This project will be completed by mid-July 2021.

The Polk Avenue Safe Routes to School Grant Project is in the final stages of right-of-way
acquisitions and UDOT approvals for contract advertisement. The scope of this project is
to install new sidewalk on Polk Avenue from 36th Street to Franklin Street, and to re-align
the intersection of 35th & Polk Avenue in the interest of pedestrian and motorist safety.
The project will be completed as quickly as possible in 2021. Unforeseen issues with
UDOT’s internal contracting process have delayed this project beyond its original
estimated completion date. Our goal is to begin construction as quickly as possible by
early July 2021.

Commitments & Response to Ogden City Residents

        Ogden City residents will often call and voice their concern about sidewalk
hazards, and the Engineering Division has endeavored to respond quickly, effectively, and
courteously to all of them. We have created a rolling 3-year sidewalk repair plan, which
includes repair lists spread throughout almost all of Ogden City. In most cases, we have
been able to make and keep commitments to Ogden residents who wish to see their
sidewalk repaired by simply adding their location to a nearby planned list. In more severe
cases such as a reported trip/fall injury or the windstorm which we experienced in
September 2020; we have been able to respond more quickly. The additional B&C and
Prop 1 funds allocated for the program this year have given us the flexibility to schedule
our contractors for emergency repairs more effectively. Examples of this include:

205 N. Polk Avenue - A resident called in summer 2020 and informed us of a severe
sidewalk uplift caused by tree roots. Her neighbors are elderly and use the sidewalk daily,
and she was concerned for their safety as they struggled to navigate the sidewalk hazard.
Triple J performed the repair in September 2020, along with several other tree-related
issues in northern Ogden. (see photos on page 7)

1541 Oakridge Drive - The homeowner called in June 2020 to inform us of a pothole in the
gutter near the middle of his driveway approach. The hole had been rapidly enlarging and
his vehicle began scraping the drive approach as a result. We committed to repair the
issue within 12 months of the date when we spoke, and Triple J performed the repair in
December 2020. (see photos on page 8)

1834 Navajo Drive - The homeowner called in July 2020 to ask about the sidewalk
inspection process, and about the yellow paint on her sidewalk. She found the yellow paint
unsightly and hoped that it indicated that her sidewalk was to be repaired. Since the
hazard at her address was a Category 3 and Triple J had conducted other repairs in this
neighborhood within the past few years, we explained that Ogden City could not commit
to removing & replacing her sidewalk, but we could have Precision Concrete Cutting
perform the repair instead, along with hundreds of other cuts throughout the
neighborhood. Precision performed the work in February 2021. (see photos on page 9)

1048 Cross Street - A resident had originally called in August 2019, and again in the Spring
of 2020. There was a Category 2 sidewalk hazard in his front yard caused by a tree in the
park strip. We were able to add this hazard to a nearby repair list and it was completed by
Triple J in early October 2020. (see photos on page 10)

7th Street & Custer Intersection - A nearby homeowner called in Spring 2020 and indicated
that the waterway at this intersection was in severe disrepair and could easily cause
damage to vehicles passing over it. Triple J replaced the waterway in July 2020. (see
photos on page 11)

25th Street & Madison Intersection - A resident called in late September 2020 and informed
us that she lives with a physical disability, and has trouble using her wheelchair to
navigate the sidewalks around Lester Park, the Weber County Library, and Madison
Avenue from 24th to 25th Streets. She also pointed out the lack of any ADA compliant
pedestrian access ramps on 3 of the 4 corners of the 25th & Madison intersection. Triple J
was able to replace all three corner ADA ramps in November 2020 along with the new
sidewalk at the Golden Hours Senior Center. This area is also scheduled for concrete
cutting with Precision, who will be completing this work in June 2021. (see photos on
pages 12 & 13)

Triple J was also able to perform all sidewalk damage caused by the September 2020
windstorm within 60 days, thanks to coordination with Ogden Urban Forestry and our
Inspection team. These are just a few examples of how Ogden City Engineering has
redoubled its efforts to provide effective and expeditious response to resident sidewalk
concerns and reports, and to provide safe sidewalks for all Ogden City residents and
2200 Block of Ogden Avenue - Before
2200 Block of Ogden Avenue - After
205 N. Polk Avenue – Before & After
1541 Oakridge Drive – Before & After
1834 Navajo Drive – Before & After
1048 Cross Street – Before & After
7th & Custer Intersection Waterway – Before & After
25th & Madison Intersection – Before

Southwest Corner            Southeast Corner              Northeast Corner
25th & Madison Intersection – After

Southwest Corner           Southeast Corner              Northeast Corner
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