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psychology A PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION monitor on 15 Emerging Trends for 2021 What’s ahead for psychologists and the field
Psychologists’ research can help us bridge the gap in our divided nation. Page 3 WESTEND61/GETTY IMAGES ANNUAL GUIDE TRENDS REPORT 2021 This year’s report on the emerging trends in psychology looks at how COVID-19 continues to change the way psychologists do research, deliver services, and train students and how psychologists’ expertise is needed now more than ever. Psychologists are helping to improve lives everywhere by leveraging social media and apps, reaching out to underserved communities, leading efforts to end systemic racism and police brutality, and working to heal our fractured nation. 3 Healing the Political Divide 22 There’s a New Push to Reach Underserved Communities 7 Social Media Is Increasing Impact 25 Psychology’s Involvement in Policing 8 The Fight Against Racism Must Continue 26 Psychologists Are Moving Up in Academia 30 COVID-19 Has Reshaped APA’s Advocacy 12 Psychology Research Is Front and Center 32 Online Therapy Is Here to Stay 14 Mental Health Apps Are Gaining Traction 36 Advocacy Will Help Secure Expanded Telehealth Coverage 15 Psychologists’ Skills Are in Great Demand 37 Employers Are Increasing Support for Mental Health 17 The National Mental Health Crisis 19 The Great Distance Learning Experiment Continues C O V E R : I L L U S T R AT I O N B Y J I N G J I N G T S O N G / T H E I S P O T 1 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 I n dozens of interviews, the Monitor asked psychologists Trends across the spectrum of specialties what they saw as the emerging trends of 2021. There is wide agreement that psychology holds the answers to many difficult issues we will face, including how to sup- port employees struggling with burnout and work-life balance, Report garner acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccines, and educate students in a variety of formats. Not all of the trends we found are a celebration of success. The psychology of racism and how to end it struggles to find a place in the national conversation. The push to reach underserved communities is missing a unified call to action. Physical dis- Psychologists offered solutions tancing is stymieing progress for many psychological scientists. for many of the problems of 2020. One major question remains: Is psychology doing enough What will this year hold? to share its knowledge with the world? Share your thoughts on what’s ahead via email at — Trent Spiner, Editor in Chief MICHAEL AUSTIN/THE ISPOT 2 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report 1 WESTEND61/GETTY IMAGES Healing W ith votes now tallied and, in some cases, electoral outcomes having been determined by extremely narrow margins and marked by legal challenges, there is no doubt that the the Political political divide in the United States is a central trait of the country. And as this divide seems likely to continue to grow, for many of us it feels uncrossable. Yet psychological science suggests that it is both possible Divide and imperative for members of our society to find common ground. WHAT IS ACTUALLY GOING ON? How did we become such a To decrease the political divide, we must understand the various factors divided nation, and how can that work to separate us. One thing we can do now as individuals is pause and consider our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and identify the psy- psychologists help us find chological factors at play. The ability to place our own behaviors and the common ground? behaviors of others into a psychological framework can allow us to reflect BY KI R K WA L D R O FF on what we are experiencing and help us understand and shape our actions. 3 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report “Existential fear appears to be director of the Interdisciplinary where we are. But there is a lot FURTHER at the heart of what drives polar- Program in Cognitive Science of work to be done to bring peo- ization,” says Kirk Schneider, READING at Georgetown University and ple together. Behavioral research PhD, an adjunct faculty mem- Beyond your author of the book Mutual can provide insights into how to ber at Saybrook University in bubble: How to Radicalization (APA, 2018), bridge the political divide. California and Teachers College, connect across says that it’s important to also Columbia University, in New York. the political divide recognize that certain forms of APPROACHING THE DIVIDE Israel, T. APA Books, “One reason we tend to leadership foment and thrive on “Research indicates that the 2020 become fixated and polarized is extreme polarization. divisiveness will continue to because of individual and collec- The perception gap “If that kind of leadership grow if fear of the other and the tive trauma that associates with More in Common, wins out,” says Moghaddam, wounds fueling that fear are not a profound sense of insignifi- 2019 “then you’re going to have fur- addressed,” says Schneider. cance,” says Schneider. In this ther mutual radicalization and One way to mitigate the Mutual state, people may feel that they radicalization: How further polarization and fur- divisiveness is to physically bring don’t matter and fear “ultimately groups and nations ther irrationality in society,” a people together in safe, highly being wiped away or extin- drive each other to point demonstrated in his book structured dialogue groups, as guished,” he adds. extremes through case studies of extrem- Schneider elaborates in his most Moghaddam, F. APA And if existential fear is ists on the political left and right, recent book, The Depolarizing of Books, 2018 indeed a root of polarization, our including radical White nation- America: A Guidebook for Social sometimes warped view of the Intellectual humility alists and Islamic jihadis. Healing (University Professors other side can perpetuate it. in public discourse Knowing that the political Press, 2020). Over the past 15 “Some of this divide is a Lynch, M. P., et divide we are experiencing may years, he has developed and par- al. University matter of perception,” says be due, in part, to our own feel- ticipated in dialogue groups, and of Connecticut Tania Israel, PhD, a professor Humanities Institute, ings of fear and misperceptions the outcomes are promising. He of counseling psychology at the 2016 about others and seeing that notes that post-workshop sur- University of California, Santa those thoughts and feelings can veys among 1,800 participants in Barbara, and author of Beyond be inflamed by political lead- a dialogue organized by Braver Your Bubble (APA, 2020), a book ers gives us the ability to better Angels found that about 79% about connecting across the understand how we’ve gotten to of the participants felt that they political divide. “Most people are not on the extremes of any of these issues, but most of what we hear is from people who are more on the extremes.” In other words, people have a natural tendency to conceptual- ize everyone on the other side of the political spectrum as if they were the same as the leaders and spokespeople on that side. “[Leaders] can be very effective at creating and strengthening ‘mutual radicaliza- tion,’” says Fathali Moghaddam, STEFAN BONESS/VISUM/REDUX PhD, using a term he coined to describe the growth of two opposing sides toward more and more extreme stances. Moghaddam, a professor and 4 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report better understood “the experi- the same name, reminds us that the political divide. “People are ences, feelings, and beliefs of things aren’t as black-and-white married to the notion that they those on the other side,” and that as they may sometimes seem. can change minds—this almost they, in turn, felt better under- “No matter a person’s politics, always isn’t true,” says Safer. stood. About 75% of participants there are gray areas in all sides of Furthermore, she reminds felt less angry and less estranged the spectrum,” says Safer. us that we don’t always have toward those on the other side Protesters rallying And she should understand to be drawn into an argument. following the workshops, and against the travel this as well as anybody—she “Sometimes it’s perfectly fine to ban from majority- about 80% felt that they were Muslim countries describes herself as a “die-hard just walk away,” says Safer. “more able to start constructive (previous page) liberal happily married to a In our personal relation- conversations” with them (Braver and a passionate stalwart conservative” for 40 ships, Israel stresses to keep in Trump supporter Angels, 2018). from Florida years. While writing her book, mind our own sometimes faulty There are also opportunities (above) embody Safer interviewed 50 politically perceptions of the other side. the growing divide RICHARD JOPSON/CAMERA PRESS/REDUX to reach out to the other side in mixed couples and discovered “Don’t make assumptions about in our nation. our existing relationships. several helpful insights. Chiefly, someone based on their vote. Jeanne Safer, PhD, a psy- she says, we must focus on our Instead, I encourage people to chotherapist for over 45 years, shared core values. be curious about what their vote author of I Love You, but I Hate We must also let go of our meant to them. That’s an oppor- Your Politics (All Points Books, tendencies to want to bring tunity to open up a conversation 2019), and host of a podcast by someone to our own side of to learn more about people that 5 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report are important to us.” conducting mutually respectful conver- But not every American will be Israel urges that “curiosity and respect sations across the divide becomes much willing to participate in a dialogue for someone else’s views are the founda- easier under leadership that “identifies group, especially those on the fringes of tion” for bridging the political divide. superordinate goals in a cooperative way.” the political spectrum. To achieve even She also cautions that social media greater public impact, psychologists must limits our ability to have effective con- HOW CAN PSYCHOLOGISTS HELP? look to systemic changes. versations. On social media, says Israel, Psychologists, whether scientists, cli- Public education, for example, is a “people feel like they’re having conversa- nicians, educators, or otherwise, have way psychologists may contribute, says tions with people, but they’re not really a particular expertise they can apply to Moghaddam. “Because mutual radicaliza- interacting as full human beings.” She bridging the political divide. tion is mostly an irrational and emotional recommends that we should be hav- One way psychologists can reach collective process, individuals are not ing political conversations “face-to-face people directly is by working with orga- necessarily aware of what is pushing them rather than Facebook-to-Facebook.” nizations that facilitate research and to more and more extreme positions,” he Concentrating on face-to-face, dialogue, such as Braver Angels and the says, and being cognizant of the under- mutually respectful, and curious con- pinnings of emotions and behavior can go versations can work even in seemingly a long way toward effecting change on an hopeless situations. Qasim Rashid, JD, a individual level. Democratic candidate for the U.S. House Scientists must strive to share their of Representatives in Virginia, experi- research as broadly as possible. And they enced this firsthand during his campaign. don’t have to do it alone. Organizations While hosting a rally in late October like More in Common work to conduct 2020, protesters arrived to disrupt the research and communicate findings to event. Rather than ignoring them or audiences where they can have the great- asking them to leave, he invited the other est impact. side into conversation. Advocacy is essential as well. Other “Everyone I talked to had different countries that have made strides in reasons they were supporting my oppo- addressing the political divide relied sition, but we were able to have honest, heavily on government-led reconciliation open conversations,” says Rashid. “That’s efforts. The Truth and Reconciliation given me a lot of hope that people on Commission in South Africa, for exam- both sides are willing to listen, even in ple, has been fundamental in addressing this time of extreme polarization.” National Institute for Civil Discourse. disparities and conflict around apartheid. Moghaddam’s work on the psy- Many of these groups offer support- Were the United States to consider chological foundations of democracy ive, highly structured programming similar, government-backed efforts, psy- and dictatorship emphasizes the aimed at helping people learn about and chologists must be part of the call to do need for conversations like the one at understand one another as opposed to so. And the behavioral expertise of the Rashid’s rally. He urges going “beyond persuading or imposing one’s views on field would be central to success. name-calling and trying to understand the other side. “The collective mental health of the the other side without being disdainful This step alone is psychosocially valu- nation is at risk,” says Moghaddam. “Just and oppressive against the other side.” able because it promotes discovery and as we should rely on epidemiological “And this goes for both sides,” he an enlarged capacity for human civility. science to tell us when there is a vaccine stresses. “It’s a matter of Democrats But it also tends to be a cornerstone for ready for mass use, we have to rely on and Republicans really looking at one enhancing the likelihood of conflicting psychological science to guide us through another and recognizing that we have parties to find common ground, says these mental health issues.” GAYATRI-MALHOTRA/UNSPLASH superordinate goals that need to be Schneider. “This is because it creates And following an election that, for achieved—goals that both sides desire conditions for empathy and resonance many, felt like the most polarized of a but neither side can achieve without the between the parties that likely would not lifetime, this piece seems critical. “This active cooperation of the other side.” even be given a chance in the absence of is what our profession is all about,” says Moghaddam also reminds us that such supportive and structured formats.” Moghaddam. n 6 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report 2 Social Media Is Increasing Impact 3 ways psychologists are broadening their reach via social platforms BY Z AR A AB R AMS 1 Psychologists are increasingly sharing work that’s still in progress, especially on Twitter, says RESEARCHERS Jay Van Bavel, PhD, an associate professor of psychology and neural sciences at New York ARE RELEASING University. ¶ “That comes with a risk, because many of these studies haven’t been vetted by peer review,” he says. “On the other hand, there’s a greater urgency to share actionable information, espe- RESULTS EARLIER cially during a global pandemic.” ¶ Building on the field’s leadership in the open science movement, psychologists are now leveraging social media to share data sets and preliminary findings with other scientists, policymakers, and the general public. Early insights during the pandemic have helped promote mask-wearing, combat what Van Bavel calls “the avalanche of false information” about the coronavirus, and address the mental health challenges associated with social isolation. For advice on promoting research on Twitter, see the October 2020 Monitor. PSYCHOLOGISTS ARE REACHING A DIVERSE AUDIENCE 3 Alfiee Breland-Noble, PhD, founder and board president of the nonprofit AAKOMA Project, uses Instagram CLINICIANS ARE SHARING MORE MENTAL HEALTH ADVICE 2 Live, Facebook Live, and Twitter chats “When states started to issue lockdown orders, we saw a surge in people to share wellness strategies and spark seeking mental health resources on social media,” says Sam Chlebowski, conversations about mental health with vice president of sales and marketing at Brighter Vision, a marketing firm marginalized groups, including LGBTQ for therapists. ¶ Clinical psychologists, including Janine Kreft, PsyD, of the U.S. youth and families of color. ¶ “For the com- Department of Veterans Affairs, launched Instagram and TikTok accounts munities that I serve, I find I can spread the focused on psychoeducation, and those already on social media started posting word faster and further when I use social advice for navigating quarantine. Kreft says videos are “digestible, fun, and media,” she says. ¶ Breland-Noble also accessible to so many more people” than long blocks of text. Much of her content hosts scientists, activists, and other experts involves communication role-play as well as tips for coping with anxiety. ¶ As on her channels, which also include pod- the pandemic unfolds, clinicians have also been sharing relevant research and casts and YouTube. She features diverse practical tips for juggling remote work and childcare and helping patients use voices—such as meditation and yoga telehealth, Chlebowski says. ¶ Through these public interactions, “psychologists teachers of color during a weekly series on are being more vulnerable and human,” says Kevin Nadal, PhD, a professor of mindfulness. ¶ “We can use social media MATHISWORKS/GETTY IMAGES psychology at the City University of New York who has written about both his as a way of ‘giving psychology away’ so personal experiences and his academic research on racism and homophobia that it isn’t something that only an elite via Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. That has had a humanizing effect that educated group gets, but something that has helped normalize seeking therapy, he adds. everyone has access to,” says Nadal. 7 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report 3 The Fight Against Racism Must Continue Psychologists are looking inward to dismantle racism within the field BY Z A R A A BR A M S I n the midst of America’s racial reckoning, psy- to review psychology, but not for the sake of tearing chologists are playing a key role in rethinking it down—for the sake of making it more equitable bias, policing, and other issues. But psychol- and inclusive.” ogists say the field itself has its own systemic Racial- and ethnic-minority psychologists say injustices to dismantle. these efforts are promising but that there’s a long Steven O. Roberts, PhD, an assistant professor of way to go—and the discipline will need to face its psychology at Stanford University, and colleagues, for shortcomings head-on, including governance and instance, reviewed nearly five decades of psycholog- policies of organizations such as APA. ical research and found substantial racial inequality “Psychologists are human beings. We have in publishing, research he hopes gains more traction implicit biases that operate outside of our aware- as the field takes a closer look. Others in the field ness,” says Art Blume, PhD, a professor of are shedding light on unfair practices in the hiring, psychology at Washington State University training, and retention of faculty and practitioners of and president of APA’s Div. 45 (Society for the color. In some cases, racial inequities are even being Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and addressed more broadly at the systemic level. Race). “An honest approach to anti-racism involves “Many disciplines are looking inward right now, embracing the limits of our objectivity—in our JAMES STEINBERG/THE ISPOT and we are no exception,” says Roberts. “The idea is science, practice, and pedagogy.” 8 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report INCREASING DIVERSITY Research in Child Development among participants,” he says. IN RESEARCH is revamping its peer-review pro- Racial disparities in psycho- cess to consider racial diversity ANTI-RACISM AND logical research, including among participants as a review HEALING FOR ACADEMICS who receives funding from the criterion. Roberts hopes other While some psychologists are National Institutes of Health associations and journals will working to reform research and and others, are starting to make follow suit. publishing, others are applying headlines. But those findings Even the titles of psycholog- their research and skills toward aren’t new. In 1983, James Jones, ical research studies show bias education and healing. PhD, now a professor emeri- that favors White American “The movement for Black tus of psychological and brain samples. In a study of more than lives became so intense this year sciences and Africana studies at 5,000 articles, Bobby Cheon, that we couldn’t escape from the University of Delaware, was FURTHER PhD, an assistant professor it,” says Della Mosley, PhD, an already documenting psychol- READING in the Division of Psychology assistant professor of counseling ogy’s lack of focus on people of at Nanyang Technological psychology at the University of color ( Jones, J. M., “The concept The fallacy of a University in Singapore, and Florida (UF). “We asked our- raceless Latinidad: of race in the history of social Action guidelines for colleagues found that article selves: Is doing research really psychology,” 1983). centering Blackness titles were much more likely the best use of our abilities as “Scholars of color have been in Latinx psychology to mention race, ethnicity, and psychologists right now? Is talking about this for decades, Adames, H. Y., et al. nationality when study samples moving through academia like but people were not listening,” Journal of Latinx were not White American (Social it’s business as usual even ethical Psychology, Roberts says. 2020 Psychological and Personality while this war on Black bodies Now, Roberts and his team Science, Vol. 11, No. 7, 2020). and spirits is taking place?” have used a new approach—one Eliminating race- The implication is that studies Together with a doctoral that explores how the iden- based mental health of White Americans are often student, Pearis Bellamy, Mosley tities of editors, authors, and disparities: Promoting seen as representing normative launched Academics for Black equity and culturally participants are all systemati- responsive care or standard human behavior, Survival and Wellness, an cally connected. Across social, across settings while research on other groups anti-racism and racial-healing developmental, and cognitive Williams, M. T., et al. produces findings that may be movement grounded in Black psychology, they found that most (Eds.) perceived as less generalizable or feminist principles and Mosley’s editors and authors are White, Context Press, culturally constrained. theory, Critical Consciousness 2019 and that these editors published Cheon says journals should of Anti-Black Racism (Journal fewer publications on race and Decolonizing mandate that authors specify of Counseling Psychology, 2020). racism, as well as publications psychological limitations to generalizing their More than 15,000 academics, with fewer participants of color science: Introduction findings in the body of a paper, hailing from psychology, med- (Perspectives on Psychological to the special whether they’re studying White icine, the fine arts, and other thematic section Science, 2020). Adams, G., et al. American college students or disciplines, attended the group’s “In psychology, almost Journal of Social and people from Singapore. Journals workshops last summer. everything we know is about Political Psychology, should also highlight or incen- The initiative offers heal- White people, but Whites don’t 2015 tivize studies that include racially ing for Black academics and represent the entirety of human and ethnically diverse samples to education for their non-Black capacity,” says Jones. help encourage psychologists to colleagues. Mosley and her team Roberts and his colleagues recruit such populations. host a series of wellness activities recommend that journals “Our current incentive struc- for Black students and faculty, employ racially diverse editors ture prioritizes research that including self-care, financial and reviewers and establish task people perceive to have a wider planning, and mentorship. They forces to regularly review diver- impact or be more generalizable, also deliver extensive anti-racism sity among authors and samples. which may undermine efforts training to non-Black academics, In response, the Society for to increase equity and diversity starting with an introduction to 9 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report anti-Black racism, power ana- recruitment and admissions— Monnica Williams, PhD, ABPP, lytics, and racial trauma. Other and slowly, the makeup of a clinical psychologist and lessons cover the history of psychology programs is chang- the Canada research chair for racism in the United States and ing. In 2019, 38% of psychology In 2019, 38% mental health disparities at the the activist ally role that non- graduate students identified as of psychology University of Ottawa. Though graduate students Black academics can play. About people of color, up from 29% in identified as 31% of psychology doctoral 2,000 participants have joined 2009—and the share of tenured people of color, degrees are awarded to racial “accountability groups,” typically faculty and academic leaders of up from 29% and ethnic minorities, only 18% in 2009. 10 members or fewer, to extend color is increasing (“The state of of associate professors and 12% their anti-racism work after the psychology training pipeline of full professors in psychology formal training ends, Bellamy and workforce,” APA, 2018; departments identify as people of says. For example, a non-Black “Racial/ethnic minority repre- color (“Psychology faculty sala- accountability group at UF is sentation among the academic ries,” APA Center for Workforce helping amplify messages from psychology workforce continues Studies, 2018–2019). the school’s Black Affairs pro- to increase,” APA, 2020). Departments should create a VLADIMIR VLADIMIROV/GETTY IMAGES gram across the student body. But more work is needed formal retention plan and assign to address the troubling leaky mentors to meet regularly with CHANGE FROM pipeline that results in dwin- academics of color to discuss THE TOP DOWN dling numbers of psychologists and address race-related issues, Universities are also increasingly of color retained at the doctoral Williams says. Having more prioritizing racial diversity in and tenure-track levels, says than one person of color among 1 0 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report the faculty in a department is should strategically include, also key for creating a culture of consult, or defer to the science support and diversity. and scholarship of the respective She also points to a need to ethnic psychological association. better prepare clinicians of color Meanwhile, some insti- for race-related challenges they tutional reforms gained may face—such as an encounter momentum in 2020. Blume with a patient who holds racist launched Div. 45’s Warrior’s views—which has been tougher Path Task Force, charged with to address because clinical prac- identifying barriers in APA’s tice tends to be more diffuse and Isiaah Crawford, governance, bylaws, and associ- individualized than academia. PhD, president of ation rules that favor the status the University of “There’s very little specific Puget Sound quo and harm psychologists of training, literature, or even color. thought on how to prepare ther- Other institutions in the apists of color in all professional psychology field are facing aspects,” Williams says. their own racial reckoning. The Clinicians of color should National Latinx Psychological have access to mentors from Association (NLPA) is work- their own racial or ethnic group, ing to hire a consultant on the she says, which can aid in navi- Afro-Latinx experience who gating professional hurdles. “In psychology, almost everything we can help the organization center At the systemic level, change know is about White people, but Blackness in its work. Changes remains a challenge—and many will involve improving represen- say change within APA needs to Whites don’t represent the entirety tation on the NLPA’s leadership move faster. Williams calls for of human capacity.” council, updating the organi- stricter accreditation rules that JAMES JONES, PHD, PROFESSOR EMERITUS OF zation’s mission statement, and require psychology programs PSYCHOLOGICAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES AND AFRICANA producing a special issue of to employ tenure-track faculty STUDIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE the Journal of Latinx Psychology of color and recruit and retain that will feature Afro-Latinx racial- and ethnic-minority Council of Representatives—a research. students. Currently, APA- change that would mean bylaws “Social justice is so key to accredited programs must show need to be amended. That NLPA’s mission that we have systematic efforts to attract requires a two-thirds consenting to change the way our systems and retain students and fac- vote of membership, but mem- Protestors across work,” says Andrea Romero, ulty of color, but programs are bers have rejected the measure in the country PhD, president of NLPA and marched the not penalized for falling short three separate votes in the past. streets in support vice provost for faculty affairs at because of factors that may not It was voted on a fourth time of the Black Lives the University of Arizona. “And be under their control. in December 2020 with strong Matter movement. we have to set it up in a way that Other proposed solutions support from APA governance; will sustain anti-racist work in involve elevating the role of the vote was not decided before the future.” ethnic-minority psychological Monitor press time. “Issues of systemic racism associations (EMPAs) within “APA should leverage its have become more salient than APA. Theopia Jackson, PhD, power and influence to privilege ever before,” says Jones. “I believe president of the Association of the voices of [EMPAs] that are that because those messages have JULIAN WAN/UNSPLASH Black Psychologists (ABPsi), dedicated to promoting cultural become so potent in our minds says each EMPA should have a ways of being,” Jackson says. For and our society, psychologists decision-making role at APA, for example, when addressing the will continue pressing to find instance by adding seats to the needs of any ethnic group, APA ways to address it.” n 1 1 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report 4 Psychology Research Is Front and Center Though the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted research, it has also highlighted the importance of psychology BY ST E PH A N I E PA PPAS P hysical distancing requirements around the COVID-19 pandemic grants through NIH to focus on have created undeniable difficulties for many psychology research pandemic-related outcomes. It’s a strat- egy that can both benefit lab employees projects that relied on in-person interactions, forcing academics and inform public health. to be flexible and creative. ¶ In response, many researchers are moving as Post-lockdown, some researchers much work as possible online. Meanwhile, funding agencies are supporting have been able to resume in-person activities with precautions and protec- accommodations on existing grants where possible and will likely be turn- tive equipment. Others remain in limbo. ing an eye toward research that could help prepare for the next pandemic. Many scientists who work with rodents had to euthanize animals during lock- “The pandemic has illustrated the downs because animal care technicians importance of social and behavioral research, especially since our mitigation $ could not work. Some of these scientists, leery of future shutdowns, have delayed strategies and their impacts are predom- expanding their colonies again. Socially inately social and behavioral in nature,” distanced in-person research also moves says William Riley, PhD, the director slowly, says BJ Casey, PhD, a psycholo- of the Office of Behavioral and Social gist and collaborator on the Adolescent Sciences Research at the National Brain Cognitive Development™ study Institutes of Health (NIH). at Yale University. Many fami- “I believe it also increases the lies are reluctant to come in for burden on social and behavioral brain imaging during a pandemic, scientists applying for grant Casey says. “All of us were far too funding to make a strong case for optimistic that once we began to scan the public health impact of their research moving forward.” $ children again, we would be able to catch up fairly rapidly,” she says. The impacts of the pandemic on The sudden shift to virtual activities research have varied widely, even within has occasionally been positive. At Penn labs. At the Rice University psychoneu- State University, psychologist Daryl roimmunology lab of Chris Fagundes, Cameron, PhD, was forced to move PhD, some graduate students were his “Expanding Empathy” symposia able to pivot immediately to analyz- online, but he was pleasantly surprised ing existing data from home. Others avoiding laying off lab staff whose sala- that the change allowed panelists to LEIGH WELLS/IKON IMAGES who were in the process of conducting ries are paid by stalled grants, Fagundes participate in a conversation about in-person experiments will see their says. Fortunately, his lab’s emphasis on empathy and COVID-19. “Getting degrees delayed by at least six months stress and the immune system made everyone together like that for the panel to a year. The biggest challenge has been it possible to apply for supplemental webinar wouldn’t have happened in the 1 2 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report offered COVID-19 opportuni- ties: Its Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) had funded 240 RAPID Awards for a total of $32.4 million as of October 2020. That same month, NIH announced the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) initiative, a $500 million program aimed at improving COVID-19 test- ing in vulnerable populations. Awardees include psychologists such as Leslie Leve, PhD, of the University of Oregon, whose project will implement an out- reach and testing program for Oregon’s Latinx community, and Mary Cwik, PhD, a clinical psy- chologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, whose project will test interventions to expand test- ing access to American Indian communities. While future federal funding While future federal funding depends on the decisions depends on the decisions of a new Congress, NSF and NIH officials of a new Congress, NSF and NIH officials do say do say that the pandemic has that the pandemic has brought the importance of brought the importance of psy- psychology research to the forefront. chology research to the forefront. “If you are doing psychology research and you have the ability in-person iteration of events,” fields, however, suggests a gender to tie your research agenda to Cameron says. gap in submissions, with women the amazing public impact you Families in Casey’s study Some submitting fewer papers for could have at a moment like this, have appreciated doing psy- researchers publication (Kibbe, M. R., JAMA this agency would be receptive have been chological assessments online able to resume Surgery, Vol. 155, No. 9, 2020). to those proposals,” says Arthur rather than having to travel to in-person APA is working to analyze data Lupia, PhD, the head of SBE. her lab. Other researchers report activities with on submissions by gender to its “We’re living in a society that precautions more time to prepare papers for and protocols journals, but the data were not desperately needs that kind of publication, a freedom reflected in place. available at press time. insight.” n in the 25% increase in submis- Funding agencies have made sions to APA journals between efforts to support researchers UCHAR/GETTY IMAGES ● Funding resources For information January and September 2020 during the pandemic upheaval. on federal funding opportunities and conducting research during COVID-19, compared with January to Like NIH, the National Science visit APA’s website at September 2019. Data in some Foundation (NSF) has also topics/covid-19/science-research. 1 3 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report 5 Mental Health Apps Are Gaining Traction Self-help apps are leading more people to therapy rather than replacing it, psychologists say BY R E B E C CA A . C LAY T he COVID-19 pandemic could accelerate the development of men- says David C. Mohr, PhD, who directs tal health apps. That’s good news for psychology because these types the Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies at the Feinberg School of apps can lead users to therapy and enhance treatment, say psy- of Medicine at Northwestern chologists. ¶ Mental health–related self-help apps now number somewhere University. (While the Food and Drug between 10,000 and 20,000, estimates Stephen Schueller, PhD, execu- Administration regulates the small num- ber of so-called “digital therapeutics” tive director of One Mind PsyberGuide, a nonprofit organization offering that aim to provide actual treatment, accurate, unbiased information about such apps. The number can be hard it doesn’t regulate self-help apps in the wellness space.) Ineffective apps could to track as new apps are constantly being turn people off the idea of seeking developed and older ones are taken off therapy or disrupt a treatment plan a the market, says Schueller. “A lot of the psychologist has already laid out, says growth is in products that are developed Mohr. “And a few apps can be just plain by individuals or small teams without dangerous,” adds Mohr, citing a study any real intention or plan for long-term that found the content of some apps for support,” he says. The number of apps bipolar disorder inconsistent with estab- with robust business plans and teams to lished treatment practice (Nicholas, J., et back them—like Calm and Happify, or al., Journal of Medical Internet Research, what Schueller calls “upper-tier prod- 2015). ucts”—is increasing more slowly. To ensure that self-help apps are Apps could spur people’s interest a boon to psychologists and their in working with a psychologist, says people are turning to mindfulness apps patients going forward, clinicians need Schueller. “Apps might be a gateway to as a replacement for therapy,” says to get more involved, says Wright. “It’s subsequent care,” he says. “Someone might Wright. Once people are in therapy, apps important that psychologists serve as download a CBT app, realize it’s helpful, can help psychologists enhance patients’ subject matter experts and consultants and then find a therapist to help more.” progress. “A lot of work that happens to companies developing apps,” she says. And while some psychologists may in therapy actually happens outside the “Psychologists also need to be leaders in worry that apps could replace ther- therapy office,” says Wright. “Apps can the regulatory field as well, since it’s a apy, that’s not happening, says C. facilitate that work.” Apps can also help murky space right now.” Vaile Wright, PhD, senior director for patients address co-occurring problems Marlene M. Maheu, PhD, executive health care innovation at APA, cit- like insomnia or serve as booster sessions director of the Telebehavioral Health CALVIN DEXTER/GETTY IMAGES ing a study that found that just two once therapy has ended. Institute, agrees. “We’re either going to apps—Headspace and Calm—account There are some potential downsides, be part of the technological revolution— for 90% of active users (Wasil, A. R., however. “Anyone can put an app up and help create it and direct it with et al., Journal of Consulting and Clinical on the various app stores, so a lot of proper values—or we’re going to be left Psychology, 2020). “I really don’t think these are probably not that helpful,” behind,” she says. n 1 4 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report 6 Psychologists’ Skills Are in Great Demand The flexibility a psychology education provides is critical in these times of uncertainty BY ST E P H A N I E PAP PAS AN D K AR EN STAM M , P hD T he coronavirus pandemic has destabilized the economy and injected uncertainty into educa- tional and career plans for many people. But the data suggest that the versatility and human skills bestowed by a psychology education are a boon in the face of instability: Psychology doc- torate holders work in 61 different occupational categories. A PhD doctorate in psychology also teaches communication, management, and leadership, the top skills appearing in job ads between March and July 2020. Alongside problem-solving, teamwork, and critical thinking, these “resilient skills” appeared in 84% of employment ads in the early phases of the pandemic, according to a recent report from the labor analytics firm Emsi. The versality is also geographical, with data indicating a great need for psychologists across the United States, especially in the Mountain West and Midwest. n Human Skills Are a Boon for Job Seekers Despite the economic losses created by COVID-19, certain skills have remained in high demand. These skills, dubbed “resilient” by Emsi, are predominately human skills that are 84% part and parcel of psychology education. Emsi analyzed requests for these skills in new job postings during the pandemic.1 Job postings with at SKILL NUMBER OF APPEARANCES IN POSTINGS, MARCH 2020–JULY 2020 least one of these six human skills Communication 35% Management 19% Leadership 13% 30% Problem-solving 11% INFOGRAPHICS: MARY BETH RAMSEY Teamwork 4% Postings with two or more of these six Critical thinking 2% human skills SOURCES: 1 EMSI, RESILIENT SKILLS REPORT, 2020. 22018 NATIONAL CENTER FOR THE ANALYSIS OF HEALTHCARE DATA ENHANCED STATE LICENSURE DATA. 3SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, 2016–18 NATIONAL SURVEY OF DRUG USE AND HEALTH. 4NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION 2017 NATIONAL SURVEY OF COLLEGE GRADUATES, AS REPORTED BY APA AT WWW.APA.ORG/WORKFORCE/DATA-TOOLS/CAREERS-PSYCHOLOGY. FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE THE APA CENTER FOR WORKFORCE STUDIES DATA TOOLS AT WWW.APA.ORG/WORKFORCE/DATA-TOOLS/INDEX. 56 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● JA N UA R Y / F E B R UA R Y1 5 2 0 2M 1 O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
MAP PI N G THE U.S. Where Psychologists Are Needed Most Top 10 Occupational Categories for Psychology Doctorates Half of psychology doctorate holders work in the top two occu- pational categories: psychologist or psychology professor. The other half work in 59 other occupational categories.4 1. PSYCHOLOGISTS 2. PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSORS 3. COUNSELORS Statistically 4. TOP-LEVEL MANAGERS & Lower, p
2021 Trends Report PAUL MERKI/UNSPLASH 7 The National Mental Health Crisis Psychologists must act now to help people who need it and prevent a much more widespread crisis A PA’s 2020 Stress in America survey released in October revealed that Americans have been profoundly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and are struggling to cope with the disruptions on top of other factors creating stress, including political conflict, the impact of racism, and an economic downturn. The combination of these compounding stressors and the persistent drumbeat of an ongoing public health emergency has prompted APA to sound the alarm on a growing mental health crisis that could yield serious health and social consequences for years to come. • READ THE FULL REPORT AND LEARN WAYS TO HELP AT WWW.STRESSINAMERICA.ORG. 1 7 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report Behind this devastating loss “ of life is immense stress and trauma for friends and families of those who died; for those infected; for those who face long recoveries; and for all Americans whose lives have been thrown into chaos in countless ways, including job loss, financial distress, and uncertain futures for themselves and their nation. ” STRESS IN AMERICA 2020 DRAGANA991/GETTY IMAGES HOW ARE AMERICANS FEELING? Nearly 78% of adults say the coronavirus pandemic is a significant source of stress in their life. 63% of adults say the economy is a significant source of stress, which is nearing levels reported during the 2008 recession (69%). 59% of adults, regardless of race, report that police violence toward minorities is a significant source of stress in their lives. 33% cite discrimination as a significant source of stress in their lives. Gen Z adults ages 18–23 are the most likely age group to report experiencing common symptoms of depression, with 75% noting that in the prior 2 weeks they felt so tired that they sat around and did nothing. 51% of Gen Z teens ages 13–17 say the pandemic has made planning for their future feel impossible. Despite these numerous stressors, 71% of Americans say they feel hopeful about their future. n. 1 8 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report 8 A student works outside the closed library on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus on Aug. 18, 2020. S The Great ome of the changes in education forced Distance by the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to lasting improvements, according to Learning educational psychologists and experts in the psychology training community. ¶ In K–12 education, many teachers are necessarily encouraging Experiment more self-management and independence in young learners—efforts that will serve them well after Continues in-person school resumes. And 2020 has brought an increasing awareness of the importance of social and emotional learning (SEL)—a realization that propo- Educators at all levels are nents say is overdue, as school-based SEL programs grappling with what the changes improve social and emotional skills, attitudes, behav- mean now, and for the future ior, and academic performance. BY K I R ST E N W E I R 1 9 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report While schools moved online learning, plenty of hurdles that work online—something last spring with hastily planned remain. Many of the same few educators were trained to lessons, many districts spent the challenges that existed in the do. “There’s a lot of energy being summer working on innovating spring haven’t been resolved. put into online learning, but it’s more comprehensive distance From left, “Access to internet and tech- still incredibly hard,” Rimm- learning programs. Yessenia Tinno, nology is still a big barrier,” she Kaufman says. 15, Jenikka Foster, “There’s been a lot of energy 16, and Alexia says. “And even with technol- put into thinking about kids’ Tinno, 17, do ogy in place, many students just SIMULATING THE social and emotional needs and their schoolwork don’t show up.” COLLEGE EXPERIENCE at home. They ways to create a sense of com- chose remote Distance learning laid bare Though undergraduate and grad- munity—to keep them engaged learning instead the economic and educational uate students may be more adept and support them through the of attending disparities between students, and at engaging with online learning classes in person stress and anxiety of this time,” at Pocatello High many still lack the technology tools, college students face many says Sara Rimm-Kaufman, PhD, School near their to connect to online learning of the same challenges as K–12 an educational psychologist at home on the Fort despite efforts by many school students, says Viji Sathy, PhD, Hall Reservation the Center for Advanced Study in Idaho. districts to provide all students a professor of psychology at the of Teaching and Learning at the with laptops and Wi-Fi. University of North Carolina University of Virginia. Meanwhile, teachers are often at Chapel Hill. They also face But while some things overwhelmed by learning new disparities in access to technol- are working well in distance technologies and creating lessons ogy and struggle to find social 2 0 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report Virtual education can often be just as effective as in-person learning, thanks to new digital learning platforms, increasing student ease with technology, and a large and growing research literature around online learning. connection amid restrictions on This experience may also have technology, and a large and many campuses or in remote raised the profile of online learn- growing research literature learning environments. “It’s a lot ing, says Francine Conway, PhD, around online learning. Yet there harder to create community in College and dean of the Graduate School are challenges, especially in the this format, when people feel so graduate students of Applied and Professional area of hands-on research and attending classes isolated,” Sathy says. from home have Psychology at Rutgers University disruptions to internships and Yet there have been silver missed out on and past president of the practicum training. And some linings in the move to online social connections National Council of Schools face-to-face interaction is neces- and one-on-one learning, says Sathy. More interactions with and Programs of Professional sary to achieve the competencies professors are now engaging in faculty. Psychology. “There’s a stigma required to be a psychologist. pedagogical discussions instead regarding online learning, espe- Nevertheless, this year of online of assuming they can simply cially in doctoral training. It’s learning has underscored that translate in-person lessons to often perceived as lower quality, there are benefits to going an online platform, she says. and there’s the perception that remote, at least in part. “There’s a new willingness advisers can’t adequately train “While there is a need to to admit they need guidance and supervise students using further support faculty around and more efforts to access the online platforms,” Conway says. delivering online content, there resources that can help them.” “That perception hasn’t kept are best practices out there. It Many of the efforts to opti- pace with the reality.” does a disservice to faculty to mize instruction will outlast the Virtual education can often assume they won’t adapt to this SANTIAGA/GETTY IMAGES pandemic, Sathy adds. “Once be just as effective as in-person new environment,” Conway says. they develop those resources, learning, she says, thanks to “Online learning is here whether they can take them back to the new digital learning platforms, we like it or not, and it’s time our face-to-face environment.” increasing student ease with profession embraces it.” n 2 1 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report 9 Antonio Wiggins cuts the hair of James Bennett inside his barbershop in Jackson, Mississippi, on Sept. 26, 2020. Wiggins often begins by talking about sports, but the conversations tend to turn quickly to his clients’ well-being and other weighty subjects. T he twin pandemics of COVID-19 and con- There’s a New tinued racial injustice have shone a spotlight on health disparities and underscored the Push to Reach need for more research and outreach to better support diverse and underserved communities. ¶ To be sure, many psychologists have been doing this work for Underserved years. But more psychologists are coming to understand how issues of diversity and health disparities are rele- Communities vant to their work, and more journals are implementing procedures to make sure research addresses socioeco- nomic factors, says Cindy Juntunen, PhD, chair of APA’s Psychology must harness the growing Task Force on Developing Guidelines for Psychological awareness of barriers to care and Practice With Low-Income and Economically advance real change CHANDAN KHANNA/GETTY IMAGES Marginalized Clients. A growing public dialogue about racial justice—and the recognition that COVID-19 dis- BY K I R ST E N W E I R proportionately impacts underserved communities—is 2 2 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report forcing psychologists to rethink how they reach out and interact “Even if we have a clinic on every corner, people with clients. “For anyone who cares about Telehealth is won’t come if they don’t have stable housing these issues, progress has often expanding access or food security. If we really want to improve to mental health felt like an uphill battle. But I see care for people in mental health, we have to change the systems.” people beginning to look at these rural areas, who SHERRY MOLOCK, PhD, THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY issues in new ways,” Juntunen may live hundreds of miles from the says. “COVID-19 has in some nearest provider. ways increased the likelihood of away. Increasingly, providers are all the challenges facing reaching underserved commu- reaching these clients through underserved communities. nities because practitioners are telehealth—an option that Marginalized communities often realizing they need different ways accelerated suddenly in the wake face hardships such as poverty to reach their clients.” of the COVID-19 pandemic. and a history of racial trauma, Some rural communities are In one recent example, two which can increase the risk of already beginning to benefit managed-care organizations in mental health problems and sub- from that realization. Rural areas rural North Carolina partnered stance use. Seeking therapy often RYAN MCGINNIS/ALAMY have higher-than-average rates to donate smartphones to 1,000 means traveling outside one’s of poverty and substance use, yet low-income patients to access own community and accepting the nearest mental health profes- mental health services. services from providers—usually sional may be hundreds of miles Yet telehealth can’t solve White—who don’t tend to share 2 3 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
2021 Trends Report one’s lived experiences. Those providers may not understand the nuances of what people in underserved communities need and how best to provide that care, says clinical psychologist Howard Stevenson, PhD, an expert on racial trauma at the University of Pennsylvania. “Psychology training doesn’t necessarily prepare people to be clued in to these cultural sensi- tivities,” he says. Despite such challenges, a variety of psychology-based efforts are aiming to break down the barriers. The Loveland Efforts to reach Therapy Fund, for instance, was communities of color have seen launched in 2018 with enthusi- ebbs and flows in astic crowdfunding support and both interest and provides financial assistance to funding over the years. Black women and girls seek- ing therapy nationwide. While individual treatment is valuable, reaching underserved communi- ties often means rethinking the traditional model of one-on-one treatment, says Stevenson, who has created community-based interventions. With colleagues a psychologist at The George and conducting more research Loretta Jemmott, PhD, and Washington University who to adapt therapeutic models to John Jemmott, PhD, he created studies mental health and suicide be culturally relevant. a program to train Black barbers prevention in Black youth and While the events of 2020 in high-risk neighborhoods in young adults. Molock argues have focused attention on these violence reduction and HIV-risk that to advance real change, disparities in need and access reduction. The barbers educate mental health professionals need to mental health care, people clients organically when they bigger-picture thinking. “Even if in underserved groups have come in for haircuts. Many other we have a clinic on every corner, been painfully aware of these successful initiatives also focus on people won’t come if they don’t gaps their entire lives. Efforts reaching people where they are. have stable housing or food to reach those groups, espe- The Sources of Strength youth security,” she says. “If we really cially communities of color, suicide prevention program, for want to improve mental health, have often seen ebbs and flows example, teaches high school we have to change the systems.” in both interest and funding. students to be peer leaders in In addition to social and eco- In that sense, Molock says, she changing the norms around seek- nomic investments, that includes hopes this most recent public RICH LEGG/GETTY IMAGES ing help for mental health. putting forth a stronger effort to awakening is more than just a But funding for such commu- train a more diverse psychology trend. “This isn’t a fad,” she says. nity efforts is often hard to come workforce, spending more time “This has to be something we’re by, says Sherry Molock, PhD, on these topics in the classroom, committed to doing.” n 2 4 M O N I TO R O N P S YC H O LO G Y ● 2021
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