Proximus group Q1 2022 - Results presentation

Page created by Mike Ellis
Proximus group Q1 2022 - Results presentation
Proximus group
Results presentation
Q1 2022
       29 April 2022

This presentation is a subset of the company’s results release.                Guillaume Boutin, CEO
Please consult for the overall disclosed information.
Proximus group Q1 2022 - Results presentation

Cautionary statement

This communication may include some forward-looking statements, without limitation, regarding Proximus’ financial
or operational results, certain strategic plans or objectives, macro-economic trends, regulation, future market
conditions and other risk factors. These forward-looking statements rely on a number of assumptions concerning
future events and are subject to uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside Proximus’ control.
Therefore, the actual future results may differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the statements.
Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only of the date of this
communication. Except as required by applicable law, Proximus disclaims any intention or obligation to update and
revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

This document and the Q&A session may contain summarized, non-audited or non-GAAP financial information. The
information contained herein should therefore be considered in conjunction with all the public information regarding
the Proximus Group available, including, if any, other documents released by the company that may contain more
detailed information. Information related to Alternative Performance Measures (APM) used in this presentation are
included in the consolidated management report.
Proximus group Q1 2022 - Results presentation

• Key achievements Q1

• #inspire2022 strategy

• Financial & Operational performance

• Appendix
Proximus group Q1 2022 - Results presentation

Key achievements Q1
Proximus group Q1 2022 - Results presentation
Group      5

Positive momentum in Q1

        On track to                           Commercial                            Good start to
          deliver                               traction                             reach 2022
       #inspire2022                            continues                              guidance
                                              +15K                  +11K
•   Total of 909k Fiber HP end Q1                                          •   Domestic, BICS & TeleSign all
•   Launch of Proximus Ada                                                     growing Q1 revenue

•   Agreement with Immobel on                 +38K                  +15K
                                           Postpaid          Convergent
    Proximus HQ                                              residential   •   Managing inflation risk
•   TeleSign ready for public markets
•   Mobile Vikings customers                                               •   On track for FY net debt level
                                                 Fiber activated
    migrated to Proximus network                   retail lines                around 1.6X (interest rate exposure fully
                                                                               hedged through 2025)
                                        +20% BICS cloud usage YoY
                                        X2 TeleSign sales bookings YoY                                                         5
Proximus group Q1 2022 - Results presentation
                                                                                                                 Group     6

Good start to meet our 2022 Guidance

 Revenue                                               Direct Margin
                          2.7%                                                      2.6%

                                 24            1,404                            6          6             917
            13       10                                                11
  1,367                                -10                  894                                   0

  Q1’21   Domestic   BICS   TeleSign   Elims   Q1’22        Q1’21   Domestic   BICS   TeleSign   Elims   Q1’22

    Opex                                                     Ebitda                                              € 270M
                          4.7%                                                      0.4%                           Capex
                                 9             469                              4
            10        2                                                1                                 448
   448                                  0                   446
                                                                                           -4     0

                                                                                                                 € 33M
  Q1’21   Domestic   BICS   TeleSign   Elims   Q1’22        Q1’21   Domestic   BICS   TeleSign   Elims   Q1’22     FCF
Proximus group Q1 2022 - Results presentation

Delivering on our #Inspire2022

                 Become the reference operator in Europe

    Build the best      Operate like a    GROW PROFITABLY         Act for a
 GIGABIT NETWORK       “DIGITAL native”     through partners   GREEN and
     for Belgium          company            & ecosystems      digital society
Group   8

Proximus taking up its societal role, supporting
Ukrainian people and launching several new solidarity

                                                  ▪ Support actions for Ukraine
                                                    ✓ Free communications to/from Ukraine
                                    Andere foto     ✓ 10 GB Prepaid cards for Ukrainian
                                                    ✓ Accommodation for Ukrainian families

                                                  ▪ Internet for All - Internet connection
                                                    for thousands of economically
                                                    disadvantaged Belgians

                                                  ▪ DigitAll - Launched MobiDig, a mobile
                                                    toolkit that social organizations can
    xxx                                             use to promote digital literacy

                                                  ▪ CULT partnership - Started combined
                                                    city deliveries in Antwerp:
                                                    driving -25%; emissions -90%
Discover the Proximus ESG KPIs on
                                                                Group       9

    Fiber roll out well on track to meet year-end target of
    22% Fiber coverage



outphasing of
 1st Fiber area in
 Brussels started

Trenching km
  X 4 YoY                                                         22%
Group   10

        > 900k Fiber HP in Q1,
        +95K in Q1 after seasonally high Q4
        Fiber Homes & Businesses
        Passed                                                       7.3k                                          22%
        (in K)                                                       weekly rollout                                Network filling rate*
                                                                      (rounded, HP)

1.000                                    909      200
                                  813             175
 800                     686                      150
                 621                                                                                                             22%
 600     533                                      125
                                                  100                                            9,700                   20%
 400                                                                                                             19%
                                                  75                             6,800                   7,300
                                  126                                  5,600
                  89                      95      50                                     5,000
 200      73              65                      25
   0                                              0
        Q1’21 Q2’21 Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22                                 Q1’21 Q2’21 Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22              Q1’20   Q1’21   Q1’22

                                                                                                                                       > 1M HP
        * Homes Activated / Total Homes Passed Ready for Termination (=connectable homes passed)                                                    10
Group                11

           Strong customer demand for Fiber:
           170k activated Fiber lines end Q1

           Fiber park & net adds*                                      Increasing Fiber share   Lower churn
           (in K)                                                      in total acquisitions    levels

                                                    146                    Q1’21   Q1’22           Copper        Fiber
               96                                                                               ARPC in € (Res)
                                                                         65%                     72         73
                                                                                                                   Fiber uplift

                                                                         Migration rate
                                                     20                  (1 year post                              Copper
               13           14          15
                                                                         commercial launch)
             Q1’21        Q2’21       Q3’21        Q4’21       Q1’22                             Q1’21   Q1’22


Proximus   *Residential + Business, incl. new & migrated customers
Group          12

Targeted value propositions & continued
customer focus drives better NPS
Solutions for each segment through our
                                                                                                                 Bringing relevant digital solutions
different brands

                                                                New !                                    New !

                                                                                                                   > 1M Active users            ~1M Unique visitors
                                                                                                                   MyProximus App                Pickx App & Web


Improved customer experience                                                                                     Driving better NPS

   Contact center                          CES*                                CES*
   volumes                                 technical assistance                administration assistance
                                                                                               +10 p.p.                 Convergent customers
                                                          +10 p.p.
                          -19%                                 YoY

                                                                                                                                     16         19               20    21      23     43      50
                                                                                                                             13                           17
      Q1’21     Q1’22                        Q1’21     Q1’22                     Q1’21     Q1’22                   2019     2020    2021       Q1’22     2019   2020   2021   Q1’22   2021   Q1’22
*CES: Customer effort score for technical & administration assistance journey (% TOP 2 out of 5)
Group   13

Proximus launches Proximus Ada, 1st Belgian center
of excellence combining artificial intelligence and

                                owned subsidiary of Proximus

                                Experts in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity,

                                X3 over the next 3 years.
Group    14

     Proximus and Immobel reach binding agreement on
     redevelopment of Proximus’ headquarters

                                     • HQ’s to be sold for approx. € 143M
                                     • New office space
Group         15

     On track to unleash full potential of TeleSign

TeleSign ready for public markets:                TeleSign momentum continues:
                                                                    87      87
                                                    77      77
•   Registration Statement (S-4) filed with SEC


•   18 May 2022 , Special Meeting of NAAC                                                  Direct Margin
                                                                   20       23      24
                                                    18      18
    shareholders to approve the proposed
    business combination
                                                   Q1’21   Q2’21   Q3’21   Q4’21   Q1’22

                                                  Company is prepared for further
    $ 1.3Bn EV                   2.2x
    Pro Forma, TeleSign      EV/Revenue 2023E     ✓ Strategy in place
                                                  ✓ New management team executing to plan
                                                  ✓ Strong investments in international Go to market & DI
                                                    product development

Financial & Operational

                                                                                                                           Domestic      18
Continued good growth for main customer bases


       Internet base 2,193K;                TV base 1,732K;               Postpaid base 4,689K*;             Fixed Voice 1,951K;
          + 45k YoY                              + 43k YoY                   + 388k YoY*                         -197k YoY
          +2.1% YoY                             +2.5% YoY                    +9.0% YoY*                         -9.2% YoY

 Net adds; Group (‘000)

                                                                                                               -49 -50      -45
                                                                                    58     53
                        15     15                                    37                             38
  12      10                         13    12          14     11
                 5                                5
 Q1’21 Q2’21 Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22      Q1’21 Q2’21 Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22   Q1’21 Q2’21 Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22        Q1’21 Q2’21 Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22

                                                                            *incl. Mobile Vikings
Domestic   19

   Proximus-branded flagship convergent offer Flex
   continues growth to 922k subscribers

                                                                              Flex subscriptions* (in K)


1 May’22         New: Flex XS          Upstream boost                             478

Flex ≥ +€4
                 (Internet + Mobile)
                                       for all Flex Packs
                                                                                Q1’21        Q2’21         Q3’21        Q4’21     Q1’22
price increase

                                                            *Number of Flex packs include both Residential & Business Customers
Residential   20

            Residential revenue Q1 growing by +1.9%

    Residential revenue (€M, YoY )

                        2.8%         2.1%
                                                                           Revenue growth mainly related to

            543          539          553          572     553             •   Increasing residential customer services
                                       50           68      53
                                                                               revenue (strong increase in Convergent
            59           50
                                                                               revenue and Mobile Vikings pushing up
           430          430           439          436     439     +2.2%       the Mobile-only revenue)

                                                                           •   Partly offset by less Terminals
           Q1’21       Q2’21         Q3’21         Q4’21   Q1’22               revenue, at low margin
           Other   Terminals   Customer services

Proximus                                                                                                                       20
Residential   21

 Residential customer services revenue +2.2% YoY,
 on organic basis nearly stable revenue, ARPC +2.1%

         Customers (in K)                                                 ARPC (in €)                      Residential customer
Growing Convergent base and inclusion of                               Supported by Jan’22 price          services revenue (in €M)
            Mobile Vikings                                          increase, customers moving to
                                                                      convergent offers at higher
                                                                     ARPC and despite lower OOB
                                   -2.0%                                        traffic                                                -0.2%
                                   organic                                                                                             organic
                +5.3%                                                                                                  +2.2%

                        2,832                                                                                  430             439

                        1,011                                                                   +2.1%
                                                                                                organic                        251

                                                                          53.0           51.6                  139             129
                        873         Mobile                                                                                               Incl.
                                    Vikings                                                                                             Mobile
                                                                                                                51              59
       Q1’21            Q1’22                                             Q1’21      Q1’22                     Q1’21           Q1’22

        Convergent          Fixed only       Mobile postpaid only
Business      22

    Q1’22 Business revenue -1.6%,
    mainly driven by low margin products revenue

Business revenue (€M, YoY )                                  Q1 results:

                                                             • Services revenue -0.5%, Fixed Data & IT services growth
                                             1.0%              nearly off-setting Fixed Voice erosion
   -1.7%                     -2.3%                   -1.6%

                                                             • Low-margin Products revenue € -6M:
    466          465                         477     459
                               454                                • IT products –6.7%, continued headwinds in chip supply
                                                                  • Terminals –18.9%, on less mobile terminals deals
    399          400           396           402     397

    60            58            51            68      53     Some noticeable new contract wins*
   Q1’21        Q2’21         Q3’21          Q4’21   Q1’22

   Services   Products   Lux telco & other

                                                             *with customer's consent
Business     23

Continued B2B transformation with good momentum in Fixed Data & IT
services, balancing competitive pressure and legacy erosion

Business Services revenue (€M )                 Business Services revenue -0.5% YoY in Q1

                                                •   Fixed Data growth - increasing Internet
              -0.5%                                 ARPU & Park, while managing value in the
      399                397                        transition to SD-WAN services

      78                  72
                                  Fixed Voice   •   Stable Mobile revenues - growing customer
                                                    base and favorable mobile managed &
      112                114
                                  Fixed Data
                                                    network services evolution, offset by ARPU
      116                115
                                                •   Good performance in high value IT Services,
                                                    especially in Security, Cloud & Smart Mobility
      94                 95       IT services
     Q1’21              Q1’22                   •   Fixed Voice - growth in PABX services offset
                                                    by Fixed Voice park erosion, while managing
Wholesale   24

 Wholesale continued positive track for Services revenue,
 benefitting from open network approach
Wholesale revenue (€M, YoY )

                  0.4%                1.1%    3.3%
                                                               • Fixed & Mobile Services revenue +22.4%,
                    71         72      75      70                with increased number of MVNO
                                                                 customers & higher roaming revenue
                              40       41      37
    41              42

                                                               • Interconnect revenue -9.8% impacted by
    27              29         32      32      33     +22.4%     regulation
   Q1’21          Q2’21      Q3’21    Q4’21   Q1’22

   Fixed & Mobile services
   Other operating income

                                                                                                                                                      Domestic    25

 Domestic revenue Q1 excl. terminals +2.2%,
 +0.7% on organic basis
 (underlying, €M)

   1,084                                                                                                                                                  1,097

                                                           9                                  6                 9               1,027

                                                                  +2.2% excl. terminals (cfr. Guidance)
                                                                       +0.7% on organic basis

   Q1’21          Terminals           Q1’21          Residential         Business        Wholesale        Non Service          Q1’22       Terminals      Q1’22
                (Residential &        excl.          Customer            Services         Services         Revenue*            excl.     (Residential &
                  Business)         Terminals         Services                                                               Terminals     Business)

*incl. Residential Prepaid, Business IT products, Wholesale Interconnect, Lux. Telco, Others revenue & Other Operating income revenue
Domestic      26

Managing Domestic Opex in challenging
inflationary context

                                  2.4%                                  Organic Q1
                    8                             2            417     Domestic Opex

   407                                   •    Transformation
                                                                       +1.5% YoY
                                         •    Mobile Vikings
                                         •    HCL
          •   Wage indexation            •    Cloudification
              (Oct’21 & feb’22)          •    Customer opex
          •   Mobile Vikings
          •   Direct Opex

                            Cost increases
                                                                       Cost efficiency
                             for large part                            program will further
                            off-set by cost
                              efficiencies                             mitigate the inflation

  Q1’21       Workforce                         Non            Q1’22
               Opex                           Workforce

                                                                                                                                           TeleSign      28
   TeleSign Q1 revenue +30.9%, representing another
   milestone in its journey to become the global leader in DI

                                                                                       Q1 in line with growth plan
Revenue (€M, YoY )                                              +22.7% in CC
                                                                                       • Digital Identity revenue & DM increasing driven by
     31.6%                                                                               strong volume growth (new & existing customers)
                                           22.1%                               30.9%   • Communications revenue & DM increasing driven by
                       12.8%                                15.1%
                                                                                         incremental demand of several large customers

       77                 77                87                87                100

     Q1’21             Q2’21              Q3’21             Q4’21              Q1’22            Strong NRR*
                                                                                                                   Cumulative volumes
                                                                                                                   nearly +20% YoY**
                                                                                           (vs. 123% end 2021)
                                                                 +9.4% in CC
Direct Margin (€M, YoY )
                                                                                       Strongest sales quarter ever,
                                           4.6%                                        sales bookings x2 YoY
     -2.7%                                                  15.7%

       18                 18                20                23                24     Expansion and reinforcement of                      Q1 EBITDA
                                                                                       geographical coverage
     Q1’21             Q2’21              Q3’21             Q4’21              Q1’22                                                          2M€
                                                                                                                                             Incl. increased
                                                                                                                                           investments in Go
* net revenue of retention                                                                                                                     To Market
** adjusted for volatility within TeleSign’s communication business in India
                                                                                                                BICS           29

       BICS Q1 EBITDA + 18.6% YoY on low comparable
                                                          BICS revenue +4.5% YoY
Revenue (€M, YoY )                                        • Core: +10.4%, partially supported by improving
                                                            trends in world-wide travel
                                                          • Growth: +49.5%, on strong cloud communication
               242       263     259      245               traction amongst world leading digital companies.
                         104      97      96
                                                 Core     • Legacy: -2.3% down in declining market, while
       87           97
   9           9          12      13      14     Growth     preserving direct margin
    138         136       148     148     135    Legacy

                                                                       245                          Cloud usage (in minutes)
   Q1’21      Q2’21      Q3’21   Q4’21   Q1’22                235
                                                              43       55     +29.6% YoY                  +20%

Ebitda (€M, YoY )
                                                              192      190         Telco

               2.6%              6.8%    18.6%
   -19.7%                                                    Q1’21    Q1’22                     Q1’21 Q2’21 Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22

    22          26        28      25      27
   Q1’21      Q2’21      Q3’21   Q4’21   Q1’22            BICS Ebitda +18.6% YoY,               +20% Cloud Usage &
                                                          on low comparable base                ~2X Cloud numbers

                                                                                                                                  Group   31

      Group EBITDA +0.4%, growth Domestic and BICS partly
      offset by TeleSign’s growth investments
           Revenue                                                      Direct Margin
                                           2.7%                                                      2.6%
(underlying, €M)
                                                  24            1,404                            6          6             917
                             13       10                                                11
                   1,367                                -10                  894                                   0

                   Q1’21   Domestic   BICS   TeleSign   Elims   Q1’22        Q1’21   Domestic   BICS   TeleSign   Elims   Q1’22

            Opex                                                              Ebitda
                                           4.7%                                                      0.4%

                                                  9             469                              4
                             10        2                                                1                                 448
                     448                                 0                   446
                                                                                                            -4     0

                   Q1’21   Domestic   BICS   TeleSign   Elims   Q1’22        Q1’21   Domestic   BICS   TeleSign   Elims   Q1’22
                                                                                                                                                           Group       32

Increasing investments in our accelerated Fiber roll out

Group Capex
€M, excl. spectrum & football rights



                                                                                                                              • Strong increase in Proximus Fiber HP
                                                                                                                              • Timing effect Content contract
                                                                     33                                                       • Volume related capex on higher
                                   26                                %
                                    %                                                                                             Customer installations
                       Q1’21                         Q1’22

                        Other       Customer related*        Fiber

* Customer capex related to customer equipment (Modems, Decoders, Wi-Fi repeaters…) & activation CAPEX for Fiber and Copper customers
Group        33

FCF Q1 impacted by spill-over effect of steep Fiber
investments end-2021


                                                                                   2              7
       141             2            143               2

                                                                                                                                                             29             33                          29
    YTD Q1’21     Acquisitions       FCF        Underlying       Income         Interest       Early            Fiber         Cash          AP/AR/          Other          FCF        Acquisitions   YTD Q1’22
                     2021           YTD’21        Ebitda           tax         payments      Leave Plan        equity         Capex        Inventory                     YTD’22          2022
                                   adjusted                     payments                       /FFP          injections                                                  adjusted

• The FCF graph represents a management view. The composition reflects the main components, sometimes in aggregate, and might differ from the Consolidated Cash Flow statement
•   Early
    • Theleave  plan refers
          FCF graph         to voluntary
                      represents         early leave
                                  a management        before
                                                  view.      retirement and
                                                        The composition     FFP plan
                                                                         reflects     to thecomponents,
                                                                                  the main   Fit for Purpose transformation
                                                                                                          sometimes          plan and might differ from the Consolidated Cash Flow statement.
                                                                                                                     in aggregate,
•   FCF includes
    • Early leavethe lease
                  plan      payments
                        refers to voluntary early leave before retirement and FFP plan to the Fit for Purpose transformation plan
•   Other: aggregate
    • FCF includes theoflease
                          smaller items
• Acquisitions incl. M&A
  • Other: aggregate      related transaction
                       of smaller items.      costs
Group    34

Keeping a sound financial

Adjusted Net Debt*
(YTD, €M)                                                                                     7.7 Yr
                                                                                              Weighted average debt duration
                                                                                              (long-term only)

                                                              37                              1.64 %
                                                                                     -2,674   Weighted average coupon
                                    29                                                        (long-term only)

   Net debt end             Free Cash Flow                Other**                  Net debt   Credit ratings
    Dec 2021                                                                       end Mar    • Standard & Poor’s A (negative outlook)
                                                                                              • Moody’s A1 (stable outlook)

*Excluding Lease Liabilities
** Mainly remeasurement to fair value of cash flow hedge instrument for future LT debt
Group         35

Containing net impact of
inflation on 2022 financials                                             2022

                                                                         •   Impact of inflation on EBITDA fully reflected in
                                                                                ➢   Wage indexations
                                                                                ➢   Energy consumption almost fully hedged (>90%)
Estimated YOY impacts on 2022 Domestic EBITDA                                   ➢   Price increase on legacy & commercialized offers
                                                                                ➢   Cost efficiency program will further mitigate the
                                                                                    inflation impacts
                                                                         •   Capex envelope closely monitored, with Fiber
                                                                             build capacity and prices secured in long term
                                                                         •   Long term debt fully hedged at fixed rate

                                                                         2023 & beyond
    Wage          Energy cost         Other     Price increase
 indexations*      inflation       inflationary
                                    impacts**                            •   Cost efficiency program provides flexibility on
                                                                             managing costs
                                                                         •   Over 50% energy consumption hedged in 2023
                                                                         •   Refinancing in 2024 & 2025 hedged in Q1 2022 at
                                                                             current interest rates

* Oct’21/Feb’22/Apr’22/Jun’22
** Other incl. inflation on external & non-WF costs excl. energy costs                                                                  35
Group        36

             On track for 2022 Guidance

                                                     Outlook                       Dividend 2022
           Guidance metrics                                            Q1 2022
                                                     FY 2022                       Proximus remains committed to an
                                                                                   attractive remuneration for its
                                                                                   shareholders and intends to return
           Underlying Domestic revenue
           excl. Terminals
                                                Growing up to 1% YoY   +2.2% YoY   over the result of 2022 an annual
                                                                                   gross dividend of € 1.2 per share, in
           Underlying Domestic EBITDA           Growing up to 1% YoY   +0.3% YoY   line with Proximus’ announced 3-
                                                                                   year dividend policy over the period
           Underlying Group EBITDA                Around -1% YoY       +0.4% YoY   2020-2022.

           Capex                                  Close to € 1.3Bn      € 270M
           (excl. Spectrum & football rights)

           Net debt / EBITDA                        Around 1.6X           nr       Normal dividend 0.70€/share:       2
                                                                                   Ex-Coupon: 27 April 2022
                                                                                   Record date : 28 Apr 2022
                                                                                   Payment date : 29 Apr 2022


Join the conference call:
Dial-in UK       +44 20 7194 3759
Dial-in USA      +1 646 722 4916
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Code 89873490#

Domestic         39

Unit reporting changes in Q1

                         RESIDENTIAL                                                         BUSINESS

•   Former consumer unit excl. SE                               •       Former enterprise unit + SE (businesses < 10 employees)

•   Revenue from Mobile Vikings is reported in the respective   •       New revenue structure:
    residential product groups:                                             o Services revenue
        o Residential     Customer     Services    (X-Play)                 o Product revenue
           (postpaid)                                                       o Luxembourg Telecom
        o Prepaid
        o Other (interconnection)                                   •   Business Mobile ARPU – No longer incl. network
                                                                        services revenue (independent from the number of
                                                                        mobile postpaid cards).
                                                                                   Appendix   40

From reported to underlying

                                            GROUP                   GROUP
                                            Revenue                 EBITDA
(EUR million)                         Q1 '21      Q1 '22   Q1 '21        Q1 '22

Reported                              1,367       1,405     460              465

 Adjustments                            0             -1    -14              -18

Underlying                            1,367       1,404     446              448

Adjustments                             0             -1    -14              -18

Lease Depreciations                                         -20              -20

Lease Interest                                               -1

Transformation                                               2                4

Acquisitions, mergers and disposals                   -1     5                1

Litigation/regulation                                                        -3
Appendix   41

Ebitda conversion to FCF
                                                                                                                                         High capex cash out related to Fiber
                                                                                                                                         investments , including carry-over effect of
                                   3            448

                                                                                                                                               33                       29
                                                                            -406                           -10
  Reported       Lease         Incidentals   Underlying       AP/AR/         Cash          Income        Interest     Early Leave   Others     FCF      Acquisitions    FCF
   Ebitda     depreciations                    Ebitda        Inventory       Capex           tax        payments       Plan/FFP              YTD’22        2022        YTD’22
   YTD’22      and interest                   YTD’22                                      payments                       Plan                adjusted

• Early leave plan refers to voluntary early leave before retirement and FFP plan to the Fit for Purpose transformation plan                                                                    41
Appendix   42

 Net income

(€M)                                                                                  -1.2%
           122                                                                -3
                                                                                                                -2                         120

       YTD Q1’21                Underlying              Incidentals         D&A (*)              Net        Tax expense   Others (***)   YTD Q1’22
                                  Ebitda                                                       finance
                                                                                              result (**)

 * Excluding Lease depreciations
 ** Excluding Lease interests
 *** Includes Non-controlling interests and Share of loss from associates
Appendix           43

Debt maturity schedule
                           Proximus actively manages its long-
                          term debt portfolio by having hedged
                         its interest rate exposure of the bonds
                                maturing in 2024 and 2025


                            Liquidity end-March 2022
                            • €249M investments, cash & cash
                              equivalents (incl. derivatives)
                            • Capital markets funding
                                   • EMTN Program €3,500M
                                     (€2,350M drawn)
                                   • Commercial Paper Program
                                     (€210M drawn)
                            • Committed credit facilities: €750M
                              (€0M drawn)

Appendix         44

           Shareholder structure
           (*status 31/03/2022)
           Total number of shares                             Free-float              Belgian Government          Market Capitalization*            Dividend yield*

           338,025,135                                        42%                     54%                         ~€ 5.4Bn                          ~7.1%
                                                                                                                               Number of shares          Number of shares
                             Number of shares             % shares             % Voting rights        % Dividend rights
                                                                                                                               with voting rights       with dividend rights

           Belgian state       180,887,569                 53.51%                  56.06%                  55.94%                 180,887,569               180,887,569

 Proximus own shares            15,334,000                  4.54%                  0.00%                    0.21%                       0                     693,702

               Free-float       141,803,566                 41.95%                 43.94%                  43.85%                 141,803,566                141,803,566

                    Total      338,025,135               100.00%                 100.00%                  100.00%                 322,691,135               323,384,837

           The voting rights of all treasury shares are suspended by law. Proximus has 14,640,298 treasury shares that are not entitled to dividend rights and
           693,702 treasury shares that are entitled to dividend rights.

           Transparency declarations: According to Proximus’ bylaws, the thresholds as from which a shareholding needs to be
           disclosed have been set at 3% and 7.5%, in addition to the legal thresholds of 5% and each multiple of 5%.
Proximus                                                                                                                                                                       44
Contact Investor Relations

 +32 2 202 82 41                   E-mail:
 +32 2 202 62 17         

      Proximus Investor Relations website:
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