Providence College Vol. LXXXVI No. 8 November 4, 2021 - DigitalCommons@Providence

Providence College Vol. LXXXVI No. 8 November 4, 2021 - DigitalCommons@Providence
Providence College

Vol. LXXXVI No. 8 November 4, 2021

                                                 PHOTO COURTESY OF NICOLE PATANO '22
Providence College Vol. LXXXVI No. 8 November 4, 2021 - DigitalCommons@Providence
News    Blending the Personal With the Political
                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 2
                                                                                                                                                                      November 4, 2021

      PC Holds Poetry Reading With Author Carolyn Forché
                                                                                                                                                  surrounded by these wonderful souls
                                                                                                                                                  who had all accepted the preferential
                                                                                                                                                  option for the poor, which is, of
                                                                                                                                                  course, the understanding that if
                                                                                                                                                  you are going to put yourself at the
                                                                                                                                                  service of the poor, you must also
                                                                                                                                                  accept their fate. You have to be
                                                                                                                                                  fully with them, including in their
                                                                                                                                                  manner of death.”
                                                                                                                                                     El Salvador is one of the most
                                                                                                                                                  socially and politically tumultuous
                                                                                                                                                  nations in Latin America and
                                                                                                                                                  the Caribbean. Although it is
                                                                                                                                                  a nation shaped by its vastly
                                                                                                                                                  picturesque landscapes and cultural
                                                                                                                                                  complexities, it has instead been
                                                                                                                                                  defined by the ensuing economic
                                                                                                                                                  and political corruption within its
                                                                                                                                                  state capacities over the last several
                                                                                                                                                  decades. Plagued by decades of civil
                                                                                                                                                  unrest, gang violence, and political
                                                                                                                                                  instability the country continues to
                                                                                                                                                  face long-term social and political
                                                                                                                                                  hardships, as documented by Forché
                                                                                                                                                  in the late 1970s.
                                                                                                                                                     The creation of poetry is a
                                                                                                                                                  definitive facet of creative expression
                                                                                                                                                  that actively seeks to synthesize
                                                                                                                                                  and dilute the rigid boundaries that
Forché reflects on her personal experiences through means of creative expression.                          PHOTO COURTESY OF PROVIDENCE COLLEGE   define reality and fiction. Forché
                                                                                                                                                  represents the blurring of these lines
                                                     Heard is True, a memoir about a young     important political and cultural
         by Addison Wakelin ’22                                                                                                                   through her works that reconstruct
                                                     woman’s brave choice to engage            narratives. Forché’s works embody
             News Co-Editor                                                                                                                       the importance of both the personal
                                                     with horror in order to help others,      the complex and fundamental
                                                                                                                                                  and the political through poetic
                                                     was nominated for the 2019 National       understandings of how literature
                   CAMPUS                                                                                                                         means.
                                                     Book Award. She has also written          plays an essential role in exposing the
                                                                                                                                                     The closing remarks of the poetry
                                                     Against Forgetting, which had been        most grave atrocities documented
   On Oct. 27, the Jane Lunin Perel                                                                                                               reading came from Jane Lunin Perel
                                                     praised by Nelson Mandela for its         throughout history.
Poetry and Fiction Series held a                                                                                                                  ’15Hon. herself. The Jane Lunin
                                                     accounts detailing “against tyranny,         Forché has been recognized as
poetry reading with Caroline Forché,                                                                                                              Perel Poetry and Fiction series was
                                                     against prejudice, against injustice.”    a “poet of witness,” which she
a renowned poet and staunch human                                                                                                                 established to “celebrate a life in
                                                        She is currently the Lannan            has interwoven within her works
rights advocate. Forché has had a                                                                                                                 which poetry and fiction synthesize
                                                     Visiting Professor of Poetry and          to present a profound confluence
rather extensive career that has been                                                                                                             the imagination with the divine.” The
                                                     Professor of English at Georgetown        between both the personal and
highlighted by several nominations                                                                                                                conception of the series is reflective
                                                     University.                               the political within her poetry.
for her published works. She has                                                                                                                  of Perel’s own lifelong dedication
                                                        Forché      is    comparable     to    Her works represent the ways in
been a finalist for the National                                                                                                                  to encouraging the intellectual
                                                     the likes of Pablo Neruda and             which war, imprisonment, torture,
Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize                                                                                                                 flourishing of the academic and
                                                     other notable poets who have              and slavery act as destructive
in poetry. The event comes as a                                                                                                                   creative capacities for students
                                                     documented        extensive  political    and intersectional forces into the
continuation of the commemoration                                                                                                                 within the liberal arts, humanities,
                                                     and social hardships through              institutional frameworks of both the
of the voices and contributions of                                                                                                                and other areas of learning at PC.
                                                     literary means. Forché’s works have       individual and civil society.
women at PC in the Then, Now,                                                                                                                        Following this mantra of enabling
                                                     struck a reverberating chord in the          Forché had spent time in El
Next: The 50th Anniversary of                                                                                                                     the intellectual capacities in which
                                                     importance of constructing political      Salvador during her post-graduate
Women at Providence College.                                                                                                                      students can creatively express
                                                     and cultural narratives that interact     years. As detailed in What You Have
   Her most recent published work,                                                                                                                themselves within the liberal arts,
                                                     in both the public and private            Heard is True, Forché had traveled
In the Lateness of the World, which                                                                                                               Forché’s works in documenting these
                                                     spheres of life.                          to El Salvador in 1978. She began
documents the transitive encounters                                                                                                               oppressive hardships intrinsically
                                                        Poetry is an important facet of        writing 23 years after she left the
between both the present and the                                                                                                                  reflect on these values reinforced by
                                                     artistic expression that utilizes         country in 1980, taking 15 years to
past, life and death, was a 2021                                                                                                                  both Perel and the Poetry and Fiction
                                                     the role of storytelling and other        complete her work.
Pulitzer Prize finalist. Her other                                                                                                                Series, in a particularly beatitudinal
                                                     rhetorical strategies to construct           Forché accounts, “I found myself
works, including What You Have                                                                                                                    manner.

                                                      Congress Updates
       by W. Cole Patno ‘24 & Caitlin Ariel ‘24                        pieces of legislation were later passed.                they will reach out to an outside counsel with
          Student Congress Representatives                               On Oct. 26, Student Congress invited                  particular cases.
                                                                       Christopher Neronha from the Office of                     Another member asked how the hiring of a
                            CAMPUS                                     General Counsel to speak and answer                     Title IX Coordinator impacts their office. He
                                                                       questions.     Before answering questions,              answered that he and his office are a resource
  On Oct. 19, there was no guest speaker at                            Neronha spoke about the importance and                  for the Title IX Coordinator who will come
the General Assembly of Student Congress.                              specific duties of the Legal Department of              to the office if they need legal advice. He is
This was instead a short meeting where                                 Providence College. The first question posed            excited that there will be one person devoted
announcements were made and pieces of                                  by a member asked about the most rewarding              to the Title IX position.
legislation were introduced or voted on. At                            part of Neronha’s day, and if he frequently                Finally, a member asked if his office has
this meeting, the American Chemical Society                            collaborates with other outside law firms.              been supporting the college’s procedures and
was passed and Student Congress voted to                               Neronha explained that the most rewarding               rules in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic.
recommend the relocation of commencement                               part of his day is when he leaves the office            Norenha confirmed that the office did help
to campus. In addition, Her Campus, a                                  knowing that he did something to help                   with the college’s rules, protocols, and
women-led journalism club, made their initial                          someone and that he completed some kind                 regulations in terms of development. The
presentation. Finally, members introduced an                           of service. He continued to say that they do            Office of General Counsel came into play
amendment to the Constitution of Student                               collaborate with other firms but try their best         especially in the development of “new law”
Congress to add a S.H.E.P.A.R.D. Liaison as                            to do legal work in-house. 80% of the time              and helped with legal components regarding
a passive member of Student Congress. Both                             their work is done internally, but he said              general mandates.
Providence College Vol. LXXXVI No. 8 November 4, 2021 - DigitalCommons@Providence
November  4, 2012
September 6, 2021                                                                     NEWS                                                                                                                                 The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The Cowl
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Cowl 33

Overcoming Workplace Racism and Sexism
Women Empowered Holds “Women of the Workforce” Talk
               by Emma Strempfer '24                                                                                                                                        in the room,” as stated by Ms. Sears, plagued these
                    News Staff                                                                                                                                              women as young professionals.  
                                                                                                                                                                                The panelists did not hesitate to offer copious advice
                        CAMPUS                                                                                                                                              on how to succeed in predominantly white spaces.
                                                                                                                                                                            Although it may be difficult, Ms. Victor said that it is
    On Wednesday, Oct. 27, Providence College’s                                                                                                                             important to “never doubt your own capacity” and to
Women Empowered club hosted the panel event and                                                                                                                             always strive to “learn what you don’t know.”
workshop “Women of the Workforce.” The event was                                                                                                                               Questions were asked about the hiring process

                                                                                                                        PHOTO COURTESY OF @PC_WOMENEMPOWERED ON INSTAGRAM
a precursor to a larger series that intends to encourage                                                                                                                    and tasks for undergraduates to complete in order
club members in their professional careers, providing                                                                                                                       to be well prepared for the workforce. Ms. Williams
them with both inspiration and concrete resources.                                                                                                                          reiterated several times that life does not simply fall
    The panel included: Mackenzie Williams, who is                                                                                                                          into place following graduation, and the work that one
the Assistant Director of Student Support Services                                                                                                                          does as an undergraduate — whether it be internships,
at Rhode Island College, Laurie Moise Sears, who is                                                                                                                         networking, or self-reflection — is essential for success
the Healthy Communities Office Director for the City                                                                                                                        after “walking across that stage” at commencement.
of Providence, and Morgan Victor, the club advisor                                                                                                                             The panelists spoke about how to prepare for an
for Women Empowered, and a media presentation                                                                                                                               interview. They mentioned the basics: dress up, smile,
specialist at PC.                                                                                                                                                           have a prepared resume, and ensure a professional
    Students had much to learn from the panelists. As                                                                                                                       voicemail. Ms. Victor also mentioned that interviews
all three women are PC alumnae and people of color,                                                                                                                         are an important opportunity for the interviewee to
the panelists were able to speak to issues of femininity,                                                                                                                   learn about workplace culture. Obtaining a job is about
race, and what it means to take control of your career as                                                                                                                   finding a place where one is happy and authentic just
a member of a marginalized group.                                                                                                                                           as much as it is about finding a paycheck.
    Club leaders prepared insightful questions that          Women Empowered hosted a successful event Wednesday.                                                              This event provided space to focus on the experiences,
were distributed to attendees. The panelists were first      competent as those around them and despite personal                                                            challenges, and successes of women of color as young
asked to identify obstacles they faced in the early stages   accomplishments, they do not feel as if they belong                                                            professionals.
of their professional careers. The answer was fairly         in a professional environment. This issue of “fighting                                                              Visit @womenempowered_pc on Instagram to
unanimous: “imposter syndrome.” Imposter syndrome            against institutional perceptions and expectations,” as                                                        attend more events in this series about women in the
is the internal turmoil of believing that one is not as      stated by Ms. Williams, or “being the only Black person                                                        workforce.

            Warm Halloween: A Treat, or a Boo?
      U.S. Climate Change Concerns Grow as Fall Heats Up
         by Olivia Coletti ’24                                                                                                                                                             would reduce pollution to only
                                             may occur annually.” This warming              because with a shortage comes
             News Staff                                                                                                                                                                    about 35%.” This plan will represent
                                             causes extremes in areas where the             scarcity in availability and access to
                                                                                                                                                                                           a historic landmark in fighting
                                             temperature is already at its most             resources.
            NATIONAL NEWS                                                                                                                                                                  global warming and is awaiting a
                                             extreme. Heatwaves like these,                     Circling back to Samuelson’s
                                                                                                                                                                                           vote in the senate.
                                             forest fires, and natural disasters will       great economic problem pertaining
    This    past    Halloween,       the                                                                                                                                                       Climate change continues to pose
                                             become increasingly more common                to access of resources, it is important
temperature in Providence, RI was                                                                                                                                                          an immediate and existential threat
                                             as the temperature continues to rise.          to maintain “how to arrange our
around 70 degrees, compared to                                                                                                                                                             to the future of the world. The rising
                                                Some of the lasting effects                 limited resources to satisfy as many
last year ’s snowy 30-degree day. In                                                                                                                                                       temperatures, worsening natural
                                             of a warming climate include                   of our wants as possible.” There are
such a stark contrast to the snowy                                                                                                                                                         disasters, and other ramifications
                                             underground water shortages, food              only so many resources available
landscape of PC’s campus last                                                                                                                                                              of climate change are some of
                                             shortages, rising sea levels and               within the world; so much so, that
year, the unusual warmth of this                                                                                                                                                           the more scary experiences this
                                             vast impacts on biodiversity. Food             it is ever so important to protect and
past Halloween presents just how                                                                                                                                                           past Halloween. As world leaders
                                             shortages are impacted by our crop             utilize them carefully.
impactful and urgent the climate                                                                                                                                                           continue to propose climate change
                                             yield and according to Bloomberg’s                 Biden’s economic plan cuts U.S.
change crisis has become.                                                                                                                                                                  measures in efforts to slow its
                                             environmental section, “global corn            emissions by more than a billion.
    Although there was a thick layer of                                                                                                                                                    lasting effects, many feel as though
                                             yields could sink by almost 25% in             As a recent Bloomberg article states,
snow covering campus on last year ’s                                                                                                                                                       little action has been done at the
                                             the next eight years as the climate            “Biden wants to cut U.S. emissions
Halloween, this year ’s Halloween                                                                                                                                                          appropriate time for any real,
                                             crisis wreaks havoc on traditional             50% below 2005 levels by 2030.
saw birds chirping and some plants                                                                                                                                                         substantial impact to prevent the
                                             weather patterns.” These issues                But when CEPP fell out of the bill,
still in bloom. The warming months                                                                                                                                                         rapid warming of the world.
                                             will ultimately impact our economy             projections suggested the measure
and record-breaking temperatures
this year reinforce just how
important the recognition of the
climate crisis truly is to address both
as individuals and as a population.
    With more rapid climate change,
there comes increased hardships
for all living organisms. Climate
change extends beyond just the
impact that humans experience, it
also fundamentally transforms the
symbiotic relationships of all living
inhabitants. If climate change is too
rapid, one of the lasting impacts will
be continuous species extinction.
As a recent Guardian article states,
“​​[The climate crisis is] a signal that
something is seriously going wrong
around us. We need to change the
way we live, that is the key message
coming from our results.”
    Earth’s temperature has risen by
0.14 degrees Fahrenheit per decade
since 1880, and the rate of warming
over the past 40 years is more than
twice that: 0.32 degrees Fahrenheit
per decade since 1981. This is a 1.5
degree increase in averages.
    According to NASA’s IPCC
Special Report on Global Warming,
“A key point of the special report is
there is no single 1.5-degree warmer
world. At two degrees Celsius
warming, the deadly heat waves
that India and Pakistan saw in 2015          This year’s Halloween was noticeably more temperate compared to last year’s, a near 40 degree difference.                                                    PHOTO COURTESY OF OLIVIA COLETTI ’24
Providence College Vol. LXXXVI No. 8 November 4, 2021 - DigitalCommons@Providence
Opinion                                 Accountability for Assault
                                                                                                                                                                       November 4, 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 4

      Colleges Are Failing Students without Proper Rape Responses
           by Ashley Seldon ’24                have a history of quieting victims by           Providence College has seen similar               reported these instances with full
              Opinion Staff                    asking them to sign forms saying they           scenarios. In 2014, there was a PC                candidness, it would show how honest
                                               had broken the honor code or fining them        case surrounding one female and two               and proactive that school is to rape cases.
                  SOCIETY                      instead of holding abusers accountable.         basketball players, Rodney Bullock and            Schools could also detail the mental
                                                   At the beginning of this school             Brandon Austin. The judge ruled that there        health services provided to the survivor
                                               year, The University of Massachusetts           was insufficient evidence and the two             to help heal after suffering such trauma
   Content Warning: This article contains      Amherst students protested a fraternity,        were set free. This lack of justice allowed       and the rightful punishment given to
       discussion of sexual assault.           Theta Chi, because of their history             Austin to transfer to the University of           the perpetrator once proven guilty.
                                               of sexual assault unchecked by the              Oregon, where he was accused of rape              If a rapist is allowed to continue to be
   It is only the first week of November,      administration. A student, Kelsey Nass,         again. Bullock continued and finished his         on campus, it is only threatening the
and there have already been two major          woke up one morning after attending             basketball career at PC. Once again, the          rest of the student population with the
college rape scandals that have caught         a frat party and realized she had been          female student was quieted and the male           probability of a repeat offender. Some
the attention of mainstream media. A           raped with no recollection of the night         athletes were acquitted.                          high school seniors applying to colleges
lawsuit against Liberty University has         before. What is not important is what              Often times, it seems that schools feel        may have already suffered some form
a total of 22 plaintiffs who are suing         she wore, her previous relationship             that accusations of rape have a negative          of sexual harassment or assault in their
the university for their indifference and      with the perpetrator, or how much she           impact on the school’s marketing instead          lives. They will look at the university’s
complete negligence towards multiple           had to drink. What is key here is that a        of focusing on safety and moral concerns.         proper handling with comfort and
rape accusations made by female                male student took advantage of her in           As a result, they often participate in            assurance that these actions should be
students. Liberty University is a highly       a vulnerable state and raped her. Nass          counterproductive actions that attempt            the standard protocol. On the other
conservative Christian institution that        has chosen not to press charges, but            to hide or discredit survivors who come           hand, lack of proper response to rape
hides behind its moral code when               bravely decided to share her experience         forward with their stories, showing               accusations may contribute to a future
controversy comes to light. Their “liberty     to promote a conversation about rape            the poor priorities of schools and their          decline in university applications and
way” is an honor code the students are         culture on campus surrounding Greek             administrations. If colleges instead              enrollment.
expected to live by that is, “…rooted in       life. However, when she met with an
biblical admonitions and morality, and         administrator about the situation, she
sexual behavior is apparently also being       said, “I was met with the words: This
used by administrators to sidestep Title       will all be on record and I do not need
IX” (MSNBC). Back in 2017, freshman            and/or want details of your full story…
Elizabeth Axley reported her rape case to      Within minutes, my confidence was
the Title IX coordinator, which took quite     stripped. I was being looked at as a court
a bit of courage. The former coordinator       case, further than that, a liability. I was a
asked Axle what she had to drink and           threat to his power.” Instead of treating
why she had gone to that party instead         her like a student, a survivor, or a human
of details on the rapist. The coordinator      being—UMass Amherst’s administration
should have realized that her questions        chose to instead fear for their university’s
had nothing to do with the actual sin          reputation. There was no collaboration
committed—a male student not asking            on how the administration could best
for consent before making sexual               support Nass in her mission but rather
advances. There is nothing wrong with          viewed her as the enemy.                                                                                                     PHOTO COURTESY OF CNN
religious colleges, but it is immoral to use       These cases are not just experiences        Liberty University is one of the many universities that is currently being sued by survivors of
the Bible against a victim and gloss over      that have occurred in other places,             rape.
the real issue. Liberty administrators         though. It is important to know that

                Clouded Skies, Clouded Thoughts
    The Battles of Seasonal Depression and Seeking the Personal Counseling Center
                    by Jezel Tracey ’24                           Seasonal depression is a struggle that should                 someone that they are not familiar with, that is
                      Opinion Staff                            never be ignored or undermined. For some,                        not a problem. The problem arises when those
                                                               it might be hard to hide, but for others, it can                 feelings are suppressed and not recognized.
                                                               be camouflaged with smiles and laughter. It                      Whether it is or is not addressed with a personal
                                                               is important to understand that this ability                     counseling appointment, talking to a friend or
   Life is not easy. It sounds like a cliché, but              to conceal such a vulnerable feeling does not                    family member can also be helpful in this struggle.
really it is not. No matter the circumstances of a             diminish the impact it has on their life. While                     Seasonal depression should never be interpreted
person’s life, there are always other factors that             they might be able to hide it, it does not mean                  as a weakness or a character flaw. It should be
distort one’s feelings of happiness.                           that they are not being affected as much as people               understood as a bump in the road rather than a
   Has there ever been a moment where life feels               who cannot hide it.                                              definition of one’s journey.
like it is going well or, at least, easy enough to                As the weather gets colder and the clock takes
keep up with? Then suddenly, there is a shift and              away an hour of daylight, it is very important to
what felt like “keeping up” has now turned into                recognize and address these feelings. Being able
a struggle. For some, this might be a minor shift              to do this should not be embarrassing or shameful,
that lasts for a few days. For others, what begins             but mindful and necessary to the betterment of
as a short phase lasts for a season.                           one’s mental health. If you or a friend experiences
   As the leaves and temperature fall, so does                 the struggles of SAD, it should not be interpreted
energy and mental sustainability. The darkened                 as defeat, but rather something that needs help.
clouds in the sky are emulated in the overcast                    The resources to address these issues are easier
within one’s mind. This deficiency in vitamin                  and closer than one might think. This is not a
D goes beyond a loss in bone density. Rather,                  struggle that should be dealt with alone. There are
it becomes a catalyst for seasonal depression.                 resources on campus that might not remove this
Whether one is aware of the technical phrase or                problem but will surely make the battle easier.
not, this is something that affects many people                   This help should not be the last resort or
throughout their day-to-day life.                              a “worst-case scenario.” These resources are
   Oftentimes, when thinking about seasonal                    created for you. Any feeling of sadness or loss of
depression, one will view it as an excessive                   control is enough to make an appointment with
amount of crying during a specific time of year.               the personal counseling services at PC. It is a
However, it is more than that. The effects of                  welcoming and safe space for everyone to go to.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) range from not               If you feel that there is something hard to deal                                               PHOTO COURTESY OF THE WASHINGTON POST
wanting to be around people to feeling a loss of               with, do not hesitate to call or email personal
concentration, irritable anger, and melancholic                                                                                Seasonal Depression is common and occurs as the weather
                                                               counseling.                                                     grows colder. The PC Personal Counseling Center is a
feelings with no explainable reason.                              If one does not feel comfortable meeting with                resource for all students who might be struggling.
Providence College Vol. LXXXVI No. 8 November 4, 2021 - DigitalCommons@Providence
November 4, 2021                                                                        OPINION                                                                             The Cowl 5

                             The Language of Legal Cases
    Kyle Rittenhouse’s Case Causes Controversy Over Word Choice
                                                term victim might lead to a more              to persuade the minds of the jury in              The prosecutor argued that even if
              by Julia McCoy ’22                biased understanding of things in a           favor of the defendant? If an unbiased         the evidence did prove that these three
              Opinion Co-Editor
                                                courtroom.                                    stance is being taken on one side of the       men had engaged in rioting, it was not
                   POLITICS                        If neutral words were being                trial, it must be done in the same way         these actions that caused Rittenhouse
                                                promoted across the board and                 for the other. A trial that stands on these    to shoot them. As such, the use of
                                                biased language was completely                grounds is not nearly as just as one that      those descriptive words is irrelevant
   In August 2020, Kyle Rittenhouse—a           removed from the trial, that would            either allows for all words to be used or      and only helps to bolster the case of
then seventeen year-old from Illinois—          be understandable. Clearly these men          sets the same standards of objectivity for     the defense.
crossed state borders to Wisconsin,             are victims of some crime, but right          both the prosecution and the defense.             A fair trial cannot stand until
armed, and fatally shot Joseph                  now, Rittenhouse is still claiming self-         With these overtly biased terms             the language of the court has some
Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber                     defense, so the language might hinder         afforded to them, Rittenhouse’s defense        semblance of justice and equality
while also injuring Gaige Grosskreutz.          his argument. However, this decision          is essentially being set up for success.       among both sides. There is a double
Rittenhouse went to Wisconsin because           does not seem to be inclined towards          His lawyers can use these terms in their       standard inherent in this decision
of protests that were happening in              neutrality. No, the words “victim” and        defense against men who are no longer          that grants the defense with far more
Kenosha after Jacob Blake was shot              “alleged victim” cannot be used, but          alive because of Rittenhouse’s actions.        flexibility in their case. If nothing
and injured by the police. The city was         “arsonists,” “looters,” and “rioters”            Schroeder defended himself, saying,         changes in this decision, the decision
uprooted after nights of protest. Streams       are fair game. Surely an unbiased             “Let the evidence show what the                of the trial will always be coupled with
of gun-owning citizens took it upon             proclivity is out of the question after       evidence shows, and if the evidence            the lingering questions of how the
themselves to go to Kenosha and use             this decision.                                shows that any or more than one of             language may have affected the way it
their own force against the protesters.            How is it that the term “victim”           these people were engaged in arson,            played out.
The teenage Rittenhouse was among               carries enough weight to threaten             rioting, or looting — then I’m not going          If it is supposed to be justice for all,
these forces. He was seen carrying an           the case against a defendant, but             to tell the defense they can’t call them       shouldn’t the language of the court
AR-15 rifle that was eventually used            “looter” and “rioter” are not enough          that.”                                         reflect that?
to shoot the three men. Following the
incident, Rittenhouse has been charged
with first-degree reckless homicide,
first-degree intentional homicide, and a
few other similar charges, adding to six
charges in total.
   But before his murder trial began
on Nov. 1, Rittenhouse was already
receiving help from members of the
justice system.
   This past week, while laying the
“ground rules” for the trial, Judge
Bruce Schroeder said that the words
“victim” or “alleged victim” would be
prohibited throughout the trial. Thus,
the prosecutors will be forced to refer to
these victims as “complaining witness”
or “decedent” in the courtroom.
National Public Radio explains that this
is not the first time this has occurred; it
is sometimes customary to prohibit the                                                              PHOTO COURTESY OF FLICKR
word “victim” because it presupposes
the guilt of the defendant. As the phrase                                                                                                                      PHOTO COURTESY OF NBC NEWS
is “innocent until proven guilty,” there Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial began on Nov. 1, shrouded by the biased decision to prohibit the use of the word “victim” and the allowance of
is some rationale behind why the loaded terms like “looter” and “rioter.”

                                                              Truth Social?
                    The Dangers of Donald Trump’s New Media Platform
                by Christina Charie ’25
                    Opinion Staff                           people to commit violence. Nothing the former                    should face legal action for his words. If Trump
                                                            President says is obscure; millions of people hear               created fear and violence in America, there has to
                       POLITICS                             his rhetoric. Trump’s comments inspired an entire                be consequences no matter his financial or social
                                                            group of individuals to storm the US Capitol and                 status. There is no doubt about Trump’s shrewd
                                                            convinced others that the election results were                  persuasion methods. When combined with
   If one thought Donald Trump’s influence                  falsified.                                                       massive monetary power and an unrestricted
on the media had vanished, he or she would                     After insensitively nicknaming the coronavirus, a             platform, he can still control millions of
be mistaken. The former president recently                  rise in Asian hate crimes occurred across the nation.            Americans.
announced his new Trump Media and Technology                The persistence of coronavirus impacts Americans                    The most important step America can now
Group along with his new “Truth Social” social              daily. One must wonder about Trump’s consistent                  take is to make a final decision on the Trump
media platform. Trump argues he should have                 denial of the dangers presented by the virus as well.            Presidency. Lower taxes can be appealing, but
access to platforms such as Twitter if groups               Unfortunately, Trump does not spread harmless                    the cost could be too high. An outsider can be
like the Taliban are still granted permission               misinformation. He tells his followers to drink                  effective in a political position, but that person
to utilize these platforms. The country, along              bleach or to use a tanning bed to cure COVID-19.                 does not have to be Donald Trump or any
with politicians, must decide what constitutes              Millions of Americans are still reluctant to receive             celebrity for that matter. With the controversy
freedom of speech. Social media companies are               the vaccine. Trump takes advantage of his platform               still in the air, the best course of action could be
considered private organizations in the eyes of             to discuss issues he does not understand. Before,                leaving Trump in the past.
the government. Therefore, even if Trump is                 Twitter or Instagram had the power to censor
legally protected under the First Amendment,                Trump’s scandalous messages. Now, Trump does
outside corporations have the right to restrict             not have to answer to anyone when he posts racist,
his access. Trump would also have the right to              sexist, or harmful content. The former president will
grant himself unlimited access to Truth Social if           most likely not be suspended from his own social
one follows this logic. However, the government             media platform.
must decide if Trump has crossed one too many                  Even though this conflict is a freedom of speech
lines in his Twitter rants. Politicians need to take        issue, the situation demonstrates the inherent
a stand for the victims of Trump’s cyberbullying            problem with wealth distribution in America. The
or side with the man that controls the minds of             former president evades consequences because
millions. Many get caught in the cycle of party             of his economic status, by buying his way out of
politics, but one does not have to identify as a            problems. Normal Americans, however, do not have
Democrat to disagree with Trump’s antics.                   the means to overcome their struggles in the same                                               PHOTO COURTESY OF THE BANGKOK POST
   Everyone, including the former president,                way. One cannot shout “fire” in a crowded movie
has the right to an opinion, but the spreading of           theater as a prank without facing legal penalties. If            Truth Social, Donald Trump’s new media application, will
misinformation by Trump has even persuaded                  America is a place of equality, the former president             allow the former President to rejoin the world of media.
Providence College Vol. LXXXVI No. 8 November 4, 2021 - DigitalCommons@Providence
6 The Cowl                                                                                           OPINION                                                                      November 4, 2021

       Providence College’s                                                                    Give Yourself a Break
Student-Run Newspaper Since 1935
                                                                          Busyness and Business as Usual Can Wait
Publisher: Dr. Steven A. Sears                                                                            he said to me, “Let’s talk again in a      begin working on the following
Advisor: Fr. Jordan Zajac, O.P.                                                                           few weeks.” Now 10 weeks into the          week’s assignments.
Journalism Consultant: Michael Pare                                                                       semester, I’m expecting an “I told            One of the issues is that despite
                                                                                                          you so” from Fr. Jordan any day            dealing with the consequences of
Editor-in-Chief: Nicole Patano ’22                                                                                                                   the pandemic (physical, mental,
                                                                                                              Olivia wrote an opinion piece          and otherwise), we’re attempting
News Co-Editor: Maura Campbell ’22
News Co-Editor: Addison Wakelin ’22                                                                       (below) for this week’s issue on           to operate at the social, intellectual,
                                                                                                          burnout and the need for rest in the       and physical levels we were at before
Opinion Co-Editor: Julia McCoy ’22                                                                                                                   the pandemic. Moreover, we are, in
Opinion Co-Editor: Madeline Morkin ’22                                                                    schedules of college students. This
                                                                                                          time of the semester, Olivia argues,       many cases, overcompensating for
Arts & Entertainment Co-Editor:
                                                                                                                                                     not having been “all there” this past
                                                                                                          is when burnout is most prevalent
Madison Palmieri ’22                                                                                                                                 year.
                                                                                                          among people our age.
Arts & Entertainment Co-Editor: Jack                                                                                                                    Even though we’re back in person,
Downey ’23                                                                                                    In theory, we had the summer
                                                                                                                                                     it is unrealistic to continue with
                                                                                                          to recuperate after we all hit the         business as usual. Treat yourself and
Portfolio Co- Editor: Sarah McLaughlin                                                                    proverbial wall last semester. In
’23                                                                                                                                                  others with grace and compassion
                                                                                                          reality, we were catching up on            during this time.
Portfolio Co-Editor: Taylor Rogers ’24
                                                                                                          all of the things we missed out on            You’re not a bad person for
Sports Co-Editor: Liam Tormey ’22                                                                         because of the COVID-19 pandemic:          skipping dinner with friends or
Sports Co-Editor: Leo Hainline ’22                                                                        work, internships, seeing friends          turning in an assignment late. As
                                                                                                          and family, traveling. Since then,         important as your education and
Photography Editor: Isabella Baffoni ’23                               by Nicole Patano ’22               it’s been a constant game of catch-        social life are, your mental health
Asst. Photography Editor: Lillie Hunter                                   Editor-in-Chief                 up. Instead of looking forward to          must be your number one priority.
’22                                                                                                       weekends and holiday breaks to                Which brings me to the second
                                                                         EDITOR’S COLUMN
                                                                                                          see family, have fun, and go to bed        piece of advice Fr. Jordan gave
Co-Head Copy Editor: Tuyenhan
Nguyen ’22                                                                                                at a reasonable time, I use them           me: “You can’t please everyone.”
Co-Head Copy Editor: Colleen Joyce ’22                       During the first week of the                 as markers for when I can finally          As much as you may want to give
                                                           semester, I explained all of the plans         do the class readings that I merely        everyone you know an arm and a
Copy Editors: Hope Allard ’22, Emily                       I had for The Cowl with childlike              skimmed, reply to the emails I’ve          leg, at some point, you’re sure to run
Baldo ’24 , Halle Beranek ’24, Marley                      naïvaté to Fr. Jordan. After I finished,
Herard ’22, Tessa Leiner ’24, Delaney                                                                     flagged but left unanswered, and           out of limbs.

                                                                                                                             & TIRADES
MacDonald ’22, Grace Maffucci ’22,
Kathleen Montana ’23, Kem Nguyen-Le
’24, Brooke Rioux ’22, Grace Sherlog ’22,

The Puzzlers: Alex Alutto ’23, Adam
Henschel ’23, Ellis Riccio ’23

Social Media Staff: Abigail Brockway ’24,
Carolyn Doonan ’23, Grace Rehak ’24,
                                                              Obey the Rules of the                            Give Thanks and Be                           Burnout Is Burning
Jacqueline Carden ’25, Riley Coyne ’24,
Talia Rueda ’23                                                   Sidewalk                                           Merry                                    Through Us
Business Staff: Emily Knapp ’23, Riley
Coyne ’24                                                     The rules of the road are simple.           Now that Halloween is over, it is time         Sip a coffee down, study for your five
                                                           Drive on the right side of the road,        to put those skeletons back in the closet     classes, work out to maintain physical
                                                           to the right of the yellow lines. And       and bring out some holiday cheer.             and mental stability. Repeat; each day, five
                                                           definitely do not veer to the left of          It is not that Thanksgiving does not       days a week. Then, drink yourself silly and
                                                           the yellow lines.                           deserve some real airtime itself—it does—     forget you need rest and to reset mentally,
                                                              The rules of the sidewalk are            but a turkey only takes about a day to        physically, and spiritually. That is the
                                                           similar. Walk on the right side of the      defrost, and pumpkin pie tastes best baked    seemingly relentless cycle of a Providence
                                                           sidewalk and obey the laws of traffic       fresh. So, why spend one more month           College student.
                                                           even on foot. This lesson is something      of the year preheating the cozy spirit of         Unfortunately, this cycle is debilitating.
                                                           we learn as early as kindergarten           Christmas season when Thanksgiving            Our minds, bodies, and spirits require care
                                                           when we line up and walk to gym             preparations do not require the full          and love to thrive, just like anything else in
                                                           class or recess, yet something that         November month anyway? Giving baby            life. We do not rest so that we can go, go, go;
                                                           PC students recently seem to need           Jesus’ birthday celebrations just a few       but rather, we must rest simply to rest. We
                                                           reminding of.                               weeks of sparkle simply does not seem         need it!
                                                              Lately, the paths across campus          satisfactory.                                     Burnout is linked to mental illnesses such
                                                           leading to various dorms and                   String the lights, listen to the music,    as anxiety and depression. Considering
                                                           academic buildings have been overly         make the lists, start buying the gifts, and   many PC students already battle mental
                                                           congested because students are              use Thanksgiving season as a little hors      illnesses, burnout is no joke.
    The opinions and positions expressed in       The      ignoring the rules of the sidewalk.         d’œuvre to the more extravagant four-             Also, given the pandemic and its
Cowl do not necessarily represent those of Providence
College or The Cowl’s staff, and the content of
                                                           Students have been walking on the           week-long Advent calendar spread.             lingering effects, we must not ignore the
advertisements do not necessarily communicate
endorsement by the College or The Cowl’s staff.
                                                           left side of the sidewalk, forcing the      These next two November and December          fact that burnout from online working,
                                                           good Samaritans to veer off of their        months should feed merrily off each other,    meetings, etc. still exists and will not go
             Letter/Guest Submission Policy
     The Cowl welcomes guest opinions and letters to       path.                                       complementing the other by each serving       away anytime soon.
the editor from members of the Providence College
community and outside contributors. All submissions           “I was walking from Ruane to             as a reminder to fuel up on our God-given         Pre- and post-midterm season seems
must include the writer’s name, signature, a phone
number, and an email address where he or she can be        the science building when a group           blessings. We can enjoy feelings of warmth    to be the most culpable for this burnout-
reached. Letters should be no more than 250 words
in length and will be printed as space permits. Guest
                                                           of about three to four kids were            in our hearts for loved ones by spending      like situation at PC. Students are tackling
commentaries should be limited to 500 words in
length, and only one will be published per week. The
                                                           walking towards me, walking on              time together at literal and figurative       exams, projects, etc. all while being
Cowl reserves the right to edit articles for grammar.      the same exact side of the path as I        tables amidst the chillier weather.           inundated with peak school event season.
Submissions must be emailed to The Cowl office no
later than 9 ­­­p.m. on the Sunday before publication.     was. Because I was walking on the              Traditional Christmas celebrations             Amidst this craziness, it is a student’s
We do not print previously published articles.
Email responses to, and             right side of the path and they were        revolve around jolly camaraderie: cookie      responsibility     to    prioritize––prioritize
remember a guest submission is only an email away.         walking on the left side, I had no          baking, movie watching, door-to-door          one’s schoolwork, health, and social life.
                     Accuracy Watch
    The Cowl is committed to accuracy and carefully        choice but to step off the path and         caroling, tree decorating, recipe sharing,    While professors and staff should also be
checks every article that goes into print to ensure that
the facts are presented clearly and truthfully. If you     walk on the wet, muddy grass,”              snowman building, hot chocolate sipping,      accommodating to students at this time,
find an error in any article, please email the Editor-
in-Chief at Corrections will be
                                                           Lauryn Anthony ’22 said.                    and holiday card sending. So, why give        students must take their lives into their own
printed as necessary.                                         This is a problem that we can fix        this Christmas magic only twenty-five         hands.
    Contact The Cowl with advertising requests and
                                                           by simply adjusting our walking             days to fill everyone up with holiday             Each person, student, and professor
questions at or, if necessary,
via telephone at 401-865-2214. Visit www.thecowl.
                                                           habits and obeying the rules of the         cheer when there is truly never enough        should take this transition time between
com/advertise for rates, publication dates, and            road, even on campus sidewalks.             time spent consumed by each other’s           midterms and holidays to reevaluate their
other information about advertising with The Cowl.
We reserve the right to decline any advertisement at                                                   close company?                                lifestyle. If their livelihood drains them
any time for any reason. We reserve the right to label
an advertisement with the word “Advertisement”                                                            Thanksgiving lasts only a day, but         rather than fulfills them, something needs
when, in our judgment, this action is necessary to
clearly distinguish between editorial material and                                     —Emily Ball ’22 being thankful is key during the Christmas    to change.
advertising.                                                                                           season as well. While Thanksgiving and            Again, burnout is real. The PC campus
    Subscription rate for a weekly issue by mail                                                       Christmas traditions may create fulfilling    and student body need to begin to recognize
is $100 per year. Send payment to The Cowl, 1
Cunningham Square, Providence, R.I. 02918; make
                                                                                                       memories on their own, they last longer       that sometimes this lifestyle is not the
checks payable to The Cowl. Student subscription is
included in tuition fee; issues are available around
                                                                                                       and exist more magically in cooperation                      healthiest and should be
campus on Thursday nights.                                                                             with one another, celebrating their                           reassessed.
                                                                                                       purposes’ more purposefully together.
                                                                                                          Kick off the most wonderful time of year                                  —Olivia Bretzman
             The Cowl is a proud                                                                       before the turkey and mashed potatoes are
          member of the Associated                                                                     cleared from the Thanksgiving table.
             Collegiate Press.                                                                            		              —Madeline Morkin ’22
                                                            PHOTO COURTESY OF CLIPART WORLD                                                          PHOTO COURTESY OF FREE SVG
Providence College Vol. LXXXVI No. 8 November 4, 2021 - DigitalCommons@Providence
November 4, 2021                                                PUZZLES                                                                                     The Cowl 7


                                                          1                                                                                 2           3

                                                     4                                                                               5

                                                                    6                                                                                                7


                                                     9              10


                                                                                         12                                                       13



      Last Week’s Answers

3. Skittles
7. Witch
9. Twix                                         18                                 19

11. samhainophobia
12. Costumes
15. Halloweentown                                              20
17. Harry Houdini
20. Pennywise                                   21

22. Hocus Pocus                                                                                22                        23
23. All Saints Day
24. spider
25. Keene                                                 24                                                      25
26. ireland
                                                                                                                   Created using the Crossword Maker on TheTeachersCorner.n


1. turnip
2. silly string
4. illinois
5. renfield
6. chicken feed
8. mischief night
10. the great pumpkin
13. baby ruth
14. frankenstein
16. one
18. walnut creek
19. Heidi Klum
21. Candy Corn

            RIDDLE ANSWERS:

 What do you call a skeleton that makes
                you laugh?

                                                                                                    The Riddler’s Rotunda
              A funny bone
 What will you not find in the house of
   a ghost that is in all other homes?
              A living room                                                      What room is Mario too big to fit into?
I have hundreds of ears, but cannot hear
           a thing. What am I?
                                                                              What is Koopa Troopa’s favorite thing to eat
               A Cornfield                                                                  with hot wings?
  What is a witch’s favorite subject in
                 school?                                                          Why is Toad invited to every party?
                 Spelling                                                            What is Mario’s favorite play?
What feels bad when people do it to you,
    but tastes good when you eat it?                                           What does Koopa Troopa wear on his head?
                                                                        Created with the Combined Brain Power of The Puzzler ’23, The Riddler ’23, and The Brain Blaster ’23
Providence College Vol. LXXXVI No. 8 November 4, 2021 - DigitalCommons@Providence
Arts  &
Entertainment                                                                                                                                                                Page 8
                                                                                                                                                               November 4, 2021

                                                 A Spooky Good Time
     Local “Moon Raid” Festival Provides Halloween Entertainment
                 by Jack Downey ’23                           Brain. Another two-piece band, this group was a
                   A&E Co-Editor                              female duo and their sound was more based around
                                                              hardcore and metal. The crowd truly came alive
                    LOCAL MUSIC                               during this set, moshing furiously to the distorted
                                                              bass and pounding drums. At one point during
    Obviously, there were quite a few events                  their performance, the two members switched

                                                                                                                                                                                    PHOTO COURTESY OF JACK DOWNEY ’23
happening this Halloween. Not only were there                 instruments to showcase their dexterity and indeed
fewer COVID-19 restrictions than last year, but the           continued to bring the power. Considering this
weather was also immaculate despite all the terrible          was their first show, it was rather impressive.
weather in the past week, with the sun bursting                  With the energy of the audience mostly spent
forth from the sky. It could only be described as peak        after Bozo Brain finished their set, Harrison
fall. Under the smiling sun and the falling leaves, a         Dolan provided some soothing, if not incredibly
music festival took place in a backyard in Wakefield,         melancholy, relief. Despite being another one-
RI. It was called Moon Raid, and it was legendary.            man act using a loop pedal, Harrison’s music was
    Even before the show itself began, the staggering         jazzier than that of Wave Goodbye and featured far
array of groups associated with it turned heads: there        more guitar effects. His soft voice carried with it an      Austin D-6 and Jake Draven of The Gotham Lights at
were twelve bands and nine vendors present at the             undercurrent of sincerity that drew many people to          Moon Raid.
festival, which, for a local show, was astounding and         his music. Multiple people commented afterwards             elements of nineties indie rock as well as those of
unprecedented. Set construction began at 1:00 p.m.            about how they had become emotional during his set          earlier rock icons such as Bruce Springsteen, with
and the stage came together quickly, with the setup           and, as if Rhode Island was responding to this shift in     some punk rock thrown into the mix. Their set ended
of gear being completed efficiently and conveniently.         mood, there had been several sirens audible during          as the sun fully disappeared beneath the horizon.
    Leading off the event was Wave Goodbye. Building          Harrison’s set, creating a strangely alluring ambience.         Although the sun had departed, the show went
the sound of a full band using nothing but a guitar              After this brief lull in the energy, Bellyache came in   on. The Park Hill Romance took the stage and ripped
and a loop effect pedal, Wave Goodbye’s set received          screaming, literally. Not much was known about this         through several beloved covers, such as Ray Parker
a warm reaction and helped draw in the audience.              band prior to the show, since they have no social media     Jr.’s “Ghostbusters” and Green Day’s “Holiday.”
Following Wave Goodbye was Rather Nice, who                   presence and have not played many shows. However,           Their fans ate it up, dancing and singing along,
recently released a new EP, Diane’s Van. Playing all          they blew people away with their talent. They had an        illuminated by the car headlights which were being
the songs off that EP and more, the funky indie rock          interesting mix of hardcore and indie rock, with the        used to light the stage. After them were Alligators
band had people dancing along to their mellow tunes.          hardcore songs featuring a singer and the indie songs       On Acid, who delivered a gloriously ramshackle
    After Rather Nice was Fort Revere, a fairly new           being instrumental. Whichever sound they choose to          punk performance that included bassist Luke Kelley
indie rock/surf rock band based out of Providence.            play in the future, Bellyache are an intriguing band.       throwing his bass aside and running into the crowd,
While their sound was sparse, the songs were catchy              Cameleopard was next in the lineup. Echoing              starting a tidal wave of a mosh pit that resulted in
and had some people singing along. Occasionally,              some of the blusier aspects of The Gotham Lights’           him getting punched in the face. Considering this
the band would turn up the distortion, keeping                set, the crowd was immediately captivated by the            might be their last show for some time, they went out
things interesting. However, their distortion had             group’s melodic yet crunchy guitar, flowing bass,           with style. Last but not least were The Moon Rakers,
nothing on The Gotham Lights, who were up next.               and impressive drumming. The band functioned                who hosted the entire event. The band’s sound was
Despite only having two members, their sound                  like a fine-tuned machine; they had people moving           remarkably minimal in the most interesting of ways,
was enormous and blew people away, almost                     and grooving to their tightly-wound style of rock.          and many people seemed to be drawn in by the dry
literally. Lead singer Jake Draven’s howling vocals              This rock sound continued with the following             guitar sound and the unorthodox drum beats. It
only added to the wall of leaden noise that filled            act, Depopulate Montana. While their sound was              was a fantastic way to end such an insane concert.
the entire backyard for the duration of their set.            straightforward, their songs were interesting                   All the above acts sans Bellyache have Instagram
    Continuing the wall of furious sound was Bozo             and captured the audience. The sound had many               accounts and deserve attention, so give them a follow.

             A Closer Look at The Life Support Tour
      Madison Beer’s Authentic Connection With Her Audience                                rather than pursue a music career.           On” but take an entirely opposite
          by Talia Rueda ’23
              A&E Staff                                                                       With this knowledge of Beer ’s            approach to expressing them. Indeed,
                                                                                           personal life in mind, the crowd is          although Beer discusses similar ideas
                MUSIC                                                                      already on their toes as those lines open    in these anthems, such as ending
                                                                                           the third track as they are well-aware       relationships or false rumors, she
                                                                                           of their meaning. Audience members           addresses them with more power and
   Madison Beer has finally made                                                           know why Beer has preferred to stay          capability in the former than in
her touring debut eight months                                                             numb to the pain instead of reacting.        the latter. Performances of such
after her first album, Life Support,                                                          Fans also relate the feelings she         songs are the moments of Beer’s set
was released. She has added an                                                             describes to their own lives. Indeed,        that are the most pulsating: when her
exuberance to the world of pop, not                                                        Beer ’s main fanbase, members of             strength is exemplified in her jolting
only with her histrionic tendencies,                                                       Gen-Z, are around the same age as her.       bass rather than her wallowing chords.
but also with her eagerness to relate to                                                      Beer has done a fantastic job of              Throughout the first half of her
her audience. Beer has had a devoted                                                       not only forming her community               set, Beer appears inside of a clear
online fan base since 2013, when she                                                       of fans, but also maintaining it.            rectangular cube and is pulled around
was discovered by Justin Bieber.                                                           Indeed, she has birthed an audience          the stage by her dancers. As the show
   Beer’s first string of live shows       PHOTO COURTESY OF THE JOURNAL OF MUSIC
                                                                                           that is receptive to her life experiences    progresses, she ditches the cube and
proves the potential that Bieber saw       Madison Beer performing.                        and journey as an artist, and she            inches closer to the audience. This
in her eight years ago, while also         numb and carry on/Too young to                  shares these moments with fans on            choreography unfolds as she sings her
finally allowing the connection that       hate someone/Truth is, it was never             stage. On social media, videos have          more intimate songs—the tracks that
has been developing between her and        love/Your fault if you thought it was.”         circulated in which she demonstrates         listeners fell in love with in the first place.
her followers since 2013 to manifest          These lyrics hold great importance.          her intense gratitude to her fans                In many ways, the concept of the
itself into a tangible experience.         Obviously, they are the first words             during her live shows, visibly               cube confining Beer at the beginning
   Throughout the album, Beer              in the song, so they are the first              crying while thanking them.                  of her performance, but then no
works to evoke emotions from her           that the crowd hears. More notably,                Since Beer ’s first performances          longer being able to contain her,
listeners through an expression of         however, while they appear to be                on The Life Support Tour, she has            shows her growth as an artist. Life
her own experiences. Although she          quite standard lyrics for an artist             posted several remarks on social             Support deals with serious subject
succeeds in doing so throughout            such as Beer, her audience knows the            media that showcase the magic of             matter, such as Beer’s battles with
the entirety of the record, it is quite    significance these words hold for the           an artist’s developing career on             borderline personality disorder,
possible that this endeavor is even        artist and her personal experiences.            their first tour. She writes, “What an       abusive relationships, and detrimental
more powerfully realized during               Beer’s online fanbase has followed           absolute dream come true,” and, “Can         false narratives about her. Beer has
a live performance, hence fans’            her through her seemingly iconic                already tell I’m probably gonna cry          emerged victorious from these fights
excitement for The Life Support Tour.      but apparently emotionally abusive              tonight sheesh I’ve sprung a leak.”          and rid herself of the means by which
   Beer ’s lyrics display a universal      relationship with fellow social media              Aside from her evident emotional          the industry has tried to confine her.
nature that perfectly relates to           star Jack Gilinsky. Additionally, she           connection with her fans, other notable          An artist’s first tour aims to showcase
the young generation that mostly           has been questioned by the media for            aspects of Beer’s tour set include those     an ability to conquer the muddled
comprises her fanbase. For example,        years about her stunning appearance,            that showcase a more fun side to the         exterior of the world and focus solely
one track from Life Support, the third     with rumors circulating about whether           artist. “Girl power” anthems including       on a connection with fans for the
song she performs during her tour          she had undergone plastic surgery               “BOYSH*T,” “Baby,” and “Good In              first time. Beer has done just that.
setlist, is “Stay Numb And Carry           procedures and snide remarks that               Goodbye” offer the same emotions
On,” which includes the lyrics, “Stay      she should just “stick to modeling”             as songs like “Stay Numb and Carry
Providence College Vol. LXXXVI No. 8 November 4, 2021 - DigitalCommons@Providence
November 4, 2021                                                           ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT                                                                     The Cowl 9

      In Memoriam: James Michael Tyler
                    Remembering the Iconic Friends Actor
         by Nikki Idelson ’22
              A&E Staff

   James Michael Tyler, the actor
well-known for his role as Gunther
on the television show Friends, died
on Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021, at the age
of 59. According to The New York
Times, “the cause [of his death]
was prostate cancer, which was
diagnosed in September 2018.” Tyler
fought a long and hard battle, all the
while sharing his story to spread
awareness about prostate cancer.
   Friends debuted in the 90s and ran
for 10 seasons. It follows the lives of
six friends living in Manhattan
as they go through life together. This
description of the show encapsulates        PHOTO COURTESY OF BBC.COM
why it was and continues to be             James Michael Tyler on the set of Friends.
incredibly popular. Indeed, viewers
feel as though they can relate to the      degree. Then, according to The New                 following statement in the wake of         his role in Friends, but also for
characters and their everyday life         York Times, “he earned a master ’s                 Tyler’s death: “When he started            how he carried out his day-to-day
experiences. Tyler played Gunther,         of fine arts from the University of                as an extra on Friends, his unique         life. According to CNN, his
a barista at Central Perk, where           Georgia and moved to Los Angeles                   spirit caught our eye and we knew          representative released a statement
the friends spent a great deal of time.    after a brief stint of selling cars in             we had to make him a character.” At        following his death that proclaimed,
The character’s most notable trait was     Olympia, Washington.” He went on to                the beginning of his appearance on         “Michael’s loved ones knew him as
his deep crush on Rachel, played by        become a barista, which is when he was             the show, he was mainly an extra;          an actor, musician, cancer-awareness
Jennifer Aniston. While he was not one     discovered by the creators of Friends,             throughout the ten seasons of Friends,     advocate, and loving husband.”
of the “friends,” he was still widely      Marta Kauffman and David Crane. In                 however, he grew to develop a more            It is clear that Tyler touched
regarded as having a prominent role in     a 2012 interview with the Times, Tyler             prominent role that helped to complete     the lives of his fans, friends,
the show. According to The New York        explained that he was “working as a                the show. Kauffman and Crane also          and family. For those who are
Times, “he appeared in 150 episodes.”      barista for a place called the Bourgeois           said that Tyler ’s performance was         interested in seeing his most
   However, Tyler was not always an        Pig, one of the last independent                   essential to the show because “he made     recent work, make sure to check
actor. He was born in Mississippi on       coffee houses in Los Angeles.”                     Gunther’s unrequited love incredibly       out the short films The Gesture and
May 28, 1962 and was the youngest of          Tyler was beloved by everyone that              relatable.” Such aspects of Tyler ’s       the Word and Processing. James
five children. He attended Clemson         he worked with, including Kauffman                 performance made him a fan favorite.       Michael Tyler will be dearly missed.
University for his undergraduate           and Crane. They released the                          Tyler was not just beloved for

Yet Another Breakup Rocks Bachelor Nation
              Does the Bachelor Franchise Live Up to Its Premise?
                                                              best interest for our happiness to stay together.”          show in creating long-lasting relationships finds that,
                                                                 Although news of the breakup is disappointing to         “It turns out not that many [last]. In fact, only two-
               by Grace O’Connor ’22                          fans, it should not come as a complete surprise. The        thirds of the seasons end with proposals. Then out
                     A&E Staff
                                                              reality of The Bachelor franchise, whose purpose is to      of those proposals, only five have led to marriage,
                     TELEVISION                               bring together two soulmates for life, is that a majority   with The Bachelorette having a better success rate
                                                              of its couples ultimately end their relationships           at 30 [percent] versus The Bachelor at 11 [percent].”
                                                              less than a year after the cameras stop rolling.                These statistics suggest that the Bachelor franchise
   The Bachelor franchise consists of a beloved set of
                                                                 Indeed, when reality hits couples after their            is more successful as a source of entertainment for
shows based on the premise of bringing together a
                                                              screen time is over, many are unable to uphold their        viewers than as a means of helping two soulmates
couple that will live happily ever after—or does it?
                                                              commitments to one another. A Middlebury site               find each other. With this being said, however, it is
On the most recent season of The Bachelorette, lead
                                                              network study examining the success rate of the             important to note that there are 24 couples who are
Katie Thurston, a fan-favorite contestant from Matt
                                                                                                                          still together. Nonetheless, despite the many valuable
James’ season of The Bachelor, ended her season
                                                                                                                          relationships and connections that have been
engaged to contestant Blake Moynes. Thurston’s
                                                                                                                          ignited through the franchise, over time, it has lost
happiness was tangible both on the show and
                                                                                                                          its legitimacy not only because of its demonstrated
after the cameras stopped rolling. She expressed
                                                                                                                          failure in helping contestants find lifelong partners,
on multiple occasions that she spent years trying
                                                                                                                          but also due to a tendency of contestants to come
to find the right man who matched her maturity
                                                                                                                          on the show to find not love, but rather, fame.
level as well as her fun side. It seemed that she
                                                                                                                              This was especially apparent in the last
and Moynes were headed for the “happily ever
                                                                                                                          season of Bachelor in Paradise, with contestants
after” the Bachelor franchise purports to create.
                                                                                                                          Brendan Morais and Pieper James more concerned
   However, it appears that things were less rosy
                                                                                                                          about how many Instagram followers they
between the happy couple behind the scenes. As
                                                                                                                          had and how they looked to the public rather
People Magazine explains, last week, both took to
                                                                                                                          than strengthening their actual relationship.
Instagram to write, “It is with mutual love and respect
                                                                                                                              Thus, with regard to the question of whether the
that we have decided to go our separate ways. We
                                                                                                                          Bachelor franchise is doing what it is meant to, the
are so grateful for the moments we shared together
                                                                                                                          answer is both yes and no. Although it seems to give
and the entire journey that has unfolded this year,
                                                                                                                          contestants all the resources they need to find love,
but we ultimately have concluded that we are not
                                                                                                                          the majority of relationships that form while the
compatible as life partners, and it is the most caring
                                                                                                                          cameras are rolling do not last. Moreover, in recent
choice for both of us to move forward independently.”
                                                                                                                          years, more and more contestants seem to go on
   Another statement made by Katie in Us Weekly
                                                                                                                          the franchise’s shows for fame because they are so
brings more clarity to the situation: “We were
                                                                                                                          popular and widely broadcasted. As the franchise
together for six months [and] Blake and I are very
                                                                                                                          moves forward, fans can only hope that its producers
level-headed and mature, and we communicate
                                                                                                                          find ways to facilitate more genuine connections
very well on our thoughts, and we just both knew
                                                                                                                          and that contestants do not go on the shows
if this was how our first six months were as a
                                                                                                                          hoping to find stardom, but rather, true love.
                                                              PHOTO COURTESY OF US MAGAZINE
couple, going forward it was going to not be in our           Blake Moynes and Katie Thurston.
Providence College Vol. LXXXVI No. 8 November 4, 2021 - DigitalCommons@Providence
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