Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer
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BRADFORD HOPPE, MD, MPH1 ROMAINE C. NICHOLS, MD1 RANDAL HENDERSON, MD, MBA1 ZUOFENG LI, PhD1 WILLIAM M. MENDENHALL, MD1 NANCY P. MENDENHALL, MD1 Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer and current status of PT for prostate Abstract: Proton therapy has been used in the treatment of cancer for over 50 cancer—and controversies regarding it. years. Due to its unique dose distribution with its spread-out Bragg peak, proton therapy can deliver highly conformal radiation to cancers located adjacent to Rationale: The Physics of Proton critical normal structures. One of the important applications of its use is in pros- Therapy and X-Ray Therapy The patterns of radiation dose deposi- tate cancer, since the prostate is located adjacent to the rectum and bladder. tion in tissue associated with PT and Over 30 years of data have been published on the use of proton therapy in X-ray therapy (XRT) differ significant- prostate cancer; these data have demonstrated high rates of local and biochem- ly. With XRT, most X-rays pass through ical control as well as low rates of urinary and rectal toxicity. Although before the patient, depositing radiation energy 2000 proton therapy was available at only a couple of centers in the United along the beam path and leaving a track States, several new proton centers have been built in the last decade. With the of radiation damage, much like that left by a bullet, from the skin surface increased availability of proton therapy, research on its use for prostate cancer through which the beam enters to the has accelerated rapidly. Current research includes explorations of dose escala- skin surface through which it exits. tion, hypofractionation, and patient-reported quality-of-life outcomes. Early Because the X-rays in these interactions results from these studies are promising and will likely help make proton thera- are absorbed, the dose deposited along py for the treatment of prostate cancer more cost-effective. the beam path is reduced gradually as the X-ray beam passes through the patient. Since radiation damage is pro- Introduction Boston, PT was used as a “boost” to portional to dose and not specific to Proton therapy (PT) has been used in conventional radiation therapy in pros- cancer cells, this pattern of dose deposi- the management of cancer for over 50 tate cancer as early as the late 1970s.[1] tion with X-rays delivers more dose to years. The unique pattern of radiation The first clinically dedicated facility nontargeted normal tissue. This unnec- dose deposition associated with pro- opened at Loma Linda University in essary dose to the nontargeted normal tons—the characteristic spread-out Loma Linda, California in 1991, com- tissue contributes considerably to the Bragg peak (SOBP)—was recognized as plete with sufficiently high-energy pro- “integral dose” (dose deposited in the early as the 1950s as a tool that radia- tons to penetrate to central tumors, entire patient body). tion oncologists could use to deliver with a gantry system to deliver PT from Historically, there have been two highly conformal radiotherapy to can- any angle, and offering treatment of basic strategies for dealing with the cers located adjacent to critical organs. prostate cancer solely with PT. Early problem of integral dose with X-rays: 1) Until 1991, PT was only available at results of PT from these two institu- the use of higher-energy X-rays, which physics research centers; these facilities tions have been promising, leading to a reduces the dose to normal tissues with- typically offered relatively low-energy burgeoning interest in PT for prostate in the first few centimeters of the protons delivered through a fixed cancer at other institutions that have entrance path, and 2) the use of addi- beam, so clinical applications were lim- acquired PT. While there is much theo- tional X-ray beams whose paths overlap ited. The prostate, with its close prox- retical and early clinical promise, many only over the targeted tumor, which imity to the rectum, bowel, and bladder, questions remain regarding the degree increases the dose to the cancer relative was recognized early on as an ideal site of potential benefit and the cost-effec- to the dose to any particular section of for the application of PT. At the tiveness of PT in prostate cancer. This normal nontargeted tissue, at the Massachusetts General Hospital in review discusses the rationale, history, expense of exposing more normal tissue to low doses of radiation. This second 1University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute, Jacksonville, Florida strategy is the basis for three-dimension- 644 ONCOLOGY • June 2011
al conformal radiation therapy XRT techniques based on overlapping beams with appropriate energies to (3DCRT), stereotactic radiosurgery and beams, integral dose is redistributed cover the full thickness of a particular stereotactic body radiation therapy over a larger volume of nontargeted tis- target with a uniform dose. (SBRT), Cyberknife, intensity-modulat- sue compared with simpler historical Figure 1 is a comparison of typical ed radiation therapy (IMRT), image- techniques, but it is not reduced. radiation dose distributions achieved guided IMRT, and volumetric modulat- In contrast to X-rays, protons have with PT and IMRT for a patient with ed arc therapy. mass and thus do not travel an infinite low-risk prostate cancer. The relative Most XRT for prostate cancer is distance; rather, they stop in tissue at a radiation dose levels are indicated by delivered with an IMRT technique. distance proportional to their accelera- the color wash, with red representing IMRT is a sophisticated XRT technique tion. In addition, protons are 1,800 the highest radiation doses and blue that employs multiple radiation beams times as heavy as electrons, the primary indicating the lowest doses. As is appar- aimed at the target from different direc- subatomic particles with which they ent, there is a higher integral dose with tions, with the beams varying in size collide. Unlike X-rays, which are IMRT compared with PT; with PT, a and shape during treatment delivery to absorbed in these interactions, protons much larger proportion of the rectum create a highly conformal radiation lose relatively little energy along the receives either no radiation dose or dose distribution in which the volume beam path until the end of their range, only a very small dose. Figure 2 shows a of tissue receiving a “high” dose of radi- at which point they lose the majority of comparison of dose-volume histograms ation conforms precisely to the three- their energy, producing a characteristic for the rectum and bladder with the PT dimensional (3D) volume of the target. sharp peak in radiation energy deposi- and IMRT treatment plans. The x-axis This technique is a significant improve- tion known as the Bragg peak. Thus, a charts radiation dose and the y-axis ment over simpler, conventional radia- typical proton beam disperses a low charts the percentage of organ receiving tion therapy techniques used histori- constant dose of radiation along the the corresponding dose. Due to the cally, which deliver a high radiation entrance path of the beam, a high uni- proximity of the anterior wall of the dose to a volume of tissue that is much form dose throughout the range of the rectum and the base of the bladder to larger and less conformal—and that SOBP, and no exit dose, eliminating the prostate, the volumes of these thus includes substantially more nor- much of the integral dose inherent in organs receiving high radiation doses mal tissue. However, because of the X-ray therapy. In contrast to XRT, the are similar for the IMRT and PT plans. increased number of X-ray beams used majority of radiation energy from a However, there are significant differ- with IMRT, a much larger volume of proton beam is actually deposited in ences in the volumes of bladder and non-targeted tissue receives low radia- the targeted cancer. Because the width rectum receiving medium- and low- tion doses than is the case with the sim- of the Bragg peak is only 4 to 7 mm, in dose radiation in the PT plan compared pler conventional radiation therapy actual clinical practice, an SOBP is pro- with the IMRT plan.[2] It should be techniques. With IMRT, as in other duced by adding a series of proton noted that proton therapy for prostate A B Figure 1: A Comparison of Typical Radiation Dose Distributions Achieved With PT and IMRT for a Patient With Low-Risk Prostate Can- cer—The relative radiation dose levels are indicated by the color wash, with red representing the highest radiation doses and blue indicat- ing the lowest doses. As is apparent, there is a higher integral dose with IMRT (B) than with PT (A); with PT, a much larger proportion of the rectum receives either no radiation or only a very small dose. IMRT = intensity-modulated radiotherapy; PT = proton therapy. ONCOLOGY • June 2011 645
Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer 90 90 80 80 70 70 Bladder volume (%) 60 60 Rectal volume (%) 50 50 IMRT IMRT 40 40 30 30 20 20 Proton Proton 10 10 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Dose (GE/Gy) Dose (GE/Gy) A B Figure 2: Dose-Volume Comparison of Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) and Proton Therapy in Patients with Prostate Cancer—(A) Combined rectal dose-volume curves for proton therapy and IMRT (n = 20 plans), and (B) combined bladder dose-volume curves for proton therapy and IMRT (n = 20 plans); on both graphs, error box shows 95% standard error. From Vargas C et al. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2008.[2] Used with permission. treatments is typically delivered using Given the growing body of literature cies by 26% to 39% compared with two lateral or slightly lateral oblique demonstrating an association between IMRT. Due to concerns regarding uri- beams, taking full advantage of the abil- gastrointestinal (GI) and genitourinary nary incontinence and erectile dysfunc- ity of protons to stop before the contra- (GU) complications with dose-volume tion with surgery, the use of radiother- lateral femoral heads. Proton beams at histograms of the rectum and bladder, apy in younger men with prostate can- such large depths do not necessasrily including the volumes receiving low cer has increased. Particularly in these possess an advantage of reduced beam and moderates doses, the reduction in younger patients with prostate cancer, penumbra compared with IMRT treat- integral dose to these structures with PT may result in a measurably lower ments, as pointed out by Goitein.[3] PT will likely translate into fewer GU rate of secondary malignancy than is However, the ability of proton prostate and GI toxicities.[5,6] seen with IMRT. therapy to avoid beam entrance and Along with the lower dose to the Integral dose may affect other exit through bladder and rectum allows rectum and bladder, the lower integral organs located close to the treatment maximum sparing of these critical radiation dose with PT compared with field. Some investigators have suggested organs, such that large percentages of XRT may result in other benefits to that the low-dose scatter radiation to these volumes receive essentially no patients with prostate cancer. The rela- the testes from 3DCRT, IMRT, and dose. At the same time, the robustness tionship between the volume of tissue SBRT may reduce testosterone levels. of such beam arrangements has been exposed to low radiation doses and sec- [10-12] However, in a study from the shown to be adequate for intra-fraction ondary malignancies has been estab- University of Florida Proton Therapy prostate movements up to 5 mm.[4] lished in pediatric cancers.[7,8] Institute in Jacksonville, PT had no sig- Fontenot et al[9] of the MD Anderson nificant effect on testosterone levels in Address all correspondence to: Cancer Center in Houston have evalu- patients during the first 2 years of fol- Bradford S. Hoppe, MD ated the risk of secondary malignancies low-up.[13] It is possible that preserv- University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute with IMRT compared with PT in ing testosterone levels may result in 2015 North Jefferson St. Jacksonville, FL 32206 patients with early-stage prostate can- preservation of libido and prevention of Phone: (904) 588-1800 cer and have shown that PT should fatigue following treatment. Doses to Email: reduce the risk of secondary malignan- the penile bulb may be less with PT 646 ONCOLOGY • June 2011
than with IMRT, which may also help doses to large volumes of the bladder Despite higher doses in the PT cohort, preserve erectile function after radia- and rectum.[17-19] During this era, no significant difference was found tion therapy. Not all structures, how- surgery was the preferred treatment regarding GU or GI toxicity between ever, receive less integral dose with PT for prostate cancer because of relative- the two groups. Following the phase I/ than with XRT. In a study from ly high probabilities of tumor recur- II study, Massachusetts General Massachusetts General Hospital,[14] rence with radiation as well as high Hospital conducted the first phase III Trofimov demonstrated higher doses to morbidity rates.[18,20] PT was avail- PT study randomly assigning patients the femoral neck with PT. This has led able only in physics research centers, with stage T3-4 prostate cancer to treat- to some concern regarding the possibil- which provided a beam of protons ment with either high-dose radiation ity of an increased risk of femoral neck emanating from a fixed beam line, with 75.6 CGE (via 50.4 Gy X-rays and fractures in patients treated with PT. generally of limited energies insuffi- 25.2-CGE proton boost; n = 103) or [15] In an analysis from the University cient for penetration to deep-seated with 67.2 Gy X-rays (n = 99).[22] After of Florida Proton Therapy Institute tumors. The initial studies of PT a median follow-up of 5 years, no sig- with a median follow-up of 2 years, no in prostate cancer came from nificant differences were found in over- increased risk in hip fracture was Massachusetts General Hospital and all survival or disease-specific survival. observed among 400 consecutive men used a 160-MeV proton beam from the However, patients with poorly differen- treated with PT compared with the Harvard cyclotron. In their first pub- tiated prostate cancer (Gleason score ≥ number of fractures expected in this lished study, Shipley et al reported on 7) had better local control (LC) with population, based on patient comor- 17 patients treated with conventional high-dose radiotherapy (5-year LC, bidities and as determined by the World megavoltage X-rays to between 48 and 94% vs 64%; P = .0014). Also, there was Health Organization FRAX tool for 50 Gy followed by a proton boost a trend toward improved LC with high- assessing hip fracture risk.[16] applied through a perineal field to a dose radiation for the cohort as a whole final dose of 70 to 76.5 Gy/CGE.[1] (5-year LC, 92% vs 80%; P = .089), and The History of Proton Therapy in Although one patient relapsed 18 GU and GI toxicity were not signifi- Prostate Cancer months after therapy, the remaining cantly different. patients did well. A follow-up study by Proton therapy as a conformal boost the Massachusetts General Hospital Proton therapy as sole treatment after conventional radiation therapy group[21] compared two cohorts of for prostate cancer Prior to 3D imaging and 3DCRT, radia- patients: one treated with megavoltage In 1991, Loma Linda University tion doses for prostate cancer were lim- X-rays alone to 67 Gy and the other Medical Center opened the first clini- ited to 70 Gy or less because of the mor- treated with 50 Gy of XRT followed by cally dedicated PT facility with higher- bidity associated with high integral a proton boost of 20 to 26.5 CGE. energy (250-MeV) protons and a gan- A B Figure 3: Sagittal (A) and Transverse (B) colorwash of a typical perineal proton boost with target and normal structures outlined as follows: prostate (red), planned target volume (pink), rectum (yellow), bladder (blue). Courtesy of Debbie Louis, CMD. ONCOLOGY • June 2011 647
Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer Table 1 Review of the Literature on Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer Number of Inclusion Protons Alone Median Author Patients Criteria or As a Boost Dose Follow-up BFFS Shipley et al[22] 103 - 50.4 Gy/25.3 CGE a5-year, 92% T3-4, N0-2 61 mo a5-year, 99 - 50.4 Gy/16.8 Gy 80% Zietman et al[28] 195 Low, 50.4 Gy/28.8 CGE 10-year, 83.3% intermediate risk Proton 107 mo 197 Low, boost 50.4 Gy/19.8 CGE 10-year, 67.6% intermediate risk Slater et al[25] 1255 Both 74-75 CGE 8-year, 73% 731 Low, Proton 45 Gy/30 CGE - intermediate, boost 63 mo high risk 524 Protons 74 CGE - alone Nihei et al[30] 151 G
Acute GU & GI Late GU & GI Toxicity GI 2 GI 3 GU 2 GU 3 GI 2 GI 3 GU 2 GU 3 Report - 0% - 0% 27%a 3% - 12% RTOG - 0% - 0% 9%a - - 8% 63% 1% 60% 2% 24% 1% 27% 2% RTOG 44% 1% 51% 3% 13% 0% 22% 2% - 3 GU tion from 78 CGE to 82 CGE at 2 CGE poorly compared with other contempo- (2%) and GI (1%) toxicity, even in the per fraction, and a high-risk protocol of rary studies of radiation therapy in high-dose arm. 78 CGE at 2 CGE per fraction with con- ONCOLOGY • June 2011 649
Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer comitant docetaxel (Taxotere) followed cost of PT for a 60-year-old man was intensification the improved dose distri- by androgen deprivation therapy.[6] $65,000, compared with $40,000 for bution from PT will permit. Thus, at this With a minimum follow-up of 2 years, IMRT, which would result in a cost- point in time, the degree of benefit the grade > 3 GU toxicity rate was effectiveness of $56,000 per quality- achievable with PT is unknown, so it 1.9% and the grade > 3 GI toxicity rate adjusted life year (QALY). When com- seems premature to commit significant was < 0.5%. Two studies out of Japan pared to the commonly accepted stan- resources to a randomized trial testing a have also published early outcomes for dard of $50,000 per QALY, the value for mature technology against an immature PT for prostate cancer. Mayahara et PT indicated that it was not cost-effec- technology. Funds and research resourc- al[29] reported on 287 patients treated tive. Although this study reaches some es would be better spent at this point in to 74 CGE with 190- to 230-MeV pro- intriguing conclusions, the results are developing PT and in determining how tons using opposed lateral fields; the based on models and do not take into best to maximize its benefits. rate of grade > 3 GU toxicity in this consideration a number of critical fac- study was 1%, and the rate of grade > 3 tors. First, Peeters et al[33] have predict- Conclusions GI toxicity was 0%. Nihei et al[30] ed that PT may allow for hypofraction- PT is a promising treatment option for reported on a multi-institutional phase ation, which would reduce the treatment prostate cancer patients. Studies have II study from Japan in which 74 CGE costs of this therapy. Studies currently already demonstrated extremely low was delivered in 37 fractions in 151 investigating hypofractionation with PT rates of grade > 3 GU and GI toxicities patients. With a median follow-up of are ongoing at both Loma Linda and extremely high disease control, pre- 43 months, only 1% of patients devel- University and the University of Florida sumably related to improved radiation oped grade > 3 GU toxicity, and 0% Proton Therapy Institute. Second, a dose distributions over what can be developed late grade > 3 GI toxicity. reduction in significant rectal and uri- achieved with IMRT. More follow-up is These studies, which are reported in nary toxicity afforded by PT will have a needed to confirm the promising early the Table, confirm the safety of PT for positive impact on overall costs of care results. A reduction in the integral dose prostate cancer over the first 4 years in prostate cancer patients. Finally, the to the body with PT compared to XRT following treatment; however, longer dose escalation and dose intensification may have other important implications follow-up is needed to confirm the via hypofractionation permitted by PT in the future, including a decrease in low rate of late toxicity and long-term may result in increased cure rates, par- secondary-malignancy risks. ❍ efficacy of the treatment (and the ticularly in intermediate- and high-risk high rate of BFFS). 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