Prospectus 2020/2021 The Wellcome/ Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute - University of ...

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Prospectus 2020/2021 The Wellcome/ Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute - University of ...
The Wellcome/ Cancer Research UK
Gurdon Institute
Prospectus 2020/2021
Prospectus 2020/2021 The Wellcome/ Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute - University of ...

                                                   The Wellcome/
                                               Cancer Research UK
                                                  Gurdon Institute

Studying             Prospectus 2020/2021
development to                E

understand disease

                                  C HA R T E

Prospectus 2020/2021 The Wellcome/ Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute - University of ...
The Gurdon Institute   3

                                  Contents                          Welcome
                                                                    Welcome to our new Prospectus, where we highlight our        Watermark, the first such award in the University. Special
                                                                    activities for - unusually - two years: 2019 and 2020. The   thanks for this achievement go to Hélène Doerflinger,
                                                                    COVID-19 pandemic has made it an extraordinary time          Phil Zegerman and Emma Rawlins.
Director’s welcome            3       Emma Rawlins             38   for everyone. I want to express my pride and gratitude
                                                                    for the exceptional efforts of Institute members,            After incubating Steve Jackson's company Adrestia in
About the Institute           4       Daniel St Johnston       40   who have kept our building safe and our research             the Institute for two years, we wished them well as they
                                                                    progressing; this applies especially to our core team,       moved to the Babraham Research Campus. We also sent
COVID stories                 6       Ben Simons               42   whose dedication has been key to                                                    our best wishes to Meri Huch and
                                                                    our continued progress. As you will                                                 Rick Livesey and their labs, as they
Highlights in 2019/2020       8       Azim Surani              44   see, there is much to be excited                                                    embarked on their new positions in
                                                                    about in our research and activities.                                               Dresden and London, respectively.
Focus on research                     Iva Tchasovnikarova      46
                                                                    It was terrific to see Gurdon                                                     I'm delighted that Emma Rawlins
 Group leaders                        Fengzhu Xiong            48   members receive recognition for                                                   was promoted to Senior Group
                                                                    their achievements. Steve Jackson                                                 Leader and that two new Group
   Julie Ahringer            20       Philip Zegerman          50   received the Leopold Griffuel                                                     Leaders joined us in Autumn
                                                                    Award in Translational and Clinical                                               2020. Iva Tchasovnikarova studies
   Andrea Brand              22     Associate group leaders         Research, and the Royal Society                                                   epigenetic pathway mechanisms
                                                                    Mullard Award. Hansong Ma was                                                     and how they are disrupted in
   David Fernandez-Antoran   24       Martin Howard            52   awarded a Philip Leverhulme                                                       disease, while David Fernandez-
                                                                    Prize and selected as an EMBO                                                     Antoran's research is focused on
   Jenny Gallop              26       John Perry               54
                                                                    Young Investigator, I received the                                                cell competition and the impact of
   John Gurdon               28     Facilities                 56   Genetics Society of America's                                                     ionising radiation on selection.
                                                                    George W. Beadle Award, and Office Manager Lynda
   Steve Jackson             30     Support staff              58   Lockey was named the Unsung Heroine of Professional          Finally, I'm pleased to welcome two new Associate Group
                                                                    Services. We are also excited that a major component of      Leaders. John Perry (MRC Epidemiology Unit) uses
   Tony Kouzarides           32    Seminars, events and             the Wellcome-funded Human Developmental Biology              human genetics to understand disease mechanisms, and
                                   publications in 2019/2020   60   Initiative is based in the Institute, led by Emma Rawlins,   Martin Howard (John Innes Centre) builds mathematical
   Hansong Ma                34                                     Ben Simons and Azim Surani.                                  models of biological processes. We look forward to
                                   Acknowledgements            77                                                                exciting and productive interactions with them.
   Eric Miska                36                                     I'm especially proud that our exceptional Public
                                                                    Engagement was recognised by a Silver Engage

                                                                                                                                                                           February 2021
Prospectus 2020/2021 The Wellcome/ Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute - University of ...
4   About the Institute

         About the Institute
         The Wellcome/ Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute is a world-leading centre for
         research at the interface between developmental biology and cancer biology.

         Our research is focussed in four overlapping areas:

                                                               our focus

                  Cell division,  Function and regulation              Mechanisms of cell           Cell biological
                proliferation and   of the genome and                  fate determination,       processes underlying
              genome maintenance        epigenome                       multipotency and         organ development
                                                                             plasticity              and function                 and interactions across Cambridge’s   •   A wealth of stimulating           Join us
                                                                                                                                  vibrant research environment,             seminars and masterclasses,       We have a thriving community of
                                                                                                                                  including through department              an annual Institute retreat,      graduate students and postdocs
                                                                                                                                  affiliations and teaching.                and Institute postdoc and PhD     who contribute to and benefit from
                                                                                                                                                                            student groups (pp. 62–65)        our exciting research environment.
         We investigate these areas in both      findings have been successfully         sources including national and           We benefit from:                      •   Award-winning public              We welcome enquiries from those
         normal development and cancer           translated to drug discovery            international governmental and           •   Core facilities with state-of-        engagement between our            interested in joining us, which can
         using multiple model systems, from      through spinout companies.              charitable grants. Scientific progress       the-art equipment and support         scientists and the wider public   be done by writing to the relevant
         yeast to human organoids (pp.                                                   and future plans are assessed at             including super-resolution            (pp. 16–17).                      group leader.
         20–50).                                 The Gurdon Institute’s principal        regular intervals by our International       microscopy, next-generation       •   An on-site canteen, social
                                                 sponsors are Wellcome and Cancer        Scientific Advisory Board (p. 77) .          sequencing and bioinformatics         events and sports groups, which   Find out about the latest
         Since our formation in 1991, our        Research UK, who support our                                                         (pp. 56–57)                           enhance our welcoming and         opportunities on our website.
         research has led to major insights      excellent infrastructure through core   The Institute is embedded within         •   Central services providing            inclusive environment.
         into the molecular and cellular         grants, and our research through        the University of Cambridge,                 administration, computing and     •   An Athena SWAN Bronze Award
         defects that give rise to cancer        direct grants to group leaders. Our     providing unparalleled                       IT, stores, media preparation         for promoting equality and
         and other diseases of ageing, and       research is also funded by other        opportunities for collaborations             and glass-washing.                    diversity across our workforce.
Prospectus 2020/2021 The Wellcome/ Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute - University of ...
6   COVID stories                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Gurdon Institute   7

        COVID stories
                                                                                                                                                                          quickly increased, with home tests       “Then, of course, there was the
                                                                                                                                                                          arriving from all over the country,      wider shortage across the country,
                                                                                                                                                                          we were pushed to the limit and at       so Charles and I looked at what we
                                                                                                                                                                          one point caused a bottleneck of         could do.”
                                                                                                                                                                          the whole pipeline. The solidarity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Once our building opened again
                                                                                                                                                                          and sense of responsibility of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   on 15th June under University
         What did we do during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020?                                                                                                          everyone in the team meant that we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   guidance, the two set up a no-touch
                                                                                                                                                                          would ensure all the samples were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   log-in log-out system allowing the
         Along with institutions and             Some of our scientists                paediatrician at Addenbrooke’s           The roles taken by Weronika Fic,          processed each day, and we know
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Institute to track numbers of people
         businesses across England, the          re-focussed their research            Hospital from March to September.        Dmitry Nashchekin, Helen Zenner           we played an important part in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   on site in real time, ensuring we
         Institute shut its doors at 5pm on      Omer Ziv with Miska lab colleagues    It was actually quite nice to have       and Mihoko Tame (St Johnston lab)         helping contain the first COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   stuck to the strict rules on numbers
         20th March for Lockdown 1.0. Only       and collaborators at Justus Liebig    something to do during that first        and Paolo Amaral (Kouzarides lab)         wave.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in different lab spaces.
         minimal maintenance and technical       University worked to produce a        lockdown, although being coughed         were in sample preparation, RT-PCR
         staff remained, regularly checking      map and database of the short         on by feverish children all day wasn’t   tests and data analysis, the full team
         the building and the fly stocks,        and long-range interactions of        ideal!”                                  eventually processing over 8000
         while researchers could no longer       the SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome                                                      nasopharyngeal swab samples daily.
         access their benches and had to         (details in ‘Research highlights
         call a sudden halt to hundreds of       2020’). Ben Simons was involved in
         experiments. Administrative staff       epidemiological modelling.
         took computers and files home.

         And that’s how it remained until
         15th June when we re-opened
         at one quarter occupancy, slowly
         moving up to 50% occupancy by
         September. Many different staff,
         and especially researchers, were
         delighted to return once more
         to the building. Lockdown 2.0 in                                                                                                                                 Core staff made Personal
         November sent some more staff                                                                                                                                    Protective Equipment: Alex
         back home again.                                                                                                                                                 Sossick and Charles Bradshaw of
                                                                                                                                                                          the Imaging and Bioinformatics           Family members sewed face
         The core staff have done an                                                                                                                                      teams each took home a 3D printer.       coverings: The mother of a staff
         incredible job to keep as much of                                                                                                                                The machines were set up to run          member sent about 600 of her
         the Institute open and functioning                                                                                                                               24-hours a day, making in total          hand-sewn, eco-friendly and
         as possible (and legal) at all times,                                                                                                                            500 visor headbands, which were          washable face coverings all the way
                                                                                       Five researchers worked shifts
         in terms of maintenance and safety                                                                                                                               distributed locally to key workers       from her village in Italy, enough for
                                                                                       as volunteers at the Cambridge
         in the building, supplying media,                                                                                                                                in GP surgeries, hospitals and care      everyone to have two each.
                                                 Others intermitted from research      Testing Centre that ran seven days
         and enabling computing services for                                                                                                                              homes. “The Institute had given a
                                                 and returned to the clinic: Ben       a week from 6am to midnight to
         remote working. Meanwhile, other                                                                                       Paolo recalls: “Volunteering at the       lot of our own PPE, especially visors,
                                                 Fisher (Miska lab) says “I returned   support the national effort to boost
         Institute members have contributed                                                                                     centre felt like a call of duty. As the   to Addenbrookes,” says Alex.
                                                 to full-time clinical work as a       COVID-19 testing capacity.
         directly to fighting the pandemic:                                                                                     number of samples to be processed
Prospectus 2020/2021 The Wellcome/ Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute - University of ...
8   About the Institute             The Gurdon Institute   9

                          Highlights in
Prospectus 2020/2021 The Wellcome/ Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute - University of ...
10 Awards                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Gurdon Institute 11

       Feb '19: Steve Jackson receives          Three of the Institute’s labs are           November and Steve Jackson is
       cancer research prize                    among more than a dozen across              among them, awarded funding
       The 47th ARC Foundation                  the UK working together to                  for a project on the DNA damage
       Léopold Griffuel Award in                generate data, develop new tools            response in collaboration with
       Translational and Clinical Research      and build a ‘family tree’ of cell           partners in Switzerland and Austria.
       was presented to Steve Jackson at a      divisions during development,               This was the first of the new
       ceremony in Paris on 10th April. The     starting at fertilisation. Azim Surani is   Horizon 2020 grants to come to
       award was given "for his work on         a co-lead for ‘cell lineage in human        Cambridge.
       DNA damage repair and his role in        epiblast specification and early
       the development of medicines such        differentiation’; Emma Rawlins is a         Dec '19: Song for the Unsung
       as PARP1 and 2 inhibitors used [for]     co-lead for ‘human lineage analysis         Heroine
       cancer treatment."                       in a 3D spatial context: cardio-            The Institute's Office Manager,
                                                pulmonary system development’;              Lynda Lockey, won the Unsung
       May '19: Pisa Honorary Doctorate         and Ben Simons is a lead for one            Heroine Award in the University
       for John Gurdon                          of three cross-cutting technology           of Cambridge Professional
                                                platforms – computational biology           Services Recognition Scheme.
       John Gurdon received a Doctorate
                                                and data analysis.                          Institute Director Julie Ahringer said
       Honoris Causa in Translational
       Medicine from the Scuola Superiore                                                   "Lynda is a very deserving recipient
                                                Sep '19: Meri Huch wins BINDER              of the award...Her dedicated and
       Sant’Anna of Pisa. He gave a lecture
                                                Innovation Prize                            understated work makes things run
       there and at Bologna University.
                                                The 2019 BINDER Innovation                  smoothly, and positively impacts         Aug ‘20: Award for research           Prize 2020 by the Leverhulme              The awardees join a four-year
       While in Bologna he was interviewed
                                                Prize was awarded to Group                  everyone".                               contributing to national prosperity   Trust. The prizes of £100,000             programme that provides financial
       by national newspaper 'Il Resto del
                                                Leader Meri Huch for her research                                                    The Royal Society Mullard Award       "recognise the achievement of             support, training and networking
                                                on liver organoids for the study            Jan ‘20: Ahringer honoured by            2020 was awarded to Steve Jackson     outstanding researchers whose work        opportunities.
       Jul '19: Gurdon researchers in           of liver biology and disease. The           Genetics Society of America              for his research that led to the      has already attracted international
                                                award is given for "outstanding cell                                                                                       recognition and whose future career       Dec ’20: Aztekin wins ELISIR
       Wellcome’s new £10M project on                                                       Julie Ahringer was honoured with         discovery of the drug olaparib,
                                                biological research with a focus on                                                                                        is exceptionally promising".              scholarship at EPFL
       human development                                                                    the Genetics Society of America's        which has reached blockbuster
                                                cell culture," and awarded by the           George W. Beadle Award                   status for the treatment of ovarian                                             PhD student in the Gurdon lab,
       The Human Developmental                                                                                                                                             Dec ‘20: Ma selected as EMBO
                                                German Society for Cell Biology.            "for outstanding contributions           and breast cancers.                                                             Can Aztekin, moves directly to an
       Biology Initiative aims to provide                                                                                                                                  Young Investigator
                                                                                            to the community of genetics                                                                                             independent principal researcher
       insights into how humans develop –
                                                Nov '19: Steve Jackson awarded              researchers...beyond an exemplary        Oct ‘20: Philip Leverhulme Prize      Hansong Ma was selected as one of         position at the Swiss Federal Institute
       from one cell to billions of different
                                                ERC Synergy Grant                           research career".                        for Ma                                30 new EMBO Young Investigators,          of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), as
       cells that make up our tissues and
                                                Recipients of the ERC Synergy                                                        Hansong Ma was awarded a              judged to be "among the next              an EPFL Life Sciences Independent
                                                Grants were announced in                                                             prestigious Philip Leverhulme         generation of leading life scientists".   Research (ELISIR) scholar.
Prospectus 2020/2021 The Wellcome/ Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute - University of ...
12 Research highlights                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Gurdon Institute 13

        Research in 2019                                                                                                         liver diseases where regeneration is
                                                                                                                                 Aloia L et al. (2019) Nature Cell
                                                                                                                                 Biology 21: 1321–1333.
                                                                                                                                                                         an 'epitranscriptomic' pathway with
                                                                                                                                                                         effects on lung cancer cell behaviour
                                                                                                                                                                         in vitro. They developed a
                                                                                                                                                                         technique to precisely locate which
                                                                                                                                                                         guanosine on a micro RNA called
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  nucleocytoplasmic transport,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  uncovering new links between
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  different forms of dementia.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Paonessa F et al. (2019) Cell Reports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  26: P582–593.E5.
                                                                                                                                                                         let-7 was modified with a methyl
                                              does not depend on the protein           generation DNA sequencing                                                         group, regulating its processing and
                                              H2AX. They show that MDC1,               to over 4500 yeast strains in the                                                 downstream action to suppress cell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Jelly secretion

                                              which was previously believed to         Gene Knockout Collection. The                                                     migration.                                   RNA uptake to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the feeding glands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               with RNA

                                              work only when interacting with          resulting comprehensive resource                                                  Pandolfini L, Barbieri I et al. (2019)                                                              Jelly

                                                                                                                                                                         Molecular Cell 74: P1278–1290.E9.
                                              phosphorylated H2AX, in fact             identifies new genes responsible
                                              retains its capacity to recruit repair   for maintaining the stability of DNA
                                              factors to the site of DNA damage        in cells, and whose absence or
                                              even when H2AX is absent. This           mutation leads to a variety of effects,                                           Brain location determines stem
                                              may enable DNA repair in areas of        from changes in short sequence                                                    cell activation speed
                                              the genome known to be depleted          repeats to the loss of whole                                                      Otsuki and Brand revealed that
                                              of H2AX.                                 chromosomes. These 'mutational                                                    stem cells activate rapidly or slowly
                                              Salguero I et al. (2019) Nature          signatures' can now also be studied                                               depending on where they reside              systemic

                                              Communications 10: 5191.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    RNA spread
                                                                                       in human cells.                                                                   in the brain. G2 quiescent stem                                                           RNA ingestion

        Fly gene provides clue to                                                      Puddu F et al. (2019) Nature 573:
                                                                                                                                 New cell type in tail                   cells, which activate first and have
        reversing mitochondrial disease                                                416–420.                                                                                                                                          RNA uptake to the hemolymph
                                                                                                                                 regeneration                            high regenerative potential, reside
                                              Don't get your DNA in twist                                                                                                primarily in fruit fly ventral brain     Transmissible RNA pathway in
        The Ma lab have identified a                                                                                             Researchers in the Gurdon and
                                              The Zegerman lab’s new publication                                                                                         regions. G0 quiescent stem cells are     honey bees
        protein in fruit flies (Drosophila)                                                                                      Simons labs working under
                                              shows that limiting the rate of DNA                                                                                        more numerous in the dorsal brain.
        that can be targeted to reverse                                                                                          Jerome Jullien identified a new                                                  The Miska lab's Eyal Maori along
                                              duplication - by limiting the number                                                                                       This is an important consideration in
        the effects of disease-causing                                                                                           cell type involved in regeneration                                               with colleagues in UK, Israel and
                                              of DNA replication initiation events                                                                                       designing regenerative therapies.
        mutations in mitochondrial genes.                                                                                        of tadpole tails. They've named                                                  the USA have discovered a pathway
                                              - is important to prevent intertwining                                                                                     Otsuki L & Brand AH (2019)
        The discovery could provide clues                                                                                        the Regeneration-Organizing Cells
                                              between the newly replicated                                                                                               Developmental Cell 49: 1–8.              by which honey bees share RNA
        about how to counteract human                                                                                            for their role in promoting and                                                  through secretion and ingestion of
        mitochondrial diseases, for which     chromosomes. This work may be                                                      coordinating new tissue growth after                                             worker and royal jellies, offering a
        there is currently no cure.           relevant for the treatment of cancer     How to boost adult liver                  amputation, and hope to find clues in
        Chiang A C-Y et al. (2019) Current    cells, which are characterised by                                                                                          Nuclear membrane dysfunction             promising route for administering
                                                                                       regeneration                              these cells to inform new approaches
                                                                                                                                                                         underlying dementia                      bee 'vaccines'. In addition, the
        Biology 29: 1–7.                      high rates of DNA duplication.                                                     to regeneration in mammals.                                                      researchers identified a specific
                                              Morafraile EC et al. (2019) Genes &      A paper from the Huch lab - with
                                                                                                                                 Aztekin C et al. (2019) Science 364:    The Livesey and Jackson groups           protein in royal jelly that binds and
                                              Development 33: 21–22.                   collaborators in the Gurdon Institute,
                                                                                                                                 653–658.                                pooled expertise, studying patient-      protects the RNA in granules while
        Alternative DNA repair pathway                                                 UK and Germany - describes the
                                                                                                                                                                         derived neurons in the lab to            outside the body.
        for MDC1                                                                       molecular mechanism triggered by
                                                                                                                                                                         investigate how mutations in the         Maori E et al. (2019) Molecular Cell
                                              New DNA stability genes                  TET1 that allows damaged adult
                                                                                                                                 RNA modification pathway                tau gene cause frontotemporal            74: P598–608.E6.
        Salguero and colleagues in            uncovered in systematic study            liver cells to regenerate. This paves
        the Jackson lab have found an                                                  the way for design of drugs to            affects cancer cell migration           dementia (FTD). They found that, in
                                              of Yeast Knockout Collection                                                                                               FTD neurons, microtubules deform
        alternative pathway to elicit the                                              boost regeneration in conditions          Researchers in the Kouzarides lab
                                              The Jackson lab applied next-                                                                                              the nuclear membrane and perturb
        DNA-damage response that                                                       such as cirrhosis or other chronic        and colleagues have characterised
Prospectus 2020/2021 The Wellcome/ Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute - University of ...
14 Research highlights                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Gurdon Institute 15

        Research in 2020
                                                                                                                            collaborative studies by the Simons
                                                                                                                            lab have shown - at single-cell
                                                                                                                            resolution - how stem cells react
                                                                                                                            to regenerate tissue and restore
                                                                                                                            homeostasis. Stretching induces
                                                                                                                            skin expansion by creating a
                                                                                                                            transient bias in the renewal activity
                                                                                                                            of epidermal stem cells, while a                                                   Long-range interactions in SARS-
                                              transcription factor Ascl1, which is   and Simons labs. These organoids
                                              a determinant for nerve, resides       grown in chemically defined culture    second subpopulation of basal            Sperm populations show                    CoV-2 RNA
                                                                                                                            progenitors remains committed to
                                              on chromatin to direct gene            medium provide an important                                                     homogeneous epigenetic marks              Omer Ziv from the Miska lab, in
                                              expression. While previous studies     model for research into the healthy    differentiation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               collaboration with Justus-Liebig
                                              suggest that residency times are       and diseased pancreas, including       Aragona M et al. (2020) Nature 584:      Gurdon lab and colleagues, led by
                                                                                                                                                                                                               University colleagues, has revealed
                                              only seconds or minutes, this          conditions such as cystic fibrosis,    268–273.                                 Jerome Jullien, examined histones
                                                                                                                                                                                                               precise details of the base-pairing
                                              experiment showed a long-term          pancreatitis, cancer and diabetes.                                              in sperm to uncover a conserved
                                                                                                                                                                                                               patterns formed by the long RNA
                                              association of hours or days, which    Georgakopoulos N et al. (2020)                                                  mechanism for transmission of
                                                                                                                                                                                                               genome of the SARS-CoV-2 virus,
                                              could explain the stability of cell    BMC Developmental Biology 20: 4.                                                epigenetic information to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               responsible for the COVID-19
                                              fate commitment.                                                                                                       embryo. As sperm develop they
                                                                                                                                                                                                               pandemic. Ziv devised the method
                                              Gurdon JB et al. (2020) Proc Natl                                                                                      lose a large proportion of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               that takes a snapshot of both short-
                                                                                                                                                                     histones found in somatic cells,
                                              Acad Sci 117 (26): 15075-15084.        Tailless/TLX directs cell fate                                                                                            and long-range interactions in the
                                                                                                                                                                     but the remainder are retained
                                                                                     change in tumourigenesis                                                        in the same position across the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               RNA, which are essential for viral
                                                                                                                                                                                                               function and therefore present
                                                                                     Hakes and Brand uncover the cell                                                sperm population, indicating the
        How inflammation affects                                                                                                                                     potential to prime transcription for
                                                                                                                                                                                                               potential therapeutic targets.
                                                                                     fate changes that occur during                                                                                            Ziv O et al. (2020) Molecular Cell 80
        regeneration                                                                                                                                                 embryonic development.
                                                                                     brain tumour initiation. They                                                                                             (6): 1067-1077.E5
        Why can regeneration-incompetent                                             show that high levels of Tailless/                                              Oikawa M et al. (2020) Nat Comms
                                                                                                                            Cancer drug hope for genetic             11: 349.
        tadpoles not regenerate their                                                TLX, known to be associated
        tails? The Gurdon lab show that                                              with aggressive glioblastomas,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Gene regulatory architectures in
        immune cells behave differently                                              revert intermediate progenitors to     Berquez, Gadsby, Festa and Gallop
                                                                                                                                                                     Embryo polarisation link to cell          germline and somatic tissues
        for regeneration-competent and                                               neural stem cells as a first step to   lab colleagues discovered that
        -incompetent tadpoles. Successful                                            tumourigenesis. Their findings also    adjusting membrane composition           cycle                                     Jacques Serizay and Ahringer lab
        suppression of inflammation is                                               support enforced differentiation as    with the PI3K inhibitor alpelisib                                                  colleagues profiled and compared
                                                                                                                                                                     The Zegerman lab, with Gurdon
        required for the multiple cellular                                           an effective treatment for Tailless/   rebalances actin cytoskeletal                                                      transcriptional and regulatory
                                                                                                                                                                     Institute colleagues, provided the
        mechanisms necessary for new tail                                            TLX-induced brain tumours.             organisation in cell culture and                                                   element activities across five tissues
                                                                                                                                                                     first direct molecular mechanism
        growth.                                                                      Hakes AE & Brand AH. (2020) Elife      alleviates absorption defects in                                                   of the adult nematode worm, C.
                                                                                                                                                                     through which polarisation of the
        Aztekin C et al. (2020) Development                                          9: e53377.                             an in vivo mouse model of Lowe                                                     elegans. The results demonstrate
                                                                                                                                                                     embryo is coordinated with DNA
        147: dev.185496.                      Pancreas organoids to model                                                   syndrome/Dent disease. Their
                                                                                                                                                                     replication initiation factors, linking
                                                                                                                                                                                                               fundamental differences in
                                              disease                                                                       findings provide proof-of-concept
                                                                                                                                                                     developmental cues with changes
                                                                                                                                                                                                               regulatory architectures of germline
                                                                                     How does stretching skin make          for the first disease-modifying
                                                                                                                                                                     in the cell cycle, in the nematode C.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and somatic tissue-specific genes,
                                              Pancreas organoids can be
        Is TF residency time the key to                                              it grow?                               treatment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and provide a tissue-specific
                                              successfully generated from single                                            Berquez M et al. (2020) Kidney
        cell fate commitment?                                                                                                                                        Gaggioli V et al. (2020) PLoS
                                                                                                                                                                                                               resource for future studies.
                                              cells, or fresh and frozen tissue,     By tracing the dynamics of cells       International 98 (4): 883-896.                                                     Serizay J et al. (2020) Genome Res
        The Gurdon lab used a competition     then expanded and maintained           during stretch-mediated expansion                                               Genetics 16 (12): e1008948.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               30: 1752–1765.
        assay to test how long the            long-term in culture, say the Huch     of the mouse skin epidermis,
Prospectus 2020/2021 The Wellcome/ Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute - University of ...
16 Public engagement

        Public engagement
        Mission: to make our fundamental        classrooms with support for teachers
        biological research accessible          and students to deepen their
        and responsive to the public for        knowledge of fundamental biology
        the mutual benefits of inspiration,     and current research. Teachers
        knowledge-exchange and trust.           and our scientists co-created four
                                                innovative teaching 'toolkits', free
                                                to use in classrooms across the
                                                        UK: The Cell Explorer (online      temporary tattoos. Visitors to        Institute provided accommodation,      Sixth-form workshops
                                                             interactive 3D cell model),   festivals and events could choose     travel expenses and food to all        Our Sixth-form workshops aim to
                                                                 Explore Epigenetics       a tattoo from our collection of       participants. Students told us "It     inspire A-level biology students.
                                                                    (an online             designs and then have a chance        gave me an experience hard to find     State schools from across the
                                                                      game about           to discuss the research with the      elsewhere" and "I learned that I can   country can bring groups of Year 12
                                                                        epigenetics),      scientist applying their tattoo.      become a scientist."
      Generate increased trust in fundamental                                                                                                                           biology students to the Institute to
                                                                         a kit for Fruit   Afterwards, they could show off
     research and ensure our research remains                                                                                                                           learn about our research. The visit
                relevant to society                                       Fly Larvae       their new tattoo to friends and       Stitching Science                      includes a tour of our facilities, a
                                                  Empower                  Dissection      share their new science knowledge.    The Public Engagement Seed             seminar about the history of science
                                                 and inspire               (teaching       Thank you to the Wellcome Centre
                            Public                 the next                                                                      Fund Project for 2019 was devised      and the future of cancer research, a
                                                                           about the       for Cell Biology in Edinburgh for
                         engagement              generation                                                                      and led by Stephanie Norwood,          hands-on workshop where students
                           strategy                                        size and        sharing their idea!
                           strategy                                                                                              a former PhD student. The              can test their skills at identifying
                                                                          scale of
                                                                                                                                 project aims to create an informal     cancerous tissue with microscopes,
                                                                         cells, tissues    Aspiring Scientists Training          environment for scientists to          and a Q&A with our PhD students.
                                                                        and organs)        Programme                             interact with local communities
                                                                       and Unlocking
                 Embed public                                                              Providing an inspiring, immersive     and learn a new craft, disseminate
                                                                     Genetic Editing (a
                 engagement in                                                             experience to encourage groups        information about research
                 research culture
                                                                 hands-on problem-
                                                                                           that are underrepresented in          projects, and increase public trust                       Silver Engage
                                                              solving game). The
                                                                                           science, we welcomed 11 Sixth-        in fundamental research. The                              Watermark
                                                         project was funded by
                                                                                           form students for a week at the       project engaged crafters through a                          The Gurdon Institute
                                                 Wellcome and evaluated by the
                                                                                           Institute. Students attended          series of knitting workshops, craft                         was awarded a Silver
        Our projects in 2019 to support         University of Cambridge Faculty of
                                                                                           morning workshops about scientific    fairs and other events. Participants                        Engage Watermark in
        the public engagement strategy          Education. SCoPE website:
                                                                                           topics or presentation skills. Then   create a detailed crochet cell           December 2020, the first such award
                                                                                           they spent the rest of the day in a   containing various organelles            at the University of Cambridge. The
                                                                                           lab to talk with lab members about    (mitochondria, cytoplasm and             Silver Engage Watermark, awarded
        Scientists' Collaborative Project       Tattoo My Science
                                                                                           their research and science careers.   membrane) and discuss the                by the National Co-ordinating Centre
        with Educators (SCoPE)                  Our scientists created designs                                                                                            for Public Engagement, recognises
                                                                                           The project was funded by the         different parts of the cell with
        We aim to bring contemporary            based on their biology research,           University of Cambridge Widening      scientists as they knit. Website:        the Institute's “robust and committed
        research into GCSE and A-level          and we turned these into fun,              Participation Project. The Gurdon           approach to public engagement”.
18 Activities and impacts in 2019         The Gurdon Institute 19

                                    Focus on
20 Group leaders                                                                                                                                                                      The Gurdon Institute 21

       Developmental regulation of chromatin structure and function                                                                                H3K9me2
                                                                                                                                 2-cell   6-cell             32-cell            200-cell
                                              How is chromatin regulated to direct correct gene expression
                                              programmes? Animal development is a remarkable process during
                                              which a single-celled totipotent zygote produces a myriad of different
                                              cell types. A driving force is the differential control of chromatin activity,
                                              which establishes gene expression programmes that drive cellular
                                              identity. Deciphering this control is necessary for understanding how
                                              the genome directs development and the diseases that result from
                                              chromatin dysregulation.

                                              We study how cell-type specific gene expression and chromatin
                                              organisation are achieved using the simple C. elegans model, focusing
                                              on controls and interactions at regulatory elements, the formation and
                                              function of euchromatin and heterochromatin, and the regulation of 3D
                                              nuclear organization. Taking advantage of the experimental amenability
                                              and defined lineage of C. elegans, we apply high-throughput genomics,                                 DAPI
                                              super-resolution microscopy, single-cell analyses, and computational
                                              approaches to understand core mechanisms of gene expression
                                              regulation in development.

                                              Selected publications:                                                                                                   Heterochromatin in early
                                              Serizay J et al. (2020) Tissue-specific profiling reveals distinctive regulatory                                         development in C. elegans
                                              architectures at ubiquitious, germline and somatic genes. BioRxiv DOI:                                                   Embryonic nuclei imaged
                                              10.1101/2020.02.20.958579v1.                                                                                             using STED super-resolution
                                              Janes J et al. (2018) Chromatin accessibility dynamics across C. elegans                                                 microscopy reveals that
                                              development and ageing. Elife 7:e37344.                                                                                  H3K9me2 is found in
                                              McMurchy AN et al. (2017) A team of heterochromatin factors collaborates                                                 distinct foci.
      Co-workers: Alex Appert, Francesco      with small RNA pathways to combat repetitive elements and germline
          Carelli, Marie de la Burgade, Yan   stress. Elife 6:e21666.
     Dong, Martin Fabry, Andrea Frapporti,
      Rhys McDonough, Arianna Pezzuolo,
                                              Evans KJ et al. (2016) Stable C. elegans chromatin domains separate
          Roopali Pradhan, Anna Townley,      broadly expressed and developmentally regulated genes. Proc Natl Acad
          Ser van der Burght, Connie Xiao     Sci USA 113(45): E7020–7029.
22 Group leaders                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Gurdon Institute 23

          ANDREA BRAND
          Time to wake up: regulation of stem cell quiescence and proliferation

                                                 Stem cell populations in tissues as varied as blood, gut and brain
                                                 spend much of their time in a mitotically dormant, quiescent, state.
                                                 A key point of regulation is the decision between quiescence and
                                                 proliferation. The ability to reactivate neural stem cells in situ raises the
                                                 prospect of potential future therapies for brain repair after damage or
                                                 neurodegenerative disease. Understanding the molecular basis for stem
                                                 cell reactivation is an essential first step in this quest.

                                                 In Drosophila, quiescent neural stem cells are easily identifiable and
                                                 amenable to genetic manipulation, making them a powerful model with
                                                 which to study the transition between quiescence and proliferation.
                                                 These stem cells exit quiescence in response to a nutrition-dependent
                                                 signal from the fat body, a tissue that plays a key role in the regulation
                                                 of metabolism and growth. My lab combines cutting-edge genetic and
                                                 molecular approaches with advanced imaging techniques to study the
                                                 reactivation of Drosophila neural stem cells in vivo. This enables us to
                                                 deduce the sequence of events from the level of the organism, to the
                                                 tissue, the cell, and finally the genome.

                                                 Selected publications:
                                                 Hakes AE & Brand AH (2020) Tailless/TLX reverts intermediate neural
                                                 progenitors to stem cells driving tumourigenesis via repression of asense/
                                                 ASCL1. Elife 9:e53377.
                                                 Otsuki L& Brand AH (2019) Dorsal-ventral differences in neural stem cell
                                                 quiescence are induced by p57KIP2/Dacapo. Dev Cell 49(2): 293-300.e3.
                                                 Otsuki L & Brand AH (2018) Cell cycle heterogeneity directs the timing of
   Co-workers: Neha Agrawal, Diana Arman,        neural stem cell activation from quiescence. Science 360: 99–102.
            Maire Brace, Catherine Davidson,
Bernardo Delarue Bizzini, Alex Donovan, Amy      Cheetham SW & Brand AH (2018) RNA-DamID reveals cell-type-specific
 Foreman, Thomas Genais, Leia Judge, Oriol       binding of roX RNAs at chromatin-entry sites. Nat Struct Mol Biol 25:109–114.
  Llorà Batlle, Anna Malkowska, Tara Srinivas,                                                                                   The developing visual system
  Jocelyn Tang, Christine Turner, Marloes van
    Wezel, Rebecca Yakob, Nemira Zilinskaite                                                                                     The Drosophila central brain (red and blue) and eye imaginal disc (green and red) with dividing cells labelled
                                                                                                                                 in white (van den Ameele and Brand).
24 Group leaders                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Gurdon Institute 25

       Radiation biology and cell competition

                                             How does ionising radiation affect tissue homeostasis? Healthy
                                             adult epithelial tissues progressively accumulate clones of cells carrying
                                             mutations implicated in cancer. Expansion of the clones follows
                                             Darwinian evolution rules, where some mutations can increase cell
                                             fitness and promote the growth of clones at the expense of the non-
                                             mutated normal adjacent cells, in a process of clonal competition.

                                             Ionising radiation has long been studied as one of the most common
                                             environmental mutagenic agents that promotes tumour formation by
                                             damaging DNA and creating new oncogenic mutations. However, little
                                             is known about its effects on clonal evolution and tissue dynamics. We
                                             have recently shown that radiation can act as an environmental selective
                                             pressure, affecting cell competition mechanisms and promoting
                                             expansion of pre-existing oncogenic mutations, which might increase
                                             the risk of cancer development.

                                             We use long-term human and mouse 3D primary epithelial cultures, in vivo
                                             cell lineage tracing, mathematical modelling, next generation sequencing
                                             methods and state-of-the-art confocal microscopy techniques to unravel
                                             the molecular responses and the cellular interactions that control normal
                                             and mutant cell behaviours after exposure to ionising radiation.

                                             Our final aim is to set the basis for designing external interventions that
                                             can modulate cell competition outcomes during radiation exposure,
                                             eliminate oncogenic mutations and reduce the risk of cancer initiation
                                             and progression.

           Co-workers: Inês Ferreira, Jose   Selected publications:
                Antonio Valverde-Lopez
                                             Fowler JC et al. (2020) Selection of oncogenic mutant clones in normal human
                                             skin varies with body site. Cancer Discov DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-20-1092.
                                             Piedrafita G et al. (2020) A single-progenitor model as the unifying paradigm of   The fight for space during ionising radiation exposure
                                             epidermal and esophageal epithelial maintenance in mice. Nat Comms 11: 1429.       This rendered image shows an irradiated mouse oesophageal epithelium populated by fitter oncogenic
                                             Fernandez-Antoran D et al. (2019) Outcompeting p53-mutant cells in the             mutant clones (green) that are expanding at the expense of non-mutated normal adjacent cells. Proliferation
                                             normal esophagus by redox manipulation. Cell Stem Cell, 25: 329–341.e6.            markers are shown in white and red; cell nuclei in blue.
26 Group leaders

       Signalling to the actin cytoskeleton

                                            How do cells control their movement? Cells move during embryonic
                                            development and throughout the life of an organism. When they move,
                                            cells reorganise a system of filaments - the actin cytoskeleton - that gives
                                            them their shape and exerts force on the surrounding tissues. When
                                            regulation of the actin cytoskeleton is disrupted it can lead to cancer
                                            metastasis, intellectual disability, kidney dysfunction and other problems.

                                            We study how the actin cytoskeleton is assembled in different ways. The
                                            cell membrane is an important site of control of actin rearrangements
                                            because it is the boundary between the outside and inside of the cell
                                            and is responsible for initiating communication between and within
                                            cells, which is called signalling.

                                            We have developed cell-free systems using phospholipid bilayers and
                                            frog egg extracts that allow us to find out how signalling lipids in the
                                            cell membrane precisely control the molecular events of actin assembly.
                                            We use combine these cell-free systems with the use of fruit flies, frog
                                            embryos and cultured human cells to test and generate hypotheses
                                            about the molecular events underlying actin regulation during
                                            development and disease.

                                            Selected publications:
                                            Berquez M et al. (2020) The phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibitor alpelisib
                                            restores actin organization and improves proximal tubule dysfunction in
                                            vitro and in a mouse model of Lowe syndrome and Dent disease. Kidney
                                            Int. 98: 883–896.                                                                Watching filopodia grow
     Co-workers: Thomas Blake, Jonathan     Jarsch IK et al. (2020) A role for SNX9 in the biogenesis of filopodia. J Cell   Three-dimensional reconstruction of filopodia-like structures growing from a supported lipid bilayer. The
         Gadsby, Pantelis Savvas Ioannou,   Biol 219(4): e201909178.                                                         structures were segmented based on fluorescent actin intensity in a stack of microscopy images of size 76.13 x
       Julia Mason, Kathy Oswald, Kazimir   Richier B et al. (2018) Integrin signaling downregulates filopodia during        76.13 x 30 microns.
         Uzwyshyn-Jones, Pankti Vaishnav
                                            muscle-tendon attachment. J Cell Sci 131: jcs21733.                              Colours were randomly assigned as a guide for the eye. The segmentation was performed using a custom
                                            Daste F et al. (2017) Control of actin polymerization via the coincidence of     image-analysis pipeline.
                                            phosphoinositides and high membrane curvature. J Cell Biol 216: 3745–3765.
28 Group leaders                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Gurdon Institute 29

       JOHN GURDON                                                                                                                                                     Somatic cell nuclear transfer in Amphibia

                                                                                                                                   Nucleus of differentiated cell
       Nuclear reprogramming by oocytes and eggs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Transplanted nucleus
                                                                                                                                                           2 days                          1 year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and egg cytoplasm
                                              Can we make cell reprogramming more efficient? Our group focuses                                                                                                                    generate wide range of
                                              on somatic cell nuclear transfer to amphibian eggs and oocytes from                                                                                                                   different cell types
                                              two complementary points of view. One aims to identify the molecules                       unfertilised and                  tadpole                           frog
                                                                                                                                         enucleated egg
                                              and mechanisms by which the cytoplasm of an egg or oocyte can
                                              reprogramme the nucleus of a differentiating somatic cell to behave
                                              like that of an embryo. From this state, many different kinds of cells for
                                              replacement can be generated.                                                        Nuclei of differentiated cells

                                              The other aim is to identify the molecules and mechanisms that stabilise                                                                                                           Transplanted nuclei have
                                              the differentiated state of somatic cells, as a result of which they resist                                   1 day                          1 day                                   changed donor gene
                                              reprogramming procedures. For these purposes we use single nuclear                                                                                                                        expression
                                              transfer to unfertilised eggs or multiple nuclear transfer to ovarian
                                                                                                                                          oocyte and its                injected nuclei
                                                                                                                                            nucleus                         enlarge
                                              We make use of the special properties of an amphibian oocyte to inject
                                              messenger RNA that codes for a transcription factor protein. When this                   Design of competition experiments to analyse transcription factor action using Xenopus oocytes
                                              has been synthesised, it concentrates in the oocyte nucleus. The next
                                              day we inject plasmid DNA directly into the oocyte nucleus, where the
                                              factor causes transcription, and later expression, of a reporter gene in
                                              the plasmid.                                                                                                  24 hrs                         24 hrs                                       1-24 hrs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Freeze and assay for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  reporter expression
                                              Selected publications:
                                              Gurdon JB et al. (2020) Long-term association of a transcription factor                       mRNA                     Plasmid DNA with               Plasmid DNA as compe-
                                              with its chromatin binding site can stabilize gene expression and cell fate                  for Ascl1                an Ascl binding site            titor with an Ascl binding
                                              commitment. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 117: 15075–15084.                                                                      and a Firefly                    site and a Renilla
                                                                                                                                                                          reporter                            reporter
                                              Aztekin C et al. (2019) Identification of a regeneration-organizing cell in the
                                              Xenopus tail. Science 364: 653–658.
       Co-workers: Hector Barbosa Triana,
      Dilly Bradford, Frances Connor, Nigel   Hörmanseder E et al. (2017) H3K4 methylation-dependent memory of
            Garrett, Khayam Javed, Toshiaki   somatic cell identify inhibits reprogramming and development of nuclear           Molecules and mechanisms
                Shigeoka, Ming-Hsuan Wen      transfer embryos. Cell Stem Cell 21: 135–143.e6.
                                                                                                                                Top: Two types of nuclear transfer experiments, with eggs or oocytes.
                                                                                                                                Bottom: The Xenopus oocyte can be used to provide a functional test for the binding of a cell-fate-
                                                                                                                                determining transcription factor, such as Ascl1 for nerve. Once expression of the first plasmid DNA is
                                                                                                                                established, a second plasmid is not able to compete because of the stable binding of the factor.
30 Group leaders                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The Gurdon Institute 31

        Maintenance of genome stability                                                                                                 MDC1 has H2AX-independent roles in the DNA damage response

                                               DNA is constantly damaged by environmental and endogenously

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cell survival (%)
                                                                                                                                                                recruitment of
                                               arising agents. Cell survival and genome integrity are promoted                                                  repair factors                                          10
                                               by the DNA-damage response (DDR), which detects, signals the                                                                            H2AX
                                               presence of and repairs DNA damage. DDR defects are associated
                                                                                                                                       ATM                                                                               1        WT
                                               with developmental disorders, immunodeficiencies, infertility,                                          P                                                                          H2AX KO
                                               premature ageing and cancer. Our research aims to characterise the cell      IR                                                                                                    MDC1 KO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  H2AX/MDC1 KO
                                               biology and mechanisms of established and new DDR pathways and                                                                                                           0.1
                                               components, and to apply this knowledge to better understand and                                                                                                               0   1    2     3       4    5
                                               treat human diseases.                                                                     H2AX                                                                                         IR dose (Gy)

                                               We have taken the global approach of cataloguing the >4,500 knockout      After DNA damage, phosphorylated histone H2AX recruits MDC1,                                   Unexpectedly, eliminating MDC1
                                               genes of the diploid yeast knockout collection, using next-generation     allowing the accumulation of additional repair factors                                         results in more DNA damage
                                               sequencing to identify those genes that have an impact on genome                                                                                                         sensitivity than eliminating H2AX
                                               stability. Analysing this dataset revealed genes affecting repetitive
                                               element maintenance, and nuclear and mitochondrial genome stability,       Repair factors, like 53BP1, accumulate at DNA damage sites even in the absence of H2AX, but this
                                               and showed how strains adapt to loss of non-essential genes. At the        requires the PTS-repeat region of MDC1
                                               other end of the scale spectrum, we determined what structural features
                                               of the DDR factors PALB2 and MDC1 associate with chromatin in ways                       MDC1 − wt     MDC1 − ∆PST
                                               that are crucial for effective DDR in the absence of BRCA1 and H2AX,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    H2AX-free genomic regions
                                               Selected publications:                                                    H2AX+/+
                                               Belotserkovskaya R et al. (2020) PALB2 chromatin recruitment restores
    Co-workers: Samah Awad Diab, Rimma
       Belotserkovskaya, Ramsay Bowden,        homologous recombination in BRCA1-deficient cells depleted of 53BP1.
         Chris Carnie, Julia Coates, Sabrina   Nat Commun 11: 819.
                                                                                                                                                                                              PST                                     recruitment of
          Collier, Giuseppina D'Alessandro,    Salguero I et al. (2019) MDC1 PST-repeat region promotes histone H2AX-
      Muku Demir, Kate Dry, Yaron Galanty,                                                                               H2AX                                                                                                         repair factors
                                               independent chromatin association and DNA damage tolerance. Nat

       Maryam Ghaderi Najafabadi, Nadia
          Gueorguieva, Vipul Gupta, Soren      Commun 10: 5191.                                                                                                                           P
      Hough, Rebecca Lloyd, Donna Lowe,        Puddu F et al., (2019) Genome architecture and stability in the                               53BP1
           David Morales, Francisco Muñoz      Saccharomyces cerevisiae knockout collection Nature 537:416-420.
    Martinez, Domenic Pilger, Fabio Puddu,
     Helen Reed, Matylda Sczaniecka-Clift,
       Almudena Serrano Benitez, George
     Spooner, John Thomas, Andrea Voigt,
         Mike Woods, Guido Zagnoli-Vieira
32 Group leaders                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Gurdon Institute 33

       Epigenetic modifications and cancer                                                                                                                Epigenetic targets for cancer therapy

                                              Do enzymes that modify chromatin and RNA offer therapeutic
                                              targets? DNA exists in the cell nucleus wrapped around histone
                                              proteins to form chromatin. The DNA and histones are decorated
                                              with many types of covalent chemical modifications, which can affect                                                                                                             RNA
                                              transcription and other cellular processes. In addition, non-coding RNAs
                                              that regulate chromatin function can be similarly chemically modified.                       histone-modifying                    RNA-modifying
                                              Our lab is involved in characterising the pathways that mediate and                               enzyme                             enzyme
                                              control DNA, RNA and histone modifications. We try to understand the
                                              cellular processes they regulate, their mechanism of action and their
                                              involvement in cancer.

                                              Our focus at the moment is modifications of messenger RNA (mRNA)                                                                                                    Post-transcriptional
                                              and non-coding RNA. There are very few modifications identified on                                                                                                  control
                                              these low-abundance RNAs, unlike on transfer RNA and ribosomal RNA,
                                              where there are many. We have been developing sensitive technologies                      Transcriptional
                                              to detect modifications, such as specific antibodies, chemical reactivity                 control
                                              assays and mass spectrometry. Using these, we have been able to detect
                                              a number of novel modifications on mRNA and microRNA (short-length
                                              non-coding RNAs) and have shown that these function to regulate                DNA
                                              mRNA translation and microRNA processing. Furthermore, we have
                                              shown that the enzymes that mediate these modifications are implicated                                                                                                    modification
                                              in cancer. We are developing small-molecule inhibitors against some of
                                              these enzymes in collaboration with STORM Therapeutics.
                                              Selected publications:                                                                                                                                           control
                                              Barbieri I & Kouzarides T (2020) Role of RNA modifications in cancer. Nat
       Co-workers: Minaam Abbas, Andrej       Rev Cancer 20, 303–322.
      Alendar, Andrew Bannister, Francisco    Pandofini L et al. (2019) METTL1 Promotes let-7 MicroRNA Processing via
      José Campos Laborie, Alistair Cook,     m7G Methylation. Mol Cell Bio 74(6): 1278-1290.                             The crucial role of modifications
       Elena Everatt, Marie Klimontova, Sri
          Lestari, Nikki Mann, Carlos Melo,   Barbieri I et al. (2017) Promoter-bound METTL3 maintains myeloid            Gene expression can be regulated by chemical modifications before and during transcription, including of
         Helena Santos Rosa, Konstantinos     leukaemia by m6A-dependent translation control. Nature 552: 126–131.        non-coding RNA.
                      Tzelepis, Daniel Wing
34 Group leaders                                                                                                                                                            The Gurdon Institute 35

       Mitochondrial DNA transmission and maintenance                                                                                                  wild type
                                                                                                                                                       mtDNA       mutant mtDNA

                                             How mitochondrial genomes are transmitted and maintained. In              inheritance
                                             addition to the nuclear genome, all animals have another genome
                                             packed inside the mitochondrion called mtDNA. This maternally
                                             inherited genome encodes important proteins for energy production.
                                             During development and ageing, as mtDNA continues to replicate and
                                             turnover, mutations can occur to some of the copies. The subsequent
                                             prevalence of these mutants, which determines the progression and
                                             inheritance of the clinical abnormalities of mitochondrial disorders,
                                             depends on how they compete with the co-existing wild-type genomes
                                             for transmission. To date, over 50 mtDNA-linked disorders have been                       mtDNA
                                             described in humans.                                                                      repair

                                             We have developed genetic systems in Drosophila to study the rules
                                             governing the transmission of mtDNA mutations. By creating fruit flies
                                             carrying both functional and pathogenic mitochondrial genomes, we         heteroplasmic
                                             reveal nuclear factors and mtDNA sequence polymorphisms that bias          transmission
                                             the transmission of one genome over the other. We also study repair
                                             mechanisms that safeguard the integrity of mtDNA during development
                                             and ageing.
                                                                                                                                                The maternally transmitted
                                             Selected publications:                                                                             mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a
                                                                                                                                                multi-copy genome that shows complex
                                             Chiang A et al. (2019) A Genome-wide screen reveals that reducing                                  transmission patterns during developing
                                             mitochondrial DNA polymerase can promote elimination of deleterious                                and aging, and between generations
                                             mitochondrial mutations. Curr Biol 29: 4330-36.                                                    due to relaxed replication, random
                                             Klucnika A & Ma H (2019) A battle for transmission: the selfish and                                segregation, and selection that favours
                                             corporative animal mitochondrial genomes. Open Biol 9: 180267.                                     the transmission of one genome over
            Co-workers: Ason Chiang, Ivy     Ma H & O’Farrell PH (2016) Selfish drive can trump function when animal                            another in the pool. In addition to
              Di, Beitong Gao, Jan Jezek,    mitochondrial genomes compete. Nat Genet 48: 798–802.                                              mitochondrial diseases caused by
           Anna Klucnika, Andy Li, Eleanor                                                                                                      accumulation of a particular mutant,
         McCartney, Matthew McCormack,
                                                                                                                                                random mtDNA mutations have been
          Kathy Oswald, Sumaera Rathore,
                            Ziming Wang                                                                                                         shown to increase with age, contributing
                                                                                                                                                to mitochondrial dysfunction and various
                                                                                                                                                age-related conditions.
36 Group leaders                                                                                                                                                                                  The Gurdon Institute 37

       Non-coding RNA and genome dynamics

                                               What does non-coding RNA do in development and disease?
                                               Most of the RNA transcribed from the DNA in our genome is not                                                                      5′CS
                                               translated into protein but instead has direct functions in regulating
                                               biological processes. This paradigm shift in nucleic acid biology has                                                         5′
                                               been supported by technical advances in high-throughput sequencing,                                                                 miR-21
                                               molecular genetics and computational biology, which can be combined
                                               with more traditional biochemical analyses.

                                               Many species and roles of non-coding RNA have been identified. Our
                                               goal is to understand how non-coding RNAs regulate development,
                                               physiology and disease. We are exploring microRNA in the pathology
                                               of cancer and other diseases, RNA interference in viral immunity, Piwi-
                                               interacting RNA in germline development and genome integrity, and
                                               endogenous small interfering RNA in epigenetic inheritance – where                        5′
                                               we predict a big impact in understanding human health. Our model                                                       5′CS
                                               organisms are the nematode worm, the cichlid fishes of the Rift Lakes                                                                               N
                                               of East Africa, mouse, and human cell culture. More recently we have                                                                                    M
                                               developed a technology to assess RNA structure and RNA–RNA
                                               interactions in living systems. We used this to uncover unexpected                        3′
                                               biology for the Zika virus, and key regulatory mechanisms for SARS-
                                               CoV-2.                                                                                                                                            5′CS

                                               Selected publications:
                                               Ziv O et al. (2020) The Short- and Long-Range RNA–RNA Interactome of
    Co-workers: Harry Baird, Sarah Buddle,     SARS-CoV-2. Mol Cell 80: 1067–1077.e5.                                       The Zika virus genomic structure
       Nicholas Burton, Alexandra Dallaire,
       Benjamin Fisher, Giulia Furlan, David
                                               Maori E et al. (2019) A Secreted RNA Binding Protein Forms RNA-Stabilizing   inside human cells
          Jordan, Tsveta Kamenova, Joanna      Granules in the Honeybee Royal Jelly. Mol Cell 74: 598-608.e6.
                                                                                                                            The Zika virus genome adopts
     Kosalka, Lisa Lampersberger, Miranda      Ziv O et al. (2018) COMRADES determines in vivo RNA structures and           alternating structures as the 5'
   Landgraf, Bethan Manley, Ragini Medhi,      interactions. Nat Methods 15: 785–788.                                       cyclization sequence (CS) participates
   Narendra Meena, Harris Papadopoulou,
        Jon Price, Audrey Putman, Fu Xiang                                                                                  in interaction with host microRNA
   Quah, Navin Brian Ramakrishna, Cristian                                                                                  miR-21 (top), capsid translation
  Riccio, Marc Ridyard, Miguel Vasconcelos                                                                                  (right), and genome cyclization (left).
  Almeida, Gregoire Vernaz, Archana Yerra,
           Chengwei (Ulrika) Yuan, Omer Ziv
38 Group leaders

       Stem and progenitor cells in the mammalian lung

                                              How do stem cells build and maintain the lung? The complicated
                                              three-dimensional structure of our lungs is essential for respiration and
                                              host defence. Building this structure relies on the correct sequence
                                              of division and differentiation events by lung progenitor cells, which
                                              also maintain the slowly turning-over airway epithelium in the adult.
                                              How is the production of different cell types controlled in embryonic
                                              development and adult maintenance? We apply mouse genetics, live
                                              imaging, single-cell molecular analysis and mathematical modelling
                                              to understand lung stem cells, with a longer-term aim of directing
                                              endogenous lung cells to repair, or regenerate, diseased tissue.

                                              In the adult lung we focus on the cellular mechanisms that maintain stem
                                              cell quiescence at steady-state, but allow a rapid repair response when
                                              needed. In the embryonic lung we study a population of multipotent
                                              progenitors that undergo steroid-induced changes in competence
                                              during development. In the embryo, we have recently switched our focus
                                              to normal human lung development, primarily using an organoid system
                                              that we developed. We combine the analysis of fresh human embryonic
                                              tissue with gene-targeting in the organoids, to determine the molecular
                                              and cellular mechanisms of normal human lung development. This will
                                              provide insights into conditions related to premature birth and into the
                                              possibility of therapeutic lung regeneration.

                                              Selected publications:
                                              Nikolic´ M et al. (2018) Human lung development: recent progress and new
                                              challenges. Development 145: dev163485.
          Co-workers: Ana Lucia Cabriales     Nikolic´ M et al. (2017) Human embryonic lung epithelial tips are multipotent
         Torrijos, Ziqi Dong, Tessa Hughes,   progenitors that can be expanded in vitro as long-term self-renewing
      Quitz Jeng, Florence Leroy, Kyungtae
                                              organoids. Elife 6: e26575.
      Lim, Shuyu Liu, Vishal Menon, Ziming
          Shao, Vanesa Sokleva, Dawei Sun     Balasooriya GI et al. (2016) An FGFR1-SPRY2 Signaling Axis Limits Basal Cell    How does the lung build itself?
                                              Proliferation in the Steady-State Airway Epithelium. Dev Cell 37: 85–97.        In this 17-weeks-gestation human embryonic lung, the differentiating airway epithelium has been stained to
                                                                                                                              visualise mRNA. Differentiating secretory cells (cyan) and ciliated cells (red) are visible. Cell nuclei in blue. (Credit:
                                                                                                                              Dr Kyungtae Lim.)
40 Group leaders

       DANIEL ST JOHNSTON                                                                                                                                                                                                            domain
       Polarising epithelial cells and body axes                                                                                                     secretion

                                             How do cells know ‘up’ from ‘down’? Most cells in the body perform
                                             different functions at opposite sides of the cell. This cell polarity is                                                                                                                   lateral
                                             essential in development, for example: in determining the head-to-tail
                                             axis of many animals, for cell migration and for asymmetric stem-cell
                                             divisions. Furthermore, loss of polarity is a hallmark of tumour cells and
                                             is thought to contribute to tissue invasion and metastasis. Our work                   forming sheets                                                                                       basal
                                             focuses on epithelia, the sheets of polarised cells that form barriers                 that create a
                                             between compartments and make up most of our organs and tissues.                       barrier
                                             We study the factors that mark different sides of epithelial cells and
                                             how these organise the internal cell architecture, using the Drosophila                                                                                              loss of polarity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     in cancer
                                             intestine and the follicle cell epithelium as models.

                                             We have recently discovered that the gut epithelium polarises by a
                                             fundamentally different mechanism from other fly epithelia, and is
                                                                                                                                                                         forming tubes
                                             much more similar to mammalian epithelia. We are now identifying new
                                             polarity factors in the fly gut and are testing whether these play similar
                                             roles in mouse intestinal organoids. We are also using live microscopy
                                             to visualise polarised secretion in epithelial cells, and quantitative super-
                                             resolution microscopy to examine the clustering and co-localisation of
                                             polarity proteins.

                                             Selected publications:
                                             Lovegrove H et al. (2019) The role of integrins in Drosophila egg chamber
                                             morphogenesis. Development 146: dev182774
                                             Fic W et al. (2019) Drosophila IMP regulates Kuzbanian to control the timing of
                                             Notch signalling in the follicle cells. Development 146: dev168963.                 The special properties of epithelia
   Co-workers: Edward Allgeyer, Jia Chen,    Chen J et al. (2018) An alternative mode of epithelial polarity in the Drosophila
      Jin Mei Cheng, Helene Doerflinger,     midgut. PLoS Biol 16: e3000041.                                                     A drawing showing how epithelial cells stick together to form epithelial sheets, with their free apical surfaces
          Weronika Fic, Xiao Li He, Nathan                                                                                       facing towards the outside or the lumen of an epithelial tube or gland. The lateral junctions (yellow) create a
          Hervieux, Florence Leroy, Dmitry                                                                                       barrier between cells so that fluids, solutes and pathogens cannot leak across the epithelium. Most cancers
    Nashchekin, John Overton, Amandine
                                                                                                                                 arise from epithelial tissues and are characterised by a loss of apical–basal polarity (red cells).
          Palandri, Jenny Richens, George
     Sirinakis, Mihoko Tame, Joseph Jose
      Thottachery, Helen Zenner, Xixi Zhu
42 Group leaders                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Gurdon Institute 43

       Mechanisms of stem cell fate in tissue development, maintenance and disease

                                             How do stem and progenitor cells regulate their fate behaviour to
                                             specify and maintain tissues? During development, cell proliferation
                                             and differentiation must be coordinated with collective cell movements
                                             to specify organs of the correct size, pattern and composition. In the
                                             adult, stem cells must regulate a precise balance between proliferation
                                             and differentiation to maintain tissue homeostasis.

                                             To address the mechanisms that regulate stem and progenitor cell
                                             fate, we combine cell lineage-tracing approaches and single-cell
                                             gene expression profiling with concepts and methods from statistical
                                             physics and mathematics. Applied to epithelial tissues, we have shown
                                             how common principles of self-organisation and emergence provide
                                             predictive insights into the cellular mechanisms that regulate tissue
                                             development, maintenance and repair. As well as questioning the
                                             nature of stem cell identity and function, these studies emphasize
                                             the role of cell fate stochasticity and state flexibility, and establish
                                             a quantitative platform to investigate pathways leading to cancer
                                             initiation and progression.

                                             Selected publications:
                                             Han S et al. (2019) Defining the identity and dynamics of adult gastric isthmus
                                             stem cells. Cell Stem Cell 25: 342–356.
                                             Kitadate Y et al. (2019) Competition for mitogens regulates spermatogenic
                                             stem cell homeostasis in an open niche. Cell Stem Cell 24: 79–92.
                                             Hannezo E et al. (2017) A unifying theory of branching morphogenesis. Cell
                                             171: 242–255.
     Co-workers: Ignacio Bordeu, Lemonia                                                                                       Cell lineage tracing in the stomach corpus
    Chatzeli, Catherine Dabrowska, Frances
        England, Adrien Hallou, Seungmin                                                                                       Genetic lineage tracing using a multicolour confetti reporter system reveals the compartmentalisation of the
    Han, Daniel Kunz, Jamie McGinn, Kathy                                                                                      mouse stomach corpus gland. (Credit: Juergen Fink and Seungmin Han.)
       Oswald, Bart Theeuwes, Yanbo Yin,
                             Min Kyu Yum
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