Prospects look bright despite headwinds - REGIONAL REPORTAUSTRALASIA - Marr Contracting

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Prospects look bright despite headwinds - REGIONAL REPORTAUSTRALASIA - Marr Contracting

look bright
Not all is glowing in the Australasian project markets, but
even with a backdrop of tension in the trade
relationships with China there is optimism that the
portents for heavy lift and out-of-gauge moves are
strong. Dave MacIntyre reports.

         he importance of China has to be        Australia s minister for resources and water,
         recognised, given that it is the        Keith Pitt, said coal will be a major
         biggest trading partner for Australia   contributor to the Australian economy well
         and New Zealand, and therefore          beyond 2030. Coal consumption
         some grey clouds cannot be              throughout Asia is forecast by the
ignored. Examples include BIMCO                  International Energy Agency (IEA) to grow
reporting that Chinese coal imports from         over the next decade to meet the energy
Australia dropped 98.6 percent in the first      demands of countries like China, India and
seven months of the year as restrictions on      South Korea, he said.
imports bit. At the same time, China s
moves to curb steel production to limit air      Cautious optimism
pollution are poised to affect iron ore          There is cautious optimism about the
                                                                                                    AAL discharging mining
miners.                                          increasing project opportunities among             cargo (a stacker
   And yet Western Australia s spending on       multipurpose shipping lines serving the            reclaimer) at Australia’s
mineral exploration is the highest since         region. Tony Spelman, Swire Shipping s             Port Hedland.
2012, with the mining sector far outstripping    business development manager for New
profit growth of all other industry sectors.     Zealand, said that country has seen
National mineral exploration spending hit        moderate activity over the past two years but   storage facilities could potentially see some
AUD878.3 million (USD635.1 million) in           most recently, with a planned 10-year           increased activity. The cycle in dairy plant
the second quarter of 2021, according to the     stimulus in transport infrastructure sector     investment continues with several greenfield
Australian Bureau of Statistics an increase      spending, activity is expected to increase.     projects committed in the North Island
of 3.7 percent on the previous three months.         New Zealand activity has remained           alone.
   Iron ore rebounded to                         steady; however enquiries for 2022 and              Projects under way include the
AUD150.8 million (USD109 million), its           beyond have certainly increased, supporting     Auckland City Rail Link (NZD4.4 billion/
highest point on since Q2 2014. Although         market sentiment and sector growth.             USD3.1 billion) and the Watercare Central
coal slipped to its lowest in two years to           Energy investment, wind, geothermal         Interceptor (NZD1.2 billion/
AUD54.9 million (USD39.7 million),               and potentially hydrogen and battery mass-      USD830 million), which will see continued

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Prospects look bright despite headwinds - REGIONAL REPORTAUSTRALASIA - Marr Contracting

parcel and project activity, said Spelman.        remain significant factors affecting all forms    been satisfying as we managed to carry a
     Vertical construction has the potential to   of shipping, and ports/last-mile sectors are      healthy mix of project cargo as well as
support steel imports and while disruption        often at, or reaching, capacity causing           regular liner cargo like steel and machinery.
continues with Covid-19, this sector is           upstream issues.                                  There was no outstanding project shipment
booming. The evidence is the number of                                                              that AAL carried but it seems we participated
tower cranes operating across the country,        Slow market                                       in the majority of ongoing projects around
with 83 currently erected in the non-             Frank Mueller, general manager Oceania for        Australia in one way or another, be it
residential sector in Auckland alone.             AAL Shipping, said that in Australia the          infrastructure, mining or wind.
   Looking ahead, Spelman said shipping           heavy lift/project market is relatively slow at        Chinese port congestion is still increasing
schedule disruption and port congestion           the moment. Overall, the year for AAL has         even now [at the start of October], affected                                                                                         November/December 2021            117
Prospects look bright despite headwinds - REGIONAL REPORTAUSTRALASIA - Marr Contracting

                                                                                                  New Zealand have had a devastating impact
Swire Shipping is
encouraged by the prospect
                                                                                                  on the construction industry, with major
of forward bookings. Here a                                                                       productivity losses and the rising cost of
bulk hopper is loaded at the                                                                      materials blowing out budgets further.
New Zealand port of                                                                                   Despite that, Simon Marr, managing
Tauranga.                                                                                         director of crane specialist Marr Contracting,
                                                                                                  is seeing plenty of opportunities both at
                                                                                                  home and abroad particularly at a time
                                                                                                  when the industry is looking for better ways
                                                                                                  to construct, make worksites safer and
                                                                                                  increase profit margins. He believes it is a
                                                                                                  time when fortune favours the bold.
                                                                                                       This all points towards a need for our
                                                                                                  industry to be more innovative whether
                                                                                                  through looking at different ways of doing
                                                                                                  things or adopting new technology, which is
                                                                                                  not something our sector has done
                                                                                                  particularly well.
                                                                                                       We see that as a massive opportunity for
                                                                                                  those businesses who dare to think
                                                                                                  differently particularly when it comes to
                                                                                                  the way craneage is procured. We see the
                                                                                                  best results when we are engaged early in a
                                                                                                  project, but unfortunately there is still some
                                                                                                  resistance to change among some customers.
by extreme Covid-19 restrictions and             tonnage is already booked till the mid/end of    Although they can see the benefits of
quarantine measures all causing significant      2022 and creating fierce competition for the     engaging craneage experts at the tender stage
operational issues and fleet shortages by        available space.                                   if not beforehand they are still not
reducing vessel productivity. Delays of two to        Most of our fleet space is booked until     prepared to change. The reality is that
three weeks are currently the norm for           December 2021 alongside a large volume of        productivity and efficiency gains are there to
berthing in the main Chinese multipurpose        traditional multipurpose cargo bookings for      be made at the front end of a project, not the
ports and terminals.                             2022. Indicators are that our fleet will be      back end.
                                                 busy right through 2022, with freight levels         Marr has been kept busy on several major
Markets turmoil                                  either in line or even higher than the current   projects in both Australia and New Zealand.
The sector is also being affected by the huge    market.                                          The Sydney Metro is Australia s biggest
problems in the container markets, Mueller           On the ground, the pandemic-related          public transport project, where Marr is
explained. A lot of multipurpose capacity is     lockdowns suffered in both Australia and         working with multiple clients on new
taken up by regular liner cargo left behind                                                       station builds. From its initial engagement
by container and ro-ro carriers. Cargo gets                                                       on the construction of the new Castle Hill
devanned and is booked on multipurpose                                                            Station and Sydney Yard, it has been tasked
tonnage to at least get moving. In turn, this                                                     with bespoke craneage solutions across
means that project forwarders are also trying                                                     another four stations including Barangaroo,
to find different solutions by breaking up                                                        Central, Martin Place and Crows Nest,
their cargo into smaller portions.                                                                employing the Marr philosophy of using
     We are still seeing a significant backlog                                                    fewer cranes with greater capacity and reach.
of cargo, as well as those cargoes that were
previously booked but lost their vessel cover                                                     Specialised solution
due to heavy delays and congestion. These                                                         The Mirvac TX Tower project utilised a
cargoes are coming back into the market on                                                        specialised solution to dismantle the iconic
short notice and are serving to push rates up                                                     233 m tower, while the East Rockingham
even higher, with charterers desperate to                                                         water-to-energy plant in Western Australia is
find tonnage due to their own cargo                                                               the second-largest such plant in Australia.
deadline commitments.                                                                                Marr is also making a mark in New
    Mueller said that looking ahead, the large                                                    Zealand, working with Fletcher
number of firm project bookings lined up            Indicators are that our fleet                 Construction on Auckland s International
for 2022 makes the company believe that a           will be busy right through                    Convention Centre. Marr s 200-tonne lift
large, specialised heavy lift fleet like AALs                                                     capacity M1680D is the largest luffing tower
will be extremely busy next year regardless         2022, with freight levels                     crane to be installed in New Zealand to date,
of what happens in the container market.            either in line or even higher                 supporting Fletcher s team in removing and
     We expect increasing demand on liner                                                         reinstalling the NZICC s roof steelwork.
space. We would expect a tightening of
                                                    than the current market.                         Looking ahead, Simon Marr said the
relationships, as lots of multipurpose                          – Frank Mueller, AAL Shipping     company s pipeline for 2022 is the strongest

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Prospects look bright despite headwinds - REGIONAL REPORTAUSTRALASIA - Marr Contracting
Prospects look bright despite headwinds - REGIONAL REPORTAUSTRALASIA - Marr Contracting

and staffing
Need a workforce handy to the factory? How about
building a new town to accommodate it? It is a genuine
possibility in New Zealand where a massive new
NZD1 billion (USD690 million) manufacturing and
affordable-housing community is planned by the
company behind iconic Kiwi bed brand Sleepyhead.
    The company has tired of congestion, supply chain      An artist’s impression
problems and staffing issues in Auckland and wants         of the proposed
employees to be able to buy their own homes. So, it        Sleepyhead township.
has bought a swathe of rural land in Ohinewai, 85 km
south of Auckland, where it intends to develop a
mixed-use community with 1,100 new homes over the        commute. The new estate will ultimately host a 66 ha      moving their operations to southeast Queensland.
next ten years, while boosting its manufacturing space   industrial hub, 33 ha of new housing and 60 ha of              On Queensland’s Gold Coast, in particular, the
from 30,000 sq m to 100,000 sq m with a cutting-edge     public open space.                                        3,300 ha Yatala Enterprise Area north of the city has
factory.                                                     Australia may be experiencing something similar in    had a number of companies rapidly boosting their
    The Sleepyhead Estate community would create a       terms of a development frenzy, due to large               presence, with a raft of new headquarters,
home for up to 3,000 residents and the new factory       infrastructure projects across the country’s east coast   manufacturing plants, warehouses and office spaces
about 2,600 new jobs. Residents would have no daily      creating an explosion of companies expanding or           rising in the industrial park.

it has ever been. We are seeing growth                   potential solar and wind resources, existing              expected to make it easier to amend
across a diverse range of sectors                        infrastructure and proximity to large, long-              exploration licences and foster more
particularly power generation, industrial                term markets.                                             streamlined discussions around proposed
construction (including data centres) and                   The Australian government is planning                  land uses.
large-scale government-funded                            to make the country a leading global                          The cornerstone of the bill is the
infrastructure projects.                                 hydrogen exporter by 2030 after securing the              establishment of the NT Aboriginal
                                                         approval of state and federal ministers for a             Investment Corporation (NTAIC), which
Hydrogen investment                                      AUD370 million (USD267.5 million)                         will benefit First Nation enterprises by
A number of major projects back up the                   Clean Energy Finance Corporation fund for                 investing royalty funds from mining on
optimism of players in the sector. North                 new hydrogen projects.                                    Aboriginal lands. An initial investment of
Queensland could be shipping renewable                      Meanwhile, Australian Rail and Track                   AUD500 million (USD361.5 million) will
hydrogen to South Korea in the next decade               Corporation has awarded major contracts                   be made through NTAIC, to be followed by
with the port of Townsville and Ark Energy               for the AUD400 million (USD289.2                          AUD60 million (USD43.4 million) a year
signing a memorandum of understanding                    million) Port Botany rail duplication project             for the first three years.
(MoU) to investigate the development of a                and the Cabramatta loop projects. The
renewable hydrogen plant along with                      contract to design and build the duplication              Infrastructure improvements
associated export facilities at the gateway.             was awarded to John Holland and the                       Over in New Zealand, the government has
Townsville believes it could become a global             contract for the loop to Fulton Hogan. The                earmarked NZD24.3 billion
hub for producing and exporting hydrogen.                projects will encourage more freight                      (USD16.8 billion) to be invested in the
   The same is true on the opposite side of              movements to be made by rail.                             2021-24 National Land Transport
the country, where a feasibility assessment                 The Northern Territory s mining                        Programme. The bulk of the funding will go
conducted by bp has confirmed its belief                 industry is set to grow, with, new reforms                towards roads, with public transport
that Western Australia is ideally positioned             introduced by the Australian government                   infrastructure and rail improvements also
to produce green hydrogen and ammonia.                   aimed at reducing red tape for current and                benefiting.
Origin Energy and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines                    future mining enterprises. The bill is                       Energy projects are also in the spotlight
(MOL) are also investigating opportunities                                                                         with Genesis Energy and Tilt Renewables
to develop the supply chain for export-scale                                                                       signing a 20-year electricity off-take
green ammonia.                                               The Australian government is                          agreement for a planned new 75 MW wind
   Green hydrogen and green ammonia                          planning to make the country                          farm near Dargaville in the North Island.
synthesis utilising renewable energy is                                                                            Subject to resource consent, it is expected to
theoretically possible at scale in Australia,
                                                             a leading global hydrogen                             be finished by early 2024.
according to the bp study, thanks to its vast                exporter by 2030...
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Prospects look bright despite headwinds - REGIONAL REPORTAUSTRALASIA - Marr Contracting
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