Proposed Legislation from Other Organizations and Individuals - Mainstream UMC
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196 DCA Advance Edition Proposed Legislation from Other Organizations and Individuals The following petitions are subject to review by the Committee on Reference (Plan of Organi- zation Section VII.A.7) as to whether or not they are in harmony with the call to the 2019 Spe- cial Session of the General Conference. If the Committee on Reference finds a petition to be in harmony, it is assigned to the legislative committee for action. If the Committee on Reference finds it is not in harmony, it is withdrawn. The Committee on Reference will report its actions in the first daily edition of the Daily Christian Advocate at General Conference. Printed in order of petition number. ¶49. vided that the request is made by a majority of the bishops in the jurisdiction of the proposed service. Petition Number: 90049-¶49-C-G; Brooks, Lonnie D. - In the case of an emergency in any jurisdiction or cen- Anchorage, AK, USA. tral conference through the death or disability of a bishop A United Way Forward - Brooks or other cause, the Council of Bishops may assign a bish- op from another jurisdiction or central conference to the Amend ¶ 49 by striking everything following the work of the said jurisdiction or central conference, with word “elected” in the first sentence as follows: the consent of a majority of the bishops of that jurisdiction ¶ 49. Article V.—The bishops shall have residential or central conference. and presidential supervision in the jurisdictional or cen- [Enabling Legislation is found in Petition # 90080.] tral conferences93 in which they are elected. or to which they are transferred. Bishops may be transferred from one Rationale: jurisdiction to another jurisdiction for presidential and Ends homosexuality trials, retains authority of annu- residential supervision under the following conditions: al conferences to discern suitability for ordination, and (1) The transfer of bishops may be on either of two bases: regionalizes the episcopacy. Bishops retain authority for (a) a jurisdiction that receives a bishop by transfer from appointments. Clergy and local churches retain consulta- another jurisdiction may transfer to that jurisdiction or tion in appointments. Clergy determine whom to marry to a third jurisdiction one of its own bishops eligible for to whom. Local churches have a year to withdraw from transfer, so that the number transferred in by each juris- UMC, taking property with them. diction shall be balanced by the number transferred out; or (b) a jurisdiction may receive a bishop from another juris- diction and not transfer out a member of its own College of Bishops. (2) No bishop shall be transferred unless that ¶27. bishop shall have specifically consented. (3) No bishop Petition Number: 90050-¶27-C-G; Brooks, Lonnie D. - shall be eligible for transfer unless the bishop shall have Anchorage, AK, USA. served one quadrennium in the jurisdiction that elected A United Way Forward - the bishop to the episcopacy. (4) All such transfers shall Episcopal Expenses - Brooks require the approval by a majority vote of the members present and voting of the jurisdictional committees on Amend ¶ 27 by inserting a new ¶ 27.3 that shall read episcopacy of the jurisdictions that are involved.96 After as follows: the above procedures have been followed, the transferring ¶ 27.3 To provide for the support, financially and oth- bishop shall become a member of the receiving College of erwise, of the bishops serving in the jurisdiction or in re- Bishops and shall be subject to residential assignment by tirement after having served therein. that jurisdictional conference. [Enabling legislation is found in Petition # 90081.] 70. Amended 1980. 71. Amended 1992. Rationale: A bishop may be assigned by the Council of Bishops The regionalization of the episcopacy will not be for presidential service or other temporary service in an- complete until each jurisdiction is required to bear the other jurisdiction than that which elected the bishop, pro- cost of the support of its own bishops. 9781501877926_INT_EnglishVol 1_.indd 196 10/10/18 9:49 AM
Proposed Legislation 197 ¶2501. A Traditional Way Forward with Enhanced Petition Number: 90051-¶2501-!-G; Brooks, Lonnie D. - Enforcement Anchorage, AK, USA. Amend ¶ 362.1 as indicated following: A Graceful Exit as a Way Forward ¶ 362. Complaint Procedures—1. . . . Whenever a person in any of the above categories, including those on Insert a new ¶ 2501.4 that reads as follows: leaves of all types, honorable or administrative location, ¶ 2501.4. Any other portion of Chapter Six, Section or retirement, is accused of violating this trust, the mem- I to the contrary notwithstanding, during a period of time bership of his or her ministerial office shall be subject to beginning on January 1, 2020, and ending after December review. However, if the complaint alleges the respondent 31, 2020, all the trust provisions that would otherwise ap- is in violation of any provision of ¶ 2702.1.(b), this review, ply to local churches of The United Methodist Church will the supervisory response, and the just resolution process be held in abeyance to enable those churches that choose herein provided will not be applicable, and the complaint to do so to discontinue their identification as United Meth- will be treated as a judicial complaint according to the odist in law and in covenant and to retain possession of procedures described in ¶ NEW. their property, real and personal, tangible and intangible. Insert a new paragraph to follow existing ¶ 2702 as Churches that choose to withdraw from The United Meth- follows: odist Church pursuant to this provision must immediate- ¶ NEW Special Procedures Applicable for Alle- ly upon exercising this option remove from all buildings, gations Relating to Chargeable Offenses Described in structures, literature, publications, internet postings, and ¶ 2702.1.(b). other public representations any and all United Methodist 1. There shall be a special committee on investigation signs, emblems, logos, and other forms of identification elected by each General Conference at its regular session. as United Methodist. A decision to withdraw under this Nominations shall be made by each College of Bishops, provision must be supported by at least two thirds (2/3rds) each of which shall nominate four clergy members in full of the members present and voting at a church conference connection who are not bishops and four professing mem- called as provided in ¶ 248 and at which the district su- bers. From this pool of candidates the General Confer- perintendent presides, or at a church local conference as ence shall elect four clergy members in full connection provided in ¶ 2527 at which the district superintendent and three professing members to serve as members of the presides. Any church choosing to withdraw under this special committee on investigation, and the committee provision will pay a withdrawal fee of 50 percent of its an- shall elect its own chairperson. In addition the General nual budget to the annual conference with which it is as- Conference shall elect four alternate clergy members and sociated, where its annual budget is determined to be the three alternate professing members. average of total expenditures, less benevolent spending, as 2. Judicial Complaint—A complaint based on allega- reported on the three most recent annual statistical reports tions that a bishop or clergy member of an annual confer- submitted for that church. In addition such a church will ence has committed one or more of the offenses listed in pay all its apportionments for the entire year in which it ¶ 2702.1.(b) shall initially be served on the president and withdraws. A schedule for meeting this obligation will be secretary of the Council of Bishops. Upon receipt of the negotiated between the withdrawing church and the con- complaint the president of the Council of Bishops shall ference council on finance and administration. forthwith deliver a copy of the complaint to the respon- dent, notify active bishops of the existence and nature Rationale: of the complaint, and refer the complaint to an elder in Churches that cannot in conscience comply with the full connection who is not from the same jurisdictional or law of The United Methodist Church as contained in the central conference as the respondent, who shall serve as Book of Discipline ought to be provided with a graceful counsel for the Church. By agreeing to serve, counsel for way to withdraw, but should be required to compensate the Church signifies his or her willingness to uphold the The UMC for any denominational investment that has ac- requirements of church law and the Discipline. Counsel crued to it. for the Church shall represent the interests of the Church in pressing the claims of the person making the complaint. Counsel for the Church shall have the right to choose one ¶362. assistant counsel without voice who may be an attorney. Petition Number: 90052-¶362-!-G; Brooks, Lonnie D. - The counsel for the Church shall draft and sign the com- Anchorage, AK, USA. plaint as a judicial complaint, forward it to the special 9781501877926_INT_EnglishVol 1_.indd 197 10/10/18 9:49 AM
198 DCA Advance Edition committee on investigation (¶ NEW.1), and represent the determined by the General Conference and, if necessary, Church in the judicial process. The fair process provisions provisional central conferences, all with such powers, du- in ¶ 2701 shall apply to this judicial process. The statute ties, and privileges as are hereinafter set forth. of limitations in ¶ 2702.4 should be considered prior to the … referral of a judicial complaint. ¶ 28. Article I.—There shall be central conferences 3. The counsel for the Church, as appointed under for the work of the Church outside the United States of ¶ NEW.2, shall prepare, sign, and forward the judicial America with such duties, powers, and privileges as are complaint and all documentary evidence under consider- hereinafter set forth. The number and boundaries of the ation to the chairperson of the special committee on in- central conferences shall be determined by the Uniting vestigation, the person making the original complaint, and Conference. Subsequently the General Conference shall the respondent. The respondent shall be given an oppor- have authority to change the number and boundaries of tunity to submit to the special committee on investigation central conferences. The central conferences shall have a written response to the judicial complaint within thirty the duties, powers, and privileges hereinafter set forth. days of receipt of the judicial complaint. The chairper- … son shall convene the special committee on investigation ¶ 30. Article III.—The central conferences shall meet within sixty days of receiving the judicial complaint. within the year succeeding the meeting of the General 4. If five or more members of the special committee Conference at such times and places as shall have been de- on investigation so recommend, the respondent will be termined by the preceding respective central conferences suspended pending the conclusion of the trial process. or by commissions appointed by them or by the General 5. The procedures of the special committee on inves- Conference. The date and place of the first meeting suc- tigation shall be the same as those prescribed for a com- ceeding the Uniting Conference shall be fixed by the bish- mittee on investigation in ¶ 2706. ops of the respective central conferences, or in such man- 6. The trial procedures to be followed are as specified ner as shall be determined by the General Conference. in ¶¶ 2707-2711, with the following exceptions and spe- … cial provisions: ¶ 31. Article IV.—The central conferences outside the a) The presiding officer will be a bishop selected by United States shall have the following powers and duties the president of the Council of Bishops. and such others as may be conferred by the General Con- b) The trial pool will be the persons nominated to ference: serve on the special committee on investigation who did Insert as follows a new paragraph immediately fol- not serve on the committee during its consideration of the lowing existing ¶ 31. charges against the respondent. NEW PARAGRAPH. The central conference that in- 7. Any appeal from this process will be directed to the cludes the United States shall have the power and duty Judicial Council. to make such rules and regulations for the administration of the work within its boundaries including such changes Rationale: and adaptations of the General Discipline as the condi- This change will bring to a close the practice preva- tions in the central conference may require, subject to the powers that have been or shall be vested in the General lent in some parts of the Church wherein conformance to Conference. part of Church law is avoided through inappropriate use Immediately prior to ¶ 540, change Section III title to of the supervisory and just resolution provisions of the read as follows: Discipline. Section III. Central Conferences Outside the United States Following existing ¶ 567, insert a new Section as fol- ¶10. lows: Petition Number: 90053-¶10-C-!-G; Brooks, Lonnie D. - Section NEW. Central Conference of the United States Anchorage, AK, USA. Following the new Section title insert new paragraphs as follows: USA Central Conference as Part of a Way NEW 1. There shall be a central conference whose Forward boundaries shall include all the jurisdictional conferences, Amend ¶¶ 10, 28, 30, and 31 as indicated following: and it shall be called the Central Conference of the United ¶ 10. Article III.—There shall be central conferences States (CCUS), notwithstanding that it may include terri- for the church outside the United States of America as tory not included within the United States. 9781501877926_INT_EnglishVol 1_.indd 198 10/10/18 9:49 AM
Proposed Legislation 199 NEW 2. The active bishops in the jurisdictions, in ¶161.G. consultation with the Interjurisdictional Committee on Petition Number: 90055-¶161.G-G; Stallsworth, Paul T. - Episcopacy, shall appoint an Interim Committee on Orga- Whiteville, NC, USA. nization (ICO) which shall be charged with the following duties: Replace Par. 161.G NEW 2.1 The ICO shall choose the time and place for Delete current paragraph ¶ 161.G Human Sexuality, the convening of the initial gathering of the CCUS, and it and substitute the following: is recommended that it gather immediately prior to and at ¶ 161.G Human Sexuality—Because the Sexual the site of the General Conference of 2020. Revolution is now undermining Christian teaching on hu- NEW 2.2 The ICO shall recommend to the CCUS for man sexuality and harming countless unsuspecting peo- action at its first gathering what committees and officers ple, the Church is compelled to propose its teaching with are required to ensure the functionality of the CCUS. The biblical clarity. ICO shall work with the business manager of the General During his earthly ministry, Jesus speaks about mar- Conference in planning for the first gathering of the CCUS. riage: “But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made NEW 2.3 Delegates and reserve delegates to the them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man shall leave CCUS shall be the most recently elected delegates and re- his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the serve delegates to the General Conference from any annu- two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, al conference within the jurisdictions and shall represent but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let those same annual conferences. no one separate” (Mark 10:6-9, also see Mathew 19:4-6 NRSV here and below). Rationale: In his statement on marriage, Jesus is guided by “the Creating a central conference for The UMC within beginning of creation” (Mark 10:6). He draws twice from the United States provides a forum for discussion of issues Genesis. First, from Genesis 1:27c: “male and female he peculiar to the US and resolution of conflicts that would created them.” And second, from Genesis 2:24: “There- best be settled in such a setting. It need not be accompa- fore a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to nied by the creation of additional structure or bureaucracy. his wife, and they become one flesh.” To teach on mar- riage, Jesus reaches back to God's creation of humanity as male and female, and to what God intends for human- ¶604. ity (which is “fidelity in marriage and celibacy in single- Petition Number: 90054-¶604-G; Brooks, Lonnie D. - ness”). Furthermore, Genesis asserts: “God blessed them, Anchorage, AK, USA. and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply . . .’ ” (Genesis 1:28). And “God saw everything that he had Constitutional Amendment Voting made, and indeed, it was very good” (Genesis 1:31a). Add a new ¶ 604.14 as follows: In his statement, Jesus indicates (among other things) ¶ 604.14. Proposed Constitutional Amendments in the covenantal context—the marriage of a man and a Annual Conferences—As provided in ¶ 59 of the Consti- woman—for sexual relations. In marriage, two people are tution it is the duty of each annual conference to provide united by God to become one. The gift of unity God gives an opportunity for its members to vote on amendments is embodied in the marital act; that is, the union of souls to the United Methodist Constitution as proposed by the is reflected in the union of bodies. This one-flesh union is General Conference. In each annual conference at the so powerful and creative that it can beget a child (or chil- conclusion of such a vote it shall be the duty of the pre- dren), whom the mother and father can welcome, protect, siding officer to announce the result of the vote in that and raise. conference, including votes in favor, in opposition, and in In his Letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul claims the union abstention. of husband and wife is a reflection of the union of Christ and his church. Paul writes: “ ‘For this reason a man will Rationale: leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and Processes in The United Methodist Church ought to the two will become one flesh.’ This is a great mystery, be as open as possible, and nothing in existing UM law and I am applying it to Christ and the church” (5:31-32). precludes the announcement in each annual conference of Therefore, the Christian understanding of marriage the result of its members’ vote on proposed amendments and sexuality is established at creation. It is revealed in to the Constitution. Genesis, reinforced by Jesus Christ, and depicted in gos- 9781501877926_INT_EnglishVol 1_.indd 199 10/10/18 9:49 AM
200 DCA Advance Edition pel terms by St. Paul. This biblical witness to marriage, ance from the time of passage of this provision, or the date which runs throughout the canon, grounds the church’s at which it is deemed enforceable, for a period of two (2) understanding of human sexuality. years, to allow charges/congregations to choose a regret- Because of this scriptural witness, the church through table yet amicable separation from The United Methodist the ages preached, taught, and practiced that sexual ex- Church connection, provided all the following criteria are pression is reserved for husband and wife within the cove- met: nant of marriage. For 2,000 years, this teaching, proposed 1. An affirmative vote to separate from The United and observed with God's grace, has been essential in help- Methodist Church by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of active ing sustain Christians in discipleship, holiness, and true professing members in good standing during a duly called freedom. This teaching has assisted Christians in rightly and noticed church conference, and loving God and neighbor. The church through the ages 2. Payment of all unfunded pension liability for the has also preached, taught, and practiced that sexual ac- periods affected clergy were appointed to the charge/con- tivities outside the marital covenant—for example, adul- gregation, and tery, premarital sex, pornography-related sex, homosexual 3. Repayment of all conference funds received by practice, and others—are indeed sins (and “incompatible the charge/congregation within the two (2) calendar years with Christian teaching”); they are sins (among all other preceding the date the vote is taken, and sins) for which Christ died, and for which forgiveness and 4. Payment to the annual conference of two (2) times freedom are available through the gospel. the most recent conference apportionment assessed to the The church’s sexual morality is considered too rig- charge/congregation, and orous and even mean-spirited by many in some contem- 5. Payment of ten dollars ($10 US) plus filing, legal, porary societies. This is not new. This has been the case and other reasonable associated fees (but not including lit- since the apostolic era of the church. However, often in igation costs or fees) to the annual conference to release spite of great cultural opposition, the church has lovingly all claims it has or may have pursuant to the trust clause, proposed its sexual morality to its members as a witness and to the world. The church through the ages has persisted in 6. Assumption by the charge/congregation of all this difficult task because she considers this teaching to be debts, mortgages, and encumbrances on real and personal not only faithful to the word of God, but also good for the property held by the charge/congregation. people challenged by it and transformed by it. When this No bishop, district superintendent, or pastor appoint- teaching is observed, marriages are strengthened; children ed to the charge shall delay or reject a request to call a are welcomed and nurtured; the weak are protected; the church conference made by the church council or admin- strong restrained; and all tend to flourish. When not ob- istrative board pursuant to this provision. served, marriages are threatened and destroyed; marriage as an institution suffers; children are neglected; and the Rationale: powerful generally have their way with the less powerful. With compassion and understanding for those who God's faithfulness is known by God's people through resolve that they can no longer remain a part of The UMC the ages and throughout the world. Because of God's covenant, we offer a merciful and graceful way forward. faithfulness, our faithfulness to the covenants we make— A way of blessing rather than animosity, of healing rather baptismal and, for many, marital—is possible. than enmity, and peace rather than acrimony. Thank you for your consideration. ¶2501. ¶161.G. Petition Number: 90056-¶2501-!-G; Tull, Monte - Betha- ny, OK, USA for St. Mark's UMC Council. Petition Number: 90057-¶161.G-G; Tull, Monte - Bethany, OK, USA for St. Mark's UMC Council. Abeyance of Trust Clause Enforcement Definition of Gender Passage of this petition would create a new subsection 2501.4 to the 2016 BOD. The following sentence is to be added at the end of If General Conference 2019 fails to change or does ¶ 161.G): change either paragraphs 161.G or 304.3 regarding human For the purposes of interpreting all provisions of The sexuality, ordination and/or marriage, then: Enforcement Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church and of the trust clause (¶¶ 2501, 2503) shall be held in abey- Social Principles, a person’s genetic gender at the time of 9781501877926_INT_EnglishVol 1_.indd 200 10/10/18 9:49 AM
Proposed Legislation 201 birth is to be considered the person’s gender throughout ¶2500. his or her lifetime. Petition Number: 90059-¶2500-G; Boyette, Keith - Spot- sylvania, VA, USA. Rationale: Whereas creation has order and purpose, Disaffiliation - Boyette - NEW Par. 2549 Whereas each person is born either male or female, Add new paragraph ¶ 2549. Surrender of Charter of Local Church and Disaffiliation—A local church may surrender its charter ¶2500. from The United Methodist Church and disaffiliate based Petition Number: 90058-¶2500-G; Ottjes, James - Van upon the local church’s declaration that it is in irreconcil- Buren, IN, USA. able conflict for reasons of conscience with the doctrine or moral teachings and requirements of The Book of Disci- Disaffiliation - Ottjes - NEW Par. 2548 pline of The United Methodist Church, or with the way in Add new paragraph: which such requirements are being enforced, or with the ¶ 2548. Surrender of Charter of Local Church and resolution of those matters adopted by the 2019 General Disaffiliation for Reasons of Conscience—A local church Conference, upon completion of the following steps: may surrender its charter from The United Methodist a) A minimum of 30 days of study and discernment Church and disaffiliate based on the local church’s dec- by the congregation; and laration that it is in irreconcilable conflict for reasons of b) The affirmative vote for disaffiliation of fifty-five conscience with the provisions of The Book of Discipline percent (55%) of the church's professing members pres- of The United Methodist Church on the practice of ho- ent and voting at a duly called church conference or two- mosexuality and the blessing of homosexual unions. Such thirds (66.7%) of the members present and voting at a disaffiliation shall require: duly called charge conference. Upon such surrender and disaffiliation, the local a) A minimum of ninety (90) days of study and dis- church shall be released from the provisions of ¶ 2503 cernment by the congregation and shall retain full rights to its property and funds, pro- b) The affirmative vote of two-thirds (66.7 percent) of vided that any debts upon such property and any other the church's professing members present and voting at a debts payable by that local church are assumed by that duly called church conference local church. In such event, the local church shall pay c) Other provisions of the Book of Discipline shall not to the annual conference in which it is located the local be a bar to such disaffiliation church’s proportionate share (determined in the same Upon such surrender and disaffiliation, the local manner as its apportionment has been determined in the church shall be released from the provisions of ¶ 2501 and most recent annual conference year) of the net unfunded shall retain full rights to its property and funds, provid- pension liability of the annual conference in which the lo- ed that any debts upon such property and any other debts cal church is located as of June 30 of the preceding con- payable by that local church are assumed by that local ference year. Such sum shall be deposited by the annual church. In the event of such proposed action, the bishop, conference with the General Board of Pension and Health the cabinet, annual conference board of trustees, and other Benefits to be invested and held to satisfy the annual con- appropriate individuals of The United Methodist Church ference’s unfunded pension liability. The General Board shall facilitate the orderly and timely administration of of Pension and Health Benefits shall determine the annual this process. conference’s unfunded pension liability as of June 30 of [Renumber following paragraphs from existing the preceding conference year and then shall deduct from ¶¶ 2548-2551.] such sum the annual conference’s proportionate share of the unrestricted reserves of the boards and agencies of Rationale: The United Methodist Church (General Church Unre- This petition was already approved by its committee stricted Reserves) and any unrestricted reserves held by at the 2016 General Conference. Then it was deferred by such annual conference (Annual Conference Unrestricted the Way Forward motion and so never received a final Reserves) to arrive at the net unfunded pension liability vote. We should not use property as a weapon to force of the annual conference. A sum equal to the amount by people to remain within a covenant they can no longer which the local church’s proportionate share of the annual support. conference’s unfunded pension liability is reduced shall 9781501877926_INT_EnglishVol 1_.indd 201 10/10/18 9:49 AM
202 DCA Advance Edition be deposited by the General Council on Finance and Ad- ter way forward by enhancing increased accountability ministration from General Church Unrestricted Reserves of bishops to the global Church and increased amenabil- and the treasurer of the annual conference from Annual ity and accessibility between UM bishops and the global Conference Unrestricted Reserves with the General Board Church. of Pension and Health Benefits to be held and invested on behalf of the annual conference to be used to satisfy any unfunded pension liability of that annual conference. ¶37. In the event of such proposed action, the bishop, dis- trict superintendent, annual conference board of trustees, Petition Number: 90061-¶37-C-G; Hall, James - Luce- and other appropriate individuals of The United Method- dale, MS, USA for Administrative Boards of Shipman & Winborn Chapel UMCs. ist Church shall facilitate the orderly and timely adminis- tration of this process, including holding such church or Merge Western Jurisdiction into charge conference within 120 days of the date on which South Central Jurisdiction the local church’s pastor or church council requests such action, and executing such legal documents as are neces- Amend ¶ 37 as follows: sary to provide such local church or its successor with a Section VII. Boundaries deed not subject to any trust in favor of The United Meth- ¶ 37. Article I.—The United Methodist Church shall odist Church or the annual conference in which the local have jurisdictional conferences made up as follows: church is located. Northeastern—Bermuda, Connecticut, Delaware, Renumber following paragraphs from existing District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, ¶¶ 2549-2552. New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, the Virgin Islands, West Virginia. Rationale: Southeastern—Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Churches should not be constrained to remain part of Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, The United Methodist Church. For those who believe the Virginia. best way forward is to disaffiliate, a path must be created North Central—Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, to disaffiliate without the loss of property and in a minis- Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wiscon- try-affirming way. sin. South Central—Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Mis- souri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas. West- ¶27.2. ern— , Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Petition Number: 90060-¶27.2-C-$-G; Hall, James - Luce- Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and dale, MS, USA for Administrative Boards of Shipman & Wyoming and the territory of the United States in the Pa- Winborn Chapel UMCs. cific region. Require Global Ratification of Election of Bishops Rationale: Much confusion, antagonism, and upset has accom- Amend ¶ 27.2 of The Constitution of The United panied the perceived neglect, failure, and refusal of the Methodist Church as follows: Western Jurisdiction – in many minds and hearts – to hon- 2. To elect bishops —subject, however, to the ratifi- or Scripture, the UM Book of Discipline, and the rulings cation of the next ensuing regular, special, or called Gen- of the UM Judicial Council. Thus, it will provide a better eral Conference, failing which the election of any bishop way forward . . . whose election is not ratified by a majority of such Gener- al Conference present and voting shall forthwith be vacat- ed and held for naught — and to cooperate in carrying out ¶161.G. such plans for their support as may be determined by the General Conference. Petition Number: 90062-¶161.G-G; Carroll, John J. - Union City, TN, USA. 1 Similar Petition Rationale: Retain Par. 161.G Requiring ratification by the General Conference of the jurisdictional election of bishops will provide a bet- Retain ¶ 161.G with no amendment. 9781501877926_INT_EnglishVol 1_.indd 202 10/10/18 9:49 AM
Proposed Legislation 203 Rationale: elected by a central conference of The Methodist Church The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist shall have such tenure as the central conference electing Church, 2016 expresses our understanding of biblically him the bishops shall have determined.95 based yet informed with tradition, reason, and experience Amend ¶ 405.2.a as follows: Jurisdictional conference Christian life and teaching, and has consistently held that and central conference delegates, in electing nominating the practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Chris- candidates for bishops for election by General Conference tian life and teaching. and central conference delegates in electing bishops, shall give due consideration to the inclusiveness of The United Methodist Church with respect to sex, race, and national ¶16. origin. In addition, consideration shall be given to the na- ture of superintendency as described in ¶ 401. Petition Number: 90063-¶16-C-G; Carroll, John J. - Amend ¶ 405.2.b as follows: The jurisdictional con- Union City, TN, USA. 1 Similar Petition ferences are authorized to fix the percentage of votes Election of Bishops by General Conference necessary to elect nominate a bishop as a candidate for election by the General Conference. Central conferences Amend ¶ 16 Article IV.10 and other related ¶¶ as fol- are authorized to fix the percentage of votes necessary to lows: elect a bishop. It is recommended that at least 60 percent 10) To fix a uniform basis upon which bishops shall of those present and voting be necessary to elect. be elected nominated by the jurisdictional conferences for Amend ¶ 405.2.c as follows: Consecration of bish- the election by the General Conference and to determine ops may take place at the session of the conference at for the number of bishops that may be elected by central con- which election occurs at a place and time designated by ferences. the conference… Amend ¶ 46. Article II as follows: The bishops shall Amend ¶ 422.1 as follows: Bishops, although being be elected nominated by the respective jurisdictional con- elected by jurisdictional or central conferences and Gen- ferences for election by General Conference and central eral Conference, are elected general superintendents of conferences and consecrated in the historic manner at such the whole church. time and place as may be fixed by the General Conference Amend ¶ 501 as follows: The General Conference for those elected by the jurisdictions and by each central has full legislative power over all matters distinctly con- conference for those elected by such central conference. nectional (see ¶ 16, Division two, section II, Article IV, Amend ¶ 49. Article V as follows: The bishops shall The Constitution). It has no executive or administrative have residential and presidential supervision in the juris- power except for the election of bishops for a four-year dictional or central conferences93 in which they are elect- term and additional terms if desired, and just resolution of ed by the General Conference or to which they are trans- complaints in regard to ¶¶ 2702.1 and 2702.2 “Chargeable ferred. Bishops may be transferred from one jurisdiction Offenses.” to another jurisdiction for presidential and residential su- Amend ¶ 543.3 as follows: When a central conference pervision under the following conditions: shall have been authorized to elect nominate bishops, such Amend ¶ 49. Article V.3 as follows: No bishop shall elections nominations shall be conducted under the same be eligible for transfer unless the bishop shall have served general procedure as prevails in the jurisdictional confer- one quadrennium in the jurisdiction that elected the bish- ences for the election nomination of bishops. A central op that nominated the bishop for the episcopacy. conference shall have the power to fix the tenure of bish- Amend ¶ 50 Article VI to read as follows: The bish- ops elected by the said central conference. ops, both active and retired, of The Evangelical United Amend ¶ 818.8 as follows: Episcopal Pensions— Brethren Church and of The Methodist Church at the time The pensions for the support of retired bishops elected union is consummated shall be bishops of The United by General jurisdictional, or central conferences and the Methodist Church. surviving spouses and minor dependent children of such The bishops of The Methodist Church elected by deceased bishops shall be administered by the General the jurisdictions, the active bishops of The Evangelical Council on Finance and Administration in consultation United Brethren Church at the time of union, and bishops with the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits elected by the jurisdictions General Conference of The and in accordance with such program and procedures United Methodist Church shall have life four-year tenure as may from time to time be determined by the General subject to re-election as per the rules of our heritage in Council on Finance and Administration with the approval The Evangelical United Brethren Church. Each bishop of the General Conference. For service years beginning 9781501877926_INT_EnglishVol 1_.indd 203 10/10/18 9:49 AM
204 DCA Advance Edition January 1, 1982, and thereafter, the pensions for the sup- shall have been authorized to elect bishops, such elections port of bishops elected by jurisdictional conferences Gen- shall be conducted under the same general procedure as eral Conference and those of their surviving spouses and prevails in the jurisdictional conferences for the nomina- dependent children shall include the benefits provided by tions of bishops. A central conference shall have power to the Clergy Retirement Security Program (or any succes- fix the tenure of bishops by the said central conference. sor bishop pension or retirement plan or program) and the The four-year tenure of bishops elected by General Con- Comprehensive Protection Plan of the General Board of ference brings a more equitable relationship between all Pension and Health Benefits. The pensions for the sup- our bishops in the Church. port of bishops elected by central conferences and those Or delete ¶ 543.3. of their surviving spouses and, for service years begin- ning before January 1, 1982, the pensions for the support of bishops elected by jurisdictional conferences General ¶57. Conference and those of their surviving spouses shall both Petition Number: 90065-¶57-C-G; Carroll, John J. - include the benefits provided by the Global Episcopal Union City, TN, USA. 1 Similar Petition Pension Program. Amend ¶ 818.9 as follows: The General Council on Appeal Decisions to General Conference Finance and Administration shall sponsor or participate Amend ¶ 57 Article III as follows: All decisions of the in a group health care plan that covers bishops elected Judicial Council shall be final, except matters of appealed by jurisdictional conferences General Conference, in the chargeable offenses. When the Judicial Council shall de- United States. clare unconstitutional any act of the General Conference then in session, that decision shall be reported back to that Rationale: General Conference immediately. The United Methodist Church is a continuation of the Amend ¶ 58 Article IV as follows: The General Con- New Testament church, which has a Wesleyan heritage ference shall establish for the Church a judicial system that embraces a distinct emphasis of mutual accountabil- that shall guarantee to our clergy a right to trial by a com- ity (¶ 1117.2), this petition seeks to address and remedy mittee and an appeal, and to our members a right to trial the distress within the denomination that has brought forth before the Church, or by a committee, and an appeal.101 the need of the 2019 Special Session . . . The complainant also has the same right of appeal as the respondent. Amend ¶ 413.3.d).(i) as follows: . . . the reasons ¶50. therefore in writing, a copy of which shall be placed in the Petition Number: 90064-¶50-C-$-G; Carroll, John J. - bishop’s file, refer the matter to the committee on episco- Union City, TN, USA. pacy as an administrative complaint pursuant to ¶ 413.3e, or refer the matter to counsel for the Church pursuant to Episcopal Tenure ¶ 2704.1 to prepare a complaint to forward to the com- Amend ¶ 50 Article VI as follows: “The bishops, both mittee on investigation. If the complaint is dismissed, active and retired, of The Evangelical United Brethren the complainant may appeal the dismissal to the Judicial Church and of The Methodist Church at the time union is Council for a just resolution which supersedes the College consummated shall be bishops of The United Methodist of Bishops’ decision. Complainant and respondent may Church. appeal the Judicial Council’s decision to the delegates of The bishops of The Methodist Church elected by the the General Conference for a majority vote that is the final jurisdictions, the active bishops of The Evangelical United resolution. Brethren Church at the time of union, and bishops elected Amend by deletion ¶ 413.3.d.iv nominated by the jurisdictions for election by the Gen- Amend ¶ 413.3.e as follows: . . .The provisions of eral Conference of The United Methodist Church shall ¶ 361.2 for fair process in administrative hearings shall have life a four-year term and continue as bishop only if apply to this administrative process. The complainant may re-elected by the delegates at each General Conference. appeal this dismissal to the Judicial Council for a just res- Each bishop elected by a central conference of The Meth- olution which supersedes the College of Bishops’ deci- odist Church shall have such tenure as the central confer- sion. Complainant and respondent may appeal the Judicial ence electing him said bishop shall have determined.95 Council’s decision to the delegates of the General Confer- Amend ¶ 543.3 as follows: When a central conference ence for a majority vote that is the final resolution. 9781501877926_INT_EnglishVol 1_.indd 204 10/10/18 9:49 AM
Proposed Legislation 205 Amend ¶ 501 as follows: The General Conference has the ordination or marriage of self-avowed practicing ho- full legislative power over all matters distinctively con- mosexuals as resolved and adopted by the 2019 General nectional (see ¶ 16, Division Two, Section II, Article IV, Conference, or the actions or inactions of its annual con- The Constitution). It has no does have executive or admin- ference related to these issues which follow. istrative power with reference to the election of bishops 2. Time Limits—The choice by a local church to dis- for four-year terms, and just resolution of complaint in affiliate with The United Methodist Church under this regard to ¶¶ 2702.1 and 2702.2. paragraph shall be made in sufficient time for the process Amend ¶ 2609.9 as follows: The Judicial Council for exiting the denomination to be complete prior to De- shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine all appeals cember 31, 2023. The provisions of ¶ 2553 expire on De- from decisions of the jurisdictional appeals committee and cember 31, 2023 and shall not be used after that date. the decision of the Judicial Council concerning charge- 3. Initial Inquiry to disaffiliate from The United Meth- able offenses ¶ 2702.1 is binding upon the jurisdiction, odist Church—If the church council of a local church de- it can only be appealed to the General Conference. The termines that the church wishes to consider disaffiliation Judicial Council decision is in effect unless overturned by from The United Methodist Church under this paragraph, the majority vote of the General Conference delegates. that church council shall submit a request to the district Amend ¶ 2701.1 by adding the following paragraph: superintendent to begin this process. The district super- ¶ 2701.1.e). Concerning ¶ 2702.1, the complainant has the intendent shall appoint a task force under ¶ 213 for the same right of appeal as the respondent when the grounds purpose of making findings and a recommendation to the for a complaint (¶ 2702.1) continue past the conclusion of district superintendent on whether the church will have the trial. Such appeals may eventually be decided by the a viable future within or outside The United Methodist majority vote of the delegates to the General Conference. Church. The provisions of ¶ 213.2 and ¶ 213.3 shall not apply. If the local church, as it exists at the time of the Rationale: assessment, is found to have a viable future, the district There is a need for right of complaint to appeal de- superintendent shall call a church conference under ¶ 248 cisions of annual conference, and jurisdictional, and for the sole purpose of deciding whether to disaffiliate Judicial Council to the delegates of the General Confer- from The United Methodist Church under this paragraph, ence for a just and fair resolution of chargeable offenses based upon the reasons in ¶ 2553.1. If the local church is ¶ 2702.1 and ¶ 2702.2 found to not have a viable future, the district superinten- This change would affect other paragraphs and the dent shall recommend closure under ¶ 2549, or take other petition calls . . . appropriate action, and all property of the local church shall remain with The United Methodist Church accord- ing to the provisions of ¶ 2549. ¶2500. 4. Decision Making Process—The church conference shall be conducted in accordance with ¶ 248 and shall be Petition Number: 90066-¶2500-G; Taylor, Leah - Hous- held within one hundred twenty (120) days after the dis- ton, TX, USA. trict superintendent calls for the church conference. In ad- Disaffiliation - Taylor - NEW Par. 2553 dition to the provisions of ¶ 246.8, special attention shall be made to give broad notice to the full professing mem- Amend, effective as of the close of the 2019 General bership of the local church regarding the time and place Conference, Chapter Six, Church Property, by adding a of a church conference called for this purpose and to use new Section VIII. Disaffiliation of Local Churches Over all means necessary, including electronic communication Issues Related to Human Sexuality, then by adding a new where possible, to communicate. The decision to disaffili- ¶ 2553 as follows: ate from The United Methodist Church must be approved ¶ 2553. Disaffiliation of a Local Church over Issues by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the professing mem- Related to Human Sexuality. bers of the local church present at the church conference. 1. Basis—Because of the current deep conflict with- 5. Process following decision to disaffiliate from in The United Methodist Church around issues of human The United Methodist Church—If the church conference sexuality, a local church shall have a limited right, un- votes to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church, der the provisions of this paragraph, to disaffiliate from the terms and conditions for that disaffiliation shall be the denomination for reasons of conscience regarding a established by the resident bishop of the applicable an- change in the requirements and provisions of the Book nual conference, with the advice of the cabinet, the an- of Discipline related to the practice of homosexuality or nual conference treasurer, the annual conference benefits 9781501877926_INT_EnglishVol 1_.indd 205 10/10/18 9:49 AM
206 DCA Advance Edition officer, the director of connectional ministries, and the church expressly resolves to the contrary. As such, a local annual conference chancellor. The terms and conditions, church disaffiliating under ¶ 2553 shall continue to be eli- including the effective date of disaffiliation, shall be me- gible to sponsor voluntary employee benefit plans through morialized in a binding Disaffiliation Agreement between the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits under the annual conference and the trustees of the local church, ¶ 1504.2, subject to the applicable terms and conditions acting on behalf of the members. That agreement must be of the plans. consistent with the following provisions: i) Once the disaffiliating local church has reimbursed a) Standard Terms of the Disaffiliation Agreement. the applicable annual conference for all funds due under The General Council on Finance and Administration shall the agreement, and provided that there are no other out- develop a standard form for Disaffiliation Agreements standing liabilities or claims against The United Method- under this paragraph to protect The United Methodist ist Church as a result of the disaffiliation, in consideration Church as set forth in ¶ 807.9. The agreement shall in- of the provisions of this paragraph, the applicable annual clude a recognition of the validity and applicability of conference shall release any claims that it may have under ¶ 2501, notwithstanding the release of property therefrom. ¶ 2501 and other paragraphs of The Book of Discipline of Annual conferences may develop additional standard The United Methodist Church commonly referred to as terms that are not inconsistent with the standard form of the trust clause, or under the agreement. this paragraph. b) Apportionments. The local church shall pay any Rationale: unpaid apportionments for the 12 months prior to disaf- Creates a consistent process for local churches who filiation, as well as an additional 12 months of apportion- desire to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church ments. over disagreements related to human sexuality to receive c) Grants. All grants received by the local church their property while reducing the impact on the annual from the annual conference or its ancillary organizations conference by paying their portion of conference pension within five (5) years from the date of disaffiliation shall liabilities, and other financial considerations. be repaid. d) Property. A disaffiliating local church shall have the right to retain its real and personal, tangible and intan- ¶161.C. gible property. All transfers of property shall be made pri- or to disaffiliation. All costs for transfer of title or other le- Petition Number: 90067-¶161.C-G; Cunningham, Albert gal work shall be borne by the disaffiliating local church. McMurtry - Wilmington, NC, USA. e) Pension Liabilities. The local church shall con- Marriage tribute withdrawal liability in an amount equal to its pro rata share of any aggregate unfunded pension obligations Add the three paragraphs below to ¶ 161 C) Marriage to the annual conference. The General Board of Pension after the last sentence that reads, “We support laws in civil and Health Benefits shall determine the aggregate funding society that define marriage as the union of one man and obligations of the annual conference using market factors one woman.2” similar to a commercial annuity provider, from which the In The United Methodist Church our four theological annual conference will determine the local church’s share. sources are clearly stated as “Scripture, Tradition, Experi- f) Other Liabilities. The local church shall satisfy all ence and Reason,” See Book of Discipline, Part III. Doc- other debts, loans, and liabilities, or assign and transfer toral Standards and Our Theological Task, ¶ 105. Section them to its new entity, prior to disaffiliation. 4 – Our Theological Task. Using all four of these sources, g) Payment Terms. The agreement shall specify the United Methodists as a denomination and individuals de- terms and conditions of the payment to the annual confer- velop and exercise sound theological judgment. ence for any sums related to ¶ 2553.5. b, c, and e. The term We view Scripture as the word of God for the peo- of payment shall not exceed ten (10) years. ple of God. Scripture authenticates God’s gift of sex to h) Disaffiliating Churches Continuing as Plan Spon- be only enjoyed within a marriage between a man and sors of the General Board of Pension and Health Bene- a woman. Additionally, in our nurturing community of fits Plans. The United Methodist Church believes that a faith, Scripture passages offer “Truth in Love” and hope of local church disaffiliating under ¶ 2553 shall continue to “Life Eternal” to sexually immoral people that they “will share common religious bonds and convictions with The not inherit the kingdom of God” unless they are sancti- United Methodist Church based on shared Wesleyan the- fied through Christ. (See ¶ 104. Section 3 – Our Doctrinal ology and tradition and Methodist roots, unless the local Standards and General Rules, “Of Sanctification,” page 72 9781501877926_INT_EnglishVol 1_.indd 206 10/10/18 9:49 AM
Proposed Legislation 207 and “Article XI – Sanctification and the Christian Perfec- ¶161.G. tion,” page 75.) Petition Number: 90069-¶161.G-G; Souto, Alexandre The below nineteen passages of Scripture are offered Da Silva - New Milford, CT, USA for UM Queer Clergy as a basic body of work to increase our understanding of Caucus. 3 Similar Petitions biblical law, God’s love, his promise and judgment. As a composite they are necessary to honor the sanctity of the A Simple Plan #2 - Souto - Human Sexuality - marriage covenant in the eyes of God and for the salvation Par. 161.G of souls. They are offered for United Methodist clergy and Amend ¶ 161.G as follows: laity to prayerfully consider in developing sound theolog- G) Human Sexuality—We affirm that sexuality is ical judgment and personal actions. Leviticus 18:22; Le- God’s good gift to all persons. We call everyone to re- viticus 20:13; Matthew 15:19; Matthew 19:4-6; Romans sponsible stewardship of this sacred gift. 1:26-27; Romans 13:13-14; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 1 Corinthi- Although all persons are sexual beings whether or not ans 5:9-11; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20; they are married, sexual relations are affirmed only with 1 Corinthians 10:8; Galatians 5:19-22; Ephesians 5:3-14; Colossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8; 1 Timothy 1:8-11; the covenant of monogamous, heterosexual marriage. Hebrews 13:4; Jude 7; Revelation 21:8 We deplore all forms of the commercialization, abuse, and exploitation of sex. We call for strict global Rationale: enforcement of laws prohibiting the sexual exploitation of Petition supports: “Traditionalist Plan” by “Commis- children and for adequate protection, guidance, and coun- sion on Way Forward” seling for abused children. All persons, regardless of age, Utilize sources for sound theological judgment: gender, marital status, or sexual orientation, are entitled to “Scripture, Tradition, Experience, Reason” have their human and civil rights ensured and to be pro- Remind General Conference: UMC Doctoral Stan- tected against violence. The Church should support the dards and General Rules on Sanctification family in providing age-appropriate education regarding List Scripture passages: Honor marriage covenant of sexuality, to children, youth, and adults. one man and one woman in God’s eyes We affirm that all persons are individuals of sacred worth, created in the image of God. All persons need the ministry of the Church in their struggles for human ful- ¶161.C. fillment, as well as the spiritual and emotional care of a fellowship that enables reconciling relationships with God, Petition Number: 90068-¶161.C-G; Souto, Alexandre with others, and with self. The United Methodist Church Da Silva - New Milford, CT, USA for UM Queer Clergy does not condone the practice of homosexuality and con- Caucus. 2 Similar Petitions siders this practice incompatible with Christian teaching. A Simple Plan #1 - Souto - Marriage - We affirm that God’s grace is available to all. We will seek Par. 161.C to live together in Christian community, welcoming, for- giving, and loving one another, as Christ has loved and Amend ¶ 161.C as follows: accepted us. We implore families and churches not to re- C) Marriage—We affirm the sanctity of the marriage ject or condemn lesbian and gay members and friends. We covenant that is expressed in love, mutual support, per- commit ourselves to be in ministry for and with all persons. sonal commitment, and shared fidelity between a man and a woman. We believe that God’s blessing rests upon such Rationale: marriage, whether or not there are children of the union. In the Wesleyan tradition we aim to live by the admo- We reject social norms that assume different standards for nition to do no harm. Revising sections of the Book of Dis- women than for men in marriage. We support laws in civil cipline that prevent people from being full participants in society that define marriage as the union of one man and the life of The United Methodist Church alleviates some one woman. of the harm The United Methodist Church causes to . . . Rationale: In the Wesleyan tradition we aim to live by the admo- nition to do no harm. Revising sections of the Book of Dis- ¶304.3. cipline that prevent people from being full participants in Petition Number: 90070-¶304.3-G; Souto, Alexandre Da the life of The United Methodist Church alleviates some Silva - New Milford, CT, USA for UM Queer Clergy of the harm The United Methodist Church causes to . . . Caucus. 8 Similar Petitions 9781501877926_INT_EnglishVol 1_.indd 207 10/10/18 9:49 AM
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