PROPERTY NEWS Jervis Bay Holiday Properties In Demand - Oz Combined Realty

Page created by Linda Gibbs
PROPERTY NEWS Jervis Bay Holiday Properties In Demand - Oz Combined Realty
PJervis Bay Holiday
                                    OZ COMBINED REALTY PUBLICATION - ISSUE 147

            ROPERTY NEWS
              Ideas to help you when you’re Buying or Selling

Properties In Demand                                           SEE PAGE 3

                 d !

In this issue of Property News:
• COVID-Safety tips for end of year celebrations
• Preparing for a busy season @
• Property Managers: a landlord’s best friend
PROPERTY NEWS Jervis Bay Holiday Properties In Demand - Oz Combined Realty

 Dear Readers
                  THE PRINCIPAL
                                                                       COVID-safety tips
                                                                        for end of year
      The holiday options are a little
 different for many people this year.
 Local holiday places are on the list,
 including Jervis Bay. To find out more

 please see our page 3 story.
      As the end of the year approaches
 we need to carefully plan our end of
 year events, both family and work
 functions, to ensure they are COVID-
 safe. Our article on page 2 has some
 COVID-safety tips for celebrations.
      If you are a landlord, employing
 a Property Manager is another way
 that you can reduce stress in your                                End of Year celebrations are traditionally       less contact.
 life. They can deal with all the rental                           a time to celebrate with family and
 property issues while you hopefully                               friends, go to parties and picnics and           Avoid sharing food
 reap the rewards of your investment.                              attend work get-togethers.                           Celebration feasts may look a little
 Our page 4 story looks at the                                                                                      different this year with less communal food
                                                                       However, this year things may be a little
 advantages of engaging a Property                                                                                  such as dips, cheese platters, antipasto
                                                                   different. This doesn’t mean we can’t still
 Manager.                                                                                                           plates and bowls of chips and olives. Avoid
                                                                   get together with our loved ones and enjoy
                                                                   delicious food and fun company. It simply        sharing and opt for individual serves or
      As always if you are looking to                                                                               separate packets of chips and pre-dinner
 buy or sell property, or to engage a                              means that we alter our habits and play it
                                                                   safe so everyone can see in the New Year         snacks. And if you getting together with
 Property Manager, please give us a                                                                                 other families, perhaps suggest that
 call today.                                                       as healthily and happily as possible.
                                                                                                                    everyone brings their own food and drinks.
 Kind regards,                                                     Limit your guest list
                                                                                                                    Serving up
 Greg Walsh                                                             End of year functions for 2020 and
                                                                   Christmas events are not the time to host            If you are cooking for guests, try to
 Principal                                                                                                          keep the food area clear and consider
                                                                   large parties; however smaller gatherings
                                                                   are still possible. Each state in Australia      having only one person in charge of
                                                                   has a limit on the number of people that         plating each meal to avoid self-serving and
                                                                   you can invite to your home, so check            utensil sharing. Another idea is to create
                                                                   before you send out the invitations. And         individual lunch boxes, perfect for picnic
                                                                   if family members or friends are travelling      and beach scenarios. Maybe consider
                                                                   from different areas, consider where             using disposable plates, cups and cutlery
                                                                   they’re coming from and if it poses any          and have a touch-free bin to toss away the
Shop 4/74 Owen Street                                              risk. Similarly, check the transmission rate     rubbish.
HUSKISSON NSW 2540                                                 in your local area before having everyone
phone:               (02) 4441 6033                                over.                                            Follow the rules
fax:                 (02) 4441 6264                                                                                     We can still enjoy End of Year functions
rentals:              (02) 4441 7261                               Take it out outdoors                             and Christmas this year if we stick to the
                                                                       If you’re organising a get-together with     basic rules and follow current health
                                                                   friends or family, an outdoor venue such         instructions. If you feel unwell or have cold
114A Macleans Point Road                                           as a park or beach is a good option, rather
SANCTUARY POINT NSW 2540                                                                                            or flu-like symptoms, then stay home.
                                                                   than inside where there is less space and
phone:               (02) 4443 3222                                poorer ventilation. Just make sure you’re            Always maintain social distancing even
fax:                 (02) 4443 2355                                well away from any other gatherings, at          if gathering outdoors. And practice good
email:                            least 1.5 metres or more. And if you are         hygiene by regularly sanitising hands, and
web:                               hosting at home, try to set up outdoors          encouraging guests to do so upon arrival
                                                                   if possible, with umbrellas or a camping         and before and after eating.
                                                                   pergola to shade from the summer sun.
                                                                                                                        And last but not least, try to have fun.
Disclaimer Notice: Neither Greg Walsh, Oz
Combined Realty, nor Newsletter House Pty Ltd, nor the             Keep it short                                    Maybe the traditional backyard cricket
publishers and editors of articles in this issue, accept any
                                                                       While we all want to spend time with         match or Frisbee tournament isn’t such a
form of liability, be it contractual, tortious or otherwise, for
the contents of this newsletter or for any consequences            our loved ones at Christmas, a short party       good idea this year. Why not try charades
arising from its use or any reliance placed upon it. All           is better than none at all. This year, instead   instead? With no physical contact or ball
the information contained in this publication has been
provided to us by various parties. We do not accept any
                                                                   of the usual all-day event that stretches        sharing, this is a fun party game option
responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no            long into the evening, perhaps opt for a         that everyone can enjoy from a COVID-safe
more than pass it on. All interested parties should make           more speedy and safer celebration with           distance!
and rely upon their own enquiries in order to determine
whether or not this information is in fact accurate.
©Newsletter House Pty Ltd 2020
Ph: 02 4954 2100
PROPERTY NEWS Jervis Bay Holiday Properties In Demand - Oz Combined Realty
Preparing for a busy
                        holiday season
Beautiful Jervis Bay has always been a
popular holiday destination, but even
                                                                   !                                            !
more so this Christmas season.
                                                             ed                                             ed
                                                           ok                                             ok
    With no overseas holiday travel yet on
the cards for Australians, and with very               Bo
limited choice for holidaying overall, eager
holiday-makers are searching for safe,
easy, convenient and sunny local options
for their much needed Christmas getaway.
    So it’s no wonder that Jervis Bay holiday
accommodation is in great demand as
a highly appealing holiday destination
to end a year like no other. Being only a
two-and-a-half-hour drive from Sydney or
Canberra, Jervis Bay is well known for its
exquisite beaches, white sand, crystal
clear waters, Booderee National Park and
                                                                   !                                            !
extraordinary wildlife.
                                                              ed                                           ed
                                                            ok                                           ok
                                                       Bo                                            Bo
    Welcoming, friendly and breathtaking
and with so much on offer, Jervis Bay
holiday rentals are already enjoying a
surge in occupancy, already booked up
well in advance. And to get a taste of
what to expect over the Christmas holiday
season we only need to look at the recent
September/October holiday break where
holiday properties were booked out for the
greater Jervis Bay area.
    “People are choosing local holiday
destinations because they have no choice
with overseas travel. And people are still      stock! We’re looking for quality homes in     owners peace-of-mind with a dedicated
looking for hot, beautiful places to enjoy,”    Huskisson, Vincentia, Hyams Beach, St         team committed to seven-days a week
says Keola Watson from Oz Combined              Georges Basin, and Sanctuary Point that       service excellence.
Realty’s Holiday Management team.               are available for the December/January           So if you own a property in the Jervis
    This means that Jervis Bay is high on       holiday period to meet the anticipated high   Bay region, make contact today. Our
the Christmas getaway wish list!                demand for holiday makers eager to visit      dedicated Oz Combined holiday team
    “To meet this great demand for holiday      stunning Jervis Bay.                          are professional and highly experienced,
properties we are looking for quality homes         And because Oz Combined Realty has        and will match the right holiday maker
that are available. The holiday rental stock    been renting homes in the Jervis Bay area     with your property. We’ll take care
we have is already fully booked out for 20      since 1989 and have helped hundreds of        of everything, giving you peace-of-
to 31 December,” adds Keola.                    holiday makers find their perfect holiday     mind so that you can fully enjoy your
    So we need more holiday rental              rental, we’re trusted to give property        Christmas holidays. Call 4441 6033.


 Email                                                               Phone 4441-6033
PROPERTY NEWS Jervis Bay Holiday Properties In Demand - Oz Combined Realty
Property Managers:
        an owner’s best friend
As more Australians enter the property investment market, how best to
manage the new property becomes a major issue. Not everyone has the
skills, the time, or even want to manage the property themselves.
That’s where a responsible, trustworthy      ongoing maintenance issues and
property manager comes in – to help you      controlling costs.
avoid the day-to-day worries of rental            Then there’s building insurance to
properties.                                  worry about, plus owners corporation
     A good property manager can easily      rules, smoke alarms, servicing of gas
become one of your greatest assets. But      appliances, pool fencing legislation, risk
it’s important to choose the right one.      management, council and water rates, the
    A property manager organises and         list can seem endless.
manages the letting of properties, screens       Importantly, an experienced manager
tenants, liaises with tenants and owners,    has a good understanding of the local
organises inspections, collects rent and     market and how potential changes could
follows up unpaid rent, responds to tenant   affect your investment, including ways to
complaints, and even pursues evictions.      improve the property that won’t kill your
   As well as being reactive, a              budget, but will make it easier to rent out.
good property manager is proactive              Chances are that you will be working
when it comes to staying on top of           with this person for a long time so it’s a
                                             good idea to find someone that you like
                                             and respect.                                    examples include phone calls, emails and
                                                 Look locally. In real estate, local         inspection reports.
                                             knowledge is crucial, from knowing how              Management fees are charged on a
                                             to attract tenants, to setting the rent at      percentage basis of the total rent monies
                                             the right level, and having contacts with       collected, plus a letting fee that is based
                                             trusted tradies, a local property manager       on the weekly rent and only charged when
                                             gives you a big advantage.                      a new tenant is found.
                                                 Another way to find a property manager         Considering the workload of a good
                                             is by word of mouth, asking family and          property manager, it’s a small price to pay.
                                             friends for recommendations.                       Hiring a property manager makes
                                                 How does the property manager               sense and takes the stress out for
                                             typically communicate with owners? Some         the Landlord.

      Oz Combined                                                    If you would like to rent your
                                                                  property without the fuss then call

    Realty look after
                                                                  our property management team of
                                                                         experts and rest easy!

   your property as if                                                           LEA
                                                                                     S      ED!

     it is their own!
 Huskisson - 4/74 Owen Street
 Sanctuary Pt - 114A Macleans Pt Rd
PROPERTY NEWS Jervis Bay Holiday Properties In Demand - Oz Combined Realty PROPERTY NEWS Jervis Bay Holiday Properties In Demand - Oz Combined Realty PROPERTY NEWS Jervis Bay Holiday Properties In Demand - Oz Combined Realty PROPERTY NEWS Jervis Bay Holiday Properties In Demand - Oz Combined Realty PROPERTY NEWS Jervis Bay Holiday Properties In Demand - Oz Combined Realty PROPERTY NEWS Jervis Bay Holiday Properties In Demand - Oz Combined Realty
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