Propane Market Pulse Special Edition

Propane Market Pulse Special Edition
Special Edition                                                                                                                        Volume: X

  Propane Market Pulse
   Tools for                                                             The impact of changing LPG infrastructure
   adapting to a
   changing world
   by Adam DeLawyer,
   vice president, CHS

 As the world around us continues to evolve, the
 one thing that seems constant is change. The
 world of propane is no exception. As you will
 read in this issue’s feature article, changes are
 literally reshaping the industry. Although current
 propane production is not at the record levels it
 was pre-Covid, it is rising and moving closer to
 those levels again.

 However, exports are also on the rise, thanks to            If 2019 was the year of domestic                        through access to the export channels.
 increased capacity. Roughly two-thirds of U.S.              propane production growth, 2020 was
                                                                                                                     Midwest builds out.
 propane production is now being exported. This              the year of increasing propane
 could mean less product sitting in storage                  origination for exports.                                Suppliers stepped in to make significant
 without a supply commitment, which will make                                                                        investments and build two new pipelines
                                                             Changing U.S. infrastructure has
 supply even tighter in the future and could lead                                                                    with a combined unfractionated natural
                                                             enabled previous landlocked propane
 to allocations or logistical challenges more                                                                        gas capacity of 620,000 bpd. The
                                                             supply to find a way to the Gulf Coast
 quickly than in the past.                                                                                           Arbuckle II pipeline in operation since
                                                             and beyond. Several dynamic changes
                                                                                                                     Q1 2020, will see capacity expand from
 So how do we better perform in this new world?              in U.S. production in the past two years,
                                                                                                                     400,000-bpd – to 500,000 bpd by Q2
 We believe it all comes down to planning.                   have led to a recent production
                                                                                                                     2021. This will take supply from North
 Retailers and wholesalers that have the best                milestone. In late December 2019, the
                                                                                                                     Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado,
 supply plan in place will be the most successful.           U.S. achieved a record 2.46 million
                                                                                                                     and Kansas producers and re-route
 This plan is no longer just a one-time discussion,          barrels per day (bpd) of propane
                                                                                                                     what was once Conway fractionation
 but an ongoing one that includes making                     production. In Feb 2021, after a COVID
                                                                                                                     focused supply into the greater Mt.
 monthly nominations in an effort to best meet               pandemic impacted 2020, we are now
                                                                                                                     Belvieu region. The Bluestem Pipeline,
 your changing needs. Lack of planning can lead              back at over 2.40 million bpd of
                                                                                                                     which came online in Q1 2021 with a
 to financial consequences and lost volume at                production.
                                                                                                                     capacity of 120,000 bpd, will originate
 supply points in the future, since the producer
                                                             Key infrastructure changes include:                     in Kansas and connect into the Grand
 has other places to send that product.
                                                                                                                     Prix Pipeline in Oklahoma to move
                                                             Export capacity increases.
 This is why we have designed the Propane                                                                            additional Conway barrels south to Mt.
 Control Room with a best-in-class Supply                    Only three months after setting that                    Belvieu.
 Planning tool we think will be crucial in this new          propane production record, the U.S.
                                                                                                                     The impact of this growth is an
 world. In this issue you will read how one                  logged an all-time high weekly LPG
                                                                                                                     increased price correlation between the
 marketer is addressing supply planning and                  export reading of 1.74 million bpd. We
                                                                                                                     two hubs. As of the end of February,
 nominations by teaming up with their account                are now in a market that can quite easily
                                                                                                                     Conway propane has traded at an
 manager.                                                    export over 70% of the propane
                                                                                                                     average premium of 2.56 cents to Mt.
                                                             produced daily. This reduces reliance on
 Later this month you will have an opportunity to                                                                    Belvieu this winter. The 2020 average
                                                             domestic demand, and created a new
 attend our Propane session at the CHS Energy                                                                        discount was 2.0 cents. For a quick
                                                             marketing opportunity for U.S.
 Roadshow and hear from a team of experts how                                                                        comparison, Conway’s discount in 2019
                                                             producers. Suppliers based in the
 these changes will continue to affect all of us. I                                                                  averaged six cents and was as much as
                                                             Midwest were left out initially but now
 encourage you to take advantage of these                                                                            a 20-cent discount in the second half of
                                                             the inter-regional pipeline growth
 opportunities to help prepare your business for                                                                     2018.
                                                             projects have provided a solution
 success as we navigate this changing world.

The information contained in this letter is the best information we have at hand on the subjects discussed, and is taken from sources we believe to be
reliable, but is not guaranteed by us as to the accuracy or completeness and is sent to you for informational purposes only. Any prices indicated are subject
to change with market conditions. © 2021 CHS Inc.
Propane Market Pulse Special Edition
Special Edition                                                                                                                      Volume: X

   Propane Market Pulse

The impact of changing                                   the winter and now trading at a large                      industry experts on how the impact of
                                                         premium to Mt. Belvieu with the arrival of                 propane becoming a global commodity
LPG infrastructure                                       cold weather in February. Warmer                           may be changing domestic industry
(continue)                                               conditions have helped keep Midwest                        behavior. Discover how to prepare for the
                                                         demand in check, with plenty of supply                     uncertainty of next year’s heating season
There are still many unknowns as we
                                                         for most of the season. We have                            and what is driving the changing
navigate this new era of inter-regional
                                                         experienced the shift to wet premiums as                   fundamentals. Panelists include Ben
pipeline infrastructure, but Conway’s hub
                                                         inventories declined in January and                        Lyden, director of trading and risk; Tyler
price will likely more closely follow that
                                                         February due to the large export                           Kelly, director of supply; Alan Groene,
of Mt. Belvieu and global markets.
                                                         program and a shift in this overall                        senior account manager; and moderator
Waiting for depressed prices at Midwest                  demand profile for 2021 and beyond.                        Dennis St. Aubin, director of sales West
pipeline terminals due to unseasonably                                                                              Region.
                                                         Learn More at Upcoming Propane
warm weather could be a thing of the
                                                         Session                                                    To register for the CHS Virtual Roadshow
past, as this winter illustrated. We are
                                                                                                                    visit: https://www.chspropaneinsights.
already seeing this play out today, with                 Click HERE to register for the Virtual
the narrow discount in Conway most of                    Roadshow and hear from a panel of

Keys to reducing risk in                                 choice of buying mechanisms to help                        Brandt as a partnership. “We’ve worked
                                                         control price, and dependability, with                     together a long time and there’s
propane supply planning                                  regular tank safety inspections.”                          transparency between us. I understand
A good propane supply plan is an                                                                                    the narrow margins he often works with,
                                                         Eric Brandt, CHS Propane account
indispensable tool for Steve Haines,                                                                                and the risk he takes if he’s not able to
                                                         manager who has worked with him for
who’s in charge of southern region                                                                                  move product he’s committed to buying.”
                                                         more than 15 years, attributes the
petroleum and propane purchasing and
                                                         cooperative’s success in propane to                        Haines also depends on Brandt for
supply for Sunrise Cooperative in Ohio. It
                                                         Haines’ management approach. “Two of                       market intelligence and industry insights.
                                                         Steve’s strengths are that he regularly                    “That helps me maintain a big-picture
                                                         communicates with me and he really uses                    view of broader events that could be
                                                         his supply plan,” says Brandt. “The                        shaping our industry.”
                                                         original plan that he develops every April
                                                                                                                    One example he points to is
                                                         is a baseline to work from, but it’s a living
                                                                                                                    infrastructure changes within the United
                                                         document that he routinely updates. We
                                                                                                                    States that will more easily allow for the
                                                         communicate frequently to do that.
                                                                                                                    export of propane, which could put more
                                                         “Steve also understands that supply                        pressure on suppliers. “That’s why when
                                                         commitments need to be a two-way                           it comes to making changes to our
has helped him confidently supply                        street, and our buying is based on what                    supply plan, I try to treat our suppliers
cooperative customers as their business                  our customers say they need,” he adds.                     with the same consideration I’d like our
has grown from covering just two                         “Suppliers are better able to perform for                  customers to show us.”
counties when he started there 25 years                  their customers when there is regular
ago to the current 30-county trade area.                 communication between the two.”

“We’ve gotten here by putting emphasis                   Haines says there are several keys to
on delivering value,” he says. “If a                     reducing propane supply risk:
customer is just looking to save a few
pennies, we don’t chase after the                        Work with dependable suppliers.
business. Our core customers understand                  For Haines, this tops the list. He says he
they get more than just propane from us.                 regularly works with three to four
They get reliability, service when they                  suppliers, but views his relationship with
need it through our auto-fill program, a

The information contained in this letter is the best information we have at hand on the subjects discussed, and is taken from sources we believe to be
reliable, but is not guaranteed by us as to the accuracy or completeness and is sent to you for informational purposes only. Any prices indicated aresubject
to change with market conditions. © 2021 CHS Inc.
Propane Market Pulse Special Edition
Special Edition                                                                                                                      Volume: X

  Propane Market Pulse

Keys to reducing risk in                                 Invest in consumer tank monitors.                         Stick to your plan.

propane supply planning                                  Having no major supplies issues in recent                 At times it takes discipline to follow the
(continue)                                               years is something Haines attributes, in                  plan and not chase after lower prices in
                                                         large part, to the cooperative investing in               the summer, or from a less reliable
Use dependable terminals.                                consumer tank monitors. “They take a lot                  source, adds Haines. “It’s not always
                                                         of the guesswork out of managing                          about getting the absolute lowest price
Your suppliers are a good source of
                                                         supply.”                                                  but having a reliable supply for your
information here and can help you
                                                                                                                   customers. That’s how you deliver value.”
determine which terminals are moving                     Include transportation.
greater volumes and are generally more                                                                             Propane marketers should work with
reliable, he says. “It shouldn’t be just                 There can be plenty of gas at a terminal
                                                                                                                   their CHS account managers to discuss
about price.”                                            but it won’t do you any good if you can’t
                                                                                                                   how supply planning may help you be
                                                         get it transported to the plant, he notes.
                                                                                                                   more prepared for next winter. Marketers
Consider adding storage.                                 “For that reason we sometimes buy
                                                                                                                   not currently partnering with CHS
                                                         higher-priced gas in the winter because
One of the best ways to reduce supply                                                                              propane can learn more by visiting CHS
                                                         it’s closer.” Maintaining good
risk is to have more on-site storage.                                                                              Propane Insights or by calling 1-800-852-
                                                         relationships with carriers is important,
Haines says Sunrise Cooperative has                                                                                8184.
                                                         and so is including that factor in your
more than doubled its propane storage
                                                         supply planning process.
since 2014.

Register Now for the 2021 CHS Energy Virtual Roadshow
                                                                                          Registration is now open for the virtual, CHS Energy
                                                                                          Roadshow. The roadshow will be taking place Monday,
                                                                                          March 15th – March 18th . Topics include Hedging, Propane,
                                                                                          Propane Powered, Transportation, Lubricants, AquaFighter,

                                                                                          GPI, Refined Fuels, Propane Safety and Energy Equipment.
                                                                                          Each 45-minute sessions will include a presentation as well
                                                                                          as a live Q&A.

                                                                                          To register for the CHS Virtual Roadshow
                                                                                          visit: https://www.chspropaneinsights.

Consumers see value in the Cenex Propane Brand
Throughout the year, CHS is working                      the page seeking a Cenex Propane dealer
to educate consumers on the value of                     or information on propane. They find
propane and the Cenex brand through                      stories about propane-powered homes,
our Cenexpert blogs. Content for the                     RVs, school buses and lawnmowers,
blog is often based on analytics that                    backyard uses and important safety tips.
identify propane topics of most interest                 To view the latest Cenexpert blog
to consumers.                                  
These efforts are producing success.                     information/cenexperts-blog-page/
Each month an average of 10,000                          propane
readers click on the residential propane
page on Consumers come to

The information contained in this letter is the best information we have at hand on the subjects discussed, and is taken from sources we believe to be
reliable, but is not guaranteed by us as to the accuracy or completeness and is sent to you for informational purposes only. Any prices indicated aresubject
to change with market conditions. © 2021 CHS Inc.
Propane Market Pulse Special Edition Propane Market Pulse Special Edition
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