Promoting the bilingual tradition at the Provincial Council level

Page created by Patrick Henry
Promoting the bilingual tradition at the Provincial Council level
2013 December – January                   | Publication of C.P.A.                                  | 2nd Volume                 | 12th Issue

    Promoting the bilingual tradition
      at the Provincial Council level
  An initiative from the Central and Northern P.C.s
     There is a fresh enthusiasm           was the duty and responsibility          implement a work programme in            guidelines to implement a
in the provincial councils these           of Provincial Councils to                order to do so.                          programme at Provincial Council
days about the implementation              implement the bilingual policy               Central Province council             level, to form a permanent
of the bilingual policy. During            in every division of the Central         member Mr. M. Velu Kumar                 Committee to build national
the special session that had been          Province and to provide all              approved this proposal.                  unity.
held on the 11th November, at              assistance and facilitation that is          While there are many                     In order to gather
the Central Provincial Councils,           necessary for its implementation.        problems concerning language             information about this by
Provincial Councilor, Mr.                      Provincial Councilor Mr.             rights in the Central Province,          telephone the effort to contact
Sanjeewa Kavirathna, submitted             Sanjeewa Kavirathna submitted            the Minister stated his belief           Mr. Shan Wijayalal, the Chief
a proposal giving attention to             this proposal stating that special       that solutions could be obtained         Minister of the Southern
the value of implementing the              attention should be paid to              by implementing this work                Provincial Council had failed.
bilingual method                           implement the bilingual policy           programme.                                   But it has been reported
     The Minister stated that it           in the Central Province and to               In February, a two day debate        that the Ministry of National
                                                                                    was fixed.                               Languages and Social Integration
                                                                                        Meanwhile the Southern               had already sent guidelines to the
  Students who are                                                                  Provincial Council also,
                                                                                    has recently appealed to the
                                                                                                                             Chief Minister of the Southern
                                                                                                                             Provincial Council.
  receiving bilingual                                                               Ministry of National Language
                                                                                    and Integration, to give them                     Sandamali Senevirathne
  education showing
  a high proficiency
   passes with distinctions in
   mathematics and science.
        The Director of Education (Bilingual Education) Mr. Priyantha
   Nanayakkara states in a letter written to the web site of the Ministry of
        that students in Sri Lanka who are receiving bilingual education
   have shown a high aggregate in complex imaginative subjects such as
   mathematics and science, as shown in the pass analysis of the 2008-2011
   General Certificate of Education (Ordinary level) examinations, that they
   had faced.
        This letter further states that, although the experiments done in
   connection with the programme in bilingual education were very few,
   some idea about the bilingual literacy of the students of our country who
   a receiving a bilingual education can be obtained from the analysis of              This photograph shows Mr. Jagath Chamila a highly acclaimed actor
   examination results
                                                                                   presenting a trophy to the best actor, in the Tamil Only Division, I. Imash Ali
        This letter, which includes complete results, is published in page 10 of
   this Vibasha Publication.                                                       during the National Children’s Drama Festival that had been held in October.
Promoting the bilingual tradition at the Provincial Council level
2                                                                                          Vibhasha 2013
                                                                                           Vibhasha 2013 December
                                                                                                         December –– January

    Tamil Language training for new doctors to solve
            language problems in hospital.
    From the end of December,            Chairman of the Government                    He further stated that the      different types of choices in
arrangements have been made              Medical Officers Association,             residential training programme      the treatment of the patients,
to train new doctors passing             Dr A. Padeniya.                           that is currently being             which are also dealt with in this
out from state universities                   “At present, there is a great        implemented will continue           programme.
throughout the island, to                problem about communication               without a break until the end of        “This programme is only
converse in Tamil with their             among the majority of doctors             December.                           available for a selected number
patients.                                in being unable to hold a                     “The first work programme       of doctors. They will in turn
    The first batch of doctors           conversation with their patients          has been very successful and we     teach the newly qualified
had already obtained this                in the Tamil Language. In                 hope that all doctors will speak    doctors. In a few weeks’ time,
residential training last week           order to face this problem, the           the second national language        there will be a work programme,
during a ten day training in             assistance of the Department              fluently by December,” he said.     to train new doctors in
Agalawatte.                              of Health, the National                       Parallel to training in Tamil   enhancing the above talents in
    Sixty five newly qualified           Languages Department, and the             language, the Government            every region, and by this, the
doctors will be taking part in           Government Medical Officers’              Medical Officers Association        patient will receive a beneficial
the next work programme.                 Association with the help of the          deals with listening skills,        protection and a better doctor/
“Our aim is to train more than           World Health Organization has             building trust with the patient,    patient relationship will be
1000 doctors. In this way in             commenced a Tamil Language                communication skills and            established,”said Dr. Padeniya.
medical clinics throughout the           training work programme                   enhancing the availability of
island, doctors will be able to          for newly qualified doctors
communicate with their patients
in the Tamil Language,” says the
                                         throughout the island,”stated Dr.
                                         Padeniya.                                   Notices in the Kuruwita
                                                                                    Prison are only in Sinhala.
    North Attidiya and                                                                 In Kuruwita Prison, Ratnapura all notices are in Sinhala. There

    Colombo Language                                                               are a lot of Tamil and Muslim visitors, mainly women and elders
                                                                                   who come to visit prisoners coming from very far away and it takes

 Societies more interested.                                                        about half day to come here and another 2 hours to get through the
                                                                                   entry procedures, and if you miss the times between 9-12 you have
                                                                                   to stay till 2.30 and if you miss coming by 4pm you will be turned
   Languages Societies were established for the 541 GN Division of the             back. Also you are not allowed to bring food; you have to buy it from
Ratmalana Divisional Secretariat and the Attidiya North Division, on the 9th.      this canteen which is put up by a prison official. The guards say you
     The officials who established the language societies told the Vibasha         can’t bring food from outside. All this information is only in Sinhala
Publication that, under the second step of establishing the languages societies,   causing suffering to visitors who come from far away and dont know
in the Colombo District, the establishment of languages societies is continuing.   about this. Some people have to take back the food they bring and
further and also said that people were showing a special interest in it. Mrs.      some have to go back because they missed the closing time by a few
Priyangika Thushari and Mrs. Sevvandi Perera of the Mt. Lavinia Divisional         minutes. (Ceylon Today)
Secretariat Office had organized a “Dharmarama Language Society,” recognizing
the group of people in this region who had shown a special interest in learning
the Tamil Language.                                                                     Official Language Policy analysed.
    Meanwhile, Mr. Sameera Kalum had organized a “Sadisi Language Society”
in Attidiya North.                                                                      The Official Languages Commission has decided to implement
                                                                                    the Official Languages Policy in manufacturing and service
  A lack of Tamil Language                                                              The Chairman of the Official Languages Commission Mr. Nimal

  Teachers for Pavakkulam                                                           R. Ranawaka stated that, under this, steps had been taken to notify
                                                                                    the associations of the manufacturing sector including the Chamber

       Tamil Vidyalaya.                                                             of Commerce
                                                                                        He stated that the goal of this workshop is that all information
    The students of Pavakkulam Track 7 Primary School in the Pavakkulam             about all manufactured goods have to be published according to the
Track 7 Village in the South Vavuniya DS area are facing great difficulties as      Official Languages Policy.
there is no teacher to teach them the Tamil Language.
                                                                                         The Chairman of the Commission further stated that by the
    Mr. G.S. Gunasekera, the Principal of this Vidyalaya said that he had           first week of November a work programme will commence by the
notified the Zonal Education Office about inequalities prevailing among the         Official Languages Commission about the Trilingual Policy,along
teachers and the problems that are present among them, but no action had been       with the Presidential Task Force.
taken by the relevant officers yet.
Promoting the bilingual tradition at the Provincial Council level
Vibhasha 2013 December – January                                                                                             3
                                                                               The best           Thakshila Prathamika
                                                                           children’s drama in    Vidyalaya, Horana was
                                                                           the Sinhala Only       chosen as the best child
                                                                           section, was from      actress in the English
                                                                           the Vidyaratna         category in the drama
                                                                           Education Faculty      “Goldi And The Bears”
                                                                           of Horana,             and Dulshani Amanda
                                                                           G.P. Subashana         Wickramarachchi who
                                                                           Kuruglalge’s “Parta    performed in the drama
                                                                           Thunai, Ekama          “Win With Windy” in the
                                                                           Malai” drama,          open English category, V.
                                                                           and in the open        Sathurthika who performed
                                                                           section, from the      in the drama “Peththamma”
                                                                           Subarathi Madya        in the Tamil limited
                                                                           Maha Vidyalaya,        category and K. Oviya who
                                                                           K. Mithraratna         performed in the drama
  Language Diversity In the                                                and Indika
                                                                           Nilmini Sirisena
                                                                                                  “Vaalvum Vaalvum,” in
                                                                                                  the Tamil open category,
  State Children’s                                                         Arachchi’s “Kiri
                                                                           Pani Paalama,”
                                                                                                  received the best actress
                                                                                                  awards in the state children’s

  Drama Festival should be                                                 children’s drama
                                                                           was also chosen as
                                                                                                  drama festival which had
                                                                                                  been held the 17th time.
                                                                           the best children’s        Meanwhile, R.M.M.
  appreciated.                                                             drama.
                                                                               In the state
                                                                                                  Supipi Mediwela of
                                                                                                  Royal National School,
                                                                           children’s festival,   Moneragala, who performed
       ...and should be further continued.                                 Sakina Jusar           in the drama “Rankaasi
                                                                           of the Lyceum          Wessa” in the Sinhala
                                                                           International          limited category, and Anjana
                                    This was an opportunity     School, Wattala, was chosen       Charithani Jayalatha who
    The State Children’s
                                for about 53 dramas to be       as the best actor in the          performed in the children’s
Drama festival which had
                                held in the final rounds, as    limited English category.         drama “Walas Gedera Giya
completed 17 years upto
                                a large number of scripts in    M.D.C. Hasanka who                Mashas” in the Sinhala open
2013 was successfully held
                                various languages medias        performed in the drama “A         category, received honours.
this year too. This year, 28
                                had been received by the        Wonderful Gift For Bob” in            Also this time, during
Sinhala dramas, 13 Tamil
                                drama festival island wide.     the open English category, I.     the State Children’s
dramas and 12 English
                                    The honours given to the    Imash Ali who performed in        Drama Festival, awards
dramas were staged. Among
                                best children’s dramas in the   “Karannan Vittu Karadiyum         were presented for Best
these were four dramas
                                limited section and the open    (Rabbit)” in the limited          Drama Script, Best Drama
nominated by special
                                section were as follows.        Tamil category, John Paul         Production, Best Music
                                    In the English Only         Cluoos who performed in           Produced, Best Dialogue,
    While 57 dramas had
                                category, from the Lyceum       the Tamil Open category in        Best Costumes, Best Stage
been staged, demonstrating
                                International School,           “Sin Uththin Muyatchchi           Backdrop, Best Stage
the hopes and expectations
                                Watsala Sudarshana              (Lion)" received awards.          Direction, and Best State
of future generations in this
                                Bandara’s “We make it               A. LakkanthaVibanga           Lighting in all categories.
country ; also hearteningly
                                better” drama and in            Abeywickrama, from                    It has been generally
the extent of language
                                the open section the            Vidyaratna Medical Facuilty,      observed in the Drama
diversity observed should be
                                best drama was Rohitha          Horana, who performed             Festival, that although
                                Jayakody’s “A Wonderful         as “Loku Malli” in the            the level of variety in
    By performing children’s
                                Gift For Bob” drama. The        children’s drama “Parta           the languages were
dramas in Sinhala, Tamil
                                best children’s drama in        Thunai, Ekama Malai”in the        commendable, presentations
and English on the same
                                the Tamil limited section       Sinhala limited category and      in the Tamil category should
stage, the audience was
                                was M.J.S. Amarasinghe’s        Jeevantha Jayasinghe who          be further strengthened. If
given an opportunity to
                                “Karannan VittuKaradiyum”       performed as “Dhanu” in           attention could be paid to
see equally, the languages
                                and in the open section         the children’s drama “Vatina      these facts in the future,
and the cultural forms of
                                M. Kalidasa’s and Manisha       Kenek Mung” also received         this drama festival will be
children’s dramas; this is a
                                Dukgannaralage’s “Sin Uthin     awards as best actors.            more fruitful socially and
cultural programme that
                                Muyatchchi,” drama was              M.D.P. Samadhi                culturally.
should be popularized and
promoted.                       chosen as the best drama.       Wickramarathna from                  Sandamali Senevirathne
Promoting the bilingual tradition at the Provincial Council level
4                                                                                   Vibhasha 2013 December – January

                                                                                          relocated to Geli Oya         in particular those
                                                                                          and worked at a teaching      that women faced, in
                                                                                          post at Zahira Vidyalaya      connection with the
                                                                                          in Gampola, until she         magazine “Nee Pori
                                                                                          retired. The literary         Mangai”.
                                                                                          life of Naima Siddik              Naima Siddik was
                                                                                          commenced during her          honoured during the Up
                                                                                          stay in Gelioya.              Country literary festival
                                                                                              During her stay           in 1986 and in the Uva
                                                                                          in Haputale, as she           Province (her birthplace)
                                                                                          was a reporter in             in 1994 appreciating
Information about the great                                                               the Chinthamani               her literary and social
 writers who lit the lamp of                                                              Newspaper, she had            services.
friendship for facilitation of                                                            connections with Tamil
great writers, was published                                                                                                Apart from this,
                                                                                          newspapers. Renewing          she was also honoured
    in the previous issue.
                                         Lighting lamps in                                these connections she
                                                                                          began writing short
                                                                                                                        in 2002, during the
The appreciation this time is                                                                                           International Islamic
of the writer Naima Siddik.             appreciation of great                             stories and poems to          Literary Festival.
                                                                                          those newspapers.
                                             authors.                                         Her first novel was
                                                                                                                        During the same year she
                                                                                                                        was honoured with the

                   Naima Siddik
                                                                                          “Vaalaika Padangu.”Later      Kala Booshana Gaurawa
                                                                                          she published several         honorary Title.
                                                                                          short story magazines.            While being a
                                                                                          Collected short stories       dedicated mother to
    Among the 2013               entered the Passara          who go to work. Later       were published as             three daughters, she
facilitation of great            Central Collage. Before      Naima, who became           “Vaalaika Suwadugal,”         continued her literary
writers was Naima                beginning to write           the Secretary of Abdul      “Vaalaika Vannangal,”         work even after retiring
Siddik. Other than being         she began with social        Azis’s Democratic Estate    and “Vaalaika                 from teaching. A
a writer, she fulfilled          services.                    Workers Congress,           Veleyvugal.”                  veteran translator,
great service as a teacher                                    devoted her time to              She has an important     Upali Leelarathna has
                                     While being a
and as an activist in                                         solving the problems of     place in the field of Tamil   translated Naima’s
                                 student she opened
Trade Unions. Naima                                           the workers. During this    literature, as someone        “Vaalaika Suwadugal,”
                                 a small school in a
Siddik who was born in                                        time, she obtained a post   focusing specially on the     short story book into a
                                 building owned by
Haputale in the Badulla                                       as a teacher. That was to   many problems that the        Sinhala edition “Jeevana
                                 her father, who was a
District, had her primary                                     the Kahagolla Muslim        Muslim people face in         Piya Satahan,” and
                                 businessman, and taught
education in the village                                      College.                    their lives.                  during the facilitation
                                 children of poverty
and was successful in the        stricken estate labourers.       While being in the                                    festival it was launched.
scholarship examination                                                                        She wrote many
                                                              teaching profession, she    letters and essays                       Kamal Perera
after which she entered              She also took steps
                                                              passed the Teaching         about her race and                            Secretary,
the Kathankudi Madya             to establish a night
                                                              Diploma examination.        the many common                        Sinhala Tamil Co
Vidyalaya. Later, she            school to teach people
                                                              After her marriage she      social problems, and                           operative

   The National Association of Sri Lankan Writers expands
    Steps have been taken to            has already covered the                The Minister of Culture           required from the authors to
strengthen the membership               administrative districts of the    and Arts, Mr. T.B. Ekanayake          create a country which has a
registry of the National                island and had commenced           stated recently at the Authors’       National Association of Sri
Association of Sri Lankan               establishing district              Executive Committee that              Lankan Writers. He said that
Writers.                                level registration of the          the National Association              he greatly appreciates the
                                        organization.                      of Sri Lankan Writers was             assistance that is already being
    According to this, authors
                                                                           going to be incorporated by a         given by the generation of
belonging to different ethnic               The National Association
                                                                           Parliamentary Act.                    authors of this country.
groups such as Sinhala, Tamil           which was established by a
and Muslim are already being            Parliamentary Act, has begun           The minister stated that              An appeal is sent to
formally included in a registry         a number of long and short         he had given instructions             the authors who are living
of names.                               term activities, including         to the relevant officers to           everywhere in this country
                                        the setting up of a Centre         make a draft, for the act             to let these facts be spread
    The National Association
                                        in the capital, to encourage       and to present it to the legal        by joining the National
of Sri Lankan Writers which
                                        the progress of authors and        department for approval,              Association of Sri Lankan
had been established recently,
                                        literature.                        and that a great assistance is        writers.
Vibhasha 2013 December – January                                                                                                                                                                                      5

National Trilingual Work Programme
and its implementation     4th Part

 (From the
       the previous
           previous issue)

                                                                                   the economic
                                                                                   difficulties thatthat
                                                                                  the middle
                                                                                  class was
                                                                                        It was
                                                                                  definitely not not
                                                                            primarily aa conflict
                                                                    from the the grassroots,
                                                                       between the   the Sinhala
                                                                       and Tamil
                                                                             Tamil citizens.
                                                                                       citizens.            2022?
                                                                                                             2022?                                                  language
                                                                                                                                                                     language away  away fromfrom thethe deep
                                                                    Consider aa statement
                                                                                      statement                    Today
                                                                                                                    Today the   the extent
                                                                                                                                      extent of  of the
                                                                                                                                                    the             dangers
                                                                                                                                                                     dangers of knowledge” (the
                                                                                                                                                                                  of  knowledge”         (the
                                                      that a veteran educationalist
                                                             a veteran     educationalist Mr.     Mr.       knowledge
                                                                                                             knowledge of        of the
                                                                                                                                     the English
                                                                                                                                           English                  translation
                                                                                                                                                                     translation is    is ours)
                                                                                                                                                                                          ours) is is another
                                                      J.R. Jayasuriya
                                                            Jayasuriya has  has made
                                                                                   made in  in our
                                                                                                our         Language
                                                                                                             Language among     among the  the general
                                                                                                                                                 general            goal
                                                                                                                                                                     goal ofof the
                                                                                                                                                                                the implementation
                                                                                                                                                                                      implementation of          of the
      “An                                            country
                                                      country in  in the
                                                                       the 1950’s                           population
                                                                                                             population is       is limited
                                                                                                                                     limited to  to saying          trilingual
                                                                                                                                                                     trilingual policy”.
      “An example
              example of     of conflicts
                                conflicts                                   1950’s                                                                   saying                          policy”.
relating                                                   ‘Generally,
                                                            ‘Generally, therethere is is no                 “Good
                                                                                                             “Good Morning” in the morning.
                                                                                                                          Morning”         in  the                        We
                                                                                                                                                                           We should
                                                                                                                                                                                 should “know”
                                                                                                                                                                                             “know” what
relating to  to languages
                  languages which which                                                  no                                                          morning.                                            what
had                                                  entrenched
                                                      entrenched hatred between the
                                                                        hatred     between                  Sometimes
                                                                                                             Sometimes ifif the      the question
                                                                                                                                           question “How            “knowledge”
                                                                                                                                                                     “knowledge” is.      is. For
                                                                                                                                                                                               For example,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     example, the
had taken
       taken placeplace in in collision
                               collision                                                        the                                                      “How                                                       the
prone                                                Sinhala
                                                      Sinhala and and Tamil
                                                                         Tamil peoples.
                                                                                   peoples. Very            are
                                                                                                             are you?”
                                                                                                                   you?” is    is asked
                                                                                                                                  asked fromfrom one                mobile
                                                                                                                                                                     mobile telephone
                                                                                                                                                                                 telephone that  that isis used
                                                                                                                                                                                                           used to
prone regions
          regions in    in Belgium
                            Belgium and  and                                                     Very                                               one                                                             to
Canada                                               often
                                                      often they
                                                               they live
                                                                      live amicably
                                                                            amicably without                person
                                                                                                             person among  among them, them, he  he is
                                                                                                                                                     is capable     aa certain
                                                                                                                                                                        certain extent
                                                                                                                                                                                    extent is is being
                                                                                                                                                                                                 being usedused as
Canada may   may be   be due
                           due toto incorrect
                                     incorrect                                              without                                                      capable                                                   as
implementation                                       any
                                                      any conflict.
                                                            conflict.””                                     of
                                                                                                             of replying
                                                                                                                  replying “fine”.                                  life
                                                                                                                                                                     life skills,
                                                                                                                                                                          skills, by by people
                                                                                                                                                                                          people who who cannot
implementation of           of languages”
                               languages”                                                                                        “fine”.                                                                      cannot
says                                                       The
                                                            The “vision”
                                                                  “vision” of   of the
                                                                                    the draft                      Is
                                                                                                                    Is itit this
                                                                                                                            this skill
                                                                                                                                   skill (until
                                                                                                                                          (until nownow only        speak
                                                                                                                                                                     speak or  or write
                                                                                                                                                                                   write Sinhala,
                                                                                                                                                                                            Sinhala, let let alone
says the professor. As
       the   professor.        As wewe have
                                         have                                            draft                                                             only                                                alone
stated                                               states
                                                      states that
                                                               that “Sri
                                                                      “Sri Lanka
                                                                            Lanka should
                                                                                       should be            about
                                                                                                             about 1%) that is expected of
                                                                                                                       1%)      that   is expected                  English.
stated this
          this belief
                  belief earlier,
                            earlier, the
                                       the                                                        be                                                     of          English.
following                                            aa trilingual
                                                        trilingual nation
                                                                        nation within
                                                                                   within the               aa trilingual
                                                                                                               trilingual society?
                                                                                                                                 society? Is   Is this
                                                                                                                                                  this also               This
                                                                                                                                                                           This is is not
                                                                                                                                                                                      not duedue aa Ten
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ten Year
following is     is an
                    an extract
                          extract from
                                    from thethe                                               the                                                        also                                                Year
speech                                               next
                                                      next tenten years."
                                                                   years." (The (The translation            the
                                                                                                             the Sinhala,
                                                                                                                   Sinhala, Tamil Tamil language
                                                                                                                                             language skill         National
                                                                                                                                                                     National implementation
                                                                                                                                                                                    implementation or
speech given by a member of
           given      by   a member       of our
                                              our                                      translation                                                         skill                                              or
experimental                                         is
                                                      is ours.Pg
                                                         ours.Pg 20).20). TheThe same
                                                                                    same fact               that
                                                                                                             that is is expected
                                                                                                                          expected from from aa person              aa special
                                                                                                                                                                        special training.
                                                                                                                                                                                   training. It   It is
                                                                                                                                                                                                     is aa skill
experimental team.     team.                                                                 fact                                                   person                                                  skill
      “Somalia                                       was
                                                      was stated
                                                             stated inin the
                                                                          the speech
                                                                                 speech by                  who
                                                                                                             who does does not not speak
                                                                                                                                      speak Sinhala                 developed
                                                                                                                                                                     developed due    due to to necessity
                                                                                                                                                                                                necessity and
      “Somalia is     is aa country
                             country which
                                         which                                              by                                                  Sinhala                                                         and
has                                                  Mr.
                                                      Mr. Fernando
                                                            Fernando and    and Professor                   and
                                                                                                             and from
                                                                                                                    from aa person
                                                                                                                                 person who   who does              experience
                                                                                                                                                                     experience in     in usage.
has one language and
      one    language        and one
                                   one                                             Professor                                                         does                                  usage.
religion.                                            Dharmadasa
                                                      Dharmadasa who      who interpreted
                                                                                  interpreted this          not
                                                                                                             not speak
                                                                                                                    speak Tamil?Tamil? TodayToday there                   2009
                                                                                                                                                                           2009 was was declared
                                                                                                                                                                                           declared to  to bebe aa
religion. Yet   Yet aa large
                         large number
                                 number of   of                                                      this                                             there
people                                               similarly
                                                      similarly in  in his
                                                                        his letter.                         are
                                                                                                             are job
                                                                                                                   job application
                                                                                                                           application forms  forms that            year    of  English      (and   Information
people have have divided
                    divided themselves
                                 themselves                                  letter.                                                                   that          year of English (and Information
into                                                       The
                                                            The entire
                                                                  entire population
                                                                            population should               are
                                                                                                             are printed
                                                                                                                   printed in    in English
                                                                                                                                      English available             Technology.)
                                                                                                                                                                     Technology.) Already Already one  one year
into small
        small groups
                  groups and  and they
                                    they are
                                           are                                                 should                                             available                                                    year
fighting                                             be
                                                      be proficient
                                                          proficient in   in the
                                                                              the English                   in
                                                                                                             in the
                                                                                                                  the open
                                                                                                                        open market.
                                                                                                                                  market. The   The job             has
                                                                                                                                                                     has lapsed
                                                                                                                                                                           lapsed fromfrom the the trilingual
fighting among themselves. Due
             among        themselves.       Due                                     English                                                           job                                           trilingual
to                                                   Language
                                                      Language by    by 2021-2.
                                                                          2021-2. At   At the
                                                                                            the time        applicant
                                                                                                             applicant has only to give
                                                                                                                               has  only    to   give his           time
                                                                                                                                                                     time limit.
to this
    this reason,
           reason, therethere is is no
                                    no stable
                                         stable                                                  time                                                   his                  limit.
government                                           of
                                                      of writing (Poson Poya Day 2012)
                                                         writing     (Poson       Poya   Day                name,
                                                                                                             name, addressaddress and  and identity
                                                                                                                                              identity card               According
                                                                                                                                                                           According to      to this
                                                                                                                                                                                                this scheme
government in        in the
                          the country”.
                               country”. (This
                                             (This                                               2012)                                                    card                                         scheme
is                                                   the
                                                      the television
                                                           television is   is showing
                                                                               showing scenes               number
                                                                                                             number to       to an
                                                                                                                                 an English
                                                                                                                                      English based                 the
                                                                                                                                                                     the general
                                                                                                                                                                          general population
                                                                                                                                                                                       population is     is in
                                                                                                                                                                                                             in the
is our brief translated extract)
   our    brief    translated      extract)                                                  scenes                                               based                                                          the
      We                                             of
                                                      of aa large
                                                             large population,
                                                                     population, toddlers,                  computer
                                                                                                             computer programme programme and      and get          same
                                                                                                                                                                     same place
                                                                                                                                                                              place as as in
                                                                                                                                                                                           in 2009
                                                                                                                                                                                               2009 as as itit was
      We cancan obtain
                    obtain aa very
                                 very recent
                                        recent                                         toddlers,                                                          get                                                  was
example                                              children,
                                                      children, young
                                                                    young men, men, young                   his    application         form     completed.          in
                                                                                                                                                                     in June
                                                                                                                                                                         June 2011.
                                                                                                                                                                                 2011. So  So we
                                                                                                                                                                                               we can
                                                                                                                                                                                                    can seesee asas aa
example from   from the the Middle
                              Middle East.
                                         East.                                          young                his application form completed.
Severe                                               women,
                                                      women, elderly laymen and
                                                                  elderly     laymen                        What
                                                                                                             What is   is the
                                                                                                                            the point,
                                                                                                                                  point, ifif this
                                                                                                                                                this life
                                                                                                                                                      life skill    public
                                                                                                                                                                     public declaration
                                                                                                                                                                                declaration but   but not
                                                                                                                                                                                                        not much
Severe conflicts
           conflicts are   are observed
                                observed                                                   and                                                             skill                                               much
still                                                laywomen,
                                                      laywomen, who    who are  are engaged
                                                                                     engaged in             is
                                                                                                             is limited
                                                                                                                 limited only  only to to aa few?                   else.
                                                                                                                                                                     else. Anyone
                                                                                                                                                                            Anyone can    can see
                                                                                                                                                                                                see and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and travel
still in
       in the
           the Arab
                  Arab countries
                           countries                                                              in                                          few?                                                           travel
where                                                religious
                                                      religious activities
                                                                   activities crowding
                                                                                   crowding near                   AA job
                                                                                                                        job applicant
                                                                                                                               applicant shouldshould gain          in
                                                                                                                                                                     in the expressway that had
                                                                                                                                                                         the   expressway        that   had been
where divisions
           divisions had   had been
                                 been made
                                         made                                                    near                                                     gain                                                  been
sometimes                                            the
                                                      the Ruwan
                                                           Ruwan Weli  Weli Seya.                           the
                                                                                                             the English
                                                                                                                   English proficiency
                                                                                                                                  proficiency to    to discuss      opened
                                                                                                                                                                     opened by    by His
                                                                                                                                                                                      His Excellency
                                                                                                                                                                                             Excellency the
sometimes due      due to to religions
                              religions andand                                  Seya.                                                                   discuss                                                the
sects                                                      Actually,
                                                            Actually, can can anyone                        the
                                                                                                             the facts
                                                                                                                   facts thatthat are
                                                                                                                                    are shown
                                                                                                                                          shown in   in the
                                                                                                                                                         the job    President
                                                                                                                                                                     President and   and appreciate
                                                                                                                                                                                            appreciate it.   it. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 It is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     is aa
sects butbut there
               there are are nono divisions
                                   divisions                                     anyone                                                                       job
due                                                  believe
                                                      believe that
                                                                 that the
                                                                        the Tri-lingual                     application          form.                              marvelous         programme.           But    what
due to to language.
           language.                                                          Tri-lingual                    application form.                                       marvelous programme. But what
      The history
              history of   of Sri
                              Sri Lanka’s
                                   Lanka’s           Advisory
                                                      Advisory Committee
                                                                     Committee and     and thethe                  It
                                                                                                                    It is
                                                                                                                       is doubtful
                                                                                                                            doubtful whether
                                                                                                                                           whether therethere       about
                                                                                                                                                                     about the the Language
                                                                                                                                                                                     Language Expressway?
Sinhala-Tamil                                        Honourable
                                                      Honourable President
                                                                         President would                    is
                                                                                                             is aa clear
                                                                                                                    clear interpretation
                                                                                                                              interpretation indicated
Sinhala-Tamil conflict indicates
                        conflict     indicates                                           would                                                      indicated
that                                                 observe
                                                      observe thatthat atat least
                                                                             least aa part
                                                                                        part ofof this      about
                                                                                                             about the  the trilingual
                                                                                                                               trilingual proficiency
that itit was
          was started
                  started by  by the
                                  the                                                              this                                        proficiency                                                Next
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Next issue
discussions                                          population,
                                                      population, would would be   be to
                                                                                       to some              of
                                                                                                             of citizens at
                                                                                                                 citizens       at any
                                                                                                                                    any instance
                                                                                                                                          instance in   in the
discussions about   about divisions
                              divisions                                                     some                                                            the                AmaradasaWeerasinha
by                                                   extent
                                                      extent tri-lingual,
                                                                tri-lingual, when when they                 draft.
by gentlemen, the
    gentlemen,          the thoughtless
                              thoughtless                                                  they              draft.                                                                        Cultural
                                                                                                                                                                                            Cultural Magazine
behaviour                                            will
                                                      will bebe engaged
                                                                 engaged in    in their
                                                                                   their religious                 According
                                                                                                                    According to       to Mr.
                                                                                                                                           Mr. Sunimal,
behaviour of      of political
                      political gentlemen,
                                   gentlemen,                                              religious                                             Sunimal,                        An
                                                                                                                                                                                 An excerpt
                                                                                                                                                                                    excerpt from
                                                                                                                                                                                            from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the February
the                                                  activities
                                                      activities on on Poson
                                                                          Poson Poya Poya Day               who
                                                                                                             who states in his speech, “Taking
                                                                                                                     states     in  his   speech,                                                  2013
                                                                                                                                                                                                   2013 issue.
the work
      work related
                related problems
                            problems and  and                                                Day                                                      “Taking                                            issue.
6                                                                                      Vibhasha 2013 December – January

     The literature of                                                                                                      had come forward,
Sri Lanka’s famous                                                                                                          comparatively due to
author Mr. Martin                                                                                                           the influence of Tamil
Wickramasinghe was                                                                                                          Nadu, the Sri Lankan
a literary tradition                                                                                                        Tamil arts and cultures
that was honoured                                                                                                           have not advanced:
not only in Sri Lanka                                                                                                       there is no (Sri Lankan)
but all over the world.                                                                                                     Tamil Cinema, there is
Many books including                                                                                                        no (Sri Lankan) Tamil
“Gamperaliya,                                                                                                               Drama. Nothing called
Kaliyugaya,                                                                                                                 the art of translation.
Yuganthaya, Madol                                                                                                           The author depends on
Duwa, Viragaya, Ape                                                                                                         his skill to carry out his
Gama” have been the
source of great admiration
by people. It has been
                              I am not unfamiliar with                                                                   duties.There are drama
                                                                                                                         schools in India. We do
                                                                                                                         not have such institutions.
observed during this
time, that the Tamil
population as well as
                                 Sinhala experiences                                                                     Due to this reason the
                                                                                                                         birth of (Sri Lankan)
                                                                                                                         Tamil creativity has been
the Sinhala population                                                                                                   subject to a great set back.
had a great liking for                          By R. Shadagopan Ramaiyah                                                The other problem that
Mr. Wickramasinghe’s                                                                                                     we face is our inability to
literature.                   Earlier Mr.                    is conveying a creativity      had related in the book
                                                                                                                         market (sell) the literary
                              Wickramasinghe’s               about his childhood            “Apey Gama”, were
    Therefore, “The                                                                                                      creations that are even
                              “Gamperaliya, Madol            in a Sinhala village           similar to the experiences
Martin Wickramasinghe                                                                                                    produced occasionally.
                              Duwa, Selected Short           environment in Koggala,        in my village in hilly
Trust Fund” has made                                                                                                     The Tamil author who
                              Stories” and others had        relating the sentimental,      Nawalapitiya, in the
arrangements to translate                                                                                                writes a book has to
                              been translated into           sensitive and vivid            Sinhala areas.
many books by Mr.                                                                                                        pay for the production
                              the Tamil language.            experiences that he had        I learnt deeply about the
Martin Wickramasinghe                                                                                                    and distribute and
                              Translating the book           received there.                trees and plants and the
in to the Tamil language.                                                                                                market it himself. The
                              “Apey Gama” into the           He made use of stories like    village environment that
    The books that had        Tamil language was                                                                         opportunities that are
                                                             “Apey Gama” to translate       are related in this book.
been translated into the      not my idea. This was                                                                      present for the Sinhala
                                                             to suit the present, the       Then I realized that trees
Tamil language are the        done under the Martin                                                                      literature and writers are
                                                             various incidents that         like Madan, Bovitiya
novels “Gamperaliya”          Wickramasinghe Trust                                                                       not there for the Tamil
                                                             had happened in society        and Aththana were not
translated by Professor       Fund, due to a request                                                                     writers. More often, Tamil
                                                             during that time.              endemic to Koggala.
Uvasis, “MadolDuwa” by        made to me by Mr.                                                                          authors write books only
Mr. Sundaram Saumyam,                                        It is the birth place of Mr.   I found out Tamil words      due to the great liking and
                              Wickramasinghe’s son Mr.
and “Selected Short                                          Martin Wickramasinghe          that were similar to the     appreciation for literature.
                              Ranga Wickramasinghe.
Stories” by Professor                                        that is portrayed in this      words that were describing   So far, there had been
                              I received an award for
Sabha Deva Rasa.                                             village environment.           the trees and plants.        nobody who had come
                              the best translation of
    The translator whom       “Apey Gama” into Tamil         In this way he describes       What are the special         forward and asked them
we are going to introduce     on September 11th at the       the ruralness of Koggala,      common features that you     to write.
today in Vibasha is the       Sri Lanka Foundation           a village in Galle, through    observe in Sinhala Culture   If you can speak about your
author Mr Shadagopan          Institute during the           the book “Apey Gama”.          and Tamil Culture in Sri     literary creations…
Ramaiyah.                     Godage Awards                  When I am enjoying Mr.         Lanka?                       I translated author
     We will be discussing    Ceremony. “Apey Gama”          Wickramasinghe’s books, I      Taking into consideration    Bandupala Guruge’s
his translated works,         reveals the Sinhala village    feel as if I too had similar   all the cosmopolitian        “Senehasin Upan Daruwo”
literary works and many       environment, Sinhala           experiences during my          subjects of the world of     into Tamil. Also I am a
other skills . The great      village usages and the         childhood.                     art, specially the cinema,   descendant of a section
Wickramasinghe’s “Ape         features of Sinhala culture.   When I was translating         dramas, translations,        of those living in the
Gama” book had been           Taking a Tamil village, did    this story, I added certain    short stories, books and     estates of the hill country.
translated to the Tamil       its culture, its environment   things creatively and          looking at it overall, the   Because I was thinking
language by Shadagopan        and its usages seem more       presented them.                biggest obstacle that the    of speaking something
Ramaiyah.                     special than in a Sinhala      The environment                Tamil race faces is the      about them, that I wrote
     He received the award    village?                       that I lived in was a          South Indian influence.      the book “Sinhala Vathu
for the best translation      Mr. Martin                     hilly (Nawalapitiya)           The other reason, when       Kamkaruwange Kathawa”.
during the Godage             Wickramasinghe spoke           environment. Near our          looking at dramas and the    I translated Anula De
Literary Awards Festival.     about his experiences          village were Sinhala           cinema, Tamil dramas         Silva’s “Thiththa Kopi”
                              during his life from the       villages. I saw that the       are faced with a more        into Tamil.
Can you describe how
                              age 9 to 11. At that time      experiences and the            dangerous set back than      How has this war that
you got the inclination to
                              Mr. Wickramasinghe’s age       similarities that Mr.          the Sinhala dramas.
translate a book like “Apey
Gama”?                        was about 40 years. He         Martin Wickramasinghe          Even if Sinhala culture          Continued to page 11
Vibhasha 2013 December – January                                                                                                                  7

Recourse, if your Language
                                                                                                                         The fifth step of a
                                                                                                                          series of leaflets

Rights are violated
                                                                                                                        published with the
                                                                                                                         goal of imparting
                                                                                                                           knowledge of
                                                                                                                        Language Rights to
     Provisions on the                                                                    of language rights               communities.
subject of Language in                                                                    violations.
the LLRC report were
regularly mentioned in
                                                                                               At a recent Training         1978
                                                                                          workshop for regional
the Sri Lankan media in                                                                   trainers of a civil society    Constitution
the recent past, and even                                                                 project promoting
commented upon by the                                                                     the language rights                 the 1978
UN High Commissioner                                                                                                    Constitution was
                                                                                          of minorities, human
for Human Rights Ms                                                                                                     established including
                                                                                          rights lawyer and
Navi Pillay. This might                                                                                                 a chapter about the
                                                                                          language rights advocate
make you wonder why                                                                                                     implementation of
                                                                                          S. G. Punchihewa talked
language is given the                                                                                                   fundamental rights
                                                                                          about language rights
important place that                                                                                                          Yet it was difficult,
                                                                                          in Sri Lanka and also         even through this to
it is. Perhaps you feel                                                                   outlined the various          implement the Tamil
that this is an issue that   to giving an equal            hitting her.                  institutions and entities      language rights
affects only other people    importance to the                  Consider, finally        that exist, from which we            The fact that it could
in other areas, and is       languages of a country        another recent case of a      can seek redress in the        be implemented was
not really your business.    where we are all equal as     desperate woman who           event our language rights      stated in the constitution
Language is believed to      citizens.                     went to a police station      are violated - these being     12(2)
be a significant factor           Imagine the plight       to make a complaint,          the Supreme Court,             This reads as follows.
in the ethnic conflict in    of a poor woman from a        as a last resort, that her    the Official Languages               "No citizen
Sri Lanka, and although      remote area like Vavunia      husband drinks and            Commission, the Human          should be subjected
hostilities have ceased,     who came to Colombo,          beats her badly. Her          Rights Commission, and         to any harassment or
sometimes the deep           to visit her sick son. She    complaint was in Tamil,       the Consumer Affairs           discrimination due to
resentment has not.          is sitting alone exhausted,   but there was no officer      Authority.                     reasons such as race,
But on a positive note,      hungry, waiting for the       at the police station                                        religion, gender, political
                                                                                              Seeking legal             affiliation or similar
notable achievements         bus back to her village       who could write in            recourse through the           reasons"
have been made in the        and it is almost 8 pm in      Tamil, so the statement       Supreme Court can be a               Yet in this
recent past towards          the evening, transport        was written in Sinhala,       very expensive procedure       constitution, due to the
achieving a goal of          notifications are only        and she had to sign it.       requiring special lawyers      fact that the Sinhala
language equality in Sri     read out in Sinhala which     Her constitutionally          to be hired in Colombo,        Language was the
Lanka.                       she does not understand,      ensured language rights       and should be used             national Language, is it
     Langauge as a media     she wants to ask someone      (the right to use her         only as a last resort,         wrong not to conduct
of communication is          for information and there     mother tongue) were           for serious issues with        official work in the Tamil
fundamental to our           are hardly any woman in       violated in this case, but    national significance, he      Language?
very existence as human      sight, she is afraid.         this also resulted in a       advised.                             Isnt the violation
beings. In Sri Lanka,             Imagine a traffic        human rights violation                                       of fundamental
                                                                                              Aside from that,
a separate Ministry,         accident where a young        where she suffered later                                     rights included in the
                                                                                         there are many ways
namely the Ministry          motorcyclist has suffered     in the case as accurate                                      constitution ?
                                                                                         for a person to seek           1. in this situation what
of National Languages        a fall and is injured and     information had not
                                                                                         redress - for example if       could be the practical
and Social Integration,      in pain, but is being         been recorded. These are
                                                                                         they find a product or         result?
headed by Hon. Minister      hassled by the police         true cases which were
                                                                                         encounter an institution       2. What happens to a
Vasudeva Nanayakkara,        officers in a language he     recently recorded from
                                                                                         which has instructions or      right which arises from
has been set up to           doesn’t understand, and       bilingual areas of Sri
                                                                                         information in only one        the constitution?
address the issue of         they ask him questions        Lanka.
                                                                                         language, they may even
language equality as         which he cant answer,              In cases like this one   consider complaining             Centre for Policy
a priority. This and         and they become               can submit a complaint        to the OLC sighting the            Alternatives
a number of other            angry with him. Or a          to the Human Rights           Consumer Protection
institutions in Sri lanka    pregnant woman who            Commission and also to                                           24/2, 28th Lane
                                                                                         Authority as respondent.
work hard to promote         did not understand the        the Official Languages                                            Flower Road,
and protect the language                                                                      In the case of                  Colombo 7.
                             instructions a nurse gave     Commission, two
rights of all.                                                                           language issues                +94 (11) 2565304 /5 / 6
                             her in Sinhala which          institutions which
                                                                                         encountered in a public
     There is a              resulted in the nurse         monitor and assist people
humanitarian aspect          losing her temper and                                                              
                                                           to find recourse in cases                   See page 14
8                                                                                         Vibhasha 2013 December – January

            Two more international awards for the
                 bilingual newspaper “ADA”.
     Focussing on the Sinhala and Tamil                creative establishments in Sri Lanka,
 New Year celebrations, the “ADA” daily                Leo Burnnett Company had been
 national newspaper, who published a                   working hand in hand with StarCom
 special Sinhala Tamil bilingual “Unity                Colombo, the Colombo Branch of the
 Paper”, has won two international                     Starcom Media Company which had
 awards, one in the outreach section and               won international fame. Before this, the
 also a silver award at the Spikes Asia                “ADA” bilingual newspaper had won
 2013 Festival of Creativity which had                 a Bronze award for the “Best Printing
 been held in Singapore.                               Method” at the 60th Cannes Lions
                                                       International Festival of Creativity that
     In order to assist the “ADA” daily
                                                       was held in France, and was selected
 national newspaper, in producing this
                                                       in the category of marketing of
 innovative policy, one of the primary
                                                       promotional lettering design usage.

    Grade 7 Student with first place in
    Tamil reading, gets a Cash Award
Pasan Ramawickrama – Matara District                    The police officers of the Matara Police
                                                   Station had arranged a felicitation ceremony
                                                                                                         through the
     W.G. Samadhi Wijewardana who is
                                                   to honour Samadhi. During this ceremony,
in Grade 7 of the Central Collage Kirinda,
                                                   the Inspector General of Police, Deshabandu
Puhuluwella, Matara has won the first place
                                                   Mr. Tennakoon had made arrangements to
in the Students All Island Tamil Reading
                                                   present her with a gift of rupees ten thousand.
Contest 2013. She had won the 7th place in
the Samastha Lanka Tamil Reading Contest               Other than this, the “Feelan Association”
that was held in 2012. This student’s father       of Matara had given her a gift of rupees
Mr. Mahesh Wijewardana had disappeared             twenty thousand.                                            News published in
during the 2004 Tsunami and her mother
                                                       Meanwhile, Police Inspector Mr.                       several Sinhala and
Mrs. D. K. Gamage (5292) is presently a
Police Officer in the Matara Police Station.
                                                   Prashantha Hemal had made arrangements                    Tamil Newspapers
                                                   to award her a scholarship for progress, in her
She has a younger sister aged 4 years.
                                                   education.                                                  the Sri Lankan

     Certificates for the
   group that finished the
   Tamil Training Course.
  R.Gunaratna – Millaniya.
       Certificates were presented recently by the
  Kalutara District Secretary Mr. U.D.C. Jayalal to
  the second group who had successfully completed
  the Tamil Training Course that was held free in
  the Divisional Secretariat, Millaniya.
       Under the advice of the Milleniya Divisional
  Secretary Mrs. Buddhini Gunawardana, Mr. G.
  Vanaraj, the Infrastructure Facilities Development
  Officer had continuously conducted their classes
  for several years at the Millaniya DS Office
      This training course that had been conducted
  by government officers and people who lived
  there, had been immensely popular.
Vibhasha 2013 December – January                                                                                                                     9
                                                 Within two weeks orders                                   A Practical Sinhala Tamil
                                                 have to be implemented.                                   English Dictionary is published
                                                 The Human Rights Commission emphasizes                   Lawrence Selvanayagam.
                                                                                                          Thinakaran – 2013.08.08
                                                 Sudaroli – 2013.10.15
                                                                                                               The Ministry of National Languages and
                                                    The orders that had been issued by the
                                                                                                          Social Integration has compiled and published a
                                                 Human Rights Commission are required to
                                                                                                          handy and practical Sinhala, Tamil, and English
                                                 be implemented within two weeks, says this
                                                                                                          trilingual dictionary.
                                                                                                               This is the first general dictionary that had
                                                     The Human Rights Commission had stated
                                                                                                          been published by the state. The Ministry states
                                                 that legal action would be taken against any
                                                                                                          that this is a great asset for government officials
                                                 Heads of Departments who have been unable to
                                                                                                          who carry out their duties in the national
                                                 implement these orders.
                                                                                                          trilingual languages of the country, for people in
                                                    Many complaints had been received by the              ordinary offices and for generations of students.
                                                 Human Rights Commission, saying that some
                                                                                                              The Ministry further states that the goal is to
                                                 heads of departments had not carried out the
                                                                                                          broaden and enhance the trilingual knowledge
                                                 orders that had been given.
                                                                                                          among the population of Sri Lanka, and
                                                     The Commission also states that a separate           arrangements had been made to observe this
                                                 investigation would be carried out regarding             globally through the internet.

e media eye                                      the complaints. The Chairman of the Sri Lanka
                                                 Human Rights Commission, Mr. Priyantha
                                                 Fernando had discussed his problem with His
                                                                                                              Also, this trilingual dictionary has been
                                                                                                          created to assist teaching establishments, officers
                                                                                                          in government offices, educationists and also
                                                 Excellency President Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa.
                                                                                                          those who are engaged in research
                                                     This decision that had been taken by the
                                                                                                             Using the internet, the web address to be
                                                 Human Rights Commission had been sent to the
                                                                                                          used www.trilingualdictionary .lk
                                                 legal department for inclusion in the legal draft.
                                                 Meanwhile, this legal draft is to be presented to            Copies of the above practical dictionary have
                                                 the parliament to be passed.                             been officially handed over to the Ministry of
   popular media                                                                                          Public Administration, and CD’s containing this
   reflect how the                                                                                        dictionary have been given to all departments,
 bilingual problems                                                                                       according to an official of this Ministry.

   are questioned.
                                                                                         If the Tamil language had also been an
                                                                                        official language there would have been
                                                                                                    no ethnic problems.
     Letters should be sent in the Tamil Language
       request the Pradeshiya Sabha Members                                           Minister Tissa Vitharana said
    Weerakesari – 2013.08.25                                                             Sudaroli – 2013.10.07

          Elected members had expressed their dissatisfaction that letters written        Hon Minister Mr. Tissa Vitharana said that the national
    in English had been sent to the Jaffna Pradeshiya Sabha, without translating      problem of Sri Lanka had not yet been solved. The Minister stated
    them into Tamil and had appealed to the Chairman of the Pradeshiya Sabha          this taking part in the ceremony of laying a wreath in the statue
    to get the letters translated into the Tamil Language according to the existing   of the late leftist politician Mr. Pieter Keuneman in Maradana,
    trilingual policy.                                                                honouring his 96th birth anniversary,on the 5th October. He
        Letters written in English giving information about the development           further stated there, that there is still no establishment of peace
    work programmes and other facts in an Eastern Pradeshiya Sabhawa have             and harmony in the country. The ethnic problem is still existing in
    been given to the members without being translated into the Tamil language.       the country. There had been no solution for it yet.
        Many members who had no knowledge of the English language being                   If action had been taken during that time to make both
    unable to understand the information in these letters, face many difficulties     languages national languages as appealed by leftist leaders like Mr.
    and they have come to a state that they are compelled to seek assistance from     Pieter Keuneman including other leaders, this present problem
    others. In some instances, they have been in a state where they had said          would not have occurred. Against this, a main reason for this
    incorrect facts due to misunderstanding the information.                          problem, was making the Sinhala Language only the national
        The members had pointed out the English letters and the problems that         language and implementing it. Therefore, the necessity for making
    they face due to these, and had appealed to the Chairman to refrain from          both the Sinhala and Tamil languages into Official languages is
    allowing this injustice in the future and appealed to provide them with Tamil     now apparent
    translations of the English letters.
10                                                                                               Vibhasha 2013 December – January
    Minister Tissa Vitharana said

       A Quality Future
    Sudaroli – 2013.10.07
    The veteran Minister Mr. Tissa Vitharana said that the national problem of Sri Lanka
    had not yet been solved. The Minister stated this taking part in the ceremony of laying
Generation as a result of
    a wreath in the statue of the late leftist politician Mr. Pieter Keuneman in Maradana,
    honouring his 96th birth anniversary, the day before yesterday. He further stated there,

   Bilingual Education.
    that there is still no establishment of peace and harmony in the country. The ethnic
    problem is still existing in the country. There had been no solution for it yet.
    If action had been taken during that time to make both languages national languages as
    appealed by
   Priyantha     leftist leaders like Mr. Pieter Keuneman including among leaders, this
    present problem   would (Bilingual
   Director of Education     not have occurred.  Against this, the reason for this problem,
    was making the Sinhala Language only the national language and implementing it.
    Therefore, the necessity for making both the Sinhala and Tamil languages into Official
    Although   only limited
    languages is now apparent           The first part of this letter
research has been conducted                      which discusses the place
P10 eh progress of bilingual
about                                                                                       acquisition of a language is          implementation of this concept
                                                 of bilingual education
education in Sri Lanka some                                                                 a subconscious action, while          when considering the expected
ideaAcan  Quality      Future      Generation          due    to bilingual
                                                 within   a trilingual    policy education.
            be obtained     abot the                                                        learning a language takes place       results, the similarity that is
                                                 was published in the pre-
        of the students     of bilingial
                  Nanayakkara.                                                              consciously.                          existing between these two
                                                 vious issue.
education, from the analysis of                                                                   When learning a language,       different work programmes is
     Director of education (bilingual Education)
examination results                                                                         the rules of the language as          the great contribution that they
     Following is a result analysis concept subjects as mathematics well as grammar are learnt,                                   give to a bilingual Sri Lanka.
of the                                        and science. This also tallies
     Thepasses    as percentages
           first part  of this letter which discusses the place of bilingual education      andwithin
                                                                                                   even ifa the language is not   The place of English in a
of some     of the  subjects   that           with international experimental learnt directly learning the                        bilingual education.
     trilingual  policy   was published   in the previous issue.
bilingual education students                  findings.                                     language gives a knowledge of              In this, a fact that cannot
had sat for in the English                    Learning and acquisition.                     grammar in an indirect way            be ignored is the mutual
     Althoughfor the
                         limited research has been Thereconducted     about eh progress while
                                                           is a difference                   of bilingual
                                                                                                     ensuring the correct         relationship that exists between
     education of in
                      Sri Lanka some idea between
                                               can be obtained
                                                          learningabot    the skills of theway
                                                                      a language              students   of it. In bilingual
                                                                                                   of using                       the English language education
     bilingialLevel)    examination
                education,   from the analysis   of examination    results
                                              and language acquisition.                     education,     a language is used     and the bilingual education.
from the year 2008 to the year                This is a another primary                     as a medium of instruction            For example just as the Sinhala
2011.                                         difference between teaching                   to teach subjects that are not        language or the Tamil language
Following is a result analysis of the passes as  percentages of some of the subjects thatlanguages
                                                                                             bilingual (Cummins 1997) and
     As shown in the analysis the the English language as a                                                                       is important when teaching
education students had sat for in the English    medium   for the General
                                              subject and the bilingual    Certificate of Education
                                                                                            a  valuable opportunity arises, to
students who received bilingual                                                                                                   science, subjects in the Sinhala
(Ordinary Level) examination from the yeareducation
                                               2008 to the work
                                                             year 2011.
                                                                   programme.               acquire    the language which is
education, show a high                                                                                                            or Tamil medium, the English
performance in such complex
Graph   1.0 shows  the  percentage  of passes According
                                              in the results to Krashen,
                                                             analysis of the 1981,
                                                                             bilingual      the
                                                                                       education  goal.
                                                                                                  students                        language becomes important
who had sat for the General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) Examination.                                                when teaching science subjects
 Subject                   2008            2009                 2010                2011           Multilingual                   in the English medium. In this,
                                                                                                   Literacy                       because the English language
  Mathematics               94.82        93.73              95.67              94.15                                              is a foreign language and not
                                                                                                       There is a
  Science                   90.95        92.83              92.83              91.78                                              the first language more care has
                                                                                                   clear difference
                                                                                                                                  to be taken when teaching the
  Geography                 95.20        97.78              97.78              97.66               between
                                                                                                                                  English language.
  Citizenship Education     94.30        91.30              91.30              96.14               and bilingual                       For this, the teacher of
  Health and physical       99.71        99.40              99.40              99.67               education. The                 bilingual education can get
  education                                                                                        word “bilingual”               much assistance from the
                                                                                                   indicates the                  teacher of the English language.
          Graph- From National Symposium on reviewing of the performance of the school
                                                                                  ability to communicate in                            During this journey
candidates, GCE (o/L) exam – 2011, Research and Development branch,
 Graph - National symposium on reviewing of the perfornamce of school             the two languages and is the                    torwards a trilingual Sri Lanka,
                      (O/L) examination - 2011, Research and Development          primary result of an education                  giving prominence to the
 branch, Department of Examination                                                in (two) languages. In a                        first language in the bilingual
                                                                                  bilingual education system,                     education programme , helps
                                                                                  always the goal language is used                in creating a generation who
                                                                                             14 of instruction
                                                                                  as the medium                                   uses the goal language not only
                                                                                  together with the students first                for communication but for
                                                                                  language, the result of which is                mastering of a concept and for
                                                                                  acquiring bilingual proficiency                 thinking too.
                                                                                  (multi lingual) as stated above.
   90                                                                                                                                  Therefore to accomplish the
                                                                                       This is the reply that can                 goal of a trilingual Sri Lanka,
                                                                                  be  given to some people who                    the bilingual programme,
                                                                                  argue that, within the school                   including the contribution
                                                                                  syllabus, only a formal English                 given by every programme
 Picture 1.0 shows the analysis of results of the passes of the                   was necessary which needs to                    dealing with languages and
 bilingual education students who sat for the General Certificate of              be only strengthened.                           the international relationship
 Education(Ordinary Level) Examination.                                                According to the method of                 among them is very important.
Vibhasha 2013 December – January                                                                                                               11

          A young man living in Panama says, “The                                                         I am not unfamiliar
          villagers cut firewood without harming the                                                                                  from page 6
          jungle , yet we are forbidden. The people cut
          valuable trees on the sly, with no problem at                                                  went on for 30 years affected the Tamil
                                                                                                         liking for litreature
                                                                                                         By now the group who likes Tamil
                                                                                                         literature is expanding.
                                                                                                         It is seen that literary creations depicting
                                                                                                         the sorrow and lament of the Tamil
                                                                                                         population affected by the war, have been
                                                                                                         produced. Various components have
                                                                                                         been added to Tamil literature.
                                                                                                         What is your opinion about a great author
                                                                                                         of Sinhala literature like Mr. Martin
                                                                                                         He is one of the authors who
                                                                                                         introduced the identity of this country’s
                                                   From the previous issue                               heritage. I like to say that Mr. Martin
                                                                                                         Wickramasinghe was an author who
                                                                                                         made a great effort to rekindle the

                                  Sinhala-Tamil Relatives
    The birth place of the
parents of Nallan Thewani,                                                                               Sinhala, Buddhist, Tamil identity that had
(aged 58) who had inherited                                                                              been buried under Burgher, Portuguese
                                                                                                         and British subjugation. People like him
                                   in Panampaththuwa
the dhoby trade from
generations, was Potuvil.                                                                                made an effort to reclaim culture and
                                                                                                         civilisation and so on that was lost during
    Apart from connections
with relatives in Paanama,                                                                               that era.
                                   and selling palu and weera                                            While translating “Apey Gama” you
including member of several
                                   products during the bearing         They should be protected          have said that you learnt about trees and
families such as Magalinga,
                                   season.                                 The Panama Pradeshiya
Selvarsa , Sindiran and                                                                                  plants described in and the use of various
Kandasamy, they still continue         Vendors from                    Sabha member Mr Ajantha           languages while translating “Apey Gama”.
the dhobi trade and his            Akkaraipattu, Kalmunai and          Wimalasena says, “ the            Did you think that there might be some
children are in the fishing        Pottuid come to buy them.           people of Panama suffer from      harm to the original book, by making use of
industry say Nallan Thevami.           Cutting firewood is             economic difficulties. Many       this information for this translation work?
                                   also a means of livelihood.         people don’t possess a fixed
     The livelihood of more                                                                              When translating a Sinhala book into the
                                   But it is difficult due to the      abode. When an innocent
than half the young men living                                                                           Tamil language, I think that I am creating
                                   imposition of regulations by        man goes to the jungle to
in Paanama is from the fishing                                                                           a new story. This is how a successful
                                   the Department of Wild Life         get a medicinal plant or
industry. The main industry                                                                              translation is created. Today translation
                                   and Forest Conservation.            some firewood, he is caught.
is catching lobsters but it is                                                                           has become a wave. I don’t think that a
                                                                       A programme should be
forbidden to catch “young               “Villages cut firewood                                           translation done, by getting caught to that
                                                                       implemented to give economic
abhina” until the prawns are       without the harming jungle.                                           wave will be successful. It is an injustice
                                                                       progress to the village and to
mature, and during days their      Yet we are forbidden. There                                           done to the reader. A translation must be
                                                                       protect its culture.
income is from “going on           is no problem for those who
                                                                       The law is not practical.         carried out with creativity and finesse.
courses” ie sailing in boats       cut trees and transport them
at dawn and returning in           on the sly.” says a young man             The Chairman of the         At present, I am translating Mr. Upali
the afternoon which is this        living in Panama.                   Central Environmental             Leelaratna’s “They Katha” book into the
routine.                                                               Authority, Mr. Charitha           Tamil language. This book also deals
                                       As a result of the change
     Sudu Banda Abeyeratna                                             Herath says, “ from the fact      with the problems and grievances that
                                   in the tradition of the village
says “Now a kilo of                                                    that the villager who takes       the estate labourers are facing. I have a
                                   the young men and women go
alugoduwa(fish) is Rs.300.         away to other places in order       firewood while not harming        special right to speak about people like
Rs. 200 has to be paid to          to get jobs. Tourists come to       the environment is being          them. I have no wish to become popular.
those who catch them. Life is      the village.                        caught and the poacher who        I don’t want to be a Harry Potter or
difficult because now less fish                                        cuts wood having no problem,      Shakespere My aim is to give something
                                   Threats from Drug Addiction
are caught,” A large number of                                         it is shown that the purpose of   to people about my experiences in the
                                       The elders say that, being      the law is not achieved”          estate life.
fisherman in Paanama work
                                   exposed to outside society
under businessmen. Also                                                      The objectionable state     Could you tell us about your media life?
                                   results in various dangers such
the diesel expenditure for                                             where the limits of the law
                                   as alchohol and drugs.                                                I served five years as the main editor of
the boats is very high. Many                                           enter the limits of village
                                         It is observed that they                                        “Subawali Wu” a health magazine and
fishermen have to live with                                            life, while the law is being
                                   still have a deep feeling for the                                     as the starting editor of “Vijai” a Tamil
considerable debts.                                                    implemented unjustly, cannot
                                   heritage and the identity of the                                      newspaper of the Vijaya Newspaper
    The Paanama village gets                                           be condoned.
                                   “ Paanama”.                                                           Association.
an extra income by cutting
                                                                           Thibiriyagama Bandara
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