Project M3-a study for a manned Mars mission in 2031夡
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Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 Project M3—a study for a manned Mars mission in 2031夡 M. Tarabaa,∗ , K. Zwintzb,∗ , C. Bombardellic , J. Lasued , P. Roglere , V. Ruellef , J. Schlutze , M. Schüßlere , S. O’Sullivang , B. Sinzigh , M. Trefferi , A. Valavanoglou j , M. Van Quickelberghef , M. Walpolek , L. Wesselsl a Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Wien, Boltzmanng. 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria b Institut für Astronomie, Universität Wien, Türkenschanzstr. 17, A-1180 Vienna, Austria c University of Padua, Centro Cisas Attivitá Spaziali, Via Venezia 15, I-35131 Padua, Italy d University of Paris, Service d’Aéronomie CNRS, BP3 - Route des Gatines, F-91371 Verrieres, France e Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme, Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 31, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany f Centre Spatial de Liège, University of Liège, Parc Scientifique du Sart Tilman, Avenue du Pré-Ally, B-4031 Angleur, Belgium g University College Dublin, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dublin 4, Ireland h Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern, Sidlerstr. 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland i Institut für Geophysik, Astrophysik and Meteorologie, Universität Graz, Universtitätsplatz 5, A-8010 Graz, Austria j Institut für Weltraumforschung, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Schmiedlstr. 6, A-8042 Graz, Austria k Department of Physics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland l Institut für Bodenökologie, GSF Forschungszentrum, Ingolstädter Landstr. 1, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany Received 14 November 2003; received in revised form 30 March 2005; accepted 4 April 2005 Available online 22 July 2005 Abstract This study deals with a manned mission which focuses on building an orbital station around Mars. The advantages in comparison to direct-landing scenarios are outlined and the necessary technology is described. The orbiting station prohibits contamination of and from the Red Planet and houses six astronauts in a 1100 days journey to Mars providing three pressurized modules: two of them will remain in a Low Mars Orbit for further human missions while the third module is used as an Earth Return Vehicle. A Bimodal Nuclear Thermal Propulsion System is used also for electrical power production. An advanced Environment Control and Life Support System, the necessary radiation shielding, human factors and crew selection criteria have been studied. The described partly reusable Mars Landing Module allows highest possible flexibility in the choice of landing scenario. The overall mission budgets in the fields of mass, power and costs have been estimated. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. PACS: 96.30; 07.87 Keywords: Mars; Space vehicles; Orbital station; Manned space mission 夡 This project was developed during the Space Summer School in Alpbach, Austria, July 2003. ∗ Corresponding authors. E-mail addresses: (M. Taraba), (K. Zwintz). 0094-5765/$ - see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2005.04.013
M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 89 1. Introduction M3 project. A shuttle-derived orbital space plane will be available to transfer six astronauts to Low Earth Or- The planet Mars is similar to Earth in terms of geo- bit (LEO). While an Energya-derived launch vehicle physical features: it has an atmosphere, a day of approx- will be able to deliver up to 150 t in LEO used for the imately 24 h, one-third of Earth’s gravity and seasons. assembly of the M3 spacecraft. This could be achieved It may harbour habitats for simple life forms which by four additional boosters to raise today’s payload ca- remained from an early habitable planet. Meteorites pacity of about 100 t. Nuclear propulsion technology known to have come from Mars have raised the ques- will have been enhanced for in-space use. tion of Mars being already inhabited. Exploration of Mars may be able to answer the profound question if there is life outside our own planet. Hence, one of the 3. M3 mission design biggest challenges of this new century is the investiga- tion of the Red Planet. 3.1. Mission objectives The M3 mission as described in this paper gives an outline for a manned orbiting station around Mars in A station orbiting Mars at an altitude of ∼350 km 2031 and beyond. will be assembled in order to land on and return man Note that previous works are described in Section 2. safely from Mars. From the station it will be possi- ble to explore the Martian System and to further study the Solar System. With a manned station around Mars 2. General assumptions1 contamination of and interaction with the largely un- explored planet can be reduced, while science can still Several robotic missions will have explored Mars benefit from close observation. and the Martian System till the dedicated launch date for the Manned Mars Mission (M3 ) in 2031. 3.2. The M 3 orbital station A Martian environmental observer satellite system [1] has been established which makes it possible to pre- As stated in the Mission Objectives the main focus dict dust storms and to monitor Martian environmental lies on the orbiting station around Mars instead of land- conditions. Additionally, a complete communication ing directly on the Martian surface. The station pro- system consisting of several communication satellites vides several advantages in terms of mission design, [2,3] in orbit around Mars and between Earth and Mars safety and risk analysis. is available in order to assure communication, both in An orbital space station provides a platform for the the Martian system and with Earth. A navigation sys- future exploration of the Martian System in general and tem [2] has been established and provides accurate co- the Martian surface in particular. It is a close-up obser- ordinates necessary for landing on the surface of Mars. vatory, communication and navigation outpost for all The successor of SOHO [4] is constantly monitoring kinds of scientific missions, both human and robotic, the solar activity and sending data to Earth and to M3 without the long signal time back to Earth. Since the to inform the astronauts of the solar particle events that political and social discussion on contamination of and may reach the spacecraft. from the Red Planet has not been settled yet, the ap- The International Space Station (ISS) plays a ma- proach with a station in orbit around Mars will be of jor role in developing new technologies, like shield- great advantage. Whatever the outcome of this discus- ing against radiation and micrometeorites, determining sion will be, the mission scenario will not be affected the effects and counter measures necessary for long- in general providing a stepping stone for further explo- duration flights, developing closed-loop life-support ration. This can include a manned or robotic landing systems and inflatable structures [5] and advancing at any time suitable, carefully choosing landing sites, the physical sciences. The technological developments vehicles and scenarios in order to scientifically explore gained within the lifetime of the ISS will be used for the life on Mars, as well as the possibility to remain as an observer in orbit instead of interacting with the planet 1 Abbreviations are given in Appendix at end of paper. itself.
90 M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 Jettison Orbital Station Orbital Station T-HAB NTP 2 NTP 2 MSL MSO +Tank MSL MSO +Tank ERC ERC T -HAB NTP A-V NTP 3 +Tank +Tank Lander D-S, D-S/A-V NTP 1 TEI Complex +Tanks Permanent Mars Orbit Jettison TMI Complex/ MOI Mars Orbit Jettison Mars Surface D-S A-V D-S A-V Mars Landing Mars Landing Site 1 Site 2 Fig. 1. M3 mission design, where the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), Mars Science Observatory (MSO), Earth Return Capsule (ERC), Transfer Habitation Module (T-HAB), descending stage (D-S), ascending vehicle (A-V), Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP), Mars Orbit Injection (MOI) and Trans Earth Injection (TEI) are indicated. 3.3. Mission analysis around the equator considering a minimum fuel us- age for the Lander unit. The layout of the M3 mission can be seen in 2. The ability to reach the two moons of Mars, Phobos Fig. 1. The spacecraft transports all necessary equip- and Deimos, with inclinations of 1.08◦ and 1.78◦ , ment including the orbital station, the propulsion sys- respectively, for a possible follow-up Mars–moon tem, the habitation modules, the Mars landing unit and Lander mission demands an orbit with not too high the module returning to Earth into the Low Mars Or- inclination. bit (LMO). The astronauts will be able to explore the 3. The lowest orbit possible in order to facilitate land- Martian surface twice with the two available descend- ing was determined with a low-limit altitude of ing modules at the most suitable times, especially de- 250–300 km, corresponding to the ionopause (i.e. pending on the weather on Mars (e.g. avoiding heavy the altitude where the solar wind is deflected by dust storms). The orbital station remains in the LMO the ionized atmospheric compounds). This interac- after separation from the spacecraft returning to Earth, tion region can produce plasma phenomena, induce to await the next crew. The launch date in 2031 lies be- currents, etc. which may cause problems with the tween the two solar maxima in 2025 and 2036, in order electronics. to minimize the risk of a heavy solar particle event. Due to those constraints a circular orbit of 350 km altitude and an inclination of 15◦ towards the equator was chosen for the M3 orbital station. 3.3.1. Choice of the initial Low Mars Orbit The main considerations involved in the choice of the initial Martian orbit are: 3.3.2. Trajectory A lot of calculations have been done upon trajecto- 1. The ability to reach proper first landing sites on ries, which lead a spacecraft (S/C) from an Earth orbit Mars, which are located in a range 15◦ north/south to Mars orbit. As everything in space technology is
M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 91 Sun Centered with a velocity of 2.65 km/s slower than Mars, thus en- Hohmann Transfer Orbit tering the Mars Sphere of Influence (SOI) with a speed of 2.65 km/s. Again with the formula of the specific mechanical energy and the knowledge of the parking Mars Earth orbit radius the V for the travel from Earth to Mars Aphelion LMO LEO Perihelion can be calculated as Sun Mars Earth VEarth.Mars = Vboost + Vretro , (2) Earth′s Orbit Mars′s Orbit where Vboost indicates the S/C’s velocity change re- quired to go from its parking orbit around Earth onto a hyperbolic departure trajectory and Vretro is the S/C’s Fig. 2. Hohmann transfer. velocity change required to go from its hyperbolic ar- rival trajectory to its parking orbit around Mars. Since the trajectories are calculated by Hohmann minimized, simplified and energetically optimized the Transfers the V used to enter a Trans Earth trajec- best way to solve the problem is a traditional Hohmann tory (for flight back home) is the same as the Vretro of Transfer (Fig. 2). The Hohmann Transfer moves a S/C 2.086 km/s. from an orbit to another in the same plane. It is the One of the mission assumptions is that the re-entering simplest kind of orbital manoeuvre because it focuses into the Earth orbit is done by an aerobraking only on changing the S/C’s specific mechanical energy, manoeuvre. Therefore the S/C’s velocity from the el- (km2 /s2 ) [6]. liptical transfer trajectory at 120 km is calculated to 11.46 km/s. In order to reach the final 600 km LEO V2 = − , (1) for rendezvous with the orbital space plane, the aero- 2 R braking manoeuvre will have to provide a V of about where V is the magnitude of the S/C’s velocity vec- 3.5 km/s. This also implies that the heat shield tech- tor (km/s), is the gravitational parameter (km3 /s2 ) nology has been enhanced to withstand the resulting for Earth, R is the magnitude for the S/C’s position thermal loads of this entry. The transfer Time of Flight vector (km). (TOF) could be calculated and is independent of V , It is the cheapest way (i.e. consuming the least amount because the Hohmann Transfer deals with the mini- of fuel) to get from one orbit to another and is based mum amount of fuel (energy). Hence, the formula for on these assumptions the interplanetary cruise phase is given by • Initial and final orbits are co-planar. 2 atransfer • Major axes of the initial and final orbits are co- TOF = = 258.7 days. (3) apsidal. Sun • Velocity changes (V s) are tangent to the initial and final orbits. Thus, the S/C’s velocity changes Including an assembly time in LEO of 50 days and a magnitude but not direction. stay in the Martian orbit of 550 days the overall mission • V s occur instantaneously (impulsive burns). time can be estimated to be approximately 1100 days (see Fig. 3). The origin of a coordinate system for a Sun-centred The proper phasing of Earth and Mars is calculated or interplanetary transfer has to be positioned in the by centre of the Sun. Therefore, after some calculations in the elliptical plane and vernal equinox direction for final = 180◦ − Mars · TOF = 44.2◦ , (4) S/C , VEarth , transfer , atransfer , Vtransfer , V∞ , Vhyperbolic , Vpark the S/C needs to gain 2.94 km/s to enter an inter- where final is the final leading angle at the launch time planetary trajectory. The probe arrives at Mars’ orbit from LEO.
92 M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 GET [d] 0 200 400 600 800 1000 50d 258d 550d 258d Station Rendevous Assembly with reentry- in vehicle Leo 500 in 15 d Variable 15 d LEO 600 SMET Martian Surface Mission TMI Station in LMO 350, i =15° TEI Fig. 3. Timeline of the M3 mission (GET—ground elapsed time, SMET—surface mission elapsed time). Table 1 Ø 8.38 m Ø3 m Representation of l/d ratios of the investigated cases Launcher Stage(s) (#) Length (m) Diameter (m) Ratio Saturn V 2 24.84 10.05 2.47 12 m 3 17.87 6.6 2.71 Proton 1 21.1 7.4 2.85 18 m 2 14.56 4.15 3.51 Soyuz 6.98 2.2 3.17 Fig. 4. Dimensions and layout of the main modules for the Mars Skylab 14.7 6.6 2.23 orbital station. MIR 13.13 4.15 3.16 3.4. Structural design Generic modular design of the pressurized modules and the tanks significantly reduces development and 3.4.1. Mass and size of the modules production costs. Size and shape of the pressurized modules have been estimated due to the assumption that they will be 3.4.2. Artificial gravity launched on top of the main stage of an Energya-derived In order to reduce the risk of muscular and bone rocket launcher, with a remaining main stage diameter demineralization of the astronauts, artificial gravity is of 8.38 m. With these boundary conditions, investiga- provided by rotation of the M3 spacecraft. According tion on existing upper stages and ISS laboratory mod- to the laws of mechanics, a stable spin can only be ules have been done to gain the length-to-diameter ratio achieved along the axis with the highest mass moment (l/d), as can be seen in Table 1. Consequently, the den- of inertia. This implements a rotation symmetrical mass sity of these modules has been calculated and led to the distribution along the other two axis. determination of the respective stage length, volume, The habitat module is located in a manner that the surface areas and mass. astronauts’ movement normally occurs along a plane In order to avoid heavy fairings over the whole stage parallel to the spin axis. This limits the effect of Cori- diameter, the modules themselves have been cone shaped olis acceleration on the crew which might cause mo- to a diameter of 3 m on one end. The remaining tip tion sickness [7]. Calculations showed that a habitation houses docking ports, antennas and the inflatable beam module located in a 30 m radius with respect to the mo- structure. The design is drafted in Fig. 4. tion centre spinning at a rate of 3.8 rpm guarantees an
M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 93 Fig. 6. The M3 spacecraft as it is launched from LEO (see text). Table 2 Fig. 5. Comfort zone, rotational radius versus angular velocity [21]. Communication architecture Total mass Total power (kg) consumption (W) Configuration 2 XP ND X-band + TWTA acceleration of 0.3g. Also, 0.3g matches the gravita- 2 XP ND Ka-band + TWTA tional acceleration on the Martian surface and is a per- RFDN + Cables + Wave guide fect test-bed for the surface missions. Fig. 5 illustrates Antennas 200 1000 the comfort zone of artificial gravity. 1 HGA 3–3.5 m X/Ka-band 2 MAG X-band 2 LGA X-band Pointing mechanism 3.4.3. Station arrangement To propel the S/C the thrust vector has to be aligned with the centre of gravity opposite to the flight direction in order not to create a disruptive moment. Estimations using Ziolkowski’s equation showed that a two-staged 3.5. Communication concept for the Trans Mars Injection (TMI) and the Mars Capture Manoeuvre is required. Consecutive in- There have been numerous studies of possible com- vestigations led to the concept of stage arrangement in munication systems for a human Mars mission consid- series (including the H2 tanks). Due to the long-term ering a permanent data and communication link back to exposure to this extremely hazardous environment, sys- Earth. A summary of the proposed M3 communication tem redundancy in terms of the fail-safe concept in system is shown in Table 2. subsystem design will need a huge amount of space The 3–3.5 m dish of the high gain antenna (HGA) al- and mass. Therefore, the amount of pressurized space lows a high data rate between 1 and 10 Mbps depend- for science, plant cultivation and living is housed in ing on the Mars–Earth distance for video and audio three modules. These considerations and the drag min- transmittance, while the other antennas are used for imization led to the arrangement shown in Fig. 6: 1. telemetry and telecommand as well as for communi- Habitation and Return Module (ERV), 2. Mars Sci- cation and navigation with the Landing Unit and with ence Laboratory (MSL), 3. Mars Science Observatory relay satellites. (MSO), 4. Surface Excursion Module (SEM), 5. NTP Depending on the development of laser technology, second stage, 6. NTP first stage, 7. additional external a high data rate laser link as tested by ESA’s Artemis tanks and 8. inflatable beam structures. satellite might also be considered for this mission.
94 M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 3.6. Thermal dissipation Table 3 Technical specifications of the ANERVA Due to the use of a Bimodal Nuclear Thermal Propul- Thrust (kN) 800 sion (NTP) unit for propulsion and power supply, an Isp (s) 1000 Active Thermal Control System (ATCS) with heat Exhaust velocity (m/s) 9810 pumps [8] and radiators will be needed. Considering Lifetime high/low P. mode 500 min/25 yr Mass propulsion (t) 6 100% of the in-station power to be dissipated in heat Mass power generator (t) 10 for a first estimation, this total thermal power adds up Power (thermal) (MW) 4000 to about 250 kW. Power (electrical) (W) 3 A two phase loop ATCS to transmit the accumu- lated heat will be about 2500 kg of mass. An advanced, lightweight heat rejection material of about 350 W/m2 with a total radiator surface area of 700 m2 will 6 7 be attached to the station and tank surface areas. At 3.5 kg/m2 the radiator mass will be around 2500 kg, 8 leaving a total Thermal Control System (TCS) mass of 4 about 6000 kg including margins. 1 3.7. Propulsion and power system 3.7.1. Main stages For the S/C’s propulsion and power system a bimodal NTP system [9,10] design with liquid hydrogen (LH2 ) 5 as propellant was chosen. Only a NTP system provides 2 sufficient energy per kg of propellant to enable this mis- sion in a short as possible time frame. Neither solar sails nor electrical propulsion are capable to fit the given re- quirements. Fluid and solid rocket engines have far too much mass and were therefore not taken into account. For the whole mission three Advanced Nuclear Engine 3 for Rocket Vehicle Applications (ANERVA) are used in a three-stage design. The advantage of three equal en- gines is the cheaper development and production costs. Fig. 7. Schematic of the ANERVA Propulsion Module: 1. nuclear For having constant pressure in the H2 tank there is a core, 2. throat, 3. nozzle, 4. He tanks, 5. thermal shielding, 6. flange for the H2 tank, 7. He tubes and control valves and 8. nuclear power control system with He tanks to produce the needed control. pressure and to control the propellant flow rate. The described ANERVA system is a bimodal de- sign with an integrated closed fluid system for driving arrives at Mars, in order to reach the final LMO. Be- a high-power electrical generator. Some data for the fore this ignition the ANERVA is running in low power planned ANERVA is listed in Table 3, while Fig. 7 mode to produce electrical energy during the Earth– shows a schematic of the rocket engine. Mars transfer. After deceleration the ANERVA is run- The first stage is used for the TMI operation which ning in low-power mode again as main electrical power accelerates the S/C in order to escape the LEO and generator for the orbital station. The empty LH2 tank reach the Hohmann transfer trajectory. After this ma- will be used as propellant storage facility and for addi- noeuvre, it will be jettisoned to dispose the needless tional manoeuvres. mass of the first stage, the ANERVA, the empty H2 The return stage is for the Trans Earth Injection (TEI) tanks and the cooling facilities for the propellant. The operation and for power generation on the Mars–Earth second stage will produce a deceleration when the S/C transfer. The return stage will be jettisoned before the
M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 95 Aerobrake Maneuver Table 4 & Stage 1 (trans Mars injection) Rendevous with Reusable Space Dry mass (t) 511 Plane in LEO 600 Propellant mass (t) 223 Propellant margin 10% (t) 22.3 Total wet mass (t) 756.3 V (m/s) 3571 LH2 mass flow M/t (kg/s) 81.55 Burn time (min) 45.51 ERC Acceleration (g) 0.16 TEI Mars Earth Moon Table 5 NTP + HAB Stage 2 (low Mars orbit injection) Fig. 8. Aerobrake manoeuvre and rendezvous with a reusable space Dry mass (t) 374 plane in LEO. Propellant mass (t) 88.6 Propellant margin 10% (t) 8.86 Total wet mass (t) 471.5 return capsule enters the Earth’s atmosphere, because V (m/s) 2087 the risk of a nuclear generator flying directly towards LH2 mass flow M/t (kg/s) 81.55 Burn time (min) 18.11 Earth would be too high. After the aerobrake manoeu- Acceleration (g) 0.22 vre, the Earth Return Capsule (ERC) will rendezvous with a reusable space plane in a 600 km LEO bringing the astronauts safely back to Earth or to a space station. Table 6 The NTP and the HAB will enter a high Earth orbit and Return stage (trans Earth injection) could be reused for a future mission (Fig. 8). Dry mass (t) 96.6 The amount of propellant used for performing a ma- Propellant mass (t) 23 noeuvre, which is modifying the orbit is given by Propellant margin 10% (t) 2.3 −V Total wet mass (t) 121.9 Ma = Mb · e Isp ·g , (5) V (m/s) 2087 LH2 mass flow M/t (kg/s) 81.55 and Burn time (min) 4.68 Acceleration (g) 0.84 Mp = Mb − Ma (6) result in 3.7.2. Attitude and orbit control system V Mp = Ma · e Isp ·g − 1, (7) Once the station is in its initial orbit it will be per- turbed by forces acting on it. To counteract these per- where Mp is the mass of the needed propellant, Ma turbations an attitude and orbit control system (AOCS) the mass after the manoeuvre and Mb the mass be- has to be installed onboard. Four perturbations were fore the manoeuvre, V is the velocity change, Isp the considered specific impulse and g the gravitational acceleration of 9.81 m/s2 . (1) third-body perturbation, Tables 4–6 give the propellant masses calculated for (2) perturbations due to the non-spherical shape of the whole M3 mission as well as the ignition times and Mars, the resulting accelerations. (3) perturbations from solar radiation and, For cooling of the liquid H2 propellant a special su- (4) perturbations from atmospheric drag. perinsolation of the tanks is needed and also an active cooling facility which needs 524 W of electrical power Preliminary investigations have shown that for each ton of H2 . unlike the station needs to be stabilized very precisely
96 M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 Solar maximum 3.8. Life-support system 800 H2 The environmentally controlled life-support system 700 O H (ECLSS) is a combined physico-chemical and biologi- Altitude [km] 600 cal system. It is based on the assumptions that physico- N2 chemical systems with a reliably high efficiency have 500 CO been developed by the start of the mission and that ap- 400 propriate plant species for space agriculture have been CO2 selected. As M3 is a long-term mission, recycling of 300 O2 consumables is essential. 200 Each of the three pressurized station modules has 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 a physico-chemical system to recycle water, air and Number density [cm]-3 waste as shown in Fig. 10. The triplicate installation of the system will provide the necessary redundancy Fig. 9. Partial pressures in Martian atmosphere at solar maximum. of the ECLSS. Waste water passes a pre-treatment, re- verse osmosis and multifiltration to retain clean water. Urine has to be treated to remove ammonium, which (e.g. for astronomical science) the first three kinds of is done by Vapour-Phase Catalytic Ammonia Removal perturbation can be neglected for fuel consumption cal- (VAPCAR), before entering the water recycling pro- culations and only the constant loss of height due to the cess. Air revitalization is done in three steps, namely atmospheric drag has to be computed using the follow- CO2 concentration using Solid Amine Water Desorp- ing equation: tion, CO2 reduction using the Sabatier process and O2 generation using Static Feed Water Electrolysis. The FD = 1 2 · (h) · CD · MLO (h)2 · Af , (8) atmosphere management also includes N2 generation (thermal catalytic dissociation of hydrazine), trace con- where FD are drag forces, (h) is the height-dependent taminant control, temperature and humidity control, atmospheric density, CD the drag coefficient, MLO the cabin ventilation as well as fire detection and suppres- velocity of the orbit station and Af the station cross- sion. The biological system consisting of higher plants section in flight direction. will add to the recycling of CO2 and waste water. Solid The density was calculated according to latest waste treatment is performed by Super Critical Wet Ox- density-height figures of the Martian atmosphere for idation (SCWO). CO2 and water resulting from com- the worst-case scenario of solar max activity (see bustion re-enter the recycling loop, while remaining Fig. 9, H. Lammer, 2003, private communication). The ashes are discarded. calculation showed that the drag is in the magnitude of The biological system is set up to supply 40% of 0.01 N. The respective loss of orbit height was in the the food requirements for the crew during the flight to magnitude of tenth of meters per day due to the thin Mars and the operation time in orbit. For this purpose Martian atmosphere in this height (0.227 m/day was a planting area of 60 m2 is needed. The other 60% of calculated). Considering a 25 years design lifetime of necessary food, as well as a redundancy supply for 4 the station the diversion from the initial orbit height months and the food for the return flight to Earth (258 will be 2071 m at maximum. days) will comprise of dry and/or frozen food in storage Taking all this into account, the orbit chosen ful- compartments. The redundancy supply of 4 months was fils all the considerations and implements no need for chosen for the case of complete breakdown of the plan- fuel consuming re-boost of the station during the whole tations because of diseases or pathogens. In this case, lifetime. Therefore, a relatively low thrust and eco- the time of 4 months would be enough to grow a new nomic AOCS system equipped with reaction wheels generation of plants. Seeds for new plant generations and electric-thrusters will be sufficient for station- are gained from plantations and a redundancy amount keeping. Those thrusters could be pulsed MPD or for the case of breakdown is stored. Plants are grown arc-jet thrusters. in a hydroponic system in the second artificial gravity
M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 97 Physico - Chemical System CO2 Concentration CO2 Reduction O2 Generation Solid Amine Water Desorption Sabatier process Static Feed Water Electrolysis CO2 O2 Plants Condensate Pre - Reverse Volatile Multifiltration Clean water Waste water treatment Osmosis removement Vapor Phase Urine Catalytic Ammonia Removal CO2 Wet Oxidation Solid waste Super Critical Water Oxidation Water Ashes Fig. 10. Combined physico-chemical and biological recycling system for air, water and waste. module which, unlike the habitation module, always re- primary importance. It is assumed that until the start of mains at the station. Plantations are divided in several the mission protective nutrition and medication as well independent and closed subunits, to avoid the spread- as hydrogen enriched plastics as an effective radiation ing of diseases and plant pathogens, in case one of the shelter will be available. The career doses of radiation subunits is affected. Selected plants which meet the range between 1.5 and 3.0 Sv for males, 0.9 and 1.7 Sv nutrient requirements of the astronauts (mainly wheat) for females [11]. Measurements of radiation protection or are of high psychological value (e.g. strawberries) begin with the selection of crew members of a certain will be grown in the hydroponic system. Plantations age (45–55 years) and genetic pre-disposition. Further- will be of alternating age in order to provide a contin- more, radiation resistance of the astronauts is increased uous supply of fresh food. The plantation units need a by special nutrition enriched in radioprotective chem- monitoring and control system for nutrient and water icals (antioxidants, e.g. sodium selenite). supply, CO2 , O2 , temperature, humidity and ethylene. The station is protected against radiation by a Besides adding to the recycling of water and air, the hydrogen-rich polyethylene (PE) shielding of a density plants also promote the psychological well-being of of 10 g/cm2 . Due to this shielding, the radiation doses the crew. They will add fresh food to the astronauts on blood-forming organs (BFO) caused by galactic cos- menu, the crew will be occupied several hours a day mic radiation (GCR) are 0.19 Sv/yr for solar maximum working on the plantation and green plants are known and 0.49 Sv/yr for solar minimum. In both cases the val- to have a beneficial effect on the human psyche. ues lie below the recommended dose of 0.5 Sv/yr [11]. During solar particle events (SPE) the radiation dose on 3.9. Radiation the orbiting station can be expected to be decreased to 0.39 Sv due to the shielding and the distance between Radiation is the major health hazard in human space Sun and Mars of 1.5 AU. Accurate radiation monitor- flight, hence radiation protection of the crew is of ing, dose control measurements and documentation are
98 M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 extremely necessary during SPE. The Martian atmo- sphere shields very well against GCR and SPE. The 2nd FLOOR GCR dose is 0.12 Sv/yr, the SPE dose 0.32 Sv, both for BFO at the Martian surface. ECLSS 8 9 The station will have a radiation forecast system to H2O predict SPEs and a dosimeter on board. For the com- 10 plete mission to Mars a radiation dose of ∼2.5.3 Sv 2nd FLOOR 7 can be expected. Due to the shielding the possibility of 11 excess cancer will stay below 3%. 12 1st FLOOR 3.10. Human factors 1st FLOOR The crew selection is one of the most important parts in a human mission. As the mission is designed for six ERC 6 6 crew members, the best way to fulfil the objectives is to select as crewmembers a pilot, a medical doctor, an en- 6 1 gineer, a physicist, a geologist and a biologist . Further 5 2 7 4 skills of the crew members have to cover the fields of 3 software engineering and communication, first-aid and LH2 6 psychology. Crew members are aged between 45 and 6 6 55 years (or older), because with increasing age they are less affected by radiation. Crew members are also selected by their genetic pre-disposition for radiation resistance, which may decrease the risk of radiation NTP sickness by a factor of 10. For psychological reasons the crew will be composed of both males and females. Nationalities of the crew members should represent the participating continents/countries. Fig. 11. Schematics of the habitation module: 1. WC, 2. shower, 3. storage, 4. kitchen, 5. living room, 6. crew accommodations, 7. Crew members have to be kept in a good psycholog- tunnel, 8. water tank, 9. medical care, 10. storage, 11. control room ical and physical state during the mission. The habi- and 12. fitness/workshop. tat is designed in a way to respect the privacy of the crew members (individual sleeping quarters) and as- sure their maximal health security (artificial gravity, lar basis. Saturday afternoons and Sundays will be free radiation shielding). The living quarters are distributed (except during landing mission on Mars) and facilities over two floors in the habitation module (Fig. 11). Be- for entertainment, hobbies and contact to friends and sides the sleeping quarters they include a fitness room, family on Earth are provided. kitchen and living room, as well as storage compart- ments, space for control systems and a medical care 3.11. Surface excursion module unit. The two other modules of the orbiting station, one -gravity and the second artificial gravity module, pro- The Mars Landing Module (MLM) is a partly reusable vide space for scientific laboratories. There, longterm Lander element which will be used for the first human comparative studies on gravity effects may be con- landing on Mars. It comprises a Descent Stage for the ducted during the flight to Mars and later on, samples landing and ground exploration and a reusable Mars returned from Mars after the landing manoeuvre may Return Vehicle (MRV) with a high level of maturity. be studied. The crew will be occupied by physical exer- The MLM can carry two astronauts for a mission du- cises (2–3 h/days), scientific experiments (6–8 h/days), ration of 15 days. food production and preparation (2–3 h/days) as well as The MRV will be used as habitat (habitable volume maintenance and housekeeping (3–5 h/days) on a regu- V = 38.5 m3 ) and launcher for the crew to reach the
M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 99 orbit of the space station. A modular design helps to Utilization (ISRU) equipped MRV were also consid- adapt the MRV to different landing sites and mission ered. However, it takes 3–4 years to produce the needed scenarios. The sample return chamber will be only ac- propellant to return to the orbiting station. That leaves cessible from the outside to avoid contamination of the the only option to send a unmanned ISRU spacecraft MRV and the station. prior to the manned mission. In addition to that, the The Descending Stage will be attached to the MRV landing spot would have to be met very precisely later and is fully expandable. There are several necessary and on. For reasons of flexibility of the landing sites and optional parts located in the 260 m3 shelter of this stage. mission duration, the ISRU on the Martian surface is The necessary parts, e.g. the inflatable heat shield, the not feasible for this mission scenario. As propellant landing gear, a hydraulic and power unit, etc. are very a combination of LOX/LH2 with a specific impulse low dependent on the chosen landing spot. The remain- of Isp = 420 s (due to losses in nozzle adaptation and ing space can be equipped in order to meet certain mis- lower efficiency of a small engine compared to, e.g. sion goals, e.g. drilling machine, robot arm, rover, un- Space Shuttle Main Engine) is chosen. This leads to a manned glider with balloon, etc. specific exhaust velocity of ce = Isp · g0 = 4120 m/s. There is no need for more than a one-staged MRV- 3.11.1. V -calculations concept to go from a low inclination landing site into a The Vtotal can be divided into 5 segments. V1 is LMO (h = 350 km, i = 15◦ ). This is confirmed by the needed to go from the surface into LMO and can be empiric formula [12] calculated using the Vis Viva equation 1.12 · Vtotal,min nmin = = 1.06, Mars ce V1 = = 3.85 km/s. (9) rMars 1.12 · Vtotal,max nmax = = 1.30, (13) For losses during the ascent a factor of 10% for float ce and 2.5% for aerodynamic resistances is added. This where the factor 1.12 results from numerical calcula- leads to a V1 of 3.997 km/s. tions. Depending on the landing site, a change in inclina- In order to be able to reach the polar region with the tion (0◦ < i < 15◦ ) has to be performed. The V2 is Lander in follow-up missions, there should be calculated by using the Law of Cosines the possibility to include a second ascending stage between the MRV and the Descending module to reach V2 = VStation 2 + VMRV 2 a higher V . − 2 · VStation · VMRV · cos(i), (10) 3.11.2. Descending to the Mars surface 0.0 km/sV2 0.89 km/s. (11) The first part of the descent is acquired with the use Furthermore a V3 = 0.025 km/s for the docking ma- of the tether attached to the MLM. Whereas with a noeuvre and a reserve of V4 = 0.1 km/s have to be static separation, the new perihelion can only be low- taken into account. The rotation with a period T of 24 h ered by a factor of seven times the length of the tether, a 37 22 reduces the needed V according to the fol- higher braking V can be reached by using a dynamic lowing formula: separation according to the following formula [13]: √ cos(i) r0 − rp2 ∼ 7 + 4 · 3 · sin( max ) · L2 . (14) V5 = 2 · . (12) T Here r0 is the orbit radius of the space station, rp2 is the The values for V5 ranges from 0.241 km/s for a land- new perigee radius, max the angel in the orbit plane. ing site latitude of 0◦ to 0.233 km/s at a landing site L2 is the length of the tether measured from r0 to the latitude of 15◦ . The sum for the Vtotal therefore ranges expelled MLM. In order to reach the entry corridor, from 3.881 to 4.779 km/s. optimizations will have to be done. As a propulsion system chemical propellants with a During the entry, the Lander will be protected by high-specific impulse were chosen. In Situ Resource an inflatable heat shield, which is stored in the bottom
100 M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 ∆V Braking, MainEngine= 1,0 km/s Table 7 Height [km] Mass MRV acc. to mission needs Lowering A Parachute = 4120 m2 Orbit Using Ltether ~ 4 km kg Tether ~80 Heat Shield EPS 720 jettisoned Command and Control 140 1st Engine firing Navigation 30 double dip Aerobreak Subsonic Communication 40 Parachute entry ECLSS 350 2nd Engine firing TCS 70 t [sec] 1800 Mechanisms 130 Robotics 40 Fig. 12. Landing on Martian surface. Structure 1600 Other 50 Payload (EVA, etc.) 300 Tank (structure) 450 part of the Descending Stage and jettisoned after the Engine 1500 first stage of the entry. The main engine will then be Parachute (subsonic) 500 used to decelerate from supersonic to subsonic speed. Tether deployment 20 Then a parachute is opened on top of the MRV to as- Margin 20% 650 sist braking. After the parachute is jettisoned, the main Total dry mass 6590 engine is fired again for the landing, as is illustrated Consumables (2 Pers. Crew, 15 days) 360 in Fig. 12. For a precise landing the Mars Navigation Fuel 15 000 network is used. The Descending Stage remains on the Total wet mass 21 950 Martian surface while the Ascending Stage returns to the orbital station. Some maintenance has to be car- ried out, before the MRV can be launched again, i.e. the second Descending Stage has to be mounted using Table 8 the robot arm, fuel to be refilled, consumables to be Mass of attached descending vehicle replaced, etc. (kg) Tables 7–9 give a survey of the Mass of the MLM. The mass as well as the costs, Table 10, were derived by Heat shield (inflatable) 4000 Structure and landing gear 1000 comparing the mission scenario to the Apollo [14] pro- Hydraulic 500 gram, the STS [14], the NASA Ref. Mission [15] and Power 400 an Astrium mission study [16]. The total initial mass of EVA equipment, tools 400 the MLM will be Mt = 37 955 kg (Fuel 15 000 kg). The Vehicle 2000 mass to be replaced prior to the next flight to the surface Drilling equipment 5000 Margin 20% 2660 will be 29 635–32 635 kg, depending on the amount of fuel taken to the surface in order to reach a certain land- Total mass descending vehicle 15 960 ing spot. 3.12. Budgets Table 9 3.12.1. Mass budget Total mass of two landing scenarios In a first mission scenario an overall station mass in (kg) Mars orbit of ∼ 500 t was assumed, which defined an MRV 6590 upper limit for the station design. 2 × Consumables (crew of 2 persons, 15 days) 720 Table 11 shows a preliminary outline of the main 2 × Fuel 30 000 M3 components. All modules have been designed to 2 × Descending vehicles 31 920 have a mass of under 150 t to allow a launch with Total mass of two landing scenarios 69 230 the Energya evolution-type rocket as described above.
M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 101 Table 10 Table 11 Cost estimate of the mission M3 mass budget Equipment inventory Marslander cost Metric tons Station modules (million EUR) System MSL MSO ERV Lander Habitats, modules 1000 Life-support system 100 Structure and mechanisms 47 23 22 Power supply 7 ECLSS and consumables 10 5 30 Communication system 50 EPS 1 1 10 Surface vehicle 150 DMS and communication 0.2 0.2 0.9 Hand tools, machine tools 30 TCS 3.5 2 2 Spares 50 GNC/AOCS 2 2 10 Misc. and reserve 50 ERC and TPS 0 0 10 See Lander 1437 EVA 0 0.8 0.9 section Maintenance 10 28 1 Tests on the ground 910.1 Experimental payload 5 5 1 Dry mass 78.7 62 87.8 Operation Margin (10%) 8.0 6.0 8.8 Crew training and salary 40 Propellant 6 20 23 Science support 100 Propellant margin (10%) 0.6 2 2.3 Science equipment 50 Propellants 0 Total wet mass 93.3 90.0 121.9 69.3 Consumables (food, etc.) 6 Clothes, hygenic materials 10 Sections Mass (t) 206 Total TMI mass 756.3 Earth–Mars cruise 471.5 Total cost 2553.1 Orbital station around Mars 374.5 Total TEI mass 121.9 The rather high structural masses result from the ap- plied radiation shielding of 10 g/cm2 . The given num- Table 12 bers are rather conservative mass estimations, which M3 power budget additionally include margins of 10% both on dry mass Available power 3000 kW as well as on propellants in order to account for possible Peak power (kW) uncertainties. The ERV is the complete transfer vehicle for the Overall losses 1 Backup batteries/fuel cells 50 return trip to Earth including a crew habitat, a NTP ECLSS and housekeeping 200 unit with propellant and an ERC with heat-shield of Communication 1 about 11 t which will do the aerobrake manoeuvre at RMS/robotics 2 Earth and rendezvous with the space plane to safely GNC/AOCS 1000 return the crew and payload to Earth. Payload 1 Cooling (propellant, system) 500 The presented budget shows the chosen mission de- Total consumption 1755 sign to be well within the expectations in terms of mass Margin 41.5% with an overall orbital station mass at Mars of about 374.5 t. The total launch mass from LEO is 756.5 t with a permanent station part of 245.5 t staying in Martian mission. Table 12 gives a summary of the main power orbit when the first crew leaves. This permanent part consuming devices. These are the overall station house- then can be used by follow-up crews and could later keeping, the AOCS system with electric thrusters and even allow a permanently manned orbital station. the propellant cooling systems. Still with those high consumptions the overall margin is about 40% which 3.12.2. Power budget can be used in follow-up missions for station enlarge- The NTP bimodal power unit provides up to 3 MW ment and/or additional high power payload and electrical power which is enough to supply the whole instrumentation.
102 M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 Table 13 be necessary to drill deep below the surface in order M3 cost budget to escape the likely effects of the oxidant diffusion System Min. cost Max. cost reaction (2–5 m; the regions above 5 m might be well (million EUR) (million EUR) investigated at the time the mission launches [18]). Station 31 000 46 000 Deep Drilling (> 5 m) cannot be done by robots so Mars Lander 2550 2550 far and needs humans on the surface. On Mars there Launch cost (7 × HLLV) 1050 3500 might be liquid water under a considerable depth be- Operations and ground 6000 10 000 low the sterile surface. And if there is water it can infrastructure also be assumed that there was/is life on Mars. Total costs (price basis 2003) 40 600 62 050 • Mars seismology: Seismology is a powerful tool for investigating the subsurface structure of a planet. If 3.12.3. Cost budget we know more about the Martian structure it will Considering the uncertainties especially in technol- also be possible to find out something about the mag- ogy development the proposal of a cost estimate for a netic field which is significantly lower than it was on future mission is very difficult. The data in Table 13 early Mars. Hence, we plan to install seismometers have been calculated using the mass-cost ratio of the on Mars. ISS of about 40 000 to 50 000 EUR per kg which gives • Study landforms related to permafrost: There is ev- a good estimation for an orbital station and then scaling idence of landforms for which the only plausible the M3 station in terms of overall mass. explanation is that they were formed by water, e.g. A rather inexpensive possibility of heavy lift launches tear drop-shaped islands in the middle of large val- between 150 million EUR and 500 million EUR per leys, ancient shorelines, etc. From such evidence, it launch are assumed, the operations and ground infras- has become clear that Mars even sported a north- tructure including mission support, astronaut training ern hemisphere ocean that once covered more than facilities, etc. are thought to be about 15% of the overall a third of the planet to respectable depths. Archaic mission costs. water-saturated lake and sea bottoms should have re- tained their water content as the climate got colder and the ground froze to deeper and deeper levels. 3.13. Scientific research Micro-organisms can have adapted to the cold, pop- ulate the main ecological niches and survive under With the Mars Lander it will be possible to conduct conditions that seem absolutely unsuitable for life several scientific investigations and prepare for follow- in large populations and a high diversity [19]. The up missions. likeliest areas of significant permafrost deposits are • Drilling cores from the soil of Mars: The Viking Lan- the ancient northern ocean bottomlands, deep major der only took surface samples a few cm below the impact basin bottoms like Hellas and Argyre, and surface and did not find any organic matter in the canyon bottoms (especially the outflow areas like Martian soil. Reason for that might be the strong ox- the Ares Valley landing site for the Mars Pathfinder idation processes working on the surface. The Mar- Lander). tian surface material is reactive and its evolution is connected with the short-wavelength UV radia- 3.14. Follow-up missions tion, which reaches the soil due to a missing ozone layer. Further, the strong UV radiation exposure of • Ice drilling cores from the polar caps of Mars: The the Martian surface can mobilize electrons, which polar regions are of great scientific interest because are detached on the free oxygen and form adsorbed there it may be possible to find out more about Mar- oxygen ions on the soil. If water evaporates from sub- tian life forms, but also to investigate the climate surface ice deposits it reacts with the adsorbed oxy- history of Mars. During the first expedition the Mars gen ions and forms superoxide radicals. This process Lander will launch in an equatorial region because can explain the reactive nature of the soil and the ab- the change in inclination requires a lower V and sence of organic compounds [17]. Therefore it may the entry is easier than for the polar regions. For
M. Taraba et al. / Acta Astronautica 58 (2006) 88 – 104 103 follow-up missions a two-staged ascending stage and nent data communication link to Earth is established a specially equipped descending stage for manned using a set of antennas. A three-staged ANERVA is exploration of the polar water-ice caps will be at- used for the propulsion and power system, as neither tached to the MRV in order to meet the higher V solar sails nor electrical propulsion are capable to fit the requirements. It is more difficult to land there be- M3 requirements. The physico-chemical and biological cause of low power and low temperatures available life-support system ensures recycling of water and air, for the landing vehicles. But in a follow-up mission enough stored dried or frozen food and a planting area pursued by the second crew travelling to the already of 60 m2 . The station is shielded with hydrogen rich existing orbital station it might be possible to land PE of a density of 10 g/cm2 against radiation. In order near the polar caps and take ice drilling cores. The to keep the crew in a good psychological and physical great advantage of ice drilling cores is the possibility state the habitation module is designed to respect pri- to extract the whole structure of the ice, which is not vacy and assure their health security. Twice a descent possible with thermal probes [20]. to the Martian surface can be carried out by two astro- • ISRU for Martian surface base: Outposts in per- nauts each, using the partly reusable MLM. This will mafrost areas will be especially challenging to build allow to conduct several scientific investigations, such and maintain. Settlement may be limited to areas of as taking drilling cores from the soil of Mars, study patchy permafrost, with construction held to frigid landforms related to permafrost and to investigate the but not ice-saturated soil and rock areas. Excess wa- Martian subsurface structure using seismology. ter produced by an outpost’s local permafrost tap The orbital station remains in LMO after separation may then be trucked, or air-lifted, or eventually from the spacecraft awaiting the next crew of astro- pipelined to other less advantaged settlements and nauts. In a follow-up mission astronauts could land near outposts. the polar caps of Mars in order to take ice drilling cores • Exploration of Martian moons: The investigation of or explore the Martian Moons. the content of the Martian moons may be of impor- After ∼ 1100 days the spacecraft will meet with the tance for space missions leading towards the asteroid reentry-vehicle in LEO bringing the astronauts safely belt and further. The moons most probably contain back to Earth. water which can be exploited for the crew in the or- biting station. Deimos, the outer moon of Mars, is the most accessible small body that is geophysically Acknowledgements anomalous for out-gassing in the inner solar system, and thus is a probable source for water ice. Wa- This work was supported by the Austrian Space ter is needed in Martian exploration for propellant, Agency (ASA), the European Space Agency (ESA) and life support, and as a chemical and physical process the Austrian Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innova- media. tion und Technologie. M. Taraba wants to thank Prof. Anton Zeilinger for sending him to the Space Summer School Alpbach and for the support of this publication. 4. Conclusion K. Zwintz acknowledges the support from the Aus- A manned mission to Mars in the year 2031 fo- trian Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen cussing on building an orbital station at an altitude of Forschung (FWF), project Stellar Atmospheres and Pul- ∼ 350 km above the Martian surface was described. sating Stars (P14984). From this vantage point it will be possible to explore the Red Planet and facilitate further studies of our solar Appendix system. After the final assembly of the M3 spacecraft in LEO, List of Abbreviations six astronauts will start their journey to Mars reaching the final orbit 258 days later. On board artificial grav- ANERVA Advanced Nuclear Engine for Rocket ity is provided by rotation of the spacecraft. A perma- Vehicle Applications
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