Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative - Open-File Report 2020-1042
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Mineral Resources Program Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative Open-File Report 2020–1042 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey
Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative By Albert H. Hofstra and Douglas C. Kreiner Mineral Resources Program Open-File Report 2020–1042 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Department of the Interior DAVID BERNHARDT, Secretary U.S. Geological Survey James F. Reilly II, Director U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2020 For more information on the USGS—the Federal source for science about the Earth, its natural and living resources, natural hazards, and the environment—visit or call 1–888–ASK–USGS. For an overview of USGS information products, including maps, imagery, and publications, visit Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also may contain copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner. Suggested citation: Hofstra, A.H., and Kreiner, D.C., 2020, Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2020–1042, 24 p., ISSN 2331-1258 (online)
iii Acknowledgments This report benefited from discussions with numerous Mineral Resources Program personnel. We thank Nora Foley (U.S. Geological Survey [USGS]), William Lassetter (Virginia Geological Survey), and Lukas Zurcher (USGS) for early reviews of the Systems-Deposits-Commodities- Critical Minerals Table, as well as Laurel Woodruff (USGS) and Jamey Jones (USGS) for their constructive reviews of this report.
v Contents Acknowledgments����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������iii Abstract�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 Background����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 Problem and Solution������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 Mineral Systems��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2 Table Rationale and Explanation�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2 Table Structure��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Table Use������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 References Cited�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17 Figures 1. Diagrams showing mineral system concepts��������������������������������������������������������������������������3 2. Schematic cross sections of a porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold system at various scales�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 3. Schematic model of a basin brine path system�����������������������������������������������������������������������5 Table 1. Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 Conversion Factors International System of Units to U.S. customary units Multiply By To obtain Length kilometer (km) 0.6214 mile (mi) Area square kilometer (km2) 0.3861 square mile (mi2) Abbreviations Earth MRI Earth Mapping Resources Initiative PGE platinum group elements REE rare earth elements USGS U.S. Geological Survey
vi Chemical Symbols Ag silver Al aluminum Ag silver Al aluminum As arsenic Au gold BaSO4 barite Be beryllium Bi bismuth C graphite CaF2 fluorspar Co cobalt Cr chromium Cs cesium Cu copper Fe iron Ga gallium Ge germanium He helium Hf hafnium In indium KCl potash Li lithium Mg magnesium Mn manganese Mo molybdenum Nb niobium Ni nickel P phosphorus Pb lead Rb rubidium Re rhenium Sb antimony Sc scandium
vii Sn tin Sr strontium Ta tantalum Te tellurium Ti titanium U uranium V vanadium W tungsten Zn zinc Zr zirconium
Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative By Albert H. Hofstra and Douglas C. Kreiner scandium (Sc), strontium (Sr), tantalum (Ta), tellurium (Te), Abstract tin (Sn), titanium (Ti), tungsten (W), uranium (U), vanadium (V), and zirconium (Zr). To define and prioritize focus areas across the United In 2018, Congress allocated funds to the USGS Mineral States with resource potential for 35 critical minerals in a Resources Program for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative few years’ time, the U.S Geological Survey Earth Mapping (Earth MRI), which is a partnership between the USGS, the Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) required an efficient Association of American State Geologists, and other Federal, approach to streamline workflow. A mineral systems approach State, and private-sector organizations. The goal of Earth MRI based on current understanding of how ore deposits that is to generate maps and data that aid in increasing the domes- contain critical minerals form and relate to broader geologic tic inventory of critical minerals (Day, 2019). To reach this frameworks and the tectonic history of the Earth was used goal, focus areas with critical mineral resource potential must to satisfy this Earth MRI need. This report describes the be defined and prioritized for new topographic, geologic, geo- rationale for, and structure of, a table developed for Earth chemical, and geophysical mapping; and funds must be allo- MRI that relates critical minerals and principal commodities cated to States and contractors to conduct the work. The new to the deposit types and mineral systems in which they are maps of high priority focus areas are designed to (1) advance concentrated. The hierarchical relationship between systems, understanding of, or “image,” the three-dimensional geologic deposits, commodities, and critical minerals makes it possible framework, (2) stimulate exploration and development of to define and prioritize each system-based focus area once for domestic resources of critical minerals, and (3) decrease the all of the critical minerals that it may contain. This approach Nation’s reliance on foreign sources of critical minerals. is advantageous because mineral systems are much larger During Phase 1, focus areas with potential for REE- than individual ore deposits and they generally have geologic bearing deposit types were targeted and classified by geologic features that can be “imaged” by the topographic, geologic, environment (Dicken and others, 2019; Hammarstrom and geochemical, and geophysical mapping techniques deployed Dicken, 2019). In 2019, funds were allocated to map the pri- by Earth MRI. oritized REE-focus areas and several studies were underway in 2020. During Phase 2, focus areas with potential for Al, C, Co, Li, Nb, PGE, Sn, Ta, Ti, and W were targeted and classified Background into mineral systems (explained in the “Mineral Systems” sec- tion) that generate ore deposits containing the aforementioned The President and Secretary of the Interior issued orders critical minerals. The plan for Phase 3 is to target and classify (Executive Office of the President, 2017; U.S. Department of all or most of the remaining critical minerals (As, BaSO4, Be, the Interior, 2017) that directed the U.S. Geological Survey Bi, CaF₂, Cr, Cs, Ga, Ge, He, Hf, In, KCl, Mg, Mn, Re, Rb, (USGS) to develop a plan to improve the Nation’s understand- Sb, Sc, Sr, Te, U, V, and Zr). ing of domestic critical mineral resources. In response, a list of 35 critical minerals with a high risk for supply disruption were identified by the National Minerals Information Center (Fortier and others, 2018). The 35 critical minerals that were Problem and Solution identified are aluminum (Al), antimony (Sb), arsenic (As), To define and prioritize Earth MRI focus areas across the barite (BaSO4), beryllium (Be), bismuth (Bi), cesium (Cs), United States for 35 critical minerals in a few years’ time, an chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), fluorspar (CaF₂), gallium (Ga), efficient method was needed that minimized the number of germanium (Ge), graphite (C), hafnium (Hf), helium (He), focus areas and the number of times that each focus area was indium (In), lithium (Li), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), considered. Application of the commodity-based approach uti- niobium (Nb), platinum group elements (PGEs), potash (KCl), lized for REE in Phase 1 to the remaining 34 critical minerals rare earth elements (REE), rhenium (Re), rubidium (Rb), would be redundant and inefficient because, unlike REE and
2 Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative a few other exceptions (Al, BaSO4, C, PGE), critical minerals these components, produce mineral systems and ore deposits generally do not constitute the major part of any single mineral of different types that are enriched in different principal com- deposit. Instead, they are more commonly present as minor modities and byproducts, of which some are critical minerals. constituents in deposits mined for principal commodities, such Mineral systems with genetically related ore deposits as gold (Au), silver (Ag), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), generally form during an episode of magmatism, metamor- molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), iron (Fe), and phosphorus (P). phism, deformation, sedimentation, weathering, or erosion in The solution to this problem, employed in Phases 2 and specific geotectonic settings (fig. 1). The geotectonic setting 3 of Earth MRI, was to take advantage of the hierarchical includes the actual tectonic configuration as well as aspects of relationship that exists between mineral systems, ore deposits, crustal evolution and (or) climatic conditions that are required principal commodities, and critical minerals (described in the for a system to produce significant deposits. If a setting lacks “Table Rationale and Explanation” section) and define focus one or more key ingredients, such as dilatant structures, areas that correspond, more or less, to the footprint of mineral enriched source rocks, an arid climate, or appropriate physical systems, and then prioritize each system-based focus area once or chemical conditions, a mineral system may operate without for the entire suite of critical minerals that it may contain. producing significant ore deposits. Systems generally require An important advantage of this approach is that the scale of a trigger to get them started. Triggers can be sudden, such as mineral systems is much larger than individual ore deposits volcanism above a mantle plume (for example, Ni-Cu-PGE and they generally have key geologic features that can be deposits in a mafic magmatic system), or barely noticeable, “imaged” by the Earth MRI mapping techniques described such as formation of a peneplain in a tropical climatic zone (for previously. The number of focus areas can be further reduced example, bauxite deposits in a chemical weathering system). by prioritizing only the largest and most prospective systems The vertical and lateral extents of mineral systems are in the United States because, in most (but not all) cases, small quite variable. For example, a system may have large verti- systems are unlikely to generate deposits that are large enough cal extents, as in porphyry Cu-Mo-Au systems that extend to contain significant quantities of critical minerals. Another from the subduction zone to the surface (fig. 2C), or short way to minimize the number of focus areas is to group mineral vertical extents, such as chemical weathering systems that systems that occur in clusters or belts into one focus area. are restricted to the vadose zone between the surface and the Similarly, because well-endowed mineral systems are known water table. Mineral systems can have large lateral extents, as to form in specific tectonic settings and during specific time in basin brine path systems that extend from marine evaporite periods of Earth history, such settings that have been identi- basins, across passive margins, to shelf-slope breaks where fied in frontier areas or under cover can be designated as they discharge into the ocean (fig. 3). Other mineral systems focus areas. can have small lateral extents, such as in carbonatites. Most In the following sections, we describe mineral systems systems are spatially zoned such that deposits with different and the rationale for, and structure of, the systems, deposits, commodities and critical minerals occur at different levels or commodities, and critical minerals information compiled in in proximal to distal positions (for example, figs. 2A and 3). table 1 (PDF file) and show how it can be used to streamline In some systems, critical minerals are enriched on the periph- workflow for Earth MRI. ery of the system or deposit types within it, or they occur in unconventional deposit types (for example, alunite altered lithocaps). Some deposit types are mined for a single com- modity, such as tungsten skarn deposits, whereas others are Mineral Systems mined for several commodities, such as placer deposits mined for Au, REE, Ti, and Zr-Hf. In some deposit types, the princi- The mineral systems concept is based on current under- pal commodity is a critical mineral, but in most cases critical standing of how ore deposits form and relate to broader minerals have been, or may only be, produced as byproducts geologic frameworks and the tectonic history of the Earth of principal commodity deposits (Hayes and McCullough, (for example, Wyborn and others, 1994; McCuaig and oth- 2018), such as REE from sedimentary phosphate deposits. ers, 2010; Huston and others, 2016; and Geological Survey Detailed information on each system and deposit type is of Western Australia, 2019). Mineral systems encompass provided in the references cited in table 1. all of the components required to form ore deposits (fig. 1). These components are (1) an optimum geotectonic setting, (2) energy to drive the system (heat, gravity), (3) source rocks for ligands and metals (igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary Table Rationale and Explanation rocks; preexisting mineralization), (4) a transport medium (melts, aqueous fluids-liquids-vapors, petroleum-natural gas), Table 1 was populated with principal commodity and (5) transport pathways (channels, permeable structures and critical mineral information gathered from ore deposit models lithologies), (6) chemical and physical traps that concentrate published by the USGS, other government organizations, and metals to ore grades (deposits), and (7) distal expressions scientific journals. This information was classified into mineral (mineral, chemical, or thermal anomalies) that extend to the systems using the concept outlined in the “Mineral Systems” limit of the system. In a given geotectonic setting, variations in section. This classification consisted of grouping deposit types
Table Rationale and Explanation 3 Components Energy Ligand Source Transport Trap Outflow Mineral System (≤500 km) Deposit Halo (≤10 km) Deposit (≤5 km) INGREDIENTS Model I Metal Source Model II Ligand Energy Source Residual Model III (Driving Force) Fluid Discharge Transporting Fluid Trap Region No Deposits A. Time Global Craton Province District Deposit B. Scale Figure 1. Mineral system concepts. A, Modified from Knox-Robinson and Wyborn (1997). B, Modified from Geoscience Australia (2019). (≤, less than or equal; km, kilometer)
4 Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative High-sulfidation dissem. A. Au ±Ag ±Cu Alunite Intermediate Al K Ga Sulfidation Au-Ag Mn As Sb High-sulfidation Carbonate replacement Base of Cu-Au, ±Ag Zn-Pb-Ag ±Au ±Cu lithocap Te Bi Ga Ge In Mn Au/Zn-Pb skarn Vein Distal- Zn-Cu-Pb- dissem. Ag ±Au Marble Au-As front ±Sb ±Hg Porphry Cu ±Au ±Mo Cu-Au skarn Te In PGE Re W skarn Greisen 1 km W-Sn ±Be ±Li Lithocap B. Paleosurface Volcanic Multiphase edifice stock Subvolcanic basement Composite pluton 5 km C. Figure 2. Schematic cross sections of a porphyry copper (Cu)-molybdenum (Mo)-gold (Au) system (with critical minerals in blue) at various scales. A and B, Modified from Sillitoe (2010). C, Modified from Tosdal and others (2009). (Ag, silver; Al, aluminum; As, arsenic; Be, beryllium; Bi, bismuth; Co, cobalt; dissem., disseminated; Ga, gallium; Hg, mercury; In, indium; K, potassium; km, kilometer; Li, lithium; MASH, melting, assimilation, and homogenization; Mn, manganese; Pb, lead; PGE, platinum group elements; Re, rhenium; Sb, antimony; SLM, subcontinental lithospheric mantle; Sn, tin; Te, tellurium; W, tungsten; Zn, zinc)
Fluid source – Large shallow platform ( > 105 km2) Seawater evaporation with dolomite, salt, gypsum, and residual brine with K, Sr, Mg, Rb, Cs Distal expressions - Metalliferous black shale U V PGE Re Fe-Mn±Co, barite Sr, phosphate REE U Hydrothermal dolomite Rift sag sequence (1-4 km) – Limestone, MVT and Irish-type deposits shale, calcareous shale, siltstone Dolostone K-Na alteration Metal traps - Anoxic/Euxinic 10 Kilometers bathymetric lows. Black shales >1% TOC Sedex deposits Fluid drive – Density-driven brine reflux with dolomitization and K-Na alteration along migration pathways K-Na alteration Li-brines Rift fill sequence (>3 km) – Coarse- to fine-grained oxidized continental clastic rocks, ± evaporites, Alkali alteration commonly with felsic and mafic volcanics, dikes and sills Fe/Mn carbonate Plumbing system – Long-lived synsedimentary basin faults evidenced by facies, isopachs, breccias, slumps 0 100 Kilometers 0 100 Miles (Pb ±Bi-Sb, Zn ±Ga-Ge-In-Bi, Cu ±Co) Table Rationale and Explanation 5 Figure 3. Schematic model of a basin brine path system (with critical minerals in blue), modified from Emsbo, 2009. (>, greater than; %, percent; Ba, barium; Bi, bismuth; Co, cobalt; Cs, cesium; Cu, copper; Fe, iron; Ga, gallium; Ge, germanium; In, indium; K, potassium; km, kilometer; km2, square kilometer; Li, lithium; Mg, magnesium; Mn, manganese; MVT, Mississippi Valley-type; Na, sodium; Pb, lead; PGE, platinum group elements; PO4, phosphate; Rb, rubidium; Re, rhenium; REE, rare earth elements; U, uranium; V, vanadium; Sb, antimony; Sr, strontium; TOC, total organic carbon; Zn, zinc)
6 Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative that share a fundamental genetic relationship to geologic con- contain a similar assortment of principal commodities and criti- trols that are characteristic of each system type. Thus, if one cal minerals whereas those with distinct principal commodities part (for example, deposit type) of a system is identified, then and critical minerals were split out. The fourth column is a list the other parts (for example, other deposit types) of the system of “Principal commodities” that generally are produced from, may be present nearby. or explored for, in the deposit type. These are the commodities As table 1 was being constructed, it became clear that it that govern the economics of mining and mineral processing. could be simplified and made more useful for Earth MRI by (1) The fifth column is a list of “Critical minerals.” Those that have grouping deposit types with similar mineral assemblages that actually been produced from the deposit type are highlighted in contain similar element suites, and (or) (2) splitting out deposit bold type (for example, REE), whereas those that are enriched types with distinct mineralogies and elements. This decision in the deposit type, but have not yet been produced, are listed in was based on the common mineral associations that occur in italics (for example, PGE). Critical minerals that are principal certain deposit types and the typical element substitutions that commodities, are listed in both columns. The sixth column is occur in each mineral. For example, in porphyry Cu-Mo-Au “Reference(s),” which cites publications that contain detailed systems (fig. 2A–B), polymetallic skarn, replacement, vein, descriptions of the system and deposit types upon which the and intermediate sulfidation (SRVIS) deposits all contain entries in table 1 are based. various proportions of Cu-, Zn-, and Pb-sulfides and As- and Sb-sulfosalts with variable proportions of the same principal commodities (Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, Au) and critical minerals (Ge, Table Use Ga, In, Bi, Sb, As, W, Te). Thus, an overarching deposit name The hierarchical relationship between systems, deposits, was devised to encompass them, “polymetallic SRVIS.” In commodities, and critical minerals in table 1 can be used to an analogous way, Cu-sulfides in porphyry and skarn copper help define and prioritize Earth MRI focus areas for mapping deposits typically contain PGE, Te, and Bi; molybdenite in projects in four ways. porphyry and skarn molybdenum deposits contains Re; pyrite First, if any part of a mineral system has been recognized in distal disseminated silver-gold deposits contains As and Sb; by previous work, table 1 can be used to deduce the assortment and alunite in lithocap deposits contains Al, K, and Ga. Placers of deposit types, principal commodities, and critical minerals are more complex because the assemblage of ore minerals that may be present in adjacent areas and under cover. Because that they contain reflects the assemblage of source rocks and information generally exists on the principal commodities and mineralization exposed in the catchment area. Consequently, it deposit types that are present in well-explored areas with a his- is important to understand that the distinctions made in table 1 tory of mining, table 1 can be used to infer the system type(s) are idealized and that in nature the deposit types grade into, or and the critical minerals that may be present in mine waste, overlap with, one another. Nevertheless, the deposit groupings unmined resources, concealed deposit types under cover, or in and distinctions can be used to identify the parts or aspects of a deposit types that were removed by erosion. In areas with his- mineral system that are likely to be enriched in specific princi- torical mining and exploration, these inferences have a higher pal commodities and critical minerals. degree of certainty because the known deposit types confirm that a mineral system actually operated in the area. The deposit Table Structure types recognized at or near the surface also provide an indica- tion of the level of exposure or tilting of the system. The table consists of six columns (with headers in bold Second, for system-based focus areas of the same type (for type). The first is the “System name.” In some cases, an estab- example, porphry Cu-Mo-Au), the attributes of each area can lished name was used, for example, “Placer.” In other cases, be compared to identify those that are well endowed and (or) a name was selected that emphasizes an aspect of the system would benefit the most from Earth MRI mapping techniques. that is characteristic of, and distinct from, the other systems, Third, in some parts of the country, systems of differ- for example, “Chemical Weathering.” One system was named ent types and ages occur in the same geographic area, such after the principal deposit type within it, namely “Porphyry that the system-based focused areas overlap. These areas are Cu-Mo-Au.” In this case, it is important to realize that porphyry highly prospective and may benefit the most from Earth MRI Cu-Mo-Au systems are much larger than porphyry Cu-Mo-Au mapping efforts. deposits and encompass key aspects of the tectonic framework Fourth, in frontier areas (for example, Alaska) or areas and all of the deposit types that occur within the system, as with extensive cover (for example, U.S. mid-continent), if a shown in figure 2. The second column is a brief “Synopsis” that geotectonic setting, or terrane, is recognized that is known to provides information on the geotectonic setting of the system host mineral systems of a given type elsewhere in the world and a description of how it operates to form ore deposits con- (for example, Mesoproterozoic magmatic provinces), table 1 taining various principal commodities and critical minerals. The can be used to infer the deposit types, principal commodities, third column is “Deposit types.” As described in the previous and critical minerals that may be present. In this case, Earth section, in some cases, different deposit types were grouped MRI maps of such terranes may detect evidence of mineral together under an overarching deposit name because they systems and lead to new discoveries.
Table 1. Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative. [±, present (absent); —, not applicable; ?, maybe; Ag, silver; Al, aluminum; As, arsenic; Au, gold; B, boron; Ba, barium; Be, beryllium; Bi, bismuth; Br, bromine; Ca, calcium; Cd, cadmium; Co, cobalt; CO2, carbon dioxide; Cs, cesium; Cr, chromium; Cu, copper; F, fluorine; Fe, iron; Ga, gallium; Ge, germanium; Hf, hafnium; Hg, mercury; I, iodine; In, indium; IOA, iron oxide-apatite; IOCG, iron oxide-copper-gold; IS, intermediate sulfidation; K, potassium; LCT, lithium-cesium-tantalum; Li, lithium; Mg, magnesium; Mn, manganese; Mo, molybdenum; Na, sodium; Nb, niobium; Ni, nickel; NYF, niobium-yttrium-fluorine; P, phosphorus; Pb, lead; PGE, platinum group elements; R, replacement; Rb, rubidium; Re, rhenium; REE, rare earth elements; S, skarn; Sb, antimony; Sc, scandium; SE, selenium; Sn, tin; Sr, strontium; Ta, tanta- lum; Te, tellurium; Th, thorium; Ti, titanium; Tl, thallium; U, uranium; V, vanadium (in “Commodity” column; V, vein (in “Deposit type” column); W, tungsten; Y, yttrium; Zn, zinc; Zr, zirconium] System name Synopsis Deposit types Principal commodities Critical minerals1 Reference(s) Placer (riverine-marine, Placer systems operate in drainage Gold Au — Levson, 1995; Van residual-eluvial-alluvial- basins and along shorelines where Uraninite, autunite-group minerals U U Gosen and others, shoreline, paleo) there is either topographic relief and 2014; Sengupta PGE PGE PGE gravity-driven turbulent flow of sur- and Van Gosen, face water or tidal and wind-driven Cassiterite Sn Sn 2016; Jones and wave action. Placer systems con- Wolframite/scheelite W W others, 2017 centrate insoluble resistate minerals Barite Barite Barite liberated from various rock types and mineral occurrences by the Fluorite Fluorite Fluorite chemical breakdown and winnowing Monazite/xenotime REE, Y, Th REE away of enclosing minerals by the Columbite/tantalite Nb, Ta Nb, Ta, Mn movement of water. The distribu- tion of insoluble resistate minerals is Zircon Zr, Hf Zr, Hf controlled by their size, density, and Ilmenite/rutile/leucoxene Ti Ti the turbulence of fluid flow. Diamond Diamond gems and abrasive — Sapphire Sapphire gems — Garnet Garnet gems and abrasive — Chemical weathering (un- Chemical weathering systems operate Nickel-cobalt laterite Ni, Co Co, Sc Marsh and others, saturated zone, in situ) in stable areas of low to moder- Bauxite Al Al, Ga, REE 2013; Foley and ate relief with sufficient rainfall to Ayuso, 2015; chemically dissolve and concentrate Clay Kaolin Ga, Li, REE Bruneton and elements present in various rock Carbonatite laterite Nb, REE Nb, REE Cuney, 2016; types and mineral occurrences by Regolith (Ion adsorption) REE REE REE Sanematsu and the downward percolation of surface Watanabe, 2016 Table Rationale and Explanation 7 Surficial uranium U U water in the unsaturated zone. Chemical gradients cause differ- Supergene (and laterite) gold Au — ent elements to be concentrated at Supergene silver Ag ? different positions in the weather- Supergene lead Pb ? ing profile and at the water table. Bauxite, Ni-laterite, and carbonatite Supergene zinc Zn ?Ge, Ga, In? laterite are restricted to tropical Supergene (and exotic) copper Cu ?Te, Bi? climatic zones; others form in tem- Supergene cobalt Co Co perate and arid climates. Supergene PGE PGE PGE Supergene manganese Mn Mn, Co Supergene iron Fe Mn
Table 1. Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative. —Continued 8 Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative [±, present (absent); —, not applicable; ?, maybe; Ag, silver; Al, aluminum; As, arsenic; Au, gold; B, boron; Ba, barium; Be, beryllium; Bi, bismuth; Br, bromine; Ca, calcium; Cd, cadmium; Co, cobalt; CO2, carbon dioxide; Cs, cesium; Cr, chromium; Cu, copper; F, fluorine; Fe, iron; Ga, gallium; Ge, germanium; Hf, hafnium; Hg, mercury; I, iodine; In, indium; IS, intermediate sulfidation; K, potassium; LCT, lithium-cesium-tantalum; Li, lithium; Mg, magnesium; Mn, manganese; Mo, molybdenum; Na, sodium; Nb, niobium; Ni, nickel; NYF, niobium-yttrium-fluorine; P, phosphorus; Pb, lead; PGE, platinum group elements; R, replacement; Rb, rubidium; Re, rhenium; REE, rare earth elements; S, skarn; Sb, antimony; Sc, scandium; SE, selenium; Sn, tin; Sr, strontium; Ta, tantalum; Te, tellurium; Th, thorium; Ti, titanium; Tl, thallium; U, uranium; V, vanadium; W, tungsten; Y, yttrium; Zn, zinc; Zr, zirconium] System name Synopsis Deposit types Principal commodities Critical minerals1 Reference(s) Meteoric recharge Meteoric recharge systems operate Sandstone uranium U, V U, V, Re, Sc, Skirrow and others, where oxidized meteoric ground- REE, Co, PGE 2009; Breit, 2016; water displaces reduced connate Calcrete uranium U, V U, V, Sr Bruneton and water in sandstone aquifers that Cuney, 2016; Hall often contain volcanic ash or where and others, 2019 such groundwater evaporates at the surface. As oxidized water descends through sandstone aquifers, it scavenges uranium and other ele- ments from detrital minerals and (or) volcanic glass. Uranium and other elements precipitate at the redox front with reduced connate water, on carbonaceous material in the aquifers, or at the surface in calcrete by evaporation. Lacustrine evaporite Lacustrine evaporite systems operate Trona Soda ash (Na2CO3) — Dyni, 1991; in closed drainage basins in arid to Gypsum Gypsum (CaSO4•2H2O) — Sheppard, hyperarid climatic zones. Elements 1991a,b; Salt Salt (NaCl) — present in meteoric surface, ground, Williams-Stroud, and geothermal recharge water are Potash Potash (KCl) Potash 1991; Orris, concentrated by evaporation. As Carnallite Carnellite (KMgCl3•6H2O) Potash, Mg 1995; Warren, salinity increases, evaporite minerals 2010; Bradley Borate Borax, boric Acid Li typically precipitate in the follow- and others, 2013; ing sequence: gypsum or anhydrite, Nitrate [Na, K, Ca, Mg][NO3 nitrate, Mg Hofstra and halite, sylvite, carnallite, borate. IO3 iodate, BO3 borate] others, 2013b; Nitrates are concentrated in basins Residual brine Salt, potash, borax, boric acid, Potash, Li, Mn, Munk and others, that accumulate sea spray. Residual soda ash, sodium sulfate, Li, Rb, Cs, Mg, 2016; Bradley and brines enriched in lithium and other Rb, Cs, Mg, Mn, Sr, Br, I, Sr, W others, 2017b elements often accumulate in aqui- W, Zn fers below dry lake beds. Li-clay Lithium clay Li Li and Li-zeolite deposits form where residual brine reacts with lake sedi- Lithium-boron zeolite Zeolite, B, Li Li ment, ash layers, or volcanic rocks.
Table 1. Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative. —Continued [±, present (absent); —, not applicable; ?, maybe; Ag, silver; Al, aluminum; As, arsenic; Au, gold; B, boron; Ba, barium; Be, beryllium; Bi, bismuth; Br, bromine; Ca, calcium; Cd, cadmium; Co, cobalt; CO2, carbon dioxide; Cs, cesium; Cr, chromium; Cu, copper; F, fluorine; Fe, iron; Ga, gallium; Ge, germanium; Hf, hafnium; Hg, mercury; I, iodine; In, indium; IS, intermediate sulfidation; K, potassium; LCT, lithium-cesium-tantalum; Li, lithium; Mg, magnesium; Mn, manganese; Mo, molybdenum; Na, sodium; Nb, niobium; Ni, nickel; NYF, niobium-yttrium-fluorine; P, phosphorus; Pb, lead; PGE, platinum group elements; R, replacement; Rb, rubidium; Re, rhenium; REE, rare earth elements; S, skarn; Sb, antimony; Sc, scandium; SE, selenium; Sn, tin; Sr, strontium; Ta, tantalum; Te, tellurium; Th, thorium; Ti, titanium; Tl, thallium; U, uranium; V, vanadium; W, tungsten; Y, yttrium; Zn, zinc; Zr, zirconium] System name Synopsis Deposit types Principal commodities Critical minerals1 Reference(s) Marine evaporite Marine evaporite systems operate in Gypsum Gypsum (CaSO4•2H2O) — Raup 1991a, b; shallow restricted epicontinental Salt Salt (NaCl) — Warren, 2010 basins in arid to hyperarid climatic Potash Potash (KCl) Potash zones. Elements present in seawater are concentrated by evaporation. As Dissolution brine Petroleum, salt (NaCl) — salinity increases, evaporite minerals typically precipitate in the follow- ing sequence: gypsum or anhydrite, halite, sylvite. Residual basin brines are enriched in conserved elements, such as Mg and Li. Incursion of freshwater or seawater can produce halite dissolution brines. Basin brine path Basin brine path systems emanate from Basin brine Petroleum, salt, potash, Li, Rb, Potash, Li, Rb, Cox and Singer, marine evaporite basins and extend Cs, Mg, Sr, Br, I, Zn Cs, Mg, Sr 2007; Skirrow downward and laterally through Hydrothermal dolomite Building stone, aggregate Mg and others, 2009; permeable strata to discharge points Alpine, 2010; Zinc-lead (MVT and sedex) Zn, Pb, Ag, Cu, Co Sn, Ge, Co, Ga, In in the ocean. Basin brines evolve Leach and others, to become ore fluids by scaveng- Copper (sed-hosted and replace- Cu, Co, Ag, Pb, Zn Co, PGE, Re, 2010; Hayes and ing metals from various rock types ment) Ge, Ga, V, U others, 2015; along gravity-driven flow paths. The Uranium (unconformity and brec- U, V, Cu, Co, Mo, Re, Se, Sc, U, V, Re, Sc, Emsbo and others, mineralogy of the aquifers controls cia pipe) REE REE, Co 2016a; Marsh the redox and sulfidation state of and others, 2016; Barite (replacement and bedded) Barite (witherite) Barite the brine and the suite of elements Johnson and that can be scavenged. Cu- and Strontium (replacement and bed- Sr (celestite, strontianite) Sr others, 2017; Table Rationale and Explanation Pb-Zn sulfide deposits form where ded) Manning and oxidized brines encounter reduced Emsbo, 2018 S. Unconformity U deposits form where oxidized brines are reduced. Ba and Sr deposits form where reduced brines encounter marine sulfate or carbonate. 9
Table 1. Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative. —Continued 10 [±, present (absent); —, not applicable; ?, maybe; Ag, silver; Al, aluminum; As, arsenic; Au, gold; B, boron; Ba, barium; Be, beryllium; Bi, bismuth; Br, bromine; Ca, calcium; Cd, cadmium; Co, cobalt; CO2, carbon dioxide; Cs, cesium; Cr, chromium; Cu, copper; F, fluorine; Fe, iron; Ga, gallium; Ge, germanium; Hf, hafnium; Hg, mercury; I, iodine; In, indium; IS, intermediate sulfidation; K, potassium; LCT, Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative lithium-cesium-tantalum; Li, lithium; Mg, magnesium; Mn, manganese; Mo, molybdenum; Na, sodium; Nb, niobium; Ni, nickel; NYF, niobium-yttrium-fluorine; P, phosphorus; Pb, lead; PGE, platinum group elements; R, replacement; Rb, rubidium; Re, rhenium; REE, rare earth elements; S, skarn; Sb, antimony; Sc, scandium; SE, selenium; Sn, tin; Sr, strontium; Ta, tantalum; Te, tellurium; Th, thorium; Ti, titanium; Tl, thallium; U, uranium; V, vanadium; W, tungsten; Y, yttrium; Zn, zinc; Zr, zirconium] System name Synopsis Deposit types Principal commodities Critical minerals1 Reference(s) Marine chemocline (bath- Marine chemocline systems operate Black shale Stone coal, petroleum, V, Ni, V, Re, PGE Lefebure and tub rim) where basin brines discharge into Mo, Au, PGE Coveney, 1995; the ocean. Consequent increases in Phosphate Phosphate fertilizer F, REE, U Force and others, bioproductivity produce metallifer- 1999; Emsbo, Iron-manganese Fe, Mn, Co Mn, Co ous black shales. Changes in ocean 2000; Emsbo chemistry (oceanic anoxic events) Superior iron Fe — and others, 2015, and development of chemoclines 2016b; Cannon result in chemical sedimentation of and others, 2017 phosphate and Mn and Fe carbon- ates and oxides. Hybrid magmatic REE/ This hybrid system operates where Fluorspar Fluorite Fluorite, barite, Plumlee and others, basin brine path CO2- and HF-bearing magmatic vol- REE, Ti, Nb, Be 1995; Denny and atiles condense into basinal brines others, 2015, that replace carbonate with fluorspar 2016; Hayes and ± barite, REE, Ti, Nb, and Be as others, 2017 in the Illinois-Kentucky Fluorspar District and Hicks Dome. Arsenide Arsenide systems form in continental Five element veins Ag, As, Co, Ni, Bi, U, Sb Co, Bi, U, As, Sb Kissin, 1992, Markl rifts where deep-seated, oxidized, and others, 2016; metal-rich, metamorphic basement Burisch and brines ascend to shallow levels. others, 2017; Native elements (Ag, Bi, As), Ni-, Scharrer and Co- and Fe-mono-, di- and sulf- others, 2019 arsenides precipitate by reduction as hydrocarbons, graphite, or sulfide minerals are oxidized to form car- bonates and barite.
Table 1. Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative. —Continued [±, present (absent); —, not applicable; ?, maybe; Ag, silver; Al, aluminum; As, arsenic; Au, gold; B, boron; Ba, barium; Be, beryllium; Bi, bismuth; Br, bromine; Ca, calcium; Cd, cadmium; Co, cobalt; CO2, carbon dioxide; Cs, cesium; Cr, chromium; Cu, copper; F, fluorine; Fe, iron; Ga, gallium; Ge, germanium; Hf, hafnium; Hg, mercury; I, iodine; In, indium; IS, intermediate sulfidation; K, potassium; LCT, lithium-cesium-tantalum; Li, lithium; Mg, magnesium; Mn, manganese; Mo, molybdenum; Na, sodium; Nb, niobium; Ni, nickel; NYF, niobium-yttrium-fluorine; P, phosphorus; Pb, lead; PGE, platinum group elements; R, replacement; Rb, rubidium; Re, rhenium; REE, rare earth elements; S, skarn; Sb, antimony; Sc, scandium; SE, selenium; Sn, tin; Sr, strontium; Ta, tantalum; Te, tellurium; Th, thorium; Ti, titanium; Tl, thallium; U, uranium; V, vanadium; W, tungsten; Y, yttrium; Zn, zinc; Zr, zirconium] System name Synopsis Deposit types Principal commodities Critical minerals1 Reference(s) Volcanogenic seafloor Volcanogenic seafloor systems are Copper-zinc sulfide Cu, Zn Co, Bi, Te, In, Sn, Levson, 1995; driven by igneous activity along Ge, Ga, Sb Shanks and spreading centers, back-arc basins Zinc-copper sulfide Zn, Cu Ge, Ga, Sb, Co, Thurston, 2012; and magmatic arcs. In spread- Bi, Te, In, Sn Monecke and ing centers and back-arc basins, others, 2016; Polymetallic sulfide Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, Au Sn, Bi, Te, In, Ge, seawater evolves to become an ore Cannon and Ga, Sb, As fluid by convection through hot others, 2017 volcanic rocks. In magmatic arcs, Barite Barite Barite ore fluids exsolved from subvolcanic Manganese oxide (layers, crusts, Mn, Fe, Ni Mn, Co, Ge intrusions may mix with convecting nodules) seawater. Ore deposits form where Algoma iron Fe ? hot reduced ore fluids vent into cool oxygenated seawater. Sulfides and sulfates precipitate in or near vents. Mn and Fe precipitate at chemo- clines over wide areas in basins with seafloor hydrothermal activity . Orogenic Metamorphic dewatering of sulfidic Gold Au, Ag W, Te, As, Sb Groves and others, volcanic and (or) sulfidic, carbona- Antimony Sb, Au, Ag Sb 1998; Gray and ceous, and (or) calcareous siliciclas- Bailey, 2003; Mercury Hg, Sb Sb tic sequences during exhumation Goldfarb and with fluid flow along dilatant struc- Graphite Graphite (lump) Graphite (lump) others, 2005, tures. Iron minerals in host rocks are 2016; Luque and often sulfidized. Metavolcanic host others, 2014 Table Rationale and Explanation rocks often contain volcanogenic seafloor sulfide deposits. Coeur d’Alene-type Metamorphic dewatering of moder- Polymetallic sulfide Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu Sb, Co, Ge, Ga, Leach and others, ately oxidized siliciclastic se- In 1988, 1998; quences during exhumation with Antimony Sb Sb Beaudoin and fluid flow along dilatant structures. Sangster, 1992, Metasedimentary host rocks may 1995; Balistrieri contain basin brine path Pb-Zn and and others, 2002; Cu±Co deposits. Hofstra and others, 2013a; Seal and others, 2017 11
Table 1. Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative. —Continued 12 [±, present (absent); —, not applicable; ?, maybe; Ag, silver; Al, aluminum; As, arsenic; Au, gold; B, boron; Ba, barium; Be, beryllium; Bi, bismuth; Br, bromine; Ca, calcium; Cd, cadmium; Co, cobalt; CO2, carbon dioxide; Cs, cesium; Cr, chromium; Cu, copper; F, fluorine; Fe, iron; Ga, gallium; Ge, germanium; Hf, hafnium; Hg, mercury; I, iodine; In, indium; IS, intermediate sulfidation; K, potassium; LCT, Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative lithium-cesium-tantalum; Li, lithium; Mg, magnesium; Mn, manganese; Mo, molybdenum; Na, sodium; Nb, niobium; Ni, nickel; NYF, niobium-yttrium-fluorine; P, phosphorus; Pb, lead; PGE, platinum group elements; R, replacement; Rb, rubidium; Re, rhenium; REE, rare earth elements; S, skarn; Sb, antimony; Sc, scandium; SE, selenium; Sn, tin; Sr, strontium; Ta, tantalum; Te, tellurium; Th, thorium; Ti, titanium; Tl, thallium; U, uranium; V, vanadium; W, tungsten; Y, yttrium; Zn, zinc; Zr, zirconium] System name Synopsis Deposit types Principal commodities Critical minerals1 Reference(s) Metamorphic Metamorphic systems recrystallize Graphite (coal or carbonaceous Graphite (amorphous and flake) Graphite (amor- Sutphin, 1991a,b,c; rocks containing organic carbon or sed) phous and Luque and others, REE phosphate minerals. flake) 2014; McKin- Gneiss REE (monazite, xenotime) Th, U, REE, Y REE, U ney and others, 2015; Sutherland and Cola, 2016 Robinson and others, 2017 Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold Greisen Mo, W, Sn W, Sn Seedorff and others, systems operate in oceanic and S-R-V tungsten W W, Bi, Mn 2005; John and continental magmatic arcs with others, 2010, Porphyry/skarn molybdenum Mo, W, Sn W, Re, Bi calc-alkaline compositions. Aqueous 2017; Sillitoe, supercritical fluids exsolved from Porphyry/skarn copper Cu, Au, Ag, Mo PGE, Te, Re, Co, 2010; Taylor and felsic plutons and the apices of Bi, U others, 2012; John subvolcanic stocks form a variety of Skarn iron Fe, Cu Ge and Taylor, 2016; deposit types as they move upward London, 2016 Polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ag, Au Mn, Ge, Ga, In, and outward, split into liquid and Bi, Sb, As, vapor, react with country rocks, and W, Te mix with groundwater. The broad spectrum of deposit types results Distal disseminated silver-gold Ag, Au Sb, As from the large thermal and chemical High-sulfidation gold-silver Cu, Ag, Au As, Sb, Te, Bi, Sn, gradients in these systems. Ga Lithocap alunite Al, K2SO4 Al, K2SO4, Ga Lithocap kaolinite Kaolin Ga Alkalic porphyry Alkalic porphyry systems form in oce- Greisen Mo, Bi Bi Jensen and Barton, anic and continental magmatic arcs S-R-V Tungsten W W, Bi, Mn 2000; Kelley and and in continental rifts by similar Spry, 2016 Porphyry/skarn copper-gold Cu, Mo, Au PGE, Te, Bi processes from fluids exsolved from more fractionated alkalic plutons Polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu Ge, Ga, In, Bi, Te and stocks. Resulting ore deposits Distal disseminated silver-gold Ag, Au Sb, As tend to be more enriched in Au, Te, High sulfidation Cu, Ag, Au Te, Bi, As, Sb Bi, and V. Low sulfidation Au Te, Bi, V, F Lithocap alunite? Al, K2SO4 Al, K2SO4, Ga Lithocap kaolinite? Kaolin Ga
Table 1. Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative. —Continued [±, present (absent); —, not applicable; ?, maybe; Ag, silver; Al, aluminum; As, arsenic; Au, gold; B, boron; Ba, barium; Be, beryllium; Bi, bismuth; Br, bromine; Ca, calcium; Cd, cadmium; Co, cobalt; CO2, carbon dioxide; Cs, cesium; Cr, chromium; Cu, copper; F, fluorine; Fe, iron; Ga, gallium; Ge, germanium; Hf, hafnium; Hg, mercury; I, iodine; In, indium; IS, intermediate sulfidation; K, potassium; LCT, lithium-cesium-tantalum; Li, lithium; Mg, magnesium; Mn, manganese; Mo, molybdenum; Na, sodium; Nb, niobium; Ni, nickel; NYF, niobium-yttrium-fluorine; P, phosphorus; Pb, lead; PGE, platinum group elements; R, replacement; Rb, rubidium; Re, rhenium; REE, rare earth elements; S, skarn; Sb, antimony; Sc, scandium; SE, selenium; Sn, tin; Sr, strontium; Ta, tantalum; Te, tellurium; Th, thorium; Ti, titanium; Tl, thallium; U, uranium; V, vanadium; W, tungsten; Y, yttrium; Zn, zinc; Zr, zirconium] System name Synopsis Deposit types Principal commodities Critical minerals1 Reference(s) Porphyry Sn (granite- Granite-related porphyry Sn systems Pegmatite LCT Li-Cs-Ta Li, Cs, Ta, Nb, Panteleyev, 1996; related) form in back-arc or hinterland Sn, Be Sillitoe and settings by similar processes from Greisen Sn, W, Be Sn, W, Be others, 1998; fluids exsolved from more crustally Černý and Ercit, Porphyry/skarn Sn, W, Be Sn, W, Be contaminated S-type peraluminous 2005; Martin and plutons and stocks. At deep levels, Polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, Au Sn, Mn, Ge, Ga, De Vito, 2005; LCT pegmatites emanate from In, Bi, Sb, As London, 2008, plutons. Resulting ore deposits tend Distal disseminated silver-gold Ag, Au Sb, As 2016; Bradley to be Cu and Mo poor and enriched and others, High sulfidation Cu, Ag, Au Sn, Sb, As, Te, Bi in Li, Cs, Ta, Nb, Sn, W, Ag, Sb, 2017a; Kamilli and In. Lithocap alunite Al, K2SO4 Al, K2SO4, Ga and others, 2017; Lithocap kaolinite Kaolin Ga Hulsbosch, 2019 Reduced intrusion-related Reduced intrusion-related systems Gold Au, Ag Te, Bi, Sb, As Hart, 2007; Nutt and form in continental magmatic arcs Skarn copper-molybdenum- W, Mo, Cu, Au, Ag W, Te, Bi, Re Hofstra, 2007; by similar processes from fluids tungsten Luque and others, exsolved from calc-alkaline plutons 2014 Polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu Mn, Ge, Ga, In, and stocks that assimilated car- Bi, Sb, As bonaceous pyritic country rocks. Resulting ore deposits tend to be Distal disseminated silver-gold Ag, Au Te, Bi, Sb, As poor in Cu, Mo, and Sn and enriched Intermediate sulfidation Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu Mn, Ge, Ga, In, in W, Au, Ag, Te, Bi, Sb, and As. Bi, Sb, As Graphite Graphite (lump) Graphite (lump) Table Rationale and Explanation 13
Table 1. Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative. —Continued 14 [±, present (absent); —, not applicable; ?, maybe; Ag, silver; Al, aluminum; As, arsenic; Au, gold; B, boron; Ba, barium; Be, beryllium; Bi, bismuth; Br, bromine; Ca, calcium; Cd, cadmium; Co, cobalt; CO2, carbon dioxide; Cs, cesium; Cr, chromium; Cu, copper; F, fluorine; Fe, iron; Ga, gallium; Ge, germanium; Hf, hafnium; Hg, mercury; I, iodine; In, indium; IS, intermediate sulfidation; K, potassium; LCT, Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative lithium-cesium-tantalum; Li, lithium; Mg, magnesium; Mn, manganese; Mo, molybdenum; Na, sodium; Nb, niobium; Ni, nickel; NYF, niobium-yttrium-fluorine; P, phosphorus; Pb, lead; PGE, platinum group elements; R, replacement; Rb, rubidium; Re, rhenium; REE, rare earth elements; S, skarn; Sb, antimony; Sc, scandium; SE, selenium; Sn, tin; Sr, strontium; Ta, tantalum; Te, tellurium; Th, thorium; Ti, titanium; Tl, thallium; U, uranium; V, vanadium; W, tungsten; Y, yttrium; Zn, zinc; Zr, zirconium] System name Synopsis Deposit types Principal commodities Critical minerals1 Reference(s) Carlin-type Carlin-type systems occur in continen- Gold Au, Ag, Hg As, Sb Hofstra and Cline, tal magmatic arcs but are remote Antimony Sb Sb 2000; Goldfarb from subjacent stocks and plutons. and others, 2016; Arsenic-thallium-mercury As, Tl, Hg As Consequently, ore fluids consist Muntean, 2018 largely of meteoric water contain- ing volatiles discharged from deep intrusions. Ore fluids scavenge elements from carbonaceous pyritic sedimentary rocks as they convect through them. Gold ore containing disseminated pyrite forms where acidic reduced fluids dissolve carbon- ate and sulfidize Fe-bearing minerals in host rocks. As, Hg, and Tl minerals precipitate by cooling. Stibnite pre- cipitates with quartz by cooling from Au-, As-, Hg-, and Tl-depleted fluids. Climax-type Climax-type systems occur in conti- Pegmatite NYF Nb, Y, F, Be Nb, Ta, Be Černý and Ercit, nental rifts with hydrous bimodal Greisen Mo, W, Sn W, Sn, Bi 2005; Martin and magmatism. Aqueous supercritical De Vito, 2005; Porphyry molybdenum Mo, W, Sn W, Sn, Re fluids exsolved from A-type topaz London, 2008, rhyolite plutons, and the apices of Skarn molybdenum Mo, W, Sn W, Sn 2016; Ludington subvolcanic stocks form a variety of Polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, Au Mn, Ge, Ga, In, and Plumlee, deposit types as they move upward Bi, Sb, As 2009; Breit and outward, split into liquid and and Hall, 2011; Distal disseminated silver-gold Ag, Au Sb, As vapor, react with country rocks, and Foley and others, mix with groundwater. The broad High sulfidation Cu, Ag, Au Sn, Sb, As, Te, Bi 2012; Hofstra spectrum of deposit types results Lithocap alunite Al, K2SO4 Al, K2SO4, Ga and others, 2014; from the large thermal and chemical Lithocap kaolinite Kaolin Ga London, 2016; gradients in these systems. At deep Audétat and Li, levels, NYF pegmatites emanate Fluorspar Fluorite Fluorite 2017 from plutons. Volcanogenic beryllium Be, U Be, U, Li Volcanogenic uranium U U, Li, Be Rhoylite tin Sn Sn
Table 1. Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative. —Continued [±, present (absent); —, not applicable; ?, maybe; Ag, silver; Al, aluminum; As, arsenic; Au, gold; B, boron; Ba, barium; Be, beryllium; Bi, bismuth; Br, bromine; Ca, calcium; Cd, cadmium; Co, cobalt; CO2, carbon dioxide; Cs, cesium; Cr, chromium; Cu, copper; F, fluorine; Fe, iron; Ga, gallium; Ge, germanium; Hf, hafnium; Hg, mercury; I, iodine; In, indium; IS, intermediate sulfidation; K, potassium; LCT, lithium-cesium-tantalum; Li, lithium; Mg, magnesium; Mn, manganese; Mo, molybdenum; Na, sodium; Nb, niobium; Ni, nickel; NYF, niobium-yttrium-fluorine; P, phosphorus; Pb, lead; PGE, platinum group elements; R, replacement; Rb, rubidium; Re, rhenium; REE, rare earth elements; S, skarn; Sb, antimony; Sc, scandium; SE, selenium; Sn, tin; Sr, strontium; Ta, tantalum; Te, tellurium; Th, thorium; Ti, titanium; Tl, thallium; U, uranium; V, vanadium; W, tungsten; Y, yttrium; Zn, zinc; Zr, zirconium] System name Synopsis Deposit types Principal commodities Critical minerals1 Reference(s) IOA-IOCG IOA-IOCG systems form in both Albitite uranium U U Williams and others, subduction- and rift-related mag- Iron oxide apatite Fe REE 2005; Cox and matic provinces. IOA deposits Singer, 2007; Iron oxide copper gold Cu, Au, U, Co, Se U, Co form as hot brine discharged from Groves and others, subvolcanic mafic to intermedi- Skarn iron Fe, P REE, Ge 2010; Slack, 2013; ate composition intrusions reacts Polymetallic sulfide S-R-V Ni, Co, Mo, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, Au Co, Re, Ge, Ga, Barton, 2014; with cool country rocks. Albitite In, Bi, Te, Sb, Slack and others, uranium deposits form at deeper As 2016 levels where brines albitize country Replacement manganese Mn Mn, Co rocks. IOCG deposits form on the roof or periphery of IOA mineraliza- Lacustrine iron Fe — tion at lower temperatures, often with involvement of external fluids. Polymetallic skarn, replacement, and vein deposits occur outboard from IOCG deposits. Mn replacement and lacustrine Fe deposits form near or at the paleosurface. Magmatic REE Magmatic REE systems typically occur Peralkaline syenite/ granite/rhyo- REE, Y, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Be, U, REE, Zr, Hf, Nb, Verplanck and others, in continental rifts or along trans- lite/ alaskite/pegmatites Th, Cu Ta, Be, U 2014, 2016; lithospheric structures. REE and Carbonatite REE, P, Y, Nb, Ba, Sr, U, Th, REE, Nb, Sc, U, Dostal, 2016 other elements in mantle-derived Cu Sr, Ba, P, Cu, ultrabasic, alkaline, and peralkaline Zr, magnetite, (agpaitic) intrusions are enriched by vermiculite Table Rationale and Explanation fractionation and separation of im- Phosphate REE, P — miscible carbonatite melts ± saline hydrothermal liquids. 15
Table 1. Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative. —Continued 16 [±, present (absent); —, not applicable; ?, maybe; Ag, silver; Al, aluminum; As, arsenic; Au, gold; B, boron; Ba, barium; Be, beryllium; Bi, bismuth; Br, bromine; Ca, calcium; Cd, cadmium; Co, cobalt; CO2, carbon dioxide; Cs, cesium; Cr, chromium; Cu, copper; F, fluorine; Fe, iron; Ga, gallium; Ge, germanium; Hf, hafnium; Hg, mercury; I, iodine; In, indium; IS, intermediate sulfidation; K, potassium; LCT, Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative lithium-cesium-tantalum; Li, lithium; Mg, magnesium; Mn, manganese; Mo, molybdenum; Na, sodium; Nb, niobium; Ni, nickel; NYF, niobium-yttrium-fluorine; P, phosphorus; Pb, lead; PGE, platinum group elements; R, replacement; Rb, rubidium; Re, rhenium; REE, rare earth elements; S, skarn; Sb, antimony; Sc, scandium; SE, selenium; Sn, tin; Sr, strontium; Ta, tantalum; Te, tellurium; Th, thorium; Ti, titanium; Tl, thallium; U, uranium; V, vanadium; W, tungsten; Y, yttrium; Zn, zinc; Zr, zirconium] System name Synopsis Deposit types Principal commodities Critical minerals1 Reference(s) Mafic magmatic Mafic magmatic systems generally Chromite Cr Cr Ash, 1996; Schulte form in large igneous provinces re- Nickel-copper-PGE sulfide Ni, Cu, Co, PGE, Ag, Au, Se, Te Co, PGE, Te and others, 2012; lated to mantle plumes or meteorite Ernst and Jowitt, PGE (low sulfide) PGE PGE impacts. Nickel-copper sulfide ores 2013; Woodruff with PGEs result from settling and Iron-titanium oxide Fe, Ti, V, P Ti, V, REE and others, 2013; accumulation of immiscible sulfide Zientek and liquids in mafic layered intrusions others, 2017; and ultramafic magma conduits. In Mondal and layered intrusions, Fe-Ti oxides, Griffin, 2018 chromite, and PGE minerals crystal- ize from evolving parental magmas and are concentrated by physical processes in cumulate layers. In anorthosites, Fe-Ti oxides ± apatite crystalize from residual magmas entrained in plagioclase-melt diapirs. In convergent settings, Alaskan-type intrusions with Fe-Ti oxides and PGE form from mantle melts. 1Elements in bold have been produced from some deposits, whereas those in italics are potential critical minerals.
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