PROJECT A SPECIAL REPORT - The rockets, orbiters, landers, and rovers are all being built, and the habitats are being designed. Here's how ...

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PROJECT A SPECIAL REPORT - The rockets, orbiters, landers, and rovers are all being built, and the habitats are being designed. Here's how ...


                                     The rockets, orbiters, landers, and rovers are all
                                     being built, and the habitats are being designed.
                                     Here’s how humanity will colonize a new world

PROJECT A SPECIAL REPORT - The rockets, orbiters, landers, and rovers are all being built, and the habitats are being designed. Here's how ...
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PROJECT A SPECIAL REPORT - The rockets, orbiters, landers, and rovers are all being built, and the habitats are being designed. Here's how ...

                                    This is the
                                   opening act
                                     of an epic
                                 saga in which
                                    establish a
                                  presence on
                                     the moon.
                                                              PAGE 22

During the Apollo 15 ­mission,
astronauts David Scott
[above] and James Irwin
spent about 18 hours
­exploring the lunar surface
 on foot and by moon buggy.

PHOTOGRAPH BY   NASA                SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG   |   JUL 2019   |   01
PROJECT A SPECIAL REPORT - The rockets, orbiters, landers, and rovers are all being built, and the habitats are being designed. Here's how ...

The technology to build the first lunar colony is already here. Page 22
by eliza strickland & glenn zorpette

26 THE HEAVY LIFT                                      38 THE VIEW FROM                                        48 TURN LEFT AT
Getting into space at all is tough.                    THE FAR SIDE                                            TRANQUILITY BASE
This new rocket engine could                           You need a quiet place to see                           Here’s how lunar landers,
change that.                                           the dawn of the cosmos.                                 rovers, and drones will find
By Mark Harris                                         By Stephen Cass                                         their way around.
                                                                                                               By Prachi Patel

30 THREE STEPS TO                                      40 HOMESTEADING
A MOON BASE                                            THE MOON                                                52 PHONING HOME,
Space agencies and private                             Architects and engineers have                           WITH LASERS
companies are building                                 drafted plans for the first lunar                       If lunar missions want to send
infrastructure for lunar settlement.                   habitats, but their work is far                         and receive lots of data, they’ll
By Eliza Strickland                                    from complete.                                          need lasers to do the job.
                                                       By Matthew Hutson                                       By Michael Koziol

NASA says its orbital space station                    46 SQUEEZING ROCKET FUEL                                07 NEWS
is essential for a moon landing.                       FROM MOON ROCKS                                         14 RESOURCES
Critics say it’s a boondoggle                          One day, we’ll make propellant from                     19 OPINION
in the making.                                         icy deposits at the moon’s poles.                       60 PAST FORWARD
By Jeff Foust                                          By David Schneider

     EXTRAS                                                                         HISTORY
     KIM STANLEY ROBINSON’S                                                         REMEMBERING THE DAWN OF THE SPACE ERA
     FICTIONAL MOON BASE                                                            Members share firsthand stories from
     To write his new sci-fi novel, Robinson                                        the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.
     became an expert on lunar colony tech.                                         By Joanna Goodrich
     By Sally Adee
                                                                                    BOUNCING RADAR SIGNALS OFF THE MOON
     CAN LUNAR SETTLERS STAY HEALTHY?                                               A 1946 demonstration called Project Diana marked
     Moondust, radiation, and low gravity could                                     the beginning of space communications.
     wreak havoc on the human body.                                                 By Joanna Goodrich
     By Elie Dolgin
                                                                                    HOW KATHERINE JOHNSON PLOTTED
     FIVE BOOKS FOR LUNATICS                                                        NASA’S COURSE
     If you’re mad for the moon, we have                                            The real-life Hidden Figures mathematician calcu-                                                        On the cover
     some summer reading for you.                                                   lated trajectories for Mercury and Apollo astronauts.                                                    Illustration for
     By Ian McDonald                                                                By Joanna Goodrich                                                                                       IEEE Spectrum by

 (ISSN 0018-9235) is published monthly by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2019 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY
 10016-5997, U.S.A. Volume No. 56, Issue No. 7. The editorial content of IEEE Spectrum magazine does not represent official positions of the IEEE or its organizational units. Canadian Post International Publications Mail
 (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 40013087. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Circulation Department, IEEE Spectrum, Box 1051, Fort Erie, ON L2A 6C7. Cable address: ITRIPLEE. Fax: +1 212
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02    |   JUL 2019       |   SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG                                                                                                                                                       PHOTOGRAPH BY     NASA
PROJECT A SPECIAL REPORT - The rockets, orbiters, landers, and rovers are all being built, and the habitats are being designed. Here's how ...
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PROJECT A SPECIAL REPORT - The rockets, orbiters, landers, and rovers are all being built, and the habitats are being designed. Here's how ...

                                                        EDITOR IN CHIEF   Susan Hassler,                  ADVERTISING PRODUCTION MANAGER
                                                        EXECUTIVE EDITOR    Glenn Zorpette,              Felicia Spagnoli,
Jeff Foust                                              EDITORIAL DIRECTOR, DIGITAL
                                                        Harry Goldstein,
                                                                                                                             SENIOR ADVERTISING PRODUCTION COORDINATOR
                                                                                                                             Nicole Evans Gyimah,
While getting a Ph.D. at MIT in planetary sciences      MANAGING EDITOR Elizabeth A. Bretz,
                                                                                                                             EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD, IEEE SPECTRUM
 in the 1990s, Foust researched the atmosphere of       SENIOR ART DIRECTOR
                                                                                                                             Susan Hassler, Chair; Steve Blank, David C. Brock, Sudhir Dixit,
 Saturn. Today, as a journalist based in Washington,    Mark Montgomery,                               Shahin Farshchi, Limor Fried, Robert Hebner, Jason K. Hui,
 D.C., he studies something equally murky and           SENIOR EDITORS
                                                                                                                             Grant Jacoby, Leah Jamieson, Mary Lou Jepsen, Deepa Kundur,
                                                        Stephen Cass (Resources),
 complex: NASA and the space industry. In                                                                                    Norberto Lerendegui, Steve Mann, Allison Marsh, Sofia Olhede,
                                                        Erico Guizzo (Digital),
“Gateway or Bust” [p. 32], Foust explains the           Jean Kumagai,
                                                                                                                             Jacob Østergaard, Umit Ozguner, John Rogers,
                                                                                                                             Jonathan Rothberg, Umar Saif, Takao Someya,
 criticisms of NASA’s plan to put humans back           Samuel K. Moore,                                  Maurizio Vecchione, Yu Zheng, Kun Zhou, Edward Zyszkowski
 on the moon via an orbiting space station called       Tekla S. Perry,
 the Lunar Gateway. But, he notes, “if you change       Philip E. Ross,                                      EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD, THE INSTITUTE
                                                                                                                             Kathy Pretz, Chair; Qusi Alqarqaz, John Baillieul, Philip Chen,
 the plan, you lose the momentum.”                      David Schneider,
                                                        DEPUTY ART DIRECTOR Brandon Palacio,
                                                                                                                             Shashank Gaur, Susan Hassler, Hulya Kirkici, Cecilia Metra,
                                                        PHOTOGRAPHY DIRECTOR Randi Klett,
                                                                                                                             San Murugesan, Mirela Sechi Annoni Notare, Joel Trussell,
                                                        ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTOR Erik Vrielink,
                                                                                                                             Hon K. Tsang, Chonggang Wang

Mark Harris                                             SENIOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR
                                                        Eliza Strickland,
                                                                                                                             MANAGING DIRECTOR, PUBLICATIONS
                                                                                                                             Michael B. Forster
Harris is an investigative science and technology       NEWS MANAGER Amy Nordrum,
                                                                                                                             EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE
reporter based in Seattle. Reporting on a rocket        ASSOCIATE EDITORS
                                                                                                                             IEEE Spectrum, 3 Park Ave., 17th Floor,
                                                        Willie D. Jones (Digital),
engine that Blue Origin is developing for its New                                                                            New York, NY 10016-5997
                                                        Michael Koziol,
Glenn booster [p. 26] was tough “because Blue           SENIOR COPY EDITOR Joseph N. Levine,
                                                                                                                             TEL: +1 212 419 7555 FAX: +1 212 419 7570
                                                                                                                             BUREAU    Palo Alto, Calif.; Tekla S. Perry +1 650 752 6661
Origin is so secretive,” says Harris. Among other       COPY EDITOR Michele Kogon,
things, it required a close reading of the technical    EDITORIAL RESEARCHER Alan Gardner,                DIRECTOR, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT,

literature. “One of the most interesting parts of       ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT                                             MEDIA & ADVERTISING      Mark David,
the story was discovering that the roots of the         Ramona L. Foster,                                  ADVERTISING INQUIRIESNaylor Association Solutions,
                                                        CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Evan Ackerman, Mark Anderson,
BE-4 [engine] can be traced to the Soviet space                                                                              Erik Henson +1 352 333 3443,
                                                        Robert N. Charette, Peter Fairley, Tam Harbert, Mark Harris,
program of the 1940s,” he says.                                                                                              REPRINT SALES    +1 212 221 9595, ext. 319
                                                        David Kushner, Robert W. Lucky, Prachi Patel, Morgen E. Peck,
                                                                                                                             REPRINT PERMISSION / LIBRARIES      Articles may be
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                                                                                                                             photocopied for private use of patrons. A per-copy fee must
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 Matthew Hutson                                         Kathy Pretz,
                                                        ASSISTANT EDITOR, THE INSTITUTE
                                                                                                                             St., Salem, MA 01970. For other copying or republication,
                                                                                                                             contact Managing Editor, IEEE Spectrum.
 Freelance writer Hutson studied cognitive              Joanna Goodrich,
                                                                                                                             COPYRIGHTS AND TRADEMARKS IEEE Spectrum is a
 neuroscience at Brown University and science           DIRECTOR, PERIODICALS PRODUCTION SERVICES  Peter Tuohy               registered trademark owned by The Institute of Electrical and
 writing at MIT. He once wrote a book about the         EDITORIAL & WEB PRODUCTION MANAGER  Roy Carubia                      Electronics Engineers Inc. Responsibility for the substance
 moon for middle schoolers while working at a           SENIOR ELECTRONIC LAYOUT SPECIALIST Bonnie Nani                      of articles rests upon the authors, not IEEE, its organizational
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 nonprofit founded by U.S. astronaut Sally Ride.
                                                        WEB PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Jacqueline L. Parker                      positions of IEEE. Readers may post comments online;
 In this issue [p. 40], he describes new designs for    MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION SPECIALIST Michael Spector                     comments may be excerpted for publication. IEEE reserves
 the first lunar habitats. Given the chance, would      ADVERTISING PRODUCTION +1 732 562 6334                               the right to reject any advertising.
 he go to the moon? Not to stay, Hutson says. The
 isolation would be too stressful. But, he adds,
“it would be a fun vacation.”

John MacNeill                                           IEEE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                        PRESIDENT & CEO José M.F. Moura,
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MacNeill is an illustrator based in Watertown,          PRESIDENT-ELECT Toshio Fukuda                                        +1 732 562 5504,
Mass. He created a number of space-themed               TREASURER Joseph V. Lillie SECRETARY Kathleen A. Kramer
                                                                                                                             STANDARDS ACTIVITIES Konstantinos Karachalios
images for this issue, including a rendering of         PAST PRESIDENT James A. Jefferies
                                                                                                                             +1 732 562 3820,
                                                        VICE PRESIDENTS
the Lunar Gateway habitat that may one day              Witold M. Kinsner, Educational Activities; Hulya Kirkici,            EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Jamie Moesch
orbit the moon. Illustrating space technology is        Publication Services & Products; Francis B. Grosz Jr., Member        +1 732 562 5514,
MacNeill’s favorite assignment. “As a kid I was         & Geographic Activities; K.J. “Ray” Liu, Technical Activities;       GENERAL COUNSEL & CHIEF COMPLIANCE OFFICER
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fascinated with the idea of one day living in space,”
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he says. “But nothing really happened for a long        DIVISION DIRECTORS                                                   ACTING CHIEF HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER
time. It’s nice to see we’re finally taking a step      Renuka P. Jindal (I); David B. Durocher (II); Sergio Benedetto       Thomas R. Siegert +1 732 562 6843,
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 Prachi Patel                                           Babak Dastgheib-Beheshti (1); Wolfram Bettermann (2);
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Ten years ago, IEEE Spectrum contributing editor        Magdalena Salazar-Palma (8); Teófilo J. Ramos (9);                   Hulya Kirkici, Chair; Derek Abbott, Petru Andrei,
Patel profiled a group of students at Carnegie          Akinori Nishihara (10)                                               John Baillieul, Sergio Benedetto, Ian V. “Vaughan” Clarkson,
Mellon who aimed to land a spacecraft on the            DIRECTOR EMERITUS Theodore W. Hissey                                 Eddie Custovic, Samir M. El-Ghazaly, Ron B. Goldfarb,
moon. For this issue, she caught up with the                                                                                 Larry Hall, Ekram Hossain, W. Clem Karl, Ahmed Kishk,
                                                        IEEE STAFF                                                           Aleksandar Mastilovic, Carmen S. Menoni, Paolo Montuschi,
Astrobotic team, now a bona fide company                EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & COO  Stephen Welby                              Lloyd A. “Pete” Morley, George Ponchak, Annette Reilly,
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                                                                                                                             Sorel Reisman, Gianluca Setti, Gaurav Sharma, Maria Elena
                                                        CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Cherif Amirat
on the moon and beyond [p. 48]. “Visiting them                                                                               Valcher, John Vig, Steve Yurkovich, Bin Zhao, Reza Zoughi
                                                        +1 732 562 6017,
at their spiffy new headquarters on Pittsburgh’s        PUBLICATIONS Michael B. Forster                                      IEEE OPERATIONS CENTER
Robotics Row was exciting,” says Patel. “Like seeing    +1 732 562 3998,                                445 Hoes Lane, Box 1331
a toddler grow up into an impressive young adult.”      CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER Karen L. Hawkins                             Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331 U.S.A.
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04   |   JUL 2019   |   SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG
PROJECT A SPECIAL REPORT - The rockets, orbiters, landers, and rovers are all being built, and the habitats are being designed. Here's how ...

More Science Than Fiction

                hen clients come to the NoEmotion studio, they’re
                looking for 3D illustrations and animations that don’t look
                like computer graphics. “We’re known for creating super-
                realistic environments,” says Peter Sanitra, who cofounded
                the studio with his colleague Marek Denko. “We don’t do
                cartoon characters jumping around and eating Cocoa Puffs.
                That’s not our thing.”
   Sanitra and Denko met in 2006 when they were both working on a fea-
ture film in Milan. When that project wrapped, they moved to Prague
to open NoEmotion. While they’re proud of their work on blockbuster
movies and video games, as well as ad campaigns for the likes of Nike,
Sanitra says they take extra enjoyment in assignments that let them geek
out about science and technology. In their prior work for IEEE Spectrum,
they’ve produced realistic renderings of the Pioneer 10 space probe in orbit
around Jupiter and a hypothetical mining robot trundling over the Mar-
tian dirt. “We really are science guys,” says Sanitra. “We love space stuff.”
   For the cover of Spectrum’s special report on colonizing the moon,
Sanitra created a 3D lunar landscape, built a settlement inside a crater,
and populated it with space-suited residents going about their busi-
ness. He paid particular attention to the lighting in this otherworldly
scene. “On the moon, there’s no atmosphere, no scattering of light,” he
says. “So everything is very sharp and the shadows are very deep.” The
spacecraft in the background are based on SpaceX’s design for a vehicle
called Starship, which may one day ferry people between Earth and the
moon—and someday after that, between the moon and Mars.
   It will be quite a while until spacecraft like Starship enable easy access
to the moon. If it does happen, Sanitra says he’ll happily climb aboard.
But he imagines himself as a moon tourist, not a settler. “I would love to
visit, to see that blue marble with my own eyes, to do a cliché footprint in
moondust,” he says. “But that will do for me; back to Earth.” n

PROJECT A SPECIAL REPORT - The rockets, orbiters, landers, and rovers are all being built, and the habitats are being designed. Here's how ...
SPECTRAL LINES_                                                                                                              07.19

                                                                                                 MOONWALK: Apollo 11
                                                                                                 ­astronaut Buzz Aldrin carries
                                                                                                 research equipment to the
                                                                                                 deployment area in the Sea of

                                                                                               As the Apollo 11 retrospective swirls
                                                                                             around us, we’ve decided to take a look
                                                                                             at today’s efforts to return to the moon,
                                                                                             and this time, to build habitable lunar
                                                                                             bases. What will it take? Which rockets
                                                                                             and landers will get us there? Our spe-
                                                                                             cial report begins on p. 22.
                                                                                                Traveling to the moon is hard enough,
                                                                                             but attempting to live on the lunar sur-
                                                                                             face presents even greater challenges.
                                                                                             It’s been compared with living in an
                                                                                            ­Antarctic research station or on a nuclear
                                                                                             submarine that remains submerged for
                                                                                             months on end.
                                                                                                The moon, for all its luminescent beauty
                                                                                             on sultry summer evenings or frosty win-
                                                                                             ter nights, is one mean rock to live on. It
                                                                                             has no atmosphere, little gravity, and cut-
                                                                                             tingly abrasive sand. The surface is blasted
                                                                                             by cosmic radiation and is, every lunar
                                                                                             day, both extremely hot and extremely
                                                                                             cold. There is water at its poles, but it’s

Home, Sweet Moon?                                                                            frozen. Yet the engineers and architects
                                                                                             designing moon habitats are confident
Flying to the moon is hard,                                                                  that they can overcome these and other
but living there will be even harder                                                         sobering challenges, as you’ll see in
                                                                                           “Homesteading the Moon,” p. 40.

                                                                                                Despite short bursts of excitement
           he 50th anniversary of the first human moon landing is upon about moon landings and space-shuttle flights, antip-
           us (20 July, to be exact). This roughly 772,000-kilometer athy about human space travel has coexisted with
           round-trip expedition is being celebrated all year long— enthusiasm for it since the first humans escaped
           books, movies, commemorative magazine issues, and special gravity’s shackles in the early 1960s. Why are we
           events abound. ¶ In May, IEEE gave its President’s Award to the spending time, money, and energy to send ourselves
           remarkable and indomitable Katherine Johnson, who helped into space, while there are so many problems to
           calculate, by hand, the trajectory for the Apollo 11 lunar landing take care of here on Planet Earth?
           mission. If you have US $9 million dollars to spare, you can drop      People forget that pictures of Earth, taken from
 by Christie’s in New York City on 18 July to bid in the auction of Apollo the moon, helped spur the modern environmen-
11’s Lunar Module Timeline Book, with its three-hole-punched pages tal movement. I think about what the Chinese art-
 and hand-checked flight plan. Don helmet and gloves—check. Test cabin ist Ai Weiwei said, commenting on the plans of
­regulator—check. ¶ In case you’ve managed to miss what all the fuss is about: ­Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa to bring art-
On 20 July 1969, NASA’s Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon, ists with him on SpaceX’s first trip around the moon:
while Command Module Pilot Michael Collins circled above them with their “Without knowing other celestial bodies, we cannot
 ride home. It was the culmination of years of human effort, interrupted by truly understand what our own planet is about.”
delays, setbacks, and the assassination of U.S. president John F. Kennedy in —Susan Hassler
1963. The mission was carried out as the Vietnam War, the war on poverty,

 and the civil rights and women’s movements were all in full swing.            ↗ POST YOUR COMMENTS at

06   |   JUL 2019   |   SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG
PROJECT A SPECIAL REPORT - The rockets, orbiters, landers, and rovers are all being built, and the habitats are being designed. Here's how ...
                                                                    MARINE SPECIES THAT LIVE
                                                                    IN CORAL REEFS

                                                                        The Great Barrier Reef
                                                                        is the world’s largest
                                                                 structure made up of liv-
                                                                 ing organisms. Located off
                                                                 the coast of northeastern
                                                               ­Australia, it covers an area
                                                                 roughly the size of Germany
                                                                 and comprises 2,900 individ-
                                                                 ual coral reefs. Its size and
                                                                 magnificence have earned it
                                                                 the distinction of a UNESCO
                                                                World Heritage Site. But for
                                                                 scientists on the lookout
                                                                 for problems, such as mass
                                                                 bleaching events induced by
                                                                 climate change and industrial
                                                                 activity, that’s a lot of ground
                                                                (or water) to cover.
                                                                   To m a k e t h i s j o b e a s -
                                                                 ier, a team of researchers
                                                                 from Queensland Univer-
                                                                 sity of Technology (QUT), in
                                                                ­Brisbane, is combining both
                                                                 new and proven technolo-
                                                                 gies to monitor the reef for
                                                                 signs of degradation, includ-
                                                                 ing bleaching.
                                                                   The team, led by Felipe
                                                                 Gonzalez, an associate pro-
                                                                 fessor at QUT, is collaborating
                                                                with the Australian Institute

                                                                 of Marine Science (AIMS), an
                                                                 organization that has been
                                                                 tracking the health of the reef
                                                                 for many years. AIMS already

      Aided by AI, hyperspectral cameras can distinguish
                                                                 employs aircraft, in-water

                                                               MARINE MISSION: A drone carries
                                                               a hyperspectral camera, which can
                                                               identify algae, coral, sand, and water
                         bleached from unbleached coral

                                                               by their spectral signatures.

                                                           SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG     |   JUL 2019   |   07
PROJECT A SPECIAL REPORT - The rockets, orbiters, landers, and rovers are all being built, and the habitats are being designed. Here's how ...
this conventional camera is capable of
                                                                                                capturing light only from three spectral
                                                                                                channels: the red, green, and blue that
                                                                                                make up the 380- to ­740-nanometer por-
                                                                                                tion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
                                                                                                The hyperspectral camera, by contrast,
                                                                                                collects the reflected light of 270 spec-
                                                                                                tral bands, extending coverage to wave-
                                                                                                lengths of 300 to 1,000 nanometers.
                                                                                                  “Hy perspec t ra l i mag i ng g reat ly
                                                                                                improves our ability to monitor the reef’s
                                                                                                condition, based on its spectral proper-
                                                                                                ties,” says Gonzalez. “That’s because
                                                                                                each component making up a reef’s envi-
                                                                                                ronment—water, sand, algae, et cetera—
                                                                                                has its own spectral signature, as do
surveys, and NASA satellite imagery to        REEF WATCH: The Great Barrier Reef [top]          bleached and unbleached coral.”
collect data on a particular reef’s condi-    is home to 600 different types of coral. Felipe      But this expanded coverage and the
                                              Gonzalez [bottom] is among the first to use
tion. But these methods have drawbacks,       drones to monitor changes in these organisms.     richness of the data the team gathered
such as the relatively low resolution of                                                        presented them with a new challenge.
                                                                                                                                             TOP: TANYA ANN/GETTY IMAGES; BOTTOM: QUT

satellite images and the high cost of oper-   then flies 60 meters above the reef, and          Whereas AIMS divers can gather infor-
ating fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters.    the hyperspectral camera captures data            mation from 40 distinct points on a reef
   So Gonzalez is using an off-the-shelf      about the reef as far as 3 meters below           during an underwater survey, a single
drone modified to carry both a high-          the water’s surface. This has greatly             hyperspectral image contains more than
resolution digital camera and a hyper-        expanded the agency’s area of coverage.           4,000 data points. Consequently, a sin-
spectral camera. His team launches it           The digital camera is used to build up a        gle drone flight can amass a thousand
from a boat patrolling the waters 15 to       conventional 3D model of an individual            gigabytes of raw data that must be pro-
70 kilometers from the coast. The drone       reef under study, explains Gonzalez. But          cessed and analyzed.

08   |   JUL 2019   |   SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG
                  At first, the team used a PC, custom soft-
               ware tools, and QUT’s h   ­ igh-performance

                computer to process the data, a task
                that took weeks and drew heavily on
                the machine’s run time. So the team                               SURGERY-FREE BRAIN
                applied for and received a Microsoft AI
                for Earth grant, which makes software
                tools, cloud computing services, and
                deep-learning resources available to                              DARPA aims to develop wearable devices that let
                researchers working on global environ-                            soldiers communicate directly with machines
                mental challenges.
                  “Now, we can use Microsoft’s AI tools
                in the cloud to supplement our own                                         DARPA’s Next-Generation         spokesperson declined to com-
                tools and quickly label the different                                      Nonsurgical Neurotechnol-       ment on the total amount of fund-
                spectral signatures,” says Gonzalez.                               ogy (N3) program has awarded            ing awarded, two of the winning
              “So, where processing previous drone                                 funding to six groups attempt-          teams have reported eye-popping
                sweeps used to take three or four weeks,                           ing to build brain-machine inter-       grants of US $19.48 million and
                depending on the data, it now takes two                            faces that match the performance        $18 million.
                or three days.”                                                    of implanted electrodes without            Plenty of noninvasive neuro-
                   This speedup in data processing is                              requiring surgery.                      technologies already exist, but
                critical. If it took a year or more before                            With such a technolog y, by          not at the resolution necessary to
                the team was able to tell AIMS that a                              simply popping on a helmet or           yield high-performance wearable
                certain part of the reef was degrading                             headset soldiers could conceiv-         devices for national security appli-
                rapidly, it might be too late to save it.                          ably command control centers            cations, says N3 program manager
              “By being informed early, the govern-                                without touching a keyboard, fly        Al Emondi, of DARPA’s Biological
                ment can then take quicker action to                               drones intuitively with a thought,      Technologies Office.
                protect an endangered area of the reef,”                           and even sense intrusions into             Following a call for applications
               ­G onzalez adds.                                                    a secure net work. A nd while           in March 2018, a review panel nar-
                   He also notes that the use of hyper-                            the tech sounds futuristic, the         rowed the pool to six teams across
                spectral imaging is now a growing area                             Defense Advanced Research Proj-         industry and academia, Emondi
                of remote sensing in a variety of fields,                          ects Agency wants to get it done in     told IEEE Spectrum. The teams
                including agriculture, mineral sur-                                four years.                             are experimenting w ith mag-
               veying, mapping, and locating water                                   “It’s an aggressive timeline,” says   netic fields, electric fields, acoustic
                resources. For example, he and col-                                Krishnan Thyagarajan, a research        fields (including ultrasound), and
                leagues at QUT are also using the tech-                            scientist at the research company       light. “You can combine all these
                nology to monitor forests, wheat crops,                            PARC and principal investigator         approaches in different, unique,
                and vineyards that can be affected by                              of one of the N3-funded projects.       and novel ways,” says Emondi.
                pathogens, fungi, or aphids.                                      “But I think the idea of any such        What the program hopes to dis-
                   Lately, Gonzalez has been busy pro-                             program is to really challenge the      cover, he adds, is which combina-
                cessing the spectral data collected from                           community to push the limits and        tions can record brain activity and
                the reef so far, but this September, he                            accelerate things which
               will start a second round of drone flights.                         are already brewing. Yes,
              “We aim to return to the four reefs AIMS                             it’s challenging, but it’s
                has already studied to monitor any                                 not impossible.”
                changes,” he says, “then extend the                                   The N3 prog ram f its
                monitoring to new reefs.” —John Boyd                               right into DARPA’s high-
                                                                                   r isk, h igh-rewa rd bio -
              A version of this article appears on our                             medical tech portfolio,
                                                                                   which also includes pro-

              Tech Talk blog.
                                                                                   grams in electric medi-
              POST YOUR COMMENTS at           cine, brain implants, and
                                                                                   electrical brain training.
                                                                                  And the agency is throw-
                                                                                   ing big money at the pro-
                                                                                   gram: Although a DARPA

                                                                                                                            SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG   |   JUL 2019   |   09
transmit it back to the brain
with the greatest speed and
                                        to detect neural activity. The
                                        researchers plan to use inter-
                                        fering electrical fields to write         WHERE DOES
   Specifically, the program is
seeking technologies that can
read and write to brain cells
                                        to specific neurons.
                                          The three other teams pro-
                                        posing noninvasive tech-                  GRAPHENE GO
in a 50-millisecond round trip
and also interact with at least
16 locations in the brain at a
resolution of 1 cubic millime-
                                        niques include Johns Hopkins
                                        University’s Applied Physics
                                        Laboratory, Thyagarajan’s
                                        team at PARC, and a team
                                                                                  FROM HERE?
                                                                                  Experts weigh in on whether the
ter (an area that encompasses           from Teledyne Technologies,
thousands of neurons).                  a California-based industrial
                                                                                  EU’s €1 billion Graphene Flagship
   T h e fo u r-ye a r N 3 p r o -      company.
                                                                                  can get the “wonder material”
gram will consist of three                The two remaining teams
                                                                                  past the Valley of Death
phases, says Emondi. In the             are developing what DARPA
first phase, teams will have            calls “minutely invasive”                               Six years ago, the European
one year to demonstrate the             technologies, which require                             Union embarked on an ambi-
ability to read (record) and            no incisions or surgery but                             tious project to create a kind
write to (stimulate) brain tis-         m ay i nvolve tec h nolog y                             of Silicon Valley for the won-
sue through the skull. Teams            that is swallowed, sniffed,               der material of the last decade: graphene.
that succeed will move to               injected, or absorbed into                The project—called the Graphene Flagship—
phase 2. Those groups will              the human body in some way.               would leverage €1 billion over 10 years to
have 18 months to develop                 Rice University, for exam-              push graphene into commercial markets
working devices and test                ple, i s developi ng a sys-               and make Europe an economic powerhouse
them on living animals. Any             tem that requires exposing                for graphene-based technologies.
group left standing will pro-           neurons to a viral vector to                To this day, the EU’s investment in the
ceed to phase 3—testing their           deliver instructions for syn-             Graphene Flagship represents the single
device on humans.                       thetic proteins that indicate             largest project in graphene research and
   Four of the teams are devel-         ac t iv it y in neurons. The              development (though some speculate that
oping totally noninvasive               Ohio-based technology com-                graphene-related projects in China may have
technologies. A team from               pany Battelle is developing               surpassed it). In six years, the Graphene Flag-
Carnegie Mellon University,             a brain-machine interface                 ship has spawned nine companies and 46
for example, wants to use               that relies on magnetoelec-               new graphene-­based products. Still, there
ultrasound waves to guide               tric nanoparticles injected               remains a sense among critics that the mate-
light into and out of the brain         into the brain.                           rial has not lived up to expectations.
                                               “This is uncharted ter-               Graphene’s unique properties have
                                             ritory for DARPA, and                engendered high hopes for its use in
                                             the next step in brain-              advanced composites and new types of elec-
 “This is                                    machine interfaces,” says            tronic devices. While graphene can come
                                             Emondi. “If we’re success-           in many forms, its purest form is that of a
 uncharted                                   ful in some of these tech-           1-atom-thick layer of graphite. This struc-
                                             nologies…that’s a whole              ture has provided the highest thermal con-
 territory for                               new ecosystem that                   ductivity ever recorded—10 times as high
 DARPA, and the                              doesn’t exist right now.”            as in copper. Graphene also has one of the
                                            —Megan Scudellari                     highest intrinsic electron mobilities (the
 next step in                                                                     speed at which electrons can travel through
                                            A version of this article             a material): approximately 100 times as
 brain-machine                              appears on our Human                  great as that of silicon.
                                            OS blog.                                The Graphene Flagship is now more than
 interfaces.”                                                                     halfway through its 10-year funding cycle.
                                            POST YOUR COMMENTS at https://
  —Al Emondi                         To many observers, the project’s achieve-

10   |   JUL 2019   |   SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG
a hard-tech idea to market for one com-
                                                                                                         pany takes tens of millions of euros.”
                                                                                                           Another problem, according to both
                                                                                                         Harper and Barkan, is that the Graphene
                                                                                                         Flagship has been pursuing a “technol-
                                                                                                         ogy push” rather than a “market pull”
                                                                                                         strategy for commercialization. “The Gra-
                                                                                                         phene Flagship projects seem to be in the
                                                                                                         process of developing a solution that’s in
                                                                                                         search of a problem,” said Barkan.
                                                                                                           One of t he key problems i n t he
                                                                                                         commercialization of any emerging
                                                                                                         technology is bridging the “Valley of
                                                                                                         Death”—the gap between a technol-
                                                                                                         ogy that researchers have developed
                ments—or lack thereof—are a barometer        more problematic by promising much          and the rollout of a commercial prod-
                for the commercial status of graphene,       more than it can likely deliver.”           uct. To help graphene make it through,
                which was first synthesized at the Uni-         Other industry observers echo this       another project, called the Graphene
                versity of Manchester, in England, in        sentiment. Terrance Barkan, executive       & 2D Materials Eureka Cluster, is cur-
                2004. When it was founded, the Flag-         director of the Graphene Council, an        rently seeking EU funding.
                ship wrestled with a key question that       association of researchers, producers,        Antonio Correia, president of the
                it still faces: Would the project support    developers, and consumers of graphene,      Phantoms Foundation, a European
               “fundamental” or “applied” research in        believes the Flagship has been a boon for   organization that coordinates nano-
                its quest to make Europe the “Graphene       the academic community but hasn’t had       technology innovation, is now spear-
               Valley” of the world?                         much impact on the material’s commer-       heading the Eureka project. Correia
                   Jari Kinaret, director of the Graphene    cialization. [Editor’s note: The author     believes this new effort is needed to take
                Flagship, says it’s the latter: “From the    has worked for the Graphene Council.]       up the slack in the graphene-develop-
                very beginning, our plan has been to           “For the money applied and for all the    ment value chain. Although he would
                take graphene and related materials          resources rallied, the Graphene Flagship    agree that the ­Graphene Flagship has
                from academic laboratories to society.”      is underperforming from a commercial        played an important role in combining
                Over time, he said, the project has inten-   development perspective,” Barkan said.      fundamental research with industrial
                tionally funded more applied research.       The Flagship does claim to have helped      concerns, he thinks the industry should
                The consortium was originally made           develop several dozen commercial prod-      guide how graphene is commercialized
                up of mostly academic groups, whereas        ucts based on graphene, including a         in the future. According to Correia, this
                today about 40 percent of its members        flexible wireless sensor for measuring      focus on industry interests will be nec-
                are companies.                               a wearer’s heart rate and a graphene-       essary if graphene is to bridge the Val-
                   However, other experts are not con-       coated motorcycle helmet.                   ley of Death.
                vinced that the Graphene Flagship is in         Kinaret does not see a sharp line          Barkan of the Graphene Council
                the best position to lead graphene into      between fundamental and applied             offered another take on this strategy: “At
                commercial markets.                          research in the Flagship’s projects.        the end of the day, the question should
                  “There’s absolutely nothing wrong          Nonetheless, in the project’s next phase,   be, ‘What kind of a problem are you try-
                with funding fundamental research,”          known as Core 3, there is a growing         ing to solve where graphene unlocks new
                said Tim Harper, founder and former          emphasis on bringing technologies fur-      solutions?’ ” he said. “Not ‘What type of
                CEO of G2O Water Technologies, which         ther along the development cycle. In        innovation have you created that you are
                uses graphene for water filtration sys-      this phase, the Flagship has allocated      trying to push into a product?’ ”
                tems. “But when this type of project is      €45 million (US $50.5 million) for proj-    —Dexter Johnson
                dressed up as commercialization and          ects that should result in prototypes
                run by people with little interest in or     that function in realistic environments.    A version of this article appears on our

                experience with commercializing any-            Harper at G20 believes this effort may   Nanoclast blog.
                thing—but with a major interest in secur-    be counterproductive. “Forty-five mil-
                                                                                                         POST YOUR COMMENTS at
                ing research funding—then it becomes         lion euros isn’t much,” he said. “Getting   graphene0719


                                                                                                                 SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG     |   JUL 2019   |   11

                                                        NEW SILICON
SOFTWARE THAT LIVES UP TO                               REVIVES AN OLD
                                                        Optimo chip breaks up big
                                                        optimization problems into
                                                        bite-size bits

                                                                Engineers at Georgia          “If you can accelerate [con-
                                                                Tech say they’ve come       strained optimization] using
                                                         up with a programmable pro-        sm a r t a rc h ite c t u re a nd
                                                         totype chip that efficiently       energy-efficient design, you
                                                         solves a huge class of optimiza-   will be able to accelerate a
                                                         tion problems, including those     large class of signal processing
                                                         needed for neural network          and machine-learning prob-
                                                         training, 5G network routing,      lems,” says ­R aychowdhury.
                                                         and MRI image reconstruction.      A 1980s-era algorithm known
                                                            The chip’s architecture         as an alternating direction
                                                         embodies a particular algo-        method of multipliers, or
                                                         rithm that breaks up one huge      ADMM, turned out to be the
                                                         problem into many small prob-      solution. The algorithm solves
                                                         lems, works on the subprob-        enormous optimization prob-
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES                                   lems, and shares the results. It   lems by breaking them up and
• New! “Smart Workspace”                                 does this over and over until it   then reaching a solution over
• Search-based design simulation                         comes up with the best answer.     several iterations.
• Program your own applications with API                 Compared with a GPU run-             “If you want to solve a large
• Precise field calculations using our proprietary       ning the algorithm, the pro-       problem with a lot of data—say
  BEM and FEM solvers                                    totype chip—called Optimo—is       1 million data points with 1 mil-
• Intuitive and easy-to-use interface                   ­4.77 times as power efficient      lion variables—ADMM allows
                                                         and 4.18 times as fast.            you to break it up into smaller
                                                            The training of machine-        subproblems,” he says. “You
“For our purposes, ‘ELECTRO’ is actually the
                                                         learning systems and a wide        can cut it down into 1,000 vari-
 preferred software tool for every-day engineering.
 It is important to have software that is very quick     variety of other ­data-intensive   ables with 1,000 data points.”
 and easy to learn and this product is more than         work can be cast as a set of       Each subproblem is solved
 capable of handling the large models we require.”       m at hem at ic a l problem s       and the results incorporated
                                                         called constrained optimi-         in a “consensus” step with the
Dr. Beriz Bakija, Siemens AG’s Energy Sector, Germany    zation. In it, you’re trying to    other subproblems to reach
                                                         minimize the value of a func-      an interim solution. With that
ASK FOR AN ONLINE DEMONSTRATION                          tion under some constraints,       interim solution now incor-
                                                         explains Georgia Tech pro-         porated in the subproblems,
                                                         fessor Arijit R­ aychowdhury.      the process is repeated over
                                                         For example, training a neural     and over until the algorithm
                                                         net could involve seeking the      arrives at the optimal solution.
                                                         lowest error rate within the          In a typical CPU or GPU, / (204) 632-5636              constraints of the size of the     ADMM is limited because it                                       neural network.                    requires the movement of a
The chip could be scaled up to do w a s h i s g r adu ate st ude nt s’ t i me.
                                                                  its work in the cloud—adding more —Sa muel K. Moor e
                                                                  cores—or shrunk down to solve prob-
                                                                  lems closer to the edge of the Inter- A version of this article appears on our
                                                                  net, Raychowdhury says. The main Tech Talk blog.
                                                                  constraint in optimizing the number
                                                                                                        POST YOUR COMMENTS at
                                                                  of cores in the prototype, he jokes, optimo0719

                                                                                                                                         New Version!

               THINK SMALL: Optimo’s cores are interlinked
               to facilitate the gather-and-scatter steps of an
               optimization algorithm called ADMM.

               lot of data. So instead the Georgia Tech
               group developed a system with a “near
               memory” architecture.
                 “The ADMM framework as a method
               of solving optimization problems maps
               nicely to a many-core architecture where
               you have memory and logic in close
               proximity with some communications
               channels in between these cores,” says
                  The test chip was made up of a grid
               of 49 “optimization processing units,”
               cores designed to perform ADMM and
               containing their own high-bandwidth
               memories. The units were connected to
               one another in a way that speeds ADMM.
               Portions of data were distributed to each
               unit, and each one set about solving its
               individual subproblems. The combined
               results were then gathered, and the data                   Over 75 New Features & Apps in Origin 2019!
               was adjusted and re-sent to the optimiza-                                                                                     For a FREE 60-day
                                                                          Over 500,000 registered users worldwide in:                         evaluation, go to
               tion units to perform the next iteration.                  ◾ 6,000+ Companies including 20+ Fortune Global 500               OriginLab.Com/demo
               The network that connects the 49 units                     ◾ 6,500+ Colleges & Universities                                  and enter code: 8547
               was specifically designed to speed this                    ◾ 3,000+ Government Agencies & Research Labs
               gather-and-scatter process.
                  The Georgia Tech team, which included
               graduate student Muya Chang and Profes-                                                         25+ years serving the scientific & engineering community
               sor Justin Romberg, unveiled Optimo in

               April at the IEEE Custom Integrated Cir-
               cuits Conference in Austin, Texas.

                                                                                                                          SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG         |   JUL 2019    |     13


                    T    Neil Armstrong used to return the first lunar samples to Earth was sold at a Sotheby’s auction for US $1.8 million. The
                         seller had purchased it online two years earlier for a mere $995—a fantastically good deal for what turned out to be a
              precious artifact of the Apollo era. While I wasn’t nearly so fortunate, I, too, got a good deal online for some hardware that probably
              contributed in some way to the Apollo program, though I don’t know how exactly. I obtained three vintage analog panel volt­meters
              for $15 each from an eBay seller who had bought them from NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, in Huntsville, Ala. I could tell
              from their art deco–inspired faces that the three Weston voltage meters were old when I first saw them online, but I didn’t know how
              old. To my delight, I discovered manufacturing dates written on the back of the faceplates. These meters, it turns out, were made be-
              tween May and December of 1955—and presumably shipped to Huntsville shortly afterward. At the time, NASA did not yet ­exist.
              Huntsville was, however, home to an Army installation, known as Redstone Arsenal, where missiles were being developed. In 1955,
              Wernher von Braun and numerous other German rocket scientists were hard at work there building rockets as part of the United
              States’ ballistic missile program. This team would build the first U.S. satellite launcher, and later, after the site had become the
              Marshall Space Flight Center, von Braun and others in Huntsville helped to develop the giant Saturn boosters, which eventually
              sent the Apollo astronauts to the moon. Having scored three classy panel meters of some vague historical significance (I can

14   |   JUL 2019   |   SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG
imagine von Braun having peered
                         at their twitching needles), I
                        ­wanted to do something fun with
                         them. Inspired by a project I had
                           seen on ­Hackaday, I decided to
                         make a clock that would indicate
                         the hours, minutes, and seconds
                         by deflecting the needle on the
                          ­analog voltmeters. But I would go
                           a step further than the Hackaday
                         project and combine the modern
                           space age with the old. My clock
                        would be synchronized with the                                                                           ­ eters (“VOMs,” the predecessor to today’s
                         atomic clocks carried on GPS satellites, while                                                          digital multimeters), included mirrors behind
                           still looking like something that would be at                                                        the faceplate, which helped you to judge
                         home on a rack of instrumentation at some                                                              whether you were viewing the needle square
                         NASA facility during the Apollo program.                                                                on. Without that, you could easily m    ­ isread
                              I had in my junk box a now-outdated GPS                                                           the indicated value because of parallax. My
                         module, so I hooked that to an Arduino Nano,                                                           ­Marshall Space Flight Center m  ­ eters included
                         which I programmed to extract the time from                                                             such mirrors, and I didn’t want to cover them
                         the GPS signal. Then I opened up the meters                                                            with my new faces. An X-Acto knife worked
                         and replaced the current-limiting resistors                                                             passably well for this task, although if you look
                           inside with ones of my own choosing so as                                                             hard, you can see the flaws.
                         to make the full-scale reading on each meter                                                              The final flourish was to affix a black plastic
                         (originally 10 and 50 volts), to be somewhat                                                            nameplate with the words “Satellite Time” in
                         less than 5 V. That allowed me to control the                                                          white lettering. That cost just a few dollars to
                         needle position on each meter using pulse-                                                              have made and helps my clock look the part.
                        width modulation, which is easily output                                                                   The three meters now show GPS time in
                         ­using certain dedicated pins on the Arduino.                                                           my local time zone. The five panel lights indi-
                             The biggest challenge was to make it                                                                cate the number of GPS satellites in the sky.
                          look like a period piece of equipment. For                                                             In theory, there can be as many as 16 over-
                         that, I first obtained a standard rack-mount                                                            head at any one time, so I display the number
                      ­“blanking” panel, one painted in a putty color,                                                           in binary using the five lights arrayed across
                        which contrasts nicely with the black B  ­ akelite                                                      the bottom of the clock.
                         housings of the meters. I also purchased five                                                              Because my living room doesn’t in-
                        vintage panel-lamp housings, into which I in-                                                            clude a rack for my rack-mount panel, I
                          serted LEDs for use as indicator lights.                                                               cut a couple of supports out of half-inch
                              Next came the trickiest part: changing the                                                         (1.27-centimeter) thick gray PVC, allowing
                        faces of the meters so that they could indi-                                                            the clock to stand upright on any horizon-
                         cate time. The first step in that process was                                                          tal surface. Power is supplied to the Arduino
                         to remove the faceplate from one meter and                                                             through a standard wall wart.
                           scan it. Using that as a template, I designed                                                            Despite its unconventional appearance,
                         new faceplates with Adobe Illustrator, ones                                                            this panel-meter-based clock is easy enough
                         that show hours, minutes, and seconds yet                                                              to read. And with its ear to the GPS constel-
                                                                             THE SWEEP OF TIME: I mounted three
                         preserve the style of the original ­faces.          voltmeters on a rack panel [top]. A GPS module      lation, it always tells the correct time. More
                         I printed the new faces on ivory-colored            [affixed to the rightmost voltmeter] receives       important, I get a chuckle looking at it, know-
                         stock cut from a manila folder, which helped        time transmissions and sends them to an             ing that it’s built from components that prob-
                                                                             Arduino. The Arduino converts the time to
                         to give them a vintage appearance.                  electrical signals representing hours, minutes,     ably contributed in some small way to putting

                             A fiddly bit was cutting out arc-shaped         and seconds. I added resistors to the voltmeters    astronauts on the moon a half century ago.
                         openings for the meters’ mirrors. ­Younger          so that they operate between 0 and a little less   —DAVID SCHNEIDER
                                                                             than 5 volts [second from top]. And I printed
                         readers might not be aware that better a­ nalog     new faceplates [second from bottom], which
                         meters, especially those used in volt‑ohm           I inserted into the meters [bottom].               POST YOUR COMMENTS at

                                                                                                                                         SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG         |   JUL 2019    |   15

                                                                                                          microcomputer-controlled synthesizers
CHIP HALL OF FAME: SID 6581                                                                                available, including the Super Sound board
THIS SYNTHESIZER CHIP DEFINED                                                                              designed for use with the Cosmac VIP sys-
                                                                                                          tem, the built-in sound generation tech
THE SOUND OF A GENERATION                                                                                   in home computers was relatively crude.
                                                                                                         Yannes had higher ambitions. “I’d worked
                                                                                                          with synthesizers, and I wanted a chip
                                                                                                          that was a music synthesizer,” Yannes told
                                                                                                         ­Spectrum in 1985. His big advantage was
                                                                                                          that MOS had a manufacturing fab on-site.
                                                                                                         This allowed for cheap and fast experimenta-
                                                                                                          tion and testing: “The actual design only took
                                                                                                           about four or five months,” said Yannes.
                                                                                                               On a hardware level, what made the SID
                                                                                                         6581 stand out was better frequency con-
                                                                                                          trol of its internal oscillators and, ­critically,
                                                                                                           an easy way for programmers to control
                                                                                                          what’s known as the sound envelope. E        ­ arly
                                                                                                           ­approaches to using computers to gen-
                                                                                                          erate musical tones produced sound that
                                                                                                          was ­either off or on at a fixed intensity, like a
                                                                                                          ­buzzer. But most musical instruments don’t
                                                                                                          work that way: Think of how a piano note
                                                                                                            can linger before decaying into silence. The
                                                                                                            sound envelope defines how a note’s inten-
                                                                                                            sity ­rises and falls. Some systems allowed the
                                                                                                         volume to be adjusted as the note played, but
                                                                                                          this was awkward to program. Yannes incor-
                                                                                                          porated data registers into the SID 6581 so a
                                                                                                            developer could define an envelope and then
             his year’s inductee into IEEE              C64 has also retained its own dedicated fol-        leave it to the chip to control the intensity.
     T       Spectrum’s Chip Hall of Fame is
             the chip that filled millions of ­living
                                                        lowing: the SID 6581 sound chip.
                                                           The C64 was developed by MOS Technolo-
                                                                                                               The SID chip has three sound channels
                                                                                                          that can play simultaneously using three ba-
 rooms and bedrooms in the 1980s with a                 gies in 1981. MOS had already had a hit in the      sic waveforms, plus a fourth “noise” waveform.
 sound that some modern ­musicians go to                microcomputing world with its creation of the    The chip has the ability to filter and modulate
 great lengths to replicate. For an expanded            6502 CPU in 1975. That chip—and a small           the channels to produce an even wider range
 version of the SID 6581’s entry, and to see            family of variants—was used to power popu-        of sounds. Some programmers discovered
 earlier inductees, visit the hall of fame online.      lar home computers and game consoles such         they could tease the chip into doing things
   1982 was a big year for music. Not only              as the Apple II and Atari 2600. As recounted        it was never designed to do, such as speech
 did Michael Jackson release Thriller, the               in IEEE Spectrum’s March 1985 design case          synthesis. But stunts like that aside, the SID
 bestselling album of all time, but Madonna             history of the C64 by Tekla S. Perry and Paul      chip’s design meant that home computer
 made her debut. And it saw the launch of the           Wallich, MOS originally intended just to make      games could have truly musical soundtracks.
­Commodore 64 microcomputer. Thanks to                  a new graphics chip and a new sound chip.         Developers started hiring composers to
 the C64, millions of homes were equipped               The idea was to sell them as components to         create original works for C64 games—
 with a programmable electronic synthesizer,            microcomputer manufacturers. But those              indeed, some titles today are solely remem-
 one that’s still in vogue.                             chips turned out to be so good that MOS           bered because of a catchy soundtrack.
    Like many machines from that era, the               ­decided to make its own computer.                     Unlike in modern game development, in
                                                                                                                                                                CHRISTIAN TAUBE/WIKIPEDIA

 C64 has a devoted following in the retro-                  Creation of the sound chip fell to a young    which soundtrack creation is technically sim-
 computing community, and emulators are                 engineer called Robert Yannes. He was the           ilar to conventional music recording, these
 available that let you run nearly all its soft-        perfect choice for the job, motivated by a        early composers had to be familiar with how
 ware on modern hardware. What’s unusual                 long-standing interest in electronic sound.      the SID chip was programmed at the hard-
 is that a specific supporting chip inside the          Although there were some advanced                 ware level, as well as its behavioral quirks.

16   |   JUL 2019   |   SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG

                                                                                                                                  SCHEMATICS FOR
                                                                                                                                  BLIND MAKERS
                                                                                                                                  LAUREN RACE
                                                                                                                                  HAS REFINED
                                                                                                                                  CIRCUIT SYMBOLS
                                                                                                                                  FOR TACTILE

                                              THAT ’80S VIBE: Millions of                At the time, these composers                     hen I was growing up, I remember read-
                                              Commodore 64 home computers
                                              were sold. The distinctive sound of
                                                                                      were generally unknown out-
                                                                                      side the games industry. Many of
                                                                                                                             W            ing in an electronics-for-young-folk book that
                                                                                                                                          good vision was a must-have if you wanted to
                                              the computer’s SID chip is prized by
                                              modern “chiptune” composers.            them moved on to other things         build or design electronics: Even color blindness was a se-
                                                                                      after the home computer boom          rious limitation. This was a myth. In fact, there’s an active
                                              faded and their peculiar hybrid combination of musical and program-           community of people with low or no vision who are using
                                              ming expertise was less in demand. In more recent years however,              today’s maker ecosystem to solve problems in their daily
                                              some of them have been celebrated, such as the prolific Ben Daglish,          lives. And with some tweaks to the familiar symbols used
                                              who composed the music for dozens of popular games.                           in circuit diagrams, that community could grow even larger.
                                                 Daglish (who created my favorite C64 soundtrack, for 1987’s                   “The Arduino platform is actually wonderful for accessi-
                                              Re‑Bounder) was initially bemused that people in the 21st century             bility because we can create our own tools. We can create
                                              were still interested in music created for, and by, the SID chip, but he      things that might be expensive on the market and cus-
                                              became a popular guest at retrocomputing and so-called chiptunes              tomize them to our needs,” says Chancey Fleet, the assis-
                                              events before his untimely death in late 2018.                                tive technology coordinator at the Andrew Heiskell Braille
                                                 Chiptunes (also known as bitpop) is a genre of original music that         and Talking Book Library in New York City. “There’s spe-
                                              leans into the distinctive sound of 1980s computer sound chips.               cific techniques that we use for soldering and for getting
                                              Some composers use modern synthesizers programmed to replicate                around the board,” says Fleet, giving the example of how
                                              that sound, but others like to use the original hardware, especially the      some people use a Braille stylus to count pins as though
                                              SID chips (with or without the surrounding C64 system). Because the           it’s “a tiny cane navigating the header.” (For more details
                                              SID 6581 hasn’t been in production for many years, this has resulted          about how to work as a visually impaired maker, Fleet rec-
                                              in a brisk aftermarket for old chips—and one that’s big enough that           ommends the Blind Arduino Project.)
                                              crooks have made fake chips, or reconditioned dead chips, to sell                 However, one big obstacle to introducing blind and low-
                                              to enthusiasts. Other people have created modern drop-in replace-             vision people to electronics is circuit diagrams. ­Experienced
                                              ments for the SID chip, such as the SwinSID.                                  builders can use written descriptions of a circuit, but begin-
                                                 There are several options if you’d like to listen to a classic C64 game    ners, in particular, benefit from the kind of spatial information
                                              soundtrack or a modern chiptune without investing in hardware. You            provided by a schematic. This came home to Lauren Race

                                              can find many on YouTube, and projects like SOASC= are dedicated              when she was a graduate student at New York ­University’s
                                              to playing tunes on original SID chips and recording the output using         Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), which bills
                                              modern audio formats. But for a good balance between modern con-              itself as a “center for the ­recently possible.”
                                              venience and hard-core authenticity, I’d recommend using a player                 ITP had accepted its first blind and low-vision students,
                                              like Sidplay, which emulates the SID chip and can play music data             which prompted Tom Igoe, who teaches the i­ ntroductory
                                              extracted from original software code. Even after the last SID chip           physical computing class to make the course materials
                                              finally burns out, its sound will live on. —STEPHEN CASS                      more accessible. The class’s labs are built around the
                                                                                                                           ­Arduino Uno microcontroller, but the schematics were
                                              POST YOUR COMMENTS at                      inaccessible to these students. Because of her previous

                                                                                                                                                 SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG      |   JUL 2019   |   17
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