Programs and Activities Guide - City of ...

Page created by Mathew Boyd
Programs and Activities Guide - City of ...
Programs and
Activities Guide   2021/2022
Programs and Activities Guide - City of ...
Programs and Activities Guide 2021/2022

  Our Facilities................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  Art & Craft.................................................................................................................................................................... 5
  Clubs and Special Interest Groups.................................................................................................................. 7
  Community Services..............................................................................................................................................11
  Disability Programs.................................................................................................................................................15
  Health and Wellbeing............................................................................................................................................18
  Kids, Teens and School Holidays......................................................................................................................19
  Language Classes.....................................................................................................................................................23
  Martial Arts.................................................................................................................................................................24
  Performance, Music, Theatre & Shows........................................................................................................25
  Religious Groups......................................................................................................................................................26
  Sports and Fitness...................................................................................................................................................31
  Support Groups.......................................................................................................................................................34
  Tech and Science.....................................................................................................................................................35
  Tutoring and Educational.....................................................................................................................................38

   Programs and Activities are open to the public to participate in, within the City of PAE

  Disclaimer: The City of PAE has relied on information provided for the purposes of compiling this program.
  Information was correct at the time of publishing but is subject to change.
  We recommend you contact the group organiser before attending an activity.

Page 1 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Programs and Activities Guide - City of ...
Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 2
Programs and Activities Guide - City of ...
                                                                 Our Facilities
                        15                                         Abbreviations
                                                                   •   North East Community House is referred to as ‘NECH’
                                                                       throughout this booklet
                                                                   •   Community Centres are referred to as ‘CC’
                        3                                          •   The Lights Community & Sports Centre is Lights C&SC

                  9                   Port
                 Semaphore            Adelaide
                 Ward                 Ward               Parks

                                         16      19                                       5                 Nor thfield
                                 17                          7                                              Ward
                                       20                                              Enfield                                 12
                                                                         2             Ward                             18
                                                                                                                 6                  10
                                                                                              1                  Ward
                                                                  11                                        14

                       1 Enfield Community Centre                540 Regency Rd, Enfield                                      8405 6556
                       2 Kilburn Community Centre                59 Gladstone Ave, Kilburn                                    8405 6730
                       3 Lefevre Community Stadium               Cnr Victoria Rd & Marmora Tce, Osborne                       8405 6908
     CENTRES           4 The Lights Community & Sports Centre    Cnr East Parkway and Hampstead Rd                             8405 6670
                       5 Enfield Library                         1 Kensington Crescent, Enfield                               8405 6530
                       6 Greenacres Library                      2 Fosters Rd, Greenacres                                     8405 6540
                       7 Parks Library                           46 Trafford St, Angle Park                                   8405 6550
                       8 Port Adelaide Library                   2-4 Church St, Port Adelaide                                 8405 6580
                       9 Semaphore Library                       14 Semaphore Rd, Semaphore                                   8405 6570
                      10 Beefacres Hall                          Pitwater Dr, Windsor Gardens                              Please call the
                      11 Devon Park Hall                         7 Cavendish St, Devon Park                               City of PAE on
                                                                                                                           8405 6600 for
                      12 George Crawford Hall                    Lothian Ave, Windsor Gardens                             information on
                      13 Kilburn Hall                            49 LeHunte St, Kilburn                                           halls or
                                                                                                                              the number
                      14 Klemzig Hall                            242 North East Rd, Klemzig
                                                                                                                               supplied in
      HALLS           15 Osborne Hall                            539 Victoria Rd, Osborne                                       the listing
                      16 Ottoway Hall                            Cnr Jenkins St & Grand Junction Rd, Ottoway
                      17 Queenstown Hall                         67 Spring St, Queenstown
                      18 North East Community House              27-31 Queensborough Ave, Hillcrest                           8369 0329
                      19 The Junction Community Centre           2A May Tce, Ottoway                                          8341 1334
      CENTRES         20 Ethnic Link Services - Uniting SA       184-188 Port Road, Port Adelaide                             8448 6260

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Programs and Activities Guide - City of ...
Programs and Activities Guide

                     Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 4
Programs and Activities Guide - City of ...
Art & Craft
   Program             Description                         When                 Where                    Cost         Contact
   Creative Art Hub    Mosaics, wire work & more or        Fridays 10am - 4pm   Kilburn CC                  $2       8405 6730
                       BYO what you are working on
   Knitting & More     Bring your knitting, sewing,        Tuesdays             Kilburn CC                Free       8405 6730
                       crochet or just chat or do some     10am - 12pm
                       mindfulness colouring-in. We
                       teach knitting too
   Sewing Workshop     We have 9 sewing machines           Tuesdays             Kilburn CC                  $2           Caryl
                       for you to learn on. Bookings       10am - 12.30pm                                         0413 421 004
   Greeting Cards      Create your own cards. For          Tuesdays 1pm -3pm    Kilburn CC                  $2           Caryl
                       people who have basic skills        Saturdays                                              0413 421 004
                       already                             1.30pm - 5pm
   Chicago Quilters    Learn a range of quilting           Wednesdays           Kilburn CC                  $3          Pauline
                       techniques                          10am - 3pm                                             0434 891 584
                                                           9am - 12.30pm
   Cross Stitch         Learn how                          Monday fortnightly   Kilburn CC                Free           Anka
                                                           10am -12pm                                               8269 4708
   Cake Decorators     Cake decorating                     1st Wednesday of     Enfield CC               $5 per   0438 803 168
   Association of SA                                       the month                                  meeting,
                                                           7pm - 10.30pm                               includes
   Card Making         Learn how to make your own          Mondays              Enfield CC        $3 plus small            Liz
                       beautiful, personalised cards       12.30pm - 3pm                            extra cost      8405 6556
                                                                                                       for card
                                                                                                   making kits

   Art Classes         Learn new skills and meet new       Mondays              Enfield CC                  $3             Liz
                       people. Bring along your own        10am - 12pm                                              8405 6556
                       project to work on or share
                       your skills and learn from others
   Creative            Come along for a fun evening of     Fridays, once a      Enfield CC                $15          Michelle
   Memories            scrapbooking. Bring along your      month                                                  0402 444 498
                       own projects to work on. Our        7pm - 11pm
                       tools will be available to use on
                       the night
   Art for Fun         This class is an exciting           Tuesdays             Lefevre CS             $30 per              Jan
   Painting Classes    opportunity for pepple to           2pm - 5pm                                    session   0412 725 924
                       participate in a variety of         7pm - 9pm                                  (includes
                       different art projects while in a                                             materials,
                       fun, social environment                                                        nibbles &
   Yarnfulness         Come and join us for a crochet      Thursday             Parks Library -           Free      8405 6550
                       group with an emphasis on           10am - 12pm          Makerspace
                       mindfulness and fun. No
                       bookings required
   Knit and Natter     Do you love to knit, crochet or     Thursdays, once a Enfield Library              Free             Kay
   Group               sew and would you like to help      month 10am - 12pm                                      0421 951 665
                       those in need? Join us in making
                       items to be donated to charities
                       and community groups in South
                       Australia that support people
                       and animals in need

Page 5 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Programs and Activities Guide - City of ...
Art & Craft
Program            Description                            When                  Where                   Cost               Contact
Create and Talk    Are you interested in creative         Once a month.         Parks Library            Free            Stephanie
                   art or craft activities?               Contact on number                                           0403 929 592
                                                          provided for more
Creative Hands     Craft group                            Thursdays             NECH                   $4.50            83690329
                                                          12.30pm - 4pm                                 

Nimble Fingers     Knitting and crochet                   Wednesdays            NECH                       $2           83690329
                                                          12pm - 3pm                                    

The Calligraphy    Learn to write in Calligraphy          Last Sunday of each   NECH               Fees apply.   nwalter@internode.
Society of SA      style. Contact Group direct for        month                                         POA        
                   more information                       12.30pm - 4.30pm
Yarn Bombing       Craft group                            Thursdays             NECH                   $4.50            83690329
                                                          1pm - 3pm                                     
Sewing             Learn to use a sewing machine/         Wednesdays &          The Junction CC            $2            8341 1334
                   overlocker to make clothing or         Thursdays
                   do your own mending. Material/         10am - 12pm
                   haberdashery provided
Congolese Sewing   Learn to sew in the company            Alternate Tuesdays    The Junction CC            $2               Everine
                   of other Congolese community           4.30pm - 6.30pm                                             0423 857 845
                   members. All welcome
Henna Tattooing    For a hand tattoo - applied            30 minute             The Junction CC            $5            8341 1334
                   topically with herbal mixture.         appointments -
                   Lasts up to 7 days. By                 Wednesdays
                   appointment                            10am - 1pm
Art Group          Join painters for all abilities - be   Fridays 10am - 1pm    The Junction CC            $4            8341 1334
                   inspired by each other. BYO            (except the last
                   paint, brushes and canvas              week of the month)

                                                                                     Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 6
Programs and Activities Guide - City of ...
Clubs and Special Interest Groups
   Program             Description                        When                    Where                      Cost                 Contact
   New Varangian       Living history group, looking at   Wednesdays              Beefacres Hall       Fees apply.          0424 969 923
   Guard               the lives of people in the 11th    7.30pm -10.30pm                          First visit free
                       century. Re-enactment combat
                       and various crafts
   Vietnamese          Providing activities to support    2nd Thursday of the     Klemzig Hall               POA               8447 8821
   Community in        Seniors in the Vietnamese          month, lunch time
   Australia           community
   South Australian    This group concentrates on         1st Monday of each      Klemzig Hall     $40 per year                       Val
   Begonia Society     propagation, sharing of begonias   month 7pm -10pm                                                   0412 841 029
                       and teaching the basics of
                       begonia growing
   Enfield             Friendly gardening club to         3rd Tuesday of each     Klemzig Hall          Annual                     Helen
   Horticultural       encourage gardening and floral     month at 7.30pm                           membership                 8251 2299
   Society             designs                                                                       $10 single
                                                                                                     $15 family
   Maritime Lodge      All male group that meet socially Fortnightly on Friday Queenstown            Varies, POA                   Peter
                       for fellowship, fun and to support nights               Hall                                         0448 262 217
                       each other.                        7.30pm -10.30pm
   Macedonian          Dinner and free activities         Sundays 5pm - 9pm       Beefacres Hall             Free           0438 143 584
   Community Club
   North East         Promotes the breeding and           2nd Wednesday of        Kilburn Hall          Annual                      John
   Budgerigar Society showing of budgerigars.             each month                                membership              0488 224 446
                                                          7pm -9.30pm                                   of $20,
   Neighbourhood       Public meetings to share           Contact for times       Klemzig Hall               Free     klemzignhw@gmail.
   Watch - Klemzig     relevant community and policing    and dates of                                                            com
                       information and interesting        meetings
   Neighbourhood       Meetings to inform the             Bi-monthly meetings Devon Park Hall                Free           0408 696 682
   Watch - Devon       community and provide
   Park                awareness of safety, social &
                       community issues
   Rotary Club of      Serving the community              Thursdays               Osborne House Call for more               0418 826 343
   Largs Bay Inc.                                         6.30pm - 9pm                           information
                                                          1st & 2nd - Meetings
                                                          3rd & 4th - Craft
   SA Titans Arm       We meet for training sessions on Sundays                   Kilburn CC                 Free            0404 989 294
   Wrestling Club      Sundays. Everyone is welcome to 5.45pm - 7.30pm                                      
                       join in                                                                                               southausarms
   Neighbourhood      We are community based              Second Tuesday          Kilburn CC                 Free           0418 847 604
   Watch SA - Kilburn aiming, with police, to promote     of even numbered
                      safety, security, and community     months,
                      involvement                         7pm - 8.30pm

   Afghan Women’s      Children welcome                   1st & 3rd Saturday of   Kilburn CC                 Free           0497 103 393
   Group                                                  month 2pm - 6pm

Page 7 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Programs and Activities Guide - City of ...
Clubs and Special Interest Groups
Program               Description                        When                  Where                     Cost               Contact
Neighbourhood         Neighbourhood Watch provides Call for dates and          Enfield CC                Free                 Philip
Watch - Enfield &     South Australians with a way to times                                                            0417 829 718
Gepps Cross Area      raise awareness about safety and                                                  
457                   security in their communities. By
                      bringing neighbours and police
                      together we can help solve local
                      issues and create connected
                      communities where crime is less
                      likely to occur
Families 4 Families   A peer support network for         3rd Wednesday of the Enfield CC           Gold coin                  Marie
                      people & families impacted by      month 10am - 12pm                          donation           0433 388 250
                      acquired brain injury
Australians for                                          1st Sunday of the     Enfield CC                                  Mahmud
Syria SA                                                 month                                                         0418 896 539
                                                         6pm - 10pm
Cake Decorators       An exchange of friendship and      1st Wednesday of the Enfield CC               $5 per                 Dawn
Association of SA;    cake decorating skills             month 7pm -10pm Meeting Room 2              meeting,          0438 803 168
Adelaide Central                                                                                     includes
Branch                                                                                                 supper.
                                                                                               $42. First visit
Enfield Lunch Club Delicious two course meal for         Fridays at noon       Enfield CC                  $5             8405 6556
                   $5. Bookings essential
Ghana Association     Community cultural group,          3rd Saturday of the   Enfield CC                Free          0431 716 697
of SA                 drumming & dancing. Open to        month
                      the community                      12pm - 8.30pm and
                                                         1st & 4th Sunday of
                                                         the month
                                                         1.30pm - 8.30pm
Liberian                                                 Every 2nd month, the Enfield CC                 POA                  Talata
Community SA                                             last Saturday of the                                          0413 962 539
                                                         5pm - 8pm
Orchid Club of        Workshops, trading plants,         1st Thursday of the   Enfield CC            Single                     Des
South Australia       monthly bulletins and the latest   month 7pm -10pm                        membership             0466 797 485
                      information on orchid culture      & 2nd Friday of the                     $25, Joint/
                      from highly experienced guest      month 2pm - 4pm                            Family
                      speakers. Beginners welcome                                               membership
Port Adelaide         Banner making for Port Adelaide Fridays 6pm -10pm        Enfield CC                Free                    Ian
Cheer Squad           Football Club                   during footy season                                              0439 879 294

Probus Club of        Fun fellowship & friendship for    1st Monday of the     Enfield CC          Annual                      Brian
Enfield               retired men & women                month 10am -12pm                       membership             0437 329 775
                                                                                                     POA           blsmail@southern
Sound of Elvis Fan    A social group which promotes      3rd Wednesday         Enfield CC           Annual                  Jeanette
Club                  the memory of Elvis - The man      bi-monthly                             membership             0407 800 460
                      and his music                      7pm - 9pm                                 fee $25

                                                                                    Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 8
Programs and Activities Guide - City of ...
Clubs and Special Interest Groups
   Program              Description                          When                 Where                     Cost              Contact
   SA Cottage           Friendships in gardens. Seek      4 Wednesday on
                                                                                  Enfield CC          No cost to                 Greg
   Garden Club Inc.     information on gardening or       alternate months                               visitors         0459782630
                        plants.View a range of specimen starting at 7.30pm                                           sacottagegrden91
                        flowers on display. Purchase                                                            
                        plants. Enjoy speakers covering a
                        range of topics on gardening plus
                        much more
   EH Holdens Club      For owners of EJ & EH Holdens        2nd Tuesday of the   Enfield CC        $35 joining &              Mark
                                                             month                                   membership         0412 164 637
                                                             7.30pm -10pm
   Library Book Clubs If you are interested in starting  Various times            All libraries             Free           8405 6580
                      your own Book Club or joining                               sites and
                      an existing one, please contact on                          some external
                      8405 6580. Feel free to join our                            locations
                      casual monthly Book Club at the
                      Pub, Beer and Book Club
   Scrabble Club        Enjoy a game of scrabble. All ages Mondays                Port Library              Free           8405 6581
                                                           2.30pm - 5pm
   Regency              Carpentry workshop for               Men over 18 years   540 Regency Rd, Joining fee of                 Peter
   Community Men’s      community and personal projects      of age - Mondays to Enfield                    $20          0400 115 249
   Shed Inc.            fitted with a wide range of tools    Thursdays                                  Annual      regencycommunity
                        and equipment. Training courses      9am - 12pm                           insurance fee      mensshed@gmail.
                        for computer users, talks and        Women over                          of $26 Annual                   com
                        presentations on men’s health        18 years of age                       membership
                        and other lifestyle activities are   Mondays 1pm - 4pm                      of $24 (pro
                        also available                                                                    rata)

   Port Adelaide        Open to the public                   Sundays 2pm - 4pm    95 Fletcher Rd,             $5        0418 826 343
   Historical Society                                                             Peterhead

   North Eastern        Information Sessions for Justices    Last Tuesday Month   NECH                Fees apply.          8369 0329
   Suburbs Justices     of Peace. Contact group direct       7.30pm - 9.30pm                               POA
   Group                for information
   Northgate and        Advocacy and support group of        Contract group       NECH                      Free
   Oaken Residents      local residents                      direct for
   Association                                               information
   Wanderers Club of 4WD Enthusiasts group                   Last Friday of the   NECH                Fees apply.                Perry
   Australia SA Inc.                                         month                                         POA          fredhorvath@
                                                             7.15pm - 9.00pm                                    
   Gladiators           Gladiator re-enactment social        Mondays 8pm -10pm NECH                   Fees apply.           Claude
                        group. Contact group direct for                                                    POA      cpaway@bigpond.
                        information                                                                                            com
   We Breathe           Social group meetings                Contact group for    NECH                Fees apply.        Pranav
   Cricket                                                   meeting dates &                               POA
   Bangla Language      Teachings of culture and language Saturdays               NECH                Fees apply.              Amal
   and Cultural                                           4.30pm - 7.30pm                                  POA
   Indian Families      Contact group for more               Contact group        NECH                Fees apply.              Vipul
   Group                information                                                                        POA       vipul431@yahoo.

Page 9 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Clubs and Special Interest Groups
Program             Description                                        When           Where            Cost              Contact
Rooh Punjab Di      Cultural teachings and social time Sundays 12pm - 5pm NECH                   Fees apply.               Panjak
Adelaide                                                                                              POA       pankasharma@live.
Sikh Services       Cultural and spiritual teachings   Fridays 5pm - 7pm      NECH               Fees apply. bharatsidhu@yahoo.
                                                                                                      POA                  com
Hindu Swayam        Cultural teachings                 Sundays                NECH                     POA                 Sanjay
Sevak Sangh                                            5.30pm - 8pm                                            sbpatel_79@yahoo.
Bangladesh Puja     Cultural group                     Contact group          NECH                     POA        pronab.nayon@
Cultural Society of                                    direct for details                                    
South Australia
Coffee/Chat         Have a coffee and sunshine in our Wednesdays              The Junction CC          Free            8341 1334
Sessions            alfresco area                     12pm -1pm
Library Garden      Love to garden and would like     2nd Thursday of the     Greenacres               Free            8405 6540
Club                to spend time with likeminded     month                   Library
                    people? The Gardening Club is     1.30 - 2.30pm
                    the perfect place to meet fellow
                    gardeners. Share and swap advice,
                    surplus plants, seeds and also
                    support the Greenacres Library
                    garden and seed library.

                                                                                  Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 10
Community Services
   Program             Description                                       When             Where             Cost                Contact
   Orange Sky          Helping people experiencing                   Thursdays        Kilburn CC            Free         www.locations.
                       homelessness or doing it                  5.30pm - 8pm                                
                       tough through free laundry and
   Fred’s Van          A meal supplied by St Vincent De        Thursdays 7pm          Kilburn CC            Free              8112 8720
                       Paul Society volunteers. No need
                       to book
   Tax assistance      Free tax assistance                  Offered during tax        Enfield CC            Free              8405 6556
   Northern Carers     Aboriginal Carers Support          First Tuesday of each       Enfield CC       Donation                 Danica
   Network             Group                               month 11am - 2pm                                               0431 519 553

   Free Pop Up         Free taste testing. Nutritious             Wednesdays          Lefevre CS            Free              8405 6908
   Market              meals you can take home.                   12pm - 2pm
                       Please bring a shopping bag
   Meeting rooms for Permanent bookings and casual               7 days a week             NECH      See website      Farrah 8369 0329
   hire              hire space available. Not for                                                       for cost
                     private hire
   Volunteer program Recruitment and placement               Positions available           NECH             Free
                     of volunteers within the                in Admin, General                                             8369 0329
                     organisation                              Duties, Program
                                                                   Leaders, and
                                                                   Catering etc

   Community           New garden space                      Monday to Friday              NECH             Free
   Garden                                                            drop-in
   JP Services         Justice of the Peace services              Wednesdays        Civic Centre            Free               For more
                       available at City of PAE                    9am‑12pm                                             information visit
                                                                     Mondays       Enfield Library         
                                                              9.30am‑12pm &                                         community/services/
                                                            Fridays 10am‑1pm                                                  jp-services
                                                                  Wednesdays          Greenacres
                                                             9.30am - 12.30pm            Library
                                                               & 1pm - 4pm on
                                                          Saturdays fortnightly
                                                                  10am -12pm
                                                           Monday 4pm - 5pm         Parks Library

                                                                      Tuesdays      Port Adelaide
                                                              9.30am‑10.30am              Library
                                                                  10am - 11am
                                                                    Thursdays         Semaphore
                                                              6.30pm - 7.30pm            Library

Page 11 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Community Services
Program             Description                                     When            Where            Cost              Contact
Pop-Up Coffee Van Random Acts of Coffee Pop-                    Saturdays The Junction CC       Coffee $3                Vicki
Carpark Market    Up has Barista coffee $3, free             10am - 12pm                                         0431 778 548
                  bread, kids’ activities and good
Community         Enjoy a freshly made 2 course                 Last Friday The Junction CC            $5           8341 1334
Lunches           meal                                 of the month during
                                                               school term
Ethnic Links        Assists older people from            Monday to Friday   Uniting SA -             Free         ethniclinks@
Information Hub     culturally and linguistically             9am - 5pm 184-188 Port Rd              
                    diverse (CALD) backgrounds                                 Alberton                          0422 978 161
                    aged 65 years and over to better
                    understand their options so
                    that they can make informed
                    decisions about their care. Our
                    CALD - Aged Care Navigator
                    help them to register with
                    My Aged Care and guide and
                    support them through the
                    The information and support we
                    provide is FREE and delivered
                    in the preferred language of our

                                                                                Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 12
   Program             Description                         When                  Where                   Cost                Contact
   ARPA Tapliners      Seniors tap dancing troupe.      Wednesdays               Enfield CC           $50 per             8269 3915
                       Costumes are supplied on loan    11.30am - 3pm                             school term
                       to people that would like to                                                 or $5 per
                       join in with our performance                                                     week
                       once they learn the routines.
                       We are always on the lookout
                       for people for the VARIETY side
                       of the group, being Comedians,
                       Mime, Singers, Ballroom Dancers,
                       able to pay musical instruments,
                       portable key board, we are open
                       to whatever people may be able
                       to perform. There is no cost
                       involved in being in the Variety
                       side of the group
   Line Dancers of     Fun dance exercise set to a         Thursdays             Lefevre CS           $11 per                 Peter
   South Australia     variety of music in a social        9.30-11am                                   session         0407 970 418
                                                           Mondays 10am -        George               $13 per
                                                           noon for beginners.   Crawford Hall         session
                                                           Fridays 10am-noon
                                                           for experienced
                                                           dancers only
   Adelaide Outlaws    Advanced level square dancing       Wednesdays            Kilburn Hall            POA                  Graham
   Square Dance                                            7pm -10.30pm                                                0403 929 044
   Club                                                    (excl. 2nd Wed of the                                            graham@
                                                           month)                                                    adelaideoutlaws.
                                                           * Beginners classes                                                   com
                                                           available in West
                                                           Croydon. Call for
                                                           more information
   Windsor             Love to dance and perform? Join     Please call to find   George                          windsor.calisthenics.
   Calisthenics Club   our fun and friendly club.          out our visit our     Crawford Hall            
                       All ages welcome                    website                                                      www.windsor
   Temple of Fine      School of Indian classical dancing Saturday mornings      Kilburn Hall    $20 per class                Vithya
   Arts                for kids & adults                  9am - 2pm                                     (1hr).         0426 966 770

   Century Dancing  A gathering for Chinese ladies,        Wednesdays            George                  Free                  Erica
   Group            talking & dancing. Enhancing           fortnightly           Crawford Hall                         0410 622 518
                    health and quality of living           1.30pm - 4.30pm
   Osborne Over 50s Social dance. Good music and           Tuesdays 1.30pm -     Osborne Hall              $2                 David
   Club - New Vogue good friends. Includes free raffle     4pm                                                          8248 0076 /
   Dancing          ticket and afternoon tea or            4th Saturday of the                                         0467 007 573
                    coffee                                 month
                                                           7.30pm -10.30pm
   Line Dancing        For beginners and those with        Mondays               Kilburn CC              Free          0432 406 660
                       little experience.                  9.30am -11am
                       Intermediate class for those with   Thursdays
                       experience.                         9.30am -10am
                       For beginners and those with
                       little experience.                  Thursdays
                       Please wear enclosed shoes          10am -11.30am

Page 13 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Program            Description                          When                Where                    Cost               Contact
Ballroom Dancing   Learn the basic steps. Cancelled     Fridays             Kilburn CC                Free    Adam & Rosemary
for beginners      if 35 degrees or more                1.30pm - 3.30pm                                           0424 474 732

Dance for Joy      Come along and enjoy a fun           Beginners - Basic   Enfield CC          Gold coin                Pauline
                   time learning sequence dances        steps - Mondays                          donation       0432 109 484 or
                   with Jack and Pauline. Beginners     12.15pm - 12.50pm                        (includes    Jack 0439 882 395
                   welcome, no experience               (on 2nd, 3rd, 4th                       afternoon
                   necessary                            & 5th Monday of                                tea)
                                                        each month). Except
                                                        public holidays
                                                        Intermediate -
                                                        Some experience
                                                        useful - Mondays
                                                        1pm - 2.30pm
                                                        Advanced - More
                                                        complex New
                                                        Vogue - Tuesdays
                                                        3.30pm - 4.45pm
                                                        (on 2nd, 3rd, 4th
                                                        & 5th Tuesday of
                                                        each month). Except
                                                        public holidays

Line Dancers of    Fun dance exercise set to a          Thursdays           Lefevre CS            $11 per            8405 6908
South Australia    variety of music in a social         9.30am - 11.30am                           session
Allegro Rhythmic   We offer Rhythmic Gymnastics         Monday             Lefevre CS                POA               Romana
Gymnastics         training for girls aged 3 years +.   4pm - 7.30pm,                                             0413 791 001
                   Our program accommodates             Tuesday 5pm - 8pm,
                   recreational gymnastics as well      Thursday
                   as training elite, competitive       5pm - 8.30pm,
                   gymnasts.                            Friday 4pm - 8pm,
                                                        8.30am - 12.30pm

Mudra Dance        Bollywood & Indian Dance             Saturdays           Enfield CC &      Fees apply -        0468 754 776
Academy            Classes                              11am - 5pm @ The    The Lights               POA
                                                        Lights C&SC         C&SC
                                                        - Wednesdays
                                                        7pm - 8pm @
                                                        Enfield CC
Advanced Belly     Technique & practice. Shimmer        Mondays             The Junction CC             $5              Sharon
Dancing            & shake                              10.30am - 12pm                                            0419 126 942

Swinging 60’s      Exercise using different dance       Thursdays           The Junction CC             $2           8341 1334
Dance              styles (Nutbush, line dancing,       1pm -2pm
                   etc) for 60+ years of age

                                                                                Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 14
Disibility Programs
   Program              Description                          When                Where                    Cost             Contact
   Community            Recreational activities for adults   Mondays             NECH              As per NDIS                Lynn
   Bridging Services    with disabilities                    11.45am - 12.30pm                      price guide          8201 4322

                                                             Tuesdays            Kilburn Hall
                                                             12.30am - 2.30pm
                                                             Wednesdays          Kilburn CC
                                                             10.30am - 2pm
                                                             Tuesdays            Enfield CC
                                                             10.30am - 1.30pm
                                                             Wednesdays 9am -    NECH
                                                             12pm & 1pm - 4pm

                                                             Fridays 9am -12pm   NECH

   Funky Friends        Social program for young             Wednesdays          NECH                Gold coin                 Sue
                        women with a disability              1pm - 3pm                                   

   Art Therapy/       Use drumming to de-stress and          Saturdays           The Junction CC   $5 (if not an              Baljit
   Drumming           have fun                               10.30am - 11.30am                     HCO client)           8241 0887
   Workshops for
   the Intellectually
   At Work Disability Eligibility conditions apply           Tuesdays 9am - 5pm The Junction CC                             Briana
   Employment                                                by appointment                                           1300 080 856
   Disco Reconnect      A disco for people with physical     Sept 24th from      The Junction CC     $5 (if not             Sophia
                        or intellectual disabilities and     6pm - 9pm                             HCO client)           8341 1334
                        their carers/support workers
   Inclusive Storytime Storytime for children with           During school       Parks Library             Free             Angelo
                       additional needs. An interactive      holidays                                                    8405 6550
                       Storytime using visual aids,
                       stories, songs, rhyme, and free
                       play. Specially selected toys with
                       strong stimuli are provided

Page 15 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 16
Page 17 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Health and Wellbeing
Program              Description                            When                   Where                   Cost               Contact
Healthy Achievers    Weight support group                   Fridays                Ottoway Hall     $2 weekly &             8248 5279
Inc.                                                        8.30am -10.30am                        $5 annual fee

Weight Watchers - Weight support group                      Mondays                Klemzig Hall         $4 per              8336 6389
Klemzig                                                     6pm - 7.30pm                               session
                                                                                                         + $40

Taoist Tai Chi       The Taoist Tai Chi™ internal           Saturdays -            Kilburn CC         POA, from             adelaide@
                     arts of health are specifically        beginners                                   $35 per or
                     designed to improve holistic           9.30am-11am,                                 month     phone 0423776955
                     health                                 continuing                                                or 1800108801
                                                            11am -1pm
GROW SA              12-step mental health group            Wednesdays             Kilburn CC          Donation         0458 224 737
                                                            7pm - 9pm
Health Qigong        Pain management classes                Mondays by             Kilburn CC          $10 - $17           contact@
                                                                                                                        0402 819 342
Mindfulness          A progressive 4 week course on         Wednesdays             Kilburn CC               Free            8405 6730
and Meditation       understanding how to ‘quiet’ the       9.30pm - 10.30am                                       christine.loveday@
Workshops            mind and become more relaxed                                                         
Yoga with Unjay      No need to book. All levels of         Thursdays              Kilburn CC               Free            8405 6730
                     experience welcome. Bring a            1pm - 2.15pm
                     yoga mat
Falun Dafa           Learn five gentle exercises      Tuesdays                     Enfield CC               Free               Sveta
Meditation/          including meditation that work   7pm - 8.30pm                                                      0448 488 489
Exercises            to improve health and well-being

Gentle Yoga with     Health, fitness & wellbeing            Thursdays              Enfield CC               $12                Maria
Maria                                                       9.15am -10.15am                                             0411 384 486
Tai Chi                                                     Mondays                Enfield CC                $7            8369 0329
                                                            10am -11am
Blokes Talk In the   Are you looking for more out           2nd & 4th Friday of    Lefevre                  Free        Jan 8405 6010
Port                 of life? Missing the banter? Join      the month.             Community                              jan.angelo@
                     our Blokes Talk group where            6pm - 8pm              Stadium                
                     you can enjoy a FREE feed, learn                                                               Trevor 8405 6862
                     new things and maybe make a                                                                     travor.creswell@
                     difference for men living across                                                     
                     the City of PAE
WiseMoves for        A workshop series for women            Thursdays              The Lights               Free               vanessa.
Women                aimed at building wellbeing by         9.30am - 11.30am       C&SC                               gastongardner@
                     creating opportunity to connect,                                                     
                     learn, be active, take notice, give
                     back, eat well and sleep well
Yoga (adults)        Experience new energy and              Wednesdays             The Lights               $10             8406 6670
                     calmness in mind and body!             6.30pm - 7.30pm        C&SC
                     A non-impact class great for
                     strength, flexibility and relaxation
Tai Chi                                                     Mondays,               NECH                      $7
                                                            Wednesdays &                                                  83690329
                                                            Fridays. Contact for
                                                            session times

Yoga                                                        Email for session      NECH                    POA      olya.adamyan73@

                                                                                       Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 18
Kids, Teens and School Holidays
   Program              Description                          When                   Where                  Cost                 Contact
   Windsor              Love to dance and perform? Join Please call to find         George                  POA windsor.calisthenics.
   Calisthenics Club    our fun and friendly club. All ages out our visit our       Crawford Hall        
                        welcome                             website
   Labs ‘n Life         A re-engagement program for          Thursdays              George          $982 p/term        Fees apply. POA.
                        youth at risk, aged 11-17            9am - 1pm              Crawford Hall

   Roller Skating for   Skates are provided. Wear socks Tuesdays 4pm - 5pm Kilburn CC                         $2     liladelaiderollers@

   Mainly Music         For preschool children, parents/     Fridays 10am -12pm Kilburn CC                  Free             8405 6730
                        carers. Sing, dance and play
   Soccer Life          Indoor soccer coaching. Ages         Thursdays              Kilburn CC        Fees apply          0423 619 188
   Mastery              9-11                                 5pm - 6pm                                                          futsal@
   Euphorigo Dance & Bollywood dance classes for kids Wednesdays          Kilburn CC                  Fees apply     euphorigodance@
   Fitness Studio                                     6.30pm - 8.30pm                                              
                                                      Saturdays 1pm - 2pm
   Grand Kasai Ethnic Congolese language school for  Saturdays                      Kilburn CC              Free         grandkasaisa@
   School             children - Congolese Community 1.30pm - 4.30pm                                          
   Swahili              Language school for children         Fridays                Kilburn CC        $50 a term          0470 655 752
                                                             4.30pm - 6.30pm                            per child
                                                                                                     and $30 for

   Mindful Kiddo        Programs for children with           Tuesdays               Kilburn CC        Fees apply          0487 772 143

   Enfield Playgroup                                         Mondays                Enfield CC              Free             8405 6556
                                                             9.30am - 11.30am
   Wonder and           Intergenerational playgroup          Thursdays              Enfield CC              Free    Alicia 1800 171 882
   Wisdom                                                    10am - 11.30am                                               Registration is
   Intergenerational                                                                                                   required prior to
   Playgroup                                                                                                                  attending.

   Lefevre CS           Warm and friendly group of           Mondays &              Lefevre CS            $2 per             8405 6908
   Playgroup            parents & children                   Thursdays                                   session
                                                             9.30am - 11.30am
   Learn to Skate       Roller skating                       Wednesdays             Lefevre CS             $3.50             8405 6908
                                                             4pm - 5pm
   Children’s Birthday Bouncy castle, roller skates &        Bookings essential     Lefevre CS      $60 per hour             8405 6908
   Parties             sports equipment included

   Allegro Rhythmic     We offer Rhythmic Gymnastics         Call for information   Lefevre CS              POA                Romana
   Gymnastics           training for girls aged 3 years +.   on times                                                     0413 791 001
                        Our program accommodates
                        recreational gymnastics as well
                        as training elite, competitive

Page 19 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 20
Kids, Teens and School Holidays
   Program             Description                            When                  Where                     Cost                 Contact
   Roller Skating      Free for everyone aged 7-18            May 28th, August      Lefevre CS                 Free             8405 6908
   Disco’s             years old. Boys and girls both         27th & November
                       beginner and experienced skaters       26th
                       welcome. Jointly hosted with Lil       6.30pm - 8.30pm
                       Adelaide Rollers. It’s a great night
   GlowGym - Active    With a focus on physical play          Mondays               The Lights        Cost. $55 per             8405 6670
   Playgroup           through structured games,              9.45am -10.30am       C&SC                term or $7
                       activities and free time                                                         per/session

   SparkBall           This is an introductory basketball     Saturdays Ages 5-7.   The Lights        Full term $55      Contact the Lights
                       program for 5-10-year old’s,           2pm - 2.45pm          C&SC                                                on
                       providing both boys and girls          Ages 8-10.                                                      8405 6670 or
                       a safe and enjoyable basketball        2.45pm - 3.30pm                                          thelights@cityofpae.
                       experience, with a whole lot of                                                                  
   Zumba for Kids      Get the kids movin’ and groovin’ Wednesdays                  The Lights        Full term $55      Contact the Lights
                       to age appropriate music and     4pm - 4.45pm                C&SC                Casual Visit                    on
                       kid friendly routines. The steps                                                          $7           8405 6670 or
                       are broken down and games and                                                                   thelights@cityofpae.
                       activities added to the mix!                                                                     

   Code Club           Discover the basics of coding in Thursdays                   Greenacres                 Free             8405 6550
                       a collaborative fun environment. 3.30pm - 4.30pm             Library & Parks
                       For ages 8-15. Bookings essential Thursdays                  Library
                                                         3.30pm - 4.30pm
   Baby Bounce         Baby Bounce sessions support           Mondays &             Greenacres                 Free             8405 6550
                       your baby’s early learning journey     Wednesdays            Library
                       by sharing nursery rhymes,             10.30am -11am
                       engaging children’s songs and          Thursdays             Enfield Library
                       age-appropriate picture books          10.30am -11am
                       and stories for their sensory          Fridays               Parks Library
                       development in a fun, educational      10.30am -11am
                       and lively way. For ages 0 to 2        & Saturdays
                       years. No bookings required            10.30am -11am
                                                              Wednesdays            Port Library
                                                              10.30am -11am
                                                              Fridays               Semaphore
                                                              10.30am -11am         Library

   Storytime           Storytime introduces children          Sundays               Parks Library              Free                Library
                       and caregivers to a wide variety       11am -11.30am
                       of children’s books for early          Monday                Port Library
                       learning literacy. Come and join       10.30am -11am
                       in with others to enjoy stories,       Wednesday             Enfield Library
                       picture books, songs, nursery          10.30am -11am
                       rhymes, craft activities and           Thursday              Semaphore
                       more. Sessions are designed for        10.30am -11am         Library
                       ages 2 to 5 years. No bookings
                       required                               Fridays               Greenacres
                                                              10.30am -11am         Library

Page 21 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Kids, Teens and School Holidays
Program            Description                        When                  Where                     Cost              Contact
STEM Squad         Ages 9+                            Fridays               Greenacres                Free                  Library
                                                      3.30pm - 4.30pm       Library

                                                     Thursdays              Parks Library
                                                     3.30pm - 4.30pm
                                                     Tuesdays               Port Library
                                                     3.30pm - 4.30pm
Creative Kids      Get crafty, make friends and have Fridays                Parks Library             Free           8405 6540
                   fun. For ages 5 to 13 years       3.30pm - 4.30pm
Toddler Time       Song, rhymes and activities. 18   Tuesdays 10.30am       Greenacres                Free           8405 6550
                   months to 3 years                                        Library

                                                      Thursdays 10.30am     Parks Library             Free           8405 6550

Anime Club         Ages 15+                           3rd Thursday of the   Enfield Library           Free           8405 6069
                                                      month 6pm -7pm

Lil’ Greenies      Learn about the environment in a Mondays during          Semaphore                 Free           8405 6570
                   fun hands on way.                school term             Library
                   Ages 5-10                        3.30pm - 4.30pm
Active Storytime   Get school ready with active       Fridays 10.30am       The Lights                Free           8405 6656
                   music and songs, books and                               C&SC
                   stories. Ages 3-5
                                                      Tuesdays 10.30am      Parks Library                            8405 6550

Hillcrest Guides   Fun activities and learning life   Wednesdays            NECH                Fees apply. jen.coleman@bistre.
                   skills                             4pm - 9pm                                      POA                   net
Playpals           Playgroup                          Mondays               NECH                Gold coin            8369 0329
                                                      10am -11.30am                                  
                                                      during school term
Children Art                                          Saturdays 1pm - 4pm NECH                  Fees apply.   Jeff_tey33@yahoo.
Classes                                                                                              POA.                   com
Community Circus For ages 3 to18 years of age.        Mondays               The Junction CC            $5              8341 1334
& Dance          Aerial, basic gymnastics, other      4.30pm - 6.30pm
                 activities & dance (hip hop,
                 contemporary & ballet)
Calisthenics     Practice sessions                    Wednesdays            The Junction CC      Fees apply              Karen
                                                      3.45pm - 4.45pm                                             0438 999 367

                                                                                 Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 22
Language Classes
   Program               Description                           When               Where                     Cost           Contact
   English Classes    For people who want to improve           Thursdays          Kilburn CC                 Free        8405 6730
                      their language skills. These classes     12.30pm - 2pm
                      are fun, supportive and informal.
                      No need to book
   Grand Kasai Ethnic Congolese language school for            Saturdays          Kilburn CC                 Free     grandkasaisa@
   School             children - Congolese Community           1.30pm - 4.30pm                             
   Swahili               Language school for children          Fridays            Kilburn CC         $50 p/term       0470 655 752
                                                               4.30pm - 6.30pm                      child $30 for

   English classes for   Vinnies House of Welcome              Tuesdays,          Kilburn CC                 Free        8340 3053
   Asylum Seekers                                              Wednesdays &
   and Refugee                                                 Thursday
   Arrivals                                                    10am -12noon

   English for Afghan    Bookings essential                    Mondays,           Kilburn CC                 Free            Abdul
   Men                                                         Wednesdays &                                           0412 953 743
                                                               7pm - 8.30pm
   English classes for Eligibility criteria applies            Call to book       Kilburn CC                 Free        8226 6555
   new arrivals (TAFE)

   English Classes -     Friendly and welcoming group          Fridays 10am -12pm Enfield CC                 Free               Liz
   Advanced              to help build confidence and                                                                    8405 6556
                         improve English for everyday
   English Classes       Friendly and welcoming group          Thursdays          Port Adelaide              Free            Sarah
                         to help build confidence and          5:30pm - 7pm       Library                                8405 6580
                         improve English for everyday          Wednesdays         Greenacres                 Free
                         communication                         10:30am - 12pm     Library
                                                               Saturdays          Kilburn CC                 Free        8405 6730
                                                               11am - 12.30pm
   English Classes -     Friendly and welcoming group          Mondays            Enfield CC                 Free               Liz
   Beginners             to help build confidence and          10am - 12pm                                               8405 6556
                         improve English for everyday
   English               Learn and practice speaking           Mondays            Enfield Library            Free        8405 6530
   Conversation          English in our fun weekly             10.30am -12pm &
   Classes               sessions. No need to book, just       Tuesdays
                         come along                            11am - 1pm
   Adult Literacy        Would you like help with your         Thursday 6pm       Port Adelaide              Free    Jackie or Sarah
   Classes               spelling, reading and writing?                           Library                                 8405 6580
                         Small group classes, all levels
   Beginner-             For adults wishing to develop         10am - 12pm        The Junction CC              $2        8341 1334
   Intermediate          their English language skills
   1.1 ESL / Literacy    Build your confidence using           Fridays            The Junction CC              $2        8341 1334
   Classes               English, improve your literacy        9.30am - 2.30pm
                         skills. For native English speakers
                         with learning difficulties, anxiety
                         or just needing additional
                         support. One hour each by

Page 23 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Martial Arts
Program             Description                     When                 Where                     Cost              Contact
Adelaide Kyokushin Renowned as the worlds           Tuesday & Thursday   Beefacres Hall     Children $5         0415 509 264
Karate Club        strongest Karate with a strong   6pm - 8pm                                Adults $10
                   focus on personal development,
                   physically and mentally
Haidarian Martial   Dai-Fu Martial Arts classes     Mondays, Tuesdays & Kilburn Hall         Fees apply.        0449 571 171
Arts Academy                                        Thursdays                                     POA
                                                    5pm - 9pm
Kobushin Martial    Teaching traditional Okinawa    Tuesday nights     Ottoway                 $10 per                 Shane
Arts                Karate and Kobudo. Separate     Isshin-Ryu Karate. Community Hall           lesson,         0430 216 483
                    Classes for both. Beginners     6pm - 6.50pm                           membership
                    Welcome (12+ years)             RyuKonKai RyuKyu                        fee applies
                                                    Kobudo. 7pm - 8pm
Adelaide Kenyukai   Kendo (Japanese fencing) classes Tuesday evenings     Lefevre CS               POA     adlkenyukai@gmail.
Kendo Club          for both children and adults. Trial                                                                 com
                    lessons available by appointment
MKA Freestyle       Freestyle Martial Arts and Self     Mondays 6pm - 8pm Lefevre CS               POA               Damien
Karate              Defence for kids and adults.                                                                0405 746 195
                    First two lessons free                                                                   Facebook. MKA -
GKR Karate                                          Mondays 6pm -7pm     NECH                Fees apply.

                                                                              Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 24
Performance, Music and Theatre Shows
   Program              Description                         When                    Where                     Cost              Contact
   Klemzig Junior &     The Band is a community             Wednesdays              Klemzig Hall         Free to                  Paul
   Enfield Brass Band   based organisation, providing       7.30pm -9.30pm                              observe.          0466 963 244
                        opportunities for people to                                                   Contact for
                        participate in musical events and                                             membership
                        learn to play brass instruments                                                    costs

   Tru North Youth      Tru North is a youth led award      Thursdays               Klemzig Hall      Free for PAE                jade@
   Theatre Ensemble     winning theatre company             5.30pm -7.30pm                                residents.
                        meeting each week and creating                                                $176 p/term      au / 0450 348 947
                        great theatre with the voice of                                                for non PAE
                        the ensemble at it’s heart                                                        residents.
                                                                                                      $154 p/term

   Kilburn Karaoke      No booking necessary.               Thursdays               Kilburn CC                  $2                Don
   Group                Cancelled if temperature is over    1.30pm -4.30pm                                                   8262 4563
   Ukulele Jam          Bring your ukulele for an           Fridays 2pm - 4pm       Kilburn CC                Free           8405 6730
   Session              informal and fun time. Beginners
   Saturday Karaoke     All ages & cultures welcome.        2nd Saturday of the     Kilburn CC        $1 per singer          8405 6730
                        BYO drinks & nibbles                month 2pm - 5pm

   Live Music &         Music from the 50s, 60s & 70s.      1st & 3rd Saturday of   Kilburn CC                  $3        0414 788 546
   Dance                BYO food and drinks. No need        the month.
                        to book                             6.45pm - 11pm.
                                                            Band starts 7.30pm.
                                                            No entry after
   Sound of Elvis Fan                                       3rd Wednesday bi-       Enfield CC            Annual          0407 800 460
   Club                                                     monthly 7pm - 9pm                         membership
                                                                                                         fee $25
   Beachside Ukulele    Ukulele players wanting to          Wednesdays              Lefevre CS           Gold coin        0438 358 844
   Strummers            improve group playing skills        7.30pm - 9.30pm                               donation

   Hope Theatre     Community theatre group,                Monday evening          Lefevre CS        $50 per year               Kathy
   Company          taking performances to isolated         rehearsals and                            membership          0407 729 019
                    members of the community. Find          meetings                                           fee
                    us on Facebook
   JCC Karaoke Club No experience required. All ages        Wednesdays              The Junction CC             $2           8341 1334
                    welcome. Great range of songs           1pm - 3pm
                    to choose from
   Mainly Music         For preschool children, parents/    Fridays                 Kilburn CC                Free           8405 6730
                        carers. Sing, move and dance        10am - 12noon
                        together. Learn English from
                        the songs and meet other local

Page 25 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Religious Groups
Program               Description                          When                  Where                     Cost              Contact
Family of God         Christian religious group where      Sundays 9am - 4pm     Kilburn Hall              Free     Deaconess Maria
Church                we teach bible values and help                                                                  0423 165 256
                      meet people’s spiritual needs. All
Community Lunch       Linking people with people.          First Sunday of the   Kilburn CC                Free        0418 845 572
Outreach              New Dawn Christian Church            month 1pm - 3pm
                      provides lunch once a month at
                      the centre to fellowship and link
                      people with people. For catering
                      purposes please call Pastor Kevin
                      on the number provided
New Dawn              (Pentecostal)                        Sundays 10am -1pm     Kilburn CC                Free          Pastor Kevin
Christian Church                                                                                                        0418 845 572
Samoan AOG                                                 Sundays 9am - 2pm     Kilburn CC                Free                 May
Christian Church                                                                                                       0452 430 081

Klisa - Persian     In Farsi                               Sundays               Kilburn CC                Free        0450 539 038
Church                                                     3.30pm - 6pm
Hallelujah Song and New Dawn Christian Church              Tuesdays              Kilburn CC                Free          Pastor Kevin
Prayer Time                                                10am - 11.30am                                               0418 845 572

Lefevre Christian     A monthly program for kids in        1st Saturday of the   Lefevre CS                  $3                Paul
Family Centre -       primary school years R-6             month                                                     0408 924 574
Lefevre Kids                                                                                              
Abundance             Religious gatherings                 Sundays               NECH                      POA              Miretta
Community                                                  9.30am -12pm                              
Christian Church                                                                                                                 au

Islamic Association Religious gathering                    Fridays               NECH                      POA               Imran
of South Australia                                         12.45pm - 2.30pm                                        iasamah17@gmail.
Church of Christ      Congregational service               Sundays               The Junction CC           Free           Emmanual
                                                           10am - 12pm                                                 0431 5341 82

Church of Christ      Bible Studies                        Mondays               The Junction CC           Free           Emmanual
                                                           5pm - 6pm                                                   0431 5341 82

Church of Christ      Prayer                               Thursdays             The Junction CC           Free           Emmanual
                                                           5pm - 6pm                                                   0431 5341 82

Disciples of Christ                                        Sundays               The Junction CC           Free         Pastor Gladys
                                                           2.30pm - 4.30pm                                               04321 68474

African Women’s                                            Saturdays 1pm - 8pm The Junction CC             Free             Kadiatu
Quranic Recitation                                         (alternate weeks)                                           0401 629 843

                                                                                      Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 26
Page 27 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Program               Description                           When                  Where                      Cost            Contact
Century Dancing       A gathering for Chinese ladies,       Wednesdays            George                     Free               Erica
Group                 talking & dancing. Enhancing          fortnightly           Crawford Hall                         0410 622 518
                      health and quality of living          1.30pm - 4.30pm
Osborne Over 50s Indoor bowls, pool, Rummykub               Mon, Wed & Sat        Osborne Hall                 $2              David
Club             tile games, free raffle and                12.45pm - 3.15pm                                             8248 0076 /
                 afternoon tea or coffee                                                                                0467 007 573
Osborne Over 50s Good music and good friends.               Tuesdays              Osborne Hall                 $2              David
Club - New Vogue Includes free raffle ticket and            1.30pm - 4pm                                                 8248 0076 /
Dancing          afternoon tea or coffee                                                                                0467 007 573
Osborne Over 50s Social dance, cash raffle, good            4th Saturday of the   Osborne Hall     $2 members                  David
Club - New Vogue music. Please bring a plate of             month                                     / $5 non-          8248 0076 /
dancing          supper to share. Includes tea &            7.30pm -10.30pm                           members           0467 007 573
Osborne Over 50s Doors open at 6pm, eyes down               Fridays 6pm -10pm     Osborne Hall           Free to               David
Club - Bingo     7.30pm -10pm. Good prize                                                             attend, call       8248 0076 /
                 money and facilities                                                                 for cost of       0467 007 573
Australian            Socialise with cards, 8-ball, Tai     Wednesdays            Klemzig Hall     Membership                   John
Retired Persons       Chi, line dancing, carpet bowls,      9am - 2.30pm                           $48 p/a + $4         0405 208 891
Association -         occasional bus trips & special                                               weekly entry
Klemzig               lunches                                                                                fee

National Seniors      An opportunity to attend              3rd Tuesday of each   Klemzig Hall         $4 (inc.                David
Association           meetings and make new friends,        month                                   morning tea         0419 665 541
                      enjoy guest speakers and great        10am - midday                            and raffle)
                      social outings
Queenstown            Bingo, bus trips, BBQs and more.      Monday &              Queenstown                                     Kay
Citizens Club Inc.    All welcome. Come and have fun        Wednesday             Hall                                  0448 090 777
                                                            9am - 3.30pm
Osborne Over 50s Exercise class with fully qualified        Wednesdays &          Osborne Hall                 $5              David
- Mature Movers  instructor. Work at your own               Fridays                                                      8248 0076 /
                 ability                                    9.30am -10.30am                                             0467 007 573
Osborne Over 50s Exercise & Pilates class with fully Friday                       Osborne Hall                 $5              David
- Mature Movers & qualified instructor. Work at your 9.30am - 10.30am                                                    8248 0076 /
Pilates           own ability                                                                                           0467 007 573
Social Support        This program provides social      Monday, Wednesday, Kilburn CC                         $10          8405 6804
Program               opportunities for older people in Friday
                      our community. My Aged Care
                      referral is required to attend.
                      Eligible requirements exist for
                      the program
Friendship Group      Board games and cards                 Tuesdays              Kilburn CC                 Free               Anka
for Seniors                                                 10am - 2pm                                                     8269 4708

Strength For Life -   A low cost strength and fitness       Tuesdays            Enfield CC             $7 or six           8405 6556
ECC                   training program for Over 50s,        9.45am - 10.45am &                      sessions for
                      aimed to improve your overall         Fridays 10am - 11am                             $35
                      strength, fitness & quality of life
Clearview Senior      Activities, bowls, cards, outings,    Tuesday 12pm - 3pm Enfield CC               First visit          Mrs Lyn
Citizens Club         dining out, for Seniors over 50                                                free Annual        0417 872 527
                      years old                                                                      m/ship $15
                                                                                                    plus $2 each

                                                                                      Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 28
   Program               Description                             When               Where                     Cost              Contact
   Australian            Various activities for members    Fridays                  Enfield CC               $3 per               Terry
   Retired Persons       including carpet bowls, card      9.30am - 12pm                              meeting with      0407 788 354 or
   Association -         games, table tennis, billiards &                                             the first two              Maggie
   Broadview             darts. Lunches both in house & at                                               being free       0448 697 702
                         local hotels. open to all over 50
   ARPA Tapliners        Seniors tap dancing troupe        Wednesdays               Enfield CC        $50 p/school           8269 3915
                                                           11.30am -3pm                                term or $5
   University of the     Offers classes on a wide range          Contact for        Enfield CC                Full
   Third Age - Inner     of topics including arts, crafts,       schedules                            membership                     au
   North                 hobbies, dancing, history,                                                    is $45 per          0410 434 048
                         languages, film, music, movies                                                      year
                         and many more. Classes are run
                         during school term
   Strength For Life -   A low cost strength and fitness         Mondays 8.30am,    Lefevre CS                  $7           8405 6908
   Lefevre C&SC          training program for Over 50s,          9.30am &
                         aimed to improve your overall           10.30am Tuesdays
                         strength, fitness and quality of life   11.30am-12.30pm
                                                                 9.30am -10.30am
                                                                 11.45am -12.45pm
                                                                 8.30am - 9.30am
   Chair Based           An inclusive fitness session that       Fridays 9.30am     Lefevre CS                  $5           8405 6908
   Exercise Program      anyone can do of any age and            -10.30am
                         fitness level. All exercises are
                         completed sitting in a chair
   Strength For Life -   A low cost strength and fitness         Mondays            The Lights                  $8           8405 6670
   The Lights C&SC       training program for Over 50s,          8.30am – 9.30am,   C&SC
                         aimed to improve your overall           9.30am - 10.30am &
                         strength, fitness and quality of life   10.30am - 11.30am
                                                                 8.30am - 9.30am,
                                                                 9.30am - 10.30am &
                                                                 10.30am - 11.30am
                                                                 9.30am - 10.30am &
                                                                 10.30am - 11.30am
   Fitness Fun For       Exercise, strength training,        Thursdays 9.30am       Parks Library             Free               Linda
   Seniors               mobilisation exercises, stretching, -11am                  - Community                           0416 232 412
                         laughter, friendship and support                           Room 2

   Ferryden Park         Arts, crafts and seniors programs Tuesdays 9am - 1pm The Parks                       Free               Hilary
   Senior Citizens                                                            Library -                                   0426 104 661
   Club                                                                       Community
                                                                              Room 2
   Hillcrest Senior      Social gathering for people over        Thursdays          NECH                      POA      Ian gusandchris@
   Citizens              50                                      12.30pm - 4pm                                
   Oldies but Goodies Gentle exercise for the over 65s Mondays 1pm - 2pm The Junction CC                        $2           8341 1334
   Fitness Classes
   Indoor Bowling        Fun Competition                   Wednesdays               The Junction CC             $2           8341 1334
                                                           10am - 12pm
   ANFE Seniors          Lunch & social activities Italian Tuesdays                 The Junction CC           POA               Gianni
                         community seniors. Call prior to 9.30am - 2.30pm                                                    8234 5550
                         attending to discuss availability
                         (must have My Aged Care referral)

Page 29 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 30
Sports and Fitness
   Program             Description                        When                 Where                 Cost                Contact
   Osborne Over 50s Exercise class with fully qualified   Wednesday            Osborne Hall             $3                 David
   - Mature Movers  instructor. Work at your own          10.15am -11.15am                                           8248 0076 /
                    ability                                                                                         0467 007 573
   Osborne Over 50s Exercise & Pilates class with fully Friday                 Osborne Hall             $5                 David
   - Mature Movers & qualified instructor. Work at your 9.30am - 10.30am                                             8248 0076 /
   Pilates           own ability                                                                                    0467 007 573
   Badminton           Join us for a social game           Mondays             Kilburn CC             Free             8405 6730
                                                           2pm - 3.30pm
   Taoist Tai Chi      The Taoist Tai Chi™internal arts Saturdays -            Kilburn CC         $35 per              adelaide@
                       of health are specifically designed beginners                               month or
                       to improve holistic health. The     9.30am -11am,                                      phone 0423776955
                       significant degree of turning       continuing                                            or 1800108801
                       and stretching in each of the       11am - 1pm
                       movements, combined with the
                       adaptability of the form to suit
                       individual needs, are just some of
                       the factors that contribute to its
                       focus on restoring, improving and
                       maintaining health
   Walking Group       Meet by the main entrance near     Tuesdays             Kilburn CC             Free             8405 6730
                       the roundabout. Cancelled if 350   9am - 9.50am
                       or more
   Yoga with Unjay    No need to book. No experience Thursdays         Kilburn CC                     Free             8405 6730
                      necessary. All levels welcome  1pm - 2.15pm
   Murder City Roller Roller Derby training          Mondays 7pm - 9pm Kilburn CC             Membership               events@
   Girls                                                                                        fees apply

   Adelaide Roller      Aims to develop people who are Email for more          The Lights            POA                    info@
   Derby                committed and passionate about information             C&SC                           adelaiderollerderby.
                        the sport of women’s flat track                                                                       com
                        roller derby, on- and off-skates.
                        Safety, athleticism and teamwork
                        are highly regarded values. New
                        skating member intake once per
                        year (August-Nov), non-skating
                        officials at any time
   Lil Adelaide Rollers Roller Derby                      Fridays              Kilburn CC     Membership      liladelaiderollers@
                                                          6pm - 8.45pm                          fees apply    

   Easy Moves Active   Gentle chair based exercise. For   Wednesdays           Enfield CC               $7               Uniting
   Aging               people 65+ who want to stay        9.30am -10.15am                                           Communities
                       strong and stay at home                                                                        8202 5900
   Jaffaria Social     Have fun, make friends             Sundays              Enfield CC            POA            0432 823 136
   Soccer                                                 5.30pm - 6.30pm
   Gentle Yoga with    Health, fitness & wellbeing        Thursdays            Enfield CC             $12                Maria
   Maria                                                  9.15am - 10.15am                                        0411 384 486
   Light City Derby    Adelaide’s original adult mixed    Email for more       Lefevre CS            POA              admin@
                       gender roller derby league.        information                          
                       New members welcome
   Lil Adelaide Rollers Junior Roller Derby               Contact for days &   Lefevre CS       Fees apply            Samantha
                                                          times                Kilburn CC                          0417 856 349

   Lefevre Social      We always welcome new              Tuesdays             Lefevre CS               $5             8449 4573
   Badminton           members                            10am - 12pm
   Floorball SA        Friendly recreational floorball    Thursdays            Lefevre CS       1st session         0481 084 235
                       (indoor hockey) for all skill      4.45pm - 6.15pm                              free
                       levels, experience and genders.
                       Equipment provided

Page 31 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022
Sports and Fitness
Program               Description                          When               Where                    Cost              Contact
Casual sports visits Use our fantastic facilities such   Call for available   Lefevre CS              $5.50           8405 6908
                     as Basketball, Netball, Soccer,     times
                     Volleyball, Badminton, Roller
                     Skating, general fitness, plus many
Strength For Life     A low-cost strength & fitness        Mondays 8.30am,   Lefevre CS                  $7           8405 6908
                      program for Over 50s, aimed to       9.30am & 10.30am
                      improve your overall strength,       Tuesdays
                      fitness and quality of life          11.30am-12.30pm
                                                           9.30am -10.30am
                                                           11.45am -12.45pm
                                                           8.30am - 9.30am
                                                           Mondays &         The Lights                  $8           8405 6670
                                                           Wednesdays        C&SC
                                                           9.30am -10.30am &
                                                           10.30am -11.30am
                                                           Wednesdays 8.30am
                                                           Fridays 9.30am &
                                                           Tuesdays           Enfield CC           $7 or six          8405 6556
                                                           10am -11am &                         sessions for
                                                           Fridays                                      $35
                                                           9.30am -10.30am
ASC Indoor Soccer Fast paced games. Cost                   Thursdays          Lefevre CS            $4 - $8           8405 6908
                  dependant on numbers                     5pm - 6pm
ASC Floorball         Fast paced games                     Thursdays          Lefevre CS           $4 - $8            8405 6908
                                                           4.45pm - 6.15pm                    depending on

Yoga                  No registration needed, just turn    Thursdays          Lefevre CS          $12 - $17               Unjay
                      up                                   1pm - 2pm                                               0431 928 663
Chair Based           An inclusive fitness session that    Fridays            Lefevre CS                 $5           8405 6908
Exercise Program      anyone can do of any age and         9.30am -10.30am
                      fitness level. All exercises are
                      completed sitting in a chair. Ages
                      65+ receive a discount
Social Table Tennis   All ages and abilities welcome to    Fridays 10.45am    Lefevre CS                 $3           8405 6908
                      attend. Lots of laughs to be had
Pickleball            A great new sport that’s a mix       Mondays            Lefevre CS           $10 per            8405 6908
                      of tennis, badminton and table       12pm - 2pm                           session for
                      tennis. First session free                                              non-members

Team FX Skating                                            Mondays            Lefevre CS        Contact for           8405 6908
                                                           3.30pm - 6.30pm                       more info

Walking Group                                              Fridays 8.30am     Lefevre CS               Free           8405 6908

Kanga Training -      Fitness session for mums and         Tuesdays 10am      Lefevre CS                $10                Kylie
Semaphore             bubs                                                                                         0400 372 204

Zumba Classes         Fun fitness program that         Tuesdays from          Lefevre CS                $10           8405 6908
                      combines Latin and international 1pm - 2pm
                      music with dance moves

                                                                                  Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 32
Sports and Fitness
   Program               Description                             When                   Where                  Cost                Contact
   Strength For Life -   A low cost strength and fitness         Mondays &              The Lights                $8             8405 6670
   The Lights            training program for Over 50s,          Wednesdays             C&SC
                         aimed to improve your overall           8.30am - 9.30am,
                         strength, fitness and quality of life   9.30am - 10.30am &
                                                                 10.30am - 11.30am
                                                                 9.30am -10.30am &
                                                                 10.30am - 11.30am
   The Lights C&SC                                               Tuesdays               The Lights            $5.50              8405 6670
   Social Badminton                                              10am - 2pm             C&SC               bookings
                                                                 Wednesday                                 essential
                                                                 6.30pm - 9.30pm
                                                                 Friday 5pm - 9.30pm
                                                                 5.30pm - 8.30pm
   The Lights C&SC       Taking expressions of interest          Sunday                 The Lights             POA            socialcomps@
   Social Mixed          for social mixed volleyball             6.30pm - 9.30pm        C&SC                   
   Volleyball            competition on Sunday evenings                                                                   www.volleyballsa.
   Mixed Netball         Social mixed netball provided           Thursdays              The Lights             POA          competitions@
                         by SAMMNA- the peak body                6.30pm - 10.30pm       C&SC                      
                         in South Australia for mens and
                         mixed netball. Get your team in
   Social and            Powered by Basketball SA are a          Tuesdays               The Lights             POA            0452 590 075
   wheelchair            great way to keeping fit, develop       6pm - 10.30pm          C&SC
   basketball            new or existing skills, engage in
                         teamwork and socialise in an
                         enjoyable environment.
   BoxFit                BoxFit is a high-intensity,             Tuesdays 7pm - 8 pm The Lights                 $10              8405 6670
                         high-energy but mostly high-                                C&SC
                         rewarding boxing class that builds
                         cardiovascular fitness while
                         improving muscular strength and
   Zumba                 Zumba is great for body, mind           Tuesdays               The Lights              $10              8405 6670
                         and mood. Perfect for everybody!        6.30 - 7.30pm          C&SC

   Active Movers         Exercise group                          Mondays 12pm -1pm NECH                           $5
   Tai Chi               An internal Chinese martial             Mondays,               NECH                      $7
                         art practices for mediation and         Wednesdays &                                                   83690329
                         health benefits                         Fridays. Contact for
   Yoga                  A physical, mental and spiritual        Email for session      NECH              Fees apply.     olya.adamyan73@
                         practice                                times.                                        POA      

   Zumba           A total workout including cardio,             Mondays &              The Junction CC           $8                   Rog
                   muscle conditioning, balance &                Thursdays                                                    0433 655 639
                   flexibility                                   7pm - 8pm
   Zumba for Women Dance, exercise, sweat & have                 Thursdays              The Junction CC           $2             8341 1334
                   fun. For women only                           12pm -1pm
   Tai Chi         Gentle exercise class using                   Thursdays              The Junction CC           $4             8341 1334
                   martial art techniques to improve             2.15pm - 3.15pm
                   energy flow
   Music in Motion A gentle workout suitable for                 Fridays                The Junction CC         Free              8341 1334
                   60+ years, people with a disability           3.30pm - 4.30pm
                   or those returning to exercise
                   following in injury

Page 33 • Program and Activities Guide • 2021
Support Groups
Program               Description                      When                 Where                   Cost              Contact
Junction Midday       An Alcoholics Anonymous          Tuesdays             Ottoway Hall             Free           8241 2156
Support Group         support group                    11.30am - 2pm
Friday Night AA       An Alcoholics Anonymous          Fridays 6pm - 9pm    Ottoway Hall             Free                 Paul
Support Group         support group                                                                                 8445 1736
Taperoo Alcoholics An Alcoholics Anonymous             Wednesdays           Osborne Hall       Voluntary                Sarah
Anonymous          support group                       7pm - 8.30pm                          Contribution        0404 899 397
Alcoholics       An Alcoholics Anonymous               Tuesdays 7.30pm      Kilburn CC          Donation                Grant
Anonymous (AA) - support group                         Wednesdays                                                0401 365 330
Kilburn                                                6pm - 8pm                                                         Kate
                                                                                                                 042 8450 679
Fred’s Van            A meal supplied by St Vincent    Thursdays 7pm        Kilburn CC               Free           8112 8720
                      De Paul Society volunteers.
                      No need to book
GROW SA               12-step mental health group      Wednesdays           Kilburn CC               Free        0458 224 737
                                                       7pm - 9pm
Red Cross             Employment programs for          For more             Kilburn CC               Free           8100 4500
                      refugee arrivals and asylum      information see
                      seekers                          contact provided
Relationships         Parenting workshops, Circle of   Fridays              Kilburn CC               Free           8340 2022
Australia             Security. Bookings essential     10am - 12pm                                             capswest@rasa.
STTARS Survivors      Support groups. Bookings         Thursdays            Kilburn CC               Free           8206 8900
of Torture and        essential
Families 4 Families   A Peer Support Network           1st Friday of each   Queenstown          Gold coin                Jules
                      for people and their Families    month                Hall                 donation        0433 388 250
                      impacted by Acquired Brain       9.30am - 12.30pm
                      Injury                           3rd Wednesday of
                                                                            Enfield CC
                                                       the month
                                                       10am - Noon
Northern Carers       Aboriginal Carers Support     First Tuesday of    Enfield CC              Donation               Danica
Network               Group                         each month                                                   0431 519 553
                                                    11am - 2pm
Lefevre Peninsula  Offers welfare and compensation By appointment -     Lefevre CS                   Free        0407 155 102
Veterans Centre    advocacy services to the Veteran Tuesdays 9am - 4pm
                   Community. Supported by Largs
                   Bay RSL
At Work Disability Eligibility conditions apply. By Tuesdays,           The Junction CC                               Amanda
Employment         appointment                      Wednesdays and                                               0428 034 024
Service                                             Thursdays 9am - 5pm
Who’s In Charge    A 6 week program for parents     Call for more       The Junction CC              Free                 Kay
                   who feel challenged by their     information                                                    8341 13364
                   children’s abusive behaviour
                   towards them
Circle of Security An attachment-based parenting    Call for more       The Junction CC              Free                 Kay
                   course for parents with young    information                                                    8341 13364
                   children. 6 week Program
Vietnamese         Meetings to discuss various      Saturdays           The Junction CC             POA                  Dinh
Veterans           issues                           9am - 12pm                                                   0469 340 176
Badenya African    Discuss issues of concern        Saturdays           The Junction CC              Free             Kadiatu
Women’s Support                                     6pm -11pm                                                    0401 629 843
Group                                               (alternate weeks)

                                                                                Program and Activities Guide • 2021/2022   • Page 34
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