2020 Scouts BSA Leader Guide - Go to www.siouxcouncil.org & register today - Sioux Council

Page created by Sergio Andrews
2020 Scouts BSA Leader Guide - Go to www.siouxcouncil.org & register today - Sioux Council
2020 Scouts BSA
          Leader Guide
Go to www.siouxcouncil.org & register today
2020 Scouts BSA Leader Guide - Go to www.siouxcouncil.org & register today - Sioux Council
Scouts BSA Camp                                      Table of Contents

    Welcome _____________________________________________ 3
    2020 Program Updates and Changes _______________________4
    Unit Leadership, Insurance and Policies                 5
    Camp Policies & Contact Information                     6
    Health & Safety and Dining Hall Procedures              7
    Online Registration and Check-In                        8
    Check-Out and Staff Opportunities                       9
    Equipment and Trading Post                             10

     Merit Badges & Records                                    11
     Jamboree Style Camping                                    12
     Camps Frontier and Keel Boat Programs                     13
     Camps Davey Jones and Sacagawea Programs                 14
     Service Projects, Chapel & Leader Training _______________15
     Camp Schedule                                             16
     Merit Badges by Camp ________________________________17-18
     Power Weekend Schedule _______________________________ 19
     Power Weekend Programs and Merit Badges ________________ 20
     Power Weekend Merit Badge by Camp ______________________ 21
     River Adventure Weekend Schedule _______________________ 22
     (See MRHAB leader guide for all details other than schedule)

    How to register                                              23
    Lewis & Clark Scout Camp Map                                 24
    Program Planning Sheet                                       25
    Personal Camping Gear Check List                              26
    Planning Timeline                                             27
    COVID-19 Forms                           _________________28-31
    ATV Participation and Hold-Harmless Form                     32
    Personal Watercraft Participation and Hold-Harmless Form     33
    Cowboy Action Shooting Waiver Form                           34

              Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 2
2020 Scouts BSA Leader Guide - Go to www.siouxcouncil.org & register today - Sioux Council
Scouts BSA                                        Welcome from your
            Camp                                               Camp Director


Thank you for your Interest in attending Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation for one of our 2020
summer programs. I would like to assure you that our goal for our camp is to provide programs that
will be fun and engaging for scouts while working to reduce the risk for Scouters and staff attending
camp. Our camp programs will look and feel a bit different to achieve this goal. The Lewis & Clark staff
will continue to focus on the character development of the individual scout through the application of
the Scout Oath and Law, while working on these areas of personal development.

   o   Leadership and Citizenship
   o   Teamwork, Cooperation and Helping Others
   o   Self-Reliance, Resourcefulness and Accepting Responsibility
   o   Respect for Nature, Resources and Others
   o   Physical, Spiritual, Emotional and Mental Fitness

I look forward to seeing many familiar faces at camp this summer and hope to welcome many new
faces to the Lewis and Clark camping family.

In Scouting,

Gene Fuller
Camp Director

                   Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 3
Scouts BSA Camp                                           31071 430th Ave
                                                             Tabor, SD 57063

2020 Program Highlights                                  2020 Registration
Thursday Night is Steak Night (NEW)              Resident Camp Dates:
 Campers and leaders will get to enjoy a        Week 4: July 5-11
  steak meal. The SPL and SM also get            Week 5: July 12-18
  to visit with our Scout Executive
                                                 Scout Fees: $275.00
Cowboy Action Shooting (New)
                                                 Adult Fees: $125.00 /Week or $25.00/Day
The trading post is being surrounding by the
West River gang to rob us of our slushy’s.
Use a Pistol, Shotgun and Rifle to fend them     Power Weekend Dates:
off (shooting at targets). Waiver form
required                                         Scout Fees: $175.00

                                                 Adult Fees: $50.00
Added Program to PWC Class (NEW)
 We are adding spots to this class so           Fee Deadlines
  more scouts can take it while adding the             Registration closes two weeks
  paddle boarding award for scouts to earn             prior to each week and
Canoeing & Kayaking Merit Badge (NEW)
 Earn both at the same time                     Please call the Sioux Council to register any
                                                 adults not attending a full week. Please
                                                 inform staff at registration of any adults not
NEW Merit Badges this year
                                                 attending for a full week.
 Insect Study, Fish and Wildlife
    Management, Pulp & Paper, Art                Refund Policy
All Inclusive Registration Fee Continues!        Since our program and food supplies are
 Registration includes all camp program         purchased based upon the number of Scouts
     • If doing more than one merit badge        pre-registered, it is our policy to refund only
        per camp – you will need to pay for      as a result of an emergency situation.
        the extra kit. For example, basketry     Scouts who choose not to attend camp of
        and leather working.                     their own free will, will NOT be granted a
ATV Program to continue for 2020                 refund. Fees may be transferred to a Scout
                                                 not already registered for camp. Please
 We are making the trail longer!
                                                 present refund requests in writing to the
                                                 Sioux Council. Requests will be handled as
                                                 quickly and efficiently as possible.

                                                 Camperships (Sioux Council Units Only)
                                                 The OA and Council ensure that no Scout is
                                                 denied the opportunity to attend camp
                                                 because of financial circumstances. These
                                                 camperships will provide up to one third of
                                                 the registration fees. The form is on our

                                                 Waterfront Activities
                                                   Water Shoes Are Required for everyone

               Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 4
Scouts BSA Camp                                       Camp Unit Leadership,
                                                            Insurance, and Policies

Leadership                           Rules & Policies                  Discipline:
At least two adult leaders over      Visitors:                         Lewis & Clark, in
the age of 21 are required for                                         accordance with the
any camping activity over 72         Due to Covid-19                   policies of the Boy Scouts
hours. Each unit attending           Visitors will not be              of America, will not permit
Lewis and Clark must furnish         allowed to visit                  staff, leaders or Scouts to
its own leaders and is expected      Camp.                             use corporal or other harsh
to have leaders in the campsite      Only Scouts and                   punishment. No humiliating
when Scouts are present. All         Leaders registered                or frightening methods of
units with female scouts must        for camp and have                 discipline will be used to
provide a registered female          completed the                     control the actions of any
leader over 21. It is best if the    camps health                      camper or campers.
Scoutmaster attends                  screening and                     Initiations, which frighten or
summer camp with his or her          approved by the                   humiliate, including forms of
Troop. If this is not possible, it
                                     camps health officer              hazing are also not
is the responsibility of the unit
                                     will be allowed to                permitted.
committee to provide
trained leadership for this          stay at camp.
important responsibility.                                              Violations of this policy
                                                                       may result in immediate
Insurance                            Prohibited Items:                 dismissal from camp.
Your Troop must be covered
by medical and accident                 Hunting/Sheath Knives
insurance while at Lewis and            Fireworks
Clark. A copy of a certificate          Bicycles
                                        Scooters                     Leaving Camp:
of insurance and the
information necessary to                Motorized Carts
                                                                      Campers and leaders who must leave
process a claim must be on              Firearms/Ammunition          camp must sign out with camp
file at Lewis & Clark. This             Archery Equipment            management. Please contact camp
information can be obtained             Alcoholic Beverages          management to process your
from your local council for             Illegal Drugs                departure from campgrounds.
those coming from another               Flames in Tents              Campers may leave only with a
council.                                Firewood                     parent or guardian, or with the written
                                        Pets                         release from a parent or guardian.
Scouts and leaders                                                    Leaders must be present when a
registered with the Sioux                                             camper checks out of camp. In the
Council are covered by the                                            very rare event camp management
Council’s sickness and                                                has any doubt about custody of a
accident policy while                                                 minor child, the Scout will only be
attending camp and during                                             released to the adult who brought
travel between camp and                                               them to camp.
home. This insurance is
secondary to a family’s
insurance. It is important
that the name of the family’s
insurance carrier and policy
# be provided on the Annual
Health and Medical Record.

                      Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 5
Scouts BSA Camp                                         Camp Policies &
                                                            Contact Information

Fuel Policy:                         Vehicle Use and                  explained when a permit is
National BSA policy permits          Parking:                         issued by the Camp
the use of liquid fuel only un-      Scout leaders, visitors          Director. A person holding
der the direct supervision of        and staff vehicles will be       a state issued permit must
a knowledgeable adult                parked in the lot located        still secure a Lewis & Clark
leader. Gasoline, stove fuel,        across from the                  permit.
and other bulk quantity              Administration Building.
flammable substances are to                                           Roads south of the parking
                                     Upon special request and         lot area are reserved for
be stored in the approved            demonstration of need,
central fuel storage locker in                                        foot traffic, camp service
                                     camp staff will be happy         vehicles and permitted
camp (contact the Camp               to help transport Leaders        vehicles only.
Commissioner). Liquid fuels,         and Scouts around camp.
in approved containers               If Camp Director                 Speed limit in camp is 15
(MRS type bottles) of 1 quart        determines that staff will       mph or less. Under no
or less, may be kept in the          be unable to transport           circumstances will any
campsite under adult                 leaders and scouts with          individual be allowed to
supervision.                         special requirements the         ride in the bed of a pickup
                                     Troop may receive a              truck or outside the
Wristbands and                       permit to park in the            enclosed passenger
Nametags:                                                             compartment of a vehicle.
As part of our camp                  designated handicapped
security programs, all               parking closer to the
Scouts, leaders and                  campsites (down the hill).
                                     Restrictions will be                   Scout Safety Is
registered visitors are
required to wear a                                                          Our Top Priority
camp supplied
identification badge or
wristband. If an ID
badge or wristband
                                                            Mail Service
gets worn out or lost                Outgoing mail is picked up daily from the Administration
while at camp. Let                  Building. Stamps are also available in the Administration
camp Commissioners                  Building. Mail call will be held at flag retreat each evening.
or management know
and we will be happy                                    Scout’s Name, Troop #
to replace it. Please                                 Lewis & Clark Scout Camp
bring the old ID if you                                31071 Boy Scout Road
have it. There will be a                                  Tabor, SD 57063
$1 fee for each
replacement band.                                      Phone and Internet
Anyone not wearing a
wristband or nametag                        Camp Emergency Phone #: (605) 665-7970
will be asked to stay
with staff until                         Cellular service is spotty at camp and is generally
management can                            unreliable for incoming calls in the campsites.
                                     Please check at the Administration Building for Wi-Fi and
                                           computer/internet availability while at camp.

                     Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 6
Scouts BSA Camp                                                Health, Dinning &
                                                                     Severe Weather

BSA Annual Health &                    Health screening and                Medical Care:
Medical Record:                        check-in process:                   A camp health officer serves
National BSA Camping                                                       as a regular member of the
                                           2 copies of BSA medical        camp staff.
Standards require that all
                                           forms.                          A volunteer physician from
youth and adults must bring to
camp a record of medical                  Pre camp Covid-19               Yankton supervises the
examination made within the last           screening for each scouter.     camp’s medical care services.
12 months by a licensed                                                    In the event of a serious
physician. We can only accept the         Group temperature log.          accident, illness or
National BSA Annual Health and         Any Scout or Adult leader not       hospitalization, parents are
Medical Record for long-term           meeting Camp health screening       contacted. Medical care given
camping (longer than 72 hours).        standards may result in the         at camp by the camp medical
                                       entire group being denied           officer
As changes are made frequently                                             is without an additional
to the BSA medical form, a link        access to camp.
for the health form can be found       Please call the Camp Director
in the menu of our Lewis & Clark       to discuss Scouts or leaders        Treatment provided outside
camp website page:                     with major medical issues.          of camp is at each family’s
  https://                                                                 expense.
 www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/   Please pick up parts B & C of
 ahmr/                                 your health forms before leaving
Each unit will be checked in with      camp or ask for them at check-      Severe Weather:
our health team.                       out. All health forms left at the   Storm shelters are
                                       health lodge will be shredded at    located throughout the camp.
                                       the conclusion of camp.             In the event of a weather
                                                                           emergency, staff will notify
                                                                           units and direct them to the
                                                                           closest shelter.

                                       Dining Hall Procedures

 Camp dining hall will be closed for meal service. Meals service will be delivered to camp
 program areas. All meal services will use disposable dinnerware and eating utensils. All
 Scouts and Adult Leaders will need to have a 16 oz or larger water bottle for beverage
 service. All meal procedures will be covered during check-in process.

                                       Special Dietary Needs

 Any Scout or leader that has special dietary needs should contact us one week before
 arriving at camp. Remember to verify your dietary requests during the Troop check-in
 process. Persons with food allergies should follow the same procedure. At check-in, you
 will be asked to fill out a form that will be provided to the Health Officer and Dining Hall
 Staff. Please remember to contact us in advance of your week at camp so we can be
 prepared for your visit. If we don’t know in advance of your dietary needs, we will do our
 best to accommodate you.

                       Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 7
Scouts BSA Camp                                         Online Registration
                                                                 & Check-in
Online Registration                    Check in Sunday
Troops can register for the            1:00 - 3:00 PM
2020 season at any time and                                            Camp Orientation
pre-register for 2021 at any
time during your 2020 stay.           Each Troop will be given a         4:00 PM in camp sites
Registering is as easy as              time to check-in between
visiting the website below             1:00PM and 3:00PM for
and logging in.                        COVID-19 protocols.            Camp Safety Moment
                                       Please call camp if you
www.siouxcouncil.org                   need to confirm the time or
                                                                          6:00PM in camp sites
We prefer you use your                 if we have not contacted
Troop log-in, rather than              you.
your individual log-in. This                                           Dinner Service
helps us identify what             Parking Lot Check In
Troop you are and where                                                   Troops will eat dinner
you are visiting from.                                                     in their camp sites at
                                      You will be greeted by a            6:15 PM
Unit Roster                            Staff member who will stay
Who will be joining us at              with your Troop through         Leader Meetings
camp? We will need                     the check-in process.
                                      Units with trailers will be        Leader meetings will be held in
BSA ID #’s and birthdates for
                                       directed where to park              campsites between 5:30 and 7:30
all Scouts and BSA ID #’s for
                                       and unhook.
all adults staying at camp. It
                                      Units without trailers will
is important that this list be         load their gear into a          Opening Campfire
as complete as possible to             trailer provided by the
provide you with the best              camp.                              At 8:00 PM Camp
possible program.                     Trailers will be hauled to          Staff will conduct the
Merit Badges                           campsites by the Ranger             opening campfire in
While we try to be as                  staff.                              camp sites.
accommodating as possible             The Camp staff will escort
in our merit badge                     the Troop to their designed
scheduling, it is important to         Health screening and            Swim checks be held on the
sign up Scouts for merit               check in location. Where        Troop’s day at Camp Keel Boat
badges before they arrive at           you will be assigned to         and must be conducted by camp
                                       your campsite and               Aquatic Staff.
camp. Some merit badges
                                       camping group.
have age requirements and
                                      When check in is complete
some classes have limited              Troops will be escorted to
availability. Scout that are           their campground to set up
successful in our merit badge          camp and receive camp
program will have read the             orientation.
current merit badge book for
their merit badges and
completed all prerequisites if
any for those merit badges.
Registering before you arrive
helps us control class sizes
and have the proper supplies
on hand.

                     Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 8
Check-out &
    Scouts BSA Camp                                      Staff Opportunities

                               Check-out Procedures
   Check-out will happen by Camp Group Friday morning.

   Report to your assigned check out location at the scheduled time. This is the time to
   discuss any final merit badge issues, camp advancement reports and settle any
   outstanding accounts.

   Friday morning, after your gear is packed, you will inspect your campsite with your
   Commissioner to make sure the site is ready for the next Troop.

   Breakfast will be delivered to campsites.

   Remember to pick up your health forms, if you have not already done so. Any health
   forms left at camp will be shredded.

                                  Lewis & Clark Staff
Join our Lewis and Clark team!
We are always looking for responsible, motivated individuals 15 or older who exemplify the
values of Scouting. If you think you would enjoy making other’s Lewis & Clark experience
one they will remember and talk about for years, complete the application available on our
website: https://www.siouxcouncil.org/Camp-Staff

                       Counselor In Training Program
Give ‘Staff Life” a try!
Youth who are at least 14 years old can apply for a 2-week CIT session. As CIT’s, youth
come to camp to help staff and learn ‘the ropes’ in several program areas. There is no
charge for participating in the CIT program as each CIT contributes to the Lewis & Clark
program while in training. All CIT’s are required to bring a complete BSA uniform. For
questions regarding this program, please contact the Sioux Council at (605) 361-2697.
Interested youth should complete the CIT application found on our website:

Any youth that attends Sioux Council’s NYLT and works as a CIT at camp that same year
for an entire two weeks will be reimbursed for the NYLT registration fee.

                 Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 9
Equipment &
    Scouts BSA Camp                                                   Trading Post

                                  Suggested Troop Equipment
        Troop First Aid Kit                       US and Troop Flags          Rope & Twine
        Tents*, Poles & Stakes                    Scout Book                  Cooler
        Dining Flies, Poles & Stakes              Saws                        Water Jugs
        Merit Badge Library                       Shovels                     Lanterns
        Song Books                                Tools                       Skit Book
        Program Supplies**                        Bulletin Board              Bug Net

* BSA National Standards require tents to have a minimum of 30 square feet of floor space per camper and
the warning “No Flame in Tent” marked on the outside near the doorway.

** Compasses, knot books, binoculars, flint & steel, etc.

                                        Model Site Checklist
   American and Troop flags properly displayed with Troop identification
   First Aid kit available in a central location and Fireguard Plan posted
   Campsite laid out with clear and safe traffic lanes
   Tents and flies pitched correctly, taut and using proper knots
   Tents marked with “No Flame in Tent” sign or stencil
   Campsite clean - litter free; personal items stored properly
   Cook area clean - food & gear properly stored, surfaces clean
   Garbage cans used and covered; liners in place
   Bulletin board with roster, Fireguard plan and program posted
   Latrine is clean
   Saw/Axe yard separated from central site, marked and large enough
   Show respect for camp facility - no marking of trees or property
   No trenching
   For Hammocks—ONLY webbed straps can be used on tree’s

                            Trading Post                                              Coolers
Our Trading Post is stocked with merit badge items, souvenirs,
candy, T-shirts, patches, camping gear and toiletries and much               Any units planning to
more.                                                                        have coolers in their
Regular hours will be posted at camp.                                        campsites should be
                                                                             sure they are secure
                                                                             from our native critters.
                                                                             Ice is available to

                      Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 10
Merit Badges
     Scouts BSA Camp                                               & Records

Camp Topography
As you plan your week, we would like to remind you that, unlike most camps in the Mid-
West, Lewis & Clark has topography, meaning that we have changes in elevation. Lewis &
Clark is built on the bluffs and rolling hills of the Missouri River. Campsites and program
areas are located on the slopes leading to Lewis & Clark Lake. Our dining hall, administra-
tive offices and shooting ranges are all located at the top of the bluff. We mention this as a
courtesy so that you can properly plan your week. We have added elevations to the map
to aid in this process. If your Troop is accustomed to camping in flat regions, you may want
to do a little pre-camp training before arriving.

As a result of our location on the bluffs of the Missouri, we are blessed not only with a
magnificent view, but with thick forest vegetation. Many new visitors are surprised to see the
dense forest and abundance of trees “in the middle of the prairie”. All campsites and merit
badge areas, with the exception of the waterfront, have shade most of the day.

Merit Badges
Each Scout should review the requirements of the merit badges he/she would like to take prior
to coming to camp. This will allow requirements to be completed at home that will not be
completed at camp.

   Registration for merit badges enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis. You must
    checkout of Tentaroo each time you add or delete Scouts or merit badges for the system
    to save your changes.

   Be sure Scouts have current merit badge pamphlets.

   Pamphlets are available for sale from the Trading Post, but advanced purchase and reading is highly
    recommended for the scouts to be able to complete merit badges at camp.

   Scouts should complete requirements that cannot be done at camp before arriving.

   Scoutmasters / Merit Badge Councilors please send a signed note with your Scout stating what
    requirements were completed prior to attending camp. Notes should be turned in to the merit badge
    counselor at the first session.

Lewis & Clark merit badge counselors will track all requirements completed at camp. All
requirements & completed merit badges can be seen by logging into your account & viewing or
printing the Scouts’ schedules.

                    Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 11
Scouts BSA Camp                                             Jamboree Style

New for this year we will use a jamboree format to meet current camping health and safety guidelines. Troops and
Lone campers will be assigned to a campground and will form a new Camp Troop for the weeks camp.

These will be the 4 Camp Troops for the Week.

       Troop Black Buffalo                                        Troop Crazy Horse

       Troop Red Cloud                                            Troop Spotted Tail
Camp Troops will form patrols and elect troop leadership Sunday night.
   Senior Patrol Leader.
   Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.
   Patrol Leaders.
   Assistant Patrol Leaders
   Troop Scribe.

Troops are encouraged to bring camp site activities and games to share at camp.

                                  New Camp Programs
Camp Troops will rotate through each of the 4 program areas and spend one full day in each area working on merit
badges, participating in troop activities, playing games and eating their meals.

Camp Keel Boat -
This is where you get your fill of splashing, paddling, floating and crafting.

Camp Sacagawea -
A new home for developing outdoor skills and working with campers on rank requirements.

Camp Davey Jones-
A great place to for a hands-on experience with nature and to learn about our world.

Camp Frontier -
Learning skills that aren’t for City folks!

                             Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 12
CAMP FRONTIER                                    CAMP KEEL BOAT

           Camp Frontier                                        Camp Keel Boat
                PROGRAMS                                              PROGRAMS

                                                                     On The Water
                  Merit Badges                                          Merit Badges

      Rifle                                                 Small Boat Sailing (All day activity)
      Shotgun                                               Canoe & Kayaking(All day activity)
      Archery                                               Lifesaving(All day activity)
      Metal Working                                         Swimming(All day activity)
      Indian Lore
                                                                Adventure Activity Age 14+
                 Group Activity
                                                          Personal Watercraft Challenge
                Buckskin Outpost                          (All day activity)
                                                           Jets Skis
      Campfire Cooking                                    Stand Up Paddle Boarding
      Black Powder Shoot                                  Motorboating Merit Badge
      Tomahawk Throwing
      Branding Station
                                                                     On The Shore
              Adventure Activities
                                                                        Merit Badges
    Winchester / NRA Marksmanship
                                                             Basketry
                                                             Leather Working
    Action Archery
                                                             Pulp & Paper
    Shotgun Shoot
                                                             Finger Printing
                                                             Art
       Adventure Activities Scouts 14+
                                                             Wood Working
      Cowboy Action Shooting
                                                                     Adventure Activity
      ATV Course (All day activity)
                                                             Challenge Valley

****For “All day activities, scouts will still
                                                      ****For “All day activities, scouts will still
have a chance to participate in group
                                                      have a chance to participate in group
Adventure activities.
                                                      Adventure activities.

                      Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 13
CAMP                                                    CAMP
            DAVEY JONES                                             SACAGAWEA

        Camp Davey Jones                                        Camp Sacagawea

                PROGRAMS                                              PROGRAMS
                  Merit Badges                                          Merit Badges

      Fish and Wildlife Management                          Pioneering
      Geology                                               First Aid
      Insect Study                                          Hiking
      Chemistry                                             Camping
      Weather                                               Wilderness Survival
      Reptile and Amphibian Study
                                                                      First Class Trail
                  Trail to Eagle
                                                             Scout Rank Advancement Challenge
    Citizenship in the World                                 (All day activity)
     (All day activity)
    Citizenship in the Nation                                      Adventure Activity’s
     (All day activity)
    Emergency Preparation                                   Pioneering Build
     (All day activity)                                      Nature Hike

                 Group Activity

      Nature Conservation Projects

****For “All day activities, scouts will still        ****For “All day activities, scouts will still
have a chance to participate in group                 have a chance to participate in group
Adventure activities.                                 Adventure activities.

                      Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 14
Scouts BSA Camp                                      Service Projects, Chapel
                                                             & Leader Training

                                   Service Projects

Troops will have many opportunities to be involved in service projects at
camp. Scouts will participate daily in raising or lowering of the flag during
the daily flag ceremony, saying grace before meals, helping with camp
programs and conservation projects.

                                      Chapel Service

A camp chaplain serves Lewis & Clark. The Chaplin will help train scouts in
your troop to provide a non-denominational worship service on Wednesday
evening. Each Troop will have an opportunity to participate in the program.
Information will be made available at Troop check in.

                           Leader Training Opportunities

  Training opportunities are available to all leaders during the week.

  Schedules and sign-ups are available when your check-in on Sunday.

  You must attend all scheduled times for these trainings to be considered trained.

     Hazardous Weather

     Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills Training

     Safe Swim Defense

     Life to Eagle

     Safe Swim Defense

     Scoutmaster Specific Training

     Leave No Trace Awareness

                  Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 15
Scouts BSA Camp                                        Camp Schedule

                    Event                                              Time
        Check-in and Camp Site Set Up                            1:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Camp Safety Moment & Dinner in Program Camps                          6:00 PM
    Troop Organization in Program Camps                               6:45 PM
 Opening Campfire Program in Program Camps                            8:00 PM
                                      Monday - Thursday
                    Event                                               Time
                   Reveille                                           6:00 AM
         Rotating Shower Schedule                                  6:00 - 7:00 AM
               Health Checks                                          7:00 AM
   Assembly/Flag Raising in Program Camps                             7:50 AM
        Breakfast in Program Camps                              8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
         Morning Program Activities                             8:45 AM - 12:00 PM
           Lunch in Program Camps                               12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
         Afternoon Program Activities                           1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
 Flag Lowering/Evening Meal in Program Camps                    5:45 PM - 6:30 PM
          Evening Program Activities                            7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
     Wednesday Chapel in Program Camps                          7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
 Thursday Closing Campfire in Program Camps                      7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
            Return to Camp Sites                                      8:00 PM
  Rotating Shower and Trading Post Schedule                       8:30 - 10:30PM
                  Lights Out                                         11:00 PM
            Reveille / Break Camp                                     6:00 AM
       Breakfast at Check Out Locations                         8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
         Scheduled Check Outs Start                                   8:00 am

                 Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 16
Scouts BSA Camp                                                        Merit Badges in
                                                                              each Camp
                                                 Camp Frontier
 Merit Badges (max #)         Req. Age                                  Important Info
      Shotgun (10)               All                                   Don't bring guns or ammo

        Rifle (16)               All                                   Don't bring guns or ammo

      Archery (16)            2nd Year                               Camp provides all equipment

      Indian Lore (10)          All                                       Supplies provided

      Metal Working (10)        All                             Must have Jeans and closed toe shoes

                                               Camp Keel Boat

  Merit Badges (max #)        Req. Age                                  Important Info
                                                          Bring long sleeve shirt, pants, and swim shoes
     Swimming (18)               All
                                                          Requirements 6 & 7 must be completed at home
 PWC/Paddle Boarding         14 yrs. and                      Must sign waiver -- Must pass swim test
 Motorboating MB (10)           older
  Small Boat Sailing (8)        13+                                      Must pass swim test

Canoeing & Kayaking (14)      1st year                                   Must pass swim test
      Lifesaving (5)            13+         Must pass swim test Requirements 1 b and 14 a, b must be completed at home

                                                     Requirements 4 and 5 DO NOT need to be completed ahead of
        Art (10)                All                  time. However, they may require extra time outside of MB block

      Basketry (10)              All                                      Supplies provided

  Wood Working (10)              All                                      Supplies provided

  Leatherworking (10)            All                                      Supplies provided

     Fingerprinting              All                                      Supplies provided

     Pulp and Paper              All                                      Supplies provided

                                              Camp Sacagawea

 Merit Badges (max #)         Req. Age                                  Important Info
                                              Requirement 4 parts 2,3,4,5 and Requirement 6 must be completed after camp
       Hiking (10)               All
                                                                         Bring day pack with you

      Camping (12)               All            Needs to have camping experience - Requirement 9 to be finished at home

      First Aid (15)             All
     Pioneering (10)             All

Wilderness Survival (10)         All                Make survival kit at home and bring it to camp. See requirement 5.

                         Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide P a g e | 17
Scouts BSA Camp                                                           Merit Badges in
                                                                               each Camp

                                            Camp Davey Jones
 Merit Badges
   (max #)
                      Req. Age                                       Important Info

  Insect Study (15)    2nd Year                             Complete #9 as pre or post requirements.

    Geology (15)          All
  Chemistry (15)          All                                    Bring req. 7b with you to camp

    Reptile &
                          All                                    Req. 8 & 9 completed at home
  Amphibian (15)

 Fish and Wildlife        All
 Management (15)

    Weather (15)          All

  Cit. Nation (15)    3rd yr./Star      Please have requirements 2,3 & 8 completed prior to camp - bring letters with you

  Cit. World (15)     3rd yr./Star     Please have requirements 7 completed prior to camp - bring documentation with you
Emergency Prep (10)
                       2nd Year            Must have first aid training - complete requirements 2c, 8 & 9 prior to camp

                        Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 18
Power Weekend                                           Schedule

Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation Power Weekend program is a great way to get a fun and
engaging summer camp experience packed into a weekend. Scouts will get to spend a full day in 2
program camps, with opportunities to visit the trading post, participate in traditional camp troop
activities and have a campfire program Saturday night.

Power Weekend 1 July 24-26            Camp Keel Boat & Camp Frontier
Power Weekend 2 July 31-Aug 2         Camp Keel Boat & Camp Davey Jones
Power Weekend 3 August 7-9            Camp Keel Boat & Camp Sacagawea

                      Event                                              Time
   Health Checks, Check-in and Camp Site Set Up                    5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
       Camp Safety Moment & Cracker Barrel
                                                                       7:00 PM
                  In Camp Sites
         Rotating Trading Post Schedule                                8:00 PM
                    Lights Out                                         10:00 PM
                     Event                                               Time
                    Reveille                                           6:30 AM
                 Health Checks                                         7:00 AM
     Assembly/Flag Raising in Program Camps                            7:50 AM
           Breakfast in Program Camps                             8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
            Morning Program Activities                            8:45 AM - 12:00 PM
             Lunch in Program Camps                               12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
           Afternoon Program Activities                           1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
   Flag Lowering/Evening Meal in Program Camps                    5:45 PM - 6:30 PM
            Evening Program Activities                            7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
           Campfire in Program Camps                                   8:30 PM
             Return to Camp Sites                                      9:30 PM
                    Lights Out                                         10:00 PM
                      Event                                              Time
                     Reveille                                          6:30 AM
                  Health Checks                                        7:00 AM
     Assembly/Flag Raising in Program Camps                            7:50 AM
           Breakfast in Program Camps                              8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
            Morning Program Activities                            8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
             Lunch in Program Camps                               12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
           Afternoon Program Activities                            1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
             Check out & Break camp                                5:00 PM - 6:00PM

                    Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 19
Power Weekend                                             Program & Merit Badges

     Camp Davey Jones                                         Camp Sacagawea
     Power Weekend Programs                                  Power Weekend Programs

              Merit Badges                                             Merit Badges
   Fish and Wildlife Management                           Hiking
   Geology                                                Wilderness Survival
   Insect Study
   Weather                                                          First Class Trail
             Group Activity                                Scout Rank Advancement Challenge
   Nature Conservation Projects
                                                                   Adventure Activities
                                                           Pioneering Build
                                                           Nature Hike
         Camp Frontier
    Power Weekend Programs

   Rifle
                  Merit Badges                                 Camp Keel Boat
   Shotgun
                                                             Power Weekend Programs
   Archery
                                                                      On The Water
   Indian Lore
                                                                       Merit Badges
              Group Activity                               Small Boat Sailing
             Buckskin Outpost                              Canoeing
   Campfire Cooking                                       Swimming
                                                               Adventure Activities Age 14+
   Black Powder Shoot
                                                           Personal Watercraft Challenge
   Tomahawk Throwing
   Branding Station                                       Jets Skis
                                                           Stand Up Paddle Boarding
           Adventure Activities                            Motorboating Merit Badge
   Winchester / NRA Marksmanship Program
                                                                      On The Shore
   Action Archery
                                                                      Merit Badges
   Shotgun Shoot

     Adventure Activities Scouts 14+                       Leather Working
   Cowboy Action Shooting                                 Pulp & Paper
                                                           Finger Printing
                                                           Wood Working

                    Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 20
Power Weekend                                                        Merit Badges

                                                Camp Frontier
Merit Badges (max #)         Req. Age                                   Important Info
     Shotgun (10)                All                                   Don't bring guns or ammo

       Rifle (16)                All                                   Don't bring guns or ammo

     Archery (16)           2nd Year                                 Camp provides all equipment

     Indian Lore (10)             All                                     Supplies provided

                                               Camp Keel Boat

 Merit Badges (max #)        Req. Age                                   Important Info
                                                          Bring long sleeve shirt, pants, and swim shoes
    Swimming (18)                  All
                                                          Requirements 6 & 7 must be completed at home
PWC/Paddle Boarding         14 yrs. and                       Must sign waiver -- Must pass swim test
Motorboating MB (10)           older
 Small Boat Sailing (8)            13+                                   Must pass swim test

    Canoeing (14)                  All                                   Must pass swim test
 Wood Working (10)                 All                                    Supplies provided

  Leatherworking (10)              All                                    Supplies provided

     Fingerprinting                All                                    Supplies provided

    Pulp and Paper                 All                                    Supplies provided

                                             Camp Sacagawea

Merit Badges (max #)         Req. Age                                   Important Info
                                              Requirement 4 parts 2,3,4,5 and Requirement 6 must be completed after camp
      Hiking (10)                  All
                                                                         Bring day pack with you

Wilderness Survival (10)           All              Make survival kit at home and bring it to camp. See requirement 5.

                                              Camp Davy Jones
Merit Badges
  (max #)
                           Rec.                                      Important Info

 Insect Study (15)      2nd Year                          Complete #9 as pre or post req requirement

    Geology (15)           All

Fish and Wildlife          All
Management (15)

    Weather (15)           All

                          Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 21
Power Weekend                                           River Adventure

Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation Power Weekend River Adventure program is a great way to get
a fun and engaging Trek experience packed into a weekend. Scouts will get to spend a full day on
the river, with opportunities to visit the trading post and camp overnight on a river island

River Adventure Weekend 1 August 7-9
River Adventure Weekend 2 August 21-23
River Adventure Weekend 3 August 28-30

                      Event                                              Time
           Check-in and Health Checks                                   5:00 PM
        Swim Checks & Canoe Shake Down                                  6:00 PM
                  Trading Post                                          7:00 PM
           Dinner and Equipment Check                                   8:00 PM
                      Event                                              Time
                     Reveille                                          6:30 AM
             Breakfast at Base Camp                                    7:30 AM
                   On the River                                     Day on the River
                Island Camp Site                                      Over Night
                     Event                                               Time
                   On the River                                     Day on the River
              Return to Base Camp                                        3 PM
           Clean and Return Equipment                              3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
             Check out & Break camp                                5:00 PM - 6:00PM

                    Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 22
Scouts BSA Camp                                          Registration

                          How Do I Register For?
                      Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation

Visit our Council website - www.siouxcouncil.org and log in.

If you are new, please select Create Account and then select Lewis & Clark
Scout Camp. Please use Unit as your account type and then complete all
requested information and click the Save tab.

You can now click the Events icon on the left side of the page, choose Lewis
& Clark Scout Camp and then the week you would like to attend. Click
‘Register for Event’.

If you know how many youth and adults will be attending, go ahead and
enter the exact numbers. If you are just reserving a spot and don’t have all
of your information yet, select 1 adult to continue.

Make your campsite choices. Please be aware, smaller Troops may be
asked to share campsites. Click Next.

We do require a $125 fee when you register. Choose the amount you would
like to pay at this time and click Complete. You can choose to check-out at
this time or continue to add youth and adults (available once you are
contacted by our camp commissioner).

After being assigned your Camp Troop schedule, simply log into your
account, click on your week of camp, adjust the number of youth and adults
attending and then enter participant information and select individual merit
badge classes and group activities.

REMINDER: Any time you make any changes, be sure to check the shop-
ping cart. Even a no cost ($0) change needs to be submitted through the
check-out process. You must complete this process for classes and activities
to be locked in for your scouts.

If you have any questions, please call (605) 361-2697.

                Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 23
Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 24
Scouts BSA Camp                                         Program Planning

   This form is to prepare for online registration. This sheet should be used in
   conjunction with the Leaders’ Guide to schedule your Scouts camp program.
   Please note that some merit badges or programs take place all day. This sheet
   should be used as a guide when registering for online. Use as many sheets as
   necessary and be sure to have 1st and 2nd choices for each Scout. This sheet will
   hold up to 7 Scouts. Copy as needed.

                        Troop # ____________                    Week Attending ______

  Scout's Name                   Frontier    Davey Jones   Sacagawea     Keel Boat   Activity Interest   BSA ID #

Birth Date   /    / Choice
Birth Date   /    / Choice
Birth Date   /    / Choice
Birth Date   /    / Choice
Birth Date   /    / Choice
Birth Date   /    / Choice
Birth Date   /    / Choice

                             Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 25
Personal Camping
     Scouts BSA Camp                                       Gear Checklist

The following is a suggested summer camp equipment list for each
Scout. The Personal Overnight Camping Gear list found in the Boy Scout
Handbook will also be helpful as you pack.

Must Have:

Pack or Sports Bag                               Shorts (2)
Sleeping Bag                                     T-shirt (4)
Foam Pad or air mattress                         Sweatshirt or fleece (2)
Pillow                                           Light Jacket
Scout Handbook                                   Hat
Flashlight or Head Lamp                          Sleep Wear
Extra Batteries                                  Watch
Toiletry Kit (toothbrush, toothpaste,            Extra Shoes
shampoo, soap, wash cloth)
Bug Repellent (non-aerosol)                      Bag for Dirty Laundry
Rain Jacket / Poncho                             Sunglasses
Notebook & pen or pencil                         Wallet / Spending Money
Pocket Knife                                     Water Bottle
Swimsuit                                         Towels
Scout Uniform                                    Underwear
Socks                                            Pants
Sunscreen (non-aerosol)                          Water shoes required for aquatics

             Do Not Bring
                                                               Camp Address
•   Fireworks
•   Firearms of any kind                                Scout’s Name and Troop
•   Alcohol or Illegal Drugs                         Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation
•   Boats                                                   31071 430th Ave
•   Pets                                                    Tabor, SD 57063
•   ATV’s, bicycles, or Golf Carts

                    Camp Emergency Phone Number

                                   (605) 665-7970

              Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 26
Dates & Tasks
     Scouts BSA Camp                                          to Remember

       Share Information from The Leader Guide As Soon As Possible

   Inform and remind all Scouts and parents of camp dates
   Recruit two or more registered adult leaders to spend week at camp
   Note payment date and fundraise if necessary
   Plan for medical checks
   Schedule a Parents’ Night

                                      Parents’ Night

   Describe the camp program and Troop operation plan for camp
   Provide information about what each Scout will need
   Distribute and explain the BSA Annual Health and Medical Record
   Have parents work with Scouts to select merit badges
   Review camp COVID-19 procedures. If parents not confrontable with
    procedures scout should not attend camp.

                              Two Weeks Prior to Camp

   See that all Scouts and leaders have completed the necessary medical forms

                                   Days Prior to Camp

   Double check that all Scouts and leaders have completed medical forms
   Prepare, print and sign pages for any merit badge requirements completed
    prior to camp - these should be turned into Program Director during check-in
   Prepare Troop and patrol equipment to bring to camp
   Inspect each Scout’s personal gear and uniform
   Finalize transportation arrangements to and from camp
   Arrange funds (either checks or credit card) to pay fees at camp.
   Review Troops Covid-19 prescreening forms.
   Morning of departure perform health and temperatures checks of everyone
    coming to camp.
   Complete health and temperature log.

              Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide - P a g e | 27
COVID-19 Protocols and Acknowledgement Form
                                               Page 1 of 4 required forms

In addition to the high standards required by Boy Scouts of America to open and operate a summer camp,
Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation and Sioux Council will be implementing the following policies based on
guidance from CDC, State of South Dakota, OSHA, ACA and BSA for summer camp operations.

Camp Pre-Screening:
o   All Scouters attending will be required to fill out a screening questionnaire in the 48 hours before arriving at camp.
o   All Scouters attending will be required to have their temperature checked and logged just before departing for
o   Anyone answering any question positively or having a fever the day of travel to camp may not leave for camp.
o   All Scouters will be required to have a signed Covid-19 notice of risk and responsibly while attending camp.
o   Scouters will not be allowed into camp if they are traveling from a Covid-19 CDC or state health department
    designated hot spot, have not completed the above screening, temperature log and a singed Covid-19 notice for
    each Adult and Youth.
Camp Screening & Monitoring:
o   All adults and youth will be individually screened and must pass this before being allowed to proceed into camping
    and program areas. This screening will include a health questionnaire and temperature check.
o   All adults and youth will have a daily health check in their campgrounds before leaving for program areas.
o   Troop Health Logs will be used to track data for individuals at camp.
In Camp Prevention:
Building Access -
o The following buildings will be closed to the public Camp Administration Building and Dining Hall.
o The following buildings will have limited access with time limits per person, timed access for groups and sanitizing
   procedures to be complemented between groups, East and Central Shower House and Trading Post.
o No Visitors will be allowed in camp.
Meal Service -
  o Monitored and mandatory hand washing before and after meal service.
o All meals will be served in campgrounds or program areas.
o All meals will be served using disposable pans and utensils.
o All meals will be eaten using disposable dishes and utensils.
Social Distancing -
o Each adult and youth will be provided with a personal PPE kit consisting of masks, gloves and hand sanitizer.
o Attendance for each camp session will be limited.
o All off site trips have been removed from the schedule.
o Camp Schedule has been revised from 6 nights/5 days to 5 nights/4 Days
o No visitors will be allowed during camping sessions.
o Scouters will be assigned to a Social Group (Camp Troop). This group should not interact with another social group
   during camp.
o Lewis & Clark will only open 4 of our 14 campsites 1 for each Camp Troop.
o Lewis & Clark will be divided in to 4 program areas.
o Each Camp Troop will spend a full day in each program area.
o Merit Badges will limit extended face to face contact by using learning centers when able and adjusting programs to
   give additional spacing between Scouters.

                            Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide P a g e | 28
COVID-19 Protocols and Acknowledgement Form
                                             Page 2 of 4 required forms
Sanitization -
  o Handwashing stations will be provided in each program areas with mandatory handwashing times scheduled
      during camp programing.
  o Sanitizer will be provided to each scouter and available in program areas.
  o Where appropriate sanitizing wipes will be provided to sanitize items between uses.
  o Staff will be required to attend BSA training on proper cleaning procedures for Covid-19.
  o Program areas, shower houses, bathrooms, Trading Post will be sanitized between each Camp Troops use.
  o Masks and gloves will be required for all serving of food.
  o All Sanitizing procedures will be in accordance with CDC, BSA and local health department guidelines.
  o All Sanitizing products will come from the CDC approved list of products to neutralize COVID-19.
Health Checks -
  o All Scouters will be required to maintain a health log starting with a check before leaving for camp through their
      last full day of camp.
  o Lewis & Clark will Provide a logbook and no contact thermometers for use at camp.
  o Camp Health Officer will monitor camp health logs and immediately separate anyone failing a health check and
      consult with our camp medical director.
  o Anyone failing a health check may not return to participate in camp activities without the Camp Medical Directors
Post Camp -
  o If any Staff or Attendee reports having a positive Covid-19 test, the Sioux Council will inform Troops through the
      contact information provided in their camp registration.
Your safety and the safety of all our members, volunteers, and employees is Sioux Council’s top priority. In light of
COVID-19, we are taking additional precautions at camp on top of our long-established health and safety measures.
First, our council health supervisor, a physician, is following state, local and Federal guidelines to ensure we are
mitigating as much as possible the risk of COVID-19 at camp.
Our mitigation plan includes:
   • Pre-attendance education,
   • Health screening conducted by your unit prior to travel to our camp, including a temperature check.
   • Health screening upon your arrival at camp conducted by our camp health officers, which will also include a
       temperature check.
           • Note: should anyone in the unit not pass the arrival screening, the entire unit will not be allowed to enter
   • No visitors in camp.
   • Hygiene reminders throughout camp experience.
   • Handwashing /sanitizer stations throughout camp.
   • Staff to clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces and shared program equipment.
   • An emergency response plan that includes isolation and quarantine protocol should a person at camp develop
       symptoms of COVID-19 or other communicable disease.
   • Check-ins with each unit one week and two weeks after the unit leaves camp to determine if any participants
       have developed symptoms.
These precautions are important, but they do not remove the potential for exposure to COVID-19 or any other illness
while at camp. Some people with COVID-19 show no signs or symptoms of illness but can still spread the virus, and
people may be contagious before their symptoms occur. These factors mean that an infected person may pass the
required health screenings and be allowed into camp.
We also know the very nature of camp makes social distancing difficult in many situations or impossible in some cases.
Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that older adults and people of any age

                            Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide P a g e | 29
COVID-19 Protocols and Acknowledgement Form
                                              Page 3 of 4 required forms

who have serious underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. If you are in this
group, please ensure you have approval from your health care provider prior to attending camp.

We know that each staff member, volunteer, and Scouting family has a unique set of circumstances to consider when
deciding whether to attend camp. We hope this information will be helpful as you make those choices.

 We recognize and accept this form of camp protocols, signed by myself and/or my parent/guardian if
 under the age of 18. I agree to follow written and verbal social distancing guidelines and to participate
 with my safety and the safety of others in mind.

 Parental Signature                                                                 Date:

 Youth Signature                                                                    Date:

                           Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide P a g e | 30
COVID-19 Protocols and Acknowledgement Form
                                               Page 4 of 4 required forms

The undersigned ___________________________________ (Parent, Camper, Visitor, Leader) is attending programs
offered by the Sioux Council, BSA. He/she will be attending programs at Lewis and Clark Scout Reservation. After
reading all pages of “COVID-19 Protocols and Acknowledgement Form” he/she acknowledges having read these forms
informing them of the risks to himself/herself and other in relations to the following:

Given the current state of SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) in our surrounding communities, state, country and world, the
Sioux Council cannot guarantee that all those in attendance that enter this property and participate in this program are
not asymptomatic carriers of the virus. We have screening protocols in place to attempt to assure your safety, but the
possibility does exist that our screening process and protocols will not prevent COVID-19 from entering our camp. Also,
if you are over 65 or have underlying health issues like coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes, renal disease,
cancer, or are currently receiving chemotherapy or history of chemotherapy your risk of critical illness should you
contract COVID-19 is greater. We encourage everyone to visit their primary physician regarding potential risks and
follow all applicable government guidelines. Your health and wellbeing are our number one concern and yes should
only participate in our programs if you feel comfortable with the additional risk due to COVID-19 at this time.

By signing below you a) acknowledge all the risks described above b) acknowledge the above protocols and your part
to keep camp safer for all by practicing written and verbal social distancing guidelines c) releases the Sioux Council, its
staff and all other participants and program collaborators from any and all claims for liability if he/she contracts COVID-
19 virus; and d) to the extent allowed by applicable law, covenants to not sue the Sioux Council, its staff and all other
participants and program collaborators in connection with any such claims, liabilities or cause (s) of action related to
COVID-19 unless any part or parts of this release are held to be invalid or unenforceable, all remaining portions of this
release shall continue in effect.

I have read and agree to the above acknowledgement

Camper Signature: ________________________________________                  date:______________

Parent/Guardians signature if individual is under 18: ___________________________                  date: _____________

                            Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide P a g e | 31
All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Program
                        Participation and Hold-Harmless Agreement
Camp Lewis and Clark from the Sioux Council will be conducting an ATV program at camp. Participating
Scouts will be in- structed how to ride on and drive an ATV. Scouts will be taught ATV safety and will drive on a
training course, then on approved trails only. Scouts will be on the unit individually and in control of the power
and brakes.
Scouts will be required to wear a helmet, goggles, gloves, over-the-ankle boots, long-sleeve shirts, and long
pants. Scouts are expected to abide by all safety rules and the instructions of the camp instructor(s).

I, the undersigned, give my child,                                            , from Unit        (troop, crew, post)
permission to participate in this program. I understand that participation in the activity involves a certain degree
of risk. I have carefully considered the risk involved and have given consent for my child to participate in the
activity. I understand that participation in the activity is entirely voluntary and requires participants to abide by
the rules and standards of conduct. I release the Boy Scouts of America, the ATV Safety Institute, the local
council, the activity coordinators, and all employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations
associated with the activity from any and all claims or liability arising out of this participation.
For safety, my child and I agree that he/she will do the following or he/she will be removed from the
program. Because space is limited, any additional cost associated with participation in this program will not be

1. Complete the ATV safety class taught at Camp Lewis and Clark                     Participants need to bring
                                                                                    the following in order to ride:
2. Wear all required safety gear at all times while on or around equipment.          Long Sleeve Shirt
                                                                                     Long Pants
3. Follow all safety rules provided in the training class.
                                                                                     Ankle-high boots
4. Follow the instructions of the camp staff Instructor(s).
                                                                                    Lewis and Clark will provide all
                                                                                    other safety equipment needed
5. Maintain control of the ATV at all times and remain within the speed
                                                                                    to ride
 determined to be safe by the camp Instructor(s).
                                                                                    All Riders must be age 14 on
6. Be in full compliance with all local, state, and federal guidelines, including
age restrictions and original equipment manufacturer standards.                     the day of riding to participate.

7. Respond to the camp satisfaction survey from the Boy Scouts of America
as it evaluates the ATV program.

Participant’s signature:                                                                       Date:

Parent/guardian signature:                                                                        Date:

Parent/guardian printed name:                                                                     Date:

Home phone:                                                                         Cell phone:

Email address (for survey purposes only):

                      Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide P a g e | 32
Lewis and Clark Scout Reservation (Sioux Council) will be conducting a Scout cowboy action shooting
program. In this program, Scouts will shoot a rifle, pistol, and shotgun under the supervision of an
NRA Range Safety Officer and NRA certified instructors. Scouts will be required to wear eye
protection and hearing protection at all times while on the range. Scouts are expected to abide by all
safe- ty rules and the instructions of the Range Safety Officer(s) and rifle, pistol, and shotgun

I, the undersigned, give my child,                                           , permission to participate
in this program. I understand that participation in the activity involves a certain degree of risk. I have
carefully considered the risk involved and have given consent for my child to participate in the activity.
I understand that participation in the activity is entirely voluntary and requires participants to
abide by the rules and standards of conduct. I release the Boy Scouts of America, the local council,
the activity coordinators, and all employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations
associated with the activity from any and all claims or liability arising out of this participation.

For safety, my child and I agree that he/she will do the following or he/ she will be removed from
the program. I understand that any additional cost associated with participation in this program will
not be refunded if my child is removed for not following the rules below.
1. Complete a range safety briefing.
2. Wear all safety gear at all times while on the range.
3. Follow all the safety rules provided in the briefing.
4. Follow the instructions of the Range Safety Officer(s) and rifle, pistol, and shotgun instructor(s).
5. Do not handle the firearms until instructed to do so by the instructor(s).
6. Is 14 years of age, or 13 and has completed the eighth grade, as of the start of the class and will
be in full compliance with all local, state, and federal guidelines, including age restrictions and
original equipment manufacturer standards.
Participant signature                                                        Date:
Parent/guardian signature                                                   Date:
Parent/guardian printed name                                               Date:
Home phone                                   Cell phone

                        Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide P a g e | 33
Personal Watercraft (PWC) Program
               Participation and Hold-Harmless Agreement

Lewis & Clark Scout Camp from the Sioux Council will be offering a personal watercraft program.
Scouts will be instructed how to maintain a PWC (Jet ski). Scouts will be taught PWC safety and
operate a PWC on a training course, then have open ride time in a designated area at Lewis &
Clark Scout Camp. Scouts are expected to abide by all safety rules and the instructions of the
camp Instructor(s).

I, the undersigned, give my child                                 , permission to participate in this
program. I understand that participation in the activity involves a certain degree of risk. I have
carefully considered the risk involved and have given consent for my child to participate in the
activity. I understand that participation in the activity is entirely voluntary and requires
participants to abide by the rules and standards of conduct. I release the Boy Scouts of
America, the local council, the activity coordinators, and all employees, volunteers, related
parties, or other organizations associated with the activity from any and all claims or liability
arising out of this participation.

For safety, my child and I agree that he/she will do the following or he/she will be
removed from the program. Because space is limited, any additional cost associated with
participation in this program will not be refunded.

        1. Complete the boater safety class taught at Camp Lewis and Clark.
        2. Wear all required safety gear at all times while on or around equipment.
        3. Follow all safety rules provided in the training class.
        4. Follow the instructions of the camp staff Instructor(s).
        5. Maintain control of the PWC at all times and remain within the speed
           determined to be safe by the camp Instructor(s).
        6. Be 14 years of age at the start of class and in full compliance with all local,
           state, and federal guidelines, including age restrictions and original equipment
           manufacturer standards.
        7. Respond to the camp satisfaction survey from the Boy Scouts of America
           as it evaluates the PWC program.

Participant’s Signature                                                                         Date

Parent/Guardian Signature                                                                       Date

Parent/Guardian printed name                                                                    Date

Phone                                                        Email (for survey purposes only)

             Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation - Leader Guide P a g e | 34
Quality Camping
The Sioux Council Camping Committee is committed to camps that
      meet high standards for health and safety, food service,
 program, maintenance, conservation, staffing, and administration.

     Lewis & Clark is a Nationally Accredited Camp
              Your Assurance of Quality

         Lewis & Clark Scout Reservation
                      31071 Boy Scout Road
                        Tabor, SD 57063
                         (605) 665-7970

                       Sioux Council
                      Boy Scouts of America
                      800 N. West Avenue
                      Sioux Falls, SD 57104
                         (605) 361-2697
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