Programme of Work 2022 - An tÚdarás Sláinte agus Sábháilteachta Health and Safety Authority

Page created by Joyce Luna
Programme of Work 2022 - An tÚdarás Sláinte agus Sábháilteachta Health and Safety Authority
An tÚdarás Sláinte agus Sábháilteachta
      Health and Safety Authority

   of Work
Programme of Work 2022 - An tÚdarás Sláinte agus Sábháilteachta Health and Safety Authority
Our Vision:
Healthy, safe and
productive lives and
Programme of Work 2022 - An tÚdarás Sláinte agus Sábháilteachta Health and Safety Authority
01       Foreword                                                                                4

02       Vision, Mission, Mandate, and Values                                                    5

03       Strategic Priorities                                                                    7

04       Programme of Work                                                                       8

05       Key Actions: Occupational Safety and Health                                             11

06       Key Actions: Chemicals                                                                  12

07       Key Actions: Market Surveillance                                                        13

08       Key Actions: National Accreditation Body                                                14

09       Key Actions: Operational Effectiveness                                                  15

10       Measuring Performance                                                                   16

Published by the Health and Safety Authority, The Metropolitan Building, James Joyce Street, Dublin 1.
© All rights reserved.

Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022                                                 Page 3
Programme of Work 2022 - An tÚdarás Sláinte agus Sábháilteachta Health and Safety Authority
01                         Foreword

         This is the first year of implementation of the          As part of our risk-based approach to targeting
         Authority’s Strategy Statement for the period            of sectors, hazards and risks, we will undertake
         2022–2024. This strategy will be implemented             a comprehensive programme of proactive and
         in an Ireland that is in the process of recovering       reactive inspections across our occupational
         from the COVID-19 pandemic and its                       safety and health (OSH), and chemical mandates.
         unprecedented impact on society, workplaces              In response to the UK’s exit from the European
         and employment. There are also changes in                Union, this programme of work will see us
         work practices, technology and innovation both           enhance our activities in market surveillance
         in the near and longer term in addition to the           of products coming into Ireland to ensure full
         continued uncertainties arising from the UK’s            compliance with all EU regulations within our
         exit from the European Union. This published             mandate. We will also be actively engaging in EU
         document connects some of our key programme              decision making to ensure that Ireland and Irish
         activities to support and progress the goals set         interests continue to be met.
         out in our strategy.
                                                                  Following an extensive re-organisation, we
         This is also the first year of implementation            will continue to build our organisation in
         of the Government’s National Strategy for                a manner which allows us to deliver most
         Accreditation. Accreditation is an essential             effectively across all areas of our broad and
         enabler for trade and facilitates market                 varied mandate. This will involve continued
         access for Irish products and services. As               recruitment throughout the year, and further
         part of this Programme of Work, we will                  enhancements of our own internal ways of
         continue to promote and advance the benefits             working. In recognition of our over-arching
         of accreditation to companies, enterprises               goal to become an evidence-based, data-driven
         and regulators in order to improve the                   organisation, this year will see significant
         competitiveness and productivity of Ireland’s            progress in the development of a core ICT
         economy.                                                 platform to support the delivery of our OSH,
                                                                  chemicals and market surveillance mandates
                                                                  and optimise our core businesses processes
                                                                  while enabling future access to accurate
                                                                  complete data and better insights.
           This programme
           of work will be
           implemented in
           an Ireland that is
           in the process of
           recovering from                                        Dr. Sharon McGuinness
           the COVID-19                                           Chief Executive Officer


Page 4                                                        Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022
Programme of Work 2022 - An tÚdarás Sláinte agus Sábháilteachta Health and Safety Authority
Vision, Mission,
                        Mandate and Values

Vision                                                     Mandate

Healthy, safe and                                           To regulate the safety,
                                                            health and welfare of
productive lives and                                        people at work and those
enterprises.                                                affected by work activities.
                                                            To promote improvement
                                                            in the safety, health and
                                                            welfare of people at work
                                                            and those affected by work
Mission                                                     activities.

We regulate and                                             To regulate and promote
                                                            the safe manufacture, use,
promote work-related                                        placing on the market,
safety, health and                                          trade, supply, storage and
                                                            transport of chemicals.
welfare and the safe
                                                            To act as a surveillance
use of chemicals                                            authority in relation to
and products. We                                            relevant single European
                                                            market legislation.
provide the national
accreditation service.                                      To act as the national
                                                            accreditation body for

Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022                          Page 5
Programme of Work 2022 - An tÚdarás Sláinte agus Sábháilteachta Health and Safety Authority
In the longer term we
                                                               want to realise a safe
                                                               and healthy working
                                                               life for people in
         Values                                                Ireland and to foster
                                                               an environment
         Our CORE Values:                                      where businesses can
                                                               grow and prosper
          We listen, consult and collaborate with
          employees, employers, stakeholders and

          We embrace diverse perspectives while
          striving to be inclusive in all that we do. We
          encourage open and honest communication.

          We adapt to changing circumstances and drive
          continuous improvement through innovation.
          We use data to inform what we do, and we
          evaluate and share learnings.

          We uphold the highest professional,
          governance and ethical standards. We
          will earn trust by being accountable and
          delivering our services in a fair, independent
          and transparent manner.

Page 6                                           Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022
Programme of Work 2022 - An tÚdarás Sláinte agus Sábháilteachta Health and Safety Authority
03                         Strategic Priorities

                                        I LL     ANCE
                                    V E                                     OC
                           S      UR                                              CU
                       E T                                                              PA


                                                Increase focus on
                                              compliance through

                                             risk-based legislation,
                                            inspection, surveillance,
                                                 and enforcement


                                                                                                     TY & HEALTH
                            Partner and           HOW WE                   Support,
                                                   WORK                 educate and

                             to deliver                                      raise
                                              Continuously improve
                           our mandates        and transform the         awareness
                            and achieve       way we work through        to prevent
                             our vision        people, processes,        incidents,
                                                 technology and         injuries and


                                                   innovation             ill health



                                                   Deliver the
                                                National Strategy

                                                for Accreditation
                                                                                                    H )

                                            AC C R E DIT
                                                                                         D Y
                        NA                                                             O
                          TIO                                                     B
                                      NAL                T I ON
                                          AC C R E D I TA

Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022                                                    Page 7
         04                       of Work

         For our annual programme for 2022, our efforts will focus on our strategic
         priorities and mandates as follows:

         Occupational Safety and Health                            Chemicals
         We will address the changing needs of worker              Through our active participation in the European
         protection brought about by new forms of work             Commission and the European Chemicals Agency
         and the COVID-19 pandemic while continuing                (ECHA) committees and working groups, we
         to address the traditional occupational safety            will support the Minister and Department of
         and health risks associated with incidents and            Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE) in the
         exposure to hazardous agents and products in              development of new policy and legislation, with
         the workplace. In our promotion and inspection            a particular focus on the review and update of
         activities we will focus on the specific health           the EU REACH and CLP Regulations which is a
         hazards and risks associated with psychosocial and        priority of the new European Chemical Strategy for
         ergonomic issues, biological agents and chemical          Sustainability towards a Toxic-free Environment
         agents including process generated chemicals (e.g.        and a fully functioning Circular Economy.
         silica dust). We will promote new EU occupational
                                                                   Through our membership of ECHA’s Scientific
         exposure limit values within the relevant sectors
                                                                   Committees we will support developing scientific
         to which they apply. We will provide occupational
                                                                   opinions for new chemical substances of very high
         medical advice and ensure guidance is up to
                                                                   concern (SVHC), draft recommendations for the
         date. This work will be co-ordinated through the
                                                                   authorisation list (Annex XIV), applications for
         Authority’s new occupational health division.
                                                                   authorisations, new restriction proposals and draft
         We will implement the objectives of the                   decisions on dossier and substance evaluations.
         Farm Safety Partnership Action Plan and the               We will continue to collaborate with ECHA,
         Construction Safety Partnership Action Plan. We           the EU Commission and Member States on the
         will continue to engage and partner on the work           management and use of chemicals in consumer
         programme with the Road Safety Authority (RSA),           products and participate in 2022 EU chemical
         An Garda Síochána and other key stakeholders              enforcement projects.
         on work-related road safety priorities outlined in
         the future Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030. This
         multi-stakeholder approach will involve actions
                                                                   Market Surveillance and UK exit
         under each of our Regulate, Promote and Influence         from EU
         strategic priorities.                                     We will continue to support and advise businesses
         We will publish a comprehensive review of                 importing products from Great Britain as they
         workplace injury, illness and fatality statistics in      work to meet EU regulatory requirements and
         Ireland. We will promote and encourage uptake             product standards post the UK exit. We will also
         and participation by medical practitioners to the         provide guidance and advice to businesses to
         THOR reporting system for occupational illnesses.         ensure they understand the requirements for
                                                                   placing safe products on the Irish market. We will
                                                                   also raise awareness amongst consumers and
                                                                   workers to highlight the importance of ensuring
                                                                   that chemical and industrial products are safe for
                                                                   use before purchase.

Page 8                                                      Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022
Accreditation                                              Inspections/Investigations
2022 will be the first year of the new National            We will complete a programme of proactive and
Strategy for Accreditation and INAB will                   reactive occupational health, safety, chemicals,
implement and deliver on actions for Year 1. In            and market surveillance interventions in a range
addition, INAB will continue to focus on awarding          of sectors especially the hazard and risks within
new accreditations and monitoring conformance              the construction, agriculture, transportation and
of existing accreditations in the INAB programme.          storage, chemical, health and social care sectors.
New areas of accreditation will also be developed          In addition to focusing on safety and health
as necessary. INAB will continue to provide                hazards and risks with duty holders we will also
support and expert advice to clients, industry             engage with the Safety Representative. We will
and Government on conformity assessment and                highlight the need for Safety Representatives
accreditation, including the impact of the UK              to be appointed to ensure that employers and
withdrawal from the European Union. INAB will              employees understand the regulatory requirement
be represented at key European and international           underpinning this important role. We will prioritise
committees on technical issues and the application         investigation activity to hold to account duty
of accreditation, leading where possible. We will          holders who expose their employees and others to
continue to discharge all legislative responsibility       significant levels of risk while breaking the law.
as the GLP monitoring Authority.
                                                           Employers, Workers and
Competent and Designated                                   Enterprises
National Authority Functions
                                                           In addition to our inspection of workplaces, we
We will fulfil the Authority’s Competent Authority         will increase visibility and promote uptake of
(CA) functions across a range of areas including           our supports and advice for employers and their
machinery, lifts, personal protective equipment            workers, including future workers, through our
(PPE), EU Directives dealing with potentially              Contact Centre, Chemicals Helpdesk, reviews
explosive atmospheres (ATEX), Pressure                     and updates to our website, publications, e-tools
Equipment Directive (PED), Gas Appliances                  and educational programmes (,
Directive (GAD), Transport of Dangerous Goods    ,, Work PositiveCI, and
by Road (ADR), Transportable pressure equipment            Choose Safety). In providing these supports and
(TPED), chemicals (REACH, COMAH, CLP,                      tools, we will take account of the specific needs
Detergents, Export-Import, Market Surveillance,            of particular sectors and SMEs to ensure they
Dangerous Substances) through engagement with              understand their legal obligations to keep workers
other CAs and the provision of technical advice,           and workplaces healthy and safe. We will continue
approvals and inspections. We will report to the           to provide educational resources to the formal
EU Commission on Export and Import controls                education system for young and future workers.
and on infringements and penalties in 2021 from
                                                           We will address the particular requirements of
checks on ADR Transport of Dangerous Goods by
                                                           Safety Representatives, vulnerable, and migrant
Road requirements.
                                                           workers by ensuring that guidance, advice and
                                                           support to them and their representative bodies is
                                                           made available in clear and easily accessible ways.

   In addition to our inspection of workplaces, we
   will increase visibility and promote uptake of our
   supports and advice for employers and workers

Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022                                                     Page 9
Future of Workers and Work
     We will continue to support and provide input to
     the Government’s implementation of its remote
     working strategy and associated legislation and
     ensure occupational safety and health requirements
     are maintained as the world of work changes. We                     We will commence
     will keep up to date guidance and advice on remote,
     flexible and home working arrangements.
                                                                         development of our core
                                                                         ICT platform to support
                                                                         the delivery of our OSH,
     EU Policy Input
                                                                         chemicals and market
     We will continue to ensure that the Authority                       surveillance mandates and
     makes the most effective use of its resources in
     contributing to EU committees and working groups
                                                                         optimise our core businesses
     in the development of policies and new legislation                  processes
     relating to OSH, chemicals, market surveillance and
     accreditation. We will continue to seek opportunities
     to assume a lead role in specific committees and
     working groups prioritised in line with our national
     and strategic interests.
                                                                      We will continue our recruitment drive and on-
                                                                      boarding of staff to support the establishment
     Support the Minister and DETE                                    of a new occupational health division and
                                                                      the implementation of a new organisational
     The Authority will also provide technical support                structure. We will develop and implement our
     to the Minister and DETE in the development of                   HR strategy to ensure that the Authority has
     policy and legislative proposals relating to OSH,                the capabilities to deliver its strategic business
     chemicals, transport of dangerous goods and market               objectives by ensuring the on-going development
     surveillance of products nationally, as well as at an            of the Authority as an employer of choice with
     EU and international level.                                      a strong, values-based and inclusive culture.
     We will keep under review all relevant legislation,              We will have due regard to the need to exceed
     and ensure guidance and codes of practice are                    the target that at least 6% of the Authority’s
     updated accordingly.                                             staff should represent persons with disabilities,
                                                                      in line with the Government’s Comprehensive
                                                                      Employment Strategy for Persons with
     COVID-19                                                         Disabilities.
     The Authority will continue as required to support               We will commence development of our core ICT
     the Government in efforts to prevent the spread of               platform to support the delivery of our OSH,
     COVID-19 in the workplace.                                       chemicals and market surveillance mandates and
                                                                      optimise our core businesses processes. We will
     Corporate Governance and                                         develop our future data strategy to ensure the
                                                                      Authority becomes a data driven organisation.
     How We Work                                                      This strategy will address how we collate, report,
     We will ensure that our governance structures                    analyse, share and evaluate information and data
     support informed and accountable decision-                       across all parts of the Authority.
     making underpinned by responsive leadership, risk
     management processes and compliance with the
     Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies.

Page 10                                                    Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022
Key Actions:
 05                       Occupational
                          Safety and Health

 We will:
    Accredit                                               utilise a wide range of relevant communication
      deliver a programme of intervention including
      7,500 inspections within construction, health        methods to inform key stakeholders of
      and social care, agriculture, transportation         relevant occupational safety and health
      and storage along with other risk sectors with       matters,
      specific focus on:                                   undertake an awareness campaign to promote

    How We Work
          biological, physical and chemical agents,        the reporting of occupational fatalities,
          pyschosocial and ergonomics,                     incidents and illnesses,

          working at height, livestock safety,             review safety and health advice and guidance
          machinery safety, violence and aggression,       for meat processing plants,
          passenger lifts, workplace transport             prepare a Code of Practice for Industrial Lift
          operations,                                      Trucks, and
          appointments of Safety Representatives,          publish guidance on:
          Project Supervisors for Design Process and
          Construction Stages, and                             farmers as clients in construction projects,

          vulnerable workers and migrant workers,              laboratories using biological agents,

      investigate all fatal incidents reported to the          asbestos notifications and reoccupation
      Authority,                                               requirements,

      develop strategic links with employee and                health surveillance requirements,
      migrant worker representative bodies to                  hearing checks and audiometry,
      promote occupational safety and health
      amongst migrant workers,                                 remote working hubs, flexible and home
                                                               working arrangements,
      participate in the EU review of the
      Workplaces and the Display Screen Directives,            general health and safety advice for
      and the development of proposals for new                 migrant workers,
      EU occupational exposure limits for lead and             advice for online content moderators, with
      asbestos,                                                an emphasis on psychosocial hazards,
      develop online digital resources on farm safety          high visibility personal protection
      for post-primary students,                               equipment, and
      develop three new online                  safe use of chainsaws.

Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022                                               Page 11
Key Actions:
          06                  Chemicals

     We will:
          deliver 800 inspections targeting high risk                submit risk management option analysis
          chemical activities with a greater potential for           reports for two substance groups,
          exposure to chemicals to ensure the control
          of hazardous substances, process chemicals                 provide expertise for developing new EU
          and chemicals during transportation,                       wide enforcement projects on the compliance
          manufacture and use in the workplace,                      of safety data sheets and rules for the

          How We Work
          prioritise the inspection of high risk chemical
                                                                     classification of mixtures,

                                                                     host training events for planning authorities
          use sites (e.g. COMAH and Sub COMAH),
                                                                     and operators of COMAH establishments
          complete appropriate follow up of reported                 to assist them in the use of the published
          serious accidents, complaints and ECHA                     Technical Land-Use Planning Advice from
          referrals,                                                 2021 and provide new electronic maps of
                                                                     the land use planning consultation distances
          participate in EU expert groups for the review
                                                                     for COMAH establishments to planning
          and updating of the Registration, Evaluation,
                                                                     authorities and the environmental mapping
          Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
                                                                     website (, and
          (REACH) and the Classification, Labelling and
          Packaging (CLP) Regulations,                               publish:

          complete chemical substance evaluation of                  o    case studies to support employers
          methylanisole and progress it to the next                       undertaking a chemical agent risk
          stages of the EU evaluation process,                            assessment,

          prepare six scientific opinions for ECHA                   o    guidance on completing a risk assessment
          Scientific Risk Assessment Committee and                        for public tours of distilleries and potable
          Socio-Economic Committees on uses of                            spirits production sites, and
          the following substances of high concern -
                                                                     o    guidance for data-centres on managing
          chromium trioxide, 4-tert-OPnEO, and 4-tert-
                                                                          fuel storage below COMAH thresholds.

          complete the next stages of the ECHA
          harmonised classification and labelling (CLH)
          process for two harmonised classification
          and labelling proposals (Dibenzoyl peroxide
          and 7-oxabicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ylmethyl
          and prepare and submit one new CLH
          proposal to the ECHA CLH process,

Page 12                                                      Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022
Key Actions:

 07                     Market

We will:
   check non-compliant products impacting                  contribute to the EU Technical
                                                           Harmonisation discussions on the New
   the Irish market which have been notified
   to the European Rapid Alert System for                  Machinery Regulations,
   dangerous non- food products (Safety Gate)
                                                           undertake an awareness campaign relating
   or the Information and Communication
                                                           to motor vehicle parts and accessories
   System for Market Surveillance (ICSMS),
                                                           (NACE 4531 and 4532) importing chemicals

 How We Work
   target importers and importers and
   distributors of chemicals,
                                                           from outside the EU and their duties to
                                                           provide safe use information,

   target PPE distributors and importers,                  inform other Member States (through the
                                                           ICSMS system) of non-compliant products
   check auction houses and machinery                      found on the Irish market impacting EU
   hire companies supplying non-compliant                  markets,
   construction and lifting machinery to the
   market,                                                 check duty holders under the EU-wide
                                                           REACH enforcement project on substances
   assess 1,200 chemical products and 450                  in articles and restrictions, and
   Industrial products intended for industrial
   and consumer use, for compliance with EU                provide information for consumers on the
   requirements,                                           safe use of chemicals.

   provide support and advice to businesses
   importing chemical and industrial products
   from Great Britain to meet EU regulatory

Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022                                              Page 13
Key Actions:

      08                        National
                                Accreditation Body


   In respect of our ongoing                                    In Year 1 of the National
     How We Work
   accreditation programme,
   we will:
                                                                Strategy for Accreditation
                                                                2022–2026, we will:

          maintain the programme of accreditation for               commission research and market analysis to
          existing and applicant clients,                           inform and influence national policy,

          process new applications for accreditation                prepare a communication plan and marketing
          from new and existing clients efficiently,                strategy to underpin the delivery of the
                                                                    national strategy,
          introduce new accreditation activity
          programmes,                                               deliver new accreditation activity to the
          raise awareness on the benefits of
          accreditation through publications and                    update and complete improvements in the
          events,                                                   CRM system for external and internal users,
          continue engagement with key stakeholders,
                                                                    prepare an annual report to record progress
          maintain INAB’s international recognition                 in delivering the National Strategy for
          across all activities through a successful peer           Accreditation.
          evaluation in May 2022,

          fulfil all representation at European and
          international accreditation committees, and

          discharge all legislative responsibility as the
          Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) monitoring

Page 14                                                     Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022
Key Actions:

09      Operational

  How We Work

We will:
    embed the new structure and ways of                    adopt a blended working model in line
    working agreed as part of the organisational           with Government Policy while ensuring
    review completed in 2021, and further                  best practice regarding safety and
    strengthen and build capability through                health, data protection, ICT security and
    targeted recruitment campaigns and                     work efficiencies through the review
    continuous professional development                    and development of robust policies and
    opportunities,                                         procedures,

    commence the development of a new ICT                  assess the human rights and equality issues
    platform to optimise our core business                 relevant to the functions of the Authority
    processes, bringing benefits such as more              and develop an action plan to address those
    efficient ways of working, end-to-end                  issues, where possible, within our existing
    case management, better work planning,                 mandates,
    improved customer experiences, access
    to accurate, clean and complete data, and              undertake an accessibility audit of services,
    better insights,                                       including an accessibility audit of our digital
                                                           services and our physical premises,
    develop distinct HR, Data Management,
    and Communications strategies to align                 develop and publish a revised Customer
    with, and enable the delivery of the Strategy          Action Plan and Customer Charter, and
    Statement 2022 – 2024, the National
                                                           increase our organisational resilience
    Strategy for Accreditation 2022 – 2026
                                                           by enhancing our approach to business
    and the Authority’s mandate and business
                                                           continuity and disaster recovery.
    objectives, each including an action plan
    with clear outcomes and metrics to measure
    and track implementation,

                                                               Further strengthen and
                                                               build capability through
                                                               targeted recruitment
                                                               campaigns and continuous
                                                               professional development

Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022                                                     Page 15
      10                         Performance

      Progress on this annual programme                      In our Annual Report we will evaluate and
                                                             appraise the implementation of each year of our
      of work, which represents the first
                                                             strategy, and will focus not just on measurement
      year of implementation of our                          of activities but also look to measure the
      Strategy Statement 2022–2024,                          expected strategic outcomes.
      will be monitored using a range                        We will regularly report on the key performance
      of qualitative and quantitative                        indicators below to support the achievement of
      measures.                                              our strategic goals.

           Key Performance Indicators                                                              2022 Target

          Proactive Inspections (Occupational Safety and Health)                                          7,500
          Proactive Inspections (Chemical Act and Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road)                     800
          Reactive Inspections                                                                            1,000
          Market Surveillance Assessments (Chemical Products)                                             1,200
          Market Surveillance Assessments (Industrial Products)                                             450
          New Users of BeSMART                                                                           10,000
          Organisations implementing Work Positive                                                          500
          Scientific opinions prepared for ECHA Committees                                                    6
          Accreditation Decisions (New)                                                                      25
          Accreditation Decisions (Renewed)                                                                 320
          New or updated guidance published                                                                  14

                                                         Which includes:
    INSPECTIONS 2022:                                    7,500 proactive inspections (OSH),

                                                         1,000 reactive inspections, and
                                                         800 chemicals inspections

Page 16                                                  Health and Safety Authority   |   Programme of Work 2022
Our Vision:
  Healthy, safe and
  productive lives and

 An tÚdarás Sláinte agus Sábháilteachta
      Health and Safety Authority

 Health and Safety Authority
 Tel: 0818 289 389

HSA Part No. 0511                         ISBN   978-1-84496-285-3
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