WHAT'S INSIDE 2019 - Issue 1 - IOSH

Page created by Lewis Burke
WHAT'S INSIDE 2019 - Issue 1 - IOSH
                                    2019 - Issue 1

1 Chair’s Welcome Message.                  12 APOSHO Shared moments.

2 Launch of Branch 2022 Strategy.           13 Did you receive your copy of IOSH
3 Christmas Celebration.
                                            14 Important Dates.
4 Health+Safety At Work 40 Under 40.
5 Annual Safety Conference.

6 Technical Visit.
7 Monthly Meeting.
8 Safety Career.

9 Laser Track Trolley Lands Rail Operator
  Major Award.

10 Health and Safety issues.

11 APOSHO Annual Conference.

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2019 - Issue 1 - IOSH
1 Chair’s Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues,

We hope you all enjoyed your Christmas holiday
break and New Year Celebrations, your Exco started
the year keenly with their first 2019 meeting on
2nd January. During the meeting we discussed the
recently launched Branch Strategy and how we can
reach out to you as members and encourage you
to join us at our regular events. We also understand
some members are not based in Singapore and
we will be scheduling some webinars in future, it
is our exco priority to support the IOSH members
in our branch and provide ‘valued content’ for their
membership in addition to what IOSH UK provide.
With this we welcome you to join us at our monthly
meetings where we have speakers to share their
experiences, knowledge enabling us all to enhance
and develop our competency. We are developing a
busy schedule leading up to our AGM in May and
hope to meet you soon.

The branch can only be as good as its members and exco, we have a very good
committed exco team working hard for you, on this basis please engage with us, join our
Linkedin, join us at our events (they are free for members) – up grade yourself with CPD /
IPD and gain your Chartered Membership Status, contact us for any details. You will see in
this news letter your branch has been busy the last 8 months and we will be continuing to
be so, we have several events in planning we will let you know once confirmed as well.

Enjoy your read, and get involved with your branch activities.

Grow Personally, Grow Professionally.

Darren Brunton CFIOSH
IOSH Singapore
Branch Chairman

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2019 - Issue 1 - IOSH
2 Launch of Branch 2022 Strategy

A fter
     many months of            and Influence will be
discussion and with the        strengthened during 2019
support of IOSH UK we          and 2020 as our further
were pleased to launch our     involvement with other local   GROW PROFESSIONALLY
branch 2022 strategy during    safety initiatives, national   and ‘Make the Difference’.
our Christmas dinner held at   and regional partners
the Marina Mandarin hotel      develop and grow, enabling
7th Dec 2018. The themes       us to GROW PERSONALLY
of Enhance, Collaborate        AND

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2019 - Issue 1 - IOSH
3 Christmas Celebration
                                                 – it was      Global Platform and win
                                                 time for      such a prestigious award
                                                 some great    representing Singapore
                                                 food and      assisting in further
                                                 networking.   international recognition.
                                                 During our    Well Done SMRT.
                                                 Dinner in
                                                 we were
Christmas dinner was a                           pleased
excellent round up of the        to hear from SMRT
years events with nearly 50      Representatives, Ms Dewi
members attending including      Anggraini & Ms Hui Min on
VIPs’ from SISO and IPAF         the recent IOSH Railway
in attendance further            Safety Award that SMRT
highlighting our collaboration   received from IOSH in
with other external              the UK. It is great that a
organization. After a round      local organisation is able
up of the events that the        to stand out with such
branch has held during 2018      safety initiatives on the

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2019 - Issue 1 - IOSH
4 Health+Safety At Work 40 Under 40
                                  own EXCO member Alvin Gan         Previously, as health and
                                  for his inclusion in the Health   Safety Manager at the National
                                  and Safety at work 40 under       University of Singapore, he
                                  40.                               co-led its radiation safety
                                                                    programme and implemented
                                  Alvin Gan, his current role       a workplace health and safety
                                  for international medical         management system for its
                                  equipment supplier Varian         clinical Imaging Research
                                  medical System puts him           Centre.
                                  in charge of radiation
                                  compliance(for radiotherapy,
The 40 under 40 field included    proton therapy and brachy
several safety professionals      therapy equipment) across the
with niche specialisms.           South East Asia region.
A huge congratulations to our

5 Annual Safety Conference

On the 13th November 2018         main topics were centered         Expo in Dubai and more locally
BCAA – IOSH held their            around Challenges and             focused presentations for
annual Safety Conference.         Recent Advances in WSH in         safety technology and out of
With Sebastian Tan, the           Construction Industry.            sight – out of mind construction
Director of Occupational                                            works and commercial diving.
Safety and Heath Inspectorate     Over 80 delegates enjoyed
from Ministry of Manpower,        presentations ranging from        As we start 2019 we are
as VIP Guest Speaker and          how safety is delivered in        already looking forward to
additional reputable speakers     major projects in Hong Kong       the BCAA -IOSH 2019 Safety
from UAE, Hong Kong, UK           (construction and tunnelling      Conference and to make it
and Singapore. This was a         project by MTR); to challenges    larger than any previous year’s
truly first class international   and successes of safety at the    event. Look out for details later
one day conference and the        development site for World        this year.

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2019 - Issue 1 - IOSH
6 Technical Site Visit
IOSH Singapore branch plans          After the technical
to conduct technical site visit to   tour, members who
help our members to develop          attended the visit
their technical experience           shared that it was
meanwhile provide networking         a great experience
opportunities in different           to see how such a
industries. On 17th November         large construction site
2018 IOSH Singapore branch           was not just talking
held a technical visit to the        about safety but
Exyte Singapore Project 10A.         actually doing things
The project is a 100,000             right. Thank you to              us and join us for forthcoming
sqm build of a cleanroom             Exyte and the project team       Technical visits conducted by
facility for a global client. The    who hosted IOSH members          IOSH Singapore! More exciting
project is fast tracked and          demonstrating how leadership     journeys and experience
construction activities started      on construction sites can have   sharing are planned in the near
in April 2018 which involves         positive outcomes when you       future.
numerous high-risk activities        put your heart into what you
due for completion in 2019.          do. Please stay connected with

7 Monthly Meeting

During 2018 your branch              expertise so we can all learn    best practices of Health and
Exco decided to meet                 and grow personally and          Safety in the Semi conductor
monthly to develop and               grow professionally. During      industry; Sadia Brenan –
work to grow the branch in           the year we have heard from      shared with us her experience
doing so regular events have         Joe McWilliam, where he          of gender specific challenges
been held each month with            challenged us with a thought     and experiences of working
members volunteering their           provoking presentation –         in high risk industries; we
time to present on subjects          “Disasters do they make us       welcomed Dr Ernesto back to
and tare passionate about,           safer?”; we heard from Vincent   remind us all that Health and
Sharing their knowledge and          Wong – who share with us         Posture is a valuable ‘after

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2019 - Issue 1 - IOSH
thought’ of our daily lives and     The regular monthly events         we can contact you directly
how we all need to focus more       are scheduled for the last         at ioshsecretarysingapore@
on resolving posture problems       Thursday of each month and         gmail.com – Make your
before its to late ??!; Our very    start at 1900 for 1930 start       membership work for you –
own winner of the 40 Under          for about 1-2 hrs – so please      join us at the regular events.
40 Safety Practitioners gave        look out for the invites sent by
us all new insight to safety in     IOSH on the network mailer
the Radioactive industry; Andy      and if you are not receiving
Lewis flew in from Australia        these please let us know so
to challenge us with a though
provoking presentation regards
technology and safety – is
technology our safest enabler?
The next 4 months the exco
has scheduled many similar
events with themes Fire
Safety; Occupational Hygiene;
all events are held at the Life
Long Learning Institute (LLI)
which is next to Paya Lebar
MRT, has good parking and
great meeting facilities – we
also provide lite bites all FREE;

8 Safety Career

Several Members are                 and Alvin Gan what more can        out for the nights scheduled
now working towards their           you ask for to get a full and      for these meetings and join
Chartered Status – which            detailed understanding of the      Steven and Alvin and others
for those individuals it is an      way forward. Both Steven           to work together – Collaborate
excellent step forward in their     and Alvin have completed the       and move your IOSH
safety careers. But some find       process and can share with         membership forward.
it a daunting task to start with    you their experiences and
– so attending the IPD and          ways forward to complete the
CPD nights arranged by our          path to CMIOSH in a smooth
Vice Chairman Steven Low            and efficient manner. Look

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2019 - Issue 1 - IOSH
9 Laser Track Trolley Lands Rail
Operator Major Award
                                                                       He said: “We are delighted to
                                                                       win the award. By acquiring
                                                                       the trolley, we took away the
                                                                       manual pushing required to
                                                                       do track maintenance, and the
                                                                       associated risks this brought.
                                                                       “We used to have to ask our
                                                                       patrols to go on the tracks
                                                                       and do the measuring,
                                                                       which was tough considering
                                                                       temperatures were over 30
                                                                       Celsius and humidity was 98
                                                                       per cent, and the average age
                                                                       of workers is 48.
                                                                       “The process is much more
                                                                       streamlined now. It has helped
                                                                       make us more efficient as we
                                                                       can better plan resources and
                                                                       our budget.”
Singapore rail operator SMRT       While the cost of implementing
                                                                      The award was presented,
Trains has scooped a major         the laser track trolley was
                                                                      at the 20 November event,
industry award for introducing     129,000 Euros, it has
                                                                      by IOSH Vice-President
a laser track trolley which has    significantly lowered the
                                                                      Jonathan Hughes. Two other
reduced safety and health risks    amount of working hours
                                                                      awards were presented, one to
faced by maintenance workers.      required to conduct track
                                                                      VolkerFitzpatrick and the other
The innovative trolley, used       testing, in addition to reducing
                                                                      to Network Rail.
to monitor tracks for wear         health and safety risks.
                                                                      VolkerFitzpatrick’s award was
and tear, weighs about 30kg        The firm only has a 150-minute
                                                                      for a project it ran to reduce
and can be transported by          window to do track testing
                                                                      the safety risks posed to
two people and pushed              every night and the trolley
                                                                      pedestrians and operatives
continuously with minimal          can test a 5km stretch in one
                                                                      who were in the vicinity of a
effort, eliminating the risks of   operation – five times more
                                                                      mobile plant.
musculoskeletal disorders and      than was previously possible,
                                                                      This included introducing
slips and trips for workers.       when workers had to go on
                                                                      a new standardised traffic
The firm has now won the           the tracks and measure wear
                                                                      management plan to address
first prize in the Institution     and tear themselves in humid
                                                                      areas including site entry and
of Occupational Safety and         conditions.
                                                                      public interface, site pedestrian
Health’s (IOSH) annual             Jean-Francois told the
                                                                      segregation and crossing
International Rail Awards.         conference that being able
                                                                      points, speed limits, signage,
The award was presented            to test much more track not
                                                                      compounds and storage areas,
at IOSH’s Rail Industry            only reduces risks faced by
                                                                      and reversing. The company
Conference in Manchester to        workers, but also significantly
                                                                      also introduced a behavioural
Jean-Francois Chassin, Vice-       lowers the possibility of
                                                                      change programme.
President at SMRT.                 disruptions for trains and even

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2019 - Issue 1 - IOSH
10 Health and Safety issues

What health and Safety issue or problem did you track
during the MRT track maintenance?
 Safety: Running rail is a           the passenger comfort, journey    persons and can be pushed
critical asset. By introducing       time due to speed restrictions    continuously with minimal
the laser track trolley, it allows   imposed or even stop traffic,     effort. It eliminates health
accurate and more extensive          with an ultimate consequence      issues such as back and knee
rail wear condition-monitoring,      being the safety of the train     strains from the repeated
hence enhancing the rail             operations (derailment).          squatting and bending then
wear visibility and database                                           performing manual rail wear
in SMRT to allow better              Health: The laser track trolley   measurements.
planning of critical rail asset      is user-friendly and ergonomic,   Safety risks such as trip-and-
replacement. Failing to replace      it weights only about             fall and fatigue were largely
the worn rail timely might affect    30kg, transportable by two        reduced as well.

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2019 - Issue 1 - IOSH
11 APOSHO Annual Conference
During 4th -5th December         conference in Hong Kong.    Branch was well represented
2018 four Executive              With two of those members   at this Regional - International
Committee members of the         speaking (Zephan Chan and   annual event, it was also great
Singapore Branch attended the    JC Sekar) and three of us   to meet many other delegates
33rd Asia Pacific Occupational   Chairing sessions (Zephan   from Singapore and many
Safety and Health Organization   Chan, JC Sekar and Darren   other countries in attendance.
(APOSHO33) annual                Brunton), the Singapore

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12 APOSHO Shared moments

      Picture: Sarah Ho (in the middle),Singapore IOSH Exco Member with Alex Tse (Right) and Philip (Left), both are IOSH
      Hong Kong Branch Members.
      Sarah Ho-Highly motivated young HSE professional, graduated from University of Newcastle, Bachelor of Occupational
      Health and Safety.

A story shared by Sarah HO                   to learn from everyone in the                  we’re unable to attend all
during her experience about                  room.                                          sessions simultaneously.
attending the APOSHO 33 in                   As working professionals, there                The combination of actual
Hong Kong:                                   can be too many demands                        learning, professional and
Held in the city of gleaming                 on our time to spare two days                  social networking made
skyscrapers, the 33rd Asia                   for a conference. However,                     APOSHO33 worthwhile to
Pacific Occupational Safety                  attending conferences keeps                    attend. It whisked me out of
and Health Organization                      us professionally healthy.                     my hustle only to energise my
(APOSHO33) annual                            There are plenty of value                      mind and supercharge it with
conference was well-attended                 in hearing stellar speakers                    fresh ideas.
at Regal Kowloon Hotel,                      present. My favourite micro-                   With the huge amount of
Hong Kong with 11 delegates                  topics were visual literacy,                   resources and information
from Singapore. Convening                    intergeneration working and                    received within the span of two
international and local health               working with chronologically                   short days, I’ve picked up from
and safety practitioners,                    gifted workers. Each possess                   our very own branch member,
networking opportunities                     some novelty which provided                    JC Sekar, who also spoke at
allow connections to spread                  food for thought that stimulates               APOSHO33, that we need to
worldwide. It’s also interesting             a saturated mind exhausted of                  internalise information given to
to know of different companies               ideas. The speakers presented                  us and this made me thankful
these connections work for and               with enthusiasm, making their                  that I’ve taken notes during
understand what they do. Short               passion towards health and                     the conference. What do
chatters cross-pollinate ideas               safety greatly felt. With multiple             you remember about the last
and expose other’s thinking                  sessions running in parallel,                  conference you attended.
process, there is something                  the only regret would be that

2019 - Issue 18											11 of 14
13 Did you receive your copy of IOSH

If not please let us know
and we will ensure you
get your copy sent to
the correct address in
future – contact us at

It was great to read the
news in the last issue of
NETWORKS – placing
our branch ‘on the map’
as 45,000 IOSH Members
receive this magazine.

Singapore maybe a
“Little RED DOT” as
some say, but with over
350 members in our
branch we have a global
reach and influence as
safety practitioners. We
encourage you to join
us at our regular events
– meet other IOSH
members and Safety
Professionals – learn new
skills and knowledge –
develop your competency
and make new friends.

Read all about the Singapore Branch a Story shared by Zephan Chan and
Molly Yuan-The five people we meet in Singapore IOSH Branch.

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14 Important Dates

             EXCO                                                          TECHNICAL
Y19/20                          NETWORKING NIGHTS               EVENTS               IPD/CPD
            MEETING                                                          VISITS
                            Theme: Fire
                            30 Jan: David Townsend

                            Theme: IFW Culture
                            28 Feb: Jonathan Eades
        Kith Cafe
                            Theme: World Safety Day                        28 Mar:       23 Jan
Q4      2 Jan
                            28 Feb:                                        Technical     20 Feb
Jan-Mar 12 Feb
                                                                           Visit (TBC)   20 Mar
        7 Mar
                            Theme: Occupational Hygiene
                            28 Mar: Veronica Chow

                            25 Apr:

          Kith Cafe
          4 Apr             9 May: AGM                                                   24 Apr
          6 Jun

                      TECHNICAL VISITS		                 WHAT’S NEXT?
                      OPEN for IDEAS! If technical visit can be arranged at
                      your workplace where IOSH members can learn the
                      organisation’s Safety Management System on-site,
                      this will be a valuable experience for all.
                      Please do share with us so that we can make the
                      necessary arragement.
                      EMAIL: ioshsecretarysingapore@gmail.com

                      Health & Safety Reading Corner
                      IOSH Magazine - Sign up for regular e-alert
                      WSH Council-Bulletin. Click here

                      CONTRIBUTE NEWS/ARTICLES

                      SHP Magazine editor is looking for international SHPs
                      to contribut stories related on national / international
                      health and safety in the magazine.

                      Should you have any news/articles to share, write to
                      Nick Warburton at Nick.Warburton@ubm.com

2019 - Issue 18											13 of 14
If you are not already on our Branch LinkIned – Please get involved and Follow us – Share our
stories – help us spread the messages and be involved

                                                              We welcome articles related on national/
  Contact Us at
                                                                            in ternational HSE matters.
  Registered Address:
                                                        If you have any news, ideas or experiences to
  15 , Changi North Street 1 #02-36 i-Lofts @ Changi,
                                                            share, write us @ sgioshnews@gmail.com
  Singapore 498765
  Tel: +65 6542 4984
                                                        For Advertisement opportunities, please email
  Fax: +65 6542 5584                                             ioshsecretarysingapore@gmail.com

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