Prof. Roberto TASCA - RCS MediaGroup

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Prof. Roberto TASCA - RCS MediaGroup

                      Addendum to the Fairness Opinion issued

                                      by the

                               Board of Directors of

                              RCS MediaGroup S.p.A.

                                 on 24 June 2016

                                  relating to the

                           INCREASE OF THE OFFER PRICE


                             for the common shares of


Prof. Roberto TASCA                                              Pagina 1
[ROME 295812_1]

                                                                             Milan, 24 June 2016

                                                                          The Board of Directors
                                                                          RCS MediaGroup S.p.A.
                                                                             Via Angelo Rizzoli 8
                                                                                   20132 Milan


Addendum to the Fairness Opinion issued on 9 June 2016 concerning the increase of the
consideration offered for the Total Voluntary Public Exchange Offer for 521,864,957 common shares
of RCS MediaGroup S.p.A., promoted by Cairo Communication S.p.A by a notice pursuant to Articles
102 and 106, paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998 and Article 37 of the
Consob Regulation approved by Resolution 11971 of 14 May 1999.


Given that:

    1) on 8 April 2016, Cairo Communication S.p.A. (“Cairo” or the “Bidder”) launched
        a voluntary public exchange offer (the “Offer” or “OPSC” [Offerta Pubblica Di
        Scambio] - Public Tender Offer to Exchange) concerning all the common shares
        in RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. (“RCS” or the “Issuer” or the “Company”), equal to
        No. 521,864,957 shares, for consideration (the “Consideration”) equal to No.
        0.12 common shares of Cairo for each common share of RCS;
    2) on 16 May 2016, International Media Holding S.p.A. (“IMH” or the “Second
        Bidder”) launched a voluntary public tender offer (“PTO”) concerning No.
        403,937,789 common shares of the Company for consideration of EUR 0.70 for
        each common share of RCS ( “Competing Offer”);

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                                     Pagina 2
[ROME 295812_1]

      3) on 17 June 2016, Cairo issued a higher bid than the Competing Offer, raising
           the exchange ratio (“Increased Bid”) to No. 0.16 common shares of Cairo for
           each common share of RCS;
      4) at the same time as the increased bid, Cairo approved a 2017-2018 Business
           Plan on a stand-alone basis, disclosing certain brief data to the market
           regarding the economic values of Sales, EBITDA and Capex;
      5) on 22 June 2016 Consob authorized Cairo, with the resolution No. 19645, to
           issue the Supplement to the Offer Document (“Cairo Supplement”).

the RCS Board of Directors has requested the undersigned Prof. Roberto Tasca to
prepare an update (“Update Document” or “Addendum”) of the opinion expressed
on 9 June 2016, including on the basis of the new information provided to the

The Update Document provides support for the independent Directors and the Board
of Directors of RCS in assessing the fairness of the Increased Bid. The details of the
Increased Bid for which the preparation of this Addendum has been requested are as

      •    Issuer: Rizzoli Corriere della Sera MediaGroup S.p.A., with registered office in
           Via Angelo Rizzoli 8, Milan.
      •    Bidder: Cairo Communication S.p.A. – with registered office in Via Tucidide 56,
           20134 Milan, is the parent company of a group founded by Urbano Cairo.
      • Subject: common shares of RCS, amounting to No. 521,864,957 1, listed on the
           MTA (Mercato Telematico Azionario) organized and managed by Borsa Italiana
           S.p.A., representing 100% of the share capital of RCS.
      • The Increased Bid is equal to No. 0.16 (zero point sixteen) common shares of
           Cairo for each common share of RCS tendered to the OPSC.

    Please note that the Company holds No. 4,575,114 treasury shares.

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                                Pagina 3
[ROME 295812_1]

    • The tender period runs from 20 June 2016 to 15 July 2016.
    • As specified in the Notice of the increased bid dated 17 June 2016, based on
        the official price of the RCS shares and that of the shares of Cairo
        Communication recorded on 7 April 2016, the day before the announcement
        of the First Offer, the Consideration reflects a valuation equal to EUR 0.702 for
        each share of RCS tendered to the Offer. That same Consideration Price
        reflects, on the basis of the official price of the shares of Cairo and that of the
        shares of RCS recorded on 17 June 2016, a valuation of € 0.672 for each share
        of RCS tendered to the Offer. In the event the Offer is fully subscribed, Cairo
        will issue No. 83,498,393 new shares, corresponding to the shares of RCS
        tendered to the Offer.

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                                Pagina 4
[ROME 295812_1]

Assignment’s execution

The document considers two crucial profiles that emerged from the Supplement to
the Offer Document dated 22 June 2016. Firstly, the criteria previously used to draft
the Fairness Opinion prepared by the undersigned on 9 June 2016 in relation to the
weighted average prices calculated based on historic stock market listings in the
period between 8 April 2015 and 7 April 2016 are confirmed in the context of
Paragraph         A.1.6   (“Evaluation   criteria   underlying   the   calculation   of   the
Consideration”). Secondly, Cairo has submitted a “Company Overview and 2017-2018
Business Plan” that identifies, in summary or graphic form, certain economic figures
of significance to an estimate of the fundamental value of the Bidder. For these
reasons, the previous range of fairness values, which was exclusively based on criteria
deriving from prices, premiums and historical forecasts, requires us to reconsider.
Today, the Expert has new information, which is brief but prospective for Cairo. That
cannot be ignored in the context of a fairness report to be sent to all RCS’s

To this end, the document is divided into three parts.

The first includes

    -       the quantifications calculated in the Fairness Opinion issued by the
            undersigned on 9 June 2016, which were made with reference to 7 April
            2016, the day before the announcement of the First Offer;
    -       the exchange ratios deriving from the measurements carried out with
            reference to the weighted average prices (WAP), to the premiums and
            discounts for a sample of the PTOs and the target prices of the analysts
            expressed up to the said date.

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                                  Pagina 5
[ROME 295812_1]

In the second part, which is the innovative profile of the evaluation process on which
the Expert can express his fairness opinion, it was intended to compare the
fundamental value of RCS, calculated on the basis of the DCF model, with an estimate
of the fundamental value of Cairo, conducted on the basis of the market multiples
method and the dimensions of the Sales and EBITDA reported by it in the document
entitled “Company Overview and 2017 - 2018 Business Plan.” As will be highlighted,
the multiples used for this valuation are aligned with those used by Cairo 2 to carry
out its own comparative analysis of RCS.

Finally, a third part, in which the Expert intends to summarize his conclusions for the
purpose of a revaluation of its fairness opinion, in the light of indications taken from
the historic prices, confirming what has already emerged in the Fairness Opinion of 9
June 2016, and new estimates are produced made on the basis of the multiples
method applied to the values made available by Cairo with the “Company Overview
and 2017 - 2018 Business Plan.”

It was deemed that the new, although synthetic, information disclosed by Cairo to
the market on 22 June 2016, could only partially fix the critical issues identified in the
Fairness Opinion in relation to the indeterminacy of a fundamental value for Cairo.
However, this last aspect of the task assigned to Expert has been considered
important in drawing up a fairness opinion. Certainly the estimation of the
fundamental value reached with the multiples method does not rectify the critical
issues already mentioned in the Fairness Opinion, but the exclusion of the new
wealth of information by the fairness opinion would, in the opinion of the Expert,
result in a limitation to the documented knowledge which he is required to transfer
to the RCS Board of Directors and, therefrom, to the market.

Cautiously, it should be underlined that an estimate of the fundamental value of
Cairo common shares has been made instead of an accurate assessment of it by
    Cf. page 66 of the Cairo Supplement

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                               Pagina 6
[ROME 295812_1]

means of the DCF method. The impossibility of performing an assessment of Cairo
with the said method remains a significant issue of the evaluation process.

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                           Pagina 7
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Part 1

The first part references the assessments already expressed in the Fairness Opinion
of 9 June 2016:

1) on the basis of the historic series of the weighted average prices (WAP) between
     the 8 April 2015 and 7 April 2016 (identified as “Historical series of weighted
     average market prices for pre-announcement volumes traded”), calculated on
     the basis of the stock market price, has been determined the implicit exchange
     ratio over the time frame of 12, 6, 3, 1 month and 1 day between the common
     share of RCS and the common share of Cairo 3. For liquidity reasons and for the
     sake of concurrence between the underlying quotations, a 6-month – 3-month
     range has been selected as reference for the valuation.
2) The outcome of point 1 was then compared with a sample of the voluntary PTO
     launched from January 2010 to February 2016, based on the “pre-
     announcement” prices. This comparison has made it possible to determine the
     exchange ratio of the OPSC as if the mean and median premiums/discounts of the
     voluntary PTO in question were applied to the results achieved in relation to
     point 1.
3) Finally, an analysis of the target prices reported by Bloomberg in blind version on
     the basis of the indications provided by the analysts covering the securities
     subject to the OPSC for the period 8 April 2015 - 7 April 2016, determining the
     implicit exchange ratio in comparison between the minimum prices and the
     maximum prices of the two securities, was performed.

The analysis of the WAP in the specified period has led to the following

  The historic series of official prices have been adjusted to take into account the dividend paid of 0.20 at the ex-
dividend date of 9 May 2016.

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                                                        Pagina 8
[ROME 295812_1]

        1 - Exchange relations with WAP April 2015-April 2016
                 Period                       WAP RCS                   WAP Cairo CUM                   Ex div. exchange
        12 months                              0.76                         4.64                              0.17
        6 months                               0.59                         4.30                              0.14
        3 months                               0.55                         4.17                              0.14
        1 month                                0.49                         4.52                              0.11
        1 day                                  0.42                         4.59                              0.09

The analysis of the WAP and the subsequent comparison with the sample of PTOs led
to the following quantifications:

2 - Exchange relations with premiums pre-announcement
         Period           Average premiums with         WAP RCS          WAP Cairo CUM            Ex div. exchange
  12 months                        40%                    0.76                   4.64                    0.24
  6 months                         40%                    0.59                   4.30                    0.20
  3 months                         35%                    0.55                   4.17                    0.19
  1 month                          36%                    0.49                   4.52                    0.15
  1 day                            16%                    0.42                   4.59                    0.11

The analysis of the target prices provided by Bloomberg has led to the following

        3 – Exchange ratios with analysts’ consensus
                   Period              Average exchange          Max. exchange          Min. exchange
                                          relations ex            relations ex           relations ex
              12 MONTHS                       0.20                    0.23                   0.16
              6 MONTHS                        0.17                    0.20                   0.16
              3 MONTHS                        0.15                    0.15                   0.15
              1 MONTH                         0.16                    0.16                   0.16
              1 DAY                           0.16                    0.16                   0.16

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                                                             Pagina 9
[ROME 295812_1]

Part 2

This second part represents the innovative profile of the evaluation process adopted
in the comparisons of Cairo OPSC. The extension of the measurements on which to
base the fairness opinion is, for the Expert, a crucial need, in relation to the fact that
on 17 June 2016 Cairo has released to the market the “Company Overview and 2017
- 2018 Business Plan,” from which some perspective economic figures can be
deduced on which it is possible to base an estimate of the fundamental value of the

As widely explained in the Fairness Opinion about the consideration offered in the
OPSC, the determination of the fair exchange ratio, it should be made on the basis of
the fundamental values of the securities to be exchanged. The definition of the
fundamental values is derived from the construction of the future cash flows, defined
on the basis of multi-year plans approved by the administrative bodies of the
companies whose securities are traded and on their comparative evaluation.

Although the fundamental value can be determined with different methods, the
calculation process that is most frequently used in theory and in the settled
professional practice is the “Discounted Cash Flow” method or “DCF.”

As regards RCS, it has presented the 2016-2018 Business Plan to the market on the
date of 21 December 2015; this plan has allowed the assessment of a DCF thanks to
the income statement and balance sheet included in the document and thanks to
talks that have taken place with members of the company.

In relation to Cairo, however, a document was presented, the Company Overview and
2017 - 2018 Business Plan, on the date of 17 June 2016. This document does not
include the income statement or the balance sheet, but rather a few figures: Sales
2017 – 2018, Ebitda 2017 – 2018 and Capital expenditure 2017 – 2018 from which it
is possible to draw some numerical indications on the figures themselves.

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                              Pagina 10
[ROME 295812_1]

The lack of availability of some of the fundamental data of Cairo has made it
impossible to apply the DCF method in determining the fundamental value of its
shares. The undersigned has therefore deemed it appropriate to empirically estimate
the unit value of the Cairo shares, using the market multiples method. Although this
method is often used for the purposes of control, in this case it constitutes an
essential complement to the other methods used to verify the fairness of the
exchange ratio between the shares of Cairo and the shares of RCS, because it is the
only one capable of expressing perspective values that relate to the results of the
DCF applied per RCS. Since in this case the evalutation depends on the selection of
the sample and the correspondence of the multiples to concrete markets
comparisons, on the verified assumption that Cairo is active in publishing newspapers
and books (which represents approximately 80% of the Ebitda of the company) and
in the television industry, two clusters of comparable companies were selected. The
first is the one used to define the mean multiples of RCS in the comparison of the
values obtained with the DCF, replacing Cairo with RCS between them. The second
originates from the construction of a weighted average multiple of comparable
companies of the Publishing and Broadcasting sectors. The weighting criteria has
been defined on the basis of the composition of the EBITDA Cairo in the first quarter
of 2016 (80% Publishing - 20% Broadcasting). The said weighting is certainly cautious
for the purpose of the estimation as it classifies as Broadcasting all the activites of
Cairo complementary to the Publishing sector, but the aim of the evaluation allow for
this caution.The source of the data is the same used in the Fairness Opinion released
to date by the undersigned.

Shown below are the details:

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                           Pagina 11
[ROME 295812_1]

                                                                     EV/SALES                         EV/EBITDA
  Publishing Basket                                       31/12/16   31/12/17   31/12/18   31/12/16        31/12/17   31/12/18
  Arnaldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A.                         0.37x       0.36x     0.36x      5.23x           4.64x       4.49x
  Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A.                                    0.27x       0.26x     0.26x      11.35x          8.26x       6.99x
  Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso S.p.A.                      0.64x       0.64x     0.65x      6.39x           6.09x       5.36x
  Vocento S.A.                                             0.57x       0.57x     0.57x      6.15x           5.03x       4.66x
  RCS MediaGroup S.p.A.                                    0.84x       0.83x     0.82x      9.17x           8.20x       6.79x
  Promotiora de Informaciones SA                           1.64x       1.60x     1.55x      8.07x           7.38x       6.92x

  AVERAGE                                                  0.72x       0.71x     0.70x      7.73x           6.60x       5.87x

  Pondered weight on 1st Q 2016 data from                  80.0%      80.0%      80.0%      80.0%           80.0%      80.0%

  Broadcasting Basket                                     31/12/16   31/12/17   31/12/18   31/12/16        31/12/17   31/12/18
  Mediaset S.p.A.                                          1.75x       1.69x     1.64x      10.15x          8.78x       7.25x
  Television Francaise 1 SA                                0.74x       0.72x     0.70x      8.11x           6.47x       6.75x
  ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE                                  2.95x       2.73x     2.51x      10.84x          10.07x      9.47x
  Metropole Television SA                                  1.40x       1.38x     1.37x      5.94x           5.36x       5.22x
  Atresmedia de Medios de Comunicacion SA                  2.39x       2.29x     2.20x      11.75x          10.97x      9.60x
  ITV plc                                                  2.69x       2.59x     2.51x      8.98x           8.47x       8.04x
  Modern Times Group AB                                    1.02x       0.96x     0.90x      10.76x          9.76x       9.14x

  AVERAGE                                                  1.85x       1.77x     1.69x      9.50x           8.55x       7.92x

  Pondered weight on 1st Q 2016 data NOT from              20.0%      20.0%      20.0%      20.0%           20.0%      20.0%
                                                           0.95x       0.92x     0.90x      8.08x           6.99x       6.28x

The Data provided by Cairo (Sales, EBITDA and capital expenditures), together with
the presented multiples, have led to the quantification of the estimate of Cairo’s
fundamental values. The only adjustment intervention was made to the accounting
method for the television rights in relation to the capital expenditures highlighted,
included in the net costs for the reduction of the Ebitda indicated in the Plan, to align
the value to those within the companies included in the considered clusters. It is
relevant, to this extent, that the Ebitda values underlying the evaluation are by any
rate aligned on average with the consensus.

CAIRO VALUATION                                                                                 2017E                 2018E
Sales                                                                                            263.0                 289.0

Enterprise value with Publishing multiple
Enterprise value with multiple weighted average

EBITDA                                                                                              33.0               46.0
Adjustment for investments in TV rights by BP 2017-2018                                             3.8                8.4
ADJUSTED EBITDA                                                                                     29.2               37.6

Enterprise value with AVERAGE multiple                                                           192.7                 220.9
Enterprise value with multiple weighted average                                                  225.7                 272.5

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                                                                   Pagina 12
[ROME 295812_1]

From the Enterprise value, adjusting these values for the net financial position (1Q
2016), the benefits for the employees (31/12/2015), the deferred tax assets and
minority interests (both 31/12/2015), it was possible to reach the Cairo share values.
Detailed below are the results:

Cairo share value with EV/Sales 2017                           Cairo share value with EV/Ebitda 2017
                                                               Valore Cairo con multiplo Ebitda 2017     Publish       MMP
 Cairo value with 2017 Sales multiple       Publish MMP        EV actualized with 2017 Ebitda multiple    192,7       225,7
 EV actualized with 2017 Sales multiple      186,8   242,3     Net financial position (cash)              108,6       108,6
 Net financial position (cash)               108,6   108,6     Employee benefits                          (13,3)       (13,3)
                                                               Net deferred tax assets 2015 att.            4,2          4,2
 Employee benefits                            (13,3)  (13,3)   Minorities                                  (0,1)        (0,1)
 Net deferred tax assets 2015 att.              4,2     4,2    Equity Value                              292,1        325,1
 Minorities                                    (0,1)   (0,1)   No. of net shares                           78,3         78,3
 Equity Value                                286,2   341,7     Cairo’s Value per share                    3,73         4,15
 No. of net shares                            78,3    78,3
 Cairo’s Value per share                      3,65    4,36

Cairo share value with EV/Sales 2018                           Cairo share value with EV/Ebitda 2018
                                                               Cairo’s Value per share
Valore Cairo con multiplo Sales 2018      Publish     MMP      Valore Cairo con multiplo Ebitda 2018     Publish       MMP
EV actualized with 2018 Sales multiple     202,3     259,6     EV actualized with 2018 Ebitda multiple    220,9       272,5
Net financial position (cash)              108,6     108,6     Net financial position (cash)              108,6       108,6
Employee benefits                          (13,3)     (13,3)   Employee benefits                          (13,3)       (13,3)
Net deferred tax assets 2015 att.            4,2        4,2    Net deferred tax assets 2015 att.            4,2          4,2
Minorities                                  (0,1)      (0,1)   Minorities                                  (0,1)        (0,1)
Equity Value                              301,7      359,0     Equity Value                              320,3        371,8
No. of net shares                           78,3       78,3    No. of net shares                           78,3         78,3
                                                               Valore per azione Cairo
Cairo’s Value per share                    3,85       4,58                                                4,09         4,75

On the basis of these results, it was possible to reach 4 different ranges of exchange
ratios, against the value of the RCS shares, determined by means of the DCF and in a
range between 0.80 and 1.13 with an intermediate value of 0.95:

     1) exchange ratios from Publishing EV/Sales multiples 2017 and 2018,
     2) exchange ratios from Publishing EV/Ebitda multiples 2017 and 2018,
     3) exchange ratios from Publishing EV/Sales weighted average multiples 2017 and

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                                                                Pagina 13
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       4) exchange ratios from Publishing EV/Ebitda weighted average multiples 2017
              and 2018.

As further confirmation of the quality of the estimate of Cairo’s fundamental values
to which we arrived, we show the relationship existing between:

       i.       the multiples of the two clusters used in the Cairo evaluation;
       ii.      those indicated in the Cairo Supplement4;
       iii.     those implicit in the interval in the fundamental values expressed for the
                RCS securities using the DCF method.

It is therefore immediately possible to see that there is a high correlation level
between the multiples, which attests to the significance of the values estimated for

    Cf. page 66.

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                               Pagina 14
[ROME 295812_1]


The Fairness Opinion expressed on the date of 9 June 2016 was requested to the
Expert following the Communication of 17 June 2016 and the Cairo Supplement of 22
June 2016, with which the Offeror has increased the consideration offered to the
market compared to the provisions of the Offer Document of 28 May 2016,
increasing the consideration from 0.12 to 0.16.

In addition to communicating the bid increase to the market, on the same date some
relevant figures which related to the 2017-2018 Business Plan, approved by the
Board of directors on the same day were disclosed to the market: Sales, EBITDA and
Capex for the two-year period.

This made it impossible to objectively remove the majority of the issues already
flagged up in the Fairness Opinion, or the fact that it is not possible to apply the DCF
model in the determination of the unit value of the common shares of Cairo,
however it has allowed the Expert to make an inference by means of the application
of the market multiples methodology to the economic figures indicated and the
overcoming of the valuation limits attributable to the use of only the historical series
of the market prices. Since prospective information are available, the previous range
of fairness values indicated in the Fairness Opinion of 9 June 2016, which was solely
based on criteria derived from prices, premiums and historical forecasts, a
reconsideration was necessary. The Expert has now new information, concise but
with a prospective value for Cairo, which cannot be disregared for the purposes of a
fairness opinion for RCS shareholders.

Therefore, the use of the methodology of the multiples for determining a range of
values was declined according to two different clusters of comparable companies and
in a case weighted according to the mix of Ebitda detected for Cairo in 1Q 2016. The
application of the multiples method has made it possible to define a range of

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                            Pagina 15
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minimum, average and maximum values for the Cairo share, which have been
compared with the equivalent values of RCS, determined using the DCF method,
defining the exchange ratios.

At the end of the path set out, the ranges of fairness determined on the basis of all
observations can be summarised.

Summary of the results

                EBITDA  Ebitda '17-'18
                          Multiples    MediWeighted
                                    ’17-’18 Ponderati                                               0,19                      0,24

  Concambi conwith
    Exchanges  Multipli
                   SalesSales '17-'18
                         Multiples    MediWeighted
                                   ’17-’18 Ponderati                                         0,18                                  0,25

      Concambi con Multipli Ebitda '17-'18 Publishing                                                         0,21                           0,28
Exchanges with EBITDA Multiples ’17-’18 Publishing

       Concambi con Multipli Sales '17-'18 Publishing                                                             0,22                               0,29
    Exchanges with Sales Multiples ’17-’18 Publishing

                                           Consensus                   0,15                                0,20

                                             PMP OPA                                          0,19           0,20
                                          WAP PTO

                                                  PMP          0,14          0,14

                                                        0,12          0,14          0,16      0,18         0,20      0,22   0,24      0,26   0,28     0,30

                                                                                              Riquadro delle medie dei minimi
                                                                                           Table of the average of the minimums
                                                                                                  (0,19) e dei massimi (0,23)
                                                                                           (0.19) and of the maximums (0.23)

It is evident from the examination of the summaries of the results that the only case
in which the exchange ratio of 0.16 offered by Cairo in the Increased Bid appears to
be fair, in light of the new set of information made available, can be attributed to the
WAP method of the historical series of the stock market quotations considered on
the 3-6 month time frame. It is therefore important for the Expert, in the formation
of the measures on which it is to base his fairness opinion, the additional set made
available by Cairo with the publication of the “Company Overview and Business Plan
2017-2018,” in which it is indicated, in summary or graphic form, some important

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                                                                                                 Pagina 16
[ROME 295812_1]

economic variables. This document does not allow for a precise application of a DCF
model, because it lacks an analytical grade of indispensable detail for the
determination of the fundamental value of the Bidder. However, it makes it possible
to make an estimate of that value on the basis of multiples of the market and some
of the necessary balance sheet in the Financial Statements as of December 2015 and
in the Interim Management Report as of 31 March 2016, in order to compare this
value with what is determined based on the DCF method for the RCS by the

In the case of the exchange ratios determined on the basis of the premiums of the
PTOs on a sample of similar transactions completed up to February 2016 on the
Italian market, of the target prices of the analysts, both of which were expressed in
the previous Fairness Opinon, and in the application of the multiples of comparable
companies, a situation of total incongruity of the values offered clearly occurs.

Although the undersigned deems most relevant the methods based on the
prospective information as compared with those that use historical information,
because the former permit an approximation of the fundamental value of the
securities of the Bidder and the Issuer, it has been decided to summarize the final
indication by means of a simple arithmetic average of the different ranges
determined, as already done in the Fairness opinion issued on 9 June 2016 and in
order to maintain the opinion free of elements of subjectivity.

From this it is possible to derive a fairness range between 0.19 and 0.23, which implies
an assessment of NON-FAIRNESS of the consideration of 0.16 offered by Cairo in its bid

  In support of the conclusion, significant evidence is invoked. On 21 June 2016, Equita Sim has published a research
regarding the transaction. It arrives at an evaluation of Cairo on a stand-alone basis and before considering any
synergy arising from any positive conclusion of the OPSC, an intermediate value of € 5, with a Wacc of 6% and a g of
1%. Dividing the intermediate value of RCS obtained by the undersigned with the DCF method, equal to EUR 0.95 by

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                                                      Pagina 17
[ROME 295812_1]

Milan, 24 June 2016

                                                                                       In witness whereof

                                                                                        Prof. Roberto Tasca

the value of EUR 5, reaching an exchange ratio of 0.19. An value that is exactly aligned in relation to the range reached
by the undersigned as an average of the different evaluations made.

Prof. Roberto TASCA                                                                                          Pagina 18
[ROME 295812_1]
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