INNOVATION IN THE HUB! - YOUR GUIDE TO June 12-15, 2022 | San Antonio, Texas USA - American Water Works Association

Page created by Katherine Thornton
INNOVATION IN THE HUB! - YOUR GUIDE TO June 12-15, 2022 | San Antonio, Texas USA - American Water Works Association
June 12–15, 2022 | San Antonio, Texas USA
  June 12–15, 2022 | San Antonio, Texas USA
                                                IN THE HUB!

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INNOVATION IN THE HUB! - YOUR GUIDE TO June 12-15, 2022 | San Antonio, Texas USA - American Water Works Association
June 12–15, 2022 | San Antonio, Texas USA
                              Powered by

The Innovation Hub is a curated space designed to celebrate and embrace change. If
you are looking for a place to showcase your innovative solutions that help solve water
sector challenges — you can find it here! At ACE22 the hub-and-spoke concept forms
the basis for the Innovation Hub, which is also projected in Isle Utilities’ logo, our                  Brand
partner in innovation. The center of the Hub is a space for people to come together
and share ideas. Branching out of the Hub are the Spokes which are the linked
benefits that Sponsors can expect as the attendees navigate
throughout the Hub.
                                                                             Traffic                                             Leadership

                                                                                                INNOVATION HUB

Consultant                               Academia                           Engagement                                          Inspiration


                                                                       The center of the Innovation Hub is a relaxed space for people to
                                                                       come together and share ideas.
Utilities are the Hub or center of AWWA’s Innovation                   Additionally, AWWA’s Innovation Initiative encourages those
Initiative with other stakeholders feeding into the                    in the water sector to embrace innovation. And like the
utility’s success.
                                                                       Innovation Hub Program, the Innovation Initiative strives
                                                                       to inspire utilities to implement innovative thinking and
  TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                    best practices. AWWA’s approach to helping utilities is to
                                                                       advance an innovative culture and structure to address
  INFORMATION &                                                        the challenges facing the water industry today.
  APPLICATION 		                          3-6
  & APPLICATION 		                        7

June 12–15, 2022 | San Antonio, Texas USA

WHO SHOULD APPLY TO EXHIBIT?                                               DRIVE TRAFFIC TO YOUR SPACE
The mission of the Innovation Hub is to showcase lesser-known              6 Take advantage of the attendee mailing list (list will be sent to
technologies and solutions, by offering those companies a price               the main contact by email, approximately 6 weeks prior to the
break in order to participate.                                                event): send a direct mail piece which includes a teaser for a
                                                                              product release or to set up in-person meetings during ACE22
Those who meet the following criteria should apply:
                                                                           6 To stand out you must market your participation inside the
6 Field validation in water or overlapping industries,                        Innovation Hub: direct mail, email, create a newsletter
  via pilot testing or full scale installations.                           6 Partner with exhibitors to show your involvement and credibility
6 Product must provide a clear advantage over                              6 Highlight your participation using Social Media promotion—
  traditional solutions already on the market.                               include hashtags #AWWAACE and #ACE22
6 Company generates less than $5m in revenue.
                                                                           INNOVATION HUB SPACE INCLUDES:
                                                                           6 Space within the Innovation Hub, which is
1. Fill out the Innovation Hub Application form found in 		                  centrally-located in the Exhibit Hall
   this document (both sides). Please print clearly and provide
                                                                           6 Furnishings: one high-top cocktail table (42 inches high
   complete information.
                                                                             x 36 inches wide), two stools, carpeting and signage
2. Email completed form to:               6 Company name and description listed in the mobile app
                                                                             and in the Onsite Program, if received by cutoff deadlines
3. Applicants will be notified within 10 business days whether
   application has been accepted.                                          6 Two (2) Exhibitor Full-Conference registrations
                                                                             (technical sessions and exhibits, no lunch)

RATES                                                                      6 Exhibit Hall 24-hour perimeter security
                                                                           6 Exhibitor access to the Exhibit Hall, professional
        First Year Exhibitors            Second Year Exhibitors              sessions and networking events
       By               After             By             After             6 ACE22 Conference Proceedings for registered booth staff
  April 7, 2022      April 7, 2022   April 7, 2022    April 7, 2022        Pull-up banners are NOT allowed in the Innovation Hub. The exhibiting company is
     $3,000             $3,200         $3,425            $3,625            responsible for ordering electricity if needed.

  June 12-15, 2022

  San Antonio, Texas

  Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center

  Exhibit Halls 1-4                                                       View the ACE22 interactive floor plan:
June 12–15, 2022 | San Antonio, Texas USA

EXPOSITION HOURS*                                                       CANCELLATION POLICY & IMPORTANT DATES
Monday, June 13		               10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.                    All cancellations must be submitted to AWWA in writing.
Tuesday, June 14		              9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.                     Cancellations via email to
Wednesday, June 15              10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.                    are acceptable.

EXHIBITOR ACCESS*                                                       6 Full Payment is due at receipt of invoice.

Two hours prior to official Exhibit Hall hours and one hour post.       6 After Thursday, April 7, 2022: No refund will be
                                                                          made. AWWA reserves the right to resell the space.
DEDICATED TIME WITH EXHIBITORS*                                         For more detailed information, view the
Monday, June 13		               10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.                    AWWA exhibitor terms and conditions at
Wednesday, June 15              11:45 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

Thursday, June 9		              8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
                                                                         Important: Official Contractors
Friday, June 10		               8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.                      AWWA has been made aware of several ‘unofficial’ companies
Saturday, June 11               8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.                      contacting ACE exhibitors by phone and email, in an effort to
Sunday, June 12		               8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.                      solicit business; hotel rooms, attendee lists, booth design, etc.
                                                                         If you are contacted by a company that doesn’t seem legitimate,
                                                                         please contact with details.
Wednesday, June 15              2:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 16               8:00 a.m.–noon                           AWWA does not provide our exhibitor lists to companies’ other
*Hours are subject to change.                                            than our official partners: Freeman, Par Avion, TPNI and the
                                                                         Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center and their affiliates.

Innovation Hub Exhibitor Application
                                                                 AWWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXPOSITION
                                                                 June 12–15, 2022 | San Antonio, TX
June 12–15, 2022 | San Antonio, Texas USA
Please print clearly and complete the two page application.
Applications will not be processed without complete information, and signature.
Email completed form to:


Headquarters Location

In what countries do you currently
do business?

How many commercial clients & installations do
you have for this product (please specify how
many are in North America)?

If you do not have any commercial installations,
please describe recent successful pilots.

Will you have at least one person at the booth
at all times?

Please provide this product’s and your
company’s annual revenue.

Why do you want to have a space within the
Innovation Hub?


Company Name

Company Website

Main Exhibit Contact Person to receive materials, correspondence, and billing from AWWA

Street Address

City 							                                                                                             State/Province                     ZIP/Postal Code                  Country

Phone Number			                                                                                   E-mail (main exhibit contact person)

List companies from which you desire booth separation (identify by competitor company name, NOT by products):

                                Questions? Contact us! 202.774.7458 |

 Date Received______________________________ Order Number_____________________________________Booth #________________________________ AWWA signature________________________________________________________________________

DESCRIPTION: Please provide a company or product description below to be used for attendee materials. (Limit 225 characters
{NOT WORDS} – Including spacing and punctuation).
June 12–15, 2022 | San Antonio, Texas USA

ZONE HOST CATEGORY LISTING: To help attendees find technologies of interest before and during ACE. Please choose ONE of

     Intelligent Water                                  Distribution System Analysis / Equip.             Water Supply/ Wastewater/
     Resilient Utilities                                Software
                                                                                                            Aquifer/Watershed
     Water Quality                                      Conservation
                                                                                                            Biosolids Handling
     Infrastructure Solutions                           Management / Consultant / Services.

     Monitoring / Equipment

Notice of cancellation must be given to AWWA in writing. Cancellation by an exhibitor of any portion of exhibit space reserved
results in the following, if written cancellation notice is received by AWWA on or before the dates listed:

          • On or prior to Thursday, April 7, 2022: 25% of the total paid booth space will be forfeited to AWWA.

          • After Thursday, April 7, 2022: No refund will be made. AWWA reserves the right to resell the space.

Please make sure this entire form is filled out with complete information and signed before submitting.

I am applying for space in the Innovation Hub for the First Time.              I am applying for space in the Innovation Hub for the Second Time.

$3,000.00 on or before April 7, 2022 $3,200.00 after April 7th                  $3,425.00 on or before April 7, 2022 $3,625 after April 7th

Prices increase after April 7, 2022.

You will receive an email with your invoice and instructions                 We hereby agree to:
for processing payment, 10 business days after your
application has been accepted.                                                bide by all Exhibitor Contractual Terms
                                                                             and Conditions (See on the web at
Payment is due upon receipt of invoice.                            

                                                                              s part of this event registration; personal contact data
                                                                             such as name, address, and email will be collected and
                                                                             used by AWWA Show Management and approved third-
                                                                             parties affiliated with ACE22. See AWWA privacy policy
                                                                             ( for additional information.

                                                                             Note: AWWA reserves the right to relocate your booth if
                                                                             deemed necessary.
      Thank you! We look forward to
           working with you.                                                 Agree for Innovation Hub Exhibitor:

                                                                             Name (print):__________________________________________________________

                                                                             Title: __________________________________________________________________ _

                                                                             Signature: _____________________________________________________________

June 12–15, 2022 | San Antonio, Texas USA

Each year the Innovation Hub continues to grow and offers                NEW! INNOVATIONS CABANA HOST
exciting new professional sessions meant to stimulate innovative         Scaleups and startups alike will find the Innovations Hub a perfect
thinking and best practices. The centralized “hub” provides a            place to showcase their cutting-edge innovation - within their own
place for thought leaders to come together and share creative            space - in one of the Innovation Stations. These 10’x10’ stations
ideas and designs, and fosters connections and collaboration.            will be uniquely designed by each Sponsor and will serve as an
                                                                         excellent exchange platform to disseminate your latest findings,
ZONE SPONSOR                                                             designs, and ideas, all in a private space.
The sponsorship opportunities were also developed with the hub
and spoke concept in mind with the nucleus surrounded by four
linked Technology Zones from the “spokes.” Sponsors can find a
perfect spot within one of the water themed Zones to showcase
their leading-edge products and services.


55+22+104321P 22+17+111053P
ATTENDEE BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION TYPE                                              JOB FUNCTION


                   3% 2%                                                                 3%
              3%                                                                   5%
         4%                                                                                                 22%
                                                                           10%   n Engineering
              nP ublic Water Supply                                             n Management
                Utility—Municipal                                                n Operations: Finance &
 10%          n Consulting Firm                                                  Purchasing, IT, HR, Legal
              n Government                                                       n Operators
              n Educational Institutions                                         n Sales & Marketing
              n Contractor                                                       n Executive
              nP ublic Water Supply Utility—                                    n Administrative/Customer
                Investor                                                            Service/Communications        17%
              nP rivate Industrial System or                                    n S cientific/Research/
                Water Wholesaler                                     11%            Education
       22%    n Research Lab                                                     n Public/Elected Official

                                                                                   11%            11%

  Isle Utilities
  Director of Operations: Brittany Burch | C - 202-774-7458 |

  AWWA East and Southeast United States, Asia, Australia, Canada, and South America
  Senior Sales Manager: Pam Fithian | D - 303.347.6138 | C - 720.315.5407 |

  AWWA West and Midwest United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Europe, Israel, and Mexico
  Sales Manager: Donna Walstrom | D - 303.734.3601 | C - 720.829.7851 |

June 12–15, 2022 | San Antonio, Texas USA

SPONSORSHIP                                                                   All ACE Innovation Hub Sponsors Can Enjoy:

                                                                              6 Sponsor logo included in Innovation Hub brochure,
                                                                                distributed on-site to ACE22 attendees
                                                                              6 Two (2) Exhibitor Full-Conference registrations
Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please contact:                               (professional sessions and exhibits, no lunch)
Brittany Burch | | 202.774.7458              6 ACE22 Pre-and-Post Attendee Mailing List
Pam Fithian | | 303.347.6138
Donna Walstrom | | 303.734.3601

INNOVATION CABANA HOST – SOLD |                                        CYBEER FEST – SOLD | 3 AVAILABLE | $7,500
3 AVAILABLE | $15,000                                                  Sponsors of CyBEER Fest will provide attendees the opportunity
Set yourself apart from the rest and define your company’s brand       to meet other water technology professionals in a casual setting,
as a leader in innovation.                                             in addition to having a presence in the Innovation Hub Lounge
                                                                       throughout the 3-day exhibit.
6 Dedicated alcove, branded with host’s company name and logo
6 Furniture provided includes two (2) loveseats and coffee table       This event will be held on the first day of the ACE22 Exhibit Hall,
                                                                       Monday, June 13, between 4:00–5:00 p.m. Beer and nonalcoholic
6 Electrical will be provided.                                         refreshments will be served.
6 Sponsor has ability to provide their own design within
  the space at additional cost (i.e. video monitors,                   6 Sponsor recognized at the beginning of
  lighting, literature stand, side tables, etc…)                         CyBEER Fest as event patron.

6 Ten-minute presentation slot during Hub                              6 Sponsor logo displayed within the Innovation
  Professional Program to tell your unique story                         Hub Lounge for all 3 days of the exhibit.

6 Host may use this dedicated space for meetings,                      6 Sponsor logo displayed on signage during the CyBEER Fest.
  presentations, and other small-scale functions                       6 Sponsor permitted to hand out marketing
ZONE SPONORS | 4 AVAILABLE | $7,000                                      materials during event.

As a Zone Host you may sponsor a Zone within the Innovation            NO WATER, NO BEER KOOZIES – SOLD |
Hub that aligns with your company’s value proposition.                 EXCLUSIVE | $3,000
                                                                       Sponsor logo displayed along with AWWA No Water No Beer logo
6 Sponsor logo displayed on outside of Zone curved
                                                                       on beverage koozies provided to attendees by bartenders.
  wall during all three days of the ACE22 Exhibit Hall
6 Video Monitor on inside of Zone curved wall
  with your video content playing for all three days
  of the ACE22 Exhibit Hall. No audio.
6 Sponsor to kick off “sandbox session” for their
  associated Zone with a 5 minute presentation.
                                                                               Have an idea of a sponsorship that would
                                                                               better fit your needs and works into the
                                                                               relaxed gathering area of the Innovation
                                                                               Hub? Let us know and we will customize
                                                                               a package for you.

June 12–15, 2022 | San Antonio, Texas USA

To register for an Innovation Hub sponsorship, please complete this form and email to Brittany Burch at:
Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person:_____________________________________________Title: ________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________State/Province: ______________________________________________ ZIP/Postal Code: ____________________
Country: __________________________________________________Phone: ________________________________________________________________
Email:________________________________________ Company Website:________________________________________________________________
Please indicate selected sponsorship:
 Innovation Cabana Host $15,000 (sold)                    No Water, No Beer Koozies $3,000 (sold)
 Zone Sponsor $7,000
 CyBeer + Lounge Host $5,000 (sold)

1. Abide by all rules and regulations posted at

2. Enclose payment to AWWA in US funds for the total amount due.
3. As part of this event registration; personal contact data such as name, address, and email will be collected and used by AWWA
   Show Management and approved third-parties affiliated with ACE22. See AWWA privacy policy ( for
   additional information.
By signing here, I am confirming that I am an authorized agent of the above-referenced company to commit to this sponsorship.
All reserved sponsorships are noncancellable and nonrefundable. Total cost is due immediately after invoice is received to secure
the sponsorship.
Title: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________

Sponsorships are nonrefundable and are nontransferable. To be included in the recognition that will be promoted in the ACE22
Innovation Hub brochure, application and full payment must be received. If company logo changes after approval, sponsor
must notify AWWA.

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