Production of Hybrid Catfish
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Southern Regional SRAC Publication No. 190 June 2012 Aquaculture Center Revision VI PR Production of Hybrid Catfish Rex Dunham1 and Michael Masser2 The mating or crossing of two different species is a ■■ tolerance of crowded growth conditions in ponds, process called hybridization, with the offspring known ■■ uniformity in size and shape, as hybrids. When a hybrid has characteristics superior ■■ higher dressout percentage and fillet yield, to both parents it is said to have hybrid vigor or posi- ■■ increased harvestability by seining, and tive heterosis, which, of course, is the ultimate breeding ■■ increased vulnerability to angling. goal. Genetic enhancement programs attempt to develop The performance of the C×B hybrid has been confirmed hybrids that are either superior to their parent species for on commercial catfish farms. Twenty years ago, C×B individual traits or whose overall performance for several hybrid technology was not economically feasible. The traits makes them economically more profitable than gametes (sperm and eggs) are compatible, but the two spe- their parent species. cies seldom mate with one another because of behavioral Hybrids between the seven major species of North incompatibility, preferences in spawning environments, or American catfish (ictalurids) were first researched and other factors. However, recent advances in artificial spawn- evaluated in 1966. Of these 42 different interspecific ing and fertilization techniques have improved fry produc- catfish hybrids (crosses between two distinct species), tion and made it economically feasible. Another important only one has characteristics that would favor commer- development has been the use of different strains of chan- cial application compared to the prominently cultured nel catfish and blue catfish to make the hybrid, which has channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). That hybrid is the produced genetically distinct C×B hybrids with even more channel catfish female × blue catfish (I. furcatus) male superior production characteristics. (denoted as the C×B hybrid). It is important to note that mating the male channel catfish with the female blue catfish does not produce a hybrid with the same superior Identifying the C×B hybrid production characteristics as the C×B hybrid. The channel catfish has a gentle slope from the tip Research on C×B hybrids has demonstrated that they of the snout to the base of the dorsal fin and is spotted. are genetically improved for several commercially desir- It has high-set eyes; long, thick lateral barbels (whis- able characteristics. This improved performance for many kers); and a rounded anal fin with 24 to 26 fin rays. The commercial traits in a single cross is unusual, making the blue catfish has a steep slope from the tip of the snout C×B hybrid the best example of genetic improvement ever to the base of the dorsal fin, giving it the appearance attained in aquaculture in regard to overall performance. of a “hump.” It has no spots (except the Rio Grande The C×B hybrid is superior to channel catfish because strain); the eyes are set lower than in the channel; it has of its short, light colored, thin lateral barbels and a straight or ■■ faster growth, squared anal fin with 30 to 36 fin rays (Fig. 1). The C×B ■■ better feed conversion, hybrid looks much more like the blue catfish than the ■■ tolerance of low oxygen, channel catfish. The hybrid has a steep slope from the ■■ increased resistance to many diseases, tip of the snout to the base of the dorsal fin, so it has the “humped” appearance. It has few or no spots (unless the Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures, Auburn University 1 Rio Grande blue is used in the cross); the eyes are set low; Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University 2
swim bladder (Fig. 2). Blue catfish have a long, narrow, bi-lobed swim bladder (two distinct chambers). The C×B hybrid also has a bi-lobed swim bladder, but the first cham- ber close to the head of the fish has a large, heart-shaped lobe while the second lobe is a small, attached protrusion. Production characteristics of C×B hybrids Growth and feed conversion In early experiments, C×B hybrids grew about 20 percent better than commonly cultured strains of channel catfish. However, recent research using selected parental strains of channel catfish and blue catfish have shown that the C×B hybrid can grow twice as fast as commercial strains of channel catfish, depending on environmental conditions. With good culture practices, an increase in growth rate of 25 percent or more is not unusual. This increased growth is due to a combination of increased food Figure 1. External characteristics of channel catfish, blue catfish, and C×B consumption and improved feed conversion efficiency. hybrid catfish. In general, C×B hybrids grow faster than channel catfish in both single-batch and multiple-batch (mixed size populations in the pond) systems. The growth advantage the barbels are intermediate; and it has a straight anal fin of the hybrid increases when stocking density increases, with an intermediate number of fin rays (usually 28). although the overall risk of fish loss will obviously increase With the increasing popularity of C×B hybrids, farmers with density. Fingerling C×B hybrids out-perform channel may wonder how to verify that the fingerlings they purchase catfish fingerlings at all densities when grown to food-size are actually F1 C×B hybrids. The morphological appearance fish. If fry are stocked at low densities (less than 60,000 per described above is a good indicator of C×B hybrid identity, acre), the C×B hybrids grow at the same rate as or slower but it may not be obvious to all fish culturists. The use of than channel catfish fingerlings until they reach a length DNA analysis for identification is definitive. of approximately 6 inches; after that the C×B hybrids grow In the field, there is a quick, easy technique for verifi- faster. When stocked at 100,000 per acre or more, C×B cation. Channel catfish have a single, lobed, heart-shaped hybrid fingerlings generally grow 50 percent faster than channel catfish fingerlings. In general, the C×B hybrid displays its superior growth in the second year, and this growth difference is even more pronounced at densities of 7,000 to 22,000 per acre. Experiments comparing channel catfish to C×B hybrids suggest that the hybrids grow faster because they Channel (female) Blue (male) Channel × Blue start feeding earlier in the spring and because feed con- (female) (male) version in C×B hybrids averages 10 to 15 percent better than in channel catfish. On-farm feed conversion of C×B hybrids is 10 to 20 percent better than channel catfish. Effects of parental strain The parental strain of channel catfish and blue catfish affects the performance of the C×B hybrid for several traits. Blue (female) Channel (male) Blue × Channel In some experiments, the C×B hybrid did not grow as fast (female) (male) as some strains of channel catfish or blue catfish not used to make the hybrid. When C×B hybrids are produced by 0 10 20 30 mm crossing superior strains of channel and blue catfish, these hybrids out-perform the parental strains for growth in open Figure 2. Swim bladders. ponds. Hybrids always outgrow their parent strains. 2
The strain of the parents also affects characteristics equipment is adjusted or designed for hybrids, the advan- such as dressout percentage, body composition, seinabil- tage of the hybrid may be increased even further. ity, angling vulnerability, and tolerance to low oxygen. Harvestability Uniformity One of the most important traits of the C×B hybrid is The uniformity of growth and body shape of hybrids its seinability. The hybrid is generally two to three times is superior to that of channel catfish but not superior to easier to catch by seining than channel catfish. This makes blue catfish. C×B hybrid fingerlings produced at high den- the hybrid better suited for all open-pond culture sys- sities (200,000 per acre) are not particularly uniform, but tems, particularly where seining of large channel catfish is fingerlings produced at lower densities have very uniform problematic and ponds are seldom completely drained for growth. Research has shown that the body shape, weight harvest. Hybrids in hill ponds are also easier to trap than and length of the C×B hybrid are more uniform than in channel catfish and more susceptible to angling. In fact, channel catfish. the C×B hybrid is about twice as easy to catch by hook- and-line as the channel catfish, a trait that has important Survival and disease resistance implications for fee-fishing and recreational fisheries. Many disease problems in the channel catfish industry Commercial observations indicate that virtually all could be reduced by culturing C×B hybrids because hybrids of the hybrids in a pond can be captured in two or three survive better in all growth phases. In 30 years of research seine hauls, whereas five or more seine hauls will not har- at Auburn University, hybrid fingerling survival has aver- vest all of the channel catfish in a pond. aged 80 to 85 percent and food-fish survival has averaged Seinability is an undervalued trait. Harvest costs 90 percent. On-farm survival rates are similar. In contrast, increase with each seining required. The efficient removal the average survival of channel catfish fingerlings is 50 to of fish maximizes the number that can be sold, alleviates 60 percent, and the survival of food-sized channel catfish is the problem of leaving fish that will grow larger than the approximately 70 percent. Although the C×B hybrid is not desirable processing size, improves feed conversion effi- totally resistant to disease, it is more resistant than chan- ciency, and reduces losses from disease and predation. nel catfish to columnaris (Flexibacter columnare), enteric septicemia of catfish (Edwardsiella ictaluri), aeromonas Potential harvest problems and solutions (Aeromonas hydrophila), Ich (Ichthyophthirius multifilis), Traditional seines and grading socks do not work and channel catfish virus. Field observations indicate that well with C×B hybrids if they do not match the size of the the hybrid may be more vulnerable to E. tarda, but they hybrids correctly. The hybrid has a small head and sharp respond readily to treatment. spines inherited from the paternal blue catfish. When hybrids are selectively graded by traditional equipment, Carcass yield they tend to gill themselves in the netting, creating a han- Dressout percentage and fillet percentage are gener- dling and stress problem (for both fish and people). ally higher for the C×B hybrid than for channel catfish This problem can be overcome in two ways. Seining based on small-scale research and on data collected in the pond with a 1-inch mesh seine followed by grading processing plants. The hybrid has this advantage in all with the side-panel grader developed by David Heikes at months of the year. the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (a 1-inch mesh The uniform body shape of the hybrid should increase sock with flexible PVC grading panels on one side of the dressout percentage in processing plants using automatic sock) eliminates the gilling problem. In the case of a sin- processing equipment because the equipment can make gle-crop system, the problem is solved by using a smaller more precise cuts and achieve maximum carcass yield. mesh seine than normally used for channel catfish. However, uniformity in body size could be a problem, as fish that are too uniform will not use all the processing Production expectations lines simultaneously, which could reduce processing plant Research and commercial trials in Alabama and efficiency. Mississippi have shown that C×B hybrid fry stocked in There has been some concern that automated process- May or early June at 100,000 fry per acre can yield 7,000 ing machines would have to be reset to accommodate the to 10,000 pounds of fingerlings per acre by late October. hybrid’s body shape. However, recent observations have If these fingerlings (7+ inches) are stocked in a single-crop shown that the hybrid can be processed by the same equip- system at 3,000 fish per acre in the spring, 5,500 pounds ment used for channel catfish without any adjustments, still of marketable fish should be ready for harvest in the fall. resulting in increased dressout and fillet yield. If processing If stocked at 5,000 fingerlings per acre, 9,000 pounds of 3
marketable fish should be ready for harvest in the fall. of the female channel catfish spawned. In these cases it This production level requires near satiation feeding and appears that the sexes were not properly identified (i.e., adequate aeration to sustain the fish. not only female channel catfish and male blue catfish Production will vary from pond to pond and farm to were stocked) and fish of the same species were able to farm depending upon environmental conditions, inputs reproduce. Thus, no hybrids were actually produced. (such as feed and aeration), depth of the pond, and the Therefore, the open-pond spawning of channel catfish skill of the farmer. However, it is not unreasonable to with blue catfish to produce C×B hybrids cannot be average 12,000 to 13,000 pounds per acre of C×B hybrid recommended. catfish with a stocking density of 6,000 fish per acre, and 7,500 to 9,000 pounds per acre should be easy to achieve. Pen spawning If split ponds or in-pond raceways are used, 20,000 Pen spawning is a more consistent way of producing pounds of C×B hybrid catfish per acre may be harvested. C×B hybrids than open-pond spawning. Pens should be similar to those used in traditional channel catfish spawn- Production systems ing. Spawning pens are constructed next to the bank Hybrids are well suited for a variety of production of the pond, using treated lumber driven into the pond systems currently used in the catfish industry. They are bottom and plastic mesh or plastic-coated wire mesh for advantageous in traditional multi-batch or modular sys- sides. The mesh (1/2- to 2-inch) should allow for adequate tems if the panel grader is used. They are almost essential water circulation. Most spawning pens have dimensions for split-pond and in-pond raceway systems to work prop- of 4 x 6 or 4 x 8 feet. Spawning containers must be large erly. They are particularly well suited for single-crop sys- enough to accommodate the size of the male blue catfish. tems, which are not widespread. More research needs to Male blue catfish and female channel catfish are indi- be done in this area. By altering the size of the fingerlings vidually paired in pens when the water temperature at the stocked, the stocking density, and the timing of stock- depth of the spawning container is between 75 and 82 °F ing, and coordinating this within a single farm or among at sunrise. Male blue catfish should be placed in the pens farms, a single-crop system should be able to produce a a day or two before the female channel catfish. Female year-round supply of C×B hybrids. This would yield even channel catfish should show the classic signs of readiness better feed conversion, production, and harvest efficiency, for spawning, including a soft, distended belly and, prefer- while providing the variety of sizes needed to efficiently ably, a genital opening that is red and swollen. Female use all production lines in a processing plant. channel catfish are injected with luteinizing hormone analog (LHRHa) at 100 µg/kg to induce ovulation and Spawning methods mating with blue catfish. If mating occurs, spawns will usually be found 72 There are three basic spawning techniques: open- hours after the female is introduced into the pen. In pond spawning, pen spawning, and artificial fertilization rare cases, spawning has occurred up to a week after the (induced ovulation followed by hand stripping). Artificial female is introduced. fertilization is the most productive and consistent tech- Pen spawning success has been as high as 100 percent, nique for making C×B hybrid catfish. but the usual result is 0 to 20 percent success. Average Most channel catfish do not become sexually mature spawning success over 14 years of continuous research until at least 3 years of age, and most blue catfish do at Auburn University was approximately 15 percent. not become mature until at least 5 years of age. Chan- Therefore, pen spawning is not considered a dependable nel catfish females 4 to 5 years old are the most reliable method of producing C×B hybrid fry. for hybridization early in the spawning season. Using The strains of blue catfish or channel catfish used younger females at the end of the spawning season can affect the success of pen spawning because some strains extend the season if brood fish are kept in deep, cool are more likely to hybridize with the other species. Blue ponds. If multiple year classes are prepared in the same catfish males of the AU-1 strain have a high hybridiza- pond and are underfed, the younger, smaller fish may not tion rate with channel catfish females. For 2 consecutive compete well and not become gravid. years these males had a high spawning and hybridization rate (50 to 60 percent), but in the third year no spawn- Open-pond spawning ing occurred. Obviously, this is an unacceptable level of Open-pond spawning is not a consistent way to risk, so pen spawning to produce C×B hybrids cannot be produce C×B hybrids. Usually, no spawns occur, but recommended. there have been rare instances when up to 33 percent 4
Artificial spawning/fertilization production. The pituitary extracts are inferior to LHRHa Artificial fertilization technology made C×B hybrid but have the advantage of synchronizing ovulation production possible in the catfish industry. Ten years ago, among females better than other spawning aids. Pituitary approximately 1 million C×B hybrid fry were produced. In extracts are powerful for ovulation and release of eggs, but 2011 that figure had risen to approximately 100 million. The often the eggs are of lower quality and have a lower hatch entire industry could be converted to hybrids in 2 years if rate compared to LHRHa. the industry demanded the change. If properly conducted, LHRHa can be administered as an injection or an the artificial spawning of female channel catfish should be implant, although implants produce the overall best and 67 to 100 percent successful. The following protocol has most consistent fry output. Implants are also advanta- been the most successful in producing C×B hybrids. geous late in the spawning season and require only a Female channel catfish brood stock should be fed a single administration (injection of the implant), whereas commercially manufactured 36 percent protein diet 3 injectable LHRHa is given in two injections several hours days a week during summer and fall. During March-May apart for best results. they should be stocked at no more than 1,500 pounds LHRHa or pituitary extract should be administered per acre and fed 3 to 5 days a week with a commercially no more than 2 days after females are seined from ponds manufactured 36 percent protein diet containing 500 and brought to the holding vats in the hatchery. In the ppm vitamin C, 6 percent animal/fish protein, and 6 to case of the injectables, the first injection (called the 10 percent marine fish oil. Male blue catfish should be priming dose) should be made about 12 hours before the stocked and fed in a similar fashion, but they also benefit second injection or resolving dose. It is essential to weigh from forage fish. each female accurately in kilograms so that precise doses Females selected for injection should have soft, dis- can be calculated. tended bellies and, preferably, red, swollen genital open- The first injection of pituitary extract at 2 mg/kg of ings. Selected females are placed in spawning bags (the body weight should be administered intraperitoneally same as ¼-inch mesh laundry bags, Fig. 3) suspended in (into the body cavity under the base of one of the pelvic holding vats. Water flow and aeration in the vats should fins). This can be done just before placing the female in maintain total ammonia near 0 mg/L and dissolved oxy- the spawning bag or the injection can be administered gen above 6 mg/L. Ideal water temperature is 82 °F, but through the mesh of the bag. Then the female should be positive results can be obtained between 72 and 86 °F. suspended in her bag, which is hung upon wooden dow- Females are induced to ovulate with LHRHa, carp els, boards or other appropriate rods lying across the top pituitary extract (CPE), or channel catfish pituitary of the vat. The second injection is given 12 hours after the extract (CCPE). The first ovulating agent used to spawn first injection, at a dose of 8 mg/kg of body weight. Thirty- catfish was human chorionic gonadotropin, but this six hours after the first injection, most of the female hormone yields unacceptably low ovulation and fry channel catfish should be ready to ovulate and be hand stripped if they have been held at 80 to 82 °F. Females will begin releasing eggs into the bags. The bags are gently lifted and examined in the water; if eggs are detected, the female is ready for hand stripping. At colder temperatures, the process of ovulation is slowed. The same procedure is used for LHRHa injections. Early in the spawning season, the most effective dose is 30 µg/kg for the priming dose and 150 µg/kg for the resolving dose. Once the peak of the spawning season is reached, the dose should be reduced to 20 µg/kg for the priming dose and 100 µg/kg for the resolving dose. LHRHa gives better fry output than pituitary extract, but the timing of ovulation will vary more. The first ovula- tions usually occur 40 to 44 hours after the first injection, but some females will ovulate and produce high quality eggs up to 60 hours after the first injection. Once peak spawning is reached, the first check for eggs should be done 34 to 36 hours after injection, as the earliest ovulat- Figure 3. Spawning bags. ing fish may release eggs at this time. 5
Fish given implants have the most consistent and the eral rule, it takes one male to fertilize five to ten females, overall best fry output for the entire spawning season, depending on the size and quality of the male and the but the timing of ovulation is the most variable. This is number of eggs collected. understandable, since the eggs are at different stages of Place the testes in a low-speed blender with 10 mL of readiness in each female. Thus, forcing all females to 0.9 percent saline per g of testes and macerate by blending ovulate at the same time (which happens with pituitary for three 45-second bursts. Then filter the sperm/testes injections) would not allow time for all their eggs to prop- solution with a 100-micrometer mesh to remove testicular erly mature first. The dose for the LHRHa implants is 90 debris from the sperm solution. µg/kg early and in the peak of the spawning season. Late When females are ovulating they are removed from in the spawning season, the best results will be obtained the tanks and placed in an anesthetizing solution of with a dose of 75 µg/kg. Implants are injected into the MS-222 at a concentration of 250 mg/L. When a female is muscle (intramuscularly) about 1 inch below and slightly immobilized but the gills are still slowly moving, remove behind the base of the dorsal fin. her from the anesthetic and quickly rinse her with clean When implants are used early in the spawning season, water to remove any remaining anesthetic. Carefully the first fish begin ovulating about 44 hours after implan- towel dry the female and wrap the towel around her head tation. If the water is cold (75 to 77 °F, ovulation will be and upper body. This is to remove moisture that might delayed to 50 to 55 hours after implantation. After the first prematurely activate the eggs and sperm. Hold the female week or two of the spawning season, some females will head up and tail down during the stripping process, with begin ovulating as early as 36 hours after implantation, so the genital opening just above a metal pie pan lightly the first check of the bags should occur at this time. Slow coated with vegetable shortening. Strip the eggs into the ovulating females may still be giving high quality eggs as pie pan. Feel the belly region to locate the roll (mass) of late as 72 hours after implantation, but the vast majority eggs in each ovary. Gently but firmly press the belly with will have ovulated within 60 hours. If temperature cannot strokes beginning at the top of one ovary (one side at a be controlled and the water is 73 to 75 °F, good ovulation time) and ending at the genital opening (Fig. 5). When and hatching can still be obtained, but egg release will be it becomes difficult to get eggs to flow out of one ovary, greatly delayed and the average time of ovulation will be 75 begin stripping the other ovary and alternately strip each to 80 hours after implantation. ovary as needed. When no more eggs can be stripped or A few hours before stripping the females, the male blood begins to come out of the genital opening, then blue catfish must be sacrificed and their testes removed. stripping is completed and the female should be returned Males are usually euthanized and surgically opened with to a vat for recovery. an incision along the anal opening to about three-fourths Then mix together the eggs and the sperm solution. of the way to the head along the belly (without damaging Add oxygenated water to the egg and sperm mixture to the gut). The testes are removed by gently cutting them activate fertilization, which is completed within 2 minutes from the mesentery connective tissue. Try to minimize after water is added to the gametes. After 2 to 5 minutes, bleeding, as this will obscure the view of the testes and add additional water to the pan. After a few more min- make removal difficult (Fig. 4). Remove only the white portion of the testes. Gently dry the testes with a paper towel until all blood and moisture have been removed. This prevents activation of the sperm when the testes are macerated to release the sperm. Finally, weigh the testes with an accu- rate electronic gram scale. Approximately 0.5 g is needed for each 100 mL or g of eggs. If sperm counts are made, use 65 million sperm per g of Figure 4. Testes of male blue catfish. eggs. As a gen- Figure 5. Hand stripping of eggs from female channel catfish. 6
utes, move the eggs to a trough and allowed them to water performance of these F2 and backcross hybrids is inferior harden for about 15 minutes. Then transfer the eggs to a to that of F1 hybrids and channel catfish. Therefore, pro- traditional catfish egg hatching trough. After this point ducing fry from C×B hybrid parents is not recommended. the eggs and fry are handled like channel catfish eggs. To obtain genetic improvement and hybrid vigor, chan- Artificial fertilization technology is labor intensive, nel catfish females must be mated with blue catfish males but efficient compared to open-pond spawning of channel each year to produce F1 C×B hybrids for production. catfish. By controlling temperature in the hatchery, the hatchery operator can dictate the start of the spawning season and prevent the cyclic nature of natural spawning, Management considerations which has peaks as well as periods of little spawning. If Genotype-environment interactions brood stock are properly prepared and hybrid spawning The genotype-environment interaction is defined as protocol is followed, a plan can be developed that will the change in the value of a genotype when the environ- allow the hatchery to operate at capacity continually until ment changes. In other words, the best genetic type for the hot weather at the end of the season over ripens the one set of environmental conditions may not be the best females and ends the season. Because artificial spawn- genetic type for another set of environmental conditions; ing is reliable and has guaranteed results virtually on or, the advantage of the particular genotype may increase demand, the number of brood stock and the amount of or decrease in a second environment. acreage devoted to brood stock can actually be decreased Genotype-environment interactions occur for the as compared to open-pond spawning of channel catfish. C×B hybrid. The genetic advantage of the C×B hybrid relative to channel catfish or blue catfish increases with Hormones increasing stocking density. The hybrid is superior to At the time this publication was written, there channel catfish and blue catfish in earthen pond culture, were no hormones or spawning aids approved by the large raceways, in-pond raceways, and split ponds. How- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for spawning ever, the hybrid does not grow well in small units, and of catfish. Please check with your Extension fisheries/ channel catfish will grow faster than hybrids in aquaria, aquaculture specialist for current registrations before small hapas, and cages that are a cubic yard or smaller. using these hormones. To produce C×B hybrid catfish, one must participate in the program for Investigational New Animal Drugs (INADs). The United States Fish Conclusion and Wildlife Service (USFWS) administers permits The use of the C×B hybrid is a management tool. The for LHRHa and carp pituitary extract. However, the hybrid increases the likelihood of high production and USFWS dose for the LHRHa INAD is restricted to a profitability, but it is not a solution to all problems. The total of 100 µg/kg, which is less than the most effec- performance, phenotype or production (P) of an individ- tive dose. Auburn University and Eagle Aquaculture ual or population is a result of the environment (E), geno- administer a separate INAD for LHRHa injections and type (G), and genotype-environment interaction (GE). implants. This INAD allows injection doses of up to P = G + E + GE 180µg/kg, as needed. USFWS administers the catfish The best genetic type of catfish in the world will pituitary INAD. not perform well and reach its potential without a good environment or good farming practices. Of course, the Hybrid fertility worst genetic type of catfish will not perform well even in The strains of channel catfish female and blue catfish the hands of the best farmer. Under certain conditions, male used to produce first generation (F1) C×B hybrids C×B hybrids may experience disease outbreaks, feed affects whether or not they can reproduce. Some F1 C×B poorly, or exhibit other problems, but they are less likely hybrids can spawn and produce large numbers of second to have these problems than channel catfish. Because they generation (F2) hybrids; other types of F1 C×B hybrids have many superior characteristics and are suitable for a have low fertility or are essentially sterile. With difficulty, variety of culture systems, C×B hybrids can improve farm F1 C×B hybrids can be crossed with a pure strain of chan- production and profitability. nels or blues to produce backcross hybrids. However, the 7
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of USDA or any of its subagencies. Trade names are used for descriptive purposes only and their use does not imply endorsement by USDA, SRAC, the authors, or their employers and does not imply approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable. SRAC fact sheets are reviewed annually by the Publications, Videos and Computer Software Steering Committee. Fact sheets are revised as new knowledge becomes available. Fact sheets that have not been revised are considered to reflect the current state of knowledge. The work reported in this publication was supported in part by the Southern Regional Aquaculture Center through Grant No. 2008-38500-19251 from the United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture. 8
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