194R Sheep Resource Handbook Changes in the 2011 Edition

Page created by Kenneth Simpson
194R Sheep Resource Handbook
            Changes in the 2011 Edition

Thank you for your interest in the Ohio 4-H publication 194R Sheep Resource
Handbook (2011). The following pages show the areas in which significant
changes have been made to the 2000 edition. Pages with only minor changes are
not included.

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To the Member
After you have made the decision to take a sheep     and safe product—in other words, lamb that
project, it is important that you know what type     the consumer wants to buy. To have a successful
of animal you are looking for, how to feed it,       project you must be willing to study and review
diseases it may have, management practices, and      the information contained in this handbook and
many other important concepts.                       apply it.
By teaching you these matters through                The 4-H member project books contain activities
information and experience, this project will        that enhance learning from the information
make it possible for you to produce a high-quality   gained in this handbook.

                                                             Sentence updated.


                                                                     Sheep originated in Asia
                                                                     10,000–20,000 years ago.
                                                                     Scientists believe they looked
                                                                     like goats and had horns
                                                                     and coarse hair. Over several
                                                                     generations, the hair turned
                                                                     to wool.

                                                                     For thousands of years, sheep
                                                                     have provided food and
                                                                     clothing for humans.
                                                                     Sometimes, they have been
                                                                     used as pack animals. In the
                                                                     past 200–300 years, they have
                                                                     become important providers of

                                                                     As new countries settled, sheep
                                                                     spread throughout the world.
                                                                     They are now raised in almost
                                                                     every country, with Australia
                                                                     and Mongolia being the leading
                                                                     sheep-producing countries.

                   Sheep were brought to North America by Spanish and English settlers. Columbus
                   brought the animals to the New World on his second voyage in 1493. Sheep were
                   shipped to Virginia from England in 1609. As people moved west across the United
                   States, sheep went with them. Approximately 75 percent of the sheep in the United
                   States are now west of the Mississippi River.

                   Sheep are found on many farms in Ohio. They can be a good source of income
                   with two important products—wool and meat.

                                                                   Chapter 1 • Introduction            7
Chapter 2

                     Selection: The First Step
                                                       This handbook will give you the information
 Ways to Start Your Project                            you need to select good quality sheep. But
                                                       before discussing the characteristics of size and
                                                       conformation that indicate good quality, it will be
There are several ways to start your market lamb       helpful (1) to review the parts of a lamb and (2)
and/or sheep breeding project. One is to select        identify some of the breeds commonly available.
a lamb or lambs from your parents’ or your own
                                                       Sheep selection and evaluation consists of making
ewe flock. Another is to purchase a market lamb
                                                       a careful analysis of animals and measuring
or a breeding sheep from an established sheep
                                                       them against a commonly accepted ideal. Both
producer in your county or area. Sheep producers
                                                       visual (or phenotypic) and genetic (or genotypic)
provide many outstanding sheep each year for
                                                       evaluation is important. Training in livestock
sale on the farm or through sheep sales.
                                                       or sheep selection is important because it gives
                                                       you practical experience in making individual
                                                       decisions and supporting those decisions verbally.
 Selecting Your Lamb                                   Most importantly, skills in sheep selection will
                                                       help you identify the individual animal that will
                                                       add the desired traits to a breeding sheep flock.
Selection of a project animal should be done                                                 Sentence added.
carefully, with consideration given to breed,
size, and quality. Size and quality are especially       How to be a good judge:
important, and while management and nutrition                ❏ Study pictures of ideal animals.
have great influence on both, it is a big help to
                                                             ❏ Select animals based on ideal you have
begin with a good animal.
                                                               studied.                              Bullet added.
At the same time, however, while you want to                 ❏ Review judging terminology.
select the best lambs you can possibly afford,
                                                             ❏ Learn the different parts of the live
be sure that the price you pay is consistent with
                                                               animal and carcass.
your objectives. For the beginner, who is learning
about feeding, management, etc., good quality                ❏ Have a clearly defined “mental picture”
lambs bought at a modest price may be the                      of the ideal animal.
wisest investment. Purchasing livestock at high              ❏ Make a quick and accurate observation
prices does not guarantee success nor mean easier              or decision.
management.                                                  ❏ Be able to evaluate what you see.
A successful project outcome requires the lamb               ❏ Be confident and honest.
to have a desirable genetic background and an                ❏ Be able to defend the decisions you
excellent environment while in your care.                      made—think on your feet.

                                                                          Chapter 2 • Selection         9
Judging Market Lambs                                    Parts of the Lamb

The main points to consider in judging market          To be successful in raising and selecting sheep,
lambs are structure, type, muscling, and finish.       you should know the names of the various parts
(See Figures 3 and 4.) Evaluation of carcass merit     of the animal and their locations on the animal’s
is an estimate that measures the relationship          body. Using industry-accepted terms helps you
between finish and muscle.                             know what to look for and to accurately describe
                                                       an animal’s traits (Figure 1).
                Paragraph updated.
                                                                           Last sentence updated.

                                                Figure 1
                                             Parts of a Sheep
                                                                        Chapter 2 • Selection         11
This knowledge should be permanent, at least
for as long as you are involved in raising and
showing sheep. When talking to fellow
                                                          Size Considerations
4-H members, a breeder, or a judge, you will
want to sound knowledgeable about your 4-H              Regardless of breed, it is important when
project. So take some time now to study the             selecting your project lambs to select ones at the
following diagram and become thoroughly                 right size. Select a size that is appropriate to the
familiar with all the indicated parts of a lamb.        amount of time you have from project start until
                                                        fair time. Know the dates of your fair and figure
                                                        the number of days you will be feeding your
                                                        lamb. Lambs will generally be purchased at 10–
                                                        14 weeks of age and will weigh 60–90 pounds.
        Ages and weights updated.

                                                 Figure 2
                                           Sheep Skeletal System
12       Chapter 2 • Selection
Paragraph and chart updated.

 Most lamb projects are started in April or early       When selecting size, don’t forget to consider
 May. Market lambs at fair time should weigh            frame size as well. Frame size plays an important
 100 pounds or more, with ideal being 115–              part in the weight of your lamb. If you have a
 140 pounds. Minimum weight varies due to               large-framed lamb, it can carry 130 pounds much
 individual fair requirements. An average lamb on       easier and better than a smaller framed animal.
 a good ration will gain 0.60 to 0.80 pounds per        The smaller framed lamb will appear to be fatter.
 day. Feed your lamb with a weight goal in mind,        Also, if you are buying two or more lambs,
 leaving margins for extreme hot weather, sickness,     choose animals that are similar in frame size and
 and other unforeseen problems.                         weight.
 The following chart may help you in selection:
  Anticipated weights for lambs
  gaining .68 pounds per day:                                Selecting the Right Type of Lamb
 Days Until Purchase Total               Final
  Showing    Weight  Gain                Weight         A good lamb should catch your eye when you
 				                                   (rounded)       first see it. Select lambs with enough length of
    100        50     68                   118          body and leg to denote growthiness but with
    100        65     68                   133          good muscle development over the hindsaddle
    100        80     68                   148          and in the rear legs. Avoid short, fat, and early-
     80        50    54.4                  104          maturing lambs or rangy, narrow types that lack
     80        65    54.4                  119          muscle development or ruggedness.
     80        80    54.4                  134
     60        50    40.8                   91
     60        65    40.8                  106
     60        80    40.8                  121

                                                                      1. Balance
                                                                      2. Size and scale
                                                                         (Height, length and width)
                                                                      3. Depth of body
                                                                      4. Length of body
                                                                      5. Levelness of rump
                                                                      6. Length of hindsaddle
                                                                      7. Depth and fullness of leg
                                                                      8. Trimness of middle
                                                                         (market lamb)
                                                                      9. Correctness of feet, legs and
                                                                     10. Length of head and neck
                                                                     11. Trimness of breast

                                                  Figure 3
                                                                          Chapter 2 • Selection          13
Paragraph updated.

Conformation                                              the chest cavity. The depth should continue the
An ideal market lamb is one that combines                 length of the animal’s body in a uniform manner
weight and frame, correctness, natural muscling,          from the fore flank to the rear flank (Figure 3).
and trimness. The ideal market lamb weighs                Body capacity is important for maintaining
between 115 and 140 pounds, has adequate                  health, intake of feed, and adequate reproductive
frame, is long-bodied, and is clean and trim              volume.
throughout the front end and middle. Look
for a strong, level topline. Your lamb should             Muscle
be especially long and level through the loin             The ideal market lamb should exhibit extra
and rump (hindsaddle) standing on a sound,                muscling through its top, hindsaddle, and
structurally correct set of feet and legs (Figure 3).     leg. These are the areas from which the high-
                                                          priced cuts of meat come from. An indication
Balance                                                   of muscling is thickness through the center of
This is the proportion of body parts. The lamb            the leg. When viewed from the rear, the lamb
should be strong-topped and level-rumped, with            should stand naturally with its legs wide apart.
a long neck and head. It should also be clean and         Natural thickness over the top will be visible with
trim (Figure 3). Muscling should be uniform               a slightly rounded appearance and good width,
from shoulder getting progressively thicker               length, and depth of loin. There should also
through to dock.                                          be good width and length of rump (Figure
                                                          4) and muscle expression in the forearm.
                             Sentence added.
Capacity                                                  NOTE: Natural muscle is round, not square.
The body capacity should be moderately deep               If the animal is starting to square up over the
and square, with the ribs sprung wide throughout          loin edge, an assessment of over fatness should
                                                          be made.

                                                                                               Note added.

                                                               1. Correct turn of top
                                                               2. Thickness through center of leg
                                                               3. Length of leg muscle
                                                               4. Structurally correct rear legs
                                                               5. Squareness of rump
                                                               6. Depth of twist-inverted U (fat)
                                                                  or V (trim) shape in crotch area
                                     V                         7. High dock setting
                                   shape                       8. Width between hind legs is an
                                                                  indicator of muscling

                                                    Figure 4
14       Chapter 2 • Selection
After viewing several lambs, you will soon realize
that the angle at the hocks varies. The greater
the degree to which this angle varies, the more
incorrect the animal is and the more serious the
fault (Figure 5).
The sickle-hocked lamb (Figure 5) has too much
set or angle at the hock. In horses, this defect
causes curbing, a bony growth on the back of the
hock that develops because of strain on the joint.
This can occur in sheep, but rarely does, because a
sheep does not strain the hock to the same extent
as a horse.
A more serious fault is a hind leg that is too
straight, or post-legged (Figure 5). This condition
changes the angulation of the bones at the hock
and the stifle joint and shortens the stride. The
patella (knee cap) at the stifle joint may be
displaced resulting in a stifled, lame, unsound
Figure 5 illustrates the proper set to the hind                          Figure 6
leg when the animal is viewed from the rear.                  (North Central Region Extension
Figure 5 shows a cow-hocked lamb. With this                          Publication #300)
condition, the hocks are too close together, the
cannons are not parallel and the toes deviate                                                    Measurements
extremely outward. A lamb with this defect has         Finish                                    updated.
an unsightly, inefficient gait.                        Correct finish is important to determine the
                                                       cutability (retail value) of a lamb. Finish is the
A lamb can also be bowlegged off the hind legs
                                                       amount of external fat on a lamb. To determine
(Figure 5).
                                                       the amount of finish, handle the lamb over the
                                                       backbone and ribs. Excessive prominence of the
Sheep Jaw Structure                                    backbone and ribs shows a lack of finish. Too
                                                       much finish is present when you cannot feel the
(See Figure 6.)
                                                       backbone or ribs by normal handling methods.
 A. Undershot (Parrot-mouth)—in this                   Correct finish is 0.15–0.25 inches of backfat.
      situation the lower jaw is too short.            Desirable traits in regard to finish include:
 B. Overshot (Monkey-mouth)—the lower jaw              smooth and uniform fat cover over the ribs; no
      is too long, and the teeth are in the front of   excessive fullness in breast; a uniform fat cover of
      the upper mouth pad.                             0.15–0.25 inches.
 C. Normal mouth—the top and bottom jaws               Finish or Condition is evaluated in the:
      are properly aligned. Note that the incisor         • sternum           • over backbone and loin
      teeth are flush with the pad on the upper              		 (12th and 13th rib)
      jaw.                                                                                      Parenthesis added.
                                                          • lower forerib     • flank
Unsound mouth diagrams such as A and B are
                                                          • upper rear rib    • twist
inherited traits that interfere with the sheep’s
ability to gather food.                                The measurement over the 12th and 13th rib is
                                                       the only measurement used in the current USDA
                                                       yield grade equation.
16       Chapter 2 • Selection                                                         Sentence added.
Animal A                                              Animal B
                                   4                                                  3
                      1                    3                                           4


    Animal A is shorter bodied and too fat.          Animal B is tall, long bodied and trim but lacks
     1. Excessive depth of body                      balance, thickness and muscle.
     2. Shorter-bodied                                 1. Shallow-bodied (tight hearted)
     3. Steep-rumped                                   2. Shorter-rumped
     4. Shorter hindsaddle                             3. Shorter hindsaddle
     5. Is light-muscled and fat through leg           4. Flat, narrow, shallow leg that is light
     6. Wasty-middled                                     muscled

              Middle sentences                 Figure 7
 Judging Breeding Sheep

Breeding sheep classes are usually assumed to        Size
be purebred, and the animals are to be used
for purebred breeding stock unless you are told      Size is how big or heavy an animal is for its age.
otherwise. However, wether sire and dam shows        Skeletal frame and bone and muscle development
have been growing in popularity. Although there      are good indicators. Size between breeds varies.
are divisions that are purebred, there are also      Frame and capacity are two different portions of
crossbred divisions. In both cases, the animals      total size. Frame is the height and length of an
are intended to be judged as breeding sheep.         animal. Capacity is the depth and width of the
Breeding sheep are judged on the same major          animal’s body. A larger animal is not always more
points as market lambs. In addition, condition,      desirable than a smaller one. But, the animal
size, soundness, breed and sex character, and        should be large enough to grow and produce
fleece are considered.                               efficiently and should meet the breed standards
                                                     for size.

Condition refers to the amount of fat. In
breeding sheep, excess condition leads to            Soundness (skeletal correctness) in mouth, feet,
reproductive problems. Over-fat ewes have            legs and fleece are important in breeding sheep.
trouble breeding and lambing. Ewes that are too      The lower teeth should hit even with the upper
thin also may have trouble breeding or raising       pad. (See Figure 6.) Straight, strong legs and
lambs.                                               adequate bones are also desirable. The legs should
                                                     be set squarely on the corners of the body. (See
                                                                      Chapter 2 • Selection          17
and their vulvas should be well developed and
relatively flat, not tipped. Compare each animal               Determining Age
against the others in the class.
                              Sentences added.

 Breeding Animals
                                                    Lamb’s teeth
In selecting breeding animals, consider the
requirements to meet your needs. Set goals for
the market for which you intend to produce,
and then select breeding sheep to meet that
goal. You might be trying to produce elite          Yearling’s teeth
breeding stock for purebred operations, or
perhaps to produce competitive wether lambs for
exhibition, or perhaps to produce market lambs
for direct marketing to consumers. Heredity and
environment will affect the animals’ ability to     2-year-old’s
meet these requirements.                            teeth
When selecting breeding animals for your flock,
define your objectives. Know what you want to
do with your 4-H breeding sheep before you start
buying animals. Ideal breeding sheep should be
structurally correct (check the mouth for age and   teeth
soundness, the testicles of rams to makes sure
they are correct in size and development), have
adequate frame size and weight for their age, be
in good body condition, and have correct breed
and sex characteristics. (See Figure 8.)            4-year-old’s
Sheep can be approximately aged by the number       teeth
of permanent incisors on their lower jaw. Lambs
have eight temporary incisors. (See Figure 9.)
Once a lamb reaches about one year of age, the
center teeth are replaced by two permanent ones.    Narrower, worn
The sheep then gets two more permanent teeth        teeth of an older
each year (one on each side of the center) until
they reach four years of age. At age four, the
sheep have all their permanent incisors.

 Things to look for:
                                                    “Broken” mouth
 ❏ Long life with reproductive efficiency.
 ❏	Efficient conversion of feedstuffs to meat
    and wool products.                                             North Central Region Publication #300
 ❏	A type or pattern that will reproduce
                                                                           Figure 9
    desirable carcass traits, fleece
    characteristics, or performance capabilities.

                                                                        Chapter 2 • Selection              19
Sentences added.
		 ingredients like soybean meal, cottonseed
      meal, etc. Collective terms denote a general
      classification of ingredient origin which
                                                       What about Hay?
      performs a similar function, but do not
      imply equivalent nutritional values.            For proper digestion, a sheep must have a certain
      The list of ingredients can be very             amount of roughage in its ration. Hay should
      enlightening. For example, if the product       be fed in adequate amounts each day to keep
      is supposed to be a high-quality protein        the rumen of the lamb functioning properly.
      supplement and the first item on the list is    Breeding ewes will need more hay than market
      “Processed Grain By-Products”, the product      lambs. Roughage should be high in quality and
      may contain high levels of low cost, inferior   fine-stemmed. Good quality roughages are those
      carrier.                                        that are cut early. Feed a good quality legume hay
                                                      (alfalfa). Green grass is not always a good idea
  6. Directions for Use. Each product tag should
                                                      because it contains too much water and does not
      provide information on how the product
                                                      provide enough fiber to the lamb. Additionally,
      is to be used. Warnings or precautionary
                                                      many believe that a ground, pelleted form of
      statements should be included. For example,
                                                      hay in a complete ration or feed is enough.
      any product containing monensin must
                                                      The addition of long stem (not ground) forage
      carry the warning that it should not be fed
                                                      improves stimulation of the rumen even more
      to horses. Ingestion of monensin by equines
                                                      through an event commonly referred to as scratch
      has been fatal.
                                                      factor. This helps ruminal health and maximizes
  7. The name and mailing address of the              buffering capacity, reducing acid in the rumen.
      company responsible for making or               In other words, a certain amount of long stem
      distributing the feed. (XYZ Feed Company        forage is necessary at each feeding, regardless of
      Sheep Division, Anytown, USA 12345)             the stage of production.
  8. Net Weight Statement. This may be listed
                                                      Depending upon the stage of production of the
      in pounds or kilograms. Many companies
                                                      ewe flock, different amounts and qualities of hay
      are listing net weights in the metric system.
                                                      can be fed. Ewe flocks on a maintenance diet can
      A kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds, thus
                                                      be fed a poorer quality hay than in late gestation.
      a 50 pound bag may be listed as 22.6 kg
      (kilograms). (Net weight: 50 lbs.)
Read the tags on the products you intend to
use and fully understand what you are doing
before you start using a product. Many potential
problems can be avoided if you make sure that
you are getting a suitable product and are feeding
the correct amount to your livestock. Make sure
that withdrawal times are noted and that they
will not prevent you from showing or selling your
animal as planned.

                                                                       Chapter 4 • Nutrition          65
Chapter 6

                 Carcass Evaluation and Meats
    Carcass evaluation is an important part of determining the success of lamb production. The ultimate
    goal of a market lamb project is to produce a wholesome, high-quality carcass that is trim and has a high
    degree of cutability.      Sentence updated.
                                Sentence added.

      Quality Grade                                             Yield Grade

    Quality grades are used to predict palatability           Yield grade refers to the expected yield of
    characteristics such as: tenderness, juiciness, and       boneless, closely trimmed retail cuts. The five
    flavor. The quality grade of an animal is based on        yield grades are numbered 1 through 5. Yield
    two general considerations that influence carcass         grade 1 is more desirable because it represents the
    excellence: conformation and quality. Quality             highest yield of meat from the retail cuts, while
    includes fatness, maturity, and other indicators of       yield grade 5 represents the lowest yield.
    differences in palatability of the lean flesh such as     The amount of external fat plays the primary
    flank streaking and firmness of the lean.                 role in determining yield grade. The amount of
    Conformation is the degree of total muscling in           fat is measured at the 12th rib above the loin eye
    the carcass in relationship to the skeletal frame         muscle (Figure 58). As the amount of external fat
    size and degree of finish, especially in the leg,         increases, the percent of retail cuts decreases, with
    rack, loin, and shoulder. Maturity is the age             yieldgrade moving closer to 5.
    of the animal. The lamb is an immature sheep
                                                                Sentence updated.
    usually under 12 months that has not cut its
    first pair of permanent incisor teeth, or the meat          Sentences added.
    is classified as mutton. The evaluation is based
    on physiological maturity (bone maturity), and
    not chronological maturity (actual age). When
    a lamb is physiologically mature, cartilage in the
    growth plate ossifies and turns to bone, meaning
    the animal is now classified as mutton. Flank
    streaking is the amount of fat on the surface
    of the flank muscle. (See Table 6.) Firmness of
    lean and fat is measured at the flank and is an
    indicator of carcass fatness. The lamb also must
    have a minimum amount of external fat (0.15
                                                                                     Figure 58
    inch) covering the carcass to protect it from
                                                              Side view of a lamb which shows the location
    shrinking and drying out in the meat cooler.
                                                              of the 12th rib site for backfat and loin eye area
    The USDA quality grades for lambs and yearling            estimation.
    carcasses are Prime, Choice, Good, and Utility.
    The majority of all quality graded lamb carcasses         If the carcasses are not ribbed, the muscle size can
    are Prime or Choice.                                      be estimated by evaluating the muscling in the leg
                                                              and the width and fullness over the rack and loin.
    The quality grades for slaughter (mutton)
    carcasses are Choice, Good, Utility, and Cull.
Paragraphs                                                  Chapter 6 • Carcass Evaluation and Meats               73
The amount of external fat at the 12th–13th
       rib determines yield grade. To find yield grade        • Shorn lambs will have a higher dressing
       use the following equation: YG = 0.4 + (10 x             percent.
       adjusted fat thickness over the loin eye). Using     NOTE: Lambs with extremely high dressing
       this equation, the fat thickness range for each      percentages, greater than 56%, are usually
       yield grade is as follows:       Number changed.     exaggerated as a result of extreme feed deprivation
           Yield Grade         Adjusted Fat Thickness       or restriction from water. Withholding feed or
                                                            water is not in line with good animal (livestock)
                1                 0.07–0.15 inches
                                                            care and handling and should be avoided at all
                2                 0.16–0.25 inches          costs.
                3                 0.26–0.35 inches                                              Note added.
Note added.     4                 0.36–0.45 inches
                5              0.46 inches and greater        Finish
       Note: If a lamb does not have at least 0.07 inch
       fat over the loin eye, it cannot be U.S.D.A.
                                                            Finish refers to the thickness and distribution
       graded (neither yield nor quality). An ideal
                                                            of external fat. In the ribbed carcass, the degree
       fat thickness meeting the desired fatness for
                                                            of finish can be determined by observing the fat
       the lamb industry is 0.12 to 0.25, a very tight
                                                            thickness directly over the top of the two loin eye
       margin. Lambs that are leaner, less than 0.12, are
                                                            muscles at the center of the longissimus muscle.
       considered to be ultra-lean and are not desired by
                                                            This usually is an indication of the total fatness of
       the meat packing industry because they dry out
                                                            the carcass. The ideal finish on a lamb is 0.12 to
       in the cooler.
                                                            0.25 inches of fat.

                                                                    Fat thickness   Longissimus muscle
         Dressing Percent

       Dressing percent = chilled carcass weight x 100
                                live weight
       The average dressing percent for lambs is 52
       percent. (Four of the most common things that
       affect dressing percent are amount of fill, pelt,
       muscle and fat.)
       Dressing percentage refers to the relationship
       between carcass weight and live animal weight.
       Factors which influence dressing percentage are:                          Figure 59
                                                            The arrow on the left indicates where fat thickness
         • Heavy-muscled lambs generally dress              is measured over the top, along the midpoint of the
           higher.                                          longissimus (loin) muscle.
         • Fatter lambs dress higher.
         • An increase in fill (feed in the digestive
           system) will lower the dressing percentage.        Loin Eye Area
         • As pelt weight increases, dressing percent
           decreases.                                       Direct measurement of the size of the loin eye
         • A lot of mud and manure decreases dressing       muscle is possible if the carcasses are ribbed, cut
           percent.                                         so the loin eye muscle is visible (between the 12th
       74        Chapter 6 • Carcass Evaluation and Meats
Sentences added..

         and 13th rib). Then the loin eye area can be used
         as an indicator of muscling. The loin eye area
         can be measured using a plastic grid which has
         20 dots or squares for each square inch. Place
         the grid on the cut surface of the loin eye and
         count all of the dots which touch the lean of the
         longissimus muscle, being sure not to include the
         small muscles which surround the longissimus.
         (See Figure 60.) Divide the number of dots by
         20 and the result is loin eye area in square inches.
         The loin eye area should be recorded to the
         nearest 0.1 square inch. The normal range of the                                             Figure 60
         size of the loin eye is 2.0–3.0 square inches. Some                           Picture of loin eye with grid over it.
         extremely heavy-muscled lambs exceed 3.0 square                          Actual size of this loin eye is 3.0 square inches.
         inches in loin eye area. The industry average
         across commercial lambs, show lambs, and                              Goals for Lamb Production
         lambs marketed locally or through direct market
                                                                                 1. Average daily gain of 0.68 pounds or better.
         channels is about a 2.7 square inch loin eye.
                                                                                 2. 54 percent dressing for shorn lambs.
         NOTE: Some exhibitors believe increasing the live                       3. 50 percent of carcass in hindsaddle.
         weight of lambs for the show ring results in more
Note                                                                             4. 2.5 square inches of ribeye area per 50
         product to the consumer. However, we have seen
added.                                                                              pounds of carcass.
         an increase in live weights over the last 25 years
         and no real significant change in loin eye area.                        5. 0.12–0.25 inch fat over center of the ribeye.
                                                                                 6. Choice quality grade or better.
                                                                                 7. Yield grade equals 1 or 2.     Goals 1 and 5
                     Relationship Between Flank Fat Streakings, Maturity and Quality
                                                            Young lamb    Older Lamb Yearling Mutton         Mutton
                   Degrees of Flank Streakings

                                                 Moderate		                  Prime



                       Devoid		                                             Utility		                            Cull
                     		           Young Lamb                              Older Lamb Yearling Mutton         Mutton

                                                                         Table 6
                                                                            Chapter 6 • Carcass Evaluation and Meats                   75
Paragraph updated.

             Callipyge Gene

           In recent years, a new heavy muscling trait has           hypertrophy is of genetic origin and is capable
           been identified in sheep. Many sheep producers            of being passed from parent to offspring.
           have been referring to the trait as “double               Researchers have named the gene “callipyge”
           muscling.” Meat scientists say this trait is not          meaning “beautiful buttocks” (x=normal,
           like the double muscling found in cattle and              X=callipyge). Lambs with the callipyge gene have
           hogs which is actually an increase in muscle cell         much more muscle and less fat but also have
           number. In sheep, extreme heavy muscling or               tougher meat. This gene is undesirable because
           muscle hypertrophy is an increase in muscle cell          the meat for the loin muscle is so tough and
           size. Observations have suggested the muscle              unpalatable that it is not wanted by consumers.

             Wholesale/Retail Cuts of Lamb

             Wholesale Cuts of Lamb
                Foresaddle = 50 percent
                Cut		        Percent of Weight                                   Leg
                 1. Shoulder                   25
                 2. Rack (rib)                 11
                 3. Breast                     10
                 4. Foreshank                   4
                Total                          50

                Hindsaddle = 50%                                          Loin
                Cut		                  Percent of Weight
                 5. Leg                        33                       Rack
                 6. Loin                       17                       (rib)
                Total                          50                    Shoulder
                The hindsaddle composes 50 percent of
                the carcass weight, but approximately 65
                percent of the carcass value.


                                                               Table 8
                                                                  Chapter 6 • Carcass Evaluation and Meats         77
Percent of Boneless, Trimmed,
  Retail Cuts from Each Yield Grade                     Lamb Production and
		                 % Boneless, Trimmed Cuts             Consumption
		                   from Leg, Loin, Rack
 Yield Grade             and Shoulder                  U.S. consumption of lamb is 1.0 pounds per
         1                  47.3 >                     person per year on a carcass weight basis. Most
         2                  45.4 to 47.2               lamb in the United States is consumed in the
         3                  43.7 to 45.3               Northeast and in the western coastal states. New
         4                  41.9 to 43.6               York and California are the top two states in lamb
         5                  < 41.9                     consumption.
                     Table 9
                                                         Top U.S. states in sheep and
Specifics                                                lamb production (heads):
Due to the diversity of the sheep industry, a wide         1. Texas                820,000
range of specific requirements are acceptable
                                                           2. California           660,000
depending upon the local lamb market for which
a sheep producer is producing lamb.                        3. Wyoming              420,000
                                                           4. Colorado             410,000
Weight of Live Market-ready Lamb
                                                           5. South Dakota         305,000
Range: 100–150 pounds
Ideal: 115–140 pounds**
                              Range updated.             Ohio ranks 13 –largest sheep producing

                                                         state east of the Mississippi River. Ohio also
Dressing Percent                                         ranks 6th in the number of sheep farms.
Range: 46–58 percent
Average: 52 percent
Carcass Weight
                                                         Top sheep-producing
Range: 45–85 pounds                                      countries (heads):
Ideal: 55–75 pounds                                        1. China                146 million
Fat Thickness                                              2. Australia            85.7 million
Range: 0.10–0.50 inches                                    3. India                64 million
Ideal: 0.10–0.20 inches                                    4. Iran                 53.8 million
Average: 0.20 inches
                                                           5. Sudan                50.9 million
Rib Eye Area (REA)                                       Many people think of New Zealand as an
Range: 2.0 inches2 and higher                            international force in sheep production.
Ideal: 2.6 inches2 and higher                            Although New Zealand is not in the top
(For 50 pound carcass weight)                            five, it does have the highest per capita sheep
Yield Grade                                              population, with 9.4 head of sheep per
Average: 2–3                                             person.
Range: 1–5 (lower is more desirable)                     Reference: American Sheep Industry (ASI)
Ideal: 1.5–2.9                          Ideal added.     Association, www.sheepusa.org, January
Fat thickness at the 12 rib is the one and only
factor used to determine yield grade.
** Ideal live weight range should have factors                             Table 10
such as frame size and finish of the live animal
taken into consideration.                                                              Table updated.
78       Chapter 6 • Carcass Evaluation and Meats
Chapter 7

                                 Sheep Products
You will probably find it interesting and perhaps
useful to see how a market lamb contributes to          Meats
the Consumer Market.

                                                      The illustration below (Figure 61) shows the
                                                      location and names of the main or “wholesale”
                                                      cuts of lamb that come from a market lamb.
                                                      Remember, you are looking at one side of this
                                                      lamb. There are two of each of these main cuts
                                                      in a lamb. Blade chops come from the shoulder.
                       Paragraph updated.             Lamb chops come from the loin or rack. Crown
                                                      roast comes from the rack. Everyone enjoys a
                                                      roast leg of lamb.

                                                Figure 61

                                                                 Chapter 7 • Sheep Products        81
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