Page created by Angela Fischer
The new currency for TV ratings.
               An Adobe White Paper

Here, there, and everywhere: TV audiences in FLUX.
What does it mean to “watch TV”? The answer used to be simple. For decades we
planned ahead to catch the Super Bowl or a very special episode of Friends. We
                                                                                                                                   >40%                                 13%
watched as a single household, sitting around one set to view one program, which
meant we were all watching the same ads, too. Today, live sports and popular
sitcoms are widely available on-demand and on-the-go, so we rarely miss our
favorite shows. In short, television is going through its biggest transformation
since the introduction of color or cable.1

From a viewer’s standpoint, the shift is positive and empowering. Consumers
demand content whenever, wherever, and however they want it, a trend that                                Over 40 percent of U.S. homes        13 percent of homes boasted
shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, in 2015, On-demand TV Everywhere                                  had access to a subscription       multiple streaming services in
                                                                                                         video-on-demand service as of                 their homes.
authenticated video starts grew almost 300 percent year-over-year.2 And as of July
                                                                                                                November 2014.
2015, an estimated 60 percent of brands representing TV channels have distinct
apps in Apple’s app store. 3 The rapid rise of these new experiences demonstrates
just how quickly and dramatically the TV landscape is changing—and why                                                             00:50                                00:10
it’s imperative for media companies, publishers, and advertisers to adapt for
maximum ROI.

The new era of TV viewing holds positive implications for all parties involved
if every viewer can be counted—and measured accurately. TV ratings are the
currency that drives industry transactions. If the currency isn’t reliable, it can slow
and even deter buying decisions. A universal ratings currency would put media
companies in a better position to assess viewing behaviors, helping to enhance                               Homes with subscription          These homes (with subscription
content personalization. For marketers, it could mean better connections to                                  streaming services have a      services) average 10 more minutes
audiences regardless of platform or device, resulting in reduced ad wastage. These                         penchant for TV-connected           daily watching time-shifted TV
                                                                                                            technology and display the        and double that in terms of time
are all realistic outcomes. The trick, however, is getting audience measurement up                       greatest usage of these devices—     spent using a multimedia device
to speed and on pace with modern consumption patterns.                                                   nearly 50 minutes more per day      (such as Apple TV and Roku) than
                                                                                                              than a typical TV home.                 a typical TV home.

2016 | The New Currency for TV Ratings: Tune in to Shifting Trends with Dynamic Universal Measurement.                                                                           2
The REVOLUTION                                                                                           The NIELSEN
must be standardized.                                                                                    ratings refresh.
The case for standardized measurement should be cut and dried. TV networks                               There has been much trial and error along the way towards multi-platform
are anxious for a unified ratings currency that covers on-demand, over-the-top                           measurement. Since 1950, the Nielsen ratings company has set the gold
(OTT), and time-shifted viewing. In the absence of a ratings standard, some                              standard for TV audience measurement, building its reputation on a
have even developed basic in-house solutions, drawing on multiple data                                   diary-based system, then broadening its tool kit to include television set
sources in an effort to help advertisers target the networks’ audiences across                           and remote-control-embedded meters placed in participating homes.
all platforms.5 But the answer to today’s fragmented audiences isn’t a suite of
                                                                                                         In 2014, Nielsen ramped up efforts to address the challenges of content
disparate measurement tools. A universally accepted and implemented tool
                                                                                                         distribution, ad delivery, and audience measurement, and announced plans to
would effectively level the playing field by giving publishers, advertisers,
                                                                                                         measure online subscription streaming services, including Netflix and Amazon
and media companies common terms on which to base media buying and
                                                                                                         Prime. It also revamped its audience measurement report, or Cross Platform
selling—a currency akin to cost-per-point (CPP) in the linear TV marketplace,
                                                                                                         Report, to reflect changing patterns in consumers’ media consumption and
or cost-per-click (CPC) in the world of paid search.
                                                                                                         experience. The newly named Total Audience Report provides a quarterly
From a publishing standpoint, big gaps in audience measurement yield                                     perspective on viewing habits across platforms with data collected and
misleading metrics. For example, 34 percent of NBC’s Parks and Recreation                                analyzed by Nielsen. Its updated title also reflects the company’s goal of
viewership didn’t make Nielsen’s ratings, since that segment watched the show                            establishing a reliable way to compare platforms by using common metrics,
on unmeasured devices.6 Such oversights are unacceptable in the age of TV                                thereby helping the industry to analyze users and usage in a fair, standard,
Everywhere. Developed by broadcasters to compete with so-called cord-cutters,                            and appropriate manner.
TV Everywhere allows cable subscribers to access premium content online
                                                                                                         In the inaugural report, Nielsen Insights SVP Dounia Turnill noted, “The growing
whenever and however they prefer—and provides ample opportunity for
                                                                                                         penetration of new devices and the popularity of subscription-based streaming
advertisers to dynamically insert highly targeted, highly personalized ads into
                                                                                                         services and time-shifted and over-the-top viewing—as well as cord-cutting and
on-demand content.
                                                                                                         cord shaving—are fundamentally changing the TV industry.”4 However, this still
                                                                                                         didn’t encompass the universal currency for Internet-delivered TV that media
                                                  Connected devices like Apple                           sellers and advertisers were looking for.
                                                  TV and game consoles now
                                                  represent 1 in 4 TV Everywhere
                                                  authentications—a 300 percent
                                                  year-over-year increase.2

2016 | The New Currency for TV Ratings: Tune in to Shifting Trends with Dynamic Universal Measurement.                                                                                      3
Finding the COMPLETE picture.
A new partnership between Adobe and Nielsen is                                                           Digital content ratings,
introducing a solution to finally provide a complete
view of audience metrics across major internet-
                                                                                                         powered by Adobe.
connected devices. Known as Nielsen Digital Content
Ratings powered by Adobe (Nielsen DCR), this system                                                      Social and spot-on. Find out who watches what,
will measure content of all types, including online TV,                                                  when, and why, with accurate, census-based audience
videos, games, audio, and text. Immediately, media                                                       insights and demographic data sourced through
sellers can use it to gain insights into their audience                                                  social channels for enhanced media planning.
that can be used for sales planning. Ultimately, Nielsen
                                                                                                         Better, faster, stronger. Adobe and Nielsen
DCR will flow into ad management platforms, enabling
                                                                                                         accelerate measurement for customers who want to
currency-linked planning, allocation, optimization,
                                                                                                         certify audiences and content on every screen with
and delivery.
                                                                                                         rapid time-to-market for cross-platform deployments.
The Nielsen and Adobe partnership supports
the adoption of a universal digital ratings currency,                                                    Data that walks the talk. Publishers can
providing media companies and marketers with                                                             turn audience insights into tangible business
immense opportunity to deepen viewer engagement,                                                         results and significant advertising revenue, thanks
whether on a smartphone or a tablet. There’s no                                                          to data on par with that obtained through the leading
questioning the need for better measurement of                                                           campaign audience measurement solution (Online
digital media consumption. The only unknown is how                                                       Campaign Ratings).
exactly the new metrics will transform marketing
and publishing strategies—and how marketers and
publishers will prepare for the shift.

2016 | The New Currency for TV Ratings: Tune in to Shifting Trends with Dynamic Universal Measurement.                                                           4
SHARPENING the image.
Advertisers are equally concerned about                                               by Business Insider, several factors contribute to an
standardization. In 2011, three industry groups—                                      online ad being overlooked by its target audience.
the American Association of Advertising Agencies                                      The report found that more than 91 percent of users
(4As), the Association of National Advertisers (ANA),                                 are served ads that appear in an inactive window.
and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)—                                         For 27 percent of users, the ad appears out of frame,
launched a nonprofit initiative to explore, establish,                                and more than 10 percent of online ads run with
and implement measurement standards for online                                        muted video.7 Automated platforms for buying and
advertising. The resulting standards guide, Making                                    selling online ads also tend to aggravate viewability.
Measurement Make Sense (3MS), is focused on five                                      This is obviously a problem that needs to be
areas: defining impressions, establishing audience                                    addressed—especially as key performance indicators
currency, creating a standard classification of ad units,                             (KPIs) of online ad performance shift from page
defining ad performance metrics, and establishing                                     views, clicks, video views, and visits, and viewability
brand attitudinal measures.                                                           takes center stage.

At the heart of 3MS is viewability, an issue that
has vexed advertisers and publishers since the
dawn of online TV. Viewability refers to viewable
impressions—basically a metric for determining                                        Today and tomorrow, it’s all about viewability.
whether or not an online ad is visible once served.                                   How much content was viewed? What was the
As it turns out, visibility is poor, to say the least. In
fact, overall comprehension of ad content could
                                                                                      percentage? What were the authentication rates as
stand improvement. Online video ads obviously                                         people accessed my brand, and was I able to deliver
need to be seen, but they should also be heard and
                                                                                      the personalized experience to them?
played through to achieve the intended effect.
These three criteria are rarely met, for several reasons.
                                                                                      J.D. NYLAND
According to The Ad Viewability Report, published                                     Adobe

2016 | The New Currency for TV Ratings: Tune in to Shifting Trends with Dynamic Universal Measurement.                                          5
The Media Rating Council (MRC) works to establish greater accountability in                                                  2020
digital media. In March 2014, it lifted an advisory against viewable impressions                                                             For 2015, TDG Research forecasts a 133 percent growth rate for OTT
as currency for buying, selling, and measuring advertising in the digital space,                         10%
                                                                                                                                             TV advertising, as more advertisers begin to realize the size of the OTT
                                                                                                                                             audience. Moving forward, TDG expects a 67 percent year-over-year
a move that reflects growing faith in single-measurement standards. Still, MRC’s                                                             growth rate for OTT TV advertising for 2016, 50 percent for 2017 and 2018,
Viewability Implementation Considerations suggest that advertisers temper                                                                    and only 10 percent for 2019 and 2020, as the industry matures.
their expectations until measurement processes are implemented, tested, and
approved. In other words, 100 percent viewability is just not happening. For
now, says the MRC, shoot for 70 percent. If publishers fail to meet that arguably
low standard, they’ll have to make up for it by granting advertisers additional
opportunities for viewable impressions. The MRC also advises all parties to keep
in mind key considerations for viewability, including authentication rates, stream                                                           50% growth
rates, mobile app downloads, and total audience engagement.8
Better accountability in digital advertising paired with a new standard currency                                  2017
is likely to yield tremendous benefits for everyone involved. Consider the perks
of OTT. Consumers can watch what, when, and where they want, and media
buyers can purchase ads to reach a specific demographic.

Some networks are already jumping in with both feet. For example, in May 2015,
CBS Interactive announced Studio 61, a new service that enables subscribers to

watch TV episodic content, local news, and movies through Hulu and across
numerous devices, including Apple TV, Roku, Xbox, and Amazon Fire TV.9 It’s
                                                                                                                              2015                       growth rate
more work for the networks: instead of selling ads for an entire show, they have                                                                           for OTT
to sell pieces of that show’s audience while making sure all ad inventories are                                                                         TV advertising
sold. But again, the payoff is huge—more accurate and consistent insights into
audience viewing behavior across multiple devices.

                                                                                                                         Source: The Future of OTT TV Advertising, 2014-2020.10

2016 | The New Currency for TV Ratings: Tune in to Shifting Trends with Dynamic Universal Measurement.                                                                                           6
Quite simply, OTT TV advertising can be measured more precisely than                                     Meeting top marketing priorities with
traditional TV advertising. With OTT, it’s possible to collect data on individual                        standardized audience measurement.
viewers, enabling advertisers to target a specific demographic with messaging
                                                                                                         A global survey of more than 200 media and entertainment executives pinpoints
that’s relevant to the consumer. In other words, millennials don’t have to sit
                                                                                                         top marketing trends for 2015, including:
through commercials for arthritis, medication and health-conscious baby
boomers can be spared promotions for a fast-food chain’s late-night menu.
The better viewers relate to ads, the more likely those ads will influence their
                                                                                                                       Use of data to deliver unique experiences
purchasing decisions.

Currently, however, ads that run on OTT TV programming are considered
                                                                                                                       Cross-channel brand communication with users
“digital advertising,” which is sold and measured differently from ads running
                                                                                                                       and audiences
on the same program delivered through an incumbent set-top box. This will
change once an accepted, universal measurement standard is in place.
Adobe Senior Project Manager Scott Smith says that to stay competitive in                                              Social-centric content
this shifting environment, advertisers can’t have gaps in their understanding of
what’s happening across platforms. “Ultimately, everyone wins. If advertisers
                                                                                                                       Mobile-first content
understand audiences, they are going to provide better experiences for the
consumer. They’re going to recommend content that’s important and relevant
to the viewer,” he says. “It just makes sense.”                                                                        Programmatic advertising

The early adopters playbook.                                                                             Standardized, cross-platform measurement powers these experiences.
Several proactive players in the space have already tested the waters of unified                         By gathering and analyzing consumer behavior across channels, it’s easier to take
measurement, teaming up with technology partners to leverage enhanced                                    a comprehensive account of viewing habits wherever and whenever they take
audience data for increased revenue. The following highlight reel provides                               place—so marketers understand who is watching, when they’re watching, and
examples of unified measurement in action. Each case represents an opportunity                           what device they’re watching on.
to further refine and streamline the measurement process through Digital
                                                                                                         Source: 2014, Impact of Digital Transformation in the Media and Entertainment Sector, Adobe11
Content Ratings.

2016 | The New Currency for TV Ratings: Tune in to Shifting Trends with Dynamic Universal Measurement.                                                                                                   7
Play ball: prepare for on-the-fly PIVOTS.

TV networks and media companies have seen
particular success experimenting with innovative                                                           The Sochi Challenge
ways to keep fans tuned in to live sporting events.
The Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC), for
                                                                                                                    18 days
example, used custom analytics during the Sochi
Olympics to overcome differences in viewer time                                                                     Live content overnight
zones. The network applied real-time feedback on
early-morning live video streaming to a subsequent                                                                  TV, radio, desktop, mobile apps
edited digest, inserting footage of popular athletes
and events for maximum engagement. The network                                                                      Eight networks
partnered with Numeris to achieve a single data
                                                                                                                    One radio station
source. Every online stream was encoded as one
channel to give CBC a comprehensive source to                                                                       Free live streaming
gather valuable insights into viewer behaviors.

CBC took a similar approach to capture and retain
2014 World Cup viewers—a challenge, considering
                                                                                                           2014 World Cup
a typical fan might toggle among multiple games
                                                                                                           CBC’s official 2014 World Cup website saw 45 percent more page
and post-game analyses, and switch from desktop
                                                                                                           views and 51 percent more video views than it did in 2010. Live
to mobile to tablet to finish programs on different
                                                                                                           coverage online also attracted 33 percent of Canadian audiences
screens. The result: Canadians logged more than
                                                                                                           checking out the professional soccer event for the first time.
13 million hours of video viewing across all digital
platforms throughout the tournament.12

                                                                                                            45%                          51%                         33%
                                                                                                         MORE PAGE VIEWS            MORE VIDEO VIEWS            FIRST-TIME SOCCER

2016 | The New Currency for TV Ratings: Tune in to Shifting Trends with Dynamic Universal Measurement.                                                                              8
In the U.S., Fox Sports took similar measures to keep audiences tuned in for Super                       Fox Sports increased Super Bowl XLVIII webcast viewership by 4 percent from
Bowl XLVIII, working with several technology partners—including Adobe—to                                 the previous year’s game on CBS.com and up 52 percent from 2012’s Super Bowl
implement real-time analytics visualizations for on-the-fly adjustments as the                           footage on NBCSports.com.
action—or lack thereof—played out. The game was a blowout, with the Seattle                              They did it by using Super Bowl XLVIII to showcase the Fox Sports Go service,
Seahawks establishing a 22-0 half-time lead over the Denver Broncos (final score:                        which provides access to live streaming of two sports cable networks. The
43-8). However, Fox turned the so-called snoozer into a big win by setting a new                         network was able to see how long people viewed content, when they switched
record for online streaming of a live sporting event.                                                    from desktop streaming to tablet, and how well advertising was performing
                                                                                                         across devices as it happened. They were then able to dynamically insert ads to
Super Bowl product components.                                                                           satisfy their advertising obligations.13
1   Super Bowl content hub
The responsive landing page for the entire Super Bowl campaign, built around
a rich editorial experience in addition to interactive fan vote games, socially
enabled stats, and engaging videos.

2   Super Bowl commercial hub
Tight integration with Facebook allowed for the creation of a social leaderboard,
providing first glimpse of the Super Bowl commercials, ranked according to
social sentiment.                                                                                                     6.3M                                   1.1 M
                                                                                                                    TOTAL UNIQUE                         PEAK CONCURRENT
                                                                                                                       USERS                                 VIEWERS
3   Super Bowl live stream
Featuring a live HD stream to watch the game as it happened both on a
desktop—and for the first time ever, on a tablet device.

                                                                                                                    528,000                               48 MIN.
                                                                                                                     VIEWERS PER                           AVERAGE TIME
                                                                                                                        MINUTE                           SPENT ON THE SITE

2016 | The New Currency for TV Ratings: Tune in to Shifting Trends with Dynamic Universal Measurement.                                                                                     9
Counting STARS: rewarding viewers to measure engagement.
It makes sense that a show about individuals living                                   In addition to the rewarding integrations, Big Brother   Shaw Media then took its success across the border,
under constant video surveillance would prove                                          Canada II used social media to further boost            leveraging lessons learned about Big Brother Canada II
the perfect testing ground for managing audience                                      engagement. Viewers could vote online without            fans to amplify viewership and engagement for Big
data. Shaw Media didn’t just turn the cameras on                                      registering, but they could dramatically increase        Brother U.S. The network created highly complex
and expect audiences to get hooked on Big Brother                                     their influence by logging in through Facebook,          audience segments, dividing them into three
Canada II. In Spring 2014, the Canadian broadcasting                                  LinkedIn, email, or Google+. This unique data            categories—light (someone who has viewed any
company implemented complex digital-to-on-air                                         capture opportunity yielded significant demographic      content), medium (watched video, had return visits),
integrations, compelling viewers to become equally                                    information. Users even responded to a series of         heavy (registered users, played along, invested in
invested in both broadcast and website content.                                       reward-based questions related to advertisers,           show). Shaw then focused on optimizing the light
The challenge was to measure the effect of those                                      including purchase intent and brand recognition.14       and medium segments, quadrupling click-through
integrations and turn that into a marketing opportunity.                                                                                       and tripling engagement rates for Big Brother U.S. The
                                                                                      With Big Brother Canada II, Shaw Media struck gold
                                                                                                                                               resulting numbers helped Shaw create a compelling
For season two of the popular reality television                                      with cross-platform integrations, successfully driving
                                                                                                                                               case study for ad sales and improved efficiencies in its
show, producers positioned rich audience                                              viewers from television to digital and back again, and
                                                                                                                                               marketing department, putting the right impressions
engagement as an exclusive chance for fans to add                                     collecting meaningful, actionable data in the process.
                                                                                                                                               in front of the right people at the right time. They
their unique voice and to influence the live action                                   Through a combination of in-house audience
                                                                                                                                               accomplished all of this by combining in-house tools
drama. To supplement on-air footage, they delivered                                   targeting, social sign-in, and second party audience
                                                                                                                                               and external partnerships to create a unified digital
a parallel online story via live feed that culminated                                 data, the company gained insight into individual
                                                                                                                                               measurement system that dynamically assessed
in audience members selecting the program’s final                                     viewers. Carefully divided audience segments helped
                                                                                                                                               media consumption across multiple platforms.
houseguest. Viewers were also rewarded with                                           inform which content and ads reached specific users,
enhanced digital components.                                                          resulting in more targeted content delivery and
                                                                                      increased ROI for advertisers.

2016 | The New Currency for TV Ratings: Tune in to Shifting Trends with Dynamic Universal Measurement.                                                                                               10
To BOLDLY go where audiences are headed.
Television isn’t dying. It’s transforming. According to GroupM Global Chairman                           Where to start and how
Irwin Gotlieb, rumors of television’s decline are greatly exaggerated and reports of                     to prepare.
decreased viewership reflect a “broken yardstick.” Like others deeply invested in
                                                                                                         Dozens of media companies are already participating in an advisory board for
the future of television content production and advertising, he predicts that over
                                                                                                         Nielsen DCR, and eight are beta testing the system. To get started, they took the
the next 12–18 months, the industry will experience an incredible paradigm shift.15
                                                                                                         following steps, which you can adopt when Nielsen DCR officially launches in
We don’t need to entirely break with tradition to embrace this new paradigm.                             the fall of 2015:
We just need to change our perception of tradition’s role in revolution. That
means taking time-honored methods of audience measurement and pairing                                    1   Implement tags:
them with advanced technology to drive content publishing and advertising                                Implement the ratings-ready Adobe Primetime TVSDK, or add Adobe Analytics
into exciting new territory.                                                                             tags to cross-device TV and video experiences.

                                                                                                         2   Activate insights:
We’re going to stop thinking of                                                                          Quickly activate Nielsen’s insights in Adobe Analytics and link owned analytics

television within the context of                                                                         data to the new currency metrics.

the device on which you consume                                                                          3   Measure audiences:

it and begin to think of television                                                                      Use Adobe Analytics or Adobe Primetime to measure audiences and viewing
                                                                                                         behaviors across a broad set of devices.
and video as a unified platform
that is not device specific but is                                                                       4   Apply insights:
                                                                                                         Use measurement insights to plan sales strategies that will maximize revenue
content specific.15                                                                                      across all connected devices.
                                                                                                         Adobe and Nielsen remain on track for a full launch of Nielsen Digital Content
IRWIN GOTLIEB                                                                                            Ratings. Get ratings-ready by exploring how to use Adobe Primetime and Adobe
GroupM                                                                                                   Analytics for deeper understanding of video consumption, conversions on
                                                                                                         advertising, and subscription offers and engagement across platforms.
                                                                                                         To learn more about how Nielsen DCR can transform your marketing strategy,
                                                                                                         see our news release.

2016 | The New Currency for TV Ratings: Tune in to Shifting Trends with Dynamic Universal Measurement.                                                                                       11
Adobe Analytics is the industry-leading solution for applying real-time analytics
and detailed segmentation across all of your marketing channels. Use it to discover
high-value audiences and power customer intelligence for your business.

Adobe Primetime is a multiscreen TV platform that helps broadcasters, cable
networks, and service providers create and monetize engaging and personalized
TV and film experiences.

1.    Jeremy Helfand. “Nielsen-Adobe Deal on Track for 2015 Digital Ratings.” Beet.tv. December 15. 2014.
2.    Adobe Digital Index Q1 2015 Digital Video Report. Adobe. June 4, 2015. http://www.slideshare.net/adobe/adi-digital-videoq12015. Accessed on September
      10, 2015.
3.    Campbell Foster. “Data and Apps Fuel Innovation in the TV Industry.” Adobe Primetime Blog. July 21, 2015. http://blogs.adobe.com/primetime/2015/07/
      data-and-apps-fuel-innovation-in-the-tv-industry/. Accessed September 10, 2015.
4.    Dounia Turnill. “The Total Audience Report Q4 2014.” The Nielsen Company, March 2015.
5.    Paul Sweeting. “The New TV Metrics: Pick a Number, Any Number.” Media and Entertainment Services Alliance. 2015.
6.    Jeanine Poggi. “The Big Problem with Cross-Platform Measurement: No One Wants to Pay.” AdAge. September 30, 2014.
7.    “Mark Hoelzel. “THE AD-VIEWABILITY REPORT: The Top Statistics That Illustrate The Growing Problem Of Unseen Digital Ads.” Business Insider, January
      8, 2015.
8.    Viewability Implementation: Background and Checklist of Key Considerations.” The Media Rating Council, October 16, 2014.
9.    Brian Steinberg. “CBS Interactive Launches In-House Advertising Effort.” Variety. March 2, 2015.
10.   Alan Wolk. “The Future of OTT TV Advertising 2014-2020.” The Diffusion Group. 2015.
11.   “Impact of Digital Transformation in the Media and Entertainment Sector.” Adobe, 2015.
12.   JD Nyland. “Measuring the World Cup in Real-Time: 3 Lessons from the CBC.” Adobe Digital Marketing Blog. August 14, 2014.
13.   Todd Spangler. “Fox’s Streaming Internet Audience Up 4 percent From CBS’s Last Year.” Variety. February 3, 2014.
14.   “Making Dollars and Sense in the World of New Media.” Adobe Digital Summit, 2015.
15.   Andy Plesser. “TV Isn’t Dead: Viewership Decline is Due to “Broken” Audience Measurement, GroupM’s Gotlieb.” Beet.tv, July 9, 2015.

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2016 | The New Currency for TV Ratings: Tune in to Shifting Trends with Dynamic Universal Measurement.                                                        12
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