Product Portfolio 2021 - Healthy Food and Healthy Environment, for all - Andermatt Biocontrol
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2 More and more consumers ask for food that is free of residues and has been produced according to standards that respect the environment. We at Andermatt Biocontrol Group enable the production of healthy food while maintaining a healthy environment for all. Our R&D, regulatory and technical expertise around the globe provides high-quality products and services to develop alternative solutions to con- ventional pesticides and fertilisers. Together with you we can make a real change to realise our vision. Dr. Martin Andermatt Dr. Isabel Andermatt Daniel Zingg
4 5 Products Our biocontrol technologies 6 Monitoring systems, Mass trapping Drosal Pro 33 Bio-Insecticides DrosaLure 33 Madex 9 Rebell – Coloured sticky traps 34 Madex Twin 10 aPhinity EAB 34 Capex 11 PheroNorm 35 Cryptex 12 Helicovex 13 Spexit 14 Rodent control Tutavir 15 topcat 37 Littovir 16 topsnap 37 Spodovir Plus 17 topsnap LR 37 Loopovir 18 standby 37 Loopex 19 Abietiv 20 Lymantria dispar MNPV 20 Macroorganisms SilicoSec 21 Beneficial insects 39 Bb-Protec 22 Insect feed 39 Nomu-Protec 23 Insects for research 39 Entomopathogenic nematodes 40 Bio-Fungicides AmyProtec 42 25 T-77 26 Curatio 27 Biocides VitiSan 27 InsectoSec 43 Biostimulants, Bioinoculants T-Gro 29 T-Gro Easy-Flow 30 R hizoVital 42 / C5 / P45 31 About us Structure of the Andermatt Biocontrol 46 Our suppliers 47 Subsidiaries of Andermatt Biocontrol 48 Your technical support 50
6 7 Our biocontrol At Andermatt Biocontrol Group, we offer a CHARACTERISTICS AND BENEFITS technologies large number of biocontrol products against a broad range of different pest insects and ✔ Highly effective pest control diseases. ✔ Zero residues In 1988, the development and production of highly selec- ✔ Safe for user tive insecticidal viruses laid the foundation of Andermatt ✔ Harmless to beneficials and the Biocontrol in Switzerland. Ever since, our R&D experts environment around the globe have pioneered in developing novel ✔ Ideal for resistance management biological plant protection technologies by adding fungal, ✔ Easy to use and apply bacterial and other biocontrol products, biofertilisers and bioinoculants to our portfolio. ✔ For conventional, IPM or organic production By providing high-quality biological solutions for both ✔ Naturally-occurring, non-toxic organic and conventional farming, the Andermatt and non-GMO Biocontrol Group has evolved from pioneer, to global player, in the agricultural industry. With more than 10 subsidiaries on 4 continents, as well as with local dis- tributors in more than 60 countries, farmers get access to our broad portfolio to address and solve challenges of today’s agriculture. Our products are approved and listed for the use in organic farming in many countries. We received certifi- cates from the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), OMRI, SGS, BFA, BioGro New Zealand, and others. We also offer unformulated raw material.
8 9 Bio-Insecticides MADEX Pest PRODUCT FACTS Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is one of the world’s most serious pests in apples and pears. Since it is able to adapt Against to various climatic conditions, management strategies Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) need to be adjusted according to its local developmental characteristics. Active ingredient Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV) Product Madex contains a Cydia pomonella granulovirus and Formulation type offers highly effective control of codling moth. Due to the Suspension concentrate alternative mode of action the product is an excellent tool for the sustainable management of codling moth. Concentration 3 × 10¹³ OB/liter Madex was the first commercially available product based on baculovirus worldwide and has been success- Standard dosage fully applied for 30 years. Madex can be used for organic 100 ml per ha production, but is also an effective product for use in IPM and conventional control programs. Crops Apple, pear, walnut, quince Madex Top, Madex Max, Madex Primo N E W , and others Madex Plus The Madex line includes several products based on differ- ent CpGV isolates. They are an important measure to pre- vent selection of CpGV resistant codling moths. In orchards with resistant codling moth populations, these isolates are effective tools for successful fruit protection.
10 Bio-Insecticides 11 MADEX TWIN CAPEX Pest PRODUCT FACTS Pest PRODUCT FACTS Oriental fruit moth (Grapholita molesta) is a serious pest Summer fruit tortrix (Adoxophyes orana) is present in in stone fruit. It frequently migrates to pome fruit orchards Against Europe and Asia. The polyphagous caterpillars feed on Against in the late season, where it can cause substantial fruit Oriental fruit moth and codling moth leaves, buds and fruits, causing serious damage to various Summer fruit tortrix (Adoxophyes damage before harvest. Oriental fruit moth is able to com- (Grapholita molesta, Cydia pomonella) crops. In Europe, summer fruit tortrix mostly affects pome orana) plete its entire life cycle on alternative hosts such as apple, and stone fruit production, whereas in Asia this species is cherry, plum and quinces. Active ingredient also a pest in tea plantations. Active ingredient Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV) Adoxophyes orana granulovirus Product Product (AoGV) Madex Twin provides a highly specific and residue-free Formulation type Capex offers highly effective and selective control of sum- combined control of oriental fruit moth and codling moth. Suspension concentrate mer fruit tortrix populations without harming beneficials Formulation type Madex Twin is the right choice for commercial pome fruit in the orchards. The infected larvae are killed in the last Suspension concentrate orchards with both oriental fruit moth and codling moth Concentration larval instar. On apples, the early application of Capex infection. 3 × 10¹³ OB/liter on overwintering larvae effectively reduces pest damage. Concentration 5 × 10¹³ OB/liter Madex Duo N E W Standard dosage Infected larvae produce large amounts of new viruses, Madex Duo is a new product development based on a 100 ml per ha providing a high infection potential for the next genera- Standard dosage different CpGV isolate. While maintaining the combined tion. Capex can be combined with mating disruption and 100 ml per ha control of oriental fruit moth and codling moth, Madex Duo Crops other insecticides. is also effective against resistant codling moth. Peach, nectarine, apple, pear, Crops quince, apricot, almond, cherry, Apple, pear, rose, plum, cherry, plum and walnut apricot, peach, currant, gooseberry and others Madex HP Insecticidal Virus Biological Insecticide – OMRI listed by Andermatt Biocontrol AG
12 Bio-Insecticides 13 CRYPTEX HELICOVEX Pest PRODUCT FACTS Pest PRODUCT FACTS The larvae of the false codling moth (Thaumatotibia leu- The cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) and other cotreta) are extremely polyphagous. They are responsible Against Helicoverpa species belong to the most damaging pests Against for major damage to citrus in Southern Africa, and to a False codling moth (Thaumatotibia of economic importance on a global level. They are known Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa large number of other crops in Sub-Saharan Africa. False leucotreta, formerly: Cryptophlebia to gradually develop resistance against several chemical armigera), corn earworm (Helicoverpa codling moth is also present in Israel where it causes dam- leucotreta) substances. The larvae are extremely polyphagous and zea) and other Helicoverpa species age in citrus, macadamia, avocado, pomegranates as well feed on many different plant structures including stems, as other crops. Active ingredient leaves, flower heads and fruits. The adults are known to Active ingredient Cryptophlebia leucotreta granulovirus migrate over long distances. Helicoverpa armigera Product (CrleGV) nucleopolyhedrovirus (HearNPV) Cryptex contains an isolate of Cryptophlebia leucotreta Product granulovirus (CrleGV) which was isolated from a popula- Formulation type Helicovex is a tool for the efficient and sustainable control Formulation type tion of false codling moth from South Africa. Suspension concentrate of the cotton bollworm and other Helicoverpa species, such Suspension concentrate as Helicoverpa zea or Helicoverpa virescens. Considering Cryptex can be applied without additives such as molas- Concentration its favourable toxicological and residue-free profile and Concentration ses or sugar and prevents damage within the first year of 2 × 10¹³ OB/liter the high compatibility with other products, Helicovex is well 7.5 × 10¹² OB/liter application. Moreover, Cryptex applications early in the suited for organic production, integrated plant protection season provide long term control of false codling moth Standard dosage strategies and resistance m anagement programs. Standard dosage populations. 200 ml per ha 50 – 200 ml per ha Crops Crops Citrus, avocado, pomegranate, Soybean, tomato, sweet pepper, bean, c otton, grape, macadamia, sweet corn, cotton, bean, tobacco, ornamental, corn, pepper, stone fruit, lettuce, s unflower a nd many others tea and many others Helicovex Insecticidal Virus – OMRI listed by Andermatt USA
14 Bio-Insecticides 15 SPEXIT TUTAVIR Pest PRODUCT FACTS Pest PRODUCT FACTS The beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) is one of the The tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta) is a key pest in tomato most destructive polyphagous pest species of worldwide Against production and shows resistance to several classes of pes- Against economic importance. Beet armyworms occur in Mediter- Beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) ticides. Introduced to Spain in 2006, it is now a major issue Tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta) ranean countries, North America, Asia and Africa, and for European and African tomato producers and is rapidly invade the cooler Northern regions as far as temperatures Active ingredient spreading towards the Far East. Larvae mine into leaves Active ingredient permit their development. Spodoptera exigua and fruits where they create severe damage. Phthorimaea operculella granulovirus nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeMNPV) (PhopGV) Young beet armyworm larvae feed on the lower surface Product of leaves. Fully-grown larvae devour foliage completely, Formulation type Tutavir contains a Phthorimaea operculella granulovirus Formulation type leaving only major veins. Suspension concentrate for highly effective and selective control of the tomato Suspension concentrate leafminer. It is well suited for population and damage Product Concentration control. Tutavir is the best candidate for integrated pest Concentration Spexit is suited for the efficient control of Spodoptera exi- 3.75 × 10¹² OB/liter management programs, as it is highly compatible with 2 × 10¹³ OB/liter gua larvae on various crops. The use of Spexit significantly other inputs, pollinators and beneficial insects. Because reduces crop damage and pest population. Due to its high Standard dosage of its unique mode of action, Tutavir is an important tool Standard dosage selectivity, Spexit is a valuable and efficient tool for inte- 200 ml per ha for resistance management in conventional and biological 50 – 200 ml per ha grated pest control programs using beneficial insects. production systems. Crops Crops Sweet pepper, tomato, melon, Tomatoes and other solanaceous strawberry, sugar beet, cotton, crops cabbage, lettuce, sweet corn, onion and many others Spexit Insecticidal Virus – OMRI listed by Andermatt USA
16 Bio-Insecticides 17 LITTOVIR SPODOVIR PLUS Pest PRODUCT FACTS Pest PRODUCT FACTS The Egyptian cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis; The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is a highly poly bottom right) and the fall armyworm (Spodoptera Against phagous lepidopteran pest, feeding on at least 180 plant Against frugiperda; bottom left) are extremely polyphagous pests Egyptian cotton leafworm species from over 40 families. It causes major damage Fall armyworm (Spodoptera that attack more than 180 plant species of economic (Spodoptera littoralis) and fall to economically important crops such as corn, sorghum, frugiperda) importance. The Egyptian cotton leafworm is widespread armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) rice and soybean. Spodoptera frugiperda originated in the in Africa, the Middle East and the countries of the Mediter- Americas and was first detected in Africa in 2016. Since Active ingredient ranean basin. The fall armyworm is widespread in North Active ingredient then, fall armyworm has been spreading rapidly across Spodoptera frugiperda and South America and is spreading in Asia and Africa. Spodoptera littoralis the African continent and found its way to Asia, where it nucleopolyhedrovirus (SfMNPV) nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpliNPV) has established in several countries within the region. In While young larvae cause feeding damage to leaves, January 2020, fall armyworm has been first recorded in Formulation type older caterpillars defoliate plants completely, bore into Formulation type Australia and has spread rapidly throughout the country. Suspension concentrate (SC) young stalks, buds, fruits and bolls. Due to their biology Suspension concentrate and the risk of developing resistance against chemical Product Concentration insecticides, the control of Spodoptera littoralis as well as Concentration Spodovir Plus is a highly effective larvicide against the fall 5 × 10¹¹ OB/liter Spodoptera frugiperda is challenging and demands new 5 × 10¹¹ OB/liter armyworm based on the Spodoptera frugiperda nucleo- solutions. polyhedrovirus (SfMNPV). It offers farmers a safe and Standard dosage Standard dosage highly efficient tool against one of today’s most destruc- 50 – 200 ml/ha Product 200 ml per ha tive and fast spreading agricultural pests. Littovir is a highly selective larvicide against the Egyptian Crops cotton leafworm and the fall armyworm. Littovir offers Crops Corn, sorghum, rice, soybean residue-free and effective control, resulting in more flexi Corn, strawberry, lettuce, tomato, and many others bility when included in existing pest control and resistance sweet pepper, cotton, cabbage, management strategies. potato, melon, cocoa, rice, soybean, wheat and many others OMRI listed by Andermatt Biocontrol AG
18 Bio-Insecticides 19 LOOPOVIR LOOPEX Pest PRODUCT FACTS Pest PRODUCT FACTS The soybean looper (Chrysodeixis includens) can be found The cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni) is a highly migratory on the American continent from Argentina to Canada. Its Against and destructive pest of various crops, especially in green- Against wide distribution and its polyphagous behavior, feeding on Soybean looper (Chrysodeixis houses in North America, but it is also widely distributed in Cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni) plants in 28 families, underlines the importance to develop includens) the tropics and subtropics. Cabbage loopers can severely adequate control tools and strategies. Although soybean defoliate plants. Early instar larvae feed on the lower Active ingredient looper is feeding on a wide range of host plants, it is Active ingredient surfaces of leaves, while larger caterpillars cause more Autographa californica generally considered to be a major pest of soybean and Chrysodeixis includens conspicuous damage. Resistances to various insecticides nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) tomato. On soybean, larvae start feeding on foliage in the nucleopolyhedrovirus (ChinNPV) have become a severe problem in cabbage looper control. lower canopy, once totally defoliated, pods are attacked. Formulation type Formulation type Product Suspension concentrate Product Suspension concentrate Loopex offers highly efficient biological control of T. ni lar- Loopovir is a highly effective biological tool to control soy- vae, by preventing damage and control T. ni populations. Concentration bean looper (Chrysodeixis includens). Loopovir also offers Concentration Loopex is a valuable tool that can be included in any pest 5 × 10¹¹ OB/liter the farmer an important resistance management tool that 5 × 10¹¹ OB/liter control program, especially as an additional resistance can be included in every Integrated Pest Management management tool and for the control of insecticide resist- Standard dosage program (IPM). Standard dosage ant populations. Due to its high selectivity, Loopex is a safe 200 ml per ha 50 – 200 ml per ha option for cabbage looper control in production systems using beneficial insects. Crops Crops Typically on brassica crops e.g. Soybean, tomato and others cabbage, broccoli, collards, kale. Also present on: tomato, lettuce, pea, potato, etc. Loopovir Insecticidal Virus – OMRI listed by Andermatt USA Loopex Insecticidal Virus – OMRI listed by Andermatt USA
20 Bio-Insecticides 21 Baculovirus products for forest pests SILICOSEC Abietiv PRODUCT FACTS SilicoSec is a registered plant protection product for the PRODUCT FACTS The balsam fir sawfly (Neodiprion abietis) is a native control of all crawling insects in grain and empty storage sawfly species that occurs throughout North America. Against rooms. The active ingredient Kieselgur leads to desiccation Active ingredient Its larvae are a significant defoliating pest of balsam fir Balsam fir sawfly (Neodiprion abietis) of the insects. Silicium dioxide / Kieselgur (Abies balsamea). Neodiprion abietis nucleopolyhedrovi- (diatomaceous earth) rus (NeabNPV) is a naturally occurring biocontrol agent Active ingredient for aerial application, isolated from sawfly populations in Neodiprion abietis Standard dosage Newfoundland, Canada. nucleopolyhedrovirus (NeabNPV) 1 – 2 kg/t grain, 10 g/m² in empty storage Application area Balsam fir (Abies balsamea) Area of application Stored grain and empty storage rooms Lymantria dispar MNPV PRODUCT FACTS The gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) is present in North America, Europe, North Africa and Asia. Its larvae feed Against on developing leaves of more than 300 tree species caus- Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) ing significant growth loss in forested ecosystems as well as in residential communities. Lymantria dispar MNPV (LdM- Active ingredient NPV) is a baculovirus product for efficient control of the Lymantria dispar multiple gypsy moth larvae. LdMNPV is the specific solution for nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV) interferring in a complex and diverse ecosystem. Application area Mainly on deciduous hardwood trees (oak, maple, elm and many more)
22 Bio-Insecticides 23 BB-PROTEC NOMU-PROTEC Bb-Protec contains the insect-pathogenic fungus Beauveria PRODUCT FACTS Nomu-Protec contains the insect-pathogenic fungu PRODUCT FACTS bassiana strain R444 which infects and controls white- Metarhizium rileyi¹ strain PHP1705 which infects and con- fly, spider mite, mealybug, and various other agricultural Against trols Lepidopteran pests, especially those belonging to Against insect pests. Bb-Protec’s unique formulation prevents the Various agricultural insect pests such the Noctuidae family. Nomu-Protec’s unique formulation Helicoverpa spp., Spodoptera spp., fungal spores from drying out and enhances penetration as mealybug, woolly aphid, thrips, prevents the fungal spores from drying out and enhances Chrysodeixis spp., Trichoplusia ni and and infection of the pest. whitefly, spider mite, false codling penetration and infection through the “skin” or cuticle of various other Noctuids moth, citrus red mite, and other insect the insect. The active ingredient Beauveria bassiana R444, is a nat- pests Active ingredient urally-occurring, soil-borne entomopathogenic fungus. Once inside the insect, the fungus grows and multiplies. Metarhizium rileyi strain PHP1705 Beauveria bassiana spores attach to and penetrate Active ingredient Death is caused by internal tissue destruction. Sporula- through the “skin” or cuticle of the insect. Once inside the Beauveria bassiana strain R444 tion and further spread of Metarhizium rileyi in the field Formulation type insect, the fungus grows and multiplies. Death is caused by is possible. Wettable powder internal tissue destruction. In numerous greenhouse and Formulation type field trials Bb-Protec proved to be highly effective against Wettable powder Advantages Concentration mealybug, woolly aphid, spider mite, whitefly, false codling • Unique formulation ≥ 1 × 109 spores/g moth and other pests on a variety of crops. Concentration • Control of various lepidopteran pests, ≥ 2 × 109 spores/g especially Noctuids Standard dosage Advantages • No residues and no withholding period after application 300 – 600 g/ha as a full cover spray • Unique formulation Standard dosage • Compatible with baculoviruses • Control of a broad spectrum of insect pests 300 – 1000 g/ha as a full cover spray • Effective population managment and ideal for use Crops • No residues and no withholding period or drench into soil in IPM and resistance management programs Wide range of crops after application • Effective against all stages of the life cycle of Crops ¹ Previously known as Nomuraea rileyi most pests Wide range of crops • Effective population managment and ideal for use in IPM and resistance management programs Bb-Protec – OMRI listed by • Compatible with baculovirus products Andermatt USA
24 25 Bio-Fungicides AMYPROTEC 42 Protects your root system PRODUCT FACTS AmyProtec 42 is a biological soil fungicide, containing spores of the naturally occurring soil bacteria Bacil- Key benefits lus velezensis. In the root zone, the bacteria outcompete Pathogen displacement and induction soil-borne pathogens, such as Rhizoctonia and Erwinia, of systemic resistance by accessing space and nutrients and creating a disease- inhibiting protective shield. AmyProtec 42 activates the Active ingredient plant’s natural defence mechanisms through induced sys- Bacillus velezensis (synonym Bacillus temic resistance. Enhanced root growth allows the plant amyloliquefaciens spp. plantarum) FZB42 to escape the susceptible state faster before plant emer- gence. These elements combined prevent from damping- Formulation type off and stem infections caused by soil-borne pathogens. Suspension concentrate AmyProtec 42’s unique mode of action helps the plant Concentration to build stronger and healthier roots and to improve its > 2.5 × 10¹0 CFU/ml tolerance towards biotic (pathogens) and abiotic (water deficiency, salinity) stress. Standard dosage 0.5 – 2 l/ha depending on crop and A perfect tool for integrated programs application method AmyProtec 42 can be mixed with almost all agrochemicals, using a wide range of application methods. Start treat- Application methods ments in early plant development and use AmyProtec 42 Seed treatment, drenching, soil- as an efficient part of integrated plant protection pro- spraying, injection into hydroponics, in grams, as residue free resistance management tool and combination with agrochemicals, etc. to reduce the use of conventional fungicides. AmyProtec 42 Biological Soil Fungicide and Bactericide – OMRI listed by Andermatt USA UNTREATED CONTROL AMYPROTEC 42
26 Bio-Fungicides 27 T-77 CURATIO T-77 contains the beneficial fungus Trichoderma atroviride PRODUCT FACTS Curatio is based on the active ingredient lime sulphur and PRODUCT FACTS strain 77B, a very effective aerial Trichoderma strain. The is suited for controlling fungal diseases like scab, sooty Trichoderma fungus colonises any plant wound or senesc- Key benefits blotch, Marssonina, Monilia, Taphrina deformas and pow- Active ingredient ing plant tissue, and prevents pathogens such as Botry- Colonises damaged or senescing plant dery mildew. Curatio with its unique mode of action is a Calcium polysulphide (Lime sulphur) tis and trunk diseases (e. g. Eutypa lata) from penetrat- tissues and prevents pathogen infection, curative and preventive fungicide which is able to protect ing the plant. Thus, T-77 is effective against Botrytis on such as Botrytis spp., trunk diseases apples during long-lasting rainfalls without risk of resist- Standard dosage stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. In the same way, pruning (e. g. Eutypa lata), Monilinia spp., etc. ance development. 4 – 12 l/ha wounds on grapevines and other fruit trees are protected against the entrance of pathogens. Grapevine trials have Active ingredient Crops shown that the protecting fungus may still be present one Trichoderma atroviride strain 77B Pome fruit, stone fruit, grape, etc. year after application. Furthermore, T-77 also has the abil- ity to parasitise and destroy fungal pathogens. Formulation types Wettable powder T-77 can either be applied as full cover spray or as a di- VITISAN rected spray on pruned surfaces. Concentration ≥ 2 × 109 spores/g VitiSan is a contact fungicide with preventive and cura- PRODUCT FACTS Advantages tive effects against a wide range of fungal diseases with- • Prevents pathogen infection in senescing Standard dosage out the risk of resistance development. The effective and Active ingredient or damaged plant tissues 250 – 750 g/ha residue-free fungicide is based on potassium bicarbonate Potassium bicarbonate • Efficient Botrytis protection in greenhouses with compelling advantages against Oidium and Botrytis and open fields Crops in grapes. VitiSan also controls powdery mildew and Bot- Standard dosage • Fewer plant and yield losses Grape, tomato, onion, strawberry, rytis in vegetables, soft fruits and ornamentals as well as 5 – 10 kg/ha • Vineyard’s productive life is extended as a result nectarine, soybean, etc. scab and sooty blotch and storage diseases in pome fruits. of d isease prevention (e. g. Eutypa lata) Crops • Increased postharvest shelf life T-77 – OMRI listed by Grape, pome fruit, stone fruit, tomato, Andermatt USA berries, etc.
28 29 Biostimulants, T-GRO T-Gro contains spores of Trichoderma asperellum strain kd, PRODUCT FACTS Bioinoculants a soil-borne strain selected through extensive research. Trichoderma spores germinate in the soil and colonise the Key benefits root zone of the plant. T-Gro enhances nutrient mobilisa- Improved nutrient mobilisation and tion and plant resistance to stress caused by sub-optimal tolerance towards abiotic stress conditions, such as waterlogging, drought or others. Thus, T-Gro supports the plant to develop a larger, healthier Active ingredient and more effective root system and can be applied to Trichoderma asperellum strain kd most crops. Formulation type Good results have been achieved on various crops, includ- Wettable Powder ing potatoes, vegetables, nursery crops, pastures, fruit trees and turf. The method of application is flexible and Concentration depends on the crop type. T-Gro can be applied as a ≥ 2 × 109 spores/g seed treatment, as an in-furrow spray or as a soil drench. Standard dosage Advantages 250 – 500 g/ha • Enhanced nutrient mobilisation • Increase in crop quality and yield possible Crops • Improved tolerance to abiotic stress Wide range of crops • Versatile application methods • Fully compatible with organic and residue free production UNTREATED CONTROL T-GRO
30 Biostimulants / Bioinoculants 31 T-GRO EASY-FLOW R HIZOVITAL 42 / C5 / P45 T-Gro Easy-Flow is a specially formulated Trichoderma PRODUCT FACTS The next generation plant inoculant ADVANTAGES asperellum product on a graphite and talc-based carrier. The product line RhizoVital offers a range of biostimulat- It is the perfect seed flow lubricant to use with mechanical Key benefits ing microbial inoculants, containing spores of the natu- ✔ Enhances tolerance to abiotic stress planters. T-Gro Easy-Flow improves nutrient mobilisation Specially designed to use with rally occurring soil bacteria Bacillus velezensis or Bacillus ✔ Increases nutrient mobilisation and helps buffer stress caused by extreme conditions such mechanical planters, more even plant atrophaeus. The bacteria germinate in the soil and release and yield potential as waterlogging, drought or others. The formulation offers stand, enhanced nutrient mobilisation, enzymes which stimulate nutrient mobilisation. RhizoVital ✔ Compatible with most fertilisers additional benefits to planting efficiency, such as a more improved tolerance towards abiotic supports the availability of plant nutrients which can lead and plant protection products even plant stand, no more skipped or doubled seeds, and stress and improved seed flow to yield increase. Tolerance to stress caused by unfavour- more seeds planted per hectare. able climatic conditions and field management can be ✔ Easy to store and apply Active ingredient improved. Use RhizoVital as an integral part of a future- The powder can be sprinkled on top of the seed in the seed Trichoderma asperellum strain kd oriented production strategy. hopper and stirred into the top seed layers. As the trac- tor moves, the agitation of the seed hopper ensures even Formulation type distribution of the powder throughout the hopper. T-Gro Graphite and talc based dry powder Easy-Flow is the perfect Trichoderma seed treatment for formulation RhizoVital 42 RhizoVital P45 RhizoVital C5 broad acre crops like corn or wheat. Bacteria species Bacillus v elezensis (synonym amyloliquefaciens spp. plantarum) Bacillus atrophaeus Concentration Strain FZB42 FZB45 ABi05 ≥ 2 × 109 spores/g Increased phytase- Cold tolerance favours Key properties Increased plant nutrient mobilisation production favours P-mobilisation growth at low temperatures Standard dosage Temperature range 12 – 45 °C 8 – 42 °C for spore germination 1 – 40 g/kg seed SC (liquid suspension concentrate) 2.5 × 1010 cfu/ml (depending on seed size) TB (talcum based dry powder) 1 × 109 cfu/g Formulations SB (dextrose based dry powder) 1 × 109 cfu/g WG (starch based wettable granulate) 5 × 1010 cfu/g Crops Shelf life 2 years, when stored < 25 °C, dry and protected from sunlight For crops sown with mechanical Compatibility Compatible with fungicides and other plant protection products planters All Bacillus strains are also available as raw material e.g for the formulation with fertilisers, seed coatings, etc.
32 33 Monitoring systems, DROSAL PRO Drosal Pro is a cup trap system suited to be a component ADVANTAGES OF DROSAL PRO Mass trapping in an integrated control strategy against spotted-wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii). ✔ Very easy set-up ✔ Reusable The cups can be filled with specific lures for spotted-wing drosophila. The lures attract spotted-wing drosophila into ✔ Can be filled with the preferred lure (i. e. DrosaLure) the body of the trap, where they drown. The cup trap system can be reused for several years. ✔ No waiting periods, no residue issues DROSALURE DrosaLure is a highly attractive and stabilised attractant for spotted-wing drosophila. It is composed of cider vin- ADVANTAGES OF DROSALURE egar, red wine, sugar and natural flavours and can be used as a lure to the Drosal Pro cup trap or any other kind ✔ Specific attractant for of liquid trap system. Drosophila suzukii ✔ Natural ingredients ✔ Compatible with any kind of liquid trap © S. Kuske, Agroscope
34 Monitoring systems / Mass trapping 35 REBELL – Coloured sticky traps PHERONORM ADVANTAGES OF REBELL TRAPS Andermatt Biocontrol offers a large range of lures for ADVANTAGES OF PHERONORM Rebell amarillo Yellow traps for reliable monitor- monitoring of economically important pest species: ing or mass trapping of fruit flies ✔ Specific, cadmium-free colours Acrolepiopsis assectella Leek moth ✔ Continuous, reliable quality for Rebell bianco Monitoring of sawflies and for ensure high reliability and low Adoxophyes orana Summer fruit tortrix successful monitoring the control of raspberry beetles Agrilus planipennis Emerald ash borer by-catches Agrotis ipsilon Black cutworm ✔ Available as single lures or as Rebell blu Monitoring of thrips ✔ Integrated UV filter assuring long- Agrotis segetum Turnip moth trap sets Anarsia lineatella Peach tree borer Rebell giallo Monitoring of white flies, lasting colour fastness Anthonomus rubi Strawberry blossom weevil ✔ Standard monitoring system used leafminers, sciarid flies, etc. Autographa gamma Sylver-Y moth ✔ Strong polypropylene protects the by research institutes and advisory Bactrocera oleae Olive fly Rebell orange Monitoring of carrot flies traps from deformation Byturus tomentosus Raspberry beetle services all over the world Cameraria ohridella Chestnut leafminer ✔ Very strong glue performs even Rebell rosso Monitoring or mass trapping Ceratitis capitata Medflies under severe weather conditions Contarinia nasturtii Swede midge of shothole borers in orchards Cossus cossus European goat moth and vineyards ✔ Possible to clean and re-use Cryptophlebia leucotreta False codling moth Pammene rhediella Fruitlet mining tortrix Cydia nigricana Pea moth Pandemis heparana Apple brown tortrix Glurex forte Biodegradable solvent for the Pennisetia hylaeiformis Raspberry clearwing moth Cydia pomonella Codling moth cleaning of Rebell traps Cydia splendana Chestnut tortrix Phthorimaea operculella Potato tuber moth Dasineura gleditchiae Honey locust pod gall midge Plodia interpunctella Indian meal moth Tangle-Trap glue Insect glue for the reuse Diabrotica virgifera Western corn rootworm Plutella xylostella Diamond back moth of R ebell traps Diaphania perspectalis Box tree moth Popillia japonica Japanese beetle Enarmonia formosana Cherry bark tortrix Quadraspidiotus perniciosus San Jose scale Eupoecilia ambiguella European grape berry moth Resseliella theobaldi Raspberry cane midge Grapholita funebrana Plum fruit moth Rhagoletis cerasi Cherry maggot Grapholita lobarzewskii Small-fruit tortrix Scrobipalpa ocellatella Beet moth APHINITY EAB Grapholita molesta Oriental fruit moth Sparganothis pilleriana Grape leaf roller Halyomorpha halys Brown marmorated stink bug Spilonota ocellana Eye-spotted bud moth Helicoverpa armigera Cotton bollworm Spodoptera exigua Beet armyworm Helicoverpa virescens Tobacco budworm Spodoptera frugiperda Fall armyworm Combination of a pheromone and a host leaf volatile, Leucoptera scitella Pear leaf blister moth Spodoptera littoralis Egyptian cotton leafworm together with a green sticky trap for monitoring and early Lobesia botrana Grapevine moth Synanthedon myopaeformis Apple clearwing moth Lygus rugulipennis European tarnished plant bug Synanthedon tipuliformis Currant clearwing moth detection of Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis). Lymantria dispar Gypsy moth Tuta absoluta Tomato leafminer Mamestra brassicae Cabbage moth Zeuzera pyrina Leopard moth Ostrinia nubilalis (Z) European corn borer Lures for other pest species available on demand
36 37 Rodent control Smart solutions for efficient rodent control topcat – The vole trap. ADVANTAGES OF THE TOPCAT-TRAP The internationally patented topcat-trap is a very efficient, high-quality trap for catching voles from both tunnel direc- ✔ High quality product made of tions. With it’s sensitive release mechanism and the pos- stainless steel sibility to check for captures above ground the topcat-trap ✔ Quick and easy handling is an effective tool for rodent control. ✔ Catches from both tunnel directions topsnap – The clever mousetrap. ✔ Very sensitive release mechanism topsnap’s tunnel-like body awakens the natural curiosity of ✔ Can be used against voles, mice. It is the environmental- and user-friendly alternative field mice, etc. to toxic bait, for long-term use in indoor and outdoor areas. topsnap LR – The clever mousetrap with remote signaling. ADVANTAGES OF THE TOPSNAP-TRAP topsnap LR is an advancement of our topsnap. The trap is equipped with a LoRaWAN antenna and temperature sen- ✔ Innovative two-sided trapping sors. Trap catches can be easily monitored by email alert system against small mice moving and in the WebApp where you can also find visualised above ground traps statistics. Thus, expenses for the usual trap checks ✔ High quality product made of can be reduced. stainless steel and solid plastic ✔ Easy, fast and secure activation standby – The vole fence. of the trap from the outside The internationally patented standby system is an easy and effective tool to prevent (re-)immigration of voles into ✔ Contact-free release of catch a valuable area. Natural predators (foxes, cats and oth- ✔ Safe for users, infants and ers) empty the live-catch traps along the fence making the domestic animals standby vole fence a reliable and self-governed system of controlling voles.
38 39 Macroorganisms Beneficial insects Adalia bipunctata against aphids and Phytoseiulus persi- PRODUCT FACTS milis against spider mites. Andermatt Biocontrol Suisse has many years of experience in the production of beneficial insects. Insect feed Ephestia kuehniella Frozen eggs of Ephestia kuehniella serve as a main food source in the production of many different beneficial insects. Insect diet Artificial diet for the rearing of insects. Insects for research Summer fruit tortrix Adoxophyes orana PRODUCT FACTS Codling moth Cydia pomonella Oriental fruit moth Grapholita molesta In the course of the production of baculovirus products, Andermatt Cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera Biocontrol Suisse has an interesting Potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella range of insects on offer for research Diamondback moth Plutella xylostella purposes. Beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua African cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis Tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta
40 Macroorganisms 41 Entomopathogenic nematodes Entomopathogenic nematodes occur naturally in the ADVANTAGES Against larvae of: environment as parasites of many insect larvae. The mass release of these nematodes provides an efficient and cura- Entomopathogenic nematodes are Heterorhabditis bacteriophora • Black vine weevil larvae (Otiorhynchus ssp.) tive control of key insect pests in a wide range of crops. a natural product and safe for users, • Garden chafer (Phyllopertha horticola) Once released, nematodes actively seek out their hosts consumers and the environment. • Welsh chafer (Hoplia spp.) and penetrate into the insect releasing symbiotic bacteria • Hazelnut borer (Curculio nucum) that multiply and rapidly kill the insect. Andermatt Biocontrol has been • Western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera) developing and marketing beneficial nematode products for over 20 years. Steinernema carpocapsae • Chestnut moth (Cydia splendana) • Cutworm (Agrotis ssp.) Easy application with AquaNemix. • European pepper moth (Duponchelia fovealis) • Flat-headed root borer (Capnodis tenebrionis) • Leatherjacket (Tipula paludosa) • Mole cricket (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa) • Palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) Steinernema feltiae • Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) • Oriental fruit moth (Grapholita molesta) • Plum fruit moth (Grapholita funebrana) • Fungus gnat (Lycoriella ssp., Bradysia ssp.) • Leafminer (Liriomyza ssp.) • Mushroom sciarid (Lycoriella ssp.) • Tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta) • Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis)
42 43 Biocides INSECTOSEC InsectoSec is a dustable powder made from fossilized PRODUCT FACTS diatoms which controls effectively the red fowl mite and all kind of hygiene pests such as ants, silver fish, cock- Active ingredient roaches and bed bugs. The effect is based on absorption Silicium dioxide / Kieselgur of the lipid layer, of the arthropod c hitin exoskeletons. By (diatomaceous earth) destroying the natural water barrier InsectoSec is leading to death of the harmful insects through desiccation. Standard dosage 30 – 50 g/m² Application Biocide for poultry farmers and professional pest control
44 Biocides 45 About us Andermatt Biocontrol is certified according to ISO 9001:2015
46 47 Structure of the Andermatt Biocontrol Our suppliers Andermatt Biocontrol is embedded in the family- and employee-owned Andermatt Holding and has Andermatt Biocontrol has an international network of high-quality oriented manufacturers of bio-rational shareholding in a number of subsidiary companies (outlined below), totalling in over 300 highly motivated products. Through these partnerships and shareholdings, we can deliver sustainable agricultural solutions employees worldwide. around the globe. Due to significant R&D resources, technical expertise and a constant exchange with our customers we successfully fulfil the demands and needs of the market. Andermatt Biocontrol Suisse AG was founded Plant Health Products (PHP) was initiated in Subsidiaries by Martin and Isabel Andermatt in 1988. 1998 by Prof. Mark Laing and Dr. Mike Morris With more than 30 years of experience in the in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The company development, formulation and production of specialises in the production of biocontrol virus-based biocontrol products, Andermatt products, particularly fungal based products for Switzerland, 100% Brazil, 100% France, 60% Spain, 82% Netherlands, 100% Biocontrol Suisse is a global leader in Baculo pest and disease control. Furthermore, PHP is a virus production. founding member of SABO, the South African Bioproducts Organisation. Romania, 100% UK, 80% USA, 100% Germany, 78% Germany, 62% Kenya Sustainable Agriculture A member of the Andermatt Group A member of the Andermatt Group Kenya, 90% South Africa, 100% South Africa, 90% Canada, 100% Biofa AG joined the Andermatt Biocontrol Sylvar Technologies Inc. was established in 2006 Group in 2018. Originally founded in 1979, and joined the Andermatt Biocontrol Group five Biofa has its roots in the distribution of plant years later in 2011. The company is a North Minority Shareholdings additives for organic farmers and has grown to American leader in the development, produc- become the largest supplier and manufacturer tion and commercialisation of Baculovirus based of biocontrol and bio-fertiliser products in products for agriculture and forestry. Besides Germany. the development of bio-insecticides, Sylvar also Argentina, 22% Poland, 20% Austria, 14% acts as a distributor of biocontrol products in the Canadian forest and agricultural market. ABiTEP GmbH is a German biotech company specialised in the development of products for agriculture and horticulture based on naturally- occurring soil bacteria and other microorgan- isms. ABiTEP has a strong R&D focus with more than 30 years of experience working with beneficial Bacillus species.
48 About us 49 Subsidiaries of Andermatt Biocontrol Andermatt Biocontrol Suisse AG Andermatt Nederland bv ABiTEP GmBH Plant Health Products (Pty) LTD Switzerland Netherlands Germany South Africa Andermatt do Brasil Soluções Biológicas Ltda. Andermatt România Biofa AG Sylvar Technologies Inc. Brazil România Germany Canada Kenya A member of the Andermatt Group Andermatt France Andermatt Biocontrol UK Ltd. Madumbi Kenya France United Kingdom Kenya Sustainable Agriculture A member of the Andermatt Group Andermatt Iberia Andermatt USA Corporation Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture Spain United States of America South Africa
50 About us 51 Alina Piven Abitep Your technical support Andermatt Nederland Biofa Andermatt UK Andermatt Biocontrol, Andermatt Biocontrol Suisse Sylvar Andermatt România I nternational Market Development Andermatt USA Andermatt France Andermatt Iberia Philip Kessler Felix Dubach Madumbi Kenya Dr. Philip Kessler Felix Dubach Director International Area Manager Market Development Julian Brandl Andermatt do Brasil Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture Plant Health Products Alina Piven Julian Brandl Area Manager Area Manager I nternational Sales and Supply Dr. Deborah Meier Stefanie Kloos Dr. Ingrid Kassner Dr. Philippe Fuchs Erich Frank Cindy Omlin Head Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs Manager Regulatory Affairs Manager Regulatory Affairs Manager Director International Key Account Manager and Sales and Supply Legal Office
10/20 Andermatt Biocontrol AG Stahlermatten 6 · 6146 Grossdietwil · Switzerland Tel. + 41 62 917 51 25
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