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Fabian Society 61 Petty France London SW1H 9EU Fabian Ideas 654 First published July 2021 ISBN 978-0-7163-0654-2 Editorial director: Kate Murray Assistant editor: Vanesha Singh This pamphlet, like all publications of the Fabian Society, represents not the collective views of the society but only the views of the authors. The responsibility of the society is limited to approving its publications as worthy of consideration within the Labour movement. This publication may not be reproduced without express permission of the Fabian Society. © The Fabian Society 2021 The moral rights of the authors have been asserted. British Library Cataloguing in Publication data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Printed and bound by DG3, London, UK To find out more about the Fabian Society, the Young Fabians, the Fabian Women’s Network and our local societies, please visit our website at
FABIAN IDEAS NO. 654 PRIZING THE PUBLIC POUND THE PROGRESSIVE CASE FOR RIGOROUS STEWARDSHIP OF PUBLIC MONEY JOHN TIZARD AND DAVID WALKER FOREWORD 2 Dame Meg Hillier MP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 INTRODUCTION 6 Effective stewardship of public money is essential CHAPTER 1 13 What’s the problem? CHAPTER 2 20 Auditing and assessing for outcomes in central government CHAPTER 3 29 Place CHAPTER 4 38 An opportunity and necessity for Labour CONCLUSION 44 RECOMMENDATIONS 45 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 48
FOREWORD BY DAME MEG HILLIER MP It may seem hard to get the average Tony Redmond made some clear and person excited about audit but David well-placed recommendations but the Walker and John Tizard are spot on that government has been reluctant to agree part of the legitimacy of government is his recommendation for a system leader, being clear and transparent about how instead giving this function to the body taxpayers’ money is spent. As they say, that oversees private audit standards. every pound saved is a pound to spend The government is an antipathy to on a priority. anything seen as returning to this And yet the ramifications of the 2011 regime. The key is how to ensure that Public Audit Act have been immense. there is overview of the sector, skills The abolition of the Audit Commission, to deliver and a greater urgency about the public body which oversaw and ensuring the situation is tackled. undertook all council audits and sector It is not surprising that Walker wide studies, has led to a situation and Tizard, as two of the key figures today where there are only three main in thinking about this subject go auditors left in the market. Add to the beyond the current crisis and highlight fragility of the private market the real that value should take account of their risk that as public auditors retire we suggested ‘five Es’ – adding equality will not have people with the necessary and environment to economy, efficiency skills to replace them and there is a lot and effectiveness. And much of this is at stake. Already we have seen delays vital in central government too, as the in audits increasing, leaving councillors Public Accounts Committee, which and citizens without information I chair, has highlighted. about councils’ finances as they make Crucially, this report also highlights decisions about the next year’s budget. the need for auditors to see beyond just The government’s response to the bean counting and to assess the the crisis in local public audit was to risks ahead and the wider public value establish the Redmond review. In it, of investment. This would require a shift 2
PRIZING THE PUBLIC POUND in the public audit appetite of the private warnings that auditors can flag, there companies that now deliver this – when is the perennial risk that good money there is a choice between private work will follow bad. and council audits the bigger companies We need a greater maturity of go for the former. And for smaller, thinking about how and what to potential new entrants the risks and audit and deeper recognition of its costs are high. importance. This pamphlet supplies Not every aspect of the authors’ a readable and accessible guide to suggestions are easy to deliver – training the discussion. Whether you agree public auditors to look at wider issues with the proposals or not, this for example, on top of filling the gaps document is an important starting already in the market, is a decade-long point for the discussion about why task. But Prizing the Public Pound right- audit really matters for delivery of ly pushes the debate. Every minister improved public services that will and councillor should read this report. make a measurable difference. Audit which supports local politicians and citizens to focus on the issues Dame Meg Hillier is the Labour and risks that matter is much needed. and Cooperative MP for Hackney And any right-thinking government South and Shoreditch and chair of minister should see that without the the Public Accounts Committee 3
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY During the pandemic, the way in money delivers maximum social which spending decisions are made value. The audit of NHS foundation and checked – and contracts are let and trusts, multi-academy trusts and local monitored – has come under anxious enterprise partnerships is no longer scrutiny. We need to turn that concern ‘public’. The audit of councils is in crisis, into practical reform proposals. Labour after the near bankruptcy of several should recover and celebrate its strong local authorities and central government tradition of innovation in the mechanics intervention in Northamptonshire of effective spending. and Liverpool. But it is not just about demonstrating We propose that public audit in competence: old ideas about value for England be reorganised, revitalised and money need updating too. Effective expanded. And we recommend a robust spending should be economical and approach to assessing public expend- efficient and should secure policy goals, iture assessment prior to committing using the minimum amount to achieve the expenditure. the biggest result. Spending should be Locally, we propose a new office environmentally sustainable. Auditors for auditing spending in places should also ask searching questions (by a Place Audit Office or PAO), about who benefits, whose needs are which would be responsible for local served and whether spending makes us public bodies and services including more or less equal. The pursuit of social councils, combined authorities, NHS justice and rigorous accounting for trusts, academies, multi-academy social spending go hand in hand. trusts, transport authorities, and the The time is ripe for reform. The audit police, and also for auditing the overall profession is facing profound change. wellbeing of places. The PAO would Confidence in company audit has been work alongside the National Audit badly shaken and professional standards Office (NAO) and share resources. But it have been called into question. As the would have autonomy in recognition of public sector has been fragmented, local authorities’ democratic status and so have arrangements for ensuring the NAO’s responsibility to parliament, 4
PRIZING THE PUBLIC POUND independent from government. We departments’ spending plans in advocate the potential streamlining advance. Do they deploy evidence of and better aligning of the roles of the previous policies; have departments auditors and existing inspectorates such modelled how they will be experienced as those in education, health and social on the doorstep, by people, in places, care, and police, fire and rescue. There with what environmental consequences is scope for more collaborative work and effects on equalities? This office between the inspectorates and auditors. should be an avaricious consumer Local public bodies should collabora- of value for money studies from the tively assess their spending plans. independent NAO and ensure that At the centre, government should NAO audits are responded to. create a new function, jointly in the While this pamphlet focuses on rev- Treasury and the Cabinet Office. enue expenditure, the same rigour and This Office for Spending Effectively approaches for assessing and auditing should check the deliverability of should apply to capital investment. 5
INTRODUCTION EFFECTIVE STEWARDSHIP OF PUBLIC MONEY IS ESSENTIAL How we account for and audit spending audit is now embracing equality and envi- public money has never been more ronmental sustainability, not just efficiency vital and – a word not often used and effectiveness. There are five Es rather in this context – exciting. To make than the traditional three of efficiency, a plausible case for more spending effectiveness and economy. If a health trust demands evidence that money will be underserves people living in low-income spent effectively on services and support areas or if the take-up of council services for those in need. The notion of value for (or vaccinations) among ethnic minorities money asks: whose needs, whose benefit is disproportionately low then those social and do these services make a difference? facts say the organisation is failing to deliver This requires those responsible for all-round value for money. making spending decisions to be clear about what they are seeking to achieve and to assess spending proposals before The 5 Es of value for money committing the expenditure. • Effectiveness. It also requires penetrating audit of • Efficiency. this spending, and for audit reports to be • Equity ensuring fair allocation taken seriously and used to improve public of resources to meet need. service effectiveness and accountability. • Equality – pursuing both equality Audit in the 21st century has to try of opportunity and addressing all to capture sustainability and account for forms of inequality. climate change. It has to fit people into • Environmental sustainability. assessing how a council, government All expenditure proposals should department or police force operates – the be assessed against the 5 Es. people who provide the service as well All expenditure implementation as those who receive it. Just as economics and its impact should be audited is emancipating itself from a narrow, against the 5 Es. distorted focus on price and efficiency, 6
PRIZING THE PUBLIC POUND In addition to assessing performance to know, better than we know now, against the 5 Es, all public audit should whether spending delivers and to whom. continue to sharpen its focus on Audit deserves its place in the political financial management, the quality of spotlight for the reason that sound governance, probity and adherence to management of public spending is vital the seven standards of public life found if the public is to assent to increased in the Nolan principles. spending. If the public lacks confidence This pamphlet is aimed at progressive that public money is being spent to best politicians especially those in the purpose, they will withdraw their consent Labour party. The 5 Es are aligned to being taxed. Every public pound must with the values, aims and policies of the be assessed in terms of its public benefit. party. Labour in UK government – and That entails both a more rigorous audit indeed in power locally and regionally of money already spent and new ways as well as in devolved administrations – of informing spending decisions before will always wish to deliver its policies they are made. It requires fresh thinking to maximise impact and will want to about time (so we can model the effects use limited funds (and they will always of spending on environmental sustaina- be limited given the demands for their bility) and about people (so we can gauge application) efficiently and effectively. who is left out, which places gain and the Every pound spent ineffectively or effects spending has on the wellbeing inefficiently is a pound not available of staff and citizens). for spending on priorities. This pamphlet focuses on England The Covid-19 emergency has thrown but many of the issues raised and the up instances where public money has proposed solutions would be applicable been misspent. Following years of across the four nations of the UK, and austerity, auditors are asking themselves some are directly relevant to the role whether they failed to warn of impend- and opportunities for a UK government. ing problems with contractors or even As would be expected from a Fabian the solvency of public bodies. Audit is Society publication, this pamphlet not merely a technical area, best left to is written from a social democratic dusty professionals. It is an essential perspective and whilst it seeks to public function, and supports all those persuade the Labour party to embrace arguing for higher spending on social radical reform as part of its ‘build back services. Without it, we can not know fairer’ programme, most of the proposals whether spending works. should be a platform for good govern- The Labour party, along with all ment for all responsible political parties. advocates of a more dynamic, interven- tionist state, should welcome auditors’ THE NEED TO PERSUADE work. At best they offer evidence of Labour must make the case for signif- what the state can do. Those who want icantly increased public expenditure to constrain government and diminish that meets the needs of communities spending need audit too. Both have and places. It has to adopt a programme 7
FABIAN IDEAS NO. 654 for investment in social and physical evidence. Better and wider auditing infrastructure, to create a fairer and of spending would not in itself change more equal society and address regional attitudes but the willingness to pay and social inequalities. It may have might increase and negative perceptions to increase taxation progressively to of the public sector might soften if we fund some of this expenditure whilst addressed the quality of how public also using borrowing and central bank money is used and its contribution finance. Such an approach requires to thegoals of a more equal, fairer public support and confidence in gov- and greener economy and society. ernment stewardship of public money. It also requires evidence that, unlike A NEW ARCHITECTURE FOR PUBLIC the current Conservative government, AUDIT AND VALUE FOR MONEY a Labour government would have the That means looking afresh at the commitment and policies to ensure architecture of how spending is planned, effective fiscal stewardship. delivered and its effectiveness assessed, To what the Institute for Fiscal both inside central government in Studies calls “substantial and mounting Whitehall and Westminster and inside pressures on the NHS, schools and other the local bodies with which people services” must be added the wider costs have most dealings – councils, clinics, of ageing, of infrastructure, of reducing Environment Agency and Department the aching gaps in productivity and life for Work and Pensions offices. Audit is chances within England, the demands the keystone in the arch. As the NAO of 21st century defence, and preparation says: “Independent auditors have a key for further pandemics, among the many role in supporting effective stewardship, pressing calls on the public purse. That governance and accountability. This role does not immediately necessitate higher is important at any time, but especially taxation; a great lesson of recent years so when available resources are scarce.” has been that fiscal and public financing Without an accurate and trustworthy policy including the role of the central record of income and expenditure – bank can and has to be far more flexible without the beans being counted – than traditional textbooks and many political and policy talk remains foggy economists used to claim. But the people and rhetorical. The circuitry of cost and of England, along with citizens of the accounts discussed in this pamphlet rest of the UK, must engage with the exists to serve a purpose – to build and prospect of paying more tax. As a pre- run nurseries and clinics and affordable condition, citizens have to be supplied housing and ensure people get needed with evidence, in the face of media and benefits. We argue here for the tradi- political attacks on public services. The tional Es of audit to be augmented by response to Covid-19 has bathed them the Es of environmental sustainability, in a positive light but scepticism persists. equality and equity. It is something the Audit is an essential strand in that Johnson government seems to accept. 8
PRIZING THE PUBLIC POUND Value for money does not therefore With that list we have moved mean simply selecting the lowest a considerable distance from the aims price, it means securing the best and objectives of traditional audit, and mix of whole-life quality and perhaps also from the skill set of trained effectiveness for the least outlay accountants. But their professional over the period of use of the bodies are alert. ‘Audit’ should embrace goods, works or services bought. analysis, data collection, organisational Value for money also involves … design and what might be called soci- assessment … to provide confidence ological imagination – to see how the about its probity, suitability, and balance sheet impinges on individuals, economic, social and environmental their families and their places. value over its life cycle. REGENERATING PUBLIC AUDIT That commitment was made in the Public auditors check the arithmetic Green Paper, Transforming Public and verify probity and legality on Procurement, published in December a council’s expenditure. But we cannot 2020. It needs to extend to all public just leave it there. Trusts, departments spending decisions. and local authorities exist within a state Traditionally, auditors come in after system but also within an ecosystem of budgets have been set and spending residents, service users and companies. committed. They check whether decisions Interactions between these also need taken are lawful; they are meant to blow to be audited. So too must interactions the whistle if the sums do not add up with the physical ecosystem, atmos- or if the absence of invoices may point phere and climate. to fraud. The importance of that ‘bean A local authority might have let counting’ must be emphasised. Public a contract for rubbish collection and money that is lost or stolen is money that recycling to a company owned by a shell could have been spent on children’s well- outfit based in a tax haven. The contrac- being or economic advance. Liverpool tor might underpay its staff, leaving them is a sad example of what happens when struggling to get by and relying on social financial discipline goes awry. security – paid for out of another public But audit needs to do more. Where do purse. Or the company might seek cheap the beans came from; are the plantations ways of disposing of refuse, causing sustainable; what environmental costs pollution. Audit should not be confined were incurred by transporting them; to a single organisation’s balance sheet. what does coffee production do to and Costs and benefits spill out and over. for the fieldworkers and their families, Spending by a police force on dealing what is their cost schedule? Last, but by with people with mental health difficul- no means least, what about the quality ties is not cost-effective if it is inflated by of the brew: does it justify the price an implicit transfer of cost from the NHS, charged, does it offer in the widest which has no properly funded night-time sense value for money? crisis services. 9
FABIAN IDEAS NO. 654 The conventional balance sheet in treatment? How well do they, on the the private sector is being reappraised. other hand, reflect the social and ethnic The Institute of Chartered Accountants composition of the areas they serve in England and Wales (ICAEW) has in their recruitment and promotions; challenged its members to reflect do they pay their female staff fairly; on an “unprecedented level of public do they make an effort to maximise scrutiny” of what they do and pick opportunities for all, including those up lessons from, for example, the with disadvantage and disabilities? spectacular collapse of the public service Accounting for equality is in its early contractor Carillion. Issues with private stages. But the modern public auditor sector audit have consequences for the should welcome the task of putting public sector. numbers on equalities and rolling Auditors cannot offer assurance to them on to the balance sheet. the public (or indeed to shareholders Financial audit tries to be of private companies) if no account is comprehensive – does this statement taken of depleted resources, or carbon of accounts include all obligations (and released; environmental damage and credits). So what if a city council takes contributions to climate change must no action despite evidence of mounting also be deducted or presented from pollution? Who notates the ensuing bottom-line earnings. This work is all costs, visited on children breathing in the more necessary when public bodies dirty air or, according to new evidence, have pledged themselves to reach a higher incidence of macular degen- zero-carbon emissions and internation- eration among older residents? Some ally agreed climate goals. of those costs are crystallised in other Audit should go further. Public organisations’ balance sheets, those of service depends on staff wellbeing NHS trusts for example. Auditors’ tradi- and conditions of employment. It also tional skills need enhancement. A note depends on the staff of contractors on the accounts, or accompanying public and how they are treated, as well as interest report, should refer to environ- on business suppliers, charities and mental degradation, and the costs and voluntary organisations. Alongside harms it may generate in future years. the direct impact of government run Those costs are not all financial. They indirect effects. A full audit also has are social and human; they are about to reckon with what does not happen what we value. when public bodies fail to exercise Citizens at large may be uninterested their powers. Mapping such unintended in the detail of governance, especially consequences for society, culture and financial governance. But electors do economy is no easy task. Do public sniff out incompetence. We believe that bodies knowingly or unknowingly embracing transparent and rigorous contribute to disparities in life chances; means of planning, then assessing does the way they operate sharpen spending, would both enhance public people’s sense of exclusion or unfair confidence and help to dispel the fatal- 10
PRIZING THE PUBLIC POUND ism that is both destructive of democracy spending and chaotic, last-minute and a breeding ground for extremism. decision making”. We argue here for a revamping of the entire public AUDIT, SPENDING AND spending cycle. Audit findings have PROGRESSIVE POLITICS to be fed back and become evidence A century ago, a distinguished member justifying (or not) subsequent spending of the Fabian Society railed against decisions. A continuum embraces auditors. These auditors had certified pre-spending planning and a calculus spending on hungry children by of practicality. Too often, policymakers Labour local authorities as ‘excessive’ have assumed implementation will and so were a menace, said William take care of itself. Ministers and senior Robson in a 1925 pamphlet. This was officials ordain; someone else picks a time when a Labour-led council in up the pieces. The audit continuum Poplar had led a rates rebellion so that extends through delivery into the the council could address poverty, assessment of value and effectiveness. especially child poverty. Today, as then, Conventional wisdom used to say that audit must address social outcomes audit, evidence, systematic planning not simply costs. of spending are technical matters, best Audit is a tool. To link it with the left to experts and we do not want to be politics of austerity is a mistake; to ruled by them. A plethora of ineffective leave it to those advocating cuts and policies proves how mistaken that spending constraints is to miss a great line is. opportunity. The case for spending One of the most dismaying findings more is made a lot more convincingly in Deborah Mattinson’s account of what by those who want to ensure public people in “Red Wall” constituencies money is spent wisely and well – and think is how they wait fatalistically for that expenditure and its impact are a policy to go wrong, anticipating how rigorously audited. Labour should not they will then blame the politicians.1 just champion value for money, it should Polling evidence showed that, engage with the debate about what despite the popularity of some of constitutes value. By assuring the public Labour’s ambitious spending plans in that spending offers value, the political the 2019 manifesto, there was a credi- left starts addressing a fundamental bility problem, with a significant pro- political question: how to persuade portion of the electorate concerned that people to pay (more) tax when this the proposed levels of spending would is necessary. neither be affordable nor deliverable, When she was Labour’s shadow and certainly not without increases in chancellor Anneliese Dodds MP called taxes for the majority of the population. for, “an end to poorly targeted public Labour’s costed analysis of its spending 1 Deborah Mattinson, Beyond the Red Wall, Biteback, 2020 11
FABIAN IDEAS NO. 654 plans was insufficient to overcome this As we will argue later in lack of trust. This problem was not new: this pamphlet, this does not mean it had been an electoral issue for Labour that Labour should lack ambition since before the 2010 general election. for increasing public expenditure Labour has to have clear plans and public investment. We are and proposals to demonstrate that in concerned that Labour can win government it would be a prudent and power and then maximise the effective steward of the public finances, impact of such expenditure and public expenditure in particular. for the public good. 12
CHAPTER 1 WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? Both public and private sector auditors present and future, staff, service users, are reflecting on the relevance of their creditors included; in the public sector, work today, amid mounting alarm over audit has to be sensitive to how citizens inequality and climate change. A wider experience service delivery and how definition of audit is now needed, going service delivery may, unwittingly or beyond finance and its traditional deliberately, discriminate between concerns with accuracy, legality and them. The balance sheet for, say, honesty in accounting. These concerns a local authority and a health trust remain vital tasks for professionals can no longer be audited in splendid but need to be absorbed into a more isolation. The audit function has to open and civic idea of assurance. Is the span public services in places and public pound being spent to maximum address how decisions made at one effect; is it being spent fairly? Key layer of government affect another. concepts such as value for money and The old concept of stewardship effectiveness have to be made fit for the must now extend to other dimensions. 21st century when organisations must In assessing risk, the accounting also account for their carbon output trail cannot stop today, tomorrow and for their contractors’ pay rates. or even in 10 years’ time – when the Change is coming in private planet will be even warmer and climatic sector work as well. Accountancy’s conditions further changed, with all its professional rules try to assure accuracy consequences for profitability, income, in calculating earnings, profit and loss for staff, for estates and the bottom and viability. But as PwC’s UK head of line. Organisations, public and private, audit puts it, financial statements must generate waste and consume irreplace- also reflect a ‘new reality’ in which able natural resources: wider costs ‘external issues’ impact on companies. and benefits usually go unreported. Auditors have to listen to all those Meanwhile, the interests of staff must with an interest in the organisation’s also figure in the accounts. What about 13
FABIAN IDEAS NO. 654 the ratio between lowest paid and chief wanting and urged changes in the executive; which people comprise the law to ensure that auditors reported board’s remuneration committee and in public, returning to the original what are the social costs of employing intention behind the audit of corpora- staff on zero-hours contracts, possibly tions – to give assurance to shareholders shifting one organisation’s risk to and other users of company accounts another – or from the company that they were a fair and true picture of to the state? commitments present and future. Asked to look at the FRC, Sir John Kingman – TRUTHFULNESS a former Treasury mandarin – proposed In recent times auditors’ reputation replacing it with a genuinely public as truth tellers has suffered damage. body to supervise audit. The Johnson Reform is urgent. One strand touches government appears to acknowledge the very heart of market capitalism. the problem and hesitantly says a new Lenders and shareholders depend organisation will be created. on accounts of profit and loss. To be The review found the concentrated trusted to draw them up accurately nature of the market in company audit is and impartially, auditors have to be part of the problem. The ‘big four’ account- independent of the company directors ing and consultancy firms, EY, Deloitte, who appoint them because the latter KPMG and PwC, audit 98 per cent of FTSE may have an interest in an incomplete 300 index companies. Kingman called picture or even deliberate omissions. for an end to such ‘dominance’. The same Confidence in company audit has been handful of firms also dominate in public badly shaken in recent years, even audit and are big providers of consultancy leading Grant Thornton’s Jonathan Riley and advisory services to government and to propose that the choice of auditors the NHS. In the public sector the big four should be nationalised: the auditors are more like the big five with one firm, of public limited companies should be Grant Thornton, carrying out 40 per cent chosen not by the directors but by an of audits for England’s councils and independent state commission. police forces. Audit reports have become unreliable. The Financial Reporting CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS Council (FRC) said too many company WITH PUBLIC AUDIT audits were sub-standard; too often Public audit has been in retreat for some auditors were not challenging directors’ years. Over three decades the audit of decisions. But the FRC was part of public bodies outside Whitehall has the problem. Ostensibly a watchdog been broken up and privatised. and supervisor of auditing, its status And of course the public sector was ambiguous – it was an unstable landscape as a whole has changed. amalgam of public and private interests. The 1997–2010 Labour government The Brydon review in 2019 found created foundation trusts in the NHS the quality and effectiveness of audit in England and empowered them 14
PRIZING THE PUBLIC POUND to arrange their own audits. The system allows. Spelthorne Council Conservative governments since 2010 launched a foray into the property have moved most schools out of local market, trying to secure a stream of authorities into multi-academy trusts future revenues from buying hotels which are responsible for their own and factories. The London Borough of external audits. The Cameron-led Croydon, too, sought a way out of the coalition government abolished the austerity and funding cuts imposed on Audit Commission, allowing councils it by central government by acquiring to escape a standardised public regime property for revenue which proved very and arrange their own audits. The risky and led to very serious financial NAO remains the UK’s supreme audit problems. Auditors seemed unable or institution and the auditor of central unwilling to blow the whistle in time. government departments; although The report from Max Caller on it does use private firms, it retains political and financial management in control and assures quality. The NAO Liverpool City Council has identified now produces codes for the audit of that as much as £100m of public money foundation trusts and (since 2015) for is believed to have been squandered councils, but vast amounts of potentially by a ‘dysfunctional’ council and there useful data about the 5 Es are kept are police enquiries relating to alleged locked up within fragmented audit corruption. The story poses questions arrangements. ‘Professional restrictions’ about audit and whether it was muscu- inhibit data sharing, the NAO has said. lar, assertive and independent enough. It added that many local public bodies Although there are different issues are involved in various partnerships, involved in cases such as Northampton- with other public bodies as well as shire (poor leadership and stewardship), with the voluntary sector and private Liverpool (alleged corruption) and companies. “Local auditors, however, Spelthorne – (questionable investments are only able to report on arrangements which came adrift), all of these examples in place at the individual body”.2 cast doubt on the effectiveness of the Since 2010, councils, desperate to external audit. continue providing services as their However, audit is only one element grants were cut and they were forbidden in the system. Much depends on from raising council tax, have resorted councillors, their powers, probity to desperate measures. Some reduced and the overall financial condition what they were prepared to spend on of local government during austerity. internal and external audit and public The FRC, which had been information. Conservative-controlled given a paradoxical role in monitoring Northamptonshire County Council council audits despite having no role came as near to bankruptcy as the in regulating council accounts, found 2 Auditing Local Government, March 2020 15
FABIAN IDEAS NO. 654 60 per cent of them did not meet its the Treasury has created over the years, quality standard. The Kingman report including the so-called Magenta Book said local audit should be fundamentally with its guidance on how spending is to rethought, to improve scrutiny, quality be evaluated, is curiously deficient. How and leadership – a conclusion endorsed spending is being directed to secure by the subsequent review led by stated outcomes often goes unexplained Sir Tony Redmond. A 2019 inquiry by and the story of how previous spending the House of Commons Public Accounts plans have fared goes untold. Committee found a fifth of local public Even statutory requirements to bodies lacked ‘proper arrangements’ to undertake equality assessments have secure value for money, with a dearth not been universally effective. Similarly of relevant information. consideration of the impact of proposals Devolution might have been an on the environment and sustainability opportunity to compare and contrast. is patchy and there are many examples In Wales, Northern Ireland and of such consideration being pushed Scotland, new audit offices were aside to make way for short-term established covering both central political objectives. government and local services. This Here is the tie-up with audit, in the welcome development seemed to offer wider sense. Before spending plans are a way of following the public pound approved, they need to be examined attentively from decisions made by in the light of what is known about ministers all the way to how public delivery and service design in the past services were experienced by the public. and, often, why they failed. Whitehall But few studies have captured the departments plan their spending and performance of these offices. At UK make allocations without enough knowl- level, little effort has been made to edge and understanding of the (local) evaluate the differences between the public bodies that actually provide the countries. Audit arrangements cannot service. A vast amount of evidence about be separated from questions of size, the implementation either goes uncollected – relationship between centre and locality, which we discuss later – or is not used councils’ autonomy and, critically, by the centre. how much they have to spend. This failure fully to assess revenue expenditure proposals can lead to: PRE-SPENDING ASSESSMENT • Reducing the impact of proposals. Spending totals are set periodically – the • Short-term considerations being latest review is supposed to be starting given preference over fulfilling in autumn 2021 – and the Treasury longer term strategic objectives. aims rigorously to enforce the DEL, the • Unintended consequences departmental expenditure limits. Bids to within and between invest are supposed to fulfil the detailed departments and agencies appraisal criteria set out in the Treas- including potential additional ury’s Green Book. But the apparatus expenditure pressures. 16
PRIZING THE PUBLIC POUND • Non-alignment between expendi- too. The PAC picks up only a small ture and policy goals. proportion of NAO studies; other • Negative societal, economic Commons committees – though they and environmental consequences can commission NAO work – make of expenditure decisions. much less use of its capacity. • Weaker accountability if there A glaring absence – regretted in are no tangible impact targets. successive reports by the PAC – is that no office, department or function WHITEHALL AUDIT takes responsibility for the system of Under the leadership of Margaret Hodge government as a whole. Money voted MP, chair of the House of Commons by parliament is allocated and disbursed Public Accounts Committee (PAC) from by the Treasury, which often seems 2010-2015, and the comptroller and to refuse responsibility for how well auditor general, Sir Amyas Morse, the it is spent, on whom it is spent and – public audit regime in central govern- critically – with what consequences for ment was reinvigorated and broke new sustainability or equalities. Report after ground in the manner of scrutinising report from both the NAO and the PAC departmental performance and calling have identified large gaps in core skills, senior civil servants retrospectively including procurement and contract to account. The work has continued management. Too many drew attention under their respective successors, to the failure to address previous Meg Hillier MP and Gareth Davies. findings, for which neither senior civil The NAO retains a strong reputation servants nor ministers are held account- as a rigorous and genuinely independent able. Departmental select committees scrutineer of value for money in central spend too little if any time on considering government and its agencies. But its NAO reports, leaving this task to the PAC. capacity is limited. Despite forays into This is a serious omission. following the public pound into the There is no duty on ministers or accounts of contractors, the activities of senior officials to respond in action companies largely escape scrutiny even rather than simply words to NAO when their balance sheets are heavily reports. Too often, this can lead to NAO dependent on the state. reports referencing earlier reports which The effectiveness of the NAO also have not been adequately addressed. rests on the willingness and ability of There is no office in Whitehall to check the civil service to collaborate and adopt how departments have responded and its value for money recommendations. to hold them to account. The Treasury is supposed to oversee The Blair-Brown Labour government this takeup, but its interest is fitful. began moving towards trying to Often senior civil servants still give examine, analyse and target spending the impression of reluctance to make across the “whole of government”. The the best of audit. The enthusiasm of Treasury now prepares accounts for MPs to use NAO findings is variable, the entirety of the state’s income and 17
FABIAN IDEAS NO. 654 expenditure, subject to audit by the probity, compliance with the Nolan NAO. Together with the projections principles of public life, the effectiveness regularly made by the Office for Budget of the goods and services procured, Responsibility, Whole of Government and the competency of procurement Accounts look forward to the state’s and contract management. balance sheet in decades to come – critically important when pension A TRIPLE CHALLENGE obligations are being stoked and higher That ministers and their special advisers education funding rests on loans that, might be tempted to rush decisions and although repayable in principle, will take shortcuts may be regrettable but never be redeemed. But this data has is not unprecedented. Unsupervised not been fully exploited. contracting was how government used to operate – in the 18th century. LESSONS FROM COVID-19 The modern British state, at least from During the Covid-19 pandemic, how the middle of the 19th century onwards, public spending decisions are taken was fashioned on the principle of and checked has come under intense merit. Applied to public procurement, and anxious scrutiny. Something has grant-giving and civil service recruit- gone wrong. Both in support packages ment, competition is supposed to be for households and businesses and the fair, even-handed and open. Indeed this procurement of services and personal was the genesis of the audit profession, protective equipment: as merit-based government demanded open assessment of honesty, economy There is evidence that government and effectiveness. The word audit used has not always spent money to mean a hearing. Audit was a way of effectively – both by paying over informing the public of how well com- the odds for the outcomes achieved munal powers were being used. District and by spending money in ways that auditors and, from the mid 19th century, achieved no clear policy objective . 3 the comptroller and auditor general were invested with wide-ranging powers of The Institute for Government found only investigation (recently supplemented a small proportion of contracts were let by powers of review). competitively and 2020 saw the highest That old sense of civic mission number of ‘ministerial directions’ for needs to be reinvigorated. Major decades – these are formal instructions reconstruction of audit in English local to permanent secretaries to go on with government is overdue but, as we a policy or spending decision despite suggest later, cannot be accomplished their (financial or other) concerns. without a parallel restructuring of how Major questions have emerged over central government spending decisions 3 Institute for Government, Whitehall Monitor 2021 18
PRIZING THE PUBLIC POUND are taken and followed. Recently and institutions, notably the NAO, remain especially during the pandemic, what in place. Fresh thinking is needed about Peter Hennessy calls the genetic code the content and structure of audit, of British public administration has been especially on the opposition benches. damaged. But strong traditions and We hope to offer some pointers. 19
CHAPTER 2 AUDITING AND ASSESSING FOR OUTCOMES IN CENTRAL GOVERNMENT UK central government has been In addition to its bread-and-butter battered by damaging allegations of work as the external auditor of depart- cronyism in public appointments. The ments, the NAO has amassed a large commissioner for public appointments body of value-for-money studies. For is alarmed. The civil service has those who care to look, here is a trail been threatened amid high-profile of evidence on how well the government departures from its senior ranks. is working with multiple pointers to But aspects of the state remain in how it could be improved. good health, notably three institutions The NAO regularly reports high responsible for the collection of vital take-up of its work. It claims substantial data. The independence of these data savings, £1.1bn in 2019–20. The Treasury organisations is precious and MPs who says it follows up recommendations value good government should pay made when the Commons Public the closest attention to whether they Accounts Committee holds hearings are adequately financed and how they on NAO reports. During 2019–20, the are governed. government says it accepted 275 of The most recent, the Office of Budget the PAC’s 300 recommendations. Yet Responsibility, provides a counterpoint successive investigations find similar to the politics of the exchequer. The problems inside departments. Shelves Office for National Statistics proved its groan under the weight of yesterday’s worth during the Covid-19 pandemic audit reports; they should be read today, and will again in delivering the 2021 before tomorrow’s spending decisions census in England. But, of vital impor- are finalised. There is scant evidence tance in both counting what the state that effectiveness and efficiency – let does and in holding it to account is alone attention to environmental the NAO. sustainability and equality – have 20
PRIZING THE PUBLIC POUND been improving over time in the In recent years, the NAO expanded machinery of state. The problem is one thematic studies but they do not of implementation and application. encompass the NHS and English local And that leads to the Treasury – which government, at least not in the detail oversees the separate ‘internal audit’ of spending by individual councils and function within Whitehall – and the trusts. Comparing the 3 Es between paradox of tight financial control health trusts and councils is very and lax oversight over effectiveness difficult, let alone their record on in public spending. environmental sustainability or The NAO is the UK’s supreme audit equalities. In the next chapter we institution but there is what professor look at how this gap might be filled. Patrick Dunleavy of the London School Another grey area is the oversight of of Economics called a ‘patchwork’ of private contractors. Audit should follow audit bodies and legislation across both the public pound wherever it is spent, England and the rest of the UK. A recent including the conditions of employment review of the internal audit of govern- and the environmental and equalities ment departments barely mentioned the profile of contracting companies. potential utility of NAO reports. Large sums of public money are funnelled WHOLE OF GOVERNMENT into bodies, some of them quasi-private, The Treasury compiles financial where the audit trail goes cold. statements for the whole of government, Examples include housing associations. audited by the NAO. This provides Some of the 5 Es are invigilated by the a rounded but high-level picture of the powerful inspection bodies that oversee state and its outlays stretching into the health, social care and education. future. The account has yet, as the NAO Sometimes the NAO collaborates with says, to incorporate the environment them, for example in joint studies and depletion of natural assets. Big with Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Con- questions have yet to be solved around stabulary and Fire and Rescue Services accounting for spending on education (HMICFR); sometimes Ofsted and and training. This is investment, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) boosting the capacity of individuals pursue their own agendas regardless. and the economy at large over lifetimes; The need to audit and draw a map of similarly, some NHS spending helps effectiveness (shorthand for the 5 Es) prevent ill health and enhances life seems sometimes to be forgotten. The chances, with positive effects on future White Paper on integrating the NHS in GDP and tax revenues. England contained not a single mention What is often lacking is a more of audit, despite its consequences for detailed understanding of how spending the effectiveness of NHS trusts, for the in one part of government affects – and role of contractors and for the account- may diminish the value – of spending ability of the proposed integrated care in another. In recent years, the NAO has system boards. found it hard to audit the Department 21
FABIAN IDEAS NO. 654 of Work and Pensions because data goes sidelining and hollowing out local missing in the labyrinth of pensions government in England. This amounts and social security. But an all-round to a ‘power grab’, according to professor audit means looking in addition at how Janice Morphet of University College, spending by the DWP may be rendered London. Yet, paradoxically, the centre less effective because of spending is weak. The UK government, the Public (or lack of spending) in other areas. Accounts Committee was solemnly For example, how much of the increased told by the former cabinet secretary, spend on income support in universal has ‘no corporate centre’. In between credit and other benefits is attributable the Treasury, Number 10 and the to the pursuit by the business depart- Cabinet Office, policies founder and ment of low-wage employment? bright intentions corrode. The removal of a dominant personality, Dominic REWIRING CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Cummings, exposed the structural gap. The Transforming Public Procurement This is not new. Successive adminis- Green Paper says: trations have struggled to shape and reshape this triangle. It is no accident The decision to invest public funds that, to review how to make things into policies, services, projects and happen in government after a year in programmes is subject to analysis power, Johnson turned to the very man and appraisal to assess the public tasked by a Labour prime minister to good that is expected to accrue answer the same question two decades as a result of the expenditure. For ago, Michael Barber. national spending this will have UK government is highly centralised been conducted in accordance but not in the sense of having knowl- with the HM Treasury Green Book edge of outcomes and effectiveness. The guidance and subject to National Institute for Government concludes that: Audit Office scrutiny. By international standards the Unfortunately this statement of intent Cabinet Office and Number 10 offer is not matched by reality. The Green limited policy and implementation Book purports to be a generic guide to support to the prime minister, spending effectively but there are large meaning that the UK has the worst gaps between its precepts and spending of all worlds: a highly centralised decisions. It does not insist as it should system of government without on informing those decisions from the capacity to organise it from previous scrutiny, including the efforts the centre. of the NAO. During Brexit and Covid-19, A refrain in successive reports from ministers have been accused of Commons committees is that there is centralising power, undermining UK no ‘system’. No one takes responsibility and in particular English devolution, for public services as a whole. Data is 22
PRIZING THE PUBLIC POUND still not routinely shared between tiers managed and experienced outside the of government Citizens have to knock confines of a single department. Central on multiple doors: the local DWP office coordination of capital spending has is separate from that of HMRC with proved a lot easier than revenue. Ad hoc neither willing to share premises with units have been created over the years to the council or health trust. Contracting try to cement the bricks, for example the out often exemplifies the absence of Infrastructure and Projects Authority. holistic thinking. Ministers insist No mechanism connects political companies are brought in to run welfare, intention, programme and outcome. housing or public protection, claiming No one sits astride how policy becomes savings will be made. The companies departmental allocations which are bid low and pay their staff less than then delivered to people, in surgeries, before; to survive, staff have to claim in schools, in social security receipts and universal credit, pushing up aggregate in business support. Better assessment of outlays. No one, including remarkably what spending accomplishes should feed no one in the Treasury, cares to join the back into robust pre-spending planning. dots and paint a rounded picture. There That implies not so much a more power- has been no systematic assessment of ful centre but a cleverer, better informed the all-round impact of outsourcing. one that does not disdain delivery but The NAO has powers to seek data actively incorporates learning from and information from contractors, but doing and learning from audit. it should have unfettered access to contractors’ financial arrangements MAKING THE STATE MORE EFFECTIVE including relations with parent compa- Before spending decisions are finalised, nies, executive remuneration policies, government needs, according to the tax policies and more. procurement report, “a strong strategic Assessments of public service case that sets: a clear objective aligned outsourcing should include an evalu- to government priorities, a rationale for ation of the impact of proposals and intervention, and/or robust evidence actual contracting on employment terms and analysis for how different options and conditions, the local economy, for delivery”. But beyond this statement, equality and the environment as well what we need is a lasting commitment as on other public sector budgets – for together with fresh thinking about the example a loss of employment resulting mechanics through which evidence – in extra costs for the DWP. especially the evidence from audit – The Treasury says it is in is amassed and applied in advance. control. The language in its various Successive governments have failed manuals – the green, magenta and to map the routes taken by their own red books – implies coordination. But policies. The austerity administrations the UK central government remains of Cameron and May made cuts in a thing of silos, ill-equipped and often spending without apparent regard for oddly uninterested in how services are indirect or unintended consequences. 23
FABIAN IDEAS NO. 654 In pursuit of academy status for English resulting in higher long-term costs. schools, ministers forgot children with Meanwhile delivery failure breeds special needs and how their education discontent and mistrust and may feed was to be organised; they missed, extremist beliefs and politics. The history knowingly or otherwise, the effect of of policymaking says doing something fragmentation on nutritional standards, often leads to perverse results and may affecting children’s ability to learn and even harm the people and groups who benefit from schooling, and on account- are supposed to benefit. A perennial ability. Delivery, says Lord Michael temptation is to apply Elastoplast rather Bichard, former chair of the NAO and than find and deal with the cause of permanent secretary at education, the wound. It is a mindset evident has never been a strength of the civil in the Treasury, under all parties: it is service, whose leaders have too often suspicious of arguments about spending lacked respect for those who toil to now to save later. Yet prevention is deliver welfare, schooling and care at more cost effective than palliation, home. The failure of test and trace in addressing structural causes (of poverty 2020 can be attributed, says co-chair of or environmental degradation) is more the NHS Assembly professor Sir Chris effective than transient improvement. Ham, to lack of knowledge of local That may mean postponing action until conditions or some ‘black box’ theory investment has been planned and longer of government in which you hand over term effects mapped. Rhetoric does not an entire function to a private contractor design a workable policy. What sounds in the spirit of let them get on with it, good in a blog or article or in a speech, let’s not bother about the detail. When even in a manifesto, does not amount he was head of the civil service, Lord to a policy, let alone a coordinated Kerslake once devised ‘accountability programme of action. ‘Levelling up’ system statements’ offering assurance may be an example. on value for money and clarifying Government machinery in lines of spending where Whitehall itself guarantees nothing. In politics, departments were directly responsible personality and culture will always and where delivery responsibility trump structure and procedure. belonged locally – but only a handful Ministers, said the Commons Public of departments bothered to write them Administration and Constitutional and the initiative petered out. Affairs Committee, are the ‘fulcrum of Michael Bichard notes that govern- effectiveness’. But if much depends on ments have a bias towards a one-shot ministers’ capacity (and their desire to approach. They rush into a policy for deliver, especially the prime minister’s), fear their time is limited. But the result it is important also to recognise that is often failure. Targets are missed and there is a functional gap. It is evident the people who are supposed to be in how dialogue between departments helped receive no benefit. Badly targeted and the Treasury and even budgetary policies may have perverse consequences allocations often betray ignorance 24
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