PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting

Page created by Fernando Haynes
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
February 2023           February 2023

                PRIMETIME                PRIMETIME

                                    A Proud History,
                                    A Limitless Future
                                        February 28, 8pm

                                           Broadway performer and concert soloist Nikki Renée Daniels.
                                           Photo courtesy of Nouveau Productions
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
     1 WEDNESDAY                                          violence. (Also Sat 8:30pm)                           Fight the Power: How Hip Hop Changed the
                                                                                                                World The Foundation (R)
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |             11:00        Bridging the Divide: Tom Bradley
             Secrets of the Dead Bombing                   and the Politics of Race Learn how the Los         10:00 OPB Luna & Sophie A Grave Mistake.
       Auschwitz. Examine one of the great moral           Angeles mayor united a divided city. (Also Fri       A fertility specialist is murdered. |
       dilemmas of the 20th century.                       7pm)                                                 We’re Still Here (R)

    8:00 OPB Nature The Elephant and the Termite.       11:30 OPB On Story A Conversation With Michael        11:00 OPB Love, Inevitably Ep 5. Massimo and
       Giant elephants and tiny termites create            Schur (Also Sun 4:30am)                               Candela’s lives become complicated. |
       lifesaving waterholes. (Also Sun 5pm OPB )                                                                      America ReFramed Where the
       |                                                                                                         Pavement Ends (R-Also Sun 2pm)
                Searching: Our Quest for Meaning         3 FRIDAY
       in the Age of Science The Stars & The Osprey.
                                                        7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |
       Explore the world of atoms and molecules.
                                                                  Bridging the Divide: Tom Bradley
                                                                                                               5 SUNDAY
    9:00 OPB NOVA London Super Tunnel.                     and the Politics of Race (R-Also Tue 8am)          5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |
       Construction teams build a new subterranean                                                                      Nature The Elephant and the Termite
       railroad under London. (Also Tue 9pm             8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries Out on a
                                                                                                                 (R-Also Sun 9pm)
       OPB ) |          Reel South Unmarked (Also          Limb. Frankie goes undercover as a hostess.
       Fri 11am)                                           (Also Mon 1am) |        Washington Week            5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend
                                                           (Also Sat 2:30pm)
    9:30         Independent Lens The Picture                                                                 6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Vitality of the Human
       Taker. Ernest Withers was an African             8:30         Oregon Experience Abigail Scott             Spirit (R) |      Finding Your Roots Rising
       American civil rights photographer and FBI          Duniway. Follow a 40-year fight for women’s           From the Ashes. Featuring actors Brian Cox
       informant. (Also Sat 9am)                           suffrage.                                             and Viola Davis. (Also Sun 10pm)

    10:00 OPB Secrets of the Dead King Arthur’s         9:00 OPB Traces Season 2, Ep 5. Another deadly        6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Bison Ranching (R)
      Lost Kingdom. Evidence may link the legend           explosion occurs. (Also Mon 2am) |
                                                                                                              7:00 OPB The Legacy List With Matt Paxton
      of King Arthur to a trading village. (Also Tue       The Groveland Four In 1949, four Black men
                                                                                                                 A Space for Healing (Birmingham, AL) |
      10pm OPB )                                           went on trial for a false accusation. (Also Sat
                                                                                                                         American Experience Freedom
    11:00 OPB Climate Change: Ade on the                                                                         Riders. Explore the story behind a courageous
       Frontline The Solomon Islands and Australia.     10:00 OPB Astrid The Man Who Never Was. The              band of civil rights activists. (Also Sun 11pm)
       Witness how land has vanished from rising          duo confronts an eco-terrorist group leader.
                                                                                                              8:00 OPB Masterpiece Miss Scarlet & The Duke:
       tide levels. (Also Fri 4am) |     Frontline           (Also Mon 3am) |            American
                                                                                                                 The Heir. Eliza helps the heir with an
       Putin and the Presidents. Examine Putin’s          Experience The Blinding of Isaac Woodard.
                                                                                                                 unclaimed fortune. (Also Tue 1am)
       history of clashing with American presidents.      This act of racial violence by police ignited a
       (Also Thu 7pm)                                     fight for civil rights. (Also Mon 7pm)              9:00 OPB Masterpiece All Creatures Great and
                                                                                                                 Small: Season 3, Ep 5. Tristan learns the
                                                        11:00 OPB Hotel Portofino Uncoverings. Nish
     2 THURSDAY                                            and Lucian escape arrest. (Also Mon 4am)

    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |
            Frontline Putin and the Presidents (R)       4 SATURDAY
    8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Vitality of the Human      5:00 OPB This Old House Newburyport:
       Spirit. Battle Ground’s James Lee Hansen            Off-the-Shelf Custom Look (Also Mon 6pm) |
       is one of the Northwest’s most prominent                    Fight the Power: How Hip Hop
       and influential sculptors. (Also Sun 6pm)           Changed the World The Foundation. Discover
       |         AfroPop: The Ultimate Cultural            what led to the birth of hip hop. (Also Sat 9pm)
       Exchange Mama Gloria (Also Tue 2/28 1pm)         5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend
                                8:30 OPB Oregon         6:00 OPB Confucius Was a Foodie Huaiyang |
                                Field Guide Bison                   We’re Still Here Indigenous hip hop
                                                                                                                                                    Maya Suchak
                                Ranching. Two sisters      artists in Canada work to right long-standing
                                take over the family       social injustices. (Also Sat 10pm)                    Independent Lens
                                business at the
                                Stangel Bison Ranch     7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe The Best of                 Outta the Muck
      in Northeast Oregon.      (Also Sun 6:30pm)          Slovenia/Granada, Cordoba, and Spain’s Costa          Wade into the rich soil of Pahokee,
                                                           del Sol (Also Sun 9am) |       America
    9:00 OPB La Otra Mirada Masquerade. The                                                                      Florida, a town on the banks of
                                                           ReFramed Where the Pavement Ends (R-Also
       Academy prepares for Carnival. (Also Sun            Sat 11pm)                                             Lake Okeechobee. Beyond its
       2am) |       America ReFramed Where the                                                                   football legacy, including sending
       Pavement Ends. Examine the deep and lasting      8:00 OPB Professor T Sophie Knows. Professor
                                                                                                                 over a dozen players to the NFL,
       wounds of segregation and racial injustice.         T befriends a vulnerable girl. (Also Mon 12am)
                                                                                                                 the fiercely self-determined
       (Also Sat 7pm)                                   8:30       Why This Moment (R-Also Sun                   community tells their stories of
    10:30 OPB Before We Die (Swedish) Season 2,            3:30pm)
                                                                                                                 Black achievement and resilience
      Ep 1. Hanna looks for a leak in the police        9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private                 in the face of tragic storms and
      department. (Also Sun 3:30am) |            Why       Investigators Best Beware My Sting. A
      This Moment People in Richmond, Virginia                                                                   personal trauma.
                                                           wedding sparks family drama. |
      protest against repeated acts of police                                                                    Monday, February 6, 11pm
2   FEBRUARY 2023
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1

                                          R = Repeat within a week                          = Program premiere
 OPB = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted   Programs are subject to change
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at   Full schedule and VOD at

  challenges of housekeeping. (Also Tue                           10:00 OPB Frontline America and the Taliban, Pt 1.
  2am) |        Nature The Elephant and the                         Examine America’s 20-year investment in
  Termite (R-Also Mon 5am)                                          Afghanistan. (Also Wed 11pm OPB ) |
                                                                           Secrets of the Dead King Arthur’s Lost
10:00 OPB Vienna Blood Death Is Now a
                                                                    Kingdom (R-Also Wed 6am)
  Welcome Guest, Pt 1. An actress is murdered.
     (Also Tue 3am) |       Finding Your                          11:00 OPB Becoming Frederick Douglass
  Roots Rising From the Ashes (R-Also Mon                            Explore Douglass’ role in securing African
  6am)                                                               Americans’ right to freedom. (Also Sun 2/19
                                                                     4pm OPB ) |           Expedition With Steve
11:00 OPB Masterpiece Baptiste: Season 1, Ep 5.
                                                                     Backshall Kamchatka: Expedition Grizzly River
   Julien frames Constantin. (Also Tue 4am) |
                                                                     (Also Wed 7pm)
           American Experience Freedom Riders
   (R-Also Mon 7am)
                                                                    8 WEDNESDAY
 6 MONDAY                                                         7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |
                                                                           Expedition With Steve Backshall
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour |             American
                                                                     Kamchatka: Expedition Grizzly River (R-Also
   Experience The Blinding of Isaac Woodard (R)
                                                                     Sat 2am)
8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Santa Fe’s
   Museum Hill, Hr 3 (Also Wed 1am)
                                                                  8:00 OPB Dogs in the Wild: A Nature                      OPB World
9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Oregon’s Black
                                                                     Miniseries Meet the Family. Meet wild dogs
                                                                     from across the world. (Also Sun 5pm                  Channel
   Pioneers. Learn how African Americans                             OPB ) |          Searching: Our Quest
                                                                                                                           Starting this month, OPB’s
   helped shape the state. (Also Fri 8:30pm                          for Meaning in the Age of Science The
   OPB ) |         Guilty Until Proven Guilty                        Big & The Small. Can an android achieve               secondary channel, formerly OPB
   Trace one man’s trajectory from arrest to trial                   consciousness?                                        Plus, is now known as OPB World.
   to sentencing. (Also Tue 5am)
                                                                                         9:00 OPB NOVA Star
                                                                                         Chasers of Senegal. One
                                                                                                                           With OPB World, you can still
9:30 OPB Oregon Experience Leo Adler. Adler
   built a magazine empire. (Also Wed 2:30am)                                            astronomer investigates           watch your favorite programs from
10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Celebrating
                                                                                         his nation’s history of           science and environment to news,
                                                                                         astronomy. Photo: © 2022
  Black Americana (Also Wed 3am) |                                                                                         investigative journalism and
                                                                      Terra Mater Factual Studios GmbH (Also
  When the Waters Get Deep An Oakland-
                                                                      Tue 9pm OPB ) |            Justice in Chester        independent films. It will also
  based hip hop ensemble helps Black and
                                                                      Examine the environmental justice movement           feature new programs, newscasts
  Brown communities. (Also Tue 6am)
                                                                      in Chester, Pennsylvania. (Also Sat 10:30am)         and exclusive series like America
11:00 OPB Independent Lens Outta the Muck.
   See callout on page 2. (Also Wed 9:30pm
                                                                  9:30        Independent Lens Outta the Muck              ReFramed, which brings to life
                                                                     (R-Also Sat 9am)
   OPB ) |         Local, USA Heaven: Can You                                                                              compelling stories, personal
   Hear Me? Explore the devastating impact of                     10:00 OPB Secrets of the Dead The Woman in               voices and experiences that
   gun violence on Philadelphia families. (Also                     the Iron Coffin. Uncover the story of early
                                                                                                                           illuminate the contours of our
   Tue 7pm)                                                         America’s free Black communities. (Also Tue
                                                                    10pm OPB )                                             ever-changing country, and Doc
11:30         Stories From the Stage Through
                                                                  11:00 OPB Climate Change: Ade on the
                                                                                                                           World, which showcases the best
   Thick and Thin. Learn how three individuals
   have overcome adversity. (Also Tue 7:30pm)                        Frontline Bangladesh and Bhutan. Climate              international documentaries.
                                                                     change is swamping farms and destroying
                                                                     livelihoods. (Also Fri 4am) |        Frontline        You can watch OPB World via an
 7 TUESDAY                                                           America and the Taliban, Pt 1 (R-Also Thu 7pm)        antenna as well as on many cable
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |                                                                                    services. Visit
          Local, USA Heaven: Can You Hear Me?
   (R-Also Fri 11am)
                                                                    9 THURSDAY                                             to find out how to watch it in your
                                                                  7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |                  area. You can also contact our
7:30         Stories From the Stage Through
                                                                     Frontline America and the Taliban, Pt 1 (R)           Member Center for any questions
   Thick and Thin (R-Also Fri 11:30am)
                                                                  8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Willie Little. The              at
8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots Family: Lost and
                                                                     Portland assemblage artist and painter creates
   Found. Featuring actor Joe Manganiello and
   football star Tony Gonzalez. (Also Sun 6pm
                                                                     work that tells stories of his rural North Carolina   See the OPB World schedule at
                                                                     history. (Also Sun 6pm) |            AfroPop: The
   OPB ) |          The Wild Ponies of
                                                                     Ultimate Cultural Exchange Finding Sally
                                                                                                                 , find OPB
   Chincoteague Follow the annual
                                                                                                                           listings in this month’s
   Chincoteague wild pony swim and auction.                       8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Crater Lake Ski
                                                                     Expedition. Women brave winter conditions             Primetime and start watching
9:00 OPB Fight the Power: How Hip Hop
                                                                     while circumnavigating Crater Lake on skis.           OPB World on February 1.
   Changed the World Under Siege. Hip hop
                                                                     (Also Sun 6:30pm)
   became social commentary throughout the
   1980s. (Also Sat 5pm OPB ) |                                   9:00 OPB La Otra Mirada I Have a Dream. Angela
   NOVA London Super Tunnel (R-Also Wed 5am)                         accompanies Madrid archery competitors.

                                                                                                                                                  FEBRUARY 2023   3
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
      (Also Sun 2am) |          America ReFramed         8:30        POV Shorts Shut Up and Paint
      Vision Portraits. One man ponders how the             (R-Also Sun 3:30pm)
      deterioration of his vision will impact his work
                                                         9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private
      as a filmmaker. (Also Sat 7pm)
                                                            Investigators All That Glisters. Frank and Lu
    10:30 OPB Before We Die (Swedish) Season 2,             become podcasters. |           Fight the
      Ep 2. Christian struggles with his past. (Also        Power: How Hip Hop Changed the World
      Sun 3:30am) |          POV Shorts Shut Up             Under Siege (R)
      and Paint (Also Sat 8:30pm)
                                                         10:00 OPB Luna & Sophie The Confession.
    11:00         POV Homegoings. Experience the           A kiosk owner is shot. |     And Now We
       beauty of African American funerals. (Also Fri      Rise: A Portrait of Samuel Johns (R)                 Superabundant
                                                         11:00 OPB Love, Inevitably Ep 6. The visions           Season 2
    11:30 OPB On Story A Conversation With Dave             reappear. |            America ReFramed
                                                                                                                Available now on the PBS Video
       Callaham (Also Sun 4:30am)                           Vision Portraits (R-Also Sun 2pm)
                                                                                                                App, start watching the newest
                                                                                                                season of OPB’s acclaimed video
     10 FRIDAY                                            12 SUNDAY                                             series that explores the Pacific
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |              5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |            Northwest foods you love. In this
            POV Homegoings (R-Also Tue 8am)                       Dogs in the Wild: A Nature                    season, the hungry ‘Superabundant’
                                                            Miniseries Meet the Family (R-Also Sun 9pm)         team dives into the ocean to study
    8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries Ward of the
       Roses. Trudy helps an old friend. (Also Mon       5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend                              Dungeness crab, frolics in
       1am) |        Washington Week (Also Sat                                                                  strawberry fields to learn about
                                                         6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Willie Little (R) |
       2:30pm)                                                                                                  Oregon’s legacy with the delicious
                                                                   Finding Your Roots Family: Lost and
    8:30         Oregon Experience Oregon’s Black           Found (R-Also Sun 10pm)                             fruit and much more. Sign up for
       Pioneers (R)                                                                                             the ‘Superabundant’ newsletter
                                                         6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Crater Lake Ski
    9:00 OPB Traces Season 2, Ep 6. Sarah and               Expedition (R)                                      now at to
       McKinven prevent another explosion. (Also                                                                make sure you never miss a new
                                                         7:00 OPB The Legacy List With Matt Paxton
       Mon 2am) |          Tulsa: The Fire and the                                                              episode.
                                                            Attic Full of Memories (Atlanta, GA) |
       Forgotten A community comes to terms with
                                                            American Experience Freedom Summer.
       its past, present and future. (Also Sat 11am)
                                                            Return to 10 memorable weeks in 1964. (Also
    10:00 OPB Astrid The Dead and Company. A                Sun 11pm)                                          the 1920s: The Rise of Hate. One hundred
      corpse is found. (Also Mon 3am)                                                                          years ago, the Ku Klux Klan was a prominent
                                                         8:00 OPB Masterpiece Miss Scarlet & The Duke:
    10:30        American Masters James Baldwin:            The Jewel of the North. Eliza receives a bomb.     force in Oregon. (Also Fri 2/24 8:30pm OPB )
      The Price of the Ticket. Recount the life of the        (Also Tue 1am)                                   |        POV 15 to Life: Kenneth’s Story. One
      writer and civil rights activist. (Also Mon                                                              young man fights for freedom after being
                                                         9:00 OPB Masterpiece All Creatures Great and          imprisoned for over 10 years. (Also Tue 5am)
                                                            Small: Season 3, Ep 6. The war arrives. (Also
    11:00 OPB Hotel Portofino Discoveries. The              Sun 2/19 8pm) |          Dogs in the Wild:       9:30 OPB Oregon Experience Logger’s
       police search for a missing heirloom. (Also          A Nature Miniseries Meet the Family (R-Also         Daughter. An African American woman raised
       Mon 4am)                                             Mon 5am)                                            in Eastern Oregon explores her family history.
                                                                                                                (Also Fri 8:30pm OPB )
                                                         10:00 OPB Vienna Blood Death Is Now a
                                                                                                             10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Indianapolis, Hr
     11 SATURDAY                                           Welcome Guest, Pt 2. Max and Oskar search
                                                                                                               3 (Also Wed 3am) |        Independent Lens
                                                           for a killer. (Also Tue 3am) |      Finding
    5:00 OPB This Old House Newburyport: Bed                                                                   When Claude Got Shot. Can Claude find
                                                           Your Roots Family: Lost and Found (R-Also
       Race (Also Mon 6pm) |        Fight the                                                                  forgiveness after being shot? (Also Tue 7pm)
                                                           Mon 6am)
       Power: How Hip Hop Changed the World
       Under Siege (R-Also Sat 9pm)                      11:00 OPB Masterpiece Baptiste: Season 1, Ep 6.     11:00 OPB Independent Lens Love in the Time
                                                            The case comes to a devastating conclusion.         of Fentanyl. A drug consumption site gives
    5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend                                                                                   hope to a community ravaged by overdoses.
                                                            (Also Tue 4am) |      American Experience
                                                            Freedom Summer (R-Also Mon 7am)                        (Also Wed 9:30pm OPB )
    6:00 OPB Confucius Was a Foodie The Origin
       of ‘Cuisine’ |      And Now We Rise: A                                                                11:30           Stories From the Stage Match
       Portrait of Samuel Johns The Athabaskan                                                                  Made. Three people take on the search for
       hip hop artist founded a Facebook Group for
                                                          13 MONDAY                                             their life partners. (Also Tue 8:30pm)
       displaced Alaskans. (Also Sat 10pm)               7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour |          Signing
                                                            Black in America Learn how Black American
    7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe Andalucía,
                                                            Sign Language developed.                          14 TUESDAY
       Gibraltar and Tangier/Oslo (Also Sun 9am) |
               America ReFramed Vision Portraits         7:30         American Masters James Baldwin:        7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |
       (R-Also Sat 11pm)                                    The Price of the Ticket (R)                                Independent Lens When Claude Got
                                                                                                                Shot (R-Also Sun 1am)
    8:00 OPB Professor T The Dutiful Child.              8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Cheekwood
       Professor T investigates a businessman’s             Estate & Gardens, Hr 1 (Also Wed 1am)            8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots Chosen.
       attempted murder. (Also Mon 12am)                                                                        Featuring actors David Duchovny and Richard
                                                         9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Oregon’s Klan in            Kind. (Also Sun 6pm OPB )

4   FEBRUARY 2023
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1
                                          R = Repeat within a week                          = Program premiere
 OPB = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted   Programs are subject to change
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at   Full schedule and VOD at

8:30        Stories From the Stage Match                              Cultural Exchange Professional Black Girl
   Made (R-Also Fri 11:30am)
                                                                  8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Warner Canyon.
9:00 OPB Fight the Power: How Hip Hop                                Oregon’s second-oldest ski hill is run entirely
   Changed the World Culture Wars. Hip hop                           by volunteers. (Also Sun 6:30pm)
   rose in popularity throughout the 1990s.
                                                                  9:00 OPB La Otra Mirada There Is No Failure.
   (Also Sat 5pm OPB ) |          NOVA Star
                                                                     Arcadio reconciles with his mother. (Also
   Chasers of Senegal (R-Also Wed 5am)
                                                                     Sun 2am) |           America ReFramed Big
10:00 OPB Frontline America and the Taliban,                         Chief, Black Hawk. Look at the life of the
  Pt 2. Investigate America’s missteps that                          youngest Mardi Gras Indian Big Chief and his
  culminated in Taliban victory. (Also Wed                           ‘tribe.’ (Also Sat 7pm)
  11pm OPB ) |           Secrets of the Dead
                                                                  10:00         Dream Land: Little Rock’s West
  The Woman in the Iron Coffin (R-Also Wed
                                                                    9th Street This Arkansas street was once a
                                                                    vibrant, African American business and
11:00         Expedition With Steve Backshall                       leisure district. (Also Sat 8pm)
   Saudi Arabia: Expedition Volcanic Underworld
                                                                  10:30 OPB Before We Die (Swedish) Season 2,
   (Also Wed 7pm)
                                                                    Ep 3. Hanna keeps Blanka in hiding. (Also Sun
11:30 OPB POV Shorts Our Motherland Fantasy                         3:30am)
   Nightmare (Also Thu 4:30am)
                                                                  11:00         Don Lewis and the Live
                                                                     Electronic Orchestra Delve into the life of the
 15 WEDNESDAY                                                        electronic music pioneer. (Also Fri 7pm)                             American rapper Chuck D; © BBC Studios

7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |                           11:30 OPB On Story Fact v. Fiction (Also Sun
          Expedition With Steve Backshall                            4:30am)
   Saudi Arabia: Expedition Volcanic Underworld
   (R-Also Sat 2am)
                                                                                                                          Fight the Power:
                                                                    17 FRIDAY                                             How Hip Hop Changed
                         8:00 OPB Dogs in the
                         Wild: A Nature
                                                                  7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |
                                                                           Don Lewis and the Live Electronic
                                                                                                                          the World
                         Miniseries Secrets of
                                                                     Orchestra (R-Also Tue 11pm OPB)
                         Success. Discover the
                         secrets to the canids’                   8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries A History of           Explore how hip hop became a
                         survival. Photo: Ron                        Violins. A priceless violin is stolen. (Also Mon     cultural phenomenon against the
                         Hayes/© BBC (Also                           1am) |          Washington Week (Also Sat            backdrop of American history and
  Sun 5pm OPB ) |            Searching: Our                          2:30pm)
  Quest for Meaning in the Age of Science
                                                                                                                          its racial and political injustices
                                                                  8:30         Oregon Experience Logger’s                 over the last half-century.
  Homo Techno. Technological advances may
                                                                     Daughter (R)
  cause us to evolve into a new species.
                                                                  9:00 OPB Jamaica Inn Ep 1. One woman travels            An incredible narrative of struggle,
9:00 OPB NOVA Ancient Builders of the Amazon.
   Trace ancient civilizations in the Amazon.
                                                                     to the ominous Jamaica Inn. (Also Mon                triumph and resistance, this
                                                                     2am) |         American Masters Charley              four-part documentary brings to
   (Also Tue 9pm OPB ) |            Odessa’s
                                                                     Pride. Follow the life of the country music
   Reign A Black female gangster runs a                                                                                   life an art form that has chronicled
                                                                     star. (Also Sat 11am)
   gambling ring in 1950s D.C. (Also Fri 11am)
                                                                                                                          the emotions, experiences and
                                                                  10:00 OPB Astrid Invisible. A woman is murdered.
9:30         Independent Lens Love in the Time                                                                            expressions of Black and Brown
                                                                       (Also Mon 3am) |          American
   of Fentanyl (R-Also Sat 9am)
                                                                    Masters How It Feels To Be Free. Black female         communities.
10:00 OPB Secrets of the Dead Hannibal in the                       artists challenge the entertainment industry’s
  Alps. A team of experts investigates how                          racist stereotypes. (Also Mon 7pm)                    Developed by rap icon Chuck D
  Hannibal and his troops attacked Rome. (Also
                                                                  11:00 OPB Hotel Portofino Denouements. Cecil            and his producing partner, Lorrie
  Tue 10pm OPB )
                                                                     makes a surprising discovery. (Also Mon 4am)         Boula, this series recounts the
11:00 OPB Climate Change: Ade on the
                                                                                                                          origins of the bold and
   Frontline Scandinavia. Winter temperatures
   have risen in Svalbard. (Also Fri 4am) |                         18 SATURDAY                                           revolutionary art form through the
   Frontline America and the Taliban, Pt 2 (R-Also                5:00 OPB This Old House Newburyport:                    voices of those who were there,
   Thu 7pm)                                                          Powering Through (Also Mon 6pm) |                    including insightful interviews
                                                                     Fight the Power: How Hip Hop Changed the
                                                                                                                          with hip hop luminaries
                                                                     World Culture Wars (R-Also Sat 9pm)
 16 THURSDAY                                                                                                              Grandmaster Caz, Ice-T, Abiodun
                                                                  5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |                                                                                   Oyewole, Roxanne Shanté, Run
   Frontline America and the Taliban, Pt 2 (R)                    6:00 OPB Confucius Was a Foodie Bitter |                DMC,, Lupe Fiasco and
                                                                     We Were Hyphy Learn about the bombastic
8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Artists in                                                                                       many more.
                                                                     hip hop movement. (Also Sat 10pm)
   Extraordinary Times. See what Oregon artists
   have been up to during the pandemic. (Also                     7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe Norway’s West:             Airing Tuesdays at 9pm on OPB.
   Sun 6pm) |        AfroPop: The Ultimate

                                                                                                                                                       APRIL 2023
                                                                                                                                                             2019          5
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
      Fjords, Mountains and Bergen/Stockholm (Also      9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Luther Cressman
      Sun 9am) |         America ReFramed Big              Quest for First People. In the 1930s, Cressman
      Chief, Black Hawk (R-Also Sat 11pm)                  uncovered Ice Age sandals in an Oregon cave.
                                                           (Also Wed 2am) |            Making Black
                               8:00 OPB Marathon
                                                           America: Through the Grapevine Eps 1&2.
                               Martin Clunes: Islands
                                                           Explore how free African Americans
                               of the Pacific. Embark
                                                           exercised their self-determination by building
                               on an adventure in
                                                           communities. (Also Tue 5am)
                               search of the real
                               Pacific. Photo: ©        10:00 OPB American Experience Ruthless:
      Buffalo Pictures and All3Media Int. (until          Monopoly’s Secret History. Discover the                                Element 8 Entmt. and Masterpiece
      11pm) |           Dream Land: Little Rock’s         unexpected history behind America’s favorite
      West 9th Street (R-Also Sun 3pm)
    9:00       Fight the Power: How Hip Hop
                                                          board game. (Also Wed 3am)
                                                        11:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Palm Springs,
                                                                                                               Miss Scarlet &
       Changed the World Culture Wars (R)                  Hr 1 (Also Wed 4am) |       Bonnie Boswell          The Duke
    10:00         We Were Hyphy (R)
                                                           Presents A Conversation With Pastor James
                                                           Lawson and Attorney Bryan Stevenson (Also           Stream It With
    11:00 OPB Love, Inevitably Ep 7. Massimo and           Tue 7pm)                                            OPB Passport
       Candela decide to meet. |         America
                                                        11:30         Stories From the Stage Growing           Miss Scarlet & The Duke is back with
       ReFramed Big Chief, Black Hawk (R-Also Sun
                                                           Up Black, Pt 2. Explore what growing up Black       a new season! And you can stream
                                                           in America looks like. (Also Tue 7:30pm)
                                                                                                               the latest episodes with OPB
     19 SUNDAY                                           21 TUESDAY
    5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |
                                                                                                               This season, Eliza finds herself in
                                                        7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |                fresh and surprising mysteries,
              Dogs in the Wild: A Nature Miniseries
                                                                  Bonnie Boswell Presents A
       Secrets of Success (R-Also Sun 9pm)                                                                     from a disappearing magician to
                                                           Conversation With Pastor James Lawson and
    5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend                              Attorney Bryan Stevenson (R-Also Fri 11am)          police corruption and more. She
                                                                                                               faces competition from a rival
    6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Artists in                 7:30          Stories From the Stage Growing Up
                                                                                                               agency, and juggles her
       Extraordinary Times (R) |     Finding Your          Black, Pt 2 (R-Also Fri 11:30am)
       Roots Chosen (R-Also Sun 10pm)
                                                                                                               relationship with the Duke and his
                                                        8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots And Still I Rise.          potential interfering love interest.
    6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Warner Canyon (R)          Featuring activist Angela Y. Davis and
                                                           statesman Jeh Johnson. (Also Sun 6pm                Most OPB members qualify for
    7:00 OPB The Herriot Way Travel to the filming
                                                           OPB ) |          Nature Super Cats: Extreme         free, instant access to this and
       locations of ‘All Creatures Great and Small.’
                                                           Lives. See cheetahs, snow leopards and a            more captivating Masterpiece
       |         Jackie Robinson Pt 1. Explore the
                                                           Canada lynx up close.                               shows with OPB Passport.
       life of the first Black Major League Baseball
       player. (Also Sun 11pm)                          9:00 OPB Fight the Power: How Hip Hop                  Activate and log in using the
                                                           Changed the World Still Fighting. Follow the
    8:00 OPB Masterpiece All Creatures Great and                                                               free PBS Video App or at
                                                           global evolution of hip hop. (Also Sat 5pm
       Small: Season 3, Ep 6 (R-Also Tue 1am)
                                                           OPB ) |          NOVA Ancient Builders of the to start watching
    9:00 OPB Masterpiece All Creatures Great and           Amazon (R-Also Wed 5am)                             Miss Scarlet & The Duke today!
       Small: Season 3, Ep 7. It’s Christmas at
                                                        10:00 OPB Frontline Ukraine: Life Under Russia’s
       Skeldale! (Also Tue 2am) |            Dogs in
                                                          Attack. Take an intimate look inside the
       the Wild: A Nature Miniseries Secrets of
                                                          Russian assault on Kharkiv. (Also Thu 3am) |
       Success (R-Also Mon 5am)                                                                               history of a Black community that flourished
                                                                  Secrets of the Dead Hannibal in the
    10:00       Finding Your Roots Chosen                 Alps (R-Also Wed 6am)                               in segregated Tulsa.
      (R-Also Mon 6am)                                                                                      9:00 OPB NOVA New Eye on the Universe.
                                                        11:00 OPB Don Lewis and the Live Electronic
    10:30 OPB Masterpiece Baptiste: Season 2, Ep 1.        Orchestra (R-Also Thu 4am) |                        Explore some of astronomy’s biggest
      Julien Baptiste travels to Hungary to help the       Expedition With Steve Backshall Kyrgyzstan:         questions. (Also Tue 9pm OPB ) |
      British Ambassador. (Also Tue 3:30am)                Expedition Mountain Ghost (Also Wed 7pm)            Independent Lens Coded Bias. An MIT
                                                                                                               researcher exposes bias in facial recognition
    11:00        Jackie Robinson Pt 1 (R-Also Mon                                                              technology. (Also Sat 9am)
       7am)                                              22 WEDNESDAY
                                                                                                            10:00 OPB Secrets of the Dead Viking Warrior
    11:30 OPB POV Shorts Take the A Train      (Also    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |               Queen. Examine one of the most significant
       Tue 4:30am)                                                Expedition With Steve Backshall             Viking graves. (Also Tue 10pm OPB )
                                                           Kyrgyzstan: Expedition Mountain Ghost (R-Also
                                                           Sat 2am)                                         10:30         Frontline American Reckoning. An
     20 MONDAY                                                                                                unsolved 1960s murder reveals an untold
                                                        8:00 OPB Dogs in the Wild: A Nature                   story of the civil rights movement and Black
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Tue 12am) |                Miniseries Defending Wild Dogs. People go to       resistance. (Also Thu 7pm)
       American Masters How It Feels To Be Free (R)        extraordinary lengths to save wild canids.
                                                           (Also Sun 5pm OPB ) |          American          11:00 OPB Wild Horses: A Tale From the
    8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Cheekwood
                                                           Experience Goin’ Back to T-Town. Learn the          Puszta Journey into the secret world of
       Estate & Gardens, Hr 2 (Also Wed 1am)
                                                                                                               Przewalski’s horse. (Also Fri 4am)

6   FEBRUARY 2023
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1
                                          R = Repeat within a week                          = Program premiere
 OPB = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted   Programs are subject to change
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at   Full schedule and VOD at

                                                                                                                            renowned series. (Also Tue 2am) |
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |                                             Find TV                                 Dogs in the Wild: A Nature Miniseries
                                                                                                                            Defending Wild Dogs (R-Also Mon 5am)
        Frontline American Reckoning (R)                                            Schedules Online                      10:00       Finding Your Roots And Still I Rise
8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat The Place Where You                                                                                (R-Also Mon 6am)
                                                                       Looking for weekday and
   Persist. Artist and arts educator Lisa Jarrett
   shares her creative studio process. (Also Sun                       weekend daytime schedules for                      10:30 OPB I Miss Downton Abbey! Revisit
                                                                                                                            treasured moments from the unforgettable
   1am)                                                                OPB TV? You can find them
                                                                                                                            series. (Also Tue 3:30am)
8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Rain Beetles.                              online at
   Scientist Chris Marshall hunts for an elusive                                                                          11:00        Jackie Robinson Pt 2 (R-Also Mon
   new species. (Also Sun 1:30am) |          POV                                                                             7am)
   Shorts Le Frère
9:00 OPB La Otra Mirada From Within. The                            25 SATURDAY                                            27 MONDAY
   Academy closes. (Also Sun 2am) |                               5:00       Fight the Power: How Hip Hop                 7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Tue 12am) |
   America ReFramed The Death of My Two                              Changed the World Still Fighting (R-Also Sat                 Just a Mortal Man: The Jerry
   Fathers. One man embarks on a personal                            9pm)                                                    Lawson Story (R)
   journey of healing and reconciliation. (Also
   Sat 7pm)                                                       5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend                               8:00 OPB Aging Backwards 4: The Miracle of
                                                                                                                             Flexibility (Also Wed 1am)
10:30 OPB Before We Die (Swedish) Season 2,                       6:00 OPB Rick Steves Why We Travel In times
  Ep 4. Christian pursues his target. (Also Sun                      of crisis and challenge, what is the true value      8:30        Graceful Voices (R)
  3:30am) |          Reel South All Skinfolk Ain’t                   of travel? (Also Tue 1am) |        Reel South
                                                                                                                          9:00 OPB Easy Yoga for Arthritis With Peggy
  Kinfolk (Also Sat 8:30pm)                                          Rap Squad (Also Sat 10pm)
                                                                                                                             Cappy Find arthritis relief with yoga. (Also
11:00          Facing North: Jefferson Street,                    7:00 OPB Ken Burns: Country Music Go behind                Wed 2am) |          Making Black America:
   Nashville Explore the neighborhood that had                       the scenes on the making of the epic                    Through the Grapevine Eps 3&4. Uncover
   a large cultural footprint in civil rights. (Also                 documentary series. |        America                    vast social networks Black Americans
   Fri 7pm)                                                          ReFramed The Death of My Two Fathers                    created to defeat Jim Crow. (Also Tue 5am)
                                                                     (R-Also Sat 11pm)
11:30 OPB On Story A Conversation With David                                                                              10:00 OPB American Masters Groucho &
   Koepp (Also Sun 4:30am)                                        8:30        Reel South All Skinfolk Ain’t Kinfolk         Cavett. Discover the friendship between the
                                                                     (R-Also Sun 3:30pm)                                    television personality and his mentor
                                                                                                                            comedian. (Also Wed 3am)
 24 FRIDAY                                                                                   9:00 OPB Elvis Presley:
                                                                                             ‘68 Comeback Special         11:00        Reel South Flat Town (Also Tue 7pm)
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |                                                      Jam out with Elvis and his
         Facing North: Jefferson Street,                                                                                  11:30         Stories From the Stage
                                                                                             hit music. |
   Nashville (R-Also Tue 8am)                                                                                                Transformation. Three people embark on big
                                                                                             Fight the Power: How Hip
                                                                                                                             life changes. (Also Tue 7:30pm)
8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries A Sunshine                                                  Hop Changed the World
   State of Mind. A woman gets scammed. (Also                                                Still Fighting (R)
   Mon 1am) |         Washington Week (Also                       10:00              Reel South Rap Squad (R)              28 TUESDAY
   Sat 2:30pm)                                                                                                            7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour |            Reel South
                                                                  10:30 OPB Nitty Gritty Dirt Band: The Hits, the
8:30         Oregon Experience Oregon’s Klan in                                                                              Flat Town (R)
                                                                    History & Dirt Does Dylan Join the band for
   the 1920s: The Rise of Hate (R)                                  a concert with songs by Bob Dylan.                    7:30        Stories From the Stage
9:00 OPB Jamaica Inn Ep 2. A secret outing to                                                                                Transformation (R)
                                                                  11:00        America ReFramed The Death of
   the market leads to overwhelming feelings.                        My Two Fathers (R-Also Sun 2pm)                                         8:00 OPB Black Broadway:
   (Also Mon 2am) |          Fat Boy: The Billy                                                                                              A Proud History,
   Stewart Story Stewart is considered one of                                                                                                A Limitless Future
   the most prolific and stylish R&B singers of                     26 SUNDAY                                                                Celebrate legendary
   the 1960s. (Also Sat 11am)                                     5:00        Dogs in the Wild: A Nature                                     performances and roles
10:00 OPB What To Do When Someone Dies                               Miniseries Defending Wild Dogs (R-Also Sun                              made famous by Black
  Ep 1. Ellie Manning’s husband dies in a car                        9pm)                                                                    artists. (Also Thu 1am) |
  accident with a mystery woman. (Also                                                                                              Nature Super Cats: Cats in Every
                                                                  5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend
  Mon 3am) |           Just a Mortal Man: The                                                                               Corner. Cats have thrived in almost every
  Jerry Lawson Story Follow the story of the                      6:00 OPB Great Performances PBS Arts From                 landscape on Earth.
  original lead singer of legendary a cappella                       New York: Andrea Bocelli Live in Central Park.
                                                                                                                          9:00        NOVA New Eye on the Universe (R)
  group The Persuasions. (Also Mon 7pm)                              The superstar tenor performs with the New
                                                                     York Philharmonic. |          Finding Your           10:00 OPB Suze Orman’s Ultimate Retirement
11:00 OPB Masterpiece Roadkill: Ep 1. A U.K.                         Roots And Still I Rise (R-Also Sun 10pm)               Guide The personal finance expert provides
   politician faces family scandals. (Also Mon                                                                              essential advice on planning for and thriving
   4am)                                                           7:00         Jackie Robinson Pt 2. Robinson
                                                                                                                            in retirement. (Also Thu 3am) |
                                                                     used his fame to speak out against injustice.
11:30        Graceful Voices Bahamian and                                                                                   Secrets of the Dead Viking Warrior Queen (R)
                                                                     (Also Sun 11pm)
   African American women who grew up by the                                                                              11:00        Expedition With Steve Backshall
   Miami Riviera share their stories. (Also Mon                   9:00 OPB Endeavour: A Countdown to the
                                                                                                                             Gabon: Expedition Jungle Paradise
   8:30pm)                                                           Final Goodbye Enjoy a final tribute of the

                                                                                                                                                            FEBRUARY 2023    7
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
                                          0896-6672) is published
                                          monthly by Oregon
                                          Public Broadcasting,
                                          7140 S Macadam
                                          Ave., Portland, OR
                                          97219. Periodicals
                                          paid at Portland, OR.
                                          Postmaster: Send
                                          address changes to
                                          OPB PRIMETIME,

                                          7140 S Macadam Ave.,
                                          Portland, OR 97219.

12am BBC World Service
 5am Morning Edition
 9am The Takeaway
10am Here and Now
11am Here and Now | FRI Science Friday
Noon Think Out Loud®
 1pm BBC Newshour
 2pm The World
 3pm All Things Considered
 6pm Today, Explained
 7pm Fresh Air | FRI It’s Been a Minute
 8pm Think Out Loud® (R)
 9pm 1A
10pm MON Latino USA (R) | TUE Reveal |
     WED Our Body Politic |
     THU Philosophy Talk |
     FRI The New Yorker Radio Hour
11pm BBC World Service

SATURDAY                                  American Experience
        BBC World Service
        Weekend Edition
        Planet Money & How I Built This   Ruthless:
        Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me!
        It’s Been a Minute (R)            Monopoly’s
        On the Media
        Snap Judgment
        Live Wire!
                                          Secret History
        Hidden Brain
        All Things Considered
                                           February 20, 10pm
 6pm    This American Life
 7pm    Radiolab
 8pm    The Moth
 9pm    Snap Judgment (R)
10pm    Sound Opinions
11pm    BBC World Service                                                                                                     Photo courtesy of Monty Fresco/ANL/Shutterstock

12am    BBC World Service                                                                                        Coming in march
        Weekend Edition
        The New Yorker Radio Hour (R)                                                                            Oregon Experience
                                                                                                                 Marie Equi
11am    Freakonomics
Noon    TED Radio Hour
 1pm    Code Switch & Life Kit
 2pm    Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me! (R)                                                                           Follow the remarkable story of Marie Equi,
 3pm    Throughline                                                                                              one of the pioneering female physicians
 4pm    Latino USA                                                                                               in Oregon. In the early 1900s, she was a
 5pm    All Things Considered                                                                                    fierce advocate for the working class,
 6pm    The Splendid Table
                                                                                                                 lived openly as a lesbian and championed
 7pm    The Archive Project
 8pm    On Being                                                                                                 reproductive rights and civil liberties.
 9pm    OPB Presents                                      Oregon Historical Society Research Library, bb002610
10pm    Travel With Rick Steves
11pm    BBC Weekend
                                                             |           | | | 800.241.8123
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Oregon Public Broadcasting
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