President Munster Technological University Appointment of - MUNSTER - Perrett Laver

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President Munster Technological University Appointment of - MUNSTER - Perrett Laver

                         NA MUMHAN

  Munster Technological University
  Appointment of

  August 2020
President Munster Technological University Appointment of - MUNSTER - Perrett Laver

03   Introduction

04   About the University

       - Vision, Mission & Values

       - Teaching and learning

       - Research

08   Overview of the South-West Region

09   Job Description

       - Duties and responsibilties

10   Person specification

       - Terms of appointment

12   Appointment process and how to apply

Appointment of President | August 2020      02
President Munster Technological University Appointment of - MUNSTER - Perrett Laver
On the 1st January 2021, Cork Institute of Technology      The new President will have superb networking and
will join with the Institute of Technology, Tralee to      negotiation skills and the passion and personal
establish Munster Technological University (MTU).          authority to marshal a large and diverse community of
                                                           staff, students and external partners around a shared
With its student population of over 18,000 across six      vision for the new University. The President will be the
campuses, MTU will be operating at significant scale       University’s chief officer and accountable person,
providing academic programmes and delivering leading       complying with the Code of Governance for public
multi-disciplinary,   industry-focused   research   with   bodies and reporting to the Governing Body, within the
national and international partners. The mission of MTU    legislative   framework         of      the    Technological
is to lead change and, through education, empower          Universities Act (2018).
people for a successful future in a globalised world.
This mission will be achieved through excellence in        Offering pathways to graduation from apprenticeship
education, research and engagement as well as              to PhD level, the University will be pedagogically
through an organisational culture which is focused on      innovative, offering an open, inclusive and digital
recognising and meeting the needs of individuals,          learning environment; research intensive, focusing on
enterprise partners and the broader society.               key strategic priority areas and engaged with its
                                                           communities    through     an        active   programme   of
A vibrant community of students, academics and             innovation, knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship.
professionals, MTU will deliver agile, student-centred     The new University will have the capacity to operate at
learning, embedding digital technologies into a range      a significant scale of activity and ambition in terms of
of learning models and career- focused education,          its educational, research, social and economic strategy.
research and innovation activities, with a strong
entrepreneurial ethos.

MTU is now seeking to appoint its inaugural President
inviting candidates who will bring strategic vision and
flair to a Technological University with a strong
foundation in the South-West, creating huge potential
in the region.

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President Munster Technological University Appointment of - MUNSTER - Perrett Laver
ITT Campus

                                                                                                           CIT Campus

About the University
Vision                                                     Values
Leading transformation through education.                  Values capture what MTU is and how it will act,
                                                           engage and treat the communities it serves.
MTU’s vision is deliberately bold. It will embrace
                                                           MTU’s values will be constant and will guide the
change through its delivery of the technological
                                                           development of its strategic imperatives now and
university functions.
                                                           into the future.
Mission                                                    Inclusive: At its core MTU will be all about
To lead change and, through education, empower             people. MTU exists to provide educational
people for a successful future in a globalised             pathways to all, helping people invest in their
world. MTU will embody this mission by leading             future potential through lifelong learning. MTU
change through its culture and people, through             will work in collaboration with a multitude of
relevant multi-disciplinary programmes and           an    students at different levels and stages in their
innovative approach to teaching and learning,              learning cycle, as well as businesses and
research and engagement. MTU will plan for                 communities at home and abroad, to deliver the
tomorrow and be consistently relevant. MTU will            best education for the world of tomorrow.
create   opportunity       through   flexible   lifelong
                                                           Engaging: MTU will both engage and be
learning and will ensure access for a wide variety of
                                                           engaging;    investing   in   understanding   and
people at every stage in their learning process,
                                                           collaborating with students, staff, employers,
enabling them to achieve their real potential. MTU
                                                           regional and global enterprises and government.
will deliver agile, student-centred learning and
                                                           MTU will demonstrate its vision and ambition
career-focused          education,   research      and
                                                           exhibiting its values through dialogue and action.
innovation. MTU will be committed to supporting
the regional economy.

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President Munster Technological University Appointment of - MUNSTER - Perrett Laver
About the University

Dynamic: MTU will be a responsive and agile                 The suite of academic programmes of MTU will
multi-campus         regionally   based     technological   reflect the differentiated mission of a technological
university. MTU will respond to the needs of                university, including the creative and performing arts,
local, regional and international communities. The          humanities and business, alongside science and
technological university will be designed to support        engineering. The goal is to accentuate what CIT and
an innovative approach across all its activities.           ITT already do well. Both institutes have a dynamic
                                                            portfolio of programmes highly focused on technical
Bold: MTU will recognise the need to take                   and professional areas, with many programmes
managed       risk      to    deliver     economic   and    recognised by relevant professional bodies. As a
technological impact. MTU will be a positive                new technological university, MTU has the ability and
force for change in its pursuit of educational and          responsibility to build on this solid portfolio. The
technological innovation for tangible economic and          enhanced capacity and capability brought about by
social impact. MTU will inspire people to realise           MTU will enable further development of high quality
their potential.                                            and relevant programmes of study. Programmes
                                                            offered by MTU will be, above all else, responsive to

Teaching and learning                                       the needs of students, employers, the regional and
                                                            national economy and the broader society.
Building on CIT and ITT’s outstanding reputations in
the region, MTU will be an exemplar of good                 Reflecting close links with business and public
practice in professional education. It will pursue this     agencies,     the      career-focused,     work-based
goal through the ongoing adoption of best practice in       programmes will be developed in response to
teaching and learning as follows:                           employer skill needs and will play a pivotal role in
                                                            meeting the needs of the skills economy. MTU will
• Active and collaborative student-centered learning
                                                            embed within the curriculum and foster within the
which engages the student’s desire to learn;
                                                            university the skills, values and attitudes that are
• Challenging students to take ownership of their           needed to form just and inclusive citizens. MTU will
learning experience;                                        seek to strike a balance between providing
                                                            programmes which attract sufficient numbers of
• Providing a relevant and flexible career-focused
                                                            students,   ensuring     that   those    students   are
curriculum developed in close partnership with
                                                            employable upon graduation, and providing a
                                                            suitably qualified workforce to support the various
• Exposing students to a range of pedagogical styles;       sectors of the economy.

• Offering research methods which deliver a range of
skills including creativity, inquiry, problem solving and

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President Munster Technological University Appointment of - MUNSTER - Perrett Laver
About the University

MTU will enable students to develop the key graduate
                                                            MTU Research Strategy
attributes and characteristics expected of its students
                                                            MTU’s research strategy will be based on critical
on completion of their studies.
                                                            mass, competitive advantage, connectivity and
The MTU student will:
                                                            clusters, and collaborative leadership. Key strategic
• Have a broad range of relevant discipline-specific        objectives for MTU research will include:
knowledge, skills and competencies;
                                                            1. Enhancing the connection between research and
• Exhibit personal and professional efficacy and            other elements of the technological university’s
integrity, enabled by the development of a broad range      mission, notably teaching and learning, whilst being
of competencies including interpersonal and                 cognisant of the need to ensure that research remains
communication skills, teamwork, ethics and social           sustainably funded;
responsibility;                                             2. Protecting and enhancing the quality of research
                                                            and innovation outputs and building a reputation
• Be motivated and empowered to be a lifelong learner
                                                            nationally and internationally for impact in prioritised
with a passion for learning which is underpinned by the
                                                            research and innovation areas;
essential skills of inquiry and scholarship;
                                                            3. Advocating for support structures, including a more
• Have the ability to create and apply knowledge in a       robust funding model for research and innovation,
variety of professional contexts, having participated in    which are linked to appropriate organisational
an educational programme which fosters problem              structures;
solving, knowledge discovery, research and the use of       4. Meeting targets that have been set down in the
knowledge in real-world situations.                         Technological University Act 2018 in a sustainable
                                                            5. Expanding large scale research activity into areas
As a new kind of institution in Ireland, operating at the
                                                            which currently do not have delegated authority,
highest academic level in an environment that is
                                                            including areas in the humanities, arts and business;
specifically focused on technology and its application,
research will be central to the vision for MTU. As          6. Attracting, retaining and growing a diverse cohort of
indicated in the Technological Universities Act 2018, a     students, faculty and staff regionally, nationally and
Technological University will support ‘a body of            internationally.
research that includes research relevant at regional,
national and international levels.

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President Munster Technological University Appointment of - MUNSTER - Perrett Laver
About the University

                                                            Focus: MTU’s thematic research areas (TRAs) will
                                                            align with the National Research Priority Areas and at
                                                            the same time be cognisant of changes to policies at
                                                            national and international level. MTU will seek to build
                                                            research and innovation activities of demonstrable
                                                            scale,     supported      by    access        to     world-class
                                                            infrastructure either across its campuses or through
                                                            strategic collaborations and agreements.

                                                            Integrity and Openness: MTU will support research
                                                            through integrity, ethics, professionalism and respect
                                                            and will strive to provide the highest quality
                                                            leadership. It will fully subscribe to the National
                                                            Statement on Ensuring Research Integrity in Ireland,
                                                            supporting the forthcoming NORF statement on open

                                                            Collaboration: MTU researchers will collaborate with
                                                            external stakeholders to achieve the maximum impact
MTU's Research Principles                                   from its research and innovations activities.
MTU will perform research and innovation that will span     Teaching and Learning: Research and innovation will
the continuum from fundamental research to that of          enhance the connection in MTU between research,
the practical and commercial needs of enterprise in the     teaching     and     learning   at    all     levels     enabling
region and beyond. The Technological University             critical-thinking graduates and encouraging the
will maintain an emphasis on solutions driven research      development of leading and entrepreneurial mindsets.
and innovation      that    will   have    impact     and
generate benefits. MTU’s emphasis on impact for its         Knowledge Exchange: MTU will strengthen CIT/ITT
research will      be      relevant    nationally    and    already    well-established     and         highly     successful
internationally.   The principles that will underpin        knowledge          transfer,    commercialisation            and
research in MTU are:                                        entrepreneurship activities, continuing to integrate
Researchers: MTU will adopt the current practices           both institutions’ research and innovation with
embedded in CIT/ITT Research Career Framework               industry, the needs of society and for the public good.
(RCF). This will support the career development of all
academic staff and contract researchers and recognise
the benefits of facilitating their participation in wider
research groups and centres where they can profit
from a well-supported research environment.

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President Munster Technological University Appointment of - MUNSTER - Perrett Laver
Overview of the South-West Region
CIT and ITT are located in the counties of Cork and   MTU will respond to the changing skills needs of the
Kerry respectively and these two counties together    region   through      the     development      of    flexible
form the South-West region of Ireland. These two      programmes       of   study     to   suit    the    changing
counties, along with the four counties of Clare,      demographic nature of the region. MTU will continue
Limerick, Tipperary and Waterford, form the Munster   to develop and enhance curricula and research
region.                                               opportunities     through      stakeholder     engagement
Given its demographic and economic profile, the       ensuring that the changing demands of regional
South-West region, along with the main national       enterprise,     professional     occupations        and   the
centre of Dublin, has potential for immediate and     community are realised.
sustained growth.

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President Munster Technological University Appointment of - MUNSTER - Perrett Laver
Job Description
MTU is seeking to appoint its inaugural President
                                                         Duties and responsibilities
inviting candidates who will bring strategic vision
and flair to a Technological University with a strong    The successful appointee will be expected to:
foundation in the South-West.
                                                         • provide academic and executive leadership to
This individual will have superb networking and
                                                         • lead the university in its establishment phase and
negotiation skills and the passion and personal
                                                           be responsible for all operational and strategic
authority to marshal a large and diverse community of
                                                           matters within the university as provided for in the
staff, students and external partners around a shared
                                                           relevant legislation;
vision for the new University. The President will be
the University’s chief officer and accountable person,   • lead the ongoing merger process of the two
complying with the Code of Governance for public           institutions in developing an agreed organisational
bodies and reporting to the Governing Body, within         design, academic programme and QA provisions in
the legislative framework of the Technological             the new unitary institution;
Universities Act (2018).                                 • be responsible for the development of a strategic
                                                           plan for the new institution;
A vibrant community of students, academics and
professionals, MTU will deliver agile, student-centred   • enhance student recruitment from within and
learning, embedding digital technologies into a            outside the region on a national level, as well as
range of learning models and career-focused                internationally;
education, research and innovation with a strong
                                                         • sustain and enhance the level of excellence
entrepreneurial ethos.
                                                           in teaching. Act    as a compelling advocate for
                                                           teaching and learning university-wide, and a
                                                           creative, innovative thinker with an eye to the
                                                           future, including being a leader in digitisation in

                                                         • oversee the systematic review of curricula and
                                                           enhancement of the portfolio of courses at
                                                           undergraduate level;

                                                         • enhance the competitiveness of the University’s
                                                           postgraduate portfolio of courses and market share
                                                           of postgraduate students, both taught and research;

                                                         • develop a strong research profile for the University,
                                                           identifying strengths and the potential for
                                                           development and work to increase research income
                                                           from Ireland, European and International sources;

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President Munster Technological University Appointment of - MUNSTER - Perrett Laver
Role specifcation

• encourage strong collaboration with industry in the      • a track record of creating something new, driving
  commercialisation of University research and further       and delivering change, recognising the changing
  develop relationships with industry to deliver high        and demanding external environment in which
  level skills;                                              MTU operates;

• ensure financial sustainability through a diversity of   • a keen understanding and some experience of
  funding streams, maximising Government funding,            what it takes to create a new entity;
  developing the University’s commercial agenda to
                                                           • an ability to inspire, and carry the respect of the
  increase commercial funding and identifying other
                                                             academic community and industry partners;
  sources of funds including philanthropy;

• promote equality and diversity among students and        • experience and expertise in all aspects of
  employees of the University;                               governance and management particularly as these
                                                             relate to higher education or public-sector
• encourage, and demonstrate through
  example, a culture of openness, transparency
  and empowerment throughout the University                • proven networking and interpersonal skills, with a
  community;                                                 track record of successful high-level representation

• build the international profile of the University;         and relationship building across a complex
                                                             stakeholder map;
• act as an ambassador for the University in
  high    level   national    and   international
  forums; and

• oversee the effective management of MTU’s
  financial, human and physical resources against
  clear outcome targets and objectives.

Person Specification
A person of the highest calibre is sought for this
challenging position. The successful appointee will be
expected to demonstrate:
• a compelling vision for the future development of

• a distinguished academic record with a doctorate
  qualification or equivalent industry experience;

• a proven track record of effective, dynamic and
  collaborative strategic leadership and achievement
  gained at a senior level;

Appointment of President | August 2020                                                                             10
Person specifcation cont.
• outstanding communication skills with a deep
  understanding of people and the ability to
                                                             Terms of appointment
  actively listen, demonstrate empathy engage                The salary will reflect the seniority and wide-ranging
  people, engender trust and motivate individuals            nature of this role and will be set with reference to
  and teams;                                                 salary levels which currently prevail for presidents in

• a capability to operate at the highest levels of both      the Irish university sector subject to the approval of the

  the public and private sectors, within Ireland or          Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research,

  internationally;                                           Innovation and Science given with the consent of the
                                                             Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. The salary
• capacity to influence and drive the development of
                                                             is pensionable.
  teaching and learning, understanding its importance
  and maintaining its profile within the wider setting
  of a research and industry-engaged institution;

• a record of negotiating large scale financial and
  capital projects; and

• ability to develop, empower, lead and motivate a
  strong senior management team, focused on delivery
  of the strategic objectives of MTU, with an ability to
  translate    strategy   and   plans    into   achievable
  outcomes and targets;

• a leadership style that encourages a culture of
  openness,     transparency    and     empowerment
  throughout the University; and

• strong financial acumen with proven ability to
  optimise and manage resources.

Appointment of President | August 2020                                                                              11
Appointment process and
how to apply
The Selection Committee will be supported in this           Completed applications should be uploaded at
appointment process by the executive search firm  ,
Perrett Laver. Enquiries may be made directly to;           quoting reference 4737. The closing date for
                                                            applications will be 5pm BST on Tuesday 22nd
Dr Phil Entwistle -
                                                            September 2020.
Michelle Scanlon -
Dr Sinead Gibney -
                                                            The appointment will be made subject to satisfactory

Applications should consist of a full curriculum vitae      references and it is intended that the appointee will

detailing academic and professional qualifications          take up employment as soon as contractual obligations

and experience, full employment history and relevant        allow.

achievements. CVs should be accompanied by a
covering letter describing briefly how candidates
meet the criteria outlined in the person specification,
why the appointment is of interest and what they
believe they can bring to the role.

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Appointment of President | August 2020                                                                              12
Suite 312, The Greenway,
112-114 St Stephen's Green,
Dublin 2
Republic of Ireland
T: +353 (0) 1 905 3537
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